The Potential of Biogas From Apple Juice: Article

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The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice

Article · May 2019

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5 authors, including:

Udara Arachchige Kohilan Rasenthiran

University of Sri Jayewardenepura University of Sri Jayewardenepura


Lasith Lakshan Madurapperuma Lakshitha Madalagama

University of Sri Jayewardenepura University of Sri Jayewardenepura


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TECHNOLOGY ISSN (O) :- 2349-3585

The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice

Udara S. P. R. Arachchige, Kohilan Rasenthiran, Lakshan M.A.L, Lakshitha Madalagama M. K, Prabhath
Pathirana P.R, Sakuna Sandupama P.W
Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Abstract – This study examines the biogas and energy

energy infrastructure. However the evolution of low
generation potential from apple juice, optimum factors and
carbon energy systems and advanced energy
inhibitors for the biogas generation process. Instead of apple
waste apple juice used for the experiment by assuming apple
technologies needed to meet the sustainability goals
juice and apple waste compositions are approximately equal. at the first level of priority [1]. Global warming
In this report consider about biogas generation amount, flow resulted from the fossil fuel based industrial
rate, other factors are affecting the biogas generation, and
emissions of greenhouse gases; especially carbon
energy derives from biogas. Moreover, simulated the biogas
dioxide has received widespread attention with the
potential, flow rate, pH & VFA etc. Then compared
experimental results with simulated data. Small syringes
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere reaches 400
used as reactors and gas holder. In this experiment ppmv[2]. Therefore, the fast moving of sustainable
considered the effect of the biogas potential with mixing energy generation is in high priority to maintain a
effects and without mixing. According to the yield
better environment.
calculation data, identified 5% is given the maximum yield.
The biogas generation from wastes, residuals, and
According to the 5% sample simulated data, identify the
optimum conditions and used simulated results to calculate
energy crops will play a vital role in future. Biogas
the energy potential from biogas. pH, VFA, organic load are is versatile renewable energy which can be used to
the main important factors affect to the biogas production. replace fossil fuels in gas-fired power plants, and
pH should be around 7 for better gas production.The
heat generation sector as well as in the
temperature at 35 ± 1.0C was kept for better gas production.
transportation sector. The anaerobic digestion
UASB is the best reactor for biogas generation because of
process of biogas generation offers significant
the smallest volume. Average gas production from apple
waste is 35ml/1 ml feed and CH4 production is approximately advantages over other forms of bioenergy
60% of the total gas production. Finally calculated the production. It has been identified as one of the most
energy potential from methane as 417.7kWh. energy-efficient and environmentally beneficial
technology for bioenergy production [3]. Anaerobic
digestion process can be defined as organic
High energy demand directly linking to the prices of
substrates are degraded in the absence of oxygen
fossil fuel and environmental pollution. Developed
due to enzymatic and bacterial activities. The
and industrialized countries most concerned about
fermentation process produces biogas that can be
clean energy technologies, while the developing
used as a fuel source for cooking purposes and
countries still prioritizing fossil fuel based energy
energy generation sector. The sludge generated by
generation for manufacturing and

Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
the fermenting process can be used as an organic Same time investigate the influence of initial
fertilizer in agriculture [4]. The main aim of the conditions on the process using computer-aided
present study is to quantify the biogas production simulation tool Aquasim 2.0.
from apple juice.
The waste from fruit and vegetable processing
Modelling of the net energy production of the
industries has been used for the production of
anaerobic fermenter is important for reliable
biogas by the anaerobic digestion process. During
decision making on the efficiency of anaerobic
this process, the complex polymers are first
digestion processes. By using the Anaerobic
hydrolyzed enzymatically into simpler substances
Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) the simulation of
and then the resulting matter is converted to
biogas production and estimation of operating
Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA’s) by acidogenic
conditions are possible [5].
bacteria. These VFA’s are further converted to
acetates by acetogenic organisms. At the final stage,
Composite Particulate Material
methanogenic organisms will utilize acetates and
produce biogas (Fig. 1). Disintegration

