Modbus Specifications For Digital Sensors

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Modbus specifications for Digital Sensors





001 15/11/2007 Issue
002 17/01/07 Calibration validation, addition on sensor detection
003 26/03/08 Addition concerning error messages and dialogues between masters and sensors
004 28/8/2008 Example of a Modbus frame
005 9/9/2008 Modification of the addressing
006 16/10/2008 Improvement of layout
007 14/11/08 Translation in English
008 9/12/2008 Addition new Modbus adresses
009 08/01/2009 Addition of pictures
010 30/01/2009 Addition of software pictures
011 08/10/2012 Addition of OPTOD calibration for gain adjustment only
016 25/06/2013 Small corrections on the frames, float format
Sensors answer to the address 255
017 17/09/2013 Correction of the Modbus adress 0x00AA to 0x0002 page 12
Adding of the frame at the address 0x004C (page 23)
018 24/06/2013 Answer of the sensors to the address 255, calibration of the annular ORP sensor and
Turbidity/Sludge blanket detection sensor.
019 06/09/2016 Addition of calibrations pH in several points
020 29/03/17 Update all the document (table of content)
021 4/4/2017 Minor correction

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Table of content
1 PREAMBLE : reference documents and tools _________________________________________ 4
1.1 Link protocol frame: MODBUS RTU ____________________________________________________ 4
1.2 Overview of the memory plane _______________________________________________________ 5
1.3 Parameters in detail ________________________________________________________________ 6
1.4 Hardware configuration: ____________________________________________________________ 8
1.5 Addresses: _______________________________________________________________________ 8
1.6 Modbus functions used: ____________________________________________________________ 8
1.7 Equipment useful for integrating the digital Sensors : _____________________________________ 9
Basic kit: _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9
Software tool : _________________________________________________________________________________ 10
1.8 Modbus error messages: ___________________________________________________________ 12
2 Basic measurement: sequence and frame __________________________________________ 13
2.1 Sampling delay: __________________________________________________________________ 13
2.2 Measurement command ___________________________________________________________ 13
Measurement command for a defined parameter ____________________________________________________ 13
Waiting the known sampling delay ________________________________________________________________ 13
Measurement collecting _________________________________________________________________________ 13

3 Full measurement: sequence and frame ____________________________________________ 15

3.1 Full sequence: ____________________________________________________________________ 15
Initialization, collecting the sampling delay __________________________________________________________ 15
Measurement configuration ______________________________________________________________________ 15
Sending one or more external data for compensation _________________________________________________ 15
Measurement command for a defined parameter ____________________________________________________ 15
Waiting the known sampling delay ________________________________________________________________ 16
Checking the availability of a new measure __________________________________________________________ 16
Measurement collecting _________________________________________________________________________ 16
Status collecting for each measurement ____________________________________________________________ 16
3.2 Measurement Averaging frame ______________________________________________________ 19
3.3 Restore default calibration coefficients frame __________________________________________ 19
4 Sensor calibration: sequence and frame ___________________________________________ 20
4.1 General comments : _______________________________________________________________ 20
4.2 Modbus frames __________________________________________________________________ 20
4.3 Temperature calibration: typical sequence ____________________________________________ 21
4.4 OPTOD sensor calibration : _________________________________________________________ 22
Calibration in 2 points: __________________________________________________________________________ 22
OPTOD calibration : just the gain adjustment: ________________________________________________________ 23
4.5 Nephelometric Turbidity sensor calibration : NTU sensor _________________________________ 24
Turbidity calibration in standard solution of Formazin – NTU unit ________________________________________ 24
Turbidity calibration in mg/l (Calibration by dry weight) – Step 1 - : ______________________________________ 25
Turbidity calibration in mg/l - Step 2 - calculation of slope with dry weight value : _________________________ 26

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4.6 Four electrodes conductivity sensor calibration – C4E: ___________________________________ 27

4.7 Inductive conductivity sensor calibration – CTZN: _______________________________________ 28
4.8 pH/ORP sensor calibration: PHEHT sensor _____________________________________________ 29
pH calibration sequence _________________________________________________________________________ 29
ORP calibration sequence ________________________________________________________________________ 32
4.9 Annular ORP sensor calibration: EHAN sensor __________________________________________ 33
4.10 TSS sensor calibration : MES5 sensor _______________________________________________ 34
TSS calibration in g/L (Calibration by dry weight) – Step 1 - : ____________________________________________ 34
TSS calibration in g/L– Step 2 -slope calculation with dry weight value : __________________________________ 35
Turbidity calibration in FAU : _____________________________________________________________________ 36
Sludge blanket calibration _______________________________________________________________________ 37

5 Annex N°1 : PONSEL Modbus frames ______________________________________________ 38

Frame for calculation of a given calibration point: 170, 180, 190, 200 _____________________________ 38
Frame for validating a calibration 210 ____________________________________________________________ 41
Frame for filling out the list of “temporary coefficients to be used for the measurement”. 230 ______________ 43

Resets all "Temporary" calibration data. And the measurements use only current coefficients : 231 __________ 44

Frame to inform the site name to calibrate : 300 ___________________________________________________ 45

Frame to call back a site or a history : 310 _________________________________________________________ 46

Frame for delayed calibration – configuration for measurement recording 320 __________________________ 47

5.1.8 Frame for delayed calibration – configuration for dry weight collecting 321 _________________________ 48

6 Annex 2 – FAQ ________________________________________________________________ 49

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1 PREAMBLE : reference documents and tools

1.1 Link protocol frame: MODBUS RTU

The link protocol must correspond to MODBUS RTU.

See documents:
- Modbus memory plane for digital sensors : Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls
--> access with

- The specification for the modbus-Ponsel integrator : : Specification_Modbus_Vxxx-EN.pdf

--> via

- Modbus_over_serial_line_V1_02.pdf
--> access with

- Modbus_Application_Protocol_V1_1a.pdf
--> access with

The Modbus memory plane is identical for each parameter of the sensors.

The Modbus protocol for the sensors allows you to measure the parameters, until 4 plus temperature, of the Sensor and to
calibrate the parameters and temperature.
Furthermore, there are certain numbers of functions such as:
- Select the averaging value
- Read the Sensor description (serial number, hardware and software versions),
- Select the measurement range, if it is available.
- Return to default coefficients
- Modify the Sensor address,
- Use of external data for compensation
- Information on measures conducted (Out Of Specification measures, measures in
progress, etc.).
- Date and name of the operator who performed the calibration,
- Log of the 10 lastest calibration data
- Call back of calibration data,
- Power supply value (available only for the lastest sensors).

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1.2 Overview of the memory plane

See Modbus memory plane for digital sensors: Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls, in the « general information » sheet.
In this document, one Modbus address is linked to functionality with the types of variables.

Figure 1: extract of Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls document

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1.3 Parameters in detail

See Modbus memory plane for digital sensor: Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls, in the « sensor » sheet.
In this document, each sensor has a dedicated sheet, OPTOD, Conductivity-C4E, etc.

