Oxidative Stress-Associated Senescence in Dermal Papilla Cells of Men With Androgenetic Alopecia

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Oxidative Stress–Associated Senescence in Dermal

Papilla Cells of Men with Androgenetic Alopecia
James H. Upton1, Rosalind F. Hannen1, Adiam W. Bahta1, Nilofer Farjo2, Bessam Farjo2 and
Michael P. Philpott1

Dermal papilla cells (DPCs) taken from male androgenetic alopecia (AGA) patients undergo premature
senescence in vitro in association with the expression of p16INK4a, suggesting that DPCs from balding scalp are
more sensitive to environmental stress than nonbalding cells. As one of the major triggers of senescence in vitro
stems from the cell ‘‘culture shock’’ owing to oxidative stress, we have further investigated the effects of oxidative
stress on balding and occipital scalp DPCs. Patient-matched DPCs from balding and occipital scalp were cultured
at atmospheric (21%) or physiologically normal (2%) O2. At 21% O2, DPCs showed flattened morphology and a
significant reduction in mobility, population doubling, increased levels of reactive oxygen species and
senescence-associated b-Gal activity, and increased expression of p16INK4a and pRB. Balding DPCs secreted
higher levels of the negative hair growth regulators transforming growth factor beta 1 and 2 in response to H2O2
but not cell culture–associated oxidative stress. Balding DPCs had higher levels of catalase and total glutathione
but appear to be less able to handle oxidative stress compared with occipital DPCs. These in vitro findings
suggest that there may be a role for oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of AGA both in relation to cell
senescence and migration but also secretion of known hair follicle inhibitory factors.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2015) 135, 1244–1252; doi:10.1038/jid.2015.28; published online 26 February 2015

INTRODUCTION The dermal papilla (DP) contains a population of pluripo-

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of tent stem cells (Hunt et al., 2008; Driskell et al., 2011) and has
male hair loss affecting 31% of genetically predisposed men a fundamental role in regulating hair follicle development and
aged 40–55 years (Hamilton, 1951; Nyholt et al., 2003). AGA hair growth (Oliver, 1966; Jahoda et al., 1984). ARs are
is a polygenic disorder with multiple risk loci (Hoffmann et al., expressed by DP cells (DPCs) and the actions of androgens
2002; Heilmann et al., 2013) driven predominantly by on hair growth are believed to be mediated via androgen
mutations of the X-linked androgen receptor (AR) gene (Ellis regulation of hair growth regulatory factors (Randall et al.,
et al., 2001). Oxidative stress may also have a role, as hair loss 1991; Choudhry et al., 1992; Hibberts et al., 1998). In balding
is linked to a number of factors that increase cellular oxidative DPCs (BDPCs), androgens stimulate the secretion of hair
stress, including metabolic syndrome, alcohol consumption, growth inhibitory factors such as transforming growth factor
smoking, and UV radiation (Severi et al., 2003; Trueb, beta 1 and 2 (TGF-b1/b2) and DKK-1 (Foitzik et al., 2000; Inui
2003a,b; Su and Chen, 2010). However, it is not known et al., 2002; Hibino and Nishiyama, 2004; Kwack et al.,
whether oxidative stress is a pathogenic contributor to AGA. 2012). In contrast, the occipital DPCs (ODPCs) from occipital,
nonbalding scalp regions are classically insensitive to
androgens (Inui et al., 2002; Randall, 2007).
Centre for Cutaneous Research, Barts and The London School of Medicine Previously, we demonstrated that BDPCs underwent pre-
and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK and 2Farjo
Medical Centre, Manchester, UK mature senescence in vitro compared with ODPCs (Bahta
Correspondence: Michael Philpott, Centre for Cutaneous Research, Barts and et al., 2008) with a concomitant elevation of p16INK4a and
The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, 4 Newark Street, London retinoblastoma protein (pRB) expression, both of which are
E1 2AT, UK. E-mail [email protected] known to mediate cell cycle arrest in response to environ-
Study carried out in Whitechapel, London, UK. mental stress (Chen, 2000). A major cause of cell stress in vitro
Abbreviations: 4-MU-Gal, methylumbelliferyl galactopyranosidase; AGA, stems from oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species
androgenetic alopecia; AR, androgen receptor; BDPC, balding dermal papilla (ROS; Alaluf et al., 2000; Grayson et al., 2006). Therefore,
cell; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; DP, dermal papilla; DPC, dermal papilla cell;
GSH, glutathione sulfhydryl (reduced state); GSSG, glutathione disulphide because the concentration of oxygen in the dermis has been
(oxidized state); ODPC, occipital dermal papilla cell; PD, population doubling; measured at between 1 and 5% O2 (Wang, 2005) and cell
pRB, retinoblastoma protein; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SA-b-Gal, culture is usually carried out at atmospheric levels of oxygen
senescence-associated beta-galactosidase; TGF-b1/2, transforming growth
(21% O2) known to cause senescence in vitro (Alaluf et al.,
factor beta 1/2
2000), we have suggested that the premature senescence of
Received 2 May 2014; revised 12 December 2014; accepted 22 December
2014; accepted article preview online 3 February 2015; published online 26 BDPCs in vitro may be in response to stress or ‘‘culture shock’’
February 2015 of tissue culture and may be indicative that BDPCs are

