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Week 4 Lecture Notes

ML:Neural Networks: Representation

Non-linear Hypotheses
Performing linear regression with a complex set of data with many features is very unwieldy. Say you
wanted to create a hypothesis from three (3) features that included all the quadratic terms:

g(θ0 + θ1 x + θ2 x 1 x 2 + θ3 x 1 x 3

+θ4 x + θ5 x 2 x 3

+θ6 x )

That gives us 6 features. The exact way to calculate how many features for all polynomial terms is the
combination function with repetition:
permutations.html r!(n−1)! . In this case we are taking all two-element combinations of three features:
= 4!
= 6. (Note: you do not have to know these formulas, I just found it helpful for

For 100 features, if we wanted to make them quadratic we would get (2⋅(100−1)!) = 5050 resulting new

We can approximate the growth of the number of new features we get with all quadratic terms with
O(n2 /2). And if you wanted to include all cubic terms in your hypothesis, the features would grow
asymptotically at O(n3 ). These are very steep growths, so as the number of our features increase, the
number of quadratic or cubic features increase very rapidly and becomes quickly impractical.

Example: let our training set be a collection of 50 x 50 pixel black-and-white photographs, and our goal
will be to classify which ones are photos of cars. Our feature set size is then n = 2500 if we compare
every pair of pixels.

Now let's say we need to make a quadratic hypothesis function. With quadratic features, our growth is
O(n2 /2). So our total features will be about 25002 /2 = 3125000, which is very impractical.

Neural networks offers an alternate way to perform machine learning when we have complex
hypotheses with many features.
Neurons and the Brain
Neural networks are limited imitations of how our own brains work. They've had a big recent
resurgence because of advances in computer hardware.

There is evidence that the brain uses only one "learning algorithm" for all its different functions.
Scientists have tried cutting (in an animal brain) the connection between the ears and the auditory
cortex and rewiring the optical nerve with the auditory cortex to find that the auditory cortex literally
learns to see.

This principle is called "neuroplasticity" and has many examples and experimental evidence.

Model Representation I
Let's examine how we will represent a hypothesis function using neural networks.

At a very simple level, neurons are basically computational units that take input (dendrites) as electrical
input (called "spikes") that are channeled to outputs (axons).

In our model, our dendrites are like the input features x1 ⋯ xn , and the output is the result of our
hypothesis function:

In this model our x0 input node is sometimes called the "bias unit." It is always equal to 1.

In neural networks, we use the same logistic function as in classification: . In neural networks
1+e−θT x
however we sometimes call it a sigmoid (logistic) activation function.

Our "theta" parameters are sometimes instead called "weights" in the neural networks model.

Visually, a simplistic representation looks like:

[x0 x1 x2 ] → [   ] → hθ (x)

Our input nodes (layer 1) go into another node (layer 2), and are output as the hypothesis function.

The first layer is called the "input layer" and the final layer the "output layer," which gives the final value
computed on the hypothesis.

We can have intermediate layers of nodes between the input and output layers called the "hidden

We label these intermediate or "hidden" layer nodes a20 ⋯ a2n and call them "activation units."

a = "activation" of unit i in layer j

Θ = matrix of weights controlling function mapping from layer j to layer j + 1
If we had one hidden layer, it would look visually something like:

[x0 x1 x2 x3 ] → [a(2)
1 a2 a3 ] → hθ (x)
(2) (2)

The values for each of the "activation" nodes is obtained as follows:

(2) (1) (1) (1) (1)

a = g(Θ x0 + Θ x1 + Θ x2 + Θ x3 )
1 10 11 12 13

(2) (1) (1) (1) (1)

a = g(Θ x0 + Θ x1 + Θ x2 + Θ x3 )
2 20 21 22 23

(2) (1) (1) (1) (1)

a = g(Θ x0 + Θ x1 + Θ x2 + Θ x3 )
3 30 31 32 33

(3) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)

h Θ (x) = a = g(Θ a +Θ a +Θ a +Θ a )
1 10 0 11 1 12 2 13 3

This is saying that we compute our activation nodes by using a 3×4 matrix of parameters. We apply
each row of the parameters to our inputs to obtain the value for one activation node. Our hypothesis
output is the logistic function applied to the sum of the values of our activation nodes, which have been
multiplied by yet another parameter matrix Θ(2) containing the weights for our second layer of nodes.

Each layer gets its own matrix of weights, Θ(j) .

The dimensions of these matrices of weights is determined as follows:

If network has sj  units in layer j and sj+1  units in layer j + 1, then Θ(j)  will be of dimension sj+1

The +1 comes from the addition in Θ(j) of the "bias nodes," x0 and Θ0 . In other words the output
nodes will not include the bias nodes while the inputs will.

Example: layer 1 has 2 input nodes and layer 2 has 4 activation nodes. Dimension of Θ(1) is going to be
4×3 where sj = 2 and sj+1 = 4, so sj+1 × (sj + 1) = 4 × 3.

Model Representation II
In this section we'll do a vectorized implementation of the above functions. We're going to define a new
variable zk that encompasses the parameters inside our g function. In our previous example if we
replaced the variable z for all the parameters we would get:

(2) (2)
a = g(z )
1 1

(2) (2)
a = g(z )
2 2

(2) (2)
a = g(z )
3 3

In other words, for layer j=2 and node k, the variable z will be:

(2) (1) (1) (1)

zk = Θk,0 x0 + Θk,1 x1 + ⋯ + Θk,n xn

The vector representation of x and z j is:

x0 ⎡z ⎤
⎡ ⎤
x1 ⎢ (j) ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢z ⎥
x = z = 2
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⋯ ⎢ ⋯ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
xn ⎣ (j) ⎦

Setting x = a(1) , we can rewrite the equation as:

z (j) = Θ(j−1) a(j−1)

We are multiplying our matrix Θ(j−1) with dimensions sj × (n + 1) (where sj is the number of our
activation nodes) by our vector a with height (n+1). This gives us our vector z (j) with height sj .

Now we can get a vector of our activation nodes for layer j as follows:

a(j) = g(z (j) )

Where our function g can be applied element-wise to our vector z (j) .

We can then add a bias unit (equal to 1) to layer j after we have computed a(j) . This will be element a0
and will be equal to 1.

To compute our final hypothesis, let's first compute another z vector:

z (j+1) = Θ(j) a(j)

We get this final z vector by multiplying the next theta matrix after Θ(j−1) with the values of all the
activation nodes we just got.

This last theta matrix Θ(j) will have only one row so that our result is a single number.

We then get our final result with:

hΘ (x) = a(j+1) = g(z (j+1) )

Notice that in this last step, between layer j and layer j+1, we are doing exactly the same thing as we
did in logistic regression.

Adding all these intermediate layers in neural networks allows us to more elegantly produce interesting
and more complex non-linear hypotheses.

Examples and Intuitions I

A simple example of applying neural networks is by predicting x1 AND x2 , which is the logical 'and'
operator and is only true if both x1 and x2 are 1.

The graph of our functions will look like:

⎡ ⎤
x1 → [ g(z ) ] → h Θ (x)
⎣ ⎦

Remember that x0 is our bias variable and is always 1.

Let's set our first theta matrix as:

Θ(1) = [−30 20 20]

This will cause the output of our hypothesis to only be positive if both x1 and x2 are 1. In other words:

h Θ (x) = g(−30 + 20x 1 + 20x 2 )

x 1 = 0  and  x 2 = 0  then  g(−30) ≈ 0

x 1 = 0  and  x 2 = 1  then  g(−10) ≈ 0

x 1 = 1  and  x 2 = 0  then  g(−10) ≈ 0

x 1 = 1  and  x 2 = 1  then  g(10) ≈ 1

So we have constructed one of the fundamental operations in computers by using a small neural
network rather than using an actual AND gate. Neural networks can also be used to simulate all the
other logical gates.

Examples and Intuitions II

The Θ( 1) matrices for AND, NOR, and OR are:

AN D :
Θ = [ −30 20 20 ]

N OR :
Θ = [ 10 −20 −20 ]

OR :
Θ = [ −10 20 20 ]

We can combine these to get the XNOR logical operator (which gives 1 if x1 and x2 are both 0 or both

x0 (2)
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ a1 ⎤
x1 → → [a ] → h Θ (x)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
x2 a

For the transition between the first and second layer, we'll use a Θ( 1) matrix that combines the values
for AND and NOR:

Θ(1) = [−30 20 2010 −20 −20]

For the transition between the second and third layer, we'll use a Θ( 2) matrix that uses the value for

Θ(2) = [−10 20 20]

Let's write out the values for all our nodes:

(2) (1)
a = g(Θ ⋅ x)

(3) (2) (2)

a = g(Θ ⋅a )

h Θ (x) = a

And there we have the XNOR operator using two hidden layers!

Multiclass Classification
To classify data into multiple classes, we let our hypothesis function return a vector of values. Say we
wanted to classify our data into one of four final resulting classes:

(2) (3)
x0 ⎡a ⎤ ⎡a ⎤ h Θ (x)
⎡ ⎤ 0 0 ⎡ 1 ⎤
x1 ⎢ (2) ⎥ ⎢ (3) ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ h Θ (x)2 ⎥
⎢a ⎥ ⎢a ⎥
⎢ ⎥ → ⎢ ⎥ →
x2 ⎢ 1 ⎥ → ⎢ 1 ⎥ → ⋯ → ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ (2) (3) ⎢ h Θ (x)3 ⎥
⋯ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
a a
⎣ ⎦
2 2 ⎣ ⎦
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ h Θ (x)
xn ⋯ ⋯ 4

Our final layer of nodes, when multiplied by its theta matrix, will result in another vector, on which we
will apply the g() logistic function to get a vector of hypothesis values.

Our resulting hypothesis for one set of inputs may look like:

hΘ (x) = [0010]

In which case our resulting class is the third one down, or hΘ (x)3 .

We can define our set of resulting classes as y:

Our final value of our hypothesis for a set of inputs will be one of the elements in y.















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Week 5 Lecture Notes

ML:Neural Networks: Learning

Cost Function
Let's first define a few variables that we will need to use:

a) L= total number of layers in the network

b) sl = number of units (not counting bias unit) in layer l

c) K= number of output units/classes

Recall that in neural networks, we may have many output nodes. We denote hΘ (x)k as being a
hypothesis that results in the k th output.

Our cost function for neural networks is going to be a generalization of the one we used for
logistic regression.

Recall that the cost function for regularized logistic regression was:

J(θ) = − m1 ∑i=1 [y (i)  log(hθ (x(i) )) + (1 − y (i) )  log(1 − hθ (x(i) ))] + λ

∑nj=1 θj2

For neural networks, it is going to be slightly more complicated:

m K L−1
1 (i) (i) (i) (i)
J (Θ) = − ∑ ∑[y log((hΘ (x )) ) + (1 − y ) log(1 − (hΘ (x )) )] + ∑
k k k k
m 2m
i=1 k=1 l=1

We have added a few nested summations to account for our multiple output nodes. In the first
part of the equation, between the square brackets, we have an additional nested summation
that loops through the number of output nodes.

In the regularization part, after the square brackets, we must account for multiple theta
matrices. The number of columns in our current theta matrix is equal to the number of nodes
in our current layer (including the bias unit). The number of rows in our current theta matrix is
equal to the number of nodes in the next layer (excluding the bias unit). As before with logistic
regression, we square every term.


the double sum simply adds up the logistic regression costs calculated for each cell in the output
layer; and

the triple sum simply adds up the squares of all the individual Θs in the entire network.

the i in the triple sum does not refer to training example i

Backpropagation Algorithm
"Backpropagation" is neural-network terminology for minimizing our cost function, just like
what we were doing with gradient descent in logistic and linear regression.

Our goal is to compute:

minΘ J(Θ)

That is, we want to minimize our cost function J using an optimal set of parameters in theta.

In this section we'll look at the equations we use to compute the partial derivative of J(Θ):


In back propagation we're going to compute for every node:

δj = "error" of node j in layer l

Recall that aj is activation node j in layer l.

For the last layer, we can compute the vector of delta values with:

δ (L) = a(L) − y

Where L is our total number of layers and a(L) is the vector of outputs of the activation units
for the last layer. So our "error values" for the last layer are simply the differences of our actual
results in the last layer and the correct outputs in y.

