UNI EN ISO 9001-2008 NR 50 100 13057-Rev.06

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a 7 eo S = ° ° 3 4 eo = = e ° e ra = = e Ss a = ° ° if ZERTIFIKAT @ CERTIFICATE @ CERTIFICATO Nr 50 100 13057 - Rev.08 ‘Stats che / Tie cot hat IusisreuaquanrA 1 HE QUALITY SYSTENOF ESAOTE S.p.A. SEDE LEGALEE OPERATIVA REGISTERED OFFICE AND OPERATIONAL SITE VIA ENRICO MELEN 77 116152 GENOVA (GE) ITALIA UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 Pots shes io, commana, ras erate ral ea es crooner cep peste ees panes sim nc pt oon te me rocks Sencar ears ier tow al ep utente he Coercion acne msc onus tent ste eet Spor cage ane Sosa acs pn Ce Sal era pe Siete ics lon macarons 5c 0 eg ron prt ae tien sarin nrg of mal ‘reat anaes aed he D se, en Se eres manta a te en eke a ni aon hla Sat erat at ng fanaa edna se pon m I Psy lc ae een io lg CF ta coer os Pe ogmenn tcee ana vay ‘Tove Sr Dalam ZONTAtA8 2 Ose Te Ie yrs onnan “ve Gap TV 0 «a ad 125.29 2009S Sor stale woretnit TOV® Ee - Py = = ° ° ° a 4 = a ry ° eS rs = = 5 e Sy = a ° ° rasa ea 1c, prodixone,commrcialzzaion,Inetalaione, essa in serio od Jotmi«rokware mesial per sngnostic ea aust alla traplan ec spent resto, Progetasone, supp, commerciale, ntalzion, {onl tame sofvare modal per eagrosie ed "veoriaro pale saguent apcaiont Mt Commercazssron,nstaliasone, meson servo ed acltonza tecnica site & ‘oftware meses per dagsostiea in campo umano.evtrnaio pee wequeteppiasont: Co, dettilatar'e montoragie pasos Design, devlopment production, sats, nstalation, put into service and servicing of medal ‘ind Store syston for clagnosie and therapy edi te flowing aman and veterinary Sppicalons:utracound, management of meet des end images. sign, dovlopment sales, insta put ino seve and ein of media and etiarseystons Yr dagnose and therapy sn the flowing human and veterinary ‘spat: Seles istalation put ino series Sd servicing of meee and software syste for tagncts th ftloving harman and veterinary application: ECG, aeiiltors and patient ‘monary PartOganeme Ceeasine nr weer Loolge Gri. meer! tie rt SiGe 8 = GRATE AHO SE So Daas wenn” TOV" iS = <=: Ss & 3 oo ° S < PS oS ° = 3 = = rc S = Py o ° aaa ee ee ed @ et aan Sesame ESAOTE S.p.A. ‘VIA DEGLIOLMI 11 [50019 SESTO FIORENTINO (FI) ITALIA Prodan, magszsinananto pedaione dl sistem! medal per dagnostia in campo imano cveterinalo pare tepoan pplieson labuon gestion dda es anagi Production warehouse and chipping of media! ystoms fr sagnoss inthe flowing human Sind votinary appcaone atresoncGovces management of modes and data images ESAOTE S.p.A. VIA MULTEDO DI PEGL! 2/E 1-16155 GENOVA (GE) ITALIA Progetaor,swlupne produsone, commerclaizason,netallasion, masa In servo ed “Sastre eich sistem! esohwore mates per daghestca od sie alla erapia in peur pie sequen apa easongeton el al ona Design, dovtopment, production, sales, Instaleton, put int sevice and sareing of mes! ind sofware apse for dagnoss and rap ad the flowing human and veterinary ‘icatans: if, utrasound, menage of medal deta and Images ‘SHENZHEN