Comparative Analysis of The Impact of Traditional Versus Innovative Learning Environment On Student Attitudes and Learning Outcomes PDF

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Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

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Comparative analysis of the impact of traditional versus innovative learning T

environment on student attitudes and learning outcomes

Terry Byers , Wes Imms, Elizabeth Hartnell-Young
The Anglican Church Grammar School and The University of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, Australia


Keywords: This study explored the claim that different classroom layouts can affect teaching and learning. At the time of the
Classroom space study, there were few robust evaluative frameworks able to isolate and then measure the impact of different
Engagement educational layouts. In response, this study employed a quasi-experimental approached facilitated by a Single
Learning experiences Subject Research Design (SSRD) to compare two different classroom layouts - a traditional classroom layout and
Learning outcomes
‘Innovative Learning Environment’ (ILE) in an Australian secondary schooling context. The study compared
Secondary school
students’ attitudes to their learning experiences, motivation, engagement and academic outcomes in each layout
over a school year. Comparative analyses highlighted how students’ attitudes to their learning experiences and
engagement differed in the two designs. A correlation was identified between enhanced student attitudes in an
ILE and higher English, Humanities and Mathematics academic achievement when compared with cognitively
matched peers who occupied a traditional classroom for the same period. This initial empirical evidence, even
though restricted to a single site, was able to discern a measurable link between the occupation of different
learning spaces and an impact on student learning experiences, engagement and academic outcomes in sec-
ondary schooling context.

1. Introduction programs, authors lament the lack evidence outlining exactly how
different spatial layouts support, or hinder, the desired evolution of
The form and function of what constitutes an effective learning teaching and learning (Brooks, 2011; Chandler, 2009; Gislason, 2010;
environment to meet emerging educational imperatives in many Higgins, Hall, Wall, Woolner, & McCaughey, 2005; McGregor, 2004).
countries have become a highly relevant and topical issue (Benade, Reviews of the literature around ILEs consistently cite few evaluative
2016; Dovey & Fisher, 2014). There appears to be a rejection of existing frameworks and methods (Painter et al., 2013; Tanner, 2008) able to
conventional or traditional classrooms in favour of more dynamic and elicit evidence concerning their pedagogical impact (Blackmore,
responsive Innovative Learning Environments (ILEs). The OECD (2013) Bateman, O’Mara, & Loughlin, 2011; Gislason, 2010). Conversations
defines ILEs as multi-modal, technology-infused and flexible learning around the potential of these ‘new’ spaces often rely upon theoretical
spaces more responsive to the needs of twenty-first-century learners expositions, case studies, or post-occupancy evaluations of tertiary
than a traditional classroom. ILEs can range from adaptive, purposeful spaces. In the secondary schooling context, rigorous empirical evalua-
spaces through to open-plan environments (Benade, 2016; Tanner, tion in how traditional classrooms or ILEs influence student learning
2008). It is suggested that the affordances of ILEs will better support experiences, engagement, motivation and academic achievement is
those pedagogical changes that will facilitate learning experiences that lacking.
enhance students’ engagement and motivation (Ryan & Patrick, 2001) The impact of the different classroom layouts – a traditional class-
and improve academic achievement (Tanner, 2009). As a consequence, room and a retrofitted ILE – on teaching and learning were evaluated
the focus on creating new school learning environments has become a through a year-long study in a secondary schooling context. A quasi-
matter of strategic policy in Australia (Mulcahy & Morrison, 2017). The experimental approach facilitated by a Single Subject Research Design
systemic public funding from the Federal Government’s Building the (SSRD) investigated the impact of these two layouts on students’ atti-
Education Revolution (BER) saw AUS $16.2 billion invested in delivering tudes to their learning (learning experiences, motivation, and engage-
24,382 projects in 9526 schools from 2009 to 2011 (Wall, 2009). ment). The student sample was allocated to three groups (ILE
Despite the current interest and investment in school building Intervention, ILE Control, and Traditional Control). Between- (ILE

Corresponding author at: Anglican Church Grammar School, Oaklands Parade, East Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Byers).
Received 20 October 2017; Received in revised form 5 April 2018; Accepted 11 July 2018
0191-491X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

