IBM OpenPages GRC Administrator's Guide v7.4 PDF

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IBM OpenPages GRC

Version 7.4.0

Administrator's Guide

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 805.
Product Information
This document applies to IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 and may also apply to subsequent releases.
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM Corporation.
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2003, 2018.

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.

iv IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide


Note..................................................................................................................... iii
............................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction...................................................................................................... xxv
Installation locations............................................................................................................................... xxvi
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform .............................................................................................................. xxvii
How IBM OpenPages GRC Platform can help....................................................................................... xxviii
Shared content management and common repository...................................................................xxviii
Dynamic decision support with Cognos...........................................................................................xxviii
Simple configuration and localization..............................................................................................xxviii
Flexible automation..........................................................................................................................xxviii
Web services-based integration........................................................................................................ xxix

Chapter 1. What's new?......................................................................................... 1

New and changed features in version 7.4.0................................................................................................1
Platform enhancements....................................................................................................................... 1
Administration and serviceability enhancements.............................................................................2
New features in version
New features in version
New features in version 7.3.0......................................................................................................................6
New features in version
New features in version
New features in version
New features in version 7.2.0......................................................................................................................9
Changed features in version 7.2.0.............................................................................................................10
Changed features in version 11
New features in version 7.1.0....................................................................................................................11
Changed features in version 7.1.0.............................................................................................................13
New features in version 7.0.0....................................................................................................................13
Changed features in version 7.0.0.............................................................................................................14

Chapter 2. System Administration Mode (SAM)..................................................... 17

Enabling and disabling System Administration Mode.............................................................................. 17

Chapter 3. Users, groups, and domains.................................................................19

Planning user administration.....................................................................................................................19
The Super Administrator............................................................................................................................21
Delegate administrator permissions......................................................................................................... 21
Types of administrator permissions.................................................................................................... 21
Assigning administrator permissions.................................................................................................. 24
Modifying administrator permissions.................................................................................................. 25
Revoking administrator permissions................................................................................................... 25
LDAP and user provisioning....................................................................................................................... 25
Importing an LDAP certificate to the local trust store ........................................................................25
Configuring LDAP access for user provisioning................................................................................... 26
Provisioning users......................................................................................................................................27
Creating user accounts.........................................................................................................................27
Modifying user accounts...................................................................................................................... 28
Copying access from one user to another........................................................................................... 30
Creating an organizational group...............................................................................................................30
Associating and disassociating a group.................................................................................................... 31
Defining application permissions.............................................................................................................. 31

Setting group application permissions......................................................................................................31
Types of application permissions.............................................................................................................. 32
Application permissions not contained under the SOX heading.............................................................. 35
Configure password requirements............................................................................................................ 36
Configuring password policies............................................................................................................. 37
Configuring password encryption........................................................................................................ 37
Modifying password encryption........................................................................................................... 38
Using the UPEA tool............................................................................................................................. 40

Chapter 4. Security.............................................................................................. 43
Role-based security model........................................................................................................................43
Security context points........................................................................................................................ 45
Extending security context points....................................................................................................... 46
Security domains..................................................................................................................................48
Moving business entities...................................................................................................................... 49
Copying business entities.................................................................................................................... 49
Role-based access control permissions.............................................................................................. 49
Role templates..................................................................................................................................... 51
Security rules............................................................................................................................................. 56
Record level security............................................................................................................................ 57
Field level security................................................................................................................................69
Paths for parent and child objects....................................................................................................... 71
Terms for data types............................................................................................................................ 72
Grammar for security rules.................................................................................................................. 74
Enabling or disabling a security rule....................................................................................................78
Validating a formula for a security rule................................................................................................78
Deleting a security rule........................................................................................................................ 78
Best practices for security rules.......................................................................................................... 78
Custom security for projects..................................................................................................................... 79
About the folder hierarchy and inheritance.........................................................................................79
Creating an Access Control List........................................................................................................... 79
Editing an Access Control List.............................................................................................................. 80
Deleting an Access Control List............................................................................................................80
Field level encryption.................................................................................................................................81
Create a file for the encryption keystore and key pair.........................................................................81
Setting up the encryption keystore......................................................................................................82
Enabling the encryption keystore........................................................................................................ 83
Disabling the encryption keystore....................................................................................................... 83
Updating the encryption keystore........................................................................................................84
LDAP user authentication.......................................................................................................................... 84
Configuring the LDAP Authentication Module..................................................................................... 84
Setting up mixed-mode authentication............................................................................................... 87
Configuring a multi-forested LDAP authentication..............................................................................88

Chapter 5. Managing the reporting schema .......................................................... 89

Reporting schema permissions................................................................................................................. 89
Accessing the reporting schema............................................................................................................... 89
Changes that require the reporting schema to be regenerated............................................................... 89
Creating or recreating the reporting schema............................................................................................ 91
Populating past reporting periods............................................................................................................. 91
Enabling and disabling the reporting schema...........................................................................................92
Viewing reporting schema operation details............................................................................................ 92

Chapter 6. Business process visualizations...........................................................95

Types of visualizations...............................................................................................................................96
Visualizing a Business Entity organization chart................................................................................. 97
Visualizing a business process flow .................................................................................................... 98

Creating a process diagram....................................................................................................................... 99
Refreshing process diagrams.................................................................................................................. 101
Modifying a process diagram...................................................................................................................102
Copying a process diagram to use as a template................................................................................... 103
Changing the status of a process diagram.............................................................................................. 104
Deleting a process diagram..................................................................................................................... 104
Modifying field properties of a process diagram.................................................................................... 105
Exporting a process diagram from an OpenPages GRC Platform environment.....................................105
Importing a process diagram to an OpenPages GRC Platform environment.........................................106

Chapter 7. Managing reports.............................................................................. 109

OpenPages GRC Platform V6 folder reports........................................................................................... 109
Accessing reports from the application user interface.......................................................................... 113
Adding reports......................................................................................................................................... 113
Using the application user interface to add reports..........................................................................114
Installing the Java applet to work with reports...................................................................................... 116
Understanding reports.............................................................................................................................116
Locating report files................................................................................................................................. 117
Accessing report pages and page templates..........................................................................................117
Manually creating an instance of a report...............................................................................................117
Identifying the page template........................................................................................................... 118
Creating a report page....................................................................................................................... 118
Modifying a report template.............................................................................................................. 120
Deleting a report................................................................................................................................ 121
Manually creating an instance of a Cognos dashboard or story.............................................................121
Identifying the dashboard or story page template........................................................................... 121
Creating a dashboard or story page...................................................................................................122
Modifying a dashboard or story template..........................................................................................123
Deleting a dashboard or story............................................................................................................124
Creating an interactive JSP report.......................................................................................................... 124
Running an interactive JSP report...........................................................................................................125
Restricting access to reports...................................................................................................................125
Setting permissions on JSP and reports............................................................................................126
Securing access to the report portal................................................................................................. 126

Chapter 8. System file management................................................................... 131

System file management tasks............................................................................................................... 133
Creating folders.................................................................................................................................. 133
Uploading files....................................................................................................................................134
Moving files or folders........................................................................................................................ 134
Copying files and folders....................................................................................................................134
Renaming files or folders................................................................................................................... 135
Deleting files or folders...................................................................................................................... 135
System file modification.......................................................................................................................... 135
Downloading files...............................................................................................................................135
Checking out files............................................................................................................................... 136
Uploading modified files.................................................................................................................... 136
Checking in files................................................................................................................................. 136

Chapter 9. Fields and field groups...................................................................... 137

Definition of fields....................................................................................................................................137
Definition of a field group that is in use...................................................................................................137
Field and field group process overview...................................................................................................137
Requirements for new fields................................................................................................................... 139
File naming guidelines.............................................................................................................................140
Running the Schema Analysis report...................................................................................................... 141
Adding field groups..................................................................................................................................142

Adding fields to a field group...................................................................................................................142
Data types................................................................................................................................................ 143
Adding a currency field to a field group.................................................................................................. 147
Editing currency field information..................................................................................................... 147
Viewing and editing a currency display type..................................................................................... 148
Editing currency field values in individual accounts......................................................................... 148
Modifying currency exchange rates................................................................................................... 148
Modifying field group properties............................................................................................................. 150
Modifying object field definitions............................................................................................................ 150
Making fields required or optional.......................................................................................................... 151
Encrypting field values............................................................................................................................ 151
Decrypting field values............................................................................................................................ 152
Setting a default value for an object field............................................................................................... 152
Creating computed fields........................................................................................................................ 153
Modeling a new computed field in Cognos .......................................................................................153
Defining a computed field.................................................................................................................. 155
Using computed fields with multiple namespaces........................................................................... 156
Nesting computed fields.................................................................................................................... 157
Troubleshooting: Computed fields validation................................................................................... 157
Troubleshooting: Computed field equation length limitation...........................................................157
Troubleshooting: Computed fields with cross products................................................................... 157
Troubleshooting: Optimizing report request performance............................................................... 158
Troubleshooting: Computed field query direction performance...................................................... 159
Adding enumerated string values........................................................................................................... 160
Defining a default value for an enumerated string value.................................................................. 160
Changing the order of enumerated string values.............................................................................. 160
Hiding enumerated string values.......................................................................................................161
Unhiding enumerated string values...................................................................................................161
Deleting enumerated string values....................................................................................................162
Reporting fragment fields........................................................................................................................162
Tasks for configuring reporting fragment fields................................................................................ 163
Planning considerations for reporting fragment fields..................................................................... 163
Fields requiring parameter information............................................................................................ 164
Defining a reporting fragment field....................................................................................................164
Using object fields to launch JavaServer Pages and external URLs.......................................................168
Attributes in the URL configuration string......................................................................................... 169
URL configuration string examples....................................................................................................171
Configuring application text...............................................................................................................172
Adding a URL launcher field .............................................................................................................. 173
Adding a URL launcher field to views................................................................................................ 173
Deleting field groups................................................................................................................................173
Deleting an object field definition........................................................................................................... 174
Long string fields......................................................................................................................................174

Chapter 10. Object types....................................................................................175

Platform object types.............................................................................................................................. 175
Property rendering JSP files....................................................................................................................176
Accessing object types............................................................................................................................ 176
Editing object type properties................................................................................................................. 177
Including field groups for an object type................................................................................................ 177
Disabling associations between object types.........................................................................................178
Enabling associations between object types..........................................................................................178
Configuring IBM OpenPages GRC Platform to associate a large number of child objects.................... 179
Object relationship types........................................................................................................................ 180
Setting the relationship type..............................................................................................................182
Configure the ability to create a draft copy of an Object........................................................................ 182
Creating a field group and field for a Save As Draft configuration.................................................... 183

Configure the Save As Draft feature for new objects........................................................................ 183
Adding the field to the object type and profile to configure the Save As Draft function ................. 184
Stand-alone object settings.................................................................................................................... 184
Enabling the creation of stand-alone objects................................................................................... 184
Enabling the ability to associate objects........................................................................................... 185
File type information................................................................................................................................186
Adding a file type................................................................................................................................186
Associating a file type with an object type........................................................................................ 186
Removing a file type from an object type.......................................................................................... 187
Tasks required to set up custom forms...................................................................................................187
Adding an object type for a custom form.......................................................................................... 188
Deleting a custom object type........................................................................................................... 189
Associating a custom form from a parent object.............................................................................. 189
Associating a custom form to a parent object...................................................................................189
Tasks to define filters for an object type................................................................................................. 190
Filter considerations.......................................................................................................................... 190
Adding filters to object types............................................................................................................. 191
Copying filters.....................................................................................................................................196
Modifying filters..................................................................................................................................197
Deleting filters.................................................................................................................................... 197
Dependent field behavior........................................................................................................................ 198
Adding dependent fields....................................................................................................................198
Copying controller conditions............................................................................................................ 200
Modifying controllers for a dependent field...................................................................................... 200
Enabling and disabling field dependency behavior...........................................................................201
Deleting dependent fields..................................................................................................................202
Configuration settings for the Add New wizard...................................................................................... 202
Controlling the availability of object types in the Add New wizard.................................................. 204
Controlling the display of tabs with no fields in the Add New wizard.............................................. 205
Controlling the ability to use a template object when using the Add New wizard...........................205
Controlling the default object type in the parent picker in the Add New wizard..............................206
Controlling the default folder for new child objects .........................................................................207
Configuring dependent picklists..............................................................................................................207
Adding dependent picklists............................................................................................................... 208
Modifying picklist dependency behavior........................................................................................... 209
Enabling and disabling picklist dependency..................................................................................... 209
Deleting a dependent picklist............................................................................................................ 210
Excluding fields from a subsystem..........................................................................................................210
Selecting the fields to exclude...........................................................................................................210
Changing the subsystem for an excluded field................................................................................. 211
Removing excluded fields.................................................................................................................. 211

Chapter 11. Profiles........................................................................................... 213

Guidelines for working with profiles....................................................................................................... 213
Accessing profiles....................................................................................................................................214
Creating a profile..................................................................................................................................... 214
Setting a default or fallback profile......................................................................................................... 215
Associating profiles to users and groups................................................................................................ 216
Editing a profile........................................................................................................................................ 216
Deleting a profile......................................................................................................................................216
Enabling a profile..................................................................................................................................... 217
Disabling a profile.................................................................................................................................... 217
Associating users and groups to a profile............................................................................................... 217
Disassociating users from a profile......................................................................................................... 218
Including object types in a profile...........................................................................................................219
Excluding object types from a profile......................................................................................................219
Including fields in an object type............................................................................................................ 219

Excluding fields from an object type....................................................................................................... 220
Setting the display order of object types................................................................................................ 220
Setting a field in a profile to required or optional................................................................................... 221

Chapter 12. Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types.........223
Home page...............................................................................................................................................223
The layout of tabs on a Home page................................................................................................... 224
Configuring tabs on the home page........................................................................................................ 225
Adding tabs for reports or dashboards..............................................................................................226
Setting the display order of tabs........................................................................................................226
Hiding and unhiding tabs................................................................................................................... 226
Deleting tabs...................................................................................................................................... 227
Configuring the My Work tab................................................................................................................... 227
Configuring predefined lists...............................................................................................................228
Filtered lists on the My Work tab....................................................................................................... 228
Configuring reports............................................................................................................................ 230
Removing items from the My Work tab............................................................................................. 233
Configuring users' Dashboard tabs......................................................................................................... 233
Creating content for users' Dashboard tabs......................................................................................234
Editing the content of users' Dashboard tabs................................................................................... 235
Exporting the configuration for a dashboard tab.............................................................................. 236
Configure views for objects..................................................................................................................... 236
Navigational Views............................................................................................................................. 237
Object views....................................................................................................................................... 239
Association views...............................................................................................................................240
Creation views.................................................................................................................................... 241
Enabling a view...................................................................................................................................241
Disabling a view..................................................................................................................................242
Setting a default view.........................................................................................................................242
Setting the display order of fields in a view.......................................................................................243
Copy views for an object from one profile to one or more other profiles......................................... 244
Including and excluding fields in navigation and association views................................................ 245
Including object types on an overview page..................................................................................... 247
Excluding object types from an overview page................................................................................. 247
Associating filters to Filtered List view and Grid view pages............................................................ 248
Disassociating filters from Filtered List view and Grid view Pages...................................................248
Creating a Grid view .......................................................................................................................... 248
Creating Activity Views.......................................................................................................................250
Creating a Creation view.................................................................................................................... 256
Configuring fields in Detail and Activity views...................................................................................257
Inserting section headings................................................................................................................ 258
Modifying section headings............................................................................................................... 259
Deleting section headings..................................................................................................................260
Setting object fields as read-only or editable................................................................................... 260
Spanning table columns.....................................................................................................................260
Configuring the display type for reporting fragment fields.....................................................................261
Configuring display types for simple string fields...................................................................................262
Configuring rich text display types for simple strings....................................................................... 262
Configuring the Business Entity Selector display type for simple string fields................................ 263
Configuring text and URL display types for simple strings............................................................... 264
Configuring URL link names by using the rich text display type for simple strings..........................265
Configuring text area display types for simple strings...................................................................... 266
Configure user and group selectors display types for simple strings...............................................266
Configuring display types for long string fields.......................................................................................271
Configuring the on demand display types for long string fields........................................................272
Configuring text display types for medium long string fields........................................................... 273
Configuring rich text display types for medium long string fields.................................................... 273

Configuring a display type for enumerated strings.................................................................................274

Chapter 13. Localizing text.................................................................................277

Configuring client systems to display Asian characters......................................................................... 277
Language and locale support.................................................................................................................. 278
Localizing object text............................................................................................................................... 279
Modifying display text for an object type.......................................................................................... 280
Modifying display text for object fields..............................................................................................280
Modifying display text for public filters............................................................................................. 280
Localizing system fields...........................................................................................................................280
Localizing application text....................................................................................................................... 281
Modifying display text in the application user interface................................................................... 282
Modifying the bucket heading format of the phonebook.................................................................. 283
Modifying the user name format........................................................................................................283
Modifying overview menu links..........................................................................................................284
Modifying navigational view links...................................................................................................... 285
Modifying list view links..................................................................................................................... 285
The Custom folder................................................................................................................................... 286
Adding new keys................................................................................................................................ 286
Modifying custom keys.......................................................................................................................286

Chapter 14. Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets..................................289

Active reporting periods and operational limitations............................................................................. 289
Reporting period interactions..................................................................................................................290
Using system administration mode with reporting periods and schemas.............................................290
Reporting period permissions and settings............................................................................................ 290
Creating a reporting period..................................................................................................................... 291
Creating a finalized reporting period................................................................................................. 291
Working with the active reporting period................................................................................................291
Reapplying the active reporting period to a business entity.............................................................292
Finalizing a reporting period.............................................................................................................. 292
Deleting a reporting period................................................................................................................ 293
Object resets............................................................................................................................................293
Creating a ruleset.....................................................................................................................................294
Sample ruleset................................................................................................................................... 295
Ruleset tag library.............................................................................................................................. 296
Loading the ruleset.................................................................................................................................. 301
Performing the object reset.....................................................................................................................302
Starting the object reset.................................................................................................................... 302
Reset status........................................................................................................................................303
Reset session log................................................................................................................................304
Refreshing the reporting database after the reset............................................................................304
Exporting rulesets to an XML file.............................................................................................................304

Chapter 15. Viewing the Configuration and Settings page................................... 307

Applications folder settings.....................................................................................................................307
Modify the overview view cache capacity......................................................................................... 307
Configure the browser cache............................................................................................................. 307
Display the accessibility link.............................................................................................................. 308
Display or hide field guidance............................................................................................................308
Display or hide system generated field guidance............................................................................. 309
Disable the Add New wizard from various launch points................................................................. 309
Set a default object view....................................................................................................................310
Configure file check-out..................................................................................................................... 310
Configure the sort order of object list views by modification date................................................... 311
Modify the deletion interval for a reporting period........................................................................... 311
Show hidden settings.........................................................................................................................311

User provisioning settings..................................................................................................................312
Configure actor table page size......................................................................................................... 314
Actor selectors: Configure the bucket size of the phonebook.......................................................... 314
Actor selectors: Configure display columns in a selector dialog box............................................... 314
Actor selectors: Configure users and group selectors for search.....................................................315
Menus: Update administration menus.............................................................................................. 315
Menus: Modify the order of menus.................................................................................................... 316
Menus: Modify submenus.................................................................................................................. 316
Object auto-naming settings............................................................................................................. 317
Configure the format of object names............................................................................................... 318
SOXDocument object auto-naming settings for duplicate file names............................................. 320
Environment migration settings.........................................................................................................320
Report fragment settings................................................................................................................... 321
Set the mail server address............................................................................................................... 322
Optimize file uploads......................................................................................................................... 323
Number of objects in listing pane...................................................................................................... 323
Set copy operations........................................................................................................................... 324
Date field display format....................................................................................................................326
Configuring large files for upload.......................................................................................................327
Disabling the Files of OPX.................................................................................................................. 327
Signature and lock settings................................................................................................................328
Object Reset settings......................................................................................................................... 332
Home page settings........................................................................................................................... 333
Filtered List View settings.................................................................................................................. 337
Custom settings....................................................................................................................................... 340
Creating a custom setting.................................................................................................................. 340
Deleting a custom setting.................................................................................................................. 340
Copying settings and folders .............................................................................................................341
Common folder settings.......................................................................................................................... 341
Use legacy associate.......................................................................................................................... 341
Exclude characters from user names................................................................................................ 341
Set the system security model.......................................................................................................... 342
Disable access control on Role groups..............................................................................................342
Configure self-contained object types.............................................................................................. 343
Enable the CodeCogs Equation Editor in Rich Text fields................................................................. 344
Platform folder settings...........................................................................................................................344
Compare Environments tool settings................................................................................................ 344
Set localization options......................................................................................................................345
Configure primary associations......................................................................................................... 346
Configure the legacy move behavior................................................................................................. 346
Configure the host setting..................................................................................................................347
Cross-context sharing........................................................................................................................ 347
Platform Reporting Framework folder settings.................................................................................348
Reporting Schema folder settings..................................................................................................... 349
Security settings.................................................................................................................................350
Workflow implementations settings..................................................................................................353
User Preferences folder settings.............................................................................................................355
Set alert notification behavior............................................................................................................355

Chapter 16. Configuring the global search feature.............................................. 357

Setting up global search.......................................................................................................................... 357
Setting login information for the search server...................................................................................... 358
Changing the login information for the search server............................................................................ 360
Using OPBackup and OPRestore when global search is enabled.......................................................... 360
Enabling and disabling global search......................................................................................................361
Enabling and disabling file attachment searching..................................................................................362
Enabling attachment file types for global search................................................................................... 362

Customizing global search.......................................................................................................................363
Enabling or disabling object types or fields for global search.......................................................... 363
Example: customizing global search on initial enablement............................................................. 364
Example: adding or removing object types and fields with an already-enabled global search...... 365
Changing the database connection information for the search server............................................ 365
Displaying a custom field in global search results............................................................................ 366
Global search registry settings................................................................................................................367
Unhiding the hidden global search registry settings.........................................................................367
Setting the Query Path to the global search administration server..................................................368
Setting the URL to the global search administration server............................................................. 368
Setting the progress refresh interval................................................................................................. 368
Setting the number of records to cache............................................................................................ 369
Setting the polling interval................................................................................................................. 369
Setting the number of records to cache before sending to the server for indexing.........................369
Setting the Query Path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL indexing......................370
Setting the language analyzer that is used by search....................................................................... 370
Setting the Query Path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL indexing......................370
Setting the URL to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL indexing................................. 371
Setting the number of records inserted per batch............................................................................ 371
Setting the Query Path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL search requests......... 371
Setting the URL to the Apache Solr server that handles OpenPages search requests..............372
Setting the number of attempts to fill the search results................................................................. 372
Setting the number of search results records that are cached per user session.............................372
Setting the internal page size for search results............................................................................... 372
Setting the URL to the Apache Solr server that handles search requests........................................373
Setting a time limit to search before timing out................................................................................ 373
Setting an additional field in the search result set....................................................................... 374
Setting whether to allow compression.............................................................................................. 374
Setting the network connection request timeout............................................................................. 374
Setting whether to allow URL redirects............................................................................................. 374
Setting the number of allowed connections from the platform........................................................375
Setting the number of allowed connections......................................................................................375
Setting the number of times a request is reattempted.....................................................................375
Setting the socket timeout for indexing............................................................................................ 375
Setting the socket timeout for searching.......................................................................................... 376
Setting the Apache Solr password.....................................................................................................376
Setting the Apache Solr user ID.........................................................................................................376
Setting the default number of search results to return per page..................................................... 376
The global search properties file.............................................................................................................377
Setting the error handling parameters for the indexer..................................................................... 377
Setting the maximum opsearchtool.jar heap size.............................................................................377
Setting the maximum Apache Solr heap size....................................................................................378
Setting the maximum opsearchtool.jar heap size during indexing...................................................378
Setting the maximum text extraction heap size during indexing......................................................379
Setting the text extractor timeout limit............................................................................................. 379
Setting the root path location for file attachment search................................................................. 379
Global search FAQs..................................................................................................................................380

Chapter 17. Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2
IBM DB2 and the OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore utilities............................................. 383
Email notification for backup jobs...........................................................................................................383
Configuring backup job notification........................................................................................................ 384
Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions.............................................................. 385
Enabling and disabling asynchronous background processes checking............................................... 386
The OPBackup utility............................................................................................................................... 387
Backing up custom OpenPages GRC Platform files................................................................................387

Running a live OpenPages GRC Platform backup................................................................................... 388
OpenPages GRC Platform backed-up content.................................................................................. 388
The OPBackup log file........................................................................................................................ 389
Configuring OPBackup to use GZIP................................................................................................... 389
Enabling and disabling storage backup.................................................................................................. 389
The OpenPages GRC Platform restore utility on the DB2 database...................................................... 390
Running the OPRestore command.................................................................................................... 390
OPRestore log files............................................................................................................................. 391
Using the Cognos Backup utility..............................................................................................................391
The OpenPages GRC Platform file storage directory........................................................................ 391
Running the OPCCBackup command................................................................................................ 392
The OPCCBackup log file....................................................................................................................392
Cognos backed-up content................................................................................................................392
Configuring OPCCBackup to use GZIP...............................................................................................393
Using the Cognos Restore utility............................................................................................................. 393
Running the OPCCRestore command................................................................................................ 393
The OPCCRestore log file................................................................................................................... 394
DB2 databases for OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore........................................................394
Restoring backed up production data in a new DB2 environment.........................................................396
Refreshing a test environment from backup files...................................................................................397
Prerequisites to refreshing a DB2 test environment.........................................................................398
Backup of production databases in OpenPages GRC Platform on the DB2 server ......................... 398
Backing up and copying OpenPages GRC Platform application production files for a DB2
Backup of OpenPages GRC Platform databases on the test server................................................. 398
Backing up OpenPages GRC Platform application files on your test server.....................................398
Running the OPCCBackup command................................................................................................ 398
Drop the DB2 Database for the application on the test system....................................................... 399
Copy and restore the application production DB2 database backup file to the test DB2
database server.............................................................................................................................399
Update the OpenPages GRC Platform storage location in the DB2 database..................................400
Back up the Cognos Database on the DB2 production and test servers..........................................401
Back up Cognos configuration files on the DB2 production and test servers.................................. 401
Update DB2 database connection references for Cognos ............................................................... 402
Modify SSO and LDAP configuration in the test environment...........................................................402
Copy and restore the Cognos production database backup file to the test database server.......... 403
Drop the DB2 Database for Cognos on the Test Server.................................................................... 403
Copy custom deliverables to the test environment.......................................................................... 403
Copy custom triggers ........................................................................................................................ 403
Copy other custom deliverables to the test environment.................................................................404
Starting the OpenPages GRC Platform in the test environment....................................................... 404
Update URL host pointers for Cognos reports...................................................................................404
Utilities for filtering on long string field content in a DB2 database...................................................... 404
Install and configure DB2 text search............................................................................................... 405
Enable DB2 text search......................................................................................................................407
Create a long string index in a DB2 database....................................................................................408
Create a schedule job to synchronize a long string index in a DB2 database.................................. 410
Drop a long string index..................................................................................................................... 411
Entity Move/Rename utility..................................................................................................................... 412
Entity Move/Rename utility prerequisites......................................................................................... 413
Configuring the Entity Move/Rename utility for a DB2 database..................................................... 413
Prepare the input file for the Entity Move/Rename utility................................................................ 414
Running the Entity Move/Rename utility interactively for a DB2 database..................................... 415
Running the Entity Move/Rename utility as a scheduled task..........................................................416
Impact of the Entity Move/Rename utility on the OpenPages GRC Platform application............... 416
Improve performance of OpenPages GRC Platform application functions on a DB2 server...........416

Chapter 18. Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases. 419
Oracle databases and the backup and restore utilities.......................................................................... 419
Prerequisite: Oracle Admin Client..................................................................................................... 419
Oracle Data Pump.............................................................................................................................. 419
Email notification for backup jobs...........................................................................................................420
Configuring backup job notification........................................................................................................ 420
Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions.............................................................. 421
Enabling and disabling asynchronous background processes checking............................................... 422
Encrypting database passwords in the backup-restore utility environment files................................. 423
The OPBackup utility............................................................................................................................... 424
Modifying the backup-restore environment file................................................................................424
Backing up custom OpenPages GRC Platform files.......................................................................... 425
Running the OPBackup command..................................................................................................... 425
Backing up the OpenPages database (Oracle)..................................................................................426
Running a live OpenPages GRC Platform backup............................................................................. 427
OpenPages GRC Platform backed-up content.................................................................................. 427
Enabling and disabling storage backup............................................................................................. 428
The OpenPages GRC Platform restore utility on the Oracle database...................................................429
Running the OPRestore command.................................................................................................... 429
OPRestore log files............................................................................................................................. 430
Using the Cognos backup utility.............................................................................................................. 430
Oracle Data Pump configuration on a first time use......................................................................... 430
The OpenPages GRC Platform file storage directory........................................................................ 430
Configuring or updating the Oracle Data Pump directory................................................................. 431
Running the OPCCBackup command................................................................................................ 432
The OPCCBackup log file....................................................................................................................432
Cognos backed-up content................................................................................................................432
Configuring OPCCBackup to use GZIP...............................................................................................433
Using the Cognos restore utility.............................................................................................................. 433
Running the OPCCRestore command................................................................................................ 433
The OPCCRestore log file................................................................................................................... 434
Using Oracle online database backup (RMAN) for point-in-time recovery............................................434
Oracle online database backups....................................................................................................... 434
Running Oracle online database backups (RMAN)........................................................................... 435
Monitoring the size of the Oracle backup area..................................................................................439
Adjusting the size of the Oracle backup area.................................................................................... 440
Disabling online backup of the Oracle database instance................................................................ 441
Performing Oracle online database crash recoveries....................................................................... 441
Refreshing a test environment from backup files...................................................................................441
Backing up and copying the OpenPages GRC Platform application production files for an
Oracle database............................................................................................................................ 442
Backing up the OpenPages GRC Platform application test files on your Oracle test data...............442
Deleting data on the test database system.......................................................................................442
Copy the production database dump (.dmp) file to the test database server................................. 442
Import the production data into the test environment.....................................................................443
Update the OpenPages GRC Platform storage location in the Oracle database.............................. 444
Update the global search settings..................................................................................................... 446
Update Cognos data in the test environment....................................................................................447
Modify SSO and LDAP Configuration in the test environment.......................................................... 450
Copy custom triggers ........................................................................................................................ 450
Copy other custom deliverables to the test environment.................................................................451
Starting the OpenPages GRC Platform in the test environment....................................................... 451
Update URL host pointers for Cognos reports...................................................................................451
Utilities for filtering on long string field content in an Oracle database.................................................451
Create a long string index for an Oracle database............................................................................ 452
Enabling Oracle Text.......................................................................................................................... 453

Create a schedule job to synchronize a long string index................................................................. 454
Drop a long string index..................................................................................................................... 455
Modifying the list of stop words.........................................................................................................456
String concatenation utility..................................................................................................................... 457
Running string concatenation............................................................................................................ 457
The string concatenation SQL file...................................................................................................... 458
Entity Move/Rename utility..................................................................................................................... 463
Entity Move/Rename utility prerequisites......................................................................................... 463
Configuring the Entity Move/Rename utility for an Oracle database................................................463
Prepare the input file for the Entity Move/Rename utility................................................................ 464
Running the entity move/rename utility interactively.......................................................................466
Running the Entity Move/Rename utility as a scheduled task..........................................................466
Impact of the Entity Move/Rename utility on the OpenPages GRC Platform application............... 467

Chapter 19. System Maintenance....................................................................... 469

Application server restrictions................................................................................................................ 469
Port assignments..................................................................................................................................... 469
Change default port numbers................................................................................................................. 470
Checking port number availability..................................................................................................... 471
Changing OpenPages GRC Platform application ports for an IBM WebSphere Application
Server environment.......................................................................................................................471
Updating the IBM WebSphere Application Server global security details....................................... 475
Updating port values in script.........................................................................................475
Updating port values in the database................................................................................................476
Updating port values on the Reporting server.................................................................................. 476
Changing the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Generation port............................................. 476
Updating URL host pointers for reports.............................................................................................478
Auditing configuration changes...............................................................................................................479
Accessing the Configuration Audit Report.........................................................................................479
The Configuration Audit Report......................................................................................................... 479
Changing passwords and IP addresses.............................................................................................480
Changing password references............................................................................................................... 480
Change password references on the OpenPages GRC Platform Application server........................481
IBM WebSphere: Modifying the JDBC data source password.......................................................... 481
Updating the application server database password in the Aurora properties file..........................482
Changing Reporting Framework password references..................................................................... 482
Changing the password for OpenPages GRC Platform Administrator account................................ 483
Updating the Oracle Enterprise Manager tool................................................................................... 483
Create the OpenPages GRC Platform application managed server instances................................. 483
Resolving configuration changes in the tool......................................................................................484
IBM WebSphere: Modifying the JDBC data source password.......................................................... 484
Change password references on the OpenPages GRC Platform Application server........................485
Changing database references................................................................................................................485
Modify the Connection URL for the JDBC Data Source..................................................................... 485
Modify Database References in the Application Configuration Files................................................488
Modify Database Connection References for the Reporting Server................................................. 489
Update values in property files............................................................................................................... 491
Modifying values in the Sosa property file.........................................................................................491
Modifying the Stop Server script........................................................................................................491
Modifying the Start Server script....................................................................................................... 492
Running patch scripts to update server configuration...................................................................... 493
Masking passwords in the Install property file and Restart Services...............................................493
SSL for OpenPages GRC Platform environments....................................................................................494
Accessing the OpenPages GRC Platform application using SSL.......................................................494
Verifying WebSphere Application Server configuration for SSL........................................................494
Verifying SSL ports on virtual hosts .................................................................................................. 495
Verifying the SSL protocol before you deploy a new non-administrative server............................. 495

Creating the keystore in the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.................................. 496
Generating a Certificate Signing Request file the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. 497
Submitting a CSR for Certificate Authority approval in a WebSphere Application Server
environment.................................................................................................................................. 497
Importing signed CA certificates in the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console................ 497
Importing the Certificate Authority certificate for Java Runtime Environment............................... 498
Installing certificate authority certificates........................................................................................ 499
Updating properties files so web browsers use HTTPS protocol and SSL ports..............................500
Configuring SSL by using IBM Console web application................................................................... 500
Enabling secure session cookies on IBM WebSphere Application Server....................................... 501
Updating the SSL socket factory providers....................................................................................... 502
SSL configuration for Microsoft Internet Information Services........................................................ 502
SSL configuration for Apache Web Server......................................................................................... 504
Configuring SSL in the OpenPages GRC Platform properties files....................................................506
SSL configuration on AIX and Linux load balancer server ............................................................... 507
SSL configuration for an Apache load balancer server in Windows environments.......................... 509
SSL configuration for IBM HTTP server ............................................................................................ 511
Importing root and signer certificates to the local trust store .........................................................513
Modifying the LDAP configuration file for LDAP over SSL................................................................. 514
Renewing SSL Certificates for OpenPages GRC Platform................................................................. 516
Setting up SSL for the global search service..................................................................................... 519
Enabling SSL database connection between the search server and the database server.............. 521
Disabling the SSL database connection between the search server and the database server....... 522
Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).............................................................................................522
Prerequisites and process overview..................................................................................................523
Encrypting OpenPages and Cognos table spaces............................................................................. 523
Shortening the URL for OpenPages GRC Platform..................................................................................527
Parameters for cluster members............................................................................................................ 529
Configuring HTTP compression in OpenPages GRC Platform ............................................................... 530
Enabling or disabling HTTP compression on OpenPages GRC Platform Application Servers......... 530
Enabling or disabling compression on the Cognos Server using Windows IIS................................ 531
Enabling compression on the Cognos Server using Apache Web Server......................................... 532
Disabling compression on the Cognos Server using Apache Web Server........................................ 533
Factors that affect performance of activity and grid views.................................................................... 534
Improve performance of OpenPages GRC Platform application functions on a DB2 server................ 534
Server tuning settings..............................................................................................................................535
Configuring the database................................................................................................................... 535
Configuring the reporting server........................................................................................................536
Using log files...........................................................................................................................................537
Configuring application thread-dump logs for cluster members..................................................... 537
Configuring service thread-dump logs for cluster members............................................................ 537
Configuring extended access logging on IBM WebSphere............................................................... 538
Collect log files and diagnostic data.................................................................................................. 539
OpenPages GRC Platform Standard Application Server log files......................................................541
Log file names on IBM WebSphere Application Server.....................................................................541
Deployment Manager (DMGR) Server log files.................................................................................. 541
Node agent log files............................................................................................................................542
Application cluster member log files.................................................................................................542
Changing the size and number of backups of the aurora log file......................................................543
Troubleshooting browser issues............................................................................................................. 543
Optimizing application performance in the Internet Explorer browser........................................... 543
Setting the Cognos Application Firewall for browser security..........................................................545
Browser display issues and Internet Explorer.................................................................................. 546
Internet Explorer security issues and running reports..................................................................... 546
Custom helpers and Internet Explorer 11 ........................................................................................546
Browser locale settings and messaging issues.................................................................................546
Browser best practices...................................................................................................................... 547

Chapter 20. Starting and stopping servers.......................................................... 549
Starting application servers.................................................................................................................... 549
Microsoft Windows services.............................................................................................................. 549
Microsoft Windows commands..........................................................................................................549
AIX and Linux scripts......................................................................................................................... 550
Determining application readiness....................................................................................................551
Automatically starting application servers in Windows......................................................................... 551
Starting all application services in Windows using a script....................................................................551
Starting application services individually using Windows services....................................................... 552
Starting all application servers in AIX and Linux using a script............................................................. 552
Starting application servers in AIX and Linux individually using scripts................................................552
Start or stop the global search services..................................................................................................553
Starting the global search services by using a script........................................................................ 553
Stopping the global search services by using a script...................................................................... 554
Starting the global search services on Windows...............................................................................554
Starting the global search services on Linux or AIX..........................................................................555
Stopping the global search services.................................................................................................. 555
Stopping application servers...................................................................................................................556
Stopping application servers in a Windows environment...................................................................... 556
Automatically stopping application servers in Windows.................................................................. 556
Stopping all application services in Windows using a script.............................................................557
Stopping application services individually using Windows services................................................ 557
Stopping all application servers in AIX and Linux using a script............................................................557
Stopping application servers in AIX and Linux individually using scripts.............................................. 558
Starting and stopping the Oracle database server in a Windows environment.....................................559
Starting and stopping the Oracle database server in an AIX and Linux environment........................... 559
Starting and stopping the Cognos services.............................................................................................560
Using the IBM Cognos configuration tool to start and stop the IBM Cognos service...................... 560
Using the Windows operating system to start and stop the IBM Cognos service............................561
Using the AIX or Linux operating system to start and stop IBM Cognos service............................. 561
Starting and stopping the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator service on
Windows........................................................................................................................................ 561
Starting and stopping the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator service on
AIX or Linux................................................................................................................................... 561

Chapter 21. Comparing IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments.................. 563

Review configuration settings................................................................................................................. 565
Supported items...................................................................................................................................... 566
Prepare the files to compare................................................................................................................... 567
Preparing files by using Export Configuration................................................................................... 567
Preparing files by using ObjectManager............................................................................................ 567
Comparing environments........................................................................................................................ 569
Interpret results...................................................................................................................................... 569
Errors, warnings, and how to fix them............................................................................................... 571
Example: A field group exists in the source environment, but not in the target.............................. 571
Example: A profile exists in the target environment, but not in the source..................................... 573
Example: A custom object type exists in the target environment, but not in the source................ 573
Log files for the Compare Environments tool..........................................................................................574

Chapter 22. Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments........................... 575

Settings that apply to environment migration........................................................................................ 575
Supported migration items......................................................................................................................577
Exporting dependencies.................................................................................................................... 578
Import validation................................................................................................................................579
Items that are not migrated...............................................................................................................579
Item dependencies not migrated by default.....................................................................................581

Environment migration best practices.................................................................................................... 581
The environment migration process....................................................................................................... 582
Exporting configuration items from the source environment................................................................ 583
Importing configuration items to the target environment......................................................................584
Configuring environment migration to allow special characters...................................................... 584
Validating the migration file............................................................................................................... 585
Performing the import for environment migration............................................................................ 586
Log summary migration report ............................................................................................................... 587
Log details migration report.................................................................................................................... 587

Chapter 23. The ObjectManager tool...................................................................589

Working with loader files......................................................................................................................... 589
Creating a data loader file.................................................................................................................. 590
Running ObjectManager commands....................................................................................................... 590
ObjectManager command line parameters.......................................................................................591
Load command example....................................................................................................................592
Dump command example..................................................................................................................592
Improving performance for small files in ObjectManager................................................................ 592
Batch loader file syntax and sample..................................................................................................593
Using ObjectManager to move objects.............................................................................................. 594
Using ObjectManager to rename objects.......................................................................................... 596
Using ObjectManager to assign or revoke role assignments............................................................ 597
Using ObjectManager to create or load users................................................................................... 599
Modifying the ObjectManager properties file......................................................................................... 601
Settings in the file ....................................................................................... 601
Filtering data for export...........................................................................................................................607
Before you begin................................................................................................................................ 607
About the filters configuration file..................................................................................................... 607
ObjectManager predefined filters......................................................................................................607
Sample filter configuration file...........................................................................................................609
Controlling data load behavior................................................................................................................ 609
Managing currency exchange rates.........................................................................................................610
Importing exchange rates..................................................................................................................610
Exporting all currency exchange rates.............................................................................................. 611
Enabling and disabling currencies.....................................................................................................612
Importing currency field definitions........................................................................................................612
Exporting currency field definitions........................................................................................................ 613
Importing computed field definitions..................................................................................................... 614
Exporting computed field definitions......................................................................................................614
Migrating configuration changes using the ObjectManager tool............................................................ 615
The ObjectManager migration process..............................................................................................615
Modifying ObjectManager settings.................................................................................................... 616
Migrating configuration changes........................................................................................................618

Chapter 24. Using FastMap ................................................................................623

FastMap overview.................................................................................................................................... 623
FastMap templates.............................................................................................................................624
The FastMap data validation process................................................................................................ 625
FastMap localization.......................................................................................................................... 625
Accessing FastMap to import data and view status............................................................................... 625
Importing a FastMap data load template............................................................................................... 626
Resolving FastMap validation errors....................................................................................................... 626
Understanding FastMap validation errors......................................................................................... 626
Troubleshooting FastMap conflict with recent updates warning message...................................... 627
Troubleshooting FastMap validation messages................................................................................ 627
Viewing FastMap import status............................................................................................................... 632
Using the FastMap import status report window.............................................................................. 632

Understanding import status messages............................................................................................633
Creating FastMap import templates........................................................................................................634
The data exported to a workbook by FastMap.................................................................................. 634
The FastMap import process............................................................................................................. 635
Working with data load worksheets........................................................................................................ 635
Defining paths for objects.................................................................................................................. 635
Using special column headings......................................................................................................... 636
Defining property fields for objects in FastMap templates............................................................... 637
Guidelines for entering object data into FastMap templates............................................................637
Adding custom columns and worksheets to FastMap templates.....................................................639
Sample Object worksheet for updating and creating objects...........................................................639
Sample self-contained object worksheet..........................................................................................640
Sample Business Entity worksheet for creating a new business entity structure........................... 641
Using the FastMap Definition worksheet................................................................................................ 641
Unhiding a FastMap Definition worksheet.........................................................................................642
FastMap parameters................................................................................................................................642
FastMap export templates.......................................................................................................................642
Modifying parameters in the default FastMap export template....................................................... 642
Specifying a FastMap export template.............................................................................................. 643
FastMap parameters for importing and exporting data..........................................................................644
Configuring a lookup key for FastMap .................................................................................................... 651
Modifying export settings to optimize FastMap performance................................................................653
Limiting the rows for import to optimize FastMap performance............................................................ 653
Setting a transaction timeout to optimize FastMap performance..........................................................654
Adding a processing delay to optimize FastMap performance.............................................................. 654
Securing FastMap import templates stored on the server..................................................................... 655
Cleaning up FastMap import templates stored on the server................................................................ 655
AFCON-generated FastMap template best practices............................................................................. 656
Using FastMap with questionnaire template and assessment objects..................................................656

Chapter 25. Configuring and generating the reporting framework........................659

The reporting framework ........................................................................................................................659
Framework models............................................................................................................................ 659
Namespaces ...................................................................................................................................... 660
Facts and dimensions........................................................................................................................ 661
Recursive object levels...................................................................................................................... 661
Triangle object relationships..............................................................................................................663
Object type dimensions..................................................................................................................... 664
Planning the configuration...................................................................................................................... 664
Configuring settings that apply to all framework models.......................................................................665
Configuring the number of models that can be concurrently generated..........................................665
Configuring reporting framework fact types..................................................................................... 665
Adding locale codes to the reporting framework ............................................................................. 666
Defining the sort order locale ........................................................................................................... 666
Setting the triangle reporting framework object relationships.........................................................667
Enabling the reporting framework for custom forms........................................................................667
Defining the transaction timeout for reporting framework generation............................................ 668
Configure the reporting framework for upgraded legacy systems................................................... 668
Configuring framework models .............................................................................................................. 669
Creating a framework model and namespace using a template...................................................... 669
Defining a name for a framework model........................................................................................... 670
Defining the format for a framework model...................................................................................... 670
Enabling a framework model ............................................................................................................ 670
Defining the query mode for a framework model ............................................................................ 671
Defining the package label for a framework model ......................................................................... 671
Defining whether a framework model uses profile filtering..............................................................671
Configure reporting framework namespaces......................................................................................... 671

Defining a name for a reporting framework namespace...................................................................672
Defining the object model for a namespace .....................................................................................672
Setting a namespace as the default ................................................................................................. 673
Enabling a namespace....................................................................................................................... 673
Defining entity recursive object levels for a namespace.................................................................. 674
Defining whether facts and dimensions are enabled for a namespace ...........................................674
Configuring facts and dimensions........................................................................................................... 674
Enabling and disabling facts.............................................................................................................. 675
Enabling and disabling enumeration and dependent picklist dimensions.......................................675
Using date dimension types...............................................................................................................677
Configuring business entity recursive object levels............................................................................... 679
Defining business entity recursive object levels............................................................................... 679
Deleting business entity sets of recursive object levels................................................................... 680
Modifying recursive object levels...................................................................................................... 680
Configuring object type dimensions........................................................................................................681
Adding object type dimensions......................................................................................................... 681
Modifying object type dimensions.....................................................................................................682
Enabling, disabling, and deleting object type dimensions................................................................682
Generating the reporting framework ......................................................................................................683
Reporting framework permissions.................................................................................................... 684
Accessing the reporting framework...................................................................................................684
Choosing update options in the reporting framework...................................................................... 685
Updating the reporting framework.................................................................................................... 686
Viewing reporting framework details................................................................................................ 686

Chapter 26. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connectors....................................... 689

IBM QRadar integration...........................................................................................................................689
Using the QRadar integration project................................................................................................ 690
Configuring email notifications to be sent from the QRadar assembly line connector
components.................................................................................................................................. 690
Specifying a primary parent ID to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector............................691
Specifying currency values to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector by the output
Specifying date values to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector via the output mapping.. 694
IBM OpenPages GRC SDI Connector for UCF Common Controls Hub integration................................ 694
Run the UCF assembly lines.............................................................................................................. 695
Changing the connection information............................................................................................... 696
Update business entities, fields, and field groups............................................................................ 697
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) techniques................................................................................... 697
Scheduling IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator.......................................................................................697
TDI command line tips.......................................................................................................................698
Troubleshooting the assembly line "Connection refused" error.......................................................698

Chapter 27. Configuring questionnaire assessments .......................................... 699

Configuring questionnaire assessments................................................................................................. 699

Chapter 28. Configuring the approval app...........................................................701

Configuring the JSON file for the approval app ......................................................................................701
Approval app certification questions.................................................................................................705
Customizing the JSON file for the approval app ...............................................................................707

Chapter 29. Configuring OpenPages Loss Event Entry......................................... 709

Planning the configuration ......................................................................................................................709
How users are handled............................................................................................................................711
Where loss events get created................................................................................................................ 711
Who loss events get assigned to ............................................................................................................ 711
How dates are validated.......................................................................................................................... 712

How to launch OpenPages Loss Event Entry ......................................................................................... 712
How confirmation emails are configured................................................................................................ 715
Using the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool........................................................................................716

Chapter 30. Configuring and maintaining Business Process Manager...................719

Configuring Business Process Manager.................................................................................................. 719
Maintaining Business Process Manager..................................................................................................720

Chapter 31. Configuring cognitive services......................................................... 723

Configuring cognitive services.................................................................................................................724
Configuring a Natural Language Classifier in Bluemix............................................................................ 725
Importing a Watson certificate to the local trust store ..........................................................................727
Defining a Classifier Configuration.......................................................................................................... 728
Defining a classifier field......................................................................................................................... 729
Monitoring and downloading classifier data usage ................................................................................730

Chapter 32. Configuring IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management.... 731

RCM Theme Deployer.............................................................................................................................. 731
Process overview for the RCM Theme Deployer............................................................................... 731
Installing the RCM Theme Deployer.................................................................................................. 732
Configuring the RCM profile............................................................................................................... 733
Setting up auto-naming for RCM objects...........................................................................................733
Using the RCM configuration tool............................................................................................................734

Chapter 33. Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data...................... 737

Completing the prerequisites for importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data ....................738
Configuring the IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data import ..................................................... 738
Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data ......................................................................... 742
Reimporting IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data ......................................................................743

Appendix A. The Notification Manager................................................................745

The notification reports........................................................................................................................... 745
Results of running a notification report.................................................................................................. 745
Requirements for setting up a notification............................................................................................. 746
Setting up a notification...........................................................................................................................746
Task 1: Preparing your data............................................................................................................... 746
Task 2: Creating the notification........................................................................................................ 747
Task 3: Triggering the notification..................................................................................................... 756

Appendix B. Properties and parameters............................................................. 759

Aurora properties and parameters..........................................................................................................759
OpenPages server properties and parameters.......................................................................................763
Sosa properties and parameters ............................................................................................................ 765

Appendix C. Installing and configuring HTTP compression.................................. 767

Installing HTTP compression.................................................................................................................. 767
Configuring HTTP compression...............................................................................................................767

Appendix D. Legacy Reporting Framework Generation settings........................... 771

Namespaces in the Legacy Reporting Framework .................................................................................771
Defining a non-default namespace in the Legacy Reporting Framework.............................................. 772
Legacy Reporting Framework custom namespace names............................................................... 772
Adding a non-default namespace to the Legacy Reporting Framework.......................................... 772
Editing an existing Legacy Reporting Framework namespace............................................................... 774

Appendix E. Non-role based access control........................................................ 775

Using ACLs with top-level folders........................................................................................................... 775
The object folder structure......................................................................................................................775
Using inheritance with Access Control Lists........................................................................................... 776
Breaking inheritance.......................................................................................................................... 776
Creating an ACL on a folder..................................................................................................................... 777
Editing an existing ACL............................................................................................................................ 778
Deleting an existing ACL.......................................................................................................................... 778
Using groups to establish user roles....................................................................................................... 778
The core IBM OpenPages Governance Platform 5.1x (and earlier) groups..................................... 779
Example: Using groups to establish user roles................................................................................. 779
Using groups to limit user activities........................................................................................................ 779
Using nested groups to limit user scope.................................................................................................781
Limiting user access by breaking folder inheritance.........................................................................781
Limiting user access by nesting user groups.....................................................................................781
Limiting user access by setting folder Access Control Lists............................................................. 783
Using group ACLs to traverse business entities......................................................................................783

Appendix F. Troubleshooting and support .......................................................... 785

Techniques for troubleshooting problems..............................................................................................785
Searching knowledge bases.................................................................................................................... 786
Getting fixes............................................................................................................................................. 787
Contacting IBM Support.......................................................................................................................... 787
Exchanging information with IBM........................................................................................................... 788
Sending information to IBM Support.................................................................................................788
Receiving information from IBM Support..........................................................................................789
Subscribing to Support notifications.......................................................................................................789
Visualizations........................................................................................................................................... 790
Cannot read labels on a Business Entity diagram............................................................................. 790
Diagrams cannot be rendered during Active Reporting Periods.......................................................790
Known problems and solutions for global search.................................................................................. 791
Global search start fails..................................................................................................................... 791
Global search setup fails....................................................................................................................791
Forcing a reset of global search.........................................................................................................792
Checking for global search setup issues and periodic monitoring................................................... 793
Before you contact IBM OpenPages Support....................................................................................793
QRadar integration package.................................................................................................................... 794
TDI properties file error message......................................................................................................794
Do not include security domain groups when creating object filters or security rule formulas............794
Objects can be saved with an empty required field................................................................................795
JSON file might not display multibyte characters correctly in Wordpad............................................... 795
Remediating after an Enumerated String field is changed to a multi-select field (DB2).......................795
System delay when modifying object types and fields (DB2)................................................................ 796

Appendix G. Best practices for configuring the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform .....797
Use short field names and field group names........................................................................................ 797
Be aware that Java applets are not supported by the Chrome browser................................................797
Limit the number of objects in views...................................................................................................... 797
Limit the number of associations in the Overview..................................................................................798
Limit the number of portlets on the home page..................................................................................... 798
Limit activity views with field dependencies and dependent picklists.................................................. 798
Limit the number of security rules and complexity of security rules..................................................... 799
Limit the number of SOXBusEntity objects in the system...................................................................... 799
Be aware of shared field groups..............................................................................................................799
Eliminating unused object type relationships.........................................................................................799
Displaying reporting fragments only on demand....................................................................................800
Displaying Cognos reports on home page tabs...................................................................................... 800
Setting a minimal starting group for display types................................................................................. 801

Task-oriented hyperlinking......................................................................................................................801

Glossary............................................................................................................ 809
Index................................................................................................................ 811

IBM® OpenPages® GRC is an integrated governance, risk, and compliance platform that enables
companies to manage risk and regulatory challenges across the enterprise.

The IBM OpenPages GRC Administrator's Guide is intended for use with OpenPages GRC on Platform and
OpenPages GRC on Cloud. The content contains instructions for maintaining, configuring, and
administering the OpenPages GRC application. It is intended for use by administrators who have a
background in Systems Management. Topics include user and group administration, database backup and
restoration, customizing the application's look and feel, and using the data loader capabilities.

Please read the following important information regarding IBM OpenPages GRC documentation
IBM maintains one set of documentation serving both cloud and on premise IBM OpenPages GRC
deployments. The IBM OpenPages documentation describes certain features and functions which may
not be available in OpenPages GRC on Cloud. For example, OpenPages GRC on Cloud does not include
integration with IBM Business Process Manager and certain administrative functions.
If you have any questions about the functionality available in the product version that you are using,
please contact IBM OpenPages Support via the IBM Support Community.

Finding information
To find product documentation on the web, including all translated documentation, access IBM
Knowledge Center (

Accessibility features
Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited
vision, to use information technology products. OpenPages GRC documentation has accessibility features.
PDF documents are supplemental and include no added accessibility features.

Forward-looking statements
This documentation describes the current functionality of the product. References to items that are not
currently available may be included. No implication of any future availability should be inferred. Any such
references are not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or
functionality. The development, release, and timing of features or functionality remain at the sole
discretion of IBM.

Database tool information

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports both the IBM DB2® database and the Oracle database.
• To run OpenPages GRC Platform SQL scripts, you must use CLPPlus with IBM DB2, and SQL*Plus with
Oracle database.
• To run queries, you can use any SQL tool that is compatible with the database. For example, you could
use CLPPlus or Optim™ Development Studio to run queries on the IBM DB2 database.

Installation locations
The installation directory is the location of product artifacts after a package, product, or component is
installed. The following table lists the conventions that are used to refer to the installation location of
installed components and products:
Important: Directory locations that contain spaces are not supported. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform or
any software that is used by it must not be installed into a directory with spaces. For example, do not
install database server, database client, or application server software into the Program Files

Table 1: Variable notations for installation directories

Directory Description

<installation_server_home> The directory where the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation server
is installed.
For example:
• On Windows: c:\IBM\OPInstall\OP_<version>_Installer
• On AIX® and Linux: /home/opuser/IBM/OPInstall/

<agent_home> The directory where the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation agent
is installed on a remote server.
For example:
• On Windows: c:\IBM\OPAgent
• On AIX and Linux: /home/opuser/IBM/OPAgent

<OP_HOME> The directory where OpenPages GRC Platform is installed.

For example:
• On Windows: c:\OpenPages
• On AIX and Linux: /opt/OpenPages

<ORACLE_HOME> The installation location of the Oracle database server.

For example:
• On Windows: C:\app\Administrator\product\12.1\client_1
• On AIX and Linux: /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1/

<DB2_HOME> The installation location of the IBM DB2 software.

For example:
• On Windows: C:/IBM/SQLLIB
• On AIX and Linux: /home/db2inst1/sqllib

xxvi IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 1: Variable notations for installation directories (continued)

Directory Description

<WAS_HOME> The installation location of IBM WebSphere® Application Server.

For example:
• On Windows: C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
• On AIX and Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer

<COGNOS_HOME> The installation location of Cognos Analytics.

For example:
• On Windows: C:\IBM\cognos\analytics
• On AIX and Linux: /usr/IBM/cognos/analytics

<JAVA_HOME> The installation location of your Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) or

your IBM Java Software Development Kit (SDK).
SDK example on an application server where IBM WebSphere is
• On Windows: C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\Java\8.0
• On AIX and Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/Java/8.0
JRE example on a reporting server where Cognos Analytics is installed:
• On Windows: C:\<COGNOS_HOME>\jre
• On AIX and Linux: /<COGNOS_HOME>/jre

<CC_HOME> The installation location of OpenPages GRC Platform CommandCenter.

For example:
• On Windows: C:\OpenPages\CommandCenter
• On AIX and Linux: /opt/OpenPages/CommandCenter

<SEARCH_HOME> The installation location of global search.

The <SEARCH_HOME> directory contains the opsearchtools.jar,
Apache Solr, and other global search files. The global search indexing
directory is also stored in the <SEARCH_HOME> directory.
For example:
• On Windows: c:\OpenPages\OPSearch
• On AIX and Linux: /opt/OpenPages/OPSearch
In the installation app, you specify the <SEARCH_HOME> directory in the
Search Home Directory field on the Search Server card.

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform serves as the foundation for a company's enterprise risk management
(ERM) efforts by unifying enterprise-wide risk and compliance initiatives into a single management
system. With solutions for Financial Controls Management, Operational Risk Management, IT Governance,
Policy and Compliance Management, and Internal Audit, OpenPages GRC Platform provides a modular
and integrated approach to governance, risk, and compliance.

Introduction xxvii
Each component provides a highly configurable capability that supports your specific methodology,
without having to write custom code, whether in loss events, KRI, or any other solution component. The
result is that companies can embed risk management into the business and improve outcomes over time.

OpenPages GRC Platform solutions

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform consists of the following solutions:

• Financial Controls Management (FCM) provides automated assessment, testing, and certification
processes to standardize and manage Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance enterprise-wide.
• Operational Risk Management (ORM) provides a fully integrated operational risk solution, including risk
control self-assessments (RCSAs), key risk indicators, (KRIs), loss event data management, and
advanced reporting and business intelligence with IBM Cognos® finance integrated risk management.
Dashboard components are available to provide an enterprise-wide view of risk across the business and
manage Basel II AMA compliance in the banking industry.
• Policy and Compliance Management (PCM) provides an integrated solution for reducing the complexity
of complying with numerous industrial, ethics, privacy, and government regulatory mandates.
• IT Governance (ITG) provides a risk-based, policy-driven approach to managing risk and compliance
initiative for the IT organization.
• Internal Audit Management (IAM) provides an integrated audit management solution to manage the full
life cycle of internal audits.

How IBM OpenPages GRC Platform can help

The OpenPages GRC Platform application provides many capabilities to simplify and centralize
compliance and risk management activities.

Shared content management and common repository

• Logically presents processes, risks and controls in many-to-many and shared relationships at multiple
levels that can be configured to your business processes
• Supports importing existing corporate data and maintains a complete audit trail and version history
• Ensures consistent regulatory enforcement and monitoring across multiple regulations.

Dynamic decision support with Cognos

• Delivers rich, interactive, real-time executive dashboards and reports
• CrossTrack enables drill-down from reports into supporting reports as well as the underlying detail data
• Provide organizational assurance for regulatory compliance

Simple configuration and localization

• Detail user-specific tasks and actions on a personal home page.
• Reduce training costs with intuitive navigation, easy-to-use web-based layout and localized text in
English (both UK and US), French, Italian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional
Chinese, and Brazilian Portuguese.
• Lower administration costs with simple browser based configuration capabilities managed by
administrators for end-users.

Flexible automation
• Streamlined compliance procedures and automated sub-certifications without sacrificing risk.

xxviii IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Web services-based integration
• OpenAccess API Interoperate with leading third-party applications to enhance policies and procedures
with actual business data
• Reduced total cost of ownership and easy integration with existing corporate compliance management

Introduction xxix
xxx IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 1. What's new?
New and changed features affect the administration of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
For information about all new features for this release, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform New
Features Guide.
For an up-to-date list of environments that are supported by OpenPages GRC Platform, see the IBM
Software Product Compatibility Reports (

New and changed features in version 7.4.0

The new and changed features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.4.0 are described in the
following sections. For more information, see IBM OpenPages GRC New Features Guide.

Platform enhancements
New and changed features in version 7.4.0 related to IBM OpenPages platform are described in the
following tables.

Cognos Analytics V11.0 enhancements

Table 2: Cognos Analytics V11.0 enhancements

For information about... See topic...
Adding Cognos Analytics dashboard and story “Manually creating an instance of a Cognos
pages to OpenPages by using the new Cognos dashboard or story” on page 121
Analytics Dashboard Redirect page
The predefined reports that are supplied with Chapter 7, “Managing reports,” on page 109
OpenPages that have been updated to work with
Cognos Analytics V11.0.
The new application permission: All/SOX/ “Reporting framework permissions” on page 684
CommandCenter Studios/Cognos Analytics

Additionally, the Reporting menu now contains Reporting > Cognos Analytics. The following menu items
were removed:
• Cognos Analysis Studio
• Cognos Connection
• Cognos Query Studio
• Cognos Report Studio
• Cognos Workspace
• Cognos Workspace Advanced

Reporting framework enhancements

Table 3: Reporting framework enhancements
For information about... See topic...
Configuring multiple framework models and by “Framework models” on page 659
using the new standard and basic framework
The new All Models and Selected Models options “Choosing update options in the reporting
on Administration > Reporting Framework > framework” on page 685
The new templates, Template_Model and “Creating a framework model and namespace
TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE, that you can use to using a template” on page 669
quickly create new framework models and
The new Package Name field on computed fields. “Defining a computed field” on page 155
The new settings in the Administration > Settings
> Platform > Reporting Framework V6 folder:
Configuration > Concurrent Models “Configuring the number of models that can be
concurrently generated” on page 665
Configuration > Sort Order Locale “Defining the sort order locale ” on page 666
Models > [model name] > Format “Defining the format for a framework model” on
page 670
Models > [model name] > Is Enabled “Enabling a framework model ” on page 670
Models > [model name] > Mode “Defining the query mode for a framework model ”
on page 671
Models > [model name] > Profile “Defining whether a framework model uses profile
filtering” on page 671
Models > [model name] > Namespaces > “Defining whether facts and dimensions are
[namespace name] > Is Facts and Dimensions enabled for a namespace ” on page 674
The Administration > Settings > Platform > “Defining a name for a framework model” on page
Reporting Framework V6 > Models setting has 670
been changed.

Administration and serviceability enhancements

New and changed features in version 7.4.0 related to IBM OpenPages administration and serviceability
are described in the following tables.

Administration and serviceability enhancements

Table 4: Administration and serviceability enhancements

For information about... See topic...
The new New Folder Name field that you can use “Copying settings and folders ” on page 341
to give a folder a name when you select a folder
under the Administration > Settings menu and
click Copy to.

2 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 4: Administration and serviceability enhancements (continued)
For information about... See topic...
The new Administration > Manage System Files Chapter 8, “System file management,” on page 131
menu item that allows you to manage system files
and folders.
The new ready-to-use OpenPages Platform 3 Chapter 8, “System file management,” on page 131
profile that administrators need to access system
“Associating users and groups to a profile” on page
files and folders using Administration > Manage
System Files.
The new Administration > Settings > Applications “Disabling the Files of OPX” on page 327
> Common > Disable the files of OPX setting that
can temporarily enable the OPX interface.
The new Administration > Settings > Applications “Settings that apply to environment migration” on
> GRCM > Environment Migration > Allow page 575
ObjectManager XML setting that controls whether
ObjectManager XML files can be imported through
Administration > Import Configuration.
The Administration > Settings > Applications >
Common > Configuration > Force Internet
Explorer Compatibility Mode registry setting has
been removed.
Internet Explorer 11 in native mode is supported.
Internet Explorer 9 and 10 and Internet Explorer
compatibility mode are no longer supported.

User provisioning enhancements

Table 5: User provisioning enhancements

For information about... See topic...
The new Users menu item on the Administration Chapter 3, “Users, groups, and domains,” on page
menu. 19
Tasks that you should complete before creating, “Planning user administration” on page 19
modifying, or copying users and changes to the
way delegated administration works in 7.4.0.
Administrative permissions that are required for “Administrator permissions for user-provisioning
each of the user provisioning tasks. functions” on page 22
LDAP server integration for creating new user “LDAP and user provisioning” on page 25
The new method of adding new user accounts with “Creating user accounts” on page 27
the Create User wizard.
The new method of modifying and managing “Modifying user accounts” on page 28
existing user accounts.
The new functionality that allows you to copy a “Copying access from one user to another” on
user's locale, profiles, group memberships, and page 30
direct role assignments.

What's new? 3
Table 5: User provisioning enhancements (continued)
For information about... See topic...
The new registry settings for configuring the “User provisioning settings” on page 312
behavior of user provisioning functionality.
The new default password expiry behavior that “Default User Password Expiration” on page 313
uses the Applications > Common >
Administration > User Provisioning > Default
User Password Expiration setting rather than the
OpenPages > Platform > Security > > Password >
Policy > Default Expiry Days setting.
When you configure user and group selector Table 89 on page 267
display types for simple strings, you can now leave
the Starting Group value blank. A blank value used
in combination with an Include Disabled value of
true can result in improved search performance.

New features in version

The new features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, version, are described in the following

Cognitive services
Administrators can configure the cognitive services to support decision making when users associate
• Added Type and Field Association fields to Administration > Cognitive Services > Natural Language
Classifiers. For more information, see Chapter 31, “Configuring cognitive services,” on page 723.

Integration with IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics

Administrators can configure how IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data is imported into IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform.
Added RCA Integration to the Administration menu. It has two menu items:
• Configure Import from RCA
• Import from RCA
Added the application permission, RCA Integration, which controls whether these menu items are
displayed. It is located in SOX > Adminstration. Administrators who work with IBM Regulatory
Compliance Analytics integration need to have this application permission. For more information, see
“Types of application permissions” on page 32.
For more information about the feature, see Chapter 33, “Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics
data,” on page 737.

Registry settings for third-party SMTP providers

Added registry settings:
• Applications > Common > Email > SMTP Port
• Applications > Common > Email > SMTP Security Type
Define these settings if you use a third-party SMTP provider. For more information, see “Set the mail
server address” on page 322.

4 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Auto-naming setting for SOXDocument objects
You can use the new Auto Remediate Duplicate File Names setting to control auto-naming for
SOXDocument objects if file names are not unique in a folder. For more information, see “SOXDocument
object auto-naming settings for duplicate file names” on page 320.

Copy views to profiles

Administrators can now copy object and creation views from one profile to one or more other profiles. For
more information, see “Copy views for an object from one profile to one or more other profiles” on page

Configuring user-friendly URL link names by using the rich text display type for simple strings
You can use the rich text display type to display a user-friendly link name as a field's default value. For
example, you can configure a field's default value to display as My Company rather than http:// This existing feature is described in the new topic, “Configuring URL link names
by using the rich text display type for simple strings” on page 265.

Compare environments
You can find differences between two environment configuration XML files by using Compare
Environments. Use Compare Environments to identify and resolve issues before you migrate
configurations from one environment to another. For more information, see Chapter 21, “Comparing IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform environments,” on page 563.

New features in version

The new features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, version, are described in the following

Cognitive services
• Added the data type, Classifier. A classifier field must have this data type.
For more information, see “Data types” on page 143.
• Added the menu item, Administration > Cognitive Services > Natural Language Classifiers. Use this
task to create a classifier configuration. For more information, see Chapter 31, “Configuring cognitive
services,” on page 723.

UCF connector integration

Use IBM OpenPages GRC SDI Connector for UCF Common Controls Hub to import data from UCF
Common Controls Hub into IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
For more information, see “IBM OpenPages GRC SDI Connector for UCF Common Controls Hub
integration” on page 694.

IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management Theme Deployer

The RCM Theme Deployer is a tool that users can use to lay the foundation for business entities to
complete regulatory compliance assessments.
For more information, see “RCM Theme Deployer” on page 731.

IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management configuration tool

You can use the IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management tool to configure the RCM solution,
including the RCM Theme Deployer.

What's new? 5
For more information, see Chapter 32, “Configuring IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance
Management,” on page 731.

New X-XSS-Protection response header setting

The new X-XSS-Protection setting enables XSS filtering on server responses. Using this setting is
preferred to using the IE XSS Filter setting. If there is a conflict between the IE XSS Filter and X-XSS-
Protection settings, the one that enables the header is used. For more information about X-XSS
Protection, see “Configure the HTTP response headers” on page 353.

New features in version 7.3.0

The new features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.3.0 are described in the following sections.

Enable or disable file attachment search

From the global search administration page, you can now toggle between enabling and disabling the file
attachment search component for all search-enabled file types.
For more information, see “Enabling and disabling file attachment searching” on page 362.

Specify which file types are enabled for file attachment search
From the SOXDocument object type administration page, you can specify which MIME (Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extensions) types are enabled or disabled for file attachment global search.
In a new installation of OpenPages 7.3, some MIME types are enabled for searching and others not. When
you upgrade to OpenPages Version 7.3.0 from an earlier version, the same set of MIME types are enabled.
However, the Search Files switch is off so that existing customers can continue to use global search with
the existing functionality.
For more information, see “Enabling attachment file types for global search” on page 362.

Show an additional custom field in the search results

You can now configure one additional custom field to be displayed in the search results for each object
type. As administrator, you can customize global search results to contain one additional field in the
search results to help the user determine whether the record that is returned is the record for which they
want the details.
For more information, see “Displaying a custom field in global search results” on page 366.

Legacy option for the new copy and associate functionality

You can use a registry setting to revert to using the legacy copy and associate features in Activity Views
and Detail Views only. This is to allow time to ensure that the new implementation meets your needs
before you retire the old implementation. The interface that is used for copy tasks and for associate tasks
from Grid Views is always the new interface.
For more information about the legacy copy setting, see “Set copy operations” on page 324.
For more information about the legacy associate setting, see “Common folder settings” on page 341.

Dashboard tab for the user's home page

The Dashboard tab allows users to create their own dashboard for the Home Page. Users can now make
their workflows more efficient by creating quick access to the tasks and information that they use most
often. Users can tailor their dashboards to suit the way that they work.
Users and administrators can add as many of the following types of widgets as needed to the Dashboard

6 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Filter Count widget
• Object Global Search widget
• Static Web Link widget
• Add New widget, which creates a Add New button that is preconfigured for a specific object type.
For each profile, administrators can create a default Dashboard tab that is displayed for users who log on
to OpenPages for the first time. Administrators can specify that a panel is either locked or unlocked. When
a locked panel is saved by an administrator, it is automatically pushed to the Dashboard tab of all users in
the profile the next time those users log on. When an unlocked panel is saved by an administrator, it
becomes part of the default Dashboard tab for users who are opening the application for the first time, but
the panel is not pushed to the Dashboard tab of users. Users can edit or delete unlocked panels but
cannot edit or removed locked panels.
For more information, see “Configuring users' Dashboard tabs” on page 233.

Integration with IBM Business Process Manager

Added the following registry settings in the Administration > Settings > Platform > Workflow
Implementations > IBM BPM folder:
• Enable Login SSO
• Portal Page Path
• Server URL
For more information, see “Workflow implementations settings” on page 353.
Added the following menu items to the Administration menu:
• IBM BPM Process Center
• IBM BPM Process Inspector
• IBM BPM Process Admin
Added the new application permission, IBM BPM, which controls whether these menu items are
displayed. It is located in SOX > Adminstration. Administrators who work with IBM BPM need to have
this application permission. For more information, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32.
To profiles, added Process Portal to the Home Page Tab Configuration setting. When this setting is
set to Visible, the Process Portal tab is displayed on the Home Page.

Personalizations are now maintained

Some personalizations to OpenPages are now maintained when you clear your browser cache or switch to
another browser or device. For example, if you rearrange the panels on your home page dashboard and
then switch to another browser, your dashboard looks the same in the new browser window. The changes
that you made to the panels are preserved. Previously, personalizations were lost because they were
stored in the browser.
In version 7.3, the following personalizations are stored in the database:
• The home page tab that was last selected: My Work or Dashboard
• My Work tab
– Hidden and shown panels
– Collapsed and expanded panels
– Panel sequence
• Dashboard tab
– Hidden and shown panels
– Panel sequence
– Widgets added and removed from the dashboard

What's new? 7
• Analytics bar:
– The default filter
– The filters that are displayed on the analytics bar
– The order of the filters
– The expanded or collapsed state of the analytics bar
• Grid views
– Column widths
– Sequence of fields
– Compact mode or full mode, and the fields shown or hidden for each mode

Enhanced export functionality

Using new registry settings, you can:
• allow users to choose which object types and fields to export. For more information, see “Enable object
type and field export choices in the Filtered List View” on page 338.
• exclude object types from an export unless they are included in the Filtered List View. For more
information, see “Exclude object types to export in the Filtered List View” on page 339.
• determine how many total levels of object types the user can choose to export, including the top-level
object that is exported. For more information, see “Number of levels to export in the Filtered List View”
on page 339.

FastMap import performance improvements

The performance of FastMap imports has been improved by a significant amount. The improved
performance applies to objects being created or updated.
Note: The total time it takes to modify objects with a FastMap import can be affected by the time it takes
for the triggers to operate. The improvements made to FastMap import performance do not impact the
portion of time spent evaluating and executing the triggers.

Disable Add New capability

You can now disable the Add New capability from several launch points within the product by using one
or more new registry settings. This is useful if users find it difficult to select the most appropriate parent
information for particular object types.
For more information, see “Disable the Add New wizard from various launch points” on page 309.

Collect and view logs

The new LogCollector tool provides a command-line interface that you can use to collect log files and
diagnostic data from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environment.
With the LogCollector tool, you can collect log and diagnostic files from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
environment and from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database.

New features in version

The new features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, version, are described in the following

Collect and view logs

The new LogCollector tool provides a command-line interface that you can use to collect log files and
diagnostic data from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environment.

8 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

With the LogCollector tool, you can collect log and diagnostic files from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
environment and from the IBM OpenPagesdatabase.
For more information, see “Collect log files and diagnostic data” on page 539.

New features in version

The new features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, version, are described in the following

OpenPages Loss Event Entry

You can use the new optional, chargeable component, IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry, to enable users
across an organization to quickly create loss events. It is easy to use and task focused for users with no
experience with OpenPages.
For more information, see Chapter 29, “Configuring OpenPages Loss Event Entry,” on page 709.

Business Entity Selector

You can use the new Business Entity Selector display type in IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry and in
most OpenPages views. This display type enables users to quickly identify the role a business entity plays.
For more information, see “Configuring the Business Entity Selector display type for simple string fields”
on page 263.

New features in version

The new features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, version, are described in the following

Approval app
The approval app is an optional feature that leverages the power of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and
provides an easy-to-use interface for quickly taking action on a review, approval, or attestation request
with confidence and full knowledge of the context surrounding the request. The approval app works with
objects that are set up for the configurable lifecycle.
For more information, see Chapter 28, “Configuring the approval app,” on page 701.

New features in version 7.2.0

The new features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, version 7.2.0, are described in the following sections.

Hyperlink to Add New wizard

You can now open a hyperlink URL, for example, one you received in an email, and go directly to the Add
New wizard to create an object of a specific type. If you are not logged in and not using single sign-on, you
must log in. OpenPages will open in a new browser window or tab and display a page with the Add New
After the Add New wizard is open, functionality is the same as from other access points.
For information about how to set up the hyperlinks, see “Task-oriented hyperlinking” on page 801.

Personalized home page

You can now control the display and order of the panes on the My Work tab on the home page.

What's new? 9
The My Work tab contains numerous panes with predefined lists, filtered lists, and reports that have been
set up for you by an administrator. This enhancement allows you to personalize the My Work tab to be
more specific to your role and to rearrange the panes so you can easily and quickly access what you work
on everyday.
Administrators use the new My Work Home Page Can Be Personalized setting to globally control
whether users are allowed to use this feature. For more information, see “Home page settings” on page

Global search
You can now configure and use global search, an optional component that enables users to search easily
for objects across the entire application.
Administrators can set up global search for first time, customize which object types and fields can be
searched, and tune global search by using registry settings and other properties.
For more information, see Chapter 16, “Configuring the global search feature,” on page 357.

QRadar integration package

QRadar® integration is an optional project that you can use to import Offenses from IBM QRadar to IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform as Incident object types.
You can configure the IBM Tivoli® Directory Integrator (TDI) included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
version 7.2 to work with QRadar or other third-party solutions. You can run TDI assembly lines on demand
by the command line, or schedule them to run at regular intervals. You can also use filtering so that only
the relevant subset of data that impacts your business is imported.
For more information, see Chapter 26, “ IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connectors,” on page 689.

Equation editor
You can now add mathematical equations that support IBM OpenPages Model Risk Governance and other
Administrators use the new CodeCogs Equation Editor with the Enable CodeCogs(r) Equation Editors
setting to globally control whether users are allowed to use this feature.
For more information, see “Common folder settings” on page 341.

Changed features in version 7.2.0

The following features are changed in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.2.0.

FastMap and new objects related to questionnaire assessments

You can now use FastMap to import and export the new questionnaire template objects and the content in
sections, subsections, and questions. You can also use it to import and export the standard fields for
questionnaire assessment instances. For more information see “Using FastMap with questionnaire
template and assessment objects” on page 656.

10 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Changed features in version
The following features have changed in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform version

The validate command replaces the verify command in ObjectManager tool

The ObjectManager tool verify command used in OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1 has been
deprecated and replaced by the validate command. For more information, see “Validating or verifying
configuration changes” on page 619.

New features in version 7.1.0

The new features in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform are described in the following sections.

Field level security and encryption

You can specify access rights and enable data encryption at the individual field level. These new security
capabilities provide more granular control over access to data and enforce segregation of duties across an
With the new security capabilities, a chief compliance officer can be assured that access to corporate GRC
data is controlled at the required granularity, based on employees' roles, and that confidential or
sensitive information is not overexposed. A business user, such as an owner, a reviewer, or an approver on
a specific GRC object instance, can view and edit a set of fields, depending on his or her role and the state
of the associated object. A database administrator who performs IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backups
cannot access confidential or sensitive data. All of these benefits are achieved with minimal
administrative impact.
Field level security is enforced at all levels of the system, including the application user interface, Cognos
reports, Risk APIs, data export and import (FastMap), and data load.
When you apply this type of security, the fields are rendered proactively based on the users' access rights.
Read-only fields are displayed as non-editable. The values in the inaccessible fields are displayed as
Confidential for users who do not have the required access rights.
For more information, see “Field level security” on page 69 and “Field level encryption” on page 81.

New method for adding objects

Administrators and users can now easily add new object instances on a single page from anywhere in the
Using the Add New wizard, the users can create and save an object by entering only the minimum, most
important information based on the user's profile. When Auto Naming and Save as Draft are enabled,
new objects can be added with only two clicks.
Where possible, the system leverages context to simplify input for the users. The users can leverage a
library of object templates to simplify input requirements and to drive corporate standards when they
create objects.
The Add New wizard can be used to add a row to a grid view and to add file attachments, which makes it
possible for the user to stay on the grid view and get more work done without leaving the page. The user
can associate the new object to multiple parents of different object types, eliminating the need for extra
navigation and tasks in the user interface after the object is created.
A confirmation message with a hyperlink to the new object appears after the object is saved. Users can
access the object with one click if they choose to specify additional information.
For more information, see “Configuration settings for the Add New wizard” on page 202.

What's new? 11
Control over the object parent information when exporting data
You can configure the FastMap export template to optionally include the object parent information when
you export data in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
The resulting FastMap format worksheet can be used to load the objects and their associations to another
system that does not contain these object and association instances, but has the same configured object
types and associations, fields, and profiles. The data on the loaded target system will be the same as on
the source system from which the content was exported.
For more information about the new FastMap parameters, see “FastMap parameters for importing and
exporting data” on page 644.

The OpenPages folder is opened automatically in the Administration Settings folder hierarchy
To speed navigation in the user interface, the OpenPages folder is automatically opened in the
Administration > Settings folder hierarchy.
The folder is hidden in the user interface; however, it is still part of the settings path. To author an XML
settings path, you still include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the path. For example:
Administration > Settings > OpenPages > Applications.

Task-oriented hyperlinks
You can now add hyperlinks that point directly to views and filters in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform where
users need to perform tasks. The hyperlinks can be added from internal or external locations, and can
also include filters.
For example, in a notification email to a risk owner, you can include a hyperlink to the Rate This Risk
Activity View if the risk is ready to be rated, but a hyperlink to the Assess the Controls for Risks Activity
View if the risk controls need to be assessed. Additionally, an email to a person responsible for collecting
KRI values could contain a hyperlink to the Enter KRI Values Grid View with the My KRIs with Values to
be Entered public filter applied.
This new capability allows you to create hyperlinks that are task focused and applicable to the object
lifecycle stage.
You can create hyperlinks that include the following target views:
• The Detail View for a specific object instance, in read-only mode.
• A specific activity view for an object instance.
• The Filtered List View for a specific object type with a public filter applied.
• A specific grid view for an object type with a public filter applied.
You can add hyperlinks from the following locations:
• OpenPages reports.
• Notification emails.
• OpenPages JSP helper applications.
• Within the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, using computed fields or URL link fields.
For more information, see “Task-oriented hyperlinking” on page 801.

Task focused home page

Home page filtered lists can now be made task focused.
Using new configuration settings, administrators can control the fields that are displayed, specify the
detail or activity view to be used for the Name hyperlink target, and specify the filtered list view or specific
grid view to be used for the Show All hyperlink target. This is intended to direct users to a view that is
appropriate for the task for which the list was generated rather than to the generic user interface.
For more information, see “Home page settings” on page 333.

12 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Changed features in version 7.1.0
The following features are changed in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1.0.

Default folder for adding new child objects

When you create a new object, the system uses the default folder setting to determine in which folder to
create child objects.
In previous releases, when the parent_entity folder was set as the default folder, child objects were
added to the next level parent folder.
In this release, when the parent_entity is set as the default folder, new child objects are added to the
parent_entity folder.
For more information, see “Controlling the default folder for new child objects ” on page 207.

Marking fields as read-only on user profiles

Administrators can define field-level settings in various areas of the system.
In previous releases, the read-only setting was defined at the user profile level. This configuration is no
longer available through the administrative user interface. If you upgrade from an older version, the Add
New view no longer honors the read-only setting defined at the profile level.

New features in version 7.0.0

The following features are new in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.0.0.

As a Risk analyst or Compliance manager, you can graphically render your business process and
communicate it to other users of risk analysis.
You can create interactive visualizations to communicate information about the process flows and the
Business Entity hierarchical structure.
The following are the new visualization object types:
• Process Diagram
• Data Input
• Data Output
For more information, see Chapter 6, “Business process visualizations,” on page 95.

Security rules
Use security rules to define a more granular control over the access to individual objects in a folder. For
example, two GRC domains share a common organizational hierarchy. They share some common object
instances, such as processes, but they do not want to share other object instances, such as risks and
controls. If you do not create security rules on objects, folder-based security applies.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Security,” on page 43.

Grid view
The grid view allows you to select how information about an object is displayed by selecting an option
from the View selector. Options include the ability to display objects that match the selected filter or the
folder view of an object. Select a grid view to display information about more than one object. From the
grid view, you can add a new item and update one or more items.

What's new? 13
You can use the Bulk Update feature to update multiple objects in the grid view during one editing
session. For example, you can update all objects assigned to User A and assign them to User B.
Filtered List views and Folder views have been consolidated with the new grid views.
For more information, see “Grid views” on page 238.

Info Card
The Info Card is displayed when you hover over an object. The card allows you to quickly understand and
review an object definition.
The Info Card is available from the grid view.

New multi-selector actor field types

New field types allow you to select multiple actors when selecting users, user groups, or both users and
user groups.

Orphan system field

The new Orphan system field allows you to see and filter on the objects with no parents. You can also
filter on objects that have parents but do not have a path to a business entity.

IBM OpenPages Software Development Kit

A new OpenPages SDK allows users to access and manipulate OpenPages platform data
programmatically. This offering includes a REST API and Java API working samples that demonstrate
typical use cases and reference documentation to help you understand and use the APIs.
The following API documents were added in this release and they are available from your installation.
• IBM OpenPages GRC Platform API Javadoc
• IBM OpenPages GRC Platform REST API Reference Guide
• IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Trigger Developer Guide

Changed features in version 7.0.0

This section lists are features that are changed in version 7.0.0 of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

Changes to the user interface

Improved icons make it easier for you to identify the commands that you need. To view the updated icons,
users must clear their web browser's cache after upgrading to version 7.0.0.

Changes to menus
The contents of the Administration, Reporting, and MyOpenPages menus have been reorganized.
The Workflow Console is available on the Administration menu. The Workflow Console was formerly
called the IBPM Console.
Changes to the configuration of the menu bar do not take effect immediately. The next time that you log
in, you will see the changes that you have made to the menus.

Page size setting for Filtered List views

The Page Size setting for Filtered List views is no longer required to be used and is ignored. Instead, rows
are loaded as you scroll through the Filtered List view.

14 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Actor fields
Actor fields can now be Field Dependency controllers.

Object views
You can now change the order of Detail and Activity object views.

Quick Filter and Advanced Filter have been consolidated. When you press Enter, the Quick Filter is

Some actions take effect immediately

Some actions, such as View Selection and Reporting Period, take effect immediately when you select
them. You are no longer required to click Go or View.

Paginate Actor Tables and Use Actor Search Only settings are no longer required
There are no longer two possible interfaces used for selecting user lists and group lists in the
administration user interface. Where the type-ahead search and filterable listing of users or groups were
available, you have the option of selecting users or groups.
The Paginate Actor Tables and Use Actor Search Only settings under /OpenPages/Applications/
Common/Administration/Users and Groups are now ignored and are treated as though their values are
always true.
To control the number of rows listed per page, use the Page Size setting under /OpenPages/Applications/
Common/Administration/Users and Groups.

What's new? 15
16 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 2. System Administration Mode (SAM)
Use System Administration Mode (SAM) to restrict user access to when you apply configuration changes
or other updates to the system.
When System Administration Mode (SAM) is enabled, the following conditions are enforced:
• Only administrative users with System Administration Mode application permission can log on to the
system. All other users are restricted from logging on.
• All Write operations are restricted, with these exceptions:
– Reporting period operations if the Reporting Schema is not enabled
– Metadata (schema) changes
– Enumerated string conversions from single to multivalued selection
– Setting changes that are made through the user interface
Before you enable SAM, you may want to notify application users to log off the system. If a user is already
logged on to the system when SAM is enabled, the user will only be able to view objects and will not be
able to create new instances of objects or save any modifications made to existing objects.
Depending on your configuration, SAM mode may not start until all asynchronous background jobs run to
completion (see “Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions” on page 385).
You must be in System Administration Mode (SAM) if you:
• Want to perform any of the actions on the Reporting Schema list view page (such as create, re-create,
enable, or drop a reporting schema). For Reporting Schema details see, Chapter 5, “Managing the
reporting schema ,” on page 89.
• Have an existing Reporting Schema and want to add, remove, or refresh a reporting period.
• Have configuration changes to make to the system, such as changes to the object model hierarchy or
modifications to object types, field groups, and object fields.
• Are converting an enumerated string value from a single selection to a multi-value selection (see “Data
types” on page 143 for multi-value conversion details).
• Set up field level security.
In all other instances you can make configuration changes without enabling SAM. However, there may be
situations where you want to enable SAM to restrict general user access. For example, if you need to
modify one or more object text labels, you may not want users to create new instances of the object type
while you are making these changes.

Enabling and disabling System Administration Mode

You can enable and disable the system admin mode.

You must have the System Administration Mode application permission set on your account to view the
System Admin Mode link and the System Admin Mode menu item from the Administration menu.

Table 6: Settings for System Administration Mode

If Link... Use to...
Enable enter System Administration Mode
Disable exit and terminate System Administration Mode

The link switches between Enable and Disable depending on which mode it is in.
If the system is processing operations that require System Administration Mode, you will have to wait
until processing is complete before you can disable System Admin Mode.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user interface as a user with the System Administration
Mode permissions.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Enable or Disable link.
• From the menu bar, select Administration and click System Admin Mode and click Enable or

18 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 3. Users, groups, and domains
Access within the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application is administered through the use of users,
groups, and domains.
To create and administer users and groups, you must have administrative privileges.
• To access the Users menu item, you must have Browse permission on any security domain or any user
• To access the Users, Groups and Domains menu item, you must be a Super Administrator or a
delegated administrator with any administrator permission. For information about delegating and
assigning administrator permissions, see “Delegate administrator permissions” on page 21.
• For information about the administrative permissions that are required for specific user-provisioning
functions, see “Types of administrator permissions” on page 21.
Users and groups are organized under the following top-level groups:

• Security Domains - this group is a container for the security domain groups that are automatically
created by the system when a business entity or sub-entity is added. You can use security domains to
distribute your users and organizational groups so they can be administered by administrators with
appropriate permissions. For an overview of security domains, see “Security domains” on page 48.
When you expand a security domain group, only child security domains are displayed. Any
organizational groups and users associated with that security domain can be viewed only from the detail
page of that security domain group.
To view organizational groups and users associated with a security domain, navigate to the detail page
of that security domain group.

• Workflow, Reporting and Others - this group is a container for organizational groups that are used
system-wide. Administrators often create organizational groups to organize users and other groups. You
can define all your users and groups under the Workflow, Reporting and Others group, and later
associate them to different security domains. For upgrade customers, this top-level group also includes
the groups that existed in prior releases of OpenPages GRC Platform.
To navigate to a group detail page, you must be a super administrator or a delegated administrator of
that group with at least Browse administrative permission. For information on delegating administrator
permissions, see “Delegate administrator permissions” on page 21.
Note: The term group includes both organizational and security domain groups, unless otherwise

Planning user administration

There are numerous things to consider before you create, modify, or copy a user account.
The following list outlines the tasks that you should perform before you begin creating, modifying, or
copying users:
1. Determine whether you want to integrate IBM OpenPages with your LDAP servers to allow
prepopulation of user information when you create a new user in IBM OpenPages. If so, then perform
one or both of the following actions:
• If you are using LDAP over SSL/TLS, setup your certificates.
• Configure access to your LDAP servers from IBM OpenPages.
2. Determine whether you want to allow the creation or updating of users based upon existing users.
The user will have the same attributes, such as locale, profiles, group memberships, role
assignments, and reports access, as another user. If so, then perform the following actions:
• Determine which users can be used as source for the Copy Access From operation.
• Determine whether you want to allow inactive users to be the source for the Copy Access From
• Configure the default behavior for the Locale, Profiles, Group Memberships, Direct Role
Assignments, and Direct Reports Access attributes during the Copy Access From operation.
• Determine whether the Copy Access From operation adds to or replaces a user or group's existing
3. Determine the default values for the following settings:
• The default value or values for the Allowed Profiles.
• The default value for the locale.
• The number of rows that are listed per page in the Reports Access table.
4. Determine the password behavior for users by performing the following actions:
• Configure the default change password behavior when you create a new user.
• Configure the default password expiration behavior.
5. If user provisioning is configured in your system to allow copying attributes from inactive users,
determine whether you want to create template users as inactive users. The inactive template users
should have similar attributes that you want to copy to other users. The administrator can modify
attributes after the copy operation.
6. Determine whether you want to add administrators who can perform user provisioning tasks beyond
the super user. For example, you can create administrators who perform only password management
tasks for users, while other administrators can create users.
Note: As of version 7.4, you must now assign delegated administrators rights at the top-level security
domain and the top-level user group to perform some user-provisioning functions. For more
information, see “Administrator permissions for user-provisioning functions” on page 22. For these
functions, you can separate out the tasks the delegated administrators can do but can no longer
separate out which places they can perform them.
7. Determine whether you want to primarily manage administrative rights, such as managing profiles,
role assignments, and reports access, directly at the user level or by making users members of user
groups. You can use a combination of methods. It is strongly recommended that you manage
administrator rights via user groups.
8. Determine the groups and security domains that you want each user to belong to. By default, when
you create a new user from scratch, that user belongs to a special group called Standalone Users and
Groups. Only the Super Administrator has administrative access to this group. When a user or group is
disassociated from an organizational or security domain group, and that user or group is not a direct
or indirect member of any other group, the system makes that user or group a member of Standalone
Users and Groups.
For more information about group memberships, see “Associating and disassociating a group” on
page 31.
9. Determine the profiles that you want the users to have.
For more information about choosing profiles, see Chapter 11, “Profiles,” on page 213.
10. Determine the role assignments that you want the user to have.
For more information about role-based security and role templates, see “Role-based security model”
on page 43.
11. Determine the reports that you want the users to have access to.
For more information about modifying reports access, see Chapter 7, “Managing reports,” on page

20 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The Super Administrator
The Super Administrator (specified during the install or upgrade process) is a user who has complete
access to all objects, folders, Role Templates, and groups in the system.
In a new installation, the Super Administrator is the only user in the system. In an upgrade installation,
you can enter a new user or select one of the existing users (such as SOXAdministrator or
OpenPagesAdministrator) as a Super Administrator during the upgrade process.
A Super Administrator can create users, groups, other system administrators, and assign roles. A Super
Administrator can delegate administration activities by assigning roles to users through the use of Role
Templates (for more information see “Role templates” on page 51) and group administrator permissions
(for more information, see “Delegate administrator permissions” on page 21).

Delegate administrator permissions

By assigning specific security management permissions to an administrator's user account, you can
delegate various security management activities to that administrator. For example, you could set up one
administrator who would only have the ability to reset passwords for users, another who could lock and
unlock users, and a third who could create users and associate them to user groups and assign them role
For more information about entity groups, see “Security context points” on page 45). If there are child
groups under a parent group, the administrator can delegate an administrator for each child group as well.
Administrators do not have to be members of groups for which they perform administrative tasks. By
default, only the Super Administrator has Read and Write access to objects in the system. Delegating
administration responsibilities to a user on a security domain, does not automatically grant Read and
Write access to objects under the corresponding entity.
• You can only assign those permissions that you have to other administrators.
• If you disassociate an administrator from a security domain or organizational group, all user
management privileges (such as manage users, lock/unlock users, reset passwords, enable/disable
users, assign roles) are retained by that administrator and are not revoked.