To get the delta values of the layers before the last layer, we can use an equation that steps us
back from right to left:

δ (l) = ((Θ(l) )T δ (l+1) ) . ∗  g ′ (z (l) )

The delta values of layer l are calculated by multiplying the delta values in the next layer with
the theta matrix of layer l. We then element-wise multiply that with a function called g', or g-
prime, which is the derivative of the activation function g evaluated with the input values given
by z(l).

The g-prime derivative terms can also be written out as:

g ′ (u) = g(u) . ∗  (1 − g(u))

The full back propagation equation for the inner nodes is then:

δ (l) = ((Θ(l) )T δ (l+1) ) . ∗  a(l)  . ∗  (1 − a(l) )

A. Ng states that the derivation and proofs are complicated and involved, but you can still
implement the above equations to do back propagation without knowing the details.

We can compute our partial derivative terms by multiplying our activation values and our error
values for each training example t:

∂J(Θ) 1 m (t)(l) (t)(l+1)

= m ∑t=1 aj δi

This however ignores regularization, which we'll deal with later.

Note: δ l+1 and al+1 are vectors with sl+1 elements. Similarly,  a(l) is a vector with sl elements.
Multiplying them produces a matrix that is sl+1 by sl which is the same dimension as Θ(l) . That
is, the process produces a gradient term for every element in Θ(l) . (Actually, Θ(l) has sl + 1
column, so the dimensionality is not exactly the same).

We can now take all these equations and put them together into a backpropagation algorithm:

Back propagation Algorithm

Given training set {(x(1) , y (1) ) ⋯ (x(m) , y (m) )}

Set Δi,j := 0 for all (l,i,j)

For training example t =1 to m:

Set a(1) := x(t)

Perform forward propagation to compute a(l) for l=2,3,…,L

Using y (t) , compute δ (L) = a(L) − y (t)

Compute δ (L−1) , δ (L−2) , … , δ (2) using δ (l) = ((Θ(l) )T δ (l+1) ) . ∗  a(l)  . ∗  (1 − a(l) )
(l) (l) (l) (l+1)
Δi,j := Δi,j + aj δi or with vectorization, Δ(l) := Δ(l) + δ (l+1) (a(l) )T

1 145
Di,j := (Δ(l)
i,j + λΘ(l)
i,j ) If j≠0 NOTE: Typo in lecture slide omits outside parentheses. This
version is correct.

(l) 1 (l)
Di,j := Δ If j=0
m i,j

The capital-delta matrix is used as an "accumulator" to add up our values as we go along and
eventually compute our partial derivative.

The actual proof is quite involved, but, the Di,j terms are the partial derivatives and the results
we are looking for:

(l) ∂J(Θ)
Di,j = (l)

Backpropagation Intuition
The cost function is:

m K L−1 sl sl +1
1 (t) (t)
λ (l) 2
(t) (t)
J (θ) = − ∑ ∑[y   log(h θ (x )) + (1 − y )  log(1 − h θ (x ) )] + ∑ ∑ ∑ (θ )
k k k k j,i
m 2m
t=1 k=1 l=1 i=1 j=1

If we consider simple non-multiclass classification (k = 1) and disregard regularization, the cost

is computed with:

cost(t) = y (t)  log(hθ (x(t) )) + (1 − y (t) )  log(1 − hθ (x(t) ))

More intuitively you can think of that equation roughly as:

cost(t) ≈ (hθ (x(t) ) − y (t) )2

(l) (l)
Intuitively, δj is the "error" for aj (unit j in layer l)

More formally, the delta values are actually the derivative of the cost function:

(l) ∂
δj = (l)

Recall that our derivative is the slope of a line tangent to the cost function, so the steeper the
slope the more incorrect we are.

Note: In lecture, sometimes i is used to index a training example. Sometimes it is used to index
a unit in a layer. In the Back Propagation Algorithm described here, t is used to index a training
example rather than overloading the use of i.
Implementation Note: Unrolling
With neural networks, we are working with sets of matrices:

(1) (2) (3)

Θ ,Θ ,Θ ,…
(1) (2) (3)
D ,D ,D ,…

In order to use optimizing functions such as "fminunc()", we will want to "unroll" all the
elements and put them into one long vector:

1 thetaVector = [ Theta1(:); Theta2(:); Theta3(:); ]

2 deltaVector = [ D1(:); D2(:); D3(:) ]

If the dimensions of Theta1 is 10x11, Theta2 is 10x11 and Theta3 is 1x11, then we can get back
our original matrices from the "unrolled" versions as follows:

1 Theta1 = reshape(thetaVector(1:110),10,11)
2 Theta2 = reshape(thetaVector(111:220),10,11)
3 Theta3 = reshape(thetaVector(221:231),1,11)

NOTE: The lecture slides show an example neural network with 3 layers. However, 3 theta
matrices are defined: Theta1, Theta2, Theta3. There should be only 2 theta matrices: Theta1 (10
x 11), Theta2 (1 x 11).

Gradient Checking
Gradient checking will assure that our backpropagation works as intended.

We can approximate the derivative of our cost function with:

∂ J(Θ + ϵ) − J(Θ − ϵ)
J(Θ) ≈
∂Θ 2ϵ

With multiple theta matrices, we can approximate the derivative with respect to Θj as follows:

∂ J(Θ1 , … , Θj + ϵ, … , Θn ) − J(Θ1 , … , Θj − ϵ, … , Θn )
J(Θ) ≈
∂Θj 2ϵ

A good small value for ϵ (epsilon), guarantees the math above to become true. If the value be
much smaller, may we will end up with numerical problems. The professor Andrew usually uses
the value ϵ = 10−4 .

We are only adding or subtracting epsilon to the T hetaj matrix. In octave we can do it as
1 epsilon = 1e-4;
2 for i = 1:n,
3 thetaPlus = theta;
4 thetaPlus(i) += epsilon;
5 thetaMinus = theta;
6 thetaMinus(i) -= epsilon;
7 gradApprox(i) = (J(thetaPlus) - J(thetaMinus))/(2*epsilon)
8 end;

We then want to check that gradApprox ≈ deltaVector.

Once you've verified once that your backpropagation algorithm is correct, then you don't need
to compute gradApprox again. The code to compute gradApprox is very slow.

Random Initialization
Initializing all theta weights to zero does not work with neural networks. When we
backpropagate, all nodes will update to the same value repeatedly.

Instead we can randomly initialize our weights:

Initialize each Θij to a random value between[−ϵ, ϵ]:

Loutput + Linput

Θ(l) = 2ϵ rand(Loutput, Linput + 1) − ϵ

1 If the dimensions of Theta1 is 10x11, Theta2 is 10x11 and Theta3 is 1x11.

3 Theta1 = rand(10,11) * (2 * INIT_EPSILON) - INIT_EPSILON;
4 Theta2 = rand(10,11) * (2 * INIT_EPSILON) - INIT_EPSILON;
5 Theta3 = rand(1,11) * (2 * INIT_EPSILON) - INIT_EPSILON;

rand(x,y) will initialize a matrix of random real numbers between 0 and 1. (Note: this epsilon is
unrelated to the epsilon from Gradient Checking)

Why use this method? This paper may be useful:

Putting it Together
First, pick a network architecture; choose the layout of your neural network, including how
many hidden units in each layer and how many layers total.

Number of input units = dimension of features x(i)

Number of output units = number of classes

Number of hidden units per layer = usually more the better (must balance with cost of
computation as it increases with more hidden units)

Defaults: 1 hidden layer. If more than 1 hidden layer, then the same number of units in every
hidden layer.

Training a Neural Network

1. Randomly initialize the weights

2. Implement forward propagation to get hθ (x(i) )

3. Implement the cost function

4. Implement backpropagation to compute partial derivatives

5. Use gradient checking to confirm that your backpropagation works. Then disable gradient

6. Use gradient descent or a built-in optimization function to minimize the cost function with the
weights in theta.

When we perform forward and back propagation, we loop on every training example:

1 for i = 1:m,
2 Perform forward propagation and backpropagation using example (x(i),y(i))
3 (Get activations a(l) and delta terms d(l) for l = 2,...,L

Bonus: Tutorial on How to classify your

own images of digits
This tutorial will guide you on how to use the classifier provided in exercise 3 to classify you
own images like this:

It will also explain how the images are converted thru several formats to be
processed and displayed.

The classifier provided expects 20 x 20 pixels black and white images converted in a row vector
of 400 real numbers like this

1 [ 0.14532, 0.12876, ...]

Each pixel is represented by a real number between -1.0 to 1.0, meaning -1.0 equal black and
1.0 equal white (any number in between is a shade of gray, and number 0.0 is exactly the
middle gray).

.jpg and color RGB images

The most common image format that can be read by Octave is .jpg using function that outputs
a three-dimensional matrix of integer numbers from 0 to 255, representing the height x width x
3 integers as indexes of a color map for each pixel (explaining color maps is beyond scope).

1 Image3DmatrixRGB = imread("myOwnPhoto.jpg");

Convert to Black & White

A common way to convert color images to black & white, is to convert them to a YIQ standard
and keep only the Y component that represents the luma information (black & white). I and Q
represent the chrominance information (color).Octave has a function rgb2ntsc() that outputs a
similar three-dimensional matrix but of real numbers from -1.0 to 1.0, representing the height x
width x 3 (Y luma, I in-phase, Q quadrature) intensity for each pixel.

1 Image3DmatrixYIQ = rgb2ntsc(MyImageRGB);

To obtain the Black & White component just discard the I and Q matrices. This leaves a two-
dimensional matrix of real numbers from -1.0 to 1.0 representing the height x width pixels
black & white values.

1 Image2DmatrixBW = Image3DmatrixYIQ(:,:,1);

Cropping to square image

It is useful to crop the original image to be as square as possible. The way to crop a matrix is by
selecting an area inside the original B&W image and copy it to a new matrix. This is done by
selecting the rows and columns that define the area. In other words, it is copying a rectangular
subset of the matrix like this:

1 croppedImage = Image2DmatrixBW(origen1:size1, origin2:size2);


Cropping does not have to be all the way to a square.It could be cropping just a percentage
of the way to a squareso you can leave more of the image intact. The next step of scaling will
take care of streaching the image to fit a square.

Scaling to 20 x 20 pixels

The classifier provided was trained with 20 x 20 pixels images so we need to scale our photos
to meet. It may cause distortion depending on the height and width ratio of the cropped
original photo. There are many ways to scale a photo but we are going to use the simplest one.
We lay a scaled grid of 20 x 20 over the original photo and take a sample pixel on the center of
each grid. To lay a scaled grid, we compute two vectors of 20 indexes each evenly spaced on
the original size of the image. One for the height and one for the width of the image. For
example, in an image of 320 x 200 pixels will produce to vectors like

1 [9 25 41 57 73 ... 313] % 20 indexes

1 [6 16 26 36 46 ... 196] % 20 indexes

Copy the value of each pixel located by the grid of these indexes to a new matrix. Ending up
with a matrix of 20 x 20 real numbers.

Black & White to Gray & White

The classifier provided was trained with images of white digits over gray background.
Specifically, the 20 x 20 matrix of real numbers ONLY range from 0.0 to 1.0 instead of the
complete black & white range of -1.0 to 1.0, this means that we have to normalize our photos to
a range 0.0 to 1.0 for this classifier to work. But also, we invert the black and white colors
because is easier to "draw" black over white on our photos and we need to get white digits. So
in short, we invert black and white and stretch black to gray.

Rotation of image

Some times our photos are automatically rotated like in our celular phones. The classifier
provided can not recognize rotated images so we may need to rotate it back sometimes. This
can be done with an Octave function rot90() like this.

1 ImageAligned = rot90(Image, rotationStep);

Where rotationStep is an integer: -1 mean rotate 90 degrees CCW and 1 mean rotate 90
degrees CW.

1. The approach is to have a function that converts our photo to the format the classifier is
expecting. As if it was just a sample from the training data set.

2. Use the classifier to predict the digit in the converted image.

Code step by step

Define the function name, the output variable and three parameters, one for the filename of
our photo, one optional cropping percentage (if not provided will default to zero, meaning no
cropping) and the last optional rotation of the image (if not provided will default to cero,
meaning no rotation).

