Potential of Non-Conventional Source of Energy and Associated Environmental Issue: An Indian Scenario

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Potential of Non-conventional Source of Energy and Associated

Environmental Issue: An Indian Scenario

Conference Paper · January 2013


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2 authors:

Arabinda Sharma Chadetrik Rout

BRCM College of Engineering & Technology Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana


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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (RTEC 2013)

Potential of Non-conventional Source of Energy and

Associated Environmental Issue: An Indian Scenario
Arabinda Sharma Chadetrik Rout
Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering Department
BRCM College of Engg and Technology M.M. University,
Bahal-127 028, Bhiwani, Haryana Mullana-, Ambala, Haryana

ABSTRACT In this perspective, India has been compelled to look towards its
vast potential of renewable energy resources long before. Today
Recently demand for energy has been increased many fold in India has one of the largest programs in the world for deploying
India due to rapid urbanization and industrial growth which is renewable energy products and systems. Infact, it is the only
difficult meet through conventional way. Moreover, the global country in the world to have an exclusive Ministry for New and
crisis on petroleum product forced every nation worldwide to Renewable Energy. Realizing the urgent need to utilize the non-
think of some alternative non-conventional sources of energy. conventional source of energy, the Ministry has launched one of
India was also not able to keep herself away from this situation. the world’s largest and most ambitious programs on renewable
Today, India is one of the few nations which are having an energy. Based on numerous promotional efforts put in place by
independent ministry of non-conventional source of energy. Ministry for New and Renewable Energy, significant
Moreover India is one of the fastest growing economies in the development is being made in power generation from renewable
world. In order to keep continuing with this growth rate, India energy sources. Specifically, 3,700 MW are presently powered
needs to improve its energy and power sector. Unfortunately, by renewable energy sources (3.5 percent of total installed
limited reserve of coal, petroleum and other fossil fuel India capacity). It was projected to 10,000 MW from renewable
cannot achieve the desired goal. Hence, the Indian government energy by 2012 [2].
has floated numerous schemes, formulated several policy
decision to promote the development and generation of non- Non-conventional energy has the potential to minimize
conventional energy in the country. Since then India has pollution, reduce global warming, create new industries and
observed a record growth in the development and generation of jobs, and move the nation toward a cleaner, healthier energy
non-conventional energy. However, like any other future. However, it is not without its challenges and impact on
developmental project the non-conventional source of energy environment [3]. In this communication, it has been tried
(wind, solar) is also associated with some unforeseen provide a potential of various non-conventional source of
environmental impacts including climate change.The present energy, their limitation. Besides, it also emphasizes the possible
communication presented a detail and up to date potential of impact of non-conventional energy on environment.
various non-conventional source of energy in India and also
their possible effects environmental effects. The paper do not
meant to criticize the use of non-conventional energy resource India’s current installed capacity from all sources comes around
but to bring awareness to all the stakeholder on the 1,70,229 MW at the end of 2010. Again, India is the 5th largest
environmental issue related to uses of these resources so that a energy consumer in the world. The per capita energy
more environmental friendly technology can be invented consumption of India is surprisingly low, just 630 kWh per
through research. person per year, and on par with Swaziland. However, it is
expected to grow to 1000 kWh in the near future. The Central
Keywords Electricity Authority (CEA) of India stated that, the peak
Non-conventional energy, wind energy, solar energy, electricity demand in 2008 was 120 GW of power, while only
environmental effect, climate change 98 GW could be supplied and this deficit is likely to grow to 25
GW by 2012 [2].
Energy is not only important for the survival of human being ENERGY
but its availability is also considered to be the backbone to the
national growth and development. Since last few decades, India In 2010, peak power shortage of India was 12 % and electricity
has been witnessing a rapid urbanization and demand is expected to rise by 7.4% a year during the next
industrialization.Unfortunately, in India the production of quarter of a century. Unfortunately, India cannot consider to
energy is far below to sustain our rapidly growing economy. It bridge this power deficit by increasing reliance and dependence
subsequently demands for more energy production. This on the fossil fuel footprint. These reasons are many from socio-
enhanced demand for energy has built up a huge pressure on the economic to environmental and health problems. According to
conventional sourcesof energy such as coal, petroleum and Energy Statistics 2012, India imports about 75% of its oil which
natural gas. Most of these fossil fuels are imported from in fact comprises one-third of its total imports. Similarly, India’s
different country of the globe at the cost of limited foreign coal imports are likely to touch a whopping 185 million tonnes
exchange reserve. However this is not the only saga, as (MT) by 2017. Hence, the Indian government has been also
generating electricity/energy from these fossil fuels has also making serious efforts to enhance India renewable energy
seriously affectedour natural environment and human health [1]. production since recent past. Some of the advantages of
common non-conventional energy are as below:

