Using The SYMCLI Configuration Manager For Managing CKD Devices
Using The SYMCLI Configuration Manager For Managing CKD Devices
Using The SYMCLI Configuration Manager For Managing CKD Devices
This paper provides an introduction to the Configuration Manager mainframe functionality that allows you to
map a range of CKD devices to front-end director ports and assign alias addresses for PAV operation.
Published 1/25/2005
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is
subject to change without notice.
Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable
software license.
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4
Purpose and Scope ..................................................................................................................... 4
Related Documentation ............................................................................................................... 5
The Symmetrix® Manager in the EMC® ControlCenter™ Symmetrix Management package1 allows you to
manage some aspects of the configuration of the Symmetrix array to which your host is attached. This
paper describes how to manage CKD devices in a mainframe environment. Beginning with EMC Solutions
Enabler version 6.0 and Enginuity™ version 5x71, the Configuration Manager allows the following
configuration change operations if either ESCON (EA) or FICON (EF) directors are present in the
Symmetrix array:
• Mapping a range of CKD devices to a front-end director port.
• Unmapping CKD devices from front-end director ports.
• Copying a CU (Controller Unit) image of device mappings from one port to another port.
• Assigning alias addresses for devices that need to function as Parallel Access Volumes (PAVs).
• Removing alias addresses.
You manage Symmetrix devices in the mainframe environment by assigning them to a CU during the
mapping operation. A CU image is created or modified each time you map or unmap a device to an EA or
EF port.
A CU image definition is constructed from SYMAPI database structures to form a picture of the CU image
in terms of data structures and SYMCLI output. The CU image definition includes the devices, the base and
alias addresses of the devices, the front-end ports to which the devices are mapped, and the SSID (sub-
system identifier) assigned to the image. The CU image also indicates whether it uses PAVs and whether
the CU is online or offline.
Symmetrix devices in a mainframe environment are managed in groups as part of a CU image. You usually
map and unmap CKD devices as a group. A group of devices becomes part of the CU image when you map
the group to a front-end port and assign device base addresses. If you are enabling Symmetrix devices for
PAV operation, you will also want to add one of more alias addresses for a device.
PAV technology allows a z/OS host to simultaneously process multiple non-conflicting I/Os to the same
logical device. Before PAV, unit control blocks (UCBs) and z/OS queues kept track of I/O requests so that
they were processed one after the other. With a PAV-enabled device, instead of one UCB per logical
device, a z/OS host can use a base UCB and several alias UCBs to access the same device simultaneously.
Part of the EMC ControlCenter/Open Edition suite of software products.
Related Documentation
The following manual and white papers provide information related to concepts discussed in this paper:
• EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Configuration Change CLI Product Guide
• Using the SYMCLI Configuration Manager (P/N 300-000-475)
• Using SYMCLI to Obtain Symmetrix Configuration Information (P/N 300-000-285)
Practical Uses
Storage requirements are never permanent. Your needs for storage are most likely to grow over time.
Consequently, the ability to utilize free disk space on your Symmetrix array to create new CKD emulation
devices makes the SYMCLI Configuration Manager a valuable asset in expanding your storage
The amount of storage made available to a host depends on what is known as host-allocated capacity. In a
direct-connect mainframe environment, logical devices are considered allocated as soon as they are mapped
to a front-end port. Beginning with EMC Solutions Enabler version 6.0 and Enginuity version 5x71, the
Configuration Manager provides the convenience and speed of mapping a range of CKD devices rather
than mapping a single device at a time as was done previously.
The Configuration Manager also allows you to configure static or dynamic PAVs for a Symmetrix array
and assign alias addresses to devices to support PAV operation. PAV technology allows the host system to
send multiple writes to the same device by assigning multiple addresses to it. Using PAV aliases, the
mainframe environment permits multiple I/Os to be concurrently active on a given device at the same
instant in time. Consequently, the time required for queuing disk access (that is, the time the UCB in z/OS
is blocked for other I/Os to the same volume because the UCB is busy) is greatly reduced.