Each sheet gives detailed information about:

- Sensor description,
- Default factory address,
- Serial number format,
- Parameters and unity of the sensor,
- Useful external data for compensation,
- Measurement range description,
- Measurement status description,
- Standard solutions and coefficients for calibration steps.

Figure 2: extract of OPTOD sensor sheet in Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls document ; measurement configuration

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Figure 3: extract of OPTD sensor sheet in Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls document; coefficients and standard

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1.4 Hardware configuration:

Transmission medium: RS485 half-duplex
Bauds rate : 9600
data bits : 8
Parity and stop bit : - 2 stop bit and no parity (default factory settings)
(modified by the Modbus address 0x00BC) - 1 stop bit and even parity,
- 1 stop bit and odd parity,

If a digital sensor is not configured 2 stop bits, it can no longer communicate with the Calsens software or an Odeon
handheld meter.

1.5 Addresses:
The sensors have an address with a value between 1 and 230.
Addresses between 231 and 247 are reserved for the manufacturer.
The Modbus protocol requires that the address 0 is not used, as well as the addresses 248 to 255.

All the sensors process information when the master calls the 0 address.
The sensors never respond when the master sends a frame to the 0 address.

All the sensors handle the information and answer when master calls up to the address ' 255 '.
This feature must be only used with 1 only sensor connected to the network, otherwise there will be a conflict between the
various Sensors.

Each sensor has a default factory address, which is allocated by the Modbus memory plane file.

1.6 Modbus functions used:

The sensors process 4 Modbus functions:
- 0x03: Reading of n consecutive output words (from 1 to 125 bytes).
- 0x06: Writing of 1 output word.
- 0x10: Writing of n output words; use this function when there are at least 2 consecutive registers.
- 0x11: Identification reading. The Sensor returns its description (Modbus address : 0x0D00).

The Identification function is used to perform a scan on the Modbus network. This is because the Identification function
uses the shortest communication form. As such the scanning time for all the addresses is optimized.

The "float" corresponds to the ANSI / IEEE standard Std 754-1985 - precision (32 bits); (MSB in mind, 'big- endian')

Integrators have access to 10 bytes in read/write in Flash. (Send: of 0x02D2 has 0x02D6 included)

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1.7 Equipment useful for integrating the digital Sensors :

Basic kit:
 Tools :
- A RS485/USB converter with 1 sensor input,
- A stabilized power supply 5V to12V DC,
- One digital probe.

 Documentations :
- The Modbus memory plane : Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls
- This document.

Before implementation of sensors in an already deployed measurement system (sensors network with PLC, SCADA…), the
manufacturer recommends a first communication trial with a computer as master.
The manufacturer recommends the use of 4200 DIGITAL MODULE with one or two sensors inputs as RS485/USB

Number of input PONSEL Converter reference

1 NC-FIX-C-00020
2 NC-FIX-C-00021

SENSOR consumption in standby is between 10 and 40 µA depending on the setting of the Sensor. For more information
consult the datasheet of the sensor.
This can help ensure that the sensor is powered.

The most commonly occurring problem is the use of a not efficient RS485/USB converter regarding RTS signal
management. This one permits the release of the line, move to high impedance state, for the activity of the slave (sensor).

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Software tool :

The manufacturer gives access to CALSENS

software. This Windows software, installed on your
computer, will help you to check the
communication with sensors.

This software realizes real time measurements and

calibration of various parameters.

Figure 4 : view of CALSENS software

Don’t forget the driver installation of the converter 4200 DIGITAL MODULE. This driver is delivered with the converter
on the compact disk.

Please check the communication port used for the converter. See system in the configuration panel.

In order to facilitate integration of digital sensor in the system, you could see the frames generated by the computer and the
request from the sensor in a dedicated window. In that way, choose in the CALSENS menu, Tools/Commands log.

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In the figure below, in the red square, you could see the frames of the description of a conductivity sensor during a scan of
the network.

Figure 5: extract of CALSENS software ; Commands log

This specification explains a Calibrations, Measures, ... as short as possible.

Calsens is more complete because it displays additional information, more advanced. (more frame modbus)

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1.8 Modbus error messages:

For the error codes, used:

o When the sensor returns the error code “FF”. There is a communication problem.

o When the sensor returns the error code “01”. The function code is not recognized by the Sensor.

o When the sensor returns the error code “02”. The address is not valid.

o When the sensor returns the error code “03”. The data format is incorrect.

o When the sensor returns the error code "04". The sensor is in failure mode (supply voltage too low, ...)

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2 Basic measurement: sequence and frame

2.1 Sampling delay:

This is the time between measurement command and new data availability

For a defined sensor, this delay does not change. In a general point of view, this delay is less than 2 seconds.

At Initialization step, you should request the sampling delay to obtain all the measures (value in ms):
@ 0x00A4
In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls”

0x00A4 Flash r Approx Time needed to obtain all measurements int 1 in ms

2.2 Measurement command

To obtain a measure from the sensor, the master must realized a sequence of communication.

Measurement command for a defined parameter

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ 0x0001
Order to run a given measurement
0x0001 w (measurements can be run simultaneously) int 1
MT: 1: runs temperature measurement
M1: 1: runs parameter 1 measurement
M2: 1: runs parameter 2 measurement
M3: 1: runs parameter 3 measurement
M4: 1: runs parameter 4 measurement

Waiting the known sampling delay

The master must wait a minimum delay to obtain a measure. This delay is the value at @ 0x00A4 address.
This delay is the necessary time for the sensor to realize the measurements.

Measurement collecting

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ from 0x0053 to 0x005B

0x0053 RAM r Temperature measurement float 2
0x0055 RAM r Parameter 1 measurement float 2
0x0057 RAM r Parameter 2 measurement float 2
0x0059 RAM r Parameter 3 measurement float 2
0x005B RAM r Parameter 4 measurement float 2

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In this case, the master collects the delay value, 500ms (0x01F4)
It sends the order for 5 measures (0x001F)
It waits the necessary delay: 10:58:39:550 - 10:58:38:970 = 580ms.
It collects the five measures:
Temperature: 21.22°C
Parameter #1: 8.206
Parameter #2: 0.00
Parameter #3: -65.197
Parameter #4: 0.00

10:30:22:630 – frame sent : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x00-0xA4-0x00-0x01-0xC5-0xBC
10:30:22:670 – received frame : (7 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x02-0x01-0xF4-0x74-0x53

Command for 5 measures

10:58:38:930 - frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x01-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x00-0x1F-0xD9-0x19
10:58:38:970 - received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x01-0x00-0x01-0x50-0x5C

Measurement collecting (5 parameters) :

10:58:39:550 - frame sent : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x00-0x53-0x00-0x0A-0x35-0x89
10:58:39:600 - received frame : (25 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x14-0x41-0xA9-0xC7-0x10-0x41-0x03-0x4B-0xE8-0x00-0x00-0x00-

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3 Full measurement: sequence and frame

3.1 Full sequence:

Initialization, collecting the sampling delay

For a defined sensor, this delay does not change.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” @ 0x00A4

0x00A4 Flash r Approx Time needed to obtain all measurements int 1 in ms

Measurement configuration

Using the registers of configuration, you can modify the measurement range and activate external values for compensation.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ from 0x00A5 to 0x00A9

In this case, for the master the sequence is the following??

