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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government
DILG Agham Road, Barangay Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Telefax Number: (02) 426 - 4399
Email: [email protected]

18 AUGUST 2020

NUMBER 2020-026




This Circular shall apply to the Placement of all Fire Commissioned Officer in
the Bureau of Fire Protection.


a. To provide equitable, valid standards and methods of evaluating the

competence and qualifications in the placement and promotion of officers in
the BFP;

b. To promote equal access and opportunity for professional growth and

career advancement for all qualified and competent officers and personnel
regardless of gender and affiliation;

c. To promote transparency and accountability, and upholding the integrity of

such human resource actions, with end view of enhancing professionalism
and organizational effectiveness In the BFP.

d. To prescribe criteria based on merit and fitness and adopt a standard

procedure in evaluating the qualifications of candidates for reassignment,
designation and promotion to a certain position in the BFP and detail
consistent with the provisions of Republic Act No. 9263 as amended by
Republic Act No. 9592.

e. To establish reasonable and valid measures of assessing the

competencies and qualifications of ail candidates competing for a particular

f. To make BFP Officers well-rounded in the diverse functions of the agency

through harmonious rotation to prescribed positions and geographical duty

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a. 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions

(revised July 2018);

b. Republic Act No. 9263, “Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Professionalization Act of 2004” and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR);

c. Republic Act No. 6975 otherwise known as DILG Act of 1990 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations.

d. Civil Service Commission (CSC) Resolution no. 1600794 dated 14 July

2016 “Amendment of the Eligibility Requirement for Fire Senior
Superintendent Rank: Bureau of Fire Protection”:

e. DILG Circular No. 2018-29 dated 09 November 2018, re: Amendment to

Circular No. 2018-18, re: Delegation of Authority - Interior Sector;

f. DILG Circular No. 2011-09 dated 21 June 2011, re: General Guidelines in
the Reassignment/Designation/Detail of Personnel in the Bureau of Fire
Protection and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology: and

g. BFP Memorandum Circular No. 2019-019 dated 11 September 2019, re:

Revised Bureau of Fire Protection Career Progression Policy.


For the purpose of this Memorandum Circular, the following terms are hereby

a. Acting Capacity - entails not only the exercise of the ministerial functions
attached to the position but also the exercise of discretion since the person
designated is deemed to be the incumbent of the position.

b. Administrative Positions — involves purely clerical, staff and managerial

functions. It includes assignment to the Office of the Provincial Fire
Marshal, Office of the Regional Director, National Headquarters, and other
support units.

c. Awards & Commendation - medals/ letters/ certificates recognition of

exemplary accomplishments received while in the performance of duty in
the present rank.

d. Candidate - any qualified BFP personnel considered, recommended, and

endorsed for a certain reassignment, designation and detail.


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e. Career Ladder - Refers to the progression of positions in the BFP based
on the degree of authority and responsibility, prescribing the exclusive and
entry positions per rank and preparatory positions to a higher rank.

f. Commissionship- refers to the conferment of rank upon entry into the fire
service as Commissioned Officer reckoned by the year of actual
appointment as officer. For Lateral transfers into the BFP coming from
other uniformed services/agencies, the date of offtcership shall be based on
the date of entry/appointment in the BFP and not on the date of
appointment from the previous institution/line of service prior to joining the

g. Component Cities (CC) - cities which do not meet the requirements set
forth for Highly Urbanized and independent Component Cities, in which
they are geographically located.

h. Designation — is an imposition of duties and responsibilities to be

performed by a public official which is temporary in nature and can be
terminated anytime by the appointing authority.

i. Detail - temporary movement of an employee from one unit/service to

another within the BFP which does not involve a reduction in rank, status or
salary for a specific period of time.

J. Entry Positions - refers to positions that may be occupied by officers

holding one (1) rank lower than the prescribed rank for the said position.

k. Exclusive Positions - refers to positions that can only be occupied by

officers holding the rank prescribed for the said position.

l. Fire Commissioned Officer (FCO}~ refers to the BFP Uniformed

Personnel with the rank of Inspector to Director or as may be determined
by existing laws.

m. Field Positions - positions performing the one of the mandates of the

agency, i.e fire suppression, emergency medical and rescue services, fire
safety inspection, fire arson investigation and fire prevention campaign. It
includes assignment to fire stations, and other operating units. Assignment
to training units, such as: NFTI, PNPA, PPSC, etc. shall be considered field

n. Fitness - refers to the appropriateness or suitability of an officer to occupy

a particular position, as determined from an established set of criteria.

