Driving Effective Data Governance For Improved Quality and Analytics

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Microsoft IT Showcase

Driving effective data governance for

improved quality and analytics
Ever since the movie Moneyball popularized number crunching to win at baseball, it seems like everyone understands
the benefits of data science. Whether it’s rendering new insights, improving decision making, or driving better
business outcomes, enthusiasm for unlocking the power of big data has never been greater. With advanced analytics,
AI, and machine learning, the ability of enterprises to optimize ever-greater amounts of data now ranks among the
most important of all strategic endeavors.
Data is a strategic asset, and it’s essential to have a data governance approach to solving data quality issues. In Core
Services Engineering and Operations (CSEO), we created a system that allows business groups at Microsoft to operate
independently, while still driving data quality.

Simply put, data is the new currency of digital transformation—and with that power comes responsibility. “We actually
have to think of data like code,” says Damon Buono, senior director for Enterprise Information Management at
Microsoft. “The way forward is a data-driven culture—where everyone understands and agrees that data is a strategic

Figure 1 shows how data-driven decision-making cuts across organizational and functional boundaries.

Figure 1. Applying data science to improve decision making, optimize operations, and drive strategy

Driving a culture of data management

Forging a modern data management strategy across disparate groups doesn’t come easy. Unlike top-down
enterprises, Microsoft is famous for its decentralized and federated culture, rendering cross-company organizational
change harder—though not impossible.
“There was no underlying understanding for why we need to focus on data management. Therefore, there was no
overarching data governance,” Buono recalls. “If you don’t have a foundation of data quality and data ownership, you
are just going to see bad analytics at a faster pace.”
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It’s a governance gap that accentuates the risks inherent in the increasing volume and complexity of structured and
unstructured data. We experimented with different approaches, like forming a centralized data governance board and
initiating topic-based data governance. None yielded the results we were looking for.
“We realized over time that to drive cultural change, we have to drive data management visibility at the top for the
quality and ownership questions to start being asked,” Buono says.

CSEO is chartered with driving Enterprise Information Management, which it defines as an “…integrative discipline for
structuring, describing, and governing information assets across organizational and technological boundaries to
improve efficiency, promote transparency, and enable business insight.”
What does that look like? Fundamentally, it involves cleaning up data today and implementing a framework for the
future so that data is ready for use by business groups across Microsoft. Specifically, it includes assigning and
implementing accountability and stewardship, ensuring accuracy and discoverability, and implementing role-base
access to data.

Assigning and implementing accountability and stewardship

The first hurdle was establishing the new role of data steward for each of our organizations, with a primary focus on
data quality. Our core mission begins with defining, communicating, evangelizing, and—ultimately—enforcing data
quality standards across a spectrum of use cases. These range from lightweight and informal oversight of
experimental data to stringent and active compliance monitoring of high-value information intended for customers,
partners, or stockholders.
Like the traditional discipline of software testing with bugs filed against code, our data stewards perform a similar
quality assurance function, managing a quality bar with standardized rules and data quality indicators within an
overall measuring system. Data failing to meet the bar will prompt data stewards to investigate the nature of the
quality gap and then work with teams to drive remedies appropriate to the intended use.

Rise of the data steward

It falls to data stewards to ensure that data management and governance policies are implemented and fully
operationalized. Central to their “feet on the ground” mission is the role of trusted advisor, working directly with
teams to solve immediate and long-term data management challenges. For example, this could mean helping
implement controls that validate data during online transactions to comply with data quality standards and goals.
When issues arise, data stewards own the root cause analysis to triage or escalate accordingly. Data stewards also
manage data access, as explained later.

As shown in Figure 2, roles and responsibilities change across organizational levels in a manner that resembles
governmental decision making. The local level of governance happens at the individual team level. The state level
represents governance occurring at the organization level and the federal level denotes the overarching governance
across all organizations. At the base of the pyramid, each business unit empowers stewards to manage the data that
belongs solely to their functional unit. When data touches multiple functional or business units, ownership shifts to
data domain stewards, driving overall data excellence. Any issues that remain unresolved get escalated to corporate
decision makers responsible for enterprise strategy or—if necessary—to top executive levels.

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Figure 2. Driving the data quality lifecycle from enterprise strategy to operations

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Ensuring accuracy and discoverability

Ensuring that data across CSEO is accurate, discoverable, and accessible sits at the heart of our journey to raise
awareness around data quality. It begins with a commitment to the highest quality data underlying critical business
functions. Improving overall data quality begins with prioritizing data with the biggest business impact. Equally
important is driving taxonomic consistency to ensure that different groups reference things in the same way,
potentially boosting the overall customer experience. Figure 3 shows the full spectrum of data quality improvement
activities, beginning with identifying problem areas through implementing preventative measures to avoid problem

Figure 3. Driving the data quality lifecycle

Our efforts to drive data quality have evolved into the following best practices:

1. Collect evidence of a problem. Our data stewards continually monitor systems for data management anomalies
and prioritize fixing issues with the greatest opportunity costs and business impacts.

