Novel Corona Virus / 2019 Ncov / Sars-Cov-2 Qualitative RT PCR by Rotor Gene Q, Germany
Novel Corona Virus / 2019 Ncov / Sars-Cov-2 Qualitative RT PCR by Rotor Gene Q, Germany
Novel Corona Virus / 2019 Ncov / Sars-Cov-2 Qualitative RT PCR by Rotor Gene Q, Germany
Note : Viral load differentiation is for better understanding of diseased condition and patient treatment . Low viral load must be
Test results are highly dependent on sample type and its sensitivity , sampling techniques , biological variation
and patients clinical condition.
Presence of PCR inhibitors ( can not be traced by technologist ) or viral load below LOD for the ICMR approved kits used
and or
mutant genotypes may result in false negative report.
False positive results may be obtained due to background RNA enviornmental contamination in lab before it is identified
and corrective and preventive actions
are taken . Results must be correlate clinically and other relavant history.
This test is not accredited by FDA , NABL or CAP.
Each batch of assays is run along with positive and negative control and kits approved by ICMR.
There are all changes of result variations between various perforing labs and institute due to preanalytical , analytical
and postanalytical variables. like sample collection methods , expertize , sample transport and preservation , difference
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Fact File
Coronavirus is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus with an envelope of about 80 to 1 20 nm in diameter. lts genetic
material is the largest of all RNA viruses and is an important pathogen of many domestic animals, pets, and human
diseases. It can cause a variety of acute and chronic diseases. Common signs of a person infected with a coronavirus
include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and dyspnea. In more severe cases, infection can cause
pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. The 2019 new coronavirus. or
'2019--nCoV". was discovered because of Wuhan Viral Pneumonia cases in 2019, and was named by the World Health
Organization on January 12, 2020, confirming that it can cause colds and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
and more serious diseases such as acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
A novel coronavirus (nCoV) identified in China as COVID 19 or SARSCoV-2 is a new strain that has not been previously
identified in humans. Since then COVID-19 has spread to many more countries - cases have been reported in all over the
world. Coronavtuses are zoonotic and are transmitted between animals and people. At present, there is no cure for
COVID-19. Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and
nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing
symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing. Early detection is very crucial for clinical management
and disease spread. Real time PCR technology is recommended for early detection by CDC.
SENSITIVITY : 100 RNA copies / reaction
SPECIFICITY : Highly specific as no cross reactivity with most of the coronaviruses , influenza , parainfluenza viruses ,
rhinoviruses , Adenoviruses Legionella pneumophilia serotypes and Mycoplasma pneumoniae
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