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1. Microsystem Products
2. Microfabrication Processes

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Relative Sizes in Microtechnology
and Nanotechnology

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Design Trend and Terminology

 Miniaturization of products and parts, with features

sizes measured in microns (10-6 m) or smaller
 Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) -
miniature systems consisting of both electronic
and mechanical components
 Microsystem technology (MST) - refers to the
products as well as the fabrication technologies
 Nanotechnology - even smaller entities whose
dimensions are measured in nanometers (10-9 m)

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Advantages of Microsystem

 Less material usage

 Lower power requirements
 Greater functionality per unit space
 Accessibility to regions that are forbidden to larger
 In most cases, smaller products should mean lower
prices because less material is used

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Types of Microsystem Devices

 Microsensors
 Microactuators
 Microstructures and microcomponents
 Microsystems and micro-instruments

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET


A sensor is a device that detects or measures some

physical phenomenon such as heat or pressure
 Most microsensors are fabricated on a silicon substrate
using the same processing technologies as those used
for integrated circuits
 Microsensors have been developed to measure force,
pressure, position, speed, acceleration, temperature,
flow, and various optical, chemical, environmental, and
biological variables

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET


An actuator converts a physical variable of one type

into another type, and the converted variable usually
involves some mechanical action
 An actuator causes a change in position or the
application of force
 Examples of microactuators: valves, positioners,
switches, pumps, and rotational and linear motors

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Microstructures and

Micro-sized parts that are not sensors or actuators

 Examples: microscopic lenses, mirrors, nozzles,
gears, and beams
 These items must be combined with other
components in order to provide a useful function

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Microscopic Gear
and Human Hair
Image by scanning electron microscope - gear is high-density
polyethylene molded by a process similar to LIGA (photo courtesy of
W. Hung, Texas A&M U., and M. Ali, Nanyang Tech. U).

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Microsystems and micro-

Integration of several of the preceding components

with the appropriate electronics package into a
miniature system or instrument
 Products tend to be very application-specific
 Examples: microlasers, optical chemical
analyzers, and microspectrometers
 The economics of manufacturing these kinds of
systems have made commercialization difficult

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Industrial Applications of

 Ink-jet printing heads

 Thin-film magnetic heads
 Compact disks
 Automotive components
 Medical applications
 Chemical and environmental applications
 Other applications

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Ink-Jet Printing Heads

 Currently one of the largest applications of

 A typical ink-jet printer uses up several cartridges
each year
 Today’s ink-jet printers have resolutions of 1200 dots
per inch (dpi)
 This resolution converts to a nozzle separation
of only about 21 m
 Certainly in the microsystem range
Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET
Ink-Jet Printer Head

 Resistance heater boils ink to create plume that

forces drop to be expelled onto paper

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Thin-Film Magnetic Heads

 Read-write heads are key components in magnetic

storage devices
 Reading and writing of magnetic media with higher bit
densities limited by the size of the read-write head
 Development of thin-film magnetic heads was an
important breakthrough not only in digital storage
technology but microfabrication technologies as well
 Thin-film read-write heads are produced annually in
hundreds of millions of units.

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Thin-Film Magnetic
Read-Write Head

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Automotive Components

 Micro-sensors and other micro-devices are widely

used in modern automobiles
 Between 20 and 100 sensors are installed in a
modern automobile
 Functions include cruise control, anti-lock braking
systems, air bag deployment, automatic
transmission control, power steering, all-wheel
drive, automatic stability control, and remote
locking and unlocking
 In 1970 there were virtually no on-board sensors

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Medical Applications

 A driving force for microscopic devices is the principle

of minimal-invasive therapy
 Small incisions or even available body orifices to
access the medical problem
 Standard medical practice today is to use endoscopic
examination accompanied by laparoscopic surgery for
hernia repair and removal of gall bladder and appendix
 Similar procedures are used in brain surgery, operating
through small holes drilled in skull

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Microfabrication Processes

 Many MST products are based on silicon - Why?

