EC8 - BS EN 1998-1 - 2004 - Base Shear - CT Value

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EN 1998-1:2004 (E)

c) the in-plane stiffness of the floors shall be large enough in comparison with the
lateral stiffness of the vertical structural elements, so that a rigid diaphragm behaviour
may be assumed.

d) the centres of lateral stiffness and mass shall be each approximately on a vertical line
and, in the two horizontal directions of analysis, satisfy the conditions: rx2 > ls2 + eox2,
Licensed Copy: Chander Shahdadpuri, na, Sun May 22 07:40:57 BST 2005, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

ry2 > ls2 + eoy2, where the radius of gyration ls, the torsional radii rx and ry and the natural
eccentricities eox and eoy are defined as in
NOTE The value of the importance factor, JI, below which the simplification of the analysis in
accordance with is allowed in a country, may be found in its National Annex.

(9) In buildings satisfying all the conditions of (8) of this subclause with the
exception of d), linear-elastic analysis using two planar models, one for each main
horizontal direction, may also be performed, but in such cases all seismic action effects
resulting from the analysis should be multiplied by 1,25.

(10)P Buildings not conforming to the criteria in (7) to (9) of this clause shall be
analysed using a spatial model.

(11)P Whenever a spatial model is used, the design seismic action shall be applied
along all relevant horizontal directions (with regard to the structural layout of the
building) and their orthogonal horizontal directions. For buildings with resisting
elements in two perpendicular directions these two directions shall be considered as the
relevant directions. Lateral force method of analysis General

(1)P This type of analysis may be applied to buildings whose response is not
significantly affected by contributions from modes of vibration higher than the
fundamental mode in each principal direction.

(2) The requirement in (1)P of this subclause is deemed to be satisfied in buildings

which fulfil both of the two following conditions.

a) they have fundamental periods of vibration T1 in the two main directions which are
smaller than the following values

­4 ˜ TC
T1 d ® (4.4)
¯2,0 s

where TC is defined in;

b) they meet the criteria for regularity in elevation given in Base shear force

(1)P The seismic base shear force Fb, for each horizontal direction in which the
building is analysed, shall be determined using the following expression:

EN 1998-1:2004 (E)

Fb S d T1 ˜ m ˜ O (4.5)


Sd (T1) is the ordinate of the design spectrum (see at period T1;
Licensed Copy: Chander Shahdadpuri, na, Sun May 22 07:40:57 BST 2005, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

T1 is the fundamental period of vibration of the building for lateral motion in the
direction considered;
m is the total mass of the building, above the foundation or above the top of a rigid
basement, computed in accordance with 3.2.4(2);
O is the correction factor, the value of which is equal to: O = 0,85 if T1 < 2 TC and
the building has more than two storeys, or O = 1,0 otherwise.
NOTE The factor O accounts for the fact that in buildings with at least three storeys and
translational degrees of freedom in each horizontal direction, the effective modal mass of the 1st
(fundamental) mode is smaller, on average by 15%, than the total building mass.

(2) For the determination of the fundamental period of vibration period T1 of the
building, expressions based on methods of structural dynamics (for example the
Rayleigh method) may be used.

(3) For buildings with heights of up to 40 m the value of T1 (in s) may be

approximated by the following expression:

T1 Ct ˜ H 3/ 4 (4.6)

Ct is 0,085 for moment resistant space steel frames, 0,075 for moment resistant
space concrete frames and for eccentrically braced steel frames and 0,050 for all
other structures;
H is the height of the building, in m, from the foundation or from the top of a rigid

(4) Alternatively, for structures with concrete or masonry shear walls the value Ct in
expression (4.6) may be taken as being

Ct 0,075 / Ac (4.7)


Ac >
6 Ai ˜ 0,2  l wi / H 2 @ (4.8)

Ac is the total effective area of the shear walls in the first storey of the building, in
Ai is the effective cross-sectional area of shear wall i in the direction considered in
the first storey of the building, in m2;

EN 1998-1:2004 (E)

H is as in (3) of this subclause;

lwi is the length of the shear wall i in the first storey in the direction parallel to the
applied forces, in m, with the restriction that lwi/H should not exceed 0,9.

(5) Alternatively, the estimation of T1 (in s) may be made by using the following
Licensed Copy: Chander Shahdadpuri, na, Sun May 22 07:40:57 BST 2005, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI


T1 2˜ d (4.9)

d is the lateral elastic displacement of the top of the building, in m, due to the
gravity loads applied in the horizontal direction. Distribution of the horizontal seismic forces

(1) The fundamental mode shapes in the horizontal directions of analysis of the
building may be calculated using methods of structural dynamics or may be
approximated by horizontal displacements increasing linearly along the height of the

(2)P The seismic action effects shall be determined by applying, to the two planar
models, horizontal forces Fi to all storeys.

s i ˜ mi
Fi Fb ˜ (4.10)
6 sj ˜ mj


Fi is the horizontal force acting on storey i;

Fb is the seismic base shear in accordance with expression (4.5);
si, sj are the displacements of masses mi, mj in the fundamental mode shape;
mi, mj are the storey masses computed in accordance with 3.2.4(2).

(3) When the fundamental mode shape is approximated by horizontal displacements

increasing linearly along the height, the horizontal forces Fi should be taken as being
given by:

z i ˜ mi
Fi Fb ˜ (4.11)
6 z j ˜ mj

zi, zj are the heights of the masses mi mj above the level of application of the seismic
action (foundation or top of a rigid basement).

(4)P The horizontal forces Fi determined in accordance with this clause shall be
distributed to the lateral load resisting system assuming the floors are rigid in their


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