Banana Paper-Paper Making Process, Technology, Company Profiles, Patent, Plant, Suppliers, Reports, Market PDF

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Banana Paper
Paper Making Process, Technology, Company Profiles, Patent, Plant,
Suppliers, Reports, Market
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Project @a Glance Contents on the CD Rom

 Banana paper is used in General Products and Applications
two different senses: to  Banana paper  Banana Fibre Products
refer to a paper made  Information on Banana  List of Banana Fibre Products
from the bark of the Paper  Applications of Banana Paper
banana tree, mainly used  History of paper  Banana Bags supplier
for artistic purposes, or making  Banana Fiber Bag
paper made from banana  Handmade Banana  Bag from Banana stem
fiber, obtained from an Paper  Making banana stem fiber bags
industrialized process,  Paper Making  Many Products
from the stem and the Making Process Market
non utilizable fruits. This
 How banana Paper is  The fibre of the banana tree is a
paper can be either
made sustainable resource to manufacture
hand-made or made by
 Banana Hand Paper paper
industrialized machine.
Making Process  Turning banana waste into profit and
 Banana fiber is a natural
 Representation of how choosing the right markets
fiber with high strength,
paper is handmade  Handmade paper from rags and trash
which can be blended
 Banana Paper - The  Marketing set to start in Australia
easily with cotton fiber
process  Company in Australia
or other synthetic fibers
 Process Research  Bananas take on paper market
to produce blended
 The Process of Banana  Indian Exporter
fabric & textiles. It is
mainly used by cottage
Paper Making Report
 Extraction &  Banana Stem
industry in Southern
degumming of Banana  Banana Cultivation
India at present.
 Banana Fiber also finds Fibers  Malaysian Industry
use in high quality  Production of  Tree free papers
security/ currency paper, Handmade Paper  High ridge banana growers and
packing cloth for  Steps in the the marketing association
agriculture produce, elaboration of paper  Fibre Optimistic
ships towing ropes, wet from banana bunch  Corporate Report
drilling cables etc. stems  All is good with the banana tree
 Philippines and Japan  Hand Made Paper  Banana fibre emerging good business
are the countries using Making Process proposition
banana fiber on large Company Profiles  Low-cost banana fibre extractor
scale for commercial  Enterprises  Performance of central Coir Research
production of variety of  Australian Company Institute for the Past 50 Years
textile items.  Paper House  Company Annual Report 2008
 The Processing steps of  Costa Rica Company  Company Annual Report 2007
banana paper making  Exotic Company  Company Annual Report 2006
are: 1.Gathering of  A.L. Paper House Raw Materials Suppliers
Banana Stems, 2.Cutting  Agro fiber company  Non Wood Pulps as raw materials
of Materials,  Company contact  New Raw Material
3.Pulping machine
Patent  Exporters of banana fibre
(simple system using  Exporters of banana fibre
 Mass production of
only water), 4.Making  Rags Suppliers
paper fibers from
Paper (hand making  Resins Suppliers
banana stalks
method without any  Banana regions
 Fabric and Fabric Article
paste).  Banana pseudo-stems
Made from Plant
 Technology includes the  Jute
scientific know-how,  Jute Market
 Method for Making
processes, machinery  World Jute
Paper Nuggets from
and equipment  Directory of wholesale agricultural
Waste Paper
necessary to convert produce markets in India
 Process for converting
banana tree trunk into
tropical plant material Suppliers and Buyers
paper. The technology is
into fibers  Asia Pacific Resources
unique and fits between
 Enzymatic treatment of  Century Papers
the conventional pulp &
pulp  Exporters of Banana Paper
paper technology and
 Process for converting  Banana Paper Manufacturers &
the lumber veneering
tropical plant material Suppliers
and custom wood
into fibers  Lotus Handicrafts
 Pulp from waste paper  Paper Nature
 A technology turning
 Pulp from fibrous plants  International Firm
banana waste into paper
 Converting plant  Foreign Importers & Buyers
is gearing up to go materials to pulp  List of Companies
commercial. And it has  Banana Bags Equipments Suppliers
several distinct market Technology
advantages a  Technology  NSIC India - turnkey projects
commercially viable cost  Making Banana Paper in  Banana Fiber Extruder
structure, superior a Country of Bananas  Paper Mill Machines
product and positive  Recycled Paper  Paper making machines - India
environmental benefits.  Turning Banana Trees  Pulp Machines - turnkey offer
Recycled Paper is made into Paper  Chinese Production Line
from both virgin tree-  Paper from banana  Chinese Machines
fibres and recycled fibres waste  Fiber separation Machine / Vibrating
with one exception, and  Appetising move: Paper Screen
that is 100% post- from banana stem  Hot drying chambers
consumer paper which is  Paper & Boards from  Hot air generator
made from 100% Banana Stem Waste  Calendaring Machine Suppliers
recycled fibres.  Going bananas on  Presses
Therefore, trees are still recycling  Paper Making Machine Suppliers
cut to make most  Technology Contacts  Surya paper machines
recycled paper.  Technology Institute  Japanese Machine
 Banana papermaking  Technology for Pulp  Century Machines
seems to be the only production  Pulp Plant for Packaging
avenue for utilising  Kenaf & Jute Pulp  Banana Bag making machinery
sustainable resource manufacturing Guide
most appropriately. If all Project  Guidelines for Formulation of Project
the banana plants were Proposals for Hand Made Paper
 Project Brief - India
harvested and their fibre  Mechanical Properties of Banana
 Project Outline - Japan
extracted from the trunk, Fibres
 Consultant for project
around 2.1 lakh tonnes  Ecological Guide to Paper
of the fibre would be  Waste Paper
 Project Profile on
available per annum,  Video Banana Company
Banana Fiber Processing
yielding 1.65 lakh tonnes  Video Link
and Textile Unit
of handmade paper.  More Video Clip Links
 Process for extraction of
Bearing in mind that  Banana Paper products - Picture
banana fibre and
India’s production of Gallery - link
production of utility
handmade was
estimated to be a mere
 Banana fibre for craft Order the CD ROM Today
27,000 tonnes in 2002-03,
 Earth Project
with the main raw
 Papermaking Project
material cotton rags.
 Recycled Paper Project
 Though the total cost of  Papermaking Project
manufacturing banana  Recycled Paper Project
paper is as high as Rs Ecuador
200 per kg, a  Project Contacts
manufacturer often has a
profit margin of Rs 200- Plant
220 per kg, with the  Jamaica Banana Paper
handmade paper selling Factory
at Rs 400-420 per kg. The  Banana paper maker
paper’s value-added moves into former
products such as gift Mitsubishi plant
wrappers, envelopes and  Australia Company
stationery items fetch  Ripasa
much higher prices.  Indian Company
 There are many Patents
on Pulping, Paper
making and related
 Automatic paper
production, Semi
automatic paper
production and cottage
level technologies are
practiced - needing wide
variation in Investment
 Project for 3 tons/ month
is possible in handmade
 Project with simple
machinery to produce
about 30 tons/ year of
Paper & Boards need an
investment of 10 lakhs
 Where as 30 tons/ day
project might require an
investment of 10 crores
according to some
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