o. Geographical Duty Assignment- refers to the location and/or nature of

I unit assignment of personnel which will be used as one of the basis for
evaluation of the well-roundedness of an officer. Geographical duty
assignments shall be classified within the three major island group of the

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country, namely, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao as to urban or rural,
national, regional provincial and/or local.

p. Highly Urbanized Cities (HUC) - Cities with a minimum population of two

hundred thousand (200,000) inhabitants, as certified by the Philippine
Statics Authority, and with the latest annual income of at least Fifty Million
Pesos (P50,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant prices, as certified by the
city treasurer.

q. Independent Component Cities (ICC) - cities whose charters prohibit their

voters from voting for provincial elective officials. Independent component
cities shall be independent of the province.

r. Key Positions in the BFP - refer to positions of major responsibility over

an office or unit. The key positions in the BFP under Republic Act No. 9263
are as follows;

Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection

Deputy Chief for Administration
Deputy Chief for Operations
iv. Chief Directorial Staff
V. Directors of the Directorates
vi. Regional Directors
vii. Provincial/District Fire Director
viii. City Fire Director, High urbanized cities
ix. City/Municipal Fire Marshal
X. Other similar positions that maybe activated and/or created in the
future in consonance with the proposed reorganization of the BFP.

s. Line Officers - classification of officers performing the mandates of the

agency, i.e fire suppression, emergency medical and rescue services, fire
safety inspection, fire arson investigation, fire prevention campaign and
related administrative work. For purpose of determining their respective
competencies vis-a-vis selection and placement, line officers may be
classified as either Command Line Officers or Staff Line Officers.

1) Command Line - line officers who have held or are qualified to

hold key positions in the BFP because of their command,
leadership and managerial competence, well-rounded experience
in administrative and field duty and diversified geographical

2) Staff Line - line officers who have specialized in a particular fire

suppression skill or functional field, e.g. administration
(personnel/human resource management/ptanning), investigation
and intelligence, logistics, finance, fire prevention campaign, etc.,
or those who have spent most of their active service as staff
officer or in administrative assignments.

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t. List of Eligible - refers to the roster of officers who meet the mandatory
requirements set for a particular position consistent the approved BFP
qualification standards.

u. Mandatory Requirement - refers to the qualifications that an officer must

possess in order to be considered for promotion and/or placement to key
position and other positions of responsibility.

V. Merit - shall mean demonstrated superiority in capability (skills and

experience) accomplishments, service reputation, competence, and core
values manifested in FORs’ individual fire service. It shall also mean
excellence in the performance of duty (for line officer) or technical expertise
in their respective fields for (technical service officers).

w. Officer-in-Charge (OiC) - enjoy limited powers which are confined to

functions of administration and ensuring that the office continues its usual
activities. The OIC may not be deemed to possess the power to exercise of
discretion which is beyond the power of an OIC, unless the designation
order issued by the proper appointing officer/authority expressly includes
the power to involve exercise of discretion.

x. Other Positions of Responsibility - refers to positions of importance

other than the key positions in the BFP, such as but not limited to Chief of
the Support Units under the Command Group, Division Chiefs of the
Directorial Staff, Command Group of Regional Office, Regional Division
Chiefs, Chiefs of Offices.

y. Performance Rating - the work output on a position/designation held for

two (2) rating periods immediately preceding the application for promotion.

z. Personnel Placement Board (PPB) - a board created at all levels who

shall deliberate and recommend the propose placement to position of
officers to the appointing authority. It shall be composed of the following;

National Headquarters

1. Senior Officers Personnel Placement Board (SSUPT-CSUPT) -

refers to the group of officers authorized to deliberate and recommends
placement to key positions.

Chairperson: Deputy Chief for Administration

Vice-Chairperson: Deputy Chief for Operations
Chief Directorial Staff
Director for Personnel
Director for Operations
Director for Intelligence and Investigation
Director for Plans

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Director for Law Enforcement and Community
Director for Comptrollership
Director for Logistics
Head Secretariat: Chief, Human Resource Management Division
Member: Personnel Placement Section

2. NHQ Junior Officers Personnel Placement Board (Insp-Supt) -

refers to the group of officers authorized to deliberate and recommends
placement to positions in the NHQ that requires ranks of Inspector to

Chairperson: Chief Directorial Staff

Vice-Chairperson: Directorate for Personnel
Member: Director/s of concerned Directorates
Chief, Headquarters Support Service
Division Chiefs of the Director for personnel
Secretariat: Personnel Placement Section

Regional Office

3. Regional Personnel Placement Board - refer to the group of officers

authorized to deliberate and recommends placement to key positions in
its jurisdiction.