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (RTEC 2013)

4. STATUS OF INDIAN RENEWABLE As on Feb 2011, the total installed capacity of electricity in
India is 171.9 GW. The breakup of power generation from
POWER GENERATION different sources is given in the Figure 1.

Figure 1: Source of Electric Energy in India

Thermal power plants accounted for an overwhelming 64% of pollution as compared to fossil fuels [6]. In contrast,
the total installed capacity in our country, with an installed heavy pollution of water and air media by fossil fuels
capacity of 131.2 x 103 MW. Hydro power plants come second wind, solar, and hydroelectric systems generate electricity
with an installed capacity of 37.6 x 103MW, accounting for with no associated air pollution emissions. While wind
21.73% of the total installed Capacity. For Nuclear energy it and solar energy require essentially no water to operate
was only 2.31% (4.78 MW). and thus do not pollute water resources [7].
It is revealed from the figure that renewable energy contributes (iii) A Vast and Inexhaustible Energy Supply: Although
only 10.74% (i.e. 18.3 GW). In this wind represents about 13 renewable energy provides only a tiny fraction of total
GW (71%), small hydro represents 2.8 GW(15.2%), and the electricity generation, the diverse sources of renewable
majority of the remainder i.e3.0 GW (13.3%) comes from energy such as winds, sunny skies, plant residues have the
biomass installations.However, the potential of wind and solar potential to provide all the electricity need of the country
is estimated to be around 49.132 GW (55%), SHP (small-hydro uninterruptedly. Provided certain technological and
power) potential of 15.4 GW (17%), Biomass power potential of environmental constraints will be resolved [8, 9].
17.54 GW(20%) and 5 GW (6%) from bagasse-based
cogeneration in sugar mills. (iv) Jobs and Other Economic Benefits: Compared with fossil
fuel based technologies, the renewable energy industry
5. ADVANTAGES OF RENEWABLE requires more labor because of it is decentralized in
nature- reaching to the grass root level of remote rural
ENERGY areas. This means that, on average, more jobs are created
A major advantage of renewable energy is that it can be for each unit of electricity generated from renewable
regenerated; therefore it is sustainable and will never run out. It sources than from fossil fuels.
has several advantages over its counter parts and provides (v) Stable Energy Prices:Renewable energy is able to provide
substantial benefits for our climate, our health, and our affordable electricity across the country right now, and
economy. Some of the important benefits of renewable energy can help stabilize energy prices in the future.
(vi) A More Reliable and Resilient Energy System:Keeping in
(i) Little to No Global Warming Emissions: The view to recent grid failure in entire north India, it is
conventional methods of electricity production using impotant to understannd that wind and solar are less prone
fossil fuel such as coal, oil and natural gas account for to large-scale failure because they are distributed and
around one-fourth of total global warming emission [4,5]. modular. As distributed systems are spread out over a
In contrast, most renewable energy sources produce little large area, therefore a severe weather event at one
to no global warming emissions and hence help reducing location could not cut off power to the entire region.
effect of climate change. Modular systems are composed of various individual
(ii) Improved Public Health and Environmental Quality: solar arrays or wind turbines. Even if some of the
Electricity generation from renewable energy is more equipment in the system will damage, the rest can
environmental benign causing lesser air and water continue to operate.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (RTEC 2013)

6. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE RELATED planting trees, or curtailing wind turbine operations when
lighting conditions exist.
Water Use:Operation of wind turbines have no direct impact on
Non-conventional source of energy generation has some water resources.But in all manufacturing processes, water is
practical limitations. Some general disadvantages are: difficulty used to manufacture steel and cement for wind turbines.
in generating huge quantity of electricity in centralized way as
in case of fossil fuel, dependency on the weather conditions at Life-Cycle Global Warming Emissions: There are no GHGs
the time and in the region of use,relatively more expensive to emissions associated with operating wind turbines, emissions
acquire and set up the equipments necessary for the generating associated with other stages of a wind turbine’s life-cycle,
electricity and technical constraints in (efficiency) generating materials transportation, including materials production, on-site
electricity from the non-conventional resource. Besides some construction and assembly, operation and maintenance, and
technological and economic constraints, it also have some decommissioning and dismantlement. Most estimates of wind
associated environmental issues which are discussed below: turbine life-cycle global warming emissions are between 0.02
and 0.04 pounds of CO2 equivalent per KWh which is far less as
6.1 Wind Energy compared to that of natural gas generated electricity (0.6 - 2.0
pounds of CO2 equivalent per KWh) or coal-generated
Wind energy is considered to be one of the cleanest and most electricity (1.4- 3.6 pounds of CO2 equivalent per KWh [13].
sustainable ways to generate electricity as it produces no toxic
pollution or GHGs. Wind is inexhaustible andabundant, which 6.2 Solar Energy
can make it a viable and large-scale alternative to fossil
fuels.Despite its huge potential, there are certainenvironmental Like wind, the sun is also a tremendous source for generating
impacts associated with wind power generation that should be clean and sustainable electricity without toxic pollution or
identified and mitigated. global warming emissions. The environmental impacts
associated with solar power can include land use and habitat
Environmental Impacts of Wind Power: Harnessing power from loss, water use, and use of hazardous materials in
the wind is one of the cleanest and most sustainable ways to manufacturing. The types of impacts vary greatly depending on
generate electricity as it produces no toxic pollution or GHGs the scale of the system and the technology used -photovoltaic
emissions. Wind is abundant, inexhaustible, which makes it a (PV) solar cells or concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP).
viable and large-scale alternative to fossil fuels. Despite its vast
potential, varieties of environmental impacts associated with Land Use:Depending on their location, solar facilities can raise
wind power generation that should be recognized and mitigated. concerns about land degradation and habitat loss. Land area
requirement varies depending on the adopted technology, the
Land Use: Wind turbines placed in flat areas typically use more topography of the area, and the intensity of the solar radiation.
land than those located in hilly areas. It has been estimated that Estimates for utility-scale Photovoltaic systems range from 3.5
around one acre land per MW is disturbed permanently and less to 10 acres/MW, while estimates for CSP facilities are between
than 3.5 acres/ MW are disturbed temporarily during 4 and 16.5 acres per megawatt.There is less opportunity for
construction [10]. The remainder of the land can be used for a solar projects to share land with other landuse activity. Proper
variety of other productive purposes, including agriculture, siting at lower-quality locations such as brownfields, abandoned
livestock grazing, construction of highways, and hiking trails. mining land, canal and transmission corridors, small scale solar
Subsequently, wind facilities can be installed near brownfields PV arrays built on homes or commercial buildings, help to
(abandoned or underused industrial land) which significantly minimizing the land use impact [14].
reduces concerns about land use. Offshore wind facilities, which
require larger amount of space because the turbines and blades Water Use: Solar PV cells do not use water for generating
are bigger than their land-based counterparts. It also hinders a electricity. However, concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP),
variety of other marine activities, such as aquaculture, oil and require water for cooling. Water use depends on the plant
gas extraction, fishing, recreational activities, sand and gravel location, plant design, and the type of cooling systemto
extraction, and navigation. Employing best practices in planning adopt.Concentrating solar thermal plants that use wet-
and siting can help to minimize potential land use impacts. recirculating technology with cooling towers withdraw between
600 and 650 gallons of water per MW-Hrof electricity
Wildlife: The impact of wind turbines on wildlife, bats and produced. CSP plants with dry-cooling technology can reduce
birds, has been widely document and studied by researchers. water use by approximately 90% but at high cost and
Researchers found evidence of bird and bat deaths from significantly less effective at temperatures above 100 0F.
collisions with wind turbines and due to changes in air pressure Ironically,areas with highest potential for solar energy also very
caused by the rotating turbines, as well as due to habitat often tend to be the dry and water scarcity areas; hence a careful
destruction. The National Wildlife Conservation Council consideration of these water tradeoffs is necessary.
(NWCC) concluded that these impacts are relatively low and do
not pose any threat to species populations [11]. Hazardous Materials: The PV cell manufacturing process
includes a number of hazardous materials, mostly used to clean
Public Health and Community: Noise and visual impact are the and purify the semiconductor surface. These include HCl,
two main public health and community concerns associated H2SO4, HNO3, HF, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and acetone. The
with operating wind turbines. Reason of noise may be caused by quantity and type of chemicals used depends on various types of
the movement of turbine blades through the air (aerodynamic) cell, the amount of cleaning that is required, and the size of
or sound generated by the turbine itself (mechanical). Overall silicon wafer.
sound levels depend on turbine design and wind speed. People
living close to wind facilities have complained about sound and Thin-film PV cells contain a number of more toxic materials
vibration issues. However, it do not adversely impact public than those used in traditional silicon photovoltaic cells,
health [12]. The annoyance such as shadow flicker under certain including gallium arsenide, copper-indium-gallium-diselenide,
lighting conditions can be minimized with careful siting, and cadmium-telluride. If not properly handled and disposed
off, these materials could cause serious environmental or public

