CH # 01, C-I, Practice Test PDF

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1. Number of atoms in one gram of light element is ___ than number of atoms in one gram of heavy
a. Less b. More c. Equal d. NOT
2. 3.2 grams of wood alcohol (CH3OH) contains total number of atoms
a. 6.02 X 1023 b. 3.01 X 1023 c. 3.612 X 1023 d. 3.612 X 1022
3. The mole ratio of C, H and O is 5, 13 and 1.6 respectively then E.F of compound is
a. C3H8O1 b. C4H6O1 c. C3H13O2 d. NOT
4. Formula that not only shows relative ratio but also actual ratio of atoms of different elements is
Called a. Empirical formula b. Molecular formula c. Formula unit d. NOT
5. In determination of E.F the 1st three steps are pertaining to
a. Mole ratio b. Simplest ratio c. % composition d. AOT
6. The mass of Hydrogen in 0.684 Kg of sugar is
a. 0.044 Kg b. 0.022 Kg c. 0.356 Kg d. 0.5 Kg
7. Which of the followings is false statement.
a. Volume of 3.01 X 1024 molecules of He at STP = 112 dm3
b. 5.6 dm3 of N2 has mass = 7.0 grams
c. 22400 cm3 gas at STP has same molecules as 1 mole of gas
d. 1 mole of substance contains 6.02 X 10-23 particles
8. A hydrocarbon contains 40% hydrogen. The mole ratio of carbon is
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 3.33
9. How many molecules of oxygen are required to burn 4g marsh gas (CH 4) completely?
a. 3.01 X 1022 b. 1.505 X 1024 c. 6.02 X 1023 d. 3.01 X 1023
10. 2.7g of Aluminum will react completely with how many grams of oxygen to produce Al 2O3.
a. 8.0g b. 1.6g c. 2.4g d. 3.2g
11. One mole of NO2 has same mass as one mole of
a. C2H5OH b. CO2 c. CH3OH d. NaOH
12.Volume occupied by 16g of sulphur dioxide at 273C and 1520 torr pressure is
a. 5.6dm3 b. 11.2dm3 c. 22.4dm3 d. 1.6dm3
13. The mass of 3.01 X 10 molecules of CH 4 is

a. 160 g b. 80 g c. 40 g d. 20 g
14. At STP in a reaction 900 dm each of N2 and H2 gases are allowed to react as

