Us Enhancing Digital Fan Engagement

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The future of sports broadcasting:

Enhancing digital fan engagement

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement


Introduction 4
There’s nothing like live sports 5
Your sport, your channel, wherever you are 6
Watching the game with your three (million) friends 7
Broadcast innovations: Path to the future 8
Conclusion 9

The future of sports broadcasting:
Main headingEnhancing
| subhead digital
goes here
fan engagement
lorem ipsum

This article is the second in a series addressing three

individual aspects of fan engagement. The series started
with the stadium experience, it now examines engagement
through over-the-top (OTT) streaming and broadcast media,
and it will wrap up with the year-round fan experience.
The series of articles comprises findings from a Deloitte
survey of more than 15,000 respondents who were asked
about relative importance and level of satisfaction with key
attributes of fan engagement.
The Deloitte survey asked each respondent to self-identify
their level of fandom for each of eight sports/leagues:
For each individual sport/league, fans could self-identify at
one of five levels: fanatics, love it fans, casual fans, knowing
the sport but not a fan, and not being familiar with the
sport. Fanatics were defined as never missing a game—
either in person or on TV; love it fans were defined as
watching often and going to live events when they can; and
casual fans were defined as watching every now and then.

Fanatics (never missing a game)

Love it fans (watching often)

Casual fans (watching now and then)

Know the sport but not a fan

Not familiar with the sport

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement

In a broadcast media landscape where consumers are cutting the •• While sports content is a major part of total broadcast and
cord from traditional cable at ever-increasing rates,1 consumers streaming media consumption, fanatics spend up to 3 times more
often no longer find themselves tethered to broadcast schedules than casual fans on streaming, and 1.5 times more than casual fans
to catch their favorite shows. Sports is one of the few remaining on broadcast.4
content types/genres that many consumers believe they must
•• Sports streaming remains a social experience, though the desired
consume live, which not only can provide the opportunity for the
experience depends heavily on demographics and the sport
ever-coveted advertising impression but also the opportunity to
in question.5
catch viewers’ attention in an authentic, compelling manner. Yet, in
such a competitive and dynamic media landscape, chief marketing •• Overall satisfaction was only 39 percent for the broadcast and
officers (CMOs) of sports and broadcast/over-the-top (OTT) OTT experience, leaving significant opportunity for continued
organizations still should work to keep fans engaged. technological advancement for fans looking to consume sports
across devices and integrate augmented reality (AR), virtual reality
When it comes to sports content—whether through OTT streaming (VR), social media, and gambling into their viewing experience.6
or broadcast channels—the Deloitte Fan Engagement survey
found that: Ultimately, improving the broadcast and OTT experience has the
potential to improve overall fan satisfaction, resulting in increased
•• The single most important factor for sports fans remains the
opportunity for better financial outcomes. In fact, more than 60
quality of the broadcast or stream.2
percent of fans surveyed related a great broadcast experience to
•• Sports fans who stream also value viewer controls and becoming more engaged with the team and being more likely to
functionality such as the ability to select the main view or both watch and attend a game, and nearly 40 percent felt closer
announcer set for the stream.3 to team sponsors.7

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement

There’s nothing like live sports

Looking at Nielsen’s top-rated live programs for 2018, something Not only are sports important in driving viewership for channels,
stands out: 89 of the top 100 US broadcasts were live sports, in they can drive spending as well. Fanatics are more than twice
terms of same-day viewership. The Super Bowl and NFL playoffs (six as likely than casual fans to spend on sports-related broadcast
of the top seven) led the ratings, with other major sports events and and streaming.11 Specifically, among those fans who spend on
championships, including the Olympics and the NBA finals, filling in subscriptions, fanatics spend approximately 1.5 times more than
behind.8 In fact, of the top 10 most-viewed programs in 2018, the casual fans on cable subscription. Furthermore, among Millennials
only nonsports broadcasts were the State of the Union and the and Gen X, fanatics spend nearly 3 times more than casual fans on
royal wedding. streaming services to watch sports.12

