Dialogic Distributed Signaling Interface Components
Dialogic Distributed Signaling Interface Components
Dialogic Distributed Signaling Interface Components
Software Environment Programmer's Manual
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Revision History
Copyright and Legal Notice
2 19-Feb-97 All commands in system.txt now commence with a key word. Definition of MSG made
consistent with actual header file.
1 18-Jul-95 Initial Release
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Revision History............................................................................................................ 3
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Applicability ......................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Related Documentation ......................................................................................................... 10
1.2.1 Dialogic® DSI SS7 Protocol Manuals ............................................................................ 10
1.2.2 Dialogic® DSI SIGTRAN Protocol Manuals .................................................................... 11
1.2.3 Dialogic® DSI Diameter Stack Manuals ........................................................................ 11
1.2.4 Dialogic® DSI Network Interface Boards Manuals .......................................................... 11
1.2.5 Dialogic® DSI Signaling Servers Manuals ..................................................................... 11
3 Installation ........................................................................................................ 20
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Software Installation for Linux ................................................................................................ 22
3.2.1 Installing Development Package for Linux .................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Building Device Drivers for DSI boards ........................................................................ 25
3.2.3 Support for SIGTRAN SCTP under Linux ...................................................................... 26
3.2.4 Adjusting Linux Kernel Parameters ............................................................................. 27
3.2.5 Using 64-bit Linux Applications .................................................................................. 28
3.2.6 Removing the Development Package for Linux ............................................................. 28
3.2.7 RPM Creation ........................................................................................................... 29
3.3 Software Installation for Solaris .............................................................................................. 31
3.3.1 Installing the Development Package for Solaris ............................................................ 31
3.3.2 Solaris 9 - Interface Name Checking ........................................................................... 33
3.3.3 Solaris 10 and Solaris 11–User Account Permissions ..................................................... 33
3.3.4 Installation of SIGTRAN support for Solaris .................................................................. 33
3.3.5 Tuning Solaris System Resource Parameters ................................................................ 33
3.3.6 Creating a Solaris ‘project’ to tune System Resource parameters ................................... 34
3.3.7 Using 64-bit Solaris Applications ................................................................................ 35
3.3.8 Avoiding “Non-serviced interrupt” reports .................................................................... 35
3.3.9 Removing the Development Package for Solaris ........................................................... 36
3.4 Software Installation for Windows ........................................................................................... 37
3.4.1 Installing Development Package for Windows ............................................................... 37
3.4.2 Starting the Windows Device Driver ............................................................................ 38
3.4.3 Additional steps using Windows 7 ............................................................................... 39
3.4.4 Running software as a Windows Service ...................................................................... 39
3.4.5 Using 64-bit Windows Applications ............................................................................. 41
3.4.6 Removing Development Package for Windows .............................................................. 42
7 Host Utilities...................................................................................................... 79
7.1 gctload ................................................................................................................................ 79
7.1.1 System Configuration File (system.txt) ....................................................................... 82
7.1.2 NUM_MSGS / NUM_LMSGS Commands ....................................................................... 83
7.1.3 CONG_MSG Command .............................................................................................. 83
7.1.4 LOCAL Command ..................................................................................................... 84
7.1.5 REDIRECT Command ................................................................................................ 84
7.1.6 DEFAULT_MODULE Command .................................................................................... 85
7.1.7 FORK_PROCESS Command ........................................................................................ 85
7.1.8 Example system.txt File ............................................................................................ 86
7.2 s7_log ................................................................................................................................. 87
7.3 s7_play ............................................................................................................................... 91
7.3.1 s7_play Command File Format ................................................................................... 91
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Table 1. Dialogic® DSI Network Interface Board Family Code File Extensions ............................... 20
Table 2. Files Installed on a System Running Linux .................................................................. 23
Table 3. Files Installed on a System Running Solaris ................................................................ 32
Table 4. Files Installed on a System Running Windows ............................................................. 37
Table 5. Practical System Configurations for Telephony Systems................................................ 43
Table 6. System Configurations for SIGTRAN Telephony Systems .............................................. 45
Table 7. System Configurations for Diameter Systems .............................................................. 45
Table 8. System Host Utilities ................................................................................................ 46
Table 9. ISUP Default Timer Values ...................................................................................... 148
Table 10. Default module identifier values .............................................................................. 212
Section 1 Introduction
1 Introduction
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface (DSI) Components is a range of hardware and
software components for realization of SS7, SIGTRAN and Diameter signaling nodes
and applications for use in a service provider environment. The range includes
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks, which are software implementations of standards-based
signaling protocol layers. DSI Protocol Stacks are available for specific Dialogic®
products and are suitable for use under standard commercially available operating
systems including Linux, Solaris, and Windows1 operating systems.
In a signaling node built from DSI Components (the “system”), each module in the
system is implemented as a separate task within the chosen operating environment. A
module implements either a layer within the DSI Protocol Stack, a User Part, or some
other functional entity within the system. In general, a module supports multiple
internal instances within a single process (for example multiple links, multiple circuits,
or multiple transactions). The architecture supports multi-processor operation with
modules being distributed between different processors.
For increased flexibility, the protocol implementation is abstracted from the underlying
operating system. Each module makes a minimum demand on the host operating
system using a common set of functions for all inter-process communication and
resource allocation. This approach means that different layers of the DSI Protocol
Stack can easily be run on different processors or machines as required.
This document is the base reference material applicable to all Dialogic® DSI board
based and SIGTRAN based deployments. It introduces the fundamental architectural
concepts of modules, messages and message queues and the mechanisms for inter
process communication. It provides details of all the host-based utilities used to
configure and maintain an operational system including full definitions of all
configuration file commands and messages.
This manual also provides full installation and configuration details for use of the
Development Packages for Linux, Solaris (SPARC and x86) and Windows Operating
1.1 Applicability
This manual is applicable to the following software:
Dialogic® DSI Development Package for Linux – Release 6.7.5 or later
Dialogic® DSI Development Package for Solaris – Release 5.6.0 or later
Dialogic® DSI Development Package for Windows – Release 6.5.0 or later
Note: Throughout this document, the term “Windows” is used to refer to the Windows Server 2008, Windows
Server 2008 R2, and Windows 7 operating systems.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 2 Basic Concepts
2 Basic Concepts
This section introduces basic concepts and terminology that will be used throughout
the remainder of the manual.
2.1 Modules
A module is an implementation of a particular layer in the Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stack
(e.g., Dialogic® DSI MTP3 Layer), a particular user part (e.g., Dialogic® DSI ISUP
Layer), or a collection of other functionality which fits together as a logical entity. A
module may be a Dialogic® DSI Component or a User-supplied module.
Each module in the system runs as a separate task, process, or program (depending
on the type of operating system). The module is identified by a Module Identifier and
communicates with other modules in the system by sending Messages to a Message
Queue belonging to the destination module. A set of Library Functions is used by
the module to interact with the operating system.
A module handles multiple internal instances of the functional entity associated with
the module (e.g., Dialogic® DSI MTP2 Layer handles multiple Signaling links, the
Dialogic® DSI MTP3 Layer handles multiple link sets and multiple routes and the
Dialogic® DSI ISUP Layer handles multiple circuits).
2.3 Messages
Modules communicate by sending messages to other modules in the system.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The MSG message is a ‘C’ data structure containing a fixed format header field and a
buffer for variable length parameter data.
Each hardware product in the Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface (DSI)
Components range has a manual that details the messages appropriate for that
particular product. In addition, each Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stack has a supporting
Programmer’s Manual, which describes the messages appropriate to that protocol.
A detailed description of the message structure is given in 5.1 Message Format.
Section 2 Basic Concepts
GCT_receive Function to receive a message from a module's own message queue. The
function does not return until a message is ready.
GCT_grab Function to receive a message from a module's own message queue. This
function returns immediately if there are no messages ready.
The syntax for each of these functions is described in the following section. Their usage
is described below.
A module wishing to send a message to another module will first allocate a MSG
structure using the getm function. At this stage, it is necessary to decide whether or
not a confirmation message will be required and initialize the rsp_req field accordingly.
Once all the message parameters have been entered into the MSG, the module calls
GCT_send to send the message to the destination module. If the GCT_send function
fails to send the message, the sending module must release the message back to the
system using the relm function (although this will only happen when the system is
incorrectly configured). When multiple destination processors are used, the module
sending the message must call GCT_set_instance prior to calling GCT_send in order
to write the destination module instance into the message.
The destination module will receive the message from its own message queue using
either the GCT_receive or GCT_grab functions (depending on whether it wishes to
block or not if no messages are available). It then processes the message. When
multiple source processors are used, the module receiving the message should call
GCT_get_instance after calling GCT_receive or GCT_grab in order to read the
source module instance from the message.
When the receiving module has finished processing the message, it carries out one of
two possible courses of action depending on whether or not a confirmation is required.
If no confirmation is required, then the message is released back to the system using
the relm function. If a confirmation is required, then a status value is written into the
message header, the message type is changed (bit 14 is cleared), and the message is
sent back to the original sending module using the GCT_send function. On receipt of
the confirmation, the original sending module (after inspecting the status) releases the
message back to the system using the relm function.
Note: confirm_msg() is a useful library function that can be called once the application has
finished with a message. It determines whether or not a confirmation is required, modifies
the message header accordingly, and finally calls either GCT_send() or relm() as
In this way it is ensured that each message will eventually be released back to the system.
Example Code
Allocating and Sending a Message
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
* Base DSI headers.
#include "system.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "sysgct.h"
* DSI protocol headers.
#include "mtp_inc.h"
* MACROs for sending and receiving requests.
#define NO_RESPONSE (0)
#define RESPONSE(mod_id) (1 << ((mod_id) & 0x0f))
#define CONF(i) ((i) & ~REQUEST)
int allocate_and_send_example(void)
MSG *m;
u8 *pptr;
* Allocate a MSG from the message pool.
* In this example, a MTP3 Linkset Configuration Message.
* The rsp_req field is set to request a response from the
* destination module Id.
if ((m = getm(MTP_MSG_CNF_LINKSET, (u16)(<LINKSET ID> << 8),
* getm() succeeds and returns a pointer to a MSG from the
* global message pool.
* This process now 'owns' the MSG and is responsible for
* sending it (GCT_send) to another module, or releasing it
* (relm).
m->hdr.src = EXAMPLE_MODULE_ID;
m->hdr.dst = MTP_TASK_ID;
* Initialise a memory pointer to the start of the MSG's
* parameter area.
pptr = get_param(m);
* Reset the MSG's parameter area to 0.
memset(pptr, 0, m->len);
* Initialise the MSG's parameter values:
Section 2 Basic Concepts
rpackbytes(pptr, MTPCFLS_adj_pc_OFF,
rpackbytes(pptr, MTPCFLS_num_links_OFF,
* MSG parameter initialization continues . . .
* Set the MSG instance.
GCT_set_instance(<INSTANCE ID>, &m->hdr);
* Send the MSG
if (GCT_send(msg->hdr.dst, &msg->hdr) != 0)
* GCT_send() has failed.
* Sending process retains ownerships of the MSG.
* Release the MSG.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
case . . .
* Release received MSG back to the system pool.
Section 2 Basic Concepts
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 3 Installation
3 Installation
3.1 Introduction
This manual covers the installation and use of the software contained in the following
• Development Package for Linux
• Development Package for Solaris (x86 and SPARC)
• Development Package for Windows®
Each Development Package contains the device drivers, library functions, and header
files for use by an application, a number of executables to create and maintain the DSI
software environment, utilities and configuration files to configure the protocol
software, the User Part Development (UPD) Package, the DSI Protocol Stacks, MIBs
and the DSI Network Interface Boards code files. The installation of each package type
is described in the following sections.
The UPD contains example source code to illustrate the techniques used for interfacing
with the protocol modules and protocol-specific header files for use when building an
The DSI Network Interface Boards Code Files contain the operating software for the
DSI Network Interface Boards. The appropriate code file must be downloaded by the
host, to the board, at run-time. Code files have a file suffix which denotes which board
product they are used in conjunction with.
Table 1. Dialogic® DSI Network Interface Board Family Code File Extensions
The code file must be licensed; two mechanisms exist to support licensing dependant
on the board family in use:
License Button
The board is used in conjunction with a software license button, which is purchased
and installed on the board to determine the protocols that the user is authorized to
run. The types of license buttons available are described in the appropriate DSI
Network Interface Board Programmer’s Manual. The license button is subsequently
downloaded onto the board at run time.
Host License
As indicated in the table above, some of the boards require a Host License; details on
how to use a Host License are given in the Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface
Components Host Licensing User Guide.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Some SS7 protocols also optionally may be run as Host Protocol Binaries subject to the
purchase of appropriate licenses, which may be run above boards or above M2PA
creating a software only architecture with SIGTRAN. refer to Section 4.1.4 Protocol
Modules for further details.
The Development Package may be obtained by downloading it from the Dialogic
website, see Section 1.1 Related Documentation, and must be copied onto the target
host machine maintaining binary file integrity; possible transfer methods include
copying using transferable media and ftp.
Section 3 Installation
The DSI shared objects are located in sub-directories, ‘32’ for the 32 bit libraries and
‘64’ for the 64 bit libraries.
Installation of the software is described in more detail in the following topics:
• Installing Development Package for Linux
• Installing the DSI Source Device Drivers
• Support for Native SCTP
• Removing the Development Package for Linux
• RPM Creation
mkdir /opt/DSI
cd /opt/DSI
4) Copy the dpklnx.Z file to the install directory. Take care to retain the Z extension
(which identifies the file as a compressed file) and ensure binary file integrity is
5) Extract the files using the command:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The following files (or similar) are extracted into the current working directory.
Section 3 Installation
6) Add the following lines to the file /etc/ld.so.conf indicating the path to the
shared object:
ldconfig -v
A series of links will be configured, similar to the following example (the name of
libgctlib.so will reflect the current version number of the shared object library):
libgctjni.so -> libgctjni.so
libin_api.so -> libin_api.so
libgctlib.so.1 -> libgctlib.so.1.49.0
libgctjni.so -> libgctjni.so
libin_api.so -> libin_api.so
libgctlib.so.1 -> libgctlib.so.1.49.0
8) When using Java-based APIs to connect into the GCT environment then the
location of the libgctjni.so can optionally be set using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable. The syntax of the command to set this variable will vary
depeding on the system.
The user can alternatively set the library path each time the java command is run. For
example, to run the example jar file /opt/DSI/JAVA/dtr.jar:
Note: The DSI binaries require the 32 bit run-time libraries (libc.so). to be installed. Some 64 bit
Linux distributions only install 64 bit run-time libraries by default. Refer to your
distribution's documentation for instructions on how to install the 32 bit run-time libraries.
gctload –v
If the shared object is not correctly installed then an error message will be printed out
instead. E.g:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
10) If SIGTRAN software is going to be used then see section 3.2.3 Support for
SIGTRAN SCTP under Linux for further details.
If using the SCTPD binary then change the privileges for the binary as follows:
11) To reserve sufficient system resources, the Linux kernel parameters should be set
as detailed in section 3.2.4 Adjusting Linux Kernel Parameters on page 27.
To build the driver, run the appropriate script. The build script assumes that a suitable
environment for building Kernel modules is available. This must include the appropriate
Kernel include files being found at: /usr/src/linux-`uname -r`/include (e.g.,
/usr/src/linux 2.6.5/include). If these are not found, the build will fail.
Note: When installing the Development Package in systems that include a DNIxxxxTEPE2HMP
board it is important NOT to install the SS7LD device driver. The driver from the Dialogic®
PowerMedia™ HMP 4.1 Linux (SU 151 or later) release includes a driver that also supports
the SS7LD).
Some Linux installations do not create a system source directory with the required
name; for example, some SMP kernels do not create a directory with the required smp
suffix. If this is the case, then a softlink needs to be created to give an appropriate
path to the system header files. For example:
Section 3 Installation
cd /usr/src
ln –s linux-2.6.5 linux-2.6.5 smp
Some later versions of Linux use a revised format for the remap_page_range
parameters (for example, Red Hat Linux Kernel Versions greater than 2.4.20 require
this revised format). The build script supports an optional new_remap parameter. If
this parameter is set, the compile uses the revised format.
The build script supports an optional clean parameter that removes the driver and all
intermediate files.
Under some versions of Linux a warning similar to the following is generated which can
safely be ignored:
Once the driver has been successfully built, the appropriate install script should be
invoked. This installs the device driver, automatically allocates the major device
numbers, and creates the four appropriate device nodes.
Driver installation must be performed by a user with root privileges.
Correct loading of the device driver can be confirmed by looking in the system log. The
system log is displayed using the command:
dmesg | more
Successful installation of the driver is indicated by the allocation of a device id. (Note
that a Device Id will only be allocated if the target DSI board is present in the system
when the driver is built).
Example output, using the SPCI board, is:
The install script supports an optional remove parameter. This causes the device driver
to be removed and the device nodes to be deleted. For example:
install_*.sh remove
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The SCTPN binary (in conjunction with the native SCTP capability within Linux)
provides a complete implementation of the SIGTRAN SCTP stack suitable for use on
kernels that do support the Native SCTP capability.
Operation of the SCTPN binary in conjunction with the kernel SCTP implementation
requires versions 2.6.16 or greater of the Linux kernel and 1.0.6 or greater of the
lksctp-tools package. Please note that the lksctp-tools package may not be installed by
default on some Linux distributions, in which case it must be installed manually.
Linux systems using (Security Enhanced Linux) SELinux or other firewalls may require
further configuration to allow SCTP traffic to be sent and received.
To make use of the Native SCTP capability, the user should use the SCTPN binary
instead of the binaries SCTP and SCTPD which are usually found in the SS7
Development Package installation directory (the recommended location is /opt/DSI).
Before starting the system, the sctp loadable kernel module will usually need to be
inserted into the system. This can be done using the modprobe command:
modprobe sctp
On systems with Linux kernel version 2.6.16 or greater, adding the following lines to
/etc/modprobe.conf will cause the system to insert the kernel module automatically
on demand:
sysctl -w kernel.msgmnb=62400
For Linux, the kernel.msgmni parameter controls the number of message queues
The kernel.msgmni parameter should be set to the number of module queues defined
in system.txt with the LOCAL command (in addition to any requirements of other
software making use of these resources).
Edit the /etc/rc.local (or distribution-specific equivalent) file to add the following line:
Section 3 Installation
sysctl -w kernel.msgmni=256
When run, GCTLOAD will attempt to allocate the maximum number of system
resources in order to verify, as far as possible, that the kernel parameters have been
correctly adjusted.
Note: The ‘x.y.z’ of ‘libgctlib.so.x.y.z’ refers to the GCTLIB shared object’s major, minor and
release version numbers.
Users should update the target system’s run-time linker’s shared object search paths
to include the paths to the 32-and 64-bit GCTLIB shared libraries as required.
To create a 64-bit application, users must ensure that their application code does not
access the ‘next’ field in the HDR structure of a message. This field is called ‘hdr.next’
in a 32-bit environment and ‘hdr.next_ref’ in a 64-bit environment. Any existing
application code that made use of this field needs to be removed.
To build a 64-bit application, all Makefiles and/or IDE configurations need to be
modified to define DSI_64BIT, for example, by editing the User Part Development
Package’s makdefs.mak to:
All 64 bit user applications should be linked against the 64 bit version of GCTLIB which
is installed by default in the following location:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Note: The 'rpmbuild' package must be installed before the following steps can be performed.
A number of RPM packages will be created from the Development Package. The RPM
packages are created by executing the following steps:
1. Select a directory to be used when creating the RPM packages.
For this example, “/var/tmp/dpk/rpm” is used.
2. Create a file called “.rpmmacros” in the user account's home directory and enter
the location of the directory from step 1:
%_topdir /var/tmp/dpk/rpm
3. Prepare the RPM directory:
mkdir -p /var/tmp/dpk/rpm/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
4. Copy the dpklnx.Z file to the user account's home directory. Take care to retain the
Z extension (which identifies the file as a compressed file) and ensure binary file
integrity is maintained.
5. Execute rpmbuild:
rpmbuild -tb dpklnx.Z
6. For 32bit operation systems, the RPM packages are stored in:
For 64bit operation systems, the RPM packages are stored in:
For example:
ls /var/tmp/dpk/rpm/RPMS/<ARCH>/
Where <ARCH> is i386 for 32bit operation and x86_64 for 64 bit operation systems.
Note: Device driver binaries will be built as rpmbuild is run. Therefore, it is necessary for the
machine on which rpmbuild is run to share the same kernel version as the machine on
which the RPM packages will be installed.
RPM Packages
The following packages are created:
ss7dpk-<DPK>.<ARCH>.rpm Run-time files, including binaries, GCT run-time shared
library and system.txt and config.txt configuration files.
Section 3 Installation
rpm -i <package_name>
rpm -e <package_name>
rpm -U <package>
rpm –qa
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The consolidated Development Packages for Solaris are distributed within two
compressed 'tar' archive files:
dpksparc.tar.gz - Solaris Packages for Solaris-SPARC
dpkx86.tar.gz - Solaris Packages for Solaris-x86
Each distribution contains two Solaris packages:
dsidpk - DSI Development Package
dsidrv - DSI Network Interface Board Driver Package
All users need to install the ‘dsidpk’ package, whereas only users of signaling boards
will need to install the ‘dsidrv’ package. Both packages contain support for 32 bit and
64 bit systems and the installation process selects the appropriate package for the
target system.