N2 + 3H2  2NH3, the volume of NH3 formed is

a. 300 dm3 b. 400 dm3 c. 600 dm3 d. 900 dm3
15. A compound contains 20% A and 80% B. If atomic mass of A = 10 and B = 20 then E.F is
a. AB b. AB2 c. A2B d. A2B3
16. 55 grams of CO2 at STP occupies
a. 44.8 dm3 b. 55 dm3 c. 28 dm3 d. 22.4 dm3
17. Which one of the following pairs of compounds contains same mass of Sodium.
a. NaCl and NaOH b. Na2SO4 and Na2CO3 c. Na3PO4 and Na3N d. AOT
18. Number of moles in 5.1 grams of NH3 is
a. 0.2 b. 0.3 c. 3 d. 1.3
19. 0.3 mole of Carbon contains ___ number of Carbon atoms.
a. 1.806 X 1023 b. 18.66 X 1023 c. 180.6 X 1020 d. 1.806 X 1024
20. The Emperical formula of acetylene is
a. C2H2 b. CH c. CH2 d. CH4
21. The symbol of Antimony is
a. An b. At c. Sn d. Sb
22. Which of the followings is an example of chemical change except.
a. Digestion of food b. Burning of wood c. Death of living body d. Boiling of water
23. 1200 ml each of N2 and H2 are reacted at STP to form NH3. The resulting mixture contains
a. 1200 ml N2 , 1200 ml H2 ,0 ml NH3 b. 600 ml N2 ,600 ml H2 , 1200 ml NH3
c. 600 ml N2 , 0 ml H2 , 1800 ml NH3 d. 800 ml N2 , 0 ml H2 , 800 ml NH3
24. Which of the following contains same number of molecules
a. 16 g H2 and 16 g He b. 4.6 g C2H5OH and 4.6 g NO2 c. 3.2 g O2 and 3.2 g CH4 d. NOT
25. 3.01 X 1020 molecules of each SO2 and O2 are taken to form SO2 as 2SO2 + O2  2 SO3. The
limiting reactant is
a. SO2 b. O2 c. SO3 d. NOT
26. The number of significant figures and characteristics value for 0.004030 respectively is
a. 3 and 4 b. -3 and 4 c. 4 and -3 d. 4 and 3
27. The logarithm value of 756.0210 lies in between
a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 3 c. 3 and 4 d. NOT
28. The smallest unit of element or compound that can exist free in nature is called
a. Ion b. Atom c. Radical d. Molecule
29. The E.F of Acetone is same as that of the
a. Acetic acid b. Propanol c. Propanal d. Propyne
30. log 100 – log 0.01 =
a. 4 b. -4 c. 0 d. -2
31. The least number of molecules is present in 30 grams of
a. NO2 b. N2O3 c. N2O d. NO
32. 1 amu =
a. 6.02 X 10-23 Kg b. 1.661 X 10-27 Kg c. 6.66 X 10-27 Kg d. NOT
33. The volume occupied by 3.5 g of N2 at STP is
a. 2.8 dm3 b. 4.48 dm3 c. 0.56 dm3 d. 5.6 dm3
34. What is the percentage of water in hydrated calcium chloride (CaCl 2:2H2O).
a. 66.67 % b. 32.47 % c. 24.48 % d. 12.26 %
35. What is the empirical formula for a compound that contains 17.34% hydrogen and 82.66%
a. CH4 b. C2H5 c. CH3 d. CH2
36. How many moles of water contains two grams Oxygen.
a. 1.25 moles b. 0.125 moles c. 0.5 moles d. 0.05 moles
37. When 0.01 Kg CaCO3 is decomposed, the CO2 produced occupies a volume at STP.
a. 224 dm3 b. 0.224 dm3 c. 2.2414 dm3 d. 22.414 dm3
38. The 2.478 g of Oxygen is present in 8.657 g of a compound, what is the percentage of oxygen is
present in the compound.
a. 25.36 % b. 28.62 % c. 22.48 % d. NOT
39. Number of atoms in 0.1 gm of Na is
a. 0.0043 b. 0.0403 c. 0.403 d. None of these
40. The largest number of molecules are present in
a. 3.6 grams of H2O b. 4.6 grams of C2H5OH c. 2.8 grams of CO d. 5.4 grams of N2O5
41. Mole of SO2 contains
a. 6.02 X 1023 atoms of oxygen b. 18.1 X 1023 molecules of SO2
c. 6.02 X 10 atoms of Sulphur
23 d. 4 grams of SO2
42. 5.4 grams of Al will react completely with how much mass of O2 to produce Al2O3.
a. 5.4 g of Oxygen b. 4.8 g of Oxygen c. 3.2 g of Oxygen d. 2.4 g of Oxygen
43. The number of moles of CO2 which contains 8 grams of Oxygen is
a. 0.25 b. 0.5 c. 1 d. 1.5
44. One calorie is equal to
a. 4.184 KJ b. 4184 KJ c. 418.4 KJ d. NOT
45. What is the mass of a substance whose density is 4 Kg / dm and volume is 2 dm .
3 3