1244 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2015), Volume 135 & 2015 The Society for Investigative Dermatology
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Oxidative Stress and Dermal Papilla Senescence

more sensitive than ODPCs to environmental—including cells cultured in 21% O2 revealed that ODPCs had a mean
oxidative—stress. We sought to investigate the effects of velocity of 0.12 mm per minute, which was over 8-fold faster
physiologically relevant oxygen and oxidative stress on the than BDPCs (0.014 mm per minute) under the same conditions
growth and cell signaling potential of both BDPCs and (Po0.001). At 2% O2, the mean velocity of both DPCs
ODPCs. We demonstrate in vitro a previously unreported role significantly increased to 0.58 mm per minute for ODPCs
for oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of AGA both in relation and 0.34 mmper minute for BDPCs. Notably, there was still a
to cell senescence and secretion of known hair follicle significant difference between BDPCs and ODPCs at 2%
inhibitory factors. Furthermore, these experiments also high- O2 (Po0.01), although low oxygen conditions appeared to
light the major impact that oxygen can have on the physiology reduce the relative difference in mean velocities between DPC
and biochemistry of cultured DPCs. types.

RESULTS Oxidative stress decreases population doubling and increases

Low oxygen culture increases BDPC and ODPC viability and senescence in DPCs
migration Measurement of population doubling (PD) and quantification
Patient-matched DPCs cultured from balding and occipital/ of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-b-Gal) activ-
nonbalding scalp biopsies demonstrate clear morphological ity showed that ODPCs and BDPCs were more proliferative
differences when culture is performed in atmospheric (nor- (Po0.001 for both ODPCs and BDPCs) and had reduced
moxia) versus physiological (hypoxic) O2. Both ODPCs levels of senescence when cultured at 2% O2 versus 21% O2
(Figure 1a) and BDPCs (Figure 1b) exhibited a morphology (Figure 2). However, BDPCs underwent fewer PD than
associated with stress at 21% O2. BDPCs displayed a particu- ODPCs under both oxygen conditions (12 vs. 16 PD at 2%
larly severe phenotype, growing in a dispersed manner with O2 (Po0.001) and 5 vs. 9 PD at 21% O2 Po0.001; Figure 2a
flattened morphology classically associated with senescence and b); furthermore, senescence was significantly higher in
(Alaluf et al., 2000). ODPCs at 21% O2 also had a mildly BDPCs at 21% O2 than ODPCs (Po0.001; Figure 2c). There
flattened morphology, although they grew in organized was no significant difference in senescence between ODPCs
clusters and did not exhibit full senescent morphology and BDPCs at 2% O2.
(Figure 1a). To investigate whether the effects of oxygen on PD and
ODPCs grown at 2% O2 maintained their healthy, spindle- senescence were reversible, we also switched cells at passage
like morphology and formed organized clusters with raised 4 from 21 to 2% O2 and from 2 to 21% O2 (Figure 2a and b).
pseudopapillae (Figure 1c), a well-established characteristic of The slower growth rate of ODPCs and BDPCs at 21% O2 was
cultured DPCs (Almond-Roesler et al., 1997). BDPCs at 2% rescued when cells were switched to 2% O2 (Po0.05 and
O2 maintained a spindle-like morphology typical of healthy Po0.001 for ODPCs and BDPCs, respectively), which corre-
fibroblasts (Figure 1d), although BDPC cultures did not form lated with the levels of cell senescence similar to those seen in
pseudopapillae. cells grown continuously in 2% O2 (Figure 2c). In contrast, PD
Oxygen conditions also mediated significant changes in the decreased in cells switched from 2 to 21% O2 (Po0.01 and
migratory function of DPCs (Figure 1e). Time-lapse analysis of Po0.001 for ODPCs and BDPCs, respectively) correlating

