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{ dust.

js } at LinkedIn

Yevgeniy Brikman
2011: LinkedIn adopted dust.js, a
client side templating language
This is the story of client side
templating at massive scale
Dust in the wild

Profile 2.0
Dust in the wild

People You May Know

Dust in the wild

About me

Presentation Infrastructure Team

(also Hackdays, [in]cubator, Engineering Blog, Open Source)

1. A little LinkedIn history

2. A new direction: client side rendering
3. Picking a templating technology
4. Take dust for a spin
5. Challenges: SEO, i18n, logic
6. The Future

1. A little LinkedIn history

2. A new direction: client side rendering
3. Picking a templating technology
4. Take dust for a spin
5. Challenges: SEO, i18n, logic
6. The Future
LinkedIn in 2003

A single, monolithic webapp: servlets/JSPs

LinkedIn in 2010

New web frameworks to boost productivity:

Grails/GSPs, JRuby/ERBs, plus others

● Each tech stack used a different templating

technology (JSP, GSP, ERB, etc)

● No easy way to share UI code for common

components (e.g. profile, the feed)

● The "global" nav had to be rewritten in

multiple languages/technologies. Updating it
was very time consuming.
We needed to unify the view layer

1. A little LinkedIn history

2. A new direction: client side rendering
3. Picking a templating technology
4. Take dust for a spin
5. Challenges: SEO, i18n, logic
6. The Future
We began looking at client side
templating solutions
Traditional server side rendering

All page content is rendered as HTML and sent to the browser

Client side rendering (simplified)

Server sends JSON. The template is fetched from the CDN and
rendered in browser.
Client side rendering (full)

Server sends JSON embedded in an HTML skeleton. The skeleton

has JavaScript code that fetches and renders the template.
Client side MVC

Client side MVC makes client side rendering even more important.
Client side rendering (with MVC)

Once a page has loaded, the client side MVC takes over, fetching
JSON from the server and rendering it with client side templates
Client side rendering benefits

● DRY: works with any server side stack plus

client side

● Performance: bandwidth, latency, caching

● Productivity: fast iteration, mock JSON

● Rich apps: client side MVC


1. A little LinkedIn history

2. A new direction: client side rendering
3. Picking a templating technology
4. Take dust for a spin
5. Challenges: SEO, i18n, logic
6. The Future
Decisions, decisions

We evaluated 26 different options. They tended to fall into one of

two groups: Embedded JavaScript and Logic Less.
Embedded JavaScript Templates

<% for(var i = 0; i < supplies.length; i ++) { %>
<li><%= supplies[i] %> </li>
<% } %>

Normal JavaScript code directly in the template.

Embedded JavaScript Templates
● underscore.js
● Jade
● haml-js
● jQote2
● doT
● Stencil
● Parrot
● Eco
● jQuery templates
● node-asyncEJS
Logic-less Templates

Hello {name}! You have {count} new messages.

Custom template language that limits logic

Embedded JavaScript Templates
● mustache
● dust.js
● handlebars
● Google Closure Templates
● Nun
● Mu
● kite
The test

Render a simplified LinkedIn profile

The rules

● Produce this HTML output

● Use this profile JSON as input

● The same template should render on the server-side

and client-side

● Properly handle profile data display rules

● Format numbers and dates correctly

The criteria
● i18n
● Hot reload
● Performance
● Ramp-up time
● Ramped-up productivity
● Server/client support
● Community
● Library agnostic
● Testable
● Debuggable
● Editor support
● Maturity
● Documentation
● Code documentation
Criteria are just guidelines;
not all are weighted equally.
The finalists
Google Closure Templates
● Templates are compiled into JavaScript for client-side and Java for server-
● Good built-in functionality: loops, conditionals, partials, i18n.
● Documentation is enforced by the template.