Of course, live broadcast is only part of the picture. To get a Additionally, broadcast and streaming rights deals account for more
true sense of the impact sports has, the share of broadcast and than 33 percent of total league revenues today.13 As sports teams
streaming hours fans spend on sports should be examined. and leagues continue to look to increase the value of their rights,
Deloitte’s Fan Engagement survey found that approximately 45 it will likely be critical for them to maintain the high share of total
percent of sports fans consume more than six hours of broadcast sports viewing hours and the strong subscription rate and spending
or streaming content per week. Nearly half of these fans watch at level from fans.
least six hours of sports content for an individual league on a weekly
basis.9 For fanatics, the weekly broadcast and streaming share
dedicated to sports is even higher. While there is little change across
fan types in the overall hours of broadcast content watched, more
than 60 percent of fanatics watch at least six hours of sports content
per week, far ahead of both casual and love it fans.10

Rights competition and the changing sports broadcast landscape

With live sports service as a key point of attraction for broadcast and streaming services, it is not
surprising that the past 18 months have seen significant market activity. In April 2018, ESPN launched its
new, $5 streaming service ESPN+, which passed 1 million subscribers in under five months.14 Two months
later, DAZN announced its entry into the US market with a nine-figure global deal to stream Bellator

In recent months, Hulu has run a series of ads, highlighting their entry to the live sports market through
the use of NBA stars such as Kevin Durant, Damian Lillard, and Giannis Antetokounmpo.16 Most recently,
21 regional sports networks have been sold twice—first as part of a broader deal from Fox to Disney, and
then on their own for $10 billion to Sinclair.17

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement

Your sport, your channel,

wherever you are
While exclusive rights deals result in segments of sports content Convenience also tells part of the growth story for non-TV devices.
locked into certain providers and channels, the mechanism through Only one attribute stands out dramatically—the ability to watch a
which fans reach those channels, and what they expect from the game in high definition. Currently, only 45 percent of fans, and 52
broadcast itself, is evolving. percent of Millennial fans, say they are satisfied with their ability to
stream a game with the same quality outside the home as they do
For more than 75 percent of fans surveyed, cable and satellite TV inside. However, as the rollout of 5G improves wireless connectivity
remain the preferred viewing option; however, only 61 percent of and the quality of device screens gradually increases, fans will likely
Millennials prefer cable and satellite TV for their viewing.18 Instead, continue to look to their mobile devices for sports viewing, leading
the percent of Millennials who prefer TV streaming options edged to an increase from more than 10 percent of all fans and more than
higher.19 This shift is occurring as we see fans, across all age groups, 20 percent of Millennials who say they watch on a tablet or phone
place increasing importance on convenience—the ability to watch today, and connecting to the fan desire for ease of access at a
via whichever device fits the needs of the fan was the second most time when leagues and teams continue to explore exclusive
important attribute in our study. Specifically, fans rated convenience licensing agreements.21
nearly 2.5 times more important than most other factors, and
Millennial fans rated this the most important attribute.20

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement

Watching the game with your

three (million) friends
Beyond the sheer volume of time fans spent watching, and which media during games; this number jumped to 41 percent among
device fans use to watch the game, there is another key factor Millennials.23 Plus, Millennial use of social media spans far beyond
that holds true for the sports experience, both in-stadium and in fan interaction; more than 58 percent of Millennials surveyed use
broadcast and streaming: Watching sports is an increasingly social social media to get updates on their favorite teams and players while
experience, often driven by younger fans. While in the stadium, watching the game, and more than 52 percent would be interested in
thousands of fans are brought together in one venue. However, using social media as a viewing platform for the game itself.24
when watching on broadcast or streaming channels, this can take
many forms. As social media continues to dominate, teams, leagues, and
broadcasters should assume when developing strategies that fans
Survey results also show that while 53 percent of Baby Boomers are interacting with the game, their friends, and the broader fan
prefer to watch games alone, and 68 percent prefer not to interact community on a second screen. This brings both challenges and
with other fans while watching games, those numbers drop to 31 opportunities for a new channel to create deeper connections with
percent and 34 percent, respectively, for Millennials.22 individual fans globally. Home games are no longer required to drive
value; teams can now interact with fans on any given day through
When looking specifically at the young Millennials (18 to 24 years social channels, digital platforms, or events.
old), a significant portion of the increase in desired social interaction
comes digitally. Of Boomers surveyed, only 14 percent expressed
a preference to engage through texting, online forums, or social

