English File: 9 Quick Test

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9  Quick Test Elementary

GRAMMAR 20 France is _____ than Spain.

A big ■  B biger ■  C bigger ■
Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My name _____ Robert. 20
A am  ■  B is  ■
✓   C are  ■
1 I don’t want _____ juice, thanks.
A some ■  B any ■  C many ■ a Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the phrases.
2 Is there _____ milk in the fridge? Example: a _____ of tuna
A a ■  B an ■  C any ■ A tin ■✓   B packet ■  C  a carton  ■
3 A Porsche is _____ than a Fiat. 1 a _____ of cola
A expensiver ■  B  more expensive  ■  A packet ■  B can ■  C box ■
C  most expensive  ■ 2 a _____ of chocolates
4 A How many oranges do you eat a week? A box ■  B packet ■  C bottle ■
B _____. I don’t like oranges. 3 a _____ of jam
A None ■  B Any ■  C  A lot  ■ A carton ■  B box ■  C jar ■
5 Martin is taller _____ James. 4 a _____ of juice
A that ■  B than ■  C to ■ A carton ■  B tin ■  C packet ■
6 Russian is difficult, but Chinese is _____ difficult. 5 a _____ of crisps
A much ■  B many ■  C more ■ A packet ■  B bottle ■  C can ■
7 There are _____ chairs in the kitchen. 6 a _____ of milk
A any ■  B an ■  C some ■ A packet ■  B jar ■  C bottle ■
8 _____ cigarettes do you smoke a day?
A  How much  ■  B  How many  ■  C How ■ b Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the food words.
9 _____ water do you drink? Example: I usually have _____ for breakfast.
A  How much  ■  B  How many  ■  C How ■ A toast ■ ✓   B meat ■  C salad ■
10 Today is _____ than yesterday. 7 Vegetarians don’t eat _____.
A cold ■  B  more cold  ■  C colder ■ A salad ■  B meat ■  C bread ■
11 My sister is _____ than me. 8 Tuna is a kind of _____.
A prettyer ■  B prettier ■  C  more pretty  ■ A fruit ■  B fish ■  C vegetable ■
12 There are_____ of onions in this salad. 9 A cake is a kind of _____.
A  quite lot  ■  B  a quite lot  ■  C  quite a lot  ■ A dessert ■  B vegetable ■  C fruit ■
13 We need _____ butter. 10 They eat a lot of _____ in Japan and China.
A some ■  B a ■  C any ■ A rice ■  B pasta ■  C cheese ■
14 I like my coffee with _____ milk. 11 Macaroni and spaghetti are kinds of _____.
A lot ■  B  a lot of  ■  C  a lot  ■ A salad ■  B rice ■  C pasta ■
15 Do you want _____ apple? 12 In the Mediterranean they use a lot of olive _____.
A a ■  B some ■  C an ■ A butter ■  B oil ■  C fish ■
16 They eat a _____ of fruit. 13 People often put _____ in salads.
A many ■  B much ■  C lot ■ A lettuce ■  B ketchup ■  C cereal ■
17 The weather is bad today but it was _____ yesterday. 14 I usually have coffee and toast for _____.
A badder ■  B worse ■  C worser ■ A breakfast ■  B dinner ■  C eating ■
18 I gave the cat _____ tuna. 15 Crisps are a kind of _____.
A any ■  B some ■  C an ■ A oil ■  B snack ■  C vegetable ■
19 Can I have _____ butter on my potatoes? 16 People often put _____ in their coffee.
A  a little  ■  B  a little of  ■  C  quite little  ■ A sugar ■  B oil ■  C salad ■
17 Peas and carrots are my favourite _____.
A meals ■  B eating ■  C vegetables ■

English File Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012 1

9  Quick Test Elementary

c Tick (✓) the correct number, A, B, or C. PRONUNCIATION

Example: 1,000,000 a Which word has a different sound? Tick (✓) A, B,
A  a million  ■ ✓   B  a hundred million  ■  or C.
C  a thousand  ■
Example: A am  ■  B thanks  ■  C car  ■

18 5,000
1 A bread  ■  B when  ■  C great  ■
A  five thousands  ■  B  five thousand  ■ 
C  fifty hundred  ■ 2 A healthy  ■  B meat  ■  C cream  ■
19 2,600 3 A sugar  ■ B salad  ■  C mushrooms  ■
A  two thousand six hundred  ■  4 A sweets  ■  B rice  ■ C  shower  ■
B  two thousand and six hundred  ■  5 A steak  ■  B breakfast  ■ C egg  ■
C  two thousand six hundreds  ■
20 105 b Which is the stressed syllable? Tick (✓) A, B, or C.
A  a hundred five  ■  B  five hundred  ■  Example: A  computer  ■
✓   B  computer  ■ 
C  a hundred and five  ■ C computer  ■
20 6 A pineapple  ■ B 
pineapple  ■ 
C pineapple  ■ 
7 A tomatoes  ■  B tomatoes  ■ 
C tomatoes  ■
8 A cereal ■  B cereal  ■  C cereal  ■
9 A bananas  ■ B  bananas  ■  C bananas  ■
10 A potatoes  ■ B potatoes  ■  C potatoes  ■


Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

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