ECON 370 Quantitative Economics With Python

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

ECON 370 Quantitative Economics with Python

Lecture 2: Getting Started with Python and Jupyter

Zhen Huo [[email protected]]

Matthew McKay [[email protected]]
Thomas Sargent [[email protected]]

January 2016

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Agenda ...

1. Syllabus, Office Hours, Assignments

2. Intro to Programming
3. Intro to Python
4. Tools for Writing Code
5. Jupyter Notebooks
6. Python Language Fundamentals

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Quick Review of the Syllabus

Schedule may change a little depending on our progress.

1. Reading Assignments (Weekly)

2. Homeworks / Assignments ( 8)

You may work together in small groups on the assignments but

everyone must submit their own solution.

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Office Hours

Both of us will be available for the following office hours:

Tuesdays 11:00am to 1:00pm

Zhen Huo Room 724 - Economics Department

Matthew McKay Room 823 - Economics Department

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Expectations for Mathematics

Zhen to discuss level of Mathematics for the course ...

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Nature of programming

At first it may seem like slow progress as you aquire knowledge of

what seem to be simple concepts like variable assignment, data types,
conditional logic ...

But over time your toolkit grows and pretty quickly you start to piece
programs together that do really useful things ...

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Computers ...
How do computers work?

Hardware Level

1. CPU (Logic gates, registers, memory ...)

2. RAM (Memory for running programs and data, faster than HDD)
3. HDD (Long term memory, stateful when powered down)
4. Video Card (Hardware interface to output VGA, DVI etc.)
5. USB Bus (Provide connections to peripherals - keyboards and
6. Motherboard (Provides connections between all the components)
7. ...

Having a bit of knowledge of how the system works can help when
writing programs that ultimately provide instructions to that
underlying system.
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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks


Programming is writing a set of instructions that a machine will

eventually follow to perform some work / actions.

1. High Level Languages

• Increase portability of code
• higher productivity - does more work in less written code
• Example: C, C++, Python, Julia ...

2. Low Level Languages

• Tied to specific hardware architecture (x86, ARM, PowerPC)
• Example: Assembly language

3. Machine Code (Binary)

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Interpreters and Compilation

Code gets translated from high level to low level instructions through:

1. Interpreters
2. Compilers

C is compiled and is statically typed.

Python is interpreted and is dynamically typed.

Python can be run interactively or in script mode

This downside of this translation process is that there are overheads

on the conversion from high level code down to the machine level, but
the benefits are portability, less code, and more productive.

Even between high level languages there are lots of reasons why they
will differ in speed.

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Language Comparison: Python

>>> print(”Hello World”)

”Hello World”

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Language Comparison: C

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
printf(”Hello world\n”);
return 0;

Run Program after compilation with gcc:

”Hello World”

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Language Comparison: Assembly

.file ”simple.c”
.section .rodata
.string ”Hello world”
.globl main
.type main, @function
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset 6, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
movl $.LC0, %edi
call puts
movl $0, %eax
popq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
.size main, .-main
.ident ”GCC: (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 4.8.4”
.section .note.GNU-stack,””,@progbits

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Elements of a program

The basic elements of a computer program are:

input Get data (Keyboard, File, other ...)

output Display data (Screen, File ...)
math Compute operations on data
conditional execution Check conditions for execution control
repetition repeat some action

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Crash Course in Python

The first 3 weeks of this course will be a crash course on Python ...

We will continue to develop python skills throughout the course

integrated into respective economic topics.

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Quick Survey

Who has done some programming before? Languages?

Who has used Python before?

Who is using Windows? Who is using OS X?, Who is using Linux?

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

What is Python?

Python is a general purpose programming language1

Python has experienced rapid adoption in the last decade and is now
one of the most popular programming languages.

It is currently 3rd most popular on GitHub

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started in 1989 by Guido van Rossum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Why Python?

Python is:

1. free
2. a full programming environment
3. easier to learn than some other languages
4. highly productive
• Large library of user contributed packages
• high level language design

5. has a large and active community

6. cross platform
7. ...