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement

Broadcast innovations:
Path to the future
While the story thus far has been one of the relative strength increase their likelihood to watch, and more than 54 percent of fans
of sports in the broadcast and streaming ecosystem, this does indicated that VR front-row seats would increase their likelihood to
not mean there is no room for improvement. In fact, among all watch a game.27 With the legalization of sports gambling becoming
age groups surveyed, average fan satisfaction across broadcast more prevalent and the integration of statistics and lines, the ability
and streaming attributes was only 39 percent, a full 15 percent to customize what appears on the screen will likely only become
lower than fan satisfaction with the in-stadium experience.25 This more important and drive opportunities for new revenue streams
dissatisfaction is something that could drive fans away from sports, for content providers as they integrate with gambling partners,
particularly in the competitive entertainment landscape of today working to drive more viewers to their platforms. Additionally,
with proliferating streaming platforms and sports alternatives. gambling interest can allow the development of segmented
offerings, capitalizing on viewer desire to watch segments of “late
The single most important factor for fans is picture quality, followed and close” games that they may have wagered on.
closely by the ability to watch by the “best available device,” and the
ability to do the basic fast-forward, pause, and rewind functions. As important as these innovations are to keeping fans engaged as
Beyond these three core factors, fans expressed interest in having they watch the game, they also tie to the bottom line of leagues,
the ability to customize options for their viewing experience, with teams, and broadcasters—drawing more eyeballs as fans move
more than 25 percent of fans indicating that this was the primary from casual to fanatic, engaging new partners for personalized
aspect of the experience they would like to see improved.26 These advertising, and offering new products such as purchasable
customizations include anything from the ability to choose their segments of out-of-market games.
announcers to choosing the camera angle they want to use to
watch the full game. While streaming platforms should first focus on As the personalization trend continues across all parts of the fan
getting picture quality right, the introduction of these customizations experience, and as other broadcast and streaming entertainment
can help drive users from casual fans to fanatics, increasing their options continue to grow more personalized and customizable,
platform stickiness, and generating significant potential returns. the bar for the great sports experience will likely only rise, meaning
teams, leagues, and broadcasters should work together to continue
Customization and personalization isn’t limited to these basic innovating, drive the fan experience, and push fans slowly from
changes though. More than 40 percent of fans indicated that the casual fans to fanatics, working to realize a 1.5 to 3 times increase in
presence of real-time augmented reality (AR) stats on-screen would spend that comes from that progression.28

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement

Innovations in broadcast today

As technology has improved, there have been examples across teams and leagues of key innovations:

•• Augmented reality: The MLB has used Statcast to continue to advance their batted ball and pitch-tracking capabilities,
enabling the increasingly popular launch angle and home-run tracking. 29

•• The LA Clippers and Second Spectrum announced CourtVision for this season, allowing local subscribers to choose
between viewing modes ranging from “player,” where expected shooting percentages are overlaid on players, to “mascot,”
where animations such as thunderbolts and flexing giants appear on screen at relevant moments in the game.30

•• Virtual reality: The NHL announced a partnership this season with NextVR to create new, exclusive VR experiences for fans,
debuting at the All-Star game.31

•• Subscription model: This season, the NBA debuted an option through League Pass where fans can purchase the fourth
quarter of games for $1.99, and it is working toward an even more flexible purchase model.32

•• Announcer choice: Amazon debuted a choice of announcers for its slate of Thursday night NFL games, with viewers given the
choice between the Fox crew and the Amazon team, made up of the first-ever all-female NFL broadcast team.33