You want to designate Mary Smith as an administrator who can reset passwords for any users. You would
assign the Reset Password permission to Mary Smith.
• When administrator permissions are assigned to a user, the name of that user is no longer displayed in
the user selector list. To modify permissions for an administrator, see “Modifying administrator
permissions” on page 25.
• Security domain groups are not displayed in the User/Group selector list.
Note: Administrators with Settings application permission can configure the behavior of some user-
provisioning functions. For more information, see “User provisioning settings” on page 312.

Types of administrator permissions

There are six security management permissions that you can delegate to a security domain or user group

Users, groups, and domains 21

Table 7: Administrator permissions
Permission Description
Manage Allows the delegated administrator to create, modify, and associate users and
Lock Allows the delegated administrator to lock a user account, which prevents
logon to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application from that account.
With this permission, a Lock link can be clicked in the User Information
section of the View, Edit, or Disable User page.
Unlock Allows the delegated administrator to unlock a previously locked user
account. With this permission, an Unlock link can be clicked in the User
Information section of the View, Edit, or Disable User page.
Reset Password Allows the delegated administrator to reset passwords for users.
Assign Role Allows the delegated administrator to assign one or more roles to users and
groups and to revoke a role from a user or group. This permission applies to
security domains only.
Browse Allows the delegated administrator to view users and groups within that
group. This permission is selected by default.

Administrator permissions for user-provisioning functions

You must have the appropriate administrator permissions to perform each user-provisioning function.

Table 8: Permissions required for user provisioning functions

To do the following... You must have these permissions...
View the Users menu item on the Administration Browse on any security domain or any user group.
menu and the View, Edit, or Disable User field on
the Users landing page
View the Create User button on the Users landing Manage on any security domain or any user group.
page and create new users
If LDAP Server integration is configured, there is an
additional field that you can use to search for user
in LDAP Server and prepopulate their user
information. For more information, see “LDAP and
user provisioning” on page 25.

Edit user information Manage on any security domain or any user group
that includes the user account.

22 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 8: Permissions required for user provisioning functions (continued)
To do the following... You must have these permissions...
Enable and disable user accounts Manage on any security domain or any user group
that includes the user account.
To clear direct role assignments when you disable
a user account, you must have Assign Role on the
root security domain.
To clear group memberships when you disable a
user account, you must have Manage on the top-
level user group.
To clear direct reports access when you disable a
user account, you must belong to the
OPAdministrators group.
Note that an administrator cannot disable their
own account.
For information about the difference between
disabling and locking user accounts, see
“Modifying user accounts” on page 28.

Lock user accounts Lock on any security domain or any user group that
includes the user account.
Note that an administrator cannot lock their own

Unlock user accounts Unlock on any security domain or any user group
that includes the user account.
Edit user passwords Reset Password on any security domain or any
This includes the Password and Confirm user group that includes the user account.
Password fields.

Configure password options and edit configured Manage on any security domain or any user group
password options that includes the user account.
This includes the following options: User must Note that an administrator can force a password
change password at next log on, User cannot change for their account and reset their password.
change password, Password never expires,
Password expires in <n> days, and Force
Password Change.

Edit a user's locale and profile information Manage on any security domain or any user group
that includes the user account.
Modify a user's group memberships Manage on the top-level user group.
Add role assignments to a user Manage and Assign Role on the root security
Remove role assignments from a user Assign Role on the root security domain.
View a user's reports access OPAdministrators group membership. Information
is read-only.

Users, groups, and domains 23

Table 8: Permissions required for user provisioning functions (continued)
To do the following... You must have these permissions...
Copy access from one user to a new or existing Manage on the top-level user group and Manage
user and Assign Role on the root security domain.
This includes locale, profiles, group memberships,
and direct role assignments.

Copy direct reports access from one user to a new Manage on the top-level user group, Manage and
or existing user Assign Role on the root security domain, and
OPAdministrators group membership. Information
is read-only.

Figure 1 on page 24 shows a diagram with a sample security administration structure.

Figure 1: Sample security administration

Assigning administrator permissions

You can assign one or more group administrator permissions to selected users.

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. On the Users, Groups and Domains page, click the name of the group for which you want to assign
administrative permissions to selected users.
3. On the detail page of the selected group, go to the Administrators & Permissions tab.
4. Click Assign.
5. Select (user icon ) or search for a user (magnifying glass icon ).
6. From the Permissions column, select the administrative permissions that you want to assign to this
user (see “Types of administrator permissions” on page 21 for a list of permissions). To select all
permissions, select the Permissions box in the column heading.
7. When finished, click one of the following icons:
• Assign to return to the selected group's detail page.
• Assign & Next to assign administrative permissions to another user.

24 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Modifying administrator permissions
You can modify administrator permissions that are assigned to a user at any time.

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. On the Users, Groups and Domains page, click the name of the group for which you want to modify
administrative permissions.
3. On the detail page of the selected group, go to the Administrators & Permissions tab.
4. From the list of administrative users, click the pencil icon next to the user whose permissions you
want to edit.
5. In the Specify Permissions box, select or clear administrative permissions for this user (see “Types of
administrator permissions” on page 21 for a list of permissions).
6. Click Save.

Revoking administrator permissions

You can revoke administrator permissions that are assigned to one or more users.

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. Click the appropriate group, and on the Users, Groups and Domains page, select the check box next
to the name of each user in the Adminisrators list for whom you want to revoke administrative
3. Click Revoke. The name of the user is removed from the list of group administrators.

LDAP and user provisioning

You can configure access to your LDAP server or servers from IBM OpenPages GRC Platform so that you
can access user information from your LDAP server or servers when creating users in IBM OpenPages.
Through an LDAP server integration with IBM OpenPages, you can search your company's LDAP servers
for a list of people who meet the search criteria. You can then select a user from the list and the
information fields in the Create User wizard will be pre-populated with the user's information from the
LDAP server.
Note: LDAP configuration for user provisioning does not affect LDAP user authentication.
This video demonstrates how to configure access to your LDAP server or servers from OpenPages so that
you can access user information from your LDAP server or servers when creating users in OpenPages:

Importing an LDAP certificate to the local trust store

If you are using LDAP over SSL/TLS, you must import an LDAP certificate to the local trust store before
you can configure LDAP for user provisioning. It is needed to build an SSL communication between the
OpenPages GRC Platform servers and your LDAP over SSL/TLS server.

Before you begin

The target secure server application from which you are going to retrieve the certificate must be running
and listening on the port.

Users, groups, and domains 25

About this task
You can use the Retrieve from port option in the IBM WebSphere administrative console to retrieve the
certificate. The root certificate contains the public key and has been verified by the certificate authority

1. Log on to the IBM WebSphere administrative console.
2. Expand Security and click SSL certificate and key management.
3. Under Related Items, click Key stores and certificates and click the CellDefaultTrustStore keystore.
4. Under Additional Properties, click Signer certificates and Retrieve from port.
5. Enter the host and port information.
• Host: This is the name of your LDAP server.
• Port: This is the port where your LDAP server is running, for example, 636.
• Alias: Enter a descriptive name for the certificate, for example, ldap1.
6. Click Retrieve signer information.
7. Verify that the certificate information is for a certificate that you trust.
8. Click Apply and then click Save.
9. Restart the OpenPages GRC Platform services.

Configuring LDAP access for user provisioning

You can configure access to your LDAP server to import LDAP user information when creating users in IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform.

Before you begin

To configure LDAP access for user provisioning, you must be a member of the OPAdministrators user
group and have the following application permission; All Permissions > SOX > Administration > LDAP
If you are using LDAP over SSL/TLS, make sure you have completed the preconfiguration task.

1. Click Administration > User LDAP Configuration.
2. Click Add New.
3. Type a name for the LDAP configuration and click OK.
Note: You can configure multiple LDAP servers so that the Create User wizard shows the search
results from all LDAP servers at once. The maximum number of search results, is the sum total of the
maximum results of each LDAP server configured.
4. In the Provider URL field, type the LDAP service provider that you want to use.
The value should contain a URL string, such as ldap://<hostname>:389.
Note: If you are using LDAP over SSL/TLS, there are some additional preconfiguration steps that you
must perform. An example for the Provider URL when using LDAP over SSL/TLS is the following string:
5. In the First name attribute field, Middle name attribute field, and Last name attribute field, type the
attribute names that you want to map to the IBM OpenPages user's first name, middle name, and last
name respectively.
Note: The middle name is not displayed in IBM OpenPages by default. To display the middle name in
the search results of the Create User wizard so that you can differentiate users who have the same
first and last name, you can add the following code to the Singular Label box of the entry under the Formats folder on the Application Text page: %MN. For

26 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

more information, see “Modifying the user name format” on page 283. The middle name is not stored
in IBM OpenPages.
6. Click Validate to ensure you have filled out the form correctly.
If you have missed a required field or entered incorrect information, an error message is displayed at
the top of the screen.
7. After you have successfully validated the information, click Save.

Provisioning users
Your ability to create a new user, modify user accounts, and copy access from one user to another is
based on your administrative permissions and the way user provisioning is configured in your system. The
user-provisioning options that you see in the product are determined by your permissions and
You can delegate administrative capabilities to specific administrators to give them the ability to perform
certain user-provisioning functions. For example, you could delegate permission to two administrators to
manage user passwords, and delegate permission to three other administrators to create users and
update group memberships.
For information about which administrator permissions are required for each of the user-provisioning
functions, see Table 8 on page 22.

Creating user accounts

You create new user accounts with the Create User wizard.

Before you begin

Before you create a new user, see “Planning user administration” on page 19.

About this task

Depending on your permissions and user provisioning configuration, you can copy access from an existing
user to a new one. You can also copy access from one existing user to another. For more information, see
“Modifying user accounts” on page 28.
Depending on your delegated administrator permissions, you can perform certain functions when you
create a user account, such as associating group memberships and assigning roles. For information about
which permissions you need for each operation, see “Administrator permissions for user-provisioning
functions” on page 22.
This video demonstrates how to create new user accounts:

1. Click Administration > Users.
2. Click Create User.
Note: If LDAP is configured with your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, a Search field is
displayed. This allows you to search for an LDAP user whose information you want to copy to create
the new IBM OpenPages user. You can type a user name, first name, last name, or email address into
the Search field. Select the LDAP user from the list to access the Create User page. For information
about configuring access to an LDAP server, see “Configuring LDAP access for user provisioning” on
page 26.
3. Complete the information on the User Information and Password and Security pages of the Create
User wizard.
When you create user names and passwords, the following rules apply:

Users, groups, and domains 27

• User names are case-sensitive. For example, MyName and myname would be two unique users.
• User names can be up to 256 characters.
• User names can contain alphanumeric characters and any of the following special characters:
To exclude characters, including special characters, from user names, specify these characters in the
Illegal Characters setting. For more information, see “Exclude characters from user names” on page
• Passwords can contain up to 32 characters and cannot contain spaces.
4. If you have the necessary permissions, you can copy access from another user to determine the
starting point for a new user's attributes, such as group memberships, role assignments, and reports
access. On the Copy Access From page, perform one of the following actions:
• Click Assign from scratch, and then click Next.
• Click Select user to copy from.
– Search for the user that you want to use as source for the copy operation. You can type a user
name, first name, last name, or email address to find a user.
– Click Next. The following pages of the Create User wizard reflect the locale, profiles, group
memberships, role assignments, and reports access of the source user. Personal filters are not

5. On the Locale and Profile page, you can specify the user's locale, choose one or more profiles to
associate with the user, and select a Current Profile.
6. On the Group Memberships page, perform the following actions to assign group memberships:
• To select group memberships, click Associate Groups and select the check boxes next to the
groups to which you want the user to be a member.
• To delete group memberships, click the X next to the membership that you want to remove.
7. On the Role Assignments page, you can view the user's role assignments.
You can assign roles after the user is created.
8. On the Reports Access page, you can view the user's reports access.
9. Click Finish.

Modifying user accounts

You can view and modify the details of an existing user account, such as all the user's group
memberships, role assignments, and profiles.

28 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Before you begin
Before you modify user information, see “Planning user administration” on page 19.

About this task

Depending on how user provisioning was configured in your system, you might be able to copy access
from one user to another. For information about copying access, see “Copying access from one user to
another” on page 30.
Depending on your delegated administrator permissions, you can perform certain functions when you
modify a user account, such as editing user information, enabling or disabling a user account, and
changing group memberships. For information about which permissions you need for each editing
operation, see “Administrator permissions for user-provisioning functions” on page 22.
There are some constraints on your ability to make changes. For example, you cannot disable or lock
yourself or the super user (OpenPagesAdministrator) or the OPSystem user. You cannot remove a user
from special user groups that contain all users, or all users who are not associated with any other user

1. Click Administration > Users.
2. In the View, Edit, or Disable User field, search for the user account that you want to modify.
When you click in the View, Edit, or Disable User, a list of users that you recently worked with is
displayed. You can select one of these users or search for a different user.
3. In the User Information section of the View, Edit, or Disable User page, you can perform one or more
of the following actions:
• Edit user details, such as email, first name, and last name. You cannot change a user name.
• Disable and enable a user account. When an account is disabled, the user of that account is
prevented from logging in, and the user is displayed as inactive and grayed out in user selector lists.
If necessary, you can re-enable a disabled user account. User accounts cannot be deleted through
the user interface in IBM OpenPages. Depending on how your system is configured, in addition to
disabling the user, you can choose to remove their locale, profile, group membership, role
assignment, or reports access.
Tip: If you want to prevent a user from logging in, but you still want the user to appear in user
selectors, disable the user and then update the user selectors to set Include Disabled to True. For
more information, see “Configure user and group selectors display types for simple strings” on page
• Lock and unlock a user account. Depending on your configuration, users might be locked
automatically if they exceed a set number of unsuccessful login attempts. When an account is
locked, the user of that account is prevented from logging in. The user is displayed as active but
locked in user selector lists, and they can be selected. If you do not want the user to appear as active
and selectable in user selector lists, disable the user account instead.
• Reset the user's password or force the user to change the password the next time they log on.
Passwords can contain up to 32 characters and cannot contain spaces.
Important: If you use IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry, do not change the dedicated users'
passwords by using OpenPages. Always use the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool to change the
passwords. If you change the passwords in OpenPages, users cannot use Loss Event Entry because
the passwords are out of sync.
4. In the Locale and Profile section, you can change the user's locale, change the Allowed Profiles, and
select a different Current Profile.
5. In the Group Memberships section, you can add and remove group membership assignments by
clicking Associate Groups.
6. In the Role Assignments section, you can add role assignments by clicking Assign Roles.

Users, groups, and domains 29

You can remove role assignments that were assigned directly to the user. You cannot remove role
assignments that are inherited from group memberships.
When you remove a role from a user or group, the role assignment is explicitly removed from the user
or group on a given entity.
7. In the Reports Access section, you can view the reports folder access that was assigned directly to the
user and inherited from group memberships.

Copying access from one user to another

You can copy a user's locale, profiles, group memberships, and direct role assignments. You can also copy
direct reports access attributes to another user.

Before you begin

Before you copy access from one user to another, see “Planning user administration” on page 19.
To copy access from one user to another, you must be granted Manage permission at the top-level group
and Assign Role and Manage permissions at the root security domain. If you do not have these
permissions, you cannot see the Copy Access From option.
Administrators with Settings application permission can use the user provisioning registry settings to
establish the following copy access behavior:
• Determine whether the copy operation is allowed and which users, including inactive users, can be used
as sources for the copy operation. For more information, see “Users Can Copy Access From” on page
313 and “Copy Access From Inactive” on page 312.
• Specify which attributes are copied by the copy operation. For more information, see “Copy User Info
Attributes” on page 312.
• Determine whether the copy operation adds to or replaces the user's existing attributes. For more
information, see “Copy User Info Choice” on page 312.

1. Click Administration > Users.
2. In the View, Edit, or Disable User field, search for the user account that you want to modify.
Note: You can also copy access from an existing user when you are creating a new user. For more
information, see “Creating user accounts” on page 27.
3. From the left pane, click Copy Access From.
4. Search for the user that you want to use as source.
5. Click Copy.
Note: This does not include copying personal filters.

Creating an organizational group

Users with the correct permissions can create groups by using the User/Group interface. Groups can
contain other groups and users, and inherit application permissions from the groups that they belong to.

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. Expand the list and click the name of the group to which the new group belongs. If no higher-level
group for the new group exists, select the Workflow, Reporting and Others group.
3. On the detail page of the selected group, go to the Groups tab and click Add New.
4. Complete the required information for the new group and click Create. The parent group's detail page
is displayed with the new group listed in the Groups section.

30 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

5. If you want to add users to the group or modify the group permissions, click the name of the new
group to view the detail page.

Associating and disassociating a group

You can associate and disassociate groups from other groups.
When you disassociate a group and that group does not belong to any other IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
group, the group is listed under the special group that is named Standalone Users and Groups, which is
under the top-level Workflow, Reporting and Others group.
When you add an existing group to another group, the disassociated group is still available in the group
selector list.

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. Expand the list and click the name of the group to which you want to associate another group, or to
which the soon-to-be-disassociated group belongs.
3. Go to the Groups tab and select the check box next to each group to be associated or disassociated.
4. Click Associate or Disassociate.

Defining application permissions

You can define access permissions for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform in the application user interface.
The following methods of defining permissions are available:
• In Role Templates - this is the preferred method for granting users or groups application permissions.
– Both application permissions and ACLs are included in the role definition process. When a role is
assigned to a user or a group on any business entity or security context point, that user or group
automatically acquires the application permissions defined in that Role Template.
– When a user or group is assigned multiple roles, the user or group accumulates the application
permissions that are defined in the various roles. Application permissions are granted by the role (not
the security context point) and apply in all situations where the user has the correct ACL access. For
example, users with Read permission to Business Entities and the Audit Trail application permission
will be able to view the Change History (audit trail) for those Business Entities.
For more information, see “Role templates” on page 51.
• As part of an organizational group definition - this method is provided for backward compatibility for
upgrade customers and for administering system-wide organizational groups. Organizational groups can
be created under the Workflow, Reporting and Others root folder on the Users, Groups and Domains
page. For more information, see “Creating an organizational group” on page 30.

Setting group application permissions

By setting application permissions on a group (either through a Role Template or on organizational
groups), you can control, for example, whether users in that group can lock objects, view audit trail
information, and create reporting periods.
To delegate group security management permissions to administrators, see “Delegate administrator
permissions” on page 21.
To assign application permissions for a role, see “Accessing the role templates page” on page 51.

Users, groups, and domains 31

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. Expand the list and click the name of the group whose application permissions you want to view or
3. On the detail page of the selected group, go to the Permissions tab.
Tip: Most of the application permissions in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform are grouped under the SOX
heading. Selecting the SOX permission selects all the permissions under that heading. This is only
advisable for administrative level users.
For a description of the various permissions, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32 and
“Application permissions not contained under the SOX heading” on page 35.
4. To modify application permissions for a group, click Edit, make the required changes, and then click
5. To assign user and group management permissions to selected users, see “Delegate administrator
permissions” on page 21.

Types of application permissions

Administrators can use a set of application permissions to limit the activities of the various users and user
groups that can access the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application. The application permissions reside
under the SOX permissions heading and can be applied to OpenPages GRC Platform user groups.
Important: If the changes to application permissions result in changes to menus, the menu changes do
not appear until users log out and then log back in to the application.
Users are generally granted the applicable permissions by being assigned to role templates that include
those permissions.

Administration permissions
When you create an administrative-level group, you must grant them Administration permissions. If a user
or user group possesses any of these permissions, they see the Administration menu on the menu bar.

Table 9: Administration application permissions

Permission Description
Access Control Lists Allows super administrators to view, edit, and remove the access control
listings for objects through the Custom Security menu item on the
Administration menu.
For more information on Access Control Lists (ACLs), go to “Role-based access
control permissions” on page 49.

Application Text Allows users and members of user groups to view and edit locale-specific
application label values through the Application Text menu item on the
Administration menu.

CompareEnvironments Allows users and members of user groups to use the Compare Environments
tool through the Administration > Compare Environments menu item.

Currencies Allows users and members of user groups to administer currencies.

ExportConfiguration Allows Super Administrators to access the environment migration tool to

export configuration items for import into another system. See Chapter 22,
“Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments,” on page 575.

32 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 9: Administration application permissions (continued)
Permission Description
Field Groups Allows users and members of user groups to view and manage the
configuration of field groups with their related field definitions through the
Field Groups menu item on the Administration menu.

IBM BPM Allows users and members of user groups who work with IBM Business
Process Manager to access the following menu items on the Administration
menu: IBM BPM Process Center, IBM BPM Process Inspector, and IBM BPM
Process Admin.
ImportConfiguration Allows Super Administrators to access the environment migration tool to
import configuration items that are exported from another system. See
Chapter 22, “Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments,” on page 575.

Object Profiles Allows users and members of user groups to view and manage the
configuration of the profile, which includes the object types, through the
Profiles menu item on the Administration menu.

Object Reset Allows users and members of user groups to reset objects for a new reporting
period. For information on governing reset behavior, see Chapter 14,
“Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets,” on page 289.

Object Text Allows users and members of user groups to view and edit locale-specific
object label values through the Object Text menu item on the Administration

Object Types Allows users and members of user groups to view and manage the
configuration of object types with their related field groups and associated
objects through the Object Types menu item on the Administration menu.

RCA Integration Allows users and members of user groups who work with IBM Regulatory
Compliance Analytics to access the following menu items on the
Administration menu: RCA Integration > Configure Import from RCA and
RCA Integration > Import from RCA.

Reporting Framework Allows users and members of user groups to generate and manage the
reporting framework through the Reporting Framework menu item on the
Administration menu.

Reporting Framework Allows users and members of user groups to administer and configure the
Configuration reporting framework through the Reporting Framework menu item on the
Administration menu.

Reporting Periods Allows users and members of user groups to finalize and reapply Reporting
Periods through the Reporting Periods menu item on the Administration
Finalize allows users and members of user groups to finalize the active
Reporting Period.
Reapply allows users and members of user groups to reapply the active
Reporting Period.

Reporting Schema Allows users and members of user groups to manage the Reporting Schema
through the Reporting Schema menu item on the Administration menu.

Users, groups, and domains 33

Table 9: Administration application permissions (continued)
Permission Description
Role Templates Allows users and members of user groups to view, add, and manage roles
through the Role Templates menu item on the Administration menu.

Search Allows users and members of user groups to manage and maintain global
search operations through the Global Search menu item on the
Administration menu.
Security Rules Allows users and members of user groups to manage and maintain security
rules through the Security Rules menu item on the Administration menu.

Settings Allows users and members of user groups to view and manage settings
through the Settings menu item on the Administration menu.

IBM CommandCenter Studio permissions

This application permission allows users and members of user groups to access Cognos Analytics by
launching the Cognos Analytics menu item on the Reporting menu.

Table 10: IBM Command Center Studio permission

Permission Description
Cognos Analytics This application permission enables the Cognos Analytics portal through the
Reporting > Cognos Analytics menu item.
Use the Cognos Analytics portal to access your Cognos software and corporate
data. Depending on your access permissions, you can create, update, run, and
distribute reports, dashboards, stories, and cubes, create and run agents, or
schedule entries.

Change History permission

Change History application permission allows users and members of user groups to review the selected
Reporting Period to view historical information about objects.
With this permission enabled, a Change History option can be selected on the object's detail page.
For more information, see “Reporting period interactions” on page 290.
• When you copy objects, change histories are not copied with the object. The copy of the object has no
change history because it is a new object.
• When you add new fields to an object type, the OpenPages GRC Platform administrators might see a
blank to blank change in the change history because the fields were not previously available.

Browse Files permission

This application permission allows users and members of user groups to view and go to the Browse menu
item on the My OpenPages, Attachments menu.

34 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Folders permission
This application permission enables users and members of user groups to create new folders in the object
repository that do not correspond to business entities. This allows users to create their own folder

Issues permission
This application permission allows users and members of user groups to view the list of Issues through
the Issues menu item on the Remediation menu.
Note: This application permission is in effect only for upgrade customers who have not yet migrated their
access control to the role-based security model. For new first-time installations, this permission is not

Project Management permission

If your system is configured to enable Project Management, this application permission allows users and
members of user groups who are assigned role templates that include the permission to use the
Milestone and Milestone Action Item Project Management capabilities available through the Project menu
item on the My OpenPages menu.

View Locks permission

Users with the View Locks permission can view the existing locks on objects. The View Locks permission
does not grant the right to lock or unlock an object - for that you need either the Lock permission or the
Unlock permission.

Application permissions not contained under the SOX heading

Some application permissions are not contained under the SOX permission heading, but still have an
impact on OpenPages GRC Platform application behavior. Application permissions determine what
functional areas and administrative operations a user or group is able to perform. Typically, users do not
require these application permissions.
Users are generally granted the applicable permissions by being assigned to role templates that include
those permissions.

All permission
Grants users and members of user groups all permissions and access to every functional and
administrative area within OpenPages GRC Platform (web and server).

Administration permissions
The Administration permissions grant users and members of user groups the ability to archive and restore
document versions and to enable and disable System Administration Mode.

Table 12: Administration permissions

Permission Description
Archive Management Allows group members to archive and restore document versions.

Users, groups, and domains 35

Table 12: Administration permissions (continued)
Permission Description
System Administration Allows group members to enable and disable System Administration Mode and
Mode perform certain administrative functions. For details see, “Enabling and
disabling System Administration Mode” on page 17.

Files permissions
This application permission grants all administrative permissions under the Files grouping that are related
to managing files and folders.

Table 13: Files permissions

Permission Description
Add Folders Allows group members to create and add new folders.

Cancel Checkout Allows group members to cancel the file check-out process for associated files
that were checked out by others. When a file check-out is canceled, the file is
checked back into the system without applying any changes and no new version
of the file is created.
Restriction: This permission applies only to file attachments (of the
SOXDocument object type).

Lock Allows group members to lock objects, regardless of sign-off or ACL


Reassign Primary Allows members of the user group to reassign primary parent associations and
Association view the Make this object Primary icon on the Parent tab of an object, where
object is the object type.

Remove All Tree Locks Allows members of the user group to unlock resources and/or resource

Unlock Allows group members to unlock objects.

Publishing permissions
The Add Pages permission grants administrative permissions to make Cognos and jsp reports available
from the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface.

Table 14: Publishing permissions

Permission Description
Add Pages Allows group members to add reports.

Configure password requirements

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports the use of strong passwords (passwords that include letters,
numbers, and symbols).
It also allows administrators to enforce mandatory password changes and other password behavior.

36 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: Configuring password behavior in OpenPages GRC Platform does not apply if you use single sign-on
(SSO), such as LDAP or Microsoft Active Directory. Your internal IT policies dictate password behavior
within the product.

Configuring password policies

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform allows administrators who can access the Settings administrative
section to modify the password policies for the application.
Using the password policies, administrators can enable strong passwords and control whether user
passwords must be changed after a certain length of time.
Administrators can modify the following settings (located in Administration > Settings > Platform >
Security > Password) as described in Table 15 on page 37:
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

Table 15: Password Settings

Setting Description
Encryption The user name who is allowed to change the password encryption algorithm and
Administrator the encryption key.
Strong Policies - These settings allow the administrator to configure the strong password policies
Character Groups for the application.
Each Character Group takes a comma-separated list of characters. By default,
these groups are empty.
If strong passwords are enabled, each password is required to contain at least one
character from each group. If a group is empty, that group is ignored.
Important: You cannot include the comma as a required character in a strong

Strong Policies - If the value is set to:

• true - then users are required to enter strong passwords when they specify
their user password.
• false - then users are not required to enter strong passwords when they
specify their user password. This value is set by default.

Enabled Sets whether the password policies are active or not. The default value for this
setting is false.
Maximum Length Sets the maximum length of the password. The default value for this setting is 32.
Minimum Length Sets the minimum length of the password. The default value for this setting is 6.
Notify Before Days Sets the number of days before a user's password expires that the user is shown a
warning message at logon about their password expiring.

Configuring password encryption

You can modify the encryption algorithm, and change the key that is used by the encryption algorithm to
encrypt passwords in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
The Update Password Encryption Algorithm (UPEA) tool is used to modify the encryption algorithm and
encryption key.
The UPEA tool can be used to:

Users, groups, and domains 37

• Change the AES encryption key - this is the default encryption algorithm.
• Change the encryption algorithm from 3DES to AES.

Modifying password encryption

To modify password encryption, you use the Update Password Encryption Algorithm (UPEA) tool.
Before you use the UPEA tool, ensure that you complete the following tasks:
• “Verifying the current encryption algorithm” on page 38
• “Verifying the environment” on page 38
• “Configuring the security provider in the file” on page 39
• “Preparing passwords in the file and the op-backup-restore.env file for reencryption”
on page 39
• “Updating the users table to change passwords” on page 40
You run the tool from the command line as follows:
OP_Home\bin\UpdatePasswordEncryptionAlgorithm.cmd (Windows)
OP_Home/bin/ (UNIX)

Verifying the current encryption algorithm

If you have a legacy system, verify the name of the current encryption algorithm before you run the UPEA
tool to change the algorithm to AES as follows.

1. Log on to a machine with SQL*Plus and access to the database server.
2. Execute the following SQL statement:

select algorithmname from encryptionmodules where inactive=0;

3. When you are finished, log out of SQL*Plus.

If the SQL statement returns the name:
• 3DES, then run the UPEA tool to change the encryption algorithm to AES.
• AES, then you already have the AES encryption algorithm. If you want, you can use the UPEA tool to
change the AES encryption key.

Verifying the environment

The following tasks must be completed before you run the UPEA tool.
• An IBM OpenPages GRC Platform system must be properly installed and functioning on the machine.
• A full backup of the OpenPages GRC Platform database must be completed. For more information, see
Chapter 18, “Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases,” on page 419.
• Ensure that all OpenPages GRC Platform servers are started and that no users are logged on to the
system during the password encryption update.
Note: For details on starting and stopping servers for Windows, AIX and Linux environments, see
“Starting application servers” on page 549.

38 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Configuring the security provider in the file
The security provider must be specified in the file.

Verify that the BouncyCastleProvider security provider has been added to the file
as follows:
a) Open a command or shell window on the application server.
b) Navigate to:


<Java_Home> is the installation location of the Java Runtime Environment.
• Windows: C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\lib\security
• Linux and AIX: IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/lib/security
c) Make a backup copy of the file before you modify it.
d) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.
e) Locate the following property in the file:


Where: The number sign, <#> is one increment above the last number in the list (for example, 9).
f) If the BouncyCastleProvider security provider is not present, modify the value after the equal sign
so it matches this:


g) When you are finished, save and close the file.

Preparing passwords in the file and the op-backup-restore.env file for
You can reencrypt the passwords that are in the aurora.properies and op-backup-restore.env
files. By default, the files are in the <OP_Home> directory.
For Microsoft Windows operating systems, the default installation directory of OpenPages GRC Platform is
For AIX and Linux operating systems, the default installation directory of OpenPages GRC Platform
is /opt/OpenPages.

1. Open a command or shell window on the application server.
2. Go to the <OP_Home>|aurora|conf directory.
3. Edit the file in the conf directory.
a) Make a backup copy of the file.
b) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.
c) Search the file for properties that include the string password=.
d) Change all password values after the equal sign to plain text.
e) Save and close the file.
Note: The passwords are encrypted when you restart the servers.
4. Edit the op-backup-restore.env file in the <OP_Home>|aurora|bin directory.
a) Make a backup copy of the file.

Users, groups, and domains 39

b) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.
c) Search the file for these two properties: DB_OP_PWD and DB_WF_PWD.
d) Change each password value after the equal sign to plain text.
e) Save and close the file.
Note: The passwords are encrypted when you restart the servers.

Updating the users table to change passwords

Updating user tables to change passwords with the UPEA tool applies only to upgraded databases.

1. From a machine with SQL*Plus and access to the database server, log on as the openpages database
2. Run the following SQL statements to update the Users table so passwords can be changed:

sqlplus openpages/openpages@<host_name>
update users set flag_can_change_password=1 where actorid !=8

• <host_name> is the name of the database server.
• actorid=8 is OPSystem.

Using the UPEA tool

The UPEA tool defines the parameters of the password encryption algorithm.

UPEA syntax
The syntax of the UPEA tool is detailed in the following section:

-Mode [CA|CK]
-AlgorithmName [AES]
-Host <hostname>
-ProviderName CAMCryptoBC
-ProviderClass org.bouncycastle145.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
-Username <OpenPagesAdministrator>
-Password <OpenPagesAdministrator password>
[-Port <portnumber>]
[-KeySize <128>]

The following table describes the UPEA parameters.

Table 16: UPEA parameters

Parameter Description
-Mode Required. Use to specify the mode in which the tool should run.
Possible modes are:
• CA (for Change Algorithm) — used to switch the encryption algorithm from 3DES
to AES.
• CK (for Change Key) — used to change the AES encryption key.

-AlgorithmName Required. Use to specify the type of encryption algorithm to use.

The only valid value is AES.

40 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 16: UPEA parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
-Host Required. Use to specify the host name of the application machine.
Default value: localhost

-ProviderName Required. Use when you change algorithms to the AES encryption algorithm only.
Has only one valid value: CAMCryptoBC.

-ProviderClass Required. Use only in conjugation with -ProviderName to specify the class for the
new encryption algorithm. Has only one valid value:
-Username Required. Use to specify the user name to use when you modify the user
passwords. Must be the same as the user specified in the OpenPages|Platform|
Encryption Administrator setting.
-Password Required. Use to specify the password to the Encryption Administrator account.
-Port Optional. Use to specify the bootstrap port number.
Default value: 10101

-KeySize Optional. Use to specify the length of the AES encryption key. The only valid value
is 128.
If an invalid value is given, or no value is provided, the default value of 128 is used.

-? Optional. Displays the on-screen help for the UPEA tool.

Changing the password encryption algorithm to AES

You can run the UPEA tool to change the password encryption algorithm from 3DES or OP-CUSTOM to
AES, which is more secure.

1. Edit the <OP_root>/OpenPages/aurora/conf/ file and the <OP_root>/
OpenPages/aurora/bin/op-backup-restore.env file and change any encrypted passwords to
plain text.
• If you are using 3DES, look for lines that contain {3DES}.
For example, suppose the file contains the following line:
database.PASSWORD={3DES}Rj+steg+3eU7kb8O+\=\=. The database password is encrypted
with the 3DES algorithm. Replace the encrypted password with the password in plain text, for
example, database.PASSWORD=db_password.
• If you are using OP-CUSTOM, the lines do not have an algorithm indicator. Look for encrypted
passwords and change each of them to the password in plain text.
The passwords are encrypted with the AES algorithm when you restart the OpenPages GRC Platform
services in step 3.
2. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
Go to the <OP_HOME>/bin directory.
• For Microsoft Windows operating systems, the default installation directory of OpenPages GRC
Platform is C:\OpenPages.
• For AIX and Linux operating systems, the default installation directory of OpenPages GRC Platform
is /opt/OpenPages.

Users, groups, and domains 41

From the command or shell window, run the following command on a single line:|.cmd -Mode CA -Host localhost

-Port <port> -AlgorithmName AES -ProviderName CAMCryptoBC
-ProviderClass org.bouncycastle145.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
-KeySize 128 -Username <OpenPagesAdministrator>
-Password <OpenPagesAdministratorPassword>

• <port> is the bootstrap port number. If you do not specify a value, 10101 is used.
• <host> is the host name of the application server. If you do not specify a value, localhost is used.
3. Restart all OpenPages GRC Platform services.
4. If you are using OpenPages to authenticate users, notify all users that their passwords have been reset
to 0p3nP4g3s and that they must change their passwords the next time they log into the system.
Note: If you are using Single Sign-On (SSO), LDAP, or another external system to authenticate users,
passwords are not reset.

Changing the AES encryption key

At certain times, you might want to change the encryption key that is used by the AES encryption
algorithm. You can change the encryption key by using the UPEA tool.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a command or shell window and change directory to the <OP_Home>/bin directory.
• For Microsoft Windows operating systems, the default installation directory of OpenPages GRC
Platform is C:\OpenPages.
• For AIX and Linux operating systems, the default installation directory of OpenPages GRC Platform
is /opt/OpenPages.
3. From the command or shell window, run the following command on a single line:

UpdatePasswordEncryptionAlgorithm -Mode CK -AlgorithmName AES

-Username <OpenPagesAdministrator> -Password <password>

AIX and Linux

sh -Mode CK -AlgorithmName AES

-Username <OpenPagesAdministrator> -Password <password>

Where: <password> is the password for the OpenPagesAdministrator account.

Note: If you changed the default port for OpenPages GRC Platform to a port other than 10108, add the
-Port parameter to the end of the command with the new port number.
4. Restart OpenPages GRC Platform services for the changes to take effect.

42 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 4. Security
Most of your security requirements can be handled in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with folder-based
security, either role-based security or custom security. If you need to refine folder-based security, use
security rules.
Role-based security
Use role-based security to define application permissions for each role and to set access control
(Read, Write, Delete, Associate) for each object that is included in that role. All users in each role
inherit the same security access controls.
Custom security
Use custom security to set access control (Read, Write, Delete, Associate) on folders for Project
Milestones and Project Action Items. All objects in the folder inherit the same security access
Security rules
You can define two types of security rule:
• Record level security rules
Use record level security rules to control access to individual objects in a folder. For example, two
GRC domains share a common organizational hierarchy. They share some common object instances,
such as processes, but they do not want to share other object instances, such as risks and controls.
If you do not create security rules on objects, folder-based security applies.
Record level security rules have the following access controls: Create, Read, Update, Delete, and
Associate. The Write access control in folder-based security is split into Create and Update for
security rules, which gives you more control over what users can and cannot do.
• Field level security rules
Use field level security rules to control access to individual fields within an object.

Figure 2: Levels of security

Role-based security and security rules differ from profiles and field dependencies because security is
applied everywhere rather than in the OpenPages GRC Platform application only.

Role-based security model

A role-based security model provides a way for administrators to control user and group access to objects
that are under a defined security point within the object hierarchy according to the role the user or group
is expected to perform within the organization.
Typical security points are business entities, processes, or sub-processes (can also be set at lower
security point levels if wanted).
Figure 3 on page 44 shows how various users and groups can have different permissions set for
accessing business entities (a defined security point in the object hierarchy) and objects that are under a
specific hierarchy.

Figure 3: Security concepts in a hierarchy

Based on the type of security context points defined in your security model, such as Business Entity,
Process, Control Objective or Risk Assessment, you can use a role template to define a set of permissions
for a set of object types.
For each role template that you define, you can set the following:
• Access control (Read, Write, Delete, Associate) for each object type included in that role. For details, see
“Role-based access control permissions” on page 49.
• Application permissions for the role. For information about the various application permissions, see
“Defining application permissions” on page 31.
Important: These application permissions do not include administrative group and user security
management permissions, such as resetting passwords, assigning roles, adding users, and so forth. To
learn more about assigning group and user security management permissions to administrators, see
“Delegate administrator permissions” on page 21.
By assigning a role (an instance of a role template) to a user or group at specific security context point in
the object hierarchy, you can control access to objects. Roles represent the usual or expected function
that a user or group plays within an organization. Some examples of roles are: Finance Reviewer, Tester,
External Auditor, System Administrator, Control Owner, Risk Assessor.
When you assign a role to a group or user, the security settings of that Role Template are acquired by that
group or user and permissions are automatically granted, per the role template definition, to all objects
below the specified security point.
For example, if a role were assigned to a user for a business unit (security context point), access control
for specific object types under that security point would be set in the object hierarchy. Object types that
were excluded from the role would be hidden from view, object types that were included would be visible
and could be accessed by users and groups assigned to that role.

44 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

So that you can have a clear and accurate understanding of which users and groups have access to what
and with which permissions, and what access control modifications were made in the system, you can run
a variety of reports to view this data. For details on the types of configuration audit and security reports
available to you, see the section “Audit Reports folder” on page 110.

Security context points

The structure of the object hierarchy that is defined in your system also acts as the security context point
to which access control can be assigned.
Roles (defined by Role Templates) are granted to specific security points in the object hierarchy, and
permissions for a particular role are automatically granted to all objects that are created in the same
location beneath that security point. If a role is assigned to a group on a top-level Business Entity, then all
users of that group would have access to that business entity and would be able to access all objects
under that entity as per the permissions in the role.
By default, the installation process automatically sets Business Entity (SOXBusEntity) as the security
context point within the object hierarchy at which roles can be assigned.

You have a regional office called North America and a sub-regional office called United States. When you
create the business entity, the folder structure /BusinessEntity/North America/United States
would automatically be created.
You also created a Role Template called Entity Owners that has access defined for the following object
• Business Entity
• Process
• Sub-process
• Control Objective
• Risk
• Control
When you assign the Entity Owners Role Template to the United States business entity, the following
structure is automatically generated under the root folder of each object type:

/Processes/North America/United States

/Sub-processes/North America/United States
/ControlObjectives/North America/United States
/Risks/North America/United States
/Controls/North America/United States

Note: that the folder structure /BusinessEntity/North America/United States does not have to
be generated since it already exists (was automatically created when the business entity was initially
Figure 4 on page 46 shows how access permissions (R=Read, W=Write, D=Delete, A=Associate) can be
granted to specific objects in the hierarchy under the United States business entity security context point.

Security 45
Figure 4: Business entity security context points

For details on assigning security management permissions to security domain group administrators, see
“Delegate administrator permissions” on page 21.

Extending security context points

To achieve a finer level of control, it is possible to extend the security context point to other objects in the
hierarchy (such as Business Entity-Process or Business Entity-Risk Assessment).
To achieve more control, change the Model setting. For more information, see “Set the system security
model” on page 342).
Note: The Model setting is a system-wide setting. Switching the security model after data is loaded (or
migrated) into the system is not recommended and requires assistance from IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Services.
To determine the optimal security context points for your organization, you need to evaluate your
requirements for securing resources at lower security context points in your hierarchy. Extending the
security context points to achieve a finer level of control does not prevent you from defining security at
higher security context points.

You extended the security context points to include Business Entity-Process. In this scenario,
administrators could assign, for example, a "Process Role Template" to one or more users or groups on
one or more Processes.
Permissions (Read, Write, Delete, Associate) in the "Process Role Template" could then be assigned to
that Process security context point. The permissions in that template are applied to every object created
beneath that point in the object hierarchy and to any object that is created in the future below that point.

46 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Although users and groups who are assigned the "Process Role Template" would be able to navigate to
and access Processes and child objects beneath a Process hierarchy, the details of the parent Business
Entity would be hidden from them.
Note: Users who have roles that are assigned to a context security point within the Business Entity level,
only have navigation access to the parent Business Entity. If users require the ability to view or modify the
details of a parent Business Entity, then you must use an Entity-based Role Template to grant explicit
Read and/or Write permission to users at an Entity security point.
The user interface in OpenPages GRC Platform does not allow breaking folder ACL inheritance on any
folder on which role-based access control is assigned. Administrators are strongly advised not to break
folder inheritance using ObjectManager or any other application interfaces on any object type folders as
this will cause role-based security to fail.
Figure 5 on page 47 shows how access permissions can be granted when the security context points are
extended to include Process objects as security points to achieve a higher level of control.

Figure 5: Business entity and process extended context points

Reporting framework and multiple security context points

In a security model that contains multiple security context points, objects that form a "triangle"
relationship have implications for the reporting framework.
Triangle relationships are formed among objects when an object type is configured to have a parent of
more than one type (typically, the second parent is a recursive object type).
For example, if Risk object types are configured to be a child of Process and a child of SubProcess object
types, then a triangle relationship will exist among these different object types. Figure 6 on page 48
shows an example of a triangle relationship between a child Risk and parent Process and Sub-Process
object types.

Security 47
Figure 6: Triangle relationship between different object types

In the reporting framework, fields from parent objects within a triangle relationship (for example, Process
and Sub-Process) are stored in the same Query Subject along with the ID of the shared child object (such
as, Risk ID). When both Process and Sub-Process fields are part of the same Query Subject, a user would
require Read permission on both Process and Sub-Process object types to view these fields in a report.
When a triangle relationship exists among objects, avoid the use of the Sub-Process (or similar) object
type as a security point in your system unless you are willing to always grant Read access to the parent
object type (such as Process).
Note: For information about configuring triangle object relationships in the reporting framework, see
“Triangle object relationships” on page 663.

Sample scenario
A user has Read access for Sub-Process object types, so they can view details for Sub-Process objects in
the application user interface.
If the same user does not have Read or Write access to the parent Process and Business Entity, that user
will still have an implicit Navigate permission to the Process and Business Entity object types. The implicit
Navigate permission allows users to navigate through the object hierarchy from, for example, an Overview
page to object types that are lower in the hierarchy (such as Sub-Process) for which they have explicit
permission (in this case, Read access).
If a triangle relationship exists among these object types, the same user would not have permission to
view the Sub-Process detail in a report unless the user was also granted explicit Read access on the
Process object type (as SUBPROCESSES and PROCESSES reside in the same Query Subject).

Security domains
In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, special user groups, called "security domain groups", are automatically
created when a Business Entity or Sub-entity object is created.
Security domain groups act as containers for users and organizational groups associated with that
business entity.

Each security domain group is identified by a people hierarchy icon under a top-level (root) Security
Domains folder on the Users, Groups and Domains page, and the name of the group corresponds to the
name of the business entity to which it belongs.
Users in a security domain group are generally assigned roles to work on the objects under that entity. You
can also delegate specific security management activities to administrators in a security domain group for
managing users and groups within that business entity.
Note: When you expand a security domain group, only child security domains are displayed. Any
organizational groups and users associated with that security domain can be viewed only from the detail
page of that security domain group.

48 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

You want to delegate the security activity of resetting passwords to an administrator for members of a
particular Sales Office security domain group.
You would navigate to the detail page of the Sales Office security domain group and assign the "Reset
Password" permission to an administrator. That administrator would then be able to only reset passwords
for users in that Sales Office security domain group. You could repeat this process of delegating "Reset
Password" permission to an administrator for each security domain group within your organizational

Moving business entities

On occasion, you may need to reorganize your business entity structure by moving a Business Entity with
its corresponding object hierarchy from one location to another.
When you move a business entity structure, all role assignments that were made on that business entity
remain intact.
This means that users and groups who were granted various roles at a specific Business Entity security
context point before the move operation, will continue to have the same roles and access after the move
Note: If you are planning on moving a large object hierarchy, consider using the Entity Move/Rename
utility that is included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform. This utility allows batch processing of multiple
Business Entities for overnight or weekend execution without running the risk of operations timing out.
You can run the utility interactively or as a scheduled job. See the Entity Move/Rename Utility ReadMe for

Copying business entities

If you use the copy operation to expedite the setup of child business entities by duplicating an instance of
an existing business entity, a security domain group for that new child business entity is automatically
created by the system and is associated to the security domain group of the parent business entity.
Initially, the new security domain group that corresponds to the new child business entity is empty (no
users or groups). However, users and groups who have assigned roles with access control defined for the
parent business entity will have the same access on the new child business entity.
An administrator of the security domain group for the parent business entity can add and/or associate
users and groups to the security domain group of the new child business entity. An administrator of the
parent business entity can delegate administration activities by selecting an administrator. For details,
see “Delegate administrator permissions” on page 21.
To refine user access to the new child business entity, you can use the application interface to define Role
Templates and grant roles to users and groups. For details, see “Role templates” on page 51.

Role-based access control permissions

When you create a Role Template, you can specify the type of security access control that you want to
have on an object type's folder structure for groups and users who are assigned to that role.
• The file (SOXDocument) and link (SOXExternalDocument) object types have the same root storage
folder path. As a result, you can configure only one set of ACLs for both these object types in a role.
• Role-based security does not apply to Project Milestones and Project Action Items. For details on
setting security access for these object types, see “Custom security for projects” on page 79.
• Any new object types that are added to the system are excluded from all existing Role Templates.

Security 49
Access control permissions for role-based security
For each object type that you want to include in a Role Template, you can set access control (ACL)
permissions on the object's folder structure.
• Read - when you select an object type for inclusion in a role, the value of the Read permission is
automatically set to Granted on the object's folder structure. This means that any groups or users
assigned to this role can navigate to, and view the details of objects (parent and child) contained in the
folder and the folder itself, but cannot modify any object data unless other permissions are explicitly
• Write - the groups or users assigned to this role can read and modify the details of objects within the
selected folder, but cannot delete objects. Write access to a folder is required for creating new objects
within the folder.
• Delete - the group or user assigned to this role can read, modify, and delete objects within the folder
• Associate - the group or user assigned to this role can create associations between objects.
For each ACL permission, you can set an explicit value. These values or settings are propagated
downward and inherited by any child object storage folders under that parent object's folder structure.
For each ACL permission, you can set one of the following values:
Note: For usage examples, see “Scenarios: Using access control settings” on page 50.
• Unspecified - by default, no access is explicitly granted to the user or group for the corresponding
object through this role. The "Unspecified" setting does not override any access that is granted on this
object through other roles or access inherited through a role on higher level security context points. This
value should be used instead of "Denied" since it is less restrictive.
• Granted - this explicit setting gives a user or group full access to the specified action (Write/Delete/
Associate). The user can modify, or delete the file or folder, depending on the permission.
• Denied - this explicit setting does not allow a user or group to perform the specified action (Write/
Delete/Associate). The "Denied" setting overrides any access that is granted on this object through
other roles or access inherited through a role on higher level security context points.

Scenarios: Using access control settings

The following case scenarios provide examples of how the system may respond with various settings.

Scenario 1: Using explicit settings

If a user or group is assigned multiple roles and the explicit ACL settings within these roles conflict, the
most restrictive explicit setting will be used.
For example, we create a Test Performer and a Test Reviewer role for the Test object type. Each role has
the Write ACL permission explicitly set to the following:
• Test Performer has Write = Granted
• Test Reviewer has Write = Denied
If we assign both roles (Test Performer and Test Reviewer) to a user called Tester1, Tester1 will not be
able to create new Test objects even though the Test Performer role has Write = Granted. This is because
the Write = Denied permission of the Test Reviewer role is more restrictive than the Write = Granted
permission, and the most restrictive setting is automatically applied.

Scenario 2: Using explicit and unspecified settings

If a user or group is assigned multiple roles and one role has an explicit ACL settings but the other role
has Unspecified for the same permission, the explicit setting will be used.
For example, we create an Initial Test and a Final Test role for the Test object type. The roles have the
Write ACL permission set to the following:
• Initial Test has Write = Granted

50 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Final Test has Write = Unspecified
If we assign both roles (Initial Test and Final Test) to a user called Tester1, Tester1 will be able to create
new Test objects even though the Final Test role has Write = Unspecified. This is because the Write =
Granted permission is explicit and the explicit setting is automatically applied.

Scenario 3: Using unspecified settings

If a user or group is assigned a single role and the ACL settings within this role:
• Use the default value Unspecified, and
• No other access control has been explicitly set for the user or group
then access is DENIED.
For example, we create an Initial Test role for the Test object type. The role has the Write ACL permission
set to the following:
Initial Test has Write = Unspecified
If we assign the role (Initial Test) to a user called Tester1 and Tester1 has not been granted access
through any group-inheritance, Tester1 will not be able to create new Test objects.

Role templates
Role Templates are global to the application and are available for role assignment by any administrator of
a security domain who has the Assign Roles administrator permission.
Because the Assign Roles permission is a global permission, it is not constrained by the hierarchy of the
role. Users who are granted this permission can manage any role in the system.
When you perform an action on a Role Template (such as creating, editing, assigning, enabling or
disabling), the Role Template is automatically locked by the system to prevent other users from
simultaneously accessing the template. After you save your changes (or cancel the operation), the Role
Template is unlocked.
Role Templates are the preferred method for granting users or groups application permissions.
• Both application permissions and ACLs are included in the role definition process. When a role is
assigned to a user or a group on any business entity or security context point, that user or group
automatically acquires the application permissions defined in that Role Template.
• When a user or group is assigned multiple roles, the user or group accumulates the application
permissions that are defined in the various roles. Application permissions are granted by the role (not
the security context point) and apply in all situations where the user has the correct ACL access. For
example, users with Read permission to Business Entities and the Audit Trail application permission
will be able to view the Change History (audit trail) for those Business Entities.

Accessing the role templates page

You can define application permissions by using role templates.

Only a Super Administrator or a delegated administrator with the Role Templates permission can access
the Role Templates menu item.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface as a user with the Role
Templates application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Role Templates. From the Role Templates page, you can add, view, and
modify role templates.

Security 51
Adding a role template

You can add a role template to define application permissions.

The Role Template wizard guides you through creating a new role, selecting object types for inclusion or
exclusion, and setting security on the selected object types.
Role Template names are not localizable.
Note: Users who have roles that are assigned to a context security point within the Business Entity level,
only have navigation access to the parent Business Entity. If users require the ability to view or modify the
details of a parent Business Entity, then you must use an Entity-based Role Template to grant explicit
Read and/or Write permission to users at an Entity security point.

1. Ensure that System Administration Mode is disabled.
2. Click Administration > Role Templates.
3. On the Role Templates tab, click Add to open the Add Role Template wizard.
4. On the Specify Role Details page:
a) In the Name box, type a name for the role. For example, Tester01.
b) In the Description box, optionally type a brief description of this role.
c) Click the Role Type arrow, and select the type of security context point you want from the list.
Note: If only one security context point type (such as Business Entity) is defined for your system,
this is the only value in the list. Security context point types are derived from the security model in
effect for your installation.
d) Click Next.
5. On the Specify Access Controls page:
a) Select the check box next to each object type for which you want to configure folder permissions.
For example, if you wanted to configure permissions for Risk and Test objects, you would select
SOXRisk and SOXTest.
Note: To select all object types, select the check box in the Name column.
b) In the row for each selected object type, select a setting value for each permission (Write, Delete,
and Associate). By default, Read is always set to Granted, and all other permissions are set to
For setting details, see “Role-based access control permissions” on page 49.
c) Click Next.
6. On the Specify Permissions page:
a) Select the application permissions that you want to assign to this Role Template. For a description
of the various application permissions, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32.
b) Click Finish. The new role is listed on the Role Templates page.
7. To assign the role to a user or group, see “Assigning a role to a user or group” on page 54.

Modifying a role template

When you modify a Role Template after you assign it to users and/or groups, any changes you make to
access control (ACLs) and application permissions are automatically propagated to those users and
You can use this propagation feature to grant additional access control or revoke access control on certain
object types to existing users and/or groups, by modifying the role template.
Typically, a Super Administrator or a top-level security domain administrator (with Assign Roles
administration permission and Role Templates application permission) are able to modify, disable or

52 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

delete a Role Template. This is because a lower-level security domain administrator, though having Role
Templates application permission, does not have Assign Roles administration permission on higher-level
entities and hence is not able to successfully edit, disable, or delete a template.
Note: If you become distracted while you are editing a Role Template and the session times out before
you are able to complete the task, an Unlock icon is displayed on the detail page of the Role Template. To
unlock the Role Template and resume your editing activity, click the Unlock icon.

1. Click Administration > Role Templates.
2. From the list on the Role Templates tab, click the name of the role you want to modify.
3. On the detail page of the selected role, click Edit.
4. Make the required changes.
5. Click Save.

Enabling and disabling a role template

You can make a role inactive and keep it for future use by disabling the role. You can also enable a role
that was previously disabled.

1. Click Administration > Role Templates.
2. From the list on the Role Templates tab, click the name of the role you want to enable or disable. The
detail page of the selected role is displayed.
3. On the Role Information tab, click Disable or Enable.

When you disable a role, the following occurs:
• Depending on the Disable Role Group application setting, any users and groups, who were previously
assigned that role, either retain or lose their access control and application permissions. By default, the
setting allows users and groups to retain access after a role is disabled.
• The disabled role template is removed from the role assignment selection list and cannot be used for
further role assignments.
• The status of the role on the Role Templates list page changes from Active to Inactive.
When you enable a role, the following occurs:
• Any users or groups who are assigned that role are able to perform activities on objects that are
associated with that role.
• The enabled role template is included in the role assignment selection list and can be used for further
role assignments.
• The status of the role on the Role Templates list page changes from Inactive to Active.

Deleting a role template

To automatically revoke all role assignments, you can delete a role template.
An administrator (or Super Administrator) with Role Templates application permission and the Assign
Roles administrator permission can assign and/or revoke roles on any entity in the system. Only a Super
Administrator or a top-level entity administrator is able to delete role templates, since this action
automatically revokes all role assignments that were made using the selected Role Template on any
business unit in the application.
When you delete a role, the following occurs:

Security 53
• Any users or groups who were assigned that role are no longer able to perform the activities on objects
that are associated with that role.
• The role is permanently removed from the list of roles on the Role Templates tab and cannot be
If you want to remove a role without deleting it, you can disassociate the role instead by revoking the role
from the user or group.

1. Click Administration > Role Templates.
2. You can delete a role from either the Role Templates list page or from the detail page of the role.
• From the Role Templates page:
a. From the list on the Role Templates tab, select the check box next to each role you want to
b. Click Delete.
• From the detail page of the selected role:
a. Click the name of the role you want to delete from the list on the Role Templates tab to open its
detail page.
b. On the Role Information tab, click Delete.

Assigning and revoking roles

An administrator of a parent domain group can assign or revoke roles only from its child groups and users.
For example, an administrator who has the Assign Roles administrator permission on a top-level a
domain group could assign any Role Template to users and groups on that business entity or its child sub-
If an administrator assigns a Role Template to a user or group on a security domain, the same access
control that is granted on the corresponding business entity will be propagated to its child entities.
When an administrator assigns a role to a user or group on a lower-level domain that gives the user Read
access to a lower-level business entity, the application provides the necessary access to navigate to that
lower-level entity even though the user may not have Read access to all of its parent entities.

You have a business entity with the following hierarchical structure:
Company ABC > North America > Boston
The business entity has the following processes:
Company ABC > North America > Boston > P1
Company ABC > North America > Boston > P2
If the administrator of the Boston office assigns a "Process Owner" role to user "Mary" granting Read
access only to Processes associated with the Boston entity, then user "Mary" can navigate to processes
associated with the Boston entity only, even though "Mary" cannot view the details of the entities
Company ABC, North America and Boston.

Assigning a role to a user or group

After Role Templates are created, you can assign one or more roles to groups and users on a security
context point within a business entity security domain.
If your organization has many security context points, you can filter on the name of a security context
point to reduce the scope of the items listed.

54 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

About this task
You can assign a role to a user or group with the Assign Roles wizard. Alternatively for users, you can
assign roles from the View, Edit, or Disable User page. For more information, see “Modifying user
accounts” on page 28.

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. Under the Security Domains group, click the name of the security domain group to which you want to
add a role assignment for a user.
3. On the detail page of the selected security domain group:
a) Go to the Role Assignments tab.
b) Click Assign to display the Assign Roles wizard.
4. On the Select User(s)/Group(s) page:
a) Click Add.
b) In the selection box, select the check box next to each group or user you want.
Tip: To expand the group/user hierarchy, click the plus (+) sign.
c) Click Next.
5. On the Select Role Type and Role(s) page:
a) Click the Role Type arrow and select a security point from the list, and then click Go. If only one
security point (such as Business Entity) is defined for your system, this is the only value in the list.
b) In the Roles box, select one or more roles from the list.
c) When finished, click Next.
6. On the Select Security Domain(s) page:
a) Optionally, in the Name box, type a security context point name or portion of a name and then click
Filter. If the list of security context points is large, the filter reduces the scope of the list by
returning only those items that match the text you typed.
b) In the Security Domains box, select one or more security context points from the list.
c) Click Finish.

Revoking a role from a user or group

When you revoke a role from a user or group, the role assignment is explicitly removed from the user or
group on a given entity.
Disassociating users from a security domain group does not result in removal of their role assignments on
that entity.

About this task

You can revoke a role assignment from a user or group from the Role Assignments tab of the business
entity security domain group. page. Alternatively for a user, you can remove roles from the View, Edit, or
Disable User page. For more information, see “Modifying user accounts” on page 28.

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. Under the Security Domains root group, click the name of the business entity security domain group
from which you want to revoke a role.
3. On the detail page of the selected security domain group:
a) Go to the Role Assignments tab.
b) Select the check box next to the name of each group or user you want to revoke.
c) Click Revoke. The name of the selected group or user is removed from the list.

Security 55
Viewing roles assigned to users or groups
You can use several methods to view which roles are assigned to users and groups.
• Running reports
• Navigating to a user or group detail page and see the list of all roles that are granted to that user or
• Navigating to the detail page of a business entity security domain group as described in the following
Note: Role Templates that were assigned directly to a parent or child business entity security domain
group can be only viewed from the detail page of that parent or child. Role assignments that are made
on a security domain are only displayed for that domain.
In the case of an extended security context model, for example, SOXBusEntity/SOXProcess or
SOXBusEntity/SOXProcess/SOXSubprocess security models, role assignments on processes and
subprocesses that are associated with the current security domain are also displayed.
• Selecting Users from the Administration menu and searching for a user in the View, Edit, or Disable
User field. On the View, Edit, or Disable User page, click Role Assignments from the left panel. For
more information, see “Modifying user accounts” on page 28.

1. Click Administration > Users, Groups and Domains.
2. Under the Security Domains root group, click the name of the business entity security domain group
whose role assignments you want to view.
3. On the detail page of the selected security domain group, go to the Role Assignments tab.
4. To view role assignments that are made directly to another business entity security domain group,
repeat Steps 2 and 3.

Security rules
You can create two levels of security by using security rules:
• “Record level security” on page 57 allows administrators to control access to individual objects in a
• “Field level security” on page 69 allows administrators to control access to individual fields within an
Security rules do not replace role-based security. Instead, they provide an extra level of security that can
work with role-based security.
Consider this example of record level security. A folder contains 10 tasks. The role-based security grants
the Read and Write access controls to all users in a certain role. You define a record level security rule to
limit the access for one user who is in that role so that this one user has Read access for Task 1 and Task 8
You can extend the example to field level security. Task 1 contains 10 fields. You can define a field level
security rule to limit the access for one user in a certain role. This user has Read access for Field 3 and
Field 7 only.
You define security rules for individual object types. After you have defined them, they are applied to all
system components, including Reporting, FastMap, Triggers, Reporting Periods, and all available views.
A security rule comprises two parts:
• A formula that determines the conditions for granting the access controls.
– The formula can be based on these field values: Actor fields, Enumerated fields, Text fields, Date
fields, Numeric fields, and Currency fields.
– The formula can be based on a user who is a member of particular user group or profile.

56 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

– Complex formulae can be based on associations between objects.
For example, a loss event is owned by the business unit where it occurred and is also shared with
other business units that are impacted by the loss event. Selected users of the other business units
should see its details.
– The formula can support complex expressions that use terms such as AND, OR, NOT, and nested
• The access controls that specify the object access permissions or field access permissions.
– A record level security rule can specify Create, Read, Update, Associate, and Delete access to object
– A field level security rule can specify Read only, and Read and Update access to non-system fields
within an object.
A security rule formula has the following restrictions:
• They do not support computed text fields or large text fields.
• They do not support NULL values.
The NOT operator does not return objects that have an empty, blank, or null value in the selected field
• They do not support encrypted simple string or long string data type fields.
Note: Security rules are not applied to administrators. They have full permissions for all objects and

Record level security

You can use record level security to control access to individual objects in a folder.

Figure 7: Record level security applies to objects

If no record level security is defined for an object, only role-based security is applied to the object.
When you define a record level security rule, the way that access is restricted depends upon whether the
outcome of the formula is true or false when it is applied to an object:
• True: Access to the object is granted, and you can restrict or extend the existing role-based security for
that object.
• False: Access to the object is not granted, and role-based security is applied.
When users open the Detail View for an object, they can see associated child objects only under the
following circumstances:
• The associated child objects are included in a role template.
• The associated child objects are not included in a role template, but a record level security rule that
extends role-based security is applied to the parent object.

Security 57
When you define a record level security formula, you define RESTRICT rules and EXTEND rules.
A RESTRICT rule is applied after role-based security (RBS). A RESTRICT rule further restricts access to an
object. The following formula illustrates how a RESTRICT rule is evaluated:

If (RBS=True AND RESTRICT_RULE_RESULT=True), then grant access

Notice the AND operator. Role-based security must grant access, and the result of the RESTRICT rule
must be true. The result is that users get access to the object if role-based security grants them access
and the RESTRICT rule result is also true.
For example, suppose role-based security grants all users in the Finance group READ and UPDATE access
on Control objects. But, you want users to be able to do an UPDATE only if they are also the owner of the
control object. In this case, you can add a RESTRICT rule on UPDATE that checks the END_USER against
the owner field of the object.

Figure 8: A RESTRICT rule grants UPDATE access if users are in the Finance group and are owners of the

For a more detailed example, see the record level security scenarios, such as “Scenario: Objects that are
shared across GRC domains” on page 64.

58 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

An EXTEND rule is applied in addition to role-based security. An EXTEND rule grants access to an object
for which role-based security does not grant access. The following formula illustrates how an EXTEND
rule is evaluated:

If (RBS=True OR EXTEND_RULE_RESULT=True), then grant access

Notice the OR operator. Either role-based security must give access or the EXTEND rule result must be
true. The result is that users get access to the object if role-based security gives them access or if the
EXTEND rule result is true. Which means users gain access to the object in all of the following scenarios:
• Role-based security is granted and the EXTEND rule result is true, OR
• Role-based security is granted and the EXTEND rule result is false, OR
• Role-based security is not granted and the EXTEND rule result is true.
For example, suppose role-based security grants all users in the Finance group READ and UPDATE access
on Control objects. However, you also want users to be able to READ and UPDATE if they are the owner of
the control object, regardless of whether they belong to the Finance group. In this case, you can add an
EXTEND rule on READ and UPDATE that checks the END_USER against the owner field of the object.

Figure 9: An EXTEND rule grants access to users who are owners of a control, regardless of their group

For a more detailed example, see the record level security scenarios, such as “Scenario: Access for
business administrators” on page 69.
Whether you are using a RESTRICT rule or an EXTEND rule, the rule is evaluated within the context of
role-based security.

Security 59
Multiple security rules
You can use multiple RESTRICT and EXTEND rules. Before you combine rules, ensure that you understand
how security rules work in combination with each other. Incorrect assumptions about the behavior of
security rules can lead to insecure models.

Combining RESTRICT rules

When you have multiple rules on the same object type with the same access, the rules are combined by
using an OR expression.
Here is an example of two RESTRICT rules combined:

Restrict Rule 1 - Grants READ

Restrict Rule 2 - Grants READ and UPDATE

Since each rule grants READ access, the two rules are combined whenever the READ access for a user
needs to be determined. Each rule is evaluated on its own within the context of role-based security and
access is granted if either of the rules evaluates to true. The means that the formula for this example is
evaluated in the following manner:


(RBS=True AND RESTRICT_RULE_2_RESULT=True)), then grant access

The result is that a user gets READ access in the following scenarios:
• Role-based security is granted and the RESTRICT rule 1 result is true, OR
• Role-based security is granted and the RESTRICT rule 2 result is true.

Combining RESTRICT and EXTEND rules

You can combine RESTRICT rules with EXTEND rules. Each rule is evaluated within the context of role-
based security, and then an OR condition is applied. However, do not combine RESTRICT and EXTEND
rules on the same object for the same privilege.
For example, you can combine a RESTRICT rule for READ and UPDATE with an EXTEND rule for DELETE:

Restrict Rule on READ, UPDATE

Extend Rule on DELETE

The rules are evaluated in the following manner:

If evaluating READ access:

If ((RBS=True AND RESTRICT_RULE_RESULT=True), then grant access

If evaluating UPDATE access:

If ((RBS=True AND RESTRICT_RULE_RESULT=True), then grant access

If evaluating DELETE access:

If (RBS=True OR EXTEND_RULE_RESULT=True)), then grant access

Attention: Do not use the same access privilege in both rules. This can lead to results that might
not be-in-line with the behavior that you expect.
Here is an example of combined RESTRICT and EXTEND rules to help illustrate the point:

Restrict Rule on READ

Extend Rule on READ

The formula is evaluated in the following manner:


(RBS=True OR EXTEND_RULE_RESULT=True)), then grant access

The result is that a user gets READ access in all of the following scenarios:

60 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Role-based security is granted and the RESTRICT rule result is true, OR
• Role-based security is granted and the EXTEND rule result is true, OR
• Role-based security is granted and the EXTEND rule result is false, OR
• Role-based security is not granted and the EXTEND rule result is true.
In other words, the user will have READ access with role-based security.

How combined security rules are evaluated

It is important to understand how RESTRICT rules and EXTEND rules are combined.
Many administrators assume that the EXTEND rule is evaluated after the RESTRICT rule, like this:


EXTEND_RULE_RESULT=True), then grant access

The result would be that a user gets access in the following scenarios:
• Role-based security is granted and the RESTRICT rule result is true, OR
• The EXTEND rule result is true.
But this is not the case. Each rule is evaluated within the context of role-based security, and then an OR
condition is applied:
Let's expand on this example to more clearly see the potential misunderstanding. Suppose that you have
a user with the following set of circumstances:
• Role-based security access is granted to the user
• The RESTRICT rule for this user evaluates to FALSE
• The EXTEND rule for this user evaluates to FALSE
Using the formula from the assumed behavior the result of this scenario would be False:


((True=True AND False=True) OR False=True) =
((True AND False) OR False) =
(False OR False) =

However, the formula that is actually being used is:


(True=True AND False=True) OR (True=True OR False=True) =
(True AND False) OR (True OR False) =
(False OR True) =

Therefore, access would be granted for this user.

It is critical to understand how security rules work in combination with each other before you design your
security framework. Incorrect assumptions on behavior can lead to insecure models.

Defining record level security rules

Use record level security rules to control access to individual objects in a folder.

Before you begin

You must enable System Administration Mode before you can define record level security.

1. Click Administration > Security Rules.
2. Click the name of the object type for which you want to define a security rule.
3. Click Add next to Record Level Security Rules.
4. Add a name and description for the security rule.

Security 61
5. Add the formula for the security rule.
You can type the formula or use the Path, Field, and Terms to define parts of the formula. You can also
use a combination of both. For more information, see “Grammar for security rules” on page 74.
a) To reference another object, either a parent or child, complete the following actions.
For more information, see “Paths for parent and child objects” on page 71.
1) Click Path.
2) In the Parent or Child field, specify whether the path follows parent objects or child objects.
3) Select the object type that is the starting point for the path.
4) Select the object type that is the ending point for the path.
5) Click Search to view the possible paths.
6) Select one or more paths. If you select more than one path, use the Combine Paths field to
specify how to use the multiple paths. Select Any Path if you want to use any of the paths or
select All Paths if you want all paths to be used for the rule to be applied.
7) Click Insert.
b) To define a field condition, complete the following actions.
For more information, see “Terms for data types” on page 72.
1) Click Field.
2) Select an object type.
3) Select the field that you want to use.
4) Select an operator. The list of operators changes depending on the field data type.
5) Enter the value of the field condition.
6) Click Insert to add the field condition into the rule formula.
If you type the field condition, ensure that you use system names. If you do not specify an object
type, the rule uses the object type for the object to which the rule applies. If you specify an object
type, the object type must be either the subject of the rule or be specified in a path expression that
contains the field reference.
Optionally, you can use square brackets to ensure that when elements of field references contain
spaces or other special characters, these field references are parsed.
c) To add operators or keywords, use the Terms menu.
6. In the Security property, specify how the security rule is combined with role-based security.
• Select Restrict to apply both the role-based security and the security rule.
This option configures more restricted security. For example, if role-based security is set to Read
and the security rule is set to Update, the Restrict setting provides read only access.
• Select Extend to bypass role-based security when the outcome of the formula is true.
For example, if the role-based security is set to Read and the security rule is set to Update, the
Extend setting allows a user to update information.
7. Specify the access controls.
For more information, see “Minimum access controls for object operations” on page 63.
Note: Security rules for Create access are defined separately from rules for Read, Update, Delete, and
Associate access.
Users can create objects.
When a rule allows users to create objects, the formula cannot include fields within the object. It
can include fields from the parent hierarchy, and other conditions that do not include fields. If you
select Create, you cannot select any other access control for the rule.

62 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: When you define record level security rules for the Create access control, use them only to
further restrict role-based security.
You must use Intended Parent in the Terms field when you use Create.
Users can view the object.
Users can modify the object.
Users can delete the object.
Users can define associations or disassociations between objects.
When a rule allows users to associate objects, the formula cannot include fields within the target of
the association. It can include fields from the child hierarchy, and other conditions that do not
include fields.
8. Click Save.

Minimum access controls for object operations

Users can perform the following operations on objects: Create, Read, Update, Associate and Delete. Each
of these operations requires certain minimum access controls.

Create operation
The following table shows the minimum access controls that a user requires to create an object. Access
controls are required for both the parent object and the child object.
Some access controls must defined using role-based security rather than record level security (as
indicated in the table). In these instances, the access control for the parent object can be defined using
either type of security, but for the child object, it must be defined using role-based security.

Table 17: Access controls required to create an object

Read Write Delete Associate
Parent Yes Yes
Child Yes (from role-based Yes (from role- Yes (from role-based security)
security) based

Read operation
The following table shows the minimum access controls that a user requires to read an object.
These access controls can be defined in the role-based security or the record level security.

Table 18: Access controls required to read an object

Read Write Delete Associate
Object Yes

Update operation
The following table shows the minimum access controls that a user requires to update an object.
These access controls can be defined in the role-based security or the record level security.

Security 63
Table 19: Access controls required to update an object
Read Write Delete Associate
Object Yes Yes

Associate operation
The following table shows the minimum access controls that a user requires to associate an object.
Access controls are required for both the parent object and the child object.
Some access controls must defined using role-based security rather than record level security (as
indicated in the table). In these instances, the access control for the parent object can be defined using
either type of security, but for the child object, it must be defined using role-based security.

Table 20: Access controls required to associate an object

Read Write Delete Associate
Parent Yes Yes
Child Yes (from role-based Yes (from role-based security)

Delete operation
The following table shows the minimum access controls that a user requires to delete an object. Access
controls are required for both the parent object and the child object.
These access controls can be defined in the role-based security or the record level security.

Table 21: Access controls required to delete an object

Read Write Delete Associate
Parent Yes Yes
Child Yes Yes Yes

The following table shows the minimum access controls that a user requires to delete an object type that
is self-contained or recursive, such as a Business Entity or Sub-Process. Access controls are required for
both the parent object and the child object.
Some access controls must defined using role-based security rather than record level security (as
indicated in the table). In these instances, the access control for the parent object can be defined using
either type of security, but for the child object, it must be defined using role-based security.

Table 22: Access controls to delete a self-contained object

Read Write Delete Associate
Parent Yes Yes
Child Yes (from role- Yes (from role- Yes (from role-based security)
based security) based

Scenario: Objects that are shared across GRC domains

Your company implemented the financial management and operational risk solutions. Because the teams
that use these solutions share a common organizational hierarchy, they share some common object

64 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

instances, such as processes. But they do not want to share other object instances, such as risks and
Role-based security means that all users in the financial management and operational risk teams have
access to all objects and object instances in the folder. Access controls need to be set for each domain so
that users work with only the objects that they are responsible for. As well securing objects, you are
improving usability for your users.
For example, both of the financial management and operational risk teams use the Control object type but
they use different instances of the Control object type. You want to enable users in the operational risk
team to be able to update their instances of the Control object type. You also want to prevent users in the
financial management team from viewing the instances that belong to the operational risk team.
You have two user groups for financial management and operational risk. Role-based security is already
defined to grant Read and Write access controls to all users in the two teams. For example, a user in the
SOXUsers group can update the controls that belong to the operational risk team.

Table 23: Permissions for each user group in the scenario

Domain User Group Permitted to work with Not allowed to work with
Financial SOXUsers Compliance Controls Operational Controls
Operational Risk ORMUsers Operational Controls Compliance Controls

To satisfy the security requirements for these two user groups, role-based security is not changed. You
add a security rule that further restricts the security that you already defined for the folder.
You define a security rule on the Control object type with the following information:
The formula is:
[SOXControl].[OPSS-Ctl].[Domain] IN ('Financial Management') AND END_USER IN
[SOXControl].[OPSS-Ctl].[Domain] IN ('Operational Risk') AND END_USER IN
When the Security property is set to Restrict, both role-based security and the security rule are applied,
and the Access controls are set to Read and Update.

1. Click Administration > Security Rules.
2. Click the name of the Control object type.
3. Click Add adjacent to Record Level Security Rules.
4. Add a name and description for the security rule.
5. Add the formula:
• Click Field and select the SOXControl object in the Object Type field.
• In the Field box, select Domain and select the Financial Management domain for the compliance
• Click Insert.
• Click Field and select AND, then END_USER, and IN GROUP from the Terms.
• Type ('SOXUsers').
• Repeat for the Operational Risk domain.
6. In the Security property, select Restrict to have role-based security and the security rule both apply.
Restrict prevents Compliance users from being able to view or work with the Operational Control.

Security 65
7. Select the Read and Update access control check boxes.
8. Click Save.

Scenario: Lifecycle security

Security on an object can change during the lifecycle of that object. As an object moves through the
lifecycle, its status changes and different users are allowed to change it. For example, users in different
job functions, such as reviewers and approvers, work with the object at different times in the lifecycle. The
same user can be an owner of one object and a reviewer of another object.
Security rules are evaluated before lifecycle triggers and actions modify an object. If an object's state
before the lifecycle trigger meets the record level security criteria, you can update the object. The
lifecycle trigger might modify fields so that the object state no longer meets the record level security
In this scenario, the Process object is the primary parent. The Risk object is a child of the Process object
because part of the process is to assess risk. As the Process object moves through the lifecycle, the status
of the Process object affects the Risk object.
The following table shows who can update the object when the status changes for the object instance and
its descendants.

Table 24: Lifecycle security based on the status of an object

Status of the object The role of the user who can update the object

New Only a level of administrative user, such as a business

administrator, can change the object. The administrator assigns the
object to an owner.

Under Development Owner

Ready for Review Reviewer

Ready for Approval Approver

Role-based security is already defined to grant Read and Write access controls to all users in these roles.
All users in these profiles have access to all objects in the folder. Access controls must be set on the
status of the Process object so that users work with only the object when they are responsible for it.
You define the following security rule for the Process object type that restricts when users can update the
Process object. When users who belong to a role login, they can update the Process object at the correct
point in the lifecycle of the Process object.
The formula is:
[SOXProcess].[OPSS-Process].[Status] IN ('Under Development') AND END_USER
[SOXProcess].[OPSS-Process].[Status] IN ('Ready for Review') AND END_USER
[SOXProcess].[OPSS-Process].[Status] IN ('Ready for Approval') AND END_USER
The Security property is set to:
Both role-based security and the security rule are applied. For example, when the status of the object
is set to New, only a user in the Administrator profile can work with the object.
The Access control is set to:

66 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Role-based security grants the Read access control.

1. Click Administration > Security Rules.
2. Click the Process object type.
3. Complete the following actions to define the security rule that grants the Update access control:
• Click Add adjacent to Record Level Security Rules.
• Add a name and description for the security rule.
• Use Path, Field, and Terms to define the formula.
• Select the Update check box.
• In the Security property, select Restrict to have role-based security and the security rule both apply.
4. Click Save.

Scenario: Access to Issue Action Items

Issues that are created under one business unit can cause action items to be assigned to other lines of
business. You need to ensure that all action item owners, regardless of business unit, can view the related
An issue can have multiple action items that resolve the issue. The action items can be assigned to
different business units and each business unit needs access to the issue object.
In this example, the compliance team has an Issue object that has two action items. One action item is for
the compliance team. The other action item is for another business unit to complete some systems work.
Role-based security is set for the compliance team. They have access to all the objects in the folder,
including the Issue object. A security rule is not required for the compliance team.
The other business unit needs access to the Issue object that is associated to the action item that they
are responsible for. If you add the other business unit to role-based security, the other business unit has
access to all objects in the folder. A security rule extends access to the other business unit for their action
item and prevents them from working with other objects in the folder.
You define a security rule for the Issue object type with the following information:
The formula is:
FOR (Any Child [SOXIssue]/[SOXTask] : [SOXTask].[OPSS-AI].[Assignee] =
When the Security property is set to Extend, security is extended beyond role-based security. Users in the
other business unit who are the owner of an action item that is associated to this issue can view the issue;
however, they cannot view other issues that do not meet the criteria in the formula. The Access controls
are set to Read.

1. Click Administration > Security Rules.
2. Click the name of the SOX Issue object type.
3. Click Add adjacent to Record Level Security Rules.
4. Add a name and description for the security rule.
5. Use Path, Field, and Terms to define the formula.
6. Select the Read check box.
7. In the Security property, select Extend to have the security rule extend the security that is set on the
8. Click Save.
9. Click the name of the SOXTask object type.

Security 67
10. Click Add.
11. Add a name and description for the security rule.
12. Use Path, Field, and Terms to define the formula.
13. Select the Read and Update check boxes.
14. In the Security property, select Extend to have the security rule extend the security that is set on the
15. Click Save.

Scenario: Security by job function

All auditors on the same team have the same profile, role template, and security context points. However,
each auditor can have a different function for each audit. As an administrator, you want more flexibility in
the way you apply security at the field level for each auditor.
This scenario is a variant of the scenario called Lifecycle security.
An auditor can have a different job function on different audits. For example, in Audit A, Jim is the lead
auditor and can edit more fields than the other auditors.

Table 25: Audit A scenario

Auditors Job function Permissions

Jim Lead (In-charge) Jim can edit the Audit A instance of the Audit
object and its descendants, Audit Sections,
and Audit Workpapers.
Jim's access controls are Create, Read,
Update, and Associate.

Susan Field Susan can read and update specific areas of

the Audit Sections and Audit Workpapers in
the Audit A instance.
Susan's access controls are Read and Update
for these areas.

Ellen Field Ellen can read and update specific areas of the
Audit Sections and Audit Workpapers in the
Audit A instance.
Ellen's access controls are Read and Update
for these areas.

However, in Audit B, Susan is the lead auditor while Jim is a field auditor.

Table 26: Audit B scenario

Auditors Job function Permissions

Susan Lead (In-charge) Susan can edit the Audit B instance of the Audit
object and its descendants, Audit Sections, and
Audit Workpapers.
Jim's access controls are Create, Read, Update,
and Associate.

68 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 26: Audit B scenario (continued)
Auditors Job function Permissions

Jim Field Jim can read and update specific areas of the
Audit Sections and Audit Workpapers in the
Audit B instance.
Jim's access controls are Read and Update for
these areas.

Ellen Not involved in this audit Ellen has no access controls set for her.

Scenario: Access for business administrators

Some users or groups need access to objects in a different way than most other users and groups in your
organization. For example, business administrators need more access controls compared to other users,
such as being able to update or delete an object.
This scenario is a variant of “Scenario: Objects that are shared across GRC domains” on page 64.

Exception management
One example is exception or waiver management.
In general, exceptions from a requirement, control, or process are granted on a project basis. The project
is a child of a business entity and is implemented as a risk entity. The project can have secondary
associations to a process, a subprocess, or a requirement. Exceptions are child objects of the project and
define the requirement, control, or process from which the exception is seeking relief. The project is
granted the exception. If no specific project is involved in the exception, the business entity is granted the
All users can create exceptions but they can view only the exceptions that they created. The exception
process custodians in IT have the job of reviewing and approving exceptions. You must extend role-based
security to grant the exception process custodians in IT the ability to read and update all exceptions.

Privacy incidents
Another example involves the employees who are responsible for privacy incidents.
Specific individuals across the enterprise have responsibility for entering and maintaining information
about Privacy incidents. In addition to other access that they have, they are designated as Privacy users
and they might be in a Privacy Group or a Privacy Profile. The Privacy users can see all privacy incidents
regardless of where the Privacy users are in the business hierarchy. They have access to additional fields
on privacy incidents.
Similar functionality can be provided on other object types, such as audit findings, incidents, and waivers.

Scenario: All users can view objects and some users can update objects
Objects can be stored in a common area and shared across GRC domains. In this scenario, only a few
users are allowed to update the objects. All other users have read access only.
This scenario is a variant of “Scenario: Objects that are shared across GRC domains” on page 64.
Role-based security is defined for all users to be able to read the objects in the folder. You want a small
group to be able to create and another group to be able to update and associate.

Field level security

You can use field level security to control access to individual fields within an object. Field level security is
applied to the set of objects that the user is entitled to by either role-based security or record level
security rules. If no field level security is defined for an object, security is applied at the object level (if
security rules are defined) or at the folder level.

Security 69
Figure 10: Field level security applies to object fields

When you define a field level security rule, you must consider all the scenarios that are required to access
the field. If any scenarios are not defined, a user's access to the field is denied. This is known as
For example, one rule might specify that if a user is not an Owner, they have Read access only to a field. If
a user is an Owner, they have Read and Update access. When the outcome of the formula is true, then
Read access or Read and Update access is granted to a user. When the outcome of the formula is false,
the field is redacted.
The way that access is restricted depends upon whether the outcome of a formula is true or false when it
is applied to a field.
• True: The field is available to users as Read Only or Read and Update.
• False: The field is redacted. Users can see the field label, but not its value. Instead, the value is
redacted, and the user sees some text, such as "Confidential" in place of the field value.
• System fields are not supported.
The system fields are "Name", "Description", "Location", "Creation Date", "Created By", "Last
Modification Date", "Last Modified By", and "Comment".
• Computed fields are not supported.
• If more than one rule applies to a field, each is rule is combined by using an OR condition.
• If more than one rule is defined for the same field, and one grants Read access to the field and another
grants Read and Update access, then a user is granted Read and Update access if the outcome of the
formula for each rule is true.

Redacted fields
When you define a field level security rule, if the outcome of the formula is false, the field is redacted.
Users can see the field label, but not its value. Instead, the value is redacted, and the user sees some
text, such as "Confidential" in place of the field value.
You can change label of the text that is used to obscure the field value. For more information, see
“Localizing application text” on page 281.

Defining field level security rules

Use field level security to restrict access to specific fields within an object.

Before you begin

You must enable System Administration Mode before you can define field level security.

1. Click Administration > Security Rules.
2. Click the name of the object type for which you want to define a security rule.

70 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

3. Click Add adjacent to Field Level Security Rules.
4. Add a name and description for the security rule.
5. Add the formula for the security rule.
You can type the formula or use the Path, Field, and Terms to define parts of the formula. You can also
use a combination of both. For more information, see “Grammar for security rules” on page 74.
a) To reference another object, either a parent or child, complete the following actions.
For more information, see “Paths for parent and child objects” on page 71.
1) Click Path.
2) In the Parent or Child field, specify whether the path follows parent objects or child objects.
3) Select the object type that is the starting point for the path.
4) Select the object type that is the ending point for the path.
5) Click Search to view the possible paths.
6) Select one or more paths. If you select more than one path, use the Combine Paths field to
specify how to use the multiple paths. Select Any Path if you want to use any of the paths or
select All Paths if you want all paths to be used for the rule to be applied.
7) Click Insert.
b) To define a field condition, complete the following actions.
For more information, see “Terms for data types” on page 72.
1) Click Field.
2) Select an object type.
3) Select the field that you want to use.
4) Select an operator. The list of operators changes depending on the field data type.
5) Enter the value of the field condition.
6) Click Insert to add the field condition into the rule formula.
If you type the field condition, ensure that you use system names. If you do not specify an object
type, the rule uses the object type for the object to which the rule applies. If you specify an object
type, the object type must be either the subject of the rule or be specified in a path expression that
contains the field reference.
Optionally, you can use square brackets to ensure that when elements of field references contain
spaces or other special characters, these field references are parsed.
c) To add operators or keywords, use the Terms menu.
6. Click Choose Fields, and select the fields on which to apply the security rule, then click Apply.
7. For each field, specify the access controls.
Read Only
Users can read the field values, but not update them.
Read and Update
Users can read and update the field values.
8. Click Save.

Paths for parent and child objects

There can be several paths between objects. For example, there might be two paths between Object A
and Object D: A-B-D and A-C-D. When you define a security rule, in the Path picker, you specify the
starting point (Object A) and the end point (Object B). You are given a list of paths from which to pick.
To help you understand parent objects and child objects, consider the metaphor of a school. The students
in the entire school can be thought of as having the role of any child. A classroom has a teacher, who can
be thought of as the primary parent. The students in this classroom are the primary children of the

Security 71
teacher. Other teachers have the role of any parent. If you want to use the path from a teacher to the
students in the teacher's classroom, you use Primary Parent or Primary Child as the path qualifier.

Parent objects
You can use the following parent objects in the path.
Primary Immediate Parent
Paths follow only to the lowest level primary parent. Use Primary Immediate Parent for recursive
object types only.
Primary Parent
Paths follow only to the primary parent. There can be only one primary parent.
If a primary parent is specified, the path follows only primary parent relationships.
Any Immediate Parent
Paths follow only to the lowest level parent. Use Any Immediate Parent for recursive object types
Any Parent
Paths follow to any level of parent, such as grandparent or parent, within recursive object types. For
example, a control has a parent that is a subprocess and the subprocess has a parent. When you use
Any Parent in the path for the control, the parent can be the subprocess or the subprocess's parent.

Child objects
You can use the following child objects in the path.
Primary Immediate Child
Paths follow only to the immediate, highest level child or to the immediate primary child. Use Primary
Immediate Child for recursive object types only.
Primary Child
Paths follow only to the primary child, which is a child of a primary parent. A primary parent can have
several primary children. A child can have only one primary parent.
If a primary child is specified, the path follows only primary child relationships.
Any Immediate Child
Paths follow only to the immediate, highest level children, if the child is a recursive object type.
Grandchildren are excluded.
Any Child
Paths follow to any level of child, grandchildren or children, within recursive object types.

Terms for data types

This list contains the data types, operators, keywords, and other terms that are supported in a security
rule formula.
The following data types are supported:
• Boolean
• Integer
• Decimal
• Date
• Currency
• Simple string including all display types
• Enumerated (single-valued and multivalued)

Terms that can be used with all data types

The following terms are used with all data types.

72 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Narrows the search for objects. The objects must meet all of the criteria.
Broadens the search for objects. The objects must meet one of the criteria, not all of them.
Narrows the search by excluding all objects that match the specified criteria.
( ) (parentheses)
Groups criteria together to show the order in which the rule is applied.
If parentheses are not used, the precedence rules are:
1. NOT
2. AND
3. OR

Terms that are used with numeric data types

The following operators are used with numeric data types, such as decimal, integer, and currency data
types. Security rules do not support field criteria on computed text fields or large text fields.
= (equal)
Compares the values in two fields and returns "true" if both contain the same value.
< (less than)
Compares the values in two fields and returns "true" if the second field is less than the first field. The
two fields must be of the same data type. For example, both are decimal data types.
> (greater than)
Compares the values in two fields and returns "true" if the second field is greater than the first field.
The two fields must be of the same data type. For example, both are decimal data types.
<= (less than or equal)
Compares the values in two fields and returns "true" if the second field is less than or equal to the first
field. The two fields must be of the same data type.
>= (greater than or equal)
Compares the values in two fields and returns "true" if the second field is greater than or equal to the
first field. The two fields must be of the same data type.
< > (not equal)
Compares the values in two fields and returns "true" if both contain different values.
Uses string variables.

Terms that are used with string data types

The following operators are used with data types that require strings, such as enumerated strings and
simple strings. Security rules do not support long strings.
Determines whether a multiple-select field contains a specific value or set of values.
Determines if the field value ends with the specified text.
Determines if a field value matches the specified pattern string.
Determines if the field value starts with the specified text.
Determines if the field value is in the specified field.

Security 73
Terms that are used with date data types
Returns today's date.
Returns tomorrow's date.
Returns the current date and time.
You can specify a date in the future or in the past. For example:
• NOW(5) specifies a date five days from now.
• NOW(2,'m') specifies a date two months from now.
• NOW(-5) specifies a date five days ago.
• NOW(-2,'y') specifies a date two years ago.
You can use year, month, week, day, hour, minute, or second.
Returns yesterday's date.
Specifies the date and time as a string in the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD and hh:mm:ss.sTZD.
You can also specify the date and its format as a string: DATE('09/05/2013','MM/dd/yyyy')

Terms that are used with other data types

Returns the logged-in user.
Returns the profile for the logged-in user.
Returns the user group for the logged-in user.
Returns the specified field value that is in the specified profile.
Tests the parent under which a new object is to be created. It can be used only when you define a
Create rule.
Use INTENDED PARENT when you want to control what a user or group can create. For example, you
can allow specific users to create risks for subprocesses but not for issues.
When you use INTENDED PARENT, the condition can depend on the object type that is referenced as
intended parent. The condition can also depend on the object type of the security rule's subject. A
path expression that uses intended parent is considered false if the intended parent is not of the
specified object type.

Grammar for security rules

As an administrator, you need to understand the grammar for a security rule formula so that you
understand the potential impact of adding a rule.

Condition is the basic building block for a security rule formula.

|--+-- predicate ---------------------+--|

+-- NOT -- condition --------------+
+--condition -- AND -- condition --+
+--condition -- OR -- condition ---+
+-- path-condition ----------------+
'-- ( -- condition -- ) -----------'

74 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The following rule applies to condition:
• If parentheses are not used, the precedence rules are:
1. NOT
2. AND
3. OR


v------- AND ---------------.

>>-- FOR ( --+--- path-direction -- path --+--+-- : -- condition -- ) --<<
| v-------- OR ---------------. |
+--- path-direction -- path --+--+
'-- intended-parent -------------'


|--+-- scalar --+-- = ---+-- scalar --+--|

| +-- < ---+ |
| +-- > ---+ |
| +-- <= --+ |
| +-- >= --+ |
| '-- <> --' |
+-- like-predicate ----------------+
+-- starts-with-predicate----------+
+-- contains-predicate-------------+
+-- ends-with-predicate------------+
+-- in-predicate ------------------+
+-- in-group-predicate-------------+
'-- in-profile-predicate-----------'


|--+-- field-reference -- +--|

+-- end-user-profile --+
+-- boolean -----------+
+-- integer -----------+
+-- decimal -----------+
+-- date --------------+
+-- currency ----------+
+-- simple string -----+
+-- enum-value --------+
'-- function ----------'


>>--+-----------------+-- . -- field-group -- . -- field-name --<<

'-- object-type --'

The following rules apply to the field-reference:

• If no object-type is given, the object type is that of the object to which the rule applies.
• If an object-type is given, it must either be the subject of the rule or been specified in a path
expression that contains the field-reference.
• All elements of the field reference must be system names.
• Optional square brackets can be used to assure parsing in case elements of field references contain
spaces or other special characters.


|-- END_USER_PROFILE ( --+-- field-reference --+-- ) --|

'-- string -----------'

Security 75

|--+-- TODAY ----------------------------------------------+--|

+-- TOMORROW -------------------------------------------+
+-- NOW ------------------------------------------------+
| .-- ( 0, 'd' ) ----------------------------. |
| | .-- , ----- 'd' ---. | |
'-- NOW --+-- ( -- offset +------------------+-- ) --+--'
'-- , --+-- 'y' ---+
+-- 'm' ---+
+-- 'd' ---+
+-- 'h' ---+
+-- 'mi' --+
'-- 's' ---'


|-- field-reference -- LIKE -- pattern-string --|

The following rule applies to the like-predicate:

• The pattern string must be a string constant.
• For information on what is supported for the like-predicate, see “Limitations on special characters
in filters for long string fields” on page 192 and “Using complex logic in a search filter” on page 195.


|-- field-reference -- STARTS WITH -- string --|


|-- field-reference -- ENDS WITH -- string --|


|-- field-reference -- ENDS WITH -- string --|


|-- scalar-value -- IN --+-- scalar-value ----------------+--|

| v--- , -----------. |
'-- ( --- scalar-value --+-- ) --'

The following rules apply to in-predicate:

• If a single field reference is given, it must be a multivalued field.
• If multivalued fields are used in the list, they are unnested.


|-- scalar-value -- IN GROUP --+-- scalar-value ----------------+--|

| v--- , -----------. |
'-- ( --- scalar-value --+-- ) --'

The following rules apply to in-group-predicate:

• If a single field reference is given, it must be a multivalued field.
• If multivalued fields are used in the list, they are unnested.