This study examines the energy generation potential Inerts

from biogas derived from apple juice. This

Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids
experiment was done to find the optimum
conditions for biogas generation such as substrate to
Monosaccharides Amino Acids LCFA
inoculums ratio, pH etc. It is also wanted to find the
optimum gas production using apple waste as a raw Acidogenesis
material. In the end, calculated the energy potential
from biogas using apple waste.
Ethanol HBu HPr HVa

In this project, the primary aim was to test the
following hypothesis. Acetic H2

Hypothesis 1: Apple juice is a suitable biogas feed Methanogenesis

and it can be used to fulfill the energy demand in
- ADM 1 - Modifiactions
apple juice factory.
HBu – Butyric acid, HPr – Propionic acid, HVa – Valeric acid, LCFA – Long chain fatty acids
Hypothesis 2: Effect of mixing to biogas yield.
Fig. 1. Diagram of ADM1
Hypothesis 3: Oxygen, NH4 and H2 inhibition to
the CH4 production.
There are three main steps involved with overall
anaerobic oxidation of a waste.

2 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice


Products Reaction Reference
• Fermentation(Acidogenesis & Acetogenesis)
1 Propionate 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻𝑂𝐻𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 + 𝐻2 6,7
• Methanogenesis
→ 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻2 𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 + 𝐻2 𝑂
2Acetate and 3𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻𝑂𝐻𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 6,7
The first step is hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of propionate → 2𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻2 𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 + 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻

particulate biodegradable material is carried out by + 𝐻2 𝑂 + 𝐶𝑂2

3 Acetate 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻𝑂𝐻𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 + 𝐻2 𝑂 5,6,7
facultative bacteria. Carbohydrates are broken down
to simple sugars. Proteins are broken down to
+ 𝐶𝑂2 + 2𝐻2
amino acids and lipids are broken down to long
chain fatty acids. The hydrolysis of lipids is the Acidogenic bacteria start working on the amino
rate-limiting step. At this point no COD reduction acids, sugars and long chain fatty acids. The process
takes place. It just shifts from solids into the liquid is a fermentative reaction, where both the electron
phase. donor and electron acceptor are organic compounds,
leading to the formation of intermediate compounds
In the fermentation process, amino acids, sugars, (volatile fatty acids), such as propionic and butyric

and some fatty acids are degraded further. The acid.

principal products of fermentation are acetate, Acetogenic bacteria start metabolizing the

hydrogen, CO2, and propionate and butyrate. The intermediary metabolites - volatile fatty acids -

propionate and butyrate are fermented further to converting them into acetic acid, carbon dioxide,

produce hydrogen, CO2, and acetate too. and hydrogen. Anaerobic oxidation at this point is
inhibited by hydrogen gas. With the high hydrogen
TABLE 1: PRODUCTS FROM GLUCOSE DEGRADATION gas partial pressures the reaction becomes
Products Reaction Reference thermodynamically unfeasible, resulting in an
1 Lactate 𝐶6 𝐻12 𝑂6 → 2𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻𝑂𝐻𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 5,6,7
increasing amount of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in
2 Ethanol 𝐶6 𝐻12 𝑂6 → 2𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻2 𝑂𝐻 + 2𝐶𝑂2 5
the surrounding liquid phase.
3 Butyrate 𝐶6 𝐻12 𝑂6 → 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻2 𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 5,6
+ 2𝐶𝑂2 + 2𝐻2
4 Acetate 𝐶6 𝐻12 𝑂6 + 2𝐻2 𝑂 → 2𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 5,6,7
For successful operation of anaerobic digestion,
+ 2𝐶𝑂2 + 4𝐻2
there is a need to continuously remove hydrogen

The lactate is subsequently degraded to (this is what methanogens do). Methanogenesis is

propionate and acetate. Stoichiometric reactions of the last step in microbial biogas production. There

lactate acidogenesis are presented in below. are two groups of Methanogens; all of them are
obligate anaerobes. One group - H2-oxidizing
methanogens - reduces CO2 using H2 as the electron
donor to form methane. The second group of

