Module 2

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UNIT 2- The Demands of Society from the Teacher as a Professional and as a Teacher

Module 2

Lesson 1. Meaning of Teacher as a Professional


Activity 1:

What does society expects of teachers as professionals? Answer the question by beginning with
any of the letters of the word.

Activity 2: Let’ Analyze

1. What does your list tell about society’s expectations from teachers?

2. How do you feel? Are you overwhelmed by the litany of expectations?

3. Are you changing your “YES” to the call to teach? Share your answers with the group?

Activity 3. Let’s Apply What You Learned

1. Add a 5th column to Table 1 on a Comparison of the 4 models on Teacher Effectiveness.

Review the 7 domains of the PPST and place each domain in the appropriate boxes.

Danielson Stronge McREL Marzano PPST

1. Planning and Instructional Teachers Planning and
Preparation Planning facilitate learning Preparing
for their
of/for learning
Teachers know
the content they

2. Instruction Professional Teachers know Classroom

Knowledge the content they strategies and
teach. behaviors

Delivery Teachers
facilitate learning
for their
Communication students.

3. The Classroom The Learning Teachers Teachers

Environment Environment establish a facilitate learning
respectful for their
environment for students
Student Progress a diverse
population of

4. Professional 1. Teachers Collegiality and

Responsibilities Professionalism demonstrate Professionalism

Teachers reflect
on their

2. An LPT pin is worn by Licensed Professional Teacher (LPT) and the letters LPT are attached to
the name of every professional teacher in the Philippines in the same way that M.D., Doctor of
Medicine, is attached to the name of a medical doctor, R.N. for Registered Nurse and CPA for a
Certified Public Accountant. When you wear that pin and write LPT after your name, you are
announcing to the world you are a professional teacher. Professional teacher, what does this

3. Below are teachers’ obligations enumerated in Section 16 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 known
as the Education Act of 1982.

Every teacher shall:

1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the
philosophy, goals and objectives of the school.

2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective attainment of specified learning objectives in
pursuance of national development goals, within the limits of available school resources.

3. Render regular reports on performance of each student to the latter’s parents or guardians
with specific suggestions for improvement.

4. Assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain his professional growth and advancement
and maintain professionalism in his behavior at all times.

5. Refrain from making deductions in students’ scholastic ratings for acts that are clearly not
manifestations of poor scholarship.

6. Participate as an agent of constructive, social, economic, moral, intellectual, cultural and

political change in his school and the community within the context of national policies. Are
these teachers’ obligations exactly the same as the seven domains of the PPST? Share your


It is a professional obligation of Filipino teachers to contribute to the formation of “Filipinos

who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize
their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.” (DepEd vision). It is also
a professional obligation of teachers to help DepEd in its mission, “to protect and promote the
right of every Filipino quality, equitable, culture-based and complete basic education” where:

▪Students learn in a child-friendly, gender sensitive, safe and motivating environment

▪ Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner…

If the future teacher is prepared in accordance with the 4 models of teacher effectiveness and
in accordance with the domains of the PPST, will he/she able to cope with the demands of
DepEd’s vision and mission statements?

Lesson 2. The Demands of Society from the Teacher as a Person


Activity 1. Let’s Analyze

1. Recall your most memorable teacher who had the greatest impact on your life? What special
personal qualities did he/she possess? Write them down.

2. “I cannot hear what you are saying because who you are speaks louder than what you say”.
How do you relate this to your personal life as a teacher?


1. Which is/ are TRUE of a professional?

A. Completed college/ university degree

B. Required of NC IV from TESDA

C. Demonstrate solely ethical competence

D. Abides by his personal Code of Ethics

2. Which statement is TRUE of society’s demand from the professional teacher?

A. The professional teacher is concerned only with classroom teaching.

B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the professional teacher.

C. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in community affairs in order not to
jeopardize her teaching.
D. Because the professional teacher is expected to be highly enlightened, he is expected to
campaign for the good candidate during election time.

3. The Filipino teacher is a professional. What is/are expected of her/him?

I. Technically competent II. Highly ethical and moral

III. Has superior IQ IV. Popular among learners

A. I, II and III

B. I and II

C. I, II and IV

D. I and IV

4. Which teacher’s personal trait is demonstrated if he is gender-sensitive and inclusive in his


A. Fairness

B. Sense of Humor

C. Passion

D. Motivation

5. Teacher A claims she cares for students, which is/are a manifestation of genuine care?

I. Knows students

II. Creates a favourable learning atmosphere

III. Maintains professional distance with students

A. I and III

B. II and III

C. I and II
D. I, II and III

6. Realizing society’s demands from teachers, do you agree with at least four-year academic
preparation of professional teachers? Do you agree with the components of that academic
preparation- general education, professional education and specialization?


Let me know.. Draw a happy face if you agree, draw a sad face if not agree.


I understand easily The module is

the content of the complete

I learned a lot from The module is

the module. substantial

I develop my skills The module is

and abilities as comprehensive
independent learner.

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