ASIJ Ambassador Magazine Fall 2010

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The document discusses Paul Tange's plans to redesign the ASIJ campus, the growth of the Chinese language program, and Head of School Ed Ladd beginning to feel more connected to the ASIJ community after attending a school event.

The 4 x 4 Campaign aims to fund campus improvements through fundraising. Some of the planned renovations are introduced.

The article mentions that the Chinese language program at ASIJ is growing, and the writer Lucy Williams takes a look at the program.


Paul Tange
redesigns the face of ASIJ
the architecture issue
cover story
A Man with a Plan 4
Architect Paul Tange talks about his plans for a new-look for ASIJ.

Head of School’s Message 3
Head of School Ed Ladd on “The Alchemy of ASIJ.”

Campus Timeline 10
A look at ASIJ through the ages.

A Plan for the Future 14

An introduction to the 4 x 4 Campaign and the campus
improvements we have planned.

16 Modern Living 16
Parent, architect and writer Naomi Pollock talks about her passion
24 for the modern Japanese house.

ASIJ Architect: Hana Ishikawa ‘01 20

ASIJ Architect: J.C. Schmeil ‘86 22

Chinese to Go! 24
Staff writer Lucy Williams takes a look at ASIJ’s growing
Chinese language program.

Ballplayer is in a League of Her Own 28

Profile from The Japan Times of high school ballplayer Bessie Noll ’13.

The Write Stuff 30

A report on Scholar-in-Residence Alan Gratz’s visit to the
Middle School and his work with budding authors.

FALL 2010 the ambassador 1

features features

Editor | Director of Communications

Matt Wilce

Art Director | Photography

Francine Flora

Head of School
Ed Ladd

Director, Center for

School-Community Partnership Music Man 34
Tim Thornton Artist-in-Residence Linsey Pollak brings his unusual vegetable
instruments to the Elementary School.

The Alchemy of ASIJ

Alumni Relations | Communications
Lucy Williams

Data Officer Alumni Authors: Setting Sail 36

Kanako Sato Alumna author Pia Tipper Fenton ‘77 launches herself he faces of schools change all the time, yet the rarified ethos last year during one of my transition visits, and her dynamic style
as a novelist with her debut historical romance. of a school is created over time. This dynamic of new and is one that engages students actively in the nuances of tones
old creates a natural tension that allows for opportunities to and articulation. The inclusion of Chinese in our school has the
the ambassador
is published by the Center for 2009-10 fundraising report become realities, and for realities, over time, to become part of the
place we call ASIJ. In some ways, I think this description is very
potential to have great impact for all future learners at ASIJ.
Paul Tange’s imagination and creativity are only matched by his
School-Community Partnership,
The American School in Japan. apt for my entry into the ASIJ community. The blend of old and sartorial taste. The genius behind the “cocoon” building, one of
The Power of Giving 40 new is an alchemy of sorts, not to magically create gold as believed the most recognizable structures in Tokyo, Paul is now bringing his
ASIJ alumni, families, faculty and
A message from Jere Miller, Chair of the Fundraising Committee. in medieval times, but to transmute the “new” into the old: in a talents literally to the front gate of ASIJ. As an ASIJ parent, Paul
friends receive the ambassador.
We solicit your comments and sense to absorb and make something its own. In the case of ASIJ, understands the role that a campus plays in the life of a school and
encourage you to submit ideas and
Gift Clubs 41 everything over time becomes part of the legacy and tradition of in creating those memories that our alumni carry all over the globe.
articles for consideration.
the school and community. In the first phase of a two-phased process, Paul has designed
I can truly say after three months that I feel more and more like a new façade for our front entrance that is both striking and
Letters and inquiries may
be addressed to:
Honor Roll of Donors 43 a “mustang.” ASIJ is working its magic on me, and every smile and functional. This façade, along with a new building under which to
hello from a passing student in the hallway, every greeting from a park our buses with tennis courts and a fitness center on top and
the editor,
the ambassador,
Matching Gifts 48 parent, or invitation to a classroom by a teacher is transforming me. complemented by spaces for wrestling and dance, will give ASIJ
The American School in Japan, I particularly felt the tug of this transition during the recent “Spirit an entire facelift. This stunning creation will connect all elements
1-1-1 Nomizu, Chofu-shi ,
Tokyo 182-0031, Japan.
Planned Giving 49 Day.” Watching the interactions of our community on a beautiful of our school’s architecture into a cohesive whole, resulting in a
Saturday afternoon of football was mesmerizing, and talking to safer flow of buses and children to and from school, better security,
Tel: 81-422-34-5300, ext.700
alumni at their reception on the terrace made me feel more and and a more aesthetic welcome to all visitors who cross the new
Fax: 81-422-34 5304
Board of Trustees and Board of Directors 50
Email: [email protected] more that this was home, that I was part of this place called ASIJ. piazza to enter the school. There is, indeed, magic in the alchemy
This same transformation takes place at many different promised by this bold new design.
levels and on many different planes at our school as curriculum Phase Two of our project will address a number of
alumni section changes, our physical space is redesigned, or a new event is programming and curricular issues and enrich the learning
added to our social calendar. experience for students throughout the school. I am especially
In this issue of the ambassador you are going to read about excited about the plans to realize the vision of our “action plan”
Back on Campus 51
our Chinese program, about our building project, and about our to design a Japan Center on the campus. While ASIJ has a long
architect, Paul Tange. All three of these elements possess their own history of interacting with the culture and language of Japan, this
Class Reunions 52 alchemy, and while they will impact and change our school, they new learning space will cultivate greater focus on the context in
A look at this summer’s reunions and events will eventually become part of ASIJ as well. which we all live and enrich the experience of Japanese language
It should be no surprise to anyone that the meteoric rise of China and culture, both inside and outside the school. I believe that this
Class Agent List 58 over the past decade, in addition to the sheer size of this country is the kind of alchemy that can create a “gold” standard within
and its influence, not only in Asia but also throughout the world, our school and enlarge the experience of what is ASIJ.
has been a catalyst for the development of Chinese language So, as you can see, there are many new “faces” to ASIJ,
The Chochin Goes Digital 60
programs. To this end, ASIJ began a Chinese program last year but over time these too will become part of the legacy and
that will eventually expand into a full-blown program for teaching tradition of our school. I think all of us should be enthused to
In Memoriam 61 Chinese as a foreign language at ASIJ. We are very fortunate to be part of such great “alchemy.”
Photograph and Cover Design have had Joyce Huang join our faculty last year to spearhead this Warmly,
by Francine Flora 2011 Stateside Receptions 64 language initiative. I had the pleasure of visiting Joyce’s classroom Ed Ladd, Head of School

FALL 2010 the ambassador 3


with a plan

Current parent and renowned

architect Paul Tange talks about
his designs for the latest campus
improvement project

4 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 5

features features
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower
Shinjuku, Tokyo

n architectural circles the name Tange is synonymous with cutting-edge grand designs and the creation
of many of Japan’s iconic modern buildings. From the Hiroshima Peace Park and the Yoyogi National
Gymnasium to the Fuji TV Building in Odaiba and the Tokyo Metropolitan Building, the work of Pritzker
Prize-winning architect Kenzo Tange defines 20th century architecture for many Japanese. With the
completion of the Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower in 2008 and his current redesign of Roppongi Crossing,
Kenzo’s son Paul Tange is continuing that work, helping create Tokyo’s future cityscape.
In between large-scale projects in Singapore, where he is building a 38-story addition to the Overseas
Union Bank Center, Paul has generously agreed to lend his expertise to ASIJ, redesigning a significant area
of the campus. The two-phase project will focus on the front of school and the redevelopment of the old
MPR building and is the culmination of a master plan to improve the school’s facilities that began in 1998
with the seismic retrofit (see timeline on pages 12-13).

Did you know from an early age that you wanted to be an architect?
My father was an architect and I suppose I didn’t know any better. I always ask myself when did I really decide and
I don’t have an answer really. When I was growing up it was always architecture, architecture, architecture. When
we had a family trip it was always visiting one of my father’s job sites. We went to interesting places like Nigeria,
Tanzania, Syria and Saudi Arabia. Lots of places you wouldn’t usually go on a family trip. It was very exciting, but it
was still architecture, architecture, architecture. I began thinking, well this might be what I want to do. But my real
turning point came when I was a sophomore in college and I asked myself, is this really what I want? When I was
in college, they didn’t have an architecture school, just liberal arts or science all the way until graduate school level
when you choose a professional direction. I always liked math and physics, so as an undergraduate I was preparing
myself to go to architecture school by doing an art and engineering double major. But then all of a sudden I
came to a standstill and asked myself whether that what really what I wanted to do. So I changed my major to
economics for a year. And I hated it with a passion. I was good in math, so I understood the curves of supply and
demand and all of the different coordinates, but that meant nothing to me. So maybe I made a mistake there.
That’s when I realized that I really did want to go into architecture. I refocused and carried on through my junior
and senior years to prepare myself for architecture school. I think that was the best thing I’ve ever done because
otherwise even today I might have been asking the same question — did I choose the right profession?

Did your father give you any advice when you started out as an architect?
I don’t think he knew that I wanted to go into architecture at the time. Especially after I changed my major I think
he didn’t know what I was doing. One summer trip to Bologna, over a spaghetti lunch I told my father that I
wanted to be an architect. In summertime in Italy during those days all of the restaurants closed for about two
months, so we were in a restaurant in Bologna train station and it was the lousiest pasta I’ve ever had. That made
me gutsy enough to tell my father what I wanted to do. There was sheer silence for about 30 seconds and he said
“Well you live only once, do what you want to do.” I was very relieved but at the same time, now when I think
about it I think those 30 seconds, as a father, he must have been happy that his son was going to follow in his
footsteps but on the other hand he knew how tough it is to be an architect because that’s what he did.
So it must have been a very confused feeling that he went through in his mind in those 30 seconds of silence.
But by the end he came to the conclusion that there are so many people that live their lives doing a job that doesn’t
necessarily make them happy—it’s just a job. But if you can find something to do that makes you happy, then think of
yourself a lucky person. He told me that if that happens to be architecture for me then he would support that. That’s
the only time he ever mentioned the architecture profession to me.

How was it growing up in an architectural family?

I was quite fortunate in that I got to go to many cities and my dad would take me to see the architecture there.
In Italy there is architectural treasure everywhere, around every corner. In New York, it’s the same for modern
architecture in Manhattan. Now that I think about it, it was a great experience—he explained to me what
architecture is all about as we walked through the streets of Manhattan. Maybe I didn’t realize it was a learning
experience at the time because he was my dad. In that way, I learned first-hand about architecture.

6 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 7

HS gym

features main entrance features


Overseas Union Bank Center

Where did the inspiration for the design you have done for build a building for the parking and tennis courts, we can create
ASIJ come from? an edge. Then we must think how to capture that space. That’s
Of course my daughter goes to the school and so I visit the school how we decided to make a kind of courtyard in between the new
quite a bit. If we look back at our childhoods, there are some building and the old buildings.
interesting memories and it is very important for a school to give Ricketson Theater
When students go through the gate we want their experience
people these kind of memories. That is why when we are talking of school to start. Now, the space under the canopy of the high
about the planning of this new development, we can’t look at it school building doesn’t offer any sense of arrival. Neither does
only based on function—we have to look at the bigger picture. the yard with the flagpoles. Unfortunately, because of the parking
My approach comes from a very philosophical direction, by asking situation it’s not really an open space, it’s a parking lot. It’s not
“What is a school experience?” and “What can we provide to only ASIJ that faces this problem, many public buildings do. We
create wonderful memories and inspire our children through that have to redefine the spaces and understand the needs to make
environment to go even farther in the future?” Whenever we the campus active. We try to understand how each element fits
ASIJ Project - Phase 1 together and with the help of the school we visualize various
approach a project, we are not just solving that particular issue
but we look at the overall idea. If we build a building in the city strategies to activate spaces. Hopefully once we finish the final
of Tokyo, for example we are not just building an environment features two phases, we will create an experience for students to bring

for Roppongi Crossing, we think about how Roppongi is related with them after they depart ASIJ.
to Akasaka and how that is related to Nishi-Azabu, and how the
new building
flow of people moves through them. We are urban planners and cafeteria building How did being an ASIJ parent affect your designs for the school?
architects. We have to see the bigger picture. When we came onto Was the process different to the other academic design projects
this project we wanted to present to ASIJ the possibilities of today you have worked on?
and the possibilities of the future. To understand the possibilities Whether I like it or not I am much more personally involved. I get
of today we have to understand the history of the school as well. involved personally with all of the projects we do because that is our
policy. If we cannot be involved, what is the purpose of doing that
Can you talk us through some of the main elements in the re-design? project? It doesn’t matter how big or small the project is, we are
We have to understand that this is a campus and every building providing a service for our client. We are not artists, we’re service
has a specific function. We have to move things around into the providers. If I cannot provide that service, I would rather not do
right order to fit in everything. We have to understand what the project, regardless of the size. With my daughter being here,
will happen, future potential developments, from the near to far that is an added interest on my part, but she is graduating soon, so
future. In the far future we may not be around but the school the project is not for her personally. But I do see the school from a
will continue. Tim [Thornton, Deputy Head of School] explained different perspective—not just from an architect’s perspective, but
ASIJ Project -Phase 2 from a parent’s perspective. I asked not only my daughter, but other
to us how everything started and how it has evolved. This is not
just a project, it’s a whole master plan. At this point we are in one present students for their opinions. Because I have more access to
phase and it can go on into another phase. It’s a process we have way and buses by another, we are creating a sense of arrival. It’s little spaces in between because that is what people use as a these users’ opinions than usual, I hope that my approach is more
to present for the future. When it came to this particular site, we the place where people feel like they’ve come home as they reach communicating space. accurate. I have incorporated students, teachers, and parents’
did a total analysis and one of the things we concluded was that the school. That experience is very important. Essentially we’ve perspectives. They are all users, and I’m quite fortunate to have the
even though there are those that commute by bicycle and train, analyzed what a school experience is in various ways and for us What role does good design play in an educational environment? opportunity to be involved with them personally.
the majority of students come in by bus and there is also car drop- it is based around the gate, a sense of arrival, historic monuments, My father, who was an architect from the age of 33 until he
off. Every one of the bus drivers deserves a gold medal because space, etc. A school has these various important elements. We died in 1991, was also an educator and he had a strong belief in What makes for a successful design?
they are fabulous at what they do. But we thought that we should realized ASIJ doesn’t really have a threshold when we arrive there. school architecture. What I was taught by my father is that the Architects cannot make people think a certain way, we cannot tell
reduce the movement of the buses as much as possible. So when We have Nogawa Park, which continues on to the tennis courts most important part of an educational building is the corridor. The them how to feel. Perhaps teachers are the same way in that they
they enter campus, instead of going around every which way we and then open spaces and buildings and they are welcoming, but corridor is where people meet, talk and chat. The corridor can can give one possibility of how to think but cannot tell anyone to
should have a traffic flow with the buses able to get to where there isn’t an experience of arrival. So by creating this building for then extend out into a school yard. Everyone thinks the classroom think that way. So what we do is we give people a lot of choices
they have to be as quickly and easily as possible. Now there are safety reasons and necessity, we realized that it is a chance to create is important, and yes it is very important, because that’s where to have their own experiences. We create the hardware and from
too many interfaces with other students and vehicles. We thought the face of the school. It will be different, but it is what we think is students learn and teachers teach, but education is not all one there we hope that it will give a certain feeling. We try to create
that a parking structure would be the best solution. Once we’ve important. direction of learning, teacher to student. It’s also student to student architecture that gives emotion to the user. Hopefully our building
created a parking structure it’s a very simple exercise to lift up the communication and informal student to teacher environments. In will make people feel like they want to go in, or they want to
tennis courts above. What is your concept for the new front entrance? our designs for educational buildings, corridors are much wider come back, or they want to spend more time there. Or they stop
Students will come in from all directions into a central plaza and because it’s not just an area for people to walk through but to and say “I like it!” or even if they stop and say “I hate it!” that’s
How will that change the face of the school? then move on to their destinations. It’s all about the flow of people. sit and enjoy like a plaza. We have to think how we can turn not fine. Architecture is successful if while people are going about
We can’t simply see the new facility as a parking structure and There are spaces in the school that are not yet well defined. So very utilized space into active spaces for students. That’s where we their busy lives they stop and see it and it triggers some emotion.
tennis court—as we have students coming in from the station one we are not creating the front plaza only, but also analyzing the came up with the idea of a plaza in the front. Since we have to At the end of the day we are just a space creator.

8 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 9



From humble beginnings in rented rooms and mission properties in Tsukiji
to the spacious Chofu Campus and state-of-the-art ELC in Roppongi,
ASIJ has moved and changed with the times. We look back at some of the
significant points in the school’s 108-year history and also look to the future
and the completion of the facilities master plan that began in 1998.