Velocity (μm min–1)



0.2 ***

2% 21%

Figure 1. Dermal papilla cell (DPC) viability is directly affected by O2 conditions. Morphology and arrangement of DPCs under varying O2 conditions for the
following: (a) ODPCs at 21% O2, (b) BDPCs at 21% O2, (c) ODPCs at 2% O2, and (d) BDPCs at 2% O2. Images are representative of cells from three individual
patients. (e) Cell velocity was measured by culturing DPCs to 30–50% confluence and capturing images from 10 randomly selected areas at 10-minute intervals for
24 hours using an inverted light microscope contained within a cell incubator at atmospheric (95% air and 5% CO2) or low oxygen (97% N2, 5% CO2 and 2% O2)
conditions. Metamorph software was used to track the velocity of 10 cells from each of the videos produced. Data are mean±SEM. Statistical analysis was carried
out using one-way analysis of variance with Bonferroni’s post hoc test. **Po0.01, ***Po0.001. BDPCs, blading DPCs; BDPCs, DPC, dermal papilla cell; ODPCs,
occipital DPCs. Bar ¼ 200 mm.

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Oxidative Stress and Dermal Papilla Senescence

Occipital DPCs Balding DPCs

20 20
P2 P4 P6 P7 P2 P4 P6 P7

Population doublings

Population doublings
15 15


*** ***
10 10

5 5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Days in culture Days in culture

1.5 **
** 2% Constant
4-MU-Gal fluorescence

BDPC 2% Switched to 21%
1.0 *** 21% Switched to 2%

21% Constant



*** *** ***

1.5 ** 3 *** 8 ***
H2DCFDA fluorescence
H2DCFDA fluorescence

senescence (RFU)
(RFU min–1)

(RFU min–1)


0.5 1

0.0 0 0
O B O B 0 1 5 10 0 1 5 10
2% 21% NAC (uM) NAC (uM)

Figure 2. O2 conditions have a direct effect on dermal papilla cell (DPC) proliferation and senescence. Population doubling rates measured at each passage for
(a) ODPCs and (b) BDPCs from three individual patients in triplicate. DPCs were initially cultured at 21% O2 before being equally split between 2 and 21% O2
incubators at passage 2. At passage 4, DPCs were split again, and either maintained at the same condition or switched to the opposite O2 condition. (c) DPCs were
taken from the end point (passage 6) of samples used in a and b. Lysates were quantified for senescence-associated b-Gal activity using 4-MU-Gal substrate.
(d) ROS levels quantified via H2DCFDA fluorescence in DPCs from four individual patients in triplicate at 2 and 21% O2, and in the presence and absence of
N-acetyl cysteine (e).(f) Senescence-associated b-Gal activity was quantified in DPCs in the presence and absence of N-acetyl cysteine. Data are mean±SEM.
Statistical analysis was carried out using one-way analysis of variance with Bonferroni’s post hoc test. *Po0.05, **Po0.01, ***Po0.001. DPC, dermal papilla cell;
H2DCFDA, hydroxyl-2-dichlorofluorescein diacetate; ODPCs, occipital DPCs; ROS, reactive oxygen species; 4-MU-Gal, methylumbelliferyl galactopyranosidase.

