On The Quantum Renyi Relative Entropies and Their Use
On The Quantum Renyi Relative Entropies and Their Use
On The Quantum Renyi Relative Entropies and Their Use
Mark M. Wilde
On Sabbatical with
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Stanford University,
Stanford, California 94305
I noticed that many people in quantum information theory like to use the
phrase “and their use” or the words “and its use” specifically at the end of
their book or paper titles, so I decided to be part of this trend:
qY := NY |X (qX )
where X
qY (y ) = NY |X (y |x)qX (x).
RB := (idR ⊗NA→B )(ΦRA )
Dα (ρkσ) := log2 Tr[ρα σ 1−α ]
Dα (ρkσ) ≥ Dβ (ρkσ)
eα (ρkσ) :=
D log2 Tr[(σ (1−α)/2α ρσ (1−α)/2α )α ]
Tr[(I − Λ)ρ]
Since lower bound holds for all α ∈ (0, 1), conclude that
lim inf DHε (ρ⊗n kσ ⊗n ) ≥ sup Dα (ρkσ) = D(ρkσ)
n→∞ n α∈(0,1)
Since upper bound holds for all α ∈ (1, ∞), conclude that
lim sup DHε (ρ⊗n kσ ⊗n ) ≤ inf D eα (ρkσ) = D(ρkσ)
n→∞ n α∈(1,∞)
1 ε ⊗n ⊗n
lim D (ρ kσ ) = D(ρkσ)
n→∞ n H
M M̂ − (DBB 0 →M̂ ◦ NA→B ◦ EM 0 A0 →A )(ΦMM 0 ⊗ ΨA0 B 0 )
1 ≤ ε,
1 X
ΦM M̂ := |mihm|M ⊗ |mihm|M̂ ,
dim(HM ) m
|M| = number of messages.
Note that ΦM M̂ represents a classical state, and the goal is for the
coding scheme to preserve the classical correlations in this state.
Alice Bob
M’ A B
A’ M̂
Entanglement-assisted capacity:
1 ε
CEA (N ) := inf lim inf CEA (N ⊗n )
ε∈(0,1) n→∞ n
Now pick η = ε/2 and, for α ∈ (0, 1), apply lower bound for
hypothesis testing relative entropy from before:
1 ε 1 ε 1 16
CEA (N ⊗n ) ≥ I¯H2 (N ⊗n ) − log2
n n n ε
1¯ ⊗n α 2 1 16
≥ Iα (N ) − log2 − log2
n n(1 − α) ε n ε
α 2 1 16
≥ I¯α (N ) − log2 − log2
n(1 − α) ε n ε
1 ε
lim inf CEA (N ⊗n ) ≥ I¯α (N )
n→∞ n
1 ε
lim inf CEA (N ⊗n ) ≥ sup I¯α (N ) = I (N )
n→∞ n α∈(0,1)
and thus
CEA (N ) ≥ I (N )
Apply upper bound for hypothesis testing relative entropy from before
for α ∈ (1, ∞) and additivity of sandwiched Rényi channel mutual
information [DJKR06, GW15]:
1 ε 1
CEA (N ⊗n ) ≤ IHε (N ⊗n )
n n
1 α 1
≤ Ieα (N ⊗n ) + log2
n n(α − 1) 1−ε
α 1
= Iα (N ) +
e log2
n(α − 1) 1−ε
1 ε
lim sup CEA (N ⊗n ) ≤ Ieα (N )
n→∞ n
1 ε
lim sup CEA (N ⊗n ) ≤ inf Ieα (N ) = I (N )
n→∞ n α∈(1,∞)
and thus
CeEA (N ) ≤ I (N )
CEA (N ) = CeEA (N ) = I (N )
bα (ρkσ) :=
D log2 Tr[σ(σ −1/2 ρσ −1/2 )α ]
so that
bα (ρkσ) = log2 Tr[Gα (σ, ρ)]
where D(ρkσ)
b := Tr[ρ log2 ρ1/2 σ −1 ρ1/2 ]
For channels NA→B 2
and NB→C , completely positive maps M1A→B
and MB→C , and α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2]:
bα (N 2 ◦ N 1 kM2 ◦ M1 ) ≤ D
D bα (N 1 kM1 ) + D
bα (N 2 kM2 )
where {EA→A z
0 }z and {FB→B 0 }z are sets of completely positive, trace
A1 B1 A2 B2 An Bn
Always have Q↔ (N ) ≤ Q
e↔ (N )
Mark M. Wilde (LSU) 51 / 68
Upper bound on n-shot LOCC-a. quantum capacity [FF19]
For final state ωMA MB , can show for all ε ∈ [0, 1) and α ∈ (1, ∞) that
Since the bound holds for all α ∈ (1, ∞), conclude that
1 n,ε
lim sup Q↔ (N ) ≤ inf Rbα (N ) = R(N
b )
n→∞ n α∈(1,∞)
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