After an extensive search the Board purchases
YMCA Kanda land in Nakameguro and a new school
The Tokyo School for Foreign Children begins campus is constructed. Architect and parent Chofu
classes at rented rooms in the Kanda YMCA
Shibaura Antonin Raymond assists with the re-design The iconic elementary school “donut” is the
Middle School
building, but soon outgrows the facility. It Board Member Everett Frazar constructs and re-construction of several of the school first building completed on the new Chofu The construction of a new middle school
moves after only four months to the Episcopal a new three-story school building on land buildings on the new site. Campus, closely followed by the high school, building sees the creation of a new division and
Mission in Tsukiji. reclaimed from Tokyo Bay. The new school gym and little theater. the end of junior high classes in the high school.
opens with a new name, becoming The
American School in Japan. 1939–1945 WWII
Nakameguro Campus

1902 1910 1918 1921 1923 1927 1939 1941 1945 1946 1962 1963 1968 1973 1983 1985

School re-opens N-K Roppongi New fine arts

Great Kanto Earthquake The Community Nursery School merges with facilities
ASIJ to create the ASIJ Nursery-Kindergarten
An extension to the Ricketson
in a converted home in Roppongi.
Theater sees six new practice
School closed due to WWII rooms, four classrooms and a radio
and TV studio added to campus.
On December 1, 1941 the Board signs over
the lease of the school property to long-
serving staff member Kiyomi Hashimoto giving
#17 Tsukuji Episcopal Mission him free use of the buildings for the purpose
of educating Japanese girls. Six days later the
When the land owned by the Episcopal Compound Tsukiji #54-56 Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor and America
Mission is no longer available the school enters the Second World War.
moves to the Presbyterian Mission and uses Requiring more space, the school moves back
the old Union Church building, the foreign to the Episcopal Mission compound at #54- Friend’s Mission N-K
residence and playing field at #17 Tsukiji. 56 Tsukiji, changing its name to the Tokyo
Foreign School. With the addition of high
Compound Shiba Nakameguro
school courses the school soon graduates its Following the devastation of the Great Kanto When the Roppongi site
first seniors. Earthquake, the school buildings are no longer becomes too small, the
safe and classes resume at the former home Nursery-Kindergarten moves
of the Bowles Family on the Friends Mission to a specially designed new
Compound Shiba. building in Nakameguro

10 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 11

features features

facilities master plan Over the last 12 years ASIJ has made many significant improvements
to both campuses, following the Board’s facilities master plan laid out in 1998.

As we near completion of that plan and the launch of the 4 x 4 Campaign,
we look at how those changes have impacted students and the final
two phases that will bring further enhancements.

Ricketson Theater
If you asked us what we can do better than
we could before, the answer is everything.
We can provide students with a variety
of performing arts experiences in a safer,

• Seismic retrofit less congested environment than our old ES Playground

theater. Not to sound clichéd, but we are
• ES gym really limited only by our imaginations.

• HS entrance David Neale, Digital Film/Theater

• HS expansion MS Field Solar Panels

Second Century Campaign 4 x 4 Campaign

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Phase 1 (2010-11)
Phase 1 will see the front of school transformed with a
new entrance and streamlined traffic system. The athletics
program will benefit from new multi-use tennis courts and a
new building housing a wrestling room, dance studio, fitness
center, trainer’s room and athletics office. The high school
lobby and admissions area will also be significantly improved.

Cafeteria Building Early Learning Center Lower Field

The cafeteria building is much more than a We have always had a great early childhood The new field allows students to train and
spacious dining hall and is used for a variety program at ASIJ, but when we made our play in all types of weather on a safe and Phase 2 (2012-13)
of activities. The second floor features move to the new, well designed, purpose- attractive looking facility. No longer do we
The second phase will see the old Multi-Purpose Room
elementary classrooms and the third floor built ELC, we finally had a facility to match have to cancel events due to bad weather.
(MPR) transformed into a new facility housing classrooms,
is home to administrative offices and two our program. The design of our new facility State-of-the-art facilities, including field
classooms shared by the middle and high in Roppongi took into consideration the most
an elementary performance space, Japan Center and strings
lights, now enable us to host a wide variety of
schools. current research on early childhood programs room. Improved science, art and music rooms, a new robotics
Kanto Plain events, day or night, with pride.
to create an environment that is warm, John Smith, Athletics & Activities Director lab and an expanded MS Library will further enhance the
inviting, safe and nurturing for our little curriculum. A revamped side entrance to the school, new
ones. A facility does not a program make, kiosk/bookstore and health center, new offices and other
but a good facility allows us to have the best facilities will also impact campus life.
possible program, one where kids are safe
and happy and learning. We feel now like
we have it all at the ELC.
Judy Beneventi, ELC Director

12 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 13

features features

a plan for the

future M
aster schools need master plans and ASIJ’s project to
improve and update its campuses, which began in
1998, is near completion. The final two phases will
bring dramatic enhancements that will help us realize the full
potential of our school and create a more secure and richer
learning environment for our students.
Phase 1, which will begin February 2011, will see the
front of school transform both inside and out, with a new
main gate and remodeled high school entrance. A new suite
of athletics facilities that includes a wrestling room, dance
studio, fitness center and six tennis courts will enhance our

Y400 million
current curricular and co-curricular programs. The elevation
of the tennis courts will allow us to create a designated bus
drop-off and pick-up zone with covered bus parking.
Phase 2, beginning in 2012, will focus on the current MPR
building, which will be replaced with a new two-story building.

4 years
Housing elementary classrooms for art and science and a
new ES performance space, the facility will also include a new
strings room to be used by all the Chofu divisions. The creation
of a Japan Center will add specialist resources to support our
Japanese studies program at all levels. Cross-divisional services,

such as the kiosk, bookstore, health center and curriculum office
will move to the new building, creating space in the middle and
high schools for additional learning spaces.
To help us realize this vision of educational enrichment and
facilities fit for the future, we are launching the 4 x 4 Campaign—
for more details on the campaign, see page 40.

14 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 15

features features

overed in concrete, laced with overhead expressways and
peppered with garish neon, Tokyo is not exactly a beautiful
city. Unlike New York, Chicago or San Francisco, it has no
discernable skyline, turns its back on the waterfront and is not
organized around a central square or major park aside from the
imperial palace. And those tree-studded grounds are all but
closed to the public. At the same time, Tokyo is an architect’s
paradise. It has vitality. It has charm. And, since few buildings
are made to last, it constantly reinvents itself. In Tokyo, there
is always something interesting to see. The trick is in knowing
how to look. As an architect and a writer, I have been sending
this message to readers for over 20 years.
I began retraining my own eye almost as soon as I stepped
off the plane at Narita in 1988. A newly minted architect, I took
a leave from my job at a large Manhattan firm to accompany my
husband on a three-year assignment in Tokyo. Having lived here on
and off all his life— including his middle school years at ASIJ—my
husband David Sneider ’75 was keen to come back. Fortunately this
opportunity also offered me chances to advance my own career. I
fleetingly considered entering a local design office but after I won a
scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education, I enrolled in a
master’s degree program at Tokyo University instead.
Unlike in the United States, where graduate education in
architecture centers on building design, academic research is the
focus at many Japanese universities. Shortly after arriving on campus,
my advisor, a part-time professor and a fulltime architect, asked
what I planned to study. At the time I knew very little about Japan,
let alone Japanese architecture. Yet I was struck by the contrast
between American and Japanese buildings. In Tokyo, for example,
many seemed oddly shaped, tightly crammed together and, for the
most part, unrelated to each other. I decided to find out why.
But if I wanted to understand the new, I needed to study the old
as urged by my advisor. So I chose historic minka farmhouses as
the subject of my thesis. While I spent my weekdays investigating
these thatch-roofed homes, I spent many weekends visiting brand
new steel and concrete buildings alongside my fellow students.
In Japan, architects have a wonderful custom of inviting peers,
professors and parents to preview their newly completed works
before handing them over to clients. Eager to get up to speed
quickly, I attended as many of these events as possible.
When a magazine editor I knew back in New York got wind of
my adventures, she asked me to write an article about Tokyo
architecture. I gladly accepted her offer and then, bitten by
the writing bug, began seeking out journalistic opportunities
on both sides of the Pacific. Shortly before my graduation, I
became the Tokyo correspondent for Architectural Record, a
Current parent, architect and leading American magazine geared towards architects.
Initially convincing the New York-based magazine to
writer Naomi Pollock casts her publish buildings located in places no one could pronounce
and designed by architects no one had ever heard of was a
eye over Tokyo’s skyline hard sell. But as Japan’s Bubble Economy grew and the country

The Balcony House

16 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 17

features features

became a source of work for architects around the globe, the publisher and I began talking about doing a monograph featuring
appetite for information about Japanese design grew steadily the work of a single designer. Having dealt with 23 architects and
and my workload increased exponentially. almost as many photographers for the previous book, the idea
While reporting on new buildings in Japan and other parts of delving deeply into the work of one designer was enormously
of Asia, I noticed that libraries, museums and office towers had appealing. Though there were many possible candidates, we both
begun to look more and more alike. It did not seem to matter agreed on Abe, a young whippersnapper with a strong design
whether they were in Seoul, Tokyo or Hong Kong. Yet houses sensibility and, we were guessing, a rosy future ahead.
seemed immune to this trend. Instead they remain stubbornly Unlike most designers of his generation, Abe did not head to
rooted in the local lifestyle and traditions, especially in Japan. Tokyo for graduate school or apprenticeship in an established
Here international standards suffice for commercial buildings but firm. Instead, he went to California for school and then stayed on
most homeowners still want to exchange their street shoes for to work. This overseas stint came to a screeching halt when, on a
slippers and soak in a steamy ofuro bath when they come home. lark, he entered a government-sponsored competition to design
Though the contemporary homes I visited as a journalist a 40,000 seat soccer stadium back in Sendai. Amazingly, the then
bore little outward resemblance to the historic houses I 30-year old designer beat out famous architects and construction
observed as a researcher, the two were clearly and inextricably companies alike. This was a truly remarkable feat, but it required
linked. Viewed through the lens of tradition, even avant-garde Abe to relinquish California to set up shop back home.
contemporary homes made sense. This idea became the theme The stadium was only the beginning of Abe’s success. What
of my book, Modern Japanese House. followed was an impressive array of buildings that including
Due to the rapid rate of construction here, many books on an award-winning community center on a remote island off of
contemporary Japanese architecture are out of date before Kyushu, elegant restaurants in Sendai and an array of inventive
they even go to press. Determined not to fall into this trap, I houses for both foreign and Japanese clients. Over the course of
aimed to provide background information and analytical ideas a couple years, Abe and his staff took me to see as many of these
that readers could easily extend beyond my book to buildings buildings as possible— an outstanding extension of my education
they might encounter on their own. and the basis of my monograph.
Midway between a coffee table portfolio and an academic While writing the book, I hoped Abe would land
tome, the book presents 25 houses organized by type, such another high-profile commission. Instead he was offered
as the tiny house, the indoor-outdoor house and the vacation the chairmanship of the school of architecture at UCLA, an
house. Based on site visits plus interviews with architects and appointment that enabled him to return to LA, and the book
clients, each profile includes a written explanation, professional to benefit from his new notoriety in the US.
photos and simple architectural drawings. While it was not easy After the release of Hitoshi Abe the book in 2008, a
to select just twenty-five houses from the hundreds I visited, I London-based colleague and her husband, an architectural
had strict, self-imposed criteria. Since I wanted to engage general photographer, invited me to join them as co-author of a survey
readers as well as design professionals, every house had to be book featuring 100 new buildings throughout Japan. An
architecturally innovative but have plenty of human interest. opportunity to acquaint myself with buildings I did not know
One of the houses that made the strongest impression as well as re-visit some of my favorites, I gladly accepted their
on me was a weekend retreat near Zao Mountain in Miyagi offer. The product of our collaboration, New Architecture in
Prefecture. A warm wooden home organized by a dynamic, Japan, made its Tokyo debut this past spring.
pinwheel-shaped floor plan, the house was practically devoid More recently, I have completed magazine articles about a
of windows – a curious condition that conflicted with just bank in the Tokyo suburb of Tokiwadai, an orthodontic clinic
about every weekend home I had visited in the United States. in Omotesando and a brand new, environmentally sustainable
But on the ground floor, its backside was made largely of city 40 miles from Seoul. Occasionally I miss design and in
glass doors opening onto a covered porch. Modeled after interviews find myself reconfiguring floor plans and elevations
a traditional engawa veranda, it ran the width of the house in my head as architects explain them to me. But journalism
and overlooked a densely wooded ravine that seemed to go enables me to stay connected to architects around the globe.
on forever. Built for a media executive who liked to hike and And through buildings I continue to gain a deeper and more
hunt for wild mushrooms in his spare time, the house was the profound understanding of Japan.
product of a young designer from Sendai, Hitoshi Abe.
Shortly after Modern Japanese House was released in 2005, my Photographs courtesy of Naomi Pollock, Phaidon and Merrel.

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Mary Bartelme Park

five years of internships during the summers and winters in
Tokyo, I worked on everything from high-end office interiors,
sustainable-themed cafes, the Aichi World Expo grounds and
booths and smaller graphic design jobs to an entertainment
complex that spanned multiple blocks in Yokohama.
After graduation with a plethora of odd projects on my

resume, I set out to work at a startup firm as a creative director
in Chicago, Illinois. The firm aimed at marketing undervalued
commercial office buildings without the use of major
construction.  This involved graphics, interior renovations,
signage programs, marketing rooms, creating marketing
collateral and logos. While the ability to work on magnificent,
historically significant properties—even ones that would
change the Chicago skyline— fascinated me I left the firm to
search for an opportunity to create from the ground up.
I still have not worked at a true architecture firm, and have
stepped into the landscape architecture field. I found out today
that Stearns Quarry Environmental Park, also known as Henry C.

Hana Palmisano Park, won the Chicago Athenaeum Award. The 27-acre

lot was previously a 350-foot deep limestone quarry in a residential

Ishikawa ’01 district of Chicago called Bridgeport. The quarry closed its doors
over a hundred years ago, the city turned it into a construction
material dump, and working alongside multiple city agencies and

esign, whether it is a single chair or a large-scale firms, Site Design Group, Ltd., amongst others, developed a plan
entertainment complex, is similar to a math problem. to turn the landfill into an educational wetland park. It is difficult
There may be multiple correct answers, some problems to fathom that within the flat Great Plains, a park that had over
will be more difficult than others, and there are obviously wrong 50 feet in elevation change could exist.  The park is sustainably
answers. The good projects are functional, the better projects designed so that all the water on the site, even from “Mount
will last, and the best projects are also aesthetically pleasing. Bridgeport”, ends up in the tiered native wetland system where it
After several years at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), a cascades down multiple recycled limestone and sidewalk concrete
sustainability-oriented, conceptual-design-driven architecture waterfalls and finally into the fishing pond below. The water is then
program and several more at the famed utilitarian you-can’t- pumped up to the top to be re-circulated down to the pond again.
teach-design Mies Van Der Rohe program at Illinois Institute Most recently, I was involved with a project that saw
of Technology (IIT), I graduated even more convinced that the Mary Bartelme Park take down its fences and open up to the
profession was meant for me.  Architecture to me has been a neighborhood. Five stainless steel fountain gates at the northwest
delicate balance beam bridging art and science, and through it, I entry act as an iconic gateway to the park. Using only three gallons
could do both. of water per minute, the fountain cools off visitors by emitting a
Despite always knowing that I would one day major in fine mist of vaporized water, immersing the area in a cloud. A fully
architecture, I only knew several major architects’ names when I accessible playground allows for inventive, explorative play complete
Stearns Quarry Environmental Park
was interviewing for colleges during my senior year at ASIJ. I did with mounds, depressions, and custom equipment for the site. There
however possess an eye for aesthetics. Growing up surrounded is also a dog park, a quieter seating area, and a viewing mound that
by family and friends who were designers whether it was in takes advantage of the Chicago skyline and a lawn.
fashion, illustration, or construction, I was able to see their Each of my past projects (post my paradigm-shift at Nomura)
vibrant world. I managed after one year at CMU to gain an have been done with the passion of an artist but with the logic
internship at Nomura Kougei, Inc., under a famous creative of an engineer and during any design decision, still, I often have
director by the name of Shigechiyo Suzuki.  I was drawn to a fear that any part of my project could fail. After the successful
his work, which was vibrant, outlandish and full of life and opening of Mary Bartelme Park the contractor commented that
color. During your first week at a design firm nobody expects “the playground’s success could be attributed to a child’s mind
your boss to be searching for “castle goods” so that he designing it.” And that, I’m okay with.
could build a castle-like African themed spa.  Needless to
say, my experience diversified quickly at Nomura. During my Photographs courtesy of Site Design Group, Ltd.

