Running Head: Resume Fraud in Organizations
Running Head: Resume Fraud in Organizations
Running Head: Resume Fraud in Organizations
Resume fraud refers to lies written on the applicant’s resume in a convincing manner
(Klazema, 2019). According to research by Monster, about half of job applicants write lies on
their resumes by changing their course, skills, references and even the experience level. While
resume fraud is an issue of concern to every organization, the fraud it needs to be dealt with to
Case Summary
Increased competition in the job market has led to the emergence of a new trend that involves
faking of personal information such as birth date, qualifications, and achievements on the
resume. This is done with the hope of acquiring an employment position in any available job
opportunity. This kind of misrepresentation is considered as fraud, and some see it as an issue
The issue is very crucial to organizations given that they suffer more when the wrong
candidate is hired for a job. As an employer, it is essential to conduct a background check on the
applicants to make sure the information provided on their resumes is correct and truthful.
Organizations need to know that there are also businesses that help candidates change their
resume by hiding their criminal records and adding false information to make the resume more
realistic to the employer. Some businesses even offer fake certificates, recommendation letters,
The reason why organizations need to be aware of resume fraud is that they are the most
harmed. This is because when an employer hires unqualified individuals, the employee ends up
costing the company a lot when it comes to productivity, loss of customers, poor performance,
and also the increased training time that is needed which is a loss to the organization.
Organizations need to let candidates know the legal risks they face if caught with a
fraudulent resume such as facing a criminal charge. For instance, in Canada, employees found to
have lied during application can be charged and fired from work Resume fraud is important such
that it could lead to the fall, loss of reputation or inability to meet profit goals of a given
company. Giving the issue some importance will help organizations to ensure they hire the right
candidates by validating the academic certificates, references and other information used in a
Qualification for a given job is an essential part of the hiring process by an employer, and
educational qualifications form the basis for decision making by the employers (Maurer, 2017).
This is because educational information tells the employer more about the applicant’s
qualification and abilities which are important for the success of the company. For instance, a
doctor should be qualified for their jobs to offer the right care for their patients. Otherwise, they
would provide the wrong diagnosis, treatment, and medication which would harm the patients
On the other hand, job applicants need to be qualified for a job to ensure the company
gets the perfect candidate for a given task. This makes employers work easier in terms of training
and getting work done. Additionally, applying for a position you are underqualified makes it
difficult for the applicant to understand how to carry out the tasks and employers want a
candidate who can add value to their organization (Maurer, 2017). Failure to meet the
qualification means that the company will have a hard time achieving its goals and objectives.
An unqualified employee will need more supervision, and the risk of increased turnover is high,
Previous research has shown that imposters undergo psychological problems that affect
their performance and well-being (Hutchins, Penney & Sublett, 2017). Dissatisfaction at work
and emotional exhaustion are also conditions associated with imposter workers and these affect
their performance at work. The fact that imposters can perform the work does not mean that the
employer should let the lie go unchallenged. This is because it would mean that the organization
lower its ethical standards and cause problems if other employees know you make the new
employee go away with lies and dishonesty. In the case of a doctor, if the doctor can fake their
Ph.D. and medical license and perform a medical procedure, it would be unfair to the patient
given that the patient is unaware of the truth and puts full trust on the doctor. Additionally, it
would be hard to trust the imposter given that it is hard to tell when they are telling the truth.
For the recruiting companies, I have learnt that the companies are concerned with
ensuring they match the right employees with the company’s culture and not necessarily the
school attended. Additionally, the selection process starts immediately after the job position is
Regarding the legal considerations, every step of recruitment and selection is bound by
legal issues. I learnt that the interview question must not show some discrimination and they
must be carefully framed to ensure every candidate has the same opportunity as others.
Discrimination during recruitment and selection is the main legal issue, and according to the law,
In conclusion, resume fraud is wrong and should be prohibited due to the harm under
qualified employees cause to the organization. Background checks and screening is essential for
employers as it ensures they hire the right applicants with the needed skills and qualifications
which are beneficial to the organization. The consequence of hiring an employee who has
committed resume fraud can lead to a loss of customer trust with the company.
Hutchins, H. M., Penney, L.M., & Sublett, L. W. (2017). What imposters risk at work: Exploring
imposter phenomenon, stress coping, and job outcomes. Human Resource Development
Klazema, M. (2019). What You Need to Know About Resume Fraud and Its Consequences.
Maurer, R (2017). Verify Degrees and Protect the Company from Resume Fraud. Retrieved from