The adjective ‘Lasallian’ add to the common understanding of the word ‘spirituality’? It brings a
particular ‘flavour’ or emphasis, because it is inseparably linked to the life-story of Saint John
Baptist de La Salle and the world-wide educational movement of which on his own admission he
was the largely unwitting founder. It is then both from the deeds and from the writings of De La
Salle that we can expect to set out some of the istinctive characteristics of Lasallian spirituality.
But we need to note that if the original enterprise of some three hundred years ago attracted
persons who were primarily teachers in a formal sense, the living heritage today is shared by a
wide range of people, principally teachers but including also social workers, front-office people,
all those who can be included within the broad category of Lasallian educators. This is the
importance of the Church’s 1951 conferring the all enveloping title, Patron of Christian
Educators, on Saint John Baptist de La Salle.
When De La Salle formulated his original Rule he saw that faithful membership of this
community depended first of all on what he called a “spirit of faith”: The spirit of this
community is, first, a spirit of faith, which should induce those who compose it not to look upon
anything but with the eyes of faith, not to do anything but in view of God,
and to attribute all to God.
Looking with the eyes of faith will lead De La Salle in his meditation for the Feast of the
Epiphany to invite his Brothers to a particular way of seeing, as the Magi did in worshipping a
poor baby in a manger, to look below the rags of the poor children whom you teach and see the
Christ-child lying in the manger.
Among the many other citations on the spirit of faith which can be found in De La Salle’s
writings the following citations from his Meditations show most clearly the essential link
between the personal faith of the Lasallian and its importance for those “confided to their care”:
Your faith should be for you a light which guides you in all things, and a shining light for those
whom you instruct, to lead them on the path to heaven. (No.178.1)
Do you have a faith that is such that it is able to touch the hearts of your students and inspire
them with the Christian spirit? This is the greatest miracle you could perform and the one that
God asks of you, for this is the purpose of your work. (No.139.3)
The above conviction will lead De La Salle in many of his writings to remind his Brothers that
they must see Christ in all their pupils, not simply in the better favoured or the more intelligent.