3 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
methanogens cleaves acetic acid into methane and 4. The air in the syringe was removed by
CO2. About 2/3 of the methane produced, comes pressing it through the needle.
from this reaction. Nearly all volatile organic matter 5. Placed the stopper at the needle point to
entering a digester will end up as methane. Small close the syringe.
amounts will be incorporated in newly formed 6. Checked if the syringe is gas-tight by
biomass. pulling the piston, no air sucked into the
IV. Methodology syringe indicates that the system is gas tight.
In this experiment, 60ml medical syringes were 7. Place the syringes on a test tube rack and
used as small scale anaerobic digesters and gas other set placed on the shaker and placed
holders. Apple juice and inoculum were added to both sets in the incubator.
the syringes according to the ratios given below. 8. The temperature at 35 ± 1.0C was kept for
The inoculum was taken from a wastewater better gas production.
treatment plant sludge outlet (filtered sample) Fig. 9. Daily gas production in each syringe was
2. The five different apple juice feed samples tested recorded with temperature data.
with parallels. Two samples used as fixed reactors
(without mixing) and two used with laboratory
shaker (with mixing). The 30 ml inoculum is added
to each reactor (syringe). See Table 3 for detailed
Residue Apple
Sample content residue,
Parallels Inoculum(ml)
no. (weight- leachate
%) (ml)
1 0 2 30 0
2 1 2 30 0.3
3 2 2 30 0.6
4 5 2 30 1.5 Fig 2. Biogas reactor with samples placed on a rack
5 10 2 30 3.0

All syringes were prepared for biogas production
according to the following procedure. According to the inoculum volume and type of the
1. The pH of inoculum and apple juice was reactor (batch or CSTR) simulations of the flow
measured. rate, pH, VFA, biomass etc. were carried out with
2. 30 ml inoculum was sucked up into each and Aquasim 2.0 software. AQUASIM allows its users
every syringe. to define the spatial configuration of the system to
3. Apple juice was sucked up according to the be investigated as a set of compartments, which can
above table. be connected to each other by links. Moreover it
allows users to perform simulations using different

4 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
models, to assess the identifiability and to estimate volume with the amount of feed variation indicated
the values of model parameters (using measured in the following Fig. 4.
data), and to estimate prediction uncertainty. The
simulation process was repeatedly checked to fit the
theoretical model into the experimental data and to
estimate initial conditions of the reactor.

Analytical Methods
pH meter is used for measuring the pH of the
inoculum and apple juice. Gas production in each Fig 4. Total Biogas produced from different feed% samples

day was removed to provide the space for next day

According to the above Figure 4, 10% feed gives
gas production. Then total gas volume calculated
the maximum gas production volume. The
according to the volume of gas removed and
maximum biogas production is around 60ml and its
measuring value.
related to the 10% feed sample. But yield is high in
5% feed sample. So 5% feed sample is selected as
V. Simulation Studies
the best feed sample for biogas production. And that
Simulation studies based on biogas generation is
sample data used for simulation. The reasons for
considered in this section.
selecting 5% feed is given below.
Batch Reactor
Biogas yield variation with % feed indicated in • 5% feed sample gives the maximum yield.
following Fig. 3. • 10% represent the overloaded state.(Not
enough biomass)
35.00 • If we used 10% instead of 5% energy and
production cost is higher.
20.00 Accumulated gas production

Accumulated biogas variations for experimental and
5.00 simulated figures are given below in Fig 5.
0 1 2 5 10
% feed

Fig 3. Biogas yield vs. feed%

Biogas production yield for 5 samples is

represented in the above graph. According to the
graph, 5% feed give the maximum yield (Average
values of four samples were used).The maximum Fig 5. Accumulated biogas generation (- - - experimental; —
yield around 35ml biogas/ml feed. Average biogas simulated results)

5 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
The Blue colour solid line represents the simulated production flow rate become zero. According to the
accumulated gas production and red line simulated figure, initially shows a high production
represented the experimental accumulated gas rate and then decreasing. After 0.5 days again flow
production. According to the shape of the lines, rate increased and after two days period flow rate
both follow the same pattern. After 3 days of the decreased and after 10 days close to zero value.
period, gas production has stopped. The reason may
be, not enough foods for further gas production. Biomass
According to the simulation graph, after 10 days Reactor biomass concentration variation is given
period gas production has stopped. Experimental below in Fig 7.
data represent some deviations from the simulated
graph. But both figures are approximately equal. So
our experiment followed the theoretical biogas
production procedure.
Gas production rate
Gas production flow-rate for experimental and
simulated results are given in Fig 6.