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (RTEC 2013)

health threats. Thus, PV manufactures must ensure that workers smaller amount of emissions are CH4, a more potent global
are not harmed by exposure to these chemicals and thechemical warming gas. There are a still some emissions associated with
waste products are either disposed of properly or recycled. plant construction and surrounding infrastructureas well as
drilling and pumping water into hot rock reservoirs. Putting
Life-Cycle Global Warming Emissions: Solar power generation these all into account, in the entire life-cycle global warming
do not emit any global warming emissions directly associated emissions for geothermal plant generated electricity are between
with generating electricity from, there are emissions associated 0.6 and 2 pounds of CO2 equivalent per KW-Hr as compared to
with other stages of the solar life-cycle, including materials are 1.4 to 3.6 pounds of CO2 equivalent per KW-Hr for coal-
transportation, maintenance, and decommissioning, generated electricity [21].
manufacturing, installation, and dismantlement. Calculations of
life-cycle emissions for photovoltaic systems are between 0.07 6.4 Biomass Electricity
and 0.18 pounds of CO2 equivalent per kilowatt-hour.Most
estimates for concentrating solar thermal plants produce 0.08 to Biomass power plants share some similarities with fossil fuel
0.2 pounds of CO2equivalent/kWh. In both cases, this is far less power plants: both involve the combustion of a feedstock to
than the lifecycle emission rates for natural gas (0.6-2 lbs of generate electricity. The feedstock of biomass plants can be
CO2equivalent/kWh) and coal (1.4-3.6 lbs of CO2E/kWh) [15]. sustainable harvested, while fossil fuels are
exhaustible.Harvesting of biomass for producing electricity are
6.3 Geothermal Energy diverse; including energy crops (like switchgrass, giant
miscanthus), agricultural waste,forest products and waste,urban
Geothermal power plant (known as hydrothermal plants) are waste, and manure. Both the type of feedstock and the manner
located near geologic “hot spots” where hot molten rock is close in which it is developed and harvested significantly affect land
to the earth’s crust and produces hot water or other regions of use and life-cycle global warming emissions impacts of
hot dry rock. Geothermal plants differ in terms of the producing power from biomass.
technology they use to convert the resource to electricity and the
type of cooling technology they adopt (water-cooled and air- 6.5 Small Hydropower
cooled). Environmental impacts varies depending on the
conversion and cooling technology adopted. Hydroelectric power includes both massive hydroelectric dams
and small run-of-the-river plants. However, the development of
Water Quality and Use: Geothermal power plants can have large hydropower has become increasingly problematic due to
impacts on both water quality. Hot water taken from socio-environmental issues. And small-scale hydro development
underground reservoirs often contains high levels of sulfur, salt, has not met expectations either.The environmental concerns as
and other minerals. [16].Water is also used by geothermal plants effect to fish habitat would constrain small hydropower
for cooling and re-injection. Depending on the cooling development in the country. The impact of very large dams is so
technology used, geothermal plants also require 1,700 to 4,000 great that there is almost every time conflicts exist with
gallons of water per MW-Hr. However, the use of geothermal development of such projects. The reservoirs created by such
