Changemakers - Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenyadesk - 2015-10-14 PDF
Changemakers - Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenyadesk - 2015-10-14 PDF
Changemakers - Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenyadesk - 2015-10-14 PDF
Year Founded:
Organization type:
nonprofit/ngo/citizen sector
Project Stage:
$10,000 - $50,000
Youth development
Disability rights
Project Summary
Elevator Pitch
Concise Summary: Help us pitch this solution! Provide an explanation within 3-4 short sentences.
Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya (DESK) narrows the gap between skilled Deaf people and employment opportunities in Kenya by enabling
qualified Deaf individuals to gain work experience and find employment relevant to their skills through matching and mentoring.
WHAT IF - Inspiration: Write one sentence that describes a way that your project dares to ask, "WHAT IF?"
What if Kenya Employers could make the necessary adjustments to accommodate the needs of Deaf people in workplace?
About Project
Disability Survey 2007 indicates there are 600,000 Deaf people in Kenya. As some of the most marginalized people in communities, their
biggest challenge is a lack of access to education, training or employment. As a result their economic well being and livelihood are greatly
impacted. However there are a small number (10%) of deaf people who have gained qualifications or are in training now. Yet, obtaining
employment is still a challenge
DESK links qualified Deaf individuals to employers for work placements and/or employment opportunities. DESK raises awareness on skills
and capabilities of Deaf people in Kenya.DESK notes many jobs in Kenya are a result of work placements or personal connections, thus
disadvantaging Deaf people who experience discrimination and do not have these connections-DESK therefore works alongside Kenya
employers to raise greater awareness on disability so that employers' recruitment policies incorporate changes in order to employ Deaf people.
DESK also focuses on lobbying National and County governments to include Deaf people in employment programmes, as well as creating a
more favorable environment for companies to employ qualified Deaf people.
The Nippon Foundation World Deaf Leadership(Japan) Philips Livable Cities Award Finalist( Netherlands), Be The Change Competition Finalist
Award- Peace Child International(Turkey)
Example: Walk us through a specific example(s) of how this solution makes a difference; include its primary activities.
Njeri ,27, graduated with a degree in accounting. Unemployed and living with her mother in Embu, she was so frustrated with her situation. Like
many Kenya Deaf youth, she was unable to find a job, citing companies won’t consider her application not because she lacks the qualification, but
merely because she has a hearing impairment. She joined DESK. Through DESK’s support, she received access to work placement. With job
experience, within 6 months she was able to secure a job as an Accountant with a Company. This job has led to her economic empowerment. As a
role model, Njeri mentors other Deaf youth, encouraging them to work hard, stay motivated and hope for a better future, as well as encouraging
other employers to join the scheme.
Impact: What is the impact of the work to date? Also describe the projected future impact for the coming years.
DESK has been legally registered as a not-for-profit entity in 2013. Over 15 employers have received disability equality and knowledge on the skills
and capabilities of Deaf people in Embu County. Over 5 employers have committed to recruiting Deaf youth. DESK has created awareness of
disability and employment with 7 Government Departments. DESK has gathered information on 73 deaf youth with a qualification to be employed
and created more than 10 jobs in Embu County. This job experience instills confidence and offers Deaf youth hope for a future of economic
empowerment. DESK aims to scale to 21 Counties throughout Kenya, gathering information of qualified Deaf individuals to inform advocacy and
enable matching of Deaf people with placements/employment opportunities, creating over 1000 jobs and training over 500 employers on equality,
skills and capabilities of Deaf people by 2022.
Spread Strategies: Moving forward, what are the main strategies for scaling impact?
DESK plans to carry out a countywide research to map qualified Deaf persons searching for employment. We plan to develop stronger partnerships
with employers and training providers and thus facilitate the matching of qualified individuals with work placements and employment opportunities.
We also plan to carry out advocacy with Kenya employers, including the National and County governments, to commit to having a quota of Deaf
people on the staff in meaningful roles. Every year we anticipate to aide over 200 qualified Deaf individuals to successfully progress into work
placements /employment
Financial Sustainability Plan: What is this solution’s plan to ensure financial sustainability?
DESK annually charges membership fees from members. DESK runs some entertaining events at a fee. And members of the public pay to
participate in the events. DESK has sign a sustainable training program that trains the public on sign language skills and students pay tuition fees
to take classes. A portion of the revenue is invested into DESK to sustain its current activities. Additional sources being pursued are grants and
Marketplace: Who else is addressing the problem outlined here? How does the proposed project differ from these
Handicap International, for example, has focused on skills training and access to micro-finance but does not engage with training institutions and
employers to develop relationships. The Government approach is led by Labor Ministry and is tasked at linking training institutions with employers
but is currently under-resourced and lacks both disability expertise and an accessible office. Working with DESK, employers increase their
understanding of hiring deaf persons. DESK advocates for greater inclusion of Deaf youth in employment programmes while developing direct
relationships with employers
Founding Story
After a lifetime of overcoming challenge after challenge as a deaf person in Kenya, I witnessed firsthand the blind eye that the public and private
sector has for the Kenya deaf population. After leading a campaign on 9/5/12, it became clear that neither sector knew how to address this need
because their response was that deaf people were not qualified and nothing progressed. It took me a few months to figure out what the gap was
and how I could fill it. After much consultation and reflection, Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya was born.
DESK has a dedicated team of four staff: three full timers and one who will give 80% of their time to the project. Jacob Mwanik, the Chief
Executive Officer. He holds BA and MA degrees in International Development. He is the mind behind this initiative and he’s a long track record in
area of deafness and development. He won awards from the Nippon Foundation, Philips Livable Cities Awards, and Peace Child International. As
the CEO, he’s devoted 100% of the time to the organization. He has overall responsibility for the organization and manages the day-to-day running
of DESK and staff– he reports directly to Board of directors. Michael Simon, Project Officer. He holds a BA degree in special education and holds
skills in disability and project management. He’s devoted 100% of the time to the organization. He works with relevant stakeholders such as
employers, training institutions and Deaf youth – enrolling participants in the programme, giving training, matching and mentoring. Paul Murugi, the
Finance Officer. She holds Bachelor of commerce (finance and accounting). She has rich experience and skills in finance and accounting. She’s
devoted 100% of the time to the organization. She has responsibility for the organization’s finances – budget monitoring, income and expenditure
and financial reporting. Joy Mugambi, the Outreach Officer. She holds excellent outreach, deafness and development record. She’s devoted 80%
of the time to the organization. She supports the organization with correspondence, running events, developing outreach materials, producing