Teacher-Student Relationships, Social and Emotional Skills, and Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

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Histruathlis elr futmlrs, suosarhpthlis fid eurtmnr dntfhcs; mttp;//hknp.mhpfthfprnss.alg
Tnfamnr-Qtudnit _ncfthlismhps, Qlahfc fid Nglthlifc Q`hccs, fid Nglthlifc fid Onmfvhlurfc Dheehaucthns
Gfrhf Zluclu
6) ^ihvnrshty le Zftrfs Dftn le puochafthli; Enorufry ?4
, ?:6> Ndhthli pnrhld; Enorufry ?:6> - Kuin ?:6> Tl ahtn tmhs frthacn; Zluclu, G. (?:6>). Tnfamnr-Qtudnit _ncfthlismhps, Qlahfc fid Nglthlifc Q`hccs, fid Nglthlifc fid Onmfvhlurfc Dheehaucthns.
Hitnrifthlifc Klurifc le Nduafthlifc Zsyamlclby 
(6), =4-6:=. dlh; 6:.4426/hknp.?:6>.:4
Tl chi` tmhs frthacn;
 mttp;//dx.dlh.lrb/6:.4426/hknp.?:6>.:4 ZCNFQN QA_LCC DLRI EL_ F_THACN Tmn tnrgs fid alidhthlis le usn frn rncftnd tl tmn Lpni Klurifc Qystng fid tl Arnfthvn Algglis Fttrhouthli Chanisn (AA-OX).
 Hitnrifthlifc Klurifc le Nduafthlifc Zsyamlclby, Ulc. 4 Il. 6  Enorufry ?:6> pp. =4-6:= 
?:6> Mhpfthf Zrnss HQQI; ?:64-1>86 DLH; 6:.4426/hknp.?:6>.:4
Tnfamnr-Qtudnit _ncfthlismhps, Qlahfc fid Nglthlifc Q`hccs, fid Nglthlifc fid Onmfvhlurfc Dheehaucthns
Gfrhf Zluclu
^ihvnrshty le Zftrfs
Hi tmhs study, tmn rlcn le tnfamnr-
studnit rncfthlismhps fid studnits‘ slahfc
fid nglthlifc
s`hccs fs pltnithfc prndhatlrs le studnits‘ nglthlifc fid onmfvhlurfc dheehaucthns wfs hivnsthbftnd oy tfpphib hitl 85? prhgfry samllc studnits‘
 pnranpthlis vhf qunsthliifhrns. Rmhcn shbihehafit alrrncfthlis wnrn eluid chi`hib
tnfamnrs‘ hitnrpnrslifc onmfvhlur fid studnits‘ slahfc
fid nglthlifc s`hccs tl
nglthlifc fid onmfvhlurfc dheehaucthns, dftf fifcyshs hidhaftnd tmft studnits‘ slahfc
 fid nglthlifc s`hccs wnrn eluid tl on glrn le f dntnrghifit le tmnhr onmfvhlur tmfi
tnfamnrs‘ hitnrpnrslifc onmfvhlur.
_nsucts frn hitnrprntnd hi rncfthli tl systngs  pnrspnathvn fid Qlahfc fid Nglthlifc Cnfrihib tmnlry, fid prfathafc hgpchafthlis le tmn ehidhibs frn dhsaussnd.
tnfamnr-studnit rncfthlismhps, slahfc fid nglthlifc s`hccs, onmfvhlurfc dheehaucthns, prhgfry samllc 
 Hitnrifthlifc Klurifc le Nduafthlifc Zsyamlclby, Ulc. 4 Il. 6  Enorufry ?:6> pp. =4-6:= 
?:6> Mhpfthf Zrnss HQQI; ?:64-1>86 DLH; 6:.4426/hknp.?:6>.:4
_ncfahlins Zrlenslrfdl-Fcugifdl, Mfohchdfdns Qlahfcns y Nglahlifcns, y Dhehauctfdns Nglahlifcns y Algplrtfgnitfcns
Gfrhf Zluclu
^ihvnrshty le Zftrfs
Ni nstn nstudhl, sn hivnsthbf nc pfpnc dn cfs rncfahlins prlenslr-fcugil y cfs mfohchdfdns slahfcns y nglahlifcns dn cls nstudhfitns algl plshocns prndhatlrns dn cfs dhehauctfdns nglahlifcns y aliduatufcns dn cls nstudhfitns, f trfvès dnc usl dn aunsthlifrhls pfrf nxpclrfr cfs pnranpahlins dn 85? nstudhfitns dn cf prhgfrhf. Qh ohni sn nialitrfrli alrrncfahlins shbihehafthvfs vhiaucfr nc algplrtfghnitl hitnrpnrslifc dnc prlenslrfdl y cfs mfohchdfdns slahfcns y nglahlifcns dnc fcugifdl, nc fiæchshs dn cls dftls hidhañ qun cfs mfohchdfdns slahfcns y nglahlifcns dnc fcugifdl rnsuctfrli snr dntnrghifdfs ni gfylr gndhdf plr nc algplrtfghnitl dnc prlenslrfdl qun plr nc algplrtfghnitl hitnrpnrslifc dnc prlenslrfdl. Cls rnsuctfdls sn hitnrprntfi ni rncfahñi ali pnrspnathvf dn shstngfs y cf Tnlrçf dnc Fprnidhzfkn Qlahfc y Nglahlifc , y sn dhsautni cfs hgpchafahlins præathafs dn cls rnsuctfdls.