You can also perform other CKD management operations by controlling a group of devices that belong to a
CU image. For example, you can copy a CU image mapping to another port for multi-path access. Being
able to control a range of devices by way of the CU image allows the Configuration Manager to perform
more efficiently in mainframe environments.
As shown in Figure 1, a group of CKD devices becomes part of a CU image when you map the group to a
front-end EA or EF port and assign device addresses. A unit control block (UCB) represents a device
address within the z/OS operating system. Unmapped devices are configured devices that either have never
been mapped or were mapped and later explicitly unmapped. Any unconfigured physical disk space
represents storage capacity capable of being configured as CKD devices.
OS/390 Host 1
OS/390 Host 2
Symmetrix CLI-000120
A mainframe host can see up to 16 CU images (numbered 0x0 through 0xF).2 A CU image can contain up
to 256 device addresses (numbered 0x000 through 0x0FF). A device can be in only one CU image.
If required, a host can see more than 16 CU images by changing the SSID associated with the image. For example, there can be two
CU images with the same image number but with different SSIDs. Thus, the same CU image numbers can be in use multiple times
within the Symmetrix array and the host as long as each image has a unique SSID. The second CU image with the same number is
known as a split. A Symmetrix array can have up to 64 splits.
Devices become part of a CU image as a result of the CU image number that you specify during the
mapping operation. To map a group of CKD devices, use the map command file entry to specify:
• Front-end EA or EF director/port number
• Range of Symmetrix device numbers
• Starting base address for the device group (from which the CU image number is derived)
• Optionally, an SSID (sub-system identifier). By default, the SSID of the first device mapped into a
new CU image is used.
The following entry maps a range of 64 devices (0 through 63) to director 01C, port 1, assigning base
addresses beginning with 200. The first digit of the starting base address represents the CU image number
(in this case, CU image 2), and the next two digits (00) specify its position within the image’s device list.
map dev 0:63 to dir 01C:1 starting base_address=200;
Mainframe systems use the SSID to locate physical disk controllers, and all devices in the CU image must
have the same SSID. If the CU image that you specify does not exist yet, the SSID of the first device is
used as the SSID of the CU image. If the CU image already exists and contains other devices (and thus an
SSID), the SSIDs of the newly mapped devices are changed to match the existing SSID of the CU image.3
The first base address that you assign to a CU image’s device set must be a multiple of 0x010. Although
not required, it is recommended that you assign consecutive base addresses.
If you use the mvs_ssid option with the map command to specify a different SSID for an existing CU image, a second CU
image called a split is created with the same image number but with a unique SSID. The second set of devices is assigned a different
serial number, allowing the host to differentiate between the devices and the CU image that controls them. This technique, when
required, allows a host to see more than 16 CU images by assigning a unique SSID to the same CU image number.
All devices with the same SSID (such as those defined in a CU image) must be either all mapped or all
unmapped. Thus, if you are unmapping only a subset of CU image’s devices, you must provide a different
SSID for the devices being unmapped.
The following example unmaps a range of five devices (13B through 13F) from all director ports and
assigns these devices an SSID that is different from the one used by the CU image.
unmap dev 13B:13F from dir all:all new_ssid=0160;
After a mapping or unmapping change session, update the host so that it recognizes the new Symmetrix
The following example copies the addresses of devices 10 through 50 from port 03C:0 to port 03D:0.
map dev 10:50 to dir 03D:0 copying dir 03C:0;
For more information about mapping to multiple ports, refer to the “Example” sections of this paper.
The range of mapped devices to copy may also include special devices, like save devices, that are never mapped.
Figure 2 shows the presentation of multiple UCBs for the same PAV-enabled logical device through the
assignment of a base address (000) and two alias addresses (080 and 0C0).