There are many similarities in how fans want to consume sports •• Working to establish social interaction points for use during
content from the stadium to broadcast and OTT streaming channels. viewership;
Fans today are looking for even more technologically advanced and
•• Developing technologies that allow fans to select key elements of
personalized solutions that will get them high-quality content, at
their stream—AR and VR enhancements, announcer choices, and
the right time, through the right channel, and that will be paired
camera angle options, among others;
with an authentic sense of being a part of a broader fan community.
As teams look for developments to maintain the broadcast and •• Exploring new revenue streams through gambling partnerships
OTT–streaming viewership numbers necessary to sustain and grow and the development of subsegmented offers that allow users the
their media rights revenues, they should learn about their specific flexibility to choose not just the games they wish to view, but the
fans and preferences. As they learn about their fans, they can specific parts of the game they wish to watch.
consider focusing on taking action across a few key areas:
Moving on this path will likely not be easy but has the opportunity
•• Providing high-quality viewing access to fans, where they are to drive significant returns for both teams and broadcast/OTT
based and on their preferred device; platforms.

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement

Adam Deutsch Kat Harwood
Managing Director Senior Manager
Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Consulting LLP
+ 1 203 423 4598 +1 213 996 4924

Lee Teller Chad Deweese

Specialist Leader Senior Manager
Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Consulting LLP
+ 1 973 602 4648 + 1 404 220 1352

The authors would like to thank Brandon Maiello, Tyler VauDell, Grant Lewis, Michael Varraveto, Jon Ou, Drew Hubbard,
and Chris Arkenberg for their contributions.

A special thanks to Sam Ebb for all of his hard work.

The future of sports broadcasting: Enhancing digital fan engagement

1 Sarah Perez, “US cord cutters to reach 33 million this year, faster than expected,” TechCrunch, July 2018.

2 Importance was determined by having fans rank multiple subset attributes that make up the broadcast experience to determine relative attribute importance.

3 Deloitte, 2018 Deloitte Fan Engagement survey, first edition.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid.

6 Ibid.

7 Ibid.

8 Anthony Crupi, “Network TV Can’t Survive Without the NFL,” Adage, January 3, 2019.

9 Deloitte, 2018 Deloitte Fan Engagement survey, first edition.

10 Ibid.

11 Ibid.

12 Ibid.

13 Brett LoGiurato and Scooby Axson, “NBA announces 9-year TV deal with ESPN, Turner Sports,” Sports Illustrated, October 5, 2014.

14 DAZN press release, Live and on demand sport OTT service DAZN to screen 22 Bellator MMA events per year in seven markets worldwide, June 26, 2019.

15 Nat Ives, “Hulu Ad Campaign Spells Out That Its Influencers Get Paid,” Wall Street Journal, February 15, 2019.

16 Cynthia Littleton, “Disney Nears $10 Billion Sale of Fox Sports Networks to Sinclair,” Variety, May 2, 2019.

17 Darren Rovell, “Fans can purchase 4th quarter of NBA games on League Pass,” ESPN, September 27, 2018.

18 Deloitte, 2018 Deloitte Fan Engagement survey, first edition.

19 Ibid.

20 Ibid.

21 Ibid.

22 Ibid.

23 Ibid.

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid.

26 Ibid.

27 Ibid.

28 Ibid.

29 Joe Lemire, “MLB Reportedly Changing Ball Tracking Technology Provider for Statcast,” SportTechie, May 14, 2019.

30 Kevin O’Connor, “Pictures at a Basketball Revolution,” The Ringer, October 19, 2018.

31 NHL press release, NextVR Partner on unique virtual reality experiences, January 31, 2019.

32 Darren Rovell, “Fans Can purchase 4th quarter of NBA games on League Pass,” ESPN, September 27, 2018.

33 Field Level Media, “Amazon Prime announces all-female NFL broadcast team,” Reuters, September 25, 2018.

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