Zfcforfs acfvn;
rncfahlins prlenslrfdl-fcugifdl, mfochdhdfdns slahfcns y nglahlifcns, dhehauctfdns algplrtfgnitfcns, nduafahñi prhgfrhf.
 Tnfamnrs-Qtudnit _ncfthlismhps 
mhcdrni‘s nglthlifc fid onmfvhlurfc dheehaucthns frn tmn rnsuct le
gucthpcn rhs` efatlrs wlr`hib hi alianrt whtm lin filtmnr. Qlahfc, nivhrlignitfc fid ohlclbhafc efatlrs frn alishdnrnd tl gutufccy hiecunian nfam
ltmnr tl elrg f systng le –alrrncftnd alistrfhits‗ hi wmham
dheehaucthns hi lin dlgfhi gfhitfhi dheehaucthns hi filtmnr (Qutmnrcfid & Lswfcd, ?::>). Tmn samllc nivhrlignit alishsts le suam f systng, hi wmham  onmfvhlur pfttnris frn prlduats le f dyifgha rncfthli ontwnni tmn hidhvhdufcs fid tmnhr nivhrlignit. Hi tmhs alitnxt, ilt licy frn tmn studnits smfpnd oy tmnhr nivhrlignit, out tmny fcsl mfvn fi neenat li tmft nivhrlignit. Ft tmhs plhit, f qunsthli frhsns; wmft fspnats rncftnd tl acfssrllg alitnxt, tnfamnrs lr studnits tmngsncvns frn ch`ncy tl on glst hgplrtfit hi prndhathib samllc onmfvhlur< Nxhsthib rnsnfram mfs hgpchaftnd tmn rlcn le oltm acfssrllg fid tnfamnr
efatlrs fs onhib rncftnd tl studnits‘ onmfvhlur. Hi
 pfrthaucfr, suam rnsnfram  plhits tl tmn hgplrtfit rlcn le rncfthlismhps whtm tnfamnrs fid amhcdrni fs
strlib prndhatlrs le f amhcd‘s onmfvhlur (
Ruooncs, ?::>0 Ruooncs & Orn`ncgfis, ?::>). Filtmnr trnid le rnsnfram uidnrchins tmn hgpcngnitfthli le slahfc s`hccs prlbrfggns elr studnits whtm nglthlifc fid onmfvhlurfc dheehaucthns lr tl wmlcn studnit plpucfthlis (Allpnr & Kfalos, ?:66), dnilthib tmft tmn cfa` le fpprlprhftn slahfc lr nglthlifc s`hccs hs fcsl f
strlib prndhatlr le f amhcd‘s onmfvhlur.
Ehifccy, rnsnframnrs fcsl fbrnn tmft
dhsaclsurn le tmn uidnrcyhib efatlrs le f studnit‘s fdkustgnit dheehaucthns hs
hgplrtfit tl dhghihsmhib slahfc fid onmfvhlurfc dheehaucthns, fid tmft tmhs
hielrgfthli smlucd ngfiftn erlg tmn studnit‘s lwi snce 
Tnfamnrs‘ hitnrpnrslifc onmfvhlur (
Ruooncs, Orn`ncgfi dni Orl`, & vfi Tfrtwhk`, ?::5) mfs rnanhvnd f bninrlus fgluit le fttnithli hi rnsnfram,
 pfrthaucfrcy hi snalidfry studnits‘ famhnvngnit lutalgns. Fcsl, tmnrn hs
alishdnrfocn nvhdnian elr tmn hgpcngnitfthli le Qlahfc fid Nglthlifc
Cnfrihib tmnlry tlwfrd studnits‘ onmf
vhlur dheehaucthns (Lbdni ?::60  Zf`fmscfth nt fc., ?::?). Mlwnvnr, efr cnss fttnithli mfs onni pfhd tl tmn neenat tmft oltm studnit-
tnfamnr rncfthlismhps fid studnits‘ slahfc fid
nglthlifc s`hccs mfvn li tmnhr nglthlifc fid onmfvhlurfc dheehaucthns hi tmn acfssrllg. Eurtmnrglrn, nduafthlifc rnsnframnrs innd tl nxpclrn tmn

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