Fig 7. Batch reactor simulated results for reactor biomass

The above Fig. 7 represents the biomass variation in
the reactor. According to that, X_su and X_pro are
decreasing slowly and others are stable. Purple line
and red line indicated biomass concentration for
sugar (X_su) and propionate (X_pro) respectively.

Fig 6. Batch reactor biogas production rate simulated &

experimental data
Adjusted gas rates
Simulated adjusted gas volume figure for a batch
In the graph above is represented the same sample
reactor is given below. In this figure indicating the
(5%) gas flow rate values for 10 days period.
percentage amount of various gas production.
Redline (symbols ) represented the experimental gas
flow rates and blue colour (line) represents
simulation results. According to the experimental
graph at the beginning gas production is increasing
and then the rates are decreasing after showing the
peak rate. After 1.5 days again the gas production
rate is increased. Then after 3 days, the gas

6 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
decreasing. But other graphs do not represent a
significant effect. So it can be said that butyric and
valeric VFA play an important role in the biogas
production process.

pH variation in the reactor is given below in Fig 10.
Fig 8. Batch reactor simulated results for adjusted gas
percentages pH is one of the most important parameters for
biogas production.
The above Fig. 8 represents the gas production
percentages. Blue colour represents the CH4, the
Green colour line represents the CO2 and red colour
represents the H2. There are around 70% methane
gas is produced and remaining is CO2 gas. There is
no H2 gas production in this step.

Fig 10. Batch reactor simulated results for pH

According to Fig 10 above, pH value is stable
This graph (Fig. 9) represents the VFA variation
around 7. So this pH is good for the biogas
with a time period.VFA is considered as one of the
production process. pH is considered as the other
best indicators for the biogas production process.
main factor represent the biogas production
capability instead of VFA figure.

Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR)

Here we consider flow rate as a 2 m3 and hydraulic
retention time (HRT) 10 days. So the volume of the
reactor is 20 m3.
Gas flow rate

Fig 9. Batch Reactor simulated results for reactor VFA

Gas flow rate variation in CSTR is given below in
concentrations Fig 11.

According to Fig 9, VFA of butyric and valeric

VFA concentrations are increasing until 1.5 days
and shows peak value (green and red colour). Then
both graphs decreasing following the same
pattern.VFA concentration of acetate graph is

7 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
Simulated Fig 13 for Inhibitors related to the biogas
production process is given below.

Fig 11. CSTR simulated gas flow rate

Above Fig 11, represents the biogas production

flow rate of CSTR biogas reactor. In CSTR, feed is
Fig 13. CSTR simulated results for inhibitors concentration
continuously supplying. If it is considered, HRT as
10 days, reactor size is 20 m3. According to Fig 11, According to Fig 13, indicated the very low effect
initially, the gas flow rate is increasing drastically of inhibition for apple waste biogas production
and then stable around 25 m3/day. There are a lot of process. The Red colour indicated the CO2, purple
advantages and disadvantages related to the CSTR colour line indicated the H2 and blue colour
reactor (Further discussed in discussion part). indicated the NH3. The concentration of all
inhibitors are very small and negligible (0.9 kg

Adjusted gas volume COD/m3). Therefore inhibitor action on apple waste

Simulated adjusted gas volume figure for the CSTR biogas production is negligible.
reactor is given in Fig 12. In this figure, it is
indicating the percentage amount of various gas UASB (Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket)
production. UASB reactor can be used to reduce the reactor
volume of CSTR reactor. In this method solid
sludge recirculation back to the reactor. HRT of this
reactor can be assumed as 2 days. It becomes the
reactor volume of 4 m3.

Gas flow
Gas flow rate variation in the UASB reactor is
Fig 12. CSTR simulated results for adjusted gas volume given below in Fig 14.

According to Fig 12, CH4 gas percentage around

60% (blue), and CO2 percentage around 40%
(green).There is no effect on H2 (red) production.
When calculated the amount of energy generated,
CH4 percentage is considered.