Control and Traditional Controls) and within-group (ILE Intervention) prepare students for their future working life (Dovey & Fisher, 2014;
comparative analysis investigated if aspects of learning differed due to Mulcahy, 2016). Mulcahy (2016, p. 19) describes how the growing
the different classroom layout (traditional and ILE) and not some other “official policy discourse of twenty-first-century learning, twenty-first-
confounding effects such as assessment, curriculum, class composition, century capabilities and personalised learning” has become intertwined
cognitive ability and the teacher. Thereby, any variations in academic with the current focus on the physical learning environment.
achievement could be better correlated to these changes to the class- Underpinning the narrative around ILEs is that they are somehow
room layout. better in supporting the shift from teacher-centric to more student-
Comparative analysis of student survey and assessment data in centred learning (Dumont & Istance, 2010; Mulcahy, 2016). It is sug-
English, Humanities, and Mathematics subjects indicated how student gested that the built pedagogy of the ILEs removes those inherent
attitudes and academic achievement differed in the two layouts. Both spatial barriers, such as the teaching fireplace and rigid seating layout,
between- and within-group analysis indicated that those students who supporting teachers to shift away from overtly didactic pedagogies
occupied an ILE reported that they experienced a greater incidence of (Reynard, 2009). Rather than curtail learning to a single pedagogical
student-centric modalities of learning (i.e., active learning; collabora- mode, the affordances typically associated with an ILE are thought to
tive learning; independent creativity and personalisation) than their respond to and accommodate a much wider range of learning mod-
peers experienced in a traditional layout. The relationship was not alities (Dovey & Fisher, 2014). Dumont and Istance (2010) suggest that
causal. Statistical analysis highlighted the mediating influence of par- an ILE can support those modalities that support a more progressive
ticular teachers who were more able to exploit the additional affor- view of learners as active, collaborative, and constructive in their ac-
dances of the ILE for pedagogical gain. For these classes, changes to the tivities. Ryan and Patrick (2001) proposed that the environments cre-
nature of learning experiences were related to a higher assessment of ated by these modalities of learning are correlated to improvement in
student cognitive and emotional engagement in learning. Together it is students’ engagement and motivation in learning.
suggested that the changes experienced by students in an ILE compared
to their cognitively matched peers in a traditional layout, correlated to 2.3. Research designs and methods to evaluate school spaces
improved academic achievement. The findings and general conclusions
presented here replicate the evidence presented by earlier spatial in- Various reviews have found few evaluative approaches available to
terventions at this site (see Byers, 2017; Byers and Imms, 2014; Byers discern exactly how different school learning environments affect sec-
et al., 2014; Byers and Imms, 2016; Imms and Byers, 2016; Imms et al., ondary student attitudes to their learning and impact on academic
2017). A replication across studies using a similar design and methods achievement (see Blackmore et al., 2011; Cleveland & Fisher, 2014;
within the same context, but different student samples, builds a case Painter et al., 2013; Tanner, 2008). Cleveland and Fisher (2014) note
around the pedagogical impact of different school learning spaces. that evaluative methods in the secondary schooling context often rely
on student and teacher perceptions to measure the social or psychoso-
2. Literature review cial effect of learning environments (see Aldridge, Fraser, Bell, &
Dorman, 2012; Dorman & Fraser, 2009; Fraser, 1982; Zandvliet &
2.1. The deficiency of the traditional classroom layout Fraser, 2004). Here the concept of the learning environment refers to
the ambience, atmosphere, climate, or tone of a setting and its impact
The conventional or traditional classroom model, which is still oc- on human behaviour (Dorman, Aldridge, & Fraser, 2006) and on the
cupied by the vast majority of students on a daily basis, emerged from instructional processes (Aldridge et al., 2012). Cleveland and Fisher
the modernist architectural period after the Second World War (Dovey note that these studies use large-scale attitudinal questionnaires and
& Fisher, 2014). A recent study by Byers et al. (2018) found a corre- surveys, often comparing different research sites but rarely do they
lation with a higher incidence of those teacher-centric pedagogies (i.e. focus on the spatial impact on academic achievement.
teacher facilitated direct instruction or small group discussion/in- The review by Cleveland and Fisher (2014) identified other ap-
struction) in schools where traditional classroom layouts were the proaches and tools outside the domain of the social or psychosocial
dominant archetype. This correlation could be due to the influence of evaluation of different school learning environments. The School
built pedagogy. Reynard (2009) suggested that the built pedagogy of Building Rating Scale (Sanoff, 2001) and the Design Quality Indicators for
the traditional classroom's layout, established through its fixed in- Schools (DQIfS) (CABE, 2005) are examples of tools that evaluate the
structional setting facing the front teaching ‘fireplace’ position, makes it perceptions of the physical features of space itself (Cleveland & Fisher,
natural for the teacher to stand and deliver content transmitted through 2014). They also identified the relatively new domain of Indoor En-
didactic instruction. Furthermore, as Dovey and Fisher (2014) argued, vironmental Quality (IEQ). The IEQ process ascertains the ‘environ-
the rigidity of its layout inhibits the ability of teachers to enact a wider mental performance’ of space by measuring the desirable physical
spectrum of pedagogies that are more likely to facilitate student-centric conditions (i.e., air quality, light, noise, spatial density, temperature,
and technology-enhanced learning as favoured in current educational and ventilation) that best support teaching and learning (Barrett,
policies. Proponents of ILEs suggest, but with little tangible evidence, Zhang, Moffat, & Kobbacy, 2013; Soccio, 2014). However, the focus of
that traditional classrooms are more likely to support those pedagogies these measures is on the physical features and performance of the
associated with surface learning experiences and not those processes spaces and not how they influence those pedagogies and the learning
required for deep learning (Dumont & Istance, 2010; Hattie & experiences thought to improve student academic achievement, en-
Donoghue, 2016). gagement, and motivation.

2.2. How innovative learning environments affect student learning 2.4. Earlier studies making a case for a change in classroom space
experiences and engagement
Reviews by Blackmore et al. (2011) and Painter et al. (2013)
In countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the United States of identified few studies that make an empirically grounded case for
America, the significant investment in the infrastructure of ILEs is changes in classroom space. A small number of empirical studies have
perceived as a necessary, or optimal means, to facilitate the twenty- sought to isolate the variable of the learning environment on academic
first-century learning and skills (Dovey & Fisher, 2014; Mulcahy & outcomes (see Barrett et al., 2013; Brooks, 2011; Tanner, 2008, 2009).
Morrison, 2017). Typically, this view of learning is associated with an Even though in different contexts, their collective findings suggest that
approach to learning that is more multiplicitous (or a wide variety), the quality and nature of the classroom environment in various schools
technology-mediated, and student-centric thought to best equip and correlated with differences in student academic achievement. However,