These files can be downloaded from the Dialogic website. See Section 1.1 Related
Section 3 Installation
gzip -d dpksparc.tar.gz
tar -xf dpksparc.tar
gzip -d dpkx86.tar.gz
tar -xf dpkx86.tar
pkgadd -d dsidrv
pkgadd -d dsidpk
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Note: To reserve sufficient system resources, the Solaris System Resource parameters should be
set as detailed in Section 3.3.5 Tuning Solaris System Resource Parameters.
set sunddi_netifname_constraints=0
Note: If using the SCTPN binary, then this must be running with superuser privileges. From DSI
Development Package for Solaris Release 5.2.1 this is the default setting, for earlier
releases this can be achieved by ensuring the binary is owned by ‘root’ and have the binary
file setuid bit set. If these are not set then the binary will not be able to modify all of the
appropriate kernel settings such as timers.
Section 3 Installation
projadd gctenv
3) Modify the projects’ attributes according to the size of the GCT resources.
In this example, the target system will use 20 message queues (20 instances of LOCAL
in system.txt) and 10000 messages and 1000 long messages – giving a total of 11000
messages. A 10% ‘margin of error’ has been added to each resource value:
The process.max-msg-qbytes/msginfo_msgmnb values specified are the System V (SYS V) Interprocess
Communications (IPC) values required for the correct operation of DSI Software Environment. Other application
software may use the SYSV IPC resources and, therefore, their configuration requirements must be added to the
process.max-msg-qbytes/msginfo_msgmnb total.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Note: There are four (4) colons between ‘gctuser’ and ‘project’.
5) Login as gctuser and verify the correct default project
id -p
uid=100(gctuser) gid=1(other) projid=100(gctenv)
Note: The ‘x.y.z’ of ‘libgctlib.so.x.y.z’ refers to the GCTLIB shared object’s major, minor and
release version numbers.
To create a 64-bit application, users must ensure that their application code does not
access the ‘next’ field in the HDR structure of a message. This field is called ‘hdr.next’
in a 32-bit environment and ‘hdr.next_ref’ in a 64-bit environment.
To build a 64-bit application, all Makefiles and/or IDE configurations need to be
modified to define DSI_64BIT, for example, edit the User Part Development Package’s
makdefs.mak to:
64 bit user applications should be linked against the 64 bit version of GCTLIB. This is
installed by default in the following location:
Note: The system has to be rebooted to force the change to take effect.
Section 3 Installation
pkgrm dsidpk
pkgrm dsidrv
The Solaris package removal utility (pkgrm) then prompts for further input.
On successful completion of the procedure, the following message is displayed and the
user should reboot the system:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Note: When installing the Development Package in systems that include a DNIxxxxTEPE2HMP
board it is important NOT to install the SS7LD device driver. The driver from the Dialogic®
PowerMediaTM HMP 3.0 Windows (SU 347 or later) release includes a driver that also
supports the SS7LD).
The following files (or similar) are transferred to the installation directory.
Section 3 Installation
The setup program may request a reboot of the target machine when it has finished
installing the package. If requested, then the machine should be allowed to reboot.
The files the user needs to use have been installed in the installation directory. It is
recommended that the user not modify any files in this directory, but instead create a
working directory into which all the necessary files are copied.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
3) Click on the Device Manager tree item to display a tree of devices in the right
window pane.
4) Check for the appropriate Board device under Dialogic DSI SS7 Boards. If the
driver is not correctly installed, there will be a question mark (?) or an exclamation
mark (!) before the SS7 Board item.
Installing a Service
Note: For Windows 7, all commands must be run from a command shell (cmd.exe) which has
been run with 'Administrator' privileges. To select 'Administrator' privileges run Windows
Explorer, find the ‘cmd.exe’ file, right click on ‘cmd.exe’ and select ‘Run as administrator’.
Before the Service can be installed, the executable must be copied to the appropriate
directory of the Windows installation.
For 32-bit Windows:
Section 3 Installation
For 32-bit operating systems the 32-bit gctlib.dll file must also be copied to the
%WINDIR%\system32 directory.
For 64-bit operating systems copy the 32-bit gctlib.dll into the SYSWOW64 directory as
follows (this DLL will be used by the WOW emulator when running any of the standard
(32-bit) binaries that are part of the development package):
The installation is performed using the executable servcfg.exe. This installation must
be performed by a user with Administrator privileges.
When installed, the Service is identified by the name "Dialogic® DSI Startup Service"
within the 'services' utility.
The command line format for Service installation are:
32-bit Windows:
servcfg.exe install %WINDIR%\system32\gctserv.exe <gctload> <system.txt>
64-bit Windows:
servcfg.exe install %WINDIR%\syswow64\gctserv.exe <gctload> <system.txt>
<gctload> is the full pathname for the gctload executable, and
<system.txt> is the pathname for the system configuration file.
<start_dir> is the directory in which the Service is started. All files referenced by the
gctload executables (including the system.txt and all executables specified within)
must be specified with pathnames relative to this directory (or as absolute path
For example, if system.txt is present in the c:\DSI directory, the following command
would be used to configure the Service:
32-bit Windows:
servcfg.exe install %WINDIR%\system32\gctserv.exe c:\DSI\gctload.exe
system.txt c:\DSI
64-bit Windows:
servcfg.exe install %WINDIR%\syswow64\gctserv.exe c:\DSI\gctload.exe
system.txt c:\DSI
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
When the Service is installed, by default, the startup mode is set to 'manual'. To cause
the Service to be automatically invoked at boot time it must be explicitly configured to
'automatic' mode. This is achieved by running the Services tool and setting the startup
option to "automatic".
Under Windows Server® 2008 and Windows Server® 2008 R2 operating systems the
Services tool can be found under Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
Under the Windows® 7 operating system the Services tool is located under Control
Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
Uninstalling a Service
The Windows Service is also removed using the executable servcfg.exe using the
syntax given below and can be removed from the system32 directory as follows:
servcfg.exe remove
del servcfg.exe
Copy the (64-bit) gctlib.dll file into the system32 directory as follows. This DLL will be
used by the user’s (64-bit) application (the system32 directory is the default location
for 64-bit binaries in a 64-bit system, despite its name).
Section 3 Installation
For correct operation of 64-bit applications, it is essential that the user does not access
the ‘next’ field in the HDR structure of a message. This field is called ‘hdr.next’ in a 32-
bit environment and ‘hdr.next_ref’ in a 64-bit environment. Any existing application
code that made use of this field needs to be removed.
All Makefiles and/or IDE configurations need to define DSI_64BIT, for example, edit
the User Part Development Package’s makdefs.mnt to:
All 64 bit user applications should be linked against the 64 bit version of GCTLIB. This
is installed by default in the following location:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 4 Configuration and Operation
Note: The SPCI board only supports the use of MTP2, MTP3, ISUP and TUP protocols running on
the board.
In board-based systems, the board management and interface process (ssd) is
required to run on the host machine. The ssd process handles message transfer
between the host and the board using the device driver.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Diameter System
Section 4 Configuration and Operation
Some SS7 protocol modules can be run on either the host machine or on DSI Network
Interface Boards. The options available for each individual board are described in the
appropriate Programmer’s Manual.
The user then runs the gctload program that reads the system configuration
parameters from the system.txt configuration file and starts the selected processes
bringing the system into operation. For further details on the operation of the gctload
program, refer to 7.1 gctload.
Table 8 shows processes and utilities for use on the host that are included in the
Note: s7_mgt, s7_log and s7_play are optional utilities. A user may choose to implement the
functionality provided by these utilities in their own applications.
Process or
Process to initialize the system environment and start all other related processes running
on the host, deriving the configuration from a text file (system.txt).
Utility process to allow messages received from the protocol stack to be logged to a text
This is useful for diagnostic purposes when getting started. Refer to “s7_log” for more
Process to perform one time protocol configuration for all protocol modules, deriving the
configuration parameters from a text file (config.txt). This process is optional. As an
s7_mgt alternative to using it, the user may elect to perform protocol configuration by sending
messages directly to the other modules in the system. Refer to the appropriate
Programmer’s Manual for information on configuration using discrete messages.
Utility process used to generate messages from a text file and send them into the system.
s7_play This is useful for diagnostic purposes when getting started. Refer to “s7_play” for more
Process to interface with the device driver for passing messages to and from the board(s)
ssdx and for downloading software to the board(s). Only required for TDM systems.
Note: This process is referred to in a generic manner as 'ssd'.
Process to provide message passing over TCP/IP between DSI environments running on
different machines.
rsi_lnk Per link process created by rsi.
rsicmd Configuration utility to configure individual RSI links.
Protocol timer process to send periodic tick notification to the tim process that in turn
handles protocol timers.
Process to receive periodic tick notification from tick and handle protocol timers for all
other processes.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Note: Prior to running the gctload program, the system.txt configuration file must be edited to
reflect the requirements of your system.
Section 4 Configuration and Operation
• FORK_PROCESS commands advising the gctload program of any processes that need
to be started locally
The full syntax of each command is listed in 7.1.1 System Configuration File
An example system.txt configuration file is shown in section 9.1.
LOCAL declarations are also required for optional modules running on the host.
Typically, this includes the s7_mgt protocol configuration utility and the user's own
application module. It may also include any host-based protocol modules and the
s7_log utility. For example:
Additionally, a SIGTRAN system using M3UA requires LOCAL definitions for the SCTP
and M3UA protocols. (the SCTPD module is only used when for systems that do not
make use of the Native SCTP implementation).
Once all the LOCAL declarations are in place, REDIRECT commands should be added
for modules that are running on the board so that messages destined for these
modules are transported via ssd (module_id = 0x20) and the device driver to the
The following REDIRECT commands are always required for TDM-based systems:
For boards running MTP2 protocol layer a redirect command is required for all MTP2
module_id in use by the board. Usually this is just module_id=0x71 but for the SS7HD
board there is a separate MTP2 module_id for each signaling processor. As follows:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
If ATM support is required (SS7MD boards only), then the following REDIRECT
commands are also required:
For SIGTRAN systems using M3UA, the following REDIRECTS are required:
When using M3UA with multiple local AS, each additional local AS requires a redirect:
In addition, REDIRECT commands are required for protocols running on the board. This
typically includes MTP3 and one or more user parts. Examples of these commands are
given below:
Having provided that modules running on the board are accessible, it is then necessary
to provide that status indications issued from the board successfully arrive at a module
running on the host. If this does not happen, the system quickly runs out of available
messages for inter-process communication.
Two module_id's (0xdf and 0xef) require redirection to a suitable process running on
the host. Initially, these messages should be redirected to the s7_log utility that prints
out a line for each message received. Ultimately, the user's own application will expect
to receive these notifications.
Section 4 Configuration and Operation
For SIGTRAN implementations using the Native SCTP (SCTPN) and M3UA the following
processes should be started:
For SIGTRAN implementations that use SCTP & SCTPD and M3UA the following
processes should be started:
Finally, FORK_PROCESS commands should be added for any other modules running on
the host, such as, protocol modules, user applications or diagnostic utilities. For
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
To assist diagnosis of issues, s7_mgt can be run using the -d option that generates
additional diagnostic output.
The user should generate the config.txt file by reference to section 8 of this manual
which details the syntax of all protocol configuration commands. In some cases it will
also be necessary to refer to the Programmer’s Manual for the specific protocols.
An example config.txt file is supplied as part of the DSI Development Package and this
is repeated in section 9.2 of this manual. The example file shows typical usage of most
commands although many of the commands are commented out by the use of ‘*’ as
the first character on the line.
Section 4 Configuration and Operation
The gctload program initializes the system environment and starts up other processes.
The s7_mgt process configures the protocol modules. A banner confirms that the
system is running.
To shutdown the DSI software environment, run gctload using the –x parameter (or if
gctload was run in the foreground simply use CTRL-C). All modules that have been
started by gctload are terminated automatically, for example:
gctload –x
The command line management utility dsictrl can be used to activate signaling links,
for example:
Once gctload is running they status of the system can be observed by running a
second instance of gctload using the –t1 parameter.
A single definitions file is supplied (for each operating system) containing the
definitions relating to the user's own development environment. This file is then
included in the make files for all other processes. The user may need to modify this
definitions file to ensure correct paths etc are set up.
Some simple example programs are supplied to illustrate techniques for interfacing to
the protocol stack, although they are not intended to show a real application. Before
starting to develop an application, you can familiarize yourself with the example
programs and how they are built.
The example programs are contained in the User Part Development Package.
upe is a framework for a User Part module and contains a worked example of
exchanging messages with the MTP3 module. It loops back any MTP-TRANSFER-
INDICATIONS messages that it receives and reports other MTP indications to the user.
mtpsl is an example of how to send messages to MTP3 to activate and deactivate
signaling links. It can be used as a command line tool for this purpose initially. It is
intended that the user build the example code into the management application.
ctu is an example of how a user application can interface with telephony user parts,
e.g., ISUP or TUP.
A makefile is included to allow users to build the application programs. To build the
programs, change to the appropriate directory and enter (to build ctu):
nmake /f ctu.mak (Windows)
make -f ctu.mak (Linux)
make -f ctu.mak (Solaris)
Section 5 Message Reference
5 Message Reference
Note: Users of systems where the structure 'MSG' is already defined for other purposes should use
the alternative definition 'MSF'.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
type: The type field is used to distinguish between different messages. It uniquely
identifies the format of the remainder of the message and in particular the format of
the message parameter area.
id: The id field allows modules, which handle multiple internal instances of a single
entity (such as a circuit or signaling link) to distinguish the entity for which the
message is destined.
src: The src field contains the module identity of the module that issued the message.
dst: The dst field contains the module identity of the module for which the message is
rsp_req: The rsp_req field is used by the originator of a message to indicate whether
or not it requires confirmation from the receiving module that the message has been
If the sending module requires confirmation, it sets a bit in the rsp_req field prior to
sending the message. Which bit to set is determined by the value of the least
significant nibble of the module's own module id (as written in the src field) For
example, if the module id is 0x36 and message confirmation is required, the least
significant nibble value of 0x6 indicates that the user would set bit 6 in the rsp_req
field, so rsp_req would equal 0x0040.
If message confirmation is not required, then the rsp_req field should be set to zero.
The confirmation message takes the same format as the request message but uses a
different type value. The type value for a confirmation message is derived from the
type value in the request message by clearing bit 14.
hclass: This field is assigned by getm() and must not be modified.
status: This field is used for confirmation messages and indications to indicate the
status associated with the message. A value of zero in a confirmation message usually
indicates success.
err_info: This field is used in some confirmation and indication messages to
supplement the status field and provide additional information
next: This field is reserved for internal use and must not be used.
Section 5 Message Reference
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Message issued to any module to read the module type and core revision number.
Field Name Meaning
type GEN_MSG_MOD_IDENT (0x6111)
id 0
src Sending module's ID
dst Destination module_ID
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation.
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 28
Offset Size Name
0 2 Reserved
2 1 maj_rev
3 1 min_rev
4 24 text
This message can be issued to any module to determine the module type and the core
revision number of the internal software.
The confirmation message contains the major and minor revision numbers and a text
string identifying the module.
Major revision identifier for the object being queried.
Minor revision identifier for the object being queried.
Null terminated string giving textual module identity (for example, "ss7.dc6").
Section 5 Message Reference
Message sent to the designated congestion handling module on change of system
congestion state.
When, as a result of allocating or releasing a message the system congestion status
changes, this message is sent to the designated congestion handling module.
The current congestion state of the DSI software environment. A value of zero
indicates no congestion and non-zero values indicate various levels of congestion.
Currently only 1 level of congestion is supported.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Message issued by a module to trace a message sent to or received by the module.
Field Name Meaning
type MGT_MSG_TRACE_EV (0x0003)
id 0
src module_id of module generating the trace event
dst management module id
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status 0
err_info Timestamp
len 18 + length of traced data
Offset Size Name
0 1 src - hdr->src from traced message.
1 1 dst - hdr->dst from traced message.
2 2 id - hdr->id from traced message.
4 2 type - hdr->type from traced message.
6 2 status - hdr->status from traced message.
8 4 err_info – hdr->err_info from traced message.
12 4 par - pointer to hdr of message being traced.
16 2 data_length - number of bytes in data field.
18 0 to 280 data - Data taken from parameter area of traced message.
For diagnostic purposes, each protocol module has the ability to trace messages sent,
and received and certain management events. When a message is traced a copy of the
message is embedded within the MGT_MSG_TRAVE_EV message and sent to the
appropriate trace or management module. The user can dynamically change the
configuration of which messages are traced using the per-module message to set the
appropriate trace masks. Typically the trace messages are sent to the message queue
of the s7_log utility which logs them to a rolling log file.
Section 5 Message Reference
Message issued by s7_mgt protocol configuration utility on completion of initial
configuration sequence.
Field Name Meaning
type API_MSG_CNF_IND (0x0f09)
id 0
src s7_mgt module_id (0xcf)
dst Notification module (see below)
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status completion_status (see below)
err_info Reserved for future use.
len 0
This message is issued by the s7_mgt protocol configuration utility on completion of
the configuration sequence and indicates either success (status=0) or an error
condition that occurred during configuration. The message is only issued when s7_mgt
is run with the –i command line option specifying the module ID of the Notification
Module to which the message should be sent.
It is recommended that the user invoke this option, then wait for an
API_MSG_CNF_IND message to provide that the application does not attempt to send
messages until initial configuration is complete.
The result of initial configuration. The following table shows the possible values and
their meanings.
Value Meaning
0 Success
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Message sent to the rsi module to configure an individual RSI link.
Field Name Meaning
type RSI_MSG_CONFIG (0x7f80)
id rsi_link_id
src Sending module ID
dst RSI module ID (0xb0)
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 130
Offset Size Name
0 1 reserved – must be set to zero
1 1 conc_id
2 2 flags
4 2 local_port
6 2 remote_port
8 20 reserved – must be set to zero
28 20 remote_addr
48 2 reserved – must be set to zero
50 80 peer_addr
Section 5 Message Reference
The RSI_MSG_CONFIG message is used to configure an RSI link. For correct operation
one end of the link must be configured as a client and the other as a server. The link is
initialized in the out of service (inactive) state and can subsequently be brought into
service using the RSI_MSG_UPLINK message.
Network addresses can be specified as DNS hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. All
addresses are specified as null terminated ASCII strings.
For example:
IPv4 address:
IPv6 link local address via eth0: fe80::20d:60ff:feb7:d751%eth0
IPv6 global address: 19a9:8cf0:0:20d:60ff:feb7:d751
DNS address: dpkbuild.lab.yourcompany.com
The local logical RSI link identifier in the range 0 to one less than the number of links
The concerned module_id to which RSI link status indications will be sent.
A 16-bit value specifying additional run-time configuration options.
flags Description
Bit 0 Client / Server setting. This bit should be set to 0 for the Client end of the link and set to 1
for the Server end or the link.
Bit 1 Reserved for future use and should be set to zero.
Bit 2 This bit should be set to 1 on system that support ‘long’ messages.
Bits 3 to 15 All other bits are reserved for future use and should be set to zero.
The local port number for a server link. (This should be set to zero for client links).
The remote port number for a client link. (This should be set to zero for server links).
Retained for backwards compatibility only.
Holds either the peer’s Network Address, or an IPv4 or IPv6 address as null terminated
ASCII string.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Message sent to the RSI module to activate an individual RSI link.
Field Name Meaning
type RSI_MSG_UPLINK (0x7f81)
id rsi_link_id
src Sending module ID
dst RSI module ID (0xb0)
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 0
The RSI_MSG_UPLINK message is sent to RSI to activate a previously configured rsi
link. The rsi process attempts to establish the link on receipt of this message. In the
event that the link subsequently fails, the RSI module will automatically attempt to
restore it.
Message sent to the RSI module to deactivate an individual RSI link.
Field Name Meaning
type RSI_MSG_DOWNLINK (0x7f82)
id rsi_link_id
src Sending module ID
dst RSI module ID (0xb0)
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 0
Section 5 Message Reference
The RSI_MSG_DOWNLINK message is sent to RSI to take an RSI link out of service.
Message issued by RSI to indicate changes in status of the RSI link.
Field Name Meaning
type RSI_MSG_LNK_STATUS (0x0f83)
id link_id
src RSI module ID (0xb0)
dst Concerned ID
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status Link State
err_info 0
len 0
The RSI_MSG_LNK_STATUS message is issued by RSI to the concerned module (as
configured at RSI link configuration) whenever the RSI link goes in service or out of
Link State
The status of the RSI link as follows:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Message sent to RSI to read (and optionally reset) statistics for an individual RSI link.
Field Name Meaning
type RSI_MSG_R_LNK_STATS (0x6f87)
id rsi_link_id
src Sending module ID
dst RSI module ID (0xb0)
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status Set to 0 to read statistics
Set to 1 to read and reset statistics
err_info 0
len 36
Offset Size Name
0 1 version
1 3 spare
4 4 period
8 4 tx_msgs
12 4 rx_msgs
16 4 tx_kbytes
20 4 rx_kbytes
24 4 oos_duration
28 4 oos_count
32 4 tx_discards
The RSI_MSG_R_LNK_STATS message is used to read back statistics from the rsi link.
The sending module should set to ‘version’ parameter to zero and should ensure that a
confirmation is requested. The RSI module will populate the remaining parameters in
the parameter area in the confirmation message. The statistics can optionally be reset
by setting the ‘status’ to 1.
The time period over which the statistics have been gathered (in multiples of 100ms).
Number of messages transmitted over the link within the measurement period.
Section 5 Message Reference
Number of messages received over the link within the measurement period.
Number of octets transmitted in messages over the link within the measurement
period. Excludes the message header.
Number of octets received in messages over the link within the measurement period.
Excludes the message header.
The total amount time the link was out of service during the measurement period (in
multiples of 100ms).