1 function vectorImage = imageTo20x20Gray(fileName, cropPercentage=0, rotStep=0)


Read the file as a RGB image and convert it to Black & White 2D matrix (see the introduction).

1 % Read as RGB image

2 Image3DmatrixRGB = imread(fileName);
3 % Convert to NTSC image (YIQ)
4 Image3DmatrixYIQ = rgb2ntsc(Image3DmatrixRGB );
5 % Convert to grays keeping only luminance (Y)
6 % ...and discard chrominance (IQ)
7 Image2DmatrixBW = Image3DmatrixYIQ(:,:,1);

Establish the final size of the cropped image.

1 % Get the size of your image

2 oldSize = size(Image2DmatrixBW);
3 % Obtain crop size toward centered square (cropDelta)
4 % ...will be zero for the already minimum dimension
5 % ...and if the cropPercentage is zero,
6 % ...both dimensions are zero
7 % ...meaning that the original image will go intact to croppedImage
8 cropDelta = floor((oldSize - min(oldSize)) .* (cropPercentage/100));
9 % Compute the desired final pixel size for the original image
10 finalSize = oldSize - cropDelta;

Obtain the origin and amount of the columns and rows to be copied to the cropped image.

1 % Compute each dimension origin for croping

2 cropOrigin = floor(cropDelta / 2) + 1;
3 % Compute each dimension copying size
4 copySize = cropOrigin + finalSize - 1;
5 % Copy just the desired cropped image from the original B&W image
6 croppedImage = Image2DmatrixBW( ...
7 cropOrigin(1):copySize(1), cropOrigin(2):copySize(2));

Compute the scale and compute back the new size. This last step is extra. It is computed back
so the code keeps general for future modification of the classifier size. For example: if changed
from 20 x 20 pixels to 30 x 30. Then the we only need to change the line of code where the
scale is computed.

1 % Resolution scale factors: [rows cols]

2 scale = [20 20] ./ finalSize;
3 % Compute back the new image size (extra step to keep code general)
4 newSize = max(floor(scale .* finalSize),1);
Compute two sets of 20 indexes evenly spaced. One over the original height and one over the
original width of the image.

1 % Compute a re-sampled set of indices:

2 rowIndex = min(round(((1:newSize(1))-0.5)./scale(1)+0.5), finalSize(1));
3 colIndex = min(round(((1:newSize(2))-0.5)./scale(2)+0.5), finalSize(2));

Copy just the indexed values from old image to get new image of 20 x 20 real numbers. This is
called "sampling" because it copies just a sample pixel indexed by a grid. All the sample pixels
make the new image.

1 % Copy just the indexed values from old image to get new image
2 newImage = croppedImage(rowIndex,colIndex,:);

Rotate the matrix using the rot90() function with the rotStep parameter: -1 is CCW, 0 is no
rotate, 1 is CW.

1 % Rotate if needed: -1 is CCW, 0 is no rotate, 1 is CW

2 newAlignedImage = rot90(newImage, rotStep);

Invert black and white because it is easier to draw black digits over white background in our
photos but the classifier needs white digits.

1 % Invert black and white

2 invertedImage = - newAlignedImage;

Find the min and max gray values in the image and compute the total value range in
preparation for normalization.

1 % Find min and max grays values in the image

2 maxValue = max(invertedImage(:));
3 minValue = min(invertedImage(:));
4 % Compute the value range of actual grays
5 delta = maxValue - minValue;

Do normalization so all values end up between 0.0 and 1.0 because this particular classifier do
not perform well with negative numbers.

1 % Normalize grays between 0 and 1

2 normImage = (invertedImage - minValue) / delta;

Add some contrast to the image. The multiplication factor is the contrast control, you can
increase it if desired to obtain sharper contrast (contrast only between gray and white, black
was already removed in normalization).
% Add contrast. Multiplication factor is contrast control.
2 contrastedImage = sigmoid((normImage -0.5) * 5);

Show the image specifying the black & white range [-1 1] to avoid automatic ranging using the
image range values of gray to white. Showing the photo with different range, does not affect
the values in the output matrix, so do not affect the classifier. It is only as a visual feedback for
the user.

1 % Show image as seen by the classifier

2 imshow(contrastedImage, [-1, 1] );

Finally, output the matrix as a unrolled vector to be compatible with the classifier.

1 % Output the matrix as a unrolled vector

2 vectorImage = reshape(normImage, 1, newSize(1) * newSize(2));

End function.

1 end;

Usage samples

Single photo

Photo file in myDigit.jpg

Cropping 60% of the way to square photo

No rotationvectorImage = imageTo20x20Gray('myDigit.jpg',60); predict(Theta1, Theta2,


Photo file in myDigit.jpg

No cropping

CCW rotationvectorImage = imageTo20x20Gray('myDigit.jpg',:,-1); predict(Theta1, Theta2,


Multiple photos

Photo files in myFirstDigit.jpg, mySecondDigit.jpg

First crop to square and second 25% of the way to square photo
First no rotation and second CW rotationvectorImage(1,:) =
imageTo20x20Gray('myFirstDigit.jpg',100); vectorImage(2,:) =
imageTo20x20Gray('mySecondDigit.jpg',25,1); predict(Theta1, Theta2, vectorImage)

JPG photos of black numbers over white background

Preferred square photos but not required

Rotate as needed because the classifier can only work with vertical digits

Leave background space around digit. Al least 2 pixels when seen at 20 x 20 resolution. This
means that the classifier only really works in a 16 x 16 area.

Play changing the contrast multipier to 10 (or more).

Complete code (just copy and paste)

function vectorImage = imageTo20x20Gray(fileName, cropPercentage=0, rotStep=0)
2 %IMAGETO20X20GRAY display reduced image and converts for digit classification
3 %
4 % Sample usage:
5 % imageTo20x20Gray('myDigit.jpg', 100, -1);
6 %
7 % First parameter: Image file name
8 % Could be bigger than 20 x 20 px, it will
9 % be resized to 20 x 20. Better if used with
10 % square images but not required.
11 %
12 % Second parameter: cropPercentage (any number between 0 and 100)
13 % 0 0% will be cropped (optional, no needed for square images)
14 % 50 50% of available croping will be cropped
15 % 100 crop all the way to square image (for rectangular images)
16 %
17 % Third parameter: rotStep
18 % -1 rotate image 90 degrees CCW
19 % 0 do not rotate (optional)
20 % 1 rotate image 90 degrees CW
21 %
22 % (Thanks to Edwin Frühwirth for parts of this code)
23 % Read as RGB image
24 Image3DmatrixRGB = imread(fileName);
25 % Convert to NTSC image (YIQ)
26 Image3DmatrixYIQ = rgb2ntsc(Image3DmatrixRGB );
27 % Convert to grays keeping only luminance (Y) and discard chrominance (IQ)
28 Image2DmatrixBW = Image3DmatrixYIQ(:,:,1);
29 % Get the size of your image
30 oldSize = size(Image2DmatrixBW);
31 % Obtain crop size toward centered square (cropDelta)
32 % ...will be zero for the already minimum dimension
33 % ...and if the cropPercentage is zero,
34 % ...both dimensions are zero
35 % ...meaning that the original image will go intact to croppedImage
36 cropDelta = floor((oldSize - min(oldSize)) .* (cropPercentage/100));
37 % Compute the desired final pixel size for the original image
38 finalSize = oldSize - cropDelta;
39 % Compute each dimension origin for croping
40 cropOrigin = floor(cropDelta / 2) + 1;
41 % Compute each dimension copying size
42 copySize = cropOrigin + finalSize - 1;
43 % Copy just the desired cropped image from the original B&W image
44 croppedImage = Image2DmatrixBW( ...
45 cropOrigin(1):copySize(1), cropOrigin(2):copySize(2));
46 % Resolution scale factors: [rows cols]
47 scale = [20 20] ./ finalSize;
48 % Compute back the new image size (extra step to keep code general)
49 newSize = max(floor(scale .* finalSize),1);
50 % Compute a re-sampled set of indices:
51 rowIndex = min(round(((1:newSize(1))-0.5)./scale(1)+0.5), finalSize(1));
52 colIndex = min(round(((1:newSize(2))-0.5)./scale(2)+0.5), finalSize(2));
53 % Copy just the indexed values from old image to get new image
54 newImage = croppedImage(rowIndex,colIndex,:);
55 % Rotate if needed: -1 is CCW, 0 is no rotate, 1 is CW
56 newAlignedImage = rot90(newImage, rotStep);
57 % Invert black and white
58 invertedImage = - newAlignedImage;
59 % Find min and max grays values in the image
60 maxValue = max(invertedImage(:));
61 minValue = min(invertedImage(:));
62 % Compute the value range of actual grays
63 delta = maxValue - minValue;
64 % Normalize grays between 0 and 1
65 normImage = (invertedImage - minValue) / delta;
66 % Add contrast. Multiplication factor is contrast control.
67 contrastedImage = sigmoid((normImage -0.5) * 5);
68 % Show image as seen by the classifier
69 imshow(contrastedImage, [-1, 1] );
70 % Output the matrix as a unrolled vector
71 vectorImage = reshape(contrastedImage, 1, newSize(1)*newSize(2));
72 end

Photo Gallery

Digit 2

Digit 6

Digit 6 inverted is digit 9. This is the same photo of a six but rotated. Also, changed
the contrast multiplier from 5 to 20. You can note that the gray background is

Digit 3

Explanation of Derivatives Used in

We know that for a logistic regression classifier (which is what all of the output neurons in a
neural network are), we use the cost function, J(θ) = −ylog(hθ (x)) − (1 − y)log(1 −
hθ (x)), and apply this over the K output neurons, and for all m examples.
The equation to compute the partial derivatives of the theta terms in the output neurons:
∂J(θ) ∂J(θ) ∂a(L) ∂z (L)
= ∂a(L) ∂z (L) ∂θ(L−1)

And the equation to compute partial derivatives of the theta terms in the [last] hidden layer
neurons (layer L-1):
∂J(θ) ∂J(θ) ∂a(L) ∂z (L) ∂a(L−1) ∂z (L−1)
= ∂a(L) ∂z (L) ∂a(L−1) ∂z (L−1) ∂θ(L−2)

Clearly they share some pieces in common, so a delta term (δ (L) ) can be used for the common
pieces between the output layer and the hidden layer immediately before it (with the possibility
that there could be many hidden layers if we wanted):
∂J(θ) ∂a(L)
δ (L) = ∂a(L) ∂z (L)
And we can go ahead and use another delta term (δ (L−1) ) for the pieces that would be shared by
the final hidden layer and a hidden layer before that, if we had one. Regardless, this delta term
will still serve to make the math and implementation more concise.
∂J(θ) ∂a(L) ∂z (L) ∂a(L−1)
δ (L−1) = ∂a(L) ∂z (L) ∂a(L−1) ∂z (L−1)
δ (L−1) = δ (L) ∂a∂z(L−1) ∂z (L−1)

With these delta terms, our equations become:

∂J(θ) (L)

= δ (L) ∂θ∂z(L−1)
∂J(θ) (L−1)

= δ (L−1) ∂z

Now, time to evaluate these derivatives:

Let's start with the output layer:

∂J(θ) (L)

= δ (L) ∂θ∂z(L−1)
∂J(θ) ∂a(L)
Using δ (L) = ∂a(L) ∂z (L)
, we need to evaluate both partial derivatives.

Given J(θ) = −ylog(a(L) ) − (1 − y)log(1 − a(L) ), where a(L) = hθ (x)), the partial
derivative is:
∂J(θ) 1−y y
= 1−a(L)
− a(L)
And given a=g(z), where g = 1+e−z
, the partial derivative is:

∂z (L)
= a(L) (1 − a(L) )
So, let's substitute these in for δ (L) :

∂J(θ) ∂a(L)
δ (L) = ∂a(L) ∂z (L)

δ (L) = ( 1−a(L) −
)(a(L) (1 − a(L) ))

δ (L) = a(L) − y

So, for a 3-layer network (L=3),

δ (3) = a(3) − y

Note that this is the correct equation, as given in our notes.