76 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide


|-- scalar-value -- IN PROFILE --+-- string ----------------+--|

| v--- , -----. |
'-- ( --- string --+-- ) --+

The following rules apply to in-profile-predicate:

• If a single field reference is given, it must be a multivalued field.
• If multivalued fields are used in the list, they are unnested.


|-- object-type ----- / -- object-type --+--|


.-- ANY ------. .-- CHILD ---.

|--+-- PRIMARY --+---------------+--+-- PARENT --+--|


|-- INTENDED PARENT OF TYPE -- object-type -- |

• Combining multiple paths with AND or OR is semantically equivalent to specifying multiple path
expressions with the same condition combined by AND or OR.
• For combined paths, the end point of all paths in the path expression must have the same object type.
The condition can contain references only to the shared starting points and ending points as well as any
references to outer paths that lead up to the subject.
• A path expression for a given path of object types is considered true if the condition is true for any
instantiation of the path.
• Except for combined paths described earlier, the condition can depend on any object type along the
path of the path-expression.
• The condition may also depend on object types along the path of containing path-expressions or the
subject object type of the rule.
• When using intended-parent, the condition can depend on the object-type referenced as
intended parent as well as the subject object-type of the rule. A path expression that uses the
intended parent clause is considered false if the indented parent is not of the specified object-type
or the operation is not Associate or Create.
• Depending on the path-direction specified, the path lists a connected series of object types relative to
the current context either following parent or child relationships.
• The outermost path must start with the rule's subject type. Nested paths must start with the endpoint of
the immediately containing path.
• If IMMEDIATE is specified and the end point of the path is a recursive object type, the path stops at the
bottom most parent of that type or the top most child.
• If PRIMARY is specified, the path will follow only primary parent relationships.

Security 77
Enabling or disabling a security rule
You can work on a security rule without making it available to your users. When the security rule is ready,
you can enable it. Conversely, you can withdraw a security rule by disabling it so that you can make all
required changes to it.

Before you begin

You must enable System Administration Mode before you can work with security rules.

1. Click Administration > Security Rules.
2. Select the object type that contains the security rule that you want to enable or disable.
3. Enable or disable the security rule.

Validating a formula for a security rule

When you validate a formula for a security rule, IBM OpenPages GRC Platform checks the completeness
of the formula that you entered and verifies that the syntax of the rule is correct.
Note: The validation is validating only whether the rule is syntactically correct. It does not validate
whether the values are valid. The values that you provide are validated when you save.
For example, in the following expression, the left side of the equation shows an enumerated string field.
The right side has a Boolean value. The syntax would be correct if the status field was Boolean. The
validation does not recognize that the data types are different.
[SOXIssue].[OPSS-Iss].[Status] = FALSE

Before you begin

You must enable System Administration Mode before you can work with security rules.

1. Click Administration > Security Rules.
2. Select the object type that contains the security rule that you want to validate.
3. Click on the security rule, and then click Edit.
4. Click Validate for the formula that you want to validate.
5. When you see a message that the formula has successfully validated, click Save.

Deleting a security rule

When a security rule is no longer required, you can delete it. You cannot undo the deletion.

Before you begin

You must enable System Administration Mode before you can work with security rules.

1. Click Administration > Security Rules.
2. Select the object type that contains the security rule that you want to delete.
3. For the security rule that you want to delete, click Delete.

Best practices for security rules

When you configure security rules, consider the best practices.

78 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Combining record level security rules for an object type
If you have a (Create) and (Read or Associate) rule for an object type, you must add an extra OR condition
to the (Read or Associate) rule. This condition is required so that the (Create) and (Read or Associate)
rules to can work together.
The OR condition looks like this:

(NOT(FOR (Any Parent [Rule_ObjectType]/PATH : 1=1))

AND [Rule_ObjectType].[System Fields].[Created By] = END_USER)

Rule_ObjectType is the object type in which the Read rule is created.
PATH is the path of the Read rule, starting from the Rule_ObjectType.
The following example shows the security rule for LossEvent to control the Read operation for LossEvents
under BusinessEntity.

OR (NOT(FOR (Any Parent [LossEvent]/[SOXBusEntity] : 1=1))

AND [LossEvent].[System Fields].[Created By] = END_USER)

Custom security for projects

You can set custom security access control (Read, Write, Delete, Associate) on folders for Project
Milestones and Project Action Items.
Use the Custom Security Access Control page to set custom security access control. By default,
inheritance for access control (ACL) is set to true.
By default, the custom ACL shows only Project Milestone and Project Action Items. To show other object
types in the custom ACL, add values to the Common > Custom ACL Object Types setting in the Settings
page. Add object names separated by commas.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

About the folder hierarchy and inheritance

On the Access Control page, the Milestone folder is the container for Project Milestone objects and the
Task folder is the container for Project Action Item objects. Both of these folders are under a Plan folder.
By default, inheritance on the Plan folder is set to false and cannot be changed. Inheritance on the
Milestone and Task object folders, by default, is set to true. You can disable inheritance on these folders.
If a folder does not have an ACL set for a particular group, the application looks back up the folder tree
until it finds an ACL for that group and uses it for the current folder. When folder inheritance is enabled
and a folder does not have an ACL set for a particular group, the application looks backwards up the folder
tree until it finds an ACL for that group and uses it for the current folder.

Creating an Access Control List

You can control which users and groups can access Project Milestones and Project Action Items.

Before you begin

Before you can add an Access Control List (ACL), you must disable system admin mode.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a Super Administrator user with the Access Control Lists
application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Custom Security.

Security 79
3. Click Default > Plan and do the following:
• For Project Milestones - click the Milestone link.
• For Project Action Items - click the Task link.
4. On the Access Control tab, click Actions > Add.
5. On the access control entry page:
a) Search for the user or group you want to add.
b) For each permission (Read, Write, Delete, Associate), select a setting value (Granted, Inherited,
c) Click Add.
Note: Read permission is required for Write and Associate access, and Write access is required in
order for Delete access to be granted. You can select any combination of permissions, but when you
save the ACL, it will be modified to be a valid combination of permissions.

Editing an Access Control List

You can edit an Access Control List for a user or group.

Before you begin

Before you can edit an Access Control List (ACL), you must disable system admin mode.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a Super Administrator user with the Access Control Lists
application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Custom Security.
3. Expand the folder hierarchy and click the folder that has the Access Control List you want to modify.
4. On the Access Control List tab:
a) Select the check box next to the user or group for which you want to modify access control.
b) Click Edit.
c) Make the necessary changes.
d) Click Save.

Deleting an Access Control List

You can delete an Access Control List for a user or group.

Before you begin

Before you can delete an Access Control List (ACL), you must disable system admin mode.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a Super Administrator user with the Access Control Lists
application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Custom Security.
3. Expand the folder hierarchy and click the folder that has the Access Control List you want to modify.
4. On the Access Control List tab:
a) Select the check box next to the user or group for which you want to delete access control.
b) Click Actions > Remove.

80 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Field level encryption
You can encrypt specific fields in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository to prevent system
administrators from viewing confidential data directly from the database. Data in encrypted fields is
shown as a string of random characters.
Simple string and long string field data types are supported.
Note: Before encrypting long strings in OpenPages running on Oracle 12.1, refer to the following
Technote: The Technote describes a
potential issue and how to resolve it by obtaining the appropriate patch from Oracle support and applying
it to your environment. The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform reporting framework handles encrypted fields
by running a database function to decrypt them. When a long string (CLOB) field is made encrypted, the
framework must be regenerated to call this database function. For more information, see “Generating the
reporting framework ” on page 683.
• The maximum size of long strings that can be encrypted is 2 MB.
• Do not include encrypted long string fields in the search criteria for a filter because they can return
unexpected results.

Create a file for the encryption keystore and key pair

Before you can set up the encryption keystore in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you must create a file
that contains the encryption keystore and key pair details.
The file must use the Java format (jceks). Although you can use any keytool to create the file, it must use
the same format as a Java keystore.
The encryption key must use one of the following encryption algorithms. Any other algorithms are not
Attention: You must obtain special files for key sizes greater than 128. For more information, see
“Special encryption files for 192 bit and 256 bit encryption” on page 82.

Table 27: Supported encryption algorithms

Algorithm name Key size
3DES 168
AES128 128
AES192 192
AES256 256

In the following example, the command generates a keystore that uses the supported Java format (jceks).
The encryption key uses a 3DES encryption algorithm with a key size of 168.

keytool -genseckey -alias openpages -keyalg 3DES -keysize 168

-storetype jceks -keystore keystore-3DES.jks

In the following example, the command generates a keystore that uses the supported Java format (jceks).
The encryption key uses an AES encryption algorithm with a key size of 128.

keytool -genseckey -alias openpages -keyalg AES -keysize 128

-storetype jceks -keystore keystore-AES128.jks

Security 81
In the following example, the command generates a keystore that uses the supported Java format (jceks).
The encryption key uses an AES encryption algorithm with a key size of 192.

keytool -genseckey -alias openpages -keyalg AES -keysize 192

-storetype jceks -keystore keystore-AES192.jks

In the following example, the command generates a keystore that uses the supported Java format (jceks).
The encryption key uses an AES encryption algorithm with a key size of 256.

keytool -genseckey -alias openpages -keyalg AES -keysize 256

-storetype jceks -keystore keystore-AES256.jks

Special encryption files for 192 bit and 256 bit encryption
By default, applications that are based on Java technology include an IBM JRE that does not support
Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit (AES-192) or Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit (AES-256)
The United States export administration regulations for strong cryptography prohibit including such
software support. Administrators can enhance an IBM JRE to work with AES-256 and AES-192 encryption
by obtaining the IBM Java Cryptography Encryption (JCE) unrestricted policy files from IBM Unrestricted
SDK JCE policy files.
You must have a universal IBM ID to download the files. If you do not have an IBM ID, click the
registration link on the page and perform the following steps:
1. Log in.
2. Select Java 5.0 SR16, Java 6 SR13, Java 6 SR5 (J9 VM2.6), Java 7 SR4, Java 8 GA, and all later
3. Click Continue.
4. In the new page, check I Agree and select I confirm.
5. In the new page, click the Download now link.
6. Extract the download and copy the JAR files to the <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/security directory,
overwriting those already there.

Attention: For the changes to take effect, you must restart the OpenPages application servers.
For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Setting up the encryption keystore

The encryption keystore is a file that stores the key that you use to encrypt data in the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform repository.
The keystore file must be on the admin server.
In a horizontal environment, the keystore file must also be available to each application server There are
two options:
• Each application server must have access to the file location on the admin server.
• The file must be available in the same location on each application server.

Before you begin

You must enable System Administration Mode before you can set up the encryption keystore.

82 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Click Administration > Encryption Keystore.
2. Click Edit.
3. Enter the name of the encryption key in the Key Name field.
4. Enter the alias in the Key Alias field.
Important: Ensure the alias that you specify here is an exact match to the alias in the keystore file.
5. Enter the keystore location in the Keystore Location field.
For security reasons, you cannot browse to the location, you must type it in manually.
6. Enter the password to access the Keystore Password field,
Important: Ensure the password that you specify here is an exact match to the password in the
keystore file.
7. Confirm the password in the Re-enter Keystore Password field.
8. Select the encryption algorithm that is used by the key in the Algorithm field.
9. Enter a description for the keystore in the Description field.
10. Click Update.

What to do next
You must now enable the key to encrypt the repository.

Enabling the encryption keystore

After you set up the encryption keystore, you must enable it to encrypt the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
repository. If required, you can disable the keystore later to decrypt the repository again.
When you enable the keystore, any fields that are currently marked for encryption are automatically
encrypted in the repository. If there are no fields that are marked for encryption, the keystore is enabled,
meaning that it is ready to automatically encrypt any fields that are marked for encryption from now. For
information on marking fields for encryption, see “Encrypting field values” on page 151.

1. Click Administration > Encryption Keystore.
2. Click Enable.
Depending on the size of the repository, encryption can take a long time. Encryption runs as
background event. You can view the progress by clicking Refresh.

Disabling the encryption keystore

After the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository is encrypted, you can disable the keystore to decrypt
the repository again.
When you disable the keystore, any fields that are currently marked for decryption are automatically
decrypted in the repository. If no fields are marked for decryption, the keystore is disabled, meaning that
it is ready to automatically decrypt any fields that are marked for decryption from now. For information on
marking fields for decryption, see “Decrypting field values” on page 152.

1. Click Administration > Encryption Keystore.
2. Click Disable.

Security 83
Depending on the size of the repository, decryption can take a long time. Decryption runs as
background event. You can view the progress by clicking Refresh.

Updating the encryption keystore

Your company IT policy might require that you periodically change the encryption key. Whenever the
encryption key details change, you must update the encryption keystore in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
If it is already encrypted, you do not need to disable the encryption keystore to update it.

1. Click Administration > Encryption Keystore.
2. Click Edit.
3. Enter the current encryption keystore password to access it.
4. Update the details in the keystore.
For more information, see “Setting up the encryption keystore” on page 82.
5. Click Update.
Depending on the size of the repository, updating the encryption can take a long time. Encryption runs
as background event. You can view the progress by clicking Refresh.

LDAP user authentication

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports the use of an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
authentication server to control user access.
To use LDAP user authentication, you integrate OpenPages GRC Platform with an LDAP data source.
Only one login module can be active at the same time. OpenPages GRC Platform supports a single
namespace. All users must be authenticated through the same data source. Multiple authentication
modules can be used in a multi-forested environment.
Users that are created or imported into OpenPages GRC Platform must also be defined in the LDAP
authentication server. The administrator managing the OpenPages GRC Platform users is responsible for
maintaining the correlation between the OpenPages GRC Platform user list and the external LDAP data
source. If a user is disabled on the OpenPages GRC Platform server, the user must be manually disabled
on the LDAP Directory server.
Note: If an LDAP Directory server is being used for user authentication, the Change Password option is
disabled in OpenPages GRC Platform. When an LDAP server is used, passwords are not maintained in
OpenPages GRC Platform. The password must be changed in the LDAP server.
You can also configure OpenPages GRC Platform to use an external LDAP user authentication server over
SSL. For more information, see “Modifying the LDAP configuration file for LDAP over SSL” on page 514.

Configuring the LDAP Authentication Module

To successfully use an LDAP Directory Server with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you must configure the
LDAP Authentication Module to recognize the presence of the LDAP server.
To configure OpenPages GRC Platform to work with an external LDAP authentication source, complete the
following tasks:
• “Adding existing users to the LDAP server” on page 85
• “Changing the OPSystem password” on page 85
• “Modifying the LDAP configuration file” on page 85

84 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Adding existing users to the LDAP server
You can add existing IBM OpenPages GRC Platform users to an LDAP server.
Make sure to refer to your LDAP Directory Server documentation for the steps required to add users to the
LDAP server.
Important: If you are using Microsoft Active Directory Users and Computers as your LDAP authentication
server, the user name is limited to 20 characters. User names that exceed the 20-characters limit are
truncated to 20 characters. This length limitation does not occur in the LDAP server provided by Sun.
All users that require access to the OpenPages GRC Platform application or server platform must be
added to the LDAP authentication server. In addition, the following users will need to be added to the
LDAP server:
• OPSystem
Note: If you specify a password for the OPSystem account that is different from the one installed by the
product, you will need to complete “Changing the OPSystem password” on page 85 to change the
OPSystem account password system-wide.
• The OpenPages GRC Platform Super Administrator (for more information, see “The Super
Administrator” on page 21)
• OPAdministrator (only if you are using this account)

Changing the OPSystem password

If the OPSystem password on the LDAP server does not match the one installed by the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform application, you will need to change the OPSystem password using the provided tool.

1. Start all services.
2. Open a command or shell window on the application server.
3. Navigate to the <OP_Home>|bin directory.
For Microsoft Windows operating systems, the default installation directory of OpenPages GRC
Platform is C:\OpenPages.
For AIX and Linux operating systems, the default installation directory of OpenPages GRC Platform
is /opt/OpenPages.
4. Execute one of the following commands to open the chng-sys-pswd tool:
For Windows, run chng-sys-pswd.bat
For AIX and Linux, run
You will be prompted for the old OPSystem password and then the new password.
5. Follow the on-screen prompts.
6. When directed, stop all services.
7. Restart all services to enable the new password.

Modifying the LDAP configuration file

You must modify the authentication configuration file to enable the LDAP Directory Server that you are
Note: If you are using LDAP over SSL, see “Modifying the LDAP configuration file for LDAP over SSL” on
page 514.
The aurora_auth.config file contains three authentication modules:
• Openpages - the default internal user directory
• OpenpagesIP - a sample LDAP configuration for the Sun One Directory Server
• OpenpagesAD - a sample LDAP configuration for the Microsoft Active Directory Server

Security 85
The only module that the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform system pays attention to is the module that is
named Openpages. Therefore, you need to make a backup of the Openpages module, rename the
OpenpagesIP or OpenpagesAD to Openpages, and then change the settings to reflect the settings of
your LDAP server.

1. Stop all OpenPages GRC Platform services.
2. Open and edit the <OP_Home>/aurora/conf/aurora_auth.config file in a text editor.
<OP_Home> is the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
3. Find the Openpages module and change its name to OpenpagesDefault.
4. Modify either the OpenpagesIP or OpenpagesAD module name to Openpages.
• If you are using a Microsoft Active Directory server, change the name of the OpenpagesAD module to
• If you are using a Sun One Directory Server, change the name of the OpenpagesIP module to
• If you are using a different LDAP server, you can use either of these modules. Choose a module to
use as a template and change its name to Openpages.
5. Specify the correct values for the following properties in the module that you named Openpages:
Change the value to the hostname and port number for the LDAP authentication server. For LDAP,
the protocol is ldap and the port is the LDAP port number (by default, 389).
The top level of the LDAP directory tree structure (Domain Name) on the LDAP server. If the users
to be authenticated are located in multiple locations within your Active Directory structure, list all
of the locations explicitly by using the distinguished names of the locations, each separated by a
For example:

OU=Auditors,OU=External Auditors,OU=Staff,DC=LDAPTesting,DC=local"
The attribute name of the user identifier (for example, uid, cn, etc.)
Additional custom parameters
You can add additional custom parameters that are supported by the Java Naming and Directory
Interface (JNDI). Precede a JNDI property with the ctx.env. prefix.
For example, if you want to use the JNDI property com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout,
use"<value>" in the
aurora_auth.config file.
For information about JNDI properties, see the Java SE documentation (
For example:

required debug=false
security.authentication="simple""cn=Directory Manager""openpages"

86 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide


6. When you are finished editing the file, save your changes and exit.
7. Restart all services.

You have configured the OpenPages GRC Platform system to use an external LDAP user authentication

Setting up mixed-mode authentication

Use mixed-mode authentication when not all users can use a single namespace for authentication.
This solution should be used by customers who do not want to create the OPSystem, SOXAdministrator,
OpenPagesAdministrator, or OPAdministrator user accounts on their LDAP server but do want all their
users to be authenticated by LDAP. The following procedure creates a new namespace and modifies user
names (such as OPSystem) to authenticate against the OpenPages GRC Platform authentication module
rather than LDAP.

1. To create the namespace modules in the aurora_auth.config file, log on to the application server.
2. Find and open the aurora_auth.config file.
3. Create or update the namespace modules in the file as follows:

required debug=false;

{ required

4. To create the namespace in the database, log into the database instance with the database id, such as
5. Run the following SQL to create the OpenpagesDefault namespace:


DESCRIPTION) values (namespaceidseq.nextval, 'Openpages Security',
'OpenpagesDefault', 'Default Openpages Security Namespace');

6. Run the following SQL to point an ID to the new namespace:

update actors set namespaceid = (select namespaceid from

namespaces where JAASLOGINMODULE = 'OpenpagesDefault') where actorid =
(select actorid from actorinfo where name = 'user_name');

For example, the following SQL will have the OPSystem use the OpenpagesDefault namespace for

update actors set namespaceid = (select namespaceid from

namespaces where JAASLOGINMODULE = 'OpenpagesDefault') where actorid =
(select actorid from actorinfo where name = 'OPSystem');

7. Commit the changes to the database.

Security 87
Configuring a multi-forested LDAP authentication
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports the use of multiple LDAP authentication servers in a multi-
forested configuration. If the application cannot find the user in the first authentication server, it will
check the next server in the list and repeat until it finds the user or checks all listed authentication
When listing multiple LDAP servers, the aurora_auth.config file must be modified to contain multiple
sets of server information.
This file is located in the <OP_Home>\aurora\conf directory, where <OP_Home> is the installation
location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application. By default, this is c:\OpenPages.
This is accomplished by grouping the server information by index key, as in the following example: required

By adding a ".1" key to the end of each parameter, OpenPages GRC Platform can parse the settings
correctly and differentiate between separate LDAP server information sets. You would append a ".2" to
the keys for the second LDAP server, and so on.
For single LDAP server implementations, you do not need to append an identifier to the end of the
parameter names.

88 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 5. Managing the reporting schema
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application supports the use of a real-time reporting schema model
that allows reports to access information as it is entered into the system. Data does not have to be
exported to an external reporting database repository.
See “Changes that require the reporting schema to be regenerated” on page 89 for a list of tasks that
require the reporting schema to be recreated. The OpenPages GRC Platform application does not have be
restarted after recreating the reporting schema.
The Reporting Schema page is used to control the creation and deletion of the reporting schema.
Administrative-level users who have the Reporting Schema application permission can access the page.

Reporting schema permissions

Before performing any actions on a reporting schema, you must have specific application permissions set
on your account.
For more information, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32).

Table 28: Reporting schema and framework permissions

This application permission... Is used to...
Reporting Schema access the Reporting Schema menu item.
System Administration Mode enable and disable System Administration Mode.

Accessing the reporting schema

You can create, recreate, disable, drop, and view the status of a reporting schema from the Reporting
Schema detail page.
Important: The system must be in System Administration Mode (see “Enabling and disabling System
Administration Mode” on page 17) to modify the reporting schema.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to access the reporting schema:

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface as a user with the Reporting
Schema application permission set.
2. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Schema.

Changes that require the reporting schema to be regenerated

Users can create a new or updated reporting schema when necessary.
The following table lists the changes that require you to regenerate the reporting schema and the
reporting framework:
Table 29: Regenerating the reporting schema and the reporting framework.
This type of change... Requires this to be regenerated...
Reporting schema Reporting framework
Adding a new field to a field group. No Yes
Adding a new object type. No Yes
Adding a new association between object types. No Yes
Removing object types or attributes. Yes Yes
For information, see “Deleting a custom object
type” on page 189.

Encrypting a long string (CLOB) field. No Yes

Enabling facts or dimensions. No Yes
Defining, modifying, or deleting business entity No Yes
recursive object levels.
Removing a field from a field group. No Yes
Disabling an association between object types. No Yes
Disabling facts or dimensions. No Yes
Switching the security model. Yes Yes
Note: Switching the security model after data is
loaded or migrated into the system is not
recommended and requires assistance from the
OpenPages Professional Services team.

Changing the value of the Populate past periods Yes No

For information, see “Populating past reporting
periods” on page 91.

Changing any setting used to compose URL links in Yes No

the reporting schema, for example, the Host, Port,
and Protocol settings.
For information about updating the reporting
schema, see “Updating URL host pointers for
reports” on page 478 if you want to run the
RPS_Update SQL script or “Creating or recreating
the reporting schema” on page 91 if you are
update manually.

Adding an index to an RT_column by using the Yes No

Settings > Platform > Reporting Schema > Create
Index on Fields setting.
Configuring the triangles setting. For information, Yes No
see “Triangle object relationships” on page 663.
Changing an enumerated field from single-valued Yes No
to multivalued and there is data in the field (DB2

90 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Other situations that require the reporting schema to be created, recreated, enabled, and disabled are
described in the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment Guide.
Two ways are provided to update the reporting schema: incrementally through scripts and with the user
• Incrementally through scripts - contact your IBM representative for assistance in executing special
PL/SQL scripts that will incrementally update the reporting schema. These scripts are maintained by
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Support and do not ship as part of the product.
• Application user interface - this method updates the entire reporting schema (see “Creating or
recreating the reporting schema” on page 91). It is a good idea to schedule this activity ahead of time,
since creating a reporting schema requires that the application be in System Administration Mode. In
this mode, users are not able to log onto the system and users who are currently logged in are not able
to commit changes to the repository.
Note: Depending on your changes, recreating the reporting schema and updating the reporting framework
for Cognos reports may not cause your modifications to appear in the standard reports. You may also
need to modify the existing reports or create new reports to display the additional information (such as
adding new fields).

Creating or recreating the reporting schema

You can create or recreate the reporting schema.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to create or recreate a reporting schema:

1. Access the Reporting Schema. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface
as a user with the Reporting Schema application permission set.
a) From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Schema.
2. Enable System Administration Mode (for details, see “Enabling and disabling System Administration
Mode” on page 17).
3. Perform one of the following actions:
• If a reporting schema already exists, click Re-Create to drop the existing schema and create a new
• If no reporting schema exists, click Create.
4. When the creation task (or re-creation task) is complete, update the Reporting Framework so that the
Cognos reports can access the new schema. For more information, see “Updating the reporting
framework” on page 686.

Populating past reporting periods

You can control whether data from previous reporting periods is included in the reporting schema.
By default, the reporting schema is only populated with the data from the current reporting period. Use
the following procedure to populate the reporting schema with past periods:

1. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Settings.
2. Expand the Platform | Reporting Schema folder hierarchy.
3. Click the Populate Past Periods setting to open its details page.

Managing the reporting schema 91

4. In the Value field, type one of the following values:

Table 30: Past period reporting values

Value Description
true The reporting schema is populated with the data from previous reporting
Note: Turning this setting on will add to the amount of data that is published
by the Reporting Schema operation and will increase the time it takes to
drop and recreate the Reporting Schema.

false The reporting schema is populated with the data from the current reporting
This value is set by default.

5. Click Save.
6. Recreate the reporting schema (see, “Changes that require the reporting schema to be regenerated”
on page 89).

Enabling and disabling the reporting schema

Creating a new reporting schema automatically enables the reporting schema, while dropping the
reporting schema automatically disables it.
When the reporting schema is enabled, the database tracks changes to the application data and allows
the reporting engine to access the updated data. When the schema is disabled, the database no longer
tracks changes to the application data, but is still aware of changes to the schema (such as new fields).
Note: You must be in System Administration Mode (SAM) to enable the icons that allow you to perform
these tasks.

1. Enable System Administration Mode (for details, see “Enabling and disabling System Administration
Mode” on page 17).
2. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Schema.
3. Enable or disable the reporting schema:
• Click Enable to enable the reporting schema. If the schema does not exist, click the Create icon to
create the reporting schema. Creating the reporting schema will automatically enable the new
• Click Disable to disable the reporting schema. If you want to reclaim the database space taken by
the reporting schema tables, you must click the Drop icon. This will automatically disable the
reporting schema.

Viewing reporting schema operation details

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform keeps a log of each reporting schema operation that has been performed.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to view the reporting schema details:

92 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Access the Reporting Schema. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface
as a user with the Reporting Schema application permission set.
a) From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Schema.
2. On the Reporting Schema Operations pane, click the name of the operation.
3. On the Operation Detail pane, click View Log.

Managing the reporting schema 93

94 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 6. Business process visualizations
As a Risk analyst or Compliance manager, you can graphically render your business process and
communicate it to other users of risk analysis. By visualizing the business process, which can include the
subprocesses, activities, risks, and controls, you can speed the risk management process and data
Some of the visualizations that you can add to your processes are Business Entity Organization charts and
process diagrams. These built-in templates are available to help users create interactive visualizations.
You can use the visualizations to communicate information about the process flows and the business
organizational structure and to share the information throughout the enterprise. You can design the flow
of a business process and key components from beginning to end.
The business process visualizations provide users with the following benefits:
Users can go from the process flow to the details page of the GRC object or to the Activity View in
OpenPages GRC Platform.
Data is displayed graphically for easier interpretation and analysis.
To understand the context in which models are shown, supporting information is provided.

By using visualizations, users can achieve the following goals:

• Proactively assess risks that affect the organization.
• Analyze materialized risks, such as losses or violations.
• Identify and track actions in response to risks.
• Identify problems or trouble areas.
• Conduct a risk and control self-assessment to identify missing risks.
• Determine whether the organization has the necessary controls on the risks, and evaluate those
• Capture changes to laws and regulations, and provide visibility into policies, incidences, and issues, and
ultimately provide the status of regulatory compliance.
• Report on the data.
The process flow diagrams are dynamic and directly connected to the underlying data that supports them.
The diagrams represent the status of the GRC data. You can directly access data from common
databases, such as DB2 and Oracle, including data that is stored in report services definitions. Report
authors can also embed visualizations in IBM Cognos reports.
Restriction: Navigational views are not available for the following visualization object types and cannot be
defined in any object profile:
• Process Diagram
A process diagram object can be accessed only through the Detail page of the parent Process object.
• Data Input and Data Output
These object types are connectors that are used in visualization diagrams and can be accessed only
through the Detail page of the associated Process and Risk objects.
As an administrator, even if you enable a navigational view for the Process Diagram, Data Input, or Data
Output object type, the navigation view is not available as a standard menu item in the appropriate menu
for users who are associated with that profile. These objects are available only in the context of business
process flow and Business Entity visualization diagrams.
If you are upgrading OpenPages GRC Platform from a version earlier than 7.0.0, the visualization object
types and related diagrams are not available. To add support for visualizations, contact OpenPages GRC
Platform Professional Services for assistance.
The reporting schema is required to successfully render visualizations. Because the reporting schema is
populated only with the data for the current report period, active reporting periods are not supported for

Types of visualizations
Built-in visualizations are provided as a starting point for designing new process diagrams or viewing the
organizational chart for a Business Entity.
By default, the following visualization templates are installed on all IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
• Business Process Flow visualization
• Business Entity Organizational Charts

Business process flow visualization

Risk professionals can use the process flow visualization to make sure that the documented flow
accurately reflects the business process and its sub-processes, data inputs and outputs, risks and
controls. Users can also update in real time to reflect any changes.
A process flow visualization is a child object of the Process. You can use the following major elements to
build your process flow diagram.
Process Object
Process object types represent the major end-to-end business activities within a business entity that
are subject to risk. Process objects are typically used in areas such as financial reporting, compliance,
and information security. Depending on the diagram, the process object is not explicitly shown;
however, it exists to provide context.
Subprocesses (or Activities)
A Subprocess object type is a component of a Process object. It is used to break down processes into
smaller granular units for assessment purposes.
Risk object types represent potential liabilities. Risk objects can be associated with, for example,
business processes, business entities, or compliance with a particular mandate. Each Risk object has
one or more Control objects that are associated with it that provide safeguards against the risk and
help mitigate any consequences that might result from the risk.
You can use the Risk object to categorize risks; capture the frequency, rating, and severity of inherent
and residual risk data; and view reports that help identify your top risk items.
The process flow is visually optimal when risks for each process are fewer than five.
Control object types typically represent policies and procedures to help ensure that risk mitigation
responses are carried out. After you identify the risks in your practices, you can then establish
controls (such as approvals, authorizations, and verifications) that remove, limit, or transfer these
potential risks.
A process flow is visually optimal when you have one to two Controls per Risk.
Data Input and Data Output objects
Data Input objects and Data Output objects are child objects of the Process and can have associations
only to existing Risks. They represent elements of a flow to depict an Input into the Business Flow or
an Output from various activities within a process, such as running a report or updating a CRM system
or getting an external data source feed.

96 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The flow of the process is represented by connectors that link the activities, inputs and outputs, and
decision-branching points. You can specify labels for the decision connections.
All elements and relationships of the Business Process visualizations are stored as data in the OpenPages
GRC Platform repository on the OpenPages GRC Platform server. The element types are shown or hidden
in the Application Object Views that are based on Profiles. You can have multiple diagrams per process.
For example, some diagrams can be at different stages of the process, such as those diagrams that are
published or are being revised or approved.

Business Entity organization charts

The Hierarchy diagram provides contextual and aggregate views of the Business Entity data model. The
organizational structure of a company is captured as Business Entity objects in the OpenPages GRC
Platform GRC repository, which can be visualized as an organizational chart.
This type of structure is useful for infrequent users who must understand the complex model quickly and
who have business entities with risk assessments. Color codes indicate the status that is based on
The visualization includes the recursive object levels for the Business Entity object type. Users can select
to show a specified number of levels of the structure. The following table outlines what the different
business levels of the organizational structure might include.

Table 31: Levels of a Business Entity

Level Description

1 Company name

2 Divisions and subsidiaries

3 Regions

Because the chart is a rendering of the Business Entity objects and the parent-child associations, users
cannot modify or author a Hierarchy diagram.

Visualizing a Business Entity organization chart

You can view a graphical representation of the Business Entity as an organization chart.

1. Complete one of the following actions:
• To use a hierarchical view of the Business Entity, click Organization > Business Entity Overview
and select a Business Entity.
• To use the Filtered List View of Business Entities, click Organization > Business Entities and select
a Business Entity.
2. In the details pane, in the Business Entity Chart field, click the Hierarchy Diagram link.
A new browser window shows the organization chart as a visualization of the Business Entity. To view
the legend, click the down arrow.
3. To view a different level of the organizational chart, from the Level list, click the level that you want.
In general, level 1 is the company name, level 2 is the divisions and subsidiaries, and level 3 is the
regions and branches. If an element includes a child level that you can expand further, the element
includes an ellipsis in a small circle.
4. To make a branch within the root level, right-click the element in the chart, and select Make Root.

Business process visualizations 97

Tip: To return to the last level viewed, click Back .
5. To view more information about an element in the chart, choose one of the following actions:
• To view detailed information about an element, right-click the element and click Properties.
• To open the corresponding Detail page or Activity View for any element, right-click the element,
and click Open Detail Page.
• To show the chart that is zoomed to fit entirely into your browser window, click Fit to Window

6. To refresh the chart and retrieve the most recent data from the database, click Refresh .

Visualizing a business process flow

You can view a graphical representation of the flow for a business process and key components from the
beginning of the process to the end.

About this task

The associated IBM Cognos reports control which elements are shown in the diagram. IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform objects are obtained from the report that is associated with the process. If you want to view
only the controls or risks, the report authors must specify or filter the control or risk data when they
design the report specification.
If you have permission to view the process, you have permission to view all of its subprocesses. Although
you can view the object associations, you cannot create or change associations between subprocesses,
risks, or controls.
A process diagram can have a status of Draft, Published, or Obsolete.

1. Click Organization > Processes and enter a filter.
2. In the Filtered List View, select a Process.
3. On the Process Detail page, under Associations, click Process Diagrams.
4. On the Process Diagram List page, under Name, click the diagram that you want to view.
5. In the form page, click the Process Diagram link.
The Process Diagram editor is opened in Read-only mode or Edit mode, depending on your access
permissions to the process.
6. To view more information about the diagram, choose one of the following actions:
• To view detailed information about an element, click the element to display its details.
• To open the corresponding Detail page or Activity View for any subprocess, risk, control, input, or
output node, right-click the element, and click Open Detail Page.
The Detail page is opened in a new browser window, and you can view the data for the selected
object, including fields and any associations it has to other objects.
• If the connections and nodes in the diagram represent a complex flow and you want to optimize the
visualization, click Auto Layout.
When Auto Layout is turned off, the objects and nodes are pinned to the canvas as you interact
with the diagram. Existing nodes do not move as you add connecting links to the diagram. As a
result, you might have complex routing that is difficult to understand. Click Relayout Diagram.

to automatically move objects and connecting links to show a less complex diagram.

98 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

If Relayout Diagram is the default setting, the diagram is recast to provide optimal visualization
when you change the diagram.
• To show the diagram so that it is zoomed to fit entirely into your browser window, click Fit to

Window .
7. To remove an element from the diagram, right-click the element and click Remove.
8. To update the diagram with any objects that were added since the diagram was last saved, click

Refresh .
Restriction: If you modified the diagram, and you do not complete the refresh step, and if there is a
discrepancy between the current diagram and the diagram when it was last saved, you cannot save the
changes until you resolve the conflict between the two versions.
9. Click Save.
If the editor is in Read-only mode, you do not have permission to save the changes to your diagram.

Creating a process diagram

As a Risk Analyst, you can create the flow of a business process and key components by using a diagram
to visualize the data.

Before you begin

You must have read, write, and associate access to the process diagram object and read and associate
access to the parent process object to add a diagram.

About this task

You can show the directional flow of a process through a diagram by connecting the following elements:
• Subprocesses
• Input and output
• Decision node
The following figure shows how these elements are represented in the diagram legend.

Figure 11: Process flow legend

You can create a process diagram as a child association of the selected Process. Because the process
diagram is a child object of the Process, the diagram is displayed under Associations in the Process
Details page.
You can apply labels to flows or directional links. However, flow data, such as reporting or logic, must be
available to use in the diagram.

Business process visualizations 99

If you have permission to view the process, you have permission to view all of its subprocesses. Although
you can view the object associations, you cannot create or change associations between subprocesses,
risks, or controls.

1. Click Organization > Processes.
2. Select the process for which you want to graphically show the flow.
3. On the Detail page, under Associations, click Process Diagram.
The Process Diagram list page is displayed.
4. From the Actions menu, click Add a new Process Diagram.
5. In the Name and Description fields, enter information about the process diagram.
6. In the Status field, click Draft, and then click Save.
The new process diagram is now available for selection for modifying. In the Process Diagram detail
pane, the Process Diagram link field contains the URL to the process diagram.
7. In the Process Diagram detail pane, in the Process Diagram link field, click the link.
When the Process Diagram canvas is opened, the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform objects that are
available for your diagram, and to which you were granted access permission, are listed. Objects that
were removed from the repository or data model are marked with an X. You cannot save diagrams
that include objects that are marked for deletion.

Tip: To view the legend, click the down arrow .

8. To view more information about an object, complete one or more of the following actions:
• To view the full label and description of an OpenPages GRC Platform object, right-click the object
and click Properties.
• To open the corresponding Detail page or Activity View for any subprocess, risk, control, input, or
output node, right-click the element, and click Open Detail Page
Note: The security privileges that are defined for your profile determine whether you are able to
drill to the Detail page or Activity View.
9. To create the process flow, complete the following actions:
• To connect objects, select the first object that you want, and press Ctrl and click the next object in
the flow. When all the objects that you want are selected, right-click the selection, select Add
Link, and select whether the flow of objects is to the left, right, top, or bottom of the first object.
When the objects are selected, they are removed from the available list of objects.
• To add a label for the connecting link between two objects, right-click the link, and select
Properties. In the Label field, type the description for the connector, and click OK.
• To add a decision node, right-click the object, select Add Decision, and select the direction in
which you want to place it.
Remember: To change the label for the Decision node, right-click the node and click Properties.
In the Label field, and enter the condition that must be met at this stage of the flow.
• To remove a connector or an object, right-click the element, and select Delete.
Note: You cannot remove controls or risks that are associated with a subprocess element.
10. To manage the process flow for better viewing, choose how you want to optimize it:
• If the connections and nodes in the diagram represent a complex flow, turn on Auto Layout by
clicking Auto Layout.
Tip: By default, Auto Layout is turned off. When Auto Layout is turned off, the objects and nodes
are pinned to the canvas as you interact with the diagram. Existing nodes do not move as you add
connecting links to the process flow. As a result, you might have complex routing that is difficult to

100 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

understand. You can click Relayout Diagram to automatically move objects and connecting
links to show a less complex diagram.
If Relayout Diagram is the default setting and you change the diagram, the diagram is changed to
provide optimal visualization.
• To show the diagram so that it is zoomed to fit entirely into your browser window, click Fit to

Window .
11. To save the process diagram that is associated with the process, click Save.
Related concept
“Business process visualizations” on page 95
As a Risk analyst or Compliance manager, you can graphically render your business process and
communicate it to other users of risk analysis. By visualizing the business process, which can include the
subprocesses, activities, risks, and controls, you can speed the risk management process and data

Refreshing process diagrams

If the source data or objects that a process diagram is using change, you can refresh the diagram to
ensure that you are working with the latest version of the objects or data.
When you refresh a process diagram, you are retrieving the latest changes and updates from the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform repository.

1. Open a process diagram.
a) Click Organization > Processes.
b) Under the Folder View, expand the folders and select the parent process that contains the
associated process diagram that you want to refresh.
c) Under Associations, click Process Diagrams.
The Process Detail page shows the process diagrams that are associated to the process object.
d) Click the diagram that contains the process flow you that you want to update.
e) In the field pane, in the Process Diagram Link property, click the Process Diagram link.
The Process Diagram canvas is opened in a separate window.

2. To refresh the data, click Refresh .

If you did not save the diagram or chart, a warning asks if want to update the diagram or chart without
saving the current flow.

The refresh process manages the GRC objects in one or more of the following ways:
• If the GRC object is not in the current diagram, the object and the child objects are added.
• If the GRC object is in the current diagram but was deleted from the system, it is marked as deleted with
a red symbol.
• If the GRC object in the current diagram was modified (for example, a change in name, description, or
status), the GRC object data is updated.
A GRC object might not be available for use in the diagram because the object was deleted from the
OpenPages GRC Platform system or you do not have Read access to the object.

Business process visualizations 101

Modifying a process diagram
As a Risk Analyst, you want to revise an existing process diagram because you want the diagram to reflect
changes in the current process flow, subprocesses, risks, or controls.

Before you begin

To change an object, such as a Risk or Process or a Process Diagram object, you must have Write access.
To view and add objects or nodes to the process diagram, you must have Read access to those objects.
In addition, administrators can use security rules to define a more granular control over access to
individual objects in a folder.

About this task

You can create or delete the decision elements of the process diagram, but you cannot delete the
subprocesses, input and output objects, and risks and controls. When you delete the subprocesses, input,
and output elements from the diagram, they are returned to the selectable list of diagram objects for
future use. Deleting these objects means that they are removed from the diagram and not from IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform.

1. Click Organization > Processes.
2. Under Folder View, expand the folder that contains the parent process that is associated with the
process diagram that you want to revise.
3. Under Associations, click Process Diagrams.
The Process Detail page shows the process diagrams that are associated to the process object.
4. Click the diagram that contains the process flow you that you want to change.
The field pane is displayed after the list of diagrams.
5. In the field pane, in the Process Diagram Link property, click the Process Diagram link.
When the Process Diagram canvas is opened, the OpenPages GRC Platform objects that are available
for your diagram, and to which you were granted access permission, are listed. Objects that were
removed from the repository or data model are marked with an X. You cannot save diagrams that
include objects that are marked for deletion.

Tip: To view the legend, click the down arrow .

If the editor is in Read-only mode, you do not have permission to save the changes to your diagram.

6. To refresh the data, click Refresh .

If you did not save the diagram or chart, a warning message asks if want to update the diagram or
chart without saving the current flow.
7. Complete one or more of the following steps to change the process flow:
• To view detailed information about an element, right-click the element and click Properties.
• To open the corresponding Detail page or Activity View for any subprocess, risk, control, input, or
output node, right-click the element, and click Open Detail Page.
The Detail page is opened in a new browser window, and you can view the data for the selected
object, including fields and any associations it has to other objects.
• If the connections and nodes in the diagram represent a complex flow, and you want to optimize
the visualization, turn on Auto Layout by clicking Auto Layout.
Tip: When Auto Layout is turned off, the objects and nodes are pinned to the canvas as you interact
with the diagram. Existing nodes do not move as you add connecting links to the diagram. As a

102 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

result, you might have complex routing that is difficult to understand. You can click Relayout

Diagram To automatically move objects and connecting links to show a less complex
If Relayout Diagram is the default setting and you change the diagram, the diagram is recast to
provide optimal visualization.
• To show the diagram so that it is zoomed to fit entirely into your browser window, click Fit to

8. To modify the process flow, complete the following actions:
• To connect objects, select the first object that you want, press Ctrl, and click the next object in the
flow. When all the objects that you want are selected, right-click the selection, select Add Link, and
select whether the flow of objects is to the left, right, top, or bottom of the first object.
When the objects are selected, they are removed from the available list of objects in the pane.
• To add a label for the connecting line between two objects, right-click the link, and select
Properties. In the Label field, type the description for the connector.
• To add a decision node, right-click the object, click Add Decision, and then click the direction in
which you want to place it.
Remember: To change the label for the Decision node, right-click the node and click Properties. In
the Label field, enter the condition that must be met at this stage of the flow.
• To remove a connector or an object, right-click the element, and select Delete.
Note: You cannot remove controls or risks that are associated with a subprocess element.
9. To save the process diagram that is associated with the process, click Save.

Copying a process diagram to use as a template

You can create a process diagram that is based on the process flow of an existing diagram. Instead of
creating the structure of a process diagram from scratch, you can copy a diagram with a predefined
process flow.

About this task

You cannot copy a process diagram to a different parent process. However, you can copy a diagram within
the same process. When a parent process is copied from one business entity to another, the process
diagram is included in the objects that are copied.

1. Click Organization > Processes.
2. Select the process that contains the associated process diagram that you want to copy.
3. On the Process Detail page, under Associations, click Process Diagrams.
The Process Diagrams list page is displayed.
4. From the Actions menu, click Copy an existing Process Diagram.
The Copy Process Diagrams - Select Process Diagrams page is displayed.
5. On the Folder View tab, select the diagram whose process flow you want to copy, and click Next.
6. Under Copy Options, select whether you want to copy associated files or associated issues.
7. Under Resolving naming conflicts, choose how you want to copy and later identify the new process

Business process visualizations 103

• To create a new version of the diagram with the same name, select Create a new version of the
existing object in the destination directory
• To create a new diagram by using the selected diagram as the template, select Create new object
whose name is prefixed with 'Copy of'.
• To prevent the addition of process diagrams with similar names, select Do not copy resources with
naming conflicts.
8. Click Copy.

A copy of the process diagram is included in the list of diagrams on the Process Detail page.

Changing the status of a process diagram

The status of a process diagram indicates whether the design of the business flow is in progress or is in
the approved state. By changing the status, the diagram author can explicitly show whether the diagram is
available for use in the decision-making process.

1. Click Organization > Processes.
2. Under Folder View, expand the folders to locate the process for which you want to change the status.
3. On the Process Detail page, under Associations, click Process Diagrams.
4. From the Process Diagrams detail page, under Name, click the process diagram whose status you
want to change.
5. In the field pane, from the Actions menu, click Edit this Process Diagram.
6. In the Status field, select one of the following states for your diagram:
• If work on the diagram is in progress, click Draft.
• If the diagram is ready for approval, click Published.
• If the diagram is out-of-date and no longer reflects your current process flow, click Obsolete.
If the diagram has a status of Obsolete, it is not removed from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
system. However, users cannot refer to it for decision making because it does not contain updated
process flows for the Business Entity.
7. Click Save.

Deleting a process diagram

You can delete process diagrams that are obsolete or do not accurately reflect a process flow of the
business entity.

About this task

When you delete a process diagram, all associated items are also deleted.
Only users with Delete permission can delete a process diagram.

1. Click Organization > Processes.
2. Under the Folder View, expand the folders to locate the process diagram that you want to delete.
3. On the Process Detail page, under Associations, select Process Diagrams.
4. Under Name, select the check boxes next to the process diagrams that you want to delete.
5. From the Actions menu, click Delete selected Process Diagrams.

104 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Modifying field properties of a process diagram
You can modify the properties of a process diagram when you want to change the name, description, or
status of the diagram.

1. Click Organization > Processes.
2. Under Folder View, expand the folders to go to the process for which you want to modify the details.
3. On the Process Detail page, under Associations, click Process Diagrams.
4. Under Name, click the process diagram whose details you want to change.
5. In the Fields pane, from the Actions menu, click Edit this Process Diagram.
6. Make the necessary modifications and click Save.

Exporting a process diagram from an OpenPages GRC Platform environment

Use the ObjectManager tool to export process diagram data from an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
environment. The export includes both child and parent hierarchies of a process.

Before you begin

You must know the full path of the process object, which is the parent of the process diagram that you
want to export.
For example:
Before you modify the file, make a backup copy of the file. When you are
using the ObjectManager tool, ensure that the OpenPages GRC Platform services are running.

About this task

You can use ObjectManager settings to specify which process diagrams you want to export by defining the
folder path of the parent process for the process diagram.
To control or limit the scope of exported data from the ObjectManager tool, you must first modify the file, which contains configuration and migration settings.

1. Verify that the OpenPages GRC Platform application is running.
2. On the source OpenPages GRC Platform system, in a text editor, open the file and set the following properties where full_path is the full path of
the process object that you want to use as the scope for the export:
Change the values of the parameters whose names begin with the pattern
configuration.manager.dump.from true to false
Tip: The file is in the root_installation_folder/bin directory
where root_installation_folder is the folder of your OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
3. At the command line, go to the bin installation directory.
For example, cd C:\OpenPages\bin
4. At the command line, type one of the following commands on a single line:

Business process visualizations 105

• On a computer that is running a Microsoft Windows operating system:
ObjectManager d c Super_Administrator_Account Super_Administrator_Password
OP_Home\export dump_file_name
• On a computer that is running an AIX or Linux operating system: d c Super_Administrator_Account
Super_Administrator_Password OP_Home\export dump_file_name
Two loader files are created in the OP_Home\export folder: loader_file_prefix-op-
config.xml and where loader_file_prefix is the
These files contain the process hierarchy instance data, including the process diagram data.

What to do next
On the target OpenPages GRC Platform server, extract the files from the output file.
“Running ObjectManager commands” on page 590
“Modifying the ObjectManager properties file” on page 601

Importing a process diagram to an OpenPages GRC Platform environment

Use the ObjectManager tool to import process diagram data to an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
environment. You can use a loader file to import the instance data to the OpenPages GRC Platform
repository on the target server.

Before you begin

When you are using the ObjectManager tool, ensure that the OpenPages GRC Platform services are

1. On the target server, copy the two dump files that contain the process diagram and related data to an
2. In a text editor, open the file and set the following property:
Tip: The file is in the root_installation_folder/bin directory
where root_installation_folder is the folder of your OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
3. At the command line, go to the bin installation directory.
For example, cd C:\OpenPages\bin
4. At the command line, type one of the following ObjectManager commands on a single line:
• On a computer that is running a Microsoft Windows operating system:
ObjectManager l c Super_Administrator_Account Super_Administrator_Password
extract_folder_name dump_file_name
• On a computer that is running an AIX or Linux operating system: l c Super_Administrator_Account
Super_Administrator_Password extract_folder_name dump_file_name

The following rules are observed when you import the process diagram objects:
• If the objects with matching data exist on the target environment, the objects are not overwritten.
• If the objects with different field values exist on the target environment, new versions of the objects are
created with data from the import file.

106 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• If the objects do not exist on the target environment, new objects are created and associations are

Business process visualizations 107

108 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 7. Managing reports
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application contains a set of reports that allows users with the correct
permissions to quickly view and organize information about the current state of your, for example,
financial, compliance, or operational project. For example, users can quickly view information grouped by
either user, by location, or view.

Supplied reports
The OpenPages GRC Platform application comes with a selection of predefined and supplied reports that
allow you to quickly view important information about your project.
Note: The list of reports in this documentation is for a fresh installation of the OpenPages GRC Platform
application. If you have additional reports tailored to your particular business needs or have upgraded
from an earlier version of the application, the classification of the supplied reports may differ from the
classification documented here.

OpenPages GRC Platform V6 folder reports

The V6 folder in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform contains subfolders for the report types that are available.
The All Documentation report resides at the top level of the reporting hierarchy.
Important: In reference to Reporting Framework V6, V6 refers to the latest framework version, not to any
specific OpenPages GRC Platform release number.

Table 32: OpenPages GRC Platform V6 folder reports and folders

Report or folder name Description
All Documentation Detailed view of an organization's entity hierarchy, associated internal
report controls documentation, and counts of related issues, files, and links in the
current reporting period. This is filtered by business entity. There are detailed
subreports for each count.
Administrative Reports Folder that contains predefined administrative reports such as a list of files
folder that are checked out.
Audit Reports folder Folder that contains predefined audit reports such as an audit summary.
Issue Reports folder Folder that contains predefined reports on issues such as the issues and
associated action items for a chosen reporting period and business entity.

Administrative Reports folder

OpenPages GRC Platform includes the following, predefined administrative reports:
Table 33: Administrative Reports folder
Report Name Description
Checked Out Files Listing of attached Files in a checked out state in the current reporting period.
You can sort by:
• Name of File.
• Full Path of the folder where the File is stored.
• User who has checked out the File.
• Date the File was checked out.

Disassociated Objects Listing of objects that do not have associated parent objects in the current
reporting period. You can filter for specific object types and can sort by:
• Name of object.
• Full Path of the folder where the object is stored.

Audit Reports folder

In addition to the reports listed in the following table, the Audit Reports folder contains the following
• Configuration (see Table 36 on page 112)
• Security (see Table 37 on page 112)

Table 34: Audit Reports folder

Report Name Description
Audit Change Lists all object changes that fulfill the user’s runtime filtering criteria. Users
can filter the report on Business Entity, Start Time, End Time, specific object
type, and status. For an explanation of audit events and the values in the
Status and Item columns of the report, see “Description of Audit Change
events and values” on page 110.
Audit Summary Administrative summary of changes to documentation data, which is filtered
by date and time range. You can also filter by Business Entity and object
type and drill into a detailed Audit subreport.

Description of Audit Change events and values

An audit event is a combination of an action and object aspect (that is, the object, a relationship, or
attribute of the object) that was affected by the event. The Audit Change report identifies change events
for any field value change.
Notice: This information also applies to the detail subreport from the Audit Summary report.
To understand the nature of each audit event, it is useful to understand how objects are created,
associated, and shared.
In the hierarchy of objects in the system, a child object (such as a Control) might be associated to more
than one parent object (such as a Risk). Conversely, any one parent object (such as a Risk) might have
several associations to different child objects (such as Controls). These associations or relationships are
flagged as either Primary or Non-Primary.

110 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Any one parent object (such as a Risk) might have multiple child objects (such as Controls). However, the
system allows only one of the object parent-child relationships to be marked as "Primary". Primary
associations are used to determine the path that the system should follow when you are executing a
number of operations that require object hierarchy traversal.
In the OpenPages GRC Platform application, the following operations traverse the Primary Association
• SCOR rule execution
• Cascade Delete (including those requested by SCOR delete rules)
• Sign-offs, Locking, and Un-Locking
• Hierarchical copy and move
Audit Trail Reports are "parent object centric" when the report captures events that pertain to an object
associations. For an object, all association-related events are defined as those where the object acts as a
parent. Events where the object acts as a child are reported in context of the corresponding parent
Table 35 on page 111 lists the various audit change values that are listed in the Action column of the
Audit Change Report with a brief description of the value and the affected object aspect.

Table 35: Audit Change Report values

If the Status column has this And the Item column has this Then it indicates that...
value... value...
Added Association An object was associated as a
child object in the hierarchy.
Added Object A new object was created in the
Added Version A new version of the object was
created in the repository.
Changed <property name> The value of an object’s system
or extended property was
Removed Object The object was logically deleted
from the repository.
Removed Association An object was removed as a child
Removed Primary Association The association has been
changed to Non-Primary. This
could happen if the user selects
another object relationship to be
the Primary parent-child
association or the current
Primary association was deleted.
Added Primary Association The association type is set to
Primary. This first association is
always set to Primary

Managing reports 111

Table 36: Audit Reports Configuration subfolder
Report Name Description
Configuration Audit Lists all configuration changes made to the OpenPages GRC Platform
application during the chosen date range.

Table 37: Audit Reports Security subfolder

Report Name Description
Administrator Lists each administrator and their granted permissions for each Security
Permissions Domain they administer.
Security Domain Role Lists each Security Domain to which the selected roles are assigned.
Login Activity Summary Lists all users who accessed the OpenPages GRC Platform system during the
date range. Each user is listed with the last login time, when they last changed
their password, and how many times they logged in.
Login Activity Log Lists all user activity during the specified date range. Report users can filter
on date range, operation (log in or log out), login status (Failed or Succeeded),
and number of login attempts.
Roles by Security Lists each role that is assigned to the selected Security Domain.
Roles by User Lists each user and group with their assigned role for the selected Security
User Role Assignments Lists all the roles in the system with the assigned user or group for each
Security Domain.

Issue Reports folder

The following table identifies the Issue reports available in the Issue Reports folder:

Table 38: Issue Reports

Report Name Description
Issue List Detailed listing of Issues and associated parent objects, which are filtered by
reporting period and Business Entity.
Note: This report shows a subset of the Issues present in the system. To
appear in this report, Issues must be associated with objects that are
accessible through direct relationships in the default namespace. For
example, Issues that are associated with Controls that are indirectly
associated with a Risk Assessment will not appear. Issues associated with
Risks that are directly associated in a chain, from Business Entity to Process
or Subprocess to Control Objective, appear.

112 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 38: Issue Reports (continued)
Report Name Description
Issues and Action Items Lists Issues and associated Action Items for the chosen reporting period and
Business Entity.
Note: This report shows a subset of the Issues and Action Items present in
the system. To appear in this report, Issues must be associated with objects
that are accessible through direct relationships in the default namespace. For
example, Issues associated with Controls that are indirectly associated with a
Risk Assessment will not appear, while Issues associated with Risks that are
directly associated in a chain, from Business Entity to Process or Sub-process
to Control Objective, will appear.

Accessing reports from the application user interface

You can access reports from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface.
They are typically found in the /openpages folder.

1. From a browser window, log on to OpenPages GRC Platform.
2. Select Reporting on the menu bar and choose a report from the list. A separate browser window opens
with the selected report.
If you selected the All Reports option, the Reports page is displayed. From the list on the Reports page,
click the name of the report you want to launch.
Note: Depending on your configuration, application, and permissions, you may see different reports
and folders.
3. If this is a "scoped" report, at the prompt, choose the object where you want the report to run from.
For example, if you select a business entity, then the report will use the selected business entity as the
starting point and limit the scope of the report to all objects contained below that entity.
If the report is not scoped, it will run as soon as you click the name of the report.

Adding reports
To run a report from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user interface, the report must have a
corresponding report page published to the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
A report page does the following:
• Adds a link on the Reporting menu and All Reports page to launch the Cognos report from the
OpenPages GRC Platform user interface
• Specifies the parameters for launching the report
• Specifies the keys used for localizing the report name and description in the OpenPages GRC Platform
user interface
All Studio report pages are based on the Cognos Report Redirect page template, and all Cognos
Workspace report pages are based on the Cognos Dashboard Redirect page template. Additionally,
all Cognos Analytics dashboard and story pages are based on the Cognos Analytics Dashboard Redirect
page template. These templates are located at the root of the Reporting publishing channel on the
OpenPages GRC Platform server.

Managing reports 113

You can use one of the following methods to add new reports to the OpenPages GRC Platform application
user interface.
• IBM OpenPages application user interface - this method automatically generates the required report
page and application text keys. This is the recommended method.
• OpenPages GRC Platform server administrator interface - this method involves using the publishing
channels facility on the OpenPages GRC Platform server to manually create the required report page
and publish the report. This method is typically used for editing report pages and troubleshooting
publishing issues.
Regardless of the method you use to add the report, be sure to save it in a folder, for example,
OpenPages V6. Do not save the report in the OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6 reporting package.
OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6 is the reporting framework that is used for authoring reports.

Using the application user interface to add reports

You can add a report from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user interface.
When you add a report, the following process occurs:
• A corresponding report page is automatically generated on the OpenPages GRC Platform server that is
based on the CommandCenter Report Redirect page template.
• The report is published, by default, to the U.S. English locale.
• If the report name and description are not specified for a locale, the values in the U.S. English locale are
used by default.
• Report name and description application text keys are automatically created in the "Miscellaneous"
folder on the Application Text page and populated with the specified values.
These key values are used for localizing the report name and description on the "My Reports" section of
the home page and on the Reporting menu and page. To modify these key values, see “Localizing
application text” on page 281.

Before you begin

Before you can add a Cognos report from the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface, you
must have details about the report available.
• The name of the report. Do not enter special characters, including the underscore, in the report name.
• A description of the report
• The path and name of the folder to be deployed (the folder selection is filtered to list report folders
only). By default, the path is /_cw_channels/Reporting/SOX.

A new unpublished report was created called "My Control Summary" in the OPENPAGES_SHARED folder
on the Cognos server. Publish the report to make it available for users in the US English and Japanese
From the Reports page in the OpenPages GRC Platform application, you click Add and select the report
from the listing. For the US English locale (this locale is automatically selected by default), type in "My
Control Summary" for the report name, and "All controls assigned to me" as the description for the report.
You then select the Japanese locale and type in a localized name and description.
The application text keys for the "My Control Summary" report that are automatically generated under the
"Miscellaneous" folder on the Application Text page may look similar to these: and
You can use these keys to modify the report name or description that is displayed on the application user
interface for a locale.

114 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Attention: To view the new report on the Reports menu, users must log out and log back in to the

Report publishing limitations

Publishing report pages from the application user interface has some limitations.
• You can publish only one report at a time.
• If you want to edit existing reports, you must use the publishing channels facility on the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform server (for details, see “Modifying a report template” on page 120).
• If the initial publishing process failed to publish a report to any locale other than English, you must use
the publishing channels facility on the OpenPages GRC Platform server to add that report (for details,
see “Manually creating an instance of a report” on page 117).

Accessing the publish report page

To access the Add icon on the Reports page, you must have the Add Pages application permission set on
your account.
For details, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32.

1. From a browser window, log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform user interface as a user with the Add
Pages application permission set.
2. From the menu bar, select Reporting and click All Reports.
3. Click Add to go to the Publish Report page.

Publishing a report from the application user interface

The Report selection list contains all available reports that are not already published.

1. Access the Publish Report page (see “Accessing the publish report page” on page 115).
2. Select a report from the Report list.
3. Select the check box for each locale in which you want the report to display. For example, German. The
U.S. English locale is selected by default.
4. In the Name field for each selected locale, type the display name of the report.
This name will be displayed to users in the report selection list and on the Reports page, and, if
configured on the Home page, in a tab or in a pane on the My Work tab.
5. In the Description field for each locale, type a description of the report. This description will be
displayed to users on the Reports page.
Note: Any locale for which you do not specify a localized name and description will, by default, contain
the U.S. English name and description.
6. When finished, click Save.
After the report is published, a link to launch the report is displayed on the Reports page along with a
description of the report, and the report name is added to the list of selections on the Reporting menu.

Modifying the displayed report name or description

You can localize and modify the name and description that is displayed to users on the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform for a report in a given locale.
You do this by locating the application text keys that correspond to the name and description of the report
and then modifying the value in the key for that locale.
For more information and instructions, see “Modifying display text in the application user interface” on
page 282.

Managing reports 115

Installing the Java applet to work with reports
Before working with reports, you must have access to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server
administrator interface.

Before you begin

The applet in OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) requires that the Java Runtime
Environment 7 is installed on the client where you launch Internet Explorer.

1. Ensure 32-bit Java 8 is installed and launch Internet Explorer.
2. When you navigate to pages in OpenPages GRC Platform server that require the Java applet, a
message is displayed requesting that the applet be run. Complete the following steps to run the
a) Click Run.
b) If Java is not installed on the client, when you navigate to pages in OpenPages GRC Platform that
require the Java applet, you are prompted to install Java Runtime Environment 7 Update 60. Click
Note: Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration must be disabled to allow the installation
of Java.

Understanding reports
Reports are generated by combining report pages and page templates that provide necessary information
about the filtering and sorting of the report contents, as well as the displayed name and description of the
Reports (both Cognos and JSP) are represented in a publishing channel by a page template which lists the
parameters that the source file needs in order to create a report. A report page is an instance of a page
template, and contains a set of values for the parameters specified in the page template.
In this manner, a single page template can be supplied with multiple sets of values for its parameters.
This allows the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application to create multiple reports based on the same
layout and internal logic. Each report page represents a report as viewed in OpenPages GRC Platform.
Report pages and page templates reside on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
• Cognos reports can be published through the application user interface. This method automatically
generates a corresponding report page and application text keys for localizing the selected report. For
details, see “Adding reports” on page 113.
• Reports that are placed under the Reporting/SOX folder structure on the application server are
published to the U.S. English locale. To publish to a different locale, choose the /SOX folder under the
locale you want (for example, ja_JP/SOX for the Japanese locale).
• All Cognos report pages are based on the Cognos Report Redirect page template, which is located
at the root of the Reporting publishing channel on the IBM OpenPages server.

116 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Locating report files
Report files, such as report pages, page templates, and JavaServer Pages (JSP) reports, are located in the
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
The OpenPages repository handles the data storage and access capabilities for the OpenPages GRC
Platform application. To create, modify, or delete OpenPages reports, you must have an OpenPages GRC
Platform account with permission to modify publishing channels. If you are not sure whether you have
access to this functionality, contact your OpenPages administrator for additional information.

Accessing report pages and page templates

You can access report pages and page templates for JSP reports.
Note: The following procedure applies to JSP reports and Cognos report pages.

Before you begin

The administrator should be a member of the OPAdministrators group to access report pages and page
templates. If you are not a member of this group, you will receive the following message:
You do not have permission to view this file.

1. From a browser window, log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user
with the correct Reporting permissions).
2. Click the Browse channels link under the Publishing heading in the Action menu. This displays a list
of the available publishing channels.
Note: If you cannot see the Publishing heading, you do not have the correct permissions. See your
OpenPages GRC Platform Administrator.
3. Click the Reporting folder. A list of files and folders is displayed.
Each folder represents a report grouping in the IBM OpenPages user interface. Each page file
represents an OpenPages GRC Platform report.

Manually creating an instance of a report

To manually create an instance of a report, you must log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server,
and create a report page based on a copy of an existing page template.
The new report page will display clickable links in the OpenPages GRC Platform user interface for running
the new report.
• Cognos reports can be published through the application user interface. This method automatically
generates a corresponding report page and application text keys for localizing the selected report. For
details, see “Adding reports” on page 113.
• Reports that are placed under the Reporting/SOX folder structure on the application server are
published to the U.S. English locale. To publish to a different locale, choose the /SOX folder under the
locale you want (for example, ja_JP/SOX for the Japanese locale).
• All Cognos report pages are based on the Cognos Report Redirect page template, which is located
at the root of the Reporting publishing channel on the IBM OpenPages server.

Managing reports 117

Identifying the page template
You can determine which existing report page you want to copy from or use as the basis of a new report

1. From a browser window, log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user
with the correct Reporting permissions.
2. If you already know which page template you want to use, skip to the next task.
Otherwise, do the following to determine which existing report page you want to copy from or use as
the basis of the new report page:
a) Click the Browse channels link under the Publishing heading in the Action menu.
b) Click the Reporting channel link and navigate through the folder structure to the OpenPages GRC
Platform report you want to copy or use and modify as the basis of a new report.
c) Click the name of the report page to open its detail page.
d) In the General Information table on the detail report page, note the value of the Template field.
You will need to either reference this template or make a copy of the referenced template.

Creating a report page

To create a new report, you must log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server, and create a new
report page based on a copy of an existing page template.

1. Click the Browse channels link in the Action menu.
2. Click the Reporting channel link and navigate to the folder where you want the report page to be
For example, a report page for a new Cognos report in the U.S. English locale would be placed in the
Reporting/SOX/OpenPages V6 folder.
Optionally, create a category folder for grouping the reports under the appropriate /SOX folder. For
example, to create a new report grouping titled "My Custom Reports" on the Reporting menu and
Reports page in the OpenPages GRC Platform application for the U.S. English locale, you could create
a folder with the path Reporting/SOX/My Custom Reports. Any report pages placed in the folder
will appear under that grouping in the reporting sections of the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
3. Click the Add Page icon.
4. In the Describe page step of the Add a Page wizard, do the following:
a) Type an informative name and description for the report.
Note: You will not be able to change the name of a report after it is created.
b) Choose the page template you will use to create the report.
For reports from IBM Cognos Analysis Studio, IBM Cognos Query Studio, or Cognos Analytics -
Reporting, or IBM Cognos Workspace, use the CommandCenter Report Redirect page
c) Click Next.
5. If this is a JSP report, skip to Step 7. Otherwise, for a Cognos Studio report based on the
CommandCenter Report Redirect page template, in the Specify page contents step in the Add
a Page wizard, do the following.
a) Select a value for each of the following fields:

118 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 39: Cognos Report Redirect Selection Fields
Field Name Description
Report Type The IBM Cognos Studio application used to develop the report.
Valid values are:
• report (for Cognos Analytics - Reporting, this is the default value)
• query (for Cognos Query Studio)
• analysis (for Cognos Analysis Studio)
• pagelet (for Cognos Workspace, a type of dashboard that can
contain multiple content pieces, including reports, on a single page)

Open with The method for opening the report.

Valid values are:
• CognosViewer - opens the report in view-only mode, this is the
default value.
• ReportStudio - opens the report in Cognos Analytics - Reporting so
it can be modified.
• QueryStudio - opens the report in Cognos Query Studio so it can be
• AnalysisStudio - opens the report in Cognos Analysis Studio so it
can be modified.
• CognosWorkspace - enables the report to be opened in Cognos

Report Format The display format for the report.

Valid values are:
• HTML (This is the default value. This value is required for Cognos
Workspace reports.)

Show prompt page Determines whether or not a prompt page is always displayed for a
If the value is set to:
• Yes - a prompt page is always displayed even if the report has no
required prompts.
• No - a prompt page only displays if it is required by the report design.
This value is set by default.

Report Folder The report folders must be syntactically correct and separated by
forward slashes. The Team content folder is assumed, and does not
need to be included in the Report Folder field. For example, the report
folder could be Vision 2013/Workspaces.
Report Name The report name must be the name that you want to appear in Cognos
b) Skip to Step 8.
6. For a report based on the CommandCenter Dashboard Redirect page template, in the Specify
page contents step in the Add a Page wizard, do the following:

Managing reports 119

a) Click the Mode arrow and select the method for opening the dashboard.
Valid values are:
• view (opens the dashboard in view-only mode, this is the default value)
• edit (opens the dashboard in Cognos Workspace so it can be modified)
b) Skip to Step 8.
7. For a JSP report, enter the sorting and filtering information for the report.
8. Enter values for all required fields (required fields have a red asterisk *) including key field
information as follows:

Table 40: Report Page Key Fields

Key Field Format Description
Report Name Key<user-defined> A key that references
an application text
string for localizing the title of the report.

Report Description report.description.<user-defined> A key that references

Key an application text
string for localizing a
report.description.control.analysis description of the

Note: You can use the values in the Report Name Key and Report Description Key fields on the
report page to manually create custom application text keys to localize the name and description of a
report after it is created. For details, see “The Custom folder” on page 286.
9. Click Apply to save the modifications.
10. Click Finish to create the new report page and exit the wizard.

When you log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface, the new report should be
visible in the selections on the Reporting menu and on the Reports page.

Modifying a report template

You can modify an existing report template.

Important: If you want to modify one of the supplied report templates for your own purposes, you must
copy the report template to a new location outside the SOX folder structure, and then modify the copied
template. Otherwise, you will risk losing your changes when upgrading to a newer version of the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform application.

1. From a browser window, log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user with
the correct Reporting permissions.
2. Click the Browse Channels link under the Publishing heading in the navigation Action menu.
3. Navigate to the report you want to modify and click the report name to display the detail page.
4. Find the section containing the information you want to change, and click the Edit... icon before the
section. An editable version of the information is displayed.
5. Change the desired settings. For JSP reports, if you are changing the parameter sorting information,
you will need to click Apply before clicking Save.

120 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: You cannot modify the name of a report. In order to change the name of a report, you must
delete the misnamed report and create an identical report with the new name.
As an alternative, you can use the values in the Report Name Key and Report Description Key fields on
the report page to manually create custom application text keys to localize the name and description
of a report after it is created. For details, see “The Custom folder” on page 286.
6. When finished, click Save. The modified information is saved and immediately applied to the
dashboard or story.

Deleting a report
You can delete an instance of a JSP report or report page for a Cognos report.

1. From a browser window, log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user
with the correct Reporting permissions.
2. Click the Browse Channels link under the Publishing heading in the navigation Action menu.
3. Navigate to the report page to delete and select the report name.

Attention: Do not delete a page template. If a page template is deleted, all report pages based
on that template are deleted as well.
4. Click Delete at the top of the table.
5. Click OK to delete the report page (or JSP report instance).

Manually creating an instance of a Cognos dashboard or story

To manually create an instance of a Cognos dashboard or story, you must log on to the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform server, and create a dashboard or story page based on a copy of an existing page template.
The new dashboard or story page will display clickable links in the OpenPages GRC Platform user
interface for running the new dashboard or story.
• Dashboards and stories that are placed under the Reporting/SOX folder structure on the application
server are published to the U.S. English locale. To publish to a different locale, choose the /SOX folder
under the locale you want (for example, ja_JP/SOX for the Japanese locale).
• All Cognos dashboard and story pages are based on the Cognos Analytics Dashboard Redirect
page template, which is located at the root of the Reporting publishing channel on the IBM OpenPages

Identifying the dashboard or story page template

You can determine which existing dashboard or story page you want to copy from or use as the basis of a
new dashboard or story page.

1. From a browser window, log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user
with the correct Reporting permissions.
2. If you already know which page template you want to use, skip to the next task.
Otherwise, do the following to determine which existing dashboard or story page you want to copy
from or use as the basis of the new dashboard or story page:
a) Click the Browse channels link under the Publishing heading in the Action menu.

Managing reports 121

b) Click the Reporting channel link and navigate through the folder structure to the OpenPages GRC
Platform Cognos dashboard or story you want to copy or use and modify as the basis of a new
dashboard or story.
c) Click the name of the dashboard or story page to open its detail page.
d) In the General Information table on the detail page, note the value of the Template field. You will
need to either reference this template or make a copy of the referenced template.

Creating a dashboard or story page

To create a new dashboard or story, you must log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server, and
create a new dashboard or story page based on a copy of an existing page template.

1. Click the Browse channels link in the Action menu.
2. Click the Reporting channel link and navigate to the folder where you want the dashboard or story
page to be created.
For example, a dashboard page for a new Cognos dashboard in the U.S. English locale would be placed
in the Reporting/SOX/OpenPages V6 folder.
Optionally, create a category folder for grouping the dashboards or stories under the appropriate /SOX
folder. For example, to create a new dashboard grouping titled "My Custom Cognos Dashboards" on
the Reporting menu in the OpenPages GRC Platform application for the U.S. English locale, you could
create a folder with the path Reporting/SOX/My Custom Cognos Dashboards. Any dashboard
pages placed in the folder will appear under that grouping in the reporting sections of the OpenPages
GRC Platform application.
3. Click the Add Page icon.
4. In the Describe page step of the Add a Page wizard, do the following:
a) Type an informative name and description for the dashboard or story.
Note: You will not be able to change the name of a dashboard or story after it is created.
b) Choose the page template you will use to create the dashboard or story.
Cognos dashboards and stories use the Cognos Analytics Dashboard Redirect page
c) Click Next.
5. In the Specify page contents step in the Add a Page wizard, select a value for each of the following

Table 41: Cognos Analytics Dashboard Redirect Selection Fields

Field Name Description
Action Select the method for opening the dashboard or story.
Valid values are:
• view (opens the dashboard or story in view-only mode, this is the default
• edit (opens the dashboard or story in Cognos Workspace so it can be

Mode Select the page mode.

Valid values are:
• dashboard
• story

122 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 41: Cognos Analytics Dashboard Redirect Selection Fields (continued)
Field Name Description
Dashboard (or) Story The dashboard or story folders must be syntactically correct and separated
Folder by forward slashes. The Team content folder is assumed, and does not
need to be included in the Dashboard (or) Story Folder field.
Dashboard (or) Story The dashboard or story name must be the name that you want to appear in
Name Cognos Analytics.
6. Enter values in the following key fields:

Table 42: Cognos Analytics Dashboard Redirect Key Fields

Key Field Format Description

Dashboard (or) Story<user-defined> A key that references

Name Key an application text<user-defined>
string for localizing the
Examples: title of the dashboard or

Dashboard (or) Story dashboard.description.<user-defined> A key that references

Description Key an application text
string for localizing a
Examples: description of the
dashboard or story.

Note: You can use the values in the Dashboard (or) Story Name Key and Dashboard (or) Story
Description Key fields on the dashboard or story page to manually create custom application text keys
to localize the name and description of a dashboard or story after it is created. For details, see “The
Custom folder” on page 286.
7. Click Apply to save the modifications.
8. Click Finish to create the new dashboard or story page and exit the wizard.

When you log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface, the new dashboard or story
should be visible in the selections on the Reporting menu.

Modifying a dashboard or story template

You can modify an existing dashboard or story template.

Important: If you want to modify the supplied dashboard and story template for your own purposes, you
must copy it to a new location outside the SOX folder structure, and then modify the copied template.
Otherwise, you will risk losing your changes when upgrading to a newer version of the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform application.

1. From a browser window, log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user with
the correct Reporting permissions.

Managing reports 123

2. Click the Browse Channels link under the Publishing heading in the navigation Action menu.
3. Navigate to the dashboard or story that you want to modify and click the dashboard or story name to
display the detail page.
4. Find the section containing the information you want to change, and click the Edit... icon before the
section. An editable version of the information is displayed.
5. Change the desired settings.
Note: You cannot modify the name of a dashboard or story. In order to change the name of a
dashboard or story, you must delete the misnamed dashboard or story and create an identical
dashboard or story with the new name.
As an alternative, you can use the values in the Dashboard (or) Story Name Key and Dashboard (or)
Story Description Key fields on the dashboard or story page to manually create custom application
text keys to localize the name and description of a dashboard or story after it is created. For details,
see “The Custom folder” on page 286.
6. When finished, click Save. The modified information is saved and immediately applied to the report.

Deleting a dashboard or story

You can delete an instance of a dashboard or story page for a Cognos dashboard or story.

1. From a browser window, log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user
with the correct Reporting permissions.
2. Click the Browse Channels link under the Publishing heading in the navigation Action menu.
3. Navigate to the dashboard or story page to delete and select the dashboard or story name.

Attention: Do not delete a page template. If a page template is deleted, all dashboard or story
pages based on that template are deleted as well.
4. Click Delete at the top of the table.
5. Click OK to delete the dashboard or story page.

Creating an interactive JSP report

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application allows administrative-level users with the option to create
interactive reports to prompt a user at run-time for parameter values. You can either modify an existing
JSP report to be interactive, or specify an interactive parameter during report creation.

1. From a browser window, log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user with
the correct Reporting permissions.
2. Click the Browse channels link in the navigation Action menu and navigate to the page template for
the report you want to modify.
3. Click the name of the page template you want to modify. The detail page is displayed.
4. Click the Edit... icon before the list of report parameters. The Edit Parameters applet is displayed.
5. Click the name of the parameter that you want to make interactive. The parameter information is
6. Select the check box marked "Interactive Value" and click the Apply icon.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each parameter you want to make interactive.
8. When you are finished, click Save.

124 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The next time the report is run, the user will be prompted to enter a value for each field marked as an
interactive value.
Important: Reports with an interactive parameter named "label" are a special case and will not display a
dialog to enter a value for "label". The "label" field is included to support reporting periods and should not
be modified.
Note: Although any parameter type can be defined as an interactive parameter that requires a user to
provide information at run time, IBM OpenPages only supports the following four modes of entering
values into the value fields when the report is run:
• Date fields
• Text entry fields
• Enumerated drop-downs
• File browsers
Unsupported types may still be marked as interactive. However, the value for these fields must be entered
manually, using a text string at run-time. A valid value must be entered into the value field for the report to
return the correct set of information.

Running an interactive JSP report

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application allows administrative-level users with the option to create
interactive reports to prompt a user at run-time for parameter values.
Note: Although any parameter type can be defined as an interactive parameter that requires a user to
provide information at run time, IBM OpenPages only supports the following four modes of entering
values into the value fields when the report is run:
• Date fields
• Text entry fields
• Enumerated drop-downs
• File browsers
Unsupported types may still be marked as interactive. However, the value for these fields must be entered
manually, using a text string at run-time. A valid value must be entered into the value field for the report to
return the correct set of information.

1. From a browser window, log on to OpenPages GRC Platform (such as /openpages).
2. Select Reporting on the menu bar, and select the name of the report you want to run. If the report
contains interactive parameters, a prompt page is displayed.
3. Type information into the required fields.
4. Click Next to generate the report based on the supplied information. The report is displayed in a new

Restricting access to reports

To restrict access and set security on reports, you need to set permissions in both the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform server interface and in the Cognos Analytics portal.
Note: If you restrict access to reports only through the Cognos Analytics portal, but not in the OpenPages
GRC Platform server interface, the reports may be displayed in a selection list to users in the OpenPages

Managing reports 125

GRC Platform application user interface. If a group or user who does not have permission selects the
restricted report, the report will not run and an error message will be displayed to the user.

Setting permissions on JSP and reports

You can restrict users and or groups from accessing and running JSP reports from the OpenPages GRC
Platform application by setting Read, Write, Delete, and Manage permissions on selected report folders.
For example, if you want only administrators in a System Administrators group to have access to
administrative reports, you could set Read, Write, Delete, and Manage access on the Administrative
Reports subfolder (which is under the SOX >> Cognos folder). After you grant access to administrative
reports for the System Administrators group, you can then break inheritance on the folder to restrict other
users and groups from accessing these reports.

1. From a browser window, log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user with
administrative privileges.
2. Click the Browse channels link under the Publishing heading in the navigation Action menu. This
displays a list of the available publishing channels.
Note: If you cannot see the Publishing heading, you do not have the correct permissions.
3. Click Reporting. A list of files and folders is displayed.
4. Expand the folder, if necessary, and select the /SOX folder you want.
• Each folder represents a report grouping in the OpenPages GRC Platform user interface.
• Reports that are under the Reporting/SOX folder structure are published to the U.S. English locale.
To select a different locale, choose the /SOX folder under the locale you want (for example,
ja_JP/SOX for the Japanese locale).
5. Under the selected /SOX folder, do the following:
a) Select the box next to the name of the folder containing the reports to which you want to limit
access through the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface.
b) Click Properties to open the Folder Details page.
6. In the Access Controls pane, select Add from the Actions menu.
a) Select a group or user to whom you want to grant permission.
b) Select the permissions you want to allow or deny the group or user (Read, Write, Delete, Manage).
c) Click Add. The selected group or user appears in the list.
d) To select another group or user, repeat Steps a-c.
e) To remove a group or user, select the group or user then select Remove from the Actions menu.
7. Break inheritance on the folder so other groups or users cannot access these reports from the
OpenPages GRC Platform user interface:
a) On the Folder Details tab, click Edit to open the edit window.
b) In the edit window, clear the Inherit access controls from parent folder? box.
The status of the Inherit access controls row on the Folder Details tab displays changes from Yes to

Securing access to the report portal

You can restrict which user groups are allowed to modify CommandCenter reports.
Note: This task is optional.
Use the following tasks to allow a group, in this example the 'OPAdministrators' group, to update, add, and
delete reports, and to restrict other users from changing settings within the Cognos Analytics portal:

126 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• “Assigning CommandCenter administrative rights to a group” on page 127
• “Specifying user access to administrative functions in the Cognos Analytics portal” on page 127
• “Restricting access to reports in Team content folder” on page 127
• “Restricting users to only running reports” on page 128
Note: IBM OpenPages GRC Platform standard reports could be overwritten during an upgrade. If you want
to modify the standard reports, it is best that you copy the reports to your own folder structure where you
can then modify and control access to these reports.

Assigning CommandCenter administrative rights to a group

Before you can specify access rights and restrictions to reports and reporting functions, you must assign
CommandCenter administrative rights to a new or existing group.

1. From a browser window, log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application as a user with
administrative privileges.
2. Create a group in to which you want to give CommandCenter administrative rights, or use an existing
group, such as OpenPagesAdministrators.
Note: For information on creating groups, see the "Creating a New Organizational Group" section in the
IBM OpenPages GRC Administrator's Guide.

Specifying user access to administrative functions in the Cognos Analytics portal

You can specify which users have access to administrative functions within the Cognos Analytics portal.

1. From a browser, log on to the Cognos Analytics portal as a user with administrative privileges, for
example, OpenPagesAdministrator.
By default, the URL is:
http://<hostname>/ibmcognos/bi (if you are using port 80 for Cognos)
Where <hostname> is the name of the Cognos server.
2. Click Manage > Administration Console to launch the IBM Cognos Administration page.
3. On the Security tab, click the Cognos link in the Directory list.
4. On the Directory > Cognos page:
a) Locate the System Administrators group in the list.
b) Click the More link in the same row as the System Administrators group.
5. Under Available Actions on the Perform an Action page, click the Set members link.
6. On the Members tab of the Set Properties page, click the Add link.
7. On the Select entries (Navigate) page, do the following:
a) Click the OpenPagesSecurityRealm link to find the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform group or role to
access CommandCenter administrative functions.
b) Select a group. For example, OPAdministrators.
c) Click the green arrow to add the role.
8. On the Members tab of the Set Properties page,restrict access to the administrative functions.
a) Select the Everyone group.
b) Click the Remove link.

Restricting access to reports in Team content folder

You can restrict users to only being able to access reports that are in the Team content folder.

Managing reports 127

1. On the Cognos Analytics page, click the Team content folder.
2. On the Team content page, click the More link in the same row as the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
folder for which you want to restrict access (for example, OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6 or
3. Under Available actions, click the Set properties link.
4. On the Set properties page, select the Permissions tab and do the following:
a) If not already selected, select the box to Override the access permissions acquired from the parent
b) Click the Add link (located near the end of the page).
5. In the Select entries (Navigate) window, click the Cognos link, and do the following:
a) Select the group to be added (for example, System Administrators).
b) Click the green arrow to add the role.
6. On the Permissions tab of the Set Properties page, do the following:
a) Select the box next to the newly added group (for example, System Administrators).
b) Grant the group Read, Write, Set Policy, and Traverse permissions.
c) Remove the Write and Set Policy permissions from the other groups.
Now, if a user logs on to CommandCenter with a user name that is not in, for example, the
OPAdministrator group, and the user tries to delete, change, or save a report, for example, in the
OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6 or FCM_REPORTS package, an error message is displayed to the user.

Restricting users to only running reports

You can restrict users to only run reports, with no access to Cognos Analytics - Reporting to modify

1. From a browser, log on to the Cognos Analytics portal as a user with administrative privileges, for
example, OpenPagesAdministrator.
By default, the URL is:
http://<hostname>/ibmcognos/bi (if you are using port 80 for Cognos)
Where <hostname> is the name of the Cognos server.
2. Click Manage > Administration Console to launch the IBM Cognos Administration page.
3. Select the Security tab, and click the Cognos link in the Directory list.
4. On the Directory > Cognos page, click the More link in the same row as the "Authors" role.
5. On the Perform an action page, under Available Actions, click the Set members link.
6. On the Members tab of the Set properties page, click the Add link.
7. On the Select entries (Navigate) page, do the following:
a) Click the OpenPagesSecurityRealm link.
b) Select the group you want (for example, OPAdministrators).
c) Click the green arrow to add the group and then click OK.
8. On the Members tab of the Set Properties page:
a) Select the Everyone group
b) Click Remove.
9. Repeat Steps 2 - 6 for the "Query User" role.
10. When finished, return to the IBM Cognos Administration page and select the Security tab.

128 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

11. On the Security tab, click the Capabilities link, and do the following:
a) Click the Report Studio link.
b) Click the Actions arrow next to HTML Items in Report and select Set properties.
12. On the Set properties - HTML Items in Report page, do the following:
a) Select the Permissions tab.
b) If not already selected, select the box to "Override the access permissions acquired from the
parent entry".
13. In the list on the Permissions tab, select the "Everyone" group and grant the group Execute and
Traverse permissions.
Note: If the "Everyone" group is not listed, then add it to the list as follows:
a. Click the Add link.
b. On the Select entries (Navigate) window, click the Cognos link.
c. Select the "Everyone" group.
d. Click the green arrow to add the role.
e. Select the "Everyone" group and grant the group Execute and Traverse permissions.
14. Return to the Security tab and do the following:
a) Click the Capabilities link again.
b) Click the Report Studio link.
c) Click the Actions arrow next to Create/Delete and select Set properties.
15. On the Set properties - Create/Delete page, do the following:
a) Select the Permissions tab.
b) If not already selected, select the box to "Override the access permissions acquired from the
parent entry".
c) Remove the "Everyone" group, if it is listed there.
d) Add the "System Administrators" group with Read, Write, Set Policy, and Traverse permissions.

After completing this procedure, the user cannot modify reports but can still run out-of-the-box reports.

Managing reports 129

130 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 8. System file management
The ability to manage system folders and files is essential for information management in IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform.

Overview of folders and files

The system folders and files can be found in the following location: Administration > Manage System
The Manage System Files area of OpenPages contains seven types of system files. Six types are unique
system file types, but the seventh type, SOXDocument, can be either system files or non-system files.
Administrators go to Administration > Manage System Files > Files to access SOXDocument system
files. Users go to My OpenPages > Files to access SOXDocument non-system files.
Using the Manage System Files area of OpenPages you can complete the following tasks:
• View folders and files
• Manage folders and files
• Search for files

Access to the Administration > Manage System Files menu item

Add the ready-to-use OpenPages Platform 3 profile to the list of available profiles for your administrators
who manage system files. Using this profile, you have access to the Administration > Manage System
Files menu item and the Detail, Folder, and Filter list views for the object types for system files. If you do
not use the OpenPages Platform 3 profile, you can add the system file object types to any other profiles
that administrators use. Users must be members of the OPAdministrators user group for the
Administration > Manage System Files menu item to display.

System file types

When you click Administration > Manage System Files, you can access the following content file types:

Table 43: System file types

Content file type Description and examples
Files (SOXDocument) System files
• DefaultTemplate.xls

SysXMLDocument End user application configuration JSON and

trigger configuration files
• deck_config.json
• _trigger_config.xml
• openpages-solutions.xml
• OPLC-QuestionnaireAssessment.xml
• lossevent_config.json

ExporterXML Notification reports

Table 43: System file types (continued)
Content file type Description and examples
MigrationJAR JAR files that are imported by using
Administration > Import Configuration and
exported by using Administration > Export
• Migration Documents folder
• imported-migration-121117082838.jar

ModelConnectionConfig Visual diagram files

Report JSP files, for example, solution helpers, Command
Center redirects, FastMap reports, and more
• ORM_Custom_Scope_Wizard.jsp

VizConfig Visualization configuration files

• EntityDetail.json
• EntityHierarchy.json
• ProcessFlow.json

Comparison of OPX administrative interface to Manage System Files

Reports permissions are still managed in the OPX administrative interface. They are not available in
Administration > Manage System Files.
In the OPX administrative interface, the SOXDocument system and non-system files are in the same
location. But in OpenPages, SOXDocument system files are accessed in Administration > Manage
System Files > Files. SOXDocument non-system files are accessed in My OpenPages > Files.
If you are familiar with how files and folders were organized in the OPX administrative interface, the
following table explains where you can find the most commonly used system files in Administration >
Manage System Files:

Table 44: Comparison of OPX to Manage System Files

These files in OPX... Are located in ...
Trigger configuration files Administration > Manage System Files >
End user application configuration files Administration > Manage System Files >
FLV export spreadsheet template files Administration > Manage System Files > Files

Access permissions
Not all folders and files are accessible to all users. Each folder and file can have its own set of access
permissions that determine which users are allowed to view or edit it. Sensitive or private information
remains visible only to selected users, most often to prevent accidental editing or deletion.
Each user can view only the folders and files to which they have access permissions. Each user’s view of
the file system can appear differently, although all users are typically working from the same set of data.
For example, one user can have access to all folders and files and be able to see all files in the system.
Another user can have access to only a limited set of folders and files, which makes the folders and files
to which they do not have access uneditable.

132 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: The creator of a file is automatically granted all access permissions to that file, regardless of the
limitations set by a group or the folder where the file is located.
The OpenPages Platform 3 profile includes access to all of the system file types. An administrator
assigned this profile has access to all the system files and folders.

Object types and Folder Views

The content file types are defined as the following seven object types in OpenPages:
• Files (SOXDocument)
• SysXMLDocument
• ExporterXML
• MigrationJAR
• ModelConnectionConfig
• Report
• VizConfig
You manage these object types like other object types in the system. Do not disable the Folder View for
these object types.

Known issues
The following behaviors are known issues in Administration > Manage System Files:
• If you set up filters for SysXMLdocument files for the Analytics bar, the filter correctly displays the
results but incorrectly calculates as zero the number of results available.
• In Folder View only system files under the current reporting period are displayed. If you click a system
file folder and select a finalized reporting period, no files in the folder are displayed and an error is
• In Detail View for a system file, you can choose only Current in Reporting Period. You cannot choose a
finalized reporting period.
• If you apply a filter in Administration > Manage System Files, the filter is not automatically applied in
My OpenPages > Files, and vice versa.
• You must disable System Administration Mode to add new system files.

System file management tasks

To enable you to manage your content effectively, changes often have to be made to your folder and file
structure, including changing file locations, changing file and folder names, and removing unwanted
content from IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
CAUTION: System files must have specific names and be in specific folders so use caution when
moving, deleting, or renaming these types of files or their folders.

Creating folders
In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you can create a new folder within any folder for which you have access

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Select the check box next to the folder that you want to add the new folder to.
4. Click Add Folder.

System file management 133

5. Type a name and description for the folder.
6. Click OK.

Uploading files
You can add files to folders in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Select the check box next to the folder that you want to upload the file to.
4. Click Add New.
5. Click Choose File and select the file that you want to upload.
6. Type a description for the file.
7. Click Create.

Moving files or folders

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform enables you to move files or folders from one location in the folder
hierarchy to another.

About this task

If you attempt to move a file into a folder that already contains a file with the same name, the file will not
be moved. If you paste the file into a folder that does not already contain a file with the same name, then
the original file name will be used.
CAUTION: Because some files are referenced by other system processes, and because other users
may be working with common files, please ensure that you are not going to inadvertently disrupt
the work or files of others before moving a file.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Select the check box next to the file or folder that you want to move.
4. Click Move To.
5. Navigate to the folder that you want to move the file to.
6. Click OK.

Copying files and folders

You can copy files and folders to a different folder in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Select the check box next to the file or folder that you want to copy.
4. Click Copy To.
5. Navigate to the folder that you want to move the file to.
6. Click OK.

134 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Renaming files or folders
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform enables you to rename folders and files in the system. You can only rename
a folder or file if you have the correct permissions to do so.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Select the check box next to the file or folder that you want to rename.
4. Click Rename.
5. Type a new name and click OK.

Deleting files or folders

When you delete a folder, the folder and all of its contents are removed from IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform. When you delete a file, it is removed from OpenPages. You can only delete a folder or file if you
have the appropriate access permissions.

About this task

CAUTION: Because some folders and files are referenced by other system processes, and because
other users may be working with shared files, please ensure that you are not going to inadvertently
disrupt the work of others before deleting content.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Select the check box next to the file or folder that you want to rename.
4. Click Delete.