a. 2 Kg b. 6 Kg c. 8 Kg d. 4 Kg
46. Which of following numbers has maximum significant figures.
a. 20010 b. 2.01 X 1023 c. 0.010120 d. 301.2
47. What is the M.F of a compound whose molecular mass is 28 and E.F is CH 2.
a. CH4 b. C2H2 c. C2H4 d. C2H6
48. 24g of carbon contain _____atoms of carbon:
a. 6.02 X 1023 b. 2 X 6.02 X 1023 c. 12 X 6.02 X 1023 d. 24 X 6.02 X 1023
49. How many particles are present in 36g of magnesium.
a. 6.02 X 1023 b. 9.03 X 1022 c. 9.03 X 1023 d. 1.02 X 1023
50. The value of logarithm 5629.375 lies in between
a. 2 and 3 b. 3 and 4 c. 4 and 5 d. 1 and 2
51. One mole of MgCl2 contains
a. 6.02 X 1023 Mg+2 ions b. 1.204 X 1024 Cl- ions c. 1.806 X 1024total ions d. AOT
52. An oxide of Aluminum contains 2.7 grams Aluminum and 2.4 g oxygen. The E.F of the
compound is a. Al1O1 b. Al1O2 c. Al2O3 d. Al1O3
53. If N =10x, the x is called
a. Logarithm of 10 b. Logarithm of N c. Exponent of N d. NOT
54. If log 587 = 2.7686 then log 0.00587 is equal to
a. 3.7686 b. -3.7686 c. 2.2314 d. -2.2314
55. If log 64 = 1.8060 then log 4 is equal to
a. 4.8060 b. 0.9030 c. 0.6020 d. 18.060
56. If Antilog 0.2290 = 1.694 then antilog 2.2290 is
a.2.694 b. 16.94 c. 0.1694 d. 169.4
57. A compound contains 40% Oxygen. The mole ratio of oxygen is
a. 1.63 b. 1.5 c. 2.5 d. 3.25
58. 14 grams of Nitrogen contains at STP
a. 6.02 X 1023atoms b.3.01 X 1023 molecules c. 11.2 dm3 d. AOT
59. In measurements we come across with errors and deviations due to
a. Defect in analytical method or instrumental method b. Improper functioning of instrument
c. Lack of handling apparatus d. AOT
60. The Empirical formula is ____ of molecular formula
a. Integral multiple b. Integral part c. Product d. NOT
61. The E.F of compound is C1H2O1. If its molecular mass is 60. Then M.F is
a. C1H2O1 b. C2H4O2 c. C3H6O3 d. C4H8O4
62. The density of gas is 3.57 g/dm3at STP. The gas may be
a. N2 b. SO2 c. SO3 d. NO2
63. The quantitative relationships b/w amounts of reactants and products are being studied in
branch of chemistry known as
a. Biochemistry b. Stoichiometry c. Thermo chemistry d. AOT
64. The mass of O2 gas required to burn 3.01 X 10 molecules of Ethene gas.

(C2H4 + 3O2  2CO2 + 2H2O).

a. 48 grams b. 96 grams c. 32 grams d. 64 grams
65. Volume of SO2 produced at STP by burning 190g of CS 2 (CS2 + 3O2  CO2 + 2SO2) is
a. 22.4 dm3 b. 11.2 dm3 c. 5.6 dm3 d. 112 dm3
66. One ounce mole of any gas occupies volume at STP
a. 22.4 dm3 b. 22.4 cm3 c. 22. 4 ft3 d. 224 ft3
67. Volume of O2 at STP required to burn 600 dm3 of H2S by the equation,
2H2S + 3O2  2H2O + 2SO2 is
a. 900 dm3 b. 1250 dm3 c. 600 dm3 d. 1350 dm3
68. 2.5 moles of substance weighs 100 grams. The substance may be
a. Washing soda b. Baking soda c. Caustic soda d. Soda ash
69. Which statement is not true for limiting reactant
a. It helps to find mass of product to be formed b. It is present in smaller quantity
c. It does not stop the reaction d. It consumes first
70. 1dm3 each of reactants react as 2 H2S + 3O2  2H2O + 2SO2. The volume of SO2 produced at
STP is
a. 333.3 cm3 b. 666.6 cm3 c. 222.2 cm3 d. 1 dm3
71. What is incorrect for systematic error.
a. It is caused by improper functioning of apparatus c. It is caused by defect in analytical method
c. It is caused due to lack of handling the apparatus d. It is caused by defect in instrument
72. 40 grams NaOH contains ___ % oxygen.
a. 40 b. 32 c. 60 d. 16
73. The E.F of sodium tetra thionate is
a. Na2S2O3 b. Na2S4O6 c. Na2B4O7 d. Na2SiO3
74. The no: of significant figures in 6.23 X 10 is 26