Now, given z=θ∗input, and in layer L the input is a(L−1) , the partial derivative is:

∂z (L)
= a(L−1)

Put it together for the output layer:

∂J(θ) (L)

= δ (L) ∂θ∂z(L−1)

= (a(L) − y)(a(L−1) )
Let's continue on for the hidden layer (let's assume we only have 1 hidden layer):

∂J(θ) (L−1)

= δ (L−1) ∂z

Let's figure out δ(L−1).

Once again, given z=θ∗input, the partial derivative is:

∂z (L)
= θ(L−1)

And: ∂a
∂z (L−1)
= a(L−1) (1 − a(L−1) )
So, let's substitute these in for δ (L−1) :

δ (L−1) = δ (L) ∂a∂z(L−1) ∂z (L−1)

δ (L−1) = δ (L) (θ(L−1) )(a(L−1) (1 − a(L−1) ))

δ (L−1) = δ (L) θ(L−1) a(L−1) (1 − a(L−1) )

So, for a 3-layer network,

δ (2) = δ (3) θ(2) a(2) (1 − a(2) )

Put it together for the [last] hidden layer:

∂J(θ) (L−1)

= δ (L−1) ∂z

∂J(θ) ∂a(L−1)
= (δ (L) ∂a∂z(L−1) ∂z (L−1)
)(a(L−2) )

= ((a(L) − y)(θ(L−1) )(a(L−1) (1 − a(L−1) )))(a(L−2) )

NN for linear systems

The NN we created for classification can easily be modified to have a linear output. First solve
the 4th programming exercise. You can create a new function script, nnCostFunctionLinear.m,
with the following characteristics

There is only one output node, so you do not need the 'num_labels' parameter.

Since there is one linear output, you do not need to convert y into a logical matrix.

You still need a non-linear function in the hidden layer.

The non-linear function is often the tanh() function - it has an output range from -1 to +1, and its
gradient is easily implemented. Let g(z)=tanh(z).
The gradient of tanh is g ′ (z)
= 1 − g(z)2 . Use this in backpropagation in place of the sigmoid

Remove the sigmoid function from the output layer (i.e. calculate a3 without using a sigmoid
function), since we want a linear output.

Cost computation: Use the linear cost function for J (from ex1 and ex5) for the unregularized
portion. For the regularized portion, use the same method as ex4.

Where reshape() is used to form the Theta matrices, replace 'num_labels' with '1'.

You still need to randomly initialize the Theta values, just as with any NN. You will want to
experiment with different epsilon values. You will also need to create a predictLinear() function,
using the tanh() function in the hidden layer, and a linear output.

Testing your linear NN

Here is a test case for your nnCostFunctionLinear()

1 % inputs
2 nn_params = [31 16 15 -29 -13 -8 -7 13 54 -17 -11 -9 16]'/ 10;
3 il = 1;
4 hl = 4;
5 X = [1; 2; 3];
6 y = [1; 4; 9];
7 lambda = 0.01;
9 % command
10 [j g] = nnCostFunctionLinear(nn_params, il, hl, X, y, lambda)
12 % results
13 j = 0.020815
14 g =
15 -0.0131002
16 -0.0110085
17 -0.0070569
18 0.0189212
19 -0.0189639
20 -0.0192539
21 -0.0102291
22 0.0344732
23 0.0024947
24 0.0080624
25 0.0021964
26 0.0031675
27 -0.0064244

Now create a script that uses the 'ex5data1.mat' from ex5, but without creating the polynomial
terms. With 8 units in the hidden layer and MaxIter set to 200, you should be able to get a final
cost value of 0.3 to 0.4. The results will vary a bit due to the random Theta initialization. If you
plot the training set and the predicted values for the training set (using your predictLinear()
function), you should have a good match.

Deriving the Sigmoid Gradient Function

We let the sigmoid function be σ(x) = 1+e−x
1 1
Deriving the equation above yields to ( 1+e−x )2 ds 1+e−x

Which is equal to ( 1+e1 −x )2 e−x (−1)

( 1+e1 −x )( 1+e1 −x )(−e−x )

( 1+e1 −x )( 1+e
−x )

σ(x)(1 − σ(x))

Additional Resources for Backpropagation

Very thorough conceptual [example]


Short derivation of the backpropagation algorithm:

Stanford University Deep Learning notes:

Very thorough explanation and proof:


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2&C 2&D 2&E 2&F

!# &#$. ! $!#


$&$.(%.(.#(>!2& IF?

2&C 2&D 2&E 2&F

 ! $!#



.&!(0$& '7
# &##
!(! ! $

!(! ! $


#" ! $-



Note: Mistake on lecture, it is supposed
to be 1-h(x).

># $?

88$00!!'(#(0$& $#$#1"%!5
!(! ! $

$&"!!26  >$&?60&


.&!(0$& '7

# &##

' $+$
function [jVal, gradient] = costFunction(theta)
optTheta = fminunc(@costFunction, initialTheta, options)

.&!(0$& > IF?7

="(&'>Theta1, Theta2, Theta3?
  ="(&'>D1, D2, D3?


thetaVec = [ Theta1(:); Theta2(:); Theta3(:)];

DVec = [D1(:); D2(:); D3(:)];

Theta1 = reshape(thetaVec(1:110),10,11);
Theta2 = reshape(thetaVec(111:220),10,11);
Theta3 = reshape(thetaVec(221:231),1,11);



fminunc(@costFunction, initialTheta, options)

function [jval, gradientVec] = costFunction(thetaVec)

&$"thetaVec, (8

'$&0&%&$%< %&$%($$"%.(


.&!(0$& '7
&#( #

# &##


"%!"#(7gradApprox = (J(theta + EPSILON) – J(theta –




for i = 1:n,
thetaPlus = theta;
thetaPlus(i) = thetaPlus(i) + EPSILON;
thetaMinus = theta;
thetaMinus(i) = thetaMinus(i) – EPSILON;
gradApprox(i) = (J(thetaPlus) – J(thetaMinus))

"%!"#( %&$%($$"%.(DVec>.#&$!!?8

"%!"#(#."&!&#( ($$"%.(gradApprox8
=   '.&(2/'"!&/!.'8
=  .&#$&#( #8'# %&$%$$&!&##8

=  '.&($'!2$.&&#( #$$&(&##


.&!(0$& '7
# &##

optTheta = fminunc(@costFunction,
initialTheta, options)

( initialTheta
   = zeros(n,1)




$+$. *#!*!



Theta1 = rand(10,11)*(2*INIT_EPSILON)

Theta2 = rand(1,11)*(2*INIT_EPSILON)


.&!(0$& '7
# &##
 #(0$& &((.&>$##)/(2%+&#(0##.&$#'?



C8  #$"!2#)!30('
"%!"#( %&$%($$"%.(%&)!&/)/'
for i = 1:m
&$&"$&0&%&$%)$## %&$%)$#.'#



G8  '&#( #($$"%&$"%.(.'#

#'!&#( #$8
H8  '&#('#($&/#$%)"3)$#"($0(




.&!(0$& '7
# &##


You can pick up where you left off. Just join a new session and we’ll reset
your deadlines. Join a session

Week 6 Lecture Notes

ML:Advice for Applying Machine


Deciding What to Try Next

Errors in your predictions can be troubleshooted by:

Getting more training examples

Trying smaller sets of features

Trying additional features

Trying polynomial features

Increasing or decreasing λ

Don't just pick one of these avenues at random. We'll explore diagnostic
techniques for choosing one of the above solutions in the following

Evaluating a Hypothesis
A hypothesis may have low error for the training examples but still be
inaccurate (because of overfitting).
With a given dataset of training examples, we can split up the data into two
sets: a training set and a test set.

The new procedure using these two sets is then:

1. Learn Θ and minimize Jtrain (Θ) using the training set

2. Compute the test set error Jtest (Θ)

The test set error

1 (i) (i) 2
1. For linear regression: Jtest (Θ) = ∑m
i=1 (hΘ (xtest ) − ytest )

2. For classification ~ Misclassification error (aka 0/1 misclassification error):

1 if h Θ (x) ≥ 0.5 and y = 0 or h Θ (x) < 0.5 and y = 1

err(h Θ (x), y) =
0 otherwise

This gives us a binary 0 or 1 error result based on a misclassification.

The average test error for the test set is

1 mtest (i) (i)

Test Error = ∑i=1 err(hΘ (xtest ), ytest )

This gives us the proportion of the test data that was misclassified.

Model Selection and

Train/Validation/Test Sets
Just because a learning algorithm fits a training set well, that does not mean
it is a good hypothesis.

The error of your hypothesis as measured on the data set with which you
trained the parameters will be lower than any other data set.

In order to choose the model of your hypothesis, you can test each degree
of polynomial and look at the error result.
Without the Validation Set (note: this is a bad method - do not use it)

1. Optimize the parameters in Θ using the training set for each polynomial

2. Find the polynomial degree d with the least error using the test set.

3. Estimate the generalization error also using the test set with Jtest (Θ(d) ), (d
= theta from polynomial with lower error);

In this case, we have trained one variable, d, or the degree of the

polynomial, using the test set. This will cause our error value to be greater
for any other set of data.

Use of the CV set

To solve this, we can introduce a third set, the Cross Validation Set, to
serve as an intermediate set that we can train d with. Then our test set will
give us an accurate, non-optimistic error.

One example way to break down our dataset into the three sets is:

Training set: 60%

Cross validation set: 20%

Test set: 20%

We can now calculate three separate error values for the three different

With the Validation Set (note: this method presumes we do not also
use the CV set for regularization)

1. Optimize the parameters in Θ using the training set for each polynomial

2. Find the polynomial degree d with the least error using the cross validation

3. Estimate the generalization error using the test set with Jtest (Θ(d) ), (d =
theta from polynomial with lower error);
This way, the degree of the polynomial d has not been trained using the
test set.

(Mentor note: be aware that using the CV set to select 'd' means that we
cannot also use it for the validation curve process of setting the lambda

Diagnosing Bias vs. Variance

In this section we examine the relationship between the degree of the
polynomial d and the underfitting or overfitting of our hypothesis.

We need to distinguish whether bias or variance is the problem contributing

to bad predictions.

High bias is underfitting and high variance is overfitting. We need to find a

golden mean between these two.

The training error will tend to decrease as we increase the degree d of the

At the same time, the cross validation error will tend to decrease as we
increase d up to a point, and then it will increase as d is increased, forming
a convex curve.

High bias (underfitting): both Jtrain (Θ) and JCV (Θ) will be high. Also,
JCV (Θ) ≈ Jtrain (Θ).

High variance (overfitting): Jtrain (Θ) will be low and JCV (Θ) will be
much greater thanJtrain (Θ).

The is represented in the figure below:


Regularization and Bias/Variance

Instead of looking at the degree d contributing to bias/variance, now we will
look at the regularization parameter λ.

Large λ: High bias (underfitting)

Intermediate λ: just right

Small λ: High variance (overfitting)

A large lambda heavily penalizes all the Θ parameters, which greatly

simplifies the line of our resulting function, so causes underfitting.

The relationship of λ to the training set and the variance set is as follows:

Low λ: Jtrain (Θ) is low and JCV (Θ) is high (high variance/overfitting).

Intermediate λ: Jtrain (Θ) and JCV (Θ) are somewhat low and
Jtrain (Θ) ≈ JCV (Θ).

Large λ: both Jtrain (Θ) and JCV (Θ) will be high (underfitting /high bias)

The figure below illustrates the relationship between lambda and the

In order to choose the model and the regularization λ, we need:

1. Create a list of lambdas (i.e.


2. Create a set of models with different degrees or any other variants.

3. Iterate through the λs and for each λ go through all the models to learn
some Θ.

4. Compute the cross validation error using the learned Θ (computed with
λ) on the JCV (Θ) without regularization or λ = 0.

5. Select the best combo that produces the lowest error on the cross
validation set.

6. Using the best combo Θ and λ, apply it on Jtest (Θ) to see if it has a good
generalization of the problem.

Learning Curves
Training 3 examples will easily have 0 errors because we can always find a
quadratic curve that exactly touches 3 points.
As the training set gets larger, the error for a quadratic function increases.

The error value will plateau out after a certain m, or training set size.