System file modification

You can download a copy of a file to view if you have view permissions for the file or you can edit a file by
checking it out of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
When you check in an updated file, the original file is updated in OpenPages with the newer edited
version. If file versioning is enabled, then older versions of files are maintained as you make edits. The
most recently checked in version of a file is considered as the current version.

Downloading files
You can view a file stored in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform by downloading it to your computer.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Navigate to the file that you want to download.
4. Click the file.
5. In the Name field, click View file.
The file is downloaded to your computer.

System file management 135

Checking out files
You can edit a file by checking it out of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

About this task

While a file is checked out, it is locked in OpenPages, thereby preventing any other user from making
changes while you have the file checked out.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Navigate to the file that you want to check out.
4. Click the file.
5. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Check out this <type of system file>.
The file is now locked.
6. In the Name field, click View file.
The file is downloaded to your computer and available for edit.

Uploading modified files

After you have made changes to a checked out file, you must upload the revised file to IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Navigate to the file that you want to upload the newest version of.
4. Click the file.
5. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Edit/Upload this <type of system file>.
6. Click Choose File and select the new version of the file.
7. Click Save.

Checking in files
After you have edited and uploaded a file you can check it back in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

About this task

When you check a file back in, it becomes unlocked, and may then be edited by other users.

1. Go to Administration > Manage System Files.
2. Select the system file type.
3. Navigate to the file that you want to check back in.
4. Click the file.
5. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Check in this <type of system file>.
The file is now unlocked.

136 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 9. Fields and field groups
A field group is a container for fields. Each field must belong to a field group.
You can add new fields to object types and custom forms, and manage existing fields.
If a field is defined as a simple string or long string data type, you can also encrypt the field values in the
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository.
To manage new fields, either add new fields to an existing field group or create a new field group and add
the fields to it.

A field group is identified by the Field Group icon . An object field is identified by the Object Field icon

Definition of fields
An object field represents information that is specific to an object type.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
By default, each object type has a predefined field group that contains fields that are specific for that
object type. For example, the "Effectiveness Rating" and "Operating Effectiveness" fields belong to the
Control object field group called OPSS-Control.
Fields are added to a new or existing field group. It is then associated with a profile for display in views.
If you create a new object type for a custom form or survey, you must add field groups to that object type.
Field groups are new or existing field groups. For more information, see “Adding an object type for a
custom form” on page 188.

Important: Do not use the four-byte characters that are defined

in the CJK Unified Ideographs EXTENSION-B Unicode Block Name in field values. These characters will
not be saved.

Definition of a field group that is in use

When a field group is associated with an object type, an instance of the object type is created. The field
group is identified as in use.
When a field group is in use, you cannot delete the field group or any fields from that field group.
For example, you create a new field group that is called Extra Fields with three object fields, called Field 1,
Field 2 and Field 3. You then add the new field group to the Risk object type. Even if you never display any
of the new fields on any Risk object view page, the Extra Fields field group is in use and cannot be deleted.
Note: If a management operation is being modified by two administrators at the same time, an error
message is displayed, notifying you to try again later.

Field and field group process overview

You can add new fields to an object type and then display the new fields.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
Figure 12: Tasks for configuring new fields

Table 45 on page 138 provides information about the configuration tasks.

Table 45: Tasks for configuring new fields

Task Description Related Topic
1. Identify the new field. See “Requirements for new fields” on page 139 for
the information to identify before you create a new
2. Add a new field group or identify the existing See “Adding field groups” on page 142 for
group where the field is associated. instructions on how to create a new field group.
3. Add field definitions to the field group. See “Adding fields to a field group” on page 142 for
instructions on how to add new field definitions to
a new field group.
4. If you created a new field group, add it to the See “Including field groups for an object type” on
appropriate object type. page 177 for information about how to add the new
field group to an object type or custom form object
5. Display the new fields in an object view. See “Configure views for objects” on page 236 for
information on displaying the new fields in a
selected view and configuring a display type.

138 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Requirements for new fields

Before you create a new field, determine the characteristics of the field and the object types that will use
the new field.
The following list identifies information that is needed before you create a new field:
• Object - Will the new field be added to a custom form or object? For objects, identify the object types
where the new field will be added.
• Name - How will the new field be identified? The name is important because it is also the label that
appears next to the field. Special characters cannot be used. For additional information, see “File
naming guidelines” on page 140.
• Label - What text is displayed when this field appears on an object View page? The initial label is the
same as the name of the field. For example, if this field is added to the Detail view page of an object, it is
also displayed on the Add and Edit pages. If required, modify the label text. For more information, see
Chapter 13, “Localizing text,” on page 277).
• Data type - What is the type of data, such as Boolean or Date that is captured by the field? For more
information, see “Data types” on page 143.
• Entry type - Is the user required to enter data in the field or is data entry optional? For more
information, see “Making fields required or optional” on page 151.
• Default value - Is a default value defined or is it blank?
• Encrypted - If the field is defined as a simple string or long string data type, decide if the field values
should be further secured by using encryption. For more information, see “Encrypting field values” on
page 151.
• How many fields are included in the field group - how many new fields will the new field group contain?
If you are creating more than one new field for an object, consider categorizing collections of object
field definitions in the same field group for ease of maintenance.
• Object view - Which view pages will display the new field? Views include Detail, Folder, or List. A custom
form or survey can only have a detail view page. For more information, see “Configure views for objects”
on page 236.
• Display order - Where does the new field appear on a view page? What fields should be listed before or
after the new field? If no display order is set, the new field will automatically be displayed at the end of
the list of fields. For details, see “Setting the display order of object types” on page 220.

Suppose you want to add an Owner field to several object types. You can either modify the field group for
each object type by adding an Owner field, or you can create a generic Owner field and field group for all
object types and reuse it later if you want to add it to an object.
To simplify the work, follow the generic approach and create a generic field that can be added to any
object type.
The new field needs a field group and a generic name. Name the field group Custom Fields and the name
of the field Owner. The field name is important because it is the initial label that appears next to the field
wherever the field displays in the application. If necessary, you can modify the label text at a future time.
For details on modifying label text, see the chapter, Chapter 13, “Localizing text,” on page 277.
The Owner field will be used to capture a name, so the data type for this field will be Simple String. Since
the Owner field is considered important, make it a required field so the user must enter a name into the
field before they can save and exit the page. No default value will be set for the field so the field will
appear empty.
To complete the planning, there are no other fields to be added to the Custom Fields field group (Owner
is the only field). The new Owner field will only be displayed on the detail page of the Business Entity and
Issue object types (this also includes the add and edit pages).

Fields and field groups 139

You must now determine the display order on the Detail view page for both object types. The default order
for new fields is at the end of the display list. For simplicity, place the Owner field for both object types
after the Modified By field on the detail page. Because you are using the Platform schema that is supplied
by default, the display order of the Owner field will need to be set to 8, which is after the Modified By
field (which is in position 7) on the Detail view page for both objects.
Now that you have identified all the necessary information, you can begin “Adding field groups” on page
142 in the Task list. For details, see Table 45 on page 138.

File naming guidelines

To create an object field that you can use in reports, there are several factors to consider when choosing a
field name.

Avoid using the object name in the field definition

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform uses a three- or four-character prefix naming convention when generating
the Cognos framework model. When Cognos reports are run, the prefix is converted to the object name in
the column headers.
For example, in the supplied field definitions, the OPSS-TestResult field group contains a field named Test

Table 46: Prefix conventions

This prefix For this object type’s Is displayed in a report column header as this
RI_ SOXRisk Risk
CN_ SOXControl Control
TR_ SOXTestResult Test Result

When the Cognos framework model is generated, the Test Result field is converted to the query item
When the Cognos report is run, the "TR_TEST_RESULT" field column header displays as "Test Result Test
Result" by default.

Limit the field name to 20 characters or fewer

• Limit the name definition to 20 character or less because characters that exceed 20 are truncated.
• The framework generator reserves character positions 21 and 22 for a unique ID in the query item
name. Field names that exceed 20 characters are truncated after the 20th character.
• The object prefix is not counted in these 20 characters.
If are multiple field names are more than 20 character and have no unique characters in the first 20
characters, recreate the Reporting Schema only when necessary. The Cognos Reporting Schema
generator may not generate the same two-digit unique ID for the field definitions for each reporting cycle.
Reports that use these field definitions may not clearly identify each field definition.

Table 47: Example of framework generator naming results

This Reporting For a field definition with this name May result in this
Generation #1 Total Actual Financial Loss 2008 LE_TOTAL_ACTUAL_FINANCI01

140 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 47: Example of framework generator naming results (continued)
This Reporting For a field definition with this name May result in this
Generation #2 Total Actual Financial Loss 2007 LE_TOTAL_ACTUAL_FINANCI01
Generation #3 Total Actual Financial Loss 2006 LE_TOTAL_ACTUAL_FINANCI01

If a long field definition name is required, create the name with unique characters at the beginning of the
name, such as "2008 Total Actual Financial Loss" instead of "Total Actual Financial Loss 2008".

Running the Schema Analysis report

Before adding fields to an object type, run the Schema Analysis report to determine the number of object
fields that can be added to an object type.
The report shows how many object fields:
• Are currently configured for an object type
• Can "safely" be added to extend that object type
In general, 350 is the threshold limit for the number of fields that can be added to an object type when
the average of all field names is 22 characters in length. By keeping the average field name short, it might
be possible to include more than the 350 threshold limit for the number of fields.
Calculations on the Schema Analysis report use and display 175 as the threshold limit rather than 350.
You can add more fields than the report shows.
Additionally, each currency field within an object type equates to six fields. This is because each currency
field has six distinct columns within the database RT_ table. These six columns equate to the core
currency field and its five subfields: Local Amount, Local Currency Code, Exchange Rate, Base Amount,
and Base Currency Code.
The Schema Analysis report is accessed through the Cognos Analytics portal. The Report lists all object
types, in alphabetical order, that are in the schema. The following example shows the name of each
column in the Report and sample data for the Control object type.

Table 48: Information in the Schema Analysis report

Report Column Name Example
Object type rt_control
Current number of fields 39
Current Field Length Statistics (Highest/Average) 22/14
Number of Additional Fields that can be added (assuming Maximum Field Lengths 136
are used)
Potential Number of Additional Fields that can be added (if the Average Field 187
Length for this Object Type does not increase)

For example, you want to add three currency fields to the Control object type. Because each currency field
equates to six fields, you would be adding 18 fields to the Control object type (3 X 6).

Fields and field groups 141

Using the numbers from the Example column in Table 48 on page 141, the Schema Analysis report
indicates that the Control object type (rt_control) in the sample schema currently has 39 fields. Of those
39 fields, the largest field length is 22 characters, with an average field length (for all fields) of 14
The report also indicates that you can add 136 fields with names that do not exceed 22 characters in
length, or up to 187 fields if the field names are 14 characters (or less). Adding the three currency fields
(for a total of 18 fields) would be well within the threshold for this object type.
The values 136 and 187 are calculated based on 175 as a threshold limit. Since the threshold is 350, you
can actually add approximately 311 or 413 fields, respectively.

1. Click Reporting > Cognos Analytics.
2. Click Team content.
3. On the Team content page, navigate through the links as follows:
OpenPages_Platform_V6 > Administrative Reports
4. On the Administrative Reports page, click the Schema Analysis Report link to run the report.

Adding field groups

A field group is a container for fields. Each field you create must belong to a field group.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. Click Administration > Field Groups.
3. On the Field Groups table, click Add.
4. On the Field Groups page, type a name for the field group.
5. Click Create.

What to do next
Add field definitions to the new field group. For details, go to “Adding fields to a field group” on page 142.

Adding fields to a field group

A field group can contain one or more fields.

A field definition stores the data type and other properties of a field. For each new field to add to an object
type, you must create a field definition that defines the properties of that field. You can add a field
definition to a new field group or an existing field group that is not in use.

Before you begin

If the field group is already associated to an object type and you use DB2 and the reporting schema is
enabled, perform this task when there is limited or no activity on the system. It can cause significant
system delays in OpenPages due to locking conflicts on the DB2 platform. For more information, see
“System delay when modifying object types and fields (DB2)” on page 796.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. Click Administration > Field Groups.
3. In the Field Definitions table of the field group, click Add.

142 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

4. On the Field Definition page, type a name and select a data type.
The following table lists the properties that you can specify:

Table 49: Field definition properties

In this box... Do this...
Name Type a name for the field.
Important: The name must start with a letter, and can contain only letters,
numbers, spaces, and the underscore (_) character.

Owner, owner1, Owner1_Risk

Description Type a description of the field.

Data Type Select a data type for this field:
a. Click the down arrow and select a data type from the list.
b. Click the double arrows (>>) to display more options for the selected
data type.
For details see, “Data types” on page 143.

Computed Select this box if you want this field to be a computed field. More boxes are
Note: This additional
option appears for most For details, see, “Creating computed fields” on page 153.
data types.

Required Select this property if you want the field to require data entry.
Note: This additional For details, see, “Making fields required or optional” on page 151.
option appears for all
data types.

5. Click Create. The new field definition is listed on the Field Definitions table of the selected field group.
6. To add another field definition to this field group, repeat Steps 2, 3, and 4.
7. When finished adding field definitions, add the field group to one or more object types. For details, go
to “Including field groups for an object type” on page 177.

Data types
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application provides various data types from which you can choose.
After you select a data type for a field and save it, only the parameters or settings for the data type can be
modified; you cannot change the data type itself.
To display more parameters for a selected data type, click the double arrow icon next to the data type

Boolean data type

A logical operator that has the following predefined values: true (default) or false.
To change the default value, click the Default Value arrow and select another value from the list.

Fields and field groups 143

Classifier data type
The classifier data type accepts simple string text that can be interpreted and classified by a Natural
Language Classifier that uses Watson technology. It has the following settings:
Classifier Configuration Name
The name of a classifier configuration defined in Administration > Cognitive Services > Natural
Language Classifiers.
Classifier Input Field
The field that provides text that is interpreted and classified by a Natural Language Classifier. Format
is <Field Group>.<Field Name>.
For more information, see “Defining a Classifier Configuration” on page 728.

Currency data type

• Include Conversion - this setting controls whether the exchange rate and base amount conversion are
If this value is set to:
– True - the following items are displayed in the currency field (this is the default setting):
Local Currency Code (drop down)
Local Amount (text input)
Exchange Rate (text input)
Base Code (static text)
Base Amount (static text)
For example, you might use this setting when the field represents a currency amount relative to a
specific point in time where the exchange rate is applicable, such as a financial loss on a specific
– False - the following items are displayed in the currency field:
Local Currency Code (drop down)
Local Amount (text input)
For example, you might use this setting when the field represents a hypothetical currency amount not
relative to a specific point in time, such as Inherent Severity on the Risk object.
• The currency data type accepts numeric values with decimal places for the following settings:
Minimum Value
The lowest allowable currency value that is accepted for this field.
Maximum Value
The greatest allowable currency value that is accepted for this field.
If a user enters a value that is either below or above the specified value range, an error message is
• The Minimum Value and Maximum Value settings are expressed in terms of the base currency (base
currency is set during installation).
• You cannot use non-numeric characters when you enter currency values. For example, either 125000 or
125,000 is legal, but not $125000. This format is set per user locale.
For more information about working with currency, see “Adding a currency field to a field group” on
page 147.

144 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Date data type
The date data type default value is blank and this value cannot be changed. (The date picker pop-up box
defaults to the current date.)

Decimal data type

The decimal data type accepts numeric values with decimal places for the following settings:
Minimum Value
The lowest allowable decimal value that is accepted for this field.
Maximum Value
The greatest allowable decimal value that is accepted for this field.
Default Value
The default value of the field is blank.
To display a default decimal value in the field, type a numeric value that is between the minimum and
maximum allowable values.
If a user enters a value that is either below or above the specified value range, an error message is

Enumerated String data type

The enumerated string data type accepts a list of string values and has these settings:
Add Value
A string value that you want in a list of values.
To add a value to the list:
1. In the Add Value box, type a string value.
2. Click Add.
3. To add another value to the list, repeat Steps 1 and 2.
To remove a value from the list, select the value then click Delete only if the field is not in use.
Sets whether a user is allowed to select more than one value from the list.
If the box is:
only one value can be selected from the list. This is the default setting.
multiple values can be selected from the list.
If you are using Oracle, you can convert a single value selection setting to a multi-value selection
If you are using IBM DB2 and you want to convert a single value selection setting to a multi-value
selection setting, you must:
• Perform the conversion when there is limited or no activity on the system if the reporting schema is
enabled. The conversion can cause significant system delays in OpenPages due to locking conflicts
on the DB2 platform. For more information, see “System delay when modifying object types and
fields (DB2)” on page 796.
• Complete remediation steps after the conversion is finished. For more information, see
“Remediating after an Enumerated String field is changed to a multi-select field (DB2)” on page
795. Or, drop the reporting schema, change the setting, and then recreate the reporting schema.
You cannot convert a multi-value selection setting to a single value selection.

Fields and field groups 145

Default Values
The field, by default, is empty and has no value.
To display a default value from the list, click the arrow and select a value from the list.
To reorder the list of values, see “Changing the order of enumerated string values” on page 160.
To set the display of the enumerated string data, such as a list, radio buttons, or check boxes, you must do
it through the profile, see “Configuring a display type for enumerated strings” on page 274.

Integer data type

The integer data type accepts numeric values without decimals for the settings:
Default Value
The field, by default, is empty and has no value.
To display a default integer value in the field, type a numeric value that is between the minimum and
maximum allowable values.
Minimum Value
The lowest allowable integer value that is accepted for this field.
Maximum Value
The greatest allowable integer value that is accepted for this field.
If a user enters a value that is either below or above the specified value range or a non-integer value,
an error message is shown.

Long String data type

A long string is considered to be any text of length more than 4000 bytes. Long strings allow users to
enter more than 4000 bytes in a single field.
You can encrypt long string field values up to a maximum of 2 MB in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
The long string has two sub types, medium and large.
The size of the medium sub type is fixed to 32 KB. The medium sub type is the only sub type that is
supported for FastMap uploads.
The size of the large sub type set by default to 256 KB. It can be increased by changing the Platform >
Repository > Resource > Large Text > Maximum Size setting.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the
Enter a value in bytes. The maximum size applies to all large subtype long strings.
Important: After it is set, this value cannot be reduced.
Note: The maximum size is a hidden setting. To show hidden settings set Applications > Common >
Configuration > Show Hidden Settings to true.
See “Long string fields” on page 174

Reporting Fragment data type

The Reporting Fragment data type displays a component (such as a bar or line chart) from a Cognos report
or dashboard in a field. For details, see “Reporting fragment fields” on page 162.

146 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Simple String data type
The simple string data type, by default, displays data as text. The default value of the field is blank. The
maximum size of a simple string is 4000 bytes.
You can encrypt simple string field values in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository.
To display a default value in the field, type a string of either plain text or HTML-formatted text.
To set the display of the string data to another type, such as a user drop-down, user or group selector, rich
text area , you must do it through the profile. For details, see “Configuring display types for simple string
fields” on page 262.

Single File data type

For legacy internal use. Do not use because this data type cannot be used in profiles.

Adding a currency field to a field group

You can add a currency field to a field group.

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. In the Field Groups table, click the name of the field group to which you want to add a currency field.
The page containing information for that field group appears.
3. In the Field Definitions table, click Add. The page containing the information to add the field definition
4. On the add page:
a) In the Name box, type a name for the new currency field.
b) Select Currency from the Data Type drop-down list.
Important: Do not change or translate currency codes.
c) Check Required if the field is to be a required field.
Note: The Currency data type does not support computed fields. See “Defining a computed field”
on page 155 for information on computed fields.
d) Check Include Conversion if the field is to include currency conversion.
e) Click the >> icon and type the minimum and maximum allowable currency values to be allowed in
the field in the Minimum Value and Maximum Value boxes.
f) Click Create. The system creates the new currency field.
• If a user enters a value that is either below or above the specified value range, an error message
• You cannot use non-numeric characters when entering currency values. For example, either 125000
or 125,000 is legal, but not $125000.
• This format is set per User Locale.
• Object fields with this data type cannot be included in the profile of predefined objects or custom
forms that use the supplied JSP file for rendering.

Editing currency field information

You can edit currency field information.

Fields and field groups 147

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. In the Field Groups pane, click the name of the field group that contains the currency field to edit.
3. In the Field Definitions pane, click the name of the currency field to edit.
a) Click Edit.
4. Edit the information.
5. Click Save.

Viewing and editing a currency display type

You can view and edit currency display type information for object types that contain a currency field.

1. Click Administration > Profiles.
2. Click the name of the profile that contains both the object type and currency field you want to view or
3. Click the object type.
For example, to view or edit the currency display type for the Inherent Severity object field, select the
SOXRisk object type.
4. Click the desired object field. The Display Type column of the selected field should be ‘Currency’.
On the detail page of the selected object field, the currency display information appears.
5. To edit the currency display type, complete the following actions:
a) Click Edit.
b) Set the read only value to True or False.
c) To set the field as required, select Required.
d) Click Save.

Editing currency field values in individual accounts

If you have IBM OpenPages Financial Controls Management installed, you can edit currency field values
for individual accounts.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application.
2. From the menu bar, select Financial and click Accounts.
3. From the list, click the name of the account you want to open its details page.
4. Under Account Details, click the Fields link.
5. Select the Actions menu and choose Edit this Account.
6. In the Annualized Value field, change the Currency, Exchange Rate, or USD values as desired.
7. When finished, click Save.

Modifying currency exchange rates

You can add, edit, and enable or disable currency exchange rates.
Use one of the following methods to update currency exchange rates.
• Upload a CSV file with currency exchange rates from:
– The application user interface. For more information, see “Formatting and uploading a CSV file” on
page 149.
– An ObjectManager loader file. For more information, see “Importing exchange rates” on page 610.

148 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Edit the rates in the application user interface manually. For more information, see “Editing exchange
rates for an existing currency code” on page 149.
• Upload currency exchange rates in an ObjectManager loader file. For more information, see “Importing
exchange rates” on page 610.
Note: You cannot use these functions with a new currency. The currency must exist.

Editing exchange rates for an existing currency code

One of the ways to modify an exchange rate for an existing currency code is by using the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform user interface.

1. Click Administration > Currencies.
2. On the Currencies page, click Edit.
3. On the Edit Exchange Rate page, edit the currency exchange rates as wanted.
4. Click Save. The edited currency exchange rates appear on the Currencies page.

Formatting and uploading a CSV file

The file containing the exchange rate currency data must be in a comma separated value (.csv) file that is
formatted in a specific way.
The file must have the following format:

<currency code>,<exchange rate>

<currency code>,<exchange rate>


Table 50: CSV file format placeholders for exchange rates

Field Description
<currency code> The 3-letter ISO Currency Code.
<exchange rate> The numeric exchange rate value.
The default value is 1.0.

<start date> Optional. The date the exchange rate was (or will be) applied.
You can use either of the following formats:
• mm/dd/yyyy
• mm/dd/yyyy HH:mm:sss
If no historic date is supplied, the current date is used.

The following data sample from a CSV file shows the ISO currency codes for Euros, Canadian dollars, and
Japanese yen with the corresponding exchange rate for each currency, and the historical date that the
rate was applied for two of the three currencies.


1. Click Administration > Currencies.
2. On the Currencies page, click Upload.

Fields and field groups 149

3. Type the CSV file name into the Exchange Rates File Name box or select the appropriate file by
clicking Browse.
4. Click Upload. The new currency exchange rate appears in the Currencies table on the Currencies page.

Enabling currency exchange rates

You can enable disabled currency rates, making them available to the appropriate processes.

1. Click Administration > Currencies.
2. On the Currencies page, click Enable.
3. On the Enable Currencies page, check all the currencies you want to enable.
4. Optional: Change the exchange rate for any listed currencies.
5. Click Save. The enabled currencies appear on the Currencies table.

Disabling currency exchange rates

You can disable enabled currencies. When you disable a currency it is no longer available to the system.
However, it is not deleted. You can enable it at any time.
Note: You cannot enable or disable the base currency, which is set during installation.

1. Click Administration > Currencies.
2. On the Currencies page, click the check box next to the currencies you want to disable. (You can re-
enable these currencies at any time.)
3. Click Disable.

Modifying field group properties

You can modify the description property of any field group; however, the name of a field group cannot be

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. Click the name of the field group that you want to modify to open its details page.
3. On the Field Group Information table, click Edit.
4. Modify the description as necessary.
5. Click Save.

Modifying object field definitions

After you create an object field, you can modify field definition properties.
For any type of object field - modify the description, whether the field is required or optional, and set a
default value for the field (excluding the Date data type). For numeric fields, such as decimal or integer,
change the minimum, maximum, and default values.
For fields with enumerated strings, you can add, delete (if not in use), hide or unhide, and update the
order of the values in the list. For more information, see “Adding enumerated string values” on page 160
Note: You cannot modify the name of any object field or its data type.

150 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. Click the name of the field group containing the object field to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table, click the name of the field to modify.
4. On the Field Definition Information table, click Edit.
5. To define object fields as required or optional, see “Making fields required or optional” on page 151.
6. To set a default value for an object field, see “Setting a default value for an object field” on page 152.
7. Click Save.

Making fields required or optional

You can globally set whether or not all users will be required to enter data in an object field.
When you create a new object field, by default, the Required box is cleared (optional or non-required data
Note: If you want to require a specific group of users (not all users) to enter data for a field, for maximum
flexibility set the field as required in the profile and not in the field definition (see “Setting a field in a
profile to required or optional” on page 221).
When you set an object field to be required, a red asterisk * displays after the field label in the Add and
Edit pages of the object type. For example, if you were to change the setting of the optional "Additional
Description:" field of the Account object to be a required data entry field, it displays to users as
"Additional Description*:" Users are required to enter information in the field when they created a new
Account object.
You can omit a required field for a particular view if the field is filled in by a trigger or if the field will have
been filled in prior to this view being used to edit the object.

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. Click the name of the field group containing the object field that you want to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table, click the name of the object field you want to modify.
4. On the Field Definition Information table, click Edit.
5. If you want this field to be:
• A required data entry field - select the Required box.
• A non-required (optional) data entry field - clear the Required box.
6. Click Save.
Note: Changing a field to Required also causes all profile references to the field to be required as well.

Encrypting field values

You can encrypt a simple string or long string field value in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository to
prevent system administrators from viewing confidential data directly from the database. Encrypted field
values are shown as a string of random characters.
Note: Before encrypting long strings in OpenPages running on Oracle 12.1, refer to the following
Technote: The Technote describes a
potential issue and how to resolve it by obtaining the appropriate patch from Oracle support and applying
it to your environment.

Fields and field groups 151

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. Click the name of the field group that contains the object field that you want to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table, click the name of the object field you want to modify.
4. On the Field Definition Information table, click Edit.
5. To encrypt all values for the field, select the Encrypted box.
6. Click Save.
The field is now marked for encryption. The timing of the encryption depends on the status of the field
level encryption keystore:
• If keystore is enabled, all field values are encrypted when you save the field definition.
• If the keystore is disabled, no field values are encrypted until you enable the keystore.
For more information, see “Field level encryption” on page 81.

Decrypting field values

You can decrypt a simple string or long string field value in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository if
the data is no longer considered to be confidential. System administrators can view decrypted data
directly from the database.

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. Click the name of the field group that contains the object field that you want to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table, click the name of the object field you want to modify.
4. On the Field Definition Information table, click Edit.
5. If you want to decrypt this field, clear the Encrypted box.
6. Click Save.
The field is now marked for decryption. The timing of the decryption depends on the status of the field
level encryption keystore:
• If the keystore is enabled, no field values are decrypted until you disable the keystore.
• If keystore is disabled, all field values are decrypted when you save the field definition.
For more information, see “Field level encryption” on page 81.

Setting a default value for an object field

When you create a new object field, by default, the Default Value property is empty (not populated).
When you set a default value for an object field, that value displays to users in that field. For example, if
you were to set a default value for the "Additional Description:" field of the Account object that contained
the text "Enter any additional information here.", it displays to users when they created a new Account
Restriction: The new default value will only be populated for new instances of an object type. In other
words, if a user attempts to edit an existing object where the value was blank, it will remain blank. The
new default value will be used when a user or administrator creates a new instance of that object type.
For example, if an administrator modifies an enumerated string (dropdown field) on a test object. The new
default value will be populated if new test objects are created. If an end user attempts to edit an existing
test object, the new default value won't be set or modified for it.

152 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. Click the name of the field group containing the object field that you want to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table, click the name of the object field you want to modify.
4. On the Field Definition Information table, click Edit.
5. In the Default Value box, either type a value or click the arrow and select an enumerated string value.
6. Click Save.

Creating computed fields

You can create, edit, or view an object field whose value is computed from the values of other fields.
These computed fields can exist on either the same object or on another, related object.
Computed fields have the following characteristics:
• Are always read-only.
• Can be used in reports.
• Can be added to the Context, Detail, Activity, List, Home Page Filtered List, Filtered List, Grid and Folder
views in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user interface.
• Must have unique field names. Adding more than one computed field with the same field name in the
same view will result in an error.
If you want to import (load) and export (dump) computed field definitions, you must use the
ObjectManager tool. For details, see “Importing computed field definitions” on page 614.
Computed fields require an installed and active Cognos server as they use the Cognos Computation
Handler. If a computed field is executed in the application and the Cognos server is not available, the
following message is displayed to users: Cognos is unavailable. Please contact your System Administrator.

1. In Cognos Analytics - Reporting, model the computed field in a calculation object. For details, see
“Modeling a new computed field in Cognos ” on page 153.
2. In the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface:
a) Define the computed field. For details, see “Defining a computed field” on page 155.
b) Regenerate the reporting framework. For details, see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Modeling a new computed field in Cognos

You can model an equation in Cognos to define a computed field in the application.
Note: If you do not know how to use Cognos Analytics - Reporting, seek the help of an experienced
Cognos report author or call your IBM representative.

1. Log on to the Cognos Analytics portal as an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user with the locale set to
Report Design Language.
2. Create a list report that you can use to model the computed field equation.
3. Drag the following ID query items onto the report page to establish a context for the calculation:
• An object ID

Fields and field groups 153




• A reporting period ID



4. Click Toolbox on the Insertable Objects pane and complete the following actions:
a) Drag a Calculation object onto the report page.
b) At the prompt, type a name.
For example, type Calc-Risk.
5. In the Expression Definition pane of the model, complete the following actions:
a) Enter an expression using model query items from the same namespace, function, or parameters.
The Cognos SQL used to define this computed value can be an existing query item in the published
Cognos framework or an equation involving multiple query items. Some of the predefined database
functions may also be useful for computed fields (such as getting an exchange rate or localizing
strings). For details, see "Using Predefined Database Functions" in the IBM OpenPages Report
Author's Guide.
For example, the following equation returns a value with the percentage by which the inherent
severity of a risk was reduced after associated controls were applied to that risk. Sample output
might be: 2.46.


b) Validate the expression and make any needed changes.

6. Run the report. Check the results.

7. Click XML Show Specification on the toolbar to view the Cognos SQL in an XML representation. The
following XML sample shows which sections of the report will be used to define the computed field in
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and the corresponding field name in the application.

<querySet xml:lang="en-ca">
<BIQuery name="Query1">
<item refItem="RI_RISK_ID" aggregate="none"/>
<item refItem="REPORTING_PERIOD_ID" aggregate="none"/>
<item refItem="Calc-Risk" aggregate="none"/>
<dataItem name="RI_RISK_ID">
<dataItem name="REPORTING_PERIOD_ID">
<dataItem name="Calc-Risk">
for [DEFAULT].[SOXCONTROL].[RISK_ID]) / 100</expression>

Note: Because the values in the Report Specification XML window cannot be selected, you can copy
the report specification to the Clipboard (Tools | Copy Report to Clipboard) and then paste the
information into a text document. Then, you can copy the attribute values into the application user

154 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

interface. The value to be used in the Equation definition box can also be obtained from the
Expression Definition pane of the calculation object.

What to do next
In OpenPages GRC Platform, define the computed field. For more information, see “Defining a computed
field” on page 155.

Defining a computed field

You can define a computed field.

Note: The following data types do not support computed fields: Currency, Enumerated String, and Single

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. Click the name of the field group in which you want to include the new object field.
3. On the Field Definitions table, click Add.
4. In the Name box, type a name for the new computed field.
5. In the Description box, optionally type some descriptive text.
6. Click the Data Type arrow and use Table 51 on page 155 to select a data type for the new computed

Table 51: Data types for computed fields

Data Type Return Value When to Use
Boolean TRUE or FALSE (case Takes a boolean string, parses it, localizes it, and
insensitive) displays it.
Date Date in the format: Takes a date string, parses it, localizes it, and
displays it.

Decimal Any numbers Takes any number string and parses it, localizes
it, and displays it.
Integer Whole numbers Takes a whole number string and parses it,
localizes it, and displays it.
Simple String Any Can be used for any computed field. Takes the
result of the computation engine and displays it.
This will not be localized - it displays the exact
output of the computation.

If the field is any other data type, use the Simple String data type.

7. Click the double arrow icon next to the selected data type to display additional parameters.
8. Select the Computed option to make the new field a computed field.
When you select Computed, the Required option disappears and the Cognos Computation Handler
attribute fields appear.
If you modeled the computed field in Cognos Analytics - Reporting, the values displayed in the Report
Specification XML window are not selectable (see “Modeling a new computed field in Cognos ” on
page 153). You can copy the report specification to the Clipboard (Tools | Copy Report to Clipboard)

Fields and field groups 155

and then paste the information into a text document where you can then copy the attribute values
into the application user interface. The value to be used in the application's Equation definition box
can also be obtained from the Expression Definition pane of the calculation object.
9. Enter a value in the Equation box. The equation is the Cognos SQL used to define the computed value
for the object field. It can be a reference to an existing query item in the published Cognos framework
or an equation involving multiple query items.
For example,



10. Enter a value in the Primary Namespace box. The Primary Namespace is the Cognos framework
namespace in which the computation is to be performed.
Note: All referenced query items in the values for Equation, Object ID Column, and Reporting Period
ID Column must be in the same namespace.
For example, DEFAULT.
11. Enter a value in the Alternate Namespaces box if necessary.
The Alternate Namespace is the Cognos framework namespaces to which the computation will be
added during reporting framework generation.
Note: See “Using computed fields with multiple namespaces” on page 156 for an explanation of why
a computed field might need alternate namespaces.
12. Enter a value in the Object Id Column box. The Object ID Column is a reference to a Cognos
framework query item that contains the Resource ID of the computed field's object type. This value
must be the same for all computed fields in a given namespace for an object type.


13. Enter a value in the Reporting Period Id Column box. The Reporting Period ID Column is the Cognos
framework query item that contains the Reporting Period Id of the computed field's object type. This
value must be the same for all computed fields in a given namespace for an object type.
Important: The Resource ID and Reporting Period ID must match within the field group and object
type. If these values do not match, the validation will fail.
14. Enter the package label of the reporting package that the field is run against in Package Name. The
value is case sensitive. The package label for a framework model is defined in the Administration >
Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] > Package Label setting.
If Package Name is empty, the package for the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model is
15. Click Create. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform will then validate the equation against the primary and
alternate namespaces.
16. Regenerate the reporting framework to make the computed field available to report authors. For
details, see “Updating the reporting framework” on page 686.

Using computed fields with multiple namespaces

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application allows multiple parent object types for a given child object
The Cognos reporting engine cannot support objects with multiple parent’s object types.
For example, in the DEFAULT namespace the only path to a Loss Event is through a Business Entity. This
means that if a Loss Event is associated to a parent Risk but not a parent Business Entity, that Loss Event
will not be displayed as a result in queries against that namespace. Each parent-child object type
relationship that is not contained in DEFAULT is contained in its own namespace.

156 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

In order to make the calculation available in multiple namespaces for report writers, you can use the
"Additional Namespaces" attribute. This is a comma-delimited list of alternate namespaces for which a
"Calculation" object should be created during the framework generation process. During this process, a
calculation object is first created for the primary namespace using the value from the "Equation" attribute.
Then it creates other calculation objects in other namespaces by taking the equation and substituting the
alternate namespaces for the primary namespace.
Note: While an equation may be valid in one namespace, it may not be valid in others. While in most cases
this is not a problem, if the query subject name or query item name varies across namespaces you may
need to create separate computed field instances with different equations.

Nesting computed fields

Computed fields can sometimes act as building blocks for other computed fields.
These are referred to as intermediate computations. Currently the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application does not support intermediate calculation definitions through the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform user interface. If you want to reference another computed field, you must replicate the equation
used in that computed field inside the equation for the current field.
For example, if we have a computed field "A" and define it as "A = B × C" and we also know
"C = D + E", we would only create one computed field "A" in the application where the equation would be
"B × (D + E)".
While this approach can be verbose, it is sometimes the simplest.

Troubleshooting: Computed fields validation

Computed fields validation is complex since they are only valid in relation to the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform reporting framework, which may change in response to a change in the OpenPages GRC Platform
object model.
Therefore, we provide several forms of validation.
When creating or editing a computed field, it is validated against the primary namespace as well as all
alternate namespaces. If any of the validation checks fail, then the OpenPages GRC Platform application
will not allow you to save the computed field until corrected. The OpenPages GRC Platform application
maintains strict validation checks in this area because a slight error here can have an extensive ripple
effect that is hard to identify and correct.
Also, due to the complexity of the computation engine there are certain cases where two computed fields
will be valid by themselves but invalid together. A common example is where two computed fields
reference different Object ID columns. In order for the computations to be grouped correctly they must all
have the same Object ID column value. Therefore, we provide validation functionality across both an
entire Field Group definition as well as an Object Type definition.

Troubleshooting: Computed field equation length limitation

Currently there is a limitation on the size of the computation attribute value that can be stored by the
The main attribute of concern is Equation where a complex equation could be very lengthy. There is a
20,000 byte limit on the size of the entered text. Note that IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports
multibyte characters and so this may not be the equivalent of 20,000 characters if you are using a
multibyte language.

Troubleshooting: Computed fields with cross products

A cross product normally occurs when a table of data is joined with itself resulting in redundant data.
In the case of computed fields as they relate to Cognos we encounter a slightly more complex version.
For example, in the out-of-the-box ORM schema we have computed fields on the Loss Event object type
that aggregate associated Loss Impacts and Loss Recoveries. In effect we are joining the Loss Event data

Fields and field groups 157

with itself because we have two associations (joins) from the same object type and this causes a cross
If you have the following associations between Loss Event and Loss Impact:
• LE - LI1
• LE - LI2
• LE - LI3
And the following associations between Loss Event and Loss Recovery:
• LE - LR1
• LE - LR2
When a query is written to access all three object types the following data is returned:
• LE, LI1, LR1
• LE, LI2, LR1
• LE, LI3, LR1
• LE, LI1, LR2
• LE, LI2, LR2
• LE, LI3, LR2
In the case where we are aggregating values on the Loss Impact we end up with twice the desired value
and on the Loss Recovery three times the value. One way to work around this is as follows:
Instead of:

total (Loss Impacts for Loss Events)


average (Loss Impacts for Loss Events) * count (distinct Loss Impacts for
Loss Events)

Mathematically, we can say that average x distinct_count = total/count x distinct_count = total x

So if we are trying to total the Loss Impacts for a Loss Event in the previous example we would be
performing a total on the cross product result and then multiplying by 1/2 to factor out the cross product.
If we are trying to total the Loss Recoveries for a Loss Event in the previous example we would be
performing a total on the cross product result and then multiplying by 1/3 to factor out the cross product.

Troubleshooting: Optimizing report request performance

With the addition of computed fields there is a large increase in the number of report requests and so it is
important to make sure Cognos is set up correctly.
One common pitfall is the number of processes configured for the ReportService. This can be configured
as follows.

1. From a browser, log on to the Cognos Analytics portal as a user with administrative privileges, for
example, OpenPagesAdministrator.
By default, the URL is:
http://<hostname>/ibmcognos/bi (if you are using port 80 for Cognos)
Where <hostname> is the name of the Cognos server.

158 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. Click Manage > Administration Console to launch the IBM Cognos Administration page.
3. On the Status tab, click the System link.
4. In the Scorecard pane, do the following:
a) Under All servers, click the name of the reporting server you want to tune.
b) Under the reporting server, click the name of the dispatcher. For example,
The dispatcher has the following icon preceding its URI.
c) In the list of services for the dispatcher, click ReportService.
5. In the Metrics - ReportService pane, do the following:
a) Expand Process.
b) View and optionally edit the settings for the Number of processes high watermark and Number of
processes low watermark performance metrics. These metrics monitor the maximum and
minimum number of active user sessions since the last reset.
c) Expand Queue.
d) View and optionally edit the setting for the Latency performance metric. This metric specifies the
average amount of wait time requests spend in the queue.
e) Expand Request.
f) View and optionally edit the settings for the Seconds per successful request and Successful
requests per minute performance metrics. These metrics specify the average number of seconds it
takes to process a successful request and the average number of successful requests that can be
processed in a minute.
6. In the Settings - ReportService pane, do the following:
Note: For information on performance metrics and additional settings that are not listed here, see the
Cognos Analytics online Help.
a) Expand Tuning.
b) Change the value of the Maximum number of processes for the report service during peak
period and Maximum number of processes for the report service during non-peak period
settings. These settings specify the maximum number of child report service processes that can be
started during peak demand and "off-peak" hours.
As a starting point, you should configure the value of these settings to be twice the number of CPUs
on the Cognos server. For example, if your environment is always at peak and Cognos is running on
a quad-CPU box, then you would set the maximum number of processes to 8 for each setting.
If slow computed fields performance is observed, you can visit the administration page again to
observe the number of available processes as well as the latency. Note that these values are only
meaningful on a system under load. If all the processes are consistently busy and there is a large
latency to service a request, consider changing the number of processes.

Troubleshooting: Computed field query direction performance

While in Cognos it is possible to query up the relationship tree (that is, compute values based on
ancestors), but it is strongly discouraged.
When exploring all the computation possibilities there is one large distinction in what can and should be
done. The automatic framework generation is set up in such a way as to create joins that are conducive to
better performance querying down the relationship tree. A query up the tree will result in bad computed
field performance as well as place a large strain on the Database that can result in the entire application
slowing down.

Fields and field groups 159

Adding enumerated string values

You can add new values to an existing list of enumerated string values at any time. The modifications you
make to values in a list are globally applied to all instances wherever that field group is in use.
For example, you created an object field called "Rating" that was an Enumerated String data type. When
the field was initially created, it was given the following values: High, Medium, and Low. Because of
changing business needs, you want to add a new value of "Unknown" to the list. You could add this new
value at any time and have it immediately displayed to users as a selection in the list of values.
When you add a new string value to an existing list of values:
• The value is immediately displayed to users for selection in the list of values
• The new value is added to the end of the value list

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. On the Field Groups table, click the name of the field group in the list that contains the field you want
to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table of the selected field group details page, click the name of the field that
contains the enumerated string that you want to modify.
4. On the Enumerated String Values table of the field definition details page:
a) Click Add.
b) In the Name box, type a value for the new string.
c) Click Create.
5. To change the order number of the string values, see “Changing the order of enumerated string values”
on page 160.

Defining a default value for an enumerated string value

You can define a default value for an enumerated string value. When you define a default value, it is
automatically applied to new objects that you create, but it is not applied to existing objects.
If you define a multi-select enumerated field value as the default value, and the field is hidden, users can
see the hidden field value in the Add New wizard because the default attribute overrides the hidden

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. On the Field Groups table, click the name of the field group in the list that contains the field you want
to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table of the selected field group details page, click the name of the field that
contains the enumerated string that you want to modify.
4. On the Enumerated String Values table of the field definition details page, click Edit.
5. Update the Default Value.
6. Click Save

Changing the order of enumerated string values

160 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

For object fields with an Enumerated String data type, you can modify the order in which string values are
displayed to users.
When you change the order number of a string value, all the string values following the changed order
number are dynamically updated by the system.
For example, the display order of string values in a list is: High 1, Medium 2, Low 3, Unknown 4. If you
want Unknown to be displayed first in the list, you would change the order number of Unknown from 4 to
1. The system will automatically reorder the other string values. The new order of the string values in the
list displays as: Unknown 1, High 2, Medium 3, Low 4.

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. On the Field Groups table, click the name of the field group in the list that contains the field you want
to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table of the selected field group details page, click the name of the field that
contains the enumerated string that you want to modify.
4. On the Enumerated String Values table of the field definition details page:
a) Find the rows containing the string value whose list order you want to change.
b) In the Order boxes, type a new order number for the values.
c) Click Update Order.

Hiding enumerated string values

You can hide obsolete or unwanted string values from a list of enumerated string values.
When you hide a string value from a list:
• For new instances of an object, the value or values are immediately hidden from selection by users on
the list of values.
• For existing instances of an object, if the value or values were previously selected by users (that is,
before the value was hidden), the value or values are still displayed in the list and are available during
editing for selection by users.
• The "Hidden" column on the Enumerated String Values table changes from "false" to "true".
If you define a multi-select enumerated field value as the default value, and the field is hidden, users can
see the hidden field value in the Add New wizard because the default attribute overrides the hidden

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. On the Field Groups table, click the name of the field group in the list that contains the field you want
to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table of the selected field group details page, click the name of the field that
contains the enumerated string that you want to modify.
4. On the Enumerated String Values table of the field definition details page:
a) Select the box next to the value or values you want to hide from the list. The "Hidden" column for
the value will be set to "false".
b) Click Hide/Unhide. The "Hidden" column for the value changes to "true".
Note: The Hide/Unhide icon toggles between Hide and Unhide depending on the current setting.

Unhiding enumerated string values

Fields and field groups 161

If an enumerated string value was previously hidden from visibility by users, you can "unhide" the hidden
value and make it again visible to users in the list.
When you unhide a string value from a list, the following occurs:
• The value is immediately displayed for selection by users on the list of values.
• The "Hidden" column on the Enumerated String Values table changes from "true" to "false".

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. On the Field Groups table, click the name of the field group in the list that contains the field you want
to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table of the selected field group details page, click the name of the field that
contains the enumerated string that you want to modify.
4. On the Enumerated String Values table of the field definition details page:
a) Select the box next to the hidden value or values you want to display from the list. The "Hidden"
column for the value will be set to "true".
b) Click Hide/Unhide. The "Hidden" column for the value changes to "false".
Note: The Hide/Unhide icon toggles between Hide and Unhide depending on the current setting.

Deleting enumerated string values

You can only delete an enumerated string value from a field definition if the field group containing the field
is not in use.
A deleted string value is permanently removed from the list and cannot be retrieved. If the field group is in
use, Delete remains disabled and you can only hide any obsolete or unwanted string values from view. For
details see, “Hiding enumerated string values” on page 161.

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. On the Field Groups table, click the name of the field group in the list that contains the field you want
to modify.
3. On the Field Definitions table of the selected field group details page, click the name of the field that
contains the enumerated string that you want to modify.
4. On the Enumerated String Values table of the field definition details page:
a) Select the box next to the name of the value you want to remove - Delete becomes enabled.
Note: If Delete remains disabled, the field group to which this field definition belongs is in use and
you cannot delete the value.
b) Click Delete.

Reporting fragment fields

Reporting fragment fields are always read-only fields that typically display a component (such as a chart
or table) from a larger Cognos report.
Reporting fragment fields are configured in a number of ways:
• Associate with an object type
• Add to various object view pages
• Configure as dependent fields
• Modify their display type

162 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

By default, reporting fragment fields have a display type of Automatic for Detail and Activity View pages
and the report component is embedded directly on the page. If the display type is changed to On
Demand, the report component is displayed in a pop-up window. Pop-up windows can be autosized
through settings in the application or manually overridden when the reporting fragment field is defined.


Reporting fragment fields have the following limitations:

• You cannot use elements from JSP reports in reporting fragment fields; only components from Cognos
reports are supported.
• Page breaks in reporting fragment fields are not supported.
• Tooltips in reporting fragment fields are not supported.
• A report that has required prompts other than Object ID and Reporting Period ID cannot be used as a
reporting fragment field.
Note: See the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Report Author's Guide on your documentation media for
designing reports that can be used in reporting fragment fields.

Tasks for configuring reporting fragment fields

Use the following configuration tasks to set up new reporting fragment fields.

Table 52: Tasks for configuring reporting fragment fields

Task Description Related Topic
Identify the Cognos report and report “Planning considerations for reporting fragment fields”
component and the field group you want to on page 163
From Cognos, obtain the parameter “Fields requiring parameter information” on page 164
information for the reporting fragment field.
In the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform “Defining a reporting fragment field” on page 164
application, define the reporting fragment
Add the field group to an object type if it is “Including field groups for an object type” on page 177
not already included.
Select a profile and add the reporting “Including fields in an object type” on page 219
fragment field to an object type in that
Select an object view in that profile and add “Configure views for objects” on page 236
the reporting fragment field to that view
Optionally, change the display type and “Configuring the display type for reporting fragment
display characteristics. fields” on page 261

Planning considerations for reporting fragment fields

Before you add a reporting fragment field, you need to identify the report with the component you want,
and which object types, profiles, and object views will be associated with the reporting fragment field.
Planning your changes ahead of time helps to minimize the necessary work and prevents duplication of

Fields and field groups 163

The following list will help you identify some of the questions you need to consider before you create a
new reporting fragment field:
• Report component — What report component data does the user need to see to accomplish their task?
Which Cognos report contains the component?
• Field group — Will new reporting fragment fields reside in new or existing field groups?
• Object type — Which object type will use the reporting fragment field or fields?
• Views — Which view pages in a profile will use the reporting fragment fields (such as Filtered List View,
Detail View, Activity View, My Work tab)?
• Display — How many reporting fragment fields will be included in a Detail or Activity View page? Will a
reporting fragment field be embedded (Automatic) on the page or displayed as a pop-up window (On

Fields requiring parameter information

The process of creating a new reporting fragment field for use in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application involves copying parameter information from Cognos and either pasting or entering it into
fields on the Reporting Fragment data type field definition page in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
Note: You must have administrative privileges set on your account so you can access:
• The Cognos Analytics portal and Cognos Analytics - Reporting for obtaining parameter information
• The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application for defining the new reporting fragment field
Table 53 on page 164 lists the various fields on the Reporting Fragment data type field definition page
that require specific parameter information.

Table 53: Required parameter information

Fields Field description Where to find the
parameter information
Report Required. The file path of the selected Cognos report that Cognos Analytics, Team
Path contains the component you want to use. content folder
“Defining the report path” on page 165

Fragment Required. The unique name of the particular report component Cognos Analytics -
Name (such as a ’Pie Chart’, ‘List’, ‘Combination Chart’, and so forth). Reporting, Report Page
“Defining the reporting fragment name” on page 166

Object ID Required only if the report prompts users to select a resource Cognos Analytics -
Prompt (such as ‘Entity’, ‘Process’, and so forth) before running the Reporting, Prompt Page
Otherwise, leave this field blank.
“Defining the object ID prompt” on page 167

Reporting Required only if the report prompts users to select a reporting Cognos Analytics -
Period ID period before running the report. Reporting, Prompt Page
Otherwise, leave this field blank.
“Defining the reporting period ID prompt” on page 167

Defining a reporting fragment field

164 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

When defining a reporting fragment field, some tasks are required and some tasks are optional.
For purposes of illustration, the following tasks use examples from a sample Assessment Status report to
configure a reporting fragment field that will display the chart component of this report as an embedded
report on a Risk Assessment Detail View page.

Table 54: Tasks to define a reporting fragment field

Task Required or optional
“Setting up a field group for a new reporting Required.
fragment field” on page 165
“Defining the report path” on page 165 Required.
“Defining the reporting fragment name” on page Required.
“Defining the object ID prompt” on page 167 Required only if a report prompts users to select a
resource (such as ‘Entity’, ‘Process’, and so forth)
before running the report. Otherwise, skip this task
and leave the field blank.
“Defining the reporting period ID prompt” on page Required only if a report prompts users to select a
167 reporting period before running the report.
Otherwise, skip this task and leave the field blank.
“Defining the reporting fragment size” on page 168 Optional. Use if you want to manually control the
height and width of the pop-up window for a
fragment field.

Setting up a field group for a new reporting fragment field

You can use either an existing field group or create a new field group for the new reporting fragment field.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to set up a field group for a new reporting fragment field:

1. Access the Field Groups page. See “Adding field groups” on page 142.
2. To include the reporting fragment field in an existing field group, click the name of the field group.
3. To include the reporting fragment field in a new field group, see “Adding field groups” on page 142.
4. On the detail page of the field group, navigate to the Field Definitions pane and click Add.
5. On the field definitions detail page, type the name of the object field.
6. Click Reporting Fragment from the Data Type field.

7. Click the double arrow next to the data type selector to display additional parameters.
Note: Keep the browser window open because you will return to it.

Defining the report path

To define the report path, gather information from both the Cognos Analytics portal and IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform to obtain path information for the report.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to define the report path:

Fields and field groups 165

1. From a browser, log on to the Cognos Analytics portal as a user with administrative privileges, for
example, OpenPagesAdministrator.
By default, the URL is:
http://<hostname>/ibmcognos/bi (if you are using port 80 for Cognos)
Where <hostname> is the name of the Cognos server.
2. Click the Team content folder and navigate through the folder hierarchy to the report location.
For example,
Team content > OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6 > Risk Assessment Reports >
Risk Assessment Status

3. In the Actions column for the report, click the Set Properties icon .
4. On the Set Properties page of the report, select General.
5. Click the View the search path, ID and URL link.
6. In the View the search path, ID and URL window, copy the text in the Search path field.
The following example is a sample search path text for the Risk Assessment Status report.

Assessment Reports']/report[@name='Risk Assessment Status']

7. In OpenPages GRC Platform, go to the Reporting Fragment field definitions detail page and paste the
search path text into the Report Path field.

8. In the Cognos Analytics portal, close the View the search path, ID and URL window. Exit the "Set
properties" page (do not exit Cognos).

Defining the reporting fragment name

To define the reporting fragment name, the steps in this task require going back and forth between the
Cognos Analytics portal and the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface to obtain the
name of the report component within the selected report.

Before you begin

Complete the following procedure to define the reporting fragment name:

1. In Cognos Analytics - Reporting, open the report containing the component you want:
a) On the Team Content tab, navigate through the folder hierarchy to where the report you want is
For example, Team Content > OpenPages Solutions V6 >
Risk Assessment Reports > Risk Assessment Status
b) Under the Actions column for the report you want, click Edit report.

2. In edit mode, select the component you want to use for the Reporting Fragment field (such as a List, a
Chart, a Crosstab, and so forth.)
3. Verify that the entire component is selected:
a) Click Show Properties in the application bar.
b) In the Properties pane, look at the title bar. It should display the name of the selected component,
such as Pie Chart, List, Combination Chart, and so forth.

166 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

c) If the Properties title bar displays the name of a subcomponent (for example List Column Body or
List Column Title), then click the Properties up arrow icon on the Properties title bar and select the
entire component (for example, List).
4. In the Properties pane, under the Miscellaneous heading, copy the value in the Name property.
For example, the Name property value for the Combination Chart component of the sample Risk
Assessment Status report is Combination Chart1.
5. In OpenPages GRC Platform, on the Reporting Fragment field definitions detail page, paste or type the
value into the Fragment Name box.
For example, for the sample Risk Assessment Status report, you would paste or type
Combination Chart1.
Note: If the report prompts for an object or reporting period ID, keep the report open in Cognos
Analytics - Reporting.

Defining the object ID prompt

To define the Object ID Prompt, the steps in this task require going back and forth between the Cognos
Analytics portal and the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface.
Note: This task is required only if a report prompts users to select a resource (such as Entity, Process, and
so forth) before running the report. Otherwise, skip this task and leave the field blank.

1. In Cognos Analytics - Reporting, open the report:
a) On the Team Content tab, navigate through the folder hierarchy to where the report you want is
For example, Team Content > OpenPages Solutions V6 >
Risk Assessment Reports > Risk Assessment Status
b) Under the Actions column for the report you want, click Edit report.

2. For the selected report:

a) Click Pages.
b) Navigate to the prompt page of your report.
3. On the prompt page:
a) Click the prompt for the object identifier (such as Entity, Process, and so forth).
b) Click Show Properties in the application bar.
c) Under the General heading, click the Parameter property icon and copy the value in the box (for
example, Entity).
For example, the sample Risk Assessment Status report prompts users to select a Business Entity
before running the report. On the sample Risk Assessment Status report PromptPage, you would
select the Value Prompt object for Business Entity. The value in the Properties - Value Prompt for
the Parameter field is Entity.
4. In OpenPages GRC Platform, on the Reporting Fragment field definitions detail page, paste or type the
value into the Object ID Prompt box.
For example, for the sample Risk Assessment Status report, you would paste or type
Entity in the Object ID Prompt box.

Defining the reporting period ID prompt

Fields and field groups 167

To define the Reporting Period ID Prompt, the steps in this task require going back and forth between the
Cognos Analytics portal and the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface.
Note: This task is required only if a report prompts users to select a reporting period before running the
report. Otherwise, skip this task and leave the field blank.

1. In Cognos Analytics - Reporting, open the report:
a) On the Team Content tab, navigate through the folder hierarchy to where the report you want is
For example, Team Content > OpenPages Solutions V6 >
Risk Assessment Reports > Risk Assessment Status
b) Under the Actions column for the report you want, click Edit report.

2. For the selected report:

a) Click Pages.
b) Navigate to the prompt page of your report.
3. On the prompt page:
a) Click the prompt for the reporting period identifier.
b) In the Properties pane, scroll to the General heading.
c) Under the General heading, click the Parameter property icon and copy the value in the box.
4. In OpenPages GRC Platform, on the Reporting Fragment field definitions detail page, paste or type the
value into the Reporting Period ID Prompt box.

Defining the reporting fragment size

When defining the reporting fragment size, if you leave the pixel values for height and width blank (this is
the default), the pop-up window is sized automatically.
This task is optional. Use if you want to manually control the height and width of the pop-up window for a
reporting fragment field.

1. In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, on the Reporting Fragment field definitions detail page:
a) In the Height box, type a numeric value for the pixel height of the reporting fragment.
b) In the Width box, type a numeric value for the pixel width of the reporting fragment.
2. Click Save.

Using object fields to launch JavaServer Pages and external URLs

You can customize the OpenPages application to launch JavaServer Pages (JSPs) or external URLs from
object fields. You can pass arguments to the JSP or external URL in a URL configuration string that is
defined on the object field.
The launchers use simple string fields with a URL display type to show a labeled hyperlink in the
application. The URL parameters for the hyperlink can contain system-generated elements, such as the ID
of the target object and the current reporting period. The availability of the hyperlink can be controlled by
a set of conditions. For example, the link is active when the current user is the Process Owner and they
select the current Reporting Period.
The attributes for the launchers are specified by using a URL configuration string that is defined as the
default value for the object field, called a URL launcher field in this context. The application processes the
configuration string when an object view that contains the URL launcher field is rendered. You can add

168 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

launchers to Detail, Activity, Filtered List Views, and Grid Views. You define the hyperlink's label using
application text. You can make the label meaningful for your users. For external URLs, you can make the
label a short name that users know rather than a long URL.
To set up a URL launcher field:
1. Define the URL configuration string. Learn about the attributes in the string and study the examples.
For information, see “Attributes in the URL configuration string” on page 169 and “URL configuration
string examples” on page 171.
2. Define the URL launcher field and add the URL configuration string to it. For information, see “Adding a
URL launcher field ” on page 173 .
3. Define the label for the URL launcher field in application text. For information, see “Configuring
application text” on page 172.
4. Add the URL launcher field to views. For information, see “Adding a URL launcher field to views” on
page 173.

Attributes in the URL configuration string

The URL configuration string is in JSON format.
It uses the following attributes:
• labelKey
• path
• parameters
• conditions
• popUp

labelKey attribute
Identifies the application text key for the localized URL text. If it is omitted, the label defaults to Go.

path attribute
Specifies the relative path to the target JSP, report, or application object view. If the target is a JSP, then it
must be in a folder that is under the sosa application deployment folder. The path attribute is required.
The application root is automatically prepended to the specified path by the application. The application
root is determined from the application.url.path property in the configuration file.
The path value must contain the leading slash. For example, "path" : "/custom/mycustom.jsp",

modes attribute
Controls whether the URL launcher field is available in edit or view mode.
In order for a URL launcher field to appear in an Activity View Child Hierarchy pane, the "Edit" mode must
be included.

parameters attribute
Contains the list of request parameters that are assembled to create the query string of the URL. The
parameters are specified as a list of key-value pairs. In most instances, the key names can be anything
that you define.

Fields and field groups 169

System-populated keys and values are indicated by a $ in the name. They consist of:
• the ID of the current object, indicated by a parameter value setting of "$objectId"
• the ID of the current reporting period selection, indicated by a parameter value setting of
Any subset of these parameters can be specified.
Hardcoded parameter values can also be included. For example, where the target JSP or report is reused
in different contexts and requires additional information to identify the context for this specific URL
launcher field.
The URL parameter values are URL encoded, while the keys are not.

conditions attribute
Defines conditions that must be met in order for the URL to be active.
The conditions can include the following:
• Whether the Reporting Period selected is the current period.
• Whether the target object is locked.
• Whether the value of a specific field matches a value.
• Whether the value of a specific field matches the name of the current user.
• Whether the current user is a member of the group name set in a specific field.
Any subset of the available conditions can be included in the URL configuration string. These conditions
are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the string. Each condition can optionally include a
labelKey that contains an application text string that is displayed when a condition is not met, for
example, "Available only for the Process Owner." If the labelKey is omitted, the key for the field is applied.
Multiple conditions of the same type can be used, except for the objectState and reportingPeriod
conditions. You can use only one objectState and one reportingPeriod.
Most errors in the configuration of a condition cause a positive failure in the condition and evaluate to
true. The errors are logged. Thorough testing of both positive and negative cases is encouraged to ensure
the expected behavior.

reportingPeriod condition
The reportingPeriod condition is met when:
• The value of "isCurrent" is true and the user is in the current Reporting Period.
• The value of "isCurrent" is false and the user is in any previous Reporting Period.

objectState condition
The objectState condition is met when:
• The value of "isUnlocked" is true and the current object is not locked.
• The value of "isUnlocked" is false and the current object is locked.

fieldValue condition
The fieldValue condition evaluates the value of the field against the value that is specified by the value
attribute by using the specified operator. The target field is identified by using the

170 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

FieldGroup.FieldName convention. The supported operators are "equal" and "notEqual". If the
operator is invalid or omitted, the evaluation defaults to "equal".
The Simple String, Boolean, and Enumeration field types are supported. Ensure that you specify
the system name and not the localized label for the enumeration values.
The fieldValue condition supports checking the current user—by specifying "$currentUser"—against the
value of the target field.
The fieldValue condition does not support system fields ("Created by" and "Modified by") or multi actor

popUp attribute
Controls the behavior of the new window. The "windowAttributes" string determines the characteristics,
such as size and scroll bars, of the new window that is created when the user clicks the hyperlink. The
popUp attribute is optional.

URL configuration string examples

The following examples illustrate how to define URL configuration strings.

Launching a custom JSP

The following example launches a custom JSP.

$ {
"labelKey" : "custom.url.labelForMyCustomUrl",
"path" : "/custom/mycustom.jsp",
"modes" : ["edit", "view"],
"parameters" :
"objId" : "$objectId",
"repId" : "$reportingPeriodId",
"isRisk" : "true" ,
"includeVersions" : "false"
"conditions" :
"reportingPeriod" :
"isCurrent" : true/false, // no quotes for boolean values
"labelKey" : "custom.url.label.invalid.ReportingPeriod"
"objectState" :
"isUnlocked" : true/false, // note the UN-locked designation
"labelKey" : "custom.url.label.object.locked"
"fieldValue" :
"field" : <"FieldGroup.FieldName">,
"value" : "$currentUser",
"operator" : "equal", // supported operators include "equal" and
"labelKey" : "custom.url.label.invalid.user"
"fieldValue" :
"field" : <"FieldGroup.FieldName">,
"value" : true,
"labelKey" : "custom.url.label.invalid.value"
"fieldValue" :
"field" : <"FieldGroup.FieldName">,
"value" : "Undifferentiated",
"operator" : "notEqual",
"labelKey" : "custom.url.label.invalid.value"
"popUp" :

Fields and field groups 171

"windowAttributes" : "height=600,width=800,menubar=no,status=yes,toolbar=no,

Launching a Cognos report

The following example launches a Cognos report from a Command Center redirect with a security

"labelKey": "",
"path": "/",
"modes": ["view"],
"parameters": {
"reportPath": "/_cw_channels/Reporting/SOX/OpenPages V6/Audit Reports/Security/Security
Domain Role Assignments.pagespec",
"label": "Current Reporting Period",
"submitAction": "preview",
"actionContext": "preview",
"entity_id": "$objectId"
"conditions": {
"fieldValue": {
"field": "OPSS-BusEnt.Executive Owner",
"value": "$currentUser",
"operator": "equal",
"labelKey": "custom.url.invalid.user"

Launching a custom JSP

The following example launches a custom JSP.

$ {
"labelKey" : "url.custom.jsp",
"path" : "/custom/custom.jsp",
"modes" : [ "view", "edit" ],
"parameters" :
"Risk Category" : "Damage to Physical Assets",
"Risk Sub-category" : "Willful Damage"

Configuring application text

You can add translated labels for the keys that you specify in the URL configuration string.

1. Under Administration, click Application Text.
2. In the Custom line, click Add New.
3. Enter the key value in Name.
4. Enter useful information, for example, the URL field that uses the key, in Description.
5. Enter the label text in Default Label.
6. Click Create.
7. Expand the new key, and add the translated text.
8. Repeat theses steps for each key in the URL configuration string.

172 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Adding a URL launcher field
The URL launcher field is defined with the URL configuration string as the default value.

Before you begin

Define the URL configuration string before you create the URL launcher field.

1. Under Administration, click Field Groups.
2. Click Add.
3. Enter a Name and Description for the field, and click Create.
4. In the list of field groups, click the field group that you added.
5. In the Field Definitions table, click Add.
6. Enter the information for the field:
a) Enter a system name for the field.
b) In the Data Type box, select Simple String, and click the arrow to add it.
c) Set the Default Value to the URL configuration string.
d) Clear the Required and Computed boxes.
e) Click Create.

Adding a URL launcher field to views

Add the URL launcher field to the object type and then to the views.

1. Under Administration, click Object Types.
2. Select the object type that you want to add the URL launcher field to.
3. In the Included Field Groups section, click Include, select the field you created in “Adding a URL
launcher field ” on page 173, and click Add.
4. Under Administration, click Profiles.
5. Select a profile you want to update.
6. Click the object type that contains the new field.
7. Click Include, select the new field, and click Include.
8. Click the newly added field, and in the Object Field Information pane, click Edit.
9. Change the Display Type to URL, and click Save.
10. Go back to the profile detail page and click the name of a view that you want to add the field to.
11. In the Included Field Groups section, click Include, select the new field, and click Include.
12. Select Read-Only for the field, and click Save.

Deleting field groups

If a field group has never been associated with an object type (that is, it has never been used), you can
then delete it.
When you delete a field group, the field group is removed from the list of available field groups on the
Field Groups page and cannot be restored to the list.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.

Fields and field groups 173

2. Click Administration > Field Groups.
3. Select the box next to the name of the field group to delete.
4. Click Delete on the Field Groups pane.

Deleting an object field definition

When you delete a field, the definition of the field is removed from the field group to which it belongs.
You can only delete field definitions from a field group that are not in use. After a field definition is
deleted, it cannot be restored.

1. Access the Field Groups page (see “Adding field groups” on page 142).
2. Click the name of the field group you want to modify to open its details page.
3. Click the box next to the name of each field definition you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.

Long string fields

A long string field is assigned to the long string data type. Long string fields allow users to enter more than
4000 bytes in a single field.
You can encrypt long string fields up to a maximum of 2 MB in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
There are two sub types of the long string field: medium and large. The size of medium long string fields is
fixed to 32 KB. The size of the large long string fields is set by default to 256000 bytes, but that can be
increased by changing the Platform > Repository > Resource > Large Text > Maximum Size setting.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the
• For more information about long string data types, see “Data types” on page 143.
• For more information about setting display types for long string fields, see “Configuring display types for
long string fields” on page 271.
• For more information about filtering on long string fields, see “Utilities for filtering on long string field
content in an Oracle database” on page 451 and “Utilities for filtering on long string field content in a
DB2 database” on page 404.
• For more information about concatenating simple string fields into a long string field, see “String
concatenation utility” on page 457
• For more information about encrypting fields, see “Field level encryption” on page 81.

174 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 10. Object types
An object type contains metadata about a category of object, such as a Risk or Process object, or a
custom form.
From an Object Type page, you can view and access the following information:
• Property information about the object type (such as name, labels, description)
• Field groups, with their field definitions, that are included in this object type
• Allowed parent and child relationships (associations) to other object types
• Filters that are used to narrow the scope of data for this object type
• Dependent fields and pick lists that have been defined for this object type
• Fields for this object type that have been excluded from one or more subsystems
• Facts and dimensions that are configured for this object type that can be generated by the reporting

An object type is identified in the application by the Object Type icon . Each object type includes field
groups and associations to other objects.
For custom forms, such as surveys, you must add an object type for each custom form that you create. For
more information, see “Tasks required to set up custom forms” on page 187.

Related information
• Configuring groups and fields for an object type, see Chapter 9, “Fields and field groups,” on page 137.
• Customizing text labels for object types, see Chapter 13, “Localizing text,” on page 277.
• Configuring facts and dimensions in the reporting framework, see “Facts and dimensions” on page 661.
Note: If the same management operation is being modified by another administrator, an error message is
displayed requesting that you try again later.

Platform object types

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform object model is configurable and can contain object types.
Because the object types and schema vary widely from customer to customer, Table 55 on page 175 lists
only the Platform object types that are installed, by default, on all systems.

Table 55: Platform object types

Icon Object Name Singular Label
SOXBusEntity Business Entity

SOXIssue Issue

SOXTask Issue Action Item

SOXDocument File

SOXExternalDocument Link
Table 55: Platform object types (continued)
Icon Object Name Singular Label
SOXSignature Signature

SOXMilestone Milestone

ProjectActionItem Milestone Action Item

--- SOXProject Project

Note: The SOXProject object type is for system use only; it is the master parent object type for all top level
Business Entities and Milestones.

Property rendering JSP files

Every object type requires a property rendering JSP file. The JSP file controls the format of the elements
that comprise the layout of a form on a Web page.
Note: This information applies only to Windows environments. For AIX environments, see an IBM
representative for assistance.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform includes a generic property rendering JSP file, called properties.jsp,
that is used by object types and cannot be changed. It is located in the <OP_Home>|applications|op-
apps|sosa|activityview folder.
Where <OP_Home> is the installation location. By default, this location is c:\OpenPages.
Note: For backward compatibility with upgraded OpenPages systems prior to the 5.5 release, the existing
JSP file, called renderProperties.jsp, is still used by the standard object definitions. This existing
file, however, maps to the properties.jsp file.
For custom forms, you can either create your own custom property rendering JSP file or use the supplied
properties.jsp file. If you choose to use the supplied JSP file for a custom form or survey, when the
form or survey displays on a page, it will have the standard look and feel of an object page.
If you choose to create custom property rendering JSP files to use with your custom forms or surveys, it is
best to create a "survey" folder under the \sosa folder path in which to store your custom JSP file or files.
For example:
For assistance in creating custom property rendering JSP files, see your OpenPages Managing Consultant.
When you create a new object type for a custom form, the path you provide for the JSP file will be relative
to the ...\applications\op-apps\sosa folder.

Accessing object types

From the detail page of an object type, you can configure properties, such as which field groups should be
included or excluded, associate parent and/or child object types, manage filters, dependent fields, and so
Note: To access the Object Types menu item, you must have the Object Types application permission set
on your account (for details, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32).

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the Object Types application permission

176 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object

Editing object type properties

You can edit the description of an object type and set whether to keep older versions of the object type.
The JSP Path can be edited only for custom forms.
Restriction: Do not use characters defined in CJK Unified Ideographs EXTENSION-B on Unicode in the
description field.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, click Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
2. Click the name of the object type to modify.
3. Click Edit.
4. Make the necessary changes.
5. To save an older version of this object type, select the Save older versions of this object type? check
box. If this box is not checked, the old version is overwritten.
6. Click Save.
Note: To change label text for an object type, see Chapter 13, “Localizing text,” on page 277.

Including field groups for an object type

A new or existing field group must be added to an object type before any of the fields can be displayed on
an object view page.
To create a new field group, see “Adding field groups” on page 142.
The object type can be predefined (see the topic, “Platform object types” on page 175, for a list of object
types) or a custom form.
Restriction: Before you can add a field group to a custom form or survey, create an object type for the
custom form or survey. For information, see “Adding an object type for a custom form” on page 188.
When you include a field group with an object type, the field group is displayed on the Included Field
Groups tab of the object.

Before you begin

If you use DB2 and the reporting schema is enabled, perform this task when there is limited or no activity
on the system. It can cause significant system delays in OpenPages due to locking conflicts on the DB2
platform. For more information, see “System delay when modifying object types and fields (DB2)” on
page 796.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. With the Object Types application permission set, click Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
3. From the list, click the name of the object type.
4. On the Included Field Groups panel, click Include.
5. Select the field groups to include.
6. Click Add.

Object types 177

What to do next
To make fields visible to users in an object view, see “Configure views for objects” on page 236

Disabling associations between object types

If an association between a parent or child object type is no longer needed, disable the relationship
between these object types.
For example, if a survey becomes obsolete and you no longer want it associated with a specific Risk
object, disable the association between the survey object and the parent object type (SOXRisk).
For example, if you do not want users to associate certain object types together, such as Accounts with
Business Entities, disable the association between the child object type (SOXAccount) and the parent
object type (SOXBusEntity).
When you disable an association between object types, the following occurs:
• For objects, the child object type is removed from the Detail View page of the parent object. The parent
object type removed from the Detail View of the child object type.
• For a custom form or survey, the custom form or survey is removed from the available form types that
can be added from the Associated Files and Forms tab of a parent object.
• The Disable icon on the Association Detail Info page for the child object type changes to Enable.
• The value of the Enabled property changes from "true" to "false".
• The object type is removed from the Audit Trail page and Audit reports, even if the object type is a child
for a different parent.
• The value of the setting is displayed as Read-only on the Child Association Detail Info page.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu bar. Click
Object Types.
3. From the list, click the name of the object type to modify.
4. Navigate to either the Child Associations tab or Parent Associations tab on the Object Type
Information detail page.
5. From the list of associated object types, click the name of the object type to disable.
6. On the Association Detail Info page, click Disable. The icon changes to Enable.
7. To add the object relationship changes to reports, complete the following tasks:
a) Update the Reporting Schema. For details, see “Creating or recreating the reporting schema” on
page 91.
b) Regenerate the reporting framework. For details, see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Enabling associations between object types

To allow an association between a parent or child object type that was disabled, enable the association
between these object types.
When you enable an association between object types, the following events occur:
• The enabled child object type displays on the Detail page of the parent object type.
• The Enable icon changes to Disable on the Association Detail Info page.
• The value of the Enabled property changes from "false" to "true" on the Child or Parent Associations

178 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• The object type is included in the Audit Trail page and Audit reports
• The value of the setting is displayed as Read-only on the Child Association Detail Info page.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
3. From the list, click the name of the object type to modify.
4. Navigate to either the Child Associations tab or Parent Associations tab on the detail page of the
selected object type.
5. From the list of associated object types, click the name of the object type to enable.
6. On the Association Detail Info page, click Enable.
7. To add the object relationship changes to reports, complete the following tasks:
a) Update the Reporting Schema. For details, see “Creating or recreating the reporting schema” on
page 91.
b) Regenerate the reporting framework. For details, see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Configuring IBM OpenPages GRC Platform to associate a large number of

child objects
If the number of associations that you add exceeds the maximum, the result is a long running process.
The default is 250. This information applies only to child associations, not parent associations.

About this task

You can use IBM OpenPages GRC Platform to associate a large number of child objects by using the Add
New Wizard as well as using the Associate an existing issue command from the Actions menu in the
Detail view or Activity view. When the number of child associations exceeds the limit set in the Max Child
Associations Interactive setting in the registry, the process runs in the background and you receive an
email when it completes.
You might see something similar to the following message:
Due to the large number of associations, the objects will be associated in the
background. You will receive an email when the process is complete.
These settings are set by default. You can change the following settings to specify the maximum number
of associations, the timeout length, and the email response to a long running process.

1. From the menu bar, click Administration > Settings.
2. To specify the number of child objects to associate before background processing begins:
Applications > Common > Max Child Associations Interactive . The default is 250.
3. To specify the transaction timeout for the background process, click Platform > Processes >
Associate Resources > Transaction Timeout. The default is 21600 seconds.
To show the Transaction Timeout setting, change the value of Applications > Common >
Configuration > Show Hidden Settings from false to true. The default value is false.
4. To specify the email settings for the email server configuration, click:
• Applications > Common > Email > Mail Server
• Applications > Common > Email > SMTP Password

Object types 179

• Applications > Common > Email > SMTP Port
• Applications > Common > Email > SMTP Security Type
• Applications > Common > Email > SMTP User Name
5. Optional: You can customize the email subject and content. From the menu bar, click Administration >
Applications > Application Text > Miscellaneous.

Object relationship types

In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, a relationship type is either Association or Reference between objects
in the object model.
An object model must not contain relationship definitions that result in a loop (a cyclic relationship) when
the object hierarchy is traversed.
The Association type relationship is the most common relationship that exists between parent and child
objects in the object hierarchy. The Reference type relationship is a non-parent-child relationship that can
exist between objects.
For new installations of the product, loops cannot be created in the new model.
However, for upgrades from a version prior to 5.5, the object model may contain relationship definitions
that create a loop between objects. If OpenPages GRC Platform encounters a loop between objects in the
hierarchy, some pages may return incomplete results.
The following diagram demonstrates how a path from SubAccount to Process in an object model can
create a loop or cyclic relationship. Starting at Entity, as you traverse the hierarchy through the parent-
child relationships, you enter a loop between SubAccount and Process. This is an invalid configuration.

180 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Figure 13: Sample invalid cyclic relationship

To resolve a loop between objects in the hierarchy, upgrade customers can:

• Disable the relationship that creates the loop. For example, if the relationship defined in the object
model is not being used (that is, there exists no instance data in your database that has these
relationships), disable the relationship. For details, see “Disabling associations between object types”
on page 178.
• Leave the relationship that creates the loop, but change its type. For example, to retain the relationship
that creates a loop because the object model accurately describes your business, change its type from
Association to Reference (see Figure 14 on page 182). For details on changing the reference type, see
“Setting the relationship type” on page 182.
Figure 14 on page 182 illustrates how a valid relationship between SubAccount and Process can be
maintained without a loop by changing the Relationship Type between these objects from Associative to

Object types 181

Figure 14: Sample reference relationship

Setting the relationship type

You can set the relationship between parent and child objects.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
3. Click the name of the parent object type with the child relationship to modify.
4. On the Child Associations panel, select the child object to modify.
5. Click Edit.
6. Select a value in the Relationship Type field.
7. Click Save.

Configure the ability to create a draft copy of an Object

Configure the Save As Draft feature to display a Save As Draft icon when the user edits or creates objects.
Users can save object data without completing all required fields.
The Save As Draft icon is displayed next to the Save icon on the Detail View page of an object type when
the object is in edit mode.
To configure the Save As Draft option, create a field group and an enumerated string field. After the group
and field are created, use these values to enable the Save As Draft icon. The group and field can then be

182 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

associated with object types in a profile. The field does not have to be associated with a view in a profile
to display the Save As Draft icon.
See the following topics for details on the Save As Draft configuration process:
• “Creating a field group and field for a Save As Draft configuration” on page 183
• “Configure the Save As Draft feature for new objects” on page 183
• “Adding the field to the object type and profile to configure the Save As Draft function ” on page 184
In the illustration, the field group in the “Creating a field group and field for a Save As Draft configuration”
on page 183 procedure is called "DraftGroup" and the enumerated field is called "Draft Status" with
values of "Draft" and "Published".
When the user clicks Save As Draft, the value of the Draft Status field is automatically set to "Draft".
When the user clicks Save, the required fields are automatically validated and the value of the Draft
Status field is set to "Published". It is best to hide the "Draft Status" field from object views in a profile.
However, if you make the "Draft Status" field visible in a profile object view, configure it as Read only.

Use the Save As Draft feature with Activity View pages

To use the Save As Draft feature with Activity View pages, the Save As Draft icon must be configured on
the root or parent object type. The root or parent object is the first object type that is listed in the Activity
If a child object type has Save As Draft configured but the parent object type does not, Save As Draft is
not visible on the Activity View page.
The required field validation is skipped on child objects if they have the draft field in the profile. Required
field validation on the child object is completed if no draft field is defined in the profile, even when a user
click Save as Draft.

Creating a field group and field for a Save As Draft configuration

To add a Save As Draft icon to an object view, you first create a field group and field.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to create a field group and add field definitions to the group:

1. Create a field group and name it. See “Adding field groups” on page 142.
2. Add a field definition to the new field group and name it.
a) Select the Enumerated String data type.
b) Add a value for Draft and a value for Published . See “Adding fields to a field group” on page
Related tasks
“Configure the Save As Draft feature for new objects” on page 183
“Adding the field to the object type and profile to configure the Save As Draft function ” on page 184

Configure the Save As Draft feature for new objects

To configure the Save As Draft feature, the second task is to configure settings.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to configure settings:

1. Click Administration > Settings.

Object types 183

2. From the configuration folder, click Show Hidden Settings. Set the value to true. For more information,
see “Show hidden settings” on page 311.
3. Expand the Common | Configuration | Required Field Validation folder hierarchy.
4. Select Draft Status Field. In the Value field, type the name of the field group and the field. click Save.
The format is <field group>.<field name>.
For example, typeDraftGroup.Draft Status.
5. Click Draft Status Value. In the Value field, type the system name of the draft value and click Save.
For example, typeDraft
6. Click Publish Status Value. In the Value field, type the system name of the draft value.
For example, type Publish.
Related tasks
“Creating a field group and field for a Save As Draft configuration” on page 183
“Adding the field to the object type and profile to configure the Save As Draft function ” on page 184

Adding the field to the object type and profile to configure the Save As Draft function
The third task in the Save As Draft configuration is to add the new field to the object type and profile.

1. Enable System Admin Mode. See “Enabling and disabling System Administration Mode” on page 17.
2. For each object type to enable the Save As Draft icon, include the new field group.
For example, include the field group called DraftGroup. See “Including field groups for an object
type” on page 177.
3. Disable System Admin Mode.
4. Include the new field.
For example, include the field that is called Draft Status, in a profile. See “Including fields in an
object type” on page 219.
Note: Unless you want the field to be visible to users, the field does not have to be included on a View
page for Save As Draft to be displayed.
Related tasks
“Creating a field group and field for a Save As Draft configuration” on page 183
“Configure the Save As Draft feature for new objects” on page 183

Stand-alone object settings

Cardinality settings determine if an object can be created as a standalone object and whether it can be
associated with more than one parent object.
Important: The setting values control the options on the user interface that allow users to create objects
as stand-alone. The setting values are NOT currently used to enforce the number of associations between
object instances.
In new installations, the default values for the minimum (Min Children = 0) and maximum (Max Children =
2147483647) number of children should not be modified.

Enabling the creation of stand-alone objects

When a user adds a child object type from the Detail page of a parent object type, the child object type is
created and associated with the parent object type. A stand-alone object is a child object that is not
associated with a parent object.
For example, if you select Risks on the Assessments menu, and then click Add New on the Risk Folder
View page, a child object is created in the top-level Risk object type folder but is not be associated with a
parent object.

184 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

You control the ability of users to create standalone object types by configuring the value of the minimum
parents cardinality setting.
If the value of the minimum parents cardinality setting, Min Parents, is set to:
• 0 - Add New is displayed on the object Folder View page. Users can create stand-alone instances of a
child object type. If a child object type has multiple parent relationships, the value of Min Parents must
be set to zero for every relationship in which that object type is a child. You cannot create stand-alone
objects from a Detail View or Activity View page.
• 1 - Add New is removed from the object Folder View page. Users cannot create stand-alone instances
of a child object type. This value is the default setting in new installations.
Note: For data consistency, set the minimum parent setting to either 0 or 1. A minimum parent setting
that is greater than 1 is the same as setting it to 1.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
2. Click the name of the object type to modify.
3. On the Parent Associations panel, click the name of a parent object type.
4. On the Association Detail Info panel, click Edit.
5. In the Min Parents box, type 0 (for standalone) or 1 (to prevent a stand-alone object type).
6. Click Save.
7. For multiple parent objects, repeat Steps 3 - 6 for each parent object.

Enabling the ability to associate objects

For object type relationships that contain a child object type, you can control the ability of users to
associate child object types. Control them by configuring the value of the maximum parents cardinality
Use the following information to determine the value to set in the maximum parents cardinality setting
( Max Parents):
• 2147483647 (infinity) in the Max Parents field enables the display of the Associate and Disassociate
menu items on the Detail view of the object type. Users can associate that object to more than one
parent object. The default value is 2147483647.
• 1 in the Max Parents field removes Associate and Disassociate menu items from Detail view of the
object type. Users cannot create shared instances of a child object type.
Notice: The maximum parents associations on a child object is not enforced. For instance, if the
maximum parents setting is 2, the application allows a child object to be shared among 3 or more parent
objects of the same type. A maximum parent setting of greater than 2 is the same as setting it to infinity.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the parent object type whose child relationships you want to modify.
3. On the Child Associations tab, click the name of the child object type you want to modify.
4. On the Association Detail Info tab, click Edit.
5. In the Max Parents box, enter 2147483647 (for shared) or 1 (for not shared).
6. Click Save.
7. If you more than one child objects for which you want to restrict the parent object relationship, repeat
Steps 3 - 6 for each child object.

Object types 185

File type information
A file type describes the structure or format of a file and is typically reflected in the file name extension.
Some common examples of file name extensions include .rtf (Rich Text Format), .txt (ASCII
text), .doc (Microsoft Word), .pdf (Portable Document Format), .xls (Microsoft Excel), .htm (Hypertext
Markup Language), and .jsp (Java Server Page).
In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform file type extensions are case sensitive.
Note: Only the SOXDocument object type supports file types.
Each file type has a corresponding MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) type associated with it,
which is a standardized data exchange method used by Web browsers to associate files with helper
applications that display files of that type. For example, a MIME type of image/gif, informs the browser
to handle the data as an image. The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application supplies a number of
predefined MIME types.

Adding a file type

When you add a file type to the application, it is automatically added to the File Type Information
selection list.
Before you add a file type, verify that it does not already exist. To view a list of file types, click Include on
the File Types Information panel of the SOXDocument object type. If the file type is displayed in the list,
go to “Associating a file type with an object type” on page 186. If the file type is not displayed, click
Cancel and complete this procedure.
In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform file type extensions are case sensitive.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
2. Click SOXDocument.
3. On the File Types Information panel, click Add New.
4. In the MIME Type field, type a MIME content type and subtype. For example, image/cgm.
5. In the File Extension field, type a file extension that corresponds to the MIME Type. For example, cgm.
6. Click Create.

What to do next
To associate the new file type with the SOXDocument object type, see “Associating a file type with an
object type” on page 186.

Associating a file type with an object type

You can associate various file types with the SODocument object type. If you have added a new file type,
you will need to associate it with the object type before it can be used.
Note: When you attach a file to an object, the file extension is case sensitive and must match the
extension specified in the File Types Information section of the SOXDocument object type.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the SOXDocument object type.
3. On the File Types Information tab, click Include.
4. From the list on the Select File Type Information page:

186 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

a) Select the check box next to the name and MIME type you want to add. You can select multiple
b) When finished, scroll down and click Add.
The newly associated file type is listed on the File Types Information tab of the SOXDocument
object type.

Removing a file type from an object type

You can remove a file type from the SOXDocument object type if file type is not in use. Removing a file
type from an object type does not remove the file type from the File Type Information selection list.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the SOXDocument object type.
3. On the File Types Information tab:
a) Select the check box next to the name and MIME type you want to remove.
b) Click Exclude.

The associated file type is removed from the list on the File Types Information tab of the SOXDocument
object type.
Note: Files might still be discovered after the extension of these files is excluded from search. If a file
extension is associated with more than one MIME type, then files with this extension are still discovered
until all associated MIME types are excluded or are disabled from search. Follow the procedure
“Removing a file type from other object types” on page 187 with each associated MIME type to remove
the types from searches. For more information, see “Enabling attachment file types for global search” on
page 362.

Removing a file type from other object types

You can remove a file type if a file extension is associated with more than one MIME type..

1. Move the MIME type from the exclusion list to the inclusion list.
2. Disable the MIME type.
3. Move the MIME type back to the exclusion list.
4. Run the Update command.
For more information, see “Enabling or disabling object types or fields for global search” on page 363.

Tasks required to set up custom forms

To set up custom forms, such as surveys, you must complete many tasks.
Note: If you imported a custom form through the ObjectManager, perform Task 6.

Object types 187

Table 56: Tasks for adding custom forms
Task Description Related Topic
1. Create an object type for the custom form. See “Adding an object type for a custom form” on
page 188 for step-by-step instructions on how to
create an object type for a custom form.
2. Add a field group for the custom form object See “Adding field groups” on page 142 for step-by-
fields. step instructions on how to create one or more
field groups that will contain the fields for the
custom form.
3. Add one or more field definitions to the new field See “Adding fields to a field group” on page 142 for
group. instructions on how to add new field definitions to
a new field group.
4. Add the new field group to the custom form See “Including field groups for an object type” on
object type. page 177 for information about how to add the new
field group to a custom form object type so the
fields can be available for display.
5. Associate the custom form object type with a See “Associating a custom form from a parent
parent object type. object” on page 189 for information about how to
associate a child object type (custom form) with a
parent object type.
6. Include the new custom form object type in a See “Including object types in a profile” on page
profile. 219 for information about how to include the
custom form object type on an object’s view page.
7. To run reports against a custom object type, See “Enabling the reporting framework for custom
specify a custom prefix for the real-time reporting forms” on page 667 for information about adding a
schema tables. custom prefix.

Adding an object type for a custom form

If you want to add a custom form, such as a survey, to an object, you must first create an object type for
that custom form. After the object type is created, you can include field groups and associate parent
objects to it.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
3. On the Object Types pane, click Add.
4. On the add page, complete the following steps:
a) Type a name for the new object type.
The name must start with a letter, and can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore (_)
character. The name is also used as the initial label for the object type and cannot be modified after
it is created.
Examples include:

RiskSurvey, survey1, Survey1_Risk

188 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

b) In the JSP Path field, type the folder path and name of the .jsp file that will be used by the object
type to render the layout and presentation of the object on the Web application page. The default
path is /propertyForm/renderProperties.jsp.
Note: The path of the JSP file is relative to the <OP_Home>\profiles\(servername)-
OPNode1\installedApps\OpenPagesCell\op-apps.ear\sosa.war\ folder.
If you are using, for example, a custom JSP file, the folder and file name might look similar to this: /
c) Click Create.
The object type is created, and the Object Type detail page displays where you can configure
properties. For details see, “Editing object type properties” on page 177.
5. To run reports against this custom object type, you must configure a custom prefix for the real-time
reporting schema tables. For details, see “Enabling the reporting framework for custom forms” on
page 667.

Deleting a custom object type

You can only delete custom object types that are not in use in the application.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
3. Select the object type to delete..
4. On the Object Types tab, click Delete.

Associating a custom form from a parent object

You can only add child object associations to object types; you cannot add child associations to a custom
form or survey object types from the Detail page of a parent object.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
3. Click the name of the object type to modify.
4. On the Child Associations tab, click Add.
5. On the Available Custom Forms page, select each custom form to associate with the selected parent
object type.
6. Click Add.

Associating a custom form to a parent object

You can only add parent object associations to a custom form or survey object types; you cannot add new
parent object associations to an object type from the Details page of a custom form object.

1. Enable System Administration Mode.
2. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
3. Click the name of the custom form object you want to modify.
4. On the Parent Associations tab, click Add.
5. On the Available Object Types page, select each parent object where the object type will be attached.
6. Click Add.

Object types 189

Tasks to define filters for an object type
Filters are specific to an object type and are used to narrow the scope of data that is returned in a view for
that object type.

About this task

When you create a filter for an object type, you can select which fields to use to search for data. Only the
objects that match the specified search criteria are returned for that object type.
Filters are used with Filtered List Views, Grid Views, Activity Views, and the Home page. An object type
can have multiple filters.
The following table provides an overview of the flow of tasks for adding filters to object types and views.

Table 57: Tasks for configuring filters and views

Task Task Description Related Topic
1 Determine the purpose and characteristics of “Filter considerations” on page 190
the filter.
2 Add the filter to an object type. “Adding filters to object types” on page 191

Filter considerations
Before you create a filter, determine the characteristics of the filter and identify the object type on which
the new filter is used.
For instructions on creating a filter, see “Adding filters to object types” on page 191.
The following list identifies information that you need before you create a new filter:
• Object type - Which object type will the filter be used with?
• Name - How will the new filter be identified? The name of the filter is important because it is also the
initial label that will appear for the filter in the application.
• Profiles - Which profiles will be associated with the filter?
• Filtering criteria - Which fields are used in the filter criteria to narrow the scope of data returned by the
• Views - Which type of view page in a profile will use the filter (Grid View, Filtered List View, Home page,
Activity View)?

You create a filter for risk assessments called "In Progress" that displays all risk assessments due within
the next three months, and has the following selected fields and values:

Table 58: Sample risk assessments fields

Field Value
Status In Progress
Start Date On this date
End Date In the next 90 days

If you associate this filter to a Filtered List View in the "Assessors" profile, application users who are
assigned the Assessors profile would then be able to select this filter from the Risk Assessment Filtered
List View filter selection list and from any Risk Assessment Grid View for that profile.

190 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

You could also create a personalized "My In-Progress Risk Assessments" filter for use on the Home page
from the "In Progress" filter. You would do this by making a copy (see “Copying filters” on page 196) of the
"In Progress" filter, renaming it to "My In-Progress Risk Assessments", and selecting "End User" as the
Assessor. When you configure the "My In-Progress Risk Assessments" filter for the Home page,
application users who were assigned the "Assessors" profile would only see their assigned risk
assessments that were due within the next 3 months on their Home page.

Filters that contain unavailable fields

When a filter contains a field that is no longer available (for example, the field was excluded from a
profile), when that filter is selected, the row with the unavailable field is replaced by the default filter
To resolve this issue, edit the filter to remove the unavailable field.

Adding filters to object types

Filters are specific to an object type and narrow the scope of data that is returned in a view for the object
type. When you create a filter for an object type, select which fields to use to search for data. Only the
objects that match the specified search criteria will be returned for that object type.
For up-to-date results of filters that include long string fields, the text index for the long string field must
have been synchronized with the values in the field. Synchronization depends on when the index was
created or the setting of scheduled synchronization. For details on the index creation and synchronization
utilities provided for long string filtering, see “Utilities for filtering on long string field content in an Oracle
database” on page 451.
Attention: If you create a new filter that uses the character % as the value, for example Name
Contains %2, the Name Contains value field appears empty after you load the filter: the %
character does not appear. However, the filter runs properly.

1. Access the Object Types page (see “Accessing object types” on page 176).
2. From the list, click the name of the object type you want to modify.
3. On the Filters tab of the selected object type, click the plus sign icon.
4. On the Add Filter page:
a) Click the Field field and select a key field from the list.
Common fields are listed first, followed by fields specific to the object type.
b) In the same row as the key field, specify a search condition.
The available search conditions change depending on the selected field. For example, for a name
field, the options are Starts with, Contains, and Equals, with a following text box in which to enter
a value.
Note: Text is not case sensitive.