Sending one or more external data for compensation

Write the compensation value in the suitable location.

This feature is only useful if the measure must be compensated with a external data.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ from 0x005D to 0x0061

0x005D RAM r/w Compensates Temperature returned by Master float 2 Val: 25°C
0x005F RAM r/w Compensates 1 returned by Master (external parameter for calculation of compensation) float 2
0x0061 RAM r/w Compensates 2 returned by Master (external parameter for calculation of compensation) float 2

For activating this feature, you must make a suitable measurement configuration.

Measurement command for a defined parameter

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ 0x0001
Order to run a given measurement
0x0001 w (measurements can be run simultaneously) int 1
MT: 1: runs temperature measurement
M1: 1: runs parameter 1 measurement
M2: 1: runs parameter 2 measurement
M3: 1: runs parameter 3 measurement
M4: 1: runs parameter 4 measurement

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Waiting the known sampling delay

The master must wait a minimum delay to obtain a measure. This delay is the value at @ 0x00A4 address. This delay
is the necessary time for the sensor to realize the measurements.

To avoid any risk of measurement perturbation, the manufacturer suggests to limit commands to sensors during the
sampling delay.

Checking the availability of a new measure

By reading the status, you know the current state of the measurement.
- Measurement running,
- New Measure ready
- Measurement with info 1, 2, 3 or 4.
- Measurement out of range, etc.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ 0x0052

0x0052 RAM r (Generic) int 1 StmTemp Stm4: Stm3: Stm2:
StmX: 000: Measurement OK
001: Measurement OK, but out of specifications
010: Measurement OK with INFO 1
011: Measurement OK with INFO 2
100: Measurement impossible, out of specifications
101: Measurement impossible with INFO 3
110: Measurement impossible with INFO 4
111: measurement under way (not yet available)
1: if at least one coefficient uses a temporary calibration standard (configuration
StmTemp during calibration)

Measurement collecting

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ from 0x0053 to 0x005B

0x0053 RAM r Temperature measurement float 2
0x0055 RAM r Parameter 1 measurement float 2
0x0057 RAM r Parameter 2 measurement float 2
0x0059 RAM r Parameter 3 measurement float 2
0x005B RAM r Parameter 4 measurement float 2

Status collecting for each measurement

The status gives information about measurement (current range, calibration coefficients used).

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ from 0x0064 to 0x0068

Temperature measurement
0x0064 RAM r status int 1
Parameter 1 measurement
0x0065 RAM r status int 1 Stm: See StmX
Parameter 2 measurement 1: if at least one parameter coefficient uses a temporary
0x0066 RAM r status int 1 StmTemp: calibration standard (configuration during calibration)

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Parameter 3 measurement
0x0067 RAM r status int 1 StmHF: 1: if at least one parameter coefficient is outside calibration limits
Parameter 4 measurement
0x0068 RAM r status int 1 StmCU: 1: if all parameter coefficients use default coefficient
StmHIST: 1: if all parameter coefficients use history coefficient

Example :

In this case, the master collects the delay value, 500ms (0x01F4)

It configures five measures:

* temperature measurement : 0x0000 - default value => no external compensation for this measure.
* parameter 1 : 0x0210 - range 2 activated => temperature compensation activated for this measure.
* parameter 2 : 0x0200 - range 2 activated => no external compensation for this measure.
* parameter 3 : 0x0000 - default value => no external compensation for this measure.
* parameter 4 : 0x0000 - default value => no external compensation for this measure.

It transmits the temperature value from external device: 22.5°C (0x41B40000)

It sends the order for 5 measures (0x001F)

It waits the necessary delay: 12:19:55:360 - 12:19:55:930 = 570ms.

It checks that the measurement is done (new value ready): 0x0209

* temperature status: 0b001 - measurement ready but out of range.
* parameter 1status : 0b001 - measurement ready but out of range.
* parameter 2status : 0b000 - measurement ready and OK.
* parameter 3 status : 0b001 - measurement ready but out of range.
* parameter 4 status : 0b000 - measurement ready and OK.

It collects the five measures:

0x41C28650-0x4083475F-0x80000000-0x432D73EA- 0x00000000

Temperature : 24.32°C
Parameter #1 : 4.102
Parameter #2 : 0.00
Parameter #3 : 173.45
Parameter #4 : 0.00

It collects the status of each measurement:

* temperature status: 0b001 - measurement OK but out of range.
* parameter 1status : 0x0221- measurement OK but out of range ; all calibration coefficients used are from factory
calibration ; range 2 activated
* parameter 2 status : 0x0200- measurement OK; range 2 activated
* parameter 3 status : 0x0201- measurement OK but out of range ; range 2 activated
* parameter 4 status: 0x0000- measurement OK.

Initialization, sampling delay

12:19:55:139 - frame sent : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x00-0xA4-0x00-0x01-0xC5-0xBC
12:19:55:160 - received frame : (7 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x02-0x01-0xF4-0x74-0x53

Initialization, measurement configuration

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12:19:55:180 - frame sent : (19 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0xA5-0x00-0x05-0x0A-0x00-0x00-0x02-0x10-0x02-0x00-0x00-

12:19:55:230 - received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0xA5-0x00-0x05-0x10-0x7C

Temperature compensation, use of external value :

12:19:55:250 - frame sent : (13 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x5D-0x00-0x02-0x04-0x41-0xB4-0x00-0x00-0x72-0xDC
12:19:55:290 - received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x5D-0x00-0x02-0xD0-0x4F

Command for 5 measures

12:19:55:310 - frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x01-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x00-0x1F-0xD9-0x19
12:19:55:360 - received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x01-0x00-0x01-0x50-0x5C

Status collecting basic measurements :

12:19:55:930 - frame sent : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x00-0x52-0x00-0x01-0x25-0x8E
12:19:55:960 - received frame : (7 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x02-0x02-0x09-0xB5-0x22

Measurement collecting (5 parameters) :

12:19:55:980 - frame sent : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x00-0x53-0x00-0x0A-0x35-0x89
12:19:56:040 - received frame : (25 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x14-0x41-0xC2-0x86-0x50-0x40-0x83-0x47-0x5F-0x80-0x00-0x00-

Full status collecting :

12:19:56:060 - frame sent : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x00-0x64-0x00-0x05-0xC4-0x43
12:19:56:110 - received frame : (15 octets) : 0x04-0x03-0x0A-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x21-0x02-0x00-0x02-0x01-0x00-0x00-0xC4-

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3.2 Measurement Averaging frame

No averaging for Temperature parameter. Averaging value is applied to parameters 1 to 4.
Averaging value is in the range 1 to 50.
When the master changes the averaging value, the sensor initializes all the data in the averaging table. But, in contrast,
when power supply is shutting down, the sensor saves data in order to process averaging.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ from 0x00AA

0x00AA Flash r/w Averaging value for all parameters except temperature. int 1

The master modifies the averaging value to 10. (0x000A)

10:38:17:860 – frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0xAA-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x00-0x0A-0x01-0x0D

10:38:17:900 – received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0xAA-0x00-0x01-0x21-0xBC

3.3 Restore default calibration coefficients frame

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” : @ from 0x0002

0x0002 w Restore default coefficients int 1

This feature permits to come back to default calibration coefficients i.e. factory calibration coefficients. It could be useful
when an error has been done during calibration process.