With high bias

Low training set size: causes Jtrain (Θ) to be low and JCV (Θ) to be high.

Large training set size: causes both Jtrain (Θ) and JCV (Θ) to be high
with Jtrain (Θ)≈JCV (Θ).

If a learning algorithm is suffering from high bias, getting more training

data will not (by itself) help much.

For high variance, we have the following relationships in terms of the

training set size:

With high variance

Low training set size: Jtrain (Θ) will be low and JCV (Θ) will be high.

Large training set size: Jtrain (Θ) increases with training set size and
JCV (Θ) continues to decrease without leveling off. Also, Jtrain (Θ)<
JCV (Θ) but the difference between them remains significant.

If a learning algorithm is suffering from high variance, getting more

training data is likely to help.

Deciding What to Do Next

Our decision process can be broken down as follows:

Getting more training examples

Fixes high variance

Trying smaller sets of features

Fixes high variance

Adding features

Fixes high bias

Adding polynomial features

Fixes high bias

Decreasing λ

Fixes high bias

Increasing λ

Fixes high variance

Diagnosing Neural Networks
A neural network with fewer parameters is prone to underfitting. It is also
computationally cheaper.

A large neural network with more parameters is prone to overfitting. It is

also computationally expensive. In this case you can use regularization
(increase λ) to address the overfitting.

Using a single hidden layer is a good starting default. You can train your
neural network on a number of hidden layers using your cross validation

Model Selection:
Choosing M the order of polynomials.

How can we tell which parameters Θ to leave in the model (known as

"model selection")?

There are several ways to solve this problem:

Get more data (very difficult).

Choose the model which best fits the data without overfitting (very difficult).

Reduce the opportunity for overfitting through regularization.

Bias: approximation error (Difference between expected value and

optimal value)

High Bias = UnderFitting (BU)

Jtrain (Θ) and JCV (Θ) both will be high and Jtrain (Θ) ≈ JCV (Θ)

Variance: estimation error due to finite data

High Variance = OverFitting (VO)

Jtrain (Θ) is low and JCV (Θ) ≫Jtrain (Θ)

Intuition for the bias-variance trade-off:

Complex model => sensitive to data => much affected by changes in X =>
high variance, low bias.

Simple model => more rigid => does not change as much with changes in X
=> low variance, high bias.

One of the most important goals in learning: finding a model that is just
right in the bias-variance trade-off.

Regularization Effects:

Small values of λ allow model to become finely tuned to noise leading to

large variance => overfitting.

Large values of λ pull weight parameters to zero leading to large bias =>

Model Complexity Effects:

Lower-order polynomials (low model complexity) have high bias and low
variance. In this case, the model fits poorly consistently.

Higher-order polynomials (high model complexity) fit the training data

extremely well and the test data extremely poorly. These have low bias on
the training data, but very high variance.

In reality, we would want to choose a model somewhere in between, that

can generalize well but also fits the data reasonably well.

A typical rule of thumb when running diagnostics is:

More training examples fixes high variance but not high bias.

Fewer features fixes high variance but not high bias.

Additional features fixes high bias but not high variance.

The addition of polynomial and interaction features fixes high bias but not
high variance.

When using gradient descent, decreasing lambda can fix high bias and
increasing lambda can fix high variance (lambda is the regularization

When using neural networks, small neural networks are more prone to
under-fitting and big neural networks are prone to over-fitting. Cross-
validation of network size is a way to choose alternatives.

ML:Machine Learning System


Prioritizing What to Work On

Different ways we can approach a machine learning problem:

Collect lots of data (for example "honeypot" project but doesn't always work)

Develop sophisticated features (for example: using email header data in

spam emails)

Develop algorithms to process your input in different ways (recognizing

misspellings in spam).

It is difficult to tell which of the options will be helpful.

Error Analysis
The recommended approach to solving machine learning problems is:

Start with a simple algorithm, implement it quickly, and test it early.

Plot learning curves to decide if more data, more features, etc. will help

Error analysis: manually examine the errors on examples in the cross

validation set and try to spot a trend.

It's important to get error results as a single, numerical value. Otherwise it

is difficult to assess your algorithm's performance.

You may need to process your input before it is useful. For example, if your
input is a set of words, you may want to treat the same word with different
forms (fail/failing/failed) as one word, so must use "stemming software" to
recognize them all as one.
Error Metrics for Skewed Classes
It is sometimes difficult to tell whether a reduction in error is actually an
improvement of the algorithm.

For example: In predicting a cancer diagnoses where 0.5% of the examples

have cancer, we find our learning algorithm has a 1% error. However, if we
were to simply classify every single example as a 0, then our error would
reduce to 0.5% even though we did not improve the algorithm.

This usually happens with skewed classes; that is, when our class is very
rare in the entire data set.

Or to say it another way, when we have lot more examples from one class
than from the other class.

For this we can use Precision/Recall.

Predicted: 1, Actual: 1 --- True positive

Predicted: 0, Actual: 0 --- True negative

Predicted: 0, Actual, 1 --- False negative

Predicted: 1, Actual: 0 --- False positive

Precision: of all patients we predicted where y=1, what fraction actually has

True Positives True Positives

Total number of predicted positives True Positives + False positives

Recall: Of all the patients that actually have cancer, what fraction did we
correctly detect as having cancer?

True Positives
Total number of actual positives
True Positives
True Positives + False negatives
These two metrics give us a better sense of how our classifier is doing. We
want both precision and recall to be high.

In the example at the beginning of the section, if we classify all patients as

0, then our recall will be = 0, so despite having a lower error
percentage, we can quickly see it has worse recall.

Accuracy = truepositive+truenegative

Note 1: if an algorithm predicts only negatives like it does in one of

exercises, the precision is not defined, it is impossible to divide by 0. F1
score will not be defined too.

Trading Off Precision and Recall

We might want a confident prediction of two classes using logistic
regression. One way is to increase our threshold:

Predict 1 if: hθ (x) ≥ 0.7

Predict 0 if: hθ (x) < 0.7

This way, we only predict cancer if the patient has a 70% chance.

Doing this, we will have higher precision but lower recall (refer to the
definitions in the previous section).

In the opposite example, we can lower our threshold:

Predict 1 if: hθ (x) ≥ 0.3

Predict 0 if: hθ (x) < 0.3

That way, we get a very safe prediction. This will cause higher recall but
lower precision.

The greater the threshold, the greater the precision and the lower the
The lower the threshold, the greater the recall and the lower the precision.

In order to turn these two metrics into one single number, we can take the
F value.

One way is to take the average:

P +R

This does not work well. If we predict all y=0 then that will bring the average
up despite having 0 recall. If we predict all examples as y=1, then the very
high recall will bring up the average despite having 0 precision.

A better way is to compute the F Score (or F1 score):

F Score = 2
P +R

In order for the F Score to be large, both precision and recall must be large.

We want to train precision and recall on the cross validation set so as not
to bias our test set.

Data for Machine Learning

How much data should we train on?

In certain cases, an "inferior algorithm," if given enough data, can

outperform a superior algorithm with less data.

We must choose our features to have enough information. A useful test is:
Given input x, would a human expert be able to confidently predict y?

Rationale for large data: if we have a low bias algorithm (many features
or hidden units making a very complex function), then the larger the
training set we use, the less we will have overfitting (and the more accurate
the algorithm will be on the test set).
Quiz instructions
When the quiz instructions tell you to enter a value to "two decimal digits",
what it really means is "two significant digits". So, just for example, the
value 0.0123 should be entered as "0.012", not "0.01".


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From: [email protected] From: Alfred Ng

To: [email protected] To: [email protected]
Subject: Buy now! Subject: Christmas dates?

Deal of the week! Buy now! Hey Andrew,

Rolex w4tchs - $100 Was talking to Mom about plans
Med1cine (any kind) - $50 for Xmas. When do you get off
Also low cost M0rgages work. Meet Dec 22?
available. Alf



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From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Buy now!

Deal of the week! Buy now!

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Week 7 Lecture Notes

Optimization Objective
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is yet another type of supervised machine
learning algorithm. It is sometimes cleaner and more powerful.

Recall that in logistic regression, we use the following rules:

if y=1, then hθ (x) ≈ 1 and ΘT x ≫ 0

if y=0, then hθ (x) ≈ 0 and ΘT x ≪ 0

Recall the cost function for (unregularized) logistic regression:

(i) (i) (i) (i)
J (θ) = ∑ −y log(h θ (x )) − (1 − y ) log(1 − h θ (x ))

1 1 1
(i) (i)
= ∑ −y log ( ) − (1 − y ) log (1 − )
m −θ
x −θ
i=1 1+e 1+e

To make a support vector machine, we will modify the first term of the cost function
− log(hθ (x)) = − log ( −θ T x ) so that when θ x (from now on, we shall refer
to this as z) is greater than 1, it outputs 0. Furthermore, for values of z less than 1, we
shall use a straight decreasing line instead of the sigmoid curve.(In the literature, this
is called a hinge loss ( function.)

Similarly, we modify the second term of the cost function − log(1 − hθ(x) ) =
− log (1 − T ) so that when z is less than -1, it outputs 0. We also modify it
1 + e−θ x
so that for values of z greater than -1, we use a straight increasing line instead of the
sigmoid curve.

We shall denote these as cost1 (z) and cost0 (z) (respectively, note that cost1 (z) is
the cost for classifying when y=1, and cost0 (z) is the cost for classifying when y=0),
and we may define them as follows (where k is an arbitrary constant defining the
magnitude of the slope of the line):

z = θT x

cost0 (z) = max(0, k(1 + z))

cost1 (z) = max(0, k(1 − z))

Recall the full cost function from (regularized) logistic regression:

J(θ) = m1 ∑i=1 y (i) (− log(hθ (x(i) ))) + (1 − y (i) )(− log(1 − hθ (x(i) ))) +
∑nj=1 Θ2j

Note that the negative sign has been distributed into the sum in the above equation.

We may transform this into the cost function for support vector machines by
substituting cost0 (z) and cost1 (z):

1 m λ n
J(θ) = ∑i=1 y (i)  cost1 (θT x(i) ) + (1 − y (i) ) cost0 (θT x(i) ) + ∑j=1 Θ2j
m 2m

We can optimize this a bit by multiplying this by m (thus removing the m factor in the
denominators). Note that this does not affect our optimization, since we're simply
multiplying our cost function by a positive constant (for example, minimizing (u −
5)2 + 1 gives us 5; multiplying it by 10 to make it 10(u − 5)2 + 10 still gives us 5
when minimized).

m λ n
J(θ) = ∑i=1 y (i)  cost1 (θT x(i) ) + (1 − y (i) ) cost0 (θT x(i) ) + ∑ Θ2
2 j=1 j

Furthermore, convention dictates that we regularize using a factor C, instead of λ, like


m 1 n
J(θ) = C ∑i=1 y (i)  cost1 (θT x(i) ) + (1 − y (i) ) cost0 (θT x(i) ) + ∑j=1 Θ2j

This is equivalent to multiplying the equation by C = , and thus results in the same
values when optimized. Now, when we wish to regularize more (that is, reduce
overfitting), we decrease C, and when we wish to regularize less (that is, reduce
underfitting), we increase C.

Finally, note that the hypothesis of the Support Vector Machine is not interpreted as
the probability of y being 1 or 0 (as it is for the hypothesis of logistic regression).
Instead, it outputs either 1 or 0. (In technical terms, it is a discriminant function.)

hθ (x) = {
1 if ΘT x ≥ 0
0 otherwise
Large Margin Intuition
A useful way to think about Support Vector Machines is to think of them as Large
Margin Classifiers.

If y=1, we want ΘT x ≥ 1 (not just ≥0)

If y=0, we want ΘT x ≤ −1 (not just <0)

Now when we set our constant C to a very large value (e.g. 100,000), our optimizing
function will constrain Θ such that the equation A (the summation of the cost of each
example) equals 0. We impose the following constraints on Θ:

ΘT x ≥ 1 if y=1 and ΘT x ≤ −1 if y=0.