8 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
CSTR there is no big difference with CH4
percentage. In this reactor pH stable around 7.So
reactor conditions are good for biogas production.

This Fig 16, related to the overloaded conditions

Fig 14. UASB simulated results for gas flow simulated results for the pH of the reactor.

This Fig 14 represented the gas production flow rate

of UASB reactor. According to Fig 14, the gas flow
rate increased and then decreased gradually.
Initially the gas flow rate increasing very fast and
then stable around 17 m3/day. In this reactor, the
gas production rate is less than the CSTR reactor,
but the reactor size is smaller than the CSTR
reactor. So it beneficially effects on the investment Fig 16. Simulated results for overloaded condition (pH)
According to Fig 16, pH decreasing drastically

Gas production amount when overloaded conditions happen. Then this pH

Simulated adjusted gas volume figure for UASB is not providing a better environment for

reactor is given in the following Fig 15. In this Methanogenesis bacteria.

figure indicating the percentage amount of various According to the overloaded conditions reactor,

gas production. VFA variation is given below.

Fig 15. UASB simulated results for adjusted gas volume Fig 17. Simulated results for overloaded condition (VFA)

According to Fig 15, the blue colour represents the In this Fig 17, acetate VFA level is increasing and
CH4 production percentage, green colour represents both butyric and valeric VFA levels are also
the CO2 production percentage.CH4 production increasing. All acidic VFA levels increasing mean
percentage around 55%. When compared with again acid level increasing and pH level goes down.
9 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
So lower pH is not good for Methanogenesis bacteria metabolize still at high levels at pH 4.5
bacteria. It causes to reduce biogas production. whereas methanogens face decreasing rates at pH
6.0. Fatty acid concentration and subsequent pH
VI. Discussion levels in anaerobic digesters play a vital role in
According to the experiment, different apple juice operating a biogas system. Production of VFAs
compositions fed to the syringe and measured gas leads to a decrease in pH. Normally the drop in pH
production daily. 10% sample indicated the is counterbalanced and buffered by the formation of
maximum gas production (Fig 4). But the yield was alkalinity through CO2 production.
high in 5% sample (Fig 3). Therefore, 5% sample
was selected as the best sample for simulation Organic load
studies. Because of the yield is the important thing The organic loading is one of the most important
when considering large scale biogas production. parameters operating an anaerobic digester.
The organic loading provides information on
A number of bacteria are involved in the process of nutrient supply levels of the microorganisms
anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic organisms digest the involved, overload or undersupply of the system as
initial volatile organic matter, which undergoes well as resulting technical and process control
four-stage microbial processes converting it to measures to be taken. Furthermore, it gives an
intermediate molecules including sugars, hydrogen indication of biological degradation of the
& acetic acid before finally methane - biogas is substrates i.e. it describes the efficiency of the
produced. The substrate mix fed to the digester anaerobic digester. The organic load is defined as
results in a specific biogas composition and biogas the amount of volatile organic dry matter entering
yield. the anaerobic digester over time.
pH, VFA, organic load are the main important
As an example: Irregular feeding intervals or
factors considering about biogas production.
overloading the digester leads to an imbalanced

pH and volatile fatty acids system. Acid-forming bacteria have a higher growth

Volatile fatty acids (VFA) level variation was rate than methanogens. Therefore, they respond

shown to be a good parameter describing anaerobic faster to changes in substrate concentration.

digester process stability. VFA concentration will Production of long chain fatty acids and acetic acid

change according to the changes in hydraulic is increased immediately and leads to a drop in pH

loading, organic loading or temperature. (Fig 16). Methanogens don't tolerate pH values

Bacteria involved have different requirements below 6, have a much lower growth rate and cannot

regarding the biochemical environment. Acid- keep up as well in removing acetic acid and

forming bacteria are much more tolerant of low pH hydrogen.