 Microdevices often include electronic circuits, so
both the circuit and the device can be made on the
same substrate
 Silicon has good mechanical properties:
 High strength and elasticity, good hardness,
and relatively low density
 Techniques to process silicon are well
established from processing of ICs

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Other Materials and MST

 MST often requires other materials in addition to

silicon to obtain a particular microdevice
 Example: microactuators often consist of several
components made of different materials
 Thus, microfabrication techniques consist of more
than just silicon processing:
 LIGA process
 Other conventional and nontraditional processes
performed on microscopic scale

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Silicon Layer Processes

 First application of silicon in MST was in the

fabrication of piezoresistive sensors to measure
stress, strain, and pressure in the early 1960s
 Silicon is now widely used in MST to produce
sensors, actuators, and other microdevices
 The basic processing technologies are those used to
produce integrated circuits
 However, there are certain differences between
processing of ICs and fabrication of microdevices

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Microfabrication vs.
IC Fabrication

 Aspect ratios (height-to-width ratio of the features) in

microfabrication are generally much greater than in
IC fabrication
 The device sizes in microfabrication are often much
larger than in IC processing
 The structures produced in microfabrication often
include cantilevers and bridges and other shapes
requiring gaps between layers
 These features are not found in integrated circuits

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET


- What Are MEMS?

- Components of MEMS
- Applications
- Summary

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

What are MEMS?

• Micro - Small size, microfabricated structures

• Electro - Electrical signal /control ( In / Out )

• Mechanical - Mechanical functionality ( In / Out )

• Systems - Structures, Devices, Systems

What are MEMS?

• Made up of components between 1-100 micrometers in size

• Devices vary from below one micron up to several mm

• Functional elements of MEMS are miniaturized structures, sensors,

actuators, and microelectronics

• One main criterion of MEMS is that there are at least some elements
that have mechanical functionality, whether or not they can move

• “brain” that receives, processes, and makes decisions
• data comes from microsensors
• constantly gather data from environment
• pass data to microelectronics for processing
• can monitor mechanical, thermal, biological, chemical optical, and
magnetic readings
• acts as trigger to activate external device
• microelectronics will tell microactuator to activate device
• extremely small structures built onto surface of chip
• built right into silicon of MEMS
Why Micro machine?

 Minimize energy and materials use in manufacturing

 • Redundancy and arrays
 • Integration with electronics
 • Reduction of power budget
 • Faster devices
 • Increased selectivity and sensitivity
 • Cost/performance advantages
 • Improved reproducibility (batch fabrication)
 • Improved accuracy and reliability
 • Minimally invasive (e.g. pill camera)
Factors to Consider

Establish need in light of conventional approaches

(faster, smaller, cheaper)
– Does the MEMS solution provide a significant cost reduction?
– Does it enable a new function or level of performance that cannot be
achieved otherwise?
– Does the market justify the development of a MEMS approach? Can
conventional machining or plastic molding techniques be used?
– Does the cost analysis include package & test?
Understand the basic physics and operating principles,
including scaling laws
– Increased surface-to-volume ratio
– Actuation forces
– Thermal transport
• Understand the important issues in designing
Factors to Consider

Can you use an existing “standard” process?

– If not, can you design a simple and reasonably priced
fabrication process?
Consider the issues of packaging at the outset:
– Can existing packages be used or adapted?
– Reliability issues (e.g. hermetically sealed)?
Estimate the final cost of the ready-to-use device
– Difficult to get cost data out of foundry for custom
process. Will depend sensitively on volume and yield.
This is really difficult to access!
– Include the cost of packaging
– Include the cost of testing
Where Are MEMS?
Smartphones, tablets, cameras, gaming devices, and
many other electronics have MEMS technology
inside of them