fluids and closed loop technology (reinjection of same water projects frequently inundate/submerge large areas of farmland,
again into reservoir) can not only reduce theoverall freshwater forest, wildlife habitats, scenic areas, and also towns. In
demand but also prevent contamination and land addition, the dams can cause significant changes in river
subsidence[17]. ecosystems including aquatic habitat both upstream and
Air Emissions: In closed-loop systems, air emissions are downstream.
minimal. But the, open-loop systems emit H2S, CO2, NH3, CH4, Small hydropower plants using reservoirs can cause similar
and boron. H2S, which has a distinctive “rotten egg” smell, is types of damage, but on a smaller scale. With increasing ly
the most common emission [18]. Its consequences can be more stringent environmental regulations, development of cost-
observed in the form of acid rain, damages crops, forests, and effective mitigation measures is crucial. In fact, hydropower is
soils, acidification of water body and health problems. approaching the limit of its potential and its contribution to total
However, SO2 emissions from geothermal plants are power generation may decline in future due to increased
approximately 30 times lower per MW-Hr than from coal demand on water resources for agricultural and drinking
plants. Small amounts of mercury emissions from geothermal purpose, declining rainfall, and efforts to protect endangered
plant can be mitigated using mercury filter technology, fish and wildlife.
scrubbers can reduce air emissions, disposal of sludge at
hazardous waste sites. 7. CONCLUSION
Land Use: The amount of land required by a geothermal plant In the backdrop of deficit energy production and recently
varies depending on the properties of the resource reservoir, the occurred world's largest blackout in July, 2012 due to failure of
type of energy conversion system, the type of cooling the northern power grid affecting 700 million people from New
system,the amount of power capacity, the arrangement of wells Delhi to Kolkata, India needs a drastic makeover in its energy
and piping systems, auxiliary building and the substation needs sector. This unreliable supply of electricity and depleting
[20]. Approximately 13 acres of land is required for production natural resource and environmental conditions has become a big
of 1MW power. Many geothermal sites are located in remote challenge to sustainable development. India's tremendous
and sensitive ecological areas, so project planners must take this energy needs cannot be met solely with conventional method of
into account in their planning processes to avoid the risk of land electricity generation. To overcome this problems and to meet
subsidence. Hydrothermal plants are sited on geological “hot the future energy demands, India must towards harnessing its
spots," which tend to have higher levels of earthquake risk. great potential of non-conventional source of energy as
Earthquake risk associated with enhanced geothermal systems sustainable energy solutions. It has several advantages including
can be minimized by siting plants an appropriate distance away decentralization of energy-particularly for meeting rural energy
from major fault lines [20]. needs, and thereby empowering rural people at the grass roots
Life-Cycle Global Warming Emissions: In geothermal energy level. Unfortunately, it has also got some associated
plant, approximately 10% of the air emissions are CO2, and a environmental issue which must be resolved before aggressive

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (RTEC 2013)

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