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though I’m sure that was mainly a response to the fuzzy black-
and-white images faxed across the Atlantic. My wife and I sold
our car and moved to Paris for seven months. I was the only
American in the office, but there were other student interns
from Switzerland, Belgium and France.
Portzamparc’s office had a collegial atmosphere; people
worked hard but also went out together almost every day
for lunch, even when project deadlines loomed. After a while
I realized my small stipend couldn’t support a regular lunch
habit, so I began to stay in the studio working on models of
projects that were in the design phase. On occasion Christian
would come by my desk during lunch hour, and we would
sit together and discuss the models I was building, which
was a formative experience. My leisure time in Paris was

J.C. Schmeil ‘86 spent exploring buildings, taking photographs and making
sketches—it was probably the most free time I’ve ever had to
think about architecture and urban design.

ne of my first memories of ASIJ (which I attended I graduated with a Master of Architecture degree in 1998, and
from 1979-86) is of the elementary school “donut” accepted a job in Austin with a small firm. I worked there for four Trails End (Dripping Spings, TX)

building—I loved how it formed a garden courtyard and years, on a variety of project types: theaters, schools, fire stations,
created a connection between the classrooms and the exterior. houses, urban design. In 2002, I joined two former classmates
In my senior year, I took a mechanical drawing class, taught by who had started a design-build firm and gained valuable
Gerry Hoops (FF 1978-90). Though I couldn’t have predicted at experience there helping to build the projects I was designing.
that point that I would study architecture, it’s interesting to note I decided to open my own office full-time in 2004. I’ve been
that Jennifer Sands Marsh ’89 was in the class as well, and we fortunate to work on a variety of projects in California, New
are now both practicing architects in Austin, TX. Mexico and Texas, and have had several projects featured
At Stanford University, I studied international relations with on local Homes Tours. My work has mostly been residential,
a focus on the Japanese political economy. Perhaps the most though in the past couple of years I have had the opportunity
influential class I took in college, though, was one called visual to expand into urban design and historic architecture. I recently
thinking, an introductory class in the mechanical engineering completed a project with my wife’s environmental consulting
curriculum in which we invented mechanical devices and kept an firm, overseeing the relocation of a historic farmstead.
idea journal; the most important lesson I learned was that every In March of 2010 I returned to Japan, spending four weeks
idea has merit, and shouldn’t be rejected without consideration. in Osaka on a Rotary-sponsored Group Study Exchange writing
After graduation, I moved to New York where I started work a blog, “An Architect in Japan” (anarchitectinjapan.blogspot.
as a metals trader at Mitsubishi International Corporation. My com). I met local architects and toured buildings designed by
office was two blocks from the Museum of Modern Art, and Tadao Ando, one of my favorite architects. After the exchange,
I spent many lunch hours there finding inspiration, ultimately I spent a couple of days in Tokyo visiting with old friends from
deciding to apply to architecture school. My last year in New ASIJ. Norie Fukuda ’86, who is also an architect, took me on a
York, I shared a loft in Tribeca with Steve Knode ‘86, Ken tour of some buildings in Tokyo. I also visited Jun Watanabe, who
Sackheim ‘86 and Maya Sackheim ‘83. We had a lot of fun, was my first studio professor at UT, and now has a firm in Tokyo.
and it was a creative environment that helped me make the Unfortunately I wasn’t able to visit ASIJ during my trip, but I
decision to move on from my job at Mitsubishi. remain appreciative of my experiences there and the influence
I attended the Master of Architecture program at the they have had on my design philosophy. This fall I will teach an
University of Texas. During my third year there, I applied for an introduction to architecture class to elementary school students,
internship with the French architect Christian de Portzamparc, and look forward to showing them photos of the ASIJ donut.
who had recently won the Pritzker Prize. I sent portfolio
images for his review—he described them as “seductive,” Photographs courtesy of J.C. Schmeil Painter’s Studio (Austin, TX)

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to go!
Lucy Williams heads to class to
learn how ASIJ’s Chinese language
program is expanding

tep into Joyce Huang’s high school Chinese II class and
you might forget that you’re in Japan. Though it’s only the
beginning of their second year, the students are already
posing questions about grammar entirely in Chinese. Joyce knows
how to immerse the students into the language, only using the
occasional linguistic term in English, but otherwise speaking Chinese
at the student’s level and expanding with pantomime and gestures
to get the point across. The students are not shy with their responses,
more than a lecture it feels like a room-wide conversation. Suddenly
there is silence as everyone jots Chinese characters across their
notepads when Joyce asks them to make up questions for a set of
the hypothetical “answers” on her next PowerPoint slide. After a
few minutes they begin comparing answers and discussing all of the
possible options and sentence forms.
Chinese II student Angela Squillacioti ’14 likes the style of the
class, “Ms. Huang gives us examples that are easy to use in real
life. It’s not just memorization. Most of what we use is not from a
textbook so we get to be creative.” she explains. Jeremy Homler ’11
agrees, “The class is really engaging, I never zone out.” It’s easy to
see why Joyce considers the first year of the Chinese program at ASIJ
to have been a big success. “The students are focused and active.
They always want to know more Chinese characters and they really
like the language. When they like it and they want to continue it,
and I can tell it’s going to be part of their life, that’s when I feel that
I’ve been successful as a teacher.”
That’s not to say that it was not a challenge to build a Chinese
program from the ground up. Joyce acknowledges that there is
always a stereotype that Chinese is a hard language to learn, even
though most students later find that’s not the case. So the main
struggle initially was enrollment, but in only the program’s second
year there are 18 students in high school Chinese I and 15 students

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in Chinese II. There are also 12 students now studying it in middle classroom understanding the value of a foreign language and exchange to trade laws. Leslie Birkland explains, “Because we live language and the culture will enrich their life. My goal is not
school, showing that the program is expanding quickly. Leslie ready to learn. “I don’t just teach reading or speaking, I aim to in an international community in Asia, there is ample opportunity just to teach them, but to inspire them to keep learning,” she
Birkland ‘66, head of the foreign languages department, recounts: teach communication. When it comes to real communication for our students to speak Chinese. As the Chinese language gains says. Having seen the way in which many students have been
“Chinese classes are now vying for ‘a piece of the pie’ along with in a new language, everyone starts from scratch. So I have to popularity in the world, many of our multilingual students will be motivated by their experience in her class, she is excited about
Japanese, French and Spanish, and there had been some concern create an environment where they are comfortable with each better prepared as global citizens.” the plans to expand the program over the coming years. Levels
about lower enrollment in the other language classes. However, other and invested in learning together, where they are never ASIJ students are taking these possibilities into consideration will be added with each year so that students can continue on
surprisingly, the other languages are maintaining their enrollments afraid to communicate.” Yun-Joo Park ’14, a Chinese II student when they study Chinese. Jeremy’s reason for choosing Chinese to more advanced courses. Director of Curriculum, Instruction
and in some cases their classes are bursting at the seams due to confirms, “When we have assignments it’s not just to memorize reflects these trends: “It’s a growing language. It’s expanding. and Assessment Patty Butz also expressed enthusiasm for the
increased interest from students in picking up multiple languages. something. We always have to work together in class so it’s never More and more people are learning it around the world because growing program, revealing that it is a plan that has been in the
So, with the addition of Chinese, we are all able to ‘have our pie boring or stressful. It feels easy and fun.” it’s so useful.” Alto Ono ’14 says that he chose to learn Chinese so works since the ASIJ visioning process in 2004-05 which showed
and eat it too!’” Indeed, sometimes the perception that Chinese ASIJ’s growing Chinese program is just one example of how that he can use it both personally for travel, and professionally for a strong interest among stakeholders in taking advantage of
is difficult is an advantage, “Students that take Chinese are Chinese language instruction is expanding throughout the world. business. Out of the 15 students in Chinese II, 13 are continuing our position in East Asia through a Chinese language program.
students that are up for a challenge,” Joyce confides. In fact, the number of students in North America studying Chinese students from Joyce’s class last year. Richard Rowland ’13 is one Now with the program proving so successful, ASIJ plans to offer
Though there are other obstacles to introducing a new is estimated to be as high as 50,000 today. This is unsurprising of the continuing students who made the decision based on the Advanced Placement (AP) in Chinese language and culture in the
program, it’s not Joyce’s first time setting one up; she previously seeing as Chinese is the most widely spoken first language in the progress he made in his first year. “I wanted to continue to build on near future. The College Board began offering the course for the
founded a Chinese program for Millburn High School in New world and is used in many areas outside of China itself. China the foundation I have,” he said, noting that he was able to come so first time in the fall of 2006 and as of 2008 there were over 3,500
Jersey after gaining experience by teaching at the university level has always had a major international cultural presence — in far in the first year that it would be a waste to not make use of his students taking the exam. Patty and Joyce have been working
in the United States. Although she has now taught for over 10 literature and cuisine, music and film, dance and art, religion and new ability. In fact, several students, such as Mia Tsusaka ’11, want together to put ASIJ on the leading edge of language learning by
years, she started out in TV and newspaper journalism in Taiwan. philosophy— drawing on its tremendous heritage as the most to get a head start by learning Chinese in high school because they preparing for the introduction of the AP curriculum.
Working in the media gave her the confidence to engage an enduring civilization in the world. In recent years rapid economic have already decided to study it in college. Mia explains, “Then Whether students choose to take the AP exam or not,
audience and her interest in the power of communication growth and increasing participation in the global market has made by the time I graduate university I’ll be fluent, and I’m sure I can they are already proving the benefits of learning the Chinese
eventually led her to teaching. When asked how it is different China a point of interest for those looking to learn a language use it in whatever I do in the future.” All of the students have put language as they use it in their travels, continued study in
teaching students at ASIJ who have mostly been exposed to an that will enhance their career. Additionally, China’s political a lot of thought into their decision and want to make the most of university, or as a step in their future careers. Perhaps most
Asian language already, she admits that having a knowledge importance in the Asia-Pacific region is broadly acknowledged this opportunity. Two students even participated in an independent of all, what Joyce would have them take with them is the
of kanji makes it possible to intensify the reading and writing and, particularly since 9/11, its help has been sought on difficult program in China over the summer break. confidence that comes from rising to a challenge and working
aspect of the class, but overall it’s not the students’ experience issues like North Korea and terrorism. Collaboration with China is With good reason, Joyce strongly believes that ASIJ’s Chinese together collaboratively. These are the keys to communication
but their open attitude about language learning that makes increasingly deemed essential for solving a range of global issues, program will open doors for her students, even if they can only that she hopes to instill through her class and the reason
the difference. Students who have lived abroad come into the from nuclear proliferation to the environment, from currency participate for one or two years. “I hope that experiencing the behind the soaring success of the Chinese program at ASIJ.

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Bessie Noll ‘13 hopes the essie Noll won’t celebrate her 16th birthday for another to American Little League, encourages effort over fun.
year, but she’s already got a sweet swing on her future. “It is definitely the time put into everything. As you get older,
skills from her Musashi Noll hopes her experience as the starting center fielder practice starts earlier and finishes later,” she said. “By my sixth
for Musashi Fuchu’s little league baseball team in the competitive year, I was there by 7:30 in the morning until 6 at night, every
Fuchu stint earn her a spot Tokyo League will give her an edge toward securing a softball Saturday and Sunday, year round. We only took one weekend

is in a league of her own

scholarship at a Division 1 university in the United States. She off for Japanese New Year’s, and whenever there was a national
in a university club, believes her experience within the competitive system of male- holiday, you were expected to be at practice.”
reports Japan Times dominated Japanese baseball has given her perseverance, Noll credits this disciplined, repetitious approach with her own
determination and a reflective perspective to bridge cultural divides. high skill level and ability to work hard. She also admits she finds
writer Kris Kosaka Noll came to Japan with her parents when she was 8 years it hard to relax. “It drives my parents crazy,” she says, laughing,
old, a third-grade tomboy with a passion for sports. Enrolled “but I always have to be doing something.” Noll is still working
at The American School in Japan, where her parents are both hard to improve her softball skills, her goals predictably high.
teachers, she immediately joined the elementary-school swim She plays for a competitive summer league in the U.S., gaining
team. T-ball had been her favorite sport back in Minnesota, so the opportunity to showcase her ability at various tournaments
as soon as her parents settled from the move and found a little attended by a range of Division 1 university softball scouts.
league team nearby, Noll joined. Despite her success, Noll’s experiences in Japanese baseball
Although she did not realize it at the time, Noll’s entry to were not always positive. In addition to the years where she felt
the team was unusual to say the least. Only the second girl to like an outsider, there were also many cultural aspects she found
go through their system and the first foreigner, Noll recalls the difficult to accept. “Some things can’t help but look sexist,” Noll
day with a full awareness now of the strange scene they made: says, citing the example of toban: “Once a month, each mother
“We rode up on our American bikes that we had shipped over, a has to take a turn for the entire day of practice, and what you
Burley hooked up to the side of my dad’s bike so my little brother do, basically, is feed the men and clean the bathrooms.”
could come along. I was dressed in just a shirt and pants, and all Noll also found the high level of competition tended to
the Japanese kids were so formal in their uniforms.” spoil team unity because players looked toward their own
What she remembers most is the hospitality the team showed improvement first, especially as she got older. “Senior League
that first day: “Some of the older kids were very nice, and there in the Japanese system is even more intense . . . it’s seen as your
was one girl there, the first one in the system, Megumi. They recruiting chance into Japanese high schools, and boys were
sent me off to practice base-running from home to first. They mean to each other, mean to me. As a first-year, you don’t get
all kind of laughed at me, but by the end of the day we were any playing time on the field at all, so you have to wait a whole
talking, asking questions in basic English, and I felt welcomed.” year for even a chance to play.”
For the next six years, Noll played for the Fuchu team, a And Noll’s focus has always been to play. Turning her
Tokyo powerhouse that regularly qualifies for the Little League attention to softball during the summers, she keeps up her
World Series. Her highlights include some big at-bats when she athleticism by taking advantage now of the three sports
was 11 years old against “a team twice our size and twice our seasons at the ASIJ. In fall she runs cross-country, in winter,
age, but I hit two home runs in one game.” plays girls basketball, and in spring she takes the field with the
A year later, she took a no-hitter into the bottom of the last ASIJ baseball team.
inning.“I bumbled their bunt and ruined my own no-hitter,” but Noll keeps in touch with the friends she made in the Japanese
the memory is still a good one, almost as good as Noll’s lead-off system and clearly relishes many happy memories. She realizes a
homer against Team Korea in 2008, along with a diving catch girl in a competitive American system would have faced similar
in the outfield that earned her the front cover of Japan’s Little difficulties. “The biggest problem was I didn’t know how to
League Baseball magazine, Bokura Little League. stand up for myself because I couldn’t speak the language well
Throughout Noll’s years with the team, her natural enough. I could get by, but it is not the same as if someone told
determination hardened into steadfast discipline, thanks to me something in English that I didn’t like.”
the Japanese way of baseball. “It taught me how to become Noll recommends Japanese sports to anyone interested in
a person. The whole basis of Little League in Japan is to build improvement, but has no real advice to give.“You are going to
strength.”Of course, Noll’s strength in baseball increased, but hate it more than you love it, especially in the winter when you
more importantly, she attests to an increase in mental strength. get up on those cold mornings and you don’t want to go. But
“Being a girl and a foreigner, it was hard to assimilate if you really want to get better, if you want to become strong,
completely. Sometimes I felt like an outsider, looking in. It taught you just have to do it.”
me to be OK, and comfortable, with being alone sometimes as a
person,” she said. Noll believes the Japanese system, in contrast Reprinted with permission of The Japan Times, Oct. 23, 2010.

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Author and Scholar-in-Residence
Alan Gratz shares his expertise
with the Middle School

lan Gratz, wildly popular children’s fiction writer whose first novel, Samurai Shortstop, was named one
of the American Library Association’s 2007 Top Ten Best Books for Young Adults, was ASIJ’s Scholar-
in-Residence for six weeks last spring. Born in Tennessee, Alan started his career as an eighth grade
English teacher and in addition to fiction has written for the stage, magazines, TV and radio.
Alan got connected with ASIJ when former seventh grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher
Chris Rose’s class read Samurai Shortstop last year at the recommendation of MS Librarian Martin Swist
and had a Skype visit with Alan as part of the unit. Dan Smith’s seventh grade class read the book as
well, which led Dan to propose Alan for the Scholar-in-Residence program, made possible by donations
to the Annual Fund. Students in the seventh grade were practicing research papers before Alan came,
but with his assistance they were able to delve into historical fiction and see an entirely different way to
use their research skills. They could construct different places and time periods through their writing that
they had never seen in person, all through careful research.
Although Alan’s debut novel was set in Japan, this was his first trip to the country that inspired him. To write
Samurai Shortstop, which is set in Meiji-era Tokyo at a well-known school of the day, he relied exclusively on
research, reading over 30 books ranging from history to baseball. A big baseball fan himself, writing about a high
school youth’s quest to make the school team was no stretch, but immersing himself in Japan was a challenge
at first. Eventually he became fascinated by the country and culture. During his time at ASIJ, Alan was able to
pursue many cultural explorations when not in school, posting his observations and photos on his official blog.
During his six weeks here, Alan worked with just about every middle school student individually at one
point. The sixth grade worked on short story writing, the seventh grade on historical fiction, and the eighth
grade created one-act plays. Dan Smith believes it is this direct contact with students and the clearly visible
impact on their writing and the way that they think about literature that shows the effectiveness of the
Scholar-in-Residence Program. Alan’s authentic real life experience and his skillful way of explaining his
writing process gave the students genuine tools they could use in their own work, “It was a lesson for the
teachers as well, giving them the confidence to incorporate a wider range of topics and teaching methods
into the curriculum for the following years based on the projects we did together during Alan Gratz’s stay,”
Dan Smith explains. The seventh grade classes will continue to read Samurai Shortstop and to use the
lessons from Alan in order to apply their research skills to creative writing. Dan explains that it is difficult
to teach historical fiction with the right balance, so that it is a good history lesson but also enjoyable as
literature. Alan was able to provide projects that met this balance perfectly.
Middle School English teacher Mark Burpee can see the effect of last spring’s program on his new incoming
eighth graders as well. They come in with more knowledge and tools from their sessions with Alan. “We
are now doing a unit on analyzing and writing short stories and the results are better than I’ve ever seen,”
Mark says. Many of the writing and analysis techniques that Mark is teaching his eighth graders this year
are not entirely new to them—they have already created a foundation from working with Alan last year and

30 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 31


now Mark is able to reinforce, build on, and go more in-depth

with these concepts. Mark also agrees that Alan wasn’t only
instructing the students.“The teachers were able to glean new
ideas from him and this influence has affected the way I teach
my students this year,” he says.
Mark also is confident that his eighth grade students from
last year will have gone into high school with an advanced
array of tools at their disposal. While working on one-act
plays with Alan, eighth graders were able to better analyze,
understand and appreciate plays after the experience of
writing one of their own. They also received practical
advice from Alan, who is a playwright himself, such as the
importance of the unity of location to minimize set changes
and the use of minimal special effects to make the play
easily performable in a variety of settings. Students came
out with an understanding of the constraints of playwriting
versus fiction or a movie script, but they also learned the
importance of action that is driven by characters, not events,
which spans all forms of creative writing. More importantly,
Mark explains, “Alan emphasized that no matter what you
are writing, from fiction to reports, it is always important to
be aware of your audience.” That awareness will benefit
them whenever they put pen to paper in anything they do.
Cloe Gagnon ‘14 confirms this, saying, “I learned a lot about
summarizing my ideas, which helps in more areas than just an
English class.” She also enjoyed the process, explaining that Alan
gave them guidance initially but then let them have freedom to
come up with their own storyline. Once they had completed
their rough draft he was available to consult with each student
personally. “He advised, commented and personally helped us
‘clean up the rough edges’ of our plays,” Cloe adds. Meredith
Beed ‘14, also now a high school freshman, felt she had improved
as a writer as a result of working with Alan last spring while in
eighth grade, both overall and especially in her understanding
of writing for theater. “I have never been to a school before
where you have actual authors coming and helping you with
your writing. I felt it was a great learning experience to work
hand in hand with a professional who could help and encourage
us to do our best work,” she said, adding that she would like to
have the opportunity again.
On the last day of Alan’s stay, the MS student body
gathered in the Ricketson Theater for a “writing celebration,”
a multimedia presentation featuring highlights of his time
at ASIJ. Each student had a piece they could be proud of,
and the seventh grade was even able to publish their works
online. Students cheered and clapped for each other as they
shared their writing at the final gathering, a show of support
and camaraderie that may have been the most encouraging
result of the program overall.