The number of times the link went out of service during the measurement period.
The number of messages due to be transmitted on the link that were discarded during
the measurement period.
Message used to read the current status and parameters of an RSI link.
Message Format:
Field Name Meaning
type RSI_MSG_READ_LINK (0x6f84)
id rsi_link_id
src Sending module ID
dst RSI module ID (0xb0)
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 130
Offset Size Name
0 4 reserved – must be set to zero
4 2 lport
6 4 reserved – must be set to zero
10 2 fport
12 2 tcpstate
14 18 host_addr
32 18 peer_addr
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
50 80 peer_name
Local port
Peer port
State of the underlying TCP connection
Holds the local IPv4 or IPv6 address of the connection. The message supports both
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
For an IPv4 connection, the first byte is set to 1 followed by a 32 bit IPv4 address.
For an IPv6 connection, the first byte is set to 2 followed by a 128 bit IPv6 address and
in the case of a link local address the scope (or 0xff for a non link local address).
Holds the remote IPv4 or IPv6 address of the connection. The message supports both
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
For an IPv4 connection, the first byte is set to 1 followed by a 32 bit IPv4 address.
For an IPv6 connection, the first byte is set to 2 followed by a 128 bit IPv6 address and
in the case of a link local address the scope (or 0xff for a non link local address).
For client end, this parameter is the name used at configuration time. For server end
this parameter is set to a null string.
Section 6 Library Functions
6 Library Functions
6.1.1 GCT_send
Function to send a message to the specified module_id.
Return Value
Returns zero on success, non-zero otherwise.
module_id - The destination module id. This will usually be the same as the value
contained in the hdr.dst field of the message.
h - A pointer to the HDR structure at the start of the MSG to be sent. This parameter
should always point to a buffer allocated using getm().
This function uses module_id to determine which message queue the message should
be sent to and sends the message. A success return value implies that the message
has been sent to the message queue belonging to the destination process.
If the call is successful, the calling program no longer owns the message and must no
longer access it. If the function does not return success, then the calling program is
responsible for the release of the message back to the system using relm().
6.1.2 GCT_receive
Function to wait until the next message for module_id is available and return a
pointer to the message.
Return Value
A pointer to the received message on success or zero on failure (in which case the user
should retry the call).
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
module_id - The module's own module id.
This function uses module_id to determine from which message queue to receive. If
the message queue contains a message, then a pointer to the first message is
returned. Otherwise, the function suspends the calling task until a message is
After processing, the message returned by the GCT_receive function must either be
sent back to the sending module (as a confirmation message), released back to the
system using relm() or forwarded to a third module.
The only difference between GCT_receive and GCT_grab is whether to block or not
when no messages are available.
6.1.3 GCT_grab
Function to determine whether there is a message ready for module_id and return a
pointer to the message. If no message is ready, then the function returns immediately.
Return Value
A pointer to the received message on success or zero if there are no messages waiting.
module_id - The module's own module id.
This function uses module_id to determine from which message queue to receive. If
the message queue contains any messages, then a pointer to the first message is
returned. Otherwise the function immediately returns zero.
After processing, the message returned by the GCT_grab function must either be sent
back to the sending module (as a confirmation message) or released back to the
system using relm() or forwarded to a third module.
The only difference between GCT_receive and GCT_grab is whether to block or not
when no messages are available.
6.1.4 GCT_set_instance
Function to write the module instance into the message pointed to by h.
Section 6 Library Functions
Return Value
Returns zero on success, non-zero otherwise (currently no failure conditions are
instance - The destination module instance.
h - A pointer to the HDR structure at the start of the MSG.
Writes the destination module instance into the message. This function should be
called prior to calling GCT_send by the module sending the message.
The destination module instance is used when messages are sent from one processor
to another processor. It determines the destination processor to which the message is
Examples of the use of this function are as follows:
a) When sending messages to one of several boards. In this case, the module instance
is the board_id.
b) When sending messages to one or other Dialogic® DSI Signaling Interface Unit
(SIU) from an SIU pair. In this case, the module instance is 0 (SIUA) or 1 (SIUB).
6.1.5 GCT_get_instance
Function to recover the module instance from the message pointed to by h.
Return Value
Returns the module instance read from the message.
h - A pointer to the HDR structure at the start of the MSG.
Recovers the source module instance from a received message. This function should be
called after return from GCT_receive or GCT_grab.
The source module instance is used when messages are received from a number of
processors by the local module. It identifies the source processor at which the message
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
6.1.6 getm
Function to allocate an MSG and initialize given fields in the message header.
Return Value
A pointer to the allocated message, or zero if no message available.
type - The message type, this is written to the hdr.type field of the message before
the function returns.
id - The id value; this is written to the hdr.id field of the message before the function
rsp_req - The rsp_req value; this is written to the hdr.rsp_req field of the message
before the function returns (Refer to 5.1.2 Header Fields).
len - The number of bytes that the user wishes to place in the parameter area of the
message. This is written to the len field of the message before the function returns.
This field is used to determine whether to allocate a standard message or a long
message. If len is less than or equal to 320, then a standard message is allocated. If
len is between 321 and 4200 inclusive, then a long message is allocated.
This function allocates a message buffer from the buffer pool and initializes the type,
id, rsp_req and len fields of the message to the specified values.
The function is used to allocate a message for subsequent inter-process
communication, where it will be sent to the destination process. On return from the
function, it is the calling functions responsibility to initialize the hdr.src and hdr.dst
fields and the parameter area of the message prior to calling GCT_send().
Section 6 Library Functions
6.1.7 relm
Function to release a message that has previously been allocated by getm(), back to
the system.
Return Value
Zero on success; non-zero otherwise.
h - A pointer to the HDR structure at the start of the MSG.
Returns a message buffer allocated by getm() to the system buffer pool.
Each message allocated must be returned once (and only once) to the system. It does
not need to be returned by the same process that allocated it.
6.1.8 GCT_link
Function optionally used to attach an application to the DSI software environment, and
detect the existence of the environment.
int GCT_link(void);
Return Value
Returns zero on success.
Non zero is returned on failure, indicating that gctload is not running (GCT
environment is not available).
This optional function is called by an application that wishes to confirm the existence of
the DSI software environment in advance of using it. Refer to section 2.8 for further
Typically this function is not needed. The first call by an application to GCT_grab,
GCT_receive or getm will automatically attach to the DSI environment.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
6.1.9 GCT_unlink
Function optionally used to force an application to detach from the DSI software
int GCT_unlink(void);
Return Value
Always returns zero.
This optional function is called by an application that wishes to forcibly unlink from the
DSI software environment (for example to allow the DSI software environment ot be
restarted without needing to restart the application). Refer to section 2.8 for further
Prior to calling GCT_unlink() the application must ensure that all messages have been
released back to the environment.
Typically this function is not needed. When a module terminates it automatically
unlinks from the DSI software environment.
6.1.10 GCT_partition_congestion
Function used to determine the congestion status of the DSI software environment.
The partition_id identifies the particular message pool. It should be set to 0 for the
pool of standard MSGs and 1 for the pool of ‘Long’ messages.
Return Value:
The return value is set to the current congestion state of the DSI software
environment. A value of zero indicates no congestion and non-zero values indicate
various levels of congestion. Currently only 1 level of congestion is supported.
Section 6 Library Functions
The congestion status is determined by the number of messages currently allocated as
a percentage of the total number of messages within the message pool. When a
system is under heavy load there may be insufficient CPU power to process the
incoming messages as fast as they are received so the number of messages queued
within the environment starts to increase. Usually this is a transient condition and the
load over time balances out and the congestion clears. A second cause of congestion is
when messages are sent to a message queue which is not being serviced by an active
process. A further cause of congestion is when modules do not release messages back
into the environment. If the number of messages currently allocated increases above a
threshold the congestion status will be set to 1. This function allows an application to
determine the current congestion status of the system.
See also gctload –t1 which provides similar information from the command line.
6.1.11 confirm_msg
Function to confirm a message once it has been handled.
The message is a pointer to the message to be confirmed.
Return Value
The function always returns 0.
This function is called when a module has finished processing a message. If the
sending layer’s response required bit is set, then the message is converted to a
confirmation message and sent back using GCT_send() to the sending module. If no
confirmation was requested then the message is released back to the software
environment using the relm().
A confirmation message is generated by swapping the hdr.src and hdr.dst fields,
clearing bit 14 in the hdr.type field and clearing the sending layer’s bit in the
hdr.rsp_req field.
The confirm_msg() function is the preferred way for an application to release a
message back to the system once it has finished processing the content. It takes care
of inspecting the rsp_req field to determine whether a confirmation is required, and it
adjusts the type field if necessary and calls either relm or GCT_send simplifying the
application code and reducing the risk of errors.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
6.2.1 rpackbytes
Function to pack bytes into machine independent format.
Return Value
dest - pointer to the destination buffer
dest_byte_offset - offset from the start of the destination buffer to store data
value - the value to be put into the buffer
bytecount - the number of significant bytes to take from value.
Packs the requested number of bytes into a buffer in a machine-independent manner
for sending to another module, regardless of byte ordering on either processor.
Typically this function is used to populate configuration messages with the appropriate
This call will use the least significant 2 bytes of the value and store the resulting data
starting at location dest + 10. The least significant byte of value will be written to dest
+ 11 and the next significant byte to dest + 10.
6.2.2 runpackbytes
Function to extract bytes from machine-independent format.
Section 6 Library Functions
Return Value
The numeric value unpacked from the buffer. The user should cast this to the required
type (u8, u16, u32 etc).
src - pointer to the source buffer
src_byte_offset - offset from the start of the message buffer to retrieve data
bytecount - the number of bytes to take from the message
Unpacks the requested number of bytes from a buffer, regardless of byte order on the
This call will retrieve the least two significant bytes from the buffer src and return the
value as a u16. The u16 will be formed by src + 11 as the least significant byte and src
+ 10 as the most significant byte.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
+getParam() GctLib
+getId() +getm()
+setId() +relm()
+getSrc() +send()
IMsg +setSrc() +grab()
+getDst() +link()
+setDst() +unlink()
+getRspReq() +isPartitionCongested()
+setRspReq() +gePartitionInfo()
+getStatus() +pendingMsgs()
This class controls the access into the Message-Passing environment. It provides
methods equivalent to the functions listed in section 6.1 Inter-Process Communications
Allocating a message:
Sending a message:
Section 6 Library Functions
Receiving a message:
This class provides a wrapper around a C message structure to allow it to be used in an
alternative language.
The full list of classes and methods for the package are listed in Appendix C - GCTLIB
Example Code to display a message:
try {
+ "M-t" + String.format("%04x", gctmsg.getType())
+ "-i" + String.format("%04x", gctmsg.getId())
+ "-f" + String.format("%02x", gctmsg.getSrc())
+ "-d" + String.format("%02x", gctmsg.getDst())
+ "-s" + String.format("%02x", gctmsg.getStatus()));
if (buf.hasRemaining()) {
while (buf.hasRemaining()) {
System.out.print(String.format("%02x", BBUtil.getU8(buf)));
This example shows the message body being read via the use of the ByteBuffer class.
The ByteBuffer can also be used to manipulate the message body to add parameters.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
7 Host Utilities
7.1 gctload
The DSI software environment is created and maintained using the gctload utility. All
DSI implementations use gctload.
gctload reads user supplied system configuration parameters from the System
Configuration File. The filename of this file by default is “system.txt” although an
alternative filename can be used if the –c option is specified. Within this manual it is
often simply referred to as system.txt.
The system.txt file details the number and type of all messages to allocate, it lists all
the module identifiers known to the system (including details of whether they are local
modules or remote modules accessed through message redirection) and lists the
command lines for all processes to be started by gctload. The file also contains
configuration parameters for congestion management and a number of optional
gctload uses the NUM_MSGS and NUM_LMSGS commands to build pools of message
buffers for subsequent use by the getm() and relm() functions.
gctload creates a message queue for each of the LOCAL module identifiers. It
subsequently expects a process to service each message queue; otherwise, messages
will be written to message queues and never read causing a loss of messages.
gctload uses the REDIRECT commands to initialize the message queue look-up table
so that messages destined for remote modules can be re-directed via the appropriate
LOCAL module.
gctload uses the CONG_MSG command to initialize congestion reporting parameters
and thresholds.
Having created the system environment, gctload uses the FORK_PROCESS
commands to spawn all processes listed in the system configuration file. It then
remains dormant until it receives a signal from the user (using gctload –x) to shutdown
the system.
To shut down the system, it terminates any processes that it created and releases all
system resources back to the operating system.
The gctload utility can also be run a second time with one of the options (-t1, -t2, -t3
or –t4) in order to retrieve status information relating to the DSI software
Section 7 Host Utilities
gctload -v
gctload [-c<system config file> -d ]
gctload -x
gctload –t1
gctload –t2
gctload –t3
gctload –t4
Show version information.
This option is used to terminate an existing gctload session. It ensures that the
environment is shutdown in a controlled manner and that all processes forked within
the system.txt file are also shutdown. This is the preferred way to shutdown the DSI
software environment.
The –t1 option is used to obtain a report on the current status of the DSI software
environment. gctload should already have been run (without the –t1 option) so the
DSI software environment is operational, running gctload a second time using the –t1
option will interrogate the current status.
The status output shows the key configuration parameters and current status values
and is intended as a diagnostic tool to monitor the health of the system. The example
below shows typical usage.
The –t1r form of the option additionally resets certain measurements (‘Max alloc
since reset’ and ‘Cong count since reset’) and the associated time stamps.
gctload –t1
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Parameter size: 320
MSGs in partition: 5000
MSGs allocated : 0
MSGs free: 5000
Maximum MSGs allocated: 13
Max alloc since reset: 12
Time of last max 2012-03-06 16:52:46.112
Out of MSG count: 10
Congestion onset: 2500
Congestion abate: 500
Congestion status: 0
Congestion count: 2
Cong count since reset: 1
Last congestion onset: 2012-03-06 16:52:46.112
Parameter size: 4200
MSGs in partition: 10
MSGs allocated : 0
MSGs free: 10
Maximum MSGs allocated: 8
Max alloc since reset: 7
Time of last max 2012-03-15 13:02:23.178
Out of MSG count: 10
Congestion onset: 5
Congestion abate: 1
Congestion status: 0
Congestion count: 2
Cong count since reset: 1
Last congestion onset: 2012-03-15 13:02:23.178
The –t2 option displays a list of all the currently allocated messages to the console.
These messages are shown in the same format as described for the s7_log and s7_play
programs. Typically the –t2 option is used after having identified (using the –t3 option)
that unexpected messages are queued within the environment in order to understand
which message types are involved. Example output is shown below:
gctload –t2
The –t3 option displays the current message queue status for all local message
queues. This includes the number of messages currently queued and the process id
(pid) of the last process to read from the message queue. To use the option the user
should run a second instance of gctload using the –t3 option.
Under normal operation, the message queues for destination tasks should either be
empty or contain a small number of messages. If this is not the case, this may be due
to one of the following reasons:
Section 7 Host Utilities
● No active task has been set to read messages for the listed destination
● The destination task may have stopped reading from its message queue or may
have stopped running.
● There may be a missing REDIRECT statement in the hosts’ system.txt file to
redirect messages from the listed destination to a running task.
gctload -t3
The –t4 option displays the license status of all active DSI host software licenses and,
in the case of time limited licenses, shows the expiry date for the license.
gctload –t4
0x12 * (Hexadecimal)
18 * (Decimal)
The System Configuration File commands allow local modules to be declared (each
local module requires a message queue), messages for remote modules to be
redirected via the appropriate interface module (eg ssd, rsi etc) and command lines for
processes to be started up to be listed. The syntax of each command is listed in the
following sections.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Configure the number of messages in the standard and large message pools.
This command configures the number of messages globally allocated for use within the
DSI software environment. All systems need to have a pool of ‘standard’ messages
configured using the NUM_MSGS command. Optionally, systems may also have a pool
of ‘long’ messages configured using the NUM_LMSGS command. Long messages are
typically required for the use of transaction-based protocols where SCCP is performing
segmentation and reassembly.
Configures the congestion parameters for the DSI software environment.
CONG_MSG 0x21 50 10
This command configures the behavior of the congestion reporting system, as detailed
in section 2.9. The following parameters can be configured using this message.
The congestion module Id specifies the module to which a congestion notification
message is to be sent in the event of system congestion onset or abatement.
The congestion onset threshold specifies the percentage of the total number of
available messages that must be allocated before the system will start congestion
The congestion abatement threshold specifies the percentage of the total number of
messages that must be available before the system will terminate congestion
Section 7 Host Utilities
Command to create a message queue for a given module identifier that will be serviced
by a local module.
LOCAL <module_id>
This command causes gctload to create a message queue and associate the queue with
the given module_id.
These commands should appear prior to any redirect commands. One entry should
appear for each local module that will run in the system. The module identifier,
<module_id>, must be in the range 0x00 to 0xfe and must not have already been
declared. Usually, the module_id is entered in hexadecimal format.
Command to cause messages for a given module identifier to be redirected to an
alternative message queue.
This command causes messages destined to <new_module_id> to be redirected to
<existing_module_id>. The <existing_module_id> must have already been declared
as a local module.
Messages for many module identifiers may be re-directed to a single module. A
separate command line should be used in each case.
Typical use for this command is to redirect messages intended for processes that are
running on a remote board via a local process which is responsible for transferring the
message to the remote board.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Command to cause messages for any module identifier not explicitly defined to be
redirected to an alternative message queue.
DEFAULT_MODULE <default_module_id>
This command saves using several REDIRECT commands and allows messages for any
unspecified module_id to be redirected to a single default module_id. It is good
practice to always include the DEFAULT_MODULE command to ensure that all module
identifiers are serviceable.
Command to start up processes within the DSI software environment.
This command causes the specified process to be spawned once the system
environment has been created. Command line parameters for the process can also be
specified, although there may be some limitations to the symbols that are permitted.
The maximum number of FORK_PROCESS commands supported in a system.txt
configuration file is 64. A process does not have to be spawned in the configuration
file, provided it is run after gctload and its module identifier has been declared as
local. An advantage of using the configuration file is that the processes spawned by
gctload automatically get shutdown when using gctload –x to shutdown the DSI
software environment.
Section 7 Host Utilities
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
7.2 s7_log
The s7_log utility services a specified message queue, receiving all messages and
generates text based output either to the screen or to a log file. Maintenance and
status events are interpreted as text; other messages are displayed in raw
hexadecimal format. All entries in the log file are timestamped with date and time.
The utility is able to generate rolling, size limited log files and is suitable for real-time
logging of messages to disk. Typically one or more instances of s7_log will be present
in a system. For example one instance might log management events and status
indications whilst other instances could be used to log measurements or to log traces
protocol messages.
Show version information.
The module identifier assigned to the s7_log process. If not specified, s7_log will use a
module ID of 0xef. The module ID assigned to s7_log must have a corresponding
LOCAL entry in the system.txt file and must not be in use by other processes.
A 16 bit value that specifies the type of message reporting that will occur. If not
specified, a value of 0xaf0d is used. Each bit set to 1 enables reporting of a particular
message group or parameter field as described in the following table:
Bit Function
0 Enable text interpretation of all recognized messages.
1 Display ALL received messages (including those interpreted as text) as hexadecimal.
2 Decode and display Management trace messages.
3 Decode and display Management Trace Event ‘time stamp’ field.
4 Decode message header src and dst fields as text if recognized.
5 Enables the decoding of timestamps included in API_MSG_RX_INDT messages received from
DSI SS7 Boards. Setting bit 5 to 1 specifies the timestamp values taken from the internal board
clock should be displayed in short form (time only). The timestamp information is displayed
after the “BRD:“ label in the log.
Note: This timestamp is different and more precise than the timestamp derived from the host
clock, enabling usage of the -t[t|d] option as described below.
6 As for bit 5, it enables the decoding of timestamps included in API_MSG_RX_INDT messages
received from DSI SS7 Boards. Bit 6 differs from bit 5 by displaying the timestamp values
taken from the internal board clock in long format (date and time). Setting bit 6 to 1 overrides
the value of bit 5 and always results in the display of timestamps in the long format. If both bits
5 and 6 are set to 0, the timestamp is not displayed.
7 Not used. Must be set to zero.
8 Display message type field.
Section 7 Host Utilities
Bit Function
9 Display message id field.
10 Display message src field.
11 Display message dst field.
12 Display message rsp_req field.
13 Display message status field.
14 Display message err_info field.
15 Display message parameter field.
Optionally specifies a text file to which the output from s7_log will be written. s7_log
will create a backup of the existing log file, if one exists, with the filename
<logfile_name>.old. When operating with rolling log files using the –s and –n options
s7_log will not create the backup file.
Optionally allows multiple log files to be created in a rolling log format to prevent filling
the hard drive. This parameter should be set to a value between 2 and 99 to control
how many log files are created. The filenames of the log files will be in the following
form. Each time the latest file is full, each file is renamed.
log.txt (most recent file),
log.txt.1 (second most recent file)
log.txt.[n-1] (oldest file)
Use in conjunction with the –n option to specify the maximum file size (in kbytes) for a
rolling log file. The valid range is from 1 to 100,000 representing log file sizes from
1kbytes to 100,000kbytes.
The –p option causes a PCAP formatted log file with the given filename to be created.
s7_log will log the following message types in the PCAP format file: API_MSG_RX_IND,
When running in terminated mode, the user needs to activate tracing of MTP3 TX_REQ
in the output event trace mask and RX_IND in the input trace mask and these trace
messages will be logged into the PCAP format log file.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Optional quiet mode which prevents output being sent to the display console. The use
of this option is highly recommended for all systems under load as the impact of
writing lots of messages to the screen can seriously impact system throughput.