If C is very large, we must choose Θ parameters such that:

∑i=1 y (i) cost1 (ΘT x) + (1 − y (i) )cost0 (ΘT x) = 0

This reduces our cost function to:

J (θ) = C ⋅ 0 + ∑ Θj

1 2
= ∑Θ

Recall the decision boundary from logistic regression (the line separating the positive
and negative examples). In SVMs, the decision boundary has the special property that
it is as far away as possible from both the positive and the negative examples.

The distance of the decision boundary to the nearest example is called the margin.
Since SVMs maximize this margin, it is often called a Large Margin Classifier.

The SVM will separate the negative and positive examples by a large margin.

This large margin is only achieved when C is very large.

Data is linearly separable when a straight line can separate the positive and
negative examples.

If we have outlier examples that we don't want to affect the decision boundary, then
we can reduce C.
Increasing and decreasing C is similar to respectively decreasing and increasing λ, and
can simplify our decision boundary.

Mathematics Behind Large Margin

Classification (Optional)
Vector Inner Product

Say we have two vectors, u and v:

u1 v1
u = [ ] v = [ ]
u2 v2

The length of vector v is denoted ∣∣v∣∣, and it describes the line on a graph from
origin (0,0) to (v1 , v2 ).

The length of vector v can be calculated with v12 + v22 by the Pythagorean theorem.

The projection of vector v onto vector u is found by taking a right angle from u to the
end of v, creating a right triangle.

p= length of projection of v onto the vector u.

uT v = p ⋅ ∣∣u∣∣

Note that uT v = ∣∣u∣∣ ⋅ ∣∣v∣∣ cos θ where θ is the angle between u and v. Also, p =
∣∣v∣∣ cos θ . If you substitute p for ∣∣v∣∣ cos θ , you get uT v = p ⋅ ∣∣u∣∣.

So the product uT v is equal to the length of the projection times the length of vector

In our example, since u and v are vectors of the same length, uT v = v T u.

uT v = v T u = p ⋅ ∣∣u∣∣ = u1 v1 + u2 v2

If the angle between the lines for v and u is greater than 90 degrees, then the
projection p will be negative.
min ∑Θ
Θ 2

2 2 2
= (Θ +Θ +⋯+Θ )
1 2 n
1 2
2 2 2
= (√Θ 1 + Θ 2 + ⋯ + Θ n )
1 2
= ||Θ||

We can use the same rules to rewrite ΘT x(i) :

(i) (i) (i)

ΘT x(i) = p(i) ⋅ ∣∣Θ∣∣ = Θ1 x1 + Θ2 x2 + ⋯ + Θn xn

So we now have a new optimization objective by substituting p(i) ⋅ ∣∣Θ∣∣ in for

Θ x :

If y=1, we want p(i) ⋅ ∣∣Θ∣∣ ≥ 1

If y=0, we want p(i) ⋅ ∣∣Θ∣∣ ≤ −1

The reason this causes a "large margin" is because: the vector for Θ is perpendicular
to the decision boundary. In order for our optimization objective (above) to hold true,
we need the absolute value of our projections p(i) to be as large as possible.

If Θ0 = 0, then all our decision boundaries will intersect (0,0). If Θ0 

= 0, the support
vector machine will still find a large margin for the decision boundary.

Kernels I
Kernels allow us to make complex, non-linear classifiers using Support Vector

Given x, compute new feature depending on proximity to landmarks l(1) ,  l(2) ,  l(3) .

To do this, we find the "similarity" of x and some landmark l(i) :

∣∣x − l(i) ∣∣2

fi = similarity(x, l(i) ) = exp(− )
2σ 2

This "similarity" function is called a Gaussian Kernel. It is a specific example of a


The similarity function can also be written as follows:

203 (i)
∑nj=1 (xj − lj )2
fi = similarity(x, l ) = exp(− )
2σ 2

There are a couple properties of the similarity function:

(i) ≈ 02
If x ≈ l , then fi = exp(− )≈1
2σ 2

(i) (large number)2
If x is far from l , then fi = exp(− )≈0
2σ 2

In other words, if x and the landmark are close, then the similarity will be close to 1,
and if x and the landmark are far away from each other, the similarity will be close to

Each landmark gives us the features in our hypothesis:

l → f

l → f

l → f

h Θ (x) = Θ 1 f + Θ2 f + Θ3 f +…
1 2 3

σ 2 is a parameter of the Gaussian Kernel, and it can be modified to increase or

decrease the drop-off of our feature fi . Combined with looking at the values inside Θ,
we can choose these landmarks to get the general shape of the decision boundary.

Kernels II
One way to get the landmarks is to put them in the exact same locations as all the
training examples. This gives us m landmarks, with one landmark per training

Given example x:

f1 = similarity(x, l(1) ), f2 = similarity(x, l(2) ), f3 = similarity(x, l(3) ), and

so on.

This gives us a "feature vector," f(i) of all our features for example x(i) . We may also
set f0 = 1 to correspond with Θ0 . Thus given training example x(i) :

x(i) →
[ f (i) = similarity(x(i) , l(1) )f (i) = similarity(x(i) , l(2) )⋮fm
= similarity(x(i) , l(m) ) ]
1 2
Now to get the parameters Θ we can use the SVM minimization algorithm but with
f (i) substituted in for x(i) :

(i) T (i) (i) T (i) 1 n

minΘ C ∑m
i=1 y cost1 (Θ f ) + (1 − y )cost0 (θ f ) + ∑j=1 Θ2j

Using kernels to generate f(i) is not exclusive to SVMs and may also be applied to
logistic regression. However, because of computational optimizations on SVMs,
kernels combined with SVMs is much faster than with other algorithms, so kernels are
almost always found combined only with SVMs.

Choosing SVM Parameters

Choosing C (recall that C =

If C is large, then we get higher variance/lower bias

If C is small, then we get lower variance/higher bias

The other parameter we must choose is σ 2 from the Gaussian Kernel function:

With a large σ 2 , the features fi vary more smoothly, causing higher bias and lower

With a small σ 2 , the features fi vary less smoothly, causing lower bias and higher

Using An SVM

There are lots of good SVM libraries already written. A. Ng often uses 'liblinear' and
'libsvm'. In practical application, you should use one of these libraries rather than
rewrite the functions.

In practical application, the choices you do need to make are:

Choice of parameter C

Choice of kernel (similarity function)

No kernel ("linear" kernel) -- gives standard linear classifier

Choose when n is large and when m is small

Gaussian Kernel (above) -- need to choose σ 2

Choose when n is small and m is large

The library may ask you to provide the kernel function.

Note: do perform feature scaling before using the Gaussian Kernel.

Note: not all similarity functions are valid kernels. They must satisfy "Mercer's
Theorem" which guarantees that the SVM package's optimizations run correctly and
do not diverge.

You want to train C and the parameters for the kernel function using the training and
cross-validation datasets.

Multi-class Classification

Many SVM libraries have multi-class classification built-in.

You can use the one-vs-all method just like we did for logistic regression, where y ∈
(1) (2) (i) T
1, 2, 3, … , K with Θ ,Θ , … , Θ(K). We pick class i with the largest (Θ ) x.

Logistic Regression vs. SVMs

If n is large (relative to m), then use logistic regression, or SVM without a kernel (the
"linear kernel")

If n is small and m is intermediate, then use SVM with a Gaussian Kernel

If n is small and m is large, then manually create/add more features, then use logistic
regression or SVM without a kernel.

In the first case, we don't have enough examples to need a complicated polynomial
hypothesis. In the second example, we have enough examples that we may need a
complex non-linear hypothesis. In the last case, we want to increase our features so
that logistic regression becomes applicable.

Note: a neural network is likely to work well for any of these situations, but may be
slower to train.

Additional references
"An Idiot's Guide to Support Vector Machines":

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Week 8 Lecture Notes


Unsupervised Learning: Introduction

Unsupervised learning is contrasted from supervised learning because it uses an unlabeled
training set rather than a labeled one.

In other words, we don't have the vector y of expected results, we only have a dataset of
features where we can find structure.

Clustering is good for:

Market segmentation

Social network analysis

Organizing computer clusters

Astronomical data analysis

K-Means Algorithm
The K-Means Algorithm is the most popular and widely used algorithm for automatically
grouping data into coherent subsets.

1. Randomly initialize two points in the dataset called the cluster centroids.

2. Cluster assignment: assign all examples into one of two groups based on which cluster centroid
the example is closest to.

3. Move centroid: compute the averages for all the points inside each of the two cluster centroid
groups, then move the cluster centroid points to those averages.

4. Re-run (2) and (3) until we have found our clusters.

Our main variables are:

K (number of clusters)
Training set x(1) , x(2) , … , x(m)
Where x(i) ∈ Rn

Note that we will not use the x0=1 convention.

The algorithm:

1 Randomly initialize K cluster centroids mu(1), mu(2), ..., mu(K)

2 Repeat:
3 for i = 1 to m:
4 c(i):= index (from 1 to K) of cluster centroid closest to x(i)
5 for k = 1 to K:
6 mu(k):= average (mean) of points assigned to cluster k

The first for-loop is the 'Cluster Assignment' step. We make a vector c where c(i) represents the
centroid assigned to example x(i).

We can write the operation of the Cluster Assignment step more mathematically as follows:

c(i) = argmink  ∣∣x(i) − μk ∣∣2

That is, each c(i) contains the index of the centroid that has minimal distance to x(i) .

By convention, we square the right-hand-side, which makes the function we are trying to
minimize more sharply increasing. It is mostly just a convention. But a convention that helps
reduce the computation load because the Euclidean distance requires a square root but it is

Without the square:

∣∣x(i) − μk ∣∣ = ∣∣ (xi1 − μ1(k) )2 + (xi2 − μ2(k) )2 + (xi3 − μ3(k) )2 + ... ∣∣

With the square:

∣∣x(i) − μk ∣∣2 = ∣∣ (xi1 − μ1(k) )2 + (xi2 − μ2(k) )2 + (xi3 − μ3(k) )2 + ... ∣∣ the square convention serves two purposes, minimize more sharply and less computation.

The second for-loop is the 'Move Centroid' step where we move each centroid to the average
of its group.

More formally, the equation for this loop is as follows:

1 (k1 )
μk = [x + x(k2 ) + ⋯ + x(kn ) ] ∈ Rn

Where each of x(k1 ) , x(k2 ) , … , x(kn ) are the training examples assigned to group mμk .

If you have a cluster centroid with 0 points assigned to it, you can randomly re-initialize that
centroid to a new point. You can also simply eliminate that cluster group.
After a number of iterations the algorithm will converge, where new iterations do not affect the

Note on non-separated clusters: some datasets have no real inner separation or natural
structure. K-means can still evenly segment your data into K subsets, so can still be useful in
this case.

Optimization Objective
Recall some of the parameters we used in our algorithm:

c(i) = index of cluster (1,2,...,K) to which example x(i) is currently assigned

μk = cluster centroid k (μk∈ℝn)
μc(i) = cluster centroid of cluster to which example x(i) has been assigned

Using these variables we can define our cost function:

J(c(i) , … , c(m) , μ1 , … , μK ) = ∑m
∣∣x(i) − μc(i) ∣∣2

Our optimization objective is to minimize all our parameters using the above cost function:

minc,μ  J(c, μ)

That is, we are finding all the values in sets c, representing all our clusters, and μ, representing
all our centroids, that will minimize the average of the distances of every training example to
its corresponding cluster centroid.

The above cost function is often called the distortion of the training examples.

In the cluster assignment step, our goal is to:

Minimize J(…) with c(1) , … , c(m) (holding μ1 , … , μK fixed)

In the move centroid step, our goal is to:

Minimize J(…) with μ1 , … , μK

With k-means, it is not possible for the cost function to sometimes increase. It should
always descend.

Random Initialization
There's one particular recommended method for randomly initializing your cluster centroids.
1. Have K<m. That is, make sure the number of your clusters is less than the number of your
training examples.

2. Randomly pick K training examples. (Not mentioned in the lecture, but also be sure the selected
examples are unique).

3. Set μ1 , … , μK equal to these K examples.

K-means can get stuck in local optima. To decrease the chance of this happening, you can
run the algorithm on many different random initializations. In cases where K<10 it is strongly
recommended to run a loop of random initializations.

