SolidStatePhysics October2019 B SC Withcredits RegularCGPA 60 40 PatternTYB SC 64B9B5EB

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Seat Number

;:ficft - 068
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Solid State Physics
P. Pages: 3
Time: Two Hours Max. Marks: 60

Instructions to Candidates:
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2.. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used
for writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.
5. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. .
6. Use of logarithmic table or electronic calculator is allowed.

1. a) Attempt any six of the following multiple choice questions. 6.

i) H2 is an example of --------.
a) Ionic bond b) Van der Wall's bond
c) Covalent bond d) Metallic bond

ii) Einstein theory concludes that at lower temperature the specific heat.
a) Drops linearlywith increase of temperature.
b) Drops linearly with decrease of temperature
c). Drops exponentially with decrease of temperature
d) Remains constant

iii) Single crystal is used in -----------.

a) Laue method b) Braggs method
c) Powder method d) Rotating crystal method

iv) The unit of Hall coefficient is

a) Vm3 A -1 wb-1 b) Vm2 Awb-1
c) Vm3 Awb-1 d) Vm2 A-2wb

v) The lattice parameters of hexagonal system are --------.

a) a=b,-,c b) a,-,b,-,c
a=p=900,y=1200 a=p=y=1200
c) a = b,-, c d) a,-, b,-, c
a = p = y = 120° a = p = 90°, y = 120°

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vi) In Debye model for 3-D crystal, the internal energy at low temperature
is given by .
a) EaT b) EaT4
~ Ea~ d) Ea~

vii) ---------- is main condition to produce diffraction.

a) A=d b) bd
c) A < d d) A is independent

viii) The effective number of atoms per unit cell in FCC crystal system is---
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

b) Attempt any six of the following. 6

i) Define cohesive energy.

ii) What is Brillouin zone?

iii) Define fermi level.

iv) List the different symmetry operations.

v) Define ionic bond.

vi) What is Ewald construction.

vii) Define coordination number.

viii) Give any two drawbacks of Debye's model.

2. Attempt any six of the following. 12

i) What is basic principle of rotating crystal method of x-ray diffraction.

ii) What do you mean by density of states?

iii) Draw unit cell of NaCI structure.

iv) State any two properties of metallic bond.

v) What is atomic radius?

vi) State Braggs diffraction condition in direct lattice. Write meaning of

each symbol in it.

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vii) Give any two assumptio!1s of Sommerfeld free electron theory of

viii) Give any two assumptions of Debye's model.

ix) Explain the significance of sign of Hall coefficient.

3. Attempt any four of the following. 12

i) Write a note on hydrogen bond.

ii) Derive Bragg's law of diffraction condition.

iii) Calculate the atomic radius for FCC structure.

iv) Give the assumptions of Debye's theory of specific heat.

v) Write a note on covalent bond

vi) Explain Laue method of x-ray diffraction.

I 4. Attempt any three of the following. 12

i) Show that reciprocal lattice for simple cubic lattice is also simple cubic.

ii) What is Hall effect? Give its applications in detail.

iii) Show that Madelung constant for 1-0 ionic lattice is u = 1.38.

iv) State the salient features & failures of Einstein model of specific heat
of solid.

v) An x-ray beam of wavelength 3Ao is diffracted from (100) plane of cubic

crystal. The first order maximum is obtained for glancing angle of 40°.
Determine space of the reflecting plane and volume of unit cell.

5. Attempt any two of the following. 12

i) Show that for 1-0 fermi gas, the average K. E. of the electron in the
ground state is .!- of fermi energy.
ii) What are Miller indices? Explain the method to determine them. Find
the Miller indices of the plane that makes an intercept of 3a, 2b and c
along three crystallographic axis.

iii) Derive the expression for specific heat of solid using Einstein model.
Show that it converges to 3R at high temperature.


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