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1 - Comfortable Chairs 70.3%

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Sofia Porcara


MKTG 379

Individual Assignment: SPSS

Task 2: Analysis of Data with Frequency Distributions

1. What percentage of all respondents attended at least 1 movie in the past year? 90.0%

2. What percentage of all respondents never buy food items at a movie? 29.2%

3. Top 5 Movie Items Table

Movie Item Percentage of Respondents

1st – Comfortable Chairs 70.3%

2nd – Clean Restrooms 65.0%

3rd – Sound System Quality 64.7%

4th – Size of Screen 56.2%

5th – Auditorium Seating 52.0%

4. What percentage of respondents consider the “newspaper” a very important source of

information about movies playing at movie theatres? 28.8%
5. What percentage of respondents consider the “Internet” a very unimportant source
of information about movies playing at movie theatres? 8.3%

6. By observing the distribution of responses for Q8a, Q8b, Q8c and Q8d, which is the most
popular purchase option for movie theatre tickets? The most popular purchase option
is “at the theater right before the movie started” (Q8b).

7. Movie Theater Information Sources Table

Movie Theater Information Sources Percentage of Respondents Indicating

Very Important
Internet 49.7%

Newspaper 28.8%

Phone in for Information 27.7%

Friends and Family 22.3%

Television 22.3%

Other 6.2%

Task 3: Analysis of Data with Descriptive Statistics

1. Using only the mean for each of the variables, which of the movie theatre items was
considered “most important?” (Q5d) Comfortable Chairs

2. Using only the standard deviation for each of the variables, for which question was
there the greatest amount of agreement? (Q5d) Comfortable Chairs since it had the
least amount of dispersion between the responses to movie items.

3. Questions 4 &6 utilize multiple choice questions which yield non-metric data.

a. What is the median response for Question #4, concerning the amount a person
spends on food/drink items at a movie? The median is value (1): Up to $7.49
b. Concerning Question #6, the distance a person would drive to see a movie on a
“big screen,” what is the mode of that distribution of responses? The mode is
value (3)- 25 to 49 miles.

4. In this question the objective will be to compare the results of the median and mean
responses for Q3.
a. Mean response: 1.6
b. Median response: 1
c. Standard deviation: 1.2519
d. Minimum response: 0
e. Maximum response: 12

5. Given the information you obtained from answering #4 above, is the Mean or Median a
better representative of the “average” response to Q3?
The "mean" represents the average answer in Q3 and is a better representative. The
average is the absolute mean of the data set, while the median is just the middle
number. The median value of the results is resistant to outliers. The mean reflects such
outliers that can be important to understanding the dataset.
Task 3b: Analysis of Demographic Characteristics Using Charts

1. Ethnic Background Chart


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid African- 73 14.6% 14.7% 14.7%
Caucasian 380 76.0% 76.5% 91.1%

Hispanic 7 1.4% 1.41% 92.6%

Other 37 7.4% 7.4% 99.4%

Total 497 99.4% 99.95% 100%

Total 500 100% 100% 100%

1% 15%


Gender Chart


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Male 228 45.6% 45.6% 45.6%

Female 272 54.4% 54.5% 100%

Total 500 100% 100% 100%

Gender %


Classification Chart


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Freshman 71 14.2% 14.2% 14.2%

Sophomore 86 17.2% 17.2% 31.4%

Junior 128 25.6% 25.6% 57%

Senior 153 30.6% 30.6% 87.6%

Grad Student 62 12.4% 12.4% 100%

Total 500 100% 100% 100%

Classification in %

0.12 0.14




Age Chart

(Q14) AGE:

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 0 to 18 50 10% 10% 10%

19-20 113 22.6% 22.6% 32.6%

21-23 210 42% 42% 74.6%

24-26 46 9.2% 9.2% 83.8%

Over 26 81 16.2% 16.2% 100%

Total 500 100% 100% 100%

Age in %


9% 23%


Ch. 16: Exercise 1:

1. What % of males do not attend movies at movie theaters?

11.4% in comparison with women at 8.8%

2. What % of all respondents are African American and do not attend movies at movie
14.7% of all respondents are African American and 4.1% do not attend movies at movie

3. What % of respondents not attending movies at movie theaters are in the 19-20 age
1.2 % of respondents not attending movies at movie theaters are in the 19-20 age

4. Based on respondent’s answers to Q1 from the survey, which classification group is

most likely to attend movies at movie theaters?
Seniors in comparison with all groups with a total of 3.4 %

5. Based on respondent’s answers to Q1 from the survey, which age category is least likely
to attend movies at a movie theater?
Over 26 because it provides the most amount of respondents that responded “no” in
attending movie theatres

6. Based on respondent’s answers to Q1 from the survey, are Caucasians less likely to
attend movies in movies theaters than African Americans?
Yes, since the total amount 8.9% voted “No” in comparison with African-Americans

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