CU Image 0
Base UCB
Base Address 000
Alias UCB Alias Address 080
080 Device
Alias Address 0C0
Alias UCB
OS/390 Host
Symmetrix CLI-000121
A base device is real device represented by a UCB in the host, uses a real channel address, and consumes
real space in the back-end disks of the control unit. An alias device is also represented by a UCB in the
host, uses a real channel address, but while defined in the control unit, consumes no real disk space.
The relationship between base and alias devices can be either static or dynamic. If you set a Symmetrix
array for static PAV, the result is a fixed relationship between a base device and its aliases. This means that
you cannot reassign an alias to a different base device without changing the configuration in the control
Setting the Symmetrix array for dynamic PAV allows the Workload Manager component of z/OS to
dynamically reassign alias devices to different base devices depending on the performance needs of the
workload at a particular time.
Multiple Allegiance (MA) is a control unit capability that allows the processing of non-conflicting I/Os from multiple z/OS hosts in
parallel. Multiple Allegiance I/O executes concurrently with PAV I/O. The Symmetrix array treats them equally and guarantees data
integrity by serializing write I/Os where extent conflicts exist.
The following example adds alias A60 (CU image A, address 60) to device 01D, which is already mapped.
add pav alias to dev 01D starting alias=A60;
The following example adds aliases for a range of devices (01D through 023), starting at address A60.
add pav alias to dev 01D:023 starting alias=A60;
If there are any devices in this range that are not mapped, those devices are skipped. If the device range has
base addresses with gaps (that is, the addresses are not consecutive), the alias addresses will also have gaps.
An error is returned if any devices in the range are mapped to a different CU image than CU image A.
A common setup is to assign 64 base addresses as 0x000 through 0x03F and 64 alias addresses as 0x0C0
through 0x0FF, leaving a gap from 0x040 to 0x0BF for expansion (refer to the section “Planning Alias
Although uncommon, it is possible to have a CU image in which you assign 255 alias addresses to one base
address. The assigning of aliases to base addresses is limited only by the maximum of 256 total addresses
(base addresses plus alias addresses) for a CU image.
The following example removes alias addresses (beginning at 50) for a range of devices from CU image 7.
remove pav alias from dev 012:052, starting alias=750;
The following example removes alias addresses (beginning at 90) for the same range of devices from CU
image 7.
remove pav alias from dev 012:052, starting alias=790;
The starting alias to be removed applies to the first device (012) in the range. As the alias removal is
processed, the alias value is incremented from the starting alias address. Any gaps in the base addresses of
the device range generate gaps in the range of alias addresses.
When setting static PAV, you create a fixed relationship between a base device and its aliases. You cannot
reassign a static alias to a different base device without changing the configuration in the control unit.
Table 1 shows assigning two alias addresses for each of 64 base devices within the 256-device addressing
range of a CU image (for example, CU image 0). The base addresses for these devices are 000 to 03F. The
number of aliases required is 128. Thus, the high-end alias device range is 080 to 0BF, and 0C0 to 0FF.
The remaining device addresses in the range 040 to 07F can be used as base devices with no aliases.
If you intend to assign alias addresses to base devices 040 to 04F some time in the future, you should plan
it carefully. Table 2 shows a possibility that leaves room in CU image 0 for devices 050 to 05F.
Table 2. Adding Two Aliases Each for Base Devices 040 to 04F
On the other hand, if you added three aliases each for base devices 040 to 04F, you would complete the
addressing capacity of CU image 0. For additional addressing, you would then need to use another CU
image (for example, CU image 1). Table 3 shows how adding three aliases to base devices 040 to 04F
completes CU image 0.
Table 3. Adding Three Aliases Each for Base Devices 040 to 04F
If you needed to assign three alias addresses for each of 64 base devices within the 256-device addressing
range of CU image 0, then the address range in the image would be full. As Table 4 illustrates, you would
have 64 base addresses and 192 alias addresses. If you needed to add more aliases for these devices, you
would need to convert this one image into two CU images (for example, CU image 0 and CU image 1).
If you intended to assign base addresses and aliases to another set of 64 devices, you could accomplish this
by configuring a new CU image (CU image 2, for example).