Chairperson: Deputy Regional Director for Administration

Vice-Chairperson: Deputy Regional Director for Operations

Member: Regional Chief of Staff

Chief, Administrative Division
One (1) Division Chief

Secretariat: Chief, Human Resource Management Section

Provincial Offices/District Office of NCR

4. Provincial/District Personnel Placement Board - refer to the group of

officers authorized to deliberate and recommends the placement of
officers under its jurisdiction.

Chairperson: Deputy Provincial/District Director

Member: Three (3) Fire Commissioned Officers
assigned within the Province/District involved

Secretariat: Administrative Branch/Unit of the Provincial


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aa. Placement - refers to the selection and designation of an officer to a key
position or other positions of responsibility.

bb. Promotion - is the advancement of an officer from the current rank to the
next higher rank with an increase in duties and responsibilities as
authorized by law and usually accompanied with an increase in the salary.

cc. Zone of Consideration - refers to the group of FCOs who are occupying
positions in the Table of Organization (entry position) and considered for
promotion prescribed in this circular as initially evaluated by the proper

dd.Quaiification Standards (QS) - minimum requirements for any position

expressed in terms of education, training, work experience and appropriate
eligibility set forth by the CSC.

ee. Reass/gn/nenf - movement of an employee across the organizational

structure within in the same department or agency, which does not involve
a reduction in rank, status or salary.

ff. Senior Officers - Commissioned Officers with the rank of Fire Senior
Superintendent up to Director.

gg.Se/i/oriiy Lineal List - refers to the hierarchical listing by rank of all

uniformed personnel based on the dates of promotions, appointments, and
other established parameters.

hh. Staff Duty - Refers to the assignment to a position where the FCO
provides advice and perform tasks relating to personnel management, fire
safety, intelligence, investigation, operations, logistics, training and the like.

ii. Table of Organization (TO) Positions - refers to positions requiring a

particular rank as required by the latest Organizational Structure.

jj. Technical Service Officers - classification of officers who were originally

absorbed to the BFP, either directly or through lateral entry, by virtue of
their specialized and technical qualification as Doctor of Medicine,
Members of the Philippine Bar and Chaplain. Fire Commissioned Officers
who possess or may acquire the same highly specialized and technical
skills but originally commissioned in the regular corps of officers shall be
considered as line officers.

kk. Third Level Positions - refers to the positions requiring a designation of a

Senior Officer.

I. Time-ln-Position — the accumulated number of time in the present


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mm. Training - refers to the mandatory training requirement appropriate to
the rank of the BFP personnel. It is a process which intends to establish
and improve the capabilities of fire ofHcers/personnel in their respective


In addition to the basic qualification standards and other requirements set

forth by laws, rules and regulation and other relevant CSC guidelines, this placement
system shall be governed by the following principles and standards.

i. Rank Structure

Placement and Promotion of FCO shall be based on the approved Rank

Structure and Authorized Strength (Annex A) of the BFP and the approved
delegation of authority (Annex B).

FCO shall only be assigned/designated to the exclusive and entry positions

as indicated in Table of Organization (annex C).

All BFP officers with the rank of Chief Superintendents shall be assigned at
the National Headquarters (NHQ) to compose the Command Group and
Directors of Directorates, Director of Health and Legal Service and
Regional Director of BFP NCR.

The deployment of FCO shall be based on the operational necessity of the

agency. All FCO of the BFP can be assigned and deployed to units and
offices where their service and/or technical expertise are highly needed.

ii. Job Rotation

Each BFP officer shall go through the assignment rotation in command and
staff duties in different field positions and training duties including exposure
to a variety of field positions, provincial, regional and national headquarters
experiences to enhance his/her competence to serve the bureau.

FCO shall serve at least six (6) months and at most two (2) years in a
particular position except for technical position and in cases where
exigency oHhe service so requires otherwise.

Key Officers must serve in a particular office/unit/station for not more than
two (2) consecutive years, after which they shall be reassigned to other
office/unit/station. However, respective designating authorities may
reassign or transfer them to other office/unit/station any time in the
exigency of the service and/or for any valid cause.

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III. Promotion by Vacancy in Position and Rank

All promotion of FCO shall be for the reason of vacancy in position and not
merely due to vacancy in rank. No officer shall be promoted to any position
unless he is holding a position (Entry position) requiring such ranks.

iv. Placement as requirement prior to promotion.