An option for use when rolling log files are enabled to cause a new file to be started
the first time a new event is logged each day. This functionality is enabled by adding
the –r option (in conjunction with the –n option). This behavior applies to both text
and PCAP format log files.
This option is used to modify the filename format for rotating log files. By default the
sequence number is appended at the end of the filename (eg. maint.log.2) but if the –
x option is used the sequence number is placed before the file extension (eg.
For example, the command line to run s7_log as module ID 0xef with rolling logs
enabled would be:
Section 7 Host Utilities
Each line of text corresponds to a received message. The parameter prefixed I is the
instance recovered from the message. In an SIU host environment, the instance
identifies the SIU (by the siu_id value) that originated the message. Instance 0 refers
to SIUA and instance 1 refers to SIUB.
Messages that are not interpreted as text are displayed in hexadecimal format as
Each field contains the value of the corresponding message field in hexadecimal
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
7.3 s7_play
s7_play is a utility, primarily intended for diagnostic purposes, which takes text based
representation of messages and sends them to the DSI software environment. It can
optionally wait for a response to a message, insert a delay between messages or pause
until a specific message type is received.
Typically s7_play is used to prototype configuration sequences, or to generate status
requests or statistics gathering messages from a live system.
Show version information.
Set the module_id that s7_play will use. By default this is 0x5d but may need to be
changed depending on the manner in which s7_play is being used. If s7_play is simply
generating messages then it can run with the default module_id. If it is also receiving
responses then it is important that there is a corresponding LOCAL entry in the
system.txt file and that module_id is not in use by other processes. Also it is important
that the correct module_id is entered in the src field of messages in the command file
so that the responses come back to the correct message queue.
The filename of the text file containing the commands to be executed by s7_play.
Optionally a space may be inserted between –f and the file name. By convention the
filename suffix .ms7 is used.
For example, to run s7_play as module ID 0x2d and take commands from a file
Section 7 Host Utilities
Command Function
M Send message
W Send message and wait for response
P Pause and wait for a specified message type to be received
D Delay
R Change the receive message queue which s7_play uses when waiting for responses
The command file can be made self executing (within a Linux or Solaris environment)
by using a feature of the Unix environment and including the following text (or similar)
in the first line of the file and changing the file permissions to be executable. (Note
however that this technique does not allow the module_id to be changed):
#!/opt/DSI/s7_play –f
* The format for individual parameters is as follows:
* -I0000 specifies the instance value for the message
* -t0000 specifies the hdr->type value for the message
* -i0000 specifies the hdr->id value for the message
* -f00 specifies the hdr->src value for the message
* -d00 specifies the hdr->dst value for the message
* -r0000 specifies the hdr->rsp_req value for the message
* -e00000000 specifies the hdr->err_info value for the message
* -s00 specifies the hdr->status value for the message
* The param field is variable length up to 320 octets
* -p0000..0000 specifies the param value for the message
* The following command sends a GEN_MSG_MOD_IDENT message to board_id=1
* NOTE: the message is a single line which wraps to fit the document!
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
* The following sends message type-0x1234 and waits for a response
* The following line pauses until message type 0x1234 is received
* The following line implements a 3 second delay
* The following line implements a 20ms delay
* The following line changes the s7_play module_id to 0x2d
Section 7 Host Utilities
tick [-v]
tim [-v]
Show version information.
The following example shows the typical use of the tick and tim utilities as commands
within the system.txt file:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
7.5 s7_mgt
The s7_mgt utility is the primary tool for configuring a DSI software stack. It is a
single-shot configuration utility that takes configuration commands from a text file
(config.txt by default).
The full set of configuration commands are detailed in section 8.16 of this manual.
As an alternative to using s7_mgt, experienced users can build their own configuration
utilities using messaged-based configuration. In this case users should refer to the
definitions of individual messages in the appropriate Programmer’s Manuals.
Show version information.
-k<config file>
Specifies the filename of the user generated text file that contains all the protocol
configuration commands. The default is config.txt.
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default s7_mgt uses
module_id=0xcf and typically this does not need to be changed.
Enables additional diagnostic output to assist diagnosis of configuration problems.
Optionally specifies a text file to which the output from s7_mgt will be written. s7_mgt
will overwrite existing log files.
The following example uses the configuration file “my_config.txt” and on completion
will issue notification to module_id=0xef.
Section 7 Host Utilities
7.6 ssd
ssd is the generic name for the process that interfaces with the per-board device driver
for passing messages to and from the board. It also controls resetting and
downloading software onto the board.
ssd also provides the ability to configure the addressing mode for the board, this is
particularly important where multiple boards of the same type are in use in a single
server to ensure that the board_id always refers to the same board.
Each board type has its own version of ssd as follows:
ssds for SPCI4/SPCI2S boards
ssdl for SS7LD boards
ssdh for SS7HD boards
ssdm for SS7MD boards
The ssds utility interfaces with the device driver for passing messages to and from the
SPCI4 and SPCI2S boards and controls the downloading software to the board. ssds
also controls geographic addressing for all boards in a system which can be based on
either the PCI bus enumeration or the ADDR switch setting on the board.
Show version information.
-o<addressing mode>
This parameter specifies the Geographic Addressing mode of operation. Geographic
Addressing allows the logical position of a board (or board_id) in a system to remain
the same irrespective of the addition or removal of other boards on the PCI bus. It can
take the following values:
-o1 - PCI address mode where address is determined by enumerating boards on the
PCI bus at boot time (i.e., the default order found by the operating system).
-o3 - Switch address mode where address is determined by a 16 position ADDR switch
on the board. The switch must be set to a different value for each board.
If the parameter is omitted then operation defaults to PCI address mode.
For Switch address mode it is necessary to specify a second command line parameter s
containing a list of the addresses for each logical board position (or board_id) derived
from the ADDR switch setting. Each entry in the list (up to a maximum of 16) is
separated by a comma as follows:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
If using Switch address mode , board_id=0 would be the board with ADDR switch set
to 6, board_id=1 would be the board with ADDR switch set to 4 and so on. It is not
necessary for all boards listed in this option to physically exist in a system.
Enables additional diagnostic output to provide feedback on progress of code file
download and initialization to help resolve configuration issues.
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default ssds uses
The ssdl utility interfaces with the device driver for passing messages to and from the
SS7LD board and controls the downloading software to the board. ssdl can be
configured to handle different modes of addressing for each board within a system.
This can be based on either the PCI bus enumeration or board serial number.
Show version information.
-o<addressing mode>
This parameter specifies the Geographic Addressing mode of operation. Geographic
addressing allows a board's logical position in a system to remain the same
irrespective of the addition or removal of other boards on the PCI bus. Two different
schemes of addressing DSI SS7LDH4Q boards are supported:
-o1 - PCI address mode, as supplied by enumerating boards on the PCI bus at boot
-o3 - Switch address mode based addressing, determined by a 16-position rotary
switch (SW1) on the board. Note that any changes to the ADDR switch setting will not
be recognized by the system until the system is power cycled.
If the parameter is omitted, then operation defaults to PCI address mode.
For Switch address mode, it is necessary to specify a second command line parameter
containing a list of the switch settings for each logical board position (or board_id).
Each entry in the list (up to a maximum of 16) is separated by a comma as follows:
Section 7 Host Utilities
If using Switch address mode, board_id=0 would be the board with ADDR switch set to
6, board_id=1 would be the board with ADDR switch set to 4, and so on. It is not
necessary for all boards listed in this parameter to actually exist in a system. A board
that is listed, but missing, would result in a gap in the logical board_id sequence.
Enables additional diagnostic output to provide feedback on progress of code file
download and initialization to help resolve configuration issues.
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default ssdl uses
-Lp<license path>
Specifies the path to the license file.
License test mode option used to check that the specified license is valid. The result is
displayed to the console.
Permits the module to run without a license in ‘trial mode’ for one hour after which the
binary will terminate.
The ssdh utility interfaces with the device driver for passing messages to and from the
SS7HD board and controls the downloading software to the board. ssdh handles
different modes of addressing for boards within a system. This can be based on either
PCI bus enumeration or the ADDR switch setting on the board.
Show version information.
-o<addressing mode>
Select geographic address mode. Geographic addressing allows a board’s logical
position in a system to remain the same irrespective of the addition or removal of
other boards on the PCI bus. The following addressing schemes are supported:
-o1 – PCI address mode as supplied by enumerating boards on the PCI bus at boot
-o3 - ADDR switch-based addressing, determined by a 16-position rotary switch on the
If the parameter is omitted then operation defaults to PCI address mode.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
For switch based addressing, it is necessary to specify a second option that provides a
list of the switch settings to be used for each logical board position (or board_id).
Enables additional diagnostic output to provide feedback on progress of code file
download and initialization to help resolve configuration issues.
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default ssdh uses
The following example shows the use of a three-board system using the hardware
switch mode where the switches would be set to 1 for board_id=0, 2 for board_id=1
and 5 for board_id=2.
The ssdm utility interfaces with the device driver for passing messages to and from the
SS7MD board and controls the downloading software to the board. ssdm can be
configured to handle different modes of addressing for each board within a system.
This can be based on either the PCI bus enumeration or board serial number.
Show version information.
-o<addressing mode>
Select geographic address mode. Geographic addressing allows a board's logical
position in a system to remain the same irrespective of the addition or removal of
other boards on the PCI bus. Two different addressing schemes are supported:
-o1 – PCI address mode, as supplied by enumerating boards on the PCI bus at boot
Section 7 Host Utilities
-o2 - Board serial number, determined by the board unique serial number
If the parameter is omitted then operation defaults to PCI address mode.
For serial number based addressing, it is necessary to specify a second option that
provides a list of the serial numbers of the board to reside at each logical board
location. Up to a maximum of eight addresses can be specified in the following format:
It is not necessary for all boards listed in this option to physically exist in a system. In
board serial number address mode, if a board does not have a valid entry in the
address list, that board will be inaccessible to the system.
To leave a logical board id unused then a dummy entry (e.g. PX800000) should be
included in that position in the address list.
Under certain circumstances (for example to determine the serial number of a new
board added to the system which, as yet, does not have a valid mapping in the
system.txt file), the user may require access to all the boards in a system irrespective
of the address mode or any address list specified in the system.txt file.
To retrieve a board's serial number under these conditions, the
SSD_MSG_BOARD_INFO message allows each board to be addressed either via its
logical address (as determined by the address list mapping) or via its physical address
(as determined via its discovery order in the platforms PCI bus enumeration). To
access the board under its physical address, the most significant bit of the
SSD_MSG_BOARD_INFO ID field is set.
Enables additional diagnostic output to provide feedback on progress of code file
download and initialization to help resolve configuration issues.
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default ssdm uses
-Lp<license path>
Specifies the path to the license file.
License test mode option used to check that the specified license is valid. The result is
displayed to the console.
Permits the module to run without a license in ‘trial mode’ for one hour after which the
binary will terminate.
The following example is for a two-board system using the board serial number
address mode where serial numbers PX800007 and PX800046, map to board identifiers
0, and 1, respectively:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 7 Host Utilities
7.7 rsi
The RSI utility allows two DSI environments operating on separate platforms to extend
the message passing mechanism to work between the two platforms over TCP/IP. The
RSI utility includes mechanisms to detect link failure and manage link restoration. The
RSI utility creates one instance of the rsi_lnk process for each RSI link that is created
up to a maximum of 32 links.
RSI is the primary means by which user applications interface with the Dialogic® DSI
Signaling Interface Unit, in this case the SIU is the server end of the RSI link. RSI can
also be used for generic communication between two host based DSI environments.
rsi –v
rsi –m -p<pipe> -l<link_selection>-r<link_process> -nl
Show version information.
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default rsi uses
Specifies the pipe used for communication between rsi and rsi_lnk. If not specified, rsi
attempts to use /tmp/pipe.
This parameter is not used when operating under Windows.
Specifies the algorithm to be used by RSI to select which RSI link to use for sending a
message. Messages are routed according to their Instance value (which is set by the
sending module using the GCT_set_instance() function) and the link selection
algorithm. The following algorithms are supported:
Specifies the location of the rsi_lnk binary. If not specified, rsi assumes that the rsi_lnk
binary is located in the current directory.
Enables transmission of long messages.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Example rsi entry in the system.txt file:
Section 7 Host Utilities
7.8 rsicmd
The rsicmd utility is a command line utility to configure an individual RSI link.
The local logical RSI link identifier in the range 0 to one less than the number of links
When connecting from a host to a pair of SIUs in a dual redundant configuration,
rsi_link_id=0 should be used to communicate with SIUA and rsi_link_id=1 should be
used to communicate with SIUB.
The concerned module_id to which RSI link status indications will be sent.
Client / Server setting. This bit should be set to 0 for the Client end of the link and set
to 1 for the Server end of the link. All SIU Host links to an SIU must be created as
Client link types.
The IP address (IPv4 and IPv6 address formats are supported). For the Client end of
the link this should be set to the IP address of the remote machine. For the Server end
of the link this should be set to the machine’s local IP address.
<port number>
Specifies the TCP/IP port number used for the RSI link. For SIU Hosts the first host
(host_id=0) should connect to port number 9000. Subsequent hosts connect to ports
9001, 9002 etc.
For example, to start a link to SIUA with an IPv4 address as host 0,
nominating a module whose ID is 0xef to receive RSI status information, the command
line is:
The following IPv6 address formats, as specified by RFC4291 and RFC4007, are
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 7 Host Utilities
7.9 tempmon
The tempmon utility periodically monitors the operating temperature of SS7MD and
SS7LD boards to support evaluation of a suitable host chassis for deployment. The
utility runs directly above the board driver and does not require or make use of the
GCT environment.
The tempmon output which can optionally be sent to file includes date and time of all
readings and the serial number of all boards detected.
The tempmon utility can be shut down by pressing <CTRL>C. The application will then
close any log file and exit.
Show version information.
-f <filename>
Optionally specifies a file to which all output is written.
-t <sample period>
Period, in seconds, between successive temperature readings. Defaults to 1 second.
-b <board mask>
A 16 bit bitmap of boards to include (each bit set will display that board). The least
significant bit corresponds to board_id=0. If the parameter is omitted a default value
of 0x000f is used which will display the temperature for the first 4 boards.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Sample Output
Section 7 Host Utilities
7.10 dsictrl
The dsictrl utility is a command line utility that allows the user to perform interactive
control to the various elements within a DSI deployment.
dsictrl supports control of the following entities: E1/T1 LIUs, MTP links, SIGTRAN links,
Call control circuit groups and RSI links.
MTP links can be Activated, Deactivated, Inhibited & Uninhibited.
Circuit groups can be Reset, Maintenance or Hardware Blocked and Unblocked.
LIUs can be forced to generate alarm conditions (eg RAI, AIS) and put in various
loopback modes.
For a full syntax listing run the tool with the –h option.
Each invocation of dsictrl performs an action on a single element. In order to perform
operations on multiple elements users should create a script file containing a separate
invocation of dsictrl on each line of the file.
A token indicating the type of entity being acted upon as detailed in the following
table: M3UAL
<type> Description
A token indicating the action to be taken as detailed in the following table:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
<action> Description
ACT Activate ● ●
DEACT Deactivate ● ●
INH Maintenance Inhibit ●
UNINH Maintenance Uninhibit ●
GRS Reset Circuit Group ●
MCGB Maintenance Block Circuit group ●
MCGU Maintenance Unblock Circuit group ●
HCGB Hardware Block Circuit Group ●
HCGU Hardware Unblock Circuit Group ●
AIS Force generate of AIS (Blue Alarm) ●
NOAIS Cancel forced generation of AIS (Blue Alarm) ●
RAI Force generation of RAI (Yellow Alarm) ●
NORAI Cancel generation of RAI (Yellow Alarm) ●
AUTORAI Set RAI (Yellow Alarm) generation to automatic ●
RLOOP Activate remote loopback ●
LLOOP Activate local loopback ●
NOLOOP Cancel all loopbacks ●
The identifier indicating the instance of the entity to be controlled. The id is formatted
according to the following table:
Format of Description
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default dsictrl uses
Section 7 Host Utilities
The optional destination module id. Default destination module_ids for each entity can
be listed using the –h option.
The optional destination module instance, used for example when communicating with
multiple boards to specify the board_id. If not specified, –di defaults to 0.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
7.11 dsistat
The disstat utility is a command line utility that allows the user to request and display
status and measurements from the various elements within a DSI deployment.
For a full syntax listing run the tool with the –h option.
A token indicating the type of element for which the status or measurements are to be
M3UAS, M3UAR, LSS, RSS, RSP, RSIL. For full details run the dsistat with the –h
A token which should be set to STATUS to read back status or STATS to read back
The identifier of the element. For full details of the available options and the format of
the parameter run dsistat using the –h option.
An optional parameter to cause the measurements to be reset.
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default dsistat uses
The optional destination module id. Default destination module_ids for each entity can
be listed using the –h option.
The optional destination module instance, used for example when communicating with
multiple boards to specify the board_id. If not specified, –di defaults to 0.
Optional parameter causes the short format of the output to be displayed omitting the
header. This is useful when creating a script to read status or measurements from
several elements. The header is only needed for the first line and subsequent
invocations of dsistat can use the –sh option.
Section 7 Host Utilities
Optional parameter causes the short format of the output to be displayed omitting the
status footer. This is useful when creating a script to read status or measurements
from several elements. The footer may not be required.
The following are examples of individual commands:
An example of a script file which displays a header for the first row and lists status only
in subsequent rows is shown below:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
7.12 dsitrace
The distrace utility is a command line utility that allows the user to conveniently set
the trace masks for individual protocols from the command line.
For a full syntax listing run the tool with the –h option.
A token indicating the protocol module (eg MTP3, ISUP, SCCP, TCAP, MAP, INAP, IS41,
A token which should be set to TRACE to activate tracing or NOTRACE to deactivate
-m<module id>
Run using an alternative specified module_id to the default. By default dsitrace uses
The optional destination module id. Default destination module_ids for each entity can
be listed using the –h option.
The optional destination module instance, used for example when communicating with
multiple boards to specify the board_id. If not specified, –di defaults to 0.
The value to use for the input event mask. This parameter is optional and when not
specified dsitrace will select a per-module default value. The default value can be listed
by running dsitrace with the –h option.
The value to use for the output event mask. This parameter is optional and when not
specified dsitrace will select a per-module default value. The default value can be listed
by running dsitrace with the –h option.
The value to use for the management event mask. This parameter is optional and
when not specified dsitrace will select a per-module default value. The default value
can be listed by running dsitrace with the –h option.
Section 7 Host Utilities
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Command to configure an SS7 board in the system
SS7_BOARD <board_id> <board_type> <flags> <code_file> <run_mode>
SS7_BOARD 0 SPCI4 0x0043 ./DC/ss7.dc3 ISUP-L
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of
boards supported.
The board type within the system. Possible values are:
DNI2410, DNI1210, DNI610 and DNI310
A 32 bit value that provides additional level 1 configuration for the board. The meaning
of each bit may vary with different board types. The bits in the flags field are used as
follows (when using a DNIxxxx board the flags should be set to zero):
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Flag Bit
0 ● ● ● ●
1 ● ● ● ●
3 ●
6 ● ● ●
7 ● ● ●
9 ● ● ● ●
13 ● ● ●
Bit 0 controls the reference source used for on-board clocks when acting as CT bus
Primary Master. If set to 1 then the clock is recovered from one of the line interfaces.
If set to zero then the on-board clock oscillator is used.
Bit 1 is reserved for future use and must always be set to 1.
Bit 3 is applicable for the SS7HDP and SS7HDE boards only. It should be set to 1 to
enable H.100 bus termination or set to 0 to disable H.100 bus termination. Setting bus
termination prevents the bus clock signal from being reflected and must be set for any
board at either end of the H.100 bus. For all other board types this bit should be set to
Bit 6 and 7 together select the initial clocking mode for the CT bus as shown in the
following table. The clocking mode can subsequently modified dynamically using the
Bit 9 – Typically this bit is not used and should be set to 0. In dual board fault tolerant
configurations where the MTP3 layer is running on the board, Board A must set bit 9 to
0 while Board B must set bit 9 to 1.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Bit 13 causes the board to drive the CT_NETREF1 clocks on the CT bus when set to 1.
The highest priority in-sync line interface is used as a clock source. If this bit is set to
zero then the CT_NETREF1 clock is not driven. By default, liu_id=0 is the highest
priority and liu_id=7 is the lowest. The priority may however be modified using the
Bit 16 is set to 1 to enable SNMP on a per-board basis. Information provided through
this configuration includes board specific data, and all Line Interface Units
subsequently configured. For additional information on SNMP support refer to the
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks SNMP User Manual.
All other bits are reserved and must be set to zero.
<code file>
The filename of the Code File which gets downloaded to the board when it is reset. To
support code file paths the code file name may be up to 49 characters long. Each
board family uses a different file suffix as follows:
All appropriate SS7 protocols for the board are included within the Code File. The
selection of which protocols are run is made using the run_mode parameter below.
When using DNIxxxx boards <code_file> is not used and should be set to ‘null’.
The run_mode determines which protocols are invoked at run time. The different board
families have separate run modes. For details on what is supported refer to the
Programmer’s Manual for your specific board.
When using SS7LD or DNIxxxx boards, <run_mode> should be set to one of the
following values depending on which protocols are required to run as part of the ssdl
module. If not running within ssdl then the user can run the protocol as a stand-alone
host binary. All protocols that run embedded within ssdl use their own message queue
so they require a LOCAL entry in the system.txt file.