Once an addressing configuration is set up for a Symmetrix array, any change you make to the mix of
addresses requires management work on the host (an I/O gen), which is highly disruptive. All involved
devices, perhaps an entire CU, have to be taken offline during the reassignment of addresses.
When setting dynamic PAV operation, you allow the Workload Manager component of z/OS to
dynamically reassign alias devices to different base devices depending on the performance needs of the
workload at a particular time. Although the Workload Manager manages the alias UCBs dynamically and
changes base/alias assignments on the fly as workload changes occur, you still need to make the initial
assignment of alias addresses to UCB base devices.
Table 5 shows assigning 128 alias addresses to 128 base devices in a CU image. Once the Symmetrix array
is brought online to the z/OS host, the Workload Manager will determine base/alias relationships
dynamically as workloads change.
Base Alias
000 080
001 081
002 082
003 083
“ “
“ “
03F 0BF
040 0C0
041 0C1
“ “
“ “
07D 0FD
07E 07E
07F 0FF
Symmetrix ID : 000000006185
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
The display, truncated at the ellipsis (…), shows that each CU image has the maximum 256 addresses
assigned (the sum of the base devices and aliases assigned). Aliasing in the Symmetrix array is set for
dynamic standard PAV. The “CU status” can be online, offline, or mixed. The mainframe host controls
whether a range of devices is online or offline using vary on and vary off commands. When a CU
image contains some devices that are online and some that are offline, its CU status is mixed.
If you specify a different SSID when mapping additional devices to an existing CU image, a second CU
image called a split is created with the same image number but with a unique SSID. The second set of
devices is assigned a different serial number, allowing the host to differentiate between the devices and the
CU image that controls them. This technique, when required, allows a host to see more than 16 CU images
by assigning a unique SSID to the same CU image number. The following display shows CU image 0 with
two unique Sub System IDs that identify the mapping of two different device ranges.
symcfg –sid 200 list –CUimages
Symmetrix ID : 000183600200
PAV Aliasing : N/A
Symmetrix ID : 000000006185
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
0240-027F 300-33F
02B0-02CF 340-35F
0330-035F 360-38F
03E2-0451 390-3FF
The display shows the base address range for each range of Symmetrix CKD devices in the SymDev
column. For example, Symmetrix devices 0240 through 027F have been assigned base addresses 300
through 33F. No alias addresses have been defined.
The following symcfg list command with the –ssid option displays information about SSIDs
currently configured on the Symmetrix array whose ID is 000187900769. The output display shows that
SSID 140 already has the maximum number of devices that can be assigned to it, but that SSIDs 141 and
143 are still well below the maximum.
symcfg -sid 769 -ssid list
Symmetrix ID : 000187900769
The following command file entry enables dynamic standard PAV on the Symmetrix array:
set symmetrix pav_mode=dynamic_standard;
The Configuration Manager cannot set the additional pav_mode values of NONE, SIEMENS, or DYNAMIC_SIEMENS. If your
configuration requires a SIEMENS setting, or if you need to turn off PAV mode once it is set, please contact EMC.
To allow you to map an FBA device to an EA or EF port, the following mapping rules exist:
• You can map and unmap an FBA device to an EA/EF port without interfering with its FBA port
mappings. In mapping an FBA device, you may need to change its SSID to match the SSID of the CU
image that it will be in. You are permitted to change the device’s SSID number, because open system
hosts do not use the SSID.
• You can map and unmap an FBA device to an FBA port without interfering with its EA/EF port
mappings. Configuration changes to FBA devices that require all FBAs to be unmapped (such as meta
devices) will ignore mappings to EA/EF ports.
• If you map an FBA meta head device to an EA/EF port, you must also map all its meta members to
that same port. The mainframe system is unaware of open system meta management, and accesses
each member as an independent device.
• You can map an FBA device to an EA or EF director/port using a base address that has no relationship
to its LUN address.