32 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 33

features features

Artist-in-Residence Linsey Pollak, the
Australian musician and instrument
maker, charmed the elementary school
with his unusual musical creations.

aking innovative instruments from such diverse materials
as a carrot or a rubber glove, Linsey Pollak has traveled
all over the world performing and teaching about his
methods. This October he joined ASIJ as an Artist-in-Residence in
the elementary school thanks to sponsorship by Friends of the Fine
Arts (FOFA). The students were delighted to learn how to make and
play some of these unique instruments as well as to invent some
of their own. “The children have taken home their excitement and
have shared their enthusiasm with their friends and relatives. I have
had children say they forwarded YouTube clips and Linsey’s website
to their grandparents for their enjoyment,” says ES music teacher
Karolee Kent . In Jody Fuller’s Grade 4 class, Rogier Fransen came
into school the day after Linsey presented and brought a special
homemade instrument he had produced based on the principle of
the vibrating membrane that Linsey had explained. Twins Rikako
and Ryusei Kent also made a carrot clarinet at home by following
Linsey’s instructions. Jody adds, “In a recent activity, Grade 2
students wanted to explore several ways of adding instruments,
testing out various mallets to change the tone quality, and looking
beyond conventional musical instruments to see if other items in
the music room could become percussion instruments and still add
the integrity we sought in our song accompaniment.” In addition
to using unusual materials, Linsey also makes use of digital sound
effects and other technology. “Linsey really opened our eyes to
new possibilities, and he was kind enough to give us a professional
development session on the operation of these machines, which
we also found really useful,” Karolee explains. “Jody and I are now
pumped to access some of this wonderful technology in our music
composition/creation activities with students.”

34 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 35

features features

S setting
et in 1731-32, Trade Winds is the story of handsome
Scotsman Killian Kinross, who goes to Sweden in the hope
of making his fortune. There he meets strong-willed Jess
van Sandt, a merchant’s daughter, who believes that she’s
being swindled out of her inheritance by her stepfather. They join

forces for mutual benefit and enter into a marriage of convenience,
but then Killian is offered the chance of a lifetime with the Swedish
East India Company. He sets sail for China, but the journey doesn’t
turn out quite as he expected ...
My three years at ASIJ were some of the best of my life and
while I was in Japan, I fell in love with all things Oriental. When
I started trying to write a novel, it therefore seemed obvious that
I had to set it at least partly somewhere in the Far East. Since I’m
half Swedish, I decided to combine the two, and the idea for my
story took shape when I came across a replica of an old sailing
ship used by the Swedish East India Company. Although I ended
up with my hero going to China, my own experiences of living
in Japan helped me with his reactions to such a foreign country.
His feelings of delight and wonder at the sights he sees are very
similar to how I felt when I first arrived in Tokyo. It was all just so
amazingly different to what I was used to and I’m sure that would
have been even truer back in the 18th century.
I’ve been lucky enough to visit Japan a couple of times
recently and I still find everything about this country fascinating.
When I attended the ASIJ ‘70s decade reunion in Orlando, FL,
earlier this summer, I realised that I’m far from alone in feeling
like this. My fellow ASIJ alumni all had a great time in Tokyo too
and those years during our teens created an incredibly strong
bond that still remains. Even after several decades, it was like we
were family. We had a great time, both in our teens and now,
and I can’t wait to meet up with them all again soon!
I’ve always loved books and prefer reading to almost any
other pastime. I spent many happy hours hiding away in the ASIJ
library—or in the garden behind it—reading romance novels when
I should probably have been studying instead. Likewise, the long
train journeys from Mejiro to ASIJ passed much more quickly
when I had my nose in a book. And it was in Tokyo I discovered
just how many wonderful novels there are written in the English
language and so many genres. (Thanks Mr. Boyd for starting up
the “Futuristic Lit” class that introduced me to science fiction!)
I was never very good at writing essays, however, so it didn’t
occur to me that I could be a writer myself. I was brilliant at
daydreaming, but who knew you could translate that into a job?
Not me. When I had my first daughter, I was due to go back
Pia Tapper Fenton ‘77 to work after six months, but by that time I’d realized I much
preferred staying at home with her. There was so much I didn’t
launches her debut novel – a want to miss and I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving her with
strangers all day. So I thought – why not write a book? Then I
romance that follows a journey could earn money while still being at home with her. I decided
to try my hand at a Mills & Boon [standard romance novel]; they
from East to West seemed simple enough so how hard could it be? Well, a lot harder

36 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 37

ASIJ Authors

than I thought. Trust me, they’re not written to a “formula” at

The Ultimate Japanese Phrasebook
all and getting them just right is an art form I’ve never mastered!
Kit Pancoast Nagamura
Even though my first attempts were quickly rejected, I was
Writer, editor, Japan Times
bitten by the writing bug and from then on I kept trying. I
columnist and current parent Kit
wrote whenever I could and tried not to take the rejections
Pancoast Nagamura’s witty and

personally. They just meant I wasn’t good enough – yet. It
practical guide to Japanese as it is
took me 18 years to finally get published, but it was definitely
really spoken is already in its fourth
worth the hard work. The irony is that my daughter is the one
printing despite only being on
leaving home now that I’ve made it, but luckily I was able to
shelves for less than a year.
stay at home with her in any case, so it didn’t matter.
Hollywood Savage If anyone is thinking of becoming a writer, the best advice I
could give is to persevere. Don’t give up, and grow a very thick

Kristin McCloy ‘80
Like her previous works Velocity skin, because rejections are inevitable unless you’re extremely
and Some Girls, Kristin’s third lucky and/or talented. It’s also essential to join writer’s groups or
novel has received rave reviews. organizations—I belong to the Romantic Novelists’ Association
Written in a journal form, it follows here in the UK for example—attend talks and workshops to learn
a screenplay writer as he deals with more about the craft of writing, but above all mix with other

the dark side of Hollywood. authors, published and unpublished. Being a writer can be very
lonely and although family and friends try to be supportive, they
don’t always understand. Other authors will though and if you can
Melting Point - Bali find a “writing buddy” you trust, someone to swap manuscripts
Yoshitaka Saji with for constructive, honest criticism, that can be invaluable.
Long-serving staff member There were many times when I thought of giving up, but then
Yoshitaka Saji has published a another story idea would worm its way into my mind and I’d be off
compilation of his amazing photos again. Also, my writing friends refused to let me stop–I even made
taken in Bali over the years. a pact with my writing buddy that neither of us could quit unless
the other one allowed it. So far, we’re still writing.
The great thing about being an author is that there is no age
Kaba no Chindonyasan
limit–the more you’ve experienced, the more you have to write
David Shapiro
about–and it’s something you can do any time of day or night.
Alumni parent David Shapiro,
For someone who’s not a morning person like me, that’s perfect.
professor at Ryutsu Keizai
And you can take time off whenever you want, plus you get to do
University, weaves a charming
some interesting research. While writing Trade Winds, for example,
morality tale based on the young
I went on board a sailing ship called the Götheborg, which is an
hippo Pippo and his dream of
exact replica of a ship used by the Swedish East India Company to
becoming a chin-don-ya, a
go to China in the 18th century. It was fascinating.
gaudily dressed street performer.
As I said, I drew on my own experiences in moving to Japan
Encounters: A Lifetime Spent when I wrote Trade Winds, even though the hero in that story
Crossing Cultural Frontiers ends up going to China instead. My second novel, however, is
Nancy Keeney Forster set in Japan and for that I was able to use a lot of my memories
Born and raised in Asia during the from my time in Tokyo. It is called The Scarlet Kimono and will
tumultuous years before WWII, be published in March 2011. I can’t give any more details at
Clifton Forster later joined the US the moment, but my research for that involved visiting Himeji
Foreign Service. His wife, educator and Castle, Dejima in Nagasaki and, of course, eating lots of sushi and
alumni parent Nancy Keeney Forster tempura. My family all love Japan as much as I do, so no doubt
combined his records and her own we’ll be back for another visit soon. Can’t wait!
into an account of the encounters
and passions of a lifetime devoted to Trade Winds is published by Choc Lit Ltd, ISBN no. 978-1-906931-
international understanding. 23-0. Pia Tapper Fenton writes under the pseudonym Christina

38 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 39


Gift Clubs
The American School in Japan’s Gift Club program recognizes the outstanding and vital support of its most generous contributors.
The objectives of the Gift Clubs are to strengthen the annual giving program and to help build an enthusiastic group of parents,
alumni and friends who feel a particularly close association with ASIJ. Special recognition is given to members of these clubs. Please

The Power of Giving

contact the Center for School-Community Partnership for further details.

The Second Century Circle The Decade Club

¥5,000,000* or more in gifts within the current year. Members who have donated consecutively for the current and

n 1963, ASIJ moved from a downtown location in Meguro to its present location in previous nine school years regardless of the total amount.
Chofu. The purchase of property and subsequent relocation were the first steps of The 1902 Society
a forward-thinking governing body that realized the potential that ASIJ had to ¥1,000,000–¥4,999,999* in gifts within the current year. The Double Decade Club
become a leading school in Tokyo and the need for better facilities. Today, ASIJ enjoys Members who have donated consecutively for the current and
an outstanding, global reputation as a top international PK-12 college preparatory The Headmaster’s Circle previous nineteen school years regardless of the total amount.
school. To maintain this position, ASIJ’s Board of Directors strives to be innovative ¥200,000–¥999,999* in gifts within the current year.
and continues to focus on school improvement. Our planning is not just for today’s The Triple Decade Club
students, but also for future generations of ASIJ students. The Black and Gold League Members who have donated consecutively for the
¥100,000–¥199,999* in gifts within the current year. current and previous twenty-nine school years regardless
After several years of careful study, we are preparing to complete our 1998-2014
of the total amount.
master plan for campus and program improvement. To achieve this, we are launching the
The Mustangs Club
4 x 4 Campaign—a four-year fundraising program to generate ¥400 million for the project.
¥50,000–¥99,999* in gifts within the current school year. * or US$ equivalent
ASIJ’s financial stability has allowed fundraising monies to be used for enhancements
to our facilities and curricular programs. Through generous support, both campuses have
improved dramatically during the last 11 years. The Chofu campus has a new cafeteria, new
theater, two all-weather sports fields, field lights and a new elementary school playground.
Gift Club Members
The former NK is now the beautiful Early Learning Center in Roppongi, with a model The Second Century Circle Piez, Catherine A. ‘82 Nishimi, Tetsuya ‘94
program that other schools study and look to for best practices. In addition to facilities, Royer, Louis J. & Yuko Y. Oline, Richard A. & Jean
Zwaanstra, Shizuka M. ‘85 & John
funds have been used to reduce our environmental impact by cutting our carbon footprint Schmidt, Fredrick K. & Schmidt, Miki ‘82 Peel, Jeffrey J. & Nawako
through a range of green initiatives and our curriculum has been enriched through the
The 1902 Society Seltzer, Theodore S. & Yuen-San Bailey, George & Pieper-Bailey, Susan
Scholar-in-Residence program (see page 30), which was funded entirely by donations.
Flannery, John L. & Tracy B. Sipe, Eric & Emily Plum, John E. & Mimi K.
The final phase of the master plan (see pages 12-15) will see major improvements to
Godbout, James T. & Kelly R. Suzukawa-Tseng, Linda M. ‘72 Ras, Andrew A. & Mariko H.
the front of school, a new athletics facility, the redevelopment of the old multi-purpose
Guild, Theodore & Yasuko A. Takemura, Shigeharu & Rino Raub, Joshua A. & Shimada, Mihoko
room (MPR) and the creation of a Japan Center. The first enhancements to the curricular
and co-curricular programs will impact students beginning next fall. Kent, Eric A. & Yasuko N. Tanaka, Takumi & Diana Salsberg, Brian S. & Chessler Salsberg, Abbie
Over recent years, the philanthropy of many has had a profound impact on ASIJ Nishida, Tina Y. ‘85 & David A. Toppino, Jon-Paul & Stephanie A. Sasao, Toshiaki & Masami
students. We are particularly appreciative of the Zwaanstra family, who generously funded Forster, Louis J. & Pike, Kathleen M. Tsusaka, Miki & Jun Shiroishi, Robert H. & Mayuzumi, Sue
the new Berger Choir Room; former Board Chair Thierry Porte who spearheaded the Siegel, Kenneth & Michiyo Young, Yuriko J. ‘84 & Brace Singh, Jesse & Linda
Second Century Campaign and made several significant gifts to the school; the Yonamine Tange, Noritaka & Denise F. Zavattero, Jeffrey J. ‘83 & Eri Sneider, David A. ‘75 & Pollock, Naomi
family for their leadership contribution to the lower field project; and Roy Ryu’s donation Wendel, Christopher & Hilary Bird, Jack E. & Thomas, Karen C.
of field lights and invitations to impressive guest speakers. The financial contributions by Yonamine, Paul K. & Lynda S. The Black and Gold League Vickrey, Geoffrey & Kimberly
current and former ASIJ families such as the Eharas, Schwarts, O’Bryants, Kindreds, Daniels, Downs, Vicky Wisoff, Marshall D. & Therese A.
Pike/Forsters, Rothbergs, Siegels, Yamazakis, Thomas/Birds, Gregors, Kents, Mallat/Decks,
The Headmaster’s Circle Finn, Robert G. & Kimberly A. Wu, Andrew C. ‘89 & Alice
and Schmidts have been exemplary. We thank them and the other donors listed on the
Lorentz, Douglas W. & Sukunya A. Fujii, Daniel K. ‘82 & Yuki Yamasaki, A. Paul & Afifah R.
following pages for their generosity.
Maggart, Bradley J. & Leann L. Gythfeldt, Magnus D. & Keeko O. Yoshii, Sakae & Mimi
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I invite you to join me in supporting the 4 x 4
Matthews, Jim & Amy Hudson, Christopher S. & Nicole
Campaign and help us build on the fantastic stewardship shown by our community
over the past decade. Your gift will directly impact our students next year, as well as Mistry, Azam & Halley Kindred, Jonathan B. & Sachiko The Mustangs Club
many more in the school’s future. Morgenstern, Frederick N. ‘83 & Kendra McCagg, Peter B. & Yukari G. Abrell, Matthias & Jeanette
Warmly, Neilon, Michael D. & Cora A. Miller, Bruce W. & Jere C. Bernier, Jeffrey S. & Seiko S.
Jere Miller, Chair, Fundraising Committee O’Bryant, Allan E. & Tina Nakayama, Tetsushi ‘84 Cohen, Frederick ‘69 & Topper-Cohen, Barbara