● Very little usage outside of Google. No plans to push new versions or
accept new contributions.
● Some functionality is missing, such as being able to loop over maps.
● Not DRY: adding new functionality requires implementing plugins in both
Java and JavaScript.
● Very popular choice with a large, active community.
● Server side support in many languages, including Java.
● Logic-less templates do a great job of forcing you to separate presentation
from logic.
● Clean syntax leads to templates that are easy to build, read, and maintain.

● A little too logic-less: basic tasks (e.g. label alternate rows with different
CSS classes) are difficult.
● View logic is often pushed back to the server or implemented as a
"lambda" (callable function).
● For lambdas to work on client and server, you must write them in
● Slow, interpreted templates
● Logic-less templates do a great job of forcing you to separate presentation
from logic.
● Clean syntax leads to templates that are easy to build, read, and maintain.
● Compiled rather than interpreted templates.
● Better support for paths than mustache (ie, reaching deep into a context
● Better support for global helpers than mustache.

● Requires server-side JavaScript to render on the server.
● Logic-less templates do a great job of forcing you to separate presentation
from logic.
● Clean syntax leads to templates that are easy to build, read, and maintain.
● Compiled rather than interpreted templates.
● Better support for paths than mustache (ie, reaching deep into a context
● Better support for global helpers than mustache.
● Inline parameters.
● Blocks & inline partials.
● Overriding contexts.
● Support for asynchronous rendering and streaming.
● Composable templates.

● Requires server-side JavaScript to render on the server.
● Maintainer of github repo is not responsive.
Spoiler alert!
dust.js won
● Based on how we weighed our criteria, Dust
fit our needs the best

● Use real use cases and identify the most

important criteria to you

● For non-trivial views, no templating option

works on client and server, unless your
server executes JavaScript (v8, Rhino)

1. A little LinkedIn history

2. A new direction: client side rendering
3. Picking a templating technology
4. Take dust for a spin
5. Challenges: SEO, i18n, logic
6. The Future
The LinkedIn Fork

● The original maintainer abandoned dust

● The LinkedIn fork is now the most active

● We've added bug fixes, perf improvements,

and helpers
Try it out

● Homepage:

● Try it in the browser: http://linkedin.github.


● Source code: https://github.


1. A little LinkedIn history

2. A new direction: client side rendering
3. Picking a templating technology
4. Take dust for a spin
5. Challenges: SEO, i18n, logic
6. The Future
How do you handle view logic?
Yes, there is such a thing as view logic
and it's separate from business logic
Logic logic

Homework assignment: implement
this view with a truly logic-less
template (no helpers/lambdas!)
Helpers to the rescue: @eq, @ne

{@eq key="foo" value="foo"}The key and value are equal!{/ eq}

{@ne key="foo" value="bar"}The key and value are not equal!{/ ne}
Helpers to the rescue: @gt, @lt

{@gt key="22" value="3"}22 is greater than 3{/ gt}

{@lt key="0" value="500"}0 is less than 500{/ lt}
Helpers to the rescue: @select

{@select key=age}
{@eq value="1"}Baby{/eq}
{@lt value="10"}Child{/lt}
{@lt value="18"}Teen{/lt}
Helpers to the rescue: @size, @math

You have {@ size key=list/} new messages

{@math key="16" method="add" operand="4"/}
Full library of helpers is available at:
How do we handled clients without
JavaScript? What about SEO?
SSR: Server Side Rendering
● Google V8 engine

● A plugin for Apache Traffic Server

● Executes arbitrary JavaScript server side,

including rendering dust templates

● Often nicknamed Unified Server Side

Rendering... aka, USSR
Client side rendering (full, SSR)

The HTML Skeleton is written in dust. SSR renders it as HTML.