T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

their designs were unable to delineate what occurred in the different instructional approach.
spaces and how this influenced student attitudes to their learning and The second type of space was a classroom that was retrofitted to
academic outcomes. create an ILE (Fig. 2). In keeping with the philosophy behind ILEs, these
To better understand this potential relationship and how it affected spaces utilised a combination of spatial (existing and new furniture and
student attitudes to their learning and academic achievement, previous additional whiteboards) and digital technologies (multiple teacher in-
studies at the current site assessed the educative value of the physical puts into the data projector) to support teachers to influence and mould
learning environment. These earlier studies (see Byers, 2017; Byers and the space to their pedagogical intent (Monahan, 2002). The key to the
Imms, 2014; Byers et al., 2014; Byers and Imms, 2016; Imms and Byers, layout was the de-emphasis of the front fireplace through creating a
2016; Imms et al., 2017) devised, tested, and refined a quasi-experi- polycentric (many focal points) layout. The polycentric layout altered
mental approach through an SSRD in a secondary school setting. The the built pedagogy of the space to encourage changes in behaviours that
approach accounted for some of the intervening variables inherent in would affect pedagogies and learning experiences. The cost of the ret-
the school setting (such as assessment, curriculum, class composition rofit of the six classrooms ranged from $3950 to $4800 per space. The
cognitive ability and teacher) to isolate the effect of a spatial inter- nature of the retrofit presents a cost-efficient and transferrable solution
vention (moving from a traditional classroom layout to an ILE). that could be easily transferred into any secondary, or even primary,
Findings linked the occupation of an ILE with statistically significant schooling context.
improvements in student attitudes in the effective utilisation of tech-
nology, the incidence of more active and responsive learning experi- 3.2. Sampling
ences, and enhanced behavioural and cognitive engagement. These
changes correlated with statistically significant improvements in The sample included students (n = 385) and teachers (n = 21) and
English and Mathematics academic achievement (average g = +0.53). encompassed students from 22 classes from year 7 (n = 92), year 8 (n
Similar to the findings of Tanner (2008), Hierarchical Linear Modelling = 158) and year 9 (n = 135). The overall student participation rate
calculated an averaged 9% variance in achievement attributed to the (with parental consent) of the study was 64%. A priori power analysis
different learning environments (when the confounding variables of (0.8) with a probability level of (p = 0.05) and estimated Cohen’s ef-
student cognitive ability, class composition, and the teacher were fect size (d = 0.5) indicated that both the overall and year-level cohort
controlled) (Byers, 2016). However, these studies were limited to a samples were adequate. Furthermore, the overall retention rate for the
within-group comparison of intervention groups. Therefore, they were study (82.4%) was above that specified in the quality indicators by
unable to mitigate various threats to the validity of conclusions due to Gersten et al. (2005).
the ‘novelty of change.' As a result, the study that is the subject of this These classes were divided into three experimental groups based on
article incorporates a longitudinal between-group comparison of con- the existing timetable allocation (Table 1). The “ILE Intervention” (II)
trol groups with a sample of considerably greater statistical power. group consisted of six classes that spent a semester in each classroom
layout. These classes were the focus of a within-group analysis to
3. The study measure the effect of the spatial change from a traditional (baseline) to
an ILE (intervention) space. The “ILE Control” (IC) group consisted of
This study evaluated the impact of the different classroom layouts – six classes and spent the entire study (school year) in an ILE. The re-
a traditional classroom and a retrofitted ILE – on teaching and learning. maining ten Traditional Control (TC) classes stayed in an unchanged
Over the period of a school year, between- and within-group com- traditional classroom for the same period. Normed and standardised
parative analysis of control and intervention groups evaluated if (and data from the Academic Assessment Services (AAS) cognitive (non-
how) student attitudes to their learning and academic outcomes were verbal and verbal) ability instrument matched the control groups (IC
affected by the different classroom layout (traditional and ILE) (see and TC) for between-group analysis. This large-scale psychometric in-
Fig. 3 for study flowchart). Hence, what was of interest to this study strument, normed to the respective Australian year-level student po-
was: pulation, acted as a proxy for student cognitive ability. Matched “like”
ability (high- and mixed-ability) were in fact statistically similar classes,
1 To what extent do different classroom layouts affect student atti- as determined by independent-group t-tests (p > 0.05).
tudes to their learning experiences?
2 To what degree does the inhabitation of different classroom layouts 3.3. Methods
affect student attitudes to their motivation?
3 To what extent does the inhabitation of different classroom layouts The data collection methods consisted of an anonymous Linking
affect student attitudes to their engagement? Pedagogy, Technology, and Space (LPTS) student attitudinal survey
4 To what degree do different layouts affect student learning out- instrument and student academic achievement and cognitive ability
comes, taking into account their cognitive ability and curriculum data. The LPTS survey focused on answering research questions 1 to 3.
material and assessment instruments? It consisted of 21 items assigned to five underlying scales. Table 2
shows scale descriptions and independent variables for each scale. The
3.1. The spaces scales evaluated the suggestion that the shift from traditional class-
rooms to ILEs affects discernable changes to teaching that affect a
The study took place at a secondary school in a metropolitan city in greater incidence of student-centric learning that positively influence
Australia, in three buildings constructed between the 1940s and 1960s. learner motivation and engagement (Dumont & Istance, 2010).
The building contained 22 general learning area classrooms and ac- Scales A and B examined if different spatial layouts (traditional and
commodated all year 7, 8, and 9 classes (11- to 15-year-olds) at the ILE) affected student perceptions of the incidence and effectiveness of
school. Each space had a data projector and screen with the adequate those experience often associated with student-centric learning. At the
wireless infrastructure to connect student and teacher digital devices. time, the literature suggested that ILEs are more attuned to supporting
The traditional classrooms (Fig. 1) reflected a conventional design; learning that is more active, collaborative and creative than more tra-
cellular spaces with desks and chairs arranged in fixed rows or small ditional layouts. The survey replicated applicable elements of the
group settings. The desks faced the fireplace teaching position at the Tamim, Lowerison, Schmid, Bernard, and Abrami, (2011) study derived
front of the room, delineated by a teacher desk, whiteboard, and data from the APA Learner-Centred principles developed by Lambert and
projection. Reynard (2009) suggested that such a spatial arrangement McCombs (1988). Even though the Tamim et al. (2011) study focused
about the front fireplace emphasises a teacher-centric didactic on evaluating technology-enabled learning environments, its

T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

Fig. 1. Traditional Classroom Layout.