with a significant increase in cell senescence (Figure 2c). O2, but there was no significant difference in ROS levels
BDPCs were particularly sensitive to senescence when trans- between BDPCs and ODPCs at 2% O2.
ferred from 2 to 21% O2 (Po0.01). Thus, environmental O2 We demonstrate that the higher levels of ROS in the BDPCs
levels, which are routinely used in cell culture and known to can be suppressed in a dose-dependent manner by treating
cause oxidative stress in cultured cells, have a significant BDPCs for 24 hours with the ROS-scavenger N-acetyl cysteine
impact on DPC morphology, motility, proliferation, and (NAC; Figure 2e). NAC was effective at significantly reducing
senescence, and physiological (2%) O2 levels appear optimal the levels of ROS at 1 mM (Po0.05) and 5 and 10 mM
to maintain healthy cells. Moreover, BDPCs are much more (Po0.001; Figure 2e); moreover, analysis of SA-b-Gal showed
sensitive to the stress of environmental O2 than ODPCs. that both 5 and 10 mM NAC also resulted in a significant
Hydroxyl-2-dichlorofluorescein diacetate was used to quan- (Po0.001) reduction in senescence in BDPCs (Figure 2f).
tify ROS. Figure 2d shows that ROS levels were significantly
higher in BDPCs at 21% O2 compared with ODPCs under Catalase and glutathione are influenced by oxygen and are
identical conditions (Po0.01). At 2% O2, ROS levels were higher in balding than nonbalding DPCs
significantly lower in both BDPCs (Po0.001) and ODPCs We also investigated the expression of catalase, an indicator of
(Po0.05) when compared with BDPCs and ODPCs at 21% oxidative stress (Clerch et al 1991). Western blot analysis

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Oxidative Stress and Dermal Papilla Senescence

a b 30

ODPC 21% O2
ODPC 2% O2

BDPC 2% O2

BDPC 2% O2

expression (A.U.)
Relative catalase

Catalase 10

2% 21%

c d ODPC 2% O2
150 ** BDPC 2% O2
Catalase activity (nM min–1)

ODPC 21% O2
* BDPC 21% O2 ***

concentration (μM)

50 *

0 0
2% 21% total (active) (reduced)

Figure 3. O2 conditions affect antioxidant response protein expression and activity. (a) Western blot analysis of catalase and b-actin loading control in ODPCs
and BDPCs from three individual patients cultured at 2 and 21% O2. DPCs were lysed using RIPA buffer, and 5 mg of each lysate was run on a Sigma Nu-page
electrophoresis gel. (b) Densitometric analysis was carried out on (n ¼ 3) blots using Image-J (NIH, Open source). Blots were stripped and reprobed with antibodies
for b-actin to determine equal protein loading and to normalize densitometry values. (c) Activity of catalase quantified using Amplex Red assay in DPCs from three
individual patients in triplicate at 2 and 21% O2. (d) Total glutathione concentration quantified using Ellman’s reagent, displaying reduced and oxidized fractions
in DPCs cultured at 2 and 21% O2. Means±SEM. Statistical analysis carried out using the Bonferroni’s post hoc test. *Po0.05, **Po0.01, ***Po0.001. BDPCs,
blading DPCs; ODPCs, occipital DPCs; RFU, relative fluorescence units; RIPA, radioimmunoprecipitation assay.

(Figure 3a) and densitometry (Figure 3b) showed that catalase those cultured at 2%. BDPCs cultured at 21% O2 had a signi-
expression was significantly lower in ODPCs at 2% O2 ficantly higher fraction of their total glutathione in its reduced
compared with BDPCs at the same passage under the same form compared with those grown at 2% O2 (Po0.001). These
O2 conditions (Po0.001). At 21%, O2 catalase was upregu- data indicate that although the amount of active GSH was
lated in both ODPCs and BDPCs but remained higher in similar between ODPCs and BDPCs under all conditions, the
BDPCs compared with ODPCs (Po0.05). Catalase activity overall fraction of active glutathione was smaller in BDPCs
was also significantly higher in BDPCs (Po0.05) compared than in ODPCs and that active fraction of glutathione is lower
with ODPCs (Figure 3c) and was also higher at 21% O2 in BDPCs than ODPCs under oxidative stress.
compared with 2% O2 (Po0.05). These data demonstrate
that oxygen and cell passage have a significant impact on the Oxygen regulates p16INK4 and pRB
stress response of DPCs but show that BDPCs appear to be Western blot analysis (Figure 4a) and densitometry showed
more sensitive to stress than ODPCs. that p16INK4a (Figure 4a and b) and the pRB(Figure 4a and c)
Glutathione has a critical role in the elimination of ROS were expressed at much higher levels in DPCs maintained at
(Maher, 2005). Total and oxidized glutathione was quantified 21% O2 compared with 2% and that levels of p16INK4a and
in DPCs at 2 and 21% O2. Total glutathione (GSH and GSSG) pRB were expressed at lower levels in ODPCs compared with
concentration was significantly higher in BDPCs compared BDPCs, thus confirming our previous data in which we
with ODPCs at 21% O2 (Po0.05; Figure 3d). Total glu- showed that premature senescence of BDPCs was associated
tathione concentration was also significantly higher in BDPCs with p16INK4a and pRB (Bahta et al., 2008).
cultured at 21% O2 compared with 2% O2 (Po0.01). There
was no significant difference in total glutathione in BDPCs TGF-b and IGF-I secretion by balding and nonbalding DPCs is
versus ODPCs at 2% O2 and between ODPCs at 21 and 2% influenced by oxidative stress
O2. When we calculated the fraction of reduced glutathione A critical function of the DP is its role in secreting growth
(GSSG), we observed that BDPCs had a significantly higher factors that regulate the development and growth of the hair
concentration of GSSG at 21% O2 compared with ODPCs follicle. As TGF-b is a potent inhibitory hair growth factor and
(Po0.01). No significant difference was observed between has previously been reported to be secreted by BDPCs in vitro
BDPCs and ODPCs at 2% O2. ODPCs at 21% O2 showed no in response to dihydrotestosterone (DHT; Inui et al., 2002), we
statistical difference in GSH concentrations compared with investigated the effect of oxidative stress and DHT on the