40 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 41

2009-10 2009-10

Cohen, Maury R. ‘76 Bergt, David E. ‘60 & Jeannine C. Kuwana, Yumi ‘82 & Eiichiro Bailey, Mark E. ‘78 & Denise Kamano, Hiroyuki & Harumi Shorrock, Hallam & Yasuko
Cox, William G. ‘62 & Joyce Boatwright, David ‘73 LaDow, Kristen ‘77 & Richard J. Barrett, James H. & Sue C. Kang, Edwin E. & Mae S. Snell, Richard T. & Francine J. S.
Doyno, David & Judith M. Brooke, George M. ‘63 & Jane Lank, Dannette L. ‘69 & Avi Barry, James J. & Martha G. Kirby, Kyoko O. ‘80 & Peter S. Soga, Michitaka ‘81
Duffy, Christopher A. & Lee, Min Jin Bruns, David R. ‘68 & Shirley J. LaPorte, Charles R. & Sarah A. Maynard, Donald E. & Beneventi, Judith Kohl, Kari O. ‘87 & David Stauffer, Daniel B. ‘41
Geis, Charles A. & Bernadette Burkart, Edward I. ‘48 & Pauline A. Lenz, Pamela L. ‘50 & Ben Berkove, Ethan J. ‘86 & Kyra Kuroda, Mitzi ‘77 & Elledge, Stephen J. Stokes, Paul A. & Rose
Glovins, Keith R. & Lisa E. Carlin, Christopher D. & Donna K. Leybold, Sandra L. ‘73 & Dennis Blizzard, Jan M. ‘71 & D. Craig Larson, Nathanael C. ‘80 & Elizabeth A. Struebing, Joel ‘78
Hatakeyama, Yasu & Maki Carlson, Ernest D. ‘39 & Joyce Livingston, Jerry K. ‘81 & Bonnie Blum, Andrew W. ‘58 Lee, Ronald E. & Toshiko A. Swann, Barbara ‘57
Hofmann, Peter A. ‘77 & Ana B. Colville, Glenn L. ‘68 & Dianne Ludlow, Thomas W. ‘70 & Jane F. Borheck, Steven J. ‘76 & Antonina Leonard, Elizabeth ‘75 Tanimoto, Hiroshi & Michiyo
Honaman, William F. & Eleanor Conrad, Nancy A. ‘77 Lund, Andrew E. ‘81 & Denise Bragg, G. Mark ‘75 & Debra Majid, Nasir & Chie Bird, Jack E. & Thomas, Karen C.
Irvine, Peter Crandall, Leslie G. & Aiko K. Lury, Richard R. ‘65 & Gemma Bruzek, Patricia A. Matsumoto, Tadashi C. & Mildred C. Thompson, Heather M. ‘57 & Donald B.
Ishigami, Kumiko Davis, Jenny L. ‘72 Magnuson, Jody ‘73 & Clark E. Carlin, Amy E. ‘92 Mayer, Jean E. ‘38 Toyama, Kentaro ‘87
Kido, Shino ‘02 DeLong, Paul H. ‘51 & Lynne Martenstein, Thomas B. ‘50 & Carolyn T. Case, Caleb B. ‘45 McCoy, Julia L. Tunis, Jeffrey S.
Kirkwood, Timothy C. & Julie S. Dennis, Thurman H. McCoy, William L. ‘59 & Lynne V. Caudron, Cordell R. ‘60 McKee, Craig L. ‘60 & Kathy Turner, Sally A. ‘66
Lee, Daniel W. & Park, Young-Sun Durloo, Ruth S. ‘34 McVeigh, Thomas R. ‘70 & Rebecca B. Clark, Barbara ‘78 Meller, Louise S. ‘63 & Lukowski, Jay D. Umezaki, Margit
Leoni, Michael A. & Allison D. Farkas, Jennifer J. ‘65 & Arthur J. Meyer, Mary A. ‘65 Clark, Matthew R. ‘93 Mera, Yuhka ‘81 Wakat, Barbara M. ‘88
Lury, Richard R. ‘65 & Gemma Fattal, Leon ‘57 & Suzanne Michalski, John J. & Nancy E. Clevenger, Thomas R. & Doris J. Miller, Robert X. & Lorraine Welti, Donald R. & Patricia R.
Matsunaga, Len & Naomi Fielding, Raymond E. ‘48 & Carole Mirah, Alan R. ‘76 & Therese Cobb, Elizabeth S. ‘88 & Steven Miller, Scott M. & Mary E. Whitehead, Charles K. ‘79 & Debbie
Maynard, Donald E. & Beneventi, Judith Fisher, Carl M. ‘51 & Miriam Morgenstern, Frederick N. ‘83 & Kendra Coopat, E. Thomas & Cheryle P. Moore, Craig K. ‘71 Wiederwohl, Mailyn G. ‘65
Moss, Carolyn M. ‘73 & Daniel J. Ford, Gregory R. ‘72 & Maita, Toni Moss, Carolyn M. ‘73 & Daniel J. Cooper, Peter R. & Pamela Muscari, Joseph C. & Donna M. Wierman, Albert & Ineke
Noddin, Robert L. & Janette I. Fox, Eugene A. ‘50 & Chantal Muhl, Richard R. Cox, William G. ‘62 & Joyce Nagata, Paul ‘74 & Susan Williams, Renee L.
Norris, Margaret ‘65 & Charles Franklin, Richard G. ‘50 & Gloria W. Nicol, Joanna ‘52 Downs, Constance ‘81 Neff Heath, Susan C. ‘69 Witt, Eugene W. & Janet M.
O’Donnell, Chris & Lynne Frugoli, Susan F. ‘51 Nicoll, Hilda K. ‘45 & Donald E. Duke, Christopher K. ‘88 Nishida, Tina Y. ‘85 & David A. Yanagishita, Toshio
Rosario, Jason & Allison Haines, Andrew L. ‘60 & Elizabeth Peacock, Jeffrey D. ‘60 & Cynthia Duke, Susan N. ‘83 Nishimi, Tetsuya ‘94 Yang, James H. ‘62
Rossetto, Joy K. Hand, Richard A. & Yumi Pierce, Lucia B. ‘68 Ehrenkranz, Andra K. ‘83 & John Norris, Margaret ‘65 & Charles Yao, Alejo & Lusan
Smith, Rosemary B. Hanson, Mirja P. ‘74 & Samuel Pietraszek, Henry T. & Margaret Farrell, William R. & Marabeth Y. Notehelfer, Fred G. ‘57 & Margaret Yoshii, Sakae & Mimi
Takagi, James M. & Tsukasa Harkness, Donald R. ‘50 & Mary H. N. Relnick, Philip R. & Nobuko Francischetti, Mark P. ‘72 Ogawa, Hiromitsu & Betty J. Young, Yuriko J. ‘84 & Brace
Turner, Sally A. ‘66 Harnik, Peter L. ‘69 & Yoko M. Roeser, Patricia N. ‘72 Fujii, Daniel K. ‘82 & Yuki Okada, Elizabeth Zavattero, Jeffrey J. ‘83 & Eri
Whitehead, Charles K. ‘79 & Debbie Harper, Flora ‘38 & Robert A. Rossier, Beth ‘74 & Alan Fujii, David K. ‘83 & Makiko Okada, Mutsuko Zwaanstra, Shizuka M. ‘85 & John
Williams, John S. ‘87 & Heidi Hayao, Kenji ‘76 & Victoria W. Sa, Sophie ‘61 Fujishima, Julie K. ‘84 & Takuya Oline, Richard A. & Jean
Wu, Chung J. & Yamada-Wu, Stella N. Higa, Ernest M. ‘70 & Aya Schmalz, Sally Burks ‘83 Fukuma, Lalaka ‘93 Ondry, Pamela L. ‘77 & Mark A.
Zimmerman, Gary & Chana S. Honaman, William F. & Eleanor Skillman, Alan M. ‘70 & Reiko Fuller, Jody R. Onishi, Randall & Susan Honor Roll of Donors
Horwitz, Elizabeth M. ‘76 & Barry Smith, Rosemary B. Gibson, Margaret G. ‘40 & Wallace Parr, Frederick L. ‘80 & Blair E.
The Triple Decade Club Hsia, John S. ‘57 & Lynn W. Smith, Tara L. ‘78 & McSwiggen, Patrick Gilbert, Miriam C. ‘77 & Randall C. Phillips, James M. Parents & Alumni Parents
Cohen, Frederick ‘69 & Topper-Cohen, Barbara Huskins, Shirley E. Squier, Middleton P. & Carol L. Gilman, Irene P. Phillips, Marjorie R. ‘77 & Carrig, Steve *Abrell, Matthias & Jeanette
Downs, Vicky Jacobson, Kimberley A. ‘77 & Hutchison, Straus, Ulrich A. ‘44 & Sarah Gish, George W. & Yoko F. Plum, John E. & Mimi K. *Acito, Paul L. & Clouthier, Margaret M.
Glazier, Kenneth C. ‘67 Dennis Suzukawa-Tseng, Linda M. ‘72 Gogerty, Daniel J. & Lana J. Potter, Meredith W. ‘52 *Adams, Jim D. & Nancy
Nielsen, Jeannette A. ‘59 James, Larry G. & Sharon Tanaka, Richard E. ‘67 & Catherine Greenberg, Myron L. ‘55 & Helga C. Reckord, Josh G. & Nancy *Andersen, Robert P.
Pariser, Rudolph ‘41 & Louise Jones, Linda E. ‘69 Thede, Ann L. Grimes, William W. ‘83 & Melinda S. Reynolds, A-Lan ‘74 & John *Avery, John W. & Carolyn C.
Shimizu, George ‘39 Karcher, Carolyn ‘62 & Martin Turner, Barbara B. ‘40 Haines, David W. ‘64 & Karen R. Rich, Miriam S. ‘76 Bailey, George & Pieper-Bailey, Susan
Teaze, Robert S. ‘43 Kemmerer, Ruthli Walsh, Robert R. ‘81 Harada, Mary ‘81 & Greg Riecks, Robert E. ‘39 *Barrett, James H. & Sue C.
Yamada, Roy H. ‘58 & Sandra A. Kerr, Virginia M. ‘67 Yamada, Leslie L. ‘64 & Tadataka Harris, Bonita G. ‘61 & Gene Rubinfien, Elisabeth S. ‘73 & Sneider, *Barry, James J. & Martha G.
Kidder, David D. ‘70 & Jane D. Yamasaki, A. Paul & Afifah R. Harte, Norman F. & Esther L. Daniel C. *Benack, Bill & Keri
The Double Decade Club Kidder, Paul M. ‘76 & Terry P. Yusha, Alexander ‘42 Hastings, James E. ‘53 & Constance Sanders, Michael ‘87 *Beneventi, Judith & Maynard, Donald E.
Adams, Jim D. & Nancy Kindred, Jonathan B. & Sachiko Zimmerman, Suzanne ‘59 Hermann, Kenneth W. & Beatrice A. Sapala, Elizabeth M. ‘61 Bernier, Jeffrey S. & Seiko S.
Anderson, Russell D. ‘76 & Lori Kobayashi, Albert S. ‘42 & Elizabeth Huo, Eugene J. ‘96 Schlichting, Richard D. & Cynthia M. Bird, Jack E. & Thomas, Karen C.
Armstrong, Peter H. ‘52 Kreyling, Peter A. ‘67 & Catherine S. The Decade Club Huo, Jeffrey S. ‘94 Schriever, Sandra M. ‘72 *Blizzard, Jan M. ‘71 & D. Craig
Barber, Martha M. ‘45 Kurahashi, Nancy ‘65 Amos, William H. ‘38 & Catherine Jones-Morton, Pamela Shimizu, Louise L. ‘64 Bowers, Thomas A. & Kasahara, Michie

42 the ambassador FALL 2010 * Alumni Parents Repeat donors listed in bold FALL 2010 the ambassador 43
2009-10 2009-10

Brown, Arlo A. & Yuko S. Hatakeyama, Yasu & Maki *Miller, Scott M. & Mary E. Sipe, Eric & Emily o Clark, Franklin T. & Susan C. ASIJ Alumni Donors
*Butterfield, Peter T. & Joanne S. *Hermann, Kenneth W. & Beatrice A. Mistry, Azam & Halley *Smith, Rosemary B. o Cooper, Peter R. & Pamela
Class of 1934
*Callanan, Regina & John J. *Hester, James M. & Janet R. *Miyake, Yoshihito & Yuko Sneider, David A. ‘75 & Pollock, Naomi o Crandall, Leslie G. & Aiko K.
Durloo, Ruth S. (Stirewalt)
Callon, Scott ‘83 & Janel A. Higa, Ernest M. ‘70 & Aya Morgenstern, Frederick N. ‘83 & Kendra *Snell, Richard T. & Francine J. S. o Dennis, Thurman H.
Cannon, Alan & Kitakado, Fuyumi Hikida, Ross & Lee, Hoshin *Mulkern, Louis & Dorothy *Squier, Middleton P. & Carol L. o Downs, Vicky Class of 1938
Capizzi, Peter & Gina Amos, William H.
Hoffmann, David & Heather *Muscari, Joseph C. & Donna M. *Stokes, Paul A. & Rose o Duke, Christopher K. ‘88
*Carlin, Christopher D. & Donna K. Suzukawa-Tseng, Linda M. ‘72 Fuller, Jody R. Harper, Flora (Wikawa)
*Holcomb, Stan A. & Elizabeth S. Neilon, Michael D. & Cora A.
*Carr, Timothy S. & Barbara *Takada, Yuko o Furth, Ronald J. & Sandra S. Mayer, Jean E.
Hong, Gregory & Diane Nishida, Tina Y. ‘85 & David A.
*Chitani, Yinsei Chang ‘68 Howe, Christian J. & Francesca P. Noddin, Robert L. & Janette I. Takagi, James M. & Tsukasa o Gilman, Irene P. Class of 1939
*Clevenger, Thomas R. & Doris J. Hudson, Christopher S. & Nicole O’Bryant, Allan E. & Tina Takemura, Shigeharu & Rino o Gogerty, Daniel J. & Lana J. Carlson, Ernest D.
*Coopat, E. Thomas & Cheryle P. Hunsaker, Mark D. & Jane *O’Donnell, Chris & Lynne Tanaka, Takumi & Diana o Hand, Richard A. & Yumi Riecks, Robert E.
*Cooper, Peter R. & Pamela *Huskins, Shirley E. *Ogawa, Hiromitsu & Betty J. Tange, Noritaka & Denise F. Hatakeyama, Makiko Shimizu, George
*Crawford, David & Mary L. Hyman, Gary & Weiss, Efrot Oghigian, Haig B. & Kathryn A. Toppino, Jon-Paul & Stephanie A. o Hickok, Leon & Roberta
Class of 1940
Culbert, Geoffrey & Ward, Emma Irvine, Peter *Okada, Mutsuko Toyosaki, Masahito & Motoko o Ishigami, Kumiko
Gibson, Margaret G. (Noss)
*Dornoff, Jeffrey M. & Deanne M. *Ison, Stuart D. & Deborah L. Okuno, Marcus & Kazuko Tsusaka, Miki & Jun o Jones-Morton, Pamela
Turner, Barbara B. (Young)
*Downs, Vicky Iverson, Chad M. & Rumi K. *Oline, Richard A. & Jean *Tunis, Jeffrey S. o Kemmerer, Ruthli
Doyno, David & Judith M. *James, Larry G. & Sharon *Onishi, Randall & Susan *Umezaki, Margit o Koshewa, Allen P. Class of 1941
Duffy, Christopher A. & Lee, Min Jin *Johnson, Jay A. & Adrianne B. Onuma, Satoshi M. & Lisa M. Vickrey, Geoffrey & Kimberly Maggart, Bradley J. & Leann L. Pariser, Rudolph
Edmunds, Eric F. & Misa *Kang, Edwin E. & Mae S. Owens, Daniel E. & Ayako T. *Wakamatsu, Ernest T. ‘75 & Yuko o Meadows, Viola Stauffer, Daniel B.
*Eisenhart, Scott F. & Michelle M. Keese, Jack S. & Pamela L. Parr, Frederick L. ‘80 & Blair E. *Wales, George H. & Judith o Muhl, Richard R. Class of 1942
Elkareh, Oliver & Linda Kent, Eric A. & Yasuko N. *Parrott, George & Ruth Wendel, Christopher & Hilary o Okada, Elizabeth Kobayashi, Albert S.
*Farkas, Jennifer J. ‘65 & Arthur J. *Kindred, Jonathan B. & Sachiko Peel, Jeffrey J. & Nawako *Wierman, Albert & Ineke Raub, Joshua A. & Shimada, Mihoko Yusha, Alexander
*Farrell, William R. & Marabeth Y. *Kirby, Kyoko O. ‘80 & Peter S. *Phillips, James M. Wisoff, Marshall D. & Therese A. o Reckord, Josh G. & Nancy
Class of 1943
*Finn, Robert G. & Kimberly A. Kirkwood, Jonathan S. & Christina W. *Pietraszek, Henry T. & Margaret *Witt, Eugene W. & Janet M. Rosario, Jason
Teaze, Robert S.
*Flannery, John L. & Tracy B. Kirkwood, Timothy C. & Julie S. *Plum, John E. & Mimi K. Wu, Andrew C. ‘89 & Alice Rossetto, Joy K.
Folsom, Richard L. & Yukiko Koll, Jesper J. W. & Matsui, Kathy M. *Porte, Thierry G. & Tashiro-Porte, Yasko Wu, Chung J. & Yamada-Wu, Stella N. Seevers, John K. & Karen Class of 1944
*Forster, Louis J. & Pike, Kathleen M. LaMacchia, Thomas & Wein, Jacqueline *Proctor, David M. *Yamada, Roy H. ‘58 & Sandra A. o Snell, Richard T. & Francine J. S. Straus, Ulrich A.
Fujii, Daniel K. ‘82 & Yuki *LaPorte, Charles R. & Sarah A. Radmilovich, Todor M. & Abigail L. *Yamasaki, A. Paul & Afifah R. o Squier, Middleton P. & Carol L. Class of 1945
Fujii, David K. ‘83 & Makiko *Larson, Nathanael C. ‘80 & Elizabeth A. Ras, Andrew A. & Mariko H. *Yano, Judy C. & John S. Sugiya, Minako Barber, Martha M. (Kipp)
*Fujishima, Julie K. ‘84 & Takuya LaScala, Russell J. & Sheryl A. *Reckord, Josh G. & Nancy *Yao, Alejo & Lusan o Tokuhiro, Yumiko Case, Caleb B.
*Furth, Ronald J. & Sandra S. Lee, Daniel W. & Park, Young-Sun *Relnick, Philip R. & Nobuko Yasutomi, Wayne K. & Nakamura, Keiko o Umezaki, Margit Nicoll, Hilda K. (Farnum)
Geis, Charles A. & Bernadette *Lee, Ronald E. & Toshiko A. Rezneck, Jonathan N. & Lottie C. Yonamine, Paul K. & Lynda S. o Viglielmo, Frances
Class of 1948
*Gish, George W. & Yoko F. Leoni, Michael A. & Allison D. Rosario, Jason & Allison Yoshii, Sakae & Mimi o Welti, Donald R.
Burkart, Edward I.
Glantz, Roy M. & Rie Lin, Victor H. & Susan S. *Rosen, Janet B. Zavattero, Jeffrey J. ‘83 & Eri Wilce, Matt D.
Fielding, Raymond E.
Glovins, Keith R. & Lisa E. Lorentz, Douglas W. & Sukunya A. Royer, Louis J. & Yuko Y. *Zimmerman, Gary & Chana S. o Williams, Renee L.
Ryan, James H.
Godbout, James T. & Kelly R. Lostaglio, Keith & L’Esperance, Kathleen Salsberg, Brian S. & Chessler Salsberg, Abbie Zwaanstra, Shizuka M. ‘85 & John Witt, Eugene W. & Janet M.
*Gogerty, Daniel J. & Lana J. Maggart, Bradley J. & Leann L. Sano, Hiroyuki & Eiko Wooles, Angela Class of 1950
*Greenberg, Myron L. ‘55 & Helga C. Majid, Nasir & Chie Sasao, Toshiaki & Masami Current/Former Faculty & Staff o Yanagishita, Toshio Fox, Eugene A.
Gregor, Eugene C. & Barbara T. Matsunaga, Len & Naomi *Schlichting, Richard D. & Cynthia M. o Andersen, Robert P. o Yano, Judy C. Franklin, Richard G.
Griffin, Michael L. & Montana L. Matthews, Jim & Amy Schmidt, Fredrick K. & Schmidt, Miki ‘82 Anonymous Faculty Harkness, Donald R.
Guild, Theodore & Yasuko A. Mayer, Ray & Robin *Seevers, John K. & Karen Beneventi, Judith & Maynard, Donald E. Friends Lenz, Pamela L. (Alexander)
*Guyett, Greg & Stephanie *McCagg, Peter B. & Yukari G. Seltzer, Theodore S. & Yuen-San o Booth, Andrea Foley, Brian & Kristen Martenstein, Thomas B.
Gythfeldt, Magnus D. & Keeko O. *McCoy, Julia L. Shenk, Scott M. & Megumi o Bruzek, Patricia A. Kamano, Hiroyuki & Harumi Class of 1951
Hall, Larik M. & Katherine A. *Michalski, John J. & Nancy E. Shiroishi, Robert H. & Mayuzumi, Sue Burpee, Mark D. & Nakamura, Machi Suzuki, Erimitsu & Kawasaki-Suzuki, DeLong, Paul H.
*Hamilton, Stephen & Janie Mies, Michael J. & Eiko I. *Shorrock, Hallam & Yasuko o Callanan, Regina Tamami Fisher, Carl M.
Harris, John D. & Diane Miller, Bruce W. & Jere C. Siegel, Kenneth & Michiyo o Carr, Timothy S. & Barbara Weese, Laura Frugoli, Susan F. (Tucker)
*Harte, Norman F. & Esther L. *Miller, Robert X. & Lorraine Singh, Jesse & Linda Chitani, Yinsei Chang ‘68