Fig. 2. Retrofitted classroom in the design of an Innovative Learning Environment (ILE).

assessment of the core elements of active, student-centred experiences motivational expectancies. Finally, Scale E adapted questions that fo-
drew parallels with the claims made by proponents of ILEs. cused on cognitive and emotional engagement in learning in a current
Scales C, D and E evaluated the claim that changes to student-cen- learning environment.
tric learning (Dumont & Istance, 2010) would correlate to improved Before analysis, LPTS survey data underwent reliability, normality
student engagement and motivation in learning (Ryan & Patrick, 2001). and sphericity tests. Measures of internal consistency, calculated
Questions were derived from the ‘Motivated Strategies for Learning through Cronbach’s alpha, were within the acceptable range from 0.75
Questionnaire’ (MSLQ). The MSLQ presented a proven and reliable to 0.90 (Gliem & Gliem, 2003), The calculated alphas supported data
unidimensional student self-report of changes to motivational ex- for each class, in each domain, to be summed and treated as one unit for
pectancies and values and engagement through instructional-focused analysis (Table 3). With the sample size of less than 50, due to the class-
interventions (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004; Pintrich & De based unit of analysis, the application of Shapiro-Wilk’s statistic sup-
Groot, 1990). Scale C evaluated motivational values by the examination ported the assumption of normality for all scales (Ghasemi & Zahediasl,
of student self-assessment of their intrinsic and extrinsic goal orienta- 2012). Finally, the application of Mauchly’s test for sphericity validated
tions and task value. Scale D assessed student control of learning beliefs the RM-ANOVA process by the examination of the equal variance of the
and self-efficacy for learning and performance to ascertain their differences between all combinations of within-subject pairs. Instances,

T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

Fig. 3. Study flow-chart of research phases and methods.

when sphericity could not be assumed, Greenhouse-Geisser-corrected recommendation of Baguley (2012), the application of the Cousineau-
values were reported. Morey process normalised the repeated measures data to correct in-
The final research question focused on evaluating whether different stances of both positively correlated data and sphericity.
learning environments affected student learning outcomes. Student The second phase facilitated the between-group analysis of cogni-
academic results, grades (on a 15-point scale from A+ to E−) awarded tively matched control (IC and TC) classes, through one between- and
by a criterion-based system for assignments and testsacted as a proxy one within-subjects factor. The between-group RM-ANOVA evaluated
for learning outcomes. They represented a fair and unbiased dataset the main effects on student attitudes to their learning (learning space
with all students in each year-level and subject completing the same and time), The RM-ANOVA also focused on the possible interactions
assessment instruments of the same curriculum conducted under the (learning space x time) throughout the study to determine the potential
same conditions. Teachers marked these assessments according to longer-term interaction of these effects. The analysis examined the
agreed marking schemas, with final judgements on student achieve- longitudinal influence of different classroom layouts by comparing the
ment decided through a collective moderation process. responses of ‘similar’ (cognitively matched through the AAS ability
data) students over the school year, without the novelty brought by the
3.4. Data analysis spatial intervention.
The addition of post-hoc visual analysis to RM-ANOVAs was
RM-ANOVAs and post-hoc visual analysis evaluated student re- keeping with the SSRD. The visual analysis presented a known means to
sponses to the LPTS survey in two distinct phases. The first focused on facilitate the holistic evaluation of the behaviour of each class. The
the repeated measures within-group analysis of the six intervention (II) process provided a detailed picture of each classes response, which
classes to assess the impact of the spatial change from traditional to ILE. provided a complete understanding of specific idiosyncrasies and trends
Baguley (2012) highlighted the tendency for positively correlated data present within and between classes. The visual analysis process readily
and sphericity to affect the findings from the within-group analysis of identified the possible influence of confounding variables (i.e. changes
repeated measures data. As a consequence, and using the in assessment or curriculum) on responses that were outside the scope

Table 1
Summary of the Sample Size, Participation, and Retention Rates.
Study Group Sample Size Participation Rate Retention Rate

Yr. 7 Yr. 8 Yr. 9 Yr. 7 Yr. 8 Yr. 9 Yr. 7 Yr. 8 Yr. 9

ILE Intervention (II) 37 21 58 69% 74% 68% 84% 74% 84%

ILE Control (IC) 28 92 NAa 52% 79% NA 86% 86% NA
Traditional Control (TC) 27 45 77 56% 56% 54% 81% 78% 89%

Not applicable – As the random allocation of classes meant no year 9 class was timetabled in an IC classroom at the start of the school year.