The master restores default coefficients for parameter #1 only. (0x0002)

11:09:08:520 – frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x02-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x00-0x02-0x19-0x23

11:09:08:570 – received frame: (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x02-0x00-0x01-0xA0-0x5C

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4 Sensor calibration: sequence and frame

4.1 General comments :

For full calibration or calibration of a single coefficient, the coefficient(s) to be modified are only processed by the Sensor
when the master sends the name of the operator and the date in the Temporary calibration.

The measures sent by the sensor are processed using “current coefficients”. As long as the calibration process was not
validated, the new coefficients are stored in “temporary calibration”.

4.2 Modbus frames

For more details, see annex 1.

170 : Calculate a given calibration point.

180 : Special case of a calibration, offset of ORP, request for forced electronic zeroing of ORP.
190 : Special case of the calibration point, offset of ORP, request calculate the calibration coefficient and to remove
forcing of electronic zeroing.
200 : Special case of a calibration, offset of ORP, enables to go out of the calibration point without
changing anything and remove forcing of electronic ZERO
210 : Validate calibration coefficients.
230 : Fill out the list of “temporary coefficients to be used for the measurement”.
231 : Resets all "Temporary" calibration data. And the measurements use only current coefficients.
300 : Frame to inform the site name to calibrate
310 : Frame to call back a site or a history
320 : Frame for delayed calibration – configuration for measurement recording
321 : Frame for delayed calibration – configuration for dry weight collecting

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4.3 Temperature calibration: typical sequence

A typical sensor calibration sequence proceeds in the following order:

Temperature calibration: 0.00°C: this corresponds to information supplied by the

1st step: Calculate offset operator.
Sensor fully immersed in an ice/water bath. 0.12°C: this corresponds to information returned by the
231 Sensor.

Calibration standard value: 0.00 °C

Measurement: 0.12 °C
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display. If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231.
When the operator validates this step: 170 and 230
(when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the
temperature offset)

Temperature calibration:
2nd step: Calculate gradient
Sensor fully immersed in a bath heated at 25°C for

Calibration standard value: 25.00°C

Measurement: 22.48°C
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.
When the operator validates this step: 170 and 230
when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the
oxygen offset and to the temperature slope).

Temperature calibration:
Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name: J. Doe

Date: 01/10/08

Validation by the operator: 210, 231.

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4.4 OPTOD sensor calibration :

Calibration in 2 points:

OPTOD calibration: 0.00: this corresponds to information supplied by the

1st step: Calculate offset operator.
Place the sensor in an aqueous solution of 2% sodium 0.12: this corresponds to information returned by the
sulfite at ambient temperature. Sensor.

Calibration standard value: 0.00% Note: The master does not return the calibration standard value,
Measurement: 0.12% so the value is necessarily set at 0.00%.
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.
If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
When the operator validates this step: 170 and 230 when anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the oxygen
offset gend’oxygène

OPTOD calibration:
2nd step: Calculate gradient Note: The master does not return the calibration standard value,
Place the sensor in 100% saturated air. so the value is necessarily set at 100.00%.

Calibration standard value: 100.00%

Measurement: 102.48%
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.
When the operator validates this step: 170 and 230
(when putting to ‘1’ the coefficients corresponding to the
oxygen offset and to the oxygen slope)

OPTOD calibration:
Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name: J. Doe

Date: 01/10/08

Validation by the operator: 210, 231.

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OPTOD calibration : just the gain adjustment:

1st step : Calculate gradiant 102.48 : Corresponds to an information sent back by the sensor.
Place the sensor in 100% saturated air.
231 If the operator wishes to go out of the calibration, without
taking into account anything 231
Calibation standard value : 100.00%
Measurement : 102.48% Note : The standard is necessarily in ' 100 % ', the value is not
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on modifiable.
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170 and 230

(with the value set to ‘1‘ the corresponding coeff in the
gain of the oxygen)

OPTOD calibration:
Validation of the calibration

Operator’s name : J. Dupont

Date : 01/10/08

Validation by the operator: 210, 231

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4.5 Nephelometric Turbidity sensor calibration : NTU sensor

Turbidity calibration in standard solution of Formazin – NTU unit

Choose the range to be calibrated from the 4 available ranges, designated CgGamme.

Turbidity calibration: 0.00: This corresponds to information supplied by the

1st step: Calculate offset operator.
Place the sensor in demineralized water. 0.12: This corresponds to information returned by the
231 Sensor.

Calibration standard value: 0.00 NTU

Measurement: 0.12 NTU
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
the display. anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
When the operator validates this step: 170 with the
calibration standard value for the range chosen for the
And 230 when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient
corresponding to the turbidity offset in the correct range.

Turbidity calibration:
2nd step: Calculate gradient
Place the sensor in a Formazin standard solution.

Calibration standard value: 100.00 NTU

Measurement: 102.48 NTU
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.
When the operator validates this step: 170 with the
calibration standard value for the range chosen for the
Et 230 (when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding
to offset and to the turbidity slope.

Turbidity calibration:
Validation of entire calibration
At this step, one range is calibrated.
Operator’s name: J. Doe Carry out this operation for each range to be calibrated
Date: 01/10/08 (a maximum of 4 times).

Validation by the operator: 210, 231 For the gradient, use a calibration standard solution suited to
the range chosen for the measurement.

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Turbidity calibration in mg/l (Calibration by dry weight) – Step 1 - :

The sensor does not record the last 10 calibrations for this parameter but the sensor can save 10 different sites chosen by the

Turbidity calibration in mg/l :

1st step : Calculating of the offset, 0.00 : This corresponds to an information given by
Put the sensor in clear water the operator
231 0.12 : This corresponds to an information returned by
the Sensor.
Value of the measure : 0.00 mg/l
Maesurement : 0.12 mg/l
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display. If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without
considering anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
When the operator confirms this step : 170 with the value
of measure and 230 when putting to ‘1’ the coeff icient
corresponding to the offset of turbidity.