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Oxidative Stress and Dermal Papilla Senescence

p16INK4a pRB

ODPC 21% O2

ODPC 2% O2

BDPC 2% O2

BDPC 2% O2
* 4

expression (AU)
Relative protein
p16INK4a 2 *
0 0
2% 21% 2% 21%

Figure 4. O2 affects senescence-associated protein expression. (a) Western blot and (b) densitometric analyses for P16INK4a and pRB carried out on DPCs from
three individual patients cultured at 2 and 21% O2. Data are mean±SEM. Statistical analysis carried out using one-way analysis of variance with Bonferroni’s post
hoc test. *Po0.05. DPCs, dermal papilla cells; pRB, retinoblastoma protein.

secretion of TGF-b isoforms. Oxidative stress induced by (Miranda et al., 2010), suggesting restricted cell migration.
hydrogen peroxide (100 mM H2O2) promoted the secretion of Here we show that BDPCs have slower migratory velocity
TGF-b1, and this was significantly higher (Po0.001) in BDPCs than ODPCs under both oxygen conditions. However, oxygen
(Figure 5a). Oxygen conditions alone did not independently significantly altered cell motility—faster migration velocity
alter TGF-b secretion (Figure 5b and c). However, DHT was observed at 2% O2 in both DPC phenotypes. Therefore,
(100 nM) significantly increased TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 secretion these data suggest that reduced DPC migration caused by
compared with the vehicle control (Po0.01) when BDPCs oxidative stress may inhibit hair follicle remodeling and could
and ODPCs were cultured at 21% O2 (Figure 5b and c). promote the balding phenotype.
Conversely, BDPCs cultured at 2% O2 showed no change in We previously reported that BDPCs undergo premature
TGF-b2 secretion (Figure 5c) and a significant decrease in senescence in vitro, caused by elevated expression of p16INK4a
TGF-b1 secretion at both 1 nM (Po0.01) and 100 nM and pRB, but not p53 or p21 (Bahta et al., 2008). We now
(Po0.001) DHT (Figure 5b). ODPCs cultured at 2% O2 also show that the expression of p16INK4a and pRB is associated
underwent a significant decrease in TGF-b1 secretion at 1 nM with high levels of oxygen. Environmental stress has been
(Po0.01) and 100 nM (Po0.05) DHT (Figure 5b); however, no reported to trigger senescence via p16INK4a in dermal
significant change in TGF-b2 secretion was observed fibroblasts (Chen, 2000; Jacobs and de Lange, 2004) and is
(Figure 5c). This suggests that DPCs maintained in an environ- considered a key factor of skin aging (Alaluf et al., 2000).
ment of low oxidative stress (e.g., 2% O2) are protected from Although cell passage did have an effect on the expression of
DHT-induced TGF-b secretion. IGF, one of the main growth senescence markers in DPCs, the differences between BDPCs
factors involved in the maintenance of the follicle in the and ODPCs cultured at 2 and 21% O2 were similar at low and
anagen stage of the growth cycle, was secreted at significantly high passage number. This suggests that the senescence that
lower levels by BDPCs compared with ODPCs and also we observed was owing to oxidative stress as opposed to
suppressed in ODPCs when cultured at 21% O2 compared replicative senescence commonly observed in dermal fibro-
with 2% O2 (Po0.05), but not in BDPCs (Figure 5d). blasts as the result of passage-induced telomere shortening
(Itahana et al., 2001).
DISCUSSION Catalase was significantly higher in BDPCs than in ODPCs
Here we show that environmental oxygen significantly alters at passage 2, possibly in response to ROS. Catalase has
DPC morphology, migration, proliferation, senescence, and previously been associated with hair follicle aging. However,
TGF-b signaling. BDPCs were significantly more sensitive to in contrast to BDPCs, graying hair follicles express lower
oxidative stress than ODPCs, with reduced cell proliferation levels of catalase and higher levels of ROS compared with
and migration together with increased ROS and senescence at healthy, pigmented follicles (Wood et al., 2009; Kauser et al.,
21% O2. Crucially, BDPCs that were protected from oxidative 2011). ROS produced by the melanocytes in graying follicles
stress when cell culture was performed at 2% O2 did not may be responsible for creating an oxidative environment that
secrete the negative hair growth factor TGF-b in response to could affect DPCs especially in balding scalp. The elevated
DHT. This suggests that oxidative stress, as well as androgen levels of catalase present in the BDPCs did not translate to a
signaling, may have an important role in the BDPC phenotype reduction in total ROS nor reduced levels of senescence,
and AGA. suggesting that the BDPCs may be deficient in other
Remodeling of the DP is essential for hair follicle cycling antioxidants or in their ability to handle ROS.
and is largely dependent on the migration of DPCs between In addition to catalase, we also showed that glutathione
the DP and the connective tissue sheath (Tobin et al., 2003). levels were higher in BDPCs compared with ODPCs at 21%
Balding follicles exhibit shrinkage and rounding of the DP O2. Glutathione is an ROS-sensitive signal modulator that