For more information about mapping devices in mixed FBA/CKD environments, refer to the white paper
Using the SYMCLI Configuration Manager (P/N 300-000-475).
The symcfg list command with the –CUimages option provides information about the CU images
configured on the Symmetrix array whose ID is 000000006219. CU images 1 and 2 are currently
configured. The “CU status” pertains to the status of the devices in the image: online, offline, or mixed.
Symmetrix ID : 000000006219
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
The following vi command uses the vi text editor to create a text file named example1MapDev.cfg. As
was done here, you can enter into the file the map dev entries that define the director, port, and base
addresses for one or more devices. The first entry maps one device (343) to director 12a, port 0, assigning a
base address of 300. The first base address that you assign to a CU image’s device set must be a multiple of
0x010. The first digit of the base address represents the CU image number (in this case, CU image 3). The
SSID assigned to this device is 192 (only one SSID per command file is allowed). Subsequent entries map
device 343 to other directors and ports on an EA board, copying the mapping from director 12a, port 0. EA
boards are used to talk to the mainframe, and the mainframe needs to see the device on all ports on the EA
board. The EA board has eight ports, and they are located on slot 12.
# vi example1MapDev.cfg
The symconfigure command with the commit argument executes the command file and maps
device 343 to the eight directors and ports. The ellipsis (…) indicates output omitted for brevity.
The symcfg list command displays the addition of CU image 3 that was just created. Device 343 is
mapped to eight ports, and there are no alias assignments yet. The ellipsis (…) indicates omitted output.
Symmetrix ID : 000000006219
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
The following vi command uses the vi text editor to create a text file named example1AliasDev.cfg. As
was done here, you can enter into the file entries that assign seven alias addresses to device 343.
# vi example1AliasDev.cfg
The symconfigure command with the commit argument executes the command file and begins the
process of adding the alias addresses.
Another symcfg list command shows the addition of 7 aliases for device 343 in CU image 3.
Symmetrix ID : 000000006219
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
: EA-12D:1
Number of Devices : 20
Device Ranges : 0271:0280
: 033B:033E
Number of Base Addresses : 20
Number of Alias Addresses : 0
The symcfg show command displays the alias assignment details of CU image 3.
Symmetrix ID : 000000006219
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
The symcfg list command with the –CUimages option displays the three CU images that are
currently configured for Symmetrix 6219.
Symmetrix ID : 000000006219
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
: EA-12B:0
: EA-12B:1
: EA-12C:0
: EA-12C:1
: EA-12D:0
: EA-12D:1
Number of Devices : 1
Device Ranges : 0343
Number of Base Addresses : 1
Number of Alias Addresses : 7
The following vi command uses the vi text editor to create a text file named example2MapDevs.cfg. As
was done here, you can enter into the file the map dev entry that maps a range of three devices (344,
345, and 346) to director 12a, port 0, assigning base addresses beginning with 400. The first digit of the
starting base address represents the CU image number (in this case, CU image 4), and the next two digits
(00) specify its position within the image’s device list. Subsequent entries map the devices to the other
directors and ports on an EA board, copying the mapping from director 12a, port 0. The SSID assigned to
these devices is 193.
# vi example2MapDevs.cfg
The symconfigure command with the commit argument executes the command file and begins the
process of mapping the devices. The ellipsis (…) indicates output omitted for brevity.
The symcfg list command displays the addition of CU image 4 for the Symmetrix array.
Symmetrix ID : 000000006219
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
The vi command uses the vi text editor to create a command file named example2AliasDevs.cfg to add
three alias addresses for each of the three devices in CU image 4, beginning at alias addresses 410, 420, and
# vi example2AliasDevs.cfg
The symconfigure command with the commit argument executes the command file and begins the
process of adding the alias addresses.
Another symcfg list command displays the CU images again, including the addition of aliases for
CU image 4.
Symmetrix ID : 000000006219
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV
The symcfg show command displays the alias assignment details for CU image 4.
Symmetrix ID : 000000006219
PAV Aliasing : DynamicStandardPAV