44 the ambassador FALL 2010 * Alumni Parents o Former faculty/Staff Repeat donors listed in bold FALL 2010 the ambassador 45
2009-10 2009-10

Class of 1952 Class of 1964 Schriever, Sandra M. Class of 1979 Williams, John S. Class of 2005 Earl, The OPI Japan K.K.
Suzukawa-Tseng, Linda M.
Nicol, Joanna (Strother) Haines, David W. Whitehead, Charles K. Class of 1988 Woods, Steven T. Estee Lauder K.K. Pacific Islands Club Guam
Potter, Meredith W. (Woods) Shimizu, Louise L. (Picon) (Suzukawa) FAB Academy Pacific Islands Club Saipan
Class of 1980 Cobb, Elizabeth S. (Horn) Class of 2006
Reid, Russell P. Yamada, Leslie L. (Davis) Class of 1973 Kirby, Kyoko O. (Ono) Duke, Christopher K. Yoshii, Takashi M.
Foreign Buyers’ Club, The Panorama Hospitality
Story, Morris E. Boatwright, David Wakat, Barbara M. Four Seasons Hotel Pan Pacific Yokohama Bay
Class of 1965 Larson, Nathanael C.
Class of 2007
Kleinjans, Constance Marunouchi Hotel Tokyo
Class of 1953 Farkas, Jennifer J. (Burkard) Parr, Frederick L. Class of 1989 Onozuka, Juliana
Leybold, Sandra L. (Colville) Frijoles Park Hyatt Tokyo
Hastings, James E. Kurahashi, Nancy (Nagase) Hurd, Samantha (Fritz)
Magnuson, Jody (Kroehler)
Class of 1981 Class of 2009 Fukushima Garo Peninsula Hotel Tokyo, The
Lury, Richard R. Wu, Andrew C.
Class of 1954 Moss, Carolyn M.
Downs, Constance
Yoshii, Emi M. Global Dining Company Priya Indian Restaurant
Meyer, Mary A.
Hawkins, Nancy E. (Fish)
Rubinfien, Elisabeth S.
Harada, Mary (Che) Class of 1990 Gold Salon Tokyo Restaurant L’osier
Rubenfeld, Linda S. (Steele)
Mamlin, Sarah E. (Dozier)
Wiederwohl, Mailyn G. (Snyder) Tsuchihashi, Noriko
Livingston, Jerry K.
Lund, Andrew E.
Hagg, Nicole B. (Harris)
Corporate Grand Hyatt Tokyo Riedel Japan Co., Ltd.
Class of 1955
Class of 1966 Class of 1974 Mensendiek, Martha
Class of 1991 Donors H&R Consultants K.K.
Higa Industries
Ritz Carlton Osaka, The
Greenberg, Myron L. Kaser, Patrick S. Roppongi Hills Club
Ahn, Mi C. (Ryu) A Cut Above
Turner, Sally A. (Noll) Mera, Yuhka Hitachi Consulting Co., Ltd. Royal Copenhagen
Class of 1956 Hanson, Mirja P. (Karikoski) Soga, Michitaka Class of 1992 Agos Japan Inc.
Matsumoto, Tadashi C.
Class of 1967 Nagata, Paul Carlin, Amy E. AIG Co. Japan
Hyatt Regency Kyoto Sakura Japanese Program
Walsh, Robert R. Ito-En Co. Ltd. Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay
Glazier, Kenneth C. Alco Japan
Reynolds, A-Lan (Von Hornlein) Harvey, Christopher J.
Class of 1957 Kerr, Virginia M. Class of 1982 Jeffrey Boyle Shinko Studio
Rossier, Beth (Pedersen) Karim, Arshad Akariya Kanaru-sha
Fattal, Leon Kreyling, Peter A. Fujii, Daniel K. Jewels ‘n Style Sin Den
Allied Pickfords Japan
Hsia, John S. Tanaka, Richard E. Class of 1975 Kuwana, Yumi (Mera) Class of 1993 J’s Kitchen Sogetsu Foundation
Amway Japan Limited
Notehelfer, Fred G. Bragg, G. Mark Piez, Catherine A. Clark, Matthew R. Junkadelic Sony Marketing (Japan) Inc.
Swann, Barbara (Bowles)
Class of 1968 Leonard, Elizabeth Fukuma, Lalaka (Ogawa)
ANA InterContinental Tokyo
Kamisou Foundation Specifix8
Thompson, Heather M.
Bruns, David R.
Sneider, David A.
Class of 1983 Andrea Bernard Beauty Salon
Class of 1994 kate spade new york Sports TMC Ltd.
Chitani, Yinsei (Chang) Callon, Scott Art Land Hotel Tateshina
Sult, Nathan
Class of 1958 Colville, Glenn L. Duke, Susan N. Greig, Katherine H. Asia Jet
Katell SRMG and To the Moon and Back
Wakamatsu, Ernest T. KidZania Japan K.K. Stark-Condé Wines
Blum, Andrew W. Pierce, Lucia B. Ehrenkranz, Andra K. (Bowman) Huo, Jeffrey S. Asian Tigers Premier
Yamada, Roy H. Class of 1976 Fujii, David K. Nishimi, Tetsuya Audi Japan Sales K.K.
Kobe Bay Sheraton Hotels Sumitomo 3M Ltd.
Class of 1969 Anderson, Russell D. Riceberg, Jessica L. Krispy Kreme Doughnut Starbucks
Class of 1959 Cohen, Frederick
Grimes, William W. Bacardi Japan Ltd.
Borheck, Steven J. Japan Co., Ltd. Swarovski Japan Ltd.
McCoy, William L. Harnik, Peter L.
Morgenstern, Frederick N. Class of 1996 Baccarat Pacific K.K.
Cohen, Maury R. Le Cordon Bleu SwimFriends
Zimmerman, Suzanne (Long) Schmalz, Sally (Burks) Huo, Eugene J. Beaute Absolue
Jones, Linda E. (Jones) Lego Japan Ltd. T.Y. Express K.K.
Horwitz, Elizabeth M. Zavattero, Jeffrey J. Bluesilver
Class of 1960 Lank, Dannette L. (Hill)
Kidder, Paul M. Class of 1997 Let’s Party Tokyo Tai Kou Rou Chinese Restaurant
Botejyu Tokyo Food Corp.
Bergt, David E. Neff Heath, Susan C. (Neff)
Mirah, Alan R.
Class of 1984 Ewart, Emilie F. (Fisher) Mais Co., Ltd. Taj, The
Caudron, Cordell R. Fujishima, Julie K. Pontius, Pamela R. D.
Class of 1970 Rich, Miriam S. (Rich) Canyons
Make a Friend Co., Ltd. TASAKI & Co., Ltd.
Haines, Andrew L. Nakayama, Tetsushi Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Tokyo American Club
Higa, Ernest M.
Class of 1977 Class of 1999 Carpet Doctor
McKee, Craig L. Young, Yuriko J. (Takahashi) Mays Food International Tokyo Fitness
Kidder, David D. Pontius, Elizabeth P. D. Cartier Richemont Japan, Ltd.
Conrad, Nancy A.
Peacock, Jeffrey D. Ludlow, Thomas W. Class of 1985 McDonald’s Co. (Japan), Ltd. Toriizaka Art
Gilbert, Miriam C. (Clark) Watt, Julie D. Cave de Re Lax
Class of 1961 McVeigh, Thomas R. Glastal, Catherine E. (Swanz) Mockingbird Trading Co. Toys “R” Us Japan, Ltd.
Hofmann, Peter A. Class of 2000 Chez Vous Co., Ltd.
Harris, Bonita G. (Bongard) Skillman, Alan M. Sheehan, David W. Mori Building Co., Ltd. Two Rooms Grill & Bar
Jacobson, Kimberley A. Choo, Yoon Suk China Airlines, Ltd.
Sa, Sophie Tsai, Linda L. L. (Yen) Zwaanstra, Shizuka M. (Asakawa) Mori Building City Air Services United Airlines, Inc.
Kuroda, Mitzi Cirque Du Soleil
Sapala, Elizabeth M. (Danker) Class of 2001 My Gym United Dental Office
Class of 1971 LaDow, Kristen (Jordan) Class of 1986 Coca-Cola (Japan) Company
Thomas, Sarah Wagumi-D
Class of 1962 Kobata, Kathy K. Ondry, Pamela L. (Eldredge) Berkove, Ethan J. Conrad Tokyo
Woods, Matthew M. NASPA New Otani Resort Wally Yonamine Co., Inc.
Cox, William G. Moore, Craig K. Phillips, Marjorie R. Herault, Gretchen S. (Swanz) Cornes & Co. Ltd.
National Federation of Coffee Walt Disney Attractions Japan, Ltd.
Karcher, Carolyn (Lury) Sanoden, James P. Class of 2002 Corning Holding Japan GK
Class of 1978 Class of 1987 Growers of Colombia WDI Corporation
Yang, James H. Kido, Shino Daniel Kelly Studio
Class of 1972 Bailey, Mark E. Destival, Charles A. Nike Japan Corporation Wishbone Cooking & Catering
Uchida, Aki Dave’s Party Entertainment
Class of 1963 Davis, Jenny L. (Skillman) Clark, Barbara (Clark) Kohl, Kari O. (Odquist) NoniNet Japan Yoga Tree
Dean & Deluca
Brooke, George M. Ford, Gregory R. Smith, Tara L. Sanders, Michael Class of 2004 Nu Skin Japan Company, Ltd. Yokohama Country and
Delta Air Lines
Martino, William L. Francischetti, Mark P. Struebing, Joel Sharp, Robert L. Taffel, Max W. Oberoi Mumbai, The Athletic Club
Devi Fusion
Meller, Louise S. Roeser, Patricia N. (Moss) Toyama, Kentaro Okinawa Marriott Resort & Spa Y’s Table Corporation
Diya Indian Restaurant

46 the ambassador FALL 2010 Repeat donors listed in bold FALL 2010 the ambassador 47
2009-10 2009-10

Matching your Gift

A growing number of companies will match gifts to international schools that have US foundations. Matching gift programs
allow donors to double or sometimes triple their gifts to ASIJ. The companies and their foundations listed here have matched
individuals’ gifts to ASIJ’s US foundation, Friends of The American School in Japan. If your firm does not appear, please help
ASIJ increase the list and gain further support by checking with your personnel officer about matching gifts. Matching gifts are
credited toward qualification for ASIJ’s Gift Clubs.

Organization Name

Abbott Laboratories Fund, The Ethyl Corporation Mitsui USA Foundation, The
Adobe Systems Incorporated ExxonMobil Yugen Kaisha Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Allied-Signal Foundation Fidelity Foundation Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program
American International Group Inc. The Field Corporation Fund Motorola Foundation
Amherst International, Inc. First Hawaiian Bank Nike, Inc.
Amoco Foundation, Inc. GAP Foundation, The North Star Reinsurance Corporation
Associated Dry Goods Corporation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Northrop Grumman Int’l Inc.
Atlantic Richfield Foundation Goldman Sachs Educational Matching Gift Norton Company Foundation
Avon Products Foundation, Inc. Program Owens-Illinois (Asia) Ltd.
Bank of America Foundation GTE Foundation PepsiCo Foundation Inc.
Bank of California N.A., Tokyo Branch, The Hewitt Associates LLC Pfizer Japan Inc.
Bankers Trust Foundation Home Depot, The Prudential Foundation, The
Baxter Allegiance Foundation
Bell & Howell Foundation
BOC Group, Inc., The
Houghton Mifflin Company
Hughes Aircraft Company
IMC Fertilizer, Inc.
Raytheon Engineers & Constructors
RJR Nabisco Foundation
Rohm and Haas Company
Planned Giving
Boeing Company, The International Schools Services Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation
ike many nonprofit institutions,
BP America Inc.
Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison LLP
ITT Corporation
The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Sanofi Winthrop, Inc.
Security Pacific Foundation
ASIJ is fortunate to have a vibrant The Gate Society
community that supports its
Charitable Foundation JK Group, Inc. Signet Banking Corporation ASIJ’s Gate Society honors individuals who have included ASIJ in their estate plans
mission with annual gifts. In addition to
Cabot Corporation Foundation, Inc. Johnson & Higgins of Japan Inc. Sony Corp. or have made another form of planned gift to the school. Please let us know if you
annual donations, from time to time ASIJ
Cardinal Health Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. Sony Corporation of America Foundation, Inc. have already included ASIJ in your estate plans (donors may also be added to The
also benefits from bequests and estate
Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Jostens Foundation, Inc., The SPS Foundation Gate Society posthumously).
gifts. Planned gifts such as these are a
Chubb Corporation, The Kemper National Insurance Companies Sun Microsystems Foundation, Inc., The
vital and much appreciated component Ms. Irene M. Anderson ‘74 Ms. Julia Ludlow-Ortner ‘72
CIGNA Foundation Legg Mason Sundstrand Corporation Foundation
of the school’s fundraising. Mr. David Bergt ’60 Ms. Rhoda (Knudten) Miklos ‘40#
Cisco Foundation Lehman Brothers Tandy Corp./Radio Shack
Planned giving is a long-term option Mr. Frederick Cohen Mr. Richard R. Muhl*
Colgate-Palmolive Company Lucent Technologies Foundation Thomas J. Lipton Foundation, Inc.
that enables individuals to make larger Mr. Peter Cooper* Mr. David B. Nicodemus ‘33#
ConocoPhillips Company Manhattan Life Insurance Company, The The Torrington Co.
charitable donations that consider the Mr. & Mrs. Ray Downs* ‘50 Ms. Elli-Hideko Shibata ‘66
CoreStates Financial Corp. Manufacturers Hanover Foundation Towers Perrin
personal and family needs of the donor. Dr. Frederick P. Harris*# Mr. Ronald J. Snyder*
CPI Corp. May Stores Foundation, Inc., The Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
Planned gifts are usually made with Mr. Robert D. Haven Mr. John J. Sullivan*#
Dana Corporation Foundation McGraw-Hill Foundation, Inc., The UBS
assets rather than current income and Ms. Ann Hesselink ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sundberg ‘77
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation MediaOne Verizon Foundation
are a tax-effective means of giving to Ms. Abigail Hoffsommer ‘27# Mrs. Chizu Shindo Suzuki ‘64
Digital Equipment Corporation Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Young & Rubicam Foundation, The
the school. They can range from simple Mr. W. Alfred Hoffsommer ‘29# Mr. & Mrs. Brent Ware ‘74
Electronic Arts Inc. Microsoft Corporation
bequests of funds, gifts of stock or Dr. James R Huddle ‘70 * = Former Faculty
property to making ASIJ the beneficiary Dr. Pamela Jones-Morton* # = Posthumously
of a life insurance policy.

If you are interested in joining The Gate Society and have included ASIJ in your estate plans, please let us know.
For more details, please email <[email protected]> or contact the Alumni Office.

48 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 49

2009-10 features


Board of Trustees 2010-11

Jeffrey Bernier
Saniya Bloomer
Janel Callon
Alan Cannon
Christopher Chang ‘11
Ernest Higa ‘70
Christian Howe
Jane Hunsaker
Mark Hunsaker
D. Greg Jones
Marc Merlino
Jere Miller
Halley Mistry
Yasuaki Mori
Mike Neilon
James Takagi
Noritaka (Paul) Tange
Gary Thomas
Karen Thomas
Stephanie Toppino
back on campus
Abbie Chessler Salsberg Hiroyuki Kamano Brian Nelson ‘85 Miki Tsusaka We love it when alumni stop by and visit.
Andrew Conrad Jonathan Kindred David Nishida Jacqueline Wein
Judy Doyno Timothy Kirkwood Allan O’Bryant Kent Wertime
If you are planning a trip to Tokyo and
Paul Duerloo Jesper Koll Marcus Okuno Thomas Whitson have time to stop by the Chofu campus,
Richard Folsom Ed Ladd Thierry Porte A. Paul Yamasaki
Robert France Stephen Lasher J. Karen Rossetto Paul Yonamine please let us know. The alums below
Dave Fujii ‘83 Jeffrey Leppard Rei Rothberg Mimi Yoshii
Aaron Gagnon Doug Lorentz Fred Schmidt James Zumwalt
are some of our recent visitors who
Yoko Gish Bradley Maggart Kenneth Siegel John Zwaanstra reconnected with former teachers and
Eugene Gregor Jonathan Malamud Jim Small Shizuka Zwaanstra ‘85
Theodore Guild Kathy Matsui Edward Storin got to check whether the chicken katsu
Elicia Cousins ‘09, currently an undergraduate at Carleton, visited ASIJ on August 26,
was still as good as they remembered. 2010. Her sister, Emily ’06, is currently working in ASIJ’s HS Science Resource Center.