T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

Table 2
Descriptive Information for the Linking Pedagogy, Technology and Space (LPTS) Survey.
LPTS Scale Independent Variables Sample Item

Learning experiences (Scale A) Teacher ownership My Teacher/s encourage collaborative learning and group work (2 to 4 students)
Active learning
Fostering creativity
Spatial Effect on Learning Experiences (Scale B) Positive effect on teacher practice This space has had a positive effect on the way my teacher delivers lessons
Enabling Student-centered learning
Encouraging collaboration
Motivation Values (Scale C) Extrinsic goal orientation If I can, I want to get better results in this class than most of the other students
Intrinsic goal orientation
Task value
Motivation Expectancy (Scale D) Control of learning beliefs Taking into account the difficulty of my subjects, the teachers and my skills, I think I will
Self-efficacy do well
Spatial effect of Student Engagement (Scale E) Cognitive engagement This space makes me more interested in my learning
Emotional engagement

of this study. 4. Results and discussion

The criterion, informed by the work of Baguley (2012), for post-hoc
visual analysis consisted of; mean level change and trend; the im- 4.1. Evaluation of the spatial intervention on student attitudes about their
mediacy of the effect; overlap, trend, and variability of CIs. Fig. 4 de- learning
monstrates how the post-hoc analysis discerned if the statistically sig-
nificant changes determined by the RM-ANOVA calculations were due Student learning experiences.
to the spatial intervention (Class 7.1 analysis of Scale B on the left) and The within-group analysis of the Scale A ascertained if students
not influenced by some other confounding variable (Class 7.2 analysis noted changes in those learning experiences often associated with a
of Scale B on the right). more student-centred learning approach (i.e., active learning, colla-
A combination of within-group effect size calculations and boration, creativity, and personalisation). RM-ANOVAs of classes 7.2,
Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM) evaluated the impact of the dif- 8.1 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 indicated a significant time effect (Table 4). The
ferent layouts on student academic outcomes. Hedge’s (g) effect size post hoc visual analysis of classes 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 meet the criterion of
calculations evaluated the effect of the various layouts on the six in- statistically significant effects (SS), with a sustained effect between the
tervention classes (II) while moderating the influence of the classroom traditional to ILE layouts. However, the visual analysis revealed a de-
teachers, class composition, and student cognitive ability. The addition layed statistical effect for classes 7.1 and 7.2. While the visual analysis
of the HLM, to ascertain the variance in student academic results, ac- of class 8.1 highlighted unstable responses during the intervention
counted for the potential influence of assessment, curriculum, the no- phase that resulted in overlapping CIs at the second post-intervention
velty effect of the intervention and the short-term nature of the within- measure.
group design. A two-level (level-1 and -2) HLM applied an ordinary For Scale B, the RM-ANOVA and post hoc comparisons (Table 4)
least square (OLS) regression-based analysis to determine the effect of indicated a significant time effect, which was attributed to the timing of
key independent variables, as suggested by Woltman, Feldstain, the ILE intervention, for all but one class. The process indicated sus-
MacKay, and Rocchi, (2012), on student English, Humanities and tained statistically significant time effects for the classes 7.1, 8.1, 9.1,
Mathematics achievement. The level-2 variables consisted of class 9.2, and 9.3. In a similar vein to the post hoc visual analysis for Scale A,
grouping, classroom layout (ILE and traditional), subject, and teacher. class 7.2 indicated a delayed effect, but this time at the third post-in-
The level-1 variables consisted of student cognitive ability (AAS in- tervention measure (see Fig. 4).
strument) and student grade, the latter the dependent variable of in- In response to the first research question, the analysis of Scales A
terest in the HLM. The HLM process was selected due to its prior ap- and B showed how student attitudes toward their learning experiences
plication by Tanner (2008) who determined a 2%–7% of the variance in differed between the two layouts. Directly after the intervention, four of
academic achievement due to a school’s physical learning environment. the six classes indicated that their teachers changed some aspect of their
Even though the Tanner study was not explicitly focused on the com- practice. There was an increased agreement amongst these students that
parison of traditional and ILEs, it evaluated the impact of the physical their learning experiences were somehow more active, collaborative,
design features comparable to those found in ILEs on student academic personalised and interactive. Importantly, the analysis of Scales A and B
progress incomparable subject matter domains (reading, vocabulary, presented conclusions that were similar to the earlier studies at this site,
math, social studies). with a similar student demographic (Imms and Byers, 2016; Byers and
Imms, 2014). The replication across several studies does begin to build
an argument about the potential impact of different spatial layouts on

Table 3
Post Hoc Reliability Analysis through Cronbach’s Alphas for Individual Survey Scales.
Survey Domain Items Pre-ILE Intervention Post-ILE Intervention

Pre 1 Pre 2 Pre 3 Post 1 Post 2 Post 3

Student-centred Learning experiences 5 .783 .784 .808 .801 .827 .832

Spatial Effect on Student-centred Learning 3 .829 .848 .882 .864 .859 .851
Student Motivational Values 5 .792 .815 .810 .805 .800 .833
Student Motivational Expectations 4 .821 .839 .848 .800 .823 .831
Spatial Effect on Engagement 2 .786 .769 .792 .785 .803 .806

T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

Fig. 4. Post-hoc visual analysis to discern statistically significant (SS - Class 7.1 on the left) and not statistically significant (NS - Class 7.2 on the right) changes in
survey responses.

