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23/8/2020 Professional Commitment, Patient Safety, and Patient‐Perceived Care Quality - Teng - 2009 - Journal of Nursing Scholarship - Wiley…

Journal of Nursing Scholarship / Volume 41, Issue 3

Professional Commitment, Patient Safety, and Patient‐Perceived Care Quality

Ching‐I Teng PhD , Yu‐Tzu Dai RN, PhD , Yea‐Ing Lotus Shyu RN, PhD , May‐Kuen Wong PhD, MD ,
Tsung‐Lan Chu RN, MSN , Ying‐Huang Tsai MD

First published: 28 August 2009
Citations: 29

 Correspondence
Dr. Ching‐I Teng, Chang Gung University – Department of Business Administration 259, Wenhua 1st Rd,
Gueishan Shiang Taoyuan 333, Taiwan. E‐mail: [email protected]

Purpose: To examine how professional commitment in uences patient safety and
patient‐perceived care quality.

Design: Investigators for this study used a cross‐sectional design with questionnaires. A
total of 348 pairs of nurses and inpatients were contacted at two medical centers in
Taiwan during the period from August 2007 to January 2008, yielding 284 pairs of
completed questionnaires.

Methods: Frequencies of six adverse patient events were used to measure patient
safety; and the Service Quality Scale was used to measure patient‐perceived care quality.
Four items of the Professional Commitment Questionnaire were used to measure
professional commitment. Regressions were used for the analyses.

Findings: Professional commitment positively in uenced overall patient safety (ß=.19,

p=.00) and overall patient‐perceived care quality (ß=.13, p=.03). Furthermore,
professional commitment positively in uenced all patient safety indicators (ß≥.12, p≤.04),
except frequency of nosocomial infections, the coe cient of which reached borderline
signi cance (ß=.11, p=.07). Professional commitment also positively in uenced care
quality in terms of responsiveness (ß=.16, p=.01) and empathy (ß=.14, p=.03).

Conclusions: Professional commitment may enhance patient safety and patient‐

perceived care quality.

Clinical Relevance: This study indicates that nurse professional commitment can
enhance patient safety and patient‐perceived care quality. 1/6
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