Turbidity calibration in mg/l :

2nd Step : Recording of the value of the material
Put the sensor in the material. The slope calibration coefficient is calculated in a delayed
Maesurement : 102.48 mg/l This step can only know the extent obtained by the sensor of
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on the material. The real concentration value of the material is
the display. obtained by Dry Weight and then returned to the sensor.
When the operator confirms this step : 320 (CgDif of
param 3 to 0b01), 170 with any standard value.

Turbidity calibration in en mg/l :

Complete calibration validation The operator must select the location of the site to be calibrated
between 1 and 10.
1- Site 1 The operator must appoint or reappoint the site.
2- Tank 1
4- Tank 2 The site names contains up to 8 characters.
6- Site 2
9- Tank 5

Operator’s name : J. Doe

Date : 01/10/08

Validation by the operator : 300, 210, 321

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Turbidity calibration in mg/l - Step 2 - calculation of slope with dry weight value :

This step enables to achieve the parameter calibration in mg /l. The operator will enter the value of the Dry Weight to
allow the Sensor to calculate the real slope of the turbidity based on the sample of material.

Turbidity calibration in mg/l :

3rd Step : Value of dry weight The operator must choose the site to get back.

231 If this site has an outstanding dry weight, we can then

confirm this step (information given by the calibration
1- Site 1 status of the slope coefficient). Otherwise you have to
2- Tank 1 prevent the operator to validate the step.
5- Tank 2
7- Site 2 If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without
8- considering anything (no matter which of the 2 steps):
9- Tank 5 231

Value of dry weight: 1000 mg/l

When the operator confirms this step : 310 call back the
site, 321 (CgDif of param 3 to 0b10), 170 with the dry
weight as standard value for the slope. 230 when putting
to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the turbidity slope.

Turbidity calibration in mg/l :

Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name : J. Doe

Date : 01/10/08

Validation by the operator : 300, 210, 231

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4.6 Four electrodes conductivity sensor calibration – C4E:

Choose the range to be calibrated from the 4 available ranges, designated CgGamme.

Conductivity calibration: 0.00: this corresponds to information supplied by the

1st step: Calculate offset operator.
Place the sensor in the open air. 0.12: this corresponds to information returned by the
231 Sensor.

Calibration standard value: 0.00 µS/cm If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
Measurement: 0.12 µS/cm anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170 with the

calibration standard value for the range chosen for the
230 when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to
the offset in the correct range.

Conductivity calibration:
2nd step: Calculate gradient
Place the sensor in a calibration solution.

Calibration standard value: 84.00 µS/cm

Measurement: 86.48 µS/cm
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170 with the

calibration standard value for the range chosen for the
measurement. Et 230 (when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient
corresponding to the offset in the correct range)

At this step, one range is calibrated.

Conductivity calibration: Carry out this operation for each range to be calibrated (a
Validation of entire calibration maximum of 4 times).
For the gradient, use a calibration standard suited to the range
Operator’s name: J. Doe chosen for the measurement.
Date: 01/10/08
Validation by the operator: 210, 231 The salt content and TDS are not calibrated. Instead, these
parameters are deducted from the conductivity measurement.

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4.7 Inductive conductivity sensor calibration – CTZN:

Conductivity calibration: 0.00: this corresponds to information supplied by the

1st step: Calculate offset operator.
Place the sensor in the open air. 0.12: this corresponds to information returned by the
231 Sensor.

Calibration standard value: 0.00 mS/cm If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
Measurement: 0.12 mS/cm anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170 with the

calibration standard value for the range chosen for the
230 when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to
the offset in the correct range.

Conductivity calibration:
2nd step: Calculate gradient
Place the sensor in a calibration solution.

Calibration standard value: 4.00 mS/cm

Measurement: 6.48 mS/cm
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170 with the

calibration standard value for the range chosen for the
measurement. Et 230 (when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient
corresponding to the offset in the correct range)

Conductivity calibration:
Validation of entire calibration REMARK :
The salt content is not calibrated. Instead, this parameter is
Operator’s name: J. Doe deducted from the conductivity measurement.
Date: 01/10/08

Validation by the operator: 210, 231

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4.8 pH/ORP sensor calibration: PHEHT sensor

pH calibration sequence

This calibration is particular; we can calibrate this parameter on 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points of calibration.

The algorithm of calibration detects the order of the points of calibration and uses the principle of right segment between every
point of calibration.


In the Modbus memory plane, we number the standards " standard 1 ", " standard 2 ", " standard 5 ", " standard 6 ", "
standard 7 ". The digital sensor gets back all the data (standard solutions values and raw measures) and stores
automatically the data in the increasing order by obtaining " standard A ", " standard B ", " standard C ", " standard D " and
" standard E ".

This allows the integrator to inform any value of standard (of 0 in 14pH) in whatever of the 5 compartments memory of the

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pH calibration: 7.00: this corresponds to information supplied by the

1st step: Calculate offset operator.
Place the sensor in a calibration standard with a pH 0.12: this corresponds to information returned by the
between (0 and 14). Sensor.

Calibration standard value: 7.00 pH If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
Measurement: 7.12 pH anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170. et 230

(when putting to ‘1’ the 5 standards ; 0x000001CC =>
coeff. 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7)

pH calibration:
2nd step: Calculate gradient REMARK :
Place the sensor in another calibration standard The values of the standard solutions could be passed in any
Calibration standard value: 4.00 pH
Measurement: 4.48 pH
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170

pH calibration:
3rd step: Calculate gradient
Place the sensor in another calibration standard

Calibration standard value: 2.00 pH

Measurement: 2.04 pH
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170

pH calibration:
4th step: Calculate gradient
Place the sensor in another calibration standard

Calibration standard value: 6.00 pH

Measurement: 6.08 pH
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170

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pH calibration:
5th step: Calculate gradient
Place the sensor in another calibration standard

Calibration standard value: 10.00 pH

Measurement: 9.91 pH
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170

pH calibration:
Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name: J. Doe

Date: 01/10/08

Validation by the operator: 210, 231.

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ORP calibration sequence

ORP calibration: 0.00: this corresponds to information supplied by the

1st step: Calculate offset operator.
AUTOMATIC ZEROING 0.12: this corresponds to information returned by the
230 with the value set to ‘0’ Sensor.
180 (activation of automatic zeroing).
The sensor can be placed in the open air since the Redox offset
Measurement: 2.12 mV is conducted electronically.
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display. If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
When the operator validates this step: 190. et 230 (when
putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the offset)
If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without
considering anything :  200 (deactivation of the
electronic Zero).

ORP calibration:
2nd step: Calculate gradient
Place the sensor in a 240 mV calibration standard (for
230, setting the coefficient for the Redox offset to ‘1’.