Table 59: Search conditions

If a field has a You can do this

user icon Click to select a user from a phonebook. You

can also select multiple users.

group icon Click to select a group from a hierarchical tree

structure. You can also select multiple groups.

search icon Click to search for a user or group.

Object types 191

Table 59: Search conditions (continued)
If a field has a You can do this
End User link Click to insert "End User" into the value. The
value "End User" will resolve to the currently
logged-on user. For details on the currently
logged in user, see “Filtering on the currently
logged on user” on page 196
Select Values link Select from a list of values.
Text box for alphanumeric values Select a search condition (such as Starts with)
and then enter a value.

calendar icon or a text box for date ranges. Click the calendar icon to select specific dates,
or select a search condition (such as Within the
last) and then enter a value.
Text box for numeric values (used in computed Select a search condition (such as =) and then
fields) enter a value.

Click the true or false.

Important: For limitations on the special characters in filters for long string fields, see “Limitations
on special characters in filters for long string fields” on page 192.
c) To add another row and key field on which to search, click the Add link and repeat step 4.
By default, all the rows are connected (by their sequential number) with an AND operator (for
example 1 AND 2 AND 3). That is, all of the conditions specified must be true.
For details on specifying more complex logic for your filters, see “Using complex logic in a search
filter” on page 195.
d) Click Save.
5. To associated the filter with a view, see “Tasks to associate filters with views” on page 196.
6. To create a duplicate filter using the new filter as a template, see “Copying filters” on page 196
7. To localize the display name of a filter, see “Modifying display text for public filters” on page 280.

Limitations on special characters in filters for long string fields

When you create filters for long string fields, some special characters have limitations on how they are

Do not use special characters as first or last character

When you use a filter to search for text in long string fields, the following special characters and symbols
might not return the expected results if these characters are the first or last character in the text to be
• Characters in languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Thai.

• Some three-byte Unicode characters and symbols such as

Note: When you search for text that contains these special characters, you must use the Contains search
condition in the filter.
For example, you want to search for text that has the phrase "maximum € 120". For the selected text
field, you would choose the Contains search condition, and in the Text box, type the words: maximum €
The search results would return the following: "The maximum € 120 is the upper limit" because the
special character appears in the middle of the text and not at either the beginning or end.

192 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The search results would NOT include the following: "€ 120 is the maximum upper limit" or "The
maximum upper limit is 120 €" because the special character is the first or last character in the text.
Important: You can use the forward slash to create filters for folders. If you want to start or end your filter
with a forward slash, then you must use a double forward slash. The first forward slash is stripped out. For
example, if you enter a folder, enter it as //foldername.

Reserved characters

Table 60: Reserved characters that have special meaning in the filters
character Description
_ An underscore is used as a single character wildcard.
% A percent sign is used as a multiple character wildcard.

Do not use these special characters

Table 61: Special characters that are not supported in search filters
Character Description
& Ampersand
@ At symbol on keyboard
! Exclamation point or bang
\ Backward slash
^ Caret or circumflex
: Colon
; Semicolon
, Comma
- Dash
> Greater than sign
< Less than sign
( Opening parenthesis
) Closing parenthesis
= Equal sign
| Pipe or vertical bar
+ Plus sign
# Pound or number sign, hash symbol
? Question mark
~ Tilde or equivalency sign
` Grave accent

Object types 193

Table 61: Special characters that are not supported in search filters (continued)
Character Description
[ Opening bracket
] Closing bracket
{ Opening brace
} Closing brace
$ Dollar sign
¥ Yen sign
₩ Won sign
Yi syllable IT

Double vertical lines

The following reserved words are not supported in the search filter and should not be used:
• BT
• NT
• OR
• PT
• RT
• TR
• TT

194 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: Reserved words are not case-sensitive.

Using complex logic in a search filter

You can add complex logic to filters to help refine searches using logical operators such as OR, NOT, and
parentheses. By default, the system uses only the AND operator to return results from a filtered search.
When you create a filter (see “Adding filters to object types” on page 191) you select object fields and
define the search criteria for each selected field. These key fields are then used by the system to search
the database for objects that meet the specified criteria.
Every key field that is selected in a filter is displayed in a row that is sequentially numbered. This number
of the row is its identifier. For example, the first key search field is displayed in row number 1, the next key
search field is in row number 2, the next one in row number 3, and so forth. You use the row identifier with
a logical operator to create a complex logic search expression. Although row identifiers are sequential, the
identifier can appear in any order within the expression.
Use the logical operators described in the following table to define filtered searches. The operators are
not case sensitive.

Table 62: Logical operators for complex logic

Operator Purpose Example
AND Narrow the search for objects that meet all 1 AND 2 AND 3
the search criteria. This is the default
operator used to return results from a search
OR Broaden the search for objects that meet one 1 OR 2 OR 3
or the other key search criteria.
NOT Narrow the search for objects by excluding 1 AND NOT 2
the specified key search criteria.
() Group search criteria together to show the 1 AND (2 OR 3)
order in which the query should be applied.

1. In a Filter window (adding or editing a filter), click Use Complex Logic.
2. In the Logic text box, modify the search expression as wanted using the logical operators.
To close the Logic text box and revert to the default search logic, click Clear Complex Logic.
3. Click Save or select from Actions menu.

• You have 3 search fields defined in your filter. By default, the system uses only the AND operator so it
would retrieve objects that only matched all 3 fields (1 AND 2 AND 3). If, however, you wanted to
broaden the search so it included field 1 and either fields 2 or 3, use the OR operator to modify the
search to retrieve all objects that matched field 1 and matched either fields 2 or 3.
To do this, create the logical expression: 1 AND (2 OR 3).
• You want to find open Issue objects that are not assigned to you. To create such a filter, you would
select the "Issue Status" field and choose the "Open" value (this is field 1). Then select the "Assignee"
field and choose your name from the Select the user window or click the End User link (this is field 2).
To exclude your name from the search results, in the Logic text box, you would type 1 AND NOT 2.
Note: The NOT operator does not return objects that have an empty, blank, or null value in the selected
field criteria. This means that any unassigned Issue objects (that is, the "Assignee" field was empty or
blank), would be excluded from the search results.

Object types 195

Tasks to associate filters with views
After you create a filter for an object type, you can associate it to a profile and an object view.

Table 63: Associating filters procedures

Filter tasks Procedure
Display the filter for selection by application users “Associating filters to Filtered List view and Grid
in the filters list under ‘Public filters’ on a Filtered view pages” on page 248
List View page for an object type.
Use the filter to personalize the home page for “Configuring filtered lists on the My Work tab” on
users who are assigned a particular profile. page 229
Use the filter in an Activity View page to limit the “The layout of Activity views” on page 253 or
scope of listed child objects. “Modifying an Activity view ” on page 256
Use the filter in a Grid View page to limit the scope “Creating a Grid view ” on page 248
of listed child objects.

Filtering on the currently logged on user

You can create a filter that scopes the search to the currently logged on user for specific object type fields,
such as Process Owner or Control Owner.

Complete one of the following actions:
• Change the display type of the field from "Text" to one of the following display type options:
– User Selector
– User Dropdown
– User/Group Selector
– Group Selector
and then click the End User link. The End User value that is displayed in the box will resolve to the
currently logged-on user. For details on modifying a display type for a field, see “Configuring display
types for simple string fields” on page 262.
– Multi User Selector
– Multi Group Selector
– Multi User/Group Selector
• Type the following code into the text box of the object-specific field:

##{logged in user}##

Copying filters
You can save an existing filter with a new name to use as a template.
Note: Because filters contain object-specific fields, you can only copy filters within the same Object type;
you cannot copy filters between Object types.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
2. From the list, click the name of the Object type to modify.

196 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

3. On the Filters panel, click the filter you want to copy.
The Edit window opens for the filter.
4. Select Save as from the Actions menu.
5. Type a unique name (required) for the new filter. Click Apply.

The new filter is now available in the Filters tab. For instructions on specifying filters and using complex
logic in filters, see “Adding filters to object types” on page 191 and “Using complex logic in a search filter”
on page 195.
To display the new filter in the list of Saved Filters on an Filtered List View page, add it to a profile. For
details, see “Associating filters to Filtered List view and Grid view pages” on page 248.

Modifying filters
After you create a filter, you can modify it. The modifications, once saved, are immediately used in the

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
2. Click the name of the Object type to modify.
3. On the Filters pane, click the filter to edit.
4. Make the required changes.
5. Click Save.

To modify a localized display name of a filter, see “Modifying display text for public filters” on page 280
For instructions on specifying filters and using complex logic in filters, see “Adding filters to object types”
on page 191 and “Using complex logic in a search filter” on page 195.
To display the filter in the list of Saved Filters on an object’s Filtered List View page, add it to a profile. For
details, see “Associating filters to Filtered List view and Grid view pages” on page 248.

Deleting filters
When you delete a filter for an Object type, it is permanently deleted from the system and cannot be
If the filter is associated with object views in a profile (such as a Filtered List View, Grid View, or table on
the My Work tab of a Home page), the filter, when deleted, is immediately removed from the view and is
no longer available to users who are assigned that profile.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
2. Click the name of the object type to modify.
3. On the Filters tab, select the filters you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.

Object types 197

Dependent field behavior
You can configure a field so that its behavior - Visible, Editable, or Required - is dependent upon some
value selected by a user in another field or set of fields.
The dynamic behavior of dependent fields can be used to help guide users during the creation or editing
of an object.
Attention: If you configure a field to be required, it is still required even if it is not visible. This
ability is for cases where the hidden field is updated by a separate activity, but the field is still
Dependent fields can be applied to Filtered List Views, Context Views, Grid Views, and Detail Views. They
cannot be applied to Folder Views, List Views or Home Page Filters.
Important: On the Filtered List View page, if a dependent field column is shown, the column values
adhere to the field dependency behavior.
Important: When users edit an object in Detail View, fields that are hidden due to how the field
dependencies are configured can display as empty space.

You want to know who performs a control activity if a user selects No to the question Does the Control
Owner perform the Control?.
You could configure the behavior of the field Does the Control Owner perform the Control? to be
dynamic so that the field is both visible and required only if the user selects No to the question Does the
Control Owner perform the Control?. If the user selects Yes, then this field would remain hidden from
the user.
The Does the Control Owner perform the Control? field is considered the dependent field as the
behaviors of this field (Required and Visible) depend on the value (No) selected in the controller field,
Does the Control Owner perform the Control?.

Adding dependent fields

A dependent field can have multiple behaviors and controlling fields. When you add a dependent field,
configure the field and a behavior. Then, select the field and value that control the behavior.

About this task

If you want a dependent field to have multiple behaviors, such as Required and Visible, configure the field
separately for each behavior.
OpenPages GRC Platform supports standard multi-select functionality on the detail page.
Note that if an administrative user creates field dependencies and dependent picklists that create a loop,
an error is displayed in the interface that states that "The operation is not allowed because it would result
in the following circular dependencies ...". If you are upgrading and you had a loop in the previous version,
if you change your configuration you will get an error in the interface that states that "The operation is not
allowed because it would result in the following circular dependencies ...".
If you have multiple controlling fields for a specific behavior, you configure what conditions must be met
before the behavior of the dependent field is triggered. The conditions are identified in the following list:
• Dependent fields cannot include System Fields.
• Dependent field behavior is not supported for custom forms.
• Controller fields must be enumerated string lists (single or multi-selectable) or Actor fields (User
Selector, Group Selector, User/Group Selector, Multi User Selector, Multi Group Selector, or Multi User/
Group Selector). If you configure a controller field with multiple values that are combined with an AND,
all controller values or criteria must match. If you configure a controller field with multiple values that

198 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

are combined with an OR, only one of the controller values or criteria must match. When the values or
criteria match, the dependent field behavior is triggered.
• Computed fields and report fragment fields can have only a behavior of Visible.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration > Object Types.
2. Click the name of the object type to modify.
3. On the Field Dependencies pane, click Add.
4. From the Select Dependent Field, select a field from the list.
5. In Dependent Field Behavior, select one of the following values:

Table 64: Dependent Field Behavior values

Value Description
Required Require the user to enter a value in the dependent field only if the
controlling field is selected.

Attention: If you configure a field as required, it is required

even if it is not visible. This ability is for cases where the
hidden field is updated by a separate activity, but the field
is still required.

Editable Enable the user to modify this dependent field only if the
controlling field is selected. Otherwise, the dependent field is read
Visible Display the dependent field to the user only if the controlling field
is selected. Otherwise, the dependent field are hidden from view.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Select Controller(s) page, click the Controlling Field and choose a field from the list.
8. In the Controlling Values box, select one or more values from the list and click Add.
9. If you have multiple controller fields, click Operator and choose one of the following logical operator

Table 65: Logical operator values

Select this If you want
And All the selected controller fields to be used to meet the condition.
This is the default operator value.

Or Only one of the selected controllers to be used to meet the condition.

10. Click Finish.
11. To create additional dependent fields, complete one of the following tasks:

Object types 199

Table 66: Create additional dependent fields
If you want to And the Controllers Then

Add another behavior the same as those Complete one of the following steps:
to the same dependent selected in Step 4
• Copy the controller conditions to the new
dependent field (see “Copying controller
- OR - conditions” on page 200)
Create another • Repeat Steps 3 and 4
dependent field

Add another behavior different from those Repeat Steps 3 and 4

to the same dependent selected in Step 4
- OR -
Create another
(different) dependent

The newly created dependent fields are listed on the Field Dependencies pane.

Copying controller conditions

If you have multiple field dependencies that use the same controller conditions, you can use the "Copy
Controllers to" function to quickly duplicate existing controller conditions to the same or different
dependent fields within the same object type.
This method will save you time as it is generally faster and easier than individually adding multiple
dependent fields that all have the same controller fields.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
2. Click the name of the object type to modify.
3. On the Field Dependencies tab:
a) Select the check box next to the controller field you want to copy.
b) Click the Copy Controllers to icon.
4. In the Dependent Field pane of the controller (or controllers) you want to copy, select one or more
behaviors for each dependent field.
5. Click Create.
The newly created dependent fields with the copied controllers are listed on the Field Dependencies

Modifying controllers for a dependent field

After you create a dependent field, you can add, remove, or modify the fields that control the behavior of
the dependent field.

About this task

In the case of multiple controllers, you can also change the operator that determines whether one or all
the controller conditions must be met before the dependent field behavior is triggered.

200 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note that if an administrative user creates field dependencies and dependent picklists that create a loop,
an error is displayed in the interface that states that "The operation is not allowed because it would result
in the following circular dependencies ...". If you are upgrading and you had a loop in the previous version,
if you change your configuration you will get an error in the interface that states that "The operation is not
allowed because it would result in the following circular dependencies ...".

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click
Object Types.
2. Click the name of the object type to modify.
3. On the Field Dependencies pane:
a) Select the dependent field you want to modify.
b) Click Edit.
4. To modify the values of an existing controller field:
a) Click Edit under the Actions column.
b) In the Edit Controller box, modify the selected values as necessary.
c) Click Save.
5. To add another controller:
a) In the Add Controller pane, click the Controlling Field arrow and select a field from the list.
b) In the Controlling Values box, select one or more values from the list.
c) Click Add.
6. To remove a controller:
a) Select the check box next to the controller field you want to remove.
Note: To select all the controllers for removal, select the check box next to the Controlling Field
column heading.
b) Click Delete.
7. To change the operator when there are multiple controllers, click the Operator arrow and select a
value from the list.
8. Click Save.

Enabling and disabling field dependency behavior

Dependent fields can be enabled or disabled. By default, dependent fields are enabled when created.
When a dependent field is disabled, the following occurs:
• The dependent field remains in the list on the Field Dependencies tab, and the value in the Enabled
column changes from true to false.
• The application does not enforce the conditions that control the behavior of the dependent field.
If you select multiple dependent fields to enable or disable, the application switches the values
accordingly. For example, if you select two dependent fields - the first field is enabled with a value of true
and the second field is disabled with a value of false - the value of the first dependent field would switch
to false making it disabled, and the second would switch to true making it enabled.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the object type you want to modify.
3. On the Field Dependencies tab:

Object types 201

a) Select the check box next to the dependent field you want to enable or disable. You can select
multiple boxes.
b) Click Enable/Disable.
The value in the Enabled column on the Field Dependencies tab for the selected dependent field
changes as follows:
• If disabled, the value changes from true to false
• If enabled, the value changes from false to true

Deleting dependent fields

You can delete a dependent field.
When you delete a dependent field, it is permanently removed from the list on the Field Dependencies
tab, and all corresponding records for the dependency are deleted and cannot be restored.
Important: If a dependent field is also used as a controller in other dependencies, you must first remove
the dependencies on that field before deleting it.
If you want to keep a dependent field but do not want its behavior, you can disable it instead. For details,
see “Enabling and disabling field dependency behavior” on page 201.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the object type you want to modify.
3. On the Field Dependencies tab:
a) Select the check box next to the dependent field you want to delete. You can select multiple boxes.
b) Click Delete.

The selected dependent field is removed from the list on the Field Dependencies tab.

Configuration settings for the Add New wizard

The Add New wizard provides a way for users to easily add new object instances from virtually anywhere
in the system. The appearance and function of the wizard is configurable. Some of the configuration
settings apply globally and some are profile and object type specific.
With the Add New wizard, users can create and save object instances from wherever they are in the
system by entering only the minimum and most important information. There are several launch points for
the wizard, depending upon user permissions:
• A global Add New icon appears on every page. It can be used to create any object type.
• An Add New icon appears in the toolbar for the Filtered List View, Grid View, or Home Page Filtered List
View. It can be used to create an object instance that is of the same type as the object type of the list.
• An Add New option is available from a context menu when you right-click on a row in Filtered List View,
Grid View, or a Home Page Filtered List. It can be used to create an object instance that is of the same
type as the object type of the list, or any of the direct children of the object type in the row.
• An Add New option is available from the Actions menu in Detail and Activity Views. The option allows
adding an instance of a specific object type.
In most instances, the Add New wizard provides the most convenient and efficient way to add object
instances. However, the original add behavior is available in the following places in the program:
• From the Folder View

202 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• From the Add New icon available from the Business Entity Object List View if the Folder View and
Filtered List View are both disabled for Business Entity.
• From the Add New icon available from My OpenPages > Project > Milestones.
• From the Add File link available from My OpenPages > Attachments > Browse.
The Add New wizard consists of a series of tabs that users can move between by clicking the Previous
and Next icons or by clicking the tabs. The tabs that are available to users are determined by the object
type, the user’s profile, and the configuration.
Create tab
The Create tab allows users to select an existing object from which to prepopulate the field values for
the new object they are creating. Type a term in the Search field to find an exact match to the object
name or description. Configuration determines the following behaviors:
• If this is not possible to create an instance for the specified object type, the tab will not appear
• If it is mandatory to create and object instance from an existing instance, the tab will appear and an
object must be selected from the specified location before the user can move to another tab.
• If this creating and object instance from an existing instance is optional, the tab will appear and the
user can either select an object from which to prepopulate field values or choose to create the new
object from scratch by filling in all the field values manually.
For more information see, “Controlling the ability to use a template object when using the Add New
wizard” on page 205
Parents tab
The Parents tab allows users to identify the primary parent; the one in whose context the new object
will be created. For most configurations, selecting a primary parent is required. This tab also allows
users to select additional secondary parents of the same or different object type as the primary
parent. Type a term in the Search field to find an exact match to the object name or description.
Object-specific tabs
One or more fields tabs follow the Parents tab. They contain the fields available to users for the
specified object type. The tabs and fields displayed are driven by the view definition used for the Add
New wizard.
The view definition comes from an Activity View named Add New for this object type for the users’
profile. The Activity View must have this name but its label can be different. For more information see,
“Creating Activity Views” on page 250.
The view definition comes from a Creation View named Add New for this object type for the users’
profile. The Creation View must have this name but its label can be different. For more information
see, “Creation views” on page 241.
The following factors determine the view:
• If the Activity View is not present and enabled, then the Detail View is used.
• If the Detail View is not enabled, then the default Object View is used
• Sections in the view definition become tabs in the Add New wizard. Fields are presented in the same
sections and in the same sequence in the Add New wizard as they are in the view definition. If there
are fields before the first defined section, or if there are no sections in the view definition, then a tab
labeled Properties is created to hold those fields. Read-only settings in the view definition are
respected by the Add New wizard.
• Certain fields and field types are not supported in the Add New wizard. The following fields are not
included in the Add New wizard if you configure them in the view definition:
– System audit trail fields: Create By, Last Modified By, Created Date, Last Modified Date
– System location field: Folder
– System derived fields: Orphan, Business Entity Hierarchy, Primary Association Path
– Computed fields
– Reporting fragments

Object types 203

Associated children tabs
If there are child objects that can be linked to the object instance, one or more association tabs may
follow the object-specific tabs.
For example, if you are creating a questionnaire assessment, you can choose the processes or assets
to associate with the questionnaire assessment.
Type a term in the Search field to find an exact match to the object name or description.
Review tab
The Review tab displays all of the information from the preceding tabs in read-only mode. It provides
users with an ability to perform a review of their choices and entries before they save their work.
Tab labels are displayed in the wizard with a circle beside each tab label. When a circle is white, it means
that all of the required fields for that tab are either not complete or have failed validation. When all
required fields in a tab are complete and all field values have passed validation, the circle for that tab is
green. An object instance will not be created until the circles for all the tabs are green.
The Add New wizard supports existing configuration parameters, including Save as Draft, Auto-naming,
Dependent Fields, and Dependent Picklists.
The Save As Draft feature can be configured to display a Save As Draft icon when a user creates a new
object instance. This means that users can save object data without completing all the required fields.
The Save As Draft icon is displayed next to the Save icon in the Add New wizard. For information on how
to specify the Save as Draft settings, see “Configure the ability to create a draft copy of an Object” on page
For most object types, you can auto-generate their names when they are created. This allows users to
enforce internal naming policies and ensure unique object names. You can turn auto-naming on or off for
each object type individually. For information on how to specify the Auto-naming feature, see “Object
auto-naming settings” on page 317.
You can configure a field so that its behavior (Visible, Editable, or Required) is dependent upon some
value selected by a user in another field or set of fields. For more information see, “Dependent field
behavior” on page 198
You can configure a list of items (drop-down or list box) so that the items in the list are filtered based upon
some value selected by a user in another list. For more information see, “Configuring dependent picklists”
on page 207

Controlling the availability of object types in the Add New wizard

You can configure which object types cannot be created from the Add New wizard with a setting that
takes effect for all users and all profiles.
Note: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

1. From the menu bar, click Administration > Settings.
2. Click Applications > GRCM > Add New Wizard.
3. Click Object Types Disabled.
4. In the Value box, type the names of the objects that you want to disable. Separate each object type
with a comma (,). Be sure to use the object names and not the object labels.
5. Click Save.

204 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Controlling the display of tabs with no fields in the Add New wizard
You configure whether fields tabs without any fields to display appear in the Add New wizard as disabled
or do not appear at all. The Add New wizard will dynamically hide or show or enable field tabs as they
become empty or not empty as a result of field dependencies.

1. From the menu bar, click Administration > Settings.
2. Click Applications > GRCM > Add New Wizard.
3. Click Show Empty Sections.
4. In the Value box, type false if you do not want to show empty sections and tabs. Type true if you want
empty sections to appear but be disabled.
5. Click Save.
In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.

Controlling the ability to use a template object when using the Add New wizard
You can specify whether users must create new object instances from an existing object instance,
whether they can optionally create new object instances from an existing object instance, or whether the
user should create the object from scratch.

About this task

If you want users to be able to create object instances either from scratch or from an existing object
instance, ensure that the object type name does not appear in either the Cannot Create from Existing
setting or in the Must Create from Existing setting.
If you do not want users to create object instances from an existing object instance, include the object
type names in the Cannot Create from Existing setting.
If you want to force users to create object instances from an existing object instance, include the object
type names in the Must Create from Existing setting.
The Cannot Create from Existing and the Must Create from Existing settings can be configured globally
for all profiles, can be configured individually for each profile, or in combination:
• To configure globally for all profiles, enter the desired information in the All Profiles setting under the
Cannot Create from Existing and the Must Create from Existing folders.
• To configure individually for each profile, create a setting for each profile, whose name is the name of
the profile, under the Cannot Create from Existing and the Must Create from Existing folders. Enter
the desired information in each profile setting.
• To configure a combination of globally but to override that configuration for specific profiles, create a
setting for each profile you wish to override, whose name is the name of the profile, under the Cannot
Create from Existing and the Must Create from Existing folders. Enter the desired information in each
of the specific profile settings. Enter the value you desire for all other profiles in the All Profiles setting.

1. From the menu bar, click Administration > Settings.
2. Click Applications > GRCM > Add New Wizard.
3. To enter information that applies to all profiles:
a) Expand the Cannot Create from Existing or the Must Create from Existing folder.
b) Select the All Profiles setting and enter the desired information.

Object types 205

4. To enter information for a specific profile, you must first create a setting for that profile under the
Cannot Create from Existing or the Must Create from Existing folder, which has the exact name of
the profile. For more information, see “Custom settings” on page 340
5. For Cannot Create from Existing settings,enter a comma separated list of object type names, not
labels, and click Save.
6. For Must Create from Existing settings, enter a line for each object type where the format is multiple
lines separated by carriage return - line feed, each formatted as <object system
name><colon><starting path>, and click Save. The existing object instances to be used as
templates must be located under the starting path specified.

Controlling the default object type in the parent picker in the Add New wizard
You can specify the default object type in the parent picker. For each desired object type, you can specify
a series of parent object type defaults; the first type available to this user will be set as the default.

About this task

You can configure globally, for individual profiles, or both:
• To configure globally for all profiles, enter the desired information in the All Profiles setting under the
Parent Object Type Preferences folder.
• To configure individually for each profile, create a setting for each profile, whose name is the name of
the profile, under the Cannot Create from Existing and the Must Create from Existing folders. Enter
the desired information in each profile setting.
• To configure a combination of globally but to override that configuration for specific profiles, create a
setting for each profile you wish to override, whose name is the name of the profile, under the Parent
Object Type Preferences folder. Enter the desired information in each of the specific profile settings.
Enter the value you desire for all other profiles in the All Profiles setting.
It is not necessary to specify this information; the system will choose defaults for any object type or
profile not specified.

1. From the menu bar, click Administration > Settings.
2. Click Applications > GRCM > Add New Wizard > Parent Object Type Preferences.
3. To enter information that applies to all profiles select the All Profiles setting and enter the desired
4. To enter information for a specific profile, you must first create a setting for that profile under the
Parent Object Type Preferences folder, which has the exact name of the profile. For more information,
see “Custom settings” on page 340
5. For each object type in the setting, specify the default parent object type to be selected in the Select
Parents Narrow By panel. Format is multiple lines separated by carriage return - line feed, each
formatted as <object type to be created system name><colon><highest priority object type system
name to be parent><comma><second highest priority object type system name to be parent>, and so
on, as shown in the following example:

206 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Controlling the default folder for new child objects
You can configure the default folder in which to save child objects that you create. This configuration is
critical because the folder determines security access for new child objects.

About this task

You can override the default folder setting when you add new child objects from the FastMap tool.

1. From the menu bar, click Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM.
2. Click the Default Folder setting to open its detail page.
3. In the Value field, type one of the following values:
• root_folder
Use this value to create new child objects in the root folder for the object type. This option is not
• parent_entity
Use this value to create new child objects in the same folder as the lowest level Business Entity of
the parent object. Children of self-contained object types are not created in the same folders as their
• parent_folder
Use this value to create new child objects in or under the folder of its primary parent. This option is
recommended. Consider this option in the following circumstances:
– You are working with self-contained object types.
– You are working with a security model that includes Business Entity and other object types.
– You are using helpers or triggers that move saved objects into folders other than the default
4. Click Save.

Configuring dependent picklists

You can configure a list of items (drop-down or list box) so that the items in the list are filtered based upon
some value selected by a user in another list.
The filtering of lists can be used to help guide users in the selection of relevant values from lists during the
creation or editing of an object.

Both the "Category" and "Subcategory" fields of a Risk object (SOXRisk) have many items in their
respective lists from which a user can choose, and you want only the values of "Theft and Fraud" and
"Security Systems" to be displayed in the Subcategory list when a user selects "External Fraud" from the
Category list.
To filter the list, you would map the "Subcategory" values of "Theft and Fraud" and "Security Systems" to
the "Category" value of "External Fraud".
The "Subcategory" field with its selected values is considered the dependent picklist as the behavior of
this list depends upon the value selected in the "Category" field or controller picklist.

Object types 207

Adding dependent picklists
When you create a dependent picklist, you map one or more dependent field list values to one or more
controlling field list values.

About this task

Note that dependent picklist behavior is not supported for custom forms.
Note that if an administrative user creates field dependencies and dependent picklists that create a loop,
an error is displayed in the interface that states that "The operation is not allowed because it would result
in the following circular dependencies ...". If you are upgrading and you had a loop in the previous version,
if you change your configuration you will get an error in the interface that states that "The operation is not
allowed because it would result in the following circular dependencies ...".
Attention: When using the bulk update feature, the dependent picklists do not change values
when the controlling value changes. Instead, all values from both the controller and the dependent
picklist are displayed. Validation of selected values will be done before the objects are saved and
any conflicts are reported back to the user.
Figure 15 on page 208 shows a partial Picklist Mapping grid for the "Category "and "Subcategory" drop-
down lists - both are Risk object (SOXRisk) type fields.
Each column represents a value in the controlling picklist ("Category" in this example), and each row
represents a value in the dependent picklist ("Subcategory" in this example).
In Figure 15 on page 208, the "Subcategory" values of "Unauthorised Activity" and "Theft and Fraud" are
selected for the "Internal Fraud" value, and "Theft and Fraud" and "System Security" are selected for the
"External Fraud" value. If a user selects "Internal Fraud" as the category, only the "Unauthorised Activity"
and "Theft and Fraud" values will be displayed on the Subcategory list. Similarly, if a user selects
"External Fraud" as the "Category", only the "Theft and Fraud" and "Systems Security" values will be
displayed on the Subcategory list.

Figure 15: Sample picklist mapping grid

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the object type you want to modify.

208 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

3. On the Dependent Picklists tab, click Add.
4. On the Add Dependent Picklist page:
a) Click the Select Controlling Picklist arrow and choose a controlling field from the list.
b) Click the Select Dependent Picklist arrow and choose a dependent field from the list.
5. On the Picklist Mapping page, for each controlling value in a column heading for which you want to
create a filtered list, select one or more dependent field values in the corresponding column row.
Note: To select or clear a value from a row, click the name of the value.
6. Click Finish to save your changes.
The newly created dependent picklists are listed on the Dependent Picklists tab.

Modifying picklist dependency behavior

After you create a dependent picklist, you can modify the values that are displayed in the dependent

About this task

Note that if an administrative user creates field dependencies and dependent picklists that create a loop,
an error is displayed in the interface that states that "The operation is not allowed because it would result
in the following circular dependencies ...". If you are upgrading and you had a loop in the previous version,
if you change your configuration you will get an error in the interface that states that "The operation is not
allowed because it would result in the following circular dependencies ...".

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the object type you want to modify.
3. On the Dependent Picklists tab:
a) Select the check box next to the dependent picklist you want to modify.
b) Click Edit.
4. To modify the values that are displayed in a dependent picklist by a controlling value:
a) Navigate to the column heading with the controlling value.
b) Click a value in the column row to either select or clear a value.
5. Click Save.

Enabling and disabling picklist dependency

Dependent picklists can be enabled or disabled. By default, dependent picklists are enabled when
When a dependent picklist is disabled, the following occurs:
• The dependent picklist remains in the list on the Field Dependencies tab, and the value in the Enabled
column changes from true to false.
• The application does not enforce the conditions that control the behavior of the dependent picklist.
If you select multiple dependent picklists to enable or disable, the application switches the values
accordingly. For example, if you select two dependent picklists - the first picklist is enabled with a value of
true and the second picklist is disabled with a value of false - the value of the first dependent picklist
would switch to false making it disabled, and the second would switch to true making it enabled.

Object types 209

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the object type you want to modify.
3. On the Dependent Picklists tab:
a) Select the check box next to the dependent picklist you want to enable or disable.
b) Click Enable/Disable.
The value in the Enabled column on the Dependent Picklists table changes as follows for the
selected dependent picklist:
• If disabled, the value changes from true to false
• If enabled, the value changes from false to true

Deleting a dependent picklist

You can delete a dependent picklist.
When you delete a dependent picklist, it is permanently removed from the list on the Dependent
Picklists tab and cannot be restored.
Note: If you want to keep a dependent picklist but do not want its behavior, you can disable it instead. For
details, see “Enabling and disabling picklist dependency” on page 209.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the object type you want to modify.
3. On the Dependent Picklists tab:
a) Select the check box next to the dependent picklist you want to delete. You can select multiple
b) Click Delete.

The selected dependent picklist is removed from the list on the Dependent Picklists tab.

Excluding fields from a subsystem

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform contains multiple subsystems or components that comprise a larger
software system.
These subsystems (for example, Workflow and Reporting Framework), typically use field definitions. In
some situations, a field that is applicable to one subsystem may not be applicable to another.
For example, you want to streamline the number of fields that are used for generating Test (SOXTest)
object reports. You are not required, for example, to produce a report on Testing Steps, a field that is part
of the Text object. You could exclude the Testing Steps field from the Reporting Framework subsystem.
When you regenerate the reporting framework, the Framework Generator will ignore the Testing Steps
field and will be excluded from the generated framework.

Selecting the fields to exclude

When you exclude a field from a subsystem, the subsystem ignores the excluded field.
The following table identifies that action that occurs when selected fields are excluded:

210 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 67: Fields exclusion and results
Fields excluded from this subsystem Results
Reporting Framework Any reports (existing or future) that reference
these fields fail unless the excluded field is also
removed from the report.
Workflow Existing job type templates that reference these
fields work as-is (the excluded field will continued
to be present in the UDA map).
To remove the excluded field from a job type
template, refresh the UDA map as follows:
• Open the existing job type in edit mode.
• Click Save. An automatic refresh of the UDA map

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select Administration and click Object Types.
2. From the list, click the name of the object type to modify.
3. On the Field Exclusions pane for object type, click Exclude.
4. Complete the following steps on the Exclude Fields page:
a) In the Select Field field, select the fields that you want to exclude from the subsystem.
b) In the Select Subsystem field, select the subsystem.
5. Click Exclude.
The newly excluded fields are listed on the Field Exclusions tab.
6. To exclude fields from a different object type, repeat Steps 1 - 5.
7. If you excluded fields from the Reporting Framework subsystem, regenerate the reporting framework.
For more information, see “Updating the reporting framework” on page 686.

Changing the subsystem for an excluded field

You can change the subsystem for individual fields that have been excluded from a subsystem.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. Select the name of the object type you want to modify.
3. On the Field Exclusions tab:
a) Select the check box next to the excluded field you want to modify.
b) Click Edit.
4. In the Select Subsystem box, modify the subsystem.
5. Click Save.
6. If you modified the list of fields that are excluded from the Reporting Framework subsystem, update
the reporting framework.
For more information, see “Updating the reporting framework” on page 686.

Removing excluded fields

Object types 211

You can remove a field from the list of excluded fields.
When you remove a field from the list of excluded fields, the field is removed from the Field Exclusions
list for the object type.

1. With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the object type you want to modify.
3. On the Field Exclusions tab:
a) Select the check box next to the excluded field you want to remove. You can select multiple boxes.
b) Click Remove.
c) If prompted, click OK.
The selected excluded field is removed from the Field Exclusions list for the object type.
4. If you modified the list of fields that are excluded from the Reporting Framework subsystem, update
the reporting framework.
For more information, see “Updating the reporting framework” on page 686.

212 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 11. Profiles
Profiles provide end users with a localized view of information that is directly related to their
Use profiles to configure objects, custom forms, fields, and object views. When you change a setting in a
profile, the change is dynamic and the change is immediate.
Each user has one or more profiles available to them for their logon session.
You can use profiles to restrict the object types that individual users can view. You can also define the
fields in each object that are visible to them. If an object type is absent from a profile, that object type is
hidden from users of that profile.
Create profiles by cloning them from existing profiles, then modifying the new profile. A standard profile,
called Default, is provided. You can use it as a template to create other profiles. The profiles that you
create and assign to users are standalone. No inheritance occurs from one profile to another profile,
including the Default profile.
When you associate a profile to a group, all users in the group have that profile added to their Allowed
Profiles list. The profile is stored with the user, not the group. If a user is later added to the group, they will
not be assigned the profile that was earlier assigned to the users of the group.
You can also designate any profile as the default profile or fallback profile. For more information, see
“Setting a default or fallback profile” on page 215.
• If you assign a user to a different profile, the change becomes effective immediately with no action
required on the part of the user. While a user is logged in, you can assign different profiles to the user
but you should not change their "Current Profile" or remove it from the list of "Allowed Profiles" because
that may result in the user losing unsaved work.
• Users can change from one assigned profile to another themselves. For more information, see
"Changing your profile" in the IBM OpenPages GRC User Guide.
You can associate available objects with any profile and disassociate them later. However, each profile
contains a group of required objects that you cannot disassociate from the profile. The following table lists
these required object types:

Table 68: Required object types

Object Type Label
SOXBusEntity Business Entity
SOXSignature Signature
SOXExternalDocument Link (this is an external URL link)

Guidelines for working with profiles

Following are some suggested guidelines for working with profiles.
• Create and enable a default profile and a fallback profile before you create any other profiles for users
and groups. For more information, see “Setting a default or fallback profile” on page 215.
• Consider designating the most commonly used profile as the default profile.
• Do not disable, delete, or disassociate profiles that users are actively using because it may disrupt their
work. In particular, do not do so unless you have created and enabled a fallback profile that users with
no other active profile can use to log on.
• Associate one or more new profiles to a user or group before disabling or deleting all of their existing

Accessing profiles
From the detail page of a profile, you can modify profile information, and associate users. You can also
access the detail page of an object type where you can configure views and the display order of fields for
the selected object type, and so forth.
Note: To access the Profiles menu item, you must have the Profiles application permission set on your
account (for details, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32).

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the Profiles application permission set.
2. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Profiles.

Creating a profile
You can create a new profile based on an existing profile, including the "Default" profile that is supplied
with the product.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. On the Profiles table, click Add.
3. On the Add Profile page, type a name for the profile. The name should be easily recognizable by users
and identify the purpose for which it is designed. Profile names cannot be translated or changed after
they are created.
4. Click Based on Profile and select the profile to use as a template for the new profile.
5. If you want the new profile to be the default profile, select Default. For more information, see “Setting
a default or fallback profile” on page 215).
Important: Creating a default profile might affect the way IBM OpenPages GRC Platform handles
objects and profiles.
6. If you want the new profile to be the fallback profile, select Fallback. For more information, see
“Setting a default or fallback profile” on page 215).
7. Click Create.
8. To configure the profile, do one of the following tasks:

Table 69: Profile configuration tasks

If you want to do this... Then see this topic for details...

associate and disassociate users “Associating users and groups to a profile” on

page 217
“Disassociating users from a profile” on page 218

include and exclude object types “Including object types in a profile” on page 219
“Excluding object types from a profile” on page

214 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 69: Profile configuration tasks (continued)
If you want to do this... Then see this topic for details...

set up a Home page “Home page” on page 223

configure views for an object type “Configure views for objects” on page 236

This video demonstrates how to create profiles and add object types and views to a profile:

Setting a default or fallback profile

You can set default and fallback profiles for users and groups.
Before you create a default or fallback profile, see “Guidelines for working with profiles” on page 213.
You can designate any profile as the default profile for a user or group. Any previously designated profile
loses this default designation when you select another profile as the default profile. In an application
upgrade, the default profile includes all the object properties of the previous version of the application. All
profiles are standalone; there is no inheritance from the default profile.
When you create users and add profiles, the default profile serves as the profile that is used if no other
profile is selected. You do not need to designate a default profile. If no profile is designated as the default
profile, the fallback profile will be used.
The fallback profile allows a user who is either not associated with any profile, or whose profile is disabled
or deleted, to log on to OpenPages GRC Platform. Only one profile can be designated as the fallback
profile. If you choose to designate a profile as the fallback profile, the existing fallback profile (if there is
one) loses this designation. The fallback profile is optional, however it's a best practice to designate and
enable one so users without any other enabled profiles can log on.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Profile Information table, click Edit.
4. On the Edit Profile page:
a) Select one or both of the following options:
• Default - to make this profile the default profile
Tip: Consider designating the most commonly assigned profile as the default profile for users and
• Fallback - to make this profile the fallback profile
b) Optionally, enter or change the description of the profile.
c) Click Save.

Profiles 215
Associating profiles to users and groups
You can associate one or more profiles to a user or group. Having multiple profiles is beneficial for users
that have more than one function and require a different profile for each one. It is also beneficial for
administrators because it can reduce the number of profiles that they need to create and maintain.
Tip: It is more efficient to associate profiles to groups rather than individual users. Note that if a user is
later added to the group, they will not be assigned the profile that was earlier assigned to the users of the

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Select the user or group that you want to assign a profile to.
3. Click Edit.
4. From the Allowed Profiles list, select all the profiles that you want to assign to the user or group.
5. Optionally, you can change the user's current profile by selecting a different profile from the Current
Profile list.
Warning: If you change a user's profile while they are logged on you might disrupt their work.
• If you remove the user's current profile from the Allowed Profiles list, the user's current profile is
set to the first allowed profile in the alphabetical list.
• For existing users, the Current Profile is set to the user's current profile.
• For new users, the current profile is set to the default profile, if one exists and is enabled. If an
enabled default does not exist, the current profile is set to the fallback profile, if one exists and is
enabled. For more information, see “Setting a default or fallback profile” on page 215.
6. Click Save. The changes take effect immediately.

Editing a profile
You can modify the description of a profile or designate the profile as the default profile or fallback profile.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Profile Information table, click Edit.
4. Make your edits. Note that profile names cannot be translated or changed after they are created.
5. Click Save.

Deleting a profile

You can delete a profile.

Important: If you delete a profile, it immediately disappears from the system and you cannot retrieve it.
It is immediately unavailable to currently logged in users or to users who subsequently log in. If you are
not sure if you might need the profile again, disable it instead.
Before deleting a profile, see “Guidelines for working with profiles” on page 213.
For users with multiple profiles, the current profile becomes the first profile in the alphabetical list of their
allowed profiles. If you delete the only profile that is assigned to a user, the user can still log in using the
fallback profile if one exists and is enabled. For more information, see “Setting a default or fallback
profile” on page 215

216 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Select the box next to each profile you want to delete.
3. On the Profiles table, click Delete.
4. Click OK to delete the profile.

Enabling a profile
When you enable a profile the status of the profile changes from Inactive to Active, and the profile
immediately becomes available to users who are assigned that profile (either currently logged on users or
to users who subsequently log on).

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Profile Information table, click Enable.
The status changes to Active.

Disabling a profile
You can disable a profile.
Important: When you disable a profile, it is not deleted. It remains in the system, and the status of the
profile changes from Active to Inactive. A disabled profile is immediately unavailable to users to currently
logged in users or to users who subsequently log in.
Before disabling a profile, see “Guidelines for working with profiles” on page 213.
For users with multiple profiles, the current profile becomes the first profile in the alphabetical list of their
allowed profiles. If you disable the only profile that is assigned to a user, the user can still log in using the
fallback profile if one exists and is enabled. For more information, see “Setting a default or fallback
profile” on page 215.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Profile Information table, click Disable.
The status changes to Inactive.

Associating users and groups to a profile

You can associate users and groups to one or more profiles. Users that have no associated profiles use the
fallback profile, if one exists.
For more information, see “Setting a default or fallback profile” on page 215.
When you associate a profile with a user, the object types in that profile are available to that user.
Additionally, you can select the fields within each object type that users of this profile can view.
When you associate a profile to a group, all users in the group have that profile added to their Allowed
Profiles list. The profile is stored with the user, not the group. If a user is disassociated from a group, the
profile is not disassociated from the user. Note that if a user is later added to the group, they will not be
assigned the profile that was earlier assigned to the users of the group.

Profiles 217
The profile that you associate with a user is not the current profile unless no current profile is selected.

Table 70: Associating users and groups to a profile

If you select a... Then this occurs...
user who has no profile the currently selected profile is assigned to that user.
user who already has a profile assigned the current profile stays the same, and the new profile is
added to their list of allowed profiles.
group all the members of that group are selected and each member
is individually assigned the selected profile and listed on the
Associated Users tab.

About this task

This task explains how to associate users with a profile on a profile detail page. You can also associate
profiles from the View, Edit, or Disable User page. For more information, see “Modifying user accounts”
on page 28.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Associated Users table, click Associate.
4. In the Associate users/groups with profile box:
a) Select the users or user groups you want to associate with the profile. You can view individual users
within a group by clicking the + box.
b) Click Associate.
This video demonstrates how to configure multiple profiles for users, and how users can easily switch
from one profile to another:

Disassociating users from a profile

When you disassociate a user from a profile, that profile becomes immediately unavailable to that user.
If you disable or disassociate a user from their current profile, one of their available profiles becomes
their current profile. If there are no other available profiles, the fallback profile is used. If no fallback
profile is assigned, the user is unable to log on to the application. For more information, see “Setting a
default or fallback profile” on page 215.
Before disassociating a profile, see “Guidelines for working with profiles” on page 213.

About this task

You can disassociate users from a profile on a profile detail page. Alternatively, you can disassociate users
from profiles from the View, Edit, or Disable User page. For more information, see “Modifying user
accounts” on page 28.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Associated Users table listing:
a) Select the box next to each user you want to disassociate from this profile.

218 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

b) Click Disassociate.
c) Click OK.

Including object types in a profile

When you include an object type in a profile, that object type is immediately visible to users who are
assigned the selected profile. The object types that you select determine which menus appear and the
contents of each menu.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Object Types table, click Include.
4. On the Available Object Types page:
a) Select the box next to each object type you want to include in this profile.
b) Click Include.
5. To configure views for an object type, see “Configure views for objects” on page 236.

Excluding object types from a profile

When you exclude an object type from a profile, that object type is removed from the views in which it is
used. It is no longer available to users who are assigned that profile.
Note: Certain object types are required. You get an error message if you try to exclude them.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table:
a) Select the box next to each object type that you want to exclude from the profile.
b) Click Exclude.
c) Click OK to remove the object type from view.

The selected object type is removed from the list of object types for this profile. IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform stores an excluded object, along with any associated data, in the repository. You can view it
through reports.

Including fields in an object type

Including object fields for an object type in a profile makes those object fields available for selection
within the various views.
The availability of a field for configuration within any view depends on whether or not that field is included
or excluded in the object type for that profile. Including or excluding fields for object types in one profile
does not affect object-type fields in other profiles.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.

Profiles 219
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type whose fields you want to modify
(for example, SOXIssue).
4. On the Object Fields table, click Include.
5. On the Available Object Fields page:
a) Select the box next to the name of each object field you want to include.
b) Click Include.
The included object field now appears in the list of available fields for this object type in this profile.
6. Optional: Configure the object field in a view. Depending on the view, see either “Navigational Views”
on page 237 or “Configuring fields in Detail and Activity views” on page 257.

Excluding fields from an object type

Excluding an object field from an object type in a profile immediately removes that object field from the
views in which it is used, and that field is no longer available for configuration in a view or to users who are
assigned that profile.
The availability of a field for configuration within any view depends on whether or not that field is included
or excluded in the object type for that profile. Including or excluding fields for object types in one profile
does not affect object-type fields in other profiles.

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type whose fields you want to modify
(for example, SOXIssue).
4. From the Object Fields table:
a) Select the box next to the name of each object field you want to exclude.
b) Click Exclude.
c) Click OK to remove the fields from the selected object type.

The excluded object fields are now absent from the list of available fields for this object type in this

Setting the display order of object types

With the exception of the Business Entity object type, you can modify the order in which object types are
displayed in a profile.
When you change the number of the list order of an object type, the system dynamically updates all the
object types (except Business Entity).

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table:
a) In the box under the Order column, change the order value of the object types as wanted.
The maximum value allowed in the Order field is 999.

220 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

b) Click Update Order.
The object types in this profile now appear in the new order.

The current display order for the following object types is Business Entity 1, Process 2, Sub-Process 3,
and Account 4.
However, if you want to display Account (instead of Process and Sub-Process) after Business Entity, set
the order number of Account to 2. When you click "Update Order", the system automatically reorders the
Process number to 3 and Sub-Process to 4.
Now, wherever these object types are found together in the application, they appear in the following
order: Business Entity 1, Account 2, Process 3, and Sub-Process 4.

Setting a field in a profile to required or optional

You can set a specific field to required or optional for a profile and object type.
Setting a field to required in a profile affects only the users who are assigned that profile.
Note: If a field is not listed in the Object Fields pane, you must include it before you can modify it (see
“Including fields in an object type” on page 219).

1. With the Profiles application permission set, select Administration from the menu and click Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. In the Object Types pane for the profile, click the name of the object type that has the field to modify.
4. In the Object Fields pane, click the name of the field to modify (for example, "Description").
5. On the Object Field Information pane for the selected field, click Edit.
6. In the Required field on the edit page, either enable the option to set the field as required or disable it.
7. Click Save.

Profiles 221
222 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 12. Managing the Home page, views for
objects, and display types
You can manage the display of the Home page, the views for each object type that is included in a profile,
and the display types for simple strings, long strings, reporting fragments, and enumerated strings.

Home page
The Home page is the initial page that users see when they log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
The Home page supports a tabbed interface for displaying selected reports and information. For each
profile, you can configure one or more tabs to personalize the information on the page for users who are
assigned that profile.
Typically, the number and types of tabs you configure on a Home page will vary by profile and depends on
the business needs of users. If the number of tabs on a Home page extend beyond the size of the current
browser window, right and left arrows are automatically displayed so users can scroll horizontally through
the tabs.
Except for the My Work tab and the Dashboard tab, a tab on a Home page displays the name of the
configured report.
The type of tabs that can be configured on the Home page include:
• Cognos reports
• Cognos Workspace reports
• Cognos Analytics dashboards
• Cognos Analytics stories
• JSP Reports
• The My Work tab, which is a Home page tab provided by OpenPages GRC Platform that contains
configured panes (sections of a page) for predefined lists, filtered lists, and embedded reports.
• The Dashboard tab, which is a Home page tab provided by OpenPages GRC Platform. Administrators can
add tabs that are mandatory and cannot be deleted or altered by users. Users can add panes to the
Dashboard tab for quick access to the tasks and information that they use most.
You can control the order in which tabs (including the Dashboard tab and My Work tab) are displayed on
the Home page.
For example, a Testers profile might have the following tabs configured: "My Tests - Performer" (report) as
tab 1, the My Work tab as tab 2, the Dashboard tab as tab 3, "Test Notifications" (report) as tab 4, and the
"FCM Dashboard" (report) as tab 5.
Additionally, you can hide, show, add, or delete tabs from the Home page quickly and easily without
interruption to users who are assigned that particular profile.
• In a first-time installation, by default, the My Work tab and the Dashboard tab are both enabled.
• A report (or report fragment) that is embedded in a tab on the Home page executes when a user:
– First clicks the tab containing the report
– Navigates away from the Home page to other menus and then returns to that report tab on the Home
– Logs off and then logs on to the application again
• Switching between multiple tabs on the Home page and then returning to the original report tab does
not rerun the report. To refresh report data, you must click the Refresh icon on the report tab.
• If the My Work tab is empty of content (no panes are configured) but other tabs are configured for
display on the Home page, then a message, similar to the following, is displayed on the My Work tab to
users who are assigned that profile:
OP-50544: There is no information configured for display on this Home page
tab. Please contact your System Administrator.
• If the My Work tab is empty of content (no panes are configured) and no other tabs are configured for
display on the Home page, then a message, similar to the following, is displayed on the Home page to
users who are assigned that profile:
OP-50536: There is no information configured for display on your home page.
Please contact your System Administrator.
• The Dashboard tab on a users Home page displays any panels defined by the administrator plus any
panels created by the user. Panels specified as mandatory by the administrator are not editable or

Guidelines for selecting reports to run in tabs

To avoid performance issues and cluttering the Home page with too many tabbed reports, consideration
should be given to determining:
• Which reports or dashboards are best related to the type of tasks or activities a particular group of users
have to accomplish
• Which profile (or profiles) should contain these reports or dashboards
• Are any of the selected reports or dashboards already configured for display on the My Work tab. If so,
should these be removed?

The layout of tabs on a Home page

The number of tabs displayed on a Home Page for a given profile has no set limit and will vary according
to your users' business needs.
Figure 16 on page 224 shows the basic layout of tabs on a Home page.

Figure 16: Layout of Tabs on a Home Page

Table 71 on page 224 contains a key to the previous illustration with a brief description of the various
Home page elements.

Table 71: Description of Home Page Elements

Key Description
1 Left horizontal scroll arrow. If the number of tabs that are configured for a Home page do not fit
in the browser window, an arrow is automatically displayed so users can scroll horizontally
through the tabs.

224 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 71: Description of Home Page Elements (continued)
Key Description
2 Active tab. When multiple tabs are configured, only the currently selected tab is highlighted and
becomes the active tab.
3 Refresh icon. When clicked, refreshes the data on the selected tab.
4 Inactive tabs. Except for the My Work tab and the Dashboard tab, a tab typically displays the
name of the configured report or dashboard.
5 "n" represents a number. There is no limit to the number of tabs that can be configured on a
Home page.
6 Right horizontal scroll arrow. If the number of tabs that are configured for a Home page do not fit
in the browser window, an arrow is automatically displayed so users can scroll horizontally
through the tabs.

Configuring tabs on the home page

To configure tabs on the home page, use the Home Page Tab Configuration pane on the detail page of the
selected profile.
Table 72 on page 225 describes the information displayed on the Home Page Tab Configuration pane.

Table 72: Columns on the Home page tab configuration table

This column... Displays this...
Name The name of each configured tab. Typically, the name reflects the name of the
selected report or dashboard. The My Work tab and Dashboard tab are the default
Home page tabs provided by IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and are always
displayed in the list.
Description A brief description of the report, if available.
Status The status of the tab. If the status is:
• Visible - the tab is displayed on the Home page
• Hidden - the tab is hidden from the Home page

Order The position of the tab as it is displayed on the Home page.

By default, the My Work tab is in position 1 and the Dashboard tab is in position 2.
Note: Tabs that are disabled or hidden cannot be ordered and the box is not

Actions The type of actions that can be used on a tab. The actions are:
• Hide - hides the tab from display on the Home page
• Show - unhides the tab and displays it on the Home page
• Delete - permanently removes the tab from the list and Home page.
Note: The My Work tab and the Dashboard tab cannot be deleted.

For information on localizing display text, see “Localizing application text” on page 281.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 225
Adding tabs for reports or dashboards

When you select one or more reports or dashboards for display in a tabbed format on the Home page,
each selected report or dashboard is immediately:
• Displayed in a tab on the Home page of users who are assigned that profile.
• Listed under the Home Page Tab Configuration table on the Profile detail page.
Note: For details about configuring the My Work tab, see “Configuring the My Work tab” on page 227.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Home Page Tab Configuration table, click Add.
4. From the list of reports and/or dashboards:
a) Expand a report folder to display a list of available reports.
b) Select the check box next to each report you want displayed in a tab on the Home page.
Note: Selecting multiple reports results in multiple tabs (one tab for each selected report).
c) Click Add.
5. Optional: Change the order in which tabs are displayed on the Home page (see “Setting the display
order of tabs” on page 226).

Setting the display order of tabs

By default, the My Work tab is in position 1 on the Home page, the Dashboard tab is in position 2, and
each tabbed report or dashboard that you add is displayed in the order in which it was added. During an
upgrade installation, the Dashboard tab is hidden and at the bottom of the tab list.
You can change the order in which tabs (including the My Work tab and Dashboard tab) are displayed on
the Home page. When you change the position of tabs on a Home page, the change is immediately
reflected in the application user interface.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Home Page Tab Configuration table, under the Order column, type over the existing number
with the new number you want for positioning each tab on the Home page.
4. Click Update Order.

Hiding and unhiding tabs

You can control whether configured tabs are displayed or hidden from users in a profile. A tab that is
disabled is hidden from users with the selected profile and can be unhidden by enabling it at a future
By default, newly added tabs are enabled and displayed to users who have the profile.
When you hide or unhide a tab, the following events occur:
• The value of the Status column changes for that tab.
• The value of the link toggles between Hide and Show depending on the selection.
• The tab is immediately hidden or unhidden from users on the home page of the selected profile.

226 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Home Page Tab Configuration pane, take one of the following actions in the Actions column:

Table 73: Home page tab configuration options

To do this Click

Hide a tab on the Home page for users of the Hide in the row of the tab you want to hide.
selected profile
Show a previously hidden tab Show in the row of the tab you want to unhide.

Deleting tabs
When you delete a tab for a report or dashboard from a profile, the tab is immediately removed from the
Home page of that profile, and from the list of tabs on the Home Page Tab Configuration table.
Note: You cannot delete the My Work tab or the Dashboard tab from the Home Page Tab Configuration
table; you can only hide them.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the Home Page Tab Configuration table, under the Actions column, click the Delete link for the
tab you want to permanently remove.

Configuring the My Work tab

The My Work tab is a default tab provided by IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, and contains the following
panes (sections of a page) that can be configured in a profile for display to users:
• Predefined Lists - these panes display a list of predefined items that are tailored to the logged on user,
such as My Checked-Out Files. Predefined lists also includes the My Reports pane, which can be
configured with links to reports. For details, see “Configuring predefined lists” on page 228.
• Filtered Lists - these panes display a list of items based on a filter that you define for the selected object
type. In addition, you can select object and/or report fragment fields (the data is displayed in columns),
and set the order in which columns are displayed in the pane. For details, see “Filtered lists on the My
Work tab” on page 228.
• Embedded Reports - each embedded report is displayed in a separate pane on the My Work tab. For
details, see “Configuring reports” on page 230.
You can configure the default settings of the My Work tab for profiles. For more information, see “Home
page settings” on page 333.
Note: The My Work tab can be enabled or disabled for a profile but cannot be deleted.
Note: If you disable the Filtered List View for an object type, the View Details link (or Show All link, in
older versions) for that object on the Home page might open the wrong view.
Users can personalize the display and order of the panes on their My Work tab. You can control whether
this functionality is enabled with the My Work Home Page Can Be Personalized setting. The default
value is true. Upgrading does not change the sort order.
In a first-time installation, the My Work tab is enabled by default, but it is empty of content (no panes are
configured), and a message, similar to the following, is displayed to users who are assigned that profile:

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 227
OP-50536: There is no information configured for display on your home page.
Please contact your System Administrator.

Configuring predefined lists

The following table lists the predefined lists that are available for display on the My Work tab.

Table 74: Available Predefined Lists

This predefined list... Displays this on the Home page...
My Checked-Out Files a My Checked-Out Files pane that includes a list of files that were
checked out by the logged on user.
Report Listing a My Reports pane on the Home page for which you can configure
links to reports. For embedded reports, see “Configuring embedded
reports” on page 231 for details.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the My Work Tab Configuration table, click Add Predefined Lists.
4. On the Available Predefined Lists page:
a) Select the box next to each predefined list you want to display on the My Work tab.
b) Click Include. The included items are listed in the My Work Tab Configuration table.
5. If you selected Report Listing and want to populate the My Reports pane with a list of links to reports,
see “Configuring a My Reports listing” on page 231 for details.

Filtered lists on the My Work tab

Filtered lists contain selected object type information based on the filter you defined for that object type.
Each filtered list that you configure is displayed in a table format within a pane on the My Work tab. For
example, if you configured three filtered lists for the My Work tab, that tab would contain three separate
panes - one for each filtered list.
Filtered lists can include one or more:
• Object fields
• Report fragment fields
Each field that you include in a filtered list is displayed as a column in that table.
For example, if you defined a filtered list for ineffective controls, and included (in addition to Name and
Description) an object field for Classification and a report fragment field containing a Control Analysis bar
chart, the table would display four columns (one for each field).
Note: By default, filtered lists on the My Work tab:
• Automatically include the Name and Description object fields.
• Use Reports as the name of the column heading for report fragment fields, and a clickable icon is
displayed under the column for opening a single report fragment field. If multiple report fragment fields
are configured for an object type, the icon displays a clickable down arrow with a selection list.
• Support only one column layout per object type. When multiple filtered lists are configured for the same
object type, you cannot define different columns for display per filtered list on the My Work tab.

228 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

For example, the Risk object type has filtered lists A, B, and C configured for display on the My Work tab.
If the Name and Description fields were defined for filtered lists A and B, and an additional field,
Domain, was the last field defined for filtered list C, then all the filtered lists, including A and B would
include Domain for display on the My Work tab.
For each filtered list that you configure on the My Work tab for an object type, you can include or exclude
fields, and set the order of columns in the table. If report fragment fields are configured, these are always
the last column of the table.
When you configure a filtered list for display on the My Work tab, all filters that are defined for an object
type are displayed in a selection list. After you select a filter, it no longer appears in the list of available
The My Work tab supports only one column layout per object type. When multiple filtered lists are
configured for the same object type, you cannot define different columns for display per filtered list on the
My Work tab.

Configuring filtered lists on the My Work tab

You can configure filtered lists on the My Work tab for object fields or report fragment fields or both.
• A clickable icon is displayed for opening a single report fragment field under the Reports column. If
multiple report fragment fields are configured for an object type, the icon displays a clickable down
arrow with a selection list.
• If report fragment fields are configured, the Reports column, by default, is always the last table column
and its column position cannot be changed.

Before you begin

Before you can configure a filtered list, you must have the following already defined for an object type:
• One or more filters for the selected object type. See “Tasks to define filters for an object type” on page
• Any report fragment fields and/or object fields that are in addition to the predefined standard IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform object fields for that object type. See Chapter 9, “Fields and field groups,” on
page 137.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the My Work Tab Configuration table, click Configure Filtered List.
4. On the Select a Filter page, select a filter from the list and click Next.
5. On the Select Fields page, do any of the following:

Table 75: Summary of Filter Actions

Goal Action
Include a field as a column in the On either the Included Object Fields or Included
filtered list Reporting Fragment Fields table, complete the following
a. Click Include. This opens a field selection page.
b. Select the box next to each field you want to display as a
c. Click Include.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 229
Table 75: Summary of Filter Actions (continued)
Goal Action
Exclude a field as a column On the Included Object Fields or Included Reporting
Fragment Fields table, complete the following steps:
a. Select the box next to each field you want to remove as
either a column or report.
b. Click Exclude.

Change the order in which object fields On the Included Object Fields table, complete the
are displayed as columns following steps:
a. In the Order column, change the order number of the
field you want.
b. Click Update Order.
When you change the number of a field, the system
dynamically updates all the other numbers.

Include a field as a column that On the Include Reporting Fragment Fields table, complete
displays a report fragment the following steps:
a. Click Include. This opens a field selection page.
b. Select the box next to each report fragment field that
you want to display.
c. Click Include.

6. Click Finish.

Editing filtered lists on the My Work tab

You can modify the fields in a filtered list and the order in which they are displayed.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the My Work Tab Configuration table, click the name of the filtered list table you want to modify.
4. On the table for included objects or report fragment fields, modify the information as necessary (for
details, refer to Step 5 in “Configuring filtered lists on the My Work tab” on page 229).
5. Click Finish.

Configuring reports
You can use the following methods to configure reports on the My Work tab:
• Report Listing - this method creates a My Reports pane in which a list of selected reports can be
displayed. Each listed report name is a link that, when clicked, opens the report in a separate window.
For details, see “Configuring a My Reports listing” on page 231.
• Embedded reports - this method embeds each specified report in a separate pane on the My Work tab.
For details, see “Configuring embedded reports” on page 231.
• Only published reports are displayed in the list of available reports (under the Cognos folder) for
association on a My Work tab (either as a link in a list or as an embedded report). If you want to add a
new report, you must first publish that report. For details, see “Adding reports” on page 113.

230 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Although JSP reports are available for selection as embedded reports on the My Work tab, only Cognos
reports can be embedded (JSP reports cannot be embedded) on the My Work tab. A JSP report that is
selected as an embedded report will result in a reporting error on the My Work tab.

Configuring a My Reports listing

You can configure links to reports in the My Reports pane on the My Work tab by either clicking the Add
Predefined List icon or through the wizard by clicking the Configure Reports icon.
You can globally control the maximum number of reports that are listed on the My Work tab through the
Maximum Reports Listing setting (for details, see “Maximum reports allowed on the home page” on page

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the My Work Tab Configuration pane, take one of the following actions:

Table 76: My work table configuration options

Option Steps
Add Predefined Lists On the Available Predefined Lists page, click
Add Predefined Lists:
a. Select My Reports
b. Click Include.
c. On the My Work Tab Configuration pane, click
the My Reports link.
d. Continue to Step 4.
Note: If you already added a My Reports pane on
the My Work tab but need to populate the list
with reports, do not click the icon and skip
directly to Step 4.

Configure Reports In the Configure Home Page Reports wizard:

a. In the Select Report Type step, select My
Reports as the report type.
b. Click Next.
c. Continue to Step 4.

4. Click Associate to open the Reports list page.

5. On the Reports list page, select each report to include as a link in the My Reports pane. Then, click
6. Click Finish.

Configuring embedded reports

When you embed a report on the My Work tab, the report is displayed in a pane on the My Work tab of
users who have the selected profile.
Use the following steps to embed reports on the My Work tab.
Note: You may need to modify the report to accommodate differences in the My Work tab display area
and page targets. Make a copy of the report before you update the display details and targets to suit
rendering within the My Work tab display area.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 231
You can globally control the maximum number of embedded reports to show on the My Work tab through
the Maximum Embedded Reports setting. For more information, see “Maximum number of embedded
reports on the home page” on page 335.

About this task

There are performance considerations when working with embedded reports. Although embedded My
Work tab reports provide a convenient mechanism to present users with useful Cognos report data upon
logon to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, report execution times can vary depending on the report.
When configuring embedded reports, administrators should be careful not to configure the My Work tab
with large or resource-intensive reports, as this will contribute to the overall load on Cognos resources.
Some factors that can affect utilization of Cognos system resources include:
• The number of concurrent users logged on to the system
• The percentage of users executing reports or viewing computed fields
• The frequency with which users return to their respective Home pages
The following are some guidelines for configuring reports on the My Work tab:
• Only embed reports that are well-scoped and execute in less than <10 seconds for the typical
application user.
• Configure no more than one (1) embedded report on the My Work tab for the majority of application

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the My Work Tab Configuration table, click Configure Reports.
4. In the Configure Home Page Reports wizard:
a) In the Select Report Type step, select Embedded Reports as the report type.
b) Click Next.
5. On the Choose Reports step, click Associate to add reports to the list.
6. On the Reports page:
a) Select the box next to each report you want to embed in a pane on the My Work tab.
b) When finished, click Associate (you may need to scroll down to see the icon).
The selected reports are listed in the Associated Embedded Reports pane of the wizard.
7. If you want to remove any of the newly associated reports from the list (for example, a report was
accidentally added), you can:
a) Select the box next to each report you want to remove.
b) Click Disassociate
8. Click Finish.

Modifying configured reports

Use the Configure Reports wizard to add or remove reports (both embedded reports and My Report links)
from the My Work tab.
Note: You can also remove embedded reports from the My Work Tab Configuration pane. For more
information, see “Removing items from the My Work tab” on page 233.

232 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the My Work Tab Configuration pane, click Configure Reports.
4. In the Select Report Type field, select the report type that you want to modify.
5. On the Associated Reports page, take one of the following actions:

Table 77: Add or remove reports

Task Procedure
Add more reports a. Click Associate.
b. On the Reports list page, select each report to
c. Click Associate.

Remove existing reports a. Select each report to remove.

b. Click Disassociate.

6. Click Finish.

Removing items from the My Work tab

You can remove previously configured tables (including embedded reports) from the My Work tab.
When a user with the modified profile either logs on to the application, refreshes or returns to the My
Work tab on the Home page, the removed items may no longer be displayed.
Note: To remove links from the My Reports pane, see “Modifying configured reports” on page 232.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. On the My Work Configuration table listing:
a) Select the box next to each item you want to remove from the My Work tab.
b) Click Disassociate.

Configuring users' Dashboard tabs

The Dashboard tab allows users to create their own dashboard for their Home Page by adding panels and
widgets. The configuration of a user’s Dashboard tab is saved in the database and not in the web browser
cache. This means that a user can clear the cache, switch to a different browser, or log in from a different
computer without changing the configuration of the Dashboard tab.
Users can add new panels to their Dashboard tabs and for each panel add as many of the following types
of widgets as needed:
• Filter Count widget, which appears in a user's dashboard panel as the object type name and a number
representing the number of filters applied. When a user clicks the number of filters, the Filtered List
View page for that object type is opened. If a filtered list for that object type does not exist, then the
Filtered List View page will not be opened.
• Object Global Search widget, which appears in the user's dashboard panel as the object type name
followed by a search box. When a user enters a search term in the box, for example Accounts
Receivable, the Search Results page provides a list of results.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 233
• Static Web Link widget, which appears in a user's dashboard panel as a clickable link with the label that
was provided for the widget. When creating this widget, users must begin the URL with the protocol,
such as http://.
• Add New widget, which creates an Add New button that is preconfigured for a specific object type.
Clicking the button, displays the Add New dialog box for that object type.
For each profile, administrators can add panels to a default Dashboard tab that is displayed for users who
are logging on to OpenPages for the first time.
Administrators can specify that a panel is locked and cannot be changed by users. Administrators lock a
panel by selecting the Lock panel contents check box in the Create New Panel window. When a locked
panel is saved, it is automatically pushed to all users in the profile the next time they log into OpenPages.
Administrators can also create panels that are unlocked, and these panels will be included in the default
Dashboard tab for users who are logging on to OpenPages for the first time. Users can edit or delete
unlocked panels in their own Dashboard tabs.
Both the Dashboard tab and the My Work tab will be present on a user's Home page unless specified as
hidden by an administrator in the profile configuration. Clicking the Home button in the global header will
return the user to either the Dashboard or My Work tab, depending on which tab was opened most
Administrators can export the configuration of a default Dashboard tab in JSON format. This can be useful
when migrating from one environment to another. For more information, see “Exporting the configuration
for a dashboard tab” on page 236.
Note: If the Global Search component is not enabled, then the Global Search widget is not available for
users to add to their Dashboard tabs. If you disable the Global Search component for a profile, then any
existing Global Search widgets are removed from users' Dashboard tabs the next time they log on to
OpenPages. If you disable the Global Search component for an object type, then any Global Search
widgets for that object type will be removed from users' Dashboard tabs. The Static Web Link widget type
is always available, but the other widget types will only be available if users in the profile have access
rights to the object type related to that widget type. If access rights are revoked for widget types that
users have already placed on their Dashboard tabs, then those widgets will be removed the next time the
users log on to OpenPages. Similarly, if the Add New capability is disabled for an object type that users
have associated with a widget on their dashboard, then that widgets will be removed the next time the
users log on.

Creating content for users' Dashboard tabs

For each profile, administrators can create content on a default Dashboard tab that is displayed for users
who are opening the application for the first time. Administrators can also specify that a panel is locked.
When a locked panel is saved, it is pushed to the Dashboard tab for all users in the profile and cannot be
edited or removed by users.
Note: If the Global Search component is not enabled, then the Global Search widget is not available for
users to add to their Dashboard tabs. If you disable the Global Search component for a profile, then any
existing Global Search widgets are removed from users' Dashboard tabs the next time they log on to
OpenPages. If you disable the Global Search component for an object type, then any Global Search
widgets for that object type will be removed from users' Dashboard tabs. The Static Web Link widget type
is always available, but the other widget types will only be available if users in the profile have access
rights to the object type related to that widget type. If access rights are revoked for widget types that
users have already placed on their Dashboard tabs, then those widgets will be removed the next time the
users log on to OpenPages. Similarly, if the Add New capability is disabled for an object type that users
have associated with a widget on their dashboard, then that widgets will be removed the next time the
users log on.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the Profiles application permission set.

234 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Profiles.
3. Click the name of the Profile for which you want to create a default Dashboard tab.
4. From the menu bar of the Profiles detail page, click Home Page Tab Configuration.
5. In the Dashboard row, click Edit.
6. To add a panel, click Create New Panel.
7. In the Create New Panel window, type a title for the panel. The name for the panel must be unique.
If a user in the profile already has a panel with same name, the name of the user panel is changed.
For example, if you create a panel called My Panel and the user already has a panel by that name, the
user panel is renamed to My Panel(1).
8. Under Panel Widgets select a widget type.
You can add as many widgets as you want by clicking the Add New Widget button and specifying the
object type for each widget. The order of widgets in the panel can be changed by dragging them up or
9. When you are finished adding and arranging the order of widgets, click the Create Panel button.
10. To change the layout of panels in the default Dashboard tab, you can use drag and drop.
11. Click Done Editing.

When you save a locked panel, it is pushed to the Dashboard tab of all users in the profile and will appear
the next time that they log on to OpenPages. In order for the change to occur for all users in the profile, all
users must log on to OpenPages after the profile change.
To edit or delete a panel, administrators and users can hover their mouse pointers over the panel and
click the edit or delete icon. Users are not able to edit or remove locked panels. When users hover their
mouse pointers over locked panels, the edit and delete icons are not available to them.
When you save a panel that is not locked, it appears only on the default Dashboard tab that users see
when they open the application for the first time. Unlocked panels are not pushed to users' Dashboard
tab. They can be edited or removed by users.

Editing the content of users' Dashboard tabs

For each profile, administrators can edit content on a default Dashboard tab that is displayed for users
who are opening the application for the first time. Edits to the default Dashboard tab will not affect the
Dashboard tab for existing users unless a panel is locked. If an administrator specifies that a panel is
locked, then that panel is pushed to the Dashboard tab for all users in the profile and cannot be edited or
removed by users.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the Profiles application permission set.
2. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Profiles.
3. Click the name of the Profile for which you want to edit a default Dashboard tab.
4. From the menu bar of the Profiles detail page, click Home Page Tab Configuration.
5. In the Dashboard row, click Edit.
You can perform the following tasks:
• To add a new panel to the default Dashboard tab, click Create New Panel. For more information, see
“Creating content for users' Dashboard tabs” on page 234
• To edit an existing panel, hover your mouse pointer over the title bar of the panel and click the pencil
icon. You can change the title of a panel by clicking the title and typing a new name.
• To delete a panel, hover your mouse pointer over the title bar of the panel and click the trash can

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 235
• To make a panel mandatory for all users in the profile and push it to their Dashboard tab, select the
Lock Panel Contents check box. When you save the panel, it is pushed to users' Dashboard tabs and
will appear the next time that they log on to OpenPages, and users will not be able to edit or remove
it. Panels that are not locked can be edited and removed by users.
6. Click Done Editing.

Exporting the configuration for a dashboard tab

Administrators can export the configuration of a default Dashboard tab in JSON format. This can be useful
when migrating from one environment to another.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the Profiles application permission set.
2. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Profiles.
3. Click the name of the Profile for which you want to export the configuration of the default Dashboard
4. From the menu bar of the Profiles detail page, click Home Page Tab Configuration.
5. In the Dashboard row, click Edit.
6. Click the Download JSON button, and open the JSON file in a text editor.
If the Dashboard tab uses multibyte characters, you must use a text editor that supports UTF-8, such
as Notepad or Microsoft Word. If you open the JSON file in Microsoft Wordpad, the multibyte
characters might not display correctly.

Configure views for objects

For each object type that you include in a profile, you can configure various views of data for that object. A
view displays information about an object type in different formats and provides a means for customizing
and filtering information on a page for objects and custom form objects.
The following list summarizes the standard views that you can configure. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
categorizes views as follows:
Navigational Views
• Overview Pages
• Folder View
• Filtered List View
• Grid View
Object Views
• Detail View
• Activity View
Association Views
• List View
• Context View
Creation Views
Note: If you enable a navigational view for the Process Diagram, Data Input, or Data Output object type, it
is not available as a menu item for users who are associated with that profile. These objects are available
only in the context of a Process.
For information about configuring specific object types in a profile, see “Including object types in a
profile” on page 219.

236 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Fields that you configure for a specific object type and view page are displayed to users who have that
profile, and fields that you exclude from that object type and view are hidden from users.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
When you modify an object view for a particular object type (including custom forms), the change is
immediate and displays everywhere the object type appears in a table within the OpenPages GRC
Platform application. Changes that you effect for one profile do not result in changes to other profiles.
For example, you create two new fields for the Risk object type and want to display these fields to users
with the Manager profile on the detail page of Risk objects. You open the Manager profile, select the Risk
object type from the list, select the Detail view page, and then choose the new fields to include on the
Detail view page. When users with the Manager profile view, create or modify a risk, the two new fields
will be displayed on a Risk Detail view page. For users who have a different profile (not Manager), the new
Risk fields are hidden unless you also include these fields in that profile.

Navigational Views
Navigational Views assist users in finding instances of specific objects.
Navigational views include the following view types:
• Overview
• Folder
• Filtered List
• Grid
When you add, remove, or modify Navigational Views in a profile for a specific object type, consider the
following items:
• Views can be enabled or disabled.
Note: If you disable the Filtered List View for an object type, the View Details link (or Show All link, in
older versions) for that object on the Home page might open the wrong view.
• Some views can be deleted.
• Most views, except Overview pages, can be reordered.
• The Bulk Update feature can be used with grid views because grid views contain editable fields.
• Users with the assigned profile who are already logged on to the application must log out and log in to
see the changes.
• Users can change the sort order and field order in Filtered List Views and Grid Views.
• Users cannot add the primary parent hierarchy or business entity hierarchy fields to a Navigational View
for any object type.

Overview pages
An Overview page displays a hierarchical object-tree view of an object type. For example, if you wanted to
include an Overview page for Control Objectives, you could do so through a profile.
As an administrator, you can:
• Control which object types are included or excluded in the object-tree hierarchy on an Overview page
(see “Including object types on an overview page” on page 247 and “Excluding object types from an
overview page” on page 247 for details)
• Enable or disable an Overview page for an object type (see “Configure views for objects” on page 236
for details)
An Overview page is not supported for the following object types: SOXProject, SOXDocument,
SOXExternalDocument, SOXMilestone, SOXIssue, SOXTask, SOXSignature, and ProjectActionItem.

Folder views and Filtered List views

A Folder view displays a page view of folders (including sub-folders) containing the selected object type.
The information is displayed in columns on the page.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 237
A Filtered List view displays a page with search filter options that you can use to display objects of the
same type that match your search criteria. First, select the object type to view. Then, select the Filtered
List view from the Filter selector. The view is then populated with objects that match the filter criteria.
Use this view to display filter objects of the same type that match the search criteria in the filter the user
selects. The user can personalize the display of a Filtered List view and limit what fields of information are
For Filtered List and Folder views:
• The Name field is required. Always configure it in the first column.
• If report fragment fields are configured, the Reports column is always the last column in the table. The
position of the Reports column can be changed in Grid View.

If you previously disabled the Folder view and Filtered List view pages for Control Objectives in a profile,
and you want to make that object type and its children directly accessible again through the Assessments
menu to users who are assigned that profile. You could enable the Folder view and/or Filtered List view for
the Control Objective object type. Enabling either view page would cause the Control Objectives menu
item to be dynamically displayed on the Assessments menu. However, only the view page that was
enabled would be displayed when the menu item was selected. If you enabled both view pages, you could
set, for example, the Filtered List view page to be displayed first to users.
As an administrator, you can perform the following functions:
• Control which fields are displayed as table column headings in a Folder or Filtered List view (see
“Navigational Views” on page 237)
• Set the order in which table column headings appear (see “Setting the display order of fields in a view”
on page 243)
• Enable or disable a Folder or Filtered List view page for an object type (see “Configure views for objects”
on page 236 for details)
• Control which view page (Folder or Filtered List view) is displayed first to users when both views are
configured (see “Setting a default view” on page 242 for details)
• Control whether users can edit fields in the Filtered List view (“Editable fields in a Filtered List View” on
page 340 for details)

Grid views
The grid view allows you to select how information about an object is displayed by selecting an option
from the View selector.
A grid view allows users to view, compare, and edit fields from up to three different object types in one
location. A grid view allows users to perform operations on multiple objects at the same time.
Additionally, users can personalize the information by modifying the fields that are displayed, field order,
sort criteria, and column widths.
The grid view allows users to move between the display of objects fields in full mode and compact mode.
This ability allows the user to show all configured fields for an object or display only the subset that you
select. You define the objects that are displayed on a grid view. Users can then select a grid view and edit
the fields in the view, including reordering columns of information.
Use the Grid Actions menu to create an item, update multiple items (bulk update), export information,
delete, lock, and unlock.
The grid view provides access to an Info Card. The card displays the values for all configured fields for an
object type.
If users are allowed to edit fields in an object, define a grid view. Because grid views have editable fields,
you can use the Bulk Update feature.
For information about creating grid views, see “Creating a Grid view ” on page 248

238 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Object views
Object Views provide detail instance data for an object.
Object Views include the following view types:
• Detail
• Activity
When you add, remove, or modify Object Views in a profile for a specific object type, users with the
assigned profile who are already logged on to the application may have to refresh the page to see the
changes. Object views can be enabled or disabled. Some object views can be deleted.

Detail views
A Detail View displays data on the same page for the selected object including fields and any
associations it has to other objects.
From an object's Detail page, application users can edit and/or view object-specific fields for the selected
object, and add or associate other objects to it. You can configure the Detail View or any Activity View to
be the page that users see by default when they click the linked name of an object from an Overview,
Folder, Filtered List, or List View page.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
• The Detail view is required for objects and custom forms and can be disabled but not removed. When
you add a new object type to the Default profile, a Detail view is automatically configured for that object
• When users export data from a Filtered List View to a spreadsheet, the data that is directly exported
corresponds to the fields that are configured in a Detail view for the selected object type with the
exception of Long String fields that have a large sub type. Fields with a large sub type are ignored by
Export and FastMap as these fields might be too large to be stored in a cell (the maximum storage for a
cell is 32 KB).
As an administrator, you can:
• Control which fields are displayed in the table rows of a Detail view (see “Configuring fields in Detail and
Activity views” on page 257)
• Set the display order of the fields (see “Setting the display order of fields in a view” on page 243)
• Set specific fields to be view only or editable (see “Setting object fields as read-only or editable” on
page 260)
• Set specific fields to span the 2-column table layout of the Detail page (see “Spanning table columns”
on page 260)
• Insert section headings on a page to delineate a set of fields (see “Inserting section headings” on page
• Configure how report fragment fields are displayed to users (see “Configuring the display type for
reporting fragment fields” on page 261)
• Configure how string data is displayed to users (see “Configuring display types for simple string fields”
on page 262)

Activity views
Activity Views are multi-object views focused on performing a specific task, such as control
assessments. An Activity View page provides a way for users to concurrently view and edit specific fields
for an object, including any child objects that have been defined for this view, with minimal navigation.
An Activity View can display up to three levels of objects (the current object, list and detail panes for child
objects, and objects under a selected child object).
You can create your own Activity View pages for an object type in which users can edit, view, and manage
multiple associated objects on the same page. Depending on the view type, information is displayed as

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 239
either a page (such as a Folder View or Detail view page) or in a section of a page (such as a Context
pane). By default, an Activity View is enabled and is automatically added to the list of views that can be
selected from the Current View selection on the object’s detail page. Users who are assigned the
selected profile have immediate access to the new Activity View.
In an Activity View, you can choose child object types at any level in the hierarchy for display in an Activity
View. For example, if users need to determine the effectiveness of a particular control, you could select
Control and Test Result (skipping the Test object) under a Risk object so only objects relevant to
performing the task are displayed in an Activity View. You can also sort how object types are displayed
and select paths to scope or limit the objects that are returned.
For more details on using Activity Views, see “Creating Activity Views” on page 250.
As an administrator, you can:
• Create, modify, or delete Activity Views (see “Creating Activity Views” on page 250)
• Control which fields are displayed in the table rows of an Activity View (see “Configuring fields in Detail
and Activity views” on page 257)
• Set the display order of the table rows containing the fields (see “Setting the display order of fields in a
view” on page 243)
• Set specific fields to be view only or editable (see “Setting object fields as read-only or editable” on
page 260)
• Set specific fields to span the 2-column table layout of the activity page (see “Spanning table columns”
on page 260)
• Insert section headings on a page to delineate a set of fields (see “Inserting section headings” on page

Association views
Users with the assigned profile can use Association Views to view a page that displays parts of another
Association Views include the following view types:
• List
• Context
When you add, remove, or modify Association Views in a profile for a specific object type, users with the
assigned profile who are already logged on to the application may have to refresh the page to see the

List views
A List view displays objects of the same type in a list format, with objects listed in ascending order.
Depending on the object type, list views can be displayed as either a page or a pane.
By default, list views are displayed as pages for the following object types: Business Entities
(SOXBusEntity), Milestones (SOXMilestone), Milestone Action Items (SOXTask), and as panes on a Detail
view page for listing associated parent or child objects.
If you have a Folder or Filtered List view for Business Entities, the default list view for this object type is
not used.
When you configure either a Folder or Filtered List view for Business Entities (SOXBusEntity), the default
list view for this object type is not used.
For list views:
• You cannot add a list view to a custom form object or remove a list view from an object.
• The Name field is always displayed in column 1 and its position cannot be changed.
• If report fragment fields are configured, the Reports column is always the last column in the table and
its position cannot be changed.

240 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

As an administrator, you can:
• Control which fields are displayed as table column headings in a list view.
• Set the display order of the table column headings.

Context panes
A Context pane appears in the Detail page for an object and provides information about the object that is
the focus of the Detail page. When you are looking at the details of associated objects, use the Context
pane to remind you of the key information about the object that is the focus of the Detail page.
For example, you could use a Context pane to include System Fields such as, Business Entity Structure
and Primary Association Path, or a report fragment field that displayed a line chart showing trends.
As an administrator, you can:
• Control which fields are displayed in a Context pane (see “Including and excluding fields in navigation
and association views” on page 245)
• Set the display order of the fields (see “Setting the display order of fields in a view” on page 243)

Creation views
Creation views allow you users to add new objects using the Add New wizard.
In previous releases, the layout of the Add New wizard was driven by a single view definition, either an
Activity View that is named Add New, or the Detail view. There was also no way to associate existing child
objects to the object that is being created without a separate step.
Now, a category of view that is called Creation views allows the definition of multiple Add new view
definitions for a single object type for a single profile.
For more information on using Creation views, see “Creating a Creation view” on page 256

Enabling a view
The process of enabling a view for an object type in a profile is the same for Navigational and Object
Views. It does not apply to Association Views.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type (for example, SOXControl) for
which you want to enable a view.
4. Navigate to the type of view you want (such as Navigational Views or Object Views).
5. Click the Enable link under the Actions column in the row containing the particular view you want to
• The link changes from Enable to Disable.
• The value in the Enabled column changes from false to true.
6. Optional: Configure the selected view:
• To add or remove object types for display in an object-tree hierarchy on an Overview page, see
“Including object types in a profile” on page 219 for details.
• To add or remove fields for a specific view, see “Excluding object types from a profile” on page 219.
• To control which view is displayed first to users when multiple views for a page are configured, see
“Setting a default view” on page 242 for details.
• To associate a filter that will narrow the scope of data that is returned from a Filtered List view page,
see “Associating filters to Filtered List view and Grid view pages” on page 248 for details.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 241
Disabling a view
The process of disabling a view for an object type in a profile is the same for Navigational and Object
Views. It does not apply to Association Views.

About this task

• For Overview views - when you disable an Overview for an object type, the Overview menu item that
corresponds to that object type is dynamically removed from the menu list.
For example, if you enabled a Control Objectives Overview page and then decided you no longer wanted
it, you could remove the Overview page for that object through the profile. When you disable the
Overview view, the Control Objectives Overview menu item would be dynamically removed from the
Assessments menu list for all users who are assigned that profile.
• For Folder View, Filtered List View, and Grid View - when you disable these views, the corresponding
menu item with the name of the object type, is dynamically removed from the menu list for all users
who are assigned that profile. Although the object type and its children are still accessible from other
view pages, the object type would no longer be directly accessible to users from a menu.
For example, if you disabled both the Folder View and Filtered List view pages in a profile for the
Process object type, application users who were assigned that profile would still be able to access
Process objects from a Process Overview page, a Business Entity Overview page, or the detail page of a
parent or child object. However, the Processes menu item would be removed from the Organization
Note: If you disable the Filtered List View for an object type, the View Details link (or Show All link, in
older versions) for that object on the Home page might open the wrong view.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type (for example, SOXControl) for
which you want to disable a view.
4. Navigate to the type of view you want (such as Navigational Views or Object Views).
5. Click the Disable link under the Actions column in the row containing the particular view you want to

• The link changes from Disable to Enable.
• The value in the Enabled column changes from true to false.

Setting a default view

On pages where multiple views are enabled for an object type, you can select which view you want as the
default view for that page. The process of setting a default view for an object type in a profile is the same
for Navigational and Object Views that contain a Make Default link. It does not apply to an Overview view
or Association Views.
For example, if you have a Grid View, Folder View, and Filtered List View enabled for Control object types,
you could set the Grid View page to display first when users select Control from the Assessments menu.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type (for example, SOXControl) for
which you want to set a default view.

242 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

4. Navigate to the type of view you want (such as Navigational Views or Object Views).
5. Click the Make Default link under the Actions column in the row containing the particular view you
want to display as the default view.
• The Make Default link is removed from the selected view.
• The value in the Default column changes from false to true.
6. To view the changes to the default view, users must log out and log back in to the application.

If you later decide to change the default view to another view, click the Make Default link in the row
containing the view you want to display as the default view.

Setting the display order of fields in a view

You can dynamically change the order in which fields are displayed for object types in a view.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
Note: The following field limitations apply only to Filtered List, Folder, and List views:
• The Name field is always displayed in column 1 and its position cannot be changed.
• If report fragment fields are configured, the Reports column is always the last column in the table and
its position cannot be changed.
When you reorder fields in a view, the change is immediately displayed to all users.
The process of setting the display order of fields for an object type in a profile is the same for all views.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify.
4. Select one of the following views and complete the steps identified:

Table 78: Views

Navigate to this tab... To select a link for this view...
Navigational views Folder, Filtered List, or Grid
If Grid Views are defined, click the name of a grid view link, and then
click Next until the Specify Field Settings screen is displayed in the Grid
View wizard.

Association views List or Context

Object views Detail or Activity.
If Activity Views are defined, click the name of an activity view link, and
then click Next until the Specify Field Settings pane is displayed.

5. On the Included Object Fields table, locate the field to change:

a) In the Order field in the row of the selected field, type the new display order number for that field.
b) Click Update Order.
c) For Detail Views only - click Save to save your changes and return to the object type detail page.
d) For Activity Views, click Next and Save.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 243
The fields are automatically reordered as specified.
e) For Grid Views, click Save .
The fields are automatically re-ordered as specified.

If the "Classification" object field on the property table of a Risk object Detail View page is in position 9 on
the list and you wanted it to precede the "Location" object field, which is in position 3, you would change
the display order number for the "Classification" field from 9 to 3. All the other object fields after position
3 are automatically re-ordered - so the display order for the "Location" field would become 4, the next
field that followed would become 5, and so forth.

Copy views for an object from one profile to one or more other profiles
You can copy the object views (Detail View and Activity View) and creation views for an object from one
profile to one or more other profiles.

About this task

To access the Profiles menu item, you must have the Profiles application permission set on your account.
For more information, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32.
Before you copy a view, keep the following points in mind:
• If an object in the source profile is missing from the target profile, the copy operation will not be
• If fields, field groups, or filters in the source profile are missing from the target profile, they will be
added to the target profile by the copy operation.
• Field properties for the object that you selected, such as display type and whether a field is required,
are retained when the copy operation is complete. When fields are added to the target profile by the
copy operation, they have the same properties as they have in the source profile.
• Fields that are related to the view but not included in it, are not automatically added to the target profile
by the copy operation. For example, suppose that the view that you are copying has dependent fields.
Unless the view also includes the controlling fields, the dependent fields are not copied to the target
profile. As a result, the user of the target profile might have no way to set the value of the controlling
fields, and dependent field behavior (Visible, Required, or Editable) might not work as expected. If the
view you are copying has any controlling fields that are not included in the view, you should first
determine whether those fields are included in the target profile. If they are not, determine whether you
want to manually add them to the target profile. For more information, see “Modifying controllers for a
dependent field” on page 200 and “Configuring dependent picklists” on page 207.
• If the view already exists in any of the target profiles, and you proceed with the copy, the existing view in
the target profile is overwritten by the copied view. If the overwritten view was disabled or set as the
default view in the target profile, it is still disabled or set as the default view when the copy operation is
complete. The order of the overwritten view does not change in the target profile.
• If a view with the same name but of a different view type exists in the target profile, the view is not
• Filters that are associated to the source view are copied to the target view. If you want the filters to be
available in the Filtered List View or Home page in the target profile, you must manually add them. For
more information, see “Tasks to define filters for an object type” on page 190.

1. Enable System Admin Mode. For more information, see “Enabling and disabling System
Administration Mode” on page 17).
2. Click Administration > Profiles.
3. Click the name of the source profile that includes the object with the view that you want to copy.

244 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

4. Click the name of the object that you want to copy views to.
The Profile page for the object opens.
5. Click the Object Views or Creation Views tab, depending on which type of view you want to copy.
6. Click the Copy link beside the source view that you want to copy.
7. Select one or more target profiles to copy the source view to.
8. Click Validate to verify that the object types and fields exist in the target profiles that you selected.
The Validate tab shows any warnings and errors.

• If there are no issues, a checkmark is displayed.

• If fields, field groups, or filters that are in the source profile will be added to the target profile, an

information message is displayed.

• If the view already exists in any of the target profiles, a warning is displayed.

• If an object in the source profile is missing from the target profile, an error is displayed.
9. Click Copy.
10. Click Done.
The Results tab displays the results of the copy operation.

• If the copy was successful, a checkmark is displayed. The view is copied to the target profiles
that you selected.
• If the copy was unsuccessful because one or more objects are missing from the target profile, an

error is displayed.

Including and excluding fields in navigation and association views

For each Folder, Filtered List, List View, Grid View, and Context pane that you configure for an object
type within a profile, you can include, exclude, and set the order of fields. When you include or exclude
object fields in a Folder, Filtered List, List, Context, Activity, or Grid view, the change immediately affects
all users who are assigned that profile.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
Each object type has a set of predefined object fields that consist of both shared and object-specific
fields. The shared object fields (such as Name, Description, Created By, and so forth) are common to all
object types and belong to the System Field field group. With the exception of the Name field, which is
required and always in position 1, you can choose which system and object-specific fields to include or
exclude from an object view. In addition to object fields, you can also include report fragment fields that
you define. In this way, you can tailor each view to accommodate changing business needs.
• For Overview pages, see “Including object types on an overview page” on page 247 and “Excluding
object types from an overview page” on page 247for details.
• For Detail and Activity view pages, see “Configuring fields in Detail and Activity views” on page 257 for
For information and examples about these views, see the following topics:
• Filtered List and Folder views - see “Folder views and Filtered List views” on page 237
• List views - see “List views” on page 240
• Context panes - see “Context panes” on page 241
• Grid views - see “Folder views and Filtered List views” on page 237

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 245
Including fields in views

Before you can include an object field or reporting fragment field in a Navigational or Association view, the
field must be visible in the object field or reporting fragment table listing for the selected object type or
custom form. If the field is part of a field group, make sure you include the field group for the selected
object type.
For details, see “Including fields in an object type” on page 219.
When you include object fields or reporting fragment fields in a Navigational or Association view for the
selected object type, the fields are displayed as table column headings in that view. By default, the
column heading for reporting fragment fields is called Reports.