1 for i = 1 to 100:
2 randomly initialize k-means
3 run k-means to get 'c' and 'm'
4 compute the cost function (distortion) J(c,m)
5 pick the clustering that gave us the lowest cost

Choosing the Number of Clusters

Choosing K can be quite arbitrary and ambiguous.

The elbow method: plot the cost J and the number of clusters K. The cost function should
reduce as we increase the number of clusters, and then flatten out. Choose K at the point
where the cost function starts to flatten out.

However, fairly often, the curve is very gradual, so there's no clear elbow.

Note: J will always decrease as K is increased. The one exception is if k-means gets stuck at a
bad local optimum.

Another way to choose K is to observe how well k-means performs on a downstream purpose.
In other words, you choose K that proves to be most useful for some goal you're trying to
achieve from using these clusters.

Bonus: Discussion of the drawbacks of K-

This links to a discussion that shows various situations in which K-means gives totally correct
but unexpected results:

ML:Dimensionality Reduction
Motivation I: Data Compression
We may want to reduce the dimension of our features if we have a lot of redundant data.

To do this, we find two highly correlated features, plot them, and make a new line that seems to
describe both features accurately. We place all the new features on this single line.

Doing dimensionality reduction will reduce the total data we have to store in computer
memory and will speed up our learning algorithm.

Note: in dimensionality reduction, we are reducing our features rather than our number of
examples. Our variable m will stay the same size; n, the number of features each example from
x(1) to x(m) carries, will be reduced.

Motivation II: Visualization

It is not easy to visualize data that is more than three dimensions. We can reduce the
dimensions of our data to 3 or less in order to plot it.

We need to find new features, z1 , z2 (and perhaps z3 ) that can effectively summarize all the
other features.

Example: hundreds of features related to a country's economic system may all be combined
into one feature that you call "Economic Activity."

Principal Component Analysis Problem

The most popular dimensionality reduction algorithm is Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Problem formulation

Given two features, x1 and x2 , we want to find a single line that effectively describes both
features at once. We then map our old features onto this new line to get a new single feature.

The same can be done with three features, where we map them to a plane.

The goal of PCA is to reduce the average of all the distances of every feature to the projection
line. This is the projection error.

Reduce from 2d to 1d: find a direction (a vector u(1) ∈ Rn ) onto which to project the data so as
to minimize the projection error.

The more general case is as follows:

Reduce from n-dimension to k-dimension: Find k vectors u(1) , u(2) , … , u(k) onto which to
project the data so as to minimize the projection error.

If we are converting from 3d to 2d, we will project our data onto two directions (a plane), so k
will be 2.
PCA is not linear regression

In linear regression, we are minimizing the squared error from every point to our predictor line.
These are vertical distances.

In PCA, we are minimizing the shortest distance, or shortest orthogonal distances, to our data

More generally, in linear regression we are taking all our examples in x and applying the
parameters in Θ to predict y.

In PCA, we are taking a number of features x1 , x2 , … , xn , and finding a closest common

dataset among them. We aren't trying to predict any result and we aren't applying any theta
weights to the features.

Principal Component Analysis Algorithm

Before we can apply PCA, there is a data pre-processing step we must perform:

Data preprocessing

Given training set: x(1),x(2),…,x(m)

Preprocess (feature scaling/mean normalization):

1 (i)
μj = ∑m
i=1 xj
(i) (i)
Replace each xj with xj − μj
If different features on different scales (e.g., x1 = size of house, x2 = number of bedrooms), scale
features to have comparable range of values.

Above, we first subtract the mean of each feature from the original feature. Then we scale all
(i) xj − μj
the features xj =

We can define specifically what it means to reduce from 2d to 1d data as follows:

∑i=1 (x(i) )(x(i) )T

The z values are all real numbers and are the projections of our features onto u(1) .

So, PCA has two tasks: figure out u(1) , … , u(k) and also to find z1 , z2 , … , zm .

The mathematical proof for the following procedure is complicated and beyond the scope of
this course.

1. Compute "covariance matrix"

1 223
Σ= ∑m (x(i) )(x(i) )T
m i=1

This can be vectorized in Octave as:

1 Sigma = (1/m) * X' * X;


We denote the covariance matrix with a capital sigma (which happens to be the same symbol
for summation, confusingly---they represent entirely different things).

Note that x(i) is an n×1 vector, (x(i) )T is an 1×n vector and X is a m×n matrix (row-wise stored
examples). The product of those will be an n×n matrix, which are the dimensions of Σ.

2. Compute "eigenvectors" of covariance matrix Σ

1 [U,S,V] = svd(Sigma);

svd() is the 'singular value decomposition', a built-in Octave function.

What we actually want out of svd() is the 'U' matrix of the Sigma covariance matrix: U ∈ Rn×n .
U contains u(1) , … , u(n) , which is exactly what we want.

3. Take the first k columns of the U matrix and compute z

We'll assign the first k columns of U to a variable called 'Ureduce'. This will be an n×k matrix. We
compute z with:

z (i) = U reduceT ⋅ x(i)

U reduceZ T will have dimensions k×n while x(i) will have dimensions n×1. The product
U reduceT ⋅ x(i) will have dimensions k×1.

To summarize, the whole algorithm in octave is roughly:

1 Sigma = (1/m) * X' * X; % compute the covariance matrix

2 [U,S,V] = svd(Sigma); % compute our projected directions
3 Ureduce = U(:,1:k); % take the first k directions
4 Z = X * Ureduce; % compute the projected data points

Reconstruction from Compressed

If we use PCA to compress our data, how can we uncompress our data, or go back to our
original number of features?

To go from 1-dimension back to 2d we do: z ∈ R → x ∈ R2 .

We can do this with the equation: xapprox = Ureduce ⋅ z (1) .

Note that we can only get approximations of our original data.

Note: It turns out that the U matrix has the special property that it is a Unitary Matrix. One of
the special properties of a Unitary Matrix is:

U −1 = U ∗ where the "*" means "conjugate transpose".

Since we are dealing with real numbers here, this is equivalent to:

U −1 = U T So we could compute the inverse and use that, but it would be a waste of energy
and compute cycles.

Choosing the Number of Principal

How do we choose k, also called the number of principal components? Recall that k is the
dimension we are reducing to.

One way to choose k is by using the following formula:

Given the average squared projection error: ∑m ∣∣x(i) − x(i)
approx ∣∣
m i=1
1 m
Also given the total variation in the data: ∑i=1 ∣∣x(i) ∣∣2
1 (i)
∑i=1 ∣∣x(i) − xapprox ∣∣2

Choose k to be the smallest value such that:

m ≤ 0.01
1 m (i) 2
∑ ∣∣x ∣∣
m i=1

In other words, the squared projection error divided by the total variation should be less than
one percent, so that 99% of the variance is retained.

Algorithm for choosing k

1. Try PCA with k=1,2,…

2. Compute Ureduce , z, x

3. Check the formula given above that 99% of the variance is retained. If not, go to step one and
increase k.

This procedure would actually be horribly inefficient. In Octave, we will call svd:
1 [U,S,V] = svd(Sigma)

Which gives us a matrix S. We can actually check for 99% of retained variance using the S matrix
as follows:

∑i=1 Sii
≥ 0.99
∑ni=1 Sii

Advice for Applying PCA

The most common use of PCA is to speed up supervised learning.

Given a training set with a large number of features (e.g. x(1) , … , x(m) ∈ R10000 ) we can use
PCA to reduce the number of features in each example of the training set (e.g.
z (1) , … , z (m) ∈ R1000 ).

Note that we should define the PCA reduction from x(i) to z (i) only on the training set and not
on the cross-validation or test sets. You can apply the mapping z(i) to your cross-validation and
test sets after it is defined on the training set.



Reduce space of data

Speed up algorithm

Visualization of data

Choose k = 2 or k = 3

Bad use of PCA: trying to prevent overfitting. We might think that reducing the features with
PCA would be an effective way to address overfitting. It might work, but is not recommended
because it does not consider the values of our results y. Using just regularization will be at least
as effective.

Don't assume you need to do PCA. Try your full machine learning algorithm without PCA
first. Then use PCA if you find that you need it.


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Week 9 Lecture Notes

ML:Anomaly Detection

Problem Motivation
Just like in other learning problems, we are given a dataset x(1) , x(2) , … , x(m) .

We are then given a new example, xtest , and we want to know whether this new
example is abnormal/anomalous.

We define a "model" p(x) that tells us the probability the example is not
anomalous. We also use a threshold ϵ (epsilon) as a dividing line so we can say
which examples are anomalous and which are not.

A very common application of anomaly detection is detecting fraud:

x(i) = features of user i's activities

Model p(x) from the data.

Identify unusual users by checking which have p(x)<ϵ.

If our anomaly detector is flagging too many anomalous examples, then we need
to decrease our threshold ϵ

Gaussian Distribution
The Gaussian Distribution is a familiar bell-shaped curve that can be described by
a function N (μ, σ 2 )
Let x∈ℝ. If the probability distribution of x is Gaussian with mean μ, variance σ 2 ,

x ∼ N (μ, σ 2 )

The little ∼ or 'tilde' can be read as "distributed as."

The Gaussian Distribution is parameterized by a mean and a variance.

Mu, or μ, describes the center of the curve, called the mean. The width of the
curve is described by sigma, or σ, called the standard deviation.

The full function is as follows:

1 x−μ 2
1 − ( )
p(x; μ, σ 2 ) = e 2 σ
σ (2π)

We can estimate the parameter μ from a given dataset by simply taking the
average of all the examples:

μ= ∑ x(i)
m i=1

We can estimate the other parameter, σ 2 , with our familiar squared error formula:

σ = ∑(x(i) − μ)2
m i=1

Given a training set of examples, {x(1) , … , x(m) } where each example is a
vector, x ∈ Rn .

p(x) = p(x1 ; μ1 , σ12 )p(x2 ; μ2 , σ22 ) ⋯ p(xn ; μn , σn2 )

In statistics, this is called an "independence assumption" on the values of the

features inside training example x.

More compactly, the above expression can be written as follows:

n 238
= ∏ p(xj ; μj , σj2 )

The algorithm

Choose features xi that you think might be indicative of anomalous examples.

Fit parameters μ1 , … , μn , σ12 , … , σn2

∑ xj
Calculate μj =
m i=1

∑(xj − μj )2
Calculate σj2 =
m i=1

Given a new example x, compute p(x):

n n
1 (xj − μj )2
p(x) = ∏ p(xj ; μj , σj2 ) =∏ exp(− )
j=1 j=1
2π σj 2σj2

Anomaly if p(x)<ϵ

A vectorized version of the calculation for μ is μ = ∑ x(i) . You can vectorize
m i=1
σ 2 similarly.

Developing and Evaluating an

Anomaly Detection System
To evaluate our learning algorithm, we take some labeled data, categorized into
anomalous and non-anomalous examples ( y = 0 if normal, y = 1 if anomalous).

Among that data, take a large proportion of good, non-anomalous data for the
training set on which to train p(x).

Then, take a smaller proportion of mixed anomalous and non-anomalous

examples (you will usually have many more non-anomalous examples) for your
cross-validation and test sets.
For example, we may have a set where 0.2% of the data is anomalous. We take
60% of those examples, all of which are good (y=0) for the training set. We then
take 20% of the examples for the cross-validation set (with 0.1% of the anomalous
examples) and another 20% from the test set (with another 0.1% of the

In other words, we split the data 60/20/20 training/CV/test and then split the
anomalous examples 50/50 between the CV and test sets.

Algorithm evaluation:

Fit model p(x) on training set {x(1) , … , x(m) }

On a cross validation/test example x, predict:

If p(x) < ϵ (anomaly), then y=1

If p(x) ≥ ϵ (normal), then y=0

Possible evaluation metrics (see "Machine Learning System Design" section):

True positive, false positive, false negative, true negative.


F1 score

Note that we use the cross-validation set to choose parameter ϵ

Anomaly Detection vs. Supervised

When do we use anomaly detection and when do we use supervised learning?

Use anomaly detection when...

We have a very small number of positive examples (y=1 ... 0-20 examples is
common) and a large number of negative (y=0) examples.

We have many different "types" of anomalies and it is hard for any algorithm to learn
from positive examples what the anomalies look like; future anomalies may look
nothing like any of the anomalous examples we've seen so far.
Use supervised learning when...