2. Explain problem. They develop “problem statements" using data and metrics as the key to effectively
communicating issue scope at the executive level.

3. Spotlight problem with executives. We hold regular data quality forums with senior leaders and executives to
highlight and discuss the most critical issues.

4. Drive resolution. With executive approval, they secure the appropriate resources and expertise needed to drive
resolution across teams, helping stakeholders understand the costs accruing from the data management gaps.

5. Fix underlying gaps. Discovering inconsistencies in our data management processes helps prioritize
improvements to fill these gaps.

6. Preventative action. Regularly highlighting data quality issues with senior leaders and executives prompts teams
to scrutinize their procedures and implement remedies to reduce the risk of recurring issues.

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Implementing role-based access to data

Data that originates or is collected at the business unit level is owned by the business unit, not us. Implementing
appropriate access happens at the business unit level in coordination with companywide IT policies. At CSEO, data
access is defined according to specific roles. Our goal is to provide consistently managed processes around data
security and integrity across the following roles:
• Business data owners have direct ownership over data for specific functions within a business unit. As part of
the team implementing governance processes across internal groups, they coordinate with data stewards and
data custodians to drive policies around the definition, access, and use of data. Business data owners are
ultimately accountable for data quality and oversee regulatory compliance.
• Data stewards create, maintain, and implement policies and business rules to manage data and metadata in
specific functional areas such as finance, sales, or operations. Stewards collaborate with domain data stewards
and business owners to design data and usage processes, maintaining consistency with enterprise-wide data
handling policies. Together with data custodians, data stewards manage data access along a “whitelisting” model,
only granting permissions to users or groups with the delegated authority to access data for its intended use.
• Domain data stewards drive data quality issues for specific areas like customer master data spanning lines of
business. They coordinate with local data stewards across one or more functional areas, but not the entire
• Data custodians perform an essential data engineering role in the security and management of data as part of
protecting enterprise data assets. They maintain data management infrastructure, coordinating with stewards and
data owners to ensure compliance with data access and security policies. Whether they’re embedded directly
within individual business units or given a broader remit within CSEO, they help drive consistent data handling
procedures across the company.
• Data consumers are users or systems accessing data via applications, reports, and dashboards. They provide
requirements to data owners and stewards on data quality needs and are also responsible for adhering to data-
use policies.
• Data producers are users or systems who create data. They provide feedback to data owners and stewards on
data input standards, such as implementing data entry controls to create quality data.

Next steps
Addressing data quality issues that span data stores across multiple organizations—with no defined owner—ranks
among our highest priorities. To meet this challenge, the Enterprise Information Management team drives
troubleshooting with vested executive authority to implement specific solutions. By using metrics and data to identify
problems and articulate business impacts, our data management team is now getting traction dispatching the right
individuals or teams to get the job done.

Already, the difference is being felt in major areas, including sales, marketing, finance, and services. No longer is the
team stuck in reactive mode and logjammed with fixing data. Now they’re implementing end-to-end data
management practices during the design/build phase of strategic programs—instead of retrofitting data later.
Microsoft is hardly alone in this endeavor; almost every large company is in the process of transitioning from old
warehouse models to hyperscale, big data infrastructure in the cloud. There is now a growing body of work across
industries around implementing and operationalizing data governance goals.

Working with Gartner and others, we’ve developed an internal data fundamentals playbook that incorporates industry
best practices. Next steps include completing a maturity assessment toolkit leading to a measurable data health

“We want to evolve and learn by deploying these fundamentals first in a few strategic programs,” says Kandy Samy, a
director in the Enterprise and Information Management team. “Then we’ll roll them out more broadly with a long-
term vision of automating the data management practices and controls for easier adoption.”

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Becoming a data-driven culture

Even as each group operates independently, we found that consistent data management across departmental and
organizational boundaries is important. Technology alone cannot solve the data quality problem. People must
collaborate and be involved. Data stewards are a key component of improved and operationalized data quality, while
the responsibility to treat data as a core strategic asset extends to everyone across the company.
Underlying this integrated approach is a growing cultural awareness around managing data as a key strategic asset.
As more resources are dedicated to driving data quality—from the executive levels to the field—we’re seeing a
snowball effect that’s driving momentum to integrate data quality criteria into service development lifecycles across
the company.
Data-driven decision making is a key part of the digital transformation. Ensuring that data is accurate, discoverable,
accessible, linked, and well-managed sets us up for success. With quality data, we’ll have the necessary insights to
drive our business forward using the full power of advanced analytics, machine learning, and AI.

For more information

Microsoft IT Showcase

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