student attitudes to their learning. their engagement in learning. The visual analysis revealed a higher
The impact of changing spatial layouts on student motivation. agreement amongst the classes during the ILE phase, compared to the
The analysis of the LPTS Scales C (motivational values) and D traditional phase, through relatively small variance in the CIs. To-
(motivational expectancies) responded to the second research question, gether, these results present a reliable indication of how students as-
which focused on the possible effect of different spatial layouts on sessed an ILE as their preferred learning environment (behavioural
student motivation. The RM-ANOVA and post hoc analysis of responses engagement) and associated it with a greater interest in their learning
to these scales (Table 5) found that the transition did not correlate with (cognitive engagement).
statistically significant changes in attitudes. While general improve-
ments in attitudes to both were found; none meet the criteria for the
4.3. Longitudinal impact of different learning spaces on student attitudes
statistically significant difference. The visual analysis indicated that
student self-assessment of their motivation for learning throughout the
4.3.1. The impact of classroom type on student learning experiences
baseline and intervention phases was consistently favourable, with low
The between-group RM-ANOVA and post hoc comparisons (Table 7)
variance within classes.
of the cognitively matched control classes to Scales A and B revealed
similar trends to the within-group intervention class analysis. Analysis
4.2. The effect of changing classroom layout on student engagement of Scale A revealed a positive and stable statistically significant spatial
effect (learning space x time) between four of the between-group
The analysis of student responses to Scale E measured attitudes to comparisons. For Scale B, again four of the between-group comparisons
their cognitive and emotional engagement to address the third research resulted in a statistically and sustained significant time effect. The be-
question. The RM-ANOVA and post hoc comparisons (Table 6) in- tween-group RM-ANOVA of classes 7.4 (IC) vs. 7.6 (TC) (Scales A and
dicated all classes except class 7.2 indicated a significant time effect B), 8.2 (IC) vs. 8.6 (TC) (Scale A) and 8.4 (IC) vs. 8.7 (TC) (Scale B)
attributed to the spatial intervention. Like the analysis of Scales A and indicated a significant statistical effect. However, the post-hoc visual
B, even though the RM-ANOVA indicated a significant effect for class analysis revealed an inconsistent mean trend or volatility in CIs of one
7.2, the visual analysis revealed a delayed statistical effect that oc- or both groups’ responses across the school year. The resulting overlap
curred after the second post-intervention data point. in CIs (p > 0.05) at various points over the year were deemed not to
Analysis of Scale E suggested that while in the ILE, this sample re- reflect a reliable and sustained statistically significant difference be-
ported a higher assessment of their attitudes about their cognitive and tween these classes.
emotional engagement than in the traditional layout. Students in this The similarities of the between-group analysis of Scales A and B,
sample, like those of the earlier Byers and Imms (2014) and Imms and replicating those of the intervention within-group analysis, suggest that
Byers (2016) studies, indicated a significantly higher assessment of the different classroom spaces contributed (to some degree) to these

Table 4
Summary of Student Attitudinal Changes of their Learning Experiences through the Transition from Traditional Classroom to ILE.
Class Ability Learning Experiences Spatial Effect on Experiences

df F η p Visual df F η p Visual

7.1 Mixed 2.62 2.91 .19 .051 NSa 5 11.93 .48 < 0.001 SSb
7.2 Mixed 5 8.37 .27 .008 NS 5 6.12 .22 < 0.001 NS
8.1 Mixed 2.90 5.47 .22 .002 NS 5 14.25 .42 < 0.001 SS
9.1 High 5 11.19 .38 < .001 SS 5 17.46 .50 < 0.001 SS
9.2 Mixed 5 10.66 .37 < .001 SS 3.40 18.59 .49 < 0.001 SS
9.3 Mixed 2.85 10.36 .35 < .001 SS 3.49 12.88 .40 < 0.001 SS

a b
Note. Non-statistically significant visual effect. Statistically significant visual effect.

T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

Table 5
Summary of Student Attitudinal Changes of their Learning Experiences through the Transition from Traditional Classroom to ILE.
Class Ability Motivational Values Motivational Expectancies

df F η p Visual df F η p Visual

7.1 Mixed 3.37 0.36 .03 0.874 NS 2.86 0.65 .03 0.665 NS
7.2 Mixed 5 2.49 .10 0.035 NS 5 4.78 .18 0.001 NS
8.1 Mixed 5 2.96 .13 0.016 NS 2.89 5.21 .21 0.003 NS
9.1 High 5 3.36 .16 0.008 NS 2.73 5.79 .24 0.002 NS
9.2 Mixed 3.11 1.62 .08 0.163 NS 5 4.20 .19 0.002 NS
9.3 Mixed 3.17 1.31 .07 0.266 NS 3.46 0.98 .05 0.434 NS

Note. Non-statistically significant visual effect.

