RedBus Case Situation Analysis IIM Nagpur

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Situation Analysis


Himanshu Agrawal (P16002)

[email protected]

Submission Date: 1st

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Situation Analysis
redBus has done greatly since their inception in 2006. Company have grown
exponentially and have grown 1000 times in size in a span of 6 years only. Now
they need to evaluate their current business model and make a decision on the
future business model.

Objective of redBus is to provide a simple online bus ticket booking platform with
transparency to their customers and suppliers both.
redBus has a target of achieving annual revenue of US$1 billion by FY2015.

Analysis of redBus
Online booking industry have been growing at a rate of 50% per year and is
expected to continue the same in coming years. There is a fierce competition in
industry and lot of chances of new entrants coming in the market as the growth
prospects are huge. This is a highly unorganized market in the semi urban and
rural areas. redBus will always has the advantage of first mover and can always
attract customers with the new service offerings. Customer satisfaction has been
superb till now. They have opportunity of backward integration with
procurement of buses and horizontal integration of air travel bookings, hotel
bookings etc. They also have tremendous opportunity of global expansion.

Dilemma of Mr. Phanindra

redBus have done very well since their inception and want to continue the same
momentum in coming times. Mr. Phanindra has four options in front of him and
he is not able to decide which option will be best suited to achieve their target by

 Vertical Integration – Launch their own private buses (backward

1. Supplier bargaining will be reduced. 1. Huge capital requirement for
buying buses.
2. It will result in cost savings. 2. It can cause a divergence from their
core business.
3. redBus already have a strong 3. They will have to hire new team to
analytics and data mining abilities. manage this vertical and the overhead
They can use this to find the most costs will increase.
profitable routes and can launch their
services on these routes.

 Go global
1. As redBus already have a platform 1. Present team has no experience in
which is quite extensive, same can be working in a global market, also team
used for international service also. strength is low for expansion.
2. No major competitors at present. 2. Need to study the socio-economic
trends in global market, consumer
3. Enormous opportunities in Asia 3. They have to spend a lot of money
region, these can be looked to sustain on market research and marketing of
in long term. their brand.

 Increase the portfolio of service offerings

1. Exponential growth of online 1. Huge competition in online booking
bookings market. industry.
2. It will increase the revenue 2. Profit margins are very low.
generation as the transaction involved
are high value (air travel, hotel
bookings etc.)
3. Consumer traffic will increase and it 3. Not the core competency of the
can help in broadening of their company.
customer base.
4. Strong technology platform and 4. It will divert them from their core
infrastructure to integrate these add- business model.
on values.

 Focus on the core business

1. Exponential growth of bus 1. Marketing expenditure needs to be
transportation with 25% annual increased to increase awareness and
growth rate. credibility.
2. Lot of untapped market to capture, 2. Need to increase team-size to
they will always have the first mover manage more bus operators .
3. High internet adoption rate and 3. Need to add value added service to
increasing GDP growth rates. retain customers which can increase
the operating costs.

Number of word: 599

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