Run Mode Protocols running embedded within ssdl Optional Host Protocols
MTP2 None MTP3, ISUP, SCCP etc
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
This command configures the operating parameters for a T1/E1 Line Interface Unit
LIU_CONFIG <board_id> <liu_id> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format>
<crc_mode> [<build_out> <options>]
LIU_CONFIG 0 0 5 1 1 1 0x0000
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of
boards supported.
The identifier of the T1/E1 Line Interface Unit in the range from 0 to one less than the
number of LIUs supported (except for the SPCI2S board where the valid values are 2
and 3).
The physical type of interface according to the following table:
liu_type Description
1 Disabled (used to deactivate a LIU). In this mode the LIU does not ● ● ● ●
produce an output signal.
4 T1 ● ● ● ●
Note: When using the SS7LD board all four ports must be configured as either T1 or E1.
The line coding technique taken from the following table:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
line_code Description
1 HDB3 (E1 only). ● ● ● ●
The frame format taken from the following table:
The CRC mode. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
Note: The ability to disable Zero Code Suppression on a per timeslot basis is not supported by the
SS7LD board.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
crc_mode Description
1 CRC generation disabled ● ● ● ●
The build out type. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
Value Description Valid For
0 E1 setting (default) liu_type = 3 or 5 ● ● ● ●
1 T1 short haul, 0 to 110 ft. (default) ● ● ●
T1 short haul, 0 to 110 ft. (same as ● ● ●
3 T1 short haul, 110 to 220 ft. ● ●
4 T1 short haul, 220 to 330 ft. ● ●
5 T1 short haul, 330 to 440 ft. ● ●
liu_type = 4
6 T1 short haul, 440 to 550 ft. ● ●
7 T1 short haul, 550 to 600 ft. ● ●
8 T1 long haul LB0 (-0db) ● ● ●
9 T1 long haul LB0 (-7.5db) ● ●
10 T1 long haul LB0 (-15db) ● ●
11 T1 long haul LB0 (0db, TR62411) ● ●
A 16 bit value that provides additional per-LIU run-time configuration options. The bits
in the <options> field are used as follows:
Bit 0 set to 1 to prevent the LIU being used as a source of clock recovery. This option
is applicable only for the SS7MD board. For SPCI and SS7HD boards this functionality
can be achieved by using the LIU priority message.
All other bits are reserved and must be set to zero.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This command is used during initialization to set up a static switch path through the
board between the Line Interface Unit (LIU) and the CT bus. It connects selected
incoming voice timeslots from an T1/E1 LIU to a sequential block of channels on the CT
bus and prepares the outgoing timeslots for subsequent use by the
Note: This command is only supported for SPCI and SS7HD product families.
LIU_SC_DRIVE <board_id> <liu_id> <sc_channel> <ts_mask> {<mode>}
LIU_SC_DRIVE 0 0 512 0xfffefffe
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of
boards supported.
The identifier of the T1/E1 Line Interface Unit in the range 0 to one less than the
number of LIUs supported (except for the SPCI2S board where the valid values are 2
and 3). This parameter can also be set to special values which are board specific.
For SPCI boards, value 0x83 selects the signaling processor instead of an LIU. In this
case timeslots 0 ... 3 in the ts_mask correspond to signaling processor 0…3.
For SS7HD boards, this parameter can also be set to one of the special values 0x90,
0x91, 0x92, and 0x93, depending on the number of signaling processors. In these
cases, the timeslots 0 to 31 in the <ts_mask> parameter correspond to the signaling
processor's signaling links.
The channel number of the first channel to be used on the CT bus. This must be in the
range from 0 up to one less than the total number of channels on the CT bus.
A 32 bit timeslot mask where each bit position is set to 1 if the corresponding timeslot
on the T1/E1 interface is required to be connected to the CT bus. The least significant
bit (bit 0) represents timeslot 0. Each timeslot for which the corresponding bit is set in
ts_mask is connected up to the CT bus; other timeslots are not affected in any way.
Timeslots containing SS7 signaling that are processed by the signaling processor on
the board should not be included in the timeslot mask. Usually the mask should be set
to include all bearer (voice) timeslots but no signaling timeslots. Bit 0 (corresponding
to timeslot 0 on the LIU) must not be set.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
As an example, for an E1 interface with SS7 signaling on timeslot 16, and the
remaining 30 timeslots used for voice circuits, ts_mask should be set to the value
0xfffefffe. For a T1 interface with signaling on timeslot 24, ts_mask should be set to
the value 0x00fffffe.
This parameter allows the user to select how the CT bus channels are allocated.
Usually (mode=1) the first timeslot connected to the CT bus is connected to
sc_channel and each subsequent timeslot that is selected is connected to the next CT
bus channel. This allows maximum utilization of channels on the CT bus.
An alternative mode (mode=2) (only used if there is a specific requirement for it)
associates (but does not necessarily connect) timeslot 0 on the LIU with sc_channel
and subsequent timeslots on the LIU with subsequent CT bus channels. Connections
are only made when the corresponding bit in the timeslot mask is set to 1. This mode
of operation preserves the spacing between timeslots that was originally found on the
T1/E1 interface but does result in a number of CT bus channels being not used.
The mode parameter is optional and may be omitted altogether. This has the same
effect as setting it to 1.
This command establishes a connection from the CT bus to an outgoing timeslot on the
Line Interface Unit (LIU).
Dynamic modification of voice paths can only be performed by issuing messages
directly to the board. The MVD_MSG_SC_LISTEN message is recommended for this
Note: This command is only fully supported for SPCI and SS7HD product families. For the SS7MD
board this command can be used to switch between timeslots between LIUs on the same
board. Refer to SS7MD Programmer’s Manual for full details.
SCBUS_LISTEN <board_id> <liu_id> <timeslot> <sc_channel>
SCBUS_LISTEN 0 0 31 23
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of
boards supported.
The identifier of the T1/E1 Line Interface Unit in the range 0 to one less than the
number of LIUs supported (except for the SPCI2S board where the valid values are 2
and 3). This parameter can also be set to special values which are board specific.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
For SPCI boards, value 0x83 selects the signaling processor instead of an LIU. In this
case timeslots 0 ... 3 in the ts_mask correspond to signaling processor 0…3.
For SS7HD boards, this parameter can also be set to one of the special values 0x90,
0x91, 0x92, and 0x93, depending on the number of signaling processors. In these
cases, the timeslots 0 to 31 in the <ts_mask> parameter correspond to the signaling
processor's signaling links.
The timeslot number on the T1/E1 line interface unit on which the data from the CT
bus is transmitted. The valid ranges for timeslot are 1 to 31 for an E1 interface, 1 to 24
for a T1 interface and 0 to 31 when referring to the signaling processor on the SS7HD
The channel number on the CT bus to which the LIU listens. This must be in the range
from 0 up to one less than the total number of channels on the CT bus.
The STREAM_XCON command controls the cross connect switch on the signaling
boards, enabling the cross connection of timeslots between two Line Interface Units
(LIUs) on each signaling board. The LIUs on a board are referenced by a fixed logical
stream number.
This command is supported for SPCI, SS7HD and SS7LD boards.
STREAM_XCON <bpos> <stream_a> <stream_b> <mode> <ts_mask>
STREAM_XCON 3 2 3 3 0xfffefffe 0
The board position of the cross connect switch to be controlled. There must be a valid
board at this position (previously defined by an SS7_BOARD command).
Reference to the 2 Mb/s stream for the output of the connection. There must be a valid
LIU at this position (previously defined by a LIU_CONFIG command). Valid values are:
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
A reference to the 2 Mb/s stream for the input of a simplex connection (mode 2) or
one half of a duplex cross connection (mode 3). In other modes, this field should be
set to 0. There must be a valid LIU at this position (previously defined by a
LIU_CONFIG command). For valid values, see the table in the <stream_a> parameter
description above.
Indicates the requested cross connect switch function according to the following table.
Mode Function
1 Not supported
2 Connect the input timeslot to the output timeslot
3 Duplex cross-connect the input and output timeslot
A 32-bit mask specifying the timeslots to which the cross connect is applied to. Each
bit corresponds to a timeslot in the input/output stream. Bit 0 (the least significant bit)
corresponds to timeslot number 0. To apply this command to a timeslot, the
corresponding bit must be set to one.
— E1 interfaces have 32 timeslots numbered 0 to 31. Timeslot 0 is used for frame
alignment and timeslot 16 is generally used for signaling or is empty. Hence the
normal configuration is to cross connect timeslots 1 to 15 and 17 to 31 between the
two ports on each signaling board by setting the <ts_mask> value to 0xfffefffe.
— T1/J1 interfaces have 24 timeslots, numbered 1 to 24. To cross connect all the
timeslots on a T1 interface between the two PCM ports on a signaling board, the
<ts_mask> value 0x1fffffe should be used.
In duplex mode both PCM ports should have been previously configured under the
same type of PCM connector T1, E1 or J1.
This parameter should be set to zero.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
These commands are used to modify the default module_ids used by the s7_mgt utility
to configure the Management ID, Maintenance ID and Trace ID for Protocol modules;
this permits the user to specify the separate destinations to be used for trace,
maintenance and management messages.
MGMT_MOD_ID <mgmt_id>
MAINT_MOD_ID <maint_id>
TRACE_MOD_ID <trace_id>
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This command is used to configure a signaling link to operate in receive only mode so
that received signaling messages are passed directly to the user application without
further processing.
Note: For the SPCI boards the ss7.dc3 code file does not support the use of the MONITOR_LINK
command. When using the SPCI board for monitoring applications users must select the
mon.dc3 code file.
Note: Often, applications that use MONITOR_LINK also require the line interfaces to operate in
high impedance or Protected Monitoring Point mode. When using SS7HD, SS7MD or SS7LD
boards high impedance and PMP modes can be selected for a particular LIU using the
<liu_type> parameter in the LIU_CONFIG command.
MONITOR_LINK <link_id> <board_id> <blink> <stream> <timeslot>
<user_module> <reserved1> <flags> <reserved2> [<data_rate>]
MONITOR_LINK 0 0 0-0 0 16 0x0d 0 0 0x00
<reserved1>, <reserved2>
These parameters are reserved for future use and should be set to zero.
The unique logical identity of the link. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the
total number of signaling links supported.
The ID of the board that will process the incoming signaling.
For SPCI, SS7MD and SS7LD Boards
This is the index of the signaling link. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the
number of signaling links licensed on the board.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
When the <timeslot> parameter is set to a non-zero value, the <stream> parameter is
the logical identity of the T1/E1 LIU (liu_id) containing the signaling link. It should be
in the range 0 to one less than the number of LIUs.
Set both the <stream> and <timeslot> parameters to 0 to disable automatic
configuration. The signaling path should be set up manually using the switch control
The timeslot used for signaling in the range 0-31. The valid range for an E1 interface is
1 to 31 and for a T1 interface 1 to 24.
To disable automatic configuration both <stream> and <timeslot> should be set to
zero. The signaling path should then be set up manually using the switch control
For HSL operation <timeslot> should be set to 0xff and the Data rate is set using the
optional data rate parameter, if not present data rate defaults based on LIU type
The module ID of the process that will receive the incoming signaling messages,
passed as API_MSG_RX_IND messages.
Per-link flags for monitoring operation.
— Bit 0 - Reserved, should be set to zero.
— Bit 1 - Enable Fill In Signal Units (FISUs) monitoring.
— Bit 10 - Set to the same value as in the MTP_LINK command.
— Bit 11 - Set to the same value as in the MTP_LINK command.
— Bit 12 - Set to the same value as in the MTP_LINK command.
— All other bits should be set to 0.
An optional parameter used for SS7HD and SS7MD boards as follows:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Value Description
E1_HSL unstructured E1 HSL operation
T1_HSL unstructured T1 HSL operation
E1_FRAMED structured 31 slot E1 operation
T1_FRAMED structured 24 slot T1 operations
structured 30 slot E1 operation (where timeslots 0 and 16 are not used for
Value Description
TDM single timeslot SS7 LSL (default)
E1_FRAMED HSL structured 31 slot E1 operation
T1_FRAMED HSL structured 24 slot T1/J1 operations
HSL structured 30 slot E1 operation (where timeslots 0 and 16 are not used
for signaling)
ATM The command follows the syntax for ATM links
This command is used user to configure an ATM link to operate in receive only mode
for monitoring purposes. This functionality is only supported on the SS7MD board. The
command is differentiated based on the data rate parameter. Received signaling
messages are passed directly to a user application without further processing. If an
ATM link is specified, multiple MONITOR_LINK commands may reference the same ATM
cell stream provided the cell stream VPI-VCI combination is unique.
MONITOR_LINK <link_id> <board_id> <blink> <atm_stream> <vpi-vci>
<user_module> <reserved1> <flags> <reserved2> [<data_rate>]
MONITOR_LINK 0 0 0 0 8-100 0x0d 0 0x0000 0x06 ATM
<reserved1>, reserved2>
These parameters are reserved for future use and should be set to zero.
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of
boards supported. This must be the same value as used in the ATM_STREAM
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The index of the signaling link. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the number
of signaling links licensed on the board.
This defines the logical id of the cell stream over which the link runs.
<vpi-vci >
This is a compound parameter that identifies the vpi and vci of the ATM link to be
monitored. It is represented in the form vpi-vci where:
— vpi is the Virtual Path Indicator of the signaling link within the ATM cell stream.
— vci is the Virtual Channel Indicator of the signaling link within the ATM cell stream.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This command sets the global configuration parameters for the Message Transfer Part
MTP_CONFIG [<NC>] <reserved1> <reserved2> <options>
MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x00040f00
Optional SS7 Network Context. Set to NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. When the parameter is
omitted, a value of NC0 is used. Up to four separate Network Contexts can be
configured. When multiple Network Contexts are used each Network Context uses a
separate instance of MTP3 running with its own module_id.
<reserved1>, <reserved2>
These parameters are reserved for backwards compatibility and should be set to zero.
A 32 bit value containing run-time options for the operation of the MTP as follows:
Bit 0 is set to 1 to disable the MTP3 message discrimination function (allowing the
signaling point to receive all messages irrespective of the destination point code
contained in the message) or zero to allow the discrimination function to function
Bit 1 is set to 1 to disable sub-service field (SSF) discrimination. If this bit is set to
zero, received MSUs whose ssf value does not match the configured ssf value for that
link set are discarded.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Bit 3 is set to 1 to cause MTP3 to generate a UPU (User Part Unavailable) message to
the network on receipt of a message containing a Service Indicator value that has not
been configured. If set to zero the message is discarded without sending UPU.
Bit 8 is set to 1 to select ANSI operation; otherwise it must be set to zero.
Bits 9 and 20 are used to select the point codes used in the MTP routing label as
defined below:
Note: For correct ANSI operation bits 8, 9, 10, 11, and 18 must all be set to 1. This gives a
typical<options> field value of 0x00040f00.
This command configures a link set to an adjacent signaling point.
MTP_LINKSET [<NC>] <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags>
<local_spc> <ssf>
MTP_LINKSET 0 321 2 0x0000 456 0x8
Optional SS7 Network Context. Set to NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. When the parameter is
omitted, a value of NC0 is used. Up to four separate Network Contexts can be
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The logical identity of the link set, in the range 0 to one less than the number of link
sets supported, The linkset_id is used in other commands for reference.
The signaling point code of the adjacent signaling point.
The number of links to be allocated to the link set.
A 16 bit value containing run-time options for the link set as follows:
Bit Meaning
0 This bit is used to determine whether or not the user has supplied a per-link set local
point code for this link set. If not, the point_code parameter from the global
configuration message is used instead.
• 0 - Use the per module (default) point_code as the local point code
• 1 - Use the local_pc parameter as the local point code for this link set
1 This bit is used to determine whether or not the user has supplied a per-link set
subservice-field (SSF) for this link set. If not, the ssf parameter from the global
configuration message is used instead.
• 0 - Use the per-module (default) SSF for this link set
• 1 - Use the per-link set ssf parameter for this link set
3 This bit is used to enable restart procedures on a link set.
• 0 - Normal setting
• 1 - Restart procedures enabled.
Note: Use of MTP Restart is recommended for all link sets including the inter-chassis
link set on a dual system.
4 This bit is used to enable SNMP indications for this link set
• 0 - SNMP disabled
• 1 - SNMP enabled
11 This bit is used to automatically activate the links in this linkset
• 0 – Auto-activate disabled
• 1 – Auto-activate enabled
15 This bit is used to indicate that the link set is the inter-MTP3 link set connecting
together the two halves when operating in a dual MTP3 configuration.
• 0 – Normal setting
• 1 – This link set is the inter-MTP3 link set in a dual configuration
Other bits All other bits are reserved for future use and must be set to zero.
The value to be used in the sub-service field of all level 3 messages and checked for by
the discrimination function in all received messages. This is a 4 bit value.
Note: For ANSI operation both of the two least significant bits must be set to 1.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Note: For correct operation the adjacent point code must also have its own MTP_ROUTE
This section describes the MTP_LINK command format used to configure an MTP
signaling link for Low Speed Link (LSL) or High Speed Link (HSL) operation. All boards
support LSL operation but HSL operation is only supported on SS7HD and SS7MD
MTP_LINK [<NC>] <link_id> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <board_id>
<blink> <stream> <timeslot> <flags> [<data rate>]
For SPCI, SS7MD and SS7LD: MTP_LINK 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 16 0x0006 TDM
For SS7HD: MTP_LINK 0 0 2 2 0 1-4 0 16 0x0006 TDM
Optional SS7 Network Context. Set to NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. When the parameter is
omitted, a value of NC0 is used. Up to four separate Network Contexts can be
The link’s unique logical link identity. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the
total number of signaling links supported.
The logical identity of the link set to which the link belongs. The linkset must already
have been configured using the MTP_LINKSET command.
The logical identity within the link set of the signaling link. It must be in the range 0 to
one less than the number of links in the link set.
The signaling link code for the signaling link. This must be unique within the link set
and is usually the same as the <link_ref>. The valid range is 0 to 15.
The board id of the signaling processor allocated for this signaling link.
For SPCI, SS7MD and SS7LD Boards
This is the index of the signaling link. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the
number of signaling links licensed on the board.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
When the <timeslot> parameter is set to a non-zero value, the <stream>
parameter is the logical identity of the T1/E1 line interface (liu_id) containing the
signaling link It must be in the range 0 to one less than the number of line interfaces.
Note: For SPCI2S. Stream identifiers for the PCM interfaces are implemented on streams 2 and 3.
Note: For SS7HD. If set to 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, or 0x93, depending on the number of signaling
processors, specifies the use of a specific signaling processor. In these cases, the timeslot
should be the signaling processor's signaling link in the range 0 to 31.
The timeslot used for signaling in the range 1 ... 31. For an E1 interface the valid range
is 1 ... 31. For a T1 interface the valid range is 1 ... 24. When set to zero the signaling
path through the board must be set up manually using the switch control messages.
For HSL operation <timeslot> should be set to 0xff and the Data rate is set using the
optional data rate parameter, if not present data rate defaults based on LIU type
A 32 bit value containing additional run-time options.
Bit 0 is set to 1 to force the use of the emergency proving period during link alignment
or zero to use the appropriate proving period according to the MTP3 recommendations.
Bit 1 is set to 1 to cause a signaling link test (in accordance with ITU-T Q.707 / ANSI
T1.111.7) to be carried out before a link is put into service, or zero if a test is not
Bit 2 is set to 1 to cause a signaling link test (in accordance with ITU-T Q.707 / ANSI
T1.111.7) to be carried out every 30 seconds. This bit is ignored unless bit 1 is also set
to 1.
Bit 8 is used to select the MTP2 error correction mode. It is set to 1 to select PCR
(Preventive Cyclic Retransmission) operation or zero for the Basic Method of Error
Bits 10 and 11 together select the appropriate operating bit rate for the link. The
table below specifies the appropriate values for 48, 56 or 64 kb/s.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
0 0 64 kb/s
0 1 48 kb/s1
1 1 56 kb/s1
1. When using a serial port (SPCI2S only), 48kbit/s or 56kbit/s operation is only supported when the clock is
applied externally.
2. For unstructured HSL operation (SS7HD only), these bits should be set to 0.
3. For framed HSL operation (SS7HD and SS7MD), these bits select the bit rate for each slot of the HSL
Bit 12 is used to select 12- or 7-bit sequence numbers for HSL only. This bit should be
set for 12-bit sequence numbers, clear otherwise.
Bit 13 is only used when the link has been configured to run over a serial port. If set
to 1 an external clock is used (Receive clock). If set to zero an internal clock (Transmit
clock) is used. If the link has not been configured to run over a serial port, this bit
must be set to zero. This bit is only applicable for SPCI2S boards and should otherwise
be set to zero.
Bit 14 is set to 1 to use a serial port rather than a PCM timeslot for this link. In this
mode the stream and timeslot parameters for this link are ignored (and must be set to
zero). If this bit is set to zero, the link uses the specified stream and timeslot. This bit
is only applicable for SPCI2S boards and should otherwise be set to zero. The serial
port used by the signaling processors for each link is fixed, according to the following
0 B
1 A
2 Cannot be used for a serial port.
3 Cannot be used for a serial port.
Bit 31 is set to 1 to denote the link as using the M2PA protocol. If selected, then blink
identifies the Snlink to be used. Board_id, timeslot and stream should be set to 0.
All other bits are reserved for future use and must be set to zero.
An optional parameter to specify link parameters, required for HSL or ATM operation.