Table 6 statistical difference. The similarities that have occurred in the be-
Summary of Changes in Student Perceptions of their levels of Engagement tween- and within-group comparisons would suggest that the different
through the Spatial Transformation from Traditional Classroom to ILE. spatial layouts had little effect on student motivation.
Class Ability Engagement in Learning
4.3.3. The longer-term effect of different spaces on student engagement
df F η p Visual The analysis indicated that in all between-group comparisons, each
7.1 Mixed 3.07 15.01 .41 < 0.001 SSa ILE class reported a higher level of cognitive and emotional engagement
7.2 Mixed 3.16 6.91 .35 0.002 NSb in their learning than their peers in a traditional layout. The RM-
8.1 Mixed 5 18.03 .47 < 0.001 SS ANOVAs and post-hoc calculations (Table 9) indicated a clear and
9.1 High 5 22.77 .56 < 0.001 SS consistent statistically significant difference, corroborated by high
9.2 Mixed 5 19.02 .51 < 0.001 SS
partial eta squared (η2) values, between all ILE and traditional classes.
9.3 Mixed 3.36 13.81 .42 < 0.001 SS
The corroboration of the between- and within-group analysis within
Note. a Statistically significant visual effect. b Non-statistically significant visual this study presents a compelling picture of how the students in an ILE
effect. viewed their engagement in their learning. Furthermore, the similarity
in findings now across three studies at this site (see the earlier Byers and
differences in student attitudes. Even though the cognitively matched Imms, 2014 and Imms and Byers, 2016 studies) suggests that different
classes covered comparable curriculum material and assessment items, spatial layouts can have a significant impact on student assessment of
the classes in an ILE responded more favourably to questions focused on their engagement in learning, with a favourable evaluation in an ILE.
active, collaborative, creative and personalised learning experiences
than their peers in a traditional layout. Students who occupied an ILE 4.4. The effect of different classroom spaces on student academic results
consistently reported a more favourable assessment of their specific
learning environment having a positive effect on their attitudes to their 4.4.1. Impact of the transitions from traditional classrooms to ILEs on
learning experiences. Furthermore, the post-hoc analysis revealed that academic performance
as the year progressed, the differences between all but one of the be- The application of Hedge’s (g) compared student academic perfor-
tween-group comparisons became more pronounced. The replicated mance of the six intervention classes through the baseline (first seme-
nature of the between- and within-group comparisons to both Scales A ster of the school year in a traditional classroom) and intervention
and B strengthens the argument that different spaces can affect student (second semester of the school year in ILE) phases (see Table 10). Like
learning experiences. the analysis of the LPTS survey, the application of Hedge’s (g) suited the
class-based unit of analysis (n < 30). The calculation of effect sizes
4.3.2. The impact of different spaces on student motivation showed that all classes academic results improved through the spatial
For the motivation scales (C and D), the results of the between- transition, with the most pronounced gain in Mathematics. Interest-
group analysis were comparable to those obtained for within-group ingly, the effect sizes calculated here where similar to those presented
comparisons. In the ILE, all classes gave a higher assessment of their in the earlier study by the Authors at the same site (2014a) (averaged
motivation expectancies and values than in a traditional classroom. The Mathematics g = .41, English g = .40 respectively).
RM-ANOVA and post hoc comparisons (Table 8) indicated a statistically
significant difference between the high-ability classes 8.2 (IC) and 8.6 4.4.2. Comparative analysis of traditional classrooms and ILE layouts on
(TC). However, like the earlier within-group analysis the relatively high longer-term academic performance
and homogeneous assessment of motivation by both control groups The HLM analysis investigated the degree of variance in student
meant that there was limited scope to achieve a clear and consistent academic performance (levels of achievement on an A+ to E− scale)

Table 7
Summary of Between-group Comparison of the ILE and Traditional Control Class Perceptions of their Learning Experiences.
Class Ability Learning Experiences Spatial Effect on Experiences

df F η p Visual df F η p Visual

7.3 vs. 7.5 High 1 28.38 .50 < .001 SSa 1 24.53 .42 < .001 SS
7.4 vs. 7.6 Mixed 1 4.83 .15 .036 NSb 1 11.05 .28 .002 NS
8.2 vs. 8.6 High 1 5.47 .22 .002 NS 1 125.35 .70 < .001 SS
8.3 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 164.26 .75 < .001 SS 1 42.04 .55 < .001 SS
8.4 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 21.55 .38 < .001 SS 1 19.21 .32 < .001 NS
8.5 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 26.70 .51 < .001 SS 1 48.12 .59 < 0.001 SS

a b
Note. Statistically significant visual effect. Non-statistically significant visual effect.

T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

Table 8
Summary of Between-group Comparison of the ILE and Traditional Control Class Perceptions of their Motivational Expectancies and Values.
Class Ability Motivational Values Motivational Expectancies

df F η p Visual df F η p Visual

7.3 vs. 7.5 High 1 4.88 .22 .037 NS 1 12.05 .34 .002 NS
7.4 vs. 7.6 Mixed 1 16.06 .32 .036 NS 1 8.46 .21 .011 NS
8.2 vs. 8.6 High 1 39.59 .42 < .001 SSb 1 41.07 .44 < .001 SS
8.3 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 11.48 .25 .002 NS 1 10.10 .22 .003 NS
8.4 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 16.43 .29 < .001 NS 1 13.55 .25 .001 NS
8.5 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 11.82 .26 .002 NS 1 12.97 .28 .001 NS

a b
Note. Non-statistically significant visual effect. Statistically significant visual effect.

Table 9 layouts resulted in a statistically significant effect on academic results