Calibration standard value: 240 mV

Measurement: 246 mV
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170 et 230 (when

putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the offset
and to the slope)

ORP calibration:
Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name: J. Doe

Date: 01/10/08

Validation by the operator: 210, 231

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4.9 Annular ORP sensor calibration: EHAN sensor

ORP calibration: 0.00: this corresponds to information supplied by the

1st step: Calculate offset operator.
AUTOMATIC ZEROING 0.12: this corresponds to information returned by the
230 with the value set to ‘0’ Sensor.
180 (activation of automatic zeroing).
The sensor can be placed in the open air since the Redox offset
Measurement: 2.12 mV is conducted electronically.
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display. If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
When the operator validates this step: 190. et 230 (when
putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the offset)
If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without
considering anything :  200 (deactivation of the
electronic Zero).

ORP calibration:
2nd step: Calculate gradient
Place the sensor in a 240 mV calibration standard (for
230, setting the coefficient for the Redox offset to ‘1’.

Calibration standard value: 240 mV

Measurement: 246 mV
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170 et 230 (when

putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the offset
and to the slope)

ORP calibration:
Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name: J. Doe

Date: 01/10/08

Validation by the operator: 210, 231

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4.10 TSS sensor calibration : MES5 sensor

TSS calibration in g/L (Calibration by dry weight) – Step 1 - :

The sensor does not record the last 10 calibrations for this parameter but the sensor can save 10 different sites chosen by the

TSS calibration :
1st step : Calculating of the offset, 0.00 : This corresponds to an information given by
Put the sensor in clear water the operator
231 0.12 : This corresponds to an information returned by
the Sensor.
Value of the measure : 0.00 g/l
Maesurement : 0.12 g/l
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display. If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without
considering anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
When the operator confirms this step : 170 with the value
of measure and 230 when putting to ‘1’ the coeff icient
corresponding to the offset of turbidity.

TSS calibration :
2nd Step : Recording of the value of the material
Put the sensor in the material. The slope calibration coefficient is calculated in a delayed
Maesurement : 2.48 g/l This step can only know the extent obtained by the sensor of
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on the material. The real concentration value of the material is
the display. obtained by Dry Weight and then returned to the sensor.
When the operator confirms this step : 320 (CgDif of
param 3 to 0b01), 170 with any standard value.

TSS calibration :
Complete calibration validation The operator must select the location of the site to be calibrated
between 1 and 10.
11- Site 1 The operator must appoint or reappoint the site.
12- Tank 1
13- REMARK :
14- Tank 2 The site names contains up to 8 characters.
16- Site 2
19- Tank 5

Operator’s name : J. Doe

Date : 01/10/08

Validation by the operator : 300, 210, 321

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TSS calibration in g/L– Step 2 -slope calculation with dry weight value :

This step enables to achieve the parameter calibration in mg /l. The operator will enter the value of the Dry Weight to allow
the Sensor to calculate the real slope of the turbidity based on the sample of material.

TSS calibration:
3rd Step : Value of dry weight The operator must choose the site to get back.

231 If this site has an outstanding dry weight, we can then

confirm this step (information given by the calibration
10- Site 1 status of the slope coefficient). Otherwise you have to
11- Tank 1 prevent the operator to validate the step.
14- Tank 2
16- Site 2 If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without
17- considering anything (no matter which of the 2 steps):
18- Tank 5 231

Value of dry weight : 1 g/l

When the operator confirms this step : 310 call back the
site, 321 (CgDif of param 3 to 0b10), 170 with the dry
weight as standard value for the slope. 230 when putting
to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the turbidity slope.

Turbidity calibration in mg/l :

Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name : J. Doe

Date : 01/10/08

Validation by the operator : 300, 210, 231

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Turbidity calibration in FAU :

Calibration of the Turbidity in FAU : 0.00 FAU : This corresponds to an information given
1st step : Calculating of the offset, by the operator
Put the sensor in clear water. 0.12 FAU : This corresponds to an information returned
231 by the Sensor.

Value of the standard : 0.00 FAU

Measure : 0.12 FAU
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display. If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
anything (no matter which of the 3 steps) : 231
When the operator confirms this step : 170 with the value
of measure and 230 when putting to ‘1’ the coeff icient
corresponding to the offset of the FAU.

Calibration of the Turbidity in FAU :

2nde step : Calculate gradient
We recommends to put the sensor in a solution in 2000 FAU
Value of the standard : 2000 FAU (middle of the range ).
Measure : 2048 FAU
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator validates this step: 170 et 230 (when

putting to ‘1’ the coefficient corresponding to the offset
and to the slope)

Calibration of the Turbidity in FAU :

Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name : J. Dupont

Date : 01/10/08

Validation by the operator : 210, 231

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Sludge blanket calibration

Sludge blanket parameter needs only one step of calibration in clear water.

SB calibration : 102.48 : This corresponds to an information returned

1st step : Calculating of the offset, by the Sensor.
Put the sensor in clear water.
Value of standard is 100% of light transmission in clear water.

Value of the standard :100.00 % If the operator wishes to exit the calibration without considering
Measure : 102.48 % anything (no matter which of the 2 steps) : 231
Looped measurement command, to refresh the value on
the display.

When the operator confirms this step : 170 with the value
of measure and 230 when putting to ‘1’ the coefficient
corresponding to the offset of the SB parameter.

SB calibration :
Validation of entire calibration

Operator’s name : J. Dupont

Date : 01/10/08

Validation by the operator : 210, 231

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5 Annex N°1 : PONSEL Modbus frames

Frame for calculation of a given calibration point: 170, 180, 190, 200
This communication is used by the master when it needs to validate a calibration point. The Sensor conducts calculation of
the calibration coefficient. This calculation is performed when the master writes “calibration standard X” in the memory box for
the value of the solution in which the Sensor is placed. For the calculation, the Sensor retrieves the last measurement point.

170 :
In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” , the memory plane describes all the standard as a generic methodology.

@ 0x0200 to 0x0222

0x0200 Flash r/w write calibration standard 1 for temperature float

0x0202 Flash r/w write calibration standard 2 for temperature float
0x0204 Flash r/w write calibration standard 1 float
0x0206 Flash r/w write calibration standard 2 float
0x0208 Flash r/w write calibration standard 3 float
0x020A Flash r/w write calibration standard 4 float
0x020C Flash r/w write calibration standard 5 float
0x020E Flash r/w write calibration standard 6 float
0x0210 Flash r/w write calibration standard 7 float
0x0212 Flash r/w write calibration standard 8 float
0x0214 Flash r/w write calibration standard 9 float
0x0216 Flash r/w write calibration standard 10 float
0x0218 Flash r/w write calibration standard 11 float
0x021A Flash r/w write calibration standard 12 float
0x021C Flash r/w write calibration standard 13 float
0x021E Flash r/w write calibration standard 14 float
0x0220 Flash r/w write calibration standard 15 Float
0x0222 Flash r/w write calibration standard 16 Float

In the file, each sensor has a standard description as following:

Description of calibration standards :