The valid values are:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Value Description
TDM single timeslot SS7 LSL (default) ● ● ● ●
E1_FRAMED HSL structured 31 slot E1 operation ● ●
T1_FRAMED HSL structured 24 slot T1/J1 operation ● ●
HSL structured 30 slot E1 operation (where ● ●
timeslots 0 and 16 are not used for signaling)
ATM The command follows the syntax for ATM links ●
This command configures an ATM signaling link. ATM operation is only supported on
the SS7MD board.
MTP_LINK <link_id> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <board_id> <blink>
<atm_stream> <vpi-vci> <flags> ATM
MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 8-100 0x0006 ATM
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of
boards supported. This should be the same value as used in the ATM_STREAM
command. If the value selected is different, then the configuration will be rejected.
The index of the signaling link. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the number
of signaling links licensed on the board.
This defines the logical id of the cell stream over which the link runs. It must be in the
range 0 to one less than the combined number of ATM Cell Streams supported by all
the SS7MD boards in the system.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
<vpi-vci >
This is a compound parameter that identifies the vpi and vci of the ATM link. It is
represented in the form vpi-vci where:
— vpi is the Virtual Path Indicator of the signaling link within the ATM cell stream.
— vci is the Virtual Channel Indicator of the signaling link within the ATM cell stream.
Note: Users should normally select a vpi/vci combination, with vpi in the range 0 to 15 and a vci in
the range 0-511 (0, 3 and 4 are reserved). The vpi/vci combination associated with the
link must not be the same as the default vpi/vci combination on the underlying cell stream
and must be unique within the cell stream.
A 32 bit value reserved for future use and must be set to zero.
This command configures the route to a remote point code.
MTP_ROUTE [NC] <dpc> <norm_ls> <user_part_mask>
<flags> <second_ls>
MTP_ROUTE 567 0 0x0020 0x0000 0
Optional SS7 Network Context. Set to NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. When the parameter is
omitted, a value of NC0 is used. Up to four separate Network Contexts can be
The point code of the remote signaling point for which this command is configuring
routing data. It may be either an adjacent point code or a point code accessible via an
adjacent Signaling Transfer Point (STP).
The linkset_id of the normal link set used to reach the specified destination. The
norm_ls must be a linkset_id that has already been configured using the MTP_LINKSET
command. The normal link set may be any of the following:
The only link set used to reach the destination.
The preferred link set used to reach the destination.
One of a pair of links sets forming a combined link set.
In the latter two cases a second link set (second_ls) must also be specified.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Within a link set messages are automatically load-shared across links using the
Signaling Link Selection (SLS) field in the message.
The linkset_id of an optional second link set used to reach the specified destination.
This may be either of the following options:
The secondary link set used to reach the destination only on failure of the
preferred link set.
One of a pair of links sets forming a combined link set over which load-sharing
takes place. (in this case bit 1 must also be set in the <flags> parameter of the
When a second link set is specified the user must also set bit 0 in the <flags> field of
this command.
This is a 16 bit field used to identify the user parts that are supported over this route.
The bits are labelled 0 to 15 and for each user part supported the bit corresponding to
the Service Indicator for that user part must be set. (e.g., To support just ISUP
messages, the ISUP Service Indicator is 5 so bit 5 should be set. Therefore a value of
0x0020 would be appropriate).
A 16 bit field containing run-time configuration options for the route as follows:
Bit 0 is set to 1 to indicate that a second link set is specified within the command. If
zero the second_ls parameter is ignored.
Bit 1 is used to determine whether or not to load-share messages across the two link
sets. It is only used when two link sets are specified for the route. When set the MTP3
module load-shares messages for the destination equally across each of the two
specified link sets. Otherwise the MTP3 module considers the normal link set to be the
preferred link set and only uses the second link set in the event of failure of the normal
link set. The bit may be set to 1 to enable load-sharing across the two link sets, or
zero to disable load-sharing and use preferred and secondary link sets.
Bit 2 is used to indicate this is a default route permitted to carry traffic for any
unknown DPC
Bit 3 is used to enable Pseudo DPC operation - used in conjunction with bit 2 to control
the behavior of default routes. When set the route is considered available to carry
traffic as soon as either link set is accessible. MTP3 does not generate Route Set Test
messages or expect Transfer Allowed messages for this “default” route
Bit 4 is used to enable timer T103 – buffering of messages for up to 10 seconds in the
event that the destination becomes inaccessible, allowing for recovery of the route.
Bit 5 is used to disable route-set-test for this route
Bit 6 is used to activate SNMP indications for the route
All other bits are reserved for future use and must be set to zero.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
This command is used to configure a local user part module in situations when the user
part does not already have its own configuration in the config.txt protocol configuration
MTP_USER_PART [NC] <si> <module_id>
MTP_USER_PART 0x03 0x2d
MTP_USER_PART NC1 0x05 0x3d
Optional Network Context parameter (if not present defaults to NC0).
The use of the NC parameter is only required for M3UA Multiple LAS configurations,
where NC0 corresponds to LAS1, NC1 corresponds to LAS2 and so on.
The service indicator.
The module id of the user process.
Note: This command must not be used when the corresponding configuration commands are used
(ISUP_CONFIG, TUP_CONFIG, SCCP_CONFIG, etc) as these commands automatically
perform the function of the MTP_USER_PART command for the default NC (NC0).
This command sets the MTP3 trace masks.
MTP_TRACE <op_evt_mask> <ip_evt_mask>
MTP_TRACE 0x0001 0x0001
Output event trace mask. For full description of use refer to the MTP3 Programmer’s
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Input event trace mask. For full description of use refer to the MTP3 Programmer’s
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Global configuration of the ATM Module.
ATM_CONFIG <options> <num_streams>
ATM_CONFIG 0x0000 4
A 16-bit value containing additional run-time options. The bit significance is as follows:
— Bit 0 - Use ATM Forum Idle cell format rather than ITU.
The maximum number of cell streams per board this module will be asked to
simultaneously support. For an IMA bundle, each TDM stream within the bundle is
counted separately.
Configures an ATM Cell Stream.
ATM_STREAM <id> <board_id> <cellstream_id> <liu_id> <options>
<ima_frame_len> <max_frame_len> <def_vpi> <def_vci> <timeslot>
ATM_STREAM 3 0 3 3 0x06 0 280 12 10 0xfffefffe
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The logical Cell Stream ID from the user's perspective.
The board ID of the signaling processor allocated for this ATM link.
The Layer 2 ID of the cell stream within the board. In the range of 0 to one less than
the number of cell streams supported per board.
Line Interface Units (LIUs) to be used by the cell stream. If IMA is active (Bit 3 of the
<options> parameter), the parameter is a bitmap of the LIUs to be used by the bundle
(bit 0 = LIU 0, etc.). If IMA is not active, the parameter identifies the LIU to be used.
A 16-bit value containing additional options for the ATM link. The bit significance is as
— Bit 0 - Enable payload scrambling
— Bit 1 - Use ATM coset in HEC calculation. When terminating Q.SAAL links on the cell
stream this bit must be set. When monitoring links values of 0 or 1 are permitted.
— Bit 2 - Autocorrect invalid cells if possible
— Bit 3 - Configuration describes an IMA bundle
Note: Either Payload Scrambling or ATM Coset mode, or both, must be enabled for correct
The length of the IMA frame (for IMA use only).
Value Options
1 32 cells per IMA frame
2 64 cells per IMA frame
3 128 cells per IMA frame
4 256 cells per IMA frame
Note: For non IMA streams this field is reserved and should be set to zero.
The maximum length of a reassembled (AAL) frame. Frames longer than this will be
discarded by the ATM layer. Recommended value is 280.
A default AAL5 link will be configured for the cell stream to signal incoming active
connections. This is the VPI that will be used for this connection.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
A default AAL5 link will be configured for the cell stream to signal incoming active
connections. This is the VCI that will be used for this connection. Values 0, 3, and 4
are reserved and should not be used.
Note: The default VPI/VCI combination configured here must not be specified for any AAL5 link on
this cell stream.
Bitmap of active timeslots within the above TDM streams. Typically the timeslot bitmap
for E1 will be 0xfffefffe and for T1/J1 will be 0x01fffffe.
This command allows specific timer values to be set for STM links. Otherwise default
values are used.
ATM_TIMER <reserved> <timer_id> <value>
This parameter is reserved for future use and should be set to zero.
The identifier of the timer to be changed. It should be set to one of the following
tokens: CC, KEEP_ALIVE, NO_RESP, POLL, IDLE, T1, T2, T3.
The timer value in milliseconds. Any timers not explicitly configured use the default
values shown.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This command sets the global configuration parameters for the ISUP module.
ISUP_CONFIG <res1> <res2> <user_id> <options> <num_grps>
<num_ccts> [<partner_id>]
ISUP_CONFIG 0 0 0x2d 0x0435 4 128
<res1>, <res2>
Reserved for backwards compatibility. These fields should be set to zero.
The module_id of the application running on the host that uses the ISUP module.
A 16 bit value containing global run-time options for the operation of the ISUP module.
The meaning of each bit is as defined for the 'options' parameter in the ISUP Configure
Request message as detailed in the ISUP Programmer's Manual
The maximum number of ISUP circuit groups that the user intends to use. This must
not exceed the maximum number of circuit groups supported otherwise module
configuration will fail. Typically <num_grps> would be set to the maximum number
of circuit groups supported.
The maximum number of ISUP circuits that the user intends to use. This must not
exceed the maximum number of circuits supported otherwise module configuration will
fail. Typically <num_ccts> is set to 32 times the number of groups for E1 operation
and 24 times the number of circuit groups for T1 operation.
Note: The valid range for the circuit identifier (cid) is from zero up to one less than the maximum
number of circuits (<num_ccts>).
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Optional parameter for use when operating in dual resilient configuration. This
parameter is the module_id of the ‘partner’ ISUP module (equivalent to the ‘module_id
field in the ISUP Configure Request message as documented in the ISUP Programmer’s
This command sets the configuration parameters for a group of ISUP circuits. Usually a
group is all the circuits on a single E1 or T1 interface.
ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP <gid> <dpc> <base_cic> <base_cid> <cic_mask>
<options> <user_inst> <user_id> <opc> <ssf> <variant> <options2>
ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP 0 3 1 1 0x7fff7fff 0x00000003 0 0x2d 2 0x8 4
<gid >
The group id of the circuit group in the range 0 to one less than the number of groups
The destination point code for all circuits in the circuit group.
The Circuit Identification Code (CIC) that is allocated to the first circuit in the circuit
The logical id for the first circuit in the circuit group. It must lie in the range 0 to one
less than the number of circuits supported.
A 32 bit mask with bits set to indicate which circuits are to be allocated to the circuit
group. Bit zero must always be set as it represents the base_cic/base_cid. Subsequent
bits represent the subsequent circuits.
Note: ANSI circuit groups are not permitted to contain more than 24 circuits.
A 32 bit value containing run-time options for the ISUP circuit group (see "Configure
Circuit Group Request" section of the ISUP Programmer’s Manual). Bits 0 through 15
are equivalent to the "options" field and bits 16 through 31 represent the "ext_options"
field as detailed in the ISUP Programmer’s Manual.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The instance number of the user application. Typically only a single user application
exists so this field would be set to zero.
The module_id of the user application.
Originating Point Code. The local point code for all circuits in the group.
The value to be used in the sub-service field of all ISUP messages for this circuit group.
The protocol "variant" for this circuit group. Refer to the ISUP Programmer’s Manual for
full details.
A 32 bit value containing additional run-time options for the ISUP circuit group (see
"Configure Circuit Group Request" section of the ISUP Programmer’s Manual). Bits 0
through 31 are equivalent to the "ext_1_options" as detailed in the ISUP Programmer’s
This command provides the ability to configure the ISUP protocol timers from the
config.txt file.
ISUP_TIMER <reserved> <timer_id> <value>
Must be set to 0. Reserved for future use.
The text identifier for the timer to be configured as shown below in Table 9.
The timer value in seconds, except T29 and T30 which are in multiples of tenths of a
second (100 ms). Any timers not explicitly set are set to their default values, as shown
below in Table 9
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This command sets the global configuration parameters for the TUP module.
TUP_CONFIG <res1> <res2> <user_id> <options> <num_grps>
<num_ccts> <partner_id>
TUP_CONFIG 0 0 0x2d 0x8541 4 128
<res1>, <res2>
Reserved for backwards compatibility. These fields should be set to zero.
The module_id of the application running on the host that uses the TUP module.
A 16 bit value containing global run-time options for the operation of the TUP module.
The meaning of each bit is as defined for the 'options' parameter in the TUP Configure
Request message as detailed in the TUP Programmer's Manual.
The maximum number of TUP circuit groups that the user intends to use. This must
not exceed the maximum number of circuit groups supported otherwise module
configuration will fail. Typically <num_grps> would be set to the maximum number of
circuit groups supported.
The maximum number of TUP circuits that the user intends to use. This must not
exceed the maximum number of circuits supported otherwise module configuration will
fail. Typically <num_ccts> is set to 32 times the number of groups for E1 operation
and 24 times the number of circuit groups for T1 operation.
Note: The valid range for the circuit identifier (cid) is from zero up to one less than the maximum
number of circuits (num_ccts).
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Optional parameter for use when operating in dual resilient configuration. This
parameter is the module_id of the "partner" TUP module (equivalent to the "ucic_id"
field in the TUP Configure Request message as documented in the TUP Programmer’s
This command sets the configuration parameters for a group of TUP circuits. Usually a
group is all the circuits on a single E1 or T1 interface.
TUP_CFG_CCTGRP <gid> <dpc> <base_cic> <base_cid> <cic_mask>
<options> <user_inst> <user_id> <opc> <ssf> <variant> <options2>
TUP_CFG_CCTGRP 0 3 1 1 0x7fff7fff 0x00000003 0 0x2d 123 0x8 0 0x0
<gid >
The group id of the circuit group in the range 0 to one less than the number of groups
The destination point code for the circuits in the circuit group.
The Circuit Identification Code (CIC) that is allocated to the first circuit in the circuit
The logical id for the first circuit in the circuit group. It must lie in the range 0 to one
less than the number of circuits supported.
A 32 bit mask with bits set to indicate which circuits are to be allocated to the circuit
group. Bit zero must always be set as it represents the base_cic/base_cid. Subsequent
bits represent the subsequent circuits.
A 32 bit value containing run-time options for the TUP circuit group (see "Configure
Circuit Group Request" section of the TUP Programmers Manual).
The instance number of the user application. Typically only a single user application
exists so this field would be set to zero.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The module_id of the user application.
Originating Point Code. The local point code for all circuits in the group.
The value to be used in the sub-service field of all TUP messages for this circuit group.
This field is reserved for future use and must be set to zero.
This field is reserved for future use and must be set to zero.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The SCCP_CONFIG command supplies the global configuration parameters for the
SCCP protocol, activating the SCCP and TCAP protocols.
SCCP_CONFIG <local_spc> <ssf> <options> [<options2> [<partner_id>
<instance> <smb_flags> ]]
The local point code.
The sub-service field value that SCCP uses when exchanging messages with the MTP.
This value must always be set so that the Network Indicator bits (the two most
significant bits of the 4-bit ssf value) match those set in the MTP_LINKSET command.
A 32-bit value containing run-time configuration options for the SCCP module. The 16
least significant bits provide the ‘options’ parameter and the 16 most significant bits
provide the ‘ext_options’ parameter, as defined in the SCCP Programmer's Manual.
Bit 0 must always be set to zero.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Additional 32 bit run time options for the configuration and operation of SCCP. Bits 0
and 31 are used by s7_mgt during configuration as detailed below. The remaining bits
map directly to the ‘ext2_options’ parameter as documented in the Module
Configuration Request section of the SCCP Programmer's Manual.
Bit 0 Send_User In Service (UIS). When set to 1 this bit causes s7_mgt to
automatically generate and send UIS messages to SCCP for all configured local sub-
systems. By default the bit is 0 and the user application is responsible for generating
UIS messages.
Bit 31 is used to activate SCCP Connection Oriented operation. When set to zero
s7_mgt configures SCCP for Connectionless operation. When set to 1 s7_mgt
configures SCCP for Connection Orientated operation using the fixed configuration
parameter values shown below. Note that for SCCP operation two license types are
available: SCCP-CL which only permits connectionless operation and SCCP-CO which
supports both connectionless and connection oriented (Class 2 only) operation.
Parameter Value
NUM_UC 2048
UC_ABTM 1024
BASE_ID 1024
TOP_ID 2047
MAX_ID 2047
Specifies the module_id of the partner SCCP module.
Value in the range 0 - 15 which specifies the instance of SCCP running on this system.
The <partner_id> and <instance> parameters provide the capability to configure dual
chassis fault tolerant systems that appear to the network as a single point code. For
further details refer to the Application Note: Enabling Dual Chassis Fault Tolerance with
Dialogic® Signaling Boards.
Flags relating to the SCCP management broadcast mechanism. For full details refer to
the Module Configuration Request section of the SCCP Programmer's Manual.
The SCCP_SSR command supplies the global configuration parameters for SCCP.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
SCCP_SSR <ssr_id> RSP <remote_spc> <flags> <pc_mask> [<ssf>
[<mtp_module_id> <label_fmt> <ads_fmt>
SCCP_SSR <ssr_id> LSS <local_ssn> <module_id> <flags> <protocol>
SCCP_SSR <ssr_id> RSS <remote_spc> <remote_ssn> <flags>
SCCP_SSR 1 RSP 1236 0
SCCP_SSR 2 LSS 0x07 0x0d 1 TCAP
SCCP_SSR 3 RSS 1236 0x67 0
Unique ID for the SSR.
The point code of the remote signaling point, which may be either an STP or an SCP.
For correct operation, <remote_spc> must always have its own RSP entry in addition
to any RSS entries. There must also be an MTP_ROUTE defined for this signaling point.
The local sub-system number as defined by the SCCP protocol.
A 16-bit value, where each bit enables or disables additional features of the RSP, RSS,
or LSS. The meaning for each bit is as defined for the options parameter described in
the Configure Sub-System Resource Request section of the SCCP Programmer’s
The module identifier of the user application that implements the local sub-system.
The remote sub-system number as defined by the SCCP protocol.
A 32-bit value specifying the part of a destination point code that must match the
<remote_spc> value for a SCCP transmit message to be sent down to this destination
sub-system. Bits set to 0 indicate that the corresponding bit position in the transmit
message destination point code must match the bit position of the <remote_spc>, bits
set to 1 indicate bit positions in the message destination point code that do not need to
match the <remote_spc> set for this RSP. This allows configuration of default
destination sub-systems (for example, to a gateway SCP).
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Should be set to SCCP, TCAP, MAP, INAP or IS41 according to the layer of the protocol
stack to which the user application interfaces. Note there can be at most one LSS for
each of the MAP, INAP and IS41 protocols.
The SSF (Sub-Service Field) for use in messages sent to this RSP. If <ssf> is not
present or is set to 0xff, then the default SSF value configured in the SCCP_CONFIG
command will be used. The SSF value should always be configured to match the value
used within MTP3 for the corresponding link set(s).
The mtp_module_id field allows SCCP to optionally send messages to a different MTP3
module on a per-RSP basis. If omitted or set to zero the MTP3 module_id will be used.
Bit Meaning
0 Send SCCP Mangement indications to the <module_id> of the local sub-system, instead
of to the Management module.
1..31 Reserved; Set to 0.
The following values are accepted for the Routing Label format field:
Value Description
The Address Format indicates whether address data is formatted for ITU or ANSI and
the number of Point Code bits used. The following values are accepted for the Address
format field:
Value Description
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
This command marks the specified sub-system (which was declared by SCCP_SSR) as
requiring notification of changes in the accessibility of another sub-system. Notification
is given in the form of an SCCP management indication.
SCCP_CONC_SSR <id> <cssr_id> <ssr_id>
A unique value of local significance in the range 0 to 8191 used to identify the
concerned sub-system resource.
The ID of the subsystem that will receive the notifications.
The ID of the sub-system for which state changes will be issued.
This command sets the SCCP trace masks. Refer to SCCP Programmer’s Manual for full
SCCP_TRACE <op_evt_mask> <ip_evt_mask> <non_prim_mask>
SCCP_TRACE 0x1 0x1 0x1
Output event trace mask.
Input event trace mask.
Non-primitive trace mask.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The SCCP_GTT_PATTERN command defines a global title pattern to be matched for a
global title translation.
SCCP_GTT_PATTERN <pattern_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn>
<global_title> [<gtai_pattern>]
SCCP_GTT_PATTERN 5 0x10 0x0000 0 0x001104 44/+
A unique ID identifying the pattern.
The address indicator octets, formatted according to the point-code format specified in
the SCCP_CONFIG <options> parameter (see "Called Party Address", Q.713 or ANSI
The point code. This is ignored if bit 0 of <addr_indicator> is not set.
The subsystem number. This is ignored if bit 1 of <addr_indicator> is not set.
The global title, excluding the global title address information, specified as a string of
hexadecimal octets starting with 0x.
The pattern of global title address information to match, specified as a string of
hexadecimal digits in left-to-right order (that is, the pairs of digits are not swapped as
is the case for a BCD string). In addition to hexadecimal digits, this string can contain
the following characters:
Character Function
- Padding (ignored).
Wildcard - matches any number of digits. The “+” wildcard matches the shortest possible string of
digits for example a pattern such as “12+67” matches “1234567”, but does not match “1236767”.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
This command defines a global title to be used as the primary or backup destination of
a translation. The global title address information of this command is combined with
the global title being translated by examining the mask provided in the SCCP_GTT
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS <address_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn>
<global_title> [<gtai_replacement>]
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS <address_id> <addr_indicator> <LPC-n> <ssn>
<global_title> [<gtai_replacement>]
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS <address_id> <addr_indicator> <LST-n> <ssn>
<global_title> [<gtai_replacement>]
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS 9 0x11 0x1234 0 0x001104 0-/-
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS 9 0x11 0x1234 LPC-1 0x001104 0-/-
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS 9 0x11 0x1234 LST-2 0x001104 0-/-
A unique ID identifying the address.