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d.6
75. According to S.F rules the sum of 12.90 + 0.0068 + 0.082+1.1 is
a. 14.0888 b. 14 c. 14.0 d. 14.1
76. An iron ball weighs 68.358 g. The measurement is uncertain to
a. ±1g b. ±0.01g c. ± 0.1g d. ±0.001g
77. Final zeros to the right of decimal point are
a. Significant b. Not significant c. May or may not be S.F d. NOT
78. Number of moles in 5.1 grams of NH3 is
a. 0.2 b. 0.3 c. 3 d. 1.3
79. The empirical formula of a compound is C2H5. Its molecular mass is twice of its empirical
formula mass. The compound may be
a. Acetylene b. Butane c. Benzene d. Hexane
80. The Emperical formula of acetylene is
a. C2H2 b. CH c. CH2 d. CH4
81. The NO: of moles in three grams of Acetic acid is
a. 0.01 b. 0.5 c. 0.05 d. 0.3
82. What is true about element.
a. It is pure substance b. It contains same atoms
c. Atoms of same element show same at: no: d. AOT
82. NaHCO3 is formula of
a. Washing soda b. Baking soda c. Caustic soda d. NOT
84. Which of the followings is an element.
a. Water b. Air c. Cement d. Ozone gas
85. The measurement 0.5628 grams is uncertain to
a.  0.0001 g b.  0.1 g c.  0.001 g d.  0.0008 g
86. New compounds are formed by
a. Chemical change b. Physical change c. Temporary change d. No change
87. Which of the followings is triatomic molecule.
a. N2 b. CH4 c. NH3 d. NOT
88. The mass of carbon in 9 grams of glucose is
a. 4.8 g b. 7.2 g c. 3.6 g d. 1.2 g
89. (4 X 10 4) + (3 X 103) + (2 X 102) =
a. 9 X 109 b. 2.4 X 104 c. 6.32 X 105 d. 4.32 X 104
90. When 3.7496 is rounded into 2 S.F, the answer is
a. 3.7 b. 3.7000 c. 3.8000 d. 3.8
91. When an atom gains one or more electrons, forms
a. Cation b. Anion c. Neutron d. Proton
92. What mass of N2 is required to react with 7.2 grams of Magnesium to form Mg3 N2 .
a. 2.8 g b. 1.4 g c. 4.2 g d. 5.6 g
93. Which of the following measurements is more accurate.
a. 4.5 g b. 4.56 g c. 4.567 g d. 4.5678 g
94. According to S.F rules 760 X 298 =
a. 226480 b. 22000 c. 32000 d. 23000
95. In addition of significant figures, all measurements should be in ____ units.
a. Different b. Same c. Variable d. their own
96. The symbol of Tin is
a. Tn b. Ti c. Sn d. Sb
97. Which of the followings is a mixture.
a. Air b. Brass c. Solution of NaCl d. AOT
98. Which of the followings is not a compound.
a. Ice cream b. Sugar c. Alum d. Water
99. The formula of Aluminum carbide is
a. Al2CO3 b. Al3C4 c. Al4C3 d. Al2(CO3 )3
100. The mass of 1.505 X 1025 atoms of Hydrogen is
a. 1.505 X 1025 grams b. 1.505 g c. 25 g d. NOT
101. The error which is Indeterminate is called
a. Systematic error b. Deviation c. Random error d. None of them
102. The reagent due to which chemical reaction stops is
a. Product b. Limiting reactant c. Reagent formed d. None of them
103. Logarithm is branch of
a. Biology b. Chemistry c. Physics d. None of them
104. We cannot write at temperature.
a. 0 K b. –273K c. 0C d. Both a b
105. At S.T.P 1.8grams of water vapors will occupy volume
a. 22.4dm3 b. 224dm3 c. 0.0224dm3 d. 2.24dm3
106. In a chemical reaction A and B combine to yield 2.7 and 1.5 grams product respectively which
one is limiting reactant
a. B b. A c. Both A and B d. None of them
107. 25 grams of CaCO3 at S.T.P on heating gives CO2
a. 22.4cm3 b. 5.6cm3 c. 5.6dm3 d. 22.4dm3
108. The data having zero before decimal point then zero after decimal is
a. Non-significant b. Significant c. Both A and B d. None of them
109. Eight grams of methane require _____ molecule of O2 to burn
a. 6.02 x 1023 b. 6.02 x 1012 c. 3.01 x 1023 d. None of them