ASIJ Board of Directors 2010-11

Abbie Chessler Salsberg Richard Folsom Eugene Gregor Jesper Koll Ed Ladd Lina Yamashita ’04 visited the Chofu Campus on September 8, 2010 for the Cynthia Kawamura ‘90 and her husband stopped by ASIJ on October 28, 2010
High School College Fair to talk about her experience at Oberlin College. It had during a two week stay in Japan that was the start of a 3 month voyage around
been five years since Lina had been on campus, so we were glad to see her! Asia including Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

Bradley Maggart Jere Miller Allan O’Bryant Stephanie Toppino Miki Tsusaka

Diane Tadlock Siuda ‘99 with her husband and current faculty Gene and Janet Witt Fumiaki Tosu ’95 had a great chat with current faculty Gene Witt and Keiko
during a campus visit on October 27, 2010. Diane was married in April and was Auckerman. Fumiaki had been teaching high school in San Jose, CA, for seven
in Japan for her honeymoon. She hadn’t been on campus for ten years, but she years and is now taking a year off to travel the world. He stopped by to visit
has kept close to her friends from ASIJ. Tamina Plum ’99 was the officiate of her ASIJ on November 4, 2010 for the first time in ten years after visiting his
Paul Yonamine Mimi Yoshii Shizuka Zwaanstra ‘85 Linda Suzukawa-Tseng ‘72* Frederick Morgenstern’83* wedding and Emily Ewins ’00 was her Maid of Honor. grandmother in Shikoku.

*Statutory Auditors

50 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 51


This Year’s
Class Reunions From the 1950s to the year 2000, a half century of ASIJ alumni reconnected

The reunion for the ‘50s decade alumni was held in the quaint
small town of Los Gatos, CA, located 50 miles south of San
Francisco in the heart of Silicon Valley. The weekend was beautiful
A terrific reunion of old friends and former ASIJ colleagues
took place at Chico Hot Springs, Pray, MT, from August 15 -
20. Chico is located between Livingston, MT, (birthplace and
with clear blue skies and temperatures in the mid eighties, typical current home of Gary Fish FF 1965-95) and Yellowstone Park
for this time of the year. Excitement was running high in the in beautiful Paradise Valley. After the initial round of greetings
September group even before the start of the week with telephone calls August and a wonderful dinner served by Alaete Fish (FF 1978-95) the
17-19 going back and forth. The anticipation of the celebration and 15-20 remaining time of the first night was spent reminiscing about
the reconnection with former classmates, some for the first time ASIJ and our lives since teaching there. The rest of the week was
Los Gatos Pray, MT
since 1956, set the festive mood for the reunion. Twenty-three spent swimming in the hot springs, shopping in Livingston, white
CA alumni and spouses arrived for the gala which represented four water rafting on the Yellowstone River, observing the beauty of
Gary Fish
classes. Organizer Charlie Wu ’57 was able to bring all of these the Valley from both the rental home and principle residence of
(FF 1965-95)
Charlie Wu ‘57 classmates together with the help of his daughter May-Lynn. This the Fishes, and wine tasting. One day was spent caravanning
reunion was planned with an international theme and began on through Yellowstone Park watching the buffalo roam and the
Friday evening, September 17th, with a reception dinner, an geysers spout. We finished the week with a wonderful dinner
Italian feast, at the Bella Saratoga. On Saturday morning, a at a five star restaurant in Chico before our departures the last
Hong Kong style Dim Sum brunch was enjoyed at the Joy Luck morning. A great time was had by us all and we left with the
Place. In the afternoon the group toured the famous Hakone promise that we would meet again in Alabama sometime in
Garden in Saratoga. The Saturday night dinner was held at the 2011. An interesting revelation was that Gerry Moore, the
Kamakura Restaurant. The reunion concluded Sunday with a husband of Nancy Kepner (FF 1965-68) and Gary Fish were
champagne brunch at Pedro’s Restaurant. It was a memorable altar boys together in the mid-‘50s in Livingston, Montana.
weekend and the events were thoroughly enjoyed by all. The
group departed with promises to do it again soon.

class of 50
class of Four members of the Meguro HOBOs met in
Newport, OR, from October 4 – 8, 2010 for a
memorable four days of reminiscing, dining, touring,
and planning for the next get-together in 2012. September
Meeting in a B&B in Newport with their spouses
October 24-26
were Eldon Carr and Anna, Daniel Garges and
4-8 Peggy, Bill Wardell and Jenny, Carl Fisher and Portland
Newport Miriam. Prior meetings have taken place in Lake ME
Tahoe, Las Vegas (twice), Squirrel Lake, WI, and a
OR Mississippi River cruise on the Delta Queen. Our David Bergt ‘60
next meeting will be in Branson, MO. Not present The Class of ‘60’s 50th anniversary reunion was just wonderful, with great Maine weather, and nary a hitch to
Carl Fisher ‘51 for this meeting were Bill Brunckhorst and Ed the reunion plans. Fourteen from our class attended, along with six spouses. We enjoyed a city and harbor tour, a
Rankin who are usually in attendance. Hosting for lobster dinner on a nearby island, an afternoon in famous Freeport, home of Lands End, and finished with a great
the event was Al and Anna Carr. Tours included dinner at a harbor-side Irish pub. Needless to say, as with any ASIJ reunion, the highlight was not the food and sites,
coastal Oregon, The Space Museum, the Newport but the great and endless conversations shared by all, remembering the good old days at ASIJ, and laughter from
Aquarium, and many scenic places. These days we beginning to end. Marsha (Bassford) Miller was the coordinator on the ground in Portland, and she did a terrific job!
come with a few more aches and pains but always She was helped by classmate Kiyoko Uramatsu, who lives across the border in New Hampshire. Between the two of
go home rejuvenated, refreshed, and full of new them, they worked the better part of a year on the reunion. We’ve already started planning our next reunion, which
hope and vigor. Reunions do that for you. we’ll hold in 2013, and have a number of sites selected, which we’ll vote on down the line.

52 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 53

alumni alumni


The reunion had an outstanding alumni
turnout of 80 Students and two faculty
members, Pamela Jones-Morton
class of
(FF1972-77) and Nancy Grohman (FF
July 2-4 1973-8). Also joining us were spouses, August
children and friends totaling 120 people
Orlando 21-22
“In the House” as we welcomed
FL everyone’s arrival with hugs, laughter Boston
and tears. It had been 30 or more years MA
Cheryl Wise ‘79 since many of us had seen each other. The class of 1985 held a reunion in historic Boston, MA, on August 21-22. As classmates came together to celebrate
Lake Buena Vista Resort was the place 25 years, there were many stories to share and happy memories to recall. Jennifer Krouse organized the gathering
to be on the 4th of July if you attended and guaranteed everyone had a great time.
ASIJ. Friday morning started with Dean
Kistler ’79, Carlos Chaveco and myself
setting up a red carpet photo shoot for
class of The Class of 1990’s 20 Year Reunion held in San Francisco was a

everyone who arrived. Then there was smashing success, with a large turn-out of classmates flying in from
a welcome shot of “Gentleman Jack” to faraway places like New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Organizers
get the reunion started. Friday evening Kaoru Hudachek, Patty Sharp and Andy Ogawa were excited to
Deanna (Adams) Smith ‘78 had the clever

get the party started. The weekend-long festivities kicked off with
idea of making buttons for every alumni September a Meet and Greet Event on Friday, with our main reception taking
with their yearbook picture. The night
turned from the 32 beers on tap at Frankie
17-19 years place on Saturday night. Highlights from the reception included
the raffling off of ASIJ caps and T-shirts and singing along to the
Farrell’s Irish Pub and Grill to a “Find your San Live ‘80s-themed Karaoke Band, the Amazing Embarrasonics,
face party” created by Debbie (Wise) Francisco culminating in a group chorus of “We Are the World” (video
Guitton ‘82. Celebrations on Saturday
were held pool side and we ruled the pool,
CA available on Facebook). Winding down the weekend on Sunday
was some Family Fun in the Sun at the Ogawa Residence, with a
bar area and Pirates Plunge slide! Sembei relaxing BBQ and pool time for the children. A great time was had
Kaoru Hudachek
were passed around to capture the smells by all, and we’re looking forward to our next reunion.
and tastes of our time in Japan in the ‘70s.
The semi-formal Saturday night dinner
at Ming Court was a perfect setting,
decorated by the Alumni Office gift box class of The reunion was a great success! Classmates caught up and

reminisced during three events in Washington, DC. We first
of balloons, key chains, stickers and fans.
met for Happy Hour on April 9 then on April 10 we enjoyed a
All 120 people arrived and were seated
leisurely picnic at the Tidal Basin and wrapped up the weekend
to a wonderful Chinese meal and many
with dinner. Attendees included Hilary (Yoshimura) Michener, Jill
ordered sushi trays. Sunday concluded April 9-10 (Kuo) Goeckner, Sanae Kubota, Katie (Kaser) Gifford, Rahul Bhat,
with the thrill-seekers heading to Universal
Studios and Disney World for a long day
Washington Brooke (van Houten) Allen, Paul Hernandez, Liz Chisolm, Katie
Dutkowski, Rachel Roby, Teena (Gallops) Chavis, Dana Fink, Ken
of adventure, which ended with 4th of DC Innes, Jenny Mandel, Winston Floyd, Lisa (Hilgendorf) Seigel, Dan
July fireworks! Pearl Vos ‘95
Connelly, Brian Faulkner, Adam Bjornholm, and Betsy Yoshimura
Many people said they could not
‘97. Many thanks to all and it was great seeing everyone!
explain the overwhelming feelings the
weekend brought them. It was a time and
a place where we could share the unique
stories only children who experienced this
together will ever know. Attend a reunion
just one time and you will walk away so
incredibly astonished at how all the years
in between that time disappear.

54 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 55

alumni alumni

class of The reunion event kicked off on September 3 When planning this event, I felt that many times we only

at Johnny Utah’s in midtown Manhattan. One think of class specific reunions. Knowing that there must be
of the highlights of the night was Tom Rowe a fairly large ASIJ Alumni contingency in the Washington

doing a pretty good job on the mechanical
bull. Late night hot dog cravings led Kiki ASIJ DC area, I simply threw open the invitation using Facebook
as my launching pad. I was extremely happy and surprised

Rodriguez to snap some cool shots of Christie
Cruz and Ken Chin posing with Spiderman
reunion at how quickly information got spread around. Soon I was
being contacted by alumni located all over the world and
New York in Times Square. The next day started with June 19-20 those that attended from the 1940s through the most
a picnic in Central Park. Paul Hastings and recent graduates. I was even in contact with former HS
NY Debbie (Wissel) Hastings ’99 staked out a
Washington Principal Dr. Robert Winer as well as some families who
great spot on a hill overlooking the rest of DC said that they left ASIJ prior to graduating. On the first
Gary Yamada ‘00 Sheep Meadow. With Frisbees and footballs, day of the event, held at Dave & Busters in Rockville, MD,
some folks played around, but most soaked Scott Trickey ’89 there were alumni from Maryland, Virginia, Washington
up the amazing weather and talked. Of DC, North Carolina, West Virginia, New Jersey, New York,
course, Joseph Waldman’s little ones weren’t Arizona, and Germany! I was really happy to learn that for
interested in talking with the adults; they kept our “youngest” alumni John ‘45 and Nancy (Brewer) ‘53
themselves entertained the entire time. Eills who had come down from Mahattan, NY, this was the
After we disbanded from the picnic, everyone first ASIJ alumni event that they have ever attended! John
left to get changed for the reunion reception at was actually at the Meguro Campus and had many stories
Joshua Tree Bar. The ASIJ crowd had a private to share. Also a fantastic event occurred simultaneously,
space in the back of the venue, but with over 50 as this was a full on Rimilinger Family Reunion! Parents
attendees, it was cozy. Megan (Foster) Glen and Richard and Ellen Rimlinger were very proud (as was I) to
Emily Chan take the cake for traveling the farthest; have their entire family present. The following day we were
Megan and her husband traveled from New extremely lucky to be all invited to John Wylie ‘88’s house
Zealand, while Emily flew in from China! in Leesburg, VA for a BBQ. Dr. Robert Winer was there
At the early hour of just 9:30pm, we left Joshua and we informed him of the huge success of the previous
Tree Bar and headed to the rooftop lounge/bar of evening. Having received such a huge response, we are
230 Fifth Avenue. We had an amazing view of already starting to plan the next event later this year in
a lit up Empire State Building, so it was a perfect October. Hopefully those who had prior commitments will
spot to end the day (for some). Since some of be able to attend.
the other international schools were having their
own reunions in NYC, we met up with about
30 Seisen, Scared Heart, and St. Mary’s reunion
attendees. Fifteen of us decided to go to karaoke
where we had fun recreating the karaoke rooms all
of our Kichijoji and Shibuya days.
On Sunday, those who were still hanging
around met up at the High Line and Chelsea
Market for a short stroll. The beautifully reunion
maintained gardens made for an incredible
ending to a terrific weekend. All in all, an July 16
excellent reunion weekend! Organized by Tokyo
Paulene Kawasjee, Rachel Goldner, Paul
Hastings, Joseph Waldman, and Gary Yamada
(Aimee Singer and Brandy Snyder couldn’t A Mega-Reunion for international schools in Japan was held July 16 at ROTI Roppongi. ASIJ alumni living
attend but helped with the pre-planning). More in the Tokyo area traded stories with alumni from 12 other international schools hailing from Okinawa,
pictures can be found at http://www.picacasa. Kansai, and Kanto. Not only was it a great chance to reconnect with ASIJ classmates, it also was a way
com/asijco2000 as well as on class photo blog to meet new people who had similar experiences growing up as a global citizen. Entertainment included
at opera tenor John Nuzzo, a capella group Senme, and recording artists Emyli and Keiko Walker.

56 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 57

alumni alumni
Class Agents 1984
Mrs. Yuriko Takahashi Young
88 Appleton Street
Mrs. Nicola M.Watkin Britton
4106 Ridgelea Drive
Ms. Rose E. Hastings
[email protected]
Mr. Jason C. Mothersill
2133 Stockton St. Apt. B308
Cambridge MA 2138 USA Austin TX 78731 USA San Francisco CA 94133-2040 USA
1945 1957 1967 1975 [email protected] [email protected] 1999 [email protected]
Mrs. Martha Kipp Barber Mr. Charles C. Wu Mrs. Grenda F. Penhollow Moss Ms. Reiko E. Niimi Ms. Naomi D. Hayase
11369 Berwick St. 75 Whitney Avenue 2300 NW 58th St. 3301 Shirley Ln. 1985 1992 300 E. Providencia Ave. #103 Ms. Arisa M. T. Goldstone
Los Angeles CA 90049-3413 USA Los Gatos CA 95030 USA OK City OK 73112 USA Chevy Chase MD 20815 USA Ms. Jennifer A. Krouse Mrs. Jikja Chun Frank Burbank CA 91502 USA 220 Beverley St.
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 71 High Street, 2nd Floor 1592 Santa Ana Ave. [email protected] Toronto Ontario M5T 1Z3 Canada
North Adams MA 1247 USA Costa Mesa CA 92627-3752 USA [email protected]
1950 1958 1968 1976 [email protected] [email protected] Ms. Tamina M. Plum
Col. Eugene A. Fox Mr. Andrew W. Blum Dr. Masahiro “Marty” Honda Ms. Elizabeth Yanagihara Horwitz Upper Flat 2005
1450 Emerson Avenue, Apt. #105 110 E. Center St., # 947 665 Greenview Place 18 Durant St. 1986 Ms. Beth J. McGregor Vergidis London N70BX UK Mr. Tatsuya Izumi
McLean VA 22101-5747 USA Madison SD 57042 USA Los Altos CA 94024-5335 USA Newton MA 2458 USA Mrs. Diane E. Stewart Wack 8915 Heather Ann Dr. [email protected] 2-5-12 Miyamae
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 19 N. Rolling Rd. West Chester OH 45069 USA Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0081 Japan
Catonsville MD 21228-4849 USA [email protected] 2000 [email protected]
1951 1959 1969 Class agent required 1977 [email protected] Mr. Gary T. Yamada
Carl Fisher Mr. Knight D. Farwell Mr. Carl E. Sundberg 1993 174 27th Ave 2006
7102 Essington Dr. PO Box 1074 1970 Komaba Park Homes #106 1987 Mr. M. Thomas Homer Reid San Francisco CA 94121 USA Ms. Mana Sasaki
Charlotte, NC 28270 USA Morehead KY 40351-5074 USA Mr. Daniel Garnitz Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0041 Mr. Robert L. Sharp III 208A WA Street [email protected] 511 124th St.
[email protected] 3121 Lady Cheryl Dr. Japan 2413 Mimosa Place Somerville MA 02143-3127 USA S Tacoma WA 98444 USA
1960 Fayetteville NC 28301 USA [email protected] Wilmington NC 28403 USA [email protected] Ms. Aimee F. Singer [email protected]
1952 Mr. David E. Bergt [email protected] [email protected] 440 Wainee Street
Mr. William L. Brunckhorst 6732 Vanderbilt St. 1978 1994 Lahaina HI 96761 USA Mr. Andrew Tai Dirkse
1224 W Melrose St. Houston TX 77005-3827 USA 1971 Mrs. Deanna Adams Smith 1988 Mrs. Margaret McCallum Hartley [email protected] [email protected]
Whitewater WI 53190 USA [email protected] Ms. Kathy K. Kobata 8009 Abbot Ct. Mr. Sergei P. Hasegawa 2550 Luanda Pl.
[email protected] 4085 Sunridge Road McKinney TX 75070-6947 USA 85 Russell Street Dulles VA 21089 USA 2001 2007
1961 Pebble Beach CA 93953-3033 [email protected] Brooklyn NY 11222 USA [email protected] Ms. N. Joy Mita Ms. Rosalind E. Onions
1953 Mr. C. Stuart Bennett USA [email protected] 2-5-34 Tamacho Fuchu-shi, [email protected]
Col. William B. Seely 7683 SE 27th St. #128 [email protected] 1979 Ms. Midori “Mimi” Kano Tokyo 183-0002 Japan
1219 Georgetown Circle Mercer Island WA 98040-2804 Mr. L. Dean Kistler Ms. Kathrine L. Schmitt Simon 224 Easth 85th St. Apt 5A [email protected] Ms. Carly N. Baird
Carlisle PA 17013-3549 USA USA 1972 663 Sharon Drive 17100 28th Ave. N , New York, NY 10028-3014 USA [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] Mrs. Karin Jaegel Flynn Rochester NY 14626 USA Minneapolis MN [email protected] Ms. K. Kimble Lyons
5643 S. Thurlow St. [email protected] 55447-1752 USA 168 Eastern Promenade Apt. 1R 2008
1954 1962 Hinsdale IL 60521 USA [email protected] 1995 Portland, ME 4101 USA Ms. Mariko C. Funai
Mr. William H. Curtis Mrs. Katherine “K.C.” [email protected] 1980 Ms. Sarah M. Suzuki [email protected] [email protected]
840 Hawk Hill Trail Bauernschmidt Clarke Mrs. Julie L. Froude 1989 55 Phoenix Ave.
Palm Desert CA 92211-7492 USA 7306 Riverhill Road 1973 401 Emerald Woods Dr. Ms. Linnea M. Hasegawa Morristown NJ 07960-5015 USA 2002 Ms. Jemil M. Satterfield
[email protected] Oxon Hill MD 20745-1031 USA Mr. J. Chris Reid Oxford OH 45056 USA 19 Kenmuir Ave. [email protected] Ms. Anna L. Tuttle [email protected]
[email protected] 30 Chatham Rd. [email protected] Morristown NJ 7960 USA 500C Russell St.
1955 New Rochelle NY 10804-2514 [email protected] Ms. Y. Pearl Maddox Vos Nashville TN 37206-4114 USA 2009
Rev. William L. Cryderman 1963 USA 1981 4461 Stuart Hall Blvd. [email protected] Ms. Caitlin E. McHose
111 Blenheim Dr. Class agent required [email protected] Mrs. Sherry Davis Tighe Mrs. Diana K. Chang Stuhrenberg Lexington KY 40509-4504 USA [email protected]
Spring Arbor MI 49283-9706 USA 5347 West Mill Dr. Friedrich-vom-Spee-Strasse [email protected] Mr. Mitsuhiko Tsukimoto
[email protected] 1964 Mrs. Pamela Backer Channell Highland Heights OH 44143- 17 Duesseldorf 40489 Germany [email protected] Ms. Elicia M. Cousins
Ms. Angela C. Grant PO Box 338 3144 USA [email protected] 1996 [email protected]
1956 [email protected] Georgetown MA 1833 USA [email protected] Mr. H. Sunny Shimizu 2003
Mrs. Sandra McIver Thompson [email protected] Mrs. Samantha “Samm” Fritz Hurd Pacific Livew Jiyugaoka Room 701 Ms. Aileen N. Kurobe 2010
83 Church St., Unit 10 1965 1982 8533 Calera Drive Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-0031 2230 Ruhland Ave. Ms. Janet Kanzawa
Winchester MA 01890-2545 USA Mrs. Myong S. Kellar 1974 Ms. Lisa Bastick Austin TX 78735 USA [email protected] Redondo Beach CA 90278 USA Box 2923, Vassar College
[email protected] 4613 W Seldon Lane Mrs. Mirja Karikoski Hanson 2167A Turk Blvd. [email protected] 1997 [email protected] 124 Raymond Ave
Glendale AZ 85302 USA 5510 Edgewater Blvd. San Francisco CA 94115-4328 Ms. Amy M. McIntire Poughkeepsie NY 12604 USA
Ms. Mei Sun Li [email protected] Minneapolis MN 55417-2605 USA 1990 [email protected] Mr. J. Chesley Burruss [email protected]
971 Hawthorn Dr, USA [email protected] Mr. Kentaro K. Relnick 2938-A Laukoa Pl.
Lafayette CA 94549 USA 1966 [email protected] 1-15-10-901 Nishi Azabu Ms. Alyssa K. Murphy Honolulu HI 96813 USA
[email protected] Mrs. Annie Nichols Campbell 1983 Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031 Japan 2714 Kahoaloha Lane [email protected]
150 E Barcelona Rd. Mr. Jiro Okochi [email protected] Honolulu HI 96826 USA
Santa Fe NM 87505 USA 148 Christopher St. [email protected]
[email protected] Montclair, NJ 07042 USA
[email protected]