Master returns: Unit: Calibration standard Comments:

used for parameter:
calibration standard 1 for Calibration standard
temperature value (offset):
Temperature value recommended by Ponsel: near 0°C
calibration standard 2 for Calibration standard
temperature value (slope) Temperature value recommended by Ponsel: near 25°C
Calibration standard value recommended by Ponsel: demineralised
standard 1 in NTUs Parameters 1 and 2
value (offset): water 0 NTU
Calibration standard value recommended by Ponsel: 25 NTU (middle
standard 2 in NTUs Parameters 1 and 2
value (slope) of range)
Calibration standard value recommended by Ponsel: demineralised
standard 3 in NTUs Parameters 1 and 2
value (offset): water 0 NTU
Calibration standard value recommended by Ponsel: 100 NTU
standard 4 in NTUs Parameters 1 and 2
value (slope) (middle of range)

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Calibration standard value recommended by Ponsel: demineralised

standard 5 in NTUs Parameters 1 and 2
value (offset): water 0 NTU
Calibration standard value recommended by Ponsel: 500 NTU
standard 6 in NTUs Parameters 1 and 2
value (slope) (middle of range)
Calibration standard value recommended by Ponsel: demineralised
standard 7 in NTUs Parameters 1 and 2
value (offset): water 0 NTU
Calibration standard value recommended by Ponsel: 2000 NTU
standard 8 in NTUs Parameters 1 and 2
value (slope) (middle of range)

Example :
In this example, the master sends to the sensor the reference value 24.3°C (0x41C26666) for calculation of the slope
(0x0202). Then the sensor calculates the coefficient using this value and the last measurement. The coefficient is stored in
the suitable space of temporary calibration area.
The sensor updates the status of temporary calibration.
The sensor confirms to master that the task has been done.

14:06:35:180 – frame sent : (13 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0x02-0x00-0x02-0x04-0x41-0xC2-0x66-0x66-0x64-0x90

14:06:35:290 – received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0x02-0x00-0x02-0xE1-0xE5

Special case of the ORP offset:

For the Redox offset “calibration standard 3”, the master must send com 180. The sensor can be placed in the open air
since the offset is conducted electronically.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls” , the memory plane describes all the standard as a generic methodology.
@ 0x0208

180 :
The master writes the value 0x01 in "calibration standard 3" (0x3F800000).
The sensor electronically zeroes the Redox.

exemple :
17:07:02:960 - Frame Sent : (13 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0x08-0x00-0x02-0x04-0x3F-0x80-0x00-0x00-0xF7-0x59
17:07:03:050 - Received Frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0x08-0x00-0x02-0xC1-0xE7

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190 :
Communication 190 is used by the master to validate the ORP offset, then the sensor starts calculation of the offset. For
the calculation, the Sensor retrieves the last measurement point.

The master writes the value 0x02 in "calibration standard 3" (0x40000000).
The Sensor calculates the calibration coefficient using the last measurement made, the calibration standard value (‘= 0mV’) and
files the result in the appropriate coefficient.
The SENSOR removes electronic zeroing of the Redox.

exemple :
17:17:03:610 - Frame Sent : (13 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0x08-0x00-0x02-0x04-0x40-0x00-0x00-0x00-0xEF-0x65
17:17:03:700 - Received Frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0x08-0x00-0x02-0xC1-0xE7

Communication 200 is used by the master to escape from the ORP calibration sequence. Consequently, this frame
deactivates electronic zero.

The master writes the value 0x03 in "calibration standard 3" (0x40400000).
The sensor removes the electronic ZERO from the redox without any calculation.

exemple :

17:08:26:250 - Frame Sent : (13 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0x08-0x00-0x02-0x04-0x40-0x40-0x00-0x00-0xEE-0xB1

17:08:26:350 - Received Frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0x08-0x00-0x02-0xC1-0xE7

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Frame for validating a calibration 210

Calibration of one or more coefficients is validated by the Sensor when the master sends operator name and the date.
If the master does not send this frame (and 231), then the calibration will not be taken into account when the master
requests a measurement.

Sensors take less than 500ms to treat the calibration validation information.

You must send 16 octets for operator name and also 16 octets for the date.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls”, the memory plane describes @ 0x027E to 0x02C6
Writing operator’s name and date in temporary calibration.
The sensor validates the calibration sequence by transferring data from temporary coefficients to current coefficients.

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Example of frame :

In the red square :

Operator’s name : ARISTOTE
Calibration date : 2015, 31th of august, 16:29

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Frame for filling out the list of “temporary coefficients to be used for the measurement”. 230
Activating a given coefficient in this list enables the SENSOR to return the measurement not with the correction coefficient
from the current calibration, but the one from the temporary calibration coefficient.

When the operator exits the calibration menu by cancelling the previous actions, each coefficient in the list is zeroed.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls”, the memory plane describes @ 0x014C

Write all data in the list of temporary coefficients to be used for measurement.

List of temporary coefficients to be

0x014C Flash r / w used in measurement calculation long 2 Coef14 Coef13 Coef12

CoefX: 1: Pod will use temporary coefficient value for

measurement calculation instead of current
coefficient; this function only used during
Example: offset already calculated used to display
measurement during second calibration (slope)

Example of frame :

The master asks to sensor a measurement obtained with temporary offset and gain.

16:28:00:140 – frame sent : (13 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x01-0x4C-0x00-0x02-0x04-0x00-0x00-0x00-0x03-0xAB-0x97

16:28:00:190 – received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x01-0x4C-0x00-0x02-0x81-0xB6

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Resets all "Temporary" calibration data. And the measurements use only current coefficients : 231
With these frames, the sensor sends the measurement with coefficients from current calibration and also resets data written
in temporary calibration.

Write '0x00000000 ' at 0x014C address and also 0x0001 at 0x004C address.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls”, the memory plane describes two registers from @ 0x014C and 0x004C.

List of temporary coefficients to be

0x014C Flash r / w used in measurement calculation long 2 Coef14 Coef13 Coef12

CoefX: 1: Pod will use temporary coefficient value for

measurement calculation instead of current
coefficient; this function only used during
Example: offset already calculated used to display
measurement during second calibration (slope)

Reset standard + Operator + Date of temporary

0x004C w calibration int 1 actif with value 0x01

Example of frame :

14:20:51:740 - frame sent : (13 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x01-0x4C-0x00-0x02-0x04-0x00-0x00-0x00-0x00-0xEB-0x96

14:20:51:790 - Received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x01-0x4C-0x00-0x02-0x81-0xB6
14:20:52:020 - frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x4C-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x00-0x01-0x56-0xCC
14:20:52:090 - Received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x4C-0x00-0x01-0xC0-0x4B

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Frame to inform the site name to calibrate : 300

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls”, the memory plane describes @ 0x02CE
The master must write the site name in temporary calibration (8 characters max).

0x02CE Flash w Site Name (temporary calibration standard) ascii 4 used only for Nephelo in mg/L and for MES

The master must write the site number, between 1 and 10, related to the calibration coefficients.