110. Which of the following technique is used to separate colored dyes from ink
a. Distillation b. Chromatography c. Filteration d. Sublimation
111. Which one of the following is lightest particle
a. Hydrogen atom b. Proton c. Electron d. Neutron
112. Amount of Carbon in 8.8 grams of CO2 is
a. 2.4 grams b. 1.2 grams c. 24 grams d. 88 grams
113. The % of Nitrogen in Ammonia gas is
a. 14 x 100 / 17 b. 28 x 100 / 17 c. 28 x 100 / 39 d. 17 x 100 / 14
114. The log 650 = 2.28129 then log 0.0650 is equal to
a. 2.8129 b. 0.28129 c. –1.1871 d. –1.8129
115. Which of the followings is chemical change.
a. Sublimation b. Neutralization c. Crystallization d. AOT
116. A system in which numbers are written as product of two factors is
a. Significant number b. exponential notation c. logarithm d. S.I system
117. 5 grams of NaOH contains Number of moles is equal to
a. 1.25 b.12.5 c. 0.125 d.5
118. The mass of 1.505 X 1023 molecules of water is equal to
a. 5g b.4.5g c.1.8g d.9.0g
119. The empirical formula of caperoic acid is
a. C2H4O b. C6H11O2 c. C3H5O d.C3H6O
120. The formula of Ammonium sulphate is
a.Al2(SO4)3 b.NH4SO4 c.NH4(SO4)2 d. (NH4)2SO4
121. The death of living body is change.
a. Physical b. Chemical c. Temporary d. NOT
122. Mathematical use of exponential notation helps to minimize
a. Significant figure b. Error c. Result of simplification d. Size of object
123. The standard temperature is
a. 273C b. 273F c. 0 K d. NOT
124. The log 1.0 is equal to
a. 0.0000 b. 1.0000 c. 0.0001 d. –1.0000
125. When 4.0g of methane is burnt in 16.0g oxygen, 11.0g carbon dioxide and 9.0g of water are
produced. This illustrate to
a. Law of constant composition b. Law of multiple proportion
c. Law of conservation of mass d. Law of Reciprocal proportion
126. The elements differ from each other according to the number of
a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Isotopes d. amu
127. Atoms with same mass number but different atomic numbers are called
a. Isotopes b. Isotones c. Isobars d. Isomers
128. In a reaction CS2 + 3O2  CO2 + 2SO2 2moles of each reactant are mixed together at STP.
The volume of CO2 produced is equal to.
a. 1 x 22.4 / 3dm3 b. 2 x 22.4 / 3dm3 c. 2 x 22.4dm3 d. 3 x 22.4dm3
129. The mass of 22.4 litres of any gas at STP represents
a. Gram atomic mass b. Gram molecular mass c. Gram equivalent mass d. Molecular mass
130. Which of the following is not a matter
a. Space b. Attraction c. Heat d. All of these
131. The E.F of compound is CH2O2. If its molecular mass is 46 then M.F is
a. C3H6O6 b. C2H4O4 c. CH2O2 d. None of these
132. Which of the following samples containing the largest numbers of atoms
a. 1g of Ne b. 1g of Ca c. 1g of C d. 1g of O2
133. Lack in handling the apparatus causes
a. Systematic error b. Random error c. Both a and b d. NOT
134.For reaction 2H2S + 3O2  2H2O + 2SO2. How much O2 is required to produce 100 litres of SO2
a. 100litre b. 150litre c. 200litre d. 300litre
135. In a reaction 2N2 + O2  2N2O equals moles of N2 and O2 are reacted at S.T.P the limiting
reactant is a. N2 b. O2 c. N2O d. none of these
136. log 10 + log 0.0001 =
a. -3 b. 3 c. 0 d. -1
137. In a reaction H2O + SO3  H2SO4 . If 36g H2O and 160g SO3 are made to react in a reaction
vessel, the limiting reactant is ___
a. H2O b. SO3 c. H2SO4 d. NOT
138. Which of the following is used as an antifreeze in automobiles.
a. Formic acid b. Ethylene glycol c. Ammonia d. NOT
139. How many moles of H ions are present in a solution containing 4.9g of H2SO4