FCO shall apply and occupy an entry position and shall hold the position as
Officer-in-Charge/Acting Capacity for at least six months prior to his/her
application to the next higher rank that correspond the rank of position

FCO who applied for promotion shall not be relieved from his present
position until he/she has been promoted, unless relieved for a cause.
Othenwise the FCO shall no longer be eligible for promotion as the FCO is
not holding position commensurate to the rank applied for once promoted.

After promotion, such promoted FCO occupying the position shall not be
relieved and serve a minimum period of one (1) year in full capacity before
they can request for reassignment to other position commensurate to their

V. Fairness and Equality

All FCO shall be given equal opportunity to hold positions provided they are
competent and qualified. There shall be a considerable balance between
competencies and seniority. Candidate for placement must neither be too
junior nor too senior (overqualified) for a particular position. While the BFP
culture considers seniority as an important criterion in the selection and
placement of officers, the qualifications and competencies of candidates
shall be taken into account with at least equal, if not, more importance.

vi. Newly Appointed Fire Office in Ranks

The newly appointed FCO thru lateral entry shall be required to have a
mandatory field experience of at least six (6) months to BFP fire stations
after the completion of the mandatory orientation training.

Upon completion of the mandatory orientation training and field duty

experience of the newly appointed FCO thru lateral entry, except for
technical service officer where their specialization is needed, shall only be
designated to the following unit assignment/designation for at least one
a. Station/Sub-station Commander;
b. Admin Officer (NHQ, Regional Office, Provincial/District Office);
c. Aide-de-Camp (Directors of Directorates/Regional Directors with the
rank of CSUPT);
d. Section/Branch Chiefs of Provincial/District/City/Municipal Stations
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vii. Concurrent Designation

tn case that the present qualified ranks are not sufficient to fill the required
exclusive and entry positions, the Personnel Placement Board (PPB) may
conduct evaluation and subsequent selection among the most eligible
officers to hold such positions in concurrent capacity: provided that the PPB
justifies said insufficiency, placing paramount consideration on the required
experience, education, training and eligibility, pursuant to the Qualification
Standards approved by the Civil Service Commission.

Hence, there shall be no concurrent designation for Officers holding key


viii. Technical Service

FCO who were originally absorbed as Technical Service Officers (TSO)

shall be designated to their career path in the technical service as indicated
in their original appointment. However, TSO may be designated to staff
duty function where their expertise is needed.

Lawyers, Medical Doctors and Chaplains appointed directly as Senior

Inspector by virtue of their special competency shall be assigned
exclusively to technical Service unit.

IX. Detail Service of Line Officer and Technical Service Officer within the

In case of vacancy and lack of qualified technical service officers, the Chief,
BFP, thru PPB, may designate a qualified line officer as acting capacity. In
the same manner, the technical service officers may be designated to a
command function of line officers as acting capacity both considered as
detail service within the BFP.

Detail service of both officers shall be valid for a minimum period of six (6)
months and up to a period of only one (1) year for officers without consent
of the officer involved and a maximum of three (3) years for officers with
consent of the involved officer renewable every six (6) months.

Extension or renewal of the detail shall be discretionary on the part of the

Chief, BFP.

One-Year-before-Retirement Rule

Key Officers, who are due for compulsory retirement within a year before
his /her retirement date, is given preferential assignments specifically in
areas near their hometown or home region commensurate to their ranks.

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xi. Tour of duty

In order for all officers to have an opportunity of pursuing a balanced and

well-rounded career in the BFP through a system of assignments and job
rotations and give opportunity to an increasing number of qualified officers
may hold the following key positions and other office of responsibility for a
maximum of cumulative period as indicated below. Hence, except for the
Chief, BFP, Deputy Chiefs for Administration and Operation and Chief
Directorial Staff, whose designation shall be made by the President, may
serve in a particular office/unit/statlon for not more than two (2) consecutive
years be reassigned to a staff position for a minimum period of six (6)
months before he can/she(6ar^be designated to another position indicated

Position Maximum Cumulative Period

Chief, BFP four (4) years
DCA/DCO/CDS four (4) years
Directors of Directorates four (4) years
Regional Directors six (6) years
Deputy Regional Directors for six (6) years
Deputy Regional Directors for six (6) years
Regional Chief of Staff six (6) years
Provincial/District Fire Marshal six (6) years
City Director/City Fire Marshal Six (6) years
Municipal Fire Marshal eight (8) years

Designation as OIC/Acting capacity shall form part of the cumulative

period/TIP on the above mentioned positions.

xii. Additional Mandatory Work Experience for Key Positions

To promote equal access and opportunity for professional growth and

career advancement for all qualified and competent officers and personnel
regardless of gender and affiliation, besides the minimum qualification
standards, the candidates of the following positions must possess the
mandatory requirement and qualifications indicated:

1. Directors of Directorates:

a. Minimum one cumulative year as Regional Director

2. Regional Directors:

a. Minimum one cumulative year as Deputy Director of the

Directorates at the National Headquarters or District/Provincial
Fire Marshal; and

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b. Minimum one cumulative year as Deputy Regional Director for
Administration or Operations.