Summary of Between-group Comparison of the ILE and Traditional Control in English [R2 =0.02, F(1, 127) = 4.73, p = 0.032] Humanities [R2 =
Class Perceptions of their Levels of Engagement. 0.03, F(1, 127) = 5.79, p = 0.018] and Mathematics [R2 = 0.09, F(1,
Class Ability Engagement in Learning 127) = 27.83, p < 0.001].
To evaluate the impact of space on the relationship between the
df F η p Visual identified independent variables (class grouping, classroom space,
cognitive ability, and teacher) and grades, a linear regression model of
7.3 vs. 7.5 High 1 43.59 .66 < .001 SSa
7.4 vs. 7.6 Mixed 1 126.87 .82 < .001 SS the following form was employed:
8.2 vs. 8.6 High 1 197.27 .78 < .001 SS
8.3 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 71.78 .72 < .001 SS
GRADE = β 0 + β1COG + β 2TEACH + β 3CLASS + β 4SPACE + ε
8.4 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 55.42 .61 < .001 SS
8.5 vs. 8.7 Mixed 1 121.28 .78 < .001 SS
Keeping with the quasi-experimental design, the calculation of un-
Note. a
Statistically significant visual effect. standardized (B) and standardised (β) regression coefficients, and
squared semi-partial correlations (sr2) for each predicator for the
Table 10 second step are reported for each subject in Years 7–9 (Table 11).
Within-group Hedge’s (g) Effect Size Calculation of the Intervention Class Seven out of the nine HLMs indicated that the various classroom
Academic Performance in English, Humanities, and Mathematics. spaces did account for a significant effect on student grades. The sta-
tistically significant variances in student grades ranged from 2% to
Class Ability English Humanities Mathematics
11%. Interestingly, this range was somewhat similar to the range
7.1 Mixed +0.55 +0.24 +0.40 identified by Tanner (2008). Interestingly, the influence of the different
7.2 Mixed +0.56 +0.11 +0.73 learning spaces, across this sample, contributed the second highest (to
8.1 Mixed +0.26 +0.51 +0.66
student cognitive ability) variance in student academic results. The
9.1 High +0.41 +0.33 +1.19
9.2 Mixed +0.44 +0.47 +1.03 classroom layout type had an equal to or greater impact than the dif-
9.3 Mixed +0.53 +0.12 +0.88 ferent classroom teachers or class groupings. It is acknowledged that
the random allocations of teachers across the study and ability group-
ings of some classes may have affected the interaction between the
attributed to the different spatial layout and other non-school (student grade variance attributed to class groupings and teacher (i.e., Year 8
cognitive ability) and school (teacher and class composition) factors in Mathematics and Year 9 English had different teachers for the eight
the second semester of the school year. The use of second-semester classes). Besides the acknowledged influence of cognitive ability on
academic data, post the spatial intervention for the II classes, sought to student academic achievement (Rohde & Thompson, 2007), the find-
control the potential influence of student maturation. Before the HLM, ings presented here replicated those of the earlier studies with the
several assumptions were assessed. First, box and stem plots indicated different layouts having a notable variance on academic results, espe-
that each variable in the regression was normally distributed and free cially in Mathematics and to a lesser extent English (Byers and Imms,
from univariate outliers. Second, inspection of the plots of the normal 2014).
probability of standardised residuals against standardised predicted
values met the assumptions of homoscedasticity, linearity, and nor-
mality of residuals. Finally, Mahalanobis distances (a measure of var- 5. Conclusion
iance of each variable and the covariance between variables to identify
outliers) did not exceed the critical χ2 for df =2 of 13.82 and df =3 of This study presented a set of empirical methods able to evaluate the
16.27 for any subjects or year levels. impact of different learning spaces on teaching and learning. The quasi-
As expected in all year-levels and subjects the combinations of class experimental approach facilitated by an SSRD sought to isolate the link
grouping, cognitive ability, and teacher (step 1) accounted for a sta- between the different classroom layouts and student attitudes related to
tistically significant variability in the learning outcomes. When ad- their learning. In this process, this study provided further empirical
justed for the effect of the different classroom layouts (step 2), this evidence that goes some way to better understand a possible relation-
resulted in the statistically significant adjusted R2 values for students’ ship between different learning spaces and teaching and learning.
grades in English [R2 =0.11 F(1, 79) = 17.03, p < 0.001], Humanities However, the evidence presented here, in association with the earlier
[R2 = 0.07, F(1, 79) = 9.10, p = 0.003], and Mathematics [R2 =0.04, studies at this site, does assert that this relationship is not causal and
F(1, 79) = 6.93, p = 0.029]. For Year 8, only the analysis of goes beyond a simple spatial change from traditional classrooms to
Mathematics indicated that the adjustment for the effect of the different ILEs.
classroom layouts (step 2) resulted in a statistically significant effect in In this sample, the positive and at times statistically significant ef-
student grades [R2 = 0.04 F(1, 157) = 16.60 p < 0.001]. Finally, in fects suggest that the difference in spatial layouts affected student at-
Year 9 the analysis adjusted for the effect of the different classroom titudes to their learning experiences and engagement. While in an ILE,
students identified a wider array of active learning experiences and

T. Byers et al. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58 (2018) 167–177

Table 11
Step 2 of Single-Level Regression Results for Year 7, 8 and 9 Academic Results in English, Humanities, and Mathematics.
Year Variable English Humanities Mathematics

B β sr2
B β sr 2
B β sr2

Constant 7.80 (.60) 8.06 (.71) 6.87 (.78)

Ability .55 (.10)* .67 .19 .58 (.12)* .47 .18 .87 (.14)* .62 .25
7 Teacher −.42 (.29) −.33 .02 −.12 (.20) −.06 .00 −.31 (.33) −.21 .01
Class −1.14(.31)* .00 .09 −1.24(.34)* −1.14 .10 −.92 (.52) −.71 .02
Classroom 2.65(.64)* .64 .11 2.23(.74)* .99 .07 1.78(.79)* .65 .04
Constant 7.73 (.65) 7.79 (.61) 3.47 (.56)
Ability .37(.07)* .38 .11 .55 (.08)* .53 .20 1.09(.07)* .81 .55
8 Teacher −.56(.14)* −.63 .08 −.61 (.18)* −.52 .03 −.49 (.07)* −.17 .03
Class .32(.10)* .46 .04 −.42(.14)* −.50 03 .00 (.00) .00 .00
Classroom .29 (.18) .18 .01 .31 (.14) .11 .01 .57(.22)* −.18 .04
Constant 7.27 (.59) 6.44 (.70) 4.25 (.75)
Ability .69 (.08)* .56 .33 .74 (.09)* .60 .37 1.10(.09)* .72 .40
9 Teacher −.28(.05)* −.35 .09 −.36 (.45) −.31 .01 −.39 (.12)* −.31 .03
Class .00 (.00) .00 .00 .16 (.30) .21 .00 .17 (.11) .15 .00
Classroom .54(.25)* .15 .02 .80 (.33)* .21 .03 1.72 (.33)* ..32 .09

Note. Unstandardized Coefficients (B) reported standard errors in parentheses. Note. * p < .05.

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vealed not all classes in an ILE (for example ILE intervention Class 7.2) analysis will investigate the potential contribution of key school factors
indicated a significant and sustained change in the nature of learning often identified in the literature (i.e. leadership and school type) on
experiences when compared to their time in the traditional layout. As a teacher transition from traditional classrooms to ILEs.
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