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Oxidative Stress and Dermal Papilla Senescence


TGF-β1 concentration

TGF-β1 concentration
800 * ***

(pg ml–1)
** ***

(pg ml–1)


0 0
Control H2O2 (100 μM) O B O B
2% 21%

ODPCs BDPCs DHT (nM) 0 1 100


1,000 NS
** **
TGF-β2 concentration


IGF-1 secretions (ng ml–1)

(pg ml–1)



2% 21%
DHT (nM) 0 1 100 O B O B
2% 21%

Figure 5. Oxidative stress induces changes to dermal papilla cell (DPC) growth factor secretion. (a) ELISA analysis was used to determine TGF-b1 secretion for
DPCs from three individual patients at 2% O2 in response to H2O2-induced oxidative stress. Following this, BDPCs from three patients were cultured at both 2 and
21% O2 in the presence of DHT or ethanol vehicle control to quantify the secretion response of (b) TGF-b1, (c) TGF-b2, and (d) IGF. Data are mean±SEM.
Statistical analysis carried out using one-way analysis of variance with Bonferroni’s post hoc test. *Po0.05; **Po0.01; ***Po0.001. DPCs, dermal papilla cells;
TGF-b1/b2, TGF, transforming growth factor beta 1/2.

senses the oxidative equilibrium of the cell (Maher, 2005). TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 are negative regulators of hair growth
Reduced (active) GSH regulates intracellular signaling by (Foitzik et al., 2000; Hibino and Nishiyama, 2004), and H2O2-
blocking the promoter-binding sites of AP-1 and SP-1 (Vayalil induced senescence of fibroblasts causes sustained
et al., 2007). When ROS is abundant, GSH is oxidized forming overexpression of TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 via a pRB-regulated
a dimer (GSSG) with altered binding function of intracellular pathway (Frippiat et al., 2001). We showed that TGF-b1 and
transcriptional mediators (Maher, 2005). Therefore, the pro- TGF-b2 secretion by BDPCs was stimulated by an acute dose
portion of active GSH is not only critical as an antioxidant but of H2O2, and therefore that oxidative stress is able to stimulate
also for regulating transcription in response to oxidative stress. secretion of known hair growth inhibitory factors. However,
There was no difference in GSH and GSSG levels between the fact that we observed no increase in TGF-b secretion
BDPCs and ODPCs at 2% O2, indicating limited oxidative under 21% O2 suggests that the conditions of oxidative stress
stress and no associated change in intracellular signaling. experienced in vitro are insufficient to affect TGF-b secretion
However, BDPCs exposed to 21% O2 had significantly higher by cultured DPCs.
levels of GSSG and proportionally less GSH. There is therefore We also investigated the effects of oxygen on secretion of
scope for further examination of the role of GSH and whether it IGF-I, a positive regulator of hair growth in vitro (Philpott et al.,
is able to modulate DHT signaling in DPCs. 1994). BDPCs secreted significantly less IGF-1 than ODPCs. As
Secretion of TGF-b in response to oxidative stress is the IGF-1 has been shown to maintain in vitro–cultured human
underlying pathophysiology of pulmonary fibrosis (Cui et al., hair follicles in anagen, reduced IGF-1 secretion by BDPCs
2011), heart disease (Yeh et al., 2011), and photoaging of skin may result in impaired hair growth. Although oxygen had no
(Debacq-Chainiaux et al., 2005). We chose to measure total effect on IGF-1 secretion in BDPCs, secretion of IGF-1 by
TGF-b—as opposed to active TGF-b—as the most suitable ODPCs was significantly lower under 21% oxygen compared
measure of TGF-b, as it gives a more accurate indication of the with 2%. This suggests that BDPCs’ secretion of IGF-I may be
overall bioavailability of the growth factor (Koli et al., 2001). dependent on environmental stimuli.

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Oxidative Stress and Dermal Papilla Senescence

