File: C:/Users/carre/Downloads/E-104 OK - EDR Printed: 27/08/2020 at 17:37:22

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File: C:\Users\carre\Downloads\E-104 OK.

EDR Printed: 27/08/2020 at 17:37:22

TEMA Sheet
1 Company:
2 Location:
3 Service of Unit: Our Reference:
4 Item No.: Your Reference:
5 Date: Rev No.: Job No.:
6 Size : 625 /901 -3000 mm Type: BKU Horizontal Connected in: 1 parallel 1 series
7 Surf/unit(eff.) 35,1 m² Shells/unit 1 Surf/shell(eff.) 35,1 m²
9 Fluid allocation Shell Side
10 Fluid name proc104
11 Fluid quantity, Total kg/h 16932
12 Vapor (In/Out) kg/h 0 9644
13 Liquid kg/h 16932 7288
14 Noncondensable kg/s 0 0
16 Temperature (In/Out) °C 209.96 213.76
17 Dew / Bubble point °C 214.14
18 Density Vapor/Liquid kg/m³ / 10,31 / 734,93
19 Viscosity mPa-s 732,89
/ 0,0114 / 0,2558
20 Molecular wt, Vap 0,2582 99.62
21 Molecular wt, NC
22 Specific heat kJ/(kg-K) / 2,045 / 3,186
23 Thermal conductivity W/(m-K) 3,166
/ 0,0293 / 0,1101
24 Latent heat kJ/kg 0,1101 354.7
25 Pressure (abs) bar 4.25 4.19087
26 Velocity (Mean/Max) m/s 1,01 / 1,29
27 Pressure drop, allow./calc. bar 0.15 0.05913
28 Fouling resistance (min) m²-K/W 0.00035
29 Heat exchanged 997,1 kW MTD (corrected) 35,66 °C
30 Transfer rate, Service 796,7 Dirty 1014,9 Clean 2298,5 W/(m²-K)
32 Shell Side Tube Side
33 Design/Vacuum/test pressure bar 5 / / 43 / /
34 Design temperature °C 250 275
35 Number passes per shell 1 2
36 Corrosion allowance mm 3.18 3.18
37 Connections In in 1 3 / - 1 3 / -
38 Size/Rating Out 1 6 / - 1 2 / -
39 Nominal Intermediate / - /
40 Tube No. 47 Us OD 38,1 TksAverage 2,11 mm Length 3 m Pitch 1,875 in
41 Tube type Plain #/m Material Carbon Steel
42 Shell Carbon Steel ID 24,6063 OD 25,3937 in Shell cover Carbon Steel
43 Channel or bonnet Carbon Steel Channel cover -
44 Tubesheet-stationary Carbon Steel - Tubesheet-floating -
45 Floating head cover - Impingement protection Square plate
46 Baffle-cross Carbon Steel Type Unbaffled Cut(%d) Hori
Spacing: c/c mm
47 Baffle-long - Seal Type -
48 Supports-tube U-bend 5 Type
49 Bypass seal Tube-tubesheet joint Expanded only (2 grooves)(App.A 'i')
50 Expansion joint - Type None
51 RhoV2-Inlet nozzle 1327 Bundle entrance 358 Bundle exit 698 kg/(m-s²)
52 Gaskets - Shell side Flat Metal Jacket Fibe Tube side Flat Metal Jacket Fibe
53 Floating head -
54 Code requirements ASME Code Sec VIII Div 1 TEMA class R - refinery service
55 Weight/Shell 2368 Filled with water 5092,1 Bundle 821,4 kg
56 Remarks
1 parallel 1 series
l(eff.) 35,1 m²

Tube Side
2092 0
0 2092
0 0

250 249.69
250 249.96
16,44 / / 734,33
0,0183 / / 0,1081

1,969 / / 7,115
0,039 / / 0,6193
39.7 39.6946
0,43 / 0,83
0.15 0.0054
0,00018 0,0002 Ao based
cted) 35,66 °C
n 2298,5 W/(m²-K)

T2 S1 S2

Pitch 1,875 in
Tube pattern 90
cover Carbon Steel
nel cover -
heet-floating -
gement protection Square plate
pacing: c/c mm
Inlet mm

2 grooves)(App.A 'i')

698 kg/(m-s²)
al Jacket Fibe

File: C:\Users\carre\Downloads\E-104 OK.EDR Printed: 27/08/2020 at 17:37:22
Setting Plan
344 247 1540 815 1290
Views on
arrow A A 4750
T1 Overall



2 24 91 1 240 2
S2 2750
7 4 7 2 7
Pulling Length
5 5

15 15
20 20
Bolts Slidin
d g

Nozzle Data Design Data Unit Shel Chann Company:

Ref Wal Standard Note Design Pressure s l5 el 43 Location: Aspen Shell & Tube
Service of
OD 89 mm 5,5
l 150 ANSI Slip on s Design bar 250 275
150 ANSI Slip on Temperature Full C 0 0
Our Reference:
mm Item No.:
S2 60 mm 3,9 150 ANSI Slip on Vacuum 3,17 3,175 Date: Rev
Job No.: Setting Plan
mm 150 ANSI Slip on Corrosion mm 5 No.:

S3 168 mm 7,1 150 ANSI Slip on Allowance Test bar 1 2 Design BKU 625/ 901 -
mm Pressure Number 0 0 Codes 0 3000
T1 89 mm 5,5 of Passes 0 0 TEMA 0
mm Radiography m³ 2,365 0,156
T2 60 mm 5,5 PWHT 7 8 Customer Drawing Number
mm Internal Volume Weight Specifications
Empty Summary Bundl Revision Date Dwg. Chk.
2368 Flooded 5092 e 821 App.
kg kg kg 27/08/2020
File: C:\Users\carre\Downloads\E-104 OK.EDR Printed: 27/08/2020 at 17:37:22
Overall Summary
1 Size 625 X 3000 mm BKU Hor Connected in 1 parallel 1 series
2 Surf/Unit (gross/eff/finned) 36,3 Type
/ 35,1 / m² Shells/unit 1
3 Surf/Shell (gross/eff/finned) 36,3 / 35,1 / m²
5 Shell Side Tube Side
6 Process Data In Out In Out
7 Total flow kg/h 16932 2092
8 Vapor kg/s 0 2,6789 0,5812 0
9 Liquid kg/h 16932 7288 0 2092
10 Noncondensable kg/s 0 0
11 Cond./Evap. kg/s 2.6789 0.5812
12 Temperature °C 209,96 213,76 250 249,69
13 Dew / Bubble point °C 214.14
250 249,96
14 Quality 0 0,57 1 0
15 Pressure (abs) bar 4,25 4,19087 39,7 39,6946
16 DeltaP allow/cal bar 0,15 0,05913 0,15 0,0054
17 Velocity m/s 0,74 1,29 0,83 0,02
18 Liquid Properties
19 Density kg/m³ 732,89 734,93 734.33
20 Viscosity mPa-s 0,2582 0,2558 0.1081
21 Specific heat kJ/(kg-K) 3,166 3,186 7.115
22 Therm. cond. W/(m-K) 0,1101 0,1101 0.6193
23 Surface tension N/m 0,0131 0,0129 0.0264
24 Molecular weight 99,59 99,55 18.02
25 Vapor Properties

26 Density kg/m³ 16.44

27 Viscosity mPa-s 0.0183


28 Specific heat kJ/(kg-K) 1.969

29 Therm. cond. W/(m-K) 0.039

30 Molecular weight 18.02

31 Two-Phase Properties

32 Latent heat kJ/kg 1713.7

33 Heat Transfer Parameters
34 Reynolds No. vapor 918070.2 25354.99
35 Reynolds No. liquid 71405,76 31020,12 4297.5
36 Prandtl No. vapor 0.8 0.92
37 Prandtl No. liquid 7,43 7,4 1.24
38 Heat Load kW kW
39 Vapor only 0 0
40 2-Phase vapor 2.4 0
41 Latent heat 941.7 -996
42 2-Phase liquid 11.5 0
43 Liquid only 41.5 -1.1
44 Tubes Baffles Nozzles: (No./OD)
45 Type P Type Unbaffled Shell Side Tube Side
46 ID/OD mm 33,88 / 38,1 a Number 0 Inlet in 1 / 3,5 1 / 3,5
47 Length act/eff mm 3000 / 2896,5 i Cut(%d) Outlet 1 / 2,375 1 / 2,375
48 Tube passes 2 Cut orientation Intermediate 1 / 6,625 /
49 Tube No. 94 Spacing: c/c mm Impingement protection Square plate
50 Tube pattern 90 Spacing at inlet mm
51 Tube pitch in 1,875 Spacing at outlet mm
52 Insert None
53 Vibration problem No / No RhoV2 violation
Hor Connected in 1 parallel 1 series
m² Shells/unit 1

Heat Transfer Parameters
Total heat load kW 997,1
Eff. MTD/ 1 pass MTD °C 35,66 / 35,96
Actual/Reqd area ratio - fouled/clean 1,27 / 2,88

Coef./Resist. W/(m²-K) m²-K/W %

Overall fouled 1014,9 0,00099
Overall clean 2298,5 0,00044
Tube side film 9560,2 0,0001 10,62
Tube side fouling 5049,9 0,0002 20,1
Tube wall 20746,9 5E-05 4,89
Outside fouling 2839,1 0,00035 35,75
Outside film 3542,8 0,00028 28,65
Shell Side Pressure Drop bar %
Inlet nozzle 0,01103 43,36
InletspaceXflow 0 0
Baffle Xflow 0,00704 27,68
Baffle window 0 0
OutletspaceXflow 0 0
Outlet nozzle 0,00737 28,96
Intermediate nozzles
Tube Side Pressure Drop bar %
Inlet nozzle 0,00484 87,63
Entering tubes 3E-05 0,47
Inside tubes 0,00035 6,37
Exiting tubes 0 0,03
Outlet nozzle 0,0003 5,5
Intermediate nozzles
Velocity / Rho*V2 m/s kg/(m-s²)
Shell nozzle inlet 1,35 1327
Shell bundle Xflow 0,74 1,29
Shell baffle window
Shell nozzle outlet 13,89 1994
Shell nozzle interm
m/s kg/(m-s²)
Tube nozzle inlet 7,41 903
Tubes 0,83 0,02
Tube nozzle outlet 0,42 127
Tube nozzle interm

s Nozzles: (No./OD)
Unbaffled Shell Side Tube Side
0 Inlet in 1 / 3,5 1 / 3,5
Outlet 1 / 2,375 1 / 2,375
tation Intermediate 1 / 6,625 /
c/c mm Impingement protection Square plate
at inlet mm
at outlet mm
RhoV2 violation

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