About this task

For List and Folder views, the user cannot adjust the column width or configure which columns will
appear. It is a good practice to limit the number of columns you configure for those views.
For Grid and Filtered List views, the user can adjust the column width and can configure which columns
are visible.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example,
4. Select the view that you want.
5. To add field columns to the selected view:
a) On either the Included Object Fields or Included Reporting Fragment Fields table, click Include.
The available fields selection page is displayed.
b) Select the box next to each field you want to display.
c) Click Include.
6. To modify the order in which the fields are displayed in columns in a Navigation or Association View,
see “Setting the display order of fields in a view” on page 243.

Excluding fields from views

When you exclude object fields or report fragment fields from either a Navigational or Association View for
the selected object type, the fields are removed from the table column headings in that view page.
With the exception of the required Name field, you can exclude any field from an object view. For
example, if you exclude the Description object field from a Filtered List View for an object type, the
Description table column and its associated data are dynamically removed from the Filtered List view
page and the change is immediately visible to all users.
Note: If you exclude object fields that are referenced by JSP reports, the report may fail or return
unexpected results.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example,
4. Select the view that you want.
5. To remove object field columns from the selected view:

246 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

a) From either the Included Object Fields or Included Reporting Fragment Fields table, select the
box next to each object field you want to remove.
b) Click Exclude.

Including object types on an overview page

When you include an object type for display in the object-tree hierarchy on an Overview page, the
following occurs:
• The object type and any associated child object types are dynamically displayed to users (who are
assigned that profile) in the object-tree hierarchy.
• The modification is effective immediately and there is no need to restart any IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform services.
You can optionally display the Description column on an object’s Overview page by modifying its object
view information. The Name column is required and cannot be hidden.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example,
4. On the Navigational Views table of the selected object type, click the Overview link.
5. On the Included Object Types tab, click Include.
6. On the Available Object Types page:
a) Select the box next to each object type you want to include in the object-tree hierarchy.
b) When finished, click Include.
7. To show or hide the Description column on the Overview page:
a) On the Object View Information tab, click Edit.
b) Click the Show Description arrow and select either:
• True - to display the Description column.
• False - to hide the Description column.
c) Click Save.

Excluding object types from an overview page

When you exclude an object type from display in the object-tree hierarchy on an Overview page, the
following occurs:
• The object type and any associated child object types are dynamically removed from users (who are
assigned that profile) in the object-tree hierarchy - think carefully before removing an object type from
an Overview page.
• The modification is effective immediately and there is no need to restart any IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform services.
For example, if you exclude Controls from the Business Entity Overview page, the Control object -
including any associated object types - will no longer be displayed when you expand the object-tree
hierarchy on the Business Entity Overview page. The OpenPages GRC Platform structure will appear to
stop at the Risk level. In addition, Tests and Test Results will no longer be displayed, since the Controls
they are associated with are hidden and not visible on the Business Entity Overview page.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 247
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types tab:
a) Select the box next to each object type you want to exclude from the Overview page object-tree
Note: Excluding an object type also hides its children. For example, if you exclude Risks from the
Overview page, Controls, Tests, and Test Results will also be hidden from view. You do not need to
select each type - only the parent object type.
b) Click Exclude.

Associating filters to Filtered List view and Grid view pages

When you associate a filter to a Filtered List View or a Grid View, the filter is displayed in the filter selector
for that object type. By using a filter, you can narrow the scope of data that is returned in a Filtered List
View or a Grid View for users who are assigned a specific profile.
Important: Before you can associate an object-specific filter to a Filtered List view or Grid View page, you
must create a public filter for that object type by following the instructions in “Tasks to define filters for an
object type” on page 190.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example,
4. Under the Navigational Views table of the selected object type, click the Filtered List link.
5. Complete the following actions:
a) On the Associated Filters tab, click Associate. The filters selection page is displayed.
b) Select the box next to each filter that you want to include.
c) Click Include.

Disassociating filters from Filtered List view and Grid view Pages
If you have a filter that is no longer appropriate for display in the filter selector on a Filtered List view page
or a Grid view page for an object type, you can remove it from the list.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type (for example,
SOXControlObjective) that has the filter you want to remove.
4. From the Associated Filters table listing, select the box next to each filter you want to disassociate
from this view.
5. When finished, click Disassociate.

Creating a Grid view

In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you can create a grid view of an object for the users who are assigned to
a profile. You specify the fields that are editable so that users can perform a certain task, such as entering
KRI values or performing a self-assessment update. Additionally, you can provide guidance in the grid
view to these users.

About this task

The process of creating a grid view includes the following steps:

248 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Provide details about the grid view.
• Optionally, select the related objects that contain fields of information that the user will require to
perform the task.
• Specify the settings for the object types.
• Configure fields for the grid view.

1. Click Administration > Profiles and select a profile.
2. Select the object that will be at the root of the grid view.
3. Under Navigational Views, click Add New.
4. To provide details about the new grid view, complete the following actions:
a) Add a name and description. Optionally, enter the translations for the name. The description is for
administrators only.
b) Add guidance to the users who are assigned to the profile, such as the methodology that the users
should follow in performing the task. You can format the text.
c) If the grid view is not ready for users to access now, clear the Enabled check box. The new grid
view is enabled by default.
d) Click Next.
5. If you want to select the related objects that contain fields of information that the user will require to
perform the task, complete the following actions:
a) Click Choose Object Type.
b) Select an object type for the selected object.
c) Click Apply.
d) Repeat these steps for each object that you want to add.
e) When you have added all the related objects, click Next.
The related objects do not have to be direct child objects. You can skip levels. For example, the object
model may be Process --> Risk --> Control --> Test Plan --> Test Result. You create a grid view that is
Process --> Control --> Test Result.
If you do not want to include related objects, just click Next.
Note: Descendants of recursive object types, such as Business Entity, appear under all of their
ancestors, not just the most immediate ancestor. For example, if the path is set to Business Entity/
Preference and the hierarchy of objects is North America Division/US Region/Pref1, Pref1 appears as
a descendant of both North America Division and for US Region.
6. If there are at least two paths between the selected objects, select one or more paths that you want
to use.
7. To specify the sort criteria for the object, complete the following actions:
a) Click Specify Sort Criteria.
b) Click or Ctrl+click the fields and click the double arrow (>>).
c) To change the order in which the fields appear, select the field and use the up arrow or the down
d) To change how the fields are sorted, select each field and click the up triangle or the down
e) Click Apply.
8. To apply a filter to the objects, complete the following actions:
a) Click Choose Filter.
b) Select a filter that was created for this object.
c) Click Apply.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 249
9. Click Next.
10. To configure fields for the grid view, complete the following actions:
a) To select the fields that will be displayed, click Choose Fields, select the fields, and click Apply.
b) To allow your users to control which fields are available in the grid view, select Full Mode to see
the field available in the grid view for an object.
Compact Mode is a subset of the fields that appear in Full Mode. For example, your users may
want to hide the Description field in Compact Mode. To select Compact Mode, you must select
Full Mode first to enable Compact Mode.
All included fields will appear in the Info Card. A field with neither Full Mode nor Compact Mode
selected will not appear in the grid view but it will be available for the user to make visible.
c) To change the order in which the fields appear, drag the fields to a new location or change the
sequence of numbers in the Order fields and click Update Order.
d) Specify whether each field is Read-Only.
e) To change the default column width for the fields, change the numbers in the Column Width
f) To delineate a set of fields on the Info Card, click Insert Section and enter a name for the section
heading. In the Insert before field, select the field that the section heading will appear before. If
you have translated text for the section heading, add it to each language as required. Click Apply.
g) Repeat these steps for each additional object type that you have included.
11. Click Finish.

The grid view is added to the list of navigational views, where you can make it the default navigational
view, have it appear higher in the list of navigational views, disable or enable it, or delete it.

Creating Activity Views

For each Detail View and Activity View for an object type within a profile, you can choose object fields
and/or report fragment fields and set their order, insert section dividers, set fields to editable or read-only,
and specify the number of columns each field will span (either one or two).
For Activity Views, you can also select up to three levels of object types, choose which paths to use to
traverse the hierarchy for each level, select object-type filters to narrow the scope of returned search
data, and determine the order of objects in a list or child hierarchy.

Before you begin: Activity view considerations

Before you create an Activity View, you need to determine the purpose of the view and identify the parent
and child object types that will be included in the view. Planning your changes ahead of time helps to
minimize the necessary work and prevents duplication of effort.
The following list will help you identify some of the questions you need to consider before you create a
new Activity View:
• What task or activity does the user need to accomplish?
• What data does the user need displayed in this view to accomplish the task or activity?
• What are the object types that should be included in this view? Will levels be "skipped" in the object
• What field or fields does the user need to view or update?
• Are there constraints (such as a filter) that you need to put on the data in this view?
• If you plan to use a filter to remove extraneous objects that are not directly related to the current
activity or to reduce the number of objects returned to a reasonable size, is the filter already configured
for the selected object type? (For filter details, see “Tasks to define filters for an object type” on page

250 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The following scenario describes how you might use the Activity View Wizard to create an Activity View
called "Control Assessment by Risk Activity" for users who are "Control Assessors". Although the scenario
does not include all the configuration features available in the Activity View Wizard, it does highlight many
of the basic features.
Your organization created a profile called "Control Assessor" for users who have the responsibility to
determine the effectiveness of controls.
To facilitate the work of a Control Assessor, you want to create a "Control Assessment by Risk Activity"
view that would allow a Control Assessor to quickly analyze test results related to a particular control and
then update the "Operating Effectiveness" field of a Control object accordingly.
In addition, you want the users to be able to perform their work with minimal navigation and provide only
data relevant to accomplishing the task. If multiple test results are displayed, the data should be sorted
according to the "Date Performed" field in ascending order.
To start, you would select the "Control Assessor" profile from the Profiles page and then select "SOXRisk"
from the list of Object Types as this is the parent object type. You would then navigate to the Object View
table and click the Add New icon to start the Activity View Wizard.
Table 79 on page 251 highlights the tasks you would perform on each screen in the Activity View Wizard
to create a basic Activity View called "Control Assessment by Risk Activity". The table also includes a
reference for each screen in the Wizard where you can find more details about that task.

Table 79: Configuring a Sample "Control Assessment by Risk Activity" View

On this screen in the Activity View Do this...
1. Specify View Details In the Name field, type the name: Control Assessment by Risk
(for details, see “Task 1: Specify view
details” on page 254) (For layout refer to pane "3" in Figure 17 on page 253.)

2. Select Object Types 1. In the same row as Risk, click the Choose Object Types
(for details, see “Task 2: Select object link and select Control. (For layout refer to panes "4" for
types” on page 254) Risk, and "5" and "6" for Control in Figure 17 on page
2. In the same row as Control, click the Choose Object Types
link and select Test Result. (For layout refer to pane "7" in
Figure 17 on page 253.)
Note: Child object types can be at any level in the object
hierarchy. In this example, we are "skipping" the Test object
type between Control and Test Result.

3. Specify Object Type Settings In the same row as Test Result, click the Select Sort Criteria
link and do the following:
(for details, see “Task 3: Specifying
object type settings” on page 254) 1. Select the Date Performed field from the list.
2. Set the selected field to Ascending.
(For layout refer to pane "7" in Figure 17 on page 253.)

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 251
Table 79: Configuring a Sample "Control Assessment by Risk Activity" View (continued)
On this screen in the Activity View Do this...
4. Specify Field Settings For each object type, click Choose Fields and select the
following fields (if necessary, clear the Name field box as the
(for details, see “Task 4: Specify field
name of the object is automatically displayed in the pane
settings” on page 255)
When finished with selecting fields, set the display order of
each field as shown and click Update Order.
• Risks (all Read-only fields. For layout refer to pane "4" in
Figure 17 on page 253.)
– 1 Description
– 2 Inherent Risk Rating
– 3 Category
– 4 Subcategory
• Control (mostly Read-only fields. For layout refer to pane
"6" in Figure 17 on page 253.)
– 1 Description
– 2 Domain
– 3 Control Type
– 4 Control Method
– 5 Design Effectiveness
– 6 Operating Effectiveness (writable)
• Test Result (all Read-only fields. For layout refer to pane
"7" in Figure 17 on page 253.)
– 1 Description
– 2 Performed By
– 3 Reviewed By
– 4 Reviewer Conclusion
– 5 Date Performed
– 6 Test Result
– 7 Exceptions
– 8 Exception Description

5. Define Listing Columns Click Choose Fields and add the Description field to the
listing pane for child Control objects.
(for details, see “Task 5: Define listing
columns” on page 255) Click Finish when done.
(For layout refer to pane "5" in Figure 17 on page 253.)

After the "Control Assessment by Risk Activity" view is saved, it becomes available as a selection in the
Current View selection list on the Risk object detail page.
When a "Control Assessor" selects a particular risk for analysis and navigates to the detail page of that
Risk object, that user can then click the Current View arrow and select the "Control Assessment by Risk
Activity" view from the list of views.
When the "Control Assessment by Risk Activity" view is displayed on the page, the "Control Assessor"
could then view the child controls and test results associated with that selected risk, discuss the test

252 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

results (sorted by Date Performed in ascending order), and then update the Operating Effectiveness field
of that Control object accordingly.

The layout of Activity views

The layout of an Activity view page contains panes that are common to all views and panes that are
unique to Activity views.
Figure 17 on page 253 shows the basic layout of an Activity view page.
The panes labeled "1" and "2" in Figure 17 on page 253 contain data common to all views, with pane "3"
containing a combination of common and unique view elements.
The panes labeled "4" through "7" in Figure 17 on page 253 are unique to Activity Views. The pane
labeled "4" contains the fields (configured in the Activity view wizard) for the top-level object. Pane "5"
displays the list of first-level child objects for the selected top-level object. Data displayed in the listing
pane is not editable.
When an object in the listing pane is selected, that object and its children are displayed in hierarchical
panes (panes "6" and "7" in Figure 17 on page 253). Depending on the configuration, fields in the top-
level object pane and in the hierarchical panes can be Read-only and/or editable.

Figure 17: Layout of an Activity view page

The following numbered list describes the panes of an Activity view page as they are labeled in Figure 11.
1. Header pane - contains common elements such as a logo, logon user name, logout link, and the
Reporting Period selector.
2. Menu bar - a common element used as the main navigation tool for accessing objects.
3. Navigation pane - contains breadcrumb links (common element) and the Current View selector, which
is displayed when multiple Object Views are available.
4. Top-level Object Field pane - unique to Activity views - contains fields configured for the selected top-
level object.
5. First-level Child Object Listing pane - unique to Activity views - contains a list of first-level child objects
configured for the top-level object. If multiple first-level child object types are configured, a selector
box is displayed that allows users to switch between object types.
6. Child Hierarchy pane for the selected first-level child object - unique to Activity views - contains fields
configured for this object type.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 253
7. Child Hierarchy pane for children of the selected child object - unique to Activity views - contains fields
configured for this object type.

Task 1: Specify view details

The text you enter in the Name field for this view is also the initial label text for this view. If you want
different label text to be displayed as the "name" of this Activity or Grid view to application users for
selection in Current View selection list, make sure to enter text in the appropriate language translation

1. In the Name field, type a name for this Activity or Grid View.
2. Click the Translate link and type the label text you want to be displayed to users in the appropriate
language field, and then click Apply.
Note: If you do not enter translated label text for the Name field, the text you entered in Step 1 will be
displayed to application users in the Current View selection list.
3. Click Next.

Task 2: Select object types

Activity or Grid views will display up to three levels of objects (the top-level object, list and detail panes
for child objects, and objects under a selected child object). You can choose child object types at any level
in the hierarchy for display in an Activity view.

1. In the Actions column, click the Choose Object Types link in the row containing the selected object
type (for example, RiskAssessment) to which you want to add child objects.
2. In the Choose Object Types box, select the box next to each child object type you want to display (for
example, Risk) under that object type. When finished, click Apply.
3. Optional: Click the Choose Object Types link next to an associated object type (from Step 2), and
select any object types you want to display (for example, Control) under that object type. When
finished, click Apply.
4. Click Next.

Task 3: Specifying object type settings

A path is a specific branch of objects through the hierarchy. For associated objects that have multiple
paths, you can choose which object paths to use to return data for that object type.
When a single path exists between one object level and the next, you do not have to select a path. Paths
that loop back to the top-level object type are excluded from the selection list.

1. For associated objects that have multiple paths, complete the following steps to specify the paths to
use through the object hierarchy to retrieve data:
a) Click the Choose Paths link under the Actions column in the row that contains the object type in
Task 1 (if necessary, scroll down the page to see it).
b) In the Choose Paths box, select or clear the box next to each object path that you want the
application to use or ignore for retrieving associated object data.
c) Click Apply.
The selected paths are listed in the Paths column.
Note: Descendants of recursive object types, such as Business Entity, appear under all of their
ancestors, not just the most immediate ancestor. For example, if the path is set to Business Entity/
Preference and the hierarchy of objects is North America Division/US Region/Pref1, Pref1 appears
as a descendant of both North America Division and for US Region.

254 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. To specify how objects types are sorted in a listing or child hierarchy pane, click the Select Sort
Criteria link under the Actions column in the row of the object type that you want.
3. In the Specify Sort Criteria field, complete the following steps:
a) In the Available Fields pane, select each object field to use for sorting.
Note: A sort field does not have to be displayed to in order to use the field for sorting a list or child
hierarchy pane.
b) Click the double arrows to move object fields forward (>>) or backwards (<<) between the
Available Fields and the Selected Fields panes.
c) In the Selected Fields pane, select a sort field and click any of the following icons:

Table 80: Sort icons

Click this icon... If you want to...
(triangle up) Sort objects in ascending order. This value is the
default setting.
(triangle down) Sort objects in descending order.
(up arrow) Move up the field in the list.
(down arrow) Move the field down in the list.
d) Click Apply.
4. To specify a filter for an object type, click Choose Filter in the Actions column that corresponds to the
object type
5. In the Choose Filter field, select the filter to use and click Apply.
6. Click Next.

Task 4: Specify field settings

You can choose the fields you want displayed in top-level and child hierarchy panes.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.

1. To specify the display fields for an object type, click Choose Fields under the object type.
a) In the Choose Fields selection box, select the box next to each field you want to include.
b) When finished, click Apply.
2. Optional: Insert a section. For details, see “Inserting section headings” on page 258.
3. Optional: Change the display order of the fields. For details, see “Setting the display order of fields in a
view” on page 243.
4. Click Next.

Task 5: Define listing columns

You can choose the fields you want displayed for table columns in a first-level child listing pane.

1. To specify the table columns for the pane in which associated objects are listed:
a) In the Choose Fields selection box, select the box next to each object field you want to include as a
table column. By default, the Name field is selected.
b) When finished, click Apply.
2. Optional: Change the display order of the fields. For details, see “Setting the display order of fields in a
view” on page 243.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 255
3. Click Finish.

Modifying an Activity view

When you modify an Activity view, you use the Activity view wizard to make the required changes. Each
step in the wizard becomes an active link so you can go directly to that step and make the required

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type (for example, RiskAssessment)
you want to modify.
4. From the Object Views table listing, click the name of an Activity View you want to modify to open the
Activity View wizard.
5. Click a link in the wizard that corresponds with the type of change you want to make. Refer to “Creating
Activity Views” on page 250 for an overview of tasks.
6. Click Save.

Creating a Creation view

In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you can create a creation view.

About this task

You can use Creation views to create multiple Add New view definitions for a single object type for a
single profile.

1. Click Administration > Profiles and select a profile.
2. Select the object that will be at the root of the creation view.
3. From the menu bar, click Creation Views.
4. In the Creation Views section, click Add New.
5. To provide details about the new creation view, complete the following actions:
a) Add a name and description. Optionally, enter the translations for the name. The description is for
administrators only.
b) If the creation view is not ready for users to access now, clear the Enabled check box. The new
creation view is enabled by default.
c) Click Next.
6. To select the child objects to associate with the current object, complete the following actions:
a) Under Actions, click Choose Object Types.
b) Select the object types to associate.
Only direct child objects are available to associate.
c) Click Apply.
d) Click Next.
7. Choose the objects that you want show on separate pages in the Add New wizard: check box
a) For each object that you want to show on its own tab, select the Separate page check box.
By default, any objects that do not have a separate page are shown together on the Associate tab.
b) Click Next.
8. To configure fields for the creation view, complete the following actions:
a) To select the fields that will be shown, click Choose Fields, select the fields, and click Apply.

256 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

b) To change the order in which the fields are shown, change the sequence of numbers in the Order
fields and click Update Order.
c) Specify whether each field is Read-Only.
d) To specify a name for the object-specific tab, click Insert Page and enter a name for the section
By default, the tab name is the Properties tab.
9. Click Finish.

Configuring fields in Detail and Activity views

For each Detail and Activity view that you configure for an object type within a profile, you can select
which fields you want to include or exclude in that view.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
When you include fields in a Detail or particular Activity view, the additional fields are immediately visible
to all users and are displayed in table rows on that view page.
For Detail views, only the object fields that you configure are used by the Export function (in .xls
format) on a Filtered List View page (report fragment fields are ignored).
Each object type has a set of predefined object fields that consist of both shared and object-specific
fields. The shared object fields (such as Name, Description, Created By, and so forth) are common to all
object types and belong to the System Field field group. With the exception of the Name field, which is
required and always in position 1, you can choose which system and object-specific fields to include or
exclude from an object view. In this way, you can tailor each view to accommodate changing business

Including fields in Detail and Activity views

Before you include a field in a Detail or Activity view, the field must be visible in the object field list.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
If the field is part of a field group, make sure you include the field group for the object type. For more
information, see “Including field groups for an object type” on page 177.
Note: When dependent fields are included in a Detail or Activity view, make sure to include both the
controlling field and required dependent fields. If the controlling field that requires that a user enter a
value in a dependent field is included in a view and the required dependent field is excluded, the user
cannot complete the operation. The following error message will be displayed, "A field not available to you
has been made required by a field dependency so you will be unable to continue with this operation."
When you include object fields in a Detail or Activity view for the selected object type, the object fields are
displayed as table rows in that view.
Although you cannot modify the parameters of the table, you can set a field to span table columns.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example,
4. From the Object Views tab listing, select the view you want:

Table 81: Object views

For this type of view... Do this...
Detail View Click the Detail link.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 257
Table 81: Object views (continued)
For this type of view... Do this...
Activity View a. Click the name of the Activity view you want.
b. In the Activity View wizard, click the Specify
Field Settings link.

5. To add fields to an object type:

a) Click Choose Fields for the object type you want.
b) In the Choose Fields selection box, select the box next to each field you want to include.
c) Click Apply or Save.
6. To modify the order in which the fields are displayed in the table rows on a Detail or Activity view, see
“Setting the display order of fields in a view” on page 243.
7. To format the field so it spans table columns, see “Spanning table columns” on page 260.

Excluding fields from Detail and Activity views

When you exclude fields from a Detail or Activity view for the selected object type, the fields are removed
from the table rows on that view page.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.
With the exception of the Name field, you can exclude any field from an object view. For example, if you
exclude the Description field from a Filtered List view for an object type, field is dynamically removed
from the Filtered List view page and the change is immediately visible to users.
Note: If you exclude object fields that are referenced by JSP reports, the report may fail or return
unexpected results.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example,
4. From the Object Views tab listing, select the view you want:

Table 82: Object views

For this type of view... Do this...
Detail View Click the Detail link.
Activity View a. Click the name of the Activity view you want.
b. In the Activity View wizard, click the Specify
Field Settings link.

5. To remove fields from an object type:

a) Click Choose Fields for the object type you want.
b) In the Choose Fields selection field, clear each field to remove from this view.
c) Click Apply or Save.

Inserting section headings

258 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Section headings are an optional formatting feature. Use section headings to delineate a set of fields on a
page. Before you create a section heading, identify where to insert it on a Detail or Activity view page. A
section heading is displayed on the page before whichever field you specify.
Fields can be object fields, computed fields, and report fragment fields.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. For the Detail view, click the Detail field.
4. For an Activity view, click the name of the Activity view and click Specify Field Settings.
5. To insert a section heading in the selected view:
a) Select Insert Section for the object type.
b) In the Section Information pane, provide the following information:

Table 83: Section information fields

Field Action
Name Required. Type a name for the section heading.
Insert before field Select a field from the list. The section heading
is displayed before the selected field.
language-specific (for example, Japanese) Type a text string to use as the translated
display text label for the section heading.
If no translation text is entered, the entry in the
Name field is displayed.

6. Click Apply or Save.

Modifying section headings

Section headings are an optional formatting feature. You can use section headings to delineate a set of
fields on a page. After you create a section heading, you can modify the label text used for translation.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example,
4. From the Object Views table listing:
• For the Detail view - click the Detail link.
• For an Activity view:
a. Click the name of the Activity view you want.
b. In the Activity View wizard, click the Specify Field Settings link.
5. To modify a section heading in the selected view:
a) Click Insert Section for the object type you want.
b) On the object type tab, click the Edit link under the Actions column in the row containing the
section that you want to modify.
c) In the Section Information box, make the changes as wanted.
d) Click Apply or Save to effect the change.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 259
Deleting section headings
Section headings are an optional formatting feature. You can use section headings to delineate a set of
fields on a page. You can remove section heading. After a section is deleted, it is permanently removed
and cannot be restored.

1. Click Administration > Profiles
2. Select the profile to modify.
3. From the Object Types listing, click the name of the object type to modify.
4. In the Object Views pane, click the Detail link or the Activity view to modify.
5. To delete the section in the Detail view, click Delete next to the section to delete.
6. To delete a section in an Activity view, click the Specify Field Settings link. Then, click Delete next to
the section to delete.

Setting object fields as read-only or editable

You can configure object fields on an Object View page within a profile to be view only or editable to users
assigned that profile by either selecting or clearing the Read-Only box for a field.
Note: Report fragment fields, computed fields, and certain system fields (such as "Last Modified By",
"Created By", "Creation Date" and so forth) are set, by default, to Read-Only and cannot be changed.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example,
4. Select a Views tab, and click the name of the view link you want to modify (for example, Detail) to open
its detail page.
5. On the edit page for the selected object type, do the following in the row for each object field you want
to modify:
• To make a field non-editable - select the Read-Only box.
• To make a field editable - clear the Read-Only box.
6. Click Save.

Spanning table columns

In Detail Views, Activity Views, and Context Views, fields are typically displayed on the page in rows
within a two-column table format. You can make a row containing a field span table columns by
configuring the Span Columns setting.
• For object fields with a Text Area display type, you can configure the text box size by setting the number
of rows and columns. By default, the rows are set to 5, and the columns are set to 60.
• For report fragment fields with an Automatic display type, you can configure the cell height of the report
element. By default, this is set to 235 pixels.
The Span Columns setting is displayed for all field display types and the process of setting it is the same.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.

260 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type containing the object field you
want to modify (for example, SOXControl).
4. On the Object Fields table for the selected object, click the name of the field to open its detail page
(for example, Who Performs Control?).
5. On the Display Type Information table, click Edit.
6. On the edit page, click the Span Columns arrow and select a value from the list:
• Select False if you want the row containing the field to be displayed within a table column and not
span the columns of the table.
• Select True if you want the row containing the field to span the columns of the table.
7. Click Save.

Configuring the display type for reporting fragment fields

You can configure how reporting fragment fields are displayed to application users on Detail and Activity
View pages. Reporting fragment fields are always read-only fields.
Reporting fragment fields can be displayed as follows:
• Automatic - this setting embeds the report element directly into the cell for the field and displays it as a
view-only field on the page.
You can also configure the cell height of the field. By default, it is set to 235 pixels.

• On Demand - this setting displays a clickable icon in the field that opens the report element in a
pop-up window. For information on automatically sizing pop-up windows, see “Report fragment
settings” on page 321.
Note: Changing the display type setting will affect the display of this field in all profiles.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type containing the report fragment
field you want to modify (for example, SOXControl).
4. On the Object Fields table for the selected object type, click the name of a report fragment field to
open its detail page.
5. On the Object Field Information table:
a) Click Edit.
b) On the edit page, click the Display Type arrow and select a value from the list.
c) Click Save.
6. Optional: For Automatic display types only. If the display type is On Demand, skip this step.
You can modify the cell height of the report fragment field:
a) On the Display Type Information table, click Edit.
b) On the edit page, modify the number of pixels in the Cell Height box.
c) Click Save.
7. To make the row with the report fragment field span table columns, see “Spanning table columns” on
page 260.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 261
Configuring display types for simple string fields

For object fields that have a Simple String data type, you can configure how string data displays to users
on an object’s details page. The display types for Simple String data fall into two basic categories: selector
types for displaying users and/or groups, and text area display types for displaying text and URL
Note: Changing the display type setting affects the display of this field in all profiles.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type containing the object field you
want to modify (for example, SOXControl).
4. On the Object Fields table for the selected object type, click the name of the object field to open its
detail page.
5. On the Object Field Information table, click Edit.
6. On the edit page:
a) To make the field required, select the Required box.
b) To select a different display type, click the Display Type arrow and select a value from the list:
• For user or group selector display types, see “Configure user and group selectors display types for
simple strings” on page 266.
• For a Business Entity Selector display type, see Configuring the Business Entity Selector display
type for simple string fields.
• For a rich text display type, see “Configuring rich text display types for simple strings” on page
• For a box and URL display types, see “Configuring text and URL display types for simple strings”
on page 264.
• For a plain text area display type, see “Configuring text area display types for simple strings” on
page 266.
7. To have a row with a field span table columns, see “Spanning table columns” on page 260.
8. Click Save.

Note: To change a field to Read-Only, see “Setting object fields as read-only or editable” on page 260.

Configuring rich text display types for simple strings

The rich text display type provides a text display area with a toolbar and commands for text formatting
and word processing. The toolbar can be minimized or expanded.
When this feature is used, you may not be able to enter 4000 rich text characters into the text display
area because of the space used for formatting and multi-byte characters.
Note: When generating reports in PDF format, rich text fields do not render properly and the format is not
To modify these settings, click Edit on the Display Type Information tab.
You can configure the size of the display area with the following settings:

262 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 84: Rich text display settings
Setting Description
Rows The display length of the area, which includes the rich text editor interface
and text input area.
The default value is 250 rows.
To change the value, type a number in the box.

Row Units (pixels or The unit of measure in pixels or percent for the Rows setting.
The default value is "Percent".
To change the value to "Pixels", select the Pixels icon.

Columns The percent or number of pixels allocated to the width of the display area,
which includes the rich text editor interface and text input area.
The default value is 100 percent.
To change the value, type a number in the box. To change the unit of measure,
use the Column units setting.

Column units The unit of measure in pixels or percent for the Columns setting.
The default value is "Percent".
To change the value to "Pixels", select the Pixels icon.

For instructions on how to configure a display type for a string data type object field, see “Configuring
display types for simple string fields” on page 262.

Configuring the Business Entity Selector display type for simple string fields
For the Business Entity Selector display type, you can select a starting business entity, establish the
number of levels that users can navigate, and determine whether to span columns.
To modify these settings, click Edit on the Display Type Information tab.
You can configure the following settings:

Table 85: Business Entity Selector display settings

Setting Description
Starting Business Entity Click the icon beside the Starting Business Entity box, and use the Recently
Used, Browse or Search tabs to select a starting business entity. Type a term
in the Search field to find an exact match to the object name or description.
Note: Optionally, if you want all Level 1 business entities displayed, enter a
forward slash (/) in the Search box. If you leave this field blank, it will default
to a slash when you save.

Number of Levels Determines the number of levels that end users can navigate to from the
starting business entity. For example, if you select Global Financial Services
as your starting business entity and set the number of levels to 2, you can
navigate to two levels below Global Financial Services (Global Financial
Services/Asia Pac/Agency Services). Limit the number of levels to improve
performance of the selector and help users select from the entities most
appropriate for this field.
The default value is 3.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 263
Table 85: Business Entity Selector display settings (continued)
Setting Description
Span Columns Determines whether to make a row span columns.
The default value is false. This setting will be ignored by views that do not
support column spanning.
For more information, see Spanning table columns

For instructions on how to configure a display type for a simple string data type object field, see
“Configuring display types for simple string fields” on page 262.

Known issue
A known issue exists when values in business entity selector fields are updated in the following scenario.
A user in the OpenPages application chooses a business entity for a business entity selector field and
saves it. The entity folder is correctly inserted in the business entity selector field. If the user then clicks
Action > Edit this Business Entity and changes the name of the business entity, the value in the business
entity selector field is not updated with the new name. If the user clicks Action > Edit this Business
Entity again and selects the icon next to the business entity selector field, the select entity is now empty.

Configuring text and URL display types for simple strings

The text and URL display types provide a box area in which users can enter a string value. For these
display types, you can control the length of the display box and the number of characters users can enter
for a string value.
Note: The URL display type validates that the internet address is a fully-qualified URL internet address
(for example, or and will display an error message to
the user if the format of the internet address is incorrect.
To modify these settings, click Edit on the Display Type Information tab.
For text and URL display types, you can configure the following settings:

Table 86: Text and URL display settings

Setting Description
Columns The display length of the box area.
The default value is 30.
To change the value, type a number in the box.

Maximum Length The maximum number of bytes allowed to be entered for a string value.
The default value is 4000.
To change the value, type a number in the box.

For instructions on how to configure a display type for a string data type object field, see “Configuring
display types for simple string fields” on page 262.
An alternative to using the URL display type is to use the rich text display type to display a user-friendly
link name. For information, see “Configuring URL link names by using the rich text display type for simple
strings” on page 265.

264 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Configuring URL link names by using the rich text display type for simple strings
You can use the rich text display type to display a user-friendly link name as a field's default value. For
example, you can configure a field's default value to display as My Company rather than http:// This feature is an alternative to using the URL display type, which can display
only URL internet addresses.

About this task

When you use the rich text display type, you can define the URL by using the anchor tag, <a>. The anchor
tag specifies the link name and styles you want to apply, such as font style and size. The
target="_blank tag makes the URL open in a new tab.
For example, the following anchor tag displays the link name, My Company, and opens http:// in a new tab:

<a href="" target="_blank">My Company</a>

The following anchor tag applies a larger font and different color to the link name:

<a style="font-size:18px;font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;color:#FF0000"

href="" target="_blank">My Company</a>

You can put multiple anchor tags in a single rich text field. For example, the follow anchor tags display two
link names as a field's default value:

<a href="" target="_blank">Link to IBM</a>

<a href=""
target="_blank">Link to IBM Knowledge Center</a>

Because you are using the rich text display type rather than the URL display type, the system does not
check whether the URL is valid.
You can add fields that use the rich text display type for link names to all view types. However, on Filtered
List and Grid views the link name is displayed above a glasses icon. Clicking the icon opens a window that
contains the link.

1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
2. Select a field group.
3. In the Field Definitions table of the field group, click Add.
a) In Data Type, select Simple String.
b) Click the double arrows (>>).
c) In Default Value, enter the URL address as an anchor tag, for example:

<a href="" target="_blank">My Company</a>

4. Click Administration > Profiles.

a) Select a profile.
b) Select an object type.
c) Click Include and choose the new field.
d) Click the field in the Object Fields table and click Edit.
e) In Display Type, select Rich Text.
5. Add the field to a view. Select Read Only.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 265
What to do next
Create objects and use the new field. Since the URL is specified as a default value, the field does not
display on existing object instances.

Configuring text area display types for simple strings

The text area display type provides a box display area in which users can enter either plain or HTML-
formatted text.
To modify these settings, click Edit on the Display Type Information tab.
You can configure the size of the display area with the following settings:

Table 87: Text area display settings

Setting Description
Rows The display length of the box area.
The default value is 5 rows.
To change the value, type a number in the box.

Columns The display width of the box area.

The default value is 60.
To change the value, type a number in the box.

For instructions on how to configure a display type for a simple string data type object field, see
“Configuring display types for simple string fields” on page 262.

Configure user and group selectors display types for simple strings
You can configure a user, group, user/group, multi-valued user, multi-valued group, or multi-valued user/
group selector display type for a simple string data type object field. An object field that has a selector
display type allows an application user to click either an arrow and select user names from a drop-down
list box or a magnifying glass icon and search for users or groups from a pop-up dialog box.
Object fields with a display type of user selector or multi-valued user selector only accept user names as
valid values. For example, Control Owner is an object field for the control object.
The following selector display types are available for simple string data types:

Table 88: User and group display settings

Selector Display Type Description
User Dropdown On Detail and Activity views provides an arrow that users can click to display
a drop-down list box of user names.

On all other views provides a magnifying glass icon that users can click to
display a search pop-up dialog box to search for a user.

User Selector Provides a magnifying glass icon that users can click to display a search
pop-up dialog box to search for a user.
Group Selector Provides a magnifying glass icon that users can click to display a search
pop-up dialog box to search for a group.

266 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 88: User and group display settings (continued)
Selector Display Type Description
User/Group Selector Provides a magnifying glass icon that users can click to display a search
pop-up dialog box to search for a user or group.
Multi-Valued User Provides a magnifying glass icon that users can click to display a search
Selector pop-up dialog box to search for multiple users.
Multi-Valued Group Provides a magnifying glass icon that users can click to display a search
Selector pop-up dialog box to search for multiple groups.
Multi-Valued User/Group Provides a magnifying glass icon that users can click to display a search
Selector pop-up dialog box to search for multiple users or multiple groups.

Depending on the selector display type, you can configure some or all of the following settings.
To modify these settings, click Edit on the Display Type Information tab.
Note: These settings are also applied to the User and Group Search function.

Table 89: Additional selector display type settings

Setting Description
Include Disabled Allows or disallows disabled user accounts to be included in a
selector listing.
If the Include Disabled value is set to:
• True - disabled user accounts are included in the selector
listing. When this setting is selected, the Minimum Access
setting is disabled. A value of True, when used in
combination with a Starting Group value that contains
many users, can result in slower search performance.
• False - disabled user accounts are excluded from the
selector listing. When this setting is selected, the Minimum
Access setting is enabled.
This setting generally applies to User (not Group) selectors.
Note: There is a known issue with the Include Disabled
setting. If the Display Type is User Dropdown, Include
Disabled is set to True, and disabled users exist and should
be listed, the disabled users are not listed and instead the
message No items to display is shown.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 267
Table 89: Additional selector display type settings (continued)
Setting Description
Starting Group Controls which group displays at the beginning of the
selection hierarchy.
If the Starting Group value is blank, selectors search the
system for all users and/or groups, depending on the display
type. A blank Starting Group value used in combination with
an Include Disabled value of True can result in improved
search performance.
To select a starting group, click the group icon and select a
valid group name from the selector window.
For example, if you are using role-based security, you could
select the Security Domains group, for non role-based
security, you could select the Workflow, Reporting and Others
Note: There is a known issue with the Starting Group setting.
In the Add New wizard, the Starting Group setting is not
applied to fields that have Display Type set to User

Include Subgroups Controls whether subgroups are included or excluded from

the User selector listing.
Note: This setting applies only to the User/Group and Group
If the Include Subgroups value is set to:
• True - subgroups are included in the selector listing.
• False - subgroups are excluded from the selector listing.

268 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 89: Additional selector display type settings (continued)
Setting Description

Minimum Access This setting is enabled only if the Include Disabled value is
set to False. This setting allows you to filter users based on
• Read
access control list settings on an object’s folder.
• Write
For example, you want to limit the number of users who can
• Delete be assigned as a Process "Cycle Owner", which is an object
• Associate field with a user selector display type for the Process object.
Because you previously set up an access control list (ACL) for
one or more groups or users to the Process folder, you can
use the Minimum Access setting to filter the list of users. If
you only wanted users with "Delete" permissions to be
displayed on the user selector list, you can select the "Delete"
Minimum Access setting to filter and display only those users
with "Delete" ACL permissions.
If the Read box is:
• Selected - only users with Read access are displayed on the
user list.
• Cleared - no filtering occurs.
If the Write box is:
• Selected - only users with Write access are displayed on the
user list.
• Cleared - no filtering occurs.
If the Delete box is:
• Selected - only users with Delete access are displayed on
the user list.
• Cleared - no filtering occurs.
If the Associate box is:
• Selected - only users with Associate access are displayed
on the user list.
• Cleared - no filtering occurs.

Changing the display type

If you change the display type of the actor fields in the profiles, you must take action on the filters.

Table 90: Display type changes that require action

If you change this To this display type Take this
display type action1
User Selector Group Selector or Multi-Valued Group Selector A
User/Group Selector or Multi-Valued User/Group B
User Dropdown Group Selector or Multi-Valued Group Selector A

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 269
Table 90: Display type changes that require action (continued)
If you change this To this display type Take this
display type action1
User/Group Selector or Multi-Valued User/Group B
User/Group Selector Group Selector or Multi-Valued Group Selector A
User/Group Selector or Multi-Valued User/Group B
Group Selector Multi-Valued Group Selector A
User/Group Selector or Multi-Valued User/Group B
Multi-Valued User Multi-Valued Group Selector A
Multi-Valued User/Group Selector B
Multi-Valued Group Multi-Valued User/Group Selector A
Multi-Valued User/ Multi-Valued Group Selector A
Group Selector


• A: If you make this change, and if "End User" is set as the filter value for that actor field in the
filter, the "End User" must be updated to the group so that the filters can return the expected
• B: If you make this change, re-save the filter so that it can return the expected results.
Additionally, you cannot change a Multi-Valued User Selector, Multi-Valued Group Selector, or
Multi-Valued User/Group Selector display type to a single actor display type.

Controlling user selector performance

If your deployment has a large number of users, the performance of the User Selector or the Multi-Valued
User Selector in opening and loading data may be sluggish. One way to improve the performance of the
User Selector or the Multi-Valued User Selector is to configure it so it only retrieves users that have
permission on the object being edited.
The supplied profiles in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application are configured such that the User
Selector or Multi-Valued User Selector pop-up will retrieve all users in the system - including some
application users who do not have security permissions on the selected object. This may result in the
assignment of a user as "owner" on an object when the user does not have read access on the object.
The following steps explain how to restrict the set of users retrieved by the User Selector or the Multi-
Valued User Selector to those users that have access permissions on the object being edited at the time.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type containing the object field you
want to modify (for example, SOXControl).
4. On the Object Fields table for the selected object, click the name of the object field with the User
Selector display type to open its detail page (for example, Control Owner).
5. On the Display Type Information tab, click Edit.

270 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

6. On the edit page:
a) Under Minimum Access, select the Read box. This will restrict the users that are displayed in the
User Selector to the set of users that have read permission on the object.
b) Optionally, select other permissions to further restrict the users that are available in the User
Selector based on the users' permissions.
7. Click Save.

Modifying user and group selectors

On a small number of administrator screens, for example, Administration > Object types > Add Filter or
Edit Filter, the pop-up dialog box for the User and Multi-Valued User Selectors displays user names in a
phonebook style, and you can configure the number of users per category within the phonebook. Groups
appear in a hierarchical tree style.
You can also configure the selector display types to open a search box instead of a phonebook style box.
For more information, see “Actor selectors: Configure users and group selectors for search” on page 315.
For all the selector display types, you can configure additional display information for users, such as the
user’s e-mail address or first or last name.

Modifying the phonebook

The User Selector and Multi-Valued User Selector display user names in a phonebook style pop-up dialog
box. User names within the phonebook are grouped into data buckets.
Each data bucket has the following characteristics:
• The names of the first and last users in a given bucket are used to show the scope of the bucket.
• The user names in a bucket can be expanded by clicking the plus sign, or collapsed by clicking the
minus sign.
• The size of a bucket can be configured through the Bucket Size setting. For configuration details see,
“Actor selectors: Configure the bucket size of the phonebook” on page 314.

Modifying the selector dialog box

You can show additional information (such as a user’s email address, first name, and last name) in the
pop-up dialog box used for selecting users and groups.
You can add one or more additional columns by configuring the Display setting. For configuration details
see, “Actor selectors: Configure display columns in a selector dialog box” on page 314.
By default, only the Name and Description columns are displayed in this selection box. You cannot
change or remove the Name column - it is always the first column and contains the Username of a user or
You can also change the format of the bucket heading for a locale. For configuration details see,
“Modifying the bucket heading format of the phonebook” on page 283.

Configuring display types for long string fields

For object fields that have a long string data type, you can configure how long string data displays to users
on an object’s details page.
There are two sub types of long text fields: medium and large. The size of medium long text fields is fixed
to 32KB. The size of the large long text fields is set by default to 256000 bytes, but that can be increased
by changing the Platform > Repository > Resource > Large Text > Maximum Size setting.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 271
Be aware of the space used for non-printing characters (such as tabs and line breaks), and formatting and
multi-byte characters (Rich Text display types). These may cause the data to exceed the size of the long
string field, resulting in a message such as:
OP-03381: The specified value for "MyMediumLong" is too long. The 32966
characters entered (32966 bytes) exceeds the maximum size of 32768 bytes.
Reduce the number of characters and re-enter the text. Note that character
count includes non-printing characters, such as spaces, tabs, and line breaks.
The display types for medium long string data are: On Demand, On Demand Rich Text, Text Area, and Rich
The display types for large long string data are: On Demand, and On Demand Rich Text.
Both medium and large long string fields default to the On Demand display type.
Note: Changing the display type setting will affect the display of this field in all profiles.
For more information on long text fields, see “Data types” on page 143.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type containing the object field you
want to modify (for example, SOXControl).
4. On the Object Fields table for the selected object type, click the name of the object field to open its
detail page.
5. On the Object Field Information table, click Edit.
6. On the edit page select the Required box to make the field required.
7. Click the Display Type arrow and select a value from the list to select a different display type:
• For On Demand and On Demand Rich Text, see “Configuring the on demand display types for long
string fields” on page 272. This applies to both medium and large long string fields.
• For a Text display type, see “Configuring text display types for medium long string fields” on page
273. This applies only to medium long string fields.
• For a Rich Text display type, see “Configuring rich text display types for medium long string fields” on
page 273. This applies only to medium long string fields.
8. Click Save.
Note: To change a field to Read-Only, see “Setting object fields as read-only or editable” on page 260.

Configuring the on demand display types for long string fields

You can configure how long string fields are displayed on demand and on demand rich text to application
users on Detail and Activity View pages.
Long string fields can be displayed as on demand and on demand rich text. Both settings allow users to
edit the field in a pop-up window. On demand displays text. On demand rich text displays the data in rich
text format.
The on demand rich text display type provides a text display area with a toolbar and commands for text
formatting and word processing. The toolbar can be minimized or expanded. When this feature is used, be
aware of the space used for non-printing, formatting, and multi-byte characters. These may cause the
data to exceed the size of the long string field, resulting in a message such as:
OP-03381: The specified value for "MyMediumLong" is too long. The 32966
characters entered (32966 bytes) exceeds the maximum size of 32768 bytes.
Reduce the number of characters and re-enter the text. Note that character
count includes non-printing characters, such as spaces, tabs, and line breaks.

272 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• When generating reports in PDF format, rich text fields do not render properly and the format is not
• Changing the display type setting will affect the display of this field in all profiles.
In Detail Views and Activity Views, fields are typically displayed on the page in rows within a two-
column table format. To make the row containing the field span the table columns, see “Spanning table
columns” on page 260.

Configuring text display types for medium long string fields

The Text display type provide a box area in which users can enter a medium long string value. For these
display types, you can control the length of the display box and the number of characters users can enter
for a string value.
Note: This only applies to medium long string fields.
To modify these settings, click Edit on the Display Type Information tab.
For the Text display type, you can configure the following settings:

Table 91: Text display settings

Setting Description
Rows The display length of the box area.
The default value is 25 rows.
To change the value, type a number in the box.

Columns The display width of the box area.

The default value is 60.
To change the value, type a number in the box.

Span Columns In Detail Views and Activity Views, fields are typically displayed on the page
in rows within a two-column table format. You can make a row containing a
field span table columns by configuring the Span Columns setting.
The default is true.
When true, the row containing the field will span the columns of the table.
When false, the row containing the field will be displayed within a table
column and not span the columns of the table.

For instructions on how to configure a display type for a string data type object field, see “Configuring
display types for long string fields” on page 271.

Configuring rich text display types for medium long string fields
The rich text display type provides a text display area with a toolbar and commands for text formatting
and word processing. The toolbar can be minimized or expanded.
When this feature is used, be aware of the space used for non-printing, formatting, and multi-byte
characters. These may cause the data to exceed the size of the medium long string field, resulting in a
message such as:
OP-03381: The specified value for "MyMediumLong" is too long. The 32966
characters entered (32966 bytes) exceeds the maximum size of 32768 bytes.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 273
Reduce the number of characters and re-enter the text. Note that character
count includes non-printing characters, such as spaces, tabs, and line breaks.
Note: When generating reports in PDF format, rich text fields do not render properly and the format is not
To modify these settings, click Edit on the Display Type Information tab.
You can configure the size of the display area with the following settings:

Table 92: Rich text display settings

Setting Description
Rows The display length of the area, which includes the rich text editor interface
and text input area.
The default value is 250 rows.
To change the value, type a number in the box.

Row Units (pixels or The unit of measure in pixels or percent for the Rows setting.
The default value is "Percent".
To change the value to "Pixels", select the Pixels icon.

Columns The percent or number of pixels allocated to the width of the display area,
which includes the rich text editor interface and text input area.
The default value is 100 percent.
To change the value, type a number in the box. To change the unit of measure,
use the Column units setting.

Column units The unit of measure in pixels or percent for the Columns setting.
The default value is "Percent".
To change the value to "Pixels", select the Pixels icon.

Span Columns In Detail Views and Activity Views, fields are typically displayed on the page
in rows within a two-column table format. You can make a row containing a
field span table columns by configuring the Span Columns setting.
The default is true.
When true, the row containing the field will span the columns of the table.
When false, the row containing the field will be displayed within a table
column and not span the columns of the table.

For instructions on how to configure a display type for a long string data type object field, see “Configuring
display types for long string fields” on page 271.

Configuring a display type for enumerated strings

This is the procedure to configure a display type for object fields that have an Enumerated String data
type. Enumerated strings can be displayed as lists, radio buttons, or check boxes.
For object fields that have an enumerated string data type, you can configure how enumerated string data
displays to users on an object’s details page. The display types for enumerated string data include lists,
radio buttons, and check boxes.

274 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: Changing the display type setting will affect the display of this field in all profiles.

1. Access the Profiles page (see “Accessing profiles” on page 214).
2. Click the name of a profile. The Detail page opens.
3. From the Object Types table listing, click the name of the object type containing the object field you
want to modify (for example, SOXControl).
4. On the Object Fields table for the selected object type, click the name of the object field to open its
detail page.
5. On the Object Field Information table, click Edit.
6. On the edit page:
a) To make the field required, select the Required box.
If a field is not required, to provide the ability to enter an empty value in the field:
• For radio buttons, a None option is automatically added to the set of radio buttons.
• For check boxes, the user would clear all check boxes.
• For lists, an empty selection is added to the list of choices.
When None is selected in a set of radio buttons, all check boxes are cleared, or the empty option in
a list is selected, the value for the enumerated field will be blank.
Note: Field dependencies may mean a field is required even if Required is not selected. For details
on field dependencies, see “Dependent field behavior” on page 198.
The None label can be changed and localized in the Application Text | Labels |
com.label.enum.selection.none setting. For details on changing application text, see “Localizing
application text” on page 281.
b) To select a different display type, click the Display Type arrow and select a value from the list.
Select List to set the display as a list. Lists can be single selection or multiple value selection,
depending on the multi-value setting for the field.
Select Radio Button/Checkbox to set the display type as radio buttons or check boxes. If the field
is defined as multi-value, the display will use check boxes. If multi-value is not selected for the
field, the display will use radio buttons.
For details on enumerated string data types, see “Data types” on page 143.

Managing the Home page, views for objects, and display types 275
276 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 13. Localizing text
You can localize display text for object types and fields, and for a variety of application objects and
custom return values. There is an administrative interface that you can use to manage localized text that
displays to users for predefined object types, object fields that are supplied by IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform or created by you, and application objects.

Locale codes
The OpenPages GRC Platform application provides translation support in several languages for predefined
object text. Each supported language has a corresponding locale code that is listed under the object text.
The locale code consists of a language code (for example, "fr" for French) and a country or region code
(for example, "FR" for France).
The following table lists the supported languages with their corresponding locale code.

Table 93: Supported Languages and Locale Codes

Language Locale Code
German de_DE
U.S. English en_US
U.K. English en_GB
Spanish es_ES
French fr_FR
Italian it_IT
Japanese ja_JP
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR
Simplified Chinese zh_CN
Traditional Chinese zh_TW
Report Design Language en_CA
Note: Users authoring reports in the reporting tool must
select this language prior to creating or modifying reports.

The default language for object text that has not been translated is U.S. English.
You can globally set a default language in which the application user interface will be displayed to users
and optionally enable auditing of translation label changes. For details see “Set localization options” on
page 345.

Configuring client systems to display Asian characters

You can install the East Asian language pack on Windows client machines.
Note: For users who will be using the Japanese locale, client machines must have the Windows East
Asian language pack installed. If this pack is not installed, IBM OpenPages GRC Platform users will notice
that the browser title bar and some pop-up messages will contain unreadable characters.

1. Click Start and select Control Panel.
2. Double-click Regional and Language Options to open its properties.
3. Click the Languages tab.
4. Select the Install files for East Asian languages option.

Language and locale support

If you are using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform in a language other than English, this information will help
you to understand the language and locale settings.

Web browser language preference

The web browser language preference is the setting that you choose to specify the language that web
pages can be displayed in. The web browser language preference affects only the OpenPages GRC
Platform login page. The web browser language preference does not affect number and date formatting in
OpenPages GRC Platform.
If the web browser language preference is set to a language other than one of the following languages, be
aware that the OpenPages GRC Platform login page appears in English:
• German
• Spanish
• French
• Italian
• Japanese
• Portuguese
• Chinese
• English

Locale setting
The Locale list contains a list of product languages. This language setting controls the language of the
product except for the login page.
Data formatting and report languages are available in the following cultures in the Locale list:

Table 94: Languages in the Locale list and the cultures that they represent
Language in the Locale list Culture
French French (France)
German German (Germany)
Italian Italian (Italy)
Japanese Japanese (Japan)
Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil)
Spanish Spanish (Spain)

278 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 94: Languages in the Locale list and the cultures that they represent (continued)
Language in the Locale list Culture
Simplified Chinese Chinese (China)
Traditional Chinese Chinese (Taiwan)
U.K. English English (UK)
U.S. English English (US)

Considerations for specific languages

When OpenPages GRC Platform is set to use U.S. English, dates are formatted as mm/dd/yy. For example,
January 3, 2013, is formatted as 1/3/13 rather than 03/01/2013 in U.K. English.
When the product is set to use Spanish (Spain), numbers are formatted as 123.456,78, where the period
is a thousands separator and the comma is used as a decimal separator. For example, the number twelve
thousand and five hundred is formatted as 12.500 in Spanish (Spain) rather than 12,500 in Spanish
In several cultures, the convention is to place the currency symbol after the number. In OpenPages GRC
Platform, currency symbols are always displayed before the number.
Date formatting can be unconventional as well.

Localizing object text

Object text is the descriptive label name that displays in the application for object types and object fields.
You can translate and modify object text for a specific locale.
For a list of supported locales, see the topic, Chapter 13, “Localizing text,” on page 277.
You can modify the following object text for a locale:
• The singular and plural labels that display the name of an object type (for example, "Risk" and "Risks"
for the Risk object type) or custom form (such as a survey) wherever that object type appears in the
application. For details see, “Modifying display text for an object type” on page 280.
• A singular label that displays:
– The name of an object field in an object view.
For example, if you had an object field called "Impact" that displayed the label text "Impact", you
could change the label text to display "Severity of impact" instead.
– The value or values of an enumerated object string that are displayed on an object's details page.
• Only plain text should be entered as object text. Adding anything other than plain text to labels, such as
HTML, line breaks, and carriage returns, is not supported.
• Object text has a 4000 character maximum per label.
Object text is grouped primarily by object type with an additional group for unassigned field groups.
For example, the SOXControl group contains the label text for the Control object and its related field
The Unassigned Field Groups group contains the label text for field groups that are either not
assigned to an object type or are commonly used by all object types, such as System Fields, Currency
Attributes, Publishing, and so forth.
Important: Do not change or translate currency codes.

Localizing text 279

Modifying display text for an object type
You can modify the value for the singular and plural forms of the displayed label text for any object type or
custom form object type (such as a survey). These labels appear in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application interface wherever the particular object type displays, such as on a menu (for object types) or
in object views.

1. Click Administration > Object Text.
2. On the Object Text page, click the name of the object type you want to modify (for example, SOXRisk).
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
4. On the Locale Code detail page, make the required changes in the Singular Label box and Plural
Label box to the display label text as needed.
5. Click Save.

Modifying display text for object fields

You can modify the value of the displayed label text for any object field, including field guidance. These
labels appear in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application interface wherever the particular object
type displays in an object view, such as a detail or folder view page.
If the object field is an enumerated string data type, each string value is also displayed and can be
modified as needed.

1. Click Administration > Object Text.
2. On the Object Text page, expand the object type you want, expand the field group you want, and click
the name of the object field that you want to modify. To modify enumerated string values, on the
Object Text page, expand the enumerated object field you want, and click the name of the value that
you want to modify.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
4. On the Locale Code detail page, make the required changes.
5. Click Save.

Modifying display text for public filters

You can modify the value of the displayed label text for public filters. In a Filtered List View, the label text
for filters is typically displayed under "Public filters" in the filters list.

1. Click Administration > Object Text..
2. On the Object Text page, expand the object type you want, expand the filters ( icon), and click the
name of the filter that you want to modify.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
4. On the Locale Code detail page, make the required changes:
5. Click Save.

Localizing system fields

280 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

You can change the system fields used for unassigned field groups that are specific to a locale. This
change affects all object types and views.
For a list of supported locales, see Chapter 13, “Localizing text,” on page 277.

1. Click Administration > Object Text.
2. On the Object Text page, expand Unassigned Field Groups > System Fields, and select the name of
the field that you want to change.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to change (for example,
4. On the Locale Code detail page, make the required changes.
5. Click Save.

Localizing application text

Application text is the descriptive label names that display for objects such as icons, table headings and
columns, and system object fields that are used throughout the application.
Application text is static, which means that it is unlikely to change over time. You can modify application
text that is specific to a locale (for more information, see Chapter 13, “Localizing text,” on page 277 for a
list of supported locales).
You can modify locale-specific application text for:
• A singular label that displays the name of an application object.
• The format for the display of names and numeric data. For more information, see “Modifying display
text in the application user interface” on page 282.
Note: Application text is limited to 4000 characters.
The following table shows the groupings by folder category for application text:

Table 95: Application text folder categories

This folder Contains the label text for
Application Messages Messages that are displayed for dependent fields and pick lists, and System
Admin Mode.
Buttons The icons that are used within the application.
For example, com.button.back contains the text for the Back icon,
button.copy contains the text for the Copy icon.

Column Headings The table column headings that is used in the object views throughout the
application and in JSP Notification Manager reports.
For example, contains the text for the Start
Date column, jspreports.notification.tests.column.parent contains the text for
the Parent column in the JSP Notification report.

Custom User-defined keys. For more information, see “Creating a custom setting” on
page 340.

Localizing text 281

Table 95: Application text folder categories (continued)
This folder Contains the label text for
Exceptions Messages that are displayed to users when an error condition occurs.
For example, com.exception.object.profile.not.found contains the text for the
error message displayed when a profile is not found, exception.file.delete
contains the text for the error message displayed when a user does not have
permission to delete a file.

Formats The formatting of numeric and name display text. For details, see “Modifying
display text in the application user interface” on page 282.
Labels Objects that are not considered objects, such as administrative tasks, and
configuration objects.
For example, contains the text for the Read property on
the Access Control details page, contains the text displayed
next to the email input box on the User create and edit pages.

Menu Items Links to all other menu items that are not listed on the menu bar.
For example, contains the text for the
Profile link on the Administration menu, contains the text for the Reporting
Schema link on the Administration menu.

Miscellaneous A variety of objects that do not belong to other groups. Includes label text for
such objects as guided action, page footer, reporting status, notification
messages, and so forth.
Reporting Framework Objects that are used by the Reporting Framework.
Table Headings Messages that are displayed to users within a table as well as the tabs
(tabular headings for a table).
For example, com.table.empty.users contains the text that displays in the
User listing table when no users are found, com.table.heading.object.field
contains the text for the Object Field Information tab on the Object Field
details page.

Titles The initial portion of the breadcrumb trail.

Validation Messages Messages that are displayed to users when invalid information has been
entered in a field or to confirm a specific user action such as entering or
exiting System Administration Mode or deleting any objects.
For example, com.validation.logon.username.required contains the message
text displayed when a user name is missing such as when it is created or
when a user logs on, file.delete.confirmText contains the text in the
confirmation prompt window that displays during a delete operation.

Modifying display text in the application user interface

You can modify the value of the displayed label or text for any application object (such as icons, labels,
report names and descriptions, messages) in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user interface. The
process for modifying display text is the same for all application objects, including reports.
Changes to the displayed text appear wherever the particular object is displayed in the application.

282 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• The Miscellaneous folder typically contains a listing of report name and description keys for localizing
the display text of reports that were automatically published by the system. For information about
automatically publishing Cognos reports, see “Adding reports” on page 113.
• For reports that were manually published from the OpenPages GRC Platform server and require
localized display text on the application user interface for multiple languages, keys will need to be
added to the Custom folder (see “The Custom folder” on page 286).

1. Click Administration > Application Text.
2. On the Application Text page, open the folder that contains the label of the object field you want to
modify (for example, Buttons or Miscellaneous), expand the folder, and click the name of the object
field or key you want to modify.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
en_US or ja_JP).
4. On the Locale Code details page, make the required changes in the Label box to the display label text
as needed.
5. Click Save.

Modifying the bucket heading format of the phonebook

You can modify the format of the bucket heading in the phonebook style pop-up box of the User selector
for a locale.
Note: You can also modify the bucket size of the phonebook. For more information, see “Actor selectors:
Configure the bucket size of the phonebook” on page 314.

1. Click Administration > Application Text.
2. On the Application Text page, expand the Formats folder and click the link to open its detail page.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
4. On the detail page, modify the format in the Singular Label box. The default format is {0} - {1}.
The format string uses Java code. Generally, the {0} in the format string is a variable that is replaced
by the name of the target object.
5. Click Save.

To display a bucket heading with the name of the first person in the bucket followed by a dash and then
the name of the last person in that bucket, you would enter the following codes in the Singular Label field:
{0} - {1}.

Modifying the user name format

You can control how user names are displayed for a locale. By default, only the user name displays.
When you change the display name format, the change occurs throughout the application wherever the
person's name displays. For example, if you modified the name format so that the last name of the person
was followed by the person's first name, that modified name format displays in the menu bar, user
selector, and search result boxes.
Note: If an invalid format string is defined, only the user's logon name will be displayed.

Localizing text 283

1. Click Administration > Application Text.
2. On the Application Text page, expand the Formats folder and click the link
to open its detail page.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
4. On the detail page, modify the format in the Singular Label box as follows:

To display this name Type this Comments

format... code...
User name %NM; By default, displays the logon name of a User. If other
values are entered, the logon name appears within
First Name %FN; Displays information from the "First name" object field on a
User Information page.
Last Name %LN; Displays information from the "Last name" object field on a
User Information page.
Email %EM; Displays the email address of a user from the "Email"
object field on a User Information page.
5. Click Save.

To display the first and last name of users, you would enter the following codes in the Singular Label box:
%FN; %LN;.
When the first and last names are used, the user name is shown with a hyphen. For example, User_JS -
John Smith.

Modifying overview menu links

You can globally modify the format of overview navigational links on menus.
By default, the format for overview links is {0} Overview where {0} represents the singular label of the
This format displays, for example, menu item links such as Risk Assessment Overview or Business Entity
Under the various menu headings on the menu bar, overview menu item links are typically listed before
the other object view links. With the exception of Overview object links and the Business Entities link
(which is a List view), all other object types have Filtered List View and/or Folder object views.

1. Click Administration > Application Text.
2. On the Application Text page, expand the Formats folder and click the
menu.item.documentation.object.overview link to open its detail page.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
4. On the detail page, modify the text in the Singular Label box.
The singular label of the object type is represented by {0} in the format string.
5. Click Save.
To view the changes in the browser, users must log out and then log back in to the application.

284 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

If you wanted to change the Overview link format from the singular object name followed by the text
"Overview" (as in Risk Assessment Overview or Business Entity Overview) to "Overview" followed by the
object name (as in Overview Risk Assessment or Overview Business Entity) you would enter the value in
the Singular Label box as:
Overview {0}

Modifying navigational view links

You can globally modify the format of Folder View or Filtered List View navigational links on menus.
By default, the format for these links is:
where {0} represents the plural label of the object.
This format displays, for example, menu item links such as Risks or Business Entities.

1. Click Administration > Application Text.
2. On the Application Text page, expand the Formats folder and click the
menu.item.documentation.object.folder.view link to open its detail page.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
4. On the details page, add or edit text in the Singular Label box.
Note: The plural label of the object type (such as, Risks, Controls, Processes) is represented by {0} in
the format string.
5. Click Save.

If you wanted to change the Folder View or Filtered List View link format from the object type name (such
as Risks or Controls) which is represented by {0}, to display the object type name followed by the text
"View" (such as Risks View or Controls View), you would enter the value in the Singular Label box as {0}

Modifying list view links

You can globally modify the format of the Business Entity List view navigational link on the Organization

1. Click Administration > Application Text.
2. On the Application Text page, expand the Formats folder and click the
menu.item.documentation.object.list.view link to open its detail page.
3. On the Locale Information tab, click the name of the locale code you want to modify (for example,
4. On the details page, add or edit text in the Singular Label box.
Note: The plural label of the object type (such as, Business Entities) is represented by {0} in the
format string.
5. Click Save.

Localizing text 285

The Custom folder
The Custom folder is a container for user-defined keys (such as values returned by computed fields, e-
mail text for Notification Reports, and values used by Survey reports).
The keys also provide a means for displaying localized text in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user
interface for reports (such as reports that are manually published from the OpenPages GRC Platform
Typically, this folder is populated through the ObjectManager tool. You can add new keys to the Custom
folder from the Application Text page.
To modify localized display text for a key in the Custom folder, see “Modifying display text in the
application user interface” on page 282.

Adding new keys

You can add new keys to the Custom folder for localization.
Note: For Cognos report pages (or JSP report instances) that were manually created using the publishing
facility on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server, you can use the values in the Report Name Key and
Report Description Key fields on the report page to manually create custom application text keys to
localize the name and description of a report after it is created.

1. Click Administration > Application Text.
2. On the Application Text page, in the Custom folder, click the Add New link to open its detail page.
3. On the add detail page:
a) In the Name box, type the name of the key.
For example, a report called My Loss Events could have for a
report name key or for a report description key.
b) Optionally, type a description of the key.
c) In the Default Label box, type the text that will be displayed, by default, if no translated text is
d) Click Create.
4. Click the name of the field created in the previous step, to open its detail page.
5. To change the label text for a locale, on the Locale Information pane:
a) Click the link for the locale code you want.
b) In the Label box, type the translated text you want displayed for that locale.
c) Click Save.

Modifying custom keys

You can modify custom keys.

1. Click Administration > Application Text.
2. On the Application Text page, in the Custom folder click the name of a key to open its detail page.
3. On the Locale Information pane:
a) Click the link for the locale code you want.
b) In the Label box, type the translated text you want displayed for that locale.

286 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

c) Click Save.

Localizing text 287

288 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 14. Reporting periods, object resets, and

A reporting period is a "snapshot" of the current state of the repository, usually created when the
documentation phase of a quarter or year is complete and ready for attestation. Administrators with the
Reporting Periods application permission can create, modify, and delete reporting periods. Object resets
are a way to automatically modify objects that exist in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository.
Object resets are rule-based operations that are contained in a ruleset.
Past reporting periods can then be viewed and reported on from any time in the future without rolling
back the changes made to the repository after the reporting period was created. After a reporting period
is created, the existing report is carried forward to the current reporting period and can be modified
without altering the state of the earlier reporting period’s data. Only one reporting period at a time can be
The most common use of the object reset functionality is to "reset" all of your objects at the beginning of a
new reporting period. For example, each quarter you have controls and tests that need to be reviewed and
performed. The results of those tasks are recorded by updating the properties and attachments of the
appropriate objects. After all quarterly tasks are completed, and the quarter is finished, you archive all of
the results into a reporting period and prepare for the new quarter. However, the existing objects still
display the test results and changed properties of the previous quarter. If you are planning to reset your
data as part of the beginning of a new reporting period, you will have to archive the existing data to a
reporting period.
Rather than modify the objects by hand, you can use the object reset capability to take your existing
objects and modify their properties based on the rules in your ruleset.
While object resets work well with the reporting period capability of the OpenPages GRC Platform
application, object resets do not require the existence of a reporting period to be used.

Active reporting periods and operational limitations

Active reporting periods are essentially in the process of being closed (or "finalized"). An active reporting
period can be reapplied at any business entity level to synchronize the business entity and its children
with the current reporting period.
An active reporting period affects application behavior as follows.
• Filtering behavior:
– Only filters that use system fields (such as, Name or Description) will work.
– All objects on Filtered List View, Activity View, and Home pages are generally displayed, unless a
system-field filter is applied to a particular view.
– When you use the Grid View, only the top level objects are displayed.
• Reporting behavior: Reports cannot run against an active reporting period. You can only run reports
against the current reporting period and any finalized past reporting periods.
• The following operations cannot be performed during an active reporting period on object types that
have their own folders (such as Business Entities, object types that are part of the security model, and
self-contained object types):
– Move operations
– Rename operations
• The Delete operation cannot be performed during an active reporting period on any object types.
Finalized reporting periods

After an active reporting is finalized, the contents of that reporting period cannot be altered. Any changes
to the objects or files will only be reflected in the current reporting period.
This allows administrators to create the next reporting period ahead of time and then apply it
incrementally to different areas of their documentation project when each area is ready to be finalized.

Reporting period interactions

You can interact with the reporting schema, the ACL, and the change history for a reporting period.

Reporting schema interactions

By default, the reporting schema is only populated with the data from the current reporting period.
To populate the reporting schema with data from previous reporting periods you must enable the
Populate Past Periods setting and recreate the reporting schema (see, “Populating past reporting
periods” on page 91).

ACL interactions
When viewing objects, your existing ACLs control which objects you can view in the current reporting
period and in past reporting periods. If your access permissions change in the current reporting period,
you will be able to view the newly accessible items in past reporting periods, and you will not be able to
view items to which you have lost permissions, even if in past reporting periods you had access to them.
Regardless of your access permissions, you are never allowed to add, edit or remove objects and/or files
from past reporting periods.

Change history interactions

When viewing a change history for an object, only the changes made during the currently selected
reporting period are shown. You can view the change history for past reporting periods, but only the
change activities for that reporting period will be shown.
You cannot view change histories for multiple reporting periods on the same page.

Using system administration mode with reporting periods and schemas

When you create, recreate, or finalize reporting periods, follow these guidelines:
• If you create an active reporting period before creating a real-time reporting schema, you need to be in
system administration mode (see “Enabling and disabling System Administration Mode” on page 17) to
either finalize or drop the active reporting period.
• If the reporting period is created after you create the real-time reporting schema, you do not need to be
in system administration mode to finalize or drop the reporting period if the reporting schema is
• If the real-time reporting schema is enabled, you must be in system administration mode to create,
drop, or finalize a reporting period.

Reporting period permissions and settings

To manage reporting periods, the user performing the reporting period operation must belong to a group
with the specific application permissions. The amount of time after a reporting period is created in which
the reporting period can be deleted is set in the Delete Interval setting

290 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Reporting period permissions
There are two sub-permissions for reporting periods:
• Finalize - allows members of the group to finalize reporting periods on Business Entities. Users will only
be able to finalize reporting periods on Business Entities to which they have viewing permissions.
• Reapply - allows members of the group to update the active reporting period to represent the current
state of a Business Entity.

Deletion period setting

It is possible to configure the amount of time after a reporting period is created in which the reporting
period can be deleted. This property is set in the Delete Interval setting and defaults to 7 days after the
reporting period is created.
For details see, “Modify the deletion interval for a reporting period” on page 311.

Creating a reporting period

To create a new reporting period, you must have the reporting periods application permission. If an active
reporting period already exists, you cannot create a new reporting period.

1. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Periods.
2. Click the Add Active icon.
3. Enter the necessary information and click Create. You are returned to the Reporting Periods page and
the new reporting period is listed in the table with a status of "Active".
4. Click Refresh to update the current value of the Status field.

After adding a new reporting period, the reporting period will be added to the Reporting Period selection
list on each overview and object page.
Note: If you have any standalone objects in your system (objects that were not created in the context of a
business entity hierarchy) they will be immediately finalized when the reporting period is created.

Creating a finalized reporting period

You may know that you will not need to edit a reporting period further, and do not need to reapply
portions of the object hierarchy before finalization. In this case, you can use the Add Finalized icon to
create a new reporting period and immediately finalize it. After the reporting period is created you will not
be able to modify it without deleting the entire reporting period.

1. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Periods.
2. Click the Add Finalized icon.
3. Enter the label and description for the new reporting period and click Create.

Working with the active reporting period

When an active reporting period is created, it is applied to all of the objects (resources) in the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform repository. While a reporting period is active, there are two actions you can take
- reapplying the reporting period, or finalizing the reporting period. The reporting period can be reapplied
or finalized on a business entity by business entity case.

Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets 291

When you reapply a reporting period, it updates the "checkpoint" created by the reporting period to
include the current state of the business entity (and its children).
When you finalize a reporting period, it freezes the reporting period and prevents any more updates
through reapplying the reporting period.
To view active reporting periods, the end user must be a member of the
ActiveReportingPeriodAdministrators group.
After you associate an end user with this group, the Reporting Period option becomes available after the
user logs off and log on again.

Reapplying the active reporting period to a business entity

Reapplying a reporting period updates the reporting period version of the entity (and its associated
hierarchy of objects) to match the current "live" version. Reapplication of the reporting period can be done
at any level of the business entity hierarchy, and will only affect the children of the currently viewed
business entity.
Note: To perform any Reporting Period operation, the system must be in System Administration Mode
(see “Enabling and disabling System Administration Mode” on page 17).

1. Navigate to the business entity you want to be the root of the reapplied reporting period.
2. Select the active reporting period from the list and click the View icon.
3. On the locks page, if you want to remove all locks on the selected business entity after the reapply
operation, select the Remove all Locks option.
4. Click the Re-Apply icon to update the business entity and all of its children to their current "live"

For example, if you have a business entity with the field "Entity in Scope?" set to "Yes" and you create an
active reporting period, when you view that business entity in that reporting period you will see "Yes" as
the value.
If you then change the value of Entity In Scope to "No" in the Current Reporting Period (the live data), and
you want to update the entity in the active reporting period, you can reapply the active reporting period
and the value of Entity In Scope will be updated to "No".
Note: There is no way to reverse a reapplication of a reporting period or to only pick up some of the
modifications made to the children of the business entity, so be careful when reapplying a reporting

Finalizing a reporting period

After you are certain that no more changes need to be made to a business entity and its descendants, you
can finalize the reporting period for that business entity.
After you finalize an entire reporting period, it ceases to be active. Only then can you create a new active
reporting period. If even one business entity is not finalized, the reporting period remains active.

1. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Periods.
2. Click the name of the active reporting period.
3. Click the Finalize icon to finalize the entire reporting period. The status of the reporting period
changes to Finalizing.

292 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

4. Click Refresh to update the current value of the Status field.
Note: You cannot undo a finalize operation without removing the entire reporting period. Depending on
the size of your repository, it may take a significant amount of time to finish the finalizing operation.
To finalize a reporting period on a business entity:
a) Navigate to the business entity you want to be the root of the finalized reporting period.
b) At the beginning of the page, select the active reporting period from the list and click the >> icon.
c) Click the Finalize icon to prevent any further changes to the business entity and all of its child

Deleting a reporting period

After you create a reporting period, occasionally you may have to delete it to reflect last-minute changes
to your financial close, or due to a mistake in the name (for example, wrong quarter, wrong year, and so
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports deletion of reporting periods for a configurable amount of time
after the reporting period is created. for details on this setting, see “Modify the deletion interval for a
reporting period” on page 311.
If the deletion period has expired, then the active reporting period cannot be deleted.
If the deletion period has not expired, then the active reporting period can be deleted.
Note: The default period for deletion of a reporting period is seven days after creating an active reporting
When a reporting period is deleted, no files are removed from the database.

1. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Periods.
2. On the Reporting Periods page, select the reporting periods you want to delete.
3. Click Delete at the beginning of the page.
You are returned to the Reporting Periods page and the deleted reporting period is removed from the
4. Click Refresh to update the current value of the Status field while the deletion is occurring.

If you cannot delete a reporting period (you click the check box and the Delete icon does not activate),
the deletion period for that reporting period has expired. However, you can retroactively change the
deletion period setting.

Object resets
Object resets are a way to automatically modify objects that exist in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
repository. Resets can be started by users with the proper permissions from the Object Resets menu item
in the Administration section of the menu bar.
The most common use of the object reset functionality is to "reset" all of your objects at the beginning of a
new reporting period. For example, each quarter you have controls and tests that need to be reviewed and
performed. The results of those tasks are recorded by updating the properties and attachments of the
appropriate objects. After all of these quarterly tasks have been completed, and the quarter is finished,
you archive all of the results into a Reporting Period and prepare for the new quarter. However, the
existing objects still display the test results and changed properties of the previous quarter.

Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets 293

Rather than go in and modify the objects by hand, you can use the object reset functionality to take your
existing objects and modify their properties based on the rules in your ruleset.
While object resets work well with the reporting period capability of the OpenPages GRC Platform
application, object resets do not require the existence of a reporting period to be used.

Object resets on file attachments

You can only use object resets to delete objects that are JSP-based, not attachments available when
using the Browse Files option. For example, if you use an object reset on SOXDocument, you see the
following error:

VALIDATION ERROR (Line: 8 Column: 55): Content Type (SOXDocument)

must be JSP-based to be referenced in an Object Delete rule.

Suppose that you have files that are attached to test results. You can configure the settings to delete
attachments when test results are deleted. To delete the SOXDocument objects, you can add
SOXDocument to the Cascade Delete setting to delete the files that are associated with the test results
during the object reset rule to delete test results.

Object resets on system fields

When modifying fields or using fields within <criteria> tags, you may not use "system" fields. System
fields are the fields common to all object types, such as name, description, or creator. Field modifications
and ruleset criteria must use custom fields (non-system fields). If the field you want does not appear in a
field group for the appropriate object type, you cannot use it in your ruleset.

Object resets on currency fields

If you use an object reset rule to update the value of the Local Currency Code of a currency field, the
Exchange Rate and Base Amount are not updated to match the new Local Currency Code value.
While the Base Amount is calculated using the Local Currency Code and the Exchange Rate, it will not
change because the Exchange Rate has not been modified and the number of displayed fraction digits for
the currency has not been changed. In order to see a change in the Base Amount, you must include a rule
to update the Exchange Rate or modify the number of displayed fraction digits.

Preparing your data

Before an object reset is performed, you will need to perform a few tasks to help ensure that the reset
procedure goes smoothly.
• Back up your OpenPages GRC Platform data before running an object reset.
• If you plan on archiving your changes to a reporting period, you will need to set up the reporting period
before running the object reset.

Creating a ruleset
Object resets are rule-based operations on the objects in your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository.
The rules that govern how an object reset will affect your data are contained in a ruleset file.
A ruleset is a set of rules contained in an XML loader file that is created outside of the OpenPages GRC
Platform application. Multiple rulesets can be included in a single XML file. The ruleset loader file is
loaded into the system through the ObjectManager loader tool. After the ruleset is imported, it can be
selected during the Specify Options step of the Object Reset guided action.
When you use ObjectManager loader tool to import security rules, the entire ruleset is loaded and replace
existing security rules that have the same name as a imported rule. Before importing security rules,
export your existing rules first.

294 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Object Resets can modify objects in three ways: modifying the value of a property, deleting an object, and
disassociating two objects.
When creating a ruleset, you must know the bundles, properties, and property values you are modifying
and match them exactly. If you do not specify a valid property or property value, the property will not be
Note: Before creating a final ruleset to use for your reset session, it can be extremely helpful to create
simple rulesets that contain a single rule from your final ruleset. Running these single rulesets against a
known data set can verify the accuracy of each rule before attempting a massive modification of your
To create the ruleset file, create a new XML file. Save the file with the following naming convention:


Sample ruleset
The following XML is a sample ruleset.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.20">

<ruleSet name="Quarterly Reset"
description="Rule set to be executed at the beginning of each
and every quarter"
type="Object Reset">

<rule name="Rule 1"

description="Property Update rule setting a property"
type="Property Update">
<propertyUpdateRule contentType="SOXControl">
<bundle name="SOXControl">
<property name="Design Effectiveness"
<propertyValue name="Not Rated"/>

<rule name="Rule 2"

description="Property Update rule setting a collection of
properties (including a multi-valued one)."
type="Property Update">
<propertyUpdateRule contentType="SOXRisk">
<bundle name="SOXRisk">
<property name="Assertions"
<propertyValue name="Existence"/>
<propertyValue name="Rights and Obligations"/>

<property name="Impact"
<propertyValue name="Unknown"/>

<rule name="Rule 3"

description="Object Delete rule"
type="Object Delete">
<objectDeleteRule contentType="SOXTestResult"/>

<rule name="Rule 4"

description="Object Delete rule with criteria"
type="Object Delete">
<objectDeleteRule contentType="SOXIssue"/>
<criteria logicalOperator="or">

Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets 295

<criterion bundle="SOXIssue"
<propertyValue name="Closed"/>

<rule name="Rule 5"

description="Object Disassociate rule"
type="Object Disassociate">
<objectDisassociateRule parentContentType="SOXRisk"

<!-sample Reset Ruleset for a currency property->
<ruleSet name="Your_Ruleset_Name"
description="Reset a currency property"
type="Object Reset">
<rule name="Reset a currency property"
type="Property Update">
<propertyUpdateRule contentType="SOXAccount">
<bundle name="OPSS-Account_Annualized Value">
<property name="Annualized Value_LA"
<propertyValue name="1.0"/>
<bundle name="OPSS-Account_Annualized Value">
<property name="Annualized Value_LC"
<propertyValue name="AED"/>
<bundle name="OPSS-Account_Annualized Value">
<property name="Annualized Value_ER"
<propertyValue name="1.0"/>

Ruleset tag library

Use the following XML tags to build a ruleset.
“<openpagesConfiguration>” on page 297
“<ruleSets>” on page 297
“<ruleSet>” on page 297
“<rule>” on page 298
“<propertyUpdateRule>” on page 298
“<bundle>” on page 298
“<property>” on page 299
“<objectDeleteRule>” on page 299
“<objectDisassociateRule>” on page 299
“<criteria>” on page 300
“<criterion>” on page 300
“<propertyValue>” on page 301

296 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Description: Progenitor tag for the loader file contents. All other tags are contained within the
<openpagesConfiguration> tag.
Parent Tags: None.
Child Tags: <ruleSets>

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.15">

• xmlFormatVersion
Version of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform XML DTD.

Description: Container tag for one or more ruleSet tags.
Parent Tags: <openpagesConfiguration>
Child Tags: <ruleSet>.


Attributes: None.

Description: A ruleset is a collection of rules that will be executed when the ruleset is selected during a
Reset session. Each ruleset is displayed in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user interface as a separate
entry in the list of Rulesets.
Parent Tags: <ruleSets>
Child Tags: <rule>

<ruleSet name="Name"
type="Object Reset">

• name
An identifying name for the ruleset. Will be displayed in the OpenPages GRC Platform user interface.
The maximum length for the ruleset name attribute is 255 bytes (not characters).
• description
A description of the function of the ruleset. The maximum length for the ruleset name attribute is 2000
bytes (not characters).
• type
The type of ruleset. Currently, there is only one type - "Object Reset".

Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets 297

Description: Each <rule> tag contains a single rule that will be applied to the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform data when the ruleset is selected and a Reset session is initiated.
Parent Tags: <ruleSet>
Child Tags: <propertyUpdateRule>, <objectDeleteRule>, <objectDisassociateRule>, <criteria>

<rule name="Name"
type="[Property Update|Object Delete|Object Disassociate]"

• name
The name of the rule. The maximum length for the rule name attribute is 255 bytes (not characters).
• description
A description of the function of the rule. The maximum length for the rule name attribute is 2000 bytes
(not characters).
• type
The type of rule. There are three types of rules: Property Update, Object Delete, and Object

Description: The <propertyUpdateRule> tag defines a rule that modifies the value of an existing property
on a certain object type. Unless modified by the use of the <criteria> tag within the same <rule> tag, all
objects of the specified object type within the scope of the Reset will be updated.
Parent Tags: <rule>
Child Tags: <bundle>

<propertyUpdateRule contentType="">

• contentType
Specifies the object type that the rule will be applied to. Must match a valid IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform object type.

Description: The <bundle> tag specifies which bundle contains the property to be modified.
Parent Tags: <propertyUpdateRule>
Child Tags: <property>

<bundle name=""

• name

298 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The name of the bundle whose property will be modified.

Description: The <property> tag is used inside a <bundle> tag to specify the property that will be updated.
Parent Tags: <bundle>
Child Tags: <propertyValue>

<property name="">

• name
The name of the property to be updated.
• useDefaultValue
Specifies whether the property should be updated to reflect the default value of the property (if one
exists). If no default value exists, the property is not updated.

Description: The <objectDeleteRule> tag is used to specify an object type for deletion. Unless modified by
the use of the <criteria> tag within the same <rule> tag, all objects of the specified object type within the
scope of the Reset will be deleted.
Parent Tags: <rule>
Child Tags: None.

<objectDeleteRule contentType=""/>

• contentType
Specifies the object type to be deleted. All objects of this type within the scope of the Reset are deleted.

Description: The <objectDisassociateRule> tag is used to disassociate an object type from another object
type. If you use the <criteria> tag with this rule type, the criteria must be based on the child’s property
values. You cannot base a rule on properties or property values belonging to the parent object type.
Parent Tags: <rule>
Child Tags: None.

<objectDisassociateRule parentContentType=""

• parentContentType
Identifies the parent object type that the child object type is associated with.
• childContentType

Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets 299

Identifies the child object type to be disassociated. Any objects of the child object type associated with
objects of the parent object type within the scope of the Reset will be disassociated from the parent

Description: The <criteria> tag is used to refine the behavior of a rule by specifying the standards that
need to be met in order to invoke the rule. The criteria tag can contain one or more <criterion> tags that
will be judged when deciding whether to apply the rule to a specific object.
It should be noted that criteria can only be applied in a "positive" manner - that is, if the criteria are met,
the rule will be used. You cannot specify a rule where if the criteria are met, the rule is NOT applied.
Parent Tags: <rule>
Child Tags: <criterion>

<criteria logicalOperator="[and|or]">

• logicalOperator
Specifies whether all of the criterion ("and") will be used to determine whether the rule will be applied
to the object, or if only one of the criterion ("or") needs to be satisfied.

Description: The <criterion> tag allows the user to specify a property and value(s) that must match the
evaluation specifications set in the <criterion> tag.
Use a maximum of three criterion within a single <criteria> tag. Adding additional criterion will increase
the processing time required to complete the Reset.
Parent Tags: <criteria>
Child Tags: <propertyValue>

<criterion bundle=""

• bundle
The property bundle containing the property to be evaluated.
• property
The property name of the property to be evaluated.
• operator
Specifies the manner in which the value of the property will be evaluated. Valid operators are equal (=),
not equal (&lt &gt), greater than (&gt), less than (&lt), greater or equal to (&gt=), less than or equal to
(&lt=), and "like".
Only the equal, not equal, and "like" operators can be used with string variables.
Note: The "like" parameter allows the use of wild cards in the <propertyValue> tag. These wild cards
consist of the "%" and "_" symbols, which are passed to a SQL database query against the database.

300 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The percent mark (%) symbol is used to represent any number of characters in a location, while the
underscore (_) character is used to represent any single character in a location.
For SQL tool information, see “Database tool information” on page xxv.
Note: The <propertyValue> referenced in a <criterion> tag cannot be null (or empty).

Description: The <propertyValue> tag performs two functions, depending on its location. The Boolean
property value must be all lowercase. For example, "true" is correct, "True" is incorrect.
If the <propertyValue> tag is contained inside a:
• <property> tag, it specifies the new value (or values) for the updated property.
• <criterion> tag, it specifies the relevant property to be considered when applying the criteria.
Note: The <propertyValue> referenced in a <criterion> tag cannot be null (or empty).
If you are modifying an enumerated string (drop-down list) property that is multi-selectable, you can
place multiple <propertyValue> tags inside the <property> tag. When the rule is processed, all of the
<propertyValue> tags will be evaluated, and the property will be modified to select all of them.
Parent Tags: <property>, <criterion>
Child Tags: None.

<propertyValue name=""/>

• name
Specifies the value of the property. The maximum length for the property value’s name attribute is 2000
bytes (not characters).

Loading the ruleset

After you have finished creating the ruleset loader file, you will need to use the ObjectManager tool to load
the ruleset into the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform system.
If you load a ruleset with the same name as an already-loaded ruleset, the ruleset will be overwritten with
the new rules. To return to an earlier version of the ruleset, you would have to re-load the original ruleset
loader file. Rulesets are not "version-controlled".

1. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
2. Navigate to the <OP_Home> directory.
Where: <OP_Home> represents the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
By default, this is:
• Windows - C:\OpenPages
• AIX and Linux - /opt/OpenPages
3. Run the following command on a single line:

ObjectManager load config OpenPagesAdministrator <password>

<path-to-ruleset-xml-file> <file-identifier>

Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets 301

<password> is the password to the OPAdministrator user account.
<path-to-ruleset-XML-file> is the full path to the ruleset file you created.
<file-identifier> is the portion of the ruleset file name preceding "-op-config.xml". For example, if you
created a ruleset file called "ruleset-op-config.xml", the <file-identifier> in the ObjectManager
command is "ruleset".
4. The ruleset is now loaded. If you created multiple ruleset files, repeat this procedure for each of them.
5. If you encounter errors, read the log file to determine the cause of the error and fix it, then re-run the
command in Step 2.

Performing the object reset

After you have loaded the ruleset you will be using for the Object Reset, you must log into the system and
begin the Reset.
The user running the Reset must have the Object Reset application permission and the proper access to
modify the data. If the user does not have the Object Reset permission, they will not be able to see the
Object Reset menu item under the Administration heading.

Configuring the ruleset parameters

Before executing the Reset, there are some configuration parameters that should be set. In general, these
settings will only need to be set once before your first time initiating a Reset, but you may want to change
them for different entity trees or ruleset behavior.
From the Settings link on the Administration menu, access the following Object Reset settings in the
Applications > Common > Object Reset folder:
• Logging Level - this setting controls how much information is displayed. For configuration details, see
“Changing the logging level” on page 332.
• Check ACL - this setting controls whether the Reset occurs against all or only some of the objects
contained within the scope of the Reset session. For configuration details, see “Obeying ACL
restrictions” on page 333.
• Ignore Locks - this setting controls whether existing locks on objects are honored when running the
Reset. For configuration details, see “Obeying locking restrictions” on page 333.
• Continue on Error - this setting controls whether the Reset session will log errors and continue to run or
halt processing. For configuration details, see “Continuing on error” on page 333.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

Starting the object reset

Start object resets from the Administration menu.

Before you begin

Complete the following procedure to start the object reset:

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform system as a user with the Object Reset application
Note: If you have chosen to obey ACL restrictions, the user must have the permissions to modify the
objects within the scope of the Reset. If the user does not have sufficient permissions, warning
messages will be generated in the log, and the objects will not be modified.

302 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. Click Administration > Object Resets.
3. Click Start New Reset at the beginning of the table to create a new reset.
4. Enter a name and description for the new reset.
5. Select a ruleset from the list of available rulesets.
6. Click Next to display the Reset Scope page.
7. Choose the Business Entities to which the Reset will be applied by selecting the check boxes next to
the entity names. After you select the Business Entities, click Start Reset .

Reset status

The new reset session is added to the list of reset sessions on the Object Reset page. You can track the
progress of the reset by monitoring the Status column of the table.
The possible values for the Status field are Initiated, In Progress, Completed, or Failed.
The "Failed" status will only be shown if the system is set to stop the reset if errors are encountered. If the
system is set to continue on errors, then when the reset is completed, the "Completed" status will be
shown. Any errors that occurred during the reset will be captured in the Reset Session Log.

Viewing the reset session details

Every time you start a Reset, an entry is added to the Reset Session table. By clicking on the name of the
reset, the Reset Session detail page is displayed for that Reset Session.
The detail page contains the following information:
Name - The name of the Reset Session.
Description - The description of the Reset Session (set during the creation procedure)
Ruleset Name - The name of the Ruleset that was applied during this session.
Created - The time and date the Reset Session was created.
Start Date - The time and date the Reset began.
End Date - The time and date the Reset finished.
Status - The current status of the Reset. The Status can be one of the following values:
• Initiated - The Reset has been initialized, and is preparing to modify your data.
• In Progress - The Reset is currently modifying the selected data.
• Completed - The Reset finished successfully. Depending on whether the Reset was set to continue on
errors, some errors may be reported in the Session Log.
• Failed - The Reset did not finish, because errors were encountered. Check the Session Log for details on
what errors occurred.
Created By - The user that initiated the Reset Session.
Scope - The Business Entities that were modified by the Reset.
Logging Level - The level of detail that will be displayed in the Session Log. Can be one of the following
• Low - display error messages only
• Medium - display any error messages and any warning messages.
• High - display any errors, warnings, and any informational or diagnostic messages.
Continue on Error - Whether the Reset Session will log errors and continue to run, or whether the error
will be logged and the session will halt. Value will either be "true" or "false".

Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets 303

Check ACLs - Whether the Reset occurs against all objects contained within the scope of the Reset
session, or whether the Reset occurs against only those objects that the user who initiated the Reset has
access to. It can have a value of "true" or "false".
Ignore Locks - Whether existing locks on objects are honored when running the Reset. A value of "true"
means that locks were ignored when running the Reset, and a value of "false" means that locked objects
were not modified by the Reset.

Reset session log

In addition to the detail page, a detailed view of the reset session is recorded in the reset session Log. The
level of detail depends on the configuration setting.
For details on setting the logging level, see the topic “Performing the object reset” on page 302.

Click the View Log icon on the reset session detail page.
The reset session log contains three sections - the error messages section, the warning messages section,
and the informational messages section.

Refreshing the reporting database after the reset

After you perform an object reset, refresh the reporting database so that users who run third-party
reports will immediately see the changes.
If your users are using the real-time reporting schema, you do not need to perform a reporting schema
refresh. The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform reports will automatically see the changes.
For detailed information on performing a reporting database refresh, see Chapter 5, “Managing the
reporting schema ,” on page 89.