Provides a powerful environment for scientific research and

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Python Usage

Scientific Community

1. Machine Learning
2. Astronomy
3. Artificial Intelligence
4. Chemistry
5. Biology

But also used extensively to manage servers, computing clusters,

websites etc. by many companies such as Amazon, Google, ....

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Python Features

1. A high level programming language

2. Expansive library support
3. a multiparadigm language (procedural, object-oriented, scripting
4. Interpreted rather than compiled (Good and Bad)
5. Elegant Syntax (Easy to Read and Understand)
6. Lots of language features (iterators, generators) that allow the
language to be highly expressive.
7. Concise

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Python 2.7 or 3.5?

Python 2.7

• Pro
• More packages are available in Python 2.7
• A lot of examples are written in Python 2.7 syntax.

• Con
• In maintenance mode - not getting new features as the language
develops over time.

Python 3.5 (Best default selection)

• Pro
• Newest version which is the long term future of Python
• Most of the scientific stack has been ported to Python 3

• Con
• Sometimes want to use a library which has not been migrated to
Python 3 yet. (but can make use of conda environments if needed)
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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Start python in your terminal: python

XKCD Cartoon:

>>> import antigravity

The language is named python in part because Guido’s a big fan of

Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

The “Zen” of Python

>>> import this

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Best way to Learn Programming?

The best way to learn is through practice ...

Start with small programs and then move onto larger applications.

This process is time consuming – but it is also a lot of fun!

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Anaconda - Installation Questions

During installation make sure you add Anaconda to your “$PATH”

Any Questions? (10 to 15 min)


Help your neighbour ...

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Ways to use Python

The main ways are:

1. python REPL2
2. ipython REPL
3. jupyter

Jupyter notebooks (formerly ipython notebooks) is a really good place

to start and will be used extensively in this course.

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Read-Eval-Print Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks


There are a couple of interesting IDE environments that can also make
working with Python a little easier. The best is probably ...

Spyder IDE

You may wish to use it to start with as it provides a TextEditor, a

python REPL, and some Data and Documentation Panes that are
“integrated” together.

Spyder IDE also comes as part of the Anaconda distribution.


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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Ways to write Python Code

Down the track - you may wish to start writing your python code in a
full text editor.

1. Sublime Text [My Favourite]

2. Atom
3. Emacs
4. Vim

Many others ...

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Why use a Text Editor


1. Syntax highlighting
2. More productive (tab completion, auto-indentation)
3. Regex and pattern matching
4. ...

Warning: Choosing your “favourite” text editor can become time

consuming and endless ... :)

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks


Feel free to check out the tools that are available and come up with a
workflow that is best for you ...

Sometimes that means choosing something and sticking with it to get

the most out of it ...

If you are unsure - choose Jupyter.

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks


Jupyter is an excellent interactive environment that is used extensively

in the Data Science community

Learn more here

Supports the notion of executable documents ...

Live Jupyter Demo

Start Jupyter Notebook from the terminal,

bash \$ jupyter notebook

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks


For convenience we have setup zero configuration live notebooks in

the browser (using Jupyter and the service).

You can click on the “mybinder” badge in the repo to launch a live
environment running Python 3.5 with the course notebooks.

However these notebooks are not stateful. They will not retain your
edits and are really an exploratory service.

You can also run the notebooks locally by downloading them to your
computer and running Jupyter.

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Swap to “intro-to-jupyter-notebooks.ipynb” notebook

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebook Topics

1. Notebook Basics
2. Modal Editing
3. Running Code
4. Text Editor Features (Syntax Highlighting etc.)
5. Tab Completion
6. Object Introspection
7. Working with the shell
8. Working with Files
9. First Python Program

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Swap to “intro-to-python.ipynb” notebook

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Intro to Python Topics

1. Introductory Example
2. Basic Structure of a Python Program
3. Variables
4. Data Types

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Intro to Programming Python Python Installation Jupyter Notebooks

Additional References

The main reference is:

Additional References:

1. “Think Python”, Allen B. Downey, Oreilly Media

2. “Data Science from Scratch”, Joel Grus, Oreilly Media
3. “Python for Data Analysis”, Wes McKinney, Oreilly Media

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