The address indicator octet, formatted according to the point-code format specified in
the SCCP_CONFIG <options> parameter (see "Called Party Address", Q.713 or ANSI
The point code. This is ignored if bit 0 of <addr_indicator> is not set.
This parameter is used in place of the <pc> parameter to specify that the message
should be routed to the Local Point Code (ie the SCCP User) and SCCP should set the
Network Context parameter to the value shown following the hyphen.
This parameter is used in place of the <pc> parameter to specify the Global Title
Loadshare table to use when creating a message bound to a group of point codes
defined in the loadshare table.
The subsystem number. This is ignored if bit 1 of <addr_indicator> is not set.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The global title, excluding the global title address information, specified as a string of
hexadecimal octets starting with 0x.
The global title address information to translate to, specified as a string of hexadecimal
digits in left-to right order (that is, the pairs of digits are not swapped as is the case
for a BCD string). In addition to hexadecimal digits, this string can contain the
following characters:
Character Function
- Padding (ignored).
Separator used to split the address into sections. Each section can be processed
differently, as specified by the <mask> parameter in the SCCP_GTT command.
The SCCP_GTT command adds a translation to the SCCP global title translation table.
This command must be specified after the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN and
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS commands. The pattern, mask, primary and backup addresses
referenced by this command must all have an identical number of sections.
SCCP_GTT <pattern_id> <mask> <primary_address_id>
Identifies the pattern specified by the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN command. This value is
also used to index the translation within the SCCP/SUA module.
An expression detailing the operation to be applied to each section of the global title
pattern. The format is exactly one operation per section and must contain exactly the
same number of sections as the <gtai_pattern> parameter of the associated
SCCP_GTT_PATTERN command and the <gtai_replacement> parameter of the
associated SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS command. The mask can contain the following:
Mnemonic Function
- Padding (ignored).
/ Separator used to split the mask into sections.
The digits in the corresponding section of the global title address information
undergoing translation will be preserved.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The digits in the corresponding section of the global title address information
R or REPLACE undergoing translation will be replaced with digits in the corresponding section of
the primary (or backup) address.
Identifies the SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS command to use as the primary translation.
Identifies the SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS command to use as the backup translation.
Bit Function
If set, the availability test for each GLST entry requires that both the Point Code and the Sub-
system are available. If not set, only the GLST Point Code is tested for availability.
When set to 0 to Point Code selection can be made using the Signaling Link Selection (SLS)
value for messages received from the network, or Sequence Control (SEQ_CTRL) parameter for
1 messages received from the User Part.
When set to 1 messages will be distributed across the point codes on a Round Robin basis
ignoring SLS values.
2-31 Reserved for future used. Should be set to 0.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_DPC statement associates a Destination Point Code with a
Global Title Load Share table defined by the SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_TABLE command.
The Global Title Load Share table can then be assigned to an SCCP address using the
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS DPC parameter on the command.
The Loadshare table index sequence number identifies the position of a Destination
Point Code entry in a loadshare table. It is made up of a loadshare table ID (LST-x)
with the sequence number as a suffix (e.g., LST-0-0).
Note: When assigning sequence numbers to a loadshare table they must start at 0 and
increment without gaps in the sequence.
The remote signaling point code associated with the load share table.
Note: To achieve load balancing, the same DPC can be associated with a GLST table
more than once.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The DTC_CONFIG command supplies the global configuration parameters for the DTC
protocol, activating DTC and higher protocols.
DTC_CONFIG <num_servers> <server_selection> <host_number>
DTC_CONFIG 2 0 0 0xef
Number of servers in the system.
The selection mechanism used by DTC to determine which server to be used taken
from the following values:
The host number, which should be unique across hosts.
Module ID to forward RSI link status messages to.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The DTC_SSR command configures a local subsystem using DTC. The command works
in a similar way to the SCCP_SSR LSS command but configures the subsystem to run
on top of DTC instead of SCCP. DTC and SCCP cannot be used at the same time, so the
SCCP_SSR and DTC_SSR commands are incompatible with each other.
DTC_SSR <ssr_id> LSS <local_ssn> <module_id> <reserved> <protocol>
DTC_SSR 1 LSS 0x07 0x0d 0 TCAP
A unique ID for the SSR.
The local sub-system number as defined by the SCCP protocol.
The module identifier of the user application on the host computer that implements the
local sub-system.
Must be set to 0.
Should be set to TCAP, MAP, INAP or IS41 according to the layer of the protocol stack
to which the user application interfaces.
Note: There can be at most one LSS for each of MAP, INAP and IS41.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The TCAP_CONFIG command provides the TCAP operating parameters and, when used,
must appear after the SCCP_SSR or DTC_SSR commands. This command should only
be used when an SCCP_CONFIG or DTC_CONFIG command is present. The use of the
TCAP_CONFIG command is not required and TCAP is configured with default values if
the TCAP_CONFIG command is not present.
By default, TCAP is configured with 32k incoming and 32k outgoing dialogs. The
TCAP_CONFIG command must be used to change these parameters for systems
requiring a different number of dialogs.
TCAP_CONFIG <base_ogdlg_id> <nog_dialogues> <base_icdlg_id>
<nic_dialogues> <options> <dlg_hunt> [[<addr_format>] <partner_id>
TCAP_CONFIG 0x0000 8192 0x8000 8192 0x0000 0
The dialogue_id for the first outgoing dialog.
The number of outgoing dialogs to support. The valid range is 0 to 65535.
The dialogue_id for the first incoming dialog.
The number of incoming dialogs to support. The valid range is 0 to 65535.
Note: The total number of dialogs (<nog_dialogues> + <nic_dialogues>) must not exceed 65535.
Specifies TCAP protocol options as defined for the TCAP Configuration Request
message in the TCAP Programmer’s Manual.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The hunt mode used in the case of multiple TCAP hosts to determine which TCAP group
is selected whenever a new incoming dialog arrives. It should be set to 0, 1 or 2 for
the following hunt modes:
Option Function
0 Cyclic Selection. Each new incoming dialog is allocated to the next TCAP group.
Load Balanced Selection. Each new incoming dialog is allocated to the group with the
least number of active incoming dialogs.
Sequential Selection. Each new incoming dialog is allocated to the group containing
the first inactive incoming dialogue_id.
Defines how TCAP should interpret address information from messages received from
SCCP in order to direct received TCAP primitives to unique SCCP sub-systems (TCAP
user applications). It should be set to 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the following options:
Option Function
If configured to use ITU-T PDU formats (options bit 1 not set), use the ITU-T Q.713
0 SCCP address format. If configured to use ANSI PDU formats (options bit 1 set), use
the ANSI T1.112 SCCP address format.
1 Use the ITU-T Q.713 SCCP address format (14-bit point codes).
2 Use the ITU-T Q.713 SCCP address format modified for 24-bit point codes.
3 Use the ANSI T1.112 SCCP address format modified for 14-bit point codes.
4 Use the ANSI T1.112 SCCP address format (24-bit point codes).
Specifies the module_id of the partner TCAP module.
Value in the range 0 - 15 which specifies the instance of TCAP running on this system.
The <partner_id> and <tcap_inst> parameters provide the capability to configure dual
chassis fault tolerant systems that appear to the network as a single point code. See
the Application Note: Enabling Dual Chassis Fault Tolerance with Dialogic® Signaling
Boards for a description of how such a configuration can be used.
Specifies the maximum number of hosts considered to make up the system, in the
range 0-128. When used in conjunction with an SIU using DTS this value must also be
present in the DTS_CONFIG command on the SIU(s).
The TCAP_NC_CONFIG command specifies Network Context-specific configuration for
TCAP and overrides configuration specified by the TCAP_CONFIG command. This
command should only be used when a TCAP_CONFIG command is present.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The TCAP_NC_CONFIG command includes the following parameters:
SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that TCAP is
being configured for. Supported values are: NC1, NC2 or NC3.
Specifies TCAP protocol options as defined for the TCAP Configuration Request
message in the TCAP Programmer’s Manual.
The format of messages used by TCAP. Possible values are:
— 0: The address format is determined by the setting of bit 1 of the <options>
- If bit 1 of the <options> field is set to indicate ANSI TCAP PDU formats,
then ANSI format 24-bit point codes are selected.
- If bit 1 of the <options> field is not set, ITU-T TCAP PDU formats and
14-bit point codes are selected.
— 1: ITU-T format, 14-bit point codes
— 2: ITU-T format, 24-bit point codes
— 3: ANSI format, 14-bit point codes
— 4: ANSI format, 24-bit point codes
This command allows the user to configure TCAP dialog groups, each group handling a
subset of the total available dialogs. This allows each group to reside on a separate
host computer that in turn allows the application using TCAP to be distributed over
several machines. If the TCAP_CFG_DGRP command is omitted, the complete range of
dialog identifiers defined by the TCAP_CONFIG command is assigned.
The TCAP_CONFIG command must exist before this command in the config.txt file.
TCAP_CFG_DGRP <gid> <base_ogdlg_id> <nog_dialogues> <base_icdlg_id>
<nic_dialogues> <options> <reserved>
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
TCAP_CFG_DGRP 0 0x0000 1024 0x8000 1024 0 0
A logical identifier for this group. The valid range is 0 to 31.
The first outgoing dialog ID assigned to this dialog group.
The number of outgoing dialogs assigned to this group, hence outgoing dialog IDs
base_ogdlg_id to base_ogdlg_id + nog_dialogues-1 are assigned to this group.
The first incoming dialog ID assigned to this dialog identifier group.
The number of incoming dialogs assigned to this group, therefore, outgoing dialog IDs
base_ogdlg_id to base_icdlg_id + nic_dialogues-1 are assigned to this group.
Reserved for future use, set to 0.
Must be set to 0.
This command sets the TCAP trace masks. Refer to TCAP Programmer’s Manual for full
TCAP_TRACE <op_evt_mask> <ip_evt_mask> <non_prim_mask>
TCAP_TRACE 0x7 0xf 0x0
Output event trace mask.
Input event trace mask.
Non-primitive trace mask.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The MAP_CONFIG command provides the MAP operating parameters and, if used, must
appear after the SCCP_SSR commands in the config.txt file. The use of this command
is not required and MAP is configured with default values if the MAP_CONFIG command
is not present.
MAP_CONFIG <options>
Specifies MAP protocol options as defined for the MAP Configuration Request message
in the MAP Programmer’s Manual.
The MAP_NC_CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for MAP
existing in an additional SS7 Network Context to that identified by the MAP_CONFIG
MAP_NC_CONFIG <NC> <options>
The MAP_NC_CONFIG command includes the following parameter:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that MAP is
configured for. Supported values are: NC1, NC2 or NC3.
A 32-bit value containing run-time options for passing to the MAP module. Individual
bit definitions are as specified for the options field in the MAP_MSG_CONFIG command
as defined in the MAP Programmer’s Manual.
This command sets the MAP trace masks. Refer to MAP Programmer’s Manual for full
MAP_TRACE <op_evt_mask> <ip_evt_mask> <non_prim_mask>
MAP_TRACE 0xf 0xf 0x4
Output event trace mask.
Input event trace mask.
Non-primitive trace mask.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The INAP_CONFIG command provides the INAP operating parameters and, if used,
must appear after the SCCP_SSR commands in the config.txt file. The use of this
command is not required and MAP is configured with default values if the
INAP_CONFIG command is not present.
INAP_CONFIG <options>
Specifies INAP protocol options as defined for the INAP Configuration Request message
in the INAP Programmer’s Manual.INAP_FE Command (Configure INAP Functional
This command is used to configure the INAP functional entity records for operation.
These allow the user application to refer to Functional Entities (FEs) in the network via
a local reference rather than providing the full SCCP address. The user may
subsequently use this reference in the “Destination FE” or “Originating FE” parameters
of the INAP_OPEN_DLG primitive or in the “IN_dialogue_open” API function. This
reference is used instead of the destination or origination address parameter.
INAP_FE [<NC>] <fe_ref> <options> <sccp_address>
INAP_FE 0x00000007 0x00000001 0x00000000
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
SS7 Network Context. This optional parameter uniquely identifies the SS7
network the FE is being configured for. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2
or NC3. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed.
A logical identifier for this Functional Entity (FE).
A 16-bit options value. Bit 0, when set to 1 identifies a local FE. Other bits should be
set to 0.
The SCCP address of the local FE, in Q.713 format commencing with the address
indicator, as a string of hex characters, up to 18 characters in length. The SIU supports
up to 32 functional entities.
This command is used to configure the INAP Application Context (AC) records for use.
These control the application context negotiation that the module conducts during
dialog establishment. The supported application contexts must be individually
configured using this message. The module only accepts incoming dialogs with
configured Application Contexts. If a dialog request with an unconfigured context is
received, a dialog abort message is returned to the requesting Functional Entity. If no
supported Application Contexts are configured, the application context negotiation is
disabled. The module accepts all incoming dialogs.
INAP_AC <ac_ref> <ac>
INAP_AC 0x00 0xa109060704000101010000
A logical identifier for this Application Context (AC).
Application context. Specified as hexadecimal characters, prefixed by “0x”. An
application context may be up to 32 octets (character pairs) in length. The SIU
supports up to 32 application contexts.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
This command sets the INAP trace masks. Refer to INAP Programmer’s Manual for full
INAP_TRACE <op_evt_mask> <ip_evt_mask> <non_prim_mask>
INAP_TRACE 0xf 0xf 0x7f
Output event trace mask.
Input event trace mask.
Non-primitive trace mask.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This command sets the IS41 trace masks. Refer to IS41 Programmer’s Manual for full
IS41_TRACE <op_evt_mask> <ip_evt_mask> <non_prim_mask>
IS41_TRACE 0xf 0xf 0xff
Output event trace mask.
Input event trace mask.
Non-primitive trace mask.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The SNLBI command is used to bind a LAS to a RAS or RSG. The SNALI command is
used to bind an RAS to a specific link.
The SNRTI command is used to define a route. Each route is bound to a specific RAS or
RSG by an SNRLI command. A maximum of 64 routes and route bind commands are
The DPC must either be defined in the SNRAI command which defines the RAS or in
any route which is subsequently bound to the RAS.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
This command initiates a Local Application Server (LAS). A LAS is a logical entity
representing an SS7 end point that can process circuit-related and or non circuit-
related signaling. Communication with a SG or Remote Application Server may use the
Routing Context to identify the LAS.
SS7MD defaults to ITU14 and the local traffic mode (how peer should route traffic to
this LAS) defaults to loadshare. Optional OPC is for information only.
TID parameters are for SUA only and if any TID parameter is present they must all be
For M3UA the Routing Context parameter is optional and then only used when
connecting to a remote SG. When connecting to a Remote AS the Routing Context
parameter can be configured by SNRAI. In most cases it is recommended that the
Routing Context parameter be configured by SNLBI.
The RC, if specified, must not already be associated with another local AS
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This command initiates a SIGTRAN link. A SIGTRAN link provides an SCTP association
to a Signaling Gateway or Remote Application Server Process or between two M2PA
nodes, or Diameter nodes.
If two IP addresses are specified, then the first IP address will be used until it proves
unreliable in which case the second will be used.
SS7MD defaults to ITU14 if not specified.
SNTYPE defaults to M3UA if not specified.
For M3UA, M3UAHBT (Heartbeat) and SNMP indications may be enabled.
SG must be specified for a link to a Signaling Gateway, otherwise this is an IPSP link.
If no M2PA Version is specified and the link type is M2PA, then it will default to the RFC
SS7MD must be the same throughout the system
For security reasons, the user must explicitly specify the IP addresses the link is
connected to. The Peer is not allowed to respond or request IP addresses not
configured by this command.
An IP address of cannot be specified
A mix of client and server configured associations cannot use the same local port
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The M2PA_OPTIONS parameter is a 32 bit field to configure run-time options
with values defined below. If omitted, it defaults to 0. Bit 2 will automatically
set if the M2PA_VER parameter specifies M2PA Draft 9.
Bit Mnemonic Meaning
0 M2PA_LCFG_MCONG Use Multiple Congestion levels.
1 M2PA_LCFG_7BIT Use 7-bit sequence numbers instead of default 24-bit
sequence numbers. Use if MTP3 does not support
Extended Changeover Procedures.
2 M2PA_LCFG_VER_9 This bit enables support for Draft Version 9 of the M2PA
Specification. Default operation supports the RFC
3 M2PA_LCFG_RTVL_RATE Enables use of the rtvl_rate parameter (in this message).
If set to zero, parameter data is ignored.
4 M2PA_LCFG_PRI_JP This bit enables exchange of priority information with
SCTP when using Japanese DoCoMo systems.
5..30 Reserved Set to 0.
31 M2PA_LCFG_TICKS Specify all timer values in ticks.
The SCTP_OPTIONS parameter is a 32 bit field to configure run-time options
with values defined below. If omitted, it defaults to 0.
Bit Mnemonic Meaning
0 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_SERVER When set to 1, association will be a server and will await a
connection. When set to zero the association will be a
client and will initiate the connection.
1 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_NO_RESTART Association will ABORT if a restart is detected
2 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_KEEP_ALIVE Association will not shutdown on excess heartbeat loss
3 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_FULL_CFG Association must be fully configured with all the peer’s
network addresses
4 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_PART_CFG Association must be partially configured with the peer’s
network addresses
5 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_CONG_ Congestion abatement limit specified in kilobytes and
KILOBYTES onset/discard are specified in numbers of messages
above the abatement limit
6 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_SACK_DELAY Association will have the SACK delay configured by the
user (SCTPN only)
7 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_NO_INIT_ Disable exponential backoff during connect
8 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_NODELAY Set the No delay option on the socket
9 SCTP_AS_CNF_OPT_FIXED_PMTU Disable path maximum transmission unit discovery
10 SCTP_AS_CNF_PATH_PREFERRED If set the SCTP association will use the preferred path if
11..31 Reserved Set to 0
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This command is used to configure a SIGTRAN route to a remote SS7 destination.
For M3UA: if the LAS parameter is not specified the route is attached to LAS1 by
default. The DPC is mandatory and SNMP indications are available.
For SUA: if the LAS parameter is not specified then the route is attached to all LASs
Another route cannot exist with the same DPC.
The OPTIONS parameter is a 16 bit field to configure run-time options with
values defined below. If omitted, it defaults to 0x0002 for backwards
Bit Mnemonic Meaning
0 M3UOP_ROUTE_ASSUME_AVAIL Assume route always available
1 M3UOP_ROUTE_LOADSHARE Loadshare across all servers in the route
3 M3UOP_ROUTE_SNMP Enable SNMP indications for this route (will also be set by
specifying SNMP=’Y’)
This command attaches Signaling Gateways to a SIGTRAN Route. A SIGTRAN route will
use these adjacent Signaling Gateways to reach an eventual destination Point Code.
For SUA a RAS or a SG must be specified.
For M3UA SG is mandatory and OPTIONS may be specified. Where a route (SNRT) is
attached to more than 1 SG, and route loadshare is enabled, this applies to the first 2
active SGs in the SNRL list.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The route has already been initiated.
A SG must have at least one SNLINK associated with it. For SUA if SG is specified the
route must contain DPC. If RAS is specified the DPC must be in each route or the RAS.
The OPTIONS parameter is a 16 bit field to configure run-time options with values
defined below. If omitted, it defaults to 0.
This command initiates a Routing Key for use with a Signaling Gateway (ASP Mode).
Once defined the SNRK id may be used in an SNLBI command in place of the RC
parameter to add the Routing Key to a Signaling Gateway. At runtime the Routing Key
will be registered with the Signaling Gateway which will return the RC to use.
The SNRK parameter is the logical identifier of the Routing Key (in the range 1 to 64).
CIC_RANGE is a compound parameter in the form <base-range> where base is the
base CIC and range is the number of contiguous CICs in the range.
e.g. CIC_RANGE 10-15 results in cics 10 to 24 inclusive. When CIC_RANGE is specified
the OPC parameter is mandatory.
When specifying OPC and DPC they are specified from the Signaling Gateway’s point of
view, i.e. OPC is the remote point code that is originating traffic and DPC represents
the Local AS which intends to receive the messages.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Can only be used when connecting to a Signaling Gateway (not IPSP mode)
This command initiates a Remote Application Server entity. A Remote Server
represents a Remote SS7 signaling point. A Remote AS may run on a number of
remote hosts. The optional NASP parameter defines the target number of RAS’s
required in load sharing mode.
SS7MD defaults to ITU14.
TRMD is the Peer Traffic Mode (ie how traffic is routed towards the peer), it defaults to
LS (Loadshare).
For SUA if the DPC is omitted, it must be specified in all SNRTs bound to this RAS.
For M3UA the (optional) Routing Context parameter for use with the RAS is configured
by this command, not by the SNAPI command.
RC must not be associated with any other RAS.
Normally only one RAS or SNRT can be configured with a particular DPC, however for
M3UA multiple RAS may be configured with the same DPC providing a different LAS is
A remote application server may only be bound to a single local application server.
This command is used to attach a SIGTRAN link to a Remote Application Server. It
identifies the remote ASPs that the AS is hosted on.
The Remote Application Server has already been initiated.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
This command initiates a relationship between a Local Application Server and Remote
Application Server or Signaling Gateway. The Local Application Server will use the
SIGTRAN Links associated with the Remote Application Server or Gateway.