3. District Fire Marshal, NCR and Deputy Director of Directorial Staff:

a. Minimum one cumulative year as Provincial Fire Marshal; and

b. Minimum one cumulative year as Division Chief of National
Headquarters/Regional Office.

4. Deputy Regional Director for Administration:

a. Minimum one cumulative year as Deputy Regional Director for


5. Deputy Regional Director for Operation:

a. Minimum one cumulative year as Regional Chief of Staff

6. Regional Chief of Staff:

a. Minimum of one cumulative year as Provincial FireMarshal/


7. District/Provincial Fire Marshal/Director:

a. Minimum one cumulative year as City/Municipal Fire Marshal;

b. Minimum of one cumulative year as Division Chief or Unit Chief
of Support Service of the National Headquarters or Regional

8. City Fire Marshal/City Director of Highly Urbanized Cities:

a. For Highly Urbanized and Independent Component Cities:

i. Minimum of one cumulative year as Division Chief or Unit
Chief of Support Service of National Headquarters or
Regional Office; and
ii. Minimum of one cumulative year as City Fire Marshal of a
Component City; and

b. For Component Cities:

i. Minimum of one cumulative year as Municipal Fire Marshal;

c. Minimum one cumulative year as Section Chief in the National

Headquarters/ Regional Office/ Provincial/District Office.

9. Municipal Fire Marshal:

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a. Minimum one year experience as Station/Sub-station
Commander of a fire stations; or
b. Section Chief/Special Disbursement Officer/Administrative officer
in the National Headquarters/ Regional/Provincial/District office

Affected officers, upon the effectivity of this circular, who are currently
occupying such positions but does not meet nor possess the
abovementioned additional Mandatory Work Experience for Key Positions
shall be relieved subject to the availability of qualified officers. However,
additional mandatory work experience pre-requisite for such key position
shall not be required for officers who are over-ranked to the said pre­
requisite position/designation.

Relieved officers shall be designated to the mandatory work experience

required from his/her previous designation as long as the designation is
commensurate to his/her rank.

xiii. Minimum Qualification

FCO shall possess the required training, education, work experience and
eligibility pursuant to the approved Qualification Standard prescribed by
the Civil Service Commission before they are considered for placement
and promotion.

FCO should be qualified for such position, based on the competency

framework for each designation established by the BFP, to take over the
positions of the respective officers to be relieved or rotated out of the unit
concerned. If designated Commissioned Officer lacks such competency,
such as but not limited to appropriate trainings or schooling, he/she shall
immediately take necessary actions to comply to his/her lacking
competency within six months. If the said Commissioned Officer did
not/cannot comply, he/she shall be immediately relieved and be
transferred to unit/offices where his existing competency fits.


i. Upon vacancy of a specific position, the appropriate authority shall first

designate an officer who will serve as Officer-in-Charge until an applicant
is recommended by the appropriate board and subsequently

n. Concerned PPB shall continuously accept applicants, duly endorsed by

their supervisor thru channel, for placement to T.O position. PPB shall
deliberate all applicants for such position based on the set criteria (Annex
D) prior to its endorsement to proper authority (Annex B) of the issuance of
appropriate order.

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Hence, in the exigency of the service, the PBB may choose and deliberate
from the qualified officer or list of eligible to be placed on a specific
designatfon/position for the purpose of job rotation and provide equal
opportunity to all officers to hold various designation/position if there is no
application submitted.

iii. Applicant shall apply to the proper authority (Annex B) and be endorse to
the concerned PBB for deliberation. Applicants shall submit the following
documentary requirements for deliberation:

a. Personal Data Sheet;

b. Service Record;
c. Awards and commendations; and
d. Latest rating of the Individual Performance Commitment and
Review (IPCR) or Office Performance Commitment and Review

IV. Upon deliberation of the appropriate board, it shall be fonwarded to the

appointing officer for the issuance of appropriate order. Hence, if the
applicant is required for a movement from region to region or region to
national headquarters or vice versa, the approved board resolution shall
be fonwarded to the Director for Personnel (DP), NHQ for the issuance of
appropriate order.

