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A houschold refrigerator that has a power input

Consider a Carnot heat-engine cycle executed in a
of 450 W and a COP of 2.5 is to coolfive large steady-flow systcm u sing steam as the worki ng fluid. The
watermcl ons. 10 kg each, to 8ºC. lf the watermelons cycle has a t herma l efficiency of 30 percent , and stean1
are initially at 200C. determine how long it will take changes from satu rated liq uid to saturated vapor at 275ºC
for the refrigerator to cool them. The watermelons can
be treated as water whose spe cific heat is 4.2 kJ/kg ·
during the heat add i tion process. If the rnass flow rate of the
ºC. s your answer realistic or op i mistic? Expl:iin. steam is 3 kg/s, determine the net power outpu t of this
engine, in kW.

Refrigerant-134a enters the condenser of a

residential heat pump at 800 kPa and 35ºC at a rate of Consider a Carnot heat-engine cycle executed i n
O.O 18 kg/s and
leaves ar 800 kPa as a saturatediquid. f the compressor
a closed system usi ng 0.0103 kg of steam as the worki ng
con sumes 1.2 kW of power. detemúne (a) the COP of fluid. It is known that the maximum absolute temperature
the heat pump and (b) the rate of heat absorption from the in the cycle is tv.ice the mi n i mum absolute temperature,
outside air. and t hc net work output of the cycle is 25 kJ. If the steam
changes from satu
800 rated vapor to satu rated liquid during heat rejection ,
kPu 800
.r •O
kPa detennine the temperatu re of the steam during the heat reject
ion process.

val ve Compressor
Reconsider Prob. 6-121. Using EES (or
other) software, i nvestigate the effect of t he
Evaporator net work
output on the requi red stea m duri ng the heat reject ion proccss. Let the work
tem perature of the output vary from 15 to 25 kJ.

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