ARs are found in both balding and nonbalding DPCs, with stem cell differentiation (Mathieu et al., 2014). This may
balding cells expressing a higher number of receptors explain why cultured DPCs rapidly lose their inductive
(Hibberts et al., 1998). Androgens have been shown to capacity (Jahoda et al., 1984).
stimulate TGF-b1 secretion in AR-transfected BDPCs (Inui In conclusion, we present a potential link between oxidative
et al., 2002). In our study, DHT stimulated TGF-b secretion stress and impaired DP function. We also highlight the
from DPCs only at 21% O2, suggesting that oxidative stress is beneficial use of low oxygen environment for DPCs, which
an essential component of androgen response in AGA. In would aid the expansion and maintenance of viable cell
addition, our observation that at 2% oxygen DHT had cultures for a greater number of passages, a finding that may
significantly reduced TGF-b1 secretion in ODPCs and be of major benefit to researchers wanting to screen large
BDPCs. The reasons for this effect are unknown, although it numbers of compounds, or clinicians looking to expand
has been shown in the prostate that DHT inhibits TGF-b allogeneic grafts for re-implantation.
signaling and secretion and that this is mediated via stromal
cells (Kyprianou and Isaacs, 1989; Placencio et al 2008). AR- MATERIALS AND METHODS
transfected BDPCs but not ODPCs respond to synthetic Cell culture
androgen R-1881 by producing TGF-b1 (Inui et al., 2002). Patient-matched punch biopsies (2 mm2) were taken from balding
In contrast, we also show that at 21% O2 ODPCs also secrete (frontal) and nonbalding (occipital) scalps of men at stages IV–VI on the
TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 in response to DHT. ODPCs are Hamilton–Norwood scale (Norwood, 1975) undergoing hair transplant
classically described as androgen-insensitive; however, their surgery for AGA. Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the
insensitivity stems from a lack of 5a-reductase, which converts East London and City Health Authority (LREC 09/H0704/40), and
testosterone to the more active DHT, rather than from a lack of biopsies were taken with written, informed patient consent. All
AR. Indeed, Hibberts et al. (1998) have shown that ODPCs experiments adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki principles.
express AR, although at lower expression levels than the Dermal papillae were microdissected from the hair follicles using a
BDPCs. The use of DHT in our experiments would bypass 5a- stereoscopic microscope, as described previously (Bahta et al., 2008).
reductase testosterone metabolism and supports the theory Identical numbers of BDPCs and ODPCs were explanted and
that androgen sensitivity in the DP is predominantly controlled maintained in DP medium: Williams E medium, supplemented with
by 5a-reductase (Kaufman, 1996). We observed significant 2 mM L-glutamine, 10 mg ml  1 insulin, 100 ng ml  1 hydrocortisone,
effects of DHT on TGF-b secretion after only 1 hour of DHT 100 units per ml of penicillin G, and 100 mg ml  1 streptomycin
treatment. Whether these rapid effects are being mediated via supplemented with 15% (v/v) fetal calf serum ( reagents from (Sigma-
AR modulation of gene expression is not known. We ruled out Aldrich, Poole, UK) at 37 1C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2/
the role of the nongenomic androgen response element 95% air. At passage 2, DPCs were divided and either maintained at
GPCR6A (Pi et al., 2010) via quantitative reverse trans- 21% O2 or switched to a Sci-tive Stem Cell Station (Ruskinn,
criptase in real time PCR analysis (Supplementary Figure S1 Bridgend, UK). Cells were maintained under physiological oxygen