Exporting rulesets to an XML file

You can export all of the object reset rulesets to an XML file using ObjectManager. In order to do this, you
must have file access to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server.
This procedure will export ALL defined rulesets. Exporting rulesets does not remove them from the
OpenPages GRC Platform application; they will still be available for use after they are exported.

1. Back up the file.
Note: The file is located in the root installation folder of your
OpenPages GRC Platform installation. By default, this is c:\OpenPages.
2. Open the file in a text editor.
3. Locate the following block of settings in the file:


304 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide


4. Modify each line to have a false value, except the line that reads:


5. Make sure that the following setting has a value of false:


6. Save the file and exit the editor.

7. Open a Command Prompt window.
8. Navigate to the <OP_Home> directory.
<OP_Home> is the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application. By default, this is
9. Run the following command on a single line:

ObjectManager dump config OpenPagesAdministrator <password>

<path-to-xml-file> <file-identifier>

<password> is the password to the OPAdministrator user account.
<path-to-XML-file> is the full path to the ruleset file you created.
<file-identifier> is the portion of the ruleset file name preceding "-op-config.xml". When the XML file
is created, the file name will append "-op-config.xml" to the end of the filename. For example, if you
specified a <file-identifier> called "ruleset", the generated XML file would be named "ruleset-op-
10. A new XML file is generated in the specified location that contains only the latest version of the
rulesets that exist in the application at the time of the export.
Note: Be sure to "reset" the file to its original contents - otherwise, your
scheduled backups using ObjectManager will only export the rulesets.

Reporting periods, object resets, and rulesets 305

306 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 15. Viewing the Configuration and Settings

To access the Settings menu, you must have Settings application permission on your account.
Use this procedure to view the Configuration and Settings page. For more information, see “Types of
application permissions” on page 32.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with an account that has the Settings application permission.
2. From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
From the Settings page, view summary information about settings and access the Detail page.

Applications folder settings

On the Settings page, the Application folder settings represent a selected list of individual settings.
All of the following actions are accessed from the Applications folder.
To access the Applications folder settings menu item, you must have Settings application permission set
on your account. From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings > Applications.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

Modify the overview view cache capacity

To enhance performance on an Overview view page, you can change the maximum number of nodes that
can be displayed to users in an Overview view by changing the value of the Overview Cache Capacity
If the number of nodes that are displayed exceeds the default of 10000, the additional nodes are not
displayed. Each cached object requires 1600 bytes of memory.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Caches
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 10000
Value: In the Value box, type a new numeric value.
The new setting will take effect after you log out and log back in.

Configure the browser cache

Affect the behavior of the browser's back and forward icons by changing the value of the Disable Browser
Cache setting.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Configuration > Disable Browser Cache
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false
• true - the browser's cache is disabled; using the back icon sometimes requires a refresh command
for the page to display.
• false - the browser's cache is enabled and no refresh action is required; however, the data on the
page might be whatever was cached in the browser.

Display the accessibility link

To display a client-specific page with information about accessibility for disabled users, configure the
display of the Accessibility link in the header pane of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application.
When a user clicks the Accessibility link, the designated page is displayed. By default, the Accessibility
link is not displayed in the header pane of the application.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Accessibility > URL
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
Value: In the Value box, type a URL.
For example, you create a page in HTML format that contained information about your company's
accessibility policy for disabled users and want this policy to be available to all users through the
application. The saved file is named accessibility.htm and was copied to the custom_files
folder, which you created, under the /sosa folder location on the server, "machine1".
The URL path that you would enter in the Value box might look similar to the following:


Display or hide field guidance

Show or hide field-specific guidance on the Add or Edit page of an object through the Show Field
Guidance setting.
By default, the Show Field Guidance setting is set to display in the application. When a user clicks a
question mark icon next to a specific field on an object's Add or Edit page, the field guidance text is
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Configuration > Show Field Guidance
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
• true - the question mark icon and field guidance text is displayed to users.

308 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• false - the question mark icon and field guidance text is hidden from users.

Display or hide system generated field guidance

The Show System Generated Field Guidance setting controls whether information about field
dependencies and dependent picklists is appended to field guidance.
For this setting to have effect, the Show Field Guidance setting must be set to true. If Show Field
Guidance is false, then no guidance would be shown in any event. For details, see“Display or hide field
guidance” on page 308.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Configuration > Show System Generated Field
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
• true - shows system-generated dependencies information.
• false - suppresses system-generated dependencies information.

Disable the Add New wizard from various launch points

You can disable the Add New capability for any or all objects from several launch points within the
product. There is a different registry setting for each of the launch points.
These launch points do not prefill parent information. If users find it difficult to select the most
appropriate parent information for particular object types, you can disable the Add New capability.
Note: The Object Types Disabled setting overrides these settings. If an object type is disabled
everywhere, there is no need to disable the Add New wizard individually for each launch point. For more
information about the Object Types Disabled setting, see “Controlling the availability of object types in
the Add New wizard” on page 204.

Table 96: Disabling the Add New wizard

Setting name Description
Disable Add New Global Launch Point
Controls whether the Add New button appears
on the menu bar of every page.
Disable Add New Home Page Filtered List
Controls whether the Add New icon appears in a pane
Global Launch Points
on the My Work tab on the Home page. When you disable
this launch point, users can still use the Add New
capability from a row in a pane.
Disable Add New Filtered List View Page
Controls whether the Add New icon appears on the
Global Launch Points
Filtered List View/Grid View toolbar. Also controls whether
the Add New menu item is displayed in the Grid Actions
menu. When you disable this launch point, users can still
use the Add New capability from a row in the grid.
Disable Add New Home Page Dashboard Controls whether the Add New capability is enabled from
Launch Points the Home page Dashboard panel launch point.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 309

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Add New Wizard > Disable Add New Global
Launch Point
Default: none
Values: In the Value box, type the names of the objects that you want to disable. Separate each object
type with a comma (,). Use the object names and not the object labels. A value of $ALL$ disables the
launch point for all object types.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Add New Wizard > Disable Add New Home Page
Filtered List Global Launch Points
Default: none
Values: In the Value box, type the names of the objects that you want to disable. Separate each object
type with a comma (,). Use the object names and not the object labels. A value of $ALL$ disables the
launch point for all object types.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Add New Wizard > Disable Add New Filtered List
View Page Global Launch Points
Default: none
Values: In the Value box, type the names of the objects that you want to disable. Separate each object
type with a comma (,). Use the object names and not the object labels. A value of $ALL$ disables the
launch point for all object types.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Add New Wizard > Disable Add New Home Page
Dashboard Launch Points
Default: none
Values: In the Value box, type the names of the objects that you want to disable. Separate each object
type with a comma (,). Use the object names and not the object labels. A value of $ALL$ disables the
launch point for all object types.

Set a default object view

If an object view for an object type is configured to display both a Folder View and Filtered List View
(displayed as tabs on the page), you can configure which tab is displayed first to users on the page
through the Default Object View setting.
Note: For information about configuring Folder and Filtered List views for an object type, see “Folder
views and Filtered List views” on page 237.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: filter
• filter - the Filtered List View tab is displayed first to users.
• folder - the Folder View tab is displayed first to users.

Configure file check-out

The file check-out feature locks files to prevent other users from uploading and overwriting changes, or
from moving, renaming, or deleting the file while a file is checked out. When the file is checked in, the lock
is removed.
You can configure the display of the Check Out and Check In icons by changing the value of the Enable
File Checkout setting.

310 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
• true - the file check-out and check-in feature is enabled and the corresponding icons are displayed
on the detail page of a file. This is the default setting value.
• false - the file check-out and check-in feature is disabled and the corresponding icons are hidden.

Configure the sort order of object list views by modification date

Use the Sort by Modification Date setting to globally configure the sorting behavior of objects in list views
so that objects are listed by their modification date. By default, objects in a list view are listed by name.
For example, an object type has multiple associated objects. By default, associated objects are listed by
name in a list pane on a Detail View page. However, users want to see associated objects that are listed by
their last modified date. To globally change the sort order of objects in list panes so that objects are listed
by the date they were last modified, you would set the value of the Sort by Modification Date setting to
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > List View > Sort by Modification Date
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false
• true - objects in a list view are sorted by their last modification date.
• false - objects in a list view are sorted by name. This is the default setting value.

Modify the deletion interval for a reporting period

You can configure the number of days in which a reporting period can be deleted after it is created. After
the specified interval, the reporting period can no longer be deleted.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Reporting Periods > Delete Interval
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 7 days
Value: In the Value box, edit the number of days you want for the deletion interval.

Show hidden settings

Some settings are hidden to protect these settings from being modified. To display hidden settings,
change the value in the Show Hidden Settings setting.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Configuration
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 311

• true - show hidden settings.
• false - hide hidden settings.

User provisioning settings

Administrators can configure the behavior of the Create User wizard and the Users page with the following
To access the user provisioning settings menu items, you must have the Settings application permission
set on your account. From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings > Applications..
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

Copy Access From Inactive

Determines whether inactive users can be the source for the Copy Access From operation.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > Copy
Access From Inactive
Default: true
• true - allows you to select inactive users to copy access from.
• false - inactive users cannot be selected to copy access from.

Copy User Info Attributes

Determines the default behavior for the Locale, Profiles, Group Memberships, Direct Role Assignments,
and Direct Reports Access attributes during the Copy Access From operation. A name=value pair is used
for each attribute, such as Locale=Yes. Name=value pairs are separated by a comma.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > Copy User
Info Attributes
Default: Locale=Yes,Profiles=Yes,Group Memberships=Yes,Direct Role Assignments=Yes,Direct
Reports Access=Yes
Values: If a name pair is missing, the copy operation is not available. For example, if Profiles=Yes is
not listed in the Value box, profiles are not copied during the copy operation.
• Yes - by default, the attribute is copied.
• No - by default, the attribute is not copied. If a name=value pair is missing, No is assumed. For
example, if Profiles=Yes is not listed in the Value box, profiles are not copied by the copy operation.
• Not available - the attribute cannot be copied.
• blank - if the Value box is empty, the Copy Access From operation is not available.

Copy User Info Choice

Determines whether the Copy Access From operation adds to or replaces a user or group's existing
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > Copy User
Info Choice
Default: Replace
• Replace - existing attributes are overwritten by the Copy Access From operation.
• Add - new attributes are merged with existing ones and duplicates are removed. No validation is
done after the merge to ensure that there are no conflicts.
• Choice - means you can choose between Add or Replace each time that you do a Copy Access From

312 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Not Available - you cannot perform the Copy Access From operation.

Default Allowed Profiles

Determines the default value or values for the Allowed Profiles.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > Default
Allowed Profiles
Default: blank
Values: Possible values are any profiles in the system. Use a dollar sign and semicolon ($;) to separate
profile names in the list. If the value is blank, the Default Profile is used as the Allowed Profile.
Note: Disabled profiles cannot be used as an Allowed Profile, even if they are included in this list.

Default User Change Password

Determines the default change password behavior when you create a new user.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > Default
User Change Password
Default: blank
• blank - if the Value box is empty, the password expires in 90 days, and the user can change the
password then.
• cannot - user cannot change password. Using this value forces Password never expires, and ignore
the Default User Password Expiration setting.
• must - user must change password at next logon.

Default User Password Expiration

Determines the default password expiration behavior.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > Default
User Password Expiration
Default: blank
• blank - password expires in 90 days.
• n - password expires in n days, where n is an integer in the range 1 - 99.
• never - password never expires

New User Default Locale

Determines the default value for the locale.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > New User
Default Locale
Default: en_US
Values: Allowed values are any of the OpenPages supported locale codes, such as de_DE, en_US, and

Reports Access Page Size

Determines the number of rows that are listed per page in the Reports Access table.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > Reports
Access Page Size
Default: 20
Values: In the Value box, type a positive integer. If the number of rows is less than this number, there
is no paging.

Users Can Copy Access From

Determines which users can be used as source for the Copy Access From operation.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 313

Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > User Provisioning > Users Can
Copy Access From
Default: blank
Values: In the Value field, type a comma-separated list of users that can be used as source for the
Copy Access From operation. If the value is blank, no users can be used as source for the copy
operation. A value of $ALL$ means that any user can be used as source. Use the Copy Access From
Inactive setting to determine whether inactive users can be used. For more information, see “Copy
Access From Inactive” on page 312.

Configure actor table page size

Use the Page Size setting to control the number of rows that are listed per page. This setting applies to
the following administrative areas within the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application: user and group
management, role assignments, profile user association, and custom security.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Administration > Users and Groups > Page Size
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 100
Values: In the Value box, type a number.

Actor selectors: Configure the bucket size of the phonebook

You can use the Bucket Size setting to control the number of user names that are displayed in a bucket or
category within the User Selector phonebook style pop-up dialog box.
For information about the phonebook, see “Modifying the phonebook” on page 271.
The number of buckets that are displayed in the phonebook is determined by the size of the bucket and
the number of users. For example, if there are 100 users and the bucket size is set to 20, the phonebook
would display 5 buckets of 20 users per bucket.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > User Selector > Bucket Size
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 10
Values: In the Value box, type a numeric value for the number of users you want displayed per bucket.

Actor selectors: Configure display columns in a selector dialog box

For all selector display types, you can use the Fields setting to configure additional display information for
users and groups.
This setting applies when a phonebook style user or group selector dialog box is open on certain pages,
including when:
• assigning a user or group administrator permissions from a Security Domain page
• selecting the starting group when configuring display type attributes for a user or group field in a profile
For information about selector dialog boxes, see the topic “Modifying the selector dialog box” on page

314 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• The Name column is always displayed as the first column of the table and cannot be removed or
changed. The Name column in a User Selector represents the user account name (Username). In a
Group selector, it is the name of the group.
• The values in the setting are globally displayed in the appropriate selector dialog box. For example, if
you set the first name of a user to be displayed, the user's first name would appear in the User and
User/Group dialog boxes but not the Group dialog box because the Group dialog box lists only groups
(no users).
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Actor Selector > Fields
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: If no values are present in the Fields setting, the Name and Description column headings are
displayed by default.
Values: In the Value box, type one or more of the following codes in the order in which you want the
columns to display in a User, Group, or User/Group Selector dialog box:

Table 97: Column heading display codes

To display this column Type this Comments
heading... code...
Description %DN; Displays any description information from the "Description"
object field on a User or Group Information page. This
column heading is displayed by default in the User, Group,
and User/Group Selector dialog boxes.
First Name %FN; Displays information from the "First name" object field on a
User Information page. This column heading is displayed
only in the User and User/Group Selector dialog boxes.
Last Name %LN; Displays information from the "Last name" object field on a
User Information page. This column heading is displayed
only in the User and User/Group Selector dialog boxes.
Email %EM; Displays the email address of a user from the "Email" object
field on a User Information page. This column heading is
displayed in the User, Group, and User/Group Selector
dialog boxes.

For example, to display the email address of users followed by a description of the user, type the
following codes in the Value box: %EM;%DN;.
The result of these settings in the User Selector is that the Name column is followed by the Email and
Description columns.

Actor selectors: Configure users and group selectors for search

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Detail Page > Use Actor Search Only

Menus: Update administration menus

Customize the administration menus for your users by adding custom menu items.
Attention: Users do not see changes to menus until the next time they log in.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 315

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > NavigationMenu > Administration > SubItems
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
For example, YourCustomMenuItem,Security,Schema,Application,Management.

Menus: Modify the order of menus

The navigation bar in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform contains various menus that represent categories for
grouping views and object types. Use the Items setting to modify the order in which the main menus are
displayed on the navigation bar.
Which categories for object types are available as menus on the navigation bar depends on your particular
business solution.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > NavigationMenu > Items
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: MyOpenPages is typically displayed as the first menu item on the navigation bar, and
Administration as the last menu item.
Values: In the Value box, modify the order of the menus as you want these to appear on the
navigation bar.
• The list must be comma delimited.
• The order in which the menus are defined in the list determines the order in which the menus are
displayed on the navigation bar in the application user interface.
In the following example, the menus on the navigation bar are displayed as follows: My OpenPages
followed by Reports, Organization, Remediation, and then Administration.


• The list must not have any leading or trailing spaces.

Changes to menus do not appear until users log out and then log back in to the application.

Menus: Modify submenus

The navigation bar in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application contains various menus that
represent categories for grouping views, object types, and system pages.
There are two types of menu items that you can add to a menu: object types and system pages.
Administration > Settings > Applications >
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none

316 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• The list of submenu items must be comma delimited.
• You can use the __separator__ (two underscores) keyword to organize submenu items into
The following example shows how to create two groupings of object types in a list.


The result is a list of submenu items that are grouped as follows:

Risk Assessment





Test Result

• The order in which the submenu items are defined in the list determines the order in which the
submenu items are displayed in the selected menu on the application user interface.
• The list must not have any leading or trailing spaces.

Object auto-naming settings

For most object types, you can auto-generate their names when they are created or copied. This ability
allows users to enforce internal naming policies and ensure unique object names.
The auto-generation of object names is controlled by a series of settings that can be accessed from the
Settings menu item under the Administration menu on the navigation bar. It is possible to turn
autonaming on or off for each object type individually. For example, you might want all business entities
and processes to be named by users, but all risks, controls, and test plans named automatically by the
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application.
Note: Auto-naming is not supported for the following object types: SOXDocument and SOXSignature.
Although auto-naming is not supported for SOXDocument objects, you can control how duplicate file
names are handled. For information, see “SOXDocument object auto-naming settings for duplicate file
names” on page 320.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Auto Naming
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
Values: For each object type, you can modify the following settings:

Table 98: Auto-naming settings to modify

Setting name Description
Auto-named Flags this folder as using auto-naming.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 317

Table 98: Auto-naming settings to modify (continued)
Setting name Description
Copied object Determines whether or not copied instances of the selected object type are
automatically named.
If the value is set to:
• true - auto-naming is enabled for copied instances.
Note: Only the object that is directly selected for copy will be auto-named. Any
child objects associated with the selected object will not be renamed, even if
the Copied Object setting is set to true for these associated child objects.
• false - auto-naming is disabled for copied instances.
The default value is false.

New object Determines whether new instances of the object are automatically named.
If the value is set to:
• true - auto-naming is enabled for new instances.
• false - auto-naming is disabled for new instances.
The default value is false.

Can be edited Determines whether the generated name can be edited during the creation
If the value is set to:
• true - the generated name can be edited.
• false - the generated name cannot be edited.
The default value depends on the object type.

Default parent If the created object has no parent, the value for this parameter will be used to
name replace the "%P;" variable in the generated name.
Format Determines the format of the generated name. Additional details can be found in
“Configure the format of object names” on page 318.

Configure the format of object names

The Format setting allows you to incorporate some contextual information about the object, as well as an
identifier in the object name.
You can use the variables that are described in the following table to format the auto-generated name.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Auto Naming
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
• In addition to the variables, you can include any valid text in the auto name.
• The name of an object:
– Must be 252 bytes or less.
– Cannot contain forward slashes (/), backslashes (\), or the ellipsis character (...).

318 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

– Must contain either the %Nn or the %Rn token.

Table 99: Auto-naming variables

Variable Meaning
%P; Will be replaced with the name of the parent of the new object. If the
created object has no parent, the value of the default setting will be used.
%U; Will be replaced with the creator's user name.
%Nn; A unique sequentially generated numeric identifier.
n" specifies the amount of padding the number has.
For example, %N3 might result in 001, 002, 003, while %N5 might result
in 00001, 00002, 00003, and so forth.

%Rn; A unique randomly generated alphanumeric identifier.

[5.5.1 added - OPX] Where:
n" specifies the amount of padding the number has.
For example, %R3 might result in T6d, while %N5 might result in T6d3fF,
and so forth.

Name examples
If we use a parent Process of "Hiring Practices" and a creator of "JSmith", and have the following
• Auto-Named value is set to true
• Can be Edited value is set to false
• Format value is set to %P;_RIS_%N7;
• Default Parent Name has no value set.
The auto-generated name is "Hiring Practices_RIS_0000001" and could not be edited.
Example 1:
For the auto-naming format parameter

Format is set to:%P;-Risk-%N5;

the generated Risk name is "Hiring Practices-Risk-00001".

Example 2:
Given a different auto-naming format parameter, such as

Format is set to: Risk %N3; for %P; (%U;)

would result in the generated name "Risk 001 for Hiring Practices (JSmith)"
Example 3:
Not all of the variables need to be used in an auto-generated name. For example,

Format is set to: Risk %N4;

results in "Risk 0001"

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 319

Example 4:
If the risk had no parent process, the value of Default Parent Name is used. In this case, the value

Format is set to: %P;_RIS_%N7;

results in "_RIS_0000001"

SOXDocument object auto-naming settings for duplicate file names

Use the Auto Remediate Duplicate File Names setting to control auto-naming for SOXDocument objects.
Within a folder, file names for SOXDocument objects must be unique. This setting controls what happens
when a duplicate file name is added. The system can add a numeric suffix to the file name or force the
user to rename it.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Auto Naming > SOXDocument > Auto Remediate
Duplicate File Names
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
• true - adds a numeric suffix to the file name.
• false - forces users to rename the file.
In infrequent user applications, such as questionnaire assessments and IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry,
this setting is ignored and duplicate file names are automatically renamed.
In Folder View, this setting is ignored and an error is issued when a user saves a duplicate file name in the
folder. The user must manually rename the file.

Environment migration settings

If your organization has multiple IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments, you can move data from
one environment to another without needing physical access to either environment. Migration means
exporting from a source environment and importing into a target environment. The following Application
settings support environment migration:
For details, see Chapter 22, “Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments,” on page 575.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Environment Migration
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.

Table 100: Environment Migration Settings

Setting Definition
Allow Controls whether ObjectManager XML files can be imported through
ObjectManager XML Administration > Import Configuration. The default is false.
Asynchronous The timeout value (in seconds) for AJAX calls on environment migration
Timeout pages. The default is 120.

320 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 100: Environment Migration Settings (continued)
Setting Definition
Export File Name Prefix to be added to the environment migration export JAR file name. The
Prefix default prefix openpages is used if no value is given. Prefix length is limited
to 15 characters. If the prefix is longer than 15 characters, it is truncated.
The following characters cannot be used in the prefix:

\ / | * : { } [ ] " ?

Do not use the special characters as defined in CJK Compatibility Ideographs

Unicode Block Name and the four-byte characters as defined in the CJK
Unified Ideographs EXTENSION-B Unicode Block Name in the Export File
Name Prefix.
The special characters to avoid are:

Maximum String Controls how many rows are displayed in the Review selected items box
Items when exporting items with environment migration. Permissible values are any
integer greater than zero. The default is 10000.
Certain categories of items that can be exported with Environment Migration
(such as Application Text) contain many tens of thousands of items. To reduce
the page size and make Internet Explorer more responsive when reviewing
these categories, you can now set a limit on the number of items that are
shown. When a limit is set you can still use the search feature to find items
beyond the row limit.

Process Log Report The location of the Process Log Report Page Spec. This value was previously
Page Spec fixed and can now be set. The default is /_cw_channels/Reporting/
Hidden Reports/CommandCenter/Administrative Reports/
Environment Migration/Process Log Report.pagespec
Special Character Specifies whether special characters are checked while validating names of
Validation metadata. The default is true. Set to false to preserve legacy special
character rules.

Report fragment settings

For all profiles, you can globally configure the size of the pop-up window for report fragment fields in
certain object views.
A report fragment pop-up window can be sized:
• Manually - by specifying the size of the pop-up on the field definition page of a report fragment field.
• Automatically - if no size is specified on the field definition page of a report fragment field, the pop-up
window will be automatically sized using the settings in Table 101 on page 322.
Report fragment fields with a display type of On Demand always display Cognos report components in a
pop-up window.
For report fragment fields with a display type of 'Automatic', the display behavior varies depending on the
object view:
• For Detail and/or Activity View pages - Cognos report components are always embedded directly into
the cell of the report fragment field.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 321

• For view pages that have a tabular format, such as List View, Folder View, and Filtered List View pages,
and on the My Work tab on the Home page - Cognos report components are displayed in pop-up
The sizing rules for report fragment field pop-up windows apply to both On Demand and Automatic
display types used in List and/or Folder Views.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Report Fragments > Popup
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Values: Click one of the settings to open its detail page. In the Value box for the selected setting,
change the existing value to a new number (must be greater than zero).

Table 101: Settings for reporting fragment pop-up windows

Setting Description Default Value
Maximum Sets the default maximum height allowable for a 375
Height report fragment pop-up window.
Maximum Sets the default maximum width allowable for a 575
Width report fragment pop-up window.
Minimum Sets the default minimum height allowable for a 250
Height report fragment pop-up window.
Minimum Sets the default minimum width allowable for a 350
Width report fragment pop-up window.

Set the mail server address

Use the Mail Server setting to configure your mail server so you can automatically send email
notifications to users from your JSP-based reports or the Notification Manager utility.
The Mail Server setting is also used to do mail routing for objects that use lifecycles, for example,
questionnaire assessments and incidents. Email notifications are sent to lifecycle assignees when a
lifecycle starts and with every transition except for close transitions.
For emails generated by lifecycle triggers, the sender address is specified in the trigger.xml file. The
default is [email protected]. For more information about lifecycle triggers, see the IBM
OpenPages GRC Solutions Guide.
Depending on your environment, you can configure the following settings:
• SMTP Password
• SMTP Port
• SMTP Security Type
• SMTP User Name
• SOCKS Proxy Private IP Address
Define SMTP Port and SMTP Security Type if you use a third-party SMTP provider. Valid values for
SMTP Security Type are SSL/TLS and STARTTLS. You must also import the SSL certificate from the
SMTP server provider. Refer to the SMTP provider's documentation and import it by using IBM WebSphere
administrative console. Leave SMTP Port and SMTP Security Type empty if you have an unencrypted
connection that uses the default port number. In this case, the SMTP servers are behind a firewall and a
third-party SMTP provider is typically not used.
Some settings might be hidden. For information about unhiding settings, see “Show hidden settings” on
page 311.

322 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: Override this global setting by entering the name of a mail server in the notification Mail Server
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Email
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Values: In the Value box, enter the values for Mail Server, SMTP Password, SMTP User Name, and
SOCKS Proxy Private IP Address, as required by your mail system.
In Mail Server enter a fully qualified server host name, for example,
For more information if you have legacy or older JSP reports and want to send email notifications to users
from these legacy JSP-based reports or the Notification Manager utility, go to “Configure self-contained
object types” on page 343.

Optimize file uploads

To enhance the performance of large files for upload to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, you
can enable the Optimized File Upload setting.
You can only optimize the upload if you are using the Edit/Upload this File option. You cannot optimize
the upload if you use the Add New option.
When enabled, this feature provides the following functions:
• Compresses the selected file on the user machine before uploading it to the OpenPages GRC Platform
• Displays additional Optimized File Upload text and a Browse and Save icon to users for attaching files.
– The file upload applet requires the Java Runtime Environment version 7 on the client browser.
– When using the Chrome browser, if the registry setting Administration > Settings > Applications >
Common > Optimized File Upload is set to true, the setting is ignored by the Chrome browser. For
Optimized File Upload to be available, you must use Microsoft Internet Explorer.
By default, this value is disabled.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Optimized File Upload
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false
Values: In the Value box, type true or false
• true - The Optimized File Upload Browse and Save icon is displayed to users in addition to the
standard file upload icon.
• false - Only the standard file upload icon is displayed to users.

Number of objects in listing pane

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 323

Use the Page Size setting to control the maximum number of associated objects that can be listed in a
child object listing pane on Detail View and Activity View pages.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > List View > Page Size
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 20
Values: In the Value box, type a number greater than zero.
If the number of child objects that are returned exceed the set value, a Rev and Next link is displayed.

Set copy operations

You can configure settings in the Copy Options folder to resolve duplicate names during copy operations
and show additional copy options to users during a Copy From operation.
• During a copy operation for self-contained objects, if a naming conflict exists between the source and
the target object, the copy operation will fail and the naming conflict resolution choices made by a user
are ignored (see “Configure self-contained object types” on page 343).
• Self-contained object types and security context point object types do not respect the "copyof" naming
option, if selected. By definition self-contained and security context point objects types automatically
have their own folder, so no Copy Of prefix is required.
• In a Copy From operation, the target folder path is based on the closest self-contained parent object.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Configuration > Copy Options
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.

324 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 102: Copy Operations Configuration Settings
Setting Description
Conflict Policy Set the default behavior of the copy operation when it encounters a duplicate
object name during a copy operation.
If the value is set to:
• overwrite - a new version of the object in the target directory is created with
all of the information of the copied object. All prior versions of the object in
the target directory are maintained.
• copyof - during the copy operation, any objects with the same name as an
existing object in the target location will be renamed to "Copy of
Note: Consider carefully whether to use overwrite or copyof when you copy
objects that have the same name coming from different hierarchies. The end
result if you use overwrite will be a single object with many versions.
However, if you use copyof, it will be many objects with one version.
• existing - if a copied object has the same name as an object in the target
location, that file will not be copied. All other objects (without duplicate
names) will still be copied to the target location.
If you choose this option, you should examine the results of copy operations
to determine whether any associations between objects have changed as a
result of the copy. For example, if an associated risk is not copied to the new
location because an existing risk has the same name, the copied parent
process of the risk will be associated with the pre-existing risk in the target
The default value is overwrite.

Max Object Trees This setting is a positive integer that determines when the copied objects are
Copied Interactive created.
If the user chooses to copy the objects and their descendants, and the number
of selected objects is less than or equal to the value of this setting, the dialog
stays open until the copies are complete, blocking other actions.
If the number of selected objects is greater than the value of this setting, then
the copies are created in the background. The user receives an email when the
copy process has completed.
The default value is 20.

Max Top-level This setting is a positive integer which determines when the copied objects are
Objects Copied created.
If the user chooses to only copy the objects themselves without any
descendants, and the number of objects to be copied is less than or equal to the
value of this setting, then the copies are created while the user waits.
If the number of objects to be copied is greater than the value of this setting,
then the copies are created in the background. The user receives an email when
the copy process has completed.
The default value is 250.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 325

Table 102: Copy Operations Configuration Settings (continued)
Setting Description
Show Copy This setting is only used when the Use Legacy Copy option is true.
Options Page
Allow users to select how duplicate names will be handled for the current copy.
This setting displays the following options to users during a copy operation:
• Create a new version of the existing object in the destination directory. This is
the default selection. This option corresponds to the "overwrite" value in the
Conflict Policy setting.
• Create new object whose name is prefixed with "Copy Of". This option
corresponds to the "copyof" value in the Conflict Policy setting.
• Do not copy resources with naming conflicts. This option corresponds to the
"existing" value in the Conflict Policy setting.
If the value is set to:
• true - the additional copy options are displayed to users.
• false - no additional copy options are displayed to users.
The default value is false.

Show Name Specifies whether to display the name conflict resolution options in the Copy
Conflict Wizard options tab. If the options are not displayed to the user, the value from
Resolution the Conflict Policy setting is used.
The default value is true.

Show Object Copy If this value is set to true, the user is allowed additional control of what is
Options copied with the selected objects. Users are able to choose if just the objects
themselves are copied, or if descendants of the object are copied as well.
By default, descendants are copied as well. Even if they choose to copy
descendants, by default files and issues are not copied. If this option is set to
true, users have the opportunity to also include files and issues.
The default value is true.

Use Legacy Copy Controls whether the copy operation uses the new interface or the legacy
interface. Permissible values are true or false.

Date field display format

The Date field display format setting controls how date fields are displayed for GRC objects. It does not
affect dates that appear in other areas of the system. It affects only how date fields are displayed and not
the format when users enter date values.
The Date field display format setting and the locale determine how date fields are displayed. The
examples below illustrate how the date, October 25, 2016, is displayed given different date formats and

Table 103: Date field display format

Locale Date field display format Result
US English SHORT 10/25/16
US English MEDIUM Oct 25, 2016

326 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 103: Date field display format (continued)
Locale Date field display format Result
US English LONG October 25, 2016
UK English SHORT 25/10/16
UK English MEDIUM 25-Oct-2016
UK English LONG 25 October 2016
Simplified Chinese SHORT 16-10-25
Simplified Chinese MEDIUM 2016-10-25
Simplified Chinese LONG

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Date Field Display Format
The values are:
• short - dates are displayed in Java Locale SHORT format.
• medium - dates are displayed in Java Locale MEDIUM format.
• long - dates are displayed in Java Locale LONG format.

Configuring large files for upload

By default, the maximum upload size for files in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform is 250 MB. If you have files
that are larger than this limit, you can configure the system to upload larger files. Files greater than 2 GB
are not supported.

1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Max File Upload Size
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
3. In the Value field, type the maximum upload size as a numeric value followed by a single letter to
represent the unit. For example: 200K, 500M or 1G.
4. Click Save.
5. Restart the OpenPages GRC Platform application service.
For details on starting services, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Disabling the Files of OPX

You can use the Disable the Files of OPX setting to temporarily enable management of system files in the
OPX administrative interface. System folders and files can also be accessed by using Administration >
Manage System Files.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Disable the files of OPX
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 327

• true - the Files menu item in the OPX administrative interface is hidden.
• false - the Files menu item in the OPX administrative interface is displayed. Users access it to
manage system folders and files.

Signature and lock settings

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform allows users to create "signatures" on objects. A signature is a note that
signifies the user agreement that the object meets with the user approval. It has no enforcement powers,
and does not prevent the item from being modified after approval is given.
A signature lock is a lock that is placed on an object and its descendants. It prevents the objects from
being modified. The lock is activated by placing a signature on an object. After the signature is added, the
lock is active. The signed object and all of its associated child objects in the object hierarchy cannot be
modified until the signature is revoked or an administrator removes the lock.
Only one active lock can be placed on an object. Multiple locks can be inherited from parent objects as
those objects are locked.
All of the following actions are accessed from the Applications folder.
To access the Application folder settings menu item, you must have the Settings application permission
set on your account. From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

Signatures are added on the Detail page of an object type by clicking the Signatures field. If configured,
users can add, edit, and revoke signatures for the specified object type from the Actions menu on the
Signature pane.
The Actions menu is hidden from users who do not have the correct permissions.
When you configure signatures for a specific object type (such as Processes or Accounts), you grant
permission to a group of users to add a signature. The group is able to add, edit, or revoke a signature for
the specified object types to which they have Read access.
To enable a user group to add or revoke signatures directly on an object, you must configure the
Permission setting for the specified object type. For details, see “Configure signatures” on page 328.

Configure signatures

When you add a group to an object type setting for signatures, sign-off is enabled for objects of that type.
Users who belong to the group can add and revoke signatures. Click Actions on the Signatures pane to
add a signature to the object type.
Note: Only groups that are defined in object type can sign off on objects of that type. Sub groups of a
group do not inherit the sign-off permission.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Signature > Permission
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: enabled
Values: In the Value box on the setting detail page, complete the following steps:
• To configure groups to add a signature to an object type, type the name of the group to add.
Note: If you are entering multiple user groups, use a comma to separate group names, and do not
use a space after the comma.

328 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

For example, to add the groups Auditors and Managers to the sign-off list for Process object types,
the value in the SOXProcess setting is defined as follows: Auditors,Managers
• To disable one or more user groups from adding a signature to the selected object type, delete the
group name.

Configure signature locks

The Mode setting controls whether a lock is created when a signature is added. When the Autolock value
is set, adding a signature to an object creates a lock on the object. It prevents further changes to the
object and any object that is associated with it. Revoking a signature removes the associated lock.
Note: When the locking feature is enabled, users can create signatures only on items to which they have
Write privileges.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Signature > Mode
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
Values: In the Value field, type one of the following values:

Table 104: Lock values

Value Action
None No lock is applied to the object when a signature is added.
Autolock The object is locked when a signature is added. Only users with Write
permission for an object can create a signature.
Cascade Cascading signatures as specified in the Cascade setting are enabled for child
objects (for details see, “Configure signatures” on page 328).

Configure cascading signatures

When a signature is added to a parent object, you can automatically apply signatures to all associated
objects in the hierarchy, below the signed object. For example, signing a process applies the signature to
any sub processes, accounts, risks, controls, and tests that are associated with the process.
This feature is turned off by default. It is enabled through the Cascade setting.
Note: To enable cascading signatures, the Mode setting must have the Cascade value set (for details see,
“Configure signature locks” on page 329).
Administration > Settings > > GRCM > Signature > Cascade > <object>
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
Values: In the Value box on the setting detail page, complete the following steps:
• To add a cascading signature to child objects, type the name of the child object type.
Note: If you are entering multiple child objects, use a comma to separate the names, and do not use
a space after the comma.
For example, to add a cascading signature to the Process object type for child sub-processes,
accounts, and risks, the value in the SOXProcess is set to the following value:
• To remove a cascading signature from child objects, delete the name of the child object type.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 329

Lock and unlock objects

Locks can be applied to objects without the use of signatures.

Users lock entire object hierarchies by adding a signature, if Autolock is enabled, or by selecting Lock this
on the Actions menu of an detail page.
The Lock and Unlock application permissions control whether users can lock and unlock objects. For
details, see “Configure the Lock and Unlock application permissions ” on page 330.
Note: Unlocking an object using the Actions > Unlock this menu item does NOT revoke the signature.
For information about globally unlocking business entities, see “Globally unlock business entities” on
page 332.
Access privileges for locking
By default, "Read" permission is required to lock an object. This setting can now be configured
through a property in the file named "". This property is
set to false by default.
When set to 'true', users with Read access to an object can lock the object by adding a signature. The
default value of false requires that users have at least "Write" access to an object before they are
allowed to lock it.

Configure the Lock and Unlock application permissions

The Lock and Unlock application permissions control whether users can lock and unlock objects.
The Lock application permission allows a user to lock any unlocked object, as long as the user has Write
permission to the object and all associated objects down the hierarchy.
The Unlock application permission allows a user to unlock any locked object, as long as the user has
Write permission to the object and all associated objects down the hierarchy.
You assign application permissions either to a role template or to a user group that a user belongs to.
• On a role template, the Lock and Unlock application permissions are defined in:
– Administration > Role Template > <role template> > Role Permissions > Files > Lock
– Administration > Role Template > <role template> > Role Permissions > Files > Unlock
• On a user group, the Lock and Unlock application permissions are defined in:
– Administration > Users, Groups and Domains > <group> > Permissions > Files > Lock
– Administration > Users, Groups and Domains > <group> > Permissions > Files > Unlock
For more information, see “Defining application permissions” on page 31.

Configure the Lock menu item for object types

You can configure the display of the Lock this menu item on the Actions menu for various object types
through the Display Lock Button setting. This setting applies to manual and automatic signature locking.
For users to see the Lock this menu item on the Actions menu of an object type, the user must be
assigned the Lock application permission. For details, see “Configure the Lock and Unlock application
permissions ” on page 330.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Locks > Display Lock Button
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
• To add an object type, type the name of the object type that is separated by a comma.

330 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

For example: SOXBusEntity, SOXAccount, SOXSubaccount, SOXProcess,
SOXSubprocess, SOXControlObjective, SOXRisk, SOXControl, SOXTest,
SOXTestResult, SOXSignature, SOXIssue, SOXTask, SOXDocument,
• To remove an object type, delete the name of the object type from the list.

Lock child objects when a parent is locked

You can use the object type settings under the Lock Child Types folder to configure locks on child objects
when a parent object is locked.
For example, you want to lock child Process objects whenever a business entity is locked. You would
enter SOXProcess in the setting Value box for SOXBusEntity. When a business entity is locked, users
would not be able to add, associate, copy, and disassociate processes to the locked business entity. The
child objects of that process will not inherit any locks. If you want to lock its child objects too, then you
would have to specify those object types in the value of the SOXBusEntity setting.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Locked Objects > Lock Child Types
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
Values: In the Value box of the selected setting, enter the exact name of one or more child object
types that should be locked when the parent object is locked.
Find the exact object name listed under the Allowed Associations folder.
Note: If there are multiple child object types, you must add a comma to separate each object name.
For example: SOXProcess,

Enable icons on locked associated objects

You can enable associations of child objects, such as Risks or Controls, to their locked parent objects. You
can define these child objects in the Allowed Associations setting. Specifically, the Add New, Associate,
Copy From, and Disassociate icons or menu items remain available to users on specific Associated object
tabs of the parent object, as well as in the detail pages of the child objects.

For example, you can enable the SOXProcess and LossEvent child objects for SOXBusEntity so users can
associate processes and loss events to a locked business entity. When enabled, the business entity detail
page displays the Associate icons (Add New, Associate, Copy From, and Disassociate) only on the
Processes and Loss Events tabs. Note that the Associate icons also display on the SOXProcess and
LossEvent detail pages.

Configure the registry to enable associations of child objects

You can make objects available to users for association when a parent object is locked.
For object types that are defined in the Allowed Associations setting, the Add New, Associate, Copy
From, and Disassociate actions are enabled and Delete is disabled.
For object types that are not defined in the Allowed Associations setting, the Add New, Associate, Copy
From, Disassociate, and Delete actions are disabled.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Locked Objects > Allowed Associations
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 331

Values: In the Value field, type the exact name of one or more child object types.
Find the object name listed under the Allowed Associations folder (for example, SOXBusEntity).
Note: If you have multiple object types, add a comma to separate each object type name.
When a Business Entity is locked, users can add, associate, copy, and disassociate processes to the
locked Business Entity.
Note: The Disassociation action is not enabled on a detail page until you select the object you want to

Globally unlock business entities

Administrators can enable a global unlock operation for business entities or sub-entities by enabling the
Remove All Tree Locks application permission for designated groups of users. The Unlock All operation
removes all direct and inherited locks on a business entity, including all of its children.
Note: When you enable the Remove All Tree Locks application permission for a group, the Unlock All
icon is displayed only on a business entity or sub-entity detail page.
Typically, you would use the Unlock All operation if
• The remove locks option was not selected after a finalized reporting period.
• Different business sub-entities of a multi-national organization have different reporting-period closure
dates during the year. One sub-entity may need to remain locked while other entities are unlocked.
For example:
BE-US is a business entity representing the corporate office of a multi-national firm. BE-IND and BE-UK
are two sub-entities within the BE-US entity. December is the financial closure period for BE-UK while
March is the closure period for BE-IND.
When BE-US is signed off in December, BE-IND and BE-UK remain locked along with their associated
objects. Since December is the reporting-period closure date for BE-UK also, its reporting period is
finalized. If the Unlock All operation is applied to BE-UK exclusively, users can keep working in the BE-
UK object hierarchy while BE-IND and its hierarchy remain locked.
1. Go to Administration > Users, Groups and Domains and select the Workflow, Reporting and
Others page.
2. Add a new group or select a group and navigate to its Permissions tab.
3. On the Permissions tab, click Edit.
4. Under Files, select Remove All Tree Locks.

Object Reset settings

Before performing an object reset, you can set the logging level, whether or not the Reset session should
continue or halt if errors are encountered, if ACLs should be checked, and if locks are ignored. These
settings only need to be set once before your first time initiating an object reset, but you may wish to
change them for different entity trees or ruleset behavior.

Changing the logging level

The Logging Level setting controls how much information is displayed on the user interface. The session
log captures detailed information regardless of the user interface display setting. You can change the
logging information that is displayed on the user interface for a reporting period.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Object Reset > Logging Level
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: high

332 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• low - Only error messages are displayed.
• medium - Both error and warning messages are displayed.
• high - Errors, warnings, and informational or diagnostic messages are displayed.

Continuing on error
The Continue on Error setting determines whether the object reset session will log errors and continue to
run, or whether the errors will be logged and the session halted. You can change whether the object reset
session runs or halts processing when an error is encountered.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Object Reset > Continue on Error
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
• true - Errors are logged and processing continues.
• false - Errors are logged and processing is halted.

Obeying ACL restrictions

The Check ACL setting controls whether the object reset occurs against all objects contained within the
scope of the reset session, or whether the object reset occurs against only those objects to which the user
who initiated the reset has access. You can change the scope of the object reset session.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Object Reset > Check ACL
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
• true - Includes all objects within the scope of the reset session.
• false - Includes only those objects within the reset session to which the user has access.

Obeying locking restrictions

The Ignore Locks setting controls whether existing locks on objects are honored or ignored when running
an object reset. You can change whether locks are ignored during an object reset session.

Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Object Reset > Ignore Locks
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false
• true - Locks on objects will be ignored when running the reset session.
• false - Locked objects will not be modified by the reset session.

Home page settings

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 333

For profiles, you can globally configure the display of predefined tables, the number of embedded reports,
the number of objects in a table, and the number of report listings.
For configured home page filtered lists, you can set the view definition that determines which fields are
displayed, the target view of the Name hyperlink, and the target view of the View Details hyperlink.

Define target of View Details hyperlink on a home page filtered list

You can use the Show All Link setting to specify the FLV or grid view to be used for View Details targets
on home page filtered lists.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page
Open the profile folder that you want to customize filtered lists for (for example, OpenPages PCM
7.4.0 Master), add a new folder, and name the folder with the same name as the filter. Then, add the
Show All Link setting.
If the settings are not available or the setting values are blank, the profile settings are used.
Tip: If you delete and then add the filtered list back to the home page, or when you add a new filtered
list to the home page, the folders and settings for the filtered list are created automatically.
Note: These settings do not apply to the predefined lists on the home page (My Checked-Out Files
and My Reports).
Default: blank
Values: In the Value box, type Filtered List or the name (not the label) of a specific grid view for
the View Details target.

Order predefined panes on home page

You can use the Items settings to control how predefined panes are displayed on a home page. The order
of the items determines the order of the corresponding HTML panes.
You can configure the following Items settings:
• A global Items setting (Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page > Items)
• Profile-level Items settings (Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page >
<profile> > Items)
The following rules apply:
• The global Items setting defines all possible home page items and their sequence. The default is
myCheckedOutFiles,myReports. If you remove an item from the global Items setting, the pane is
suppressed for all users regardless of how the profile-level Items settings are defined.
• The profile-level Items settings define home page items and their sequence for users who belong to the
profiles. If you remove an item from a profile-level Items setting, the pane is suppressed for all users
who belong to the profile. Items that are not included in the global Items setting cannot be included in a
profile-level Items setting.
• If you reorder the sequence of items in a profile-level Items setting, it overrides the global Items
setting for users who belong to the profile.
The following examples illustrate how the settings work together.

Table 105: Examples of the Items setting at global and profile levels
And the profile-level Items
If the global Items setting is... setting is... The result is...
myCheckedOutFiles, blank None of the panes display on the
myReports specified profile.

334 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 105: Examples of the Items setting at global and profile levels (continued)
And the profile-level Items
If the global Items setting is... setting is... The result is...
myCheckedOutFiles, myCheckedOutFiles, myCheckedOutFiles,
myReports myReports myReports display for the
specified profile.

blank myCheckedOutFiles, None of the panes display

myReports because the global setting is
myCheckedOutFiles, myReports, Panes are reordered to
myReports myCheckedOutFiles myReports,

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page > Items
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: My Checked-Out Files (myCheckedOutFiles), My Reports (myReports)
Values: In the Value field, add, remove, or reorder the items.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page > <profile> > Items
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: is from the global Items setting
Values: In the Value field, add, remove, or reorder the items.

Allow users to personalize the My Work home page

You can use the My Work Home Page Can Be Personalized setting to globally control whether users are
allowed to personalize their My Work home page portlets by determining which portlets appear and in
what sequence. The user can only choose to make portlets appear that are configured for display on their
home page in their profile.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page > My Work Home Page Can Be
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
• true - users are allowed to personalize their My Work home page portlets.
• false - users are not allowed to personalize their My Work home page portlets.

Maximum number of embedded reports on the home page

You can use the Maximum Embedded Reports setting to globally change the maximum number of
embedded reports that can be configured for a home page.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 335

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page > Maximum Embedded Reports
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 2
Values: In the Value field, type a number greater than zero.
Note: Setting this value too high will negatively impact performance.

Maximum objects allowed in a home page pane

You can use the Maximum Objects setting to globally control the maximum number of objects that can be
listed for each table (excluding My Reports) on a home page.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page > Maximum Objects
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 5
Values: In the Value box, type a number greater than zero.

Maximum reports allowed on the home page

You can use the Maximum Reports Listing setting to globally control the maximum number of reports
that can be listed in the My Reports table on a home page.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page > Maximum Reports Listing
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 5
Values: In the Value box, type a number greater than zero.

Define target of Name hyperlink on a home page filtered list

You can use the Detail Link setting to customize the fields that are displayed and specify the detail or
activity view to be used for hyperlink targets on home page filtered lists.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page
Open the profile folder that you want to customize filtered lists for (for example, OpenPages PCM
7.4.0 Master), add a new folder, and name the folder with the same name as the filter. Then, add the
Detail Link setting.
If the settings are not available or the setting values are blank, the profile settings are used.
Tip: If you delete and then add the filtered list back to the home page, or when you add a new filtered
list to the home page, the folders and settings for the filtered list are created automatically.
Note: These settings do not apply to the predefined lists on the home page (My Checked-Out Files
and My Reports).
Default: blank
Values: In the Value box, type Detail for the detail view, or the name (not the label) of an activity
view for the hyperlink target.

Define view definition used to determine fields displayed on a home page filtered list
You can use the Fields setting to customize the fields that are displayed on home page filtered lists.

336 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page
Open the profile folder that you want to customize filtered lists for (for example, OpenPages PCM
7.4.0 Master), add a new folder, and name the folder with the same name as the filter. Then, add the
Fields setting.
If the settings are not available or the setting values are blank, the profile settings are used.
Tip: If you delete and then add the filtered list back to the home page, or when you add a new filtered
list to the home page, the folders and settings for the filtered list are created automatically.
Note: These settings do not apply to the predefined lists on the home page (My Checked-Out Files
and My Reports).
Default: blank
Values: In the Value box, type Detail or the name (not the label) of a specific activity view to
determine which fields are shown.

Define target of View Details hyperlink on a home page filtered list

You can use the Show All Link setting to specify the FLV or grid view to be used for View Details targets
on home page filtered lists.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Home Page
Open the profile folder that you want to customize filtered lists for (for example, OpenPages PCM
7.4.0 Master), add a new folder, and name the folder with the same name as the filter. Then, add the
Show All Link setting.
If the settings are not available or the setting values are blank, the profile settings are used.
Tip: If you delete and then add the filtered list back to the home page, or when you add a new filtered
list to the home page, the folders and settings for the filtered list are created automatically.
Note: These settings do not apply to the predefined lists on the home page (My Checked-Out Files
and My Reports).
Default: blank
Values: In the Value box, type Filtered List or the name (not the label) of a specific grid view for
the View Details target.

Filtered List View settings

You can globally configure the following Filtered List View page settings.
Attention: If you create a new filter that uses the character % as the value, for example Name
Contains %2, the Name Contains value field appears empty after you load the filter: the %
character does not appear. However, the filter runs properly.
Note: If you are using the FastMap tool, in addition to configuring export settings on a Filtered List View
page, you can also configure FastMap import settings to optimize performance. See “Modifying export
settings to optimize FastMap performance” on page 653 and “Limiting the rows for import to optimize
FastMap performance” on page 653.

Initial results configuration of Filtered List View

Use the Show All Objects setting to control whether results are displayed on a Filtered List View page
the first-time users select an object type. By default, no results are displayed to users until a filter is
selected or added.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Show All Objects
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 337

Default: false
• true - displays all available results (if any). No filter is applied.
• false - no results are displayed until a filter is selected or added.
Note: Users can type the percentage symbol (%) in the Quick Filter filed then click Apply to return all
available results.

Advanced filters field configuration for Filtered List View

Use the Filter on all fields in profile setting to control whether the fields in a Detail View or in a user
profile are available for creating an Advanced Filter on a Filtered List View page. By default, only the
fields included in an object type Detail View page are available for creating an Advanced Filter.
For example, you might exclude certain system fields (such as Creation Date and Created by) and custom
fields from a Detail View of an object type, but include these fields in the user's profile. If you wanted to
make all fields included in the user's profile available for creating an Advanced Filter, you would set the
value of the Filter on all fields in profile setting to true.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Filter on all fields in profile
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false
• true - all fields that are included in the user's profile are available for creating an Advanced Filter.
• false - only fields that are included in an object type Detail View are available for creating an
Advanced Filter.

Maximum number of objects to export to Microsoft Excel on the Filtered List View

Use the Maximum Export Size setting to control the maximum number of objects that can be retrieved
and exported to Microsoft Excel (in .xls format) from a Filtered List View page.
If the number of objects that are being exported exceeds the defined number, then the user is prompted
to refine their filter.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Maximum Export Size
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: 1000
Values: In the Value field, type a number greater than zero.

Enable object type and field export choices in the Filtered List View
Use the Enable Object Type and Field Export Choices setting to allow users to choose which object
types and fields to export.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Enable Object Type and Field
Export Choices
Default: true

338 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• true - choosing object types and fields to export is enabled.
• false - choosing object types and fields to export is disabled.

Exclude object types to export in the Filtered List View

Use the Object Types to Exclude in Export setting to exclude object types from an export unless they are
included in the Filtered List View.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Object Types to Exclude in Export
Default: SOXSignature
Values: In the Value field, type a comma-separated list of object type names that you want to exclude.
For example, if you wanted to exclude Process and Risk Assessment object types, you would type:

Number of levels to export in the Filtered List View

Use the Number of Levels to Export setting to determine how many total levels of object types the user
can choose to export, including the top-level object that is exported.
This setting is useful for limiting the growth of the tree of objects that a user can export. The number of
records that are exported grows exponentially as a user selects more object types to export. For example,
if a user selects a single object type, such as Process, and chooses to export its Risks, the Controls under
Risks, the Test Plans under Controls and the Test Results under Test Plans, it might result in hundreds or
thousands of exported records. Unless the number of levels is limited, the export might take a long time,
and might impact system performance for other users.
This setting is hidden by default. For information about unhiding settings, see “Show hidden settings” on
page 311.
The Enable Object Type and Field Export Choices setting overrides Number of Levels to Export. For
more information, see “Enable object type and field export choices in the Filtered List View” on page 338.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Number of Levels to Export
Default: View+2
Values: Possible values are View, View+1 and View+2. For example:
• If a user's Grid View is Process - Risk - Control, and this value is View, they can export Processes,
their Risks, and their Controls. If this value is View+1, the user can export Processes, their Risks,
and their Controls, and one more object type that is a direct child of Controls. If this value is View+2,
the user can export one more object type that is a direct child of the first additional object type
• If a user's Filtered List View is for Processes, and this value is View, they can export only
Processes. If this value is View+1, the user can export Processes and one more object type that is a
direct child of Process. If this value is View+2, the user can export one more object type that is a
direct child of the first additional object type chosen.
Note: This setting is case sensitive and there must be no spaces between the View value and the
characters +1 or +2.

Maximum concurrent export requests in the Filtered List View

Use the Concurrent Exports setting to control the maximum number of Export to Excel (in .xls format)
requests that are handled at the same time.

Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Concurrent Exports
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 339

Default: 10
Values: In the Value field, type a number greater than zero.

Editable fields in a Filtered List View

Use the Editable setting to control whether users can edit the fields on a Filtered List View page.

A value of false makes all fields in the Filtered List View read-only. A value of true enables all fields in the
Filtered List View to be edited. Actual ability to edit is controlled by security settings and field
dependencies. Possible values are true or false.
Attention: If you change the registry settings to allow the Filtered List View to be editable, then all
of the fields in the Filtered List View become editable. If there are any fields in the Filtered List
View that you do not want to be editable, do not make the Filtered List View editable.
Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Editable
Default: true
• true - all fields can be edited in a Filtered List View.
• false - no fields can be edited in a Filtered List View; the fields are read only.

Custom settings
When enabling new content types and creating your own reports, you may need to create your own
custom setting within the Settings menu. By default, you cannot create or delete settings until you enable
the feature.
Administration > Settings > Common > Configuration > Allow Create and Delete Settings
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false
• true - enable the creation and deletion of custom settings.
• false - disable the creation and deletion of custom settings.

Creating a custom setting

After enabling Allow Create and Delete Settings, you can create custom settings entries in new or
existing folders.
Complete the following procedure to create a custom setting:

1. Navigate to the folder where you want to create the new setting and select the folder.
2. Click Add Setting.
3. On the Settings page, type a setting name and value.
4. Select Encrypted if you want the value of the setting to be encrypted.
5. Click Create to add the new setting to the current folder.

Deleting a custom setting

340 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

After enabling Allow Create and Delete Settings, you can delete settings in new or existing folders.
Important: Do not delete any of the predefined settings shipped with IBM OpenPages. These settings are
required and cause unexpected behavior in the application if they are removed.

1. Navigate to the folder that contains the setting to be deleted. Select the desired setting. The Delete
icon becomes active.
Note: If you select a folder, all settings within that folder are deleted.
2. Click Delete.
3. Click OK.

Copying settings and folders

You can copy individual settings to another location and copy folders to new folders. When you copy a
folder, you can give the new folder a name. The settings and subfolders in the folder are copied to the new

1. Select the setting or folder that you want to make a copy of.
2. Click Copy To.
3. Select the folder in which the new setting or folder will be positioned.
4. If you are coping a folder, scroll down and enter the name of the new folder in New Folder Name.
5. Click OK. The new setting or folder is created.

Common folder settings

On the Settings page, in the Common folder is a selected list of individual settings.
From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings > Common.

Use legacy associate

Controls whether associate operations use the new interface or the legacy interface.
You can use a registry setting to revert to using the legacy associate features in Activity Views and Detail
Views only. This is to allow time to ensure that the new implementation meets your needs before you
retire the old implementation.
Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Configuration > Use Legacy Associate
The default value is false.
Permissible values are true or false.

Exclude characters from user names

When you create user names, you can exclude the use of any alphanumeric and special characters,
including spaces, through the Illegal Characters setting.
For example, if you add an asterisk (*) as a value to this setting, the application validates the user name
for that character before it was created. If it detects an asterisk (*) in the user name, such as Test*User, it
displays an error message.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 341

Administration > Settings > Common > Security > User Name > Illegal Characters
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
Values: Type any characters (including spaces and punctuations) that you want to be considered as
invalid when creating a user name. For example, to include the asterisk (*) and ampersand (&) as
invalid characters when creating a user name, you would enter *& in the Value field.

Set the system security model

By default, the security context point at which you can assign Role Templates to users on objects in the
hierarchy is set at the Business Entity (SOXBusEntity) level. You can extend the security context to
other objects in the hierarchy to achieve a finer level of control by changing the Model setting.

This is a system-wide setting. Switching the security model after data is loaded (or migrated) into the
system is not recommended and requires assistance from IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Professional

Administration > Settings > Common > Security > Model

Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Values: Type the object type names you want to use as security points.
The syntax for the Model setting is: SOXBusEntity/object_type-name
Example: To create a security point for assigning Role Templates at a Process level, you would enter:


Permissions in the Role template could then be assigned at either the Business Entity or Process level,
and would include any objects that were created beneath that security context point in the same
The maximum number of security context points you can have in the Model setting is 3. For example,

Disable access control on Role groups

When a Role Template is disabled, you can use the Disable Role Group setting to globally control the
security access of users and groups who were previously assigned that role.

Administration > Settings > Common > Security > Role Templates > Disable Role Group
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false

342 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• true - Users and groups who were previously assigned that role, will lose their access control and
application permissions. A disabled role template is removed from the role assignment selection list
and cannot be used for further role assignments.
• false - Users and groups who were previously assigned that role, will retain their access control
and application permissions.
Related tasks
“Enabling and disabling a role template” on page 53

Configure self-contained object types

When you define an object type using the Self Contained Object Types setting, the behavior of that
object type changes for copy, move, and rename operations.
A self-contained object type is an object type that has its own folder and is either part of the role-based
security model as defined in the Model setting or defined using the Self Contained Object Types setting.
For information about the Model setting, see “Role-based security model” on page 43.
• Roles can only be assigned to objects that are defined as security context points through the Model
• Defining an object type through the Self Contained Object Types setting does not automatically change
the folders of existing instances of that type. If instances of the object type you want to define as self-
contained already exist, you must contact your IBM representative for assistance in executing a special
PL/SQL script that will go back and create folders for existing instances. This script is maintained by IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform Customer Services & Support and does not ship as part of the product.
Conversely, if an object type is later removed from the self-contained list, no automatic re-foldering
occurs. All existing instances retain their dedicated folders.
By default, Business Entities are self-contained objects. For example, if the role-based security model
setting is defined as SOXBusEntity/SOXProcess, both Business Entity and Process objects are treated as
self-contained objects.
Self-contained object types behave differently than non-self-contained object types for copy, move, and
rename operations. The characteristics that distinguish self-contained objects from non-self-contained
objects follow.
Self-contained objects:
• Are always created under a parent folder that matches the object name (the same behavior as Business
Entities). For example, a process P1 under the North America business entity will have the path /North
• When copied, all the objects under its hierarchy will also be copied to the target.
• When moved, all the objects under its hierarchy will also be moved to the target.
• Can only be moved to an allowed parent object.
• Cannot be moved to a folder.
• Cannot have their parent folder edited, moved, or renamed.
• Can be renamed by users who have Read+Write access control (ACLs) permission.
• During a copy operation, if a naming conflict exists between the source and the target object, the copy
operation will fail and the naming conflict resolution choices made by a user are ignored.

Administration > Settings > Common > Self Contained Object Types
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 343

Default: none.
Values: In the Value field, type a comma-separated list of object type names.
For example, if you wanted Process and Risk Assessment object types, you would type:

Enable the CodeCogs Equation Editor in Rich Text fields

When you enable the CodeCogs Equation Editor with the Enable CodeCogs(r) Equation Editors setting,
users can enter mathematical equations in Rich Text fields. The equations are rendered in all views. They
are also represented in Cognos reports in HTML output.
In all Rich Text fields you can click the new fx icon in the toolbar to open a dialog where you can enter or
update a mathematical equation. You can save and render an equation on the screen in both read only
and edit mode. You can load or update them in a Rich Text field with ObjectManager and Fastmap. You can
also export them to Microsoft Excel from a Filtered List View or Grid.
The equation editor is only available in English.
There is source downloaded from a third-party web site, If the equation editor is enabled,
this site is automatically added to the security whitelist. The LaTeX version of a formula is sent to the
CodeCogs web site, which returns an image of the formatted formula. If SSL is used, the formula is
encrypted in transit. However, CodeCogs has access to your formula.
The formulas are displayed only in the Change History under the Source tab, not the Changes tab. In the
Change History, an inserted or changed equation is highlighted in color in the Source tab. However, the
color highlight is not currently supported for equations in the Changes tab.

Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Rich Text Editor > Third Party plugins > Enable
CodeCogs(r) Equation Editors
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false
• true - equation editor is enabled.
• false - equation editor is disabled.

Platform folder settings

On the Settings page, the Platform folder settings represent a selected list of individual settings.
From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings > Platform.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

Compare Environments tool settings

You can configure the Compare Environments tool.
From the navigation bar, click Administration > Settings > Platform > CompareEnvironments .

344 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Java heap size for the Compare Environments tool
Use the Max Memory setting to configure the maximum Java heap size, in megabytes, for the Compare
Environments tool.
Administration > Settings > Platform > CompareEnvironments > Max Memory
Default: 4096
Values: In the Value field, type a number greater than zero.

Maximum number of rows to export from the Compare Environments tool

Use the Export Max Rows setting to control the maximum number of rows that can be exported to
Microsoft Excel (in .xlsx format) from the Compare Environments tool.
If the number of rows to be exported exceeds the value of this setting, the results are truncated.
The maximum value of this setting is 1048576, which is the maximum number of rows that is supported
by Microsoft Excel.
The default value of this setting is 100000. If you increase the value, you might need to increase the Max
Memory setting to avoid errors.
Administration > Settings > Platform > CompareEnvironments > Export Max Rows
Default: 100000
Values: In the Value field, type a number greater than zero and less than or equal to 1048576.

Set localization options

You can configure settings in the Globalization folder to audit translation label changes and set a default
language for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Globalization > Auditing Enabled
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
Values: Enable auditing of changes that are made to translated object and application label text.
• true - auditing enabled.
• false - auditing disabled.
This option must be set to true to allow new application strings to load.

Default locale
Administration > Settings > Platform > Globalization > Default Locale
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: en_US
Values: Set the language to use to display the application user interface by default.
Note: Users can override the default locale setting by choosing another language in the My Settings
menu item option that is located under the user name.
The following list identifies the supported locale code values with their corresponding language:
• de_DE (German)
• en_GB (U.K. English)
• en_US (U.S. English)

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 345

• es_ES (Spanish)
• fr_FR (French)
• it_IT (Italian)
• ja_JP (Japanese)
• pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese)
• zh_CN (Simplified Chinese)
• zh_TW (Traditional Chinese)
For example, to set the default language of the application interface to German, type de_DE in the
Value field.

Configure primary associations

When a child object has multiple parent objects, the Association Heuristic setting controls how the
system reassigns a new primary parent. The parent is assigned to a child object that is disassociated from
its primary parent object. You can change how primary parent objects are reassigned to disassociated
child objects.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Repository > Resource > Association Heuristic
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: Chronological
Values: Type one of the following values:
• Chronological - the reassignment of a primary parent is based on the earliest creation date and
time of an association.
• Folder Context - the reassignment of a primary parent is based on the folder path within the context
of the business entity.
For example, control C1 has multiple risk parents: R1, R2, R3, and R4 (primary parent) and the
object associations were created in the following chronological order:

Table 106: Parent folder path and associated child folder path
Parent folder path C1 Child folder path
/BE1/SBE2/R2 /BE1/SBE1/C1
/BE1/SBE1/R1 /BE1/SBE1/C1
/BE1/SBE3/R3 /BE1/SBE1/C1
/BE1/SBE4/R4 /BE1/SBE1/C1
(primary parent)

If you disassociate the primary parent, R4, from C1, although R2 is chronologically the earliest
association to C1, R1 is reassigned as the primary parent. This is because R1 and C1’s folder paths
match (/BE1/SBE1).
Note: If no folder path matches the child object, the chronological order is used.

Configure the legacy move behavior

The Legacy Move Behavior setting controls how IBM OpenPages GRC Platform handles storage locations
when a self-contained object is moved.

346 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Administration > Settings > Platform > Repository > Resource > Move > Self-Contained Object Types
> Legacy Move Behavior
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: true
• true - objects that are stored within the self-contained object hierarchy are moved to a
corresponding folder in the new location. Objects that are stored outside of the self-contained
object hierarchy are left in their original location. Use this option if the location of the objects plays
an important role in security or object management.
• false - the system uses hierarchical based logic when a self-contained objects is moved. All objects
with primary associations are moved to the logical location dictated by the object relationship
hierarchy. Use this option to allow the system to reorganize object storage so that it mirrors the
relationship hierarchy.

Configure the host setting

If you have older JSP reports and want to send email notifications to users from these older JSP-based
reports or the Notification Manager utility, configure the host setting.
Note: This setting is only used for backward compatibility.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Publishing > Mail

Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: none
Values: Click the name of a setting that is listed in the following table to open its detail page, and
change the value as follows.

Table 107: Host settings

Setting Description
Enabled Set the value to true.
From Address Verify or enter the email address of the sender using a valid email address and
By default, the value is: [email protected]

Host Verify or enter the name of your mail server.

By default, the value is:

Cross-context sharing

You can use the Cross context sharing setting to affect whether any non-primary links to objects outside
the context (scope) of a copy operation are included or ignored during a copy operation.
When cross-context sharing is enabled, copy operations maintain non-primary links to objects outside the
context of the copy. When it is disabled, non-primary links to objects outside the context of the copy are

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 347

For example, in the following example hierarchy , Control C1 was originally created under Risk R1, and R1
has a primary association to C1. Risks R2 and R3 have non-primary associations to C1. If a user copies
Process P2 from BE2 to BE3, the link to C1 is maintained if the Cross context sharing setting is enabled
(set to true). If the setting is disabled (set to false), the copied tree ends at R3 as the non-primary
association to C1 is outside the context of the copy operation. If the user copies P1 from BE1 to BE3, the
current state of the Cross context sharing setting is irrelevant. The non-primary association from R2 to
C1 falls within the context of the copy operation.

Figure 18: Sample Hierarchy

Administration > Settings > Platform > Repository > Resource > Copy > Cross context sharing
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false
Values: In the Value field, type one of the following values:
• true - Cross-context sharing is enabled and the copy operation maintains any non-primary links to
objects that are outside the scope (context) of the copy.
• false - Cross-context sharing is disabled and the copy operation ignores any non-primary links to
objects that are outside the scope (context) of the copy.

Platform Reporting Framework folder settings

The settings in the Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 folder apply to the
reporting framework used by Cognos Analytics.
Note: In reference to Reporting Framework V6, V6 refers to the latest framework version, not to any
specific OpenPages release number.
For more information, see the following topics:
• Chapter 25, “Configuring and generating the reporting framework,” on page 659
• “Configuring settings that apply to all framework models” on page 665
• “Configuring framework models ” on page 669

348 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Reporting Schema folder settings

The reporting schema folder settings represent a selected list of individual settings.
From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Schema.

Add indexes for fields in the reporting schema

You can add an index to any RT_ table in the database through the Create Index on Fields setting.
Before configuring this setting, complete the following tasks:
• Review this task with your database administrator and your IBM representative.
• Test the change by manually creating the index in the database before making a permanent change in
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
You can create a string up to 4000 characters.
Configure this setting only after careful analysis of your data query patterns. Adding too many indexes to a
table can harm performance.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Schema > Create Index on Fields
Default: none.
Values: In the Value field, enter an index in the following format:

ObjectTypeName1= [FieldGroupName1.PropertyName1,...,
|ObjectTypeNameN= [FieldGroupName1.PropertyName1

ObjectTypeName1 is the name of the object type you want to add an index to.
FieldGroupName1 is a bundle definition associated with the object.
PropertyName1 is the name of a property in the bundle.
• Vertical bars (|) separate multiple index strings.
• Commas (,) separates columns inside an index.
Depending on the size of the database, you can update the reporting schema through the application
user interface or incrementally through scripts with assistance from your IBM representative.
For more information, see “Changes that require the reporting schema to be regenerated” on page 89.

Example 1: Adding an index on name and reporting period

You want to add an index on the Risk object type that includes the name and reporting period. The string
would look as follows:

SOXRisk = [Core Attributes.Resource Name,

Reporting Period Attributes.Reporting Period ID]

The Core Attributes bundle includes all of the following system parameters:
• Latest Resource Version
• Resource Check Out Status
• Resource Check-in Date
• Resource Checked in By
• Resource Checked Out By

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 349

• Resource Content Type
• Resource Creation Date
• Resource Creator
• Resource Description
• Resource File Type
• Resource Full Path
• Resource ID
• Resource Name
• Resource Parent Folder
• Resource Subresource Type
• Resource Type
• Resource Visibility
The Reporting Period Attributes bundle includes the following reporting period parameters:
• Reporting Period ID
• Reporting Period Name

Example 2: Adding an index on a custom field

You created a custom field called Test Reviewer on the Test object type and now want to add an index
to this custom field. The index for the Test Reviewer custom field would be as follows:

SOXTest = [OpenPagesStandardTest.Test Reviewer]

Example 3: Adding an index for quick filters and custom simple strings
Indexes can help the performance of certain searches with Quick Filters and filters on custom simple
string fields (except users and user groups).
The usual indexing technique is not applicable here, because Quick Filters and filters on custom simple
string fields are commonly case insensitive and commonly implement "contains" logic. As such, even if a
database index existed on the filtered field, it would not be used.
A typical use case is as follows:
• Filter performance appears inadequate.
• The user executing a filter has IBM OpenPages security access to a small fraction of the data.
• The number of records is high. This is a function of the number of object instances in the current
reporting period and the number of reporting periods in the system.
• The width of records is high. This is a function of the number of custom properties.
For example, loss event data may be tightly restricted within a company. As such, indexing the LossEvent
object type could improve filter performance.

LossEvent = [Reporting Period Attributes.Reporting Period ID,

Core Attributes.Resource Parent Folder]

It is beneficial to filter on security access before applying any property filter. The security access filter will
filter out a large percentage of data, leaving the property filter to work on fewer records.
Such an index will benefit all the filters on a given Object Type, so it only needs to be created once per
Object Type.

Security settings

350 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The security settings represent an individual settings to configure settings.
All of the following actions are accessed from the Platform Security folder.
From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings > Platform > Security.

Redirect the security logoff link

By default, click Log Off in the header pane to log the user out of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
If you are using single sign-on (SSO), you can change the page that is displayed after you log off by
modifying the value of Logout URL.
Note: If you are not using single sign-on, you cannot redirect the logout link.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Security > Logout URL
Default: none
Values: In the Value field, type a qualified URL.

Configure security for user logon

Configure settings to prevent users from logging in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
Locking a user account prevents the user from logging in to OpenPages GRC Platform. However, the user
is still an active user in the system, and can be selected through the user selector.
Users can be locked automatically if they exceed a set number of unsuccessful login attempts. If the user
is locked out because they forgot their password, you can unlock their account and reset their password
from the View, Edit, or Disable User page. For more information, see “Modifying user accounts” on page
28. If there is concern that the login attempts are malicious, contact your security department.
The User Locking folder contains the following settings that control the locking behavior of OpenPages
GRC Platform.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Security > User Locking
Values: Click a setting to open its detail page, and type a value in the Value field.

Table 108: Locking values

Value Description
Enabled Sets whether the User Locking settings are
active. When the value is set to true, users are
locked after they unsuccessfully log in more than
the allowed amount.
Maximum Allowed Attempts Sets the maximum times that a user can
unsuccessfully log in to the application before
the account is locked.
Timeout Sets the amount of time (in minutes) that the
user account is locked.
Unsuccessful Login Window Sets the amount of time (in minutes) that must
elapse before a reset is allowed.

Security cross-site scripting filter settings

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a computer security vulnerability that allows malicious attackers to inject
client-side script into web pages viewed by other users. You can use the Cross-site Scripting Filter
setting to check all HTTP GET requests sent to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform. The Cross-site Scripting
Filter setting enables basic filtering of common attacks. The Advanced XSS Filter setting turns on more
aggressive filtering of JavaScript actions. The IE XSS Filter setting is used to set the X-XSS-Protection
header on a request. However, the preferred approach is to use the X-XSS-Protection header setting.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 351

For more information about the X-XSS-Protection header setting, see “Configure the HTTP response
headers” on page 353. If there is a conflict between the IE XSS Filter and X-XSS-Protection settings, the
one that enables the header is used.
To allow certain HTML elements or attributes to pass through this filter, see “Configure the security safe
tags setting” on page 352.
Attention: The XSS filter blocks attempts to save text fields that contain JavaScript. The XSS filter
also blocks updates to items that were created and saved with JavaScript when the XSS filter was
disabled. Text fields that contain JavaScript are not supported.
Note: These settings are hidden by default. To display them, see “Show hidden settings” on page 311.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Security > Cross-site Scripting Filter
Default: true
Values: In the Value field, type one of the following values:
• true - Cross-site filtering is enabled.
• false - Cross-site filtering is disabled.
Restart all application servers in your cluster to enable the change. For information, see Chapter 20,
“Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Security > Advanced XSS Filter
Default: true
Values: In the Value field, type one of the following values:
• true - Advanced XSS filtering is enabled.
• false - Advanced XSS filtering is disabled.
Restart all application servers in your cluster to enable the change. For information, see Chapter 20,
“Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Security > IE XSS Filter
Default: false
Values: In the Value field, type one of the following values:
• true - XSS filtering at the browser level is enabled.
• false - XSS filtering at the browser level is disabled.
Restart all application servers in your cluster to enable the change. For information, see Chapter 20,
“Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Configure the security safe tags setting

When the Cross-site Scripting Filter setting is enabled, certain HTML elements are blocked by that filter.
For more information on enabling this filter, see “Security cross-site scripting filter settings” on page 351.
You can use the Safe Tags setting to globally allow certain HTML elements to pass through the filter.
For example, your company uses embedded forms to capture information that is provided by users. The
embedded form contains the HTML form element, which is passed in an HTTP request. By default, the
Cross-site Scripting Filter setting is enabled so the form element is blocked. To allow user input in an
embedded form to be passed in an HTTP request, you would add the HTML form element to the Safe
Tags value list as follows:

style, form

352 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Administration > Settings > Platform > Security > Safe Tags
Default: By default, the HTML style element is the only element that is allowed through the XSS
Values: In the Value field, type the name of an HTML element or attribute. Multiple values must be
separated by a comma.
Restart all application servers in your cluster to effect the change. For details, see Chapter 20,
“Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Configure the HTTP response headers

Administration > Settings > Platform > Security > Headers
Configure the HTTP response header settings to add security that controls what a browser renders on a
page. There are four settings:
• Content-Security-Policy
Controls from where the page can download source. If enabled, the value of this setting is merged with
the value set by the system and added as a header to all page responses. The X-Content-Security-Policy
header will also be set. The system value also includes the host name of the reporting server and some
other settings required by the application.
Example value: default-src
• X-Frame-Options
Controls where a page can get source to render in a frame. This header is added to all page responses.
The value here overrides the default, which is SAMEORIGIN.
Example value: DENY
• X-Content-Type-Options
Prevents the browser from trying to determine the content-type of a resource that is different than the
declared content-type. This header is added to all page responses. To override the default, enter an
invalid string, for example, a space character.
Default: nosniff
• X-XSS-Protection
Enables X-XSS-Protection header on server responses. If X-XSS-Protection is set to true, the X-XSS-
Protection header is set to 1; mode=block. Using the X-XSS-Protection header setting is preferred to
using the IE XSS Filter setting. If there is a conflict between the IE XSS Filter and X-XSS-Protection
settings, the one that enables the header is used. For more information about the IE XSS Filter setting,
see “Security cross-site scripting filter settings” on page 351.
Default: false

Workflow implementations settings

The settings in the Platform Workflow Implementations folder control aspects of the integration of IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform and IBM Business Process Manager.
From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings > Platform > Workflow Implementations >
When you create the toolkits during the IBM Business Process Manager installation, the following values
for the workflow implementation settings are defined in the op-bpm-registry-entries-
opconfig.xml file:
• Enable Login SSO is set to true.
• Portal Page Path contains the URL of the default Process Portal page that is customized for OpenPages.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 353

• Server URL contains a URL for the BPM process center. It is generated based on your configuration. If
the OpenPages GRC Platform application server is integrated with the BPM process server, you must set
this value to the URL for the BPM process server.
You must override the default values delivered with the system with the values in the op-bpm-
registry-entries-opconfig.xml file. To do this, you can use the Object Manager to load the entries
from the op-bpm-registry-entries-opconfig.xml file. For more information, see Chapter 23, “The
ObjectManager tool,” on page 589. Alternatively, you can manually copy the default values from op-bpm-
registry-entries-opconfig.xml to the settings.

Set auto-login

With the Enable Login SSO setting, you can control whether auto-login is used. If it is enabled,
OpenPages users can access the IBM BPM menu items in OpenPages without having to log in to IBM BPM.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Workflow Implementations > IBM BPM > Enable Login SSO
Default: false
• true - to enable auto-login from OpenPages to IBM BPM.
• false - to disable auto-login from OpenPages to IBM BPM.

Customize the Process Portal Page Path

With the Portal Page Path setting, you can customize the page that is displayed when users click the
Process Portal tab on the Home page. The system appends the value in the Portal Page Path setting to
the base value entered in the Server URL setting to create the full URL.
There are three ways to configure the Process Portal tab on the Home page:
• Use the default BPM Process Portal page. On this page, the Log out icon in the navigation pane is
displayed but is non-operative. If a user clicks Log out, they are not logged out of BPM.
• Use the default Process Portal page that is customized for OpenPages. On this page, the Log out icon in
the navigation pane on the Process Portal tab is hidden.
• Create your own customized page. If you do this, hide the Log out icon.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Workflow Implementations > IBM BPM > Portal Page Path
Default: <default value>
Values: In the Value box, set to blank or type the path of the customized Process Portal page.
• blank - use the default BPM Process Portal page.
• <default value> - use the default Process Portal page that is customized for OpenPages from
the op-bpm-registry-entries-opconfig.xml file or use your own customized page.

Configure the IBM BPM server URL

With the Server URL setting, you can configure the IBM BPM server URL. Server URL contains the base
URL of the BPM installation. Use the https protocol rather than http in the URL. Additionally, if you
provide a URL, the IBM BPM menu items in OpenPages are displayed. The menu items are displayed after
you log out and log back in. If you do not provide a URL, the menu items are hidden.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Workflow Implementations > IBM BPM > Server URL
Values: In the Value box, type the name of your IBM BPM server URL, for example, https://
If you are using auto-login, the Server URL and the logout.url.ibmbpm setting in the file must use the same hostname/FDQN.

354 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Integration with BPM Process Center and BPM Process Server

If the OpenPages GRC Platform application server is integrated with the BPM process center, set Server
URL to the URL for the BPM process center. The Administration > IBM BPM Process Center menu item is
displayed and opens the URL you enter.
If it is integrated with the BPM process server, set Server URL to the URL for the BPM process server. You
must also hide the Administration > IBM BPM Process Center menu item:
1. Click Administration > GRCM > NavigationMenu > Administration > Management > Subitems.
The setting contains a comma-separated list, for example:

__separator__, IBM_BPM_ProcessCenter, IBM_BPM_ProcessInspector,
IBM_BPM_ProcessAdmin, __separator__, CognitiveServices,
__separator__, RCA_Integration,__separator__,

2. Remove IBM_BPM_ProcessCenter from the list, for example:

__separator__, IBM_BPM_ProcessInspector, IBM_BPM_ProcessAdmin,
__separator__, CognitiveServices, __separator__, RCA_Integration,
__separator__, LdapConfiguration

3. Save the change.

User Preferences folder settings

The User Preferences folder settings represent a selected list of individual settings in the User
Preferences folder.
All of the following actions are accessed from the Platform folder.
From the navigation bar, select Administration > Settings > User Preferences.

Set alert notification behavior

Set which alert notifications are displayed to application users in the Alerts folder. You can select
various alert notification settings in the Alerts page.
Application users can change these default settings through their My Settings pane.
Administration > Settings > User Preferences > Alerts
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
Default: false.
Values: Select the name of a setting on the Alerts pane to open its detail page. In the Value box, type
one of the following values:
• true - An alert is displayed to application users.
• false - No alert is displayed to application users.
For example, you configured dependent fields or dependent picklists for an object type and you want
to alert users that different values for particular fields are available depending on their selection.
Under the Alerts folder, you can set the values in the Picklist Options Changed and Picklist Values
Removed settings to true so each time a user changes a value in one of these fields, an alert
notifying the user that values have changed is displayed.

Viewing the Configuration and Settings page 355

356 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 16. Configuring the global search feature
To optimize the performance of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform global search, you can enable or
disable what can be searched, tune the registry settings, and change other properties in the properties

About this task

For more information about using global search, see the topic Searching for objects in the IBM OpenPages
GRC User Guide.
• Security rules and evaluating security rules adds a level of overhead to user operations, including
global search. The more complex the rule, the more time it takes to evaluate the rule. The
number of rules that are being implemented also affects performance.
In the case of global search, a security rule that extends read access can increase search time
for users who do not have sufficient read access for an object type. Similarly, a security rule that
restricts read access can increase search time for users who do have access to that object type
through role-based security.
• Global search must be disabled before running the OPBackup and OPRestore utilities.
This video demonstrates how to use the OPAdminConsole to add a Global Search server to an existing
For information about configuring global search to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), see the following
• “Setting up SSL for the global search service” on page 519
• “Enabling SSL database connection between the search server and the database server” on page 521
• “Disabling the SSL database connection between the search server and the database server” on page

Setting up global search

Before you use IBM OpenPages GRC Platform global search in production (or even in a test environment
against a large set of data), it is recommended that you first set up global search for a small set of data,
such as a few thousand records in a test environment, and using the default settings.

About this task

You can set up search on the same server as the one hosting the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application. Make sure that the server has at least 12 GB of RAM to host both the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform application and search feature.

1. Install IBM OpenPages GRC Platform using the default settings. Make sure that you also install the
Search Server component. Specify the default values for all the fields. For more information, see the
topic Search server post installation tasks in the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment
2. Follow the steps in the topic Copying database driver files to the search server in the IBM OpenPages
GRC Installation and Deployment Guide to copy the JDBC database driver and start the search server.
3. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
4. Click Administration > Global Search
5. Click Create and periodically click Refresh to get progress updates.
The size of your data set, the configuration of your hardware, CPU speed, network speed, and available
memory all influence the time it takes to set up global search. The process takes a few minutes on
small sets of data (such as a few hundreds records) up to several hours on larger sets of data (such as
a few million records).
6. After search setup is completed, the search box is available beside the Reporting Period drop-down
box. In the search box, type some text that you want to search on and press Enter. The result of your
search appears in the result view. You can refine your search by typing more or fewer terms, or by
selecting the object types to limit the search.
For more information about using global search, see the topic Searching for objects in the IBM
OpenPages GRC User Guide.
For more information about administering global search, see “Customizing global search” on page 363

Setting login information for the search server

You can set the user names and passwords that the search server uses to access the database server and
the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform global search service (Apache Solr). You can set the login information
before you enable global search.

About this task

When you set up passwords, they are encrypted automatically to ensure secure and authenticated
If you have enabled global search and you want to change the login information, see “Changing the
database connection information for the search server” on page 365.

1. On the search server, open a command prompt.
2. To change the login information that the search server uses to login to the database, enter the
following commands:
On Microsoft Windows operating systems,

cd <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
opsearchtool.cmd setdbuserpassword -username current-username
-password current-password -newusername new-username
-newpassword new-password

On UNIX operating systems,

cd <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
./ setdbuserpassword -username current-username
-password current-password -newusername new-username
-newpassword new-password

Table 109: Parameters to change the database login information

Parameter Description
current-username The database username
The value is the username that you entered in the
OpenPages installation app when you configured
the search server.

358 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 109: Parameters to change the database login information (continued)
Parameter Description
current-password The password of the database user
The value is the password that you entered in the
OpenPages installation app when you configured
the search server.

new-username The new database username

new-password The new password for the database user

For example, the following command changes the password to dbNEWpassword, but keeps the same
database username:

opsearchtool.cmd setdbuserpassword -username dbuser

-password dbpassword -newusername dbuser -newpassword dbNEWpassword

The following command changes both the database username and the password:

opsearchtool.cmd setdbuserpassword -username dbuser

-password dbpassword -newusername dbNEWuser -newpassword dbNEWpassword

3. To change the login information for the global search service (Apache Solr), enter the following

On Microsoft Windows operating systems,

cd <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
opsearchtool.cmd setsolruserpassword -newusername new-solr-username
-newpassword new-solr-password

On UNIX operating systems,

cd <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
./ setsolruserpassword -newusername new-solr-username
-newpassword new-solr-password

Table 110: Parameters to change the global search service login information
Parameter Description
new-solr-username The new username for the Solr service
The Solr user does not need to be an OpenPages

new-solr-password The new password for the Solr user

Note: You do not need to provide the current username and password to change and encrypt the
password for the global search service. The script uses the current login information of the database
server for authentication before it allows the change. The default username and password is
OpenPagesAdministrator / OpenPagesAdministrator.
For example, the following command sets the username to solruser and the password to

opsearchtool.cmd setsolruserpassword -username solruser

-password solrpassword

4. Start the global search services.

Configuring the global search feature 359

For more information, see “Starting the global search services by using a script” on page 553.
5. If required, set up SSL for the Solr service.
For more information, see “Setting up SSL for the global search service” on page 519

What to do next
When you update the user name and password, the changes are applied only to the search server. You
must update the database server as well to ensure the login information is synchronized.

Changing the login information for the search server

You can change the user names and passwords that the search server uses to access the database server
and the global search service (Apache Solr).

About this task

When you change the passwords, they are encrypted automatically to ensure secure and authenticated

1. Log on to OpenPages as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Global Search.
3. Click Disable to disable the global search component.
4. Stop the global search service.
For more information, see “Stopping the global search services by using a script” on page 554 or
“Stopping the global search services” on page 555.
5. Change the database user name or password.
For more information, see "Changing password references" in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
Administrator's Guide.
6. Change the login information to use for the database server and Apache Solr.
For more information, see “Setting login information for the search server” on page 358.
7. Start the global search services.
For more information, see one of the following topics:
• “Starting the global search services by using a script” on page 553
• “Starting the global search services on Windows” on page 554
• “Starting the global search services on Linux or AIX” on page 555
8. From OpenPages, click Administration > Global Search
9. Click Enable to enable the global search component.
10. If required, set up SSL for the global search service.
For more information, see “Setting up SSL for the global search service” on page 519 in the IBM
OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment Guide.

What to do next
When you update the user name and password, the changes are applied only to the search server. You
must update the database server as well to ensure the login information is synchronized.

Using OPBackup and OPRestore when global search is enabled

Before you run OPBackup or OPRestore, global search must be disabled.

360 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

About this task
OPBackup is the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility that backs up the necessary product files
and database content on the server where it is run. The OPBackup utility creates a backup file that can be
used by the OpenPages GRC restore utility (OPRestore).

1. Disable global search:
a) Log in as an administrator.
b) Click Administration > Global Search > Disable.
2. Perform OPBackup or OPRestore. For more information, see “The OPBackup utility” on page 387.
3. Enable global search:
a) Log in as an administrator.
b) Click Administration > Global Search > Enable.

Attention: If you run the OPRestore utility, the search index becomes out of sync with the
restored data in the OpenPages database. As a result, global search results might be inaccurate
and incomplete. To prevent this, you must re-create the global search index. You can re-create
the global search index before or after the database restore operation.
4. To re-create the global search index:
a) Log in as an administrator.
b) Click Administration > Global Search > Disable.
c) Click Administration > Global Search > Drop.
d) Click Administration > Global Search > Create.

Enabling and disabling global search

You can enable or disable global search.

About this task

For example, if your organization stipulates that you update passwords periodically, you can disable the
global search component, reset user names and encrypt passwords, then enable the global search
Note: If the Global Search component is not enabled, then the Global Search Widget is not available for
users to add to their Dashboard tabs. If you disable the Global Search component for a profile, then any
existing Global Search widgets are removed from users' Dashboard tabs the next time they log on to

1. Log on to OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Global Search.
3. Click Disable to disable the global search component.
4. Click Enable to enable the global search component again.

Configuring the global search feature 361

Enabling and disabling file attachment searching
From the global search administration page, you can toggle between enabling and disabling the file
attachment search component for all search-enabled file types.

Before you begin

You must make sure that the openpages-storage location is accessible to the global search server
before enabling file attachment search. For more information, see “Setting the root path location for file
attachment search” on page 379.

About this task

In a fresh installation, file attachment search is enabled by default. In an upgrade installation, file
attachment global search is disabled.

1. Log on to OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Global Search.
3. Click Disable File Search to disable the file search component.
4. Click Enable File Search to enable the file search component again.
5. Click Check for Updates.
6. When the check for updates is completed, click Update for the changes to take effect.

Enabling attachment file types for global search

From the SOXDocument detail page, you can specify which MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
types are enabled or disabled for file attachment global search.

About this task

The column Global Search indicates for each file type whether it is enabled for global search.

1. Log on to OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Object Types > SOXDocument.
3. Under File Types Information, specify whether the file types selected by check box in the Name
column are enabled or disabled for file attachment global search.
• Click Enable Search. Selected file types that are disabled become enabled, and selected file types
that are already enabled stay enabled.
• Click Disable Search. Selected file types that are enabled become disabled, and selected file types
that are already disabled stay disabled.
Note: Files might still be discovered after the file type of these files is disabled from search if the file
type is associated with more than one MIME type. Files of this type are still discovered until all
associated MIME types are excluded or are disabled from search. Follow the procedure “Removing a
file type from other object types” on page 187 with each associated MIME type to remove the types
from searches.
4. Click Administration > Global Search.
5. Click Check for Updates.
6. When the check for updates is completed, click Update for the changes to take effect.

362 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Attention: Do not enable global search for file types that are binary, or that are media such as
images, audio, and video. Global search ignores these file types, even if enabled.
The administrator must add or include a file type by using the Add New or Include pages
before its global search setting can be changed.
Newly added or included file types are set to be disabled for file attachment global search by

Customizing global search

You can customize and configure global search to meet your organizational needs and policies.
Before you enable global search, you might want to evaluate your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database
schema and based on your organizational policy, determine which object types and their fields should be
enabled for global search. As your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database schema evolves, such as when
you add or remove object types or fields, you can update global search to reflect those changes.
For information about configuring global search the first time you use it, see “Example: customizing global
search on initial enablement” on page 364. For information about configuring global search after initial
enablement, see “Example: adding or removing object types and fields with an already-enabled global
search” on page 365.

Enabling or disabling object types or fields for global search

Most object types and fields that are already enabled for global search. You can change which object
types and fields are enabled for global search before or global search is enabled.

About this task

For an example, see “Example: customizing global search on initial enablement” on page 364.
Changes to global search by enabling or clearing the Global Search check-box do not take effect until you
use the Check for Updates command, followed by the Update command.
• After you add an object type or field to OpenPages schema, you must decide whether the object type or
field is enabled for global search or not. After you enable or clear Global Search, you must use the
Check for Updates command, followed by the Update command.
• After you enable or disable file attachment search, or after you add or remove MIME types from file
attachment search, you must use the Check for Updates command, followed by the Update command.
For more information, see “Enabling and disabling file attachment searching” on page 362 and
“Enabling attachment file types for global search” on page 362.
• If you enable encryption on a field that is enabled for global search, you must disable global search
before you can enable it for encryption. For more information, see “Enabling and disabling global
search” on page 361. After you enable encryption, you must use the Check for Updates command,
followed by the Update command.
• If you import object types and fields by using FastMap, and the imported data either has new object
types or fields, or makes changes to existing object types or fields to the global search setting, you must
use the Check for Updates command, followed by the Update command.
• If you import object types and fields by using Environment Manager or Object Manager, and the
imported data has new object types or fields, or makes changes to existing object types or fields to the
global search setting, you must use the Check for Updates command, followed by the Update
• If you delete an object type or a field, you must use the Check for Updates command, followed by the
Update command.
Note: Anytime you click Update, some sort of reindexing takes place. However, when you click Check for
Updates, no indexing occurs.

Configuring the global search feature 363

For example:
• When you add or remove fields from an object type, or add or remove MIME type from file search, this
results in reindexing affected object types. The time this takes depends on how many records are under
the affected object type.
• When you add a new object type, this results in reindexing the newly added object type. The time this
takes depends on how many records are under the affected object type.
• Removing an object type does not result in reindexing that object type, other than the object type is
removed from the index. This occurs immediately.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. From the menu bar, click Administration > Object Types.
3. Select the object type or field for which you want to enable or disable global search.
4. Click Edit.
5. Enable or clear Global Search.
6. Click Save.
7. Click Administration > Global Search.
8. Click Check for Updates.
9. When the process completes, check the logs for changes such as added or removed object types and
fields. You can go back and make more changes and click Check for Updates to see a log of updated
10. When you are satisfied with your changes, click Update to force the changes onto the global search

Example: customizing global search on initial enablement

You can customize global search to meet your requirements when you first enable it.

About this task

This example assumes that you have not yet enabled global search. You decide to eliminate the object
type SOXSubaccount and the field Owner of the object type SOXRisk from being searchable in global

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. From the menu bar, click Administration > Object Types.
3. Select the object type SOXSubaccount.
4. Click Edit and clear Global Search.
5. Click Save.
6. From the menu bar, click Administration > Object Types.
7. Select the object type SOXRisk.
8. Under Included Field Groups, click OPSS-Risk.
9. Under Field Definitions, click Owner.
10. Click Edit and clear Global Search.
11. Click Save.
12. From the menu bar, click Administration > Global Search and click Create.
Create appears only on initial enablement.
13. Click Refresh periodically to get progress updates and notification of when the operation is complete.
This process can take from several minutes to several hours, based on how much data you have.