@ 0x014E
0x014E Flash r/w Site number int 1 Identifies site to be used for temporary calibration transfer (value from 1 to 10)

Example of frame :

The master must write the site name : “STEP BAS3

The site number used is #4 (0x0004).

15:36:18:540 – Frame sent : (17 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0xCE-0x00-0x04-0x08-0x53-0x54-0x45-0x50-0x20-0x42-0x41-

15:36:18:540 – Frame sent, ASCII format : (17 octets) : '---Î---STEP BASÛa'
15:36:18:580 - Received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x02-0xCE-0x00-0x04-0xA1-0xD8

15:36:18:610 - Frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x01-0x4E-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x00-0x04-0x87-0xED

15:36:18:640 - Received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x01-0x4E-0x00-0x01-0x60-0x77

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Frame to call back a site or a history : 310

The master asks the switch of current calibration coefficients by others linked to a site or calibration history.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls”, the memory plane describes @ 0x0003
0x0003 w Returns one of 10 latest calibrations or one of 10 sites int 1


Example of frame :

The master calls back the calibration coefficients of parameter #~2 from site #4. (0x0404)

15:42:33:210 – Frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x03-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x04-0x04-0x9A-0x30

15:42:33:250 – Received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0x03-0x00-0x01-0xF1-0x9C

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Frame for delayed calibration – configuration for measurement recording 320

With this step, the sensor knows that it must store the measurement value when it will receive the standard value.
(measurement in the sample of material)

The master sends the configuration of the measurement in g/L in order to indicate a delayed calibration : CgDif = 0b01

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls”, the memory plane describes : @ from 0x00A5 to 0x00A9
Flash r Temperature measurement int 1
/ type configuration.
0x00A5 w CgDif CgGamme
Flash r Param 1 measurement type int 1 CgMes: 00: corrected measurement, default value
/ configuration
0x00A6 w
Flash r Param 2 measurement type int 1 01: uncorrected measurement 1
/ configuration
0x00A7 w
Flash r Param 3 measurement type int 1 10: uncorrected measurement 2
/ configuration
0x00A8 w
Flash r Param 4 measurement type int 1 11: gross measurement
/ configuration
0x00A9 w
1: Uses temperature returned by Master for compensation
calculation. If not, Pod carries out temperature measurement
CgTEX: and uses value for compensation.
1: Pod uses Compensates 1 returned by Master for
Cg1EX: compensation calculation. If not, Pod uses default value
1: Pod uses Compensates 2 returned by Master for
Cg2EX: compensation calculation. If not, Pod uses default value
1: Pod uses Compensates 3 returned by Master for
Cg3EX: compensation calculation. If not, Pod uses default value
CgGamme: 000: range definition is automatic, or if no range
001: use of measurement range 1
010: use of measurement range 2
011: use of measurement range 3
100: use of measurement range 4
CgDif: 00:
Differed Default
calibration Val
01: gross measurement configuration saved for future use
(activation during calibration standard write process)
10: warns that gross value saved will be used to calculate
parameter with calibration standard (when calibration
standard next required)

Example of frame :

The master sends the configuration 0x1000 to parameter #2 (0x00A7) : cgDif = 0b01.

14:54:46:110 – Frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0xA7-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x10-0x00-0x8D-0xD7

14:54:46:150 – Received frame: (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0xA7-0x00-0x01-0xB0-0x7F

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5.1.8 Frame for delayed calibration – configuration for dry weight collecting 321
With this step, the sensor must collect the dry weight when it will receive the standard value.
It could calculate the calibration coefficient.
The master sends the configuration of measurement in g/l in order to indicate a delayed calibration.

In the file “Digital sensor Frame_xxx.xls”, the memory plane describes : @ from 0x00A5 to 0x00A9
Example of frame :

The master sends the configuration 0x2000 to parameter #2 (0x00A7) : cgDif = 0b10.

15:21:43:940 – Frame sent : (11 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0xA7-0x00-0x01-0x02-0x20-0x00-0x99-0xD7

15:21:43:980 – Received frame : (8 octets) : 0x04-0x10-0x00-0xA7-0x00-0x01-0xB0-0x7F

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6 Annex 2 – FAQ

 No frame receipt:

• Default in the cable or with power supply.

- solution : Measure power consumption of the sensor, in stand-by mode, current value below 50µA,

Check the cable,

Check the power supply near the sensor.

• Hardware flow control (RTS signal) :

- solution : Change the RS485 converter. The converter must compatible with RTU Modbus.

Check RTS signal timing,

Try with 4200 DIGITAL MODULE and CALSENS software then come back to your own software.

 Unknown frames received from the sensor :

• Echo problem with the sent frame :

- solution : Adapt the software to put or remove echo,

Change the converter configuration, if it is possible,
Try another RS 485 converter.

• Cable problem :

- solution : Invert A/B wires.

 Could we modify the parity bit ?

The sensor could be configure at 0x00BC address.

- 2 stop bit and no parity (default factory settings)
- 1 stop bit and even parity,
- 1 stop bit and odd parity,

 Could we modify the baud rate ?

No, the sensors works with 9600 bauds.

 How could we calculate and check CRC16?

The Modbus normative document explains the CRC16 algorithm CRC16.

Examples of CRC could be obtained using CALSENS software.
See "Modbus_over_serial_line_V1_02.pdf"document, 6.2.2. Chapter “CRC Generation”
Web :

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 Float number format for measurement :

Float number format is in accordance with normative document ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985 - simple precision (32 bits),

 How we manage a calibration process?

Use this document and also CALSENS software to see the frames in real time in commands log window (access in the
Menu / Tool).

 What is the default address of the sensor?

See factory certificate.

Default addresses are the following:
10, OPTOD sensor,
20, pH/ORP/Temperature sensor
21, ORP/Redox/Temperature
30, C4E conductivity sensor
40, Nephelometric turbidity sensor
50, Inductive conductivity sensor
60, TSS sensor.

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 What is the warm-up time of the sensor ?

Warm-up time:100 mS max for all the digital sensors.

 Is there a galvanic insulation with RS485 communication line?

There is no galvanic insulation with the RS485 line. However, the physico-chemistry sensors (pH, C4E conductivity) have
galvanic insulation at the measurement conditioning level. In this way, there is no perturbation when several sensors are

 How could we activate the stand-by mode of the sensor?

In stand-by mode, power consumption of sensors is very low (below 50µA). This is an automatic mode after the end of
measurement and communication.
In the other way, the sensor wake-up with communication frame.

 Could we obtain consecutive measurements without measurement command?

No. In order to optimize power consumption, the master needs to send a frame to obtain a new measure.

 What happens when a 12V voltage is applied to RS485 wires?

10V voltage is the limit value for RS 485 driver component.

Aqualabo Controle – 115 Rue Michel Marion – 56850 CAUDAN

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