online). However, ARs are able to mediate changes in cell conditions 5% CO2, 93% N2, and 2% O2. Proliferation rates were
biology via nonclassical pathways that involve direct activa- determined using Nucleocassette cell counters (Chemometec,
tion of mitogen-activated protein kinases, and this may explain Königswinter, Germany). Population doubling rates were calculated
the rapid response that we report here (Lange et al. (2007) for as follows: PD ¼ log2 (NH/NS), where NS is the number of cells seeded
review). and NH is the number of cells harvested upon passage.
In our experiments, we required 100 nM DHT to observe
any effect on TGF-b secretion. Although supraphysiological, Cell migration assay
similar levels of DHT have been used in other studies (Kwack DPCs were seeded at a density of 1  104 into 6-well plates. The plate
et al., 2008; Shin et al., 2013). Indeed, Inui et al. (2002) was placed on a robotically controlled platform on a Nikon inverted
showed that cultured DPCs lose AR expression in culture, and light microscope inside a thermostatically controlled chamber main-
in their study they had to transfect their DPCs with AR to show tained at either 21 or 2% O2 as above. Ten randomly selected points
stimulation of TGF-b secretion. were chosen from each well and photographed using the Metamorph
In addition to elucidating the effect of oxidative stress on software (Molecular Devices, Wokingham, UK). The software then
DPCs, these data demonstrate the necessity of optimal cell recorded images at these chosen points every 10 minutes for 24
culture conditions to assess DPC signaling. Tissue culture is hours. The resultant images were then sequenced into a time-lapse
routinely carried out at atmospheric levels of 21% O2, vastly video, and image analysis was carried out using the Metamorph
higher than the physiological levels of 1–5% O2 found within software to assess the velocity of individual cells’ movements.
the dermis in vivo. These supraphysiological levels of oxygen
accelerate the fibroblast transition into a postmitotic, senes- SA-b-Gal assay
cence state (Alaluf et al., 2000; Chen, 2000). Our findings Cytochemical detection of SA-b-Gal activity was carried out using a
highlight that this is also the case for DPCs and demonstrate modified version of the 4-methylumbelliferyl galactopyranosidase
that these cells should be cultured under hypoxic conditions assay (4-MU-Gal; Gary and Kindell, 2005). Briefly, DPCs were
(2% O2). It is now well established that hypoxia is a lysed in buffer (40 mM citrate, 40 mM sodium phosphate, 5 mM
characteristic of the stem cell niche (Mohyeldin et al., 2010) 3-((3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio)-1-propanesulfonate, and
and the DP is known to contain stem cells (Jahoda, 2003), protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche, Lewes, UK); adjusted to pH 6.0).
and, moreover, that normoxic conditions of 21% O2 promote Lysates were centrifuged for 5 minutes at 12,000 G, and the

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JH Upton et al.
Oxidative Stress and Dermal Papilla Senescence

supernatant was mixed (1:1) with 4-MU-Gal reaction buffer (40 mM CONFLICT OF INTEREST
citrate, 40 mM sodium phosphate, 300 mM NaCl, 4 mM MgCl2, 10 mM The authors state no conflict of interest.

b-mercaptoethanol, and 1.7 mM of 4-MU-Gal; adjusted to pH 6.0).

Samples were then incubated at 37 1C for 1 h before 50 ml aliquots
JU was funded by a BBSRC CASE PhD studentship in collaboration with
were taken and mixed with sodium bicarbonate (400 mM) Unilever Research awarded to MP.
stop solution. Fluorescence was measured at 360/465 nm every
5 minutes for 1 hour using a Synergy HT microplate reader with
KC4 software (BioTek, Bedfordshire, UK).
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