concentrations than methanogens. Acidogenic

10 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
Anaerobic digestion systems are complex Reactor Temperature
processes that often suffer from instability. Such Constant process temperature is critical to
instability can usually occur as a drop in the successfully operate an anaerobic digester. An
methane production rate, a drop in pH, a rise in increase in temperature leads to increase bacterial
Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) concentration (Fig 17), activity with higher growth rates, faster metabolism
finally causing a complete digester failure. The and elevated nutrient demand. If the temperature
anaerobic process is more stable when the volatile falls below a certain optimum bacterial metabolism
fatty acid concentrations approach a minimal level, and subsequent biogas production decelerates.
which can be taken as an indication that a sufficient Methane production decreases or is completely
methanogenic population exists and sufficient time stopped. At the same time, CO2 levels rise.
is available to minimize hydrogen and VFA Acid-forming bacteria respond to an increase in
concentrations. The often rate-limiting step is the temperature with accelerated growth and will
conversion of VFAs by the methanogenic outgrow the methanogenic bacteria. Rapid changes
organisms and not the fermentation of soluble in temperature will result in similar effects as
substrates by the fermenting bacteria. sudden increases in organic loading. Therefore a
constant temperature is critical to the anaerobic
Buffer capacity digester. In our experiment temperature kept as 35
When biogas production was finished, the pH of the centigrade.
sludge was measured. This pH value is very low. Biogas Plant design
According to the very low pH, produced biogas Simulation results can be used to determine the
may not be methane. Because low pH values not potential of biogas generation and energy
well for Methanogenesis bacteria. So this gas may generation from apple juice. According to the
be more consists of H2 and CO2. experimental value, approximately 35ml gas/ml
Reasons for this situation (low pH value) can be feed can be assumed as a yield. Our calculation is
assumed as follows. done for the CSTR reactor.
In the experiment, the inoculum was taken from a Various sized CSTR volumes were simulated by
filtered sample of the wastewater treatment plant assuming different HRT values within this range
outlet. Then more buffering agents were lost to the and check the biogas production with simulated
filter cake. Therefore the buffer capacity of the figures. An HRT 10 simulation result was used to
filtrate is low and pH is low. So initial pH of the get the best fit theoretical curve and that simulation
inoculum should be increased by adding buffering and experimental data were used to scale up this
agents before feeding to the reactor or outlet of the complete mix biogas reactor.
wastewater treatment plant should not be filtered for

11 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
At steady state, mixture. Mixers are specially designed according to
fermenter volume and substrate properties like
Feed flow rate = 2m3/day
viscosity ensuring homogenous digester content and
Yield = 35ml gas/ml feed
the rapid distribution of fresh substrate entering the
35𝑚𝑙 𝑥 𝑚3 𝑔𝑎𝑠 digester.
Yield =1 𝑚𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 2 𝑚3 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑/𝑑𝑎𝑦
The constant agitation of the liquids enhances

x = 70 m3/day substrate and subsequently nutrient availability for

the bacterial biomass. Bacteria have a sufficient
According to the adjusted gas volume graph,
food supply at all times. Anaerobic digestion takes
CH4 composition = 60%
place undisturbed. At the same time, mixing
Amount of CH4 production = 70 * 0.60 m /day
prevents the building of dead zones inside the
=42 m3/day
digester and keeps fine particles in suspension and
avoid the accumulated of biomass bottom of the
At standard temperature and pressure (20 ˚C and 1
atm) methane gas has a lower heating value (LHV)
of 35800 kJ/m3. Lower heating value is the heat of
Inhibition action by NH4, O2 and H2 (Hypothesis
combustion minus the heat of vaporization of any
water vapour present.
According to the simulated figures, there is no
significant effect of inhibition for biogas production
Energy potential from methane=35.8 MJ/m3 * 42
m3/day from apple waste. If the feed is more with protein
=1,503.6 MJ/day composition, then it causes to produce NH3 and this
1 kWh = 1kJ/s * 3600 s = 3600 kJ =3.6 MJ
affects to the biogas production. But apple waste is

Energy potential from methane (kWh) more with carbohydrates. Therefore the formation
1,503.6 𝑀𝐽/𝑑𝑎𝑦 of NH3 is negligible.
= = 417.7kWh

Effect of mixing for biogas yield (Hypothesis Compare Batch, CSTR and UASB
two) A batch system is the simplest form of digestion. A
According to the experiment, there is no significant batch reactor is good for small scale biogas
effect on mixing. Both group results are generation. If the waste production time period is
approximately equal. But theoretically, there is a large, then the batch reactor can be used. Biomass is
good effect with mixing for biogas generation added to the reactor at the start of the process in a
process (not for yield). Mixing is an important batch and is sealed for the duration of the process.
component within the complete mix digester Batch reactors suffer from odour issues that can be
technology helping to maximize homogeneous a severe problem when they are emptied.