SSR uses
● Render dust skeleton into HTML skeleton

● Render everything server side for:

○ Crawlers/bots/search engines
○ Clients without JavaScript
○ Slow clients (IE < 8)

● Logic less templates help ensure that

everything renders correctly server-side. No
DOM dependencies!
What about i18n? Formatting? URLs?
Server side templates

<a href="${url.link( 'home-page' }">$!{i18n('hello-world' )}</a>

In JSPs, Java libraries did i18n, text formatting, URL generation

Sending an entire i18n dictionary,
URL dictionary, and all formatting
code to the browser is expensive
Option #1: everything server side
Java controller

json.put("name", "Jim");
json.put("home-page-link" , Url.link("home-page" ));
json.put("hello-world-text" , I18n.get("hello-world" ));
render("profile-page" , json);

profile-page dust template

<a href="{home-page-link} ">{hello-world-text} </a>

All i18n, text formatting, and URL generation is done server side
and added to the JSON payload
Option #1: everything server side

● Simple, easy to understand
● Clean templates

● Controller code cluttered with view logic
Option #2: dynamic pre-processing
Original profile-page dust template

<a href="{@pre.link key="home-page"}">{@pre.i18n key="hello-world"}</a>

Pre-processed profile-page dust template

<a href="{link-123}">{i18n-456}</a>

Step 1: the @pre helper tags get replaced at build time with
references to unique keys in the JSON
Option #2: dynamic pre-processing
Java controller

json.put("name", "Jim");
render("profile-page" , json);

Pre-processed JSON

"name": "Jim",
"link-123" : "http://www.linkedin.com" ,
"i18n-456" : "Hello World"

Step 2: whenever profile-page is rendered, automatically

"enhance" the JSON with the requested i18n and URL values
Option #2: dynamic pre-processing

● All view logic is in the templates
● Clean server side code

● Complicated, hard to debug
● Tight coupling: need special server and build
logic to use templates
● Performance: increased JSON payload
and/or more server processing time
Option #3: static pre-processing
Original profile-page dust template

<a href="{home-page-link}">{@i18n}Hello World{/i18n}</a>

Pre-processed profile-page dust template (one per language)

<a href="{home-page-link}">Hello World</a>

<a href="{home-page-link}">Bonjour monde</a>

Generate one template per language with translated text already

filled in. Link generation and formatting still happen server-side.
Option #3: static pre-processing

● Hybrid approach: i18n is in the templates,
only formatting/link generation is in controller
● Simpler, easier to debug than dynamic pre-

● Custom build process
● Increased template payload, but i18n strings
now cached with template

1. A little LinkedIn history

2. A new direction: client side rendering
3. Picking a templating technology
4. Take dust for a spin
5. Challenges: SEO, i18n, logic
6. The Future
LinkedIn in 2013

We now many services using client side rendering and

many using server-side rendering
A full rewrite is too expensive
Fizzy: Composable UI

Fizzy is an ATS plugin that reads the HTML (skeleton or

full) returned by webapps

<h1>Composable UI </h1>
<script type="fs/embed" fs-uri="/news-feed/top" ></script>
<script type="fs/embed" fs-uri="/pymk"></script>
<script type="fs/embed" fs-uri="/ad"></script>

If Fizzy finds an fs/embed in the HTML, it calls the URI and injects
the response into the page.

HTML skeleton




A page now consists of a skeleton with a bunch of Fizzy-

processed embeds.
Deferred rendering
Typical page
HTML Skeleton

Dust template


Dust template Dust


Dust template
Typical page
HTML Skeleton

Dust template

The fold template

Dust template Dust


Dust template

On initial page load, the user doesn't see anything below the fold
Typical page
HTML Skeleton

Dust template

The fold template

Dust template Dust


No need
to render Dust template

No need to fetch
data or render
Deferred rendering

● Dramatically improve performance by not

rendering anything below the fold

● Improve it even further by not fetching the

data for things far out of view

● The challenge: the fold is at different

positions on different devices

1. A little LinkedIn history

2. A new direction: client side rendering
3. Picking a templating technology
4. Take dust for a spin
5. Challenges: SEO, i18n, logic
6. The Future
Final thoughts

● Dust.js has improved developer productivity and code

sharing at LinkedIn

● Client side templating offers powerful new capabilities

and benefits

● It also introduces tough new challenges

● It's an evolving technology; now is a good time to get


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