Meenakshi Ramaswamy Engineering College - Thathanur Cycle Test I

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Department Of Mechanical Engineering


(Regulation 2017)
Time: Three Hours Maximum:
Answer ALL questions

PART – A (10 X 2 = 20 MARKS)

1. What are the modes of heat transfer? (Nov/Dec 2018)

2. Illustrate the Fourier’s Law of heat conduction. (Nov/Dec 2019)
3. Define fin effectiveness and Fin efficiency. (Nov/Dec 2018)
4. State the Newton’s law of cooling. (Nov/Dec 2019)
5. What is meant by displacement thickness? (Nov/Dec 2018)
6. State the characteristics of a boundary layer. (Nov/Dec 2018)
7. Define the Grashof number. (Nov/Dec 2019)
8. Write the to determine the thermal conductivity as the function of temperature and unit of thermal
conductivity. (Nov/Dec 2019)
9. State the apllications of fin. (Apr/May 2013)
10. What is meant by free and forced convetion. (Apr/May 2014)

PART – B (1 X 13= 65 MARKS)

11. (a) Calculate the critical radius of insulation for asbestos (k=0.172 W/mK) surrounding a pipe and
exposed to room air at 300K with h=2.8 W/m 2. Calculate the heat loss a 475K, 60mm diameter pipe
whaen covered with the critical radius of insulation and without insulation. (Nov/Dec 2018)


(b) Derive the three dimensional heat conduction equation in cartesian coordinates with neat sketch.
(Nov/Dec 2019)

12. (a) An iron fin (end insulated) having the length of 50mm diameter , width 100mm and thickness 5mm.
Assume K=210 KJ/mhroC and h=42 KJ/m2 hroCfor the material of thye fin and temperature at fin base is
80oC. Find the amount of heat transferred through a fin.Also find the temperqature at tip of the fin, if the
atmosphere temperature is 20oC. (Nov/Dec 2019)

(b) A mild steel tank of wall thickness 12mm contains water at 95 oC. The thermal conductivity of mild
steel is 50 W/moC and heat transfer coefficient for the inside and outside the tank are 2850 and 10 W/m 2
C respectively. If the atmospheric temperature in 15 oC. Calculate (i) the rate of heat loss per m 2of the
tank surface area (Q/A) (ii) the temperature of outside surface of the tank, T 2. (Nov/Dec 2018)

13. (a) Air at atmospheric pressure and 200 oC flows over a plate with a velocity of 5 m/s. The plate is 1.5mm
wide and is maitained at a temperature 120 oC. Calculated the thickness of hydrodynamic and thermal
boundary layer and local heat transfer coefficient at a distance of 0.5m from the leading edge.assume the
flow is on one side of thye plate. (Nov/Dec 2018)


(b) Air at 25oC flows over aflat plate with a velocity of 5 m/s and heated to m135 oC. The plate is 3 m
long and1.5mm wide. Calculated the local heat transfer coefficient at X= 0.5m and heat transfer from the
first 0.5m of the plate. (Nov/Dec 2018)

14. (a) Air at 20oC at atmospheric pressure flows over a plate at a velocity of 3 m/s. if the plate 1m wide and
80oC, calculate the following at X=300mm, (i) Hydrodynamic boundary layerthickness, (ii) thermal
boundary layer thickness, (iii) local friction coefficient, (iv) local heat transfer coefficient (v) Average
heat transfer coefficient (vi) heat transfer. (Apr/May 2013)


(b) 250 kg/hr of air are cooled from 100 oC to 30oC by flowing through a 3.5cm inner diameter pipe coil
bent into a helix of 0.6m diameter. Calculate the value of air side heattransfer coefficient. (Apr/May

15. (a) In a long annulus (3.125cm ID & 5cm OD) the air is heated by maitaining the temperature of the
outersurface of inner tube at 50oC . its flow rate is 30 m/s. Estimate the heat transfer coeeficient between
air and the inner tube. (Apr/May 2014)

(b) A large vertical plate 4m height is maintained at 606 oC and exposed to atmospheric air 106 oC.
calculate the haet transfer is the plate is 10m wide. (Apr/May 2014)

PART – C (1 X15 = 15 MARKS)

16. (a) Alloy steel ball of 2mm diameter heated to 800 oC is quenched in a bath at 100 oC, material prperties
of the ball are k=210 KJ/mhrK, ρ = 7860 kg/ m 3, C = .45KJ/kg K, h= 150 KJ/m2 hr KDetrmine (i)
Temperature of ball after 10 sec (ii) Time for ball to cool to 400 oC. (Apr/May 2012)


(b) Asteel tube ( k=43.26 w/mk) of 5.08cm inner dia and 7.62cm of outer dia is covered with 2.5cm layer
of insulation( k=0.208 w/mk) the inside surface of the tube receives heat from a hot gas at the
temperature of 316 with heat transfer coeeficient 28 w/m 2k . while the outer surface exposed to ambient
air at 30 with the heat transfer co efficinet of 17 w/m 2k. Calculate heat loss for 3m length of the tube.
(Nov/Dec 2012)

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