a. 0.1 b. 0.2 c. 0.6 d. 0.05

140. ( 2 x 102) + (6 x 102) + (3 x 103) = _____
a. 11 x 107 b. 1.1 x 10 8 c. 3.8 x 10 3 d. 3.62 x 102
141. The process of separating a liquid from a solid sediments is called
a. Distillation b. Decantation c. Fractionation d. Filtration
142. The process of converting a liquid into its vapors and then condensing the vapor back into
liquid is called
a. Distillation b. Decantation c. Fractionation d. Filtration
143. A substance which when added to another substance causes a chemical reaction is called
a. Reactant b. Product c. Reagent d. Emulsifier
144. The type of distillation used to separate liquid, which decomposes below their boiling point, is
a. Fractional distillation b. Vaccum distillation c. Dry distillation d. Destructive distillation
145. A mixture of red and blue dyes can be separated using
a. Separating funnel b. Distillation apparatus c. Chromatography paper d. AOT
146. The determination by accurate measurements of the composition by mass or volume is called
a. Quantitative analysis b. Volumetric analysis c. Qualitative analysis d. Gravimetric analysis
147. Empirical formula of a compound does not show,
a. Elements present in the compound b. Simplest ratio of atoms in the compound
c. Total number of atoms in one molecule of the compound d. AOT
148. In methane (CH4) the percentage of Hydrogen present by mass is
a. 12.5% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75%
149. A molecule of acetic acid (CH3COOH) is two times heavier than molecule of
a. CH3OH b. CO2 c. C2H6 d. NOT
150. A compound of an element containing the ion S2O3-2 is a
a. Sulphate b. Sulphite c. Sulphonate d. Thiosulphate
151. The mass of Oxygen in 9.8 grams of Sulphuric acid is
a. 1.6 g b. 3.2 g c. 8 g d. 6.4 g
152. A hydrocarbon contains 49 % hydrogen. The mole ratio of Carbon is
a. 4.25 b. 4.45 c. 41.5` d. 4.35
153. When 9 grams of water heated 1.505 X 1022 molecules were evaporated. The remaining NO: of
molecules of water is
a. 3.8595 X 1023 b. 1.505 X 1023 c. 3.8595 X 1024 d. NOT
154. A hydrocarbon contains 80 % carbon. Its E.F may be
a. C1H1 b. C1H2 c. C1H3 d. C1H4
155. 100 g each of NH3, O2 and CH4 are reacted to form HCN as:
2 NH3 + 3 O2 + 2 CH4  2 HCN + 6 H2O. The mass of HCN formed is
a. 50.5 g b. 45.5 g c. 56.25 g d. 34.75 g
156. For the reaction: 2 SO2 + O2  2 SO3. If 32 g each of SO2 and O2 are reacted, the amount
of SO3 formed is
a. 160 g b. 80 g c. 40 g d. 20 g
157. The number of molecules of oxygen required to burn 2 X 1020 molecules of ethane at STP is
a. 2 X 1020 b. 3.5 X 1020 c. 6.02 X 1023 d. 7 X 1020
158.The mass of hydrogen ion (H ) is

a. 1.672 x 10-24g b. 9.11 x 10-31g c. 0.00054 a.m.u d. 1.009 a.m.u

159 The mass of 6.02x10 atoms of sodium is

a. 23gams b. 230grams c. 32grams d. 11gram

160. Which one of the following have same number of significant figure
a. 1.01 and 2.0 b. 6.02 x 1023and 2.0 c. 0.009 and 2.0 d. 60 and 2.0


1) b 2) c 3) a 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) a 8) c 9) d 10) c
11) a 12) a 13) b 14) c 15) b 16) c 17) d 18) b 19) a 20) b
21) d 22) d 23) d 24) b 25) a 26) c 27) b 28) d 29) c 30) a
31) b 32) b 33) a 34) c 35) b 36) b 37) c 38) b 39) d 40) a
41) c 42) b 43) a 44) d 45) c 46) c 47) c 48) b 49) c 50) b
51) d 52) c 53) b 54) d 55) c 56) d 57) c 58) d 59) d 60) b
61) b 62) c 63) b 64) a 65) d 66) c 67) a 68) c 69) c 70) b
71) c 72) a 73) b 74) c 75) d 76) d 77) a 78) b 79) b 80) b
81) c 82) d 83) b 84) d 85) a 86) a 87) d 88) c 89) d 90) d
91) b 92) a 93) d 94) d 95) b 96) c 97) d 98) a 99) b 100) b
101) c 102) b 103) d 104) d 105) d 106) a 107) c 108) a 109) a 110) b
111) c 112) a 113) a 114) c 115) b 116) b 117) c 118) b 119) d 120) d
121) b 122) b 123) d 124) a 125) c 126) a 127) c 128) b 129) b 130) d
131) c 132) c 133) b 134) b 135) a 136) a 137) d 138) b 139) a 140) c
141) b 142) a 143) c 144) b 145) c 146) a 147) c 148) b 149) c 150) d
151) d 152) a 153) c 154) c 155) c 156) c 157) d 158) a 159) b 160) b

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