364 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Example: adding or removing object types and fields with an already-enabled global
After global search is enabled, you can add or remove object types and fields.

About this task

This example assumes that you have enabled global search based on the example in “Example:
customizing global search on initial enablement” on page 364. You now need to make changes such as
adding to global search the object type SOXSubaccount and the field Owner of the object type SOXRisk
so they are searchable. This example also assumes that you want to remove the field Additional
Description from the field group of MRG-BusEnt of the object type SOXBusEntity.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. From the menu bar, click Administration > Object Types.
3. Select the object type SOXSubaccount.
4. Click Edit and enable Global Search.
5. Click Save.
6. From the menu bar, click Administration > Object Types.
7. Select the object type SOXRisk.
8. Under Included Field Groups, click OPSS-Risk.
9. Under Field Definitions, click Owner.
10. Click Edit and enable Global Search.
11. Click Save.
12. From the menu bar, click Administration > Object Types.
13. Select the object type SOXBusEntity.
14. Under Included Field Groups, click MRG-BusEnt.
15. Under Field Definitions, click Additional Description.
16. Click Edit and clear Global Search.
17. Click Save.
18. From the menu bar, click Administration > Global Search and click Check for Updates. You can look
at the logs based on Check for Updates to find out what changes occurred.
19. Periodically, click Refresh to get progress updates and notification of when the operation is complete.
This process can take from several minutes to several hours, based on how much data you have.
20. Click Update to start an update operation so that your global search index is synced with the changes
you made.
21. Click Refresh periodically to see how far from completion the process is. This process can take from
several minutes to several hours, based on how much data you have and the kind of changes you
Global search is now updated and ready for use.
During the Update operation, global search is offline. Any user who attempts to use global search
receives a message to this effect. Plan an update during off-hours, and communicate the scheduling
of the update to your users.

Changing the database connection information for the search server

You can change the connection information that the search server uses to access the database server.

1. Disable global search and stop the global search services.

Configuring the global search feature 365

For more information, see “Stopping the global search services by using a script” on page 554 or
“Stopping the global search services” on page 555.
2. Log on to the search server as a user with administrative privileges.
3. Go to <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/.
4. Open the file in a text editor.
5. Modify the database connection properties to meet the needs of your environment.
Use the following examples as a guide.

# Database connectivity information

OPSearchTool.DatabaseType = DB2
OPSearchTool.DbaseHostName = OP73-WIN-DB2
OPSearchTool.DatabasePort = 50000
OPSearchTool.DatabaseName = OPX
OPSearchTool.DatabaseUserID = openpages_db_user_id
OPSearchTool.DatabasePassword = openpages_db_password


# Database connectivity information

OPSearchTool.DatabaseType = Oracle
OPSearchTool.DbaseHostName = OP73-WIN-ORACLE
OPSearchTool.DatabasePort = 1521
OPSearchTool.DatabaseName = OPX
OPSearchTool.DatabaseUserID = openpages_db_user_id
OPSearchTool.DatabasePassword = openpages_db_password

6. Encrypt the database password in the search properties file.

The database password that you entered in the file is in plain text.
Change the password to encrypt it. For more information, see “Setting login information for the search
server” on page 358.
7. Start the global search services.
For more information, see one of the following topics:
• “Starting the global search services by using a script” on page 553
• “Starting the global search services on Windows” on page 554
• “Starting the global search services on Linux or AIX” on page 555

Displaying a custom field in global search results

The administrator can configure one additional custom field to be displayed in the search results for each
object type.

About this task

By default, search results return the Name, Description, and Folder Path field values. For some object
types, those fields might not contain enough details about the record to help users determine whether the
record they are looking for is in the search result. As administrator, you can customize global search
results to contain one additional field in the search results to help the user determine whether the record
that is returned is the record for which they want the details.
This additional field is configured globally across profiles in registry settings.
The additional field supports text area and text box display types only. If any other display type is used,
the search results might not display the field value correctly.

1. Log on to OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Result Fields.

366 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

3. Locate the object type for which you want to add an additional field to the search result.
If the object type for which you want to add the additional field is not listed, select Result Fields by
clicking the check box next to it, and then click Add Setting to create it.
4. Select the registry setting key for which you want to add additional field for that object type.
5. Set or change the value by using the following format: Field-Group.Field-Name.
The additional field value appears after the description system field on a new line in the items returned
from a global search. For example, OPSS-LossEv.What Happened displays the text of the field
'What Happened' in the search result. If the field does not have any value, the field name is shown in
the result, but with no value.

Attention: You must provide the correct field-group and field-name for the additional field. If
the formatting is wrong, or if the field-group or field-name do not match what is in your
OpenPages schema, that additional field is not included in the search results.
You can ensure that you use the correct field-group and field-name by going to the source. For
example, you want to add a field to the Workpaper object type search results.
a. Log on to OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with administrative privileges.
b. Select your object type. Click Administration > Object Types > Workpaper.
c. Select your field-group. From Included Field Groups, click the field group OPSS-Work.
d. Select your field-name. From Field Group Information, find the name of the custom field you want
to add. For example, Audit Description.
e. Make sure that you have the field-group and field-name correct, for example, OPSS-Work.Audit
Description. Follow the steps in the preceding procedure. For example, click Administration >
Settings > Platform > Search > Result Fields > Workpaper.
f. Set or change the value to OPSS-Work.Audit Description and click Save. The additional field
value 'Audit Description' appears after the description system field on a new line in the items that
are returned from a global search.

Global search registry settings

You can tune and customize global search to suit your organizational needs and policies.
Some settings are already optimized and do not need any changes. Some are preset on initial installation
of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform. And some require attention if you make changes to global search. This
section lists the available registry settings for global search, with a summary of what they do, and explains
when you might need to make a change on keys that require an update.
There are also search properties that are not specified in the registry. For more information, see “The
global search properties file” on page 377.
Attention: Where you are told 'Do not need to modify this registry setting unless you are instructed
by customer support to do so', those registry keys must not be modified without consulting first
with customer support. Changing these registry settings can result in global search not working or
unexpected performance issues.
Many global search registry settings are set as hidden by default. You must unhide them first. For more
information, see “Unhiding the hidden global search registry settings” on page 367.

Unhiding the hidden global search registry settings

Many global search registry settings are set as hidden by default. Before you can changes the global
search registry settings, you must unhide them first.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.

Configuring the global search feature 367

2. Click Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Configuration and select Show System
Generated Field Guidance.
3. Change the value from false to true.
You can now see all the registry settings in your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environment.

Setting the Query Path to the global search administration server

Specifies the query path to the IBM OpenPages global search server that handles administration.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Admin > Query Path.
3. Change the value as required.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the URL to the global search administration server

Specifies the URL path to the IBM OpenPages global search server that handles administration.

About this task

The value of this registry is set based on your initial installation of global search. If you decide to reinstall
global search on a different server, or enable SSL, or select a different port value, you must make the
appropriate change. If you enable SSL, then change http to https. If you change the server on which
global search is installed, you must provide the server host name or the IP address. If you need to use a
different port other than the default, you must specify the different port.
Attention: Before you change this registry key, make sure that global search is disabled. For more
information, see “Enabling and disabling global search” on page 361.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Admin > Search Server Administration URL.
3. Change the value as required.

Attention: If you are changing this registry because you want to enable SSL or because you
want to change the server on which global search is installed, then you must also make the
same change to the registry keys Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index >
Search Server URL and Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Search
Server URL.

Setting the progress refresh interval

Specifies the frequency (in seconds) of updating progress in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Full > Progress Refresh Interval.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 30 seconds.

368 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the number of records to cache

Specifies the total number of records to cache before sending to the Apache Solr server for indexing.

About this task

If you increase the value of this registry setting, the initial full index might take less time, depending on
your system configuration and database provider. However, this might require more RAM, CPU, and
network resources. See the section on global search properties settings on how to increase the available
memory to offset out-of-memory issues if you make a change to this registry key.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Full > Record Cache Size.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 100.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the polling interval

Specifies the polling interval (in seconds) to check for changes (added, modified, or deleted) in IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform objects.

About this task

By default, global search checks every minute if your data changes in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
database. If the database contains changes, global search syncs up the search index so that when users
search, those changes are reflected in the search result.
Reducing the polling interval means that the search index is more in sync with the database changes.
However, this might result in slower database performance that impacts other IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform operations, as well as slower search performance due to more frequent updates. Based on the
load of your system and available resources, you might find you must increase this value to 300 (5
minutes) to offset the load. If you change this value, you must disable and then enable global search for
the change to take effect. For more information, see “Enabling and disabling global search” on page 361.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Incremental > Polling Interval.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 60.

Setting the number of records to cache before sending to the server for indexing
Specifies the total number of records to cache before sending to the Apache Solr server for indexing.

About this task

If you increase the value of this registry, the initial full index might take less time, depending on your
system configuration and database provider. However, this might require more RAM, CPU, and network
resources. See the section on global search properties settings on how to increase the available memory
to offset out-of-memory issues if you change this registry key.

Configuring the global search feature 369

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Incremental > Record Cache Size.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 100.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the Query Path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL indexing
Specifies the URL path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL indexing.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Folder ACL Query Path.
3. Change the value as required.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the language analyzer that is used by search

Specifies the two or three letter abbreviation for the language analyzer that is used by search, that is, the
language that search is optimized for.

About this task

Search results might be of different quality for other languages. For best results, use one of the supported
locale languages: en=English (US or UK), pt=Brazilian Portuguese, fr=French, de=German, it=Italian,
ja=Japanese, es=Spanish, cjk=Chinese, Japanese, Korean, zh=Simplified Chinese.
The value of this registry is set based on your initial installation of global search. If after installing global
search you decide to change the language locale of your database data, you must modify the value of this
registry key to reflect the language of your text. If your data has mixed language text, such as English and
Chinese, pick the language in which most of your data is created; this language becomes the main
language for which global search is optimized.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Language Analyzer.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is en.

Attention: Before you make a change to this registry key, and if global search is already
enabled, make sure to disable global search and drop the current index. For more information,
see “Enabling and disabling global search” on page 361.

Setting the Query Path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL indexing
Specifies the URL path to the Apache Solr server that handles indexing.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.

370 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Query Path.
3. Change the value as required.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the URL to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL indexing
Specifies the URL for the search server index.

About this task

The value of this registry is set based on your initial installation of global search. If you decide to reinstall
global search on a different server, or enable SSL, or select a different port value, you must make the
appropriate change. If you enable SSL, then change http to https. If you change the server on which
global search is installed, you must provide the server host name or the IP address. If you need to use a
different port other than the default, you must specify the different port
Attention: Before you make a change to this registry key, make sure that global search is disabled.
For more information, see “Enabling and disabling global search” on page 361.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Search Server URL.
3. Change the value as required.

Attention: If you are changing this registry because you want to enable SSL or because you
want to change the server on which global search is installed, then you must also make the
same change to the registry keys Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Admin >
Search Server Administration URL and Administration > Settings > Platform > Search >
Request > Search Server URL.

Setting the number of records inserted per batch

Specifies the number of search results records that are inserted per batch.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Batch Size.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 1000.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the Query Path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL search requests
Specifies the URL path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL search requests.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Folder ACL Query Filter.
3. Change the value as required.

Configuring the global search feature 371

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the URL to the Apache Solr server that handles OpenPages search requests
Specifies the URL path to the Apache Solr server that handles search requests.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Query Path.
3. Change the value as required.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the number of attempts to fill the search results

Specifies the number of attempts to fill the search results defined in Search Page Size with viewable
records after security is applied on Result Cache Size items.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Result Cache Refill Attempts.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 5.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the number of search results records that are cached per user session
Specifies the number of search results records that are cached per user session. This value sets the upper
limit for the number of results that are shown to the user.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Result Cache Size.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 100.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the internal page size for search results

Specifies a two-number value that controls the total number of results that Apache Solr returns.

About this task

Results that come back from Solr are post processes, and only those results that meet the security rules
of the user are kept and presented to the user. If a user has a restrictive security rule and policy, it is
possible that most of what is in the initial page of 500 items might be eliminated in an attempt fill the

372 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

cache setting that is specified in Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Result
Cache Size. If so, an additional 10,000 items are retired from Apache Solr and are post processed.
If your organization uses a complex security model, and many your users have restrictive security rules
and policies, chances are they see fewer results than expected. Advise those users to refine their search
terms. You can also help users by increasing the value of this registry key. Increasing the value of this
registry key might impact search performance.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Search Page Size.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 500|10000.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the URL to the Apache Solr server that handles search requests
Specifies the URL for search requests.

About this task

The value of this registry is set based on your initial installation of global search. If you decide to reinstall
global search on a different server, or enable SSL, or select a different port value, you must make the
appropriate change. If you enable SSL, then change http to https. If you change the server on which
global search is installed, you must provide the server host name or the IP address. If you need to use a
different port other than the default, you must specify the different port
Attention: Before you change this registry key, make sure that global search is disabled. For more
information, see “Enabling and disabling global search” on page 361.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Search Server URL.
3. Change the value as required.

Attention: If you are changing this registry because you want to enable SSL or because you
want to change the server on which global search is installed, then you must also make the
same change to the registry keys Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Admin >
Search Server Administration URL and Administration > Settings > Platform > Search >
Index > Search Server URL.

Setting a time limit to search before timing out

Specifies the approximate time (in milliseconds) for Apache Solr to search before timing out.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Search Timeout.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 0.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Configuring the global search feature 373

Setting an additional field in the search result set
Specifies an additional field for an object type to be returned as part of search result set.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Result Fields > <object type name>.
3. For details on how to change or provide a new value, see “Displaying a custom field in global search
results” on page 366.
4. If the object type for which you want to add the additional field is not on the list, you can create a new
registry key for it. Select the Result Fields node and click Add Setting.

Setting whether to allow compression

Specifies if the data being passed between the Apache Solr server and the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
is compressed.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Allow Compression.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is true.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the network connection request timeout

Specifies the network connection request timeout (in milliseconds) to the Apache Solr server.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Connection Timeout.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 5000.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting whether to allow URL redirects

Specifies whether URL redirects are allowed.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Follow Redirects.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is false.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

374 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Setting the number of allowed connections from the platform
Specifies the number of allowed connections to the Apache Solr server from the IBM OpenPages GRC

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Maximum Connections Per Host.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 100.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the number of allowed connections

Specifies the total number of allowed connections to the Apache Solr server.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Maximum Total Connections.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 1000.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the number of times a request is reattempted

On error, specifies the number of times a request is reattempted before reporting a request failure.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request Retry Attempts.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 3.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the socket timeout for indexing

Specifies the socket connection timeout (in milliseconds) to the Apache Solr server for indexer use.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Socket Timeout (index).
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 1800000.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Configuring the global search feature 375

Setting the socket timeout for searching
Specifies the socket connection timeout (in milliseconds) to the Apache Solr server for search use.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Socket Timeout (search).
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 5000.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the Apache Solr password

Specifies the Apache Solr password to authenticate against the user ID.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Solr Password.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is encrypted text.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the Apache Solr user ID

Specifies the Apache Solr user ID to authenticate against the server.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Solr User ID.
3. Change the value as required. The default value is 0.

Attention: Do not modify this registry setting unless you are instructed by customer support to
do so. Changing this registry setting can result in global search not working or unexpected
performance issues.

Setting the default number of search results to return per page

Specifies the default number of search results to return per page.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Click Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Search > Default Results Page Size.
3. Change the value as required. Allowable values are 10, 25, and 50. The default value is 10.

Attention: If you change the value of this registry key to a value larger than 10, global search
and overall IBM OpenPages GRC Platform performance might be impacted. This change is
global to all users.

376 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The global search properties file
To customize global search, you can specify settings in the global search properties file.
The property file is named, and is located in <SEARCH_HOME>/
OPSearch/opsearchtools/. If you make changes to this file, you must disable and then enable global
search for the change to take effect. For more information, see “Enabling and disabling global search” on
page 361.
Some changes might require you to drop the global search index and re-create it.
Most properties in this file are set to the default value. Only those properties that you might need to
interact with are documented; the rest must not be modified unless instructed to do so by customer
You can also use registry settings to tune and customize global search. For information about specifying
the registry settings, see “Global search registry settings” on page 367.

Setting the error handling parameters for the indexer

Use this property to set error handling parameters for the indexer that it might run into.

About this task

During indexing (both full and incremental) the indexer can run into issues such as bad records, database
errors, network issues, and so on. If so, the indexer attempts to recover from those issues and continue
indexing instead of ending. It does so by entering an error-handler mode, indexing until it recovers from
the error or reaches a number of retries. Those parameters are set by using four values of Major, Minor,
Panic, and PanicLimit.
By default, indexing is performed on an object type by processing all records in that object type in one
continuous process. If an error is encountered, the indexer enters an error-handler mode. In this mode, it
processes a chunk of 100 records (the value for Major) at a time. If it still runs into an issue, it scales back
to a chunk of 10 records (the value for Minor) and if it still runs into an issue, it scales back to a chunk of
one record (the value for Panic). If it still runs into issues, it attempts up to PanicLimit times before giving
up and skipping that record from the index, and it goes back to the chunk of Major after which it goes back
to normal indexing without chunking.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/ folder.
3. Open the file.
4. Change the OPSearchTool.IndexerErrorHandlerParameters property as required.

Attention: If you change to the file, you must disable and
then enable global search for the change to take effect. For more information, see “Enabling
and disabling global search” on page 361.

Setting the maximum opsearchtool.jar heap size

Use this property to set the maximum heap size, in megabytes, to be used by opsearchtool.jar for
general operations.

About this task

You might need to increase the value of the OPSearchTool.SearchToolHeapSize property if you encounter
out-of-memory issues during general opsearchtool.jar operations. The out-of-memory issues might
be due to the complexity of an OpenPages schema that contains many profiles, object types, field groups,
and fields.

Configuring the global search feature 377

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/ folder.
3. Open the file.
4. Change the OPSearchTool.SearchToolHeapSize property as required.

Attention: If you change to the file, you must disable and
then enable global search for the change to take effect. For more information, see “Enabling
and disabling global search” on page 361.

Setting the maximum Apache Solr heap size

Use this property to set the maximum heap size, in megabytes, to be used by Apache Solr.

About this task

You might need to increase the value of the OPSearchTool.SolrHeapSize property if you encounter out-of-
memory issues while indexing or searching. The out-of-memory issues might be due to the size of your
records or the number of records that are indexed.
If you increase the heap size and you do not have sufficient free memory on the system, you might cause
further out-of-memory issues and experience performance issues with global search.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/ folder.
3. Open the file.
4. Change the OPSearchTool.SolrHeapSize property as required.

Attention: If you change to the file, you must disable and
then enable global search for the change to take effect. For more information, see “Enabling
and disabling global search” on page 361.

Setting the maximum opsearchtool.jar heap size during indexing

Use this property to set the maximum heap size, in megabytes, to be used by the opsearchtool.jar
file during indexing.

About this task

You might need to increase the value of the OPSearchTool.IndexerHeapSize property if you run into out-
of-memory issues during full indexing or incremental indexing.
The out-of-memory issues might be due to the size of your records that are indexed.
If you increase the heap size and you do not have sufficient free memory on the system, you might cause
further out-of-memory issues and experience performance issues with global search.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/ folder.
3. Open the file.
4. Change the OPSearchTool.IndexerHeapSize property as required.

378 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Attention: If you change to the file, you must disable and
then enable global search for the change to take effect. For more information, see “Enabling
and disabling global search” on page 361.

Setting the maximum text extraction heap size during indexing

Use this property to set the maximum heap size, in megabytes, to be used for the extraction of text from
file attachments during indexing.

About this task

You might need to increase the value of the OPSearchTool.TextExtractorHeapSize property if you
encounter out-of-memory issues during full indexing or incremental indexing.
The out-of-memory issues might be due to the size and complexity of your file attachments.
If you increase the heap size and you do not have sufficient free memory on the system, you might cause
further out-of-memory issues and experience performance issues with global search.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/ folder.
3. Open the file.
4. Change the OPSearchTool.TextExtractorHeapSize property as required.

Attention: If you change to the file, you must disable and
then enable global search for the change to take effect. For more information, see “Enabling
and disabling global search” on page 361.

Setting the text extractor timeout limit

Use this property to limit how long, in milliseconds, to wait for the text extractor to extract text from file
attachments during indexing.

About this task

You might need to increase the value of the OPSearchTool.TextExtractorTimeout property during full
indexing or incremental indexing.
The timeout issues might be due to the size and complexity of your file attachments or the limits of your
overall system performance.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/ folder.
3. Open the file.
4. Change the OPSearchTool.TextExtractorTimeout property as required.

Attention: If you change to the file, you must disable and
then enable global search for the change to take effect. For more information, see “Enabling
and disabling global search” on page 361.

Setting the root path location for file attachment search

Use this property to set the file storage root path location for file attachment search.

Configuring the global search feature 379

About this task
When OpenPages search server is on a different server than the OpenPages application server, the search
server must have access to the OpenPages file storage location in order for it to index file attachments. If
the search server is on a Windows operating system, you can use either the Uniform Naming Convention
(UNC) or Local File System (LFS) path. If the search server is on a UNIX operating system, you must use
the LFS path.
Windows UNC path example:
Windows FLS path example:
UNIX FLS path example:
Attention: You must double the “\” character in the UNC and FLS path on Windows, otherwise the
path is not properly processed.

1. Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/ folder.
3. Open the file.
4. Change the OPSearchTool.FileStorageRootPath property as required.

Global search FAQs

Questions are sometimes asked about global search and how it works.

Global search indexing

Q. How does the indexing work?
A. IBM OpenPages global search server includes an indexing service. When you click Create in the
Administration UI, the indexing service queries the OpenPages database for records of object types and
fields that are enabled for global search. Those records are read, formatted, and then indexed by Apache
Solr. The index is later used for search when the global search feature is used from the OpenPages UI.
This one-time initial indexing is called full indexing. After full indexing is complete, the global search
indexer service enters an incremental indexing mode. Incremental indexing mode queries the OpenPages
database once a minute for modified records, newly added records, or deleted records of object types
that are enabled for global search and reindexes them to keep the global search index in sync with the
OpenPages data.
Q. Does global search crawl the network-attached storage (NAS) (openpages-storage location)?
A. OpenPages uses file storage, and shares the file storage location across all instances of OpenPages
applications. By default, OpenPages global search is configured with file search enabled. So yes, if file
search is enabled, access to openpages-storage location must be set for global search. For more
information, see “Setting the root path location for file attachment search” on page 379 .
Q. Are there any regularly scheduled batch jobs?
A. Yes, there is a regularly scheduled batch job that runs. The indexer (when it is running in incremental
indexing mode) runs as a regularly scheduled batch job.
Q. Are the indexes and logs stored on a local drive?

380 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

A. OpenPages global search index is a proprietary format of Apache Solr, and is stored on the local hard
disk drive where the global search server is installed. OpenPages global search can be installed on any
local hard disk drive on the system where you installed global search. For optimal performance, it is best
to install global search on a separate solid-state drive, that is, not on the same drive as the operating
Q. How is the index used by the product?
A. The index is proprietary to Apache Solr, is used by Apache Solr only, and is stored on the local file
system where global search is installed. The index is accessed and updated anytime global search is
indexing in both full and incremental mode, and the index is looked up anytime an OpenPages user is
running a search using global search.

Sizing and scaling

Q. The documentation mentions that global search can be run only as a single instance.
A. This is correct. A single instance of OpenPages global search server can handle all search requests
from all OpenPages application servers.
Q. Can a single search server be shared by multiple environments, such as Development, Testing, Staging,
or Production?
A. No. Each environment must have its own OpenPages global search server.
Q. We have two application servers and two Cognos servers for staging and production; do we need to
have two global search servers?
A. A single OpenPages global search server works with all OpenPages application servers and Cognos
servers. It is strongly recommended to have a separate global search server for staging and production.
Q. Is there a possibility of running global search when using F5 load balancing in an active-active
A. Because there is only a single instance of OpenPages global search server, there is no need for F5 load
Q. How does global search impact the database server?
A. During full indexing mode, the database server is used to serve records to the global search indexer.
The same is true during incremental indexing mode, but the load on the database is less because only
modified records and newly added records are read. When a user uses global search and complex
security rules exist for that user, those rules are processed, so the complexity of the rules determines the
impact on the database server.
Q. Do we have any metrics for indexing volumes? What is the speed? Do we have any indicative query
response times?
A. There are several factors influence the indexing volume and duration. The number of object types and
their fields you enabled for global search and the total number of records, as well as the data size in those
records in your database, all influence how long it takes to complete the initial full indexing and how large
the index size on disk is. Query response time is within seconds for most searches. In some cases, if a
user has complex security rules, it's possible a search can take more than several seconds.

High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR)

Q. We have two application servers; one acts as an active administration server and the other one is a
passive disaster recovery (DR) server. Do the global search servers also need to be active and passive?
A. No. Because there is only one instance of OpenPages global search server, there is no active / passive
setup for it.
Q. Indexing can be lost in a DR scenario. In a DR scenario, does global search require reindexing?

Configuring the global search feature 381

A. Yes. This requires you to fully reindex for the global search feature to become available again. However,
all other OpenPages functionality continues to work as normal while the global search index is being re-

Q. Are there any backup and restore operations to be performed on the global search server?
A. There are no backup and restore requirements for OpenPages global search. However, if you restore
the database from a backup, the global search index is now out of sync with the OpenPages database. In
this scenario, you must re-create the global search index by first disabling global search, then dropping
the index, and then creating the index.
Q. Are there any index optimizations?
A. There is no need to optimize the OpenPages global search index. Apache Solr dynamically and
automatically optimizes the index over time. If you perform a bulk update that impacts over 50% of your
records and you have many records - hundreds of thousands of records, for example - the automatic
index optimization of Apache Solr can take several days to catch up. If you suspect search performance is
suffering because of a bulk update, you can force an index optimization from the Apache Solr
administration page.

382 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 17. Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
utilities with IBM DB2 databases
You can use the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities to back up and restore the OpenPages GRC and
Cognos files and configuration data.
Use the utilities that are provided with IBM DB2 to back up and restore databases in IBM OpenPages GRC

IBM DB2 and the OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore utilities
The backup and restore utilities are installed during the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
Use the utilities that are provided with IBM DB2 to back up and restore databases in IBM OpenPages GRC
For information about developing a database backup and restore strategy, see the IBM DB2 Knowledge
Center (
For more information about backing up or restoring, see “DB2 databases for OpenPages GRC Platform
backup and restore” on page 394.
Use the following utilities for backing up and restoring the IBM OpenPages environment:
• OpenPages GRC Platform backup (OPBackup) and restore (OPRestore)
These utilities are used to backup and restore the application. For more information, see “The
OPBackup utility” on page 387.
Users can choose to run a live OPBackup. When you run a live OPBackup, OpenPages services are not
stopped on the application server, which allows for maximum uptime of the OpenPages application. By
default, OpenPages services are restarted.
• Cognos backup (OPCCBackup) and restore (OPCCRestore)
These utilities are used to back up and restore OpenPages GRC Platform Cognos files. For more
information, see “Using the Cognos Backup utility” on page 391.

Email notification for backup jobs

You can configure email notification when you complete an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application
backup or Cognos backup job.

• Log files for email notification are stored in the logs folder in the following location:
– For OPBackup (OpenPages GRC Platform application backup):

<OP_Home>|aurora|bin|logs with the timestamp on the log files.

– For OPCCBackup (Cognos backup):

<CC_Home>|tools|bin|logs with the timestamp on the log files.

• Make sure to set rules in your email client to never send emails from the OpenPages GRC Platform
application server to the Spam or Junk mail folders.
Configuring backup job notification
Use this procedure to configure email parameters for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and Cognos backup

1. Open a command or shell window and do one of the following.
a) For an OPBackup (OpenPages GRC Platform application backup,
navigate to the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory as follows:
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX and Linux, the bin directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
b) For a OPCCBackup (Cognos backup), navigate to the op-cc-backup-restore.env file in the bin
directory where <cc_home> represents the installation of Cognos.
• For Microsoft Windows, the back up path is OPBackup <path-to-back-up-location>
• For AIX and Linux, the back up path is <path-to-back-up-location>
where <path-to-backup-location> is the full path of the directory where the backed up files
are located on the application server. If a file path is not specified, the OPBackup command uses,
by default, the backup location specified in the BACKUP_LOCATION parameter of the <OP_Home>|
aurora|bin|op-backup-restore.env file.
2. Open the selected .env file in a text editor.
3. Specify a value after the equal sign (=) for the parameters described in the following table and save
the .env file.

Table 111: Backup email parameters

Parameter name Description
BACKUP_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION The host name of the outgoing mail server.
BACKUP_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION The name of recipients that will receive the email
_TO_EMAIL_ID= notification.
Separate email addresses with a comma (,).
Note: Do not type a comma after the last email
Example [email protected],emailid2

BACKUP_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION The name that will appear as the sender of the

_FROM_EMAIL_ID= notification email in the From: field of the email.
The email address is also used as the personal

384 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 111: Backup email parameters (continued)
Parameter name Description
_SUCCESS_MSG_ default file containing the message text that will
FILE=BACKUP_SUCCESS_MSG.txt be used if the OPBackup.cmd completes
You can modify the message text in the
The first line of the file is used as the email's


_FAIL_MSG_FILE= file that contains the message text that is used if
BACKUP_FAIL_MSG.txt the OPBackup.cmd fails with errors.
You can modify the message text in the
BACKUP_FAIL_MSG.txt file as wanted.
The first line of the file is used as the email's

Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports asynchronous execution of processes in the background.
The most common examples of these type jobs are FastMap web-based data import jobs, object resets,
and reporting schema generation.
For example, after a user submits a data import file, that file is queued for loading and the import process
occurs in the background. Because it is important for asynchronous background jobs to run to completion,
certain administrative operations are suspended until all background jobs complete.
By default, the following administrative functions will not start until background jobs are complete:
• OPBackup command
• OPRestore command
• System Administrative Mode (SAM)
Note: To disable the default setting that checks for background jobs before you start OPBackup or
OPRestore, see “Enabling and disabling asynchronous background processes checking” on page 386.
If asynchronous processes are found, error messages are written to the OPBACKUP restore log.

The following is a sample error log message that occurred when an OPBackup command was initiated
while the reporting schema was still being generated.
Note: The .log file name has the format op_backup_<yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss>.log
<yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss> represents the year_month_day_hour_minute_second. For example:
AIX and Linux
Sample error log messages follow.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 385
• For Oracle database environments, a sample error log message might look similar to this text:
– can-proceed:
[exec] declare
[exec] *
[exec] ERROR at line 1:
[exec] ORA-20001: There are existing processes running.
[exec] Please let them finish or terminate them before proceeding.
[exec] ORA-06512: at line 7
– can-proceed:
[exec] declare
[exec] *
[exec] ERROR at line 1:
[exec] ORA-20001: There are existing object reset operations running.
[exec] Please let them finish or terminate them before proceeding.
[exec] ORA-06512: at line 7
• For IBM DB2 environments, a sample error log message might look similar to this text:
– can-proceed:
[exec] ERROR near line 26:
[exec] SQL0438N Application raised error or warning with diagnostic
[exec] text: "There are existing processes running. Please let them
[exec] finish or termi".
– can-proceed:
[exec] ERROR near line 26:
[exec] SQL0438N Application raised error or warning with diagnostic
[exec] text: "There are existing object reset operations running.
[exec] Please let them finish or termi".

Enabling and disabling asynchronous background processes checking

By default, IBM OpenPages GRC Platform does not allow a backup (OPBackup) or restore (OPRestore)
operation to start until all asynchronous background jobs are complete.

It is best to run all jobs to completion before you start a backup or restore operation. However, this check
can be enabled or disabled as follows.

1. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
2. Navigate to the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory.
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX and Linux, the bin directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
3. Open the op-backup-restore.env file in a text editor.
4. Set the CHECK_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES parameter in the file to true or false.
Setting the value to true enables the asynchronous background job. If background processes are
running, this value prevents OPBackup or OPRestore from starting. True is the default value. false
disables the validation check for asynchronous background jobs. OPBack or OPRestore start even if
background processes are running.

386 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The OPBackup utility
OPBackup is the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility that backs up the necessary product files
and database content on the server where it is run. The OPBackup utility creates a backup file that can be
used by the OpenPages GRC restore utility (OPRestore).
When you use the OPBackup utility, the following OpenPages GRC Platform resources are backed up:
• The OpenPages GRC Platform application
• The OpenPages GRC Platform storage folder and its content
• The OpenPages GRC Platform application environment files
In a horizontal clustered environment, if the Backup Utility is run on a non-administrative server, the
application database will not be included in the backup. To include this database in a backup file, run the
Backup Utility on an administrative server.
OPBackup does not back up standard OpenPages tools by default. If you want to include additional files
or directories, you must add them to a manifest file before you run the backup. For more information, see
“Backing up custom OpenPages GRC Platform files” on page 387.
If you use IBM Business Process Manager, OPBackup does not back up the BPM database. BPM backups
and restores are handled outside of the OpenPages OPBackup and OPRestore utilities. For more
information, see the BPM documentation in the following topic: (
Depending on your configuration, if any asynchronous background jobs are detected, an OPBackup job
will exit and possibly display errors (see “Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions” on
page 385).
You can also configure email notification upon completion of an OPBackup. For details, see “Email
notification for backup jobs” on page 383.
Attention: If you have global search enabled, global search must be disabled before running the
OPBackup and OPRestore utilities. For more information, see “Using OPBackup and OPRestore
when global search is enabled” on page 360.

Backing up custom OpenPages GRC Platform files

Custom IBM OpenPages GRC Platform files, such as SiteSync or scheduled job files that are specific to
your environment, can be included in the backup using an OpenPages manifest file. A manifest file is a
text file that contains the full path name to any directory or file that needs to be included in the backup.
For example, you could add the following file to the manifest file:
• OP_HOME\aurora\lib\openpages-ext.jar

Before you begin

• You must list all of your custom directories and files in a manifest. If you have any questions about the
location of your custom data, contact OpenPages GRC Platform Customer Support.
• In a horizontal clustered environment, you must perform this procedure on each OpenPages GRC
Platform Application Server in the horizontal cluster.

1. Log on to the current OpenPages GRC Platform application server.
2. Navigate to the OP_HOME|aurora|bin directory and open the op_backup.manifest file in a text
3. Type the full path name to all custom directory names or to a specific file. Each directory or file must
be on a separate line in the file.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 387
4. Save the manifest file using the current location and name.

Running a live OpenPages GRC Platform backup

A live IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup means that the application can continue running while the
backup is in progress. The services are not stopped during the backup.
Note: Run live OpenPages GRC Platform backups during off-peak hours because the backup consumes
processing resources.
You might encounter errors such as the following during the database export portion of the live OP
[exec] ORA-31693: Table data object "OPENPAGES"."table_name"
failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
[exec] ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
[exec] ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number #
with name "rollback_segment_name" too small

This might happen if there is a relatively high level of data modification transactional activity on the
system during the backup. Run live OP backup when transactional activity is low. If this is not possible or
not desirable, or if the error keeps happening, it may be possible to avoid this error by setting
UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter to a higher (possibly much higher) value, at least for the
duration of the backup. Setting UNDO_RETENTION to a higher value, may result in a growth of UNDO table
space, so it should be done by an experienced database administrator or with the assistance of IBM
To use the OpenPages GRC Platform application backup utility live, you run the OPBackup command with
the nosrvrst option. This does the following:
• Backs up OpenPages GRC Platform application and environment files
• Exports the OpenPages GRC Platform application database

1. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
2. Navigate to the bin directory as follows:
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is \<OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX or Linux, the bin directory is /<OP_Home>/aurora/bin
3. Type the following backup command:

OPBackup <path-to-backup-location> nosrvrst

AIX and Linux <path-to-backup-location> nosrvrst

<path-to-backup-location> is <oracle_base>\admin\<SID>\dpdump
AIX and Linux
<path-to-backup-location> is <oracle_base>/admin/<SID>/dpdump

OpenPages GRC Platform backed-up content

The backup process creates a ZIP file (.zip) in the <backup-directory-name> directory.
The ZIP file contains the following necessary backed up data files:

388 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• IBM OpenPages GRC Platform properties files (such as and
• Application server configuration files for IBM WebSphere.
• The openpages-storage directory.
• Pointers to the database schema dump extracts.
• Manifest-defined content (such as or
• If a backup file is 4 GB or larger, configure the OPBackup utility to use gzip (GNU zip). Gzip produces an
archive with an extension of .tar.gz. To view and extract the contents of the archive file, use WinZip® 12
(or higher) or WinRAR® 3.71 (or higher).
• The OPBackup utility adds a military timestamp on the .zip and log files it creates.
The ZIP file can be used as a parameter to the OPRestore command to restore the installation-specific
OpenPages GRC Platform files and the database. Each time the OPBackup command is run, a separate
ZIP file is created and each data file is identified by a unique name.

The OPBackup log file

The backup process creates a log file, which is identified by a unique name in the <backup-directory-
name> folder. Each time you run the OPBackup command, a separate log file is generated.

Configuring OPBackup to use GZIP

If a ZIP backup file grows beyond the 4-GB limit of ZIP file capacity, you can configure the OPBackup
utility to use gzip (GNU zip). After the file is configured, new backup files will have a .tar.gz extension.
The OPRestore utility will detect if a file is in ZIP or gzip format and process it accordingly.

1. From a command or shell window, navigate to the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory
as follows.
• For Windows, the installation directory is c:\<OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX or Linux, the installation directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
2. Open the op-backup-restore.env file in a text editor of your choice.
3. Change the USE_GZIP_COMPRESSION= setting from false to true.

Enabling and disabling storage backup

By default, the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup includes the storage folder and its content. You can
disable storage backup by setting the BACKUP_OP_STORAGE parameter in the op-backup-
restore.env file.

1. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
2. Navigate to the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory as follows.

Table 112: Installation locations

Operating system Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
AIX and Linux <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
3. Open the op-backup-restore.env file in a text editor of your choice.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 389
4. Set the value of the BACKUP_OP_STORAGE parameter in the file to one of the following:

Table 113: BACKUP_OP_STORAGE parameter values and their meanings

If the value is set to... Then...
true The storage folder and its content are backed up.
This is the default value.

false The storage folder and its content are not backed
5. When finished, save the changes to the file and exit the editor.

The OpenPages GRC Platform restore utility on the DB2 database

OPRestore is the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform restore utility that restores the necessary product files on
the server from which it was originally run. The OPRestore utility uses a backup file that is created by the
OpenPages backup utility (OPBackup).

Important: Before you run the OPRestore utility, you must restore the IBM DB2 OpenPages database.
The OPRestore tool can be used only on an existing OpenPages database. It cannot be used on a
database that does not have an OpenPages schema.

Restoring files
To back up or restore the IBM DB2 databases for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you must use the utilities
that are provided with DB2. For more information about the databases in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
and backing up or restoring them, see Backing up and restoring DB2 database.
Note: To refresh a "test" environment, see “Refreshing a test environment from backup files” on page
As part of the restoration process, the following OpenPages resources are restored:
• If the OpenPages storage folder was backed up, the storage folder and its content are restored.
For information about enabling and disabling storage folder backup, see “Enabling and disabling storage
backup” on page 389.
• The OpenPages application environment files are restored.
• The OpenPages database schema is populated with data restored from backup files.
Depending on your configuration, if any asynchronous background jobs are detected, an OPRestore job
might exit and possibly display errors. See “Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions”
on page 385.

Running the OPRestore command

You can restore a backup using the OPRestore command.

1. If you enabled the global search component during backup, recreate your search index so that your
search results are synchronised.
a) Click Administration > Global Search.
b) Click Disable to disable the global search component.
c) Click Drop to drop the search indexes.

390 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

d) Click Create to recreate the search indexes.
2. Stop the IBM Cognos service.
3. From a command or shell window, navigate to the bin directory as follows:
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX and Linux, the bin directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
4. Execute the following command:
OPRestore <backup-file-name> <path-to-backup-location>
AIX and Linux <backup-file-name> <path-to-backup-location>
<backup-file-name> is the name of the backup file (without the .zip or tar.gz file extension)

What to do next
Preferences related to the long string text index won't be exported by “Running the OPBackup command”
on page 425, and therefore are not restored. You must “Create a long string index for an Oracle database”
on page 452 pointing to the database server you are restoring to.

OPRestore log files

The restore process creates a log file identified by a unique name in the <backup-directory-name>
folder. Each time you run the OPRestore command, a separate log file is created.
Note: Oracle Data Pump log files for database imports are created on the database server.

Using the Cognos Backup utility

OPCCBackup is the Cognos utility that backs up the necessary Cognos files. The OPCCBackup utility
creates a backup file that can be used by the Cognos restore utility OPCCRestore.
To back up or restore the IBM DB2 databases for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you must use the utilities
that are provided with DB2. For more information about the databases in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
and backing up or restoring them, see Backing up and restoring DB2 database.
To back up or restore the IBM DB2 databases in the OpenPages GRC application, you must use the
utilities that are provided with DB2.
When you use the OPCCBackup utility, the following Cognos resources are backed up.
• Cognos reports
• Branding and environment files
You can configure e-mail notification (with an attached log file) upon the completion of an OPCCBackup.
For details, see “Email notification for backup jobs” on page 383.

The OpenPages GRC Platform file storage directory

By default, OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY is the name of the directory used for storing Cognos Content
Store database backup files. The path to this directory on the database server varies and depends on how
it was defined.
If the OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY storage directory does not already exist on the database server, you
must run the script to create the directory.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 391
Running the OPCCBackup command
When you use the Cognos backup utility, you run the OPCCBackup command in a command or shell
window. The OPCCBackup command uses Oracle Data Pump to export the database (services can
continue to run during the backup).
Note: Oracle Data Pump backup files are created on the database server.

1. From a command or shell window, navigate to the bin directory as follows:, where <CC_Home>
represents the installation location of the Cognos application.
• For Microsoft Windows, navigate to <CC_Home>\tools\bin. By default, <CC_Home> is
• For AIX or Linux, navigate to <CC_Home>/tools/bin.
2. Execute the following backup command:
OPCCBackup <path-to-backup-location>
AIX <path-to-backup-location>
<path-to-backup-location> is the full path of the directory where the backed up files are located
on the Cognos server. The file path is optional.
Note: If no file path is specified, the OPCCBackup command uses, by default, the backup location
specified in the BACKUP_LOCATION parameter of the <CC_Home>|tools|bin|op-cc-backup-
restore.env file.
The following table lists the default Content Store database export location specified in the
environment file.
Where <SID> is the Oracle System Identifier (for example, OP).
The default Content Store database export locations are:
Windows: <oracle_base>\admin\<SID>\dpdump
AIX: <oracle_base>/admin/<SID>/dpdump

The OPCCBackup log file

The backup process creates a log file, which is identified by a unique name in the <backup-directory-
name> folder. Each time you run the OPCCBackup command, a separate log file is generated.

Cognos backed-up content

The Cognos backup process creates a ZIP file (.zip) in the <backup-directory-name> directory. This
ZIP file contains the necessary report and environment files that can be used by the Cognos restore utility
• If a backup file is very large (4 GB or larger), configure the OPCCBackup utility to use gzip (GNU zip).
Gzip produces an archive with an extension of .tar.gz. To view and extract the contents of the archive
file, use WinZip 12 (or higher) or WinRAR 3.71 (or higher).
• The OPCCBackup utility adds a military timestamp on the .zip and log files it creates.
The ZIP file can be used as a parameter to the OPCCRestore command to restore the installation-
specific IBM OpenPages GRC Platform files and the database. Each time the OPCCBackup command is
run, a separate ZIP file is created and each data file is identified by a unique name.

392 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Configuring OPCCBackup to use GZIP
If a ZIP backup file grows beyond the 4-GB limit of ZIP file capacity, you can configure the OPCCBackup
utility to use gzip (GNU zip). After the file is configured, new backup files will have a .tar.gz extension.
The OPCCRestore utility will detect if a file is in ZIP or gzip format and process it accordingly.

1. From a command or shell window, navigate to the op-cc-backup-restore.env file in the bin
directory as follows, where <CC_Home> represents the installation location of the Cognos application..
• For Windows, the bin directory is <CC_Home>\tools\bin. By default, <CC_Home> is
• For AIX and Linux, the bin directory is <CC_Home>/tools/bin. By default, <CC_Home> is opt/
2. Open the op-cc-backup-restore.env file in a text editor.
3. Change the USE_GZIP_COMPRESSION= setting in the file from false to true.

Using the Cognos Restore utility

OPCCRestore is the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Cognos utility that restores the necessary Cognos files
on the server from which it was originally run. The OPCCRestore utility uses a backup file created by the
OPCCBackup utility.
Important: Before you run the OPCCRestore utility, you must restore the DB2 reporting database.
To back up or restore the IBM DB2 databases for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you must use the utilities
that are provided with DB2. For more information about the databases in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
and backing up or restoring them, see Backing up and restoring DB2 database.
As part of the OPCCRestore restoration process, the following Cognos resources are restored:
• Cognos reports
• Branding and environment files
For information about refreshing a test environment, see “Refreshing a test environment from backup
files” on page 441.

Running the OPCCRestore command

You can restore backed up Cognos data using the OPCCRestore utility as follows.

1. Stop the Cognos service on the administrative server and any non-administrative servers in the cluster.
For details, see “Starting and stopping the Cognos services” on page 560.
2. Stop the IBM Cognos Configuration tool, if it is running, on all cluster members.
3. From a command or shell window, navigate to the bin directory as follows:
Where <CC_Home> represents the installation location of the Cognos application.

Table 114: Installation location of the Cognos application

Operating Installation location
Windows <CC_Home>\tools\bin
By default, <CC_Home> is C:\OpenPages\CommandCenter

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 393
Table 114: Installation location of the Cognos application (continued)
Operating Installation location
AIX and <CC_Home>/tools/bin
By default, <CC_Home> is /opt/OpenPages/CommandCenter

4. On the administrative Cognos server, execute the following command:

OPCCRestore <backup-file-name> <path-to-backup-location>
AIX <backup-file-name> <path-to-backup-location>
<backup-file-name> is the name of the backup file (without the .zip or tar.gz file extension).
Note: <path-to-backup-location> is the full path of the directory where the backed up files are
located on the Cognos server. The file path is optional.
Note: If no file path is specified, the OPCCRestore command uses, by default, the backup location
specified in the BACKUP_LOCATION parameter of the <CC_Home>|tools|bin|op-cc-backup-
restore.env file.
5. Start the Cognos service on the administrative server and on any non-administrative servers in the
cluster. For details, see “Starting and stopping the Cognos services” on page 560.

The OPCCRestore log file

The restore process creates a log file identified by a unique name in the <backup-directory-name>
Each time you run the OPCCRestore command, a separate log file is created.

DB2 databases for OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore

You must use the utilities that are provided with IBM DB2 to back up and restore DB2 databases in the
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform product.
For information about developing a back up and restore strategy, see the IBM DB2 Knowledge Center

DB2 databases in OpenPages GRC Platform

There are two databases in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform that require backup:
• The OpenPages GRC Platform database
This database is the main application database that is created in the DB2 instance with Oracle
Compatibility mode enabled.
• The IBM Cognos Controller database
This database is created in another normal DB2 instance without the Oracle Compatibility feature.

394 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

OpenPages GRC Platform DB2 database backup
To accomplish a complete backup of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and the IBM Cognos Controller
databases, you must back up each database from each of their instances. The best approach is to do an
offline backup of your DB2 databases.
1. Make sure that no OpenPages GRC Platform services are running for any long running background
processes (such as, object reset jobs).
2. Stop the OpenPages GRC Platform servers. For information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping
servers,” on page 549.
3. Open a command or shell window and connect to the DB2 database.
For Windows users only, you must use the db2cmd command in the Command Prompt window to
initialize the DB2 command line processor (CLP).
4. Start the DB2 instance by using the db2start command.
5. Do the offline backup.
For example, on a Microsoft Windows operating system, to back up a database with the alias name of
sample to c:\Db2backup, you could use db2 backup db sample c:\Db2backup. A backup
image will be created in the specified backup location in the following format:
partition_number\backup_date_time\time_image_sequence_number. For example,
On an AIX or Linux operating system, to back up a database with the alias name of sample to /opt/
db2backup, you could use db2 backup db sample /opt/db2backup. A backup image will be
created in the specified backup location in the following format:
partition_number.backup_date_time.time_image_sequence_number. For example,
For information about backing up your DB2 database, see the IBM DB2 Knowledge Center (http://
6. Stop the DB2 instance by using the db2stop force command.
7. Start the OpenPages GRC Platform servers.

OpenPages GRC Platform DB2 database restore

You can use a DB2 database backup from your production system to restore a DB2 database to a previous
state in the same environment.
Use this process as a guide for restoring a IBM OpenPages GRC Platform DB2 database:
1. Stop the OpenPages GRC Platform servers. For information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping
servers,” on page 549.
2. Open a command or shell window and connect to the DB2 database.
For Windows users only, you must use the db2cmd command in the Command Prompt window to
initialize the DB2 command line processor (CLP).
3. Restore the DB2 database.
For example, on a Windows operating system, to restore a database with the alias name of sample
from the backup location c:\Db2backup with a backup timestamp of 20121129131259, you could
use db2 restore db sample from c:\Db2backup taken at 20121129131259.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 395
On an AIX or Linux operating system, to restore a database with the alias name of sample from the
backup location /opt/db2backup with a backup timestamp of 20121129131259, you could use db2
restore db sample from /opt/db2backup taken at 20121129131259.
For information about restoring your DB2 database, see the IBM DB2 Knowledge Center (http://

Restoring backed up production data in a new DB2 environment

You can use a IBM DB2 database backup from your production environment to restore data to a DB2
database in a new test or development environment.
The process of restoring data involves the following tasks in this order:
1. Back up your DB2 production databases then restoring these databases to the new environment.
When you create the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application database, you must run scripts to
enable Oracle compatibility and update configuration data. You run these scripts before you restore
the OpenPages GRC Platform application production database to the new environment. These scripts
are not required for the Cognos database.
2. Back up your production application and reporting data files then restore these files to the new
3. Update the storage folder location in the new environment.
For information about refreshing a test environment on an existing test system, see “Refreshing a test
environment from backup files” on page 397.

Before you begin

Make sure that your new test or development environment meets the following prerequisites:
• OpenPages GRC Platform is installed in the new test or development environment.
• The operating system user names in the new environment match the operating system user names in
your production environment.

1. Back up your OpenPages GRC Platform application production DB2 database.
For more information, see “OpenPages GRC Platform DB2 database backup” on page 395.
2. Back up your IBM Cognos Controller production DB2 database.
For information about backing up the IBM OpenPages application database, see “OpenPages GRC
Platform DB2 database backup” on page 395.
3. Create the OpenPages GRC Platform application database instance in the new environment.
For more information about creating a DB2 database, see the IBM DB2 documentation.
4. On the new OpenPages GRC Platform application database only, run the enable-ora-
compatibility script to enable Oracle Compatibility Mode.
In the output, look for the DB2 profile variable, DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR, with the value of
a) On Microsoft Windows, from the Start menu, click All Programs > IBM DB2 > DB2COPY1 >
Command Window - Administrator, and type the following command: enable-ora-
Note: If you have multiple instances of DB2 on the server, make sure that you choose the
DB2COPY of the OpenPages database instance.
b) On AIX and Linux, type the following command: ./

396 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: DB2 compatibility features are enabled at the instance level and cannot be disabled. Keep
the selected compatibility level for the life of the OpenPages database. To confirm that Oracle
Compatibility Mode is set, type the following command: db2set -all
5. On the new IBM OpenPages application database only, update the database manager configuration.
a) For Windows users only, type the following command in the Command Prompt window to
initialize the DB2 command line processor (CLP):
b) In the DB2 CLP, run the opx-dbm-cfg script:
• On Windows, type:
• On AIX and Linux, type:
6. Use the OpenPages GRC Platform application database backup from your production system to
restore the DB2 database to your new environment.
For more information, see “OpenPages GRC Platform DB2 database restore” on page 395.
7. Create the IBM Cognos Controller database instance in the new environment without the Oracle
Compatibility feature.
For more information about creating a DB2 database, see the IBM DB2 documentation.
8. Use the IBM Cognos Controller database backup from your production system to restore the DB2
database to your new environment.
For more information, see “OpenPages GRC Platform DB2 database restore” on page 395.
9. Use the OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore utilities to back up the product files on the
production server then restore these files to your new environment.
For more information about using the OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility, see “The OPBackup
utility” on page 387.
For more information about using the OpenPages GRC Platform restore utility, see “The OpenPages
GRC Platform restore utility on the DB2 database” on page 390.
10. Use the Cognos backup and restore utilities to back up your reporting files on the production server
then restore these files to your new environment.
For more information about using the Cognos backup utility, see “Using the Cognos Backup utility” on
page 391.
For more information about using the Cognos restore utility, see “Using the Cognos Restore utility” on
page 393.
11. Update the OpenPages storage folder location on the new test or development database.
For more information about updating the storage folder location, see “Update the OpenPages GRC
Platform storage location in the DB2 database” on page 400.

Refreshing a test environment from backup files

The best method for refreshing an existing test environment is to have it replicated from the production
environment. By using your production environment's backup files, you can update a test environment
that closely matches your production environment as of the backup date.

You can use this procedure to refresh any test server by using the backup files from any other IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform server.
• Make sure that you have access to both the production or "source" and test or "target" servers.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 397
• The operating systems must match between source and target servers.

Prerequisites to refreshing a DB2 test environment

There are some prerequisites to refreshing a test environment.
The following are required:
• The test or "target" server and production or "source" server must have the same installed version of
the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application - including patches.
• You must have access to the following DVD either on your installation media or from a shared network


Where n.n.n represents the current version number of the OpenPages GRC Platform release.

Backup of production databases in OpenPages GRC Platform on the DB2 server

You must use the utilities that are provided with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform to back up the production
databases in the application. The exported DB2 production databases are used later to refresh the
OpenPages GRC Platform application databases on the test or target server.
For more information about the databases in OpenPages GRC Platform and backing up DB2 databases,
see “DB2 databases for OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore” on page 394.

Backing up and copying OpenPages GRC Platform application production files for a DB2
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility backs up the application files. The exported data from
the production backup file is used later to refresh data on the test or target server.

1. Log on to your production OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. Run the OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility (OPBackup) to back up the application files.
For more information, see “The OPBackup utility” on page 387.
3. Copy the backup .zip or .tar.gz file to your test server.

Backup of OpenPages GRC Platform databases on the test server

You must use the utilities that are provided with IBM DB2 to back up the test or target databases in IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform.
For more information about the databases in OpenPages GRC Platform and backing up DB2 databases,
see “DB2 databases for OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore” on page 394.

Backing up OpenPages GRC Platform application files on your test server

Run the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility to back up the application files on your test or target

1. Log on to your test OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. Run the backup utility (OPBackup) as described in “The OPBackup utility” on page 387 to backup the
OpenPages GRC Platform application files.

Running the OPCCBackup command

When you use the Cognos backup utility, you run the OPCCBackup command in a command or shell

398 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. From a command or shell window, navigate to the bin directory as follows:
For Microsoft Windows:<CC_Home>\tools\bin By default, <CC_Home> is C:\OpenPages
For AIX or Linux, type <CC_Home>/tools/bin By default, <CC_Home> is /opt/OpenPages/
2. Execute the following backup command:
Windows: OPCCBackup <path-to-backup-location>
AIX and Linux: <path-to-backup-location>
<path-to-backup-location> is the full path of the directory where the backed up files are located
on the Cognos server. The file path is optional.
Note: If no file path is specified, the OPCCBackup command uses, by default, the backup location
specified in the BACKUP_LOCATION parameter of the <CC_Home>|tools|bin|op-cc-backup-
restore.env file.

Drop the DB2 Database for the application on the test system
You must drop the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database on the test server. Dropping the IBM DB2
database for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform on the test system deletes all object data.
The DB2 database includes OpenPages GRC Platform application data.

1. If necessary, log on to your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform test server as a user with administrative
2. Open a command or shell window.
3. ForWindows users only, type the following command in the Command Prompt window to initialize the
DB2 command line processor (CLP):
4. In the DB2 CLP, type the following command to drop the DB2 test database:
db2 drop db <DATABASE_NAME>
Where <DATABASE_NAME> is the name of the test database.
For example, if the name of the test database is op, type db2 drop database op.

Copy and restore the application production DB2 database backup file to the test DB2
database server
You must use the utilities that are provided with IBM DB2 to restore the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application database on the test system.
The OpenPages GRC database backup file from the DB2 production server includes both OpenPages GRC
Platform application data.

Before you begin

The operating system user names in the test environment must match the operating system user names
in your production environment.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 399
1. Copy the OpenPages GRC Platform database backup file from the DB2 production server to the test
database server.
2. Copy the Java UDF class files from the DB2 production server folders to the folders on the test
database server.
For example:
• On Windows systems, copy the class files from C:\IBM\SQLLIB\FUNCTION on the production
database server to the DB2 database server on the test system.
• On AIX and Linux systems, copy the class files from /home/db2inst1/sqllib/function on the
production database server to the DB2 database server on the test system.
3. Restore the DB2 database to the test server. For more information, see “OpenPages GRC Platform DB2
database restore” on page 395.

Update the OpenPages GRC Platform storage location in the DB2 database
After you restore the openpage-storage files from the production backup, you must update the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform storage location on the test database.

1. Log on to a system as a user with administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
CLPPlus that can connect to the OpenPages database server.
2. Copy all the files under the openpages-storage folder from the production backup .zip file to the
openpages-storage location on the test server.
By default, the storage location is <OP_Home>|openpages-storage.

Table 115: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application

Operating system Installation location
Windows By default, <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages
AIX and Linux By default, <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages
3. Open a command or shell window and do the following tasks:
a) Either go to the OP_n.n.n_Non_Embedded_DVD_1 on your network drive or insert the DVD from
your installation kit.
b) Go to the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory at the following location:


Where n.n.n is the version number of the IBM OpenPages product.

4. ForWindows users only, type the following command in the Command Prompt window to initialize the
DB2 command line processor (CLP):
5. From the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory, run the update-storage SQL wrapper script with the
following parameters to update the openpages-storage directory location in the database:
clpplus -nw <op_db_user>/<op_db_password>@<database_host>:<database_port>/
<database_name> @sql-wrapper update-storage <log-file> <database_host>
<database_port> <data_base_name> <op_db_user> <op_db_password> <storage-
type> <storage-server-name> <host-name> <os-type> <path-or-UNC-name>

400 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 116: Update Storage Wrapper Script Parameters
Parameter Description
op_db_user OpenPages user name for accessing the OpenPages database.
op_db_password The OpenPages password for accessing the OpenPages database.
database_host Name of the DB2 server host machine that contains the OpenPages
database_port Port number of the DB2 database instance that is installed on the database
server. ForDB2, the default port is 50000.
database_name Name of the OpenPages database.
log-file The name of the log file that the script creates and writes information to.
storage-type The type of file storage to be used. Valid values are as follows:
• LFS (local file system)
• UNC (Universal Naming Convention) - for Windows only.
Note: After you move from LFS to UNC, you cannot go back to using LFS.

storage-server-name The name of the storage server.

host-name The host name of the machine.
os-type The type of operating system. Valid values are as follows:
• Windows
• Unix

path-or-UNC name The file path of the storage location.

• LFS (AIX and Linux)
clpplus -nw openpages/apassword@testdbserver:50000/opx @sql-wrapper update-
storage /home/op/upd-storage-output.log testdbserver 50000 opx openpages
apassword LFS aix11 aix11 Unix /usr/opdata/openpages-storage
• UNC (Windows)
clpplus -nw openpages/apassword@testdbserver:50000/opx @sql-wrapper update-
storage c:\temp\upd-storage-output.log testdbserver 50000 opx openpages
apassword UNC storageserver eng11 Windows \\storageserver\openpages-storage

Back up the Cognos Database on the DB2 production and test servers
You must use the utilities that are provided with IBM DB2 to back up the IBM Cognos Controller database
on both the production and test servers. The exported DB2 production database is used later to refresh
the IBM Cognos Controller database on the test or target server.
For more information about the databases in IBM OpenPages and backing up DB2 databases, see “DB2
databases for OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore” on page 394.

Back up Cognos configuration files on the DB2 production and test servers
You must run the Cognos backup utility to back up Cognos configuration files on both the production and
test servers. The Cognos configuration file backup from the production server is used later to refresh
Cognos configuration on the test server.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 401
Before you begin
Before you run the Cognos backup utility (OPCCBackup) make sure to verify the following:
• You have access to both the source and target database servers.
• Full permission is granted to the CommandCenter|tools|bin folder on the target Cognos server.

1. If necessary, log on to your production Cognos server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. Run the Cognos backup utility (OPCCBackup) to back up the Cognos configuration files on the
production server.
For more information, see “Using the Cognos backup utility” on page 430.
Tip: If the mail server for notification email is not set up for running Cognos backups, the output from
the OPCCBackup command might end with the following error:

Problem while sending mime mail:

This error can be safely ignored if the step before the error says BUILD SUCCESSFUL.
3. Copy the production Cognos server backup .zip or .tar.gz file to the Cognos backup-restore
directory on the test server.
4. Run the Cognos backup utility (OPCCBackup) to back up the Cognos configuration files on your test
For more information, see “Using the Cognos backup utility” on page 430.

Update DB2 database connection references for Cognos

You must update the database connection references for the server on the Cognos Analytics portal.

1. From a browser, log on to the Cognos Analytics portal as a user with administrative privileges, for
example, OpenPagesAdministrator.
By default, the URL is http://<hostname>/ibmcognos/bi
Where <hostname> is the name of the Cognos server.
2. Click Manage > Administration Console to launch the IBM Cognos Administration page.
3. On the Configuration tab, click Data Source Connections (if not already selected).
4. On the Directory > Cognos page, click the link for the OpenPages DataSource.
5. On the Directory > Cognos > OpenPages DataSource page, do the following:

a) Under the Actions column, click the Set properties - OpenPages DataSource icon .
b) On the Set properties - OpenPages DataSource page, click the Connection tab.
6. On the Connection tab, next to the Connection String box, click the pencil icon to edit the field.
7. On the CLI tab, in the DB2 database name box, change the DB2 database name to the Catalog
Database Name of the OpenPages GRC Platform database on the target environment.
8. On the JDBC tab, in the Server name, Port number, and Database name boxes, change the values to
valid values for the OpenPages GRC Platform database on the target environment.

Modify SSO and LDAP configuration in the test environment

If you are using SSO or LDAP in the test environment, modify the configuration for each if needed.
Otherwise, skip this task.

402 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Copy and restore the Cognos production database backup file to the test database server
You must use the utilities that are provided with IBM DB2 to restore the IBM Cognos Controller reporting
database on the test system.

Before you begin

The operating system user names in the test environment must match the operating system user names
in your production environment.

1. Copy the IBM Cognos Controller database backup file from the DB2 production server to the test
database server.
2. Restore the DB2 database to the test server. For more information, see “OpenPages GRC Platform DB2
database restore” on page 395.

Drop the DB2 Database for Cognos on the Test Server

You must drop the IBM Cognos Controller database on the test server. Dropping the IBM Cognos
Controller database on the test system deletes all object data.

1. If necessary, log on to your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform test server as a user with administrative
2. Open a command or shell window.
3. ForWindows users only, type the following command in the Command Prompt window to initialize the
DB2 command line processor (CLP):
4. In the DB2 CLP, type the following command to drop the DB2 test database:
db2 drop db <DATABASE_NAME>
Where <DATABASE_NAME> is the name of the test database.
For example, if the name of the test database is op, type db2 drop database op.

Copy custom deliverables to the test environment

If you are using custom deliverables, you must copy any custom files to the test environment.

Copy custom triggers

You must copy any custom Java actions and triggers that have been deployed on the production server to
the test environment. These custom actions and triggers are added to a zip file, openpages-ext.jar , by the
OPBackup utility.
If you have any questions about the location of your custom data, contact IBM representative.

1. If necessary, log on to your test IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative
2. Update the openpages-ext.jar in the test environment as follows:
a) From the production backup .zip files in “Backing up and copying the OpenPages GRC Platform
application production files for an Oracle database” on page 442, navigate to the openpages-
ext.jar in the <OP_Home>|aurora|lib directory.
Where <OP_Home> represents the installation location of the IBM OpenPages application.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 403
Table 117: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application
Operating Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\lib\openpages-ext.jar
By default <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages

AIX and <OP_Home>/aurora/lib/openpages-ext.jar

By default <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages

b) Copy the openpages-ext.jar from the production backup file into the <OP_Home>|aurora|
lib directory on your test machine and overwrite the existing .jar file there.

Copy other custom deliverables to the test environment

If you have other custom deliverables, such as UI helpers and JSP reports, copy these custom
deliverables to their respective folders on the test or target machine.
If you have any questions about the location of your custom data, contact your IBM representative.

1. From your application production backup .zip files, extract all custom files such as JAR files, JSP
files, JavaScript files, and Image files.
2. Copy these files into their respective folders on the target machine. The target folders should match
the folders on the source installation.

Starting the OpenPages GRC Platform in the test environment

When finished, start IBM OpenPages GRC Platform services on the servers in your test environment.
For details, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Update URL host pointers for Cognos reports

Modify the URL host pointer settings and then propagate these changes to the reporting schema on the
application server (does not require services to be restarted).

For more information, see “Updating URL host pointers for reports” on page 478.

Utilities for filtering on long string field content in a DB2 database

You can filter based on the content of long string fields if the IBM DB2 Text Search feature is enabled. This
feature is also known as full text searching.
Warning: Do not include long string fields that are encrypted using field level encryption in the
search criteria because they can return unexpected results.
Long string fields allow users to enter values over 4 KB in length. To apply filters on the content of these
long string fields, you must install and configure the DB2 Text Search feature, see “Install and configure
DB2 text search” on page 405.
If the DB2 Text Search feature is not enabled, attempts to filter on the content of long string fields will not
work. For details on setting up long text fields, see “Long string fields” on page 174.
The following SQL scripts are provided to help manage full text searching:
Note: Before running these scripts, make sure the DB2 Text Search feature is installed and configured.
• “Enable DB2 text search” on page 407

404 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• “Create a long string index in a DB2 database” on page 408
• “Create a schedule job to synchronize a long string index in a DB2 database” on page 410
• “Drop a long string index” on page 411
For information about how to disable DB2 text search, see Disabling a database for DB2 Text Search
To apply filters with long string fields, you must change the OpenPages | Platform | Database | Text
Indexes setting to true.
If the value is set to true, filtering is enabled on long string fields.
If the value is set to false, filter is disable on long string fields. The default values is false.
For details on working with settings, see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on
page 307.

Install and configure DB2 text search

Install and enable the optional IBM DB2 Search Text feature to filter based on the contents of fields with
long string data types. Scripts are provided for Windows, AIX, and Linux.

About this task

DB2 Text Search is an optionally installable component in a DB2 Server installation.

1. To install DB2 Text Search:
a) Run the custom installation type from the DB2 Server setup CD.
b) Select Work on existing system.
Note: For other DB2 Text Search installation methods, see: Configuring DB2 Text Search (http://
2. After the component is installed, log on to the operating system as the instance owner.
3. Stop the DB2 instance by running the following commands:

Table 118: Commands for stopping the DB2 instance

For this operating system... Do this...
Windows a. Open a command window, then run db2cmd.
b. In the DB2 CLP window, run:
db2 force applications all

AIX and Linux Run:

db2 force applications all

4. Navigate to the DB2 Text Search installation folder.

An example folder on a Windows system is:
D:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\SQLLIB\db2tss\bin
5. To configure the DB2 Text Search feature by using the default setting, run one of the following

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 405
Table 119: Commands for configuring the DB2 Text Search feature by using the default setting
For this operating system... Do this...

Windows db2iupdt DB2 /

Where DB2_INSTANCE_OWNER_NAME is the database
instance owner account. Usually db2admin user.
Where DB2_INSTANCE_OWNER_PASSWORD is the password
for instance owner account.
For example, db2iupdt DB2 /
u:db2admin,dbpassword /j:TEXT_SEARCH

AIX and Linux db2iupdt -j "TEXT_SEARCH,TEXT_SEARCH_Port"

Where TEXT_SEARCH_Port is the port number of the DB2 Text
Search services. For DB2 Text Search, the default port is
Where DB_Instance_Name is the name of the DB2 database
instance where you want to add the Text Search service.

6. To manually configure the DB2 Text Search feature, do the following.

a) Navigate to the <DB2_Home>\db2tss\bin directory.
b) Run this command to generate the authentication token:
configTool generateToken -configPath "<DB2_Home>\cfg\db2tss\config" -seed
Note: The default value of <DB2_INSTANCE_NAME> is DB2COPY1.
c) From the <DB2_Home>\db2tss\bin directory, run the following command to print the status and
properties of text search collections:
adminTool status -configPath ""<DB2_Home>\cfg\db2tss\config"
For more details, see Configuring DB2 Text Search (
Note: If you must reconfigure the DB2 Text Search feature, stop the text search service first. You can
run this command to stop the service: db2ts STOP FOR TEXT
7. Start the DB2 database:
a) Log on to the operating system with the account that was used to create the database.
b) If you have multiple databases on the server, use these commands to set the default database:
AIX and Linux
c) Start the database by running the following command:
8. Start DB2 Text Search services:
a) Log on as the database instance owner.
b) Run the following command:

406 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Note: If you restart the DB2 server, the DB2 Text Search service does not start automatically. To
automatically start the DB2 Text Search service:
From the Start menu, click Run, and type services.msc, and then change the DB2TS services to
start automatically.
AIX and Linux
Edit one of the startup scripts to start db2ts when you restart the service. The command to start
db2ts is db2ts start for text.

Enable DB2 text search

Enable the IBM DB2 Text Search feature to filter based on the contents of fields with long string data

1. Log on to a system as a user with Administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
CLPPlus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
Note: For SQL tool information, see “Database tool information” on page xxv.
2. Open a command or shell window, navigate to the text-indexing directory as follows:
AIX and Linux
Note: If the database server is not on the same machine as the IBM OpenPages server, you must copy
the script and the SQL files that the script invokes to the database server.
3. Run the following SQL script:
clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step1_AddTextIndexing_to_DB.sql

Table 120: Enable DB2 Text Search required script parameters

Required Parameter Description

<LOG_FILE_NAME> Name of the log file.

<DB2_SERVER_NAME> Name of the DB2 server.

<DB2_PORT_NUMBER> Port number of the DB2 database service

<DATABASE_NAME> Name of the OpenPages database.

<DB2_INSTANCE_OWNER_NAME> Database instance owner account. Usually

db2admin user.

<DB2_INSTANCE_OWNER_PASSWORD> Password for instance owner account.

<OP_DB_USER> OpenPages user name for accessing the

OpenPages database.

For example,

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 407
clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step1_AddTextIndexing_to_DB.sql
CustomIndexing_Step1_AddTextIndexing_to_DB.log server1 50000 op1 db2admin
dbpassword OPENPAGES

The database is now enabled for indexing. Use “Create a long string index in a DB2 database” on page
408 script to create the index.

Create a long string index in a DB2 database

Create a long string text index to support filtering based on the contents of fields with long string data
types. Scripts are provided for Windows, AIX, and Linux.
Important: In AIX or Linux operating systems, when using asterisks (*) as parameter values in long string
search scripts, the asterisks must be properly escaped with a double quote, single quote combination:

Before you begin

Complete the following tasks:
• “Enable DB2 text search” on page 407.
• Ensure that the DB2 text search server information is set up.
For more information, see Updating DB2 Text Search server information (

1. Log on to a system as a user with Administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
CLPPlus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
Note: For SQL tool information, see “Database tool information” on page xxv.
2. Open a command or shell window, navigate to the text indexing directory as follows.
The following table identifies the installation location of the application on the Microsoft Windows,
AIX, and Linux operating systems.

Table 121: Installation location of the full-text-index directory

Operating system Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\bin\full-text-index
AIX and Linux <OP_Home>/aurora/bin/full-text-index

Note: If the database server is not on the same machine as the IBM OpenPages server, you must copy
the script and the SQL files that the script invokes to the database server.
3. Run the following script:

clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step2_IndexCreate.sql


Table 122: Create DB2 long string index required script parameters
Required Parameter Description

<LOG_FILE_NAME> Name of the log file.

<DB2_SERVER_NAME> Name of the DB2 server.

408 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 122: Create DB2 long string index required script parameters (continued)
Required Parameter Description

<DB2_PORT_NUMBER> Port number of the DB2 database service

<DATABASE_NAME> OpenPages database name.

<OP_DB_USER> OpenPages user name for accessing the

OpenPages database.

<OP_DB_PASSWORD> OpenPages password for accessing the

OpenPages database.

<UPDATE_FREQUENCE_WEEKDAY> Weekday update frequency.

Accepted values are between 0 and 6; multiple
values can be separated with a comma. For all
weekdays use * (asterisk).

<UPDATE_FREQUENCE_HOUR> Hourly update frequency.

Accepted values are between 0 and 23; multiple
values can be separated with a comma. For all
hours use * (asterisk).

<UPDATE_FREQUENCE_MINUTE> Minute update frequency.

Accepted values are between 0 and 59, multiple
values can be separated with a comma.
Typically, values are specified as top of the hour
(0), or in multiples of 5 minute increments after
the hour, for example, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45, 50 or 55.

<MINIMUM_UPDATES> Minimum number of updates in the base table

before a scheduled index updates is run.

The following example shows a Windows script:

clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step2_IndexCreate.sql

CustomIndexing_Step2_IndexCreate.log server1 50000 opx opuser
password "*" "*" "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55" 1

The following example shows the same script on UNIX:

clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step2_IndexCreate.sql

CustomIndexing_Step2_IndexCreate.log server1 50000 opx opuser
password "'*'" "'*'" "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55" 1

These examples create an index with updates that start every 5 minutes of every hour of every
weekday if there is a minimum of one update to the PROPERTYVALS_CLOB table.

An index is created for long string fields.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 409
Create a schedule job to synchronize a long string index in a DB2 database
Create a schedule to synchronize and refresh the long string index. Scripts are provided for Windows, AIX,
and Linux.

1. Log on to a system as a user with Administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
CLPPlus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
Note: For SQL tool information, see “Database tool information” on page xxv.
2. Open a command or shell window, and navigate to the bin directory as follows:
• For Microsoft Windows, type <OP_Home>\aurora\bin.
• For AIX or Linux, type <OP_Home>/aurora/bin.
Note: If the database server is not on the same machine as the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server,
you must copy the script and the SQL files that the script invokes to the database server.
3. Run the following script:
clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step3_IndexRefresh.sql

Table 123: Refresh DB2 index required script parameters

Required Parameter Description

<LOG_FILE_NAME> Name of the log file.

<DB2_SERVER_NAME> Name of the DB2 server.

<DB2_PORT_NUMBER> Port number of the DB2 database service

<DATABASE_NAME> OpenPages database name.

<OP_DB_USER> OpenPages user name for accessing the

OpenPages database.

<OP_DB_PASSWORD> OpenPages password for accessing the

OpenPages database.

<UPDATE_FREQUENCE_WEEKDAY> Weekday update frequency.

Accepted values are 0 - 6; multiple values can be
separated with a comma. For all weekdays, use *

<UPDATE_FREQUENCE_HOUR> Hourly update frequency.

Accepted values are 0 - 23; multiple values can
be separated with a comma. For all hours, use *

410 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 123: Refresh DB2 index required script parameters (continued)
Required Parameter Description

<UPDATE_FREQUENCE_MINUTE> Minute update frequency.

Accepted values are 0 - 59, multiple values can
be separated with a comma.
Typically, values are specified as top of the hour
(0), or in multiples of 5-minute increments after
the hour, for example, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45, 50 or 55.

<MINIMUM_UPDATES> Minimum number of updates in the base table

before a scheduled index updates is run.

The following example shows a Windows script:

clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step3_IndexRefresh.sql
CustomIndexing_Step3_IndexRefresh.log server1 50000 op1 OPENPAGES
opxpassword "*" "*" "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55" 1
The following example shows the same script on UNIX:
clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step3_IndexRefresh.sql
CustomIndexing_Step3_IndexRefresh.log server1 50000 op1 OPENPAGES
opxpassword "'*'" "'*'" "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55" 1
This example schedules index synchronization to start every 5 minutes of every hour of every weekday
if there is a minimum of one update to the PROPERTYVALS_CLOB table.

Index synchronization jobs run at the interval specified.
Note: Changes to long string fields are not available for filtering until the next scheduled index job runs.

Drop a long string index

Remove the long string index. An index must be dropped before it can be re-created. Scripts are provided
for Windows, AIX, and Linux.
For more information about working with long string indexes, see Text search index maintenance.

1. Log on to a system as a user with Administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
CLPPlus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
Note: For SQL tool information, see “Database tool information” on page xxv.
2. Open a command or shell window, and navigate to the text-indexing directory as follows:
AIX and Linux
Note: If the database server is not on the same machine as the IBM OpenPages server, you must copy
the script and the SQL files that the script invokes to the database server.
3. Run the following SQL script:

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 411
clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step5_IndexDrop.sql <LOG_FILE_NAME>

Table 124: Enable DB2 drop index required script parameters

Parameter Description

<LOG_FILE_NAME> Name of the log file.

<DB2_SERVER_NAME> Name of the DB2 server.

<DB2_PORT_NUMBER> Port number of the DB2 database service

<DATABASE_NAME> Name of the OpenPages database instance.

<OP_DB_USER> OpenPages user name for accessing the

OpenPages database.

<OP_DB_PASSWORD> OpenPages password for accessing the

OpenPages database.

<FORCE_DROP_INDEX> Drops the index without regard to the status of

any associated scheduled task.
Values are Y (for Yes) or N (for No)

For example,
clpplus -nw @sql-wrapper CustomIndexing_Step5_IndexDrop.sql
CustomIndexing_Step5_IndexDrop.log server1 50000 op1 OPENPAGES opassword Y

You must re-create the index before you filter on the content of long string fields again. For details on
creating a long string index, see “Create a long string index for an Oracle database” on page 452.

Entity Move/Rename utility

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility allows batch processing of multiple
Business Entities for overnight or weekend execution without running the risk of operations that time out.
You can run the utility interactively or as a scheduled job.
Using the Entity Move/Rename utility, you can do the following:
• Rename a Business Entity hierarchy
• Simultaneously rename and move a Business Entity hierarchy
A single batch job can contain multiple independent operations, multiple dependent operations, or any
combination thereof.
Each operation provides transactional consistency. If an operation fails, all the pending changes for this
operation are rolled back. If an operation succeeds, all the changes are persisted.
Each rename, move, or combined operation runs in its own transactional context. So, failure in one
operation does not result in the failure of the entire batch job.
CAUTION: Before running the utility, you must stop all application services to avoid data or
security errors.

412 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Entity Move/Rename utility prerequisites
Before you use the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility, consider these
• A physical computer or VM that meets the OpenPages GRC Platform installation requirements. For
detailed specifications, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment Guide.
• An application that produces either CSV (comma-separated value) files or Unicode tab delimited files.
This application can be installed on any computer in your environment and is used to prepare the input
data for the utility.
• User name and password for the Oracle or DB2 account that owns the OpenPages application database
schema (for example, OPENPAGES).

Configuring the Entity Move/Rename utility for a DB2 database

You must configure parameters in the OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility before you
use it in a DB2 database environment.

1. Go to the Entity Move/Rename utility installation location as follows:
2. Open the batch-entity-move-rename.ini configuration file for editing.
3. Specify appropriate values for the following parameters for a DB2 database environment:

Table 125: Parameters for a DB2 database in the batch-entity-move-rename.ini file:

Parameter Name Description

server_name DB2 database server.

port_number DB2 service port number.

db_Name OpenPages database name on DB2.

user_name OpenPages database user name.

password OpenPages database user password.

data_format Format of the input file to the utility.

Example: csv or unicode-text.

input_file Name of the input file (including extension).

Example: ‘Sample-batch-entity-move-rename.txt’

code_page Code page that is used in the DB2 database.

If the data_format parameter is set to the following value:
• csv saved from Microsoft Excel, it is encoded in ANSI, then the code page
must be set to 1252.
• unicode-text and encoded in UTF-8 without BOM, then the code page
must be set to 1208.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 413
Table 125: Parameters for a DB2 database in the batch-entity-move-rename.ini file:

Parameter Name Description

skip_rows The number of rows in the input files to skip on load.

If the first row of the file:
• Contains a list of column names, set the value to '1'.
• Does not contain a list of column names, set this value to '0'.

4. Save and close the batch-entity-move-rename.ini configuration file.

5. Prepare the input file. See “Prepare the input file for the Entity Move/Rename utility” on page 414.

Prepare the input file for the Entity Move/Rename utility

The input file for the Entity Move/Rename utility can be in CSV or Unicode tab delimited format. You can
use any editor to create the input files. Included in the utility installation folder is a sample Unicode text
file (.txt format).
Important: On AIX and Linux, the text input file must be saved or converted to be encoded in UCS-2 Little
Endian and have UNIX end of line (LF) characters.
Tip: If you are using Microsoft Excel, you must save the spreadsheet as a CSV or tab delimited file.
The input file must have the following five columns of data:

Table 126: Columns in the input file

Column Name Description Sample Value

Source entity The entity on which the operation is run. /The Bank/USA/North
location East/Providence

Target entity The new parent entity for "move" and "move and For "move" and "move and
location rename" operations only. rename" operations:
Note: /Worldwide/
• For Oracle "rename" operations only (no move),
the value must be "-" (dash).
• For DB2 "rename" operations only (no move), the
value must be blank.

Run as user Application user name, whose identity is used to OpenPagesAdministrator

run the operation.

New entity name The new name after the operation for "rename" For "rename" and "move and
and "move and rename" operations only. rename" operations: Boston
• For Oracle "move" operations only (no rename),
the value must be "-" (dash).
• For DB2 "move" operations only (no rename), the
value must be blank.

414 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 126: Columns in the input file (continued)

Column Name Description Sample Value

Execution order Establishes the operation execution order as 1

• Operations that specify the execution order are
run before operations that do not.
• Operations that have a numeric value in the
execution order column are run in regular
ascending ordering.
If set, the value must to be a valid number;
Otherwise, leave the field blank.

The following is a short description of the data in the sample .txt file that is included in the utility
• The first line illustrates moving entity /The Bank/USA/North East/Providence to new location /
Worldwide/Americas/USA/NE. Operation is to be run as the user SOXAdministrator. This
operation is run first in the batch.
• The second line illustrates in place rename of the entity /Worldwide/Americas/USA/NE/
Providence. Entity name changes to Boston. Target location does not apply and is set to "-". This entry
has a dependency on the previous move operation and has higher number in the execution order
column. Also, it references to the new entity location that will be in effect after the first operation
• If the first operation fails for any reason, this operation fails as well and the entity location would be
• The third line illustrates simultaneous move of the entity /The Bank/USA/Midwest/Chicago to new
location /Worldwide/Americas/USA/MW and rename to Detroit. This operation has no dependencies
and will be run after the first two complete.
If you have an Oracle database with the 32-bit SQL*Loader utility and an IBMAIXor Linux environment,
see the topic: “Avoid error 0509-036 when you use the 32-bit Oracle SQL*Loader” on page 466.
Otherwise, run the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility.

Running the Entity Move/Rename utility interactively for a DB2 database

Use the following steps to run the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Move/Rename utility interactively in a
DB2 database environment.
Before you begin, make sure that you prepared the input file. See “Prepare the input file for the Entity
Move/Rename utility” on page 414 for instructions.

1. Move the input file into the utility installation directory, which is at:


2. Validate that the input_file parameter in the batch-entity-move-rename.ini configuration file is

correctly set to the input file name. For more information, see “Configuring the Entity Move/Rename
utility for a DB2 database” on page 413.
3. For Windows operating systems only: Start the DB2 command line processor first by opening a
command window and entering the db2cmd command.
4. From the location where the utility is installed, run the batch command file and review the output on
the screen.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 415
AIX or Linux
5. Upon completion, review the following log files for any errors:
• batch-entity-move-rename-load.log
• batch-entity-move-rename-proc.log
If any errors are reported and you are unable to fix them, contact your IBM Support representative.
Make sure you supply a copy of the screen that contains the error messages and all the log files that
are generated by the tool.

Running the Entity Move/Rename utility as a scheduled task

You can set up a scheduled task to run the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility.
Depending on your environment, you can run the batch-entity-move-rename batch command file by
using any scheduling application. For example, in Windows, you might use the built-in Windows scheduler.
In IBM AIX or Linux, you might set up a cron job.
Important: If you are using a DB2 database in a Windows environment, you must run the batch command
file within the DB2 Command Line Processor.
If the job fails, the batch command returns a non-zero exit code. You can redirect the console output to a
log file. For example, in Windows:

batch-entity-move-rename.cmd >> batch-entity-move-rename.log

The following files are overwritten on each run:

• batch-entity-move-rename-load.log
• batch-entity-move-rename-proc.log
These files can be saved, either manually or through a script, if log archives are needed.

Impact of the Entity Move/Rename utility on the OpenPages GRC Platform application
The Entity Move/Rename utility works directly against the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database
repository. As a result, the Java based OpenPages GRC application is unaware of the changes made to the
entity hierarchy and folder structure.
As a result, internal application caches might become out of sync with the data in the repository and lead
to discrepancies in the application user interface.
It is required that after you run the tool you restart application services, or run the tool when application
services are stopped.
Also, ensure that the OPBackup command is not running during execution, and that all batch rename and
move operations are completed before you run a backup.

Improve performance of OpenPages GRC Platform application functions on a DB2 server

You can improve the performance of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application functions by collecting
performance statistics for the IBM DB2 server, and by rebinding OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages.
Examples of application functions include importing instance data using FastMap, importing metadata
using Object Manager, and updating OpenPages GRC repository using SCOR rules.
Up-to-date statistics are necessary for the proper performance of OpenPages GRC applications that use a
DB2 server. You can use a script to force the DB2 server to collect statistics, and by default, rebind all
OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages. The script requires all OpenPages GRC application services to stop
before it runs. For details on stopping servers, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page

416 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

You run the script from the primary OpenPages GRC application server. You do not need to run this script
from all cluster member servers, but you must stop all cluster member services before running the script
to rebind OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages.
If a database is still running, you see the error SQL1026N. If this happens, verify that OpenPages GRC
services are not running, and disconnect all active connections to the database before continuing.
You can run the script on Microsoft Windows, AIX, and Linux.
1. For Windows users only, type the following command in a command prompt window to initialize the
DB2 command line processor (CLP):


2. Browse to the <OP_HOME>|aurora|bin|db2stats folder.

3. Run the following script:
• On Windows: CollectSchemaStatistics.bat [-n] [-i]
• On AIX and Linux: [-n] [-i]
Use these parameters as required:
• [-n] to skip rebinding of database packages.
• [-i] to run the script in interactive mode.
The script execution time varies depending on OpenPages GRC application usage.
You can schedule this script to run by using a task scheduler, cronjob, or similar utility. The suggested
schedule to use is as follows:
• Schedule the script to run daily without rebinding of OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages.
• Schedule the script to run once a week with rebinding of OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with IBM DB2 databases 417
418 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 18. Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
utilities with Oracle databases
You can use these utilities with your Oracle database for backing up and restoring OpenPages GRC
Platform and Cognos files and databases, and setting up a test environment.

Oracle databases and the backup and restore utilities

The backup and restore utilities are installed during the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
Use these utilities to back up and restore the OpenPages GRC Platform environment:

• OpenPages GRC Platform backup (OPBackup) and restore (OPRestore) are used to backup and restore
the OpenPages GRC Platform application and database
• Cognos backup (OPCCBackup) and restore (OPCCRestore) are used to backup and restore OpenPages
GRC Platform Cognos files and the content store.
• Users can choose to execute a live OPBackup. When running live OPBackup, OpenPages GRC Platform
services are not restarted on the application server, allowing for maximum uptime of the application. By
default, the services will be restarted.

Prerequisite: Oracle Admin Client

To use the backup and restore utilities that are included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, the Oracle
Admin Client software must be installed on both the OpenPages GRC Platform application server and
OpenPages GRC Platform Cognos server machines.
Note: For the currently supported version of the Oracle Admin Client, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Release
Notes or the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment Guide Installation Guide .

Oracle Data Pump

Oracle Data Pump provides a server-side infrastructure for very high-speed loading and unloading of data
and metadata to and from the database.
Oracle Data Pump is used by the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application and Cognos backup and
restore utilities and was automatically configured during the OpenPages GRC Platform installation or
upgrade process. If necessary, you can modify Oracle Data Pump settings.
• The Oracle Data Pump utility creates database backups on the database server. To ensure the database
backups are available in the event of a server failure, make sure to copy these backup (dump) files to a
different server or external device (such as a tape drive) after the OPBackup or OPCCBackup tool has
• Before you use the Cognos backup utility for the first time, you must configure the Oracle Data Pump
datapump directory. You do this by running an SQL script. For details, see “Configuring or updating the
Oracle Data Pump directory” on page 431.
If you change the name or location of the datapump directory, you can also use this script to update the
configuration information.
• Oracle Data Pump commands IMPDP and EXPDP should be used as the IMP and EXP commands are not
Email notification for backup jobs
You can configure email notification when you complete an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application
backup or Cognos backup job.

• Log files for email notification are stored in the logs folder in the following location:
– For OPBackup (OpenPages GRC Platform application backup):

<OP_Home>|aurora|bin|logs with the timestamp on the log files.

– For OPCCBackup (Cognos backup):

<CC_Home>|tools|bin|logs with the timestamp on the log files.

• Make sure to set rules in your email client to never send emails from the OpenPages GRC Platform
application server to the Spam or Junk mail folders.

Configuring backup job notification

Use this procedure to configure email parameters for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and Cognos backup

1. Open a command or shell window and do one of the following.
a) For an OPBackup (OpenPages GRC Platform application backup,
navigate to the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory as follows:
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX and Linux, the bin directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
b) For a OPCCBackup (Cognos backup), navigate to the op-cc-backup-restore.env file in the bin
directory where <cc_home> represents the installation of Cognos.
• For Microsoft Windows, the back up path is OPBackup <path-to-back-up-location>
• For AIX and Linux, the back up path is <path-to-back-up-location>
where <path-to-backup-location> is the full path of the directory where the backed up files
are located on the application server. If a file path is not specified, the OPBackup command uses,
by default, the backup location specified in the BACKUP_LOCATION parameter of the <OP_Home>|
aurora|bin|op-backup-restore.env file.
2. Open the selected .env file in a text editor.
3. Specify a value after the equal sign (=) for the parameters described in the following table and save
the .env file.

Table 127: Backup email parameters

Parameter name Description
BACKUP_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION The host name of the outgoing mail server.

420 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 127: Backup email parameters (continued)
Parameter name Description
BACKUP_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION The name of recipients that will receive the email
_TO_EMAIL_ID= notification.
Separate email addresses with a comma (,).
Note: Do not type a comma after the last email
Example [email protected],emailid2

BACKUP_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION The name that will appear as the sender of the

_FROM_EMAIL_ID= notification email in the From: field of the email.
The email address is also used as the personal


_SUCCESS_MSG_ default file containing the message text that will
FILE=BACKUP_SUCCESS_MSG.txt be used if the OPBackup.cmd completes
You can modify the message text in the
The first line of the file is used as the email's


_FAIL_MSG_FILE= file that contains the message text that is used if
BACKUP_FAIL_MSG.txt the OPBackup.cmd fails with errors.
You can modify the message text in the
BACKUP_FAIL_MSG.txt file as wanted.
The first line of the file is used as the email's

Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports asynchronous execution of processes in the background.
The most common examples of these type jobs are FastMap web-based data import jobs, object resets,
and reporting schema generation.
For example, after a user submits a data import file, that file is queued for loading and the import process
occurs in the background. Because it is important for asynchronous background jobs to run to completion,
certain administrative operations are suspended until all background jobs complete.
By default, the following administrative functions will not start until background jobs are complete:
• OPBackup command
• OPRestore command
• System Administrative Mode (SAM)
Note: To disable the default setting that checks for background jobs before you start OPBackup or
OPRestore, see “Enabling and disabling asynchronous background processes checking” on page 386.
If asynchronous processes are found, error messages are written to the OPBACKUP restore log.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 421
The following is a sample error log message that occurred when an OPBackup command was initiated
while the reporting schema was still being generated.
Note: The .log file name has the format op_backup_<yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss>.log
<yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss> represents the year_month_day_hour_minute_second. For example:
AIX and Linux
Sample error log messages follow.
• For Oracle database environments, a sample error log message might look similar to this text:
– can-proceed:
[exec] declare
[exec] *
[exec] ERROR at line 1:
[exec] ORA-20001: There are existing processes running.
[exec] Please let them finish or terminate them before proceeding.
[exec] ORA-06512: at line 7
– can-proceed:
[exec] declare
[exec] *
[exec] ERROR at line 1:
[exec] ORA-20001: There are existing object reset operations running.
[exec] Please let them finish or terminate them before proceeding.
[exec] ORA-06512: at line 7
• For IBM DB2 environments, a sample error log message might look similar to this text:
– can-proceed:
[exec] ERROR near line 26:
[exec] SQL0438N Application raised error or warning with diagnostic
[exec] text: "There are existing processes running. Please let them
[exec] finish or termi".
– can-proceed:
[exec] ERROR near line 26:
[exec] SQL0438N Application raised error or warning with diagnostic
[exec] text: "There are existing object reset operations running.
[exec] Please let them finish or termi".

Enabling and disabling asynchronous background processes checking

By default, IBM OpenPages GRC Platform does not allow a backup (OPBackup) or restore (OPRestore)
operation to start until all asynchronous background jobs are complete.

It is best to run all jobs to completion before you start a backup or restore operation. However, this check
can be enabled or disabled as follows.

1. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.

422 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. Navigate to the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory.
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX and Linux, the bin directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
3. Open the op-backup-restore.env file in a text editor.
4. Set the CHECK_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES parameter in the file to true or false.
Setting the value to true enables the asynchronous background job. If background processes are
running, this value prevents OPBackup or OPRestore from starting. True is the default value. false
disables the validation check for asynchronous background jobs. OPBack or OPRestore start even if
background processes are running.

Encrypting database passwords in the backup-restore utility environment

Passwords that are used by the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, and Cognos database user accounts within
the backup-restore environment files are encrypted, by default, during installation.
If you change the value of the password parameters within the following environment files, the value is in
plain text until it is encrypted. op-backup-restore.env database password parameters (file are stored
on the application server):
op-cc-backup-restore.env database password parameters (file are stored on the reporting server):
For security purposes, it is best to encrypt the changed passwords by completing the following procedure.
Important: In a horizontal clustered environment, you must complete this procedure on each OpenPages
GRC Platform application server in the horizontal cluster.

1. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
2. Go to the bin directory:
• For Microsoft Windows, the directory is <OP_HOME>\aurora\bin
• For AIX or Linux, the directory is <OP_HOME>/aurora/bin
3. To encrypt changed database password parameters in the op-backup-restore.env environment
file, run the following command:
• On Windows operating systems: OPBackup.cmd secure
• On AIX and Linux operating systems: ./ secure
4. To encrypt changed database password parameters in the op-cc-backup-restore.env
environment file, do the following steps:
a) Open a command or shell window on the reporting server.
b) Go to the <CC_Home