Decoronation of An Ankylosed Permanent Incisor: Alveolar Ridge Preservation and Rehabilitation by An Implant Supported Porcelain Crown

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Dental Traumatology 2009; 25: 346–349; doi: 10.1111/j.1600-9657.2009.00788.

Decoronation of an ankylosed permanent

incisor: alveolar ridge preservation and
rehabilitation by an implant supported
porcelain crown
Shabtai Sapir1, Ariel Kalter2, Minda Abstract – Replacement resorption and ankylosis are frequently diagnosed
Rose Sapir2 following severe dental trauma. The complications that may develop as a result
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Hebrew of ankylosis of a permanent incisor in children and adolescent include: esthetic
University – Hadassah Faculty of Dental Medi- compromise, orthodontic complications because of: arch irregularity; lack of
cine, Jerusalem, Israel; 2Private Practice, mesial drift; tilting of adjacent teeth, arch length loss and local arrest of alveolar
Rechovot, Israel ridge growth. To avoid such complications, an ankylosed tooth should be
removed before the changes become so pronounced that they compromise future
prosthetic treatment. The purpose of this article was to present a case of
preservation of the alveolar ridge for implant rehabilitation by utilizing
decoronation for the treatment of a young permanent central incisor.
Correspondence to: Dr Shabtai Sapir, An implant was inserted, without any bone augmentation procedures, followed
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Hebrew by prosthetic porcelain crown rehabilitation. We conclude that treatment of an
University – Hadassah Faculty of Dental
ankylosed young permanent incisor by decoronation may maintain the alveolar
Medicine, PO Box 12272, Jerusalem, Israel
Tel.: +972 2 6776168 bone ridge width, height and continuity, and facilitate future rehabilitation with
Fax: +972 2 6431747 minimal, if any, ridge augmentation procedures.
e-mail: [email protected]
Accepted 30 January, 2009

Progressive replacement resorption and ankylosis are that the dentist is aware of the different treatment
frequently diagnosed following a severe dental trauma options, and whenever appropriate coordinate a treat-
(1). ment plan with other specialists.
The replacement resorption rate is variable and is The treatment options may involve one or more of the
dependent on age, basal metabolic rate, extra-alveolar following:
time, treatment to the root surface prior to replantation, 1. Early extraction of the ankylosed tooth and esthetic
amount of root dentin at the time of the trauma, severity solution until more definitive treatment is provided in
of the trauma and the extent of periodontal ligament the future.
necrosis (2, 3). In young children, progressive infrapo- 2. Orthodontic space closure after extraction.
sition gradually develops (4). In patients 7–16 years old, 3. Extraction of the ankylosed tooth, followed with
the tooth is lost within 3–7 years after the onset of root immediate ridge augmentation/preservation.
resorption (3). 4. Auto-transplantation (9–11).
The complications that may develop as a consequence 5. Single tooth dento-osseous osteotomy (12, 13).
of ankylosis to a permanent incisor in children and 6. Decoronation and esthetic space maintenance until
adolescents include: esthetic compromise and orthodon- more definitive treatment is provided (5–8).
tic complications because of arch irregularity; lack of Treatment options which consider an extraction of
mesial drift; tilting of adjacent teeth, arch length loss and the ankylotic incisor are not routinely recommended,
local arrest of alveolar ridge growth. To avoid such because extraction is frequently accompanied by exten-
complications, an ankylosed tooth should be removed sive alveolar bone loss, particularly in the presence of a
before the changes become so pronounced that they thin maxillary buccal plate. This may compromise future
compromise future prosthetic treatment (5–8). prosthetic solutions, because of vertical and horizontal
Frequently the pediatric dentist is the first professional loss of alveolar bone, and may necessitate complex
to diagnose ankylosis of a permanent incisor. It is crucial regenerative procedures to provide sufficient bone and

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Decoronation of ankylosed teeth and implant 347

soft tissue to support an esthetic solution with an implant

To avoid such bone loss, a technique for extracting
ankylosed teeth, called decoronation, has been developed
with excellent long-term results in terms of alveolar bone
preservation (7). Moreover patients treated before the
age of 13 years, i.e. before or during pubertal growth
periods, have shown improvement of vertical bone height
and maintenance of the alveolar ridge in the bucco-
palatal direction (8).
The purpose of this article was to present a follow up
of a case presented in the past of an ankylosed
permanent maxillary incisor in a young patient (6). The
preservation of the alveolar ridge and rehabilitation by
an implant-supported porcelain crown is described.
Decoronation as the sole management for alveolar bone
preservation enabled an implant insertion after 6 years.

Case report
At the age of 18 [6 years following decoronation of the
ankylosed upper right central incisor (Figs 1–3), and

Fig. 3. Postoperative periapical radiograph of the decoronated

ankylosed central incisor.

Fig. 1. Intraoral occlusal view of the ankylosed right maxillary

central incisor at the initial examination.

Fig. 4. Periapical radiograph of the alveolar bone ridge 5 years

after decoronation. Notice the complete remodeling of the root
to bone. Moderate apical root resorption of adjacent roots
because of the orthodontic treatment is also noticeable.

after 3 years of orthodontic treatment], once the com-

pletion of developmental facial growth was anticipated,
the patient was referred to an oral and maxillo-facial
surgeon for an implant insertion. A periapical radio-
Fig. 2. Intraoral view of the wound edge approximation (over
the decoronated ankylosed root) and suturing without tension. graph revealed complete replacement resorption of the

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348 Sapir et al.

Fig. 7. Intraoral view of the prosthetic porcelain crown on the

day of cementation.

Fig. 5. A CT scan of the alveolar ridge of the decoronated

tooth site prior to implant placement.

Fig. 8. Periapical radiograph of the implant and prosthetic


After two months, the orthodontic bands and brack-

ets were removed, a prosthetic porcelain crown was
fabricated and cemented and an orthodontic splint was
inserted (Figs 7 and 8). At the 6 month postrehabilita-
tion follow-up appointment, the clinical examination,
Fig. 6. Intraoral view of the alveolar bone ridge at the time of and the periapical radiograph of the implant and
implant insertion. Notice the preservation of the alveolar bone prosthetic restoration demonstrated stability and accept-
ridge. able esthetic result (Fig. 9).

decoronated root (Fig. 4). A CT scan of the edentulous Discussion

site indicated the feasibility of placing a dental implant
(Fig. 5). A 13-mm-long, 3.75-mm-wide tapered screw Decoronation provides certain advantages over other
type implant (Seven, MIS, Shlomi, Israel) was placed treatment options: (i) it is reliable in terms of alveolar
using a two-stage surgical protocol (Fig. 6). After process width and height preservation; (ii) it is a simpler
6 months, the implant was surgically exposed and a and more economical surgical procedure than ridge
provisional resin crown was adjusted to facilitate esthetic augmentation; (iii) vertical bone apposition is possible (4,
healing of the soft tissues. 7, 8, 15).

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Decoronation of ankylosed teeth and implant 349

appropriate manage the case with the orthodontist, oral

and maxillo-facial surgeon and prosthodontist to pro-
vide the best outcome.

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Ó 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S

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