Transformer Vendor Drawing Cat A

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DELHI JAL BOARD: DELHI SARKAR OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (SDW)-VII NSTP, CORONATION PILLAR, NEW DELBI-116009 E-mail: [email protected] Phone No 011-27602302 No. F-(18 MLD)/DIB/EE (SPW) VIV/L&T/2019/ 43.6 9. Dated: - 927 To, ‘Mis Larsen & Youbro Ltd. - M/s Passavant Unergy & Environment JV Water & Effiuent Treatment — IC 14" Floor, IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place New Dethi— 110019, Subjects Construction of 318 MILD (70 MGD) WWTP with 10 years operation and maintenance on DBO basis at coronation pillar. Refi Work Order No, 1 2016-17) dated 14.09.2016 snd Contract Agreement No. 1(2016-1 7). ‘The following drawing/documents submitted vide letter No, L&T-PE&E-JV/3 I8MLD/886, Dated 06.02.2019 have been recommended for approval by Mis, NISELDS JV vide theit lotter No. NISBI/DJB/2018/1672, Dated 98.02.2018, On the basis of the recommendation of the consultant the drawing/document have been approved by the competent authority of DIB for release for construction, under respective code mentioned against the drawings, S.No | Documents /drawing name | Document Drawing No Rev, Data Sheet & Drawing & QAP of | ats 1 | transformer _SISDLTPEE-994 8-002 | oo A ‘The fir is allowed to execute the work in accordance with Clause 4,1 (Contractors General Obligation) General Conditions of contract at Page No. 323 subject to fulfillment ofthe following condition [r ring the job execution if any deficiency or alteration is required, firm shall attend to the same within the Contractual provisions and nothing extra shall be claimed / paid to the firm, 2. No extra financial implication on the cost of the project 3. Acceptance conveyed herein neither relieves the firm ofits contractual obligations and its responsibility for the Sorreciness of the dimensions, material of construction, weights, quantities design parameters, dimensions, assembly Fits, performance, particulars, conformity of supplies with Indian statutory laws as may applicable nor does it limit the purchasers right under the contract, Encl: - One set of drawing & comments, (Bsn EL fis ‘ecutive Engineer (SDW) VI * Delhi Jal Board, Govt. of NT of be? comments coaxed hesin peer Te Contactor of Iie. eantacull oblgtion Magra fe caesben Gra. atl Sr eonsttcion, welght, quasi. deaigs tats, Sheombly pormanes, pabeusts ind conirm of ef wan ne stil ave 23 ay be eptabie, rely iis the purchasers rghturder te convect, (caicofuments sproved, sled 19 comments and niract i. eG AE (ERM) onto any this parson or Fr 7 mem 7 i | a Re anounded wr gure ie : | eee i lem | " ‘ | rar nc ihe c E 02-19 Fe vant Energy SeEavironment Gablt must not be pase H ee HH alltel Qs $3 (osm a Tovised sper consultant comments mn [oa | | 58 | ~aeanie oo For Approval — a La z DATE REV. NO. DESCRIPTION Prepared | checked | Approved | 220 REVISIONS I See | ae L&T Construction PassavantT | Be over Eten rine epee ant j Eel. } 48 lars consacaNT | fe & iiaaaae 2) Ses) et DELHI JAL BOARD BONIS IsENGINEERS INDIA PVT. LTD. Hee : - & & |CONSTRUCTION OF $16 MLD (70 MGD) WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT WITH io YEARS ‘OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ON #3 [p30 Basis at CORONATION PuLLAR 44 bao ee : Sneainit | £ E lCowrmacton, [Larsen & Toubro Limited and Passavant nergy & Kuvironmont Gmbil Joint Venture | 2 § [ono [ease i ra ri eet 1 aos] a@m_| Bar rau oa] ne Peat Jean lcisras| citsyas | 2eaas0| er Data Sheet for 318 MLD WwIP laero ws ms facian = - eee <= — a - 1 pocve. (SHTST Ts aT 91-1 ela? Pele] - To Telal-Tel- [opal maceeeciga { as T | seas rox Frmanovany | Jevqum] Jronamon [7 Jarrnovm, [Teowsraueron | : [te | VOLTAMP TRANSFORMERS LIMITED GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS SUSTOMER _:M/s.Delhi Jal Hoard -VOLTAMP nN HOTS aa etsy PROJECT WOLTAMP JOB REF. : JN 48634/1-2.3-4 Document Ref: JN-40834/16-19/BHARGAV DTD 19,01.2019-RevA 0, No./LOJNo. : LOI No-L&T-PE&E-JV/PT170001/300A Dt 24.41.0018. A/c. 318 MLD WWTP Project, Delhi jal Board. ‘ONSULTANT _:M/s NJS Engineer India Pvt Ltd & Design Solutions INC]V cs DESCRIPTION onir PARTICULARS No. BH 1 type and make of transformer Outdoor Type (ONAN) & Voltamp Transformers Limited 2 |Normal continuous rating KA 3150 3 [Winding material Copper ¥ [Frequency Hertz 50 5 [Quantity Nos. OF Nos. ~| 6 |No toad voltage ratio Kw 7/0433, 7 [Connection a [High vottage Detta b |Low voltage Star 8 [Vector Group i Dyait | 9 [Tapping on HV side for giving voltage & variation +10% to-10% @ 1.25% lof HV by OFF Circuit Switch / On Load tap changer (By On Load Tap Changer) 10 Temp. rise of O1L 7 WINDING by thermometer 7 esisatance method over specified ambient temp. of °c s0°c / 55°C [50°C at principal tap 1 |No Load Loss at rated voltage and frequency TT 12 |Pullload loss at rated current at 75°C impedance at rated current at 75°C at principal tap bal VOLTAMP TRANSFORMERS LIMITED GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS [CUSTOMER :M/s.Delhijal Board P.O. No./LOLNo. : LOI No-L&T-PE&E-JV/PT170001/300A Dt. 24.11.2018, PROJECT £A/c. 318 MLD WWTP Project, Delhi Jal Board. CONSULTANT: M/s NJS Logineor India Pvt Led & Design Solutions NCW a VOLTAMP JOD REF. ; JN 48834/1-2-3-4 i [Document Ret: JN-#0034/15-19/BHARGAV DTD 19.01.2019-RewA SR, DESCRIPTION UNIT PARTICULARS No. 14 [Insulation Level (KV peak / RV rms) la. For HV winding 75 KVp / 28 KVems b. For LY winding = /3 KVnins 18 [Rificiencies at a, [At following % Load & Unity P.F, at 75°C 100 % 98,99 7s % 99.11 so % 99.29 ». [At following % Load & 087 lag AL 75°C 100 % 98.62 bs % . 9889 so % 99.12 16 [Regulation at unity PF at 75°C % 1256 [Regulation at 0.8 P.. lagging at 75°C % 5.030 17] Reactance at rated current and frequency % 6.926 - 18 |Over load capacity of transformer ‘As per IS 2026 Park 19 |Apalicable Standard 182026 20 |fIV LV Termination & Orientation Cable Box / Bus Duct / 180" 2i Tests required ‘As per QAP No: 48834/QAP Remark: The Efficiency and Regulation values are given considering base value of Losses & Impedance, However the same shall be vary upon tolerance given for Losses & Impedance and actual measured values (VOLTAMP TRANSPORMERS LIMITED) i ea I [ava sees ee v Gas MR Beane "GaVOE WT OE WSSIORE Bae OH SP (Ee meee nnotoere mg UE ‘ON’ AEB “TRAC NYNO BEF O/TI— AN “ORE WAT Ow SUOLTTOS WORE ¥ GH ad Vd RECN Sm ‘waves "We aE eeroua aia cm oie O/v] aearoaal CBE FE LC Yoee/woowius/ak wea TOT] oo SNe NT EM] eHosm@) I T <—T a aT eRe] MEETS ult aN et] ES © | seewar wera oor caer To Saray farersessar| ae —o Hl : fl e © ‘WeRe-aHie“ON'DKO amour peer “Nr ia | ROOKIES VS | Baa # [esl Uy ane men avy on wos] T t OO ‘qunpauneuns (CL SUSWUOASNYEL ‘aVWLTON H TOR=ae TSE WHS Cer * [iar souews ean + an uF inves Wr OSEd TORO stan Om ate OPT TOUTS Ba Yooe/Wvouma/at~ arate OW TT ‘aavbe NF Se erserauerowena| pene 8 lag el es | — ee rarer Seas |e nrc EE jel es ee XOPONTWASEW = | aasanos fe | rane EES Ee pecs spoe| uy SEN see few o/z-24 «acon nel ES © 1[ arene seu mina |e VEVOOGIA a DSRS = aaa Er acs 20 a Fe a vite far suaniousnv GE aS sus! mr Smeoa S) 23 + SaarTmas z DRYAS TLE WHO SO “este mat] suvaaTa| 3 ah) AOE ALOE MUSE OE ee MORE mane St WR] TNR | aa] “Gave Wi Wiad Yeaioud aia am oe D7] aosoad 1 Wie Wve 20 Youe/oauta/atwawaano— on flow) . eal eave wr a] eaaisns|) : se Govt emsiscusy ybiuaiby pw ‘22 ue2 ais lonutted penunasSun snow Sone aw i i ew Ue es ae Se wie oy T BosNas Ih wae 02 szoH-9 TRANSFORMER VADODARA (INDIA) >» VOLTAMP TRANSFORMERS LIMITED TRANSFORNER SPECIFICATION REF.LS, [2026-207 Gy a ho eee GOP [— yt i \ BASE WSUETTON TE 2 oy, PULSE 75 hp 5 sacra ty ee To Ww. 1 | PF.VOLTACE fase! @ hw | ec oata i 7 NarieTi=aaan/en aR OE | appa Tv. 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EEE "3 Race ovat ra ena Won ene oud er ea Wn Es EE OD (9 trol ar See maura nan « e048) (3 Wave Sena oe ak Sena yarn resmie (Goaince x2 me smacr tatu T= T= [ = [oo I S170 — BLS Toes ancl (av AUN Toca TONS) = [6 3] ae TTT z [ive anea bo GF 0 i Ga GNGRNTERT Sen Wow ne r eA UN CT wa a | ‘jess seve Gt RY ae Haver see scar Sv ae ae es ke ma TW array SB IDS ioe NS |=] =e] -f-] ‘slalalnlalale =a a MeO a [“awee nr anc Water ear ( Seve a Yeoeiconuna/at-aias-ori= oR 18 oe C Seite Wr weal “Briag|@) DEN IE /34 ental 7 3 z 7 Bog5 2no8 RIC. PANE! E22 ZoeplF, pot 7] YFOR HEATER F 5202 (FOR 16, 2WIRE, SoH, 240, & Laue Hoe aS aa AO St aA enn sxe POWER DISTRIBUTION BOARD) aEy basy [ster remuns v9 9¢ Sea fis eer eee pues 130K2.5mi.on CABLE : pre io “ a (FOR WTERRCONECTION BETWEEN] — fps 12 er Se ree ease Ree Cu (BI eae ty e ey if nant }44 e MBs Ia }Nz09_| io -{Nan spit pN2i3 J os2i-25 “seh | 33 (> {sos 32 Ks 30K. CABLE He | PSS ara ASME SOLE AIRY. Se ARS, FOR ON Tc 28 hy GHENT S Power ‘Ost? GANDY D 2 - 2 ate 202 Sm sa OAS $0 toot 210 Par pres GRP et Be SENSE | GRGIY Frou GENS N36} Powe OP aban) 3 i a i NOTE: (1) CABLING FOR INTERCONNECTIONS BETWEEN OLTC AND RIC PANELS ARE NOT IN VIL'S SCOPE OF SUPPLY. 7 (2) THE TERMINALS IN| DRIVE MECHANISM MARKED (*) ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR INTER CONNECTION WITH RTCC PANEL, (@)custowsr [RUT JAL BOARD P.0.NO, LOl_NO.~Lae—PE&E—JV/P170001/300A DE. 24.11.2018, 8 Prommer —_[4/¢. 318 MLD WWIP PROJECT, DRUM Jal BOARD |p @) CONSULTANT [1/9 WS ENGINRER INDIA PVT LM & DESIGN SOLUTIONS iNC-av MRDETAIS | KVA:—8160, kVi—11/0.493, ONAN, Dynil, QTY.—4NO. JORN LAVKESH | 14.12.18 CHO [viral | 14.1218 VOUTAMP TRANSFORMERS JAPPRD | VIRAL 14.12.18 LIMITED VADODARA INTER CONNECTION CUM SCALE. ‘ CABLE ScHEDULE Oe} : iaoxia| coun Nis feLeC(M) [> \itvish) ocomrmeures DIAGRAM lac co ca DATE (SINGLE CONTROL WITH avr) | REF.JN-48854 PSopr| [ho [ace] BREF RECORD) CO.LT.C. 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