M&V Training and Certification Program: Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP)
M&V Training and Certification Program: Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP)
M&V Training and Certification Program: Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP)
Note*: The three days Residential Programme includes lodging and meals
(excluding dinner) during the training and examination days.
The CMVP® examination fee in
India is 30% less than the fees in
In addition to the knowledge gained from the UAE, South East Asia, Canada, UK,
training, attendees will benefit in the following and South Africa
• Will receive printed copies of the seminar
• Will receive printed copies of the IPMVP
manual or electronic copies can be
downloaded on EVO Web. Relevance of CMVP Globally
• EVO® Certificate of Attendance (upon • ESCOs activity is now being vigorously pursued by
request) organisations like World Bank, EESL and others. Energy
• Access to Subscriber Section of EVO® web performance contracting requires strong M&V skills.
page for one year • LEED now provides additional points for Metering &
Monitoring which is nothing but drawing a baseline and
being conscious of deviations. M&V knowledge is required
for this.
Target Audience • The Industry is now talking of ‘High Performance Buildings’
• Building or industry owners, who wish to where O&M aspects are given more importance – M&V
measure the energy savings generated by their helps in operating buildings better. LEED has a concept of
projects Dynamic Plaque which is also on the same lines.
• Building or industry owners, who wish to partner • IPVMP concepts are highly relevant in Indian Energy
with ESCOs to implement Energy Efficiency (EE) Efficiency Sectors- Building, Industry, Municipal and
projects Agriculture.
• Employees responsible for EE program • ISO 50001 – implementation requires annual targets
evaluation and operation to be pre-declared by the organisation. Reliable M&V
• Engineering firms or professional firms mechanisms will be required in the analysis of the targets
specialized in energy efficiency achieved by the energy management systems.
• ESCO employees required to conduct energy • CMVPs are most preferred for evaluating DSM Programmes,
audits, prepare Measurement and Verification to deploy Evaluation Measurement and Verification (EMV)
(M&V) plans or monitor project savings measures.
Those seeking the CMVP® designation must meet the following If a trainee passes the exam but does not have the required
requirements (in addition to passing the exam): education and/or work experience, the individual will receive
the title CMVP-IT (CMVP in training). Applicants that do not
Each applicant is required to attend EVO’s Fundamentals of receive certification status can request that their applications
Measurement & Verification training prior to sitting for the CMVP be resubmitted by the CMVP Board, if during that six-year period
exam. Exams are administered at the site following the training. their exam score, education, or experience level changes. The
Each candidate for CMVP certification must pass the four-hour certification director keeps examination scores on file for a
written exam as well as meet one of the following criteria: period of six years. If the candidate does not meet the necessary
requirements for upgrade at that time, the CMVP-IT designation
Currently a Certified Energy Manager® (CEM®) will be dropped.
4-year degree from an accredited university or college in science, EXAMINATION AND TRAINING REQUIREMENT
engineering, architecture, business, law, finance, or related field
AND The four-hour CMVP exam is administered in conjunction with
3 years of verified experience in energy or building or facility EVO’s two and one half day “Fundamentals” training program. The
management, or measurement and verification examination questions are based on concepts and experiences
basic to measurement and verification. The exam is open book,
Registered Professional Engineer (PE) or Registered Architect (RA) and the questions are a mixture of multiple choices and true
AND or false. A minimum pass rate of 70% on the examination is
3 years of verified experience in energy or building or facility required. All CMVP exam results are final. Individual reviews of
management, or measurement and verification exams are not permitted after scores are announced. AEE and
EVO are not at liberty to discuss exam questions or correct
4-year non-technical degree from an accredited college or answers. Examinations are identified by number rather than by
university in a field not specified above name to assure confidentiality and objective grading.
5 years of verified experience in energy or building or facility The written M&V examination covers such subjects as:
management, or measurement and verification • Reasons for M&V
• Current M&V Projects
2-year technical degree • IPMVP
AND • Developing an M&V Plan
5 years of verified experience in energy or building or facility • Current Issues in M&V
management, or measurement and verification • Baseline Adjustments
• Key Elements of Success: Theory & Examples of IPMVP
None Options
AND • Selecting Options: Which One Is Best Suited for My Project?
10 years of verified experience in energy or building or facility • Adherence with IPMVP
management, or measurement and verification
Last Date of
Contact Information:
FOR Receipt of
Mr Bhairav Sharma; More information
REGISTRATION is available at Application and
bhairav@aeee.in (+91-9811483702)
AND QUERIES www.aeee.in registration fees:
Mr Akshay Pandey;
akshay@aeee.in (+91- 99587-68838) December 31,