We have a large number of both positive and negative examples. In other words,
the training set is more evenly divided into classes.

We have enough positive examples for the algorithm to get a sense of what new
positives examples look like. The future positive examples are likely similar to the
ones in the training set.

Choosing What Features to Use

The features will greatly affect how well your anomaly detection algorithm works.

We can check that our features are gaussian by plotting a histogram of our data
and checking for the bell-shaped curve.

Some transforms we can try on an example feature x that does not have the bell-
shaped curve are:



log(x+c) for some constant


We can play with each of these to try and achieve the gaussian shape in our data.

There is an error analysis procedure for anomaly detection that is very similar to
the one in supervised learning.

Our goal is for p(x) to be large for normal examples and small for anomalous

One common problem is when p(x) is similar for both types of examples. In this
case, you need to examine the anomalous examples that are giving high
probability in detail and try to figure out new features that will better distinguish
the data.

In general, choose features that might take on unusually large or small values in
the event of an anomaly.
Multivariate Gaussian Distribution
The multivariate gaussian distribution is an extension of anomaly detection and
may (or may not) catch more anomalies.

Instead of modeling p(x1 ), p(x2 ), … separately, we will model p(x) all in one go.
Our parameters will be: μ ∈ Rn and Σ ∈ Rn×n

p(x; μ, Σ) = exp(−1/2(x − μ)T Σ−1 (x − μ))
(2π)n/2 ∣Σ∣1/2

The important effect is that we can model oblong gaussian contours, allowing us
to better fit data that might not fit into the normal circular contours.

Varying Σ changes the shape, width, and orientation of the contours. Changing μ
will move the center of the distribution.

Check also:

The Multivariate Gaussian Distribution Chuong B. Do, October 10, 2008.

Anomaly Detection using the

Multivariate Gaussian Distribution
When doing anomaly detection with multivariate gaussian distribution, we
compute μ and Σ normally. We then compute p(x) using the new formula in the
previous section and flag an anomaly if p(x) < ϵ.

The original model for p(x) corresponds to a multivariate Gaussian where the
contours of p(x; μ, Σ) are axis-aligned.

The multivariate Gaussian model can automatically capture correlations between

different features of x.
However, the original model maintains some advantages: it is computationally
cheaper (no matrix to invert, which is costly for large number of features) and it
performs well even with small training set size (in multivariate Gaussian model, it
should be greater than the number of features for Σ to be invertible).

ML:Recommender Systems

Problem Formulation
Recommendation is currently a very popular application of machine learning.

Say we are trying to recommend movies to customers. We can use the following

nu = number of users
nm = number of movies
r(i, j) = 1 if user j has rated movie i
y(i, j) = rating given by user j to movie i (defined only if r(i,j)=1)

Content Based Recommendations

We can introduce two features, x1 and x2 which represents how much romance
or how much action a movie may have (on a scale of 0−1).

One approach is that we could do linear regression for every single user. For each
user j, learn a parameter θ (j) ∈ R3 . Predict user j as rating movie i with
(θ(j) )T x(i) stars.

θ(j) = parameter vector for user j

x(i) = feature vector for movie i

For user j, movie i, predicted rating: (θ (j) )T (x(i) )

m(j) = number of movies rated by user j

To learn θ (j) , we do the following

243 n
1 λ
∑ ((θ ) (x ) − y ) + ∑(θk )2
(j) T (i) (i,j) 2 (j)
minθ(j) =
2 2 k=1

This is our familiar linear regression. The base of the first summation is choosing
all i such that r(i, j) = 1.

To get the parameters for all our users, we do the following:

n n n
1 u λ u
= ∑ ∑ ((θ ) (x ) − y ) + ∑ ∑(θk )2
(j) T (i) (i,j) 2 (j)
minθ(1) ,…,θ(nu )
2 j=1 2 j=1
i:r(i,j)=1 k=1

We can apply our linear regression gradient descent update using the above cost

The only real difference is that we eliminate the constant .

Collaborative Filtering
It can be very difficult to find features such as "amount of romance" or "amount of
action" in a movie. To figure this out, we can use feature finders.

We can let the users tell us how much they like the different genres, providing
their parameter vector immediately for us.

To infer the features from given parameters, we use the squared error function
with regularization over all the users:

n n n
1 m λ m
minx(1) ,…,x(nm ) ∑ ∑ ((θ ) x − y ) + ∑ ∑(xk )2
(j) T (i) (i,j) 2 (i)
2 2
i=1 j:r(i,j)=1 i=1 k=1

You can also randomly guess the values for theta to guess the features
repeatedly. You will actually converge to a good set of features.

Collaborative Filtering Algorithm

To speed things up, we can simultaneously minimize our features and our
244 n n
1 λ m
∑ ) + ∑ ∑(xk )2 +
(j) T (i) (i,j) 2 (i)
J(x, θ) = ((θ ) x −y
2 2 i=1
(i,j):r(i,j)=1 k=1
nu n
∑ ∑(θk(j) )2
2 j=1

It looks very complicated, but we've only combined the cost function for theta and
the cost function for x.

Because the algorithm can learn them itself, the bias units where x0=1 have been
removed, therefore x∈ℝn and θ∈ℝn.

These are the steps in the algorithm:

1. Initialize x(i) , ..., x(nm ) , θ (1) , ..., θ (nu ) to small random values. This serves to
break symmetry and ensures that the algorithm learns features x(i) , ..., x(nm ) that
are different from each other.

2. Minimize J(x(i) , ..., x(nm ) , θ (1) , ..., θ (nu ) ) using gradient descent (or an advanced
optimization algorithm).E.g. for every j = 1, ..., nu , i = 1, ...nm :x(i) := x(i) −
⎛ ⎞ (j)
k k

α ⎜ ∑ ((θ(j) )T x(i) − y (i,j) )θk(j) + λx(i)

k ⎟ k
θ := θk(j) −
⎝j:r(i,j)=1 ⎠
⎛ ⎞
α ⎜ ∑ ((θ(j) )T x(i) − y (i,j) )xk + λθk ⎟
(i) (j)

⎝ i:r(i,j)=1 ⎠

3. For a user with parameters θ and a movie with (learned) features x, predict a star
rating of θ T x.

Vectorization: Low Rank Matrix

Given matrices X (each row containing features of a particular movie) and Θ (each
row containing the weights for those features for a given user), then the full matrix
Y of all predicted ratings of all movies by all users is given simply by: Y = XΘT .

Predicting how similar two movies i and j are can be done using the distance
between their respective feature vectors x. Specifically, we are looking for a small
value of ∣∣x(i) − x(j) ∣∣.
Implementation Detail: Mean
If the ranking system for movies is used from the previous lectures, then new
users (who have watched no movies), will be assigned new movies incorrectly.
Specifically, they will be assigned θ with all components equal to zero due to the
minimization of the regularization term. That is, we assume that the new user will
rank all movies 0, which does not seem intuitively correct.

We rectify this problem by normalizing the data relative to the mean. First, we use
a matrix Y to store the data from previous ratings, where the ith row of Y is the
ratings for the ith movie and the jth column corresponds to the ratings for the jth

We can now define a vector

μ = [μ1 , μ2 , … , μnm ]

such that

∑j:r(i,j)=1 Yi,j
μi = ∑j r(i,j)

Which is effectively the mean of the previous ratings for the ith movie (where only
movies that have been watched by users are counted). We now can normalize the
data by subtracting u, the mean rating, from the actual ratings for each user
(column in matrix Y):

As an example, consider the following matrix Y and mean ratings μ:

5 5 0 0 2.5
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
4 ? ? 0 2
Y = ⎢ ⎥, μ = ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
0 0 5 4 2.25
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
0 0 5 0 1.25

The resulting Y′ vector is:

2.5 2.5 −2.5 −2.5

⎡ ⎤
′ 2 ? ? −2
Y = ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
−.2.25 −2.25 3.75 1.25
⎣ ⎦
−1.25 −1.25 3.75 −1.25
Now we must slightly modify the linear regression prediction to include the mean
normalization term:

(θ(j) )T x(i) + μi

Now, for a new user, the initial predicted values will be equal to the μ term instead
of simply being initialized to zero, which is more accurate.



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Week 10 Lecture Notes

Learning with Large Datasets

We mainly benefit from a very large dataset when our algorithm has high
variance when m is small. Recall that if our algorithm has high bias, more
data will not have any benefit.

Datasets can often approach such sizes as m = 100,000,000. In this case,

our gradient descent step will have to make a summation over all one
hundred million examples. We will want to try to avoid this -- the
approaches for doing so are described below.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

Stochastic gradient descent is an alternative to classic (or batch) gradient
descent and is more efficient and scalable to large data sets.

Stochastic gradient descent is written out in a different but similar way:

cost(θ, (x(i) , y (i) )) = (hθ (x(i) ) − y (i) )2

The only difference in the above cost function is the elimination of the m
constant within .
Jtrain (θ) = ∑ cost(θ, (x(i) , y (i) ))
Jtrain is now just the average of the cost applied to all of our training

The algorithm is as follows

1. Randomly 'shuffle' the dataset

2. For i = 1…m

Θj := Θj − α(hΘ (x(i) ) − y (i) ) ⋅ xj

This algorithm will only try to fit one training example at a time. This way we
can make progress in gradient descent without having to scan all m training
examples first. Stochastic gradient descent will be unlikely to converge at
the global minimum and will instead wander around it randomly, but
usually yields a result that is close enough. Stochastic gradient descent will
usually take 1-10 passes through your data set to get near the global

Mini-Batch Gradient Descent

Mini-batch gradient descent can sometimes be even faster than stochastic
gradient descent. Instead of using all m examples as in batch gradient
descent, and instead of using only 1 example as in stochastic gradient
descent, we will use some in-between number of examples b.

Typical values for b range from 2-100 or so.

For example, with b=10 and m=1000:


For i = 1, 11, 21, 31, … , 991

θj := θj − α ∑(hθ (x(k) ) − y (k) )xj
10 k=i
We're simply summing over ten examples at a time. The advantage of
computing more than one example at a time is that we can use vectorized
implementations over the b examples.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

How do we choose the learning rate α for stochastic gradient descent? Also,
how do we debug stochastic gradient descent to make sure it is getting as
close as possible to the global optimum?

One strategy is to plot the average cost of the hypothesis applied to every
1000 or so training examples. We can compute and save these costs during
the gradient descent iterations.

With a smaller learning rate, it is possible that you may get a slightly better
solution with stochastic gradient descent. That is because stochastic
gradient descent will oscillate and jump around the global minimum, and it
will make smaller random jumps with a smaller learning rate.

If you increase the number of examples you average over to plot the
performance of your algorithm, the plot's line will become smoother.

With a very small number of examples for the average, the line will be too
noisy and it will be difficult to find the trend.

One strategy for trying to actually converge at the global minimum is to

slowly decrease α over time. For example α =
iterationN umber + const2

However, this is not often done because people don't want to have to fiddle
with even more parameters.

Online Learning
With a continuous stream of users to a website, we can run an endless loop
that gets (x,y), where we collect some user actions for the features in x to
predict some behavior y.

You can update θ for each individual (x,y) pair as you collect them. This way,
you can adapt to new pools of users, since you are continuously updating

Map Reduce and Data Parallelism

We can divide up batch gradient descent and dispatch the cost function for
a subset of the data to many different machines so that we can train our
algorithm in parallel.

You can split your training set into z subsets corresponding to the number
of machines you have. On each of those machines calculate
∑(hθ (x(i) ) − y (i) ) ⋅ xj , where we've split the data starting at p and

ending at q.

MapReduce will take all these dispatched (or 'mapped') jobs and 'reduce'
them by calculating:

Θj := Θj − α (temp(1) (2) (z)
j + tempj + ⋯ + tempj )

For all j = 0, … , n.

This is simply taking the computed cost from all the machines, calculating
their average, multiplying by the learning rate, and updating theta.

Your learning algorithm is MapReduceable if it can be expressed as

computing sums of functions over the training set. Linear regression and
logistic regression are easily parallelizable.

For neural networks, you can compute forward propagation and back
propagation on subsets of your data on many machines. Those machines
can report their derivatives back to a 'master' server that will combine

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