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Biomedical Applications

● Usually in the form of pressure sensors

○ Intracranial pressure sensors
○ Pacemaker applications
○ Implanted coronary pressure measurements
○ Intraocular pressure monitors
○ Cerebrospinal fluid pressure sensors
○ Endoscope pressure sensors
○ Infusion pump sensors
● Retinal prosthesis
● Glucose monitoring & insulin delivery Blood Pressure
● MEMS acts as surgical tools
sensor on the head of
a pin
● Cell, antibody, DNA, RNA enzyme measurement devices
Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET
In the Car

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Key Concepts

1. MEMS are made up of microelectronics,

microactuators, microsensors, and microstructures.
2. The three basic steps to MEMS fabrication are:
deposition, patterning, and etching.
3. Chemical wet etching is popular because of high
etch rate and selectivity.
4. The benefits of using MEMS: speed, power
consumption, size, system integration(all on one

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET


 Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems are 1-100 micrometer

devices that convert electrical energy to mechanical
energy and vice-versa.
 The three basic steps to MEMS fabrication are deposition,
patterning, and etching.
 Due to their small size, they can exhibit certain
characteristics that their macro equivalents can’t.
 MEMS produce benefits in speed, complexity, power
consumption, device area, and system integration.
 These benefits make MEMS a great choice for devices in
numerous fields.
Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET
LIGA Process/LIGA Lithography

 LIGA is a German acronym that stands for

Lithographie, Galvanoformung and Abformung.

 When translated it means lithography, electroplating

and molding.

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

LIGA Process

 An important technology of MST

 Developed in Germany in the early 1980s
 LIGA stands for the German words
 LIthographie (in particular X-ray lithography)
 Galvanoformung (translated electrodeposition or
 Abformung (plastic molding)
 The letters also indicate the LIGA process sequence

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET


 LIGA is a three stage micromachining technology

used to manufacture high aspect ratio

 Originally LIGA technology was researched in

Germany in order to be used for the separation of
uranium isotopes.

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET


 Two main types of LIGA Technology: X-ray LIGA and

Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) LIGA.

 X-ray LIGA can fabricate with great precision high

aspect ratio microstructures.

 EUV LIGA can fabricate lower quality


Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

LIGA Process

 LIGA is a hybrid fabrication technique

 The LIGA Process
 Lithography
 Electron beam lithography
 Focused ion beam lithography
 Optical and exciter laser lithography
 Deep X-ray lithography using synchrotron radiation
 Electroplating
 metalized layer (seed layer)
 MoldingJithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET
 Machining process to remove overplated metal region
Function of LIGA

 To produce high aspect ratio

 To manufacture 3-D microstructures from a wide variety of materials

Figure: 3-D microstructure

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET
Processing Steps in LIGA

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Processing Steps in LIGA

 Step 1:
 -Deposition of Adhesion
 -Seed layer

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Processing Steps in LIGA

 Step 2:
 -resist coating

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Processing Steps in LIGA

 Step 3:
 -expose the PMMA resist

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Processing Steps in LIGA

 Step 4:
 -development of the exposed resist

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Processing Steps in LIGA

 Electroplating is a process to fill in the voids between the polymeric

 Step 5:
 -metal plating

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Processing Steps in LIGA

 Step 6:
 -removal of the remaining resist

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Processing Steps in LIGA

 Molding is process of machining the overplated region filling the

 Step 7:

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET
Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET
Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET
Advantages of LIGA

 LIGA is a versatile process – it can produce parts by

several different methods
 High aspect ratios are possible (large height-to-width
ratios in the fabricated part)
 Wide range of part sizes is feasible - heights ranging
from micrometers to centimeters
 Close tolerances are possible

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Disadvantages of LIGA

 LIGA is a very expensive process

 Large quantities of parts are usually required to
justify its application
 LIGA uses X-ray exposure
 Human health hazard

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

Other Microfabrication
 Soft lithography
 Nontraditional and traditional processes and rapid
prototyping adapted for microfabrication
 Photochemical machining
 Electroplating, electroforming, electroless plating
 Electric discharge machining
 Electron beam machining
 Ultrasonic machining
 Microstereolithography

Jithin K Francis,Asst Prof,Dept of Mechanical Engineering ,RSET

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