Selected applicant for a specific position, upon approval or confirmation of

the appropriate board resolution, shall be designated as acting capacity
until the applicant will be promoted and have the appropriate rank for the

However, if the applicant was not selected for the positioned applied, said
officer shall be integrated to the list of eligible upon vacancy of the position
applied for or other possible position that will adhere to his/her rank.

VI. The designation of Deputy Chief for Administration, Deputy Chief for
Operations and Chief Directorial Staff shall be recommended by the Chief,
BFP through a BFP NHQ SOPPB Resolution. Said recommendation shall
be submitted to the office of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior
and Local Government for the endorsement to the office of the President.

VII. The recommendation for the designation of NHQ Directors of Directorates

and Regional Directors, and National Fire Training Institute Director shall
be covered by a BFP NHQ SOPPB Resolution. Said recommendation
shall be submitted to the Office of the SILG for confirmation.

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viii. For the designation of Deputy Regional Director for Administration, Deputy
Regional Director for Operations, Regional Chief of Staff, District Fire
Marshal and Provincial Fire Marshal, a Regional Personnel Placement
Board (RPPB) Resolution recommending the reassignment and
designation of BFP Officers should be issued. The approved resolution
shall be fonvarded to the Directorate for Human Resource Development,
BFP NHQ for the preparation of Bureau Order confirming the
reassignment/designation of BFP Officers if found in accordance with the
existing rules and regulations.

ix. Transferred FCO from one unit to another unit shall clear himself/herself
from money and property accountabilities from his/her previous unit and
submit a set of 201 file upon reporting his/her new place of assignment.

X. The Promotion Process shall conform with the approved Merit Selection
Plan (MSP) of the BFP.


All other issuances inconsistent with this Implementing Guidelines are hereby
amended, modified and/or repealed accordingly.


This Implementing Guidelines shall take effect immediately.

DIRECfltpR ^ (DSC)
Chief, BFP

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Rank Structure and Authorized Rank Distribution


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Reassignment/designation/detail of personnel shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the approved delegation of authority, to wit:

On Reassiqnment/Designation:

Chief. BFP SILG President of the
DCA, DCO and CDS SILG through the President of the
recommendation of the Philippines
Chief, BFP through BFP
Personnel Placement

DCA, DCO and CDS in an SILG

Officer-in-Charge Capacity
NHQ Directors of Chief, BFP through BFP SILG (for confirmation)
Directorates NHQ Personnel
Placement Board
NHQ Deputy Directors of NHQ Personnel
Directorates Placement Board Chief, BFP

NHQ Division Chiefs and NHQ Personnel

below (Officers) Placement Board Chief. BFP

Regional Directors Chief, BFP through BFP SILG (for confirmation)

NHQ Personnel
Placement Board
DRDA, DRDO and RCS Regional Director Chief. BFP
through Regional (for confirmation)
Personnel Placement
Provincial/District Director Regional Director Chief, BFP
through Regional (for confirmation)
Personnel Placement
Board SILG (for information)
Municipal/City Fire Marshal Provincial/District Fire Regional Director
Marshal through (for confirmation)
Personnel Placement

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City/Municipal Fire Station City/Municipal Fire Provincial/District Fire
Head/Chief of offices Marshal Marshal
Cc: Regional Office
Transfer/Reassignment of Provincial/District Director
personnel from Cc: Regional Office
City/Municipal to another
within the same
City/Municipal Fire Station City/Municipal Fire
personnel except Chief of Marshal


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Itemized Table of Organization of Fire Commissioned Officers.

The following are the authorized ranks and positions herein listed
according to the degree of importance:


Chief, BFP (1)


Line Officers

Exclusive Positions

a) Deputy Chief for Administration (1)

b) Deputy Chief for Operations (1)
c) Chief Directorial Staff (1)

Entry Positions

d) Directors of Directorates (7)

e) Regional Director, National Capital Region (1)

Technical Support Officers

f) Director, Health Service, BFP NHQ (1)

g) Director, Legal Service, BFP NHQ (1)


Line Officers

Exclusive Positions

a) Regional Director (except NCR) (16)

b) Director, NFTI (1)
c) Deputy Regional Director for Administration, NCR (1)
d) Deputy Regional Director for Operations, NCR (1)