ESAOTE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd No. 703, 7TH FLOOR, FACTORY BUILDING 1 OF TECHNOLOGY PARK (FuLiZhen BUILDING) NO. 1 KEFA RO, NANSHAN DISTRICT 518057 SHENZHEY, CHINA Progetistene, supp produzlone dsisten# sofware mica par dlagnostea ed ausilo ‘Moraoiain compo sao evelernahio parle sequent pplzonularuon, gestion ‘at imagines Design, development, production of medial and sftare systems for fegosis and therapy ‘dine coin oman ad eterna apaatons!wvescund, marapenan ef mal ran Crane vata vay ‘Tova ai ashen arrsaon $1» Go TO UD «i aka 125 Pal 20+ 70088 StS Gnas wut TOV® VANE? Te CEercaTe wo 3958 as osname TERHIEAIEDAU Ta rb. COVERS ALSO Iie FOLLOMIS OPES EBIT S.r. \VIADI CACIOLLE 18 -50127 FIRENZE (FI) ITALIA Cmmnardalzrasione,datrbusion,nsalialone od asiston sistem sofware pa a ‘stone fate imnagil in ambit nedenle « antario Commertalzaronsdaibusons, nsalason e esatnza slat hardware merteal pera gestione date nmapin in “blo medicslee sania. Seles, itiouten,ietalotion and sorce of eftware systems forthe managomant of ats and ‘images in neda and eaticre environment Sac, deren, statlaton and service of ‘ardvare modal dlagnos systems forthe management of dete and mages medal and "healthcare omsrnment EBIT S.r. VIAENRICO MELEN 77 -16152 GENOVA (GE} ITALIA Progetaton,produsine, commerciaizasions, dation, inetalaion ed asitente dh “Sato Software po iagestone atl magi in amo mace o sania. ‘commeiliatons, tiburon, istaissons ed srlstenza item harware mesial ‘ern gestlone cl date mmogn! in ambio meicles santa. sign ans ae Instlton ad sevice of sofware vtopment production, sls, stitution, paansfrtne magento data and mages in mle! ond heaear envionment Sle, “dtituton isfition and service af hrdvare medi! ages systams forte 4 = 2 = = ° + eS 5 = Ss 5 = ° eS ps 3 = = e = Pa S ey Parana Conese (FatieGateaton Body __Walt Vay ‘Tivitsia Se alFom— zorTatAB ive: ote G sie bats omiestna Prting Date ‘Arar Gone 1017-1030 ZERTIFIKAT @ CERTIFICATE @ 2, “vt Gap TOV a aa 125, Ps 2+ 2000 Sst Son Gv Oiler TO ie 4 7) = = ry ° my ° 3 Pr) S = o ° a 3 3 5 Cy Ss iS a ° ° ZERTIFIKAT @ CERTIFICATE @ ‘MNEN 16 CERTIFCATE NO 61091508 oan au a2 PROTON BV. DR. NOLENSLAAN 157-J 6136 GM SITTARD THE NETHERLANDS Produsioneedseistone trast, sonde « posit por dagnostica a ultasuon per Teplceon! meng ewerhare ‘Production nd srelng of ulrazoniesagnosievansducers, probes and devices for human ‘and veterinary spptatons ESAOTE EUROPE B.V. PHILIPSWEG 1 - 6227 AJ MAASTRICHT THE NETHERLANDS Progen, svupp,produtons,conmecialrason,intaasione, massa in serio od teniatnes erica. ister medal pr dlagnostean campo umanoevetarinario pele Sequensppicaron rasan gestion dl ed inagi maces Design and developmen production aes, etalon, put ino service and saving of sclerosing avai: oon ‘dvi, management of mata dal and mages PerFOnere i cxaone tas vay ‘omenee Seay —_Vsea ety. ‘Tivitaie sr Daf ROTATE nure: — m9.0044 Lone Gre rareemoni eta den “Wha Sup TOy SUD «Ya Cre! 125, Pal. 23» 20080 Sete San Gi Min acu TOV

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