12 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice
In the CSTR process, organic matter is continuously
supplied to the reactor equipped with an impeller
while the reactor effluent is removed (Fig 18). At
steady state, the inlet flow rate and outlet flow rate
should be equal; otherwise, the tank will overflow
or go empty. It is economically beneficial to operate
several CSTR in series.

Fig 18. CSTR Biogas reactor Fig 19. UASB Biogas reactor

UASB reactor (Fig 19) uses an anaerobic process The key feature of the UASB process that allows
whilst forming a blanket of granular sludge which the use of high volumetric COD loadings compared
suspends in the tank. Feed flows upwards through to other anaerobic processes is the development of a
the blanket and is degraded by the organisms. dense granulated sludge.
The upward flow combined with the settling action
of gravity suspends the blanket with the aid of VII. Conclusion

flocculants. The blanket begins to reach maturity • UASB reactor is the best reactor for apple

around three months. Small sludge granules begin waste biogas generation. Because reactor

to form whose surface area is covered in volume is low (HRT is low).

aggregations of bacteria. The UASB reactor is one • Mixing is not important for biogas

of the reactor types with high loading capacity. generation and it does not affect the gas

UASB process is a combination of physical & generation yield. But it is important to prevent

biological processes. The main feature of the the accumulating solid particles bottom of the

physical process is the separation of solids and reactor.

gases from the liquid and that of biological process • pH, VFA, organic load are the main
is the degradation of decomposable organic matter important factors considering about biogas
under anaerobic conditions. Reactor volume is production. pH should be around 7 for better
smaller than CSTR. So investment cost is low and gas production.
economically friendly [8]. • The anaerobic process is more stable when
the volatile fatty acid concentrations approach
a minimal level.

13 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
Paper Title:- The Potential of Biogas from Apple Juice

• The temperature at 35 ± 1.0C is better for • It is highly recommended to measure the

gas production parameters such as pH, total COD, soluble
• Initial pH of the inoculum should be high. If COD in addition to gas volume & VFA
it is low, buffering agents should be added to analysis before doing the feeding.
the feed sample to increase the buffer capacity.
• Inhibition action for biogas production from Recommendation for plant
apple waste is very low. • To keep the process temperature stable tank
• Average gas production from apple waste is walls are equipped with heating coils. Coils can
35ml/1 ml feed (35m3/1 m3 feed) and CH4 be mounted onto the wall or are sometimes
production is approximately 60% of the total build as in-wall heating. Digester walls and
gas production. floor are insulated in order to minimize
• Energy potential from methane 417.7kWh. temperature losses to the outside.
And this energy generation is enough to fulfil
• Gas quality is continuously measured. The
the energy demand in Epleblomsten juice
H2S content of the produced biogas is kept low
by biological desulfurization inside the
• Apple waste is good feed-source for biogas
gasholder. If H2S levels are very high due to
e.g. protein rich substrates chemical
precipitation is needed to adjust gas quality.
Recommendations for experiments
• It is important to do readings of the produced • Elevated hydrogen sulfide concentrations
gas to operate at better conditions. To can cause problems for the gas engines.
achieve proper reading it is important to notice Combustion leads to the formation of sulfur
that the results are influenced by the dioxide with increasing corrosion and a
temperature and the way to do the readings. significant drop in pH of the oil and subsequent
Press and pull the piston (and check if it goes more frequent oil changes. 30% of the total
back to the start position) before taking a hydrogen sulfide formed with anaerobic
biogas reading. digestion passes over into the gas phase.

• According to formula PV=nRT, the

temperature difference between the incubator
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15 ISSN:-2349-3585 |
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