For M3UA IPSP use this command is not required.
For ASP to SG configurations this command will use the RC parameter from the LAS
(see SNAPI) and the SG may only be bound to one LAS.
The LAS and RAS or SG have been initiated.
The RAS or SG is associated with at least one SNLINK.
The RAS or SG is not attached to another LAS.
Routing Keys (SNRK) may only be specified when binding to a SG
This command allows system wide settings to be configured.
Checksums for SCTP associations default to CRC32. If ADLER is required then PER
should be set to 1.
If DAUD is set to ‘Y’ then each SG will be audited concerning route status.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
For Dual Resilient systems using RMM the DUAL parameter must be applied with value
‘A’ or ‘B’. This parameter may be used in non-SIGTRAN configurations.
The AUTOACT parameter can be set to ‘N’ to disable automatic activation of SIGTRAN
associations. For M3UA when set to ‘Y’ (default) the following 3 steps occur:
1. Association is activated at SCTP level
2. ASP is brought UP (when possible)
3. ASP is made ACTIVE (when possible)
If set to ‘N’ it is the users responsibility to control the steps as required with GCT
messages. This allows users to activate the association only and have a peer control
the ASPUP and ASPAC stages.
IPADDR is mandatory for SIGTRAN, optional for TDM configurations.
SNMP setting enables SNMP for all objects in the system.
This command allows per-module settings to be varied from the default settings.
Specifically it allows the default module_id to be set to a different value and, for
certain modules, allows additional run-time configuration options to be set.
A token representing the module for which the configuration applies. Possible values
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The value for the module_id in the range 0x01 to 0xfe. Care should be taken when
selecting module_id value to ensure that the value is not already in use. Typically it is
not necessary to change the default module_id.
The value for the user module_id in the range 0x01 to 0xfe. Care should be taken
when selecting module_id value to ensure that the value is not already in use (See
Appendix A - Default Module Identifiers and Appendix B - Values reserved for Custom
Use). Only applicable to IS41, INAP and MAP modules to allow a per-NC user module id
to be specified. The <NC> parameter must also be specified.
Network Context. Defaults to 0 if not specified.
This is a 32 bit value used to set the per-module run-time configuration options. This
parameter is only valid when used with the following settings for <MODULE>: M2PA,
M3UA, RMM, SCTP and SCTPD. Other modules have the ability to set the run-time
options in other config.txt commands.
M2PA Options
Bit Meaning
0 Set to 1 to use Multiple Congestion levels
1 Set to 1 to use 7-bit sequence numbers instead of default 24-bit sequence numbers. Use if
MTP3 does not support Extended Changeover Procedures.
2 Set to 1 to use the (older) Draft Version 9 of the M2PA Specification. Default operation
supports the RFC specification.
M3UA Options
Bit Meaning
0 Enable IPSP functionality
1 Enable Signaling Gateway functionality
2 Set to 1 to select the lowest bit of the SLS value to determine which Signaling Gateway to
route traffic to. If not set, the highest bit of the SLS value is used.
3 By default, data traffic is load-shared across the SCTP streams based on the SLS value.
When set, this option forces the M3UA module to use only stream 1 for transmitting data.
RMM Options
Bit 0 Bit 1 Meaning
0 0 14 bit point codes
1 0 16 bit point codes
0 1 24 bit point codes
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
S7_MGT Options
Bit Meaning
0..15 Reserved; set to 0.
16 S7_MGT will configure ISUP Circuit Groups to send maintenance indications to the
Maintenance ID instead of the <user_id> specified by the ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP
17 S7_MGT will configure ISUP Circuit Groups to send management indications to the
Management ID instead of the <user_id> specified by the ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP
18..31 Reserved; set to 0.
To support situations where the default GTT separator character (0x0e) may be
present in the Global Title, the <GTTSEP> parameter can be used to specifiy an
alternate character to use. The <MODULE> parameter must set to SCCP. Valid values
are in the range 0x0a to 0x0f.
SCTP Options
Bit Meaning
0 Controls the SCTP checksum algorithm. When using the native SCTP module
When set to 1 the CRC32 checksum is used (SCTPN) Adler32 checksum is not
otherwise the Adler32 (FRC2960) checksum supported so this bit should always be set
is used. to 1.
1 Module will ignore rather than abort Reserved for future use and should be set
incoming connection attempts for none to 0.
present SCTP ports.
4 Forces retransmits of the data on the same Reserved for future use and should be set
path until it is considered inactive to 0.
5 If set the SCTP module will use the If set the SCTPN module will use the
preferred path if available. The preferred preferred path if available. The preferred
path uses the first host address set for the path uses the first host address set for the
association. association.
This command configures basic network variant and configuration options for a
network context.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
The SS7 network variant. Takes one of the following values: ANSI, ITU14, ITU16 or
ITU24. If SS7MD is specified it must be consistent with the setting of this value
elsewhere within the same Network Context, e.g. the SNAPI configuration command.
Network Context. Defaults to 0 if not specified.
Maximum permitted number of octets in the Signaling Information Field for
transmission to the network. If omitted defaults to 272.
The OPTIONS parameter is a 16 bit field to configure run-time options with values
defined below. If omitted, it defaults to 0.
Bit Meaning
0 Set to 1 to activate M3UA SLS Rotation. Used in conjunction with bit 1 (see below)
1 When M3UA SLS rotation is enabled (see bit 0) this bit controls the number of SLS bits that are
rotated as follows:
Set to zero for 4 or 5 bit SLS rotation based on protocol variant.
Set to 1 for 8 bit SLS rotation.
This command allows the user to set the values of timers to be used in the SCTP, M2PA
and M3UA protocols.
The protocol timer type, SCTP, M2PA or M3UA.
The value of the timeout in seconds or milliseconds.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
The token designating a particular timer taken from the following table:
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Command to initiate a Diameter Network Context. This command allows the node
name, origin host and realm as well as additional options to be set for the Diameter
If not specified, the DMNC defaults to zero.
The DMNC value must be unique within the system.
Command to configure parameters of the Diameter Peer node to be specified. The
SNLINK parameter specifies the SCTP association which will be used to communicate
with the Peer. The DMNC parameter indicates which Diameter Network Context should
handle traffic for this Peer.
If not specified, the DMNC defaults to zero.
Note: The OPTIONS field maps through to the options parameter defined in the
DMR_MSG_PEER_CFG – Diameter Peer Configuration messages. This is detailed in the DMR
Programmer’s Manual. For example, to enable server side operation set bit zero of the
OPTIONS field, e.g. OPTIONS=0x00000001.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
An SNLINK may only be specified by one Peer. DMPR value must be unique.
Command to initiate a Diameter Route. The Diameter Route defines a final Peer or
remote node reachable via a Relay agent.
If not specified, the DMNC, OPTIONS, POLICYID and APPID default to zero. The default
route option allows a single route to be intentified for use when no specific host or
realm is matched. Realm-based routing allows routing to a set of hosts that match a
specific realm. Host-based routing will only route to a specific host.
Default Routing:
Host Routing:
Realm Routing:
DMRTI:DMRT=5, ,DMNC=0,HOST=dmr02.lab.dialogic.com,LABEL=HostRoute;
DMRT value must be unique. The Route configuration must contain one instance of
HOST, REALM or Default Route option.
Command to initiate a Diameter Route List entry. The Diameter Route List identifies
the Peer which can be used by a Route.
If not specified, the DMNC defaults to zero.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
DMRL value must be unique. The DMRT parameter must identify the ID of a configured
Command to specify the applications which are advertised or accepted during
capabilities exchange. This command should be specified for each Diameter Application
required, for the specified DMNC.
If not specified, the DMNC defaults to zero.
DMAP value must be unique.
This command allows diameter module settings to be varied from the default settings.
Specifically allows additional run-time configuration options to be set.
Section 8 Configuration Command Reference
Set the value for the base incoming and outgoing session IDs for the Diameter module.
If these values are not specified the default values of 0x0000 and 0x8000 will be used.
The module will then allow session IDs of <BASEICD> to <BASEOGD> -1 for incoming
sessions. And <BASEOGD> to 0xfffe for outgoing sessions. Note: the value of 0xffff is
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 9 Example Configuration Files
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 9 Example Configuration Files
* Configure MTP3 module:
* MTP parameters:
* MTP_CONFIG <reserved> <reserved> <options>
MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x00040000
* Define linksets:
* MTP_LINKSET <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf>
MTP_LINKSET 0 1 2 0x0000 2 0x0008
* Define signaling links:
* MTP_LINK <link_id> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <board_id> <blink>
* <stream> <timeslot> <flags>
* For SPCI4 / SPCI2S, SS7MD and SS7LD boards:
*MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0x0006
*MTP_LINK 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0x0006
* For SS7HD boards:
*MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 16 0x0006
*MTP_LINK 1 0 1 1 1 0-1 0 1 0x0006
* Define QSAAL links (SS7MD boards only):
* MTP_LINK <link_id> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <board_id> <blink>
* <atm_stream> <vpi-vci> <flags> ATM
* MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5-10 0x0006 ATM
* Define a route for each remote signaling point:
* MTP_ROUTE <dpc> <linkset_id> <user_part_mask>
MTP_ROUTE 1 0 0x0020
* Define any user provided Layer 4 protocol:
* MTP_USER_PART <service_ind> <module_id>
*MTP_USER_PART 0x0a 0x2d
* ISUP parameters:
* Configure ISUP module:
* ISUP_CONFIG <reserved> <reserved> <user_id> <options> <num_grps> <num_ccts>
*ISUP_CONFIG 0 0 0x1d 0x0435 4 64
* Configure ISUP circuit groups:
* ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP <gid> <dpc> <base_cic> <base_cid> <cic_mask> <options>
* <user_inst> <user_id> <opc> <ssf> <variant> <options2>
*ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP 0 1 0x01 0x01 0x7fff7fff 0x001c 0 0x1d 2 0x8 0 0x00
* TUP parameters:
* Configure TUP module:
* TUP_CONFIG <reserved> <reserved> <user_id> <options> <num_grps> <num_ccts>
*TUP_CONFIG 0 0 0x1d 0x8141 4 64
* Define TUP circuit groups:
* TUP_CFG_CCTGRP <gid> <dpc> <base_cic> <base_cid> <cic_mask> <options>
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 9 Example Configuration Files
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
* Local AS configuration
* Define routes
* Add routes to SG
* Bind LAS to SG
Section 9 Example Configuration Files
* Local AS configuration
* Define Remote AS
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
* Local AS configuration
* Define routes
* Add routes to SG
* Bind LAS to SG
Section 9 Example Configuration Files
* Local AS configuration
* Define Remote AS
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
* Local AS configuration
* Define Remote AS
Section 9 Example Configuration Files
MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x00000000
* Define linksets:
* MTP_LINKSET <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf>
MTP_LINKSET 0 10 8 0x0000 100 0x00
* Define signaling links:
* MTP_LINK <link_id> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <board_id> <blink>
* <stream> <timeslot> <flags>
MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0x80000006
MTP_LINK 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0x80000006
MTP_LINK 2 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 0x80000006
MTP_LINK 3 0 3 3 0 4 0 0 0x80000006
MTP_LINK 4 0 4 4 0 5 0 0 0x80000006
MTP_LINK 5 0 5 5 0 6 0 0 0x80000006
MTP_LINK 6 0 6 6 0 7 0 0 0x80000006
MTP_LINK 7 0 7 7 0 8 0 0 0x80000006
* MTP_ROUTE <dpc> <linkset_id> <user_part_mask>
MTP_ROUTE 10 0 0x0028
MTP_USER_PART 0x0a 0x1d
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Section 9 Example Configuration Files
* Example Protocol Configuration File (config.txt) for use with
* Dialogic(R) DSI SS7MD Network Interface Boards.
* This file needs to be modified to suit individual circumstances.
* Refer to the relevant Programmer's Manuals for further details.
* SS7_BOARD <board_id> <board_type> <flags> <code_file> <run_mode>
SS7_BOARD 0 SS7MD 0x0000 ./DC/ss7.dc6 ATM
* LIU_CONFIG <board_id> <liu_id> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format> *
<crc_mode> [<build_out>]
LIU_CONFIG 0 0 5 1 1 1 0
* ATM_CONFIG <options> <num_streams>
ATM_CONFIG 0x0000 4
* ATM_STREAM <id> <board_id> <cellstream_id> <liu_id> <options> <ima_frame_len> <max_
frame_len> <def_vpi> <def_vci> <timeslot>
ATM_STREAM 3 0 1 0 0x01 0 280 12 10 0xfffefffe
MTP_CONFIG <reserved1> <reserved2> <options>
MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x00040000
* MTP_LINKSET <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf>
MTP_LINKSET 0 1 1 0x0000 2 0x08
* MTP_LINK <link_id> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <board_id> <blink> *
<atm_stream> <vpi-vci > <flags> [<data_rate>]
MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8-100 0x0006 ATM
* MTP_ROUTE <dpc> <linkset_id> <user_part_mask>
MTP_ROUTE 1 0 0x0020
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
* Example protocol configuration file for the Dialogic(R) DSI Diameter Stack
* Diameter - DTU Basic configuration:
* Local IP Address Configuration
* Set per-module options for Diameter
* Set module-specific options for Diameter
* Configure an SCTP association
* Configure the Diameter Network Context
* Configure the Peer, linking the DMNC to the SNLINK
* (Options bit 0 must be set for Server operation)
* Configure the Route
* Identify the Peers which can be used by a Route
* Configure the Application which uses the DMNC
Appendix A Default Module Identifiers
Module identifiers with a least significant nibble set to 0x0d are reserved for user-
generated applications. Although the values may also be used in example applications
supplied by Dialogic.
Module identifiers with a least significant nibble set to 0x0c are reserved entirely for
user-generated applications. These 16 module identifiers will not be used in any
Dialogic® DSI Components and are therefore available for use by the user in custom
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Appendix B Values reserved for Custom Use
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static int getU16(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
Constructor Detail
public BBUtil()
Method Detail
public static short getU8(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
public static void putU8(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int value)
public static short getU8(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int offset)
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
public static void putU8(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int offset,
int value)
public static int getU16(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
public static void putU16(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int value)
public static int getU16(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int offset)
public static void putU16(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int offset,
int value)
public static long getU32(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
public static void putU32(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
long value)
public static long getU32(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int offset)
public static void putU32(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int offset,
long value)
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
public static int getU24(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
public static void putU24(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int value)
public static int getU24(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int offset)
public static void putU24(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int offset,
int value)
Constructor Summary
GctException(java.lang.String message)
Method Summary
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
Constructor Detail
public GctException(java.lang.String message)
Field Summary
static java.lang.String GctLibVersionNumber
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static GctMsg getm(GctLib.StandardMsgSizes size)
Get a new GctMsg object.
static GctMsg getm(int len)
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
Field Detail
public static final java.lang.String GctLibVersionNumber
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
public GctLib()
Method Detail
public static GctMsg getm(int type,
int id,
int rspReq,
int len)
throws GctException
Get a new GctMsg object. The returned GctMsg wraps a native GCT message from the
nativeGCT message passing environment.
type - Set the GctMsg type field to this value
id - Set the GctMsg id field to this value
rspReq - Set the GctMsg rspReq to this value
len - Get a message of at least this length and set the GctMsg len field to this value
A new GctMsg message wrapping a native Msg
GctException - If a native Msg could not be allocated
public static GctMsg getm(int len)
throws GctException
Get a new GctMsg object. The returned GctMsg wraps a native GCT message from the
native message passing environment. The message parameter area will be at least 'len' bytes
len - Get a message of at least this length and set the GctMsg len field to this value
A new GctMsg message wrapping a native Msg
GctException - If a native Msg could not be allocated
public static GctMsg getm(GctLib.StandardMsgSizes size)
throws GctException
Get a new GctMsg object. The returned GctMsg wraps a native GCT message from the GCT
message passing environment. The message parameter area will be at least 320 bytes long.
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
public static void relm(GctMsg msg)
throws GctException
Returns the underlying native Msg resource for reuse. Note: the GctMsg object may be
separately disposed of.
msg - The GctMsg to be released
GctException - If the underlying native Msg is null or failed to release Msg
public static void send(short taskId,
GctMsg msg)
throws GctException
Sends the Msg to the identified taskId. Note: This actually sends the underlying native Gct
taskId - The taskId or moduleId to send the Msg to
msg - The Msg to send
GctException - If the native Msg is null or failed to send
public static void send(GctMsg msg)
throws GctException
Sends the Msg. The destination taskId is that within the message header Note: This actually
sends the underlying native Gct Msg.
msg - The Msg to send
GctException - If the native Msg is null or failed to send
public static GctMsg receive(short taskId)
Blocking call waiting to receive a new Msg on the identified taskId. Note: This waits for a
native Gct Msg to be received on the given taskId and wraps it in a GctMsg object.
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
taskId - Task Id to wait for a message on.
public static GctMsg grab(short taskId)
Non blocking call to receive a new Msg on the identified taskId. If there are no messages
waiting then this function returns immediately. Note: This wraps the native Msg in a
GctMsg object.
taskId - Task Id to wait for a message on.
GctMsg or null
public static void link()
Establishes a link to the GCT environment
public static void unlink()
Closes a link to the GCT environment
public static boolean isPartitionCongested(int partitionId)
Determines whether the native message partition is currently congested.
partitionId - The message partition to check
True if congested, otherwise false.
public static GctLib.PartitionInfo getPartitionInfo(int partitionId)
throws GctException
Gets information about the specified partition.
partitionId - The native message partition for which information is requested.
PartitionInfo instance
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
public static int pendingMsgs(short taskId)
Returns the number of messages queued against the task.
taskId - The task Id for which the number of pending messages is requested.
The number of pending messages.
Field Summary
boolean congStatus
java.lang.Integer numMsgs
java.lang.Integer paramSize
java.lang.Integer partitionId
Method Summary
Field Detail
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
public java.lang.Integer partitionId
public java.lang.Integer numMsgs
public java.lang.Integer paramSize
public boolean congStatus
C.5 com.dialogic.signaling.gct -
Enum GctLib.StandardMsgSizes
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<GctLib.StandardMsgSizes>
Enclosing class:
Method Summary
static GctLib.StandardMsgSizes valueOf(java.lang.String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the
specified name.
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
public static final GctLib.StandardMsgSizes Bytes4200
Method Detail
public static GctLib.StandardMsgSizes[] values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
for (GctLib.StandardMsgSizes c : GctLib.StandardMsgSizes.values())
an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
public static GctLib.StandardMsgSizes valueOf(java.lang.String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match
exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace
characters are not permitted.)
name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
the enum constant with the specified name
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
This class wraps a native Gct Msg and implements the IMsg interface
Method Summary
short getDst()
Get the destination field value of the message
int getId()
Get the id field value of the message
long getInstance()
Get the instance field value of the message
java.nio.ByteBuffer getParam()
Get parameter area of the message
boolean getRspReq()
Get the response request field value of the message
short getSrc()
Get the source field value of the message
short getStatus()
Get the status field value of the message
int getType()
Get the type field value of the message
void setDst(short dst)
Set the destination field value of the message
void setId(int id)
Set the id field value of the message
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
Method Detail
public final java.nio.ByteBuffer getParam()
throws GctException
Get parameter area of the message
Specified by:
getParam in interface IMsg
public final int getType()
throws GctException
Get the type field value of the message
Specified by:
getType in interface IMsg
public final void setType(int type)
throws GctException
Set the type field value of the message
Specified by:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
public final int getId()
throws GctException
Get the id field value of the message
Specified by:
getId in interface IMsg
public final void setId(int id)
throws GctException
Set the id field value of the message
Specified by:
setId in interface IMsg
public final short getSrc()
throws GctException
Get the source field value of the message
Specified by:
getSrc in interface IMsg
public final void setSrc(short src)
throws GctException
Set the source field value of the message
Specified by:
setSrc in interface IMsg
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
public final short getDst()
throws GctException
Get the destination field value of the message
Specified by:
getDst in interface IMsg
public final void setDst(short dst)
throws GctException
Set the destination field value of the message
Specified by:
setDst in interface IMsg
public final boolean getRspReq()
throws GctException
Get the response request field value of the message
Specified by:
getRspReq in interface IMsg
public final void setRspReq(boolean rspReq)
throws GctException
Set the raw response request field value of the message
Specified by:
setRspReq in interface IMsg
public final short getStatus()
throws GctException
Get the status field value of the message
Specified by:
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
public final void setStatus(short status)
throws GctException
Set the status field value of the message
Specified by:
setStatus in interface IMsg
public final long getInstance()
throws GctException
Get the instance field value of the message
Specified by:
getInstance in interface IMsg
public final void setInstance(long instance)
throws GctException
Set the instance field value of the message
Specified by:
setInstance in interface IMsg
Method Summary
short getDst()
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
int getId()
long getInstance()
java.nio.ByteBuffer getParam()
boolean getRspReq()
short getSrc()
short getStatus()
int getType()
Method Detail
java.nio.ByteBuffer getParam()
throws GctException
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
int getType()
throws GctException
void setType(int type)
throws GctException
int getId()
throws GctException
void setId(int id)
throws GctException
short getSrc()
throws GctException
void setSrc(short src)
throws GctException
short getDst()
throws GctException
Appendix C GCTLIB Javadoc
void setDst(short dst)
throws GctException
boolean getRspReq()
throws GctException
void setRspReq(boolean rspReq)
throws GctException
short getStatus()
throws GctException
void setStatus(short status)
throws GctException
long getInstance()
throws GctException
void setInstance(long instance)
Dialogic® Distributed Signaling Interface Components - Software Environment Programmer's Manual Issue 17
throws GctException