58 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 59

alumni alumni
In Memoriam
Hans Baerwald ‘44
Hans. H. Baerwald ’44 passed away June 2, 2010 at the age of 82 at his
home in Pope Valley, CA. He is survived by his wife, Jennifer, his children
Andrea, Jan, and David, as well as three grandchildren. Hans was born in
Tokyo and attended ASIJ until the threat of WWII persuaded his parents to
leave Japan. Baldwin Eckel ’42 explained that Hans’ father was in business
in Japan for many years but after the Tripartite Treaty between Japan,
Germany and Italy was signed, the German Jews in Japan became the
target of the Nazis. The German government required the Jews to change
their names which clearly labeled them as Jews, even though they were
not practicing their faith openly. It was after this that Hans and his family
left Japan for the United States. In the 1940 Chochin Year Book, Hans is
described as a class president, a great lover of sports, and a “future auto

The Chochin Goes Digital!

racer,” an amusing prediction in retrospect. His classmate Mark Owens ’44
remembers Hans as active and adventurous and they often climbed trees
together when he lived in Yokohama. After the Baerwald family immigrated
to California Hans attended the University of California at Berkeley but was Hans Baerwald ‘44 and Fred Notehelfer ‘57
soon drafted into the army. Due to his fluency in Japanese, he was posted
We are currently preparing to scan and digitalize the Chochin from
to the government section of Douglas MacArthur’s headquarters in Tokyo
where he witnessed the process behind the purge of Japanese leaders.
past to present. This will make it possible for those who have lost
Later Hans would become well-known for several works that incorporate
or misplaced their yearbook, or simply would like a digital copy, to these experiences including The Purge of Japanese Leaders under the
Occupation. He also authored authoritative texts on the Japanese political
easily view it on their computer. system, Japan’s Parliament: An Introduction, and Party Politics in Japan.
Hans returned to Berkeley where he eventually completed his PhD which
It is also an important step for us to maintain copies of our oldest allowed him to spend time in Japan for his research. He then accepted a
position as Assistant Professor of Asian Government and Politics at Miami
archives—dating back to 1919—as the pages begin to show their University, Ohio. In 1962 he moved to the department of political science
at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where he eventually
age. Remember to check the Alumni e-News for updates on the became Vice Chair and influenced the lives of many students and faculty
until his retirement in 1990. Hans continued to cultivate his strong
progress of the digital Chochin project. There will be an official connection to Japan by founding the Southern California Japan Seminar
and by serving as Director of UCLA’s Education Abroad Program Study
announcement when the digital archive is unveiled. Center in Tokyo. He also directed UCLA’s Japan Research and Exchange
Hans Baerwald at home in Pope Valley, CA
Program, which has given a new generation of American scholars the
chance to experience Japan. In November 1989, Hans was awarded the originally and I was half German and half Russian) and we three could
Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star, by the Emperor of Japan speak some German. My husband attended during WWII the University of
in recognition of his contributions to bettering US-Japan relations through Michigan and the Japanese Language School where Hans and Uli were also
his academic work. students, I knew through him of Hans’ involvement US-Japan relations. He
truly deserved the award from the Japanese Emperor.
From Veronica Schwartz McKnight ’45:
Hans and Uli (as he was called then) Straus were in my Junior High classes From Martha (Kipp) Barber ’45:
of 7th and 8th grades. I recently got out my 1940 Chochin to look at some I attended ASIJ for the year 1938-39. We lived in Yokohama and I rode the
of the pictures. Regrettably I do not have a 1941 Chochin as that is when train to ASIJ every day. I was in 6th grade and it was a year never to be
the school was disbanded due to the beginning of WWII. forgotten. Every summer we rented a house in Karuizawa. In 1938 we lived
About all I recall is those were the most pleasant of school years I spent just across a small road from Hans Baerwald. I had had a terrible fall off my
at ASIJ. Our school room teacher was Mr. Powell who taught most of the bicycle and scraped both my knees! I had to sit on the front porch trying to
classes and Mr. Misner who was our science teacher. As students we all got heal. Every day, Hans came over to visit me, and to help me heal my “raw”
along well and I enjoyed looking at pictures of our classes playing soft ball knees by keeping me company. We became quite good friends. I last saw
and participating in field day. There were several pictures featuring Hans, Hans recently at an ASIJ reunion at George Shimizu’s. I guess we are all
Uli and myself among our classmates. The one thing we had in common getting older! But I was so sad to hear that Hans had passed away. He was
was that we had German backgrounds (they were Jewish Germans an important connection to my childhood. All my blessings to his family.

60 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 61

alumni alumni
Sylvia Hohenthaner (FF 1989-2008)
The ASIJ community was saddened to hear was not only an amazing and inspiring teacher,
and philosophy department of Heidelberg
of the death of Sylvia Hohenthaner this past but a great friend. I always looked forward to
summer. Sylvia and her husband John taught at visiting her classroom on trips back to Tokyo
College in 1950, where he continued his
work well beyond his retirement in 1989
Alumni News is
ASIJ for many years and both their sons, Stephen after graduating, and she always welcomed me
and Daniel, graduated from the school. She was with a big smile and great conversation. I had
as an advisor to faculty and administration.
During this time, he authored A History of the
now online!
a much loved and highly respected teacher with the pleasure of babysitting her sons when they
World’s Religions, a textbook that is used in
a unique ability to connect with any individual were younger and I have them and Mr. Hojo It’s easy to post your news on
universities across the US. David is survived
who crossed her path. The cooking room was a in my thoughts. I’m so glad they were able to
by a daughter, Jeanne; a son, Roger; and ASIJ’s NetCommunity.
safe haven for students – whether they took her spend time being close to her in the US. I will
seven grandchildren. He was predeceased by
class or not. Sylvia provided a tolerant, inclusive keep her positivity with me for the rest of my Here’s how:
his wife of 56 years, Elizabeth, in 2004, and
and warm environment where everyone felt life. - Naomi Hayase ‘99
his son, Richard, in 2009.
accepted. Teachers, students and friends alike
1. First, you must be registered
greatly enjoyed her keen sense of humor and When I first met Sylvia she was heavily pregnant
dry wit. She will be greatly missed. – Current with Daniel and had beautiful Steven in tow. I for NetCommunity. If you are
faculty Mary Onions, Kim Gotterson, Janet remember her roast lamb, sweet potato dish and not, please go to the alumni
Ittoku Fujii, with his wife Setsuko, son Dave Fujii ’83
Witt, Debbie Studwell, and Gail Lanier apple pie, her gardening in the spring and playing login page, scroll down and
and granddaughter Jessica ‘21.
games in Nogawa Park with the boys when they
follow the instructions for new
We loved Sylvia’s accent and she was always were little. I remember how with great patience and knew how cool she was. Ms. Hohenthaner
fun to be around with a quick wit that often and love she would sew Halloween costumes for was speaking at the top of her voice explaining Ittoku Fujii, the father of Marjorie (Fujii) user registration. Please allow
brought a smile when life got a little hard at Steven and Daniel. We spent many wonderful the procedure when she heard me say “Let’s Higuchi ’80, Daniel Fujii ’82 and Alumni several days for your registration
times. Sylvia would let you know that she evenings laughing with John and Sylvia or just start cooking!” That did it. She decided to Council President Dave Fujii ’83, and a
request to be processed.
understood and that there was indeed some dancing until dawn downtown in Roppongi at stop teaching the class for 10 minutes or so until dedicated member of the ASIJ community
humor in the situation to lighten things up a our usual haunts: Castillo’s, Paddy Foleys and everyone was paying attention. I still keep the passed away from a heart attack August 30,
bit. She is a beautiful person inside and out. Propaganda where she was the life and soul of recipes I learned in class in a folder in the kitchen 2010. He is survived by his wife Setsuko, his 2. Go to the alumni welcome
Tim and LaNae Stout (FF 1996-2006) many a party. In school she was creative and next to all my cookbooks. I am a mother of a three children, and his grandchildren, current page and click on “Class Notes”
always available for the students that needed 3 year old and her recipes still help me. - Ruri ASIJ students Alec ‘15, William ‘17 and
on the left hand side menu.
I had the privilege of attending her cooking class, to talk. She was also always there for me: when (Yokoyama) Clarkson ‘01 Jessica ‘21.
and loved her both as a teacher and as a person. I first arrived in Tokyo, when my father passed Timothy Rachal ’86 died in a car accident
The class had an awesome balance of being away, when Julian and Riordan were born and She was such a beautiful teacher inside and out, Laurie Meech ‘65, a mental health advocate January 24, 2010. 3. Click on Edit My Class Notes
strict and laid back at the same time, and her finally when I left Tokyo. Through all these and I have such fond memories of her. When I and activist living in Honolulu, HI, passed and type in your entry. Please
comments were so funny the atmosphere milestones in my life she was there for me. I was upset about guys, she would always give away on February 9, 2009 after a valiant Frederick Parker ‘45 passed away July 10,
struggle against bone cancer. In 1984, 2008 and is survived by his wife of 38 years,
include your name.
couldn’t have been better in that room. Thank loved her wit, warmth and unique perspective. me tips on being a strong woman, and how to
you Ms. Hohenthaner, we’ll miss you. Often, I find myself thinking, “I wonder what handle “chumps.” She also showed me a photo building on her own experience with manic Susan, sons Nicholas and John and grandson
Rodolfo Velasquez Lim ‘07 Sylvia would have said about this....” I have of when she was young, and she was ripped in depression, she founded Hawaii’s first self- Julian. Raised in China and Japan, Frederick 4. When you submit your entry,
so many wonderful memories of Sylvia, she her two-piece. We’d laugh about how hot she help group for persons with bipolar disorder. continued on to study at Middlesex School,
it will take a couple of days to
Ms. Hohentaner was one of the best teachers had a profound impact on my life and I am used to be. She wasn’t just another teacher, she She volunteered for National Alliance for Harvard College and New College, Oxford
I had at ASIJ or anywhere for that matter. She so lucky to have had a friend who brought so was a friend to all of us, and it is such a big loss I the Mentally Ill, Oahu, and the Mental after attending ASIJ. Fred was a member approve. Your update will then
really got involved with her students. She would much wisdom and joy to my life. She was a don’t even know what to say. I haven’t seen her Health Association, receiving an award from of the Union Club, The Harvard Club and appear on your class year page.
let you fool around up to a point but she made true friend, wonderful mother, loyal wife and in years, but I’ll never, ever forget her sunshine the latter in 1995. For years she testified the Madison Beach Club. A veteran of the It belongs to you, and you can
the line clear and would make you want to get caring teacher. Sylvia was unique; how lucky smile. – Akane Wada ‘00 before state legislative committees for more shipping industry, he enjoyed traveling and
update or edit it at any time.
all your assignments done. You always knew she I am to have been a part of her life. I miss her recognition of, and more funding for, mental was a well known oenophile. He was also
was there if you needed anything. - Jon Levin ‘99 so. - Melinda Kehe (FF 1990 – 2003) Ms. Hohenthaner, you were one of the health matters. Laurie is survived by her sister, committed to the bettering of society, and
greatest teachers I have encountered at my Julia, and brothers Charles and Christopher. served on the boards of the Youth Foundation 5. Any photographs you send
Ms.Hohenthaner was one of the most influential Ms. Hohenthaner was my international time at ASIJ. Your charisma and sense of and the Huguenot Society. by mail or to <alumni@asij.
teachers that I had the privilege of being taught cooking teacher. I was relatively a good student humor always lightened the room, and your David Noss ‘38 passed away January 7,
2010. David was born May 28, 1920, in Nancy Lee Seto ’71 passed away July 14,> will be included in alumni
by. She helped me through my high school years who usually did not cause any trouble in the ability to bring yourself to the same level as
when I was going through family problems, and classroom, and Ms. Hohenthaner was the only a student always created an enormous sense Japan, to Christopher and Carol Day Noss. 2010 after a long battle with cancer. photo gallery sent each month
without her, I probably would not have been teacher who ever scolded me in high school for of comfort. Thank you for the continuous He had a life-long interest in learning and in the e-news and archived on
able to deal with it. I still have the letter that she misbehavior, so I remember her very distinctly! concern you showed towards my family and attended Franklin and Marshall College,
the alumni site. At this time,
gave me at the time of my graduation. I miss her International cooking class was a boisterous everything I went though in high school. It’s the Pacific School of Religion, Lancaster
a lot. - Hinako Eguchi ‘07 class with different grades mixed together. I been years since graduation and your name Theological Seminary and the University of NetCommunity does not have
was there with my best friends Meg, Mie and still comes up in many great conversations. Chicago Divinity School, where he earned a the capability to post a photo
Ms. Hohenthaner always gave me so much Katherine. We took the class because one of the You will be missed and I will cherish our PhD in religion and the arts. He then went with the note.
encouragement in anything I did. To me she girls had Ms. Hohenthaner as a health teacher memories forever. –Ami Takeda ‘00 on to become a professor in the religion

62 the ambassador FALL 2010 FALL 2010 the ambassador 63


save the date:

alumni receptions
ASIJ will be hosting two receptions in New York and San Francisco to introduce new
head of school Ed Ladd to the Stateside alumni community. Also in attendance will
be some familiar faculty faces (see below). If you are able to join us at either event,
please RSVP by January 7th to the Alumni Office at <[email protected]>.

January 28
6:30-8:30 pm
The Harvard Club
New York City
Join us at the Harvard Club in Midtown and
meet Head of School Ed Ladd, former faculty
members Bill and Sandy Jacobsson and current
HS counselor Tim Olson ‘77. Look out for more
details in the Alumni e-News.

February 9
6:30-8:30 pm
Urban Tavern
San Francisco
Join us at the Urban Tavern on Union Square
for an evening with Head of School Ed Ladd
and former faculty member John O’Leary. Look
out for more details in the Alumni e-News.

64 the ambassador FALL 2010

the ambassador
Center for School-Community Partnership
The American School in Japan
APO AP 96328-5000

Address Service Requested


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