Entry Positions

e) Deputy Directors of Directorates, BFP-NHQ (7)

f) Chief, Training Service, BFP NHQ (1)
g) Chief, Fire Investigation Group, BFP NHQ (1)
h) Chief, Fire Safety and Enforcement Group, BFP NHQ (1)
i) Chief, Search and Rescue Force, BFP NHQ (1)
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j) Chief, Fire Laboratory Service, BFP NHQ (1)
a) Chief, Information Technology, Electronics and Communications
Service, BFP NHQ (1)
b) Chief, Public Information Service (1)
c) Chief, Retirement and Benefit Service, BFP NHQ (1)
k) Regional Chief of Staff, NCR (1)
l) Fire District Director (District Fire Marshal), NCR (5)

Technical Service Officers (4)

Entry Positions

a) Chief, Internal Affairs Service, BFP NHQ (1)

b) Chief, Chaplain Service, BFP NHQ (1)
c) Deputy Director, Health Service, BFP NHQ (1)
d) Deputy Director, Legal Service, BFP NHQ (1)


Line Officers

Exclusive Positions

d) Deputy Regional Director for Administration (Except NCR) (16)

e) Deputy Regional Director for Operation (Except NCR) (16)

Entry Positions

f) Regional Chief of Staff (except NCR) (16)

g) Provincial Fire Director (81)
h) City Directors, Highly Urbanized Cities (except Quezon City and
Manila) (29)
i) District Directors (Cebu City, Zamboanga City, Cagayan De Oro
City, Davao City) (4)


j) Chief, Finance Service (1)

k) Chief, Headquarters Support Service (1)
l) Chief, Logistics Support Service (1)
m) Chief, Engineering Service (1)
n) Chief, Legislative Liaison Office BFP NHQ (1)
o) Chief, Internal Audit Service, BFP NHQ (1)
Chief, Foreign Relations Office, BFP NHQ (1)
Deputy Chief, Fire Laboratory Service, BFP NHQ (1)
Secretary to the Chief Directorial Staff, BFP NHQ(1)
c) Executive Assistant of the Chief, BFP (1)

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Technical Service Officer

Entry Position

e) Deputy Chief, Chaplain Service, BFP NHQ (1)

f) Deputy Chief, Internal Affairs Service, BFP NHQ (1)

a) Chief, Legal Service, Regional Offices (17)

b) Chief, Internal Affairs Service, Regional Offices (17)


Entry Positions

Line Officers

a) Deputy Provincial/District Directors

b) City Fire Marshal (Except Highly Urbanized Cities)
c) Division Chiefs (BFP NHQ and Regional Offices)
d) Deputy City Fire Director for Highly Urbanized Cities

Technical Service Officers

e) Chiefs, Chaplain Service, Regional Office (17)

f) Deputy Chiefs, Legal Service, Regional Office (17)
g) Deputy Chiefs, Internal Affairs Service, Regional Offices (17)
h) Deputy Chiefs, Health Service, Regional Offices (17)
c) Chiefs, Hearing Service, Regional Office (17)


Line Officers

Entry Positions

a. Municipal Fire Marshal

b. Deputy City Fire Marshal (Except Highly Urbanized Cities)
c. Section Chiefs (NHQ, Regional Offices)
d. Aide-de-Camp of the Chief, BFP
e. Station Commander of Highly Urbanized Cities

Technical Positions

f. Medical Doctors
g. Legal Officers V
h. Chaplain

21 I P a g c

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Exclusive Positions for Fire Inspectors

a) Admin Officer (NHQ Directorates, Regional Office,

Provincial/District Office)
b) Budget/Finance/Petty Cash Custodian, Command Group and
Directorates NHQ
c) Aide-de-Camp (Directors of Directorates/Regional Directors with the
rank of CSUPT)

Entry Positions

a) Deputy Municipal Fire Marshal

b) Sub-station Commander
c) Section chiefs, Provincial/Dlstrict/City/Municipal Stations

22 I P a g c

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Rating system in evaluating the merit and fitness of officers for

selection and placement shall apply if there are two or more qualified officers
and the same time not occupying same level to such vacant position and to
the following hierarchal key positions:

Deputy Chief for Administration;

I Deputy Chief for Operation;
ii Chief Directorial Staff;
iv. Deputy Regional Director for Administration;
V. Deputy Regional Director for Operation;
vi. Regional Chief of Staff

The following criteria shall be observed:

Criteria Percentage
Work Experience 20%
Performance Rating 20%
Awards, Commendations and 20%
Education and Training 20%
Rank Requirement under R.A No. 9263 10%
and Seniority
Geographical Duty Assignment 10%
TOTAL 100%

a. Work Experience (20%)

This criterion shall manifest the tenure of an officer to operations and

administrative work place. Operations shall mean exposure to fire fighting
operations, emergency medical and rescue services, fire safety inspection
and fire arson investigation and fire prevention campaign. Administrative
shall mean exposure to managerial functions. The highest point for this
category is 20 points which is equivalent to 20%.

Field of Assignment Points

Human Resource Management 2 points
Finance 2 points
Logistics 2 points
Planning 2 points
Other administrative units 2 points ^
23 1 P a g e

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Suppression 2 points
Emergency Medical/Rescue Services 2 points
Fire Safety Inspection and Fire Prevention 2 points
Fire Investigation 2 points
Training Units (tactical Officers/Training Instructors) 2 points
TOTAL 20 points

b. Performance Rating (20%)

The highest possible score (HPS) for performance rating shall be

twenty percent (20%) based on their respective latest Individual/Office
Performance Commitment Review (IPCR/OPCR)

Outstanding Performance Rating

5.00 20%
Very Satisfactory Rating
4.9-4.99 18%
4.8-4.89 16%
4.7-4.79 14%
4.6-4.69 12%
4.5-4.59 10%
4.4-4.49 8%
4.3-4.39 6%
4.2-4.29 4%
4.0-4.19 2%

Note: Outstanding performance rating shall be supported with write­

up duly signed by the superior/rater.

c. Awards, Commendations and Recognition (20%)

1) Medals. Maximum weight of fifteen percent (15%)

Medals Percentage
Kagitingan 6%
Kabayanihan 5%
Natatanging Gawa 4%
Pambihirang Paglllikngkod 4%
Kadakiiaan 4%
Natatanging Asal 3%
Kagalingan 3%
Kasanayan 2%
Katapatan 2%
Papuri 1%
Sugatang Magiting 1%
24 I I’ a u c

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Paqiilinqkod (Loyalty) 1%
Paqtulonq sa Nasalanta 1%

2) Awards/Commendations. The maximum weight of five percent

Issuing Agency Percentage

National and Agency Level Awards/Commendations 2.00%
Departments Undersecretary/Assistant Secretary 1.75%
Chief, BFP 1.50%
Deputy Chief for Administration/Deputy Chief for
Operations/Chief Directorial Staff
Directors of Directorates/Regional Directors 1.00%
City/Municipal Fire Marshal 0.50%
Local Chief Executives 0.50%
Civic/Non-Govemment Organizations 0.50 %

National and Agency Level Awards shall mean or be construed in

the manner defined in Section 5.1 and 5.2 of the BFP Program on
Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (BFP PRAISE),

Note: Only awards and commendations acquired in the present

rank shall be considered.

d. Education and Training (20%)

This criterion determines the educational background and mandatory

trainings an officer acquired based on the competency framework designed
by the BFP for each designation. An officer must possess an educational
required under RA 9263 and mandatory trainings and competencies for
his/her present rank. Without the related education and trainings a
deduction of five percent (5%) is applied. Further, hereunder are the list of
required educational and training background for the following key
positions, to wit:

Key Position Education Training

Member of the Public Safety
Chief, BFP/
Philippine Bar/Master’s Officer Senior
Degree Holder Executive Course
Directors of
Graduate of Bachelor Public Safety
of Laws/Master’s Officer Senior
Degree Holder Executive Course
/Provincial Director/ City

251 P a Si c
Finished at least 2nd
year Bachelor of Laws
Fire Officers
City Fire Marshal or earned at least
Advance Course
twenty-four (24) units
of Master’s Degree
Finished at least 2nd
year Bachelor of Laws
Fire Officers
Municipal Fire Marshal or earned at least
Advance Course
twelve (12) units of
Master’s Degree

e. Seniority (10%)
An officer/candidate with the most senior in terms of time-in-grade
automatically gets 10 percent (10%), while the rest gets one percent (1%)
less for every one full year difference in time-in-grade. In cases wherein
the candidates for placement have the same time-in-grade, the date of
commissionship followed by date of compulsory retirement shall be

f. Geographical Duty Assignment (10%)

A candidate officer shall have a perfect score of ten percent (10%) if

he/she was assigned to the three major island of the country, namely,
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and been designated at the national
headquarters, regional offices, provincial and fire stations, rural and urban
areas since he/she entered the fire service. A deduction of two percent
(2%) shall apply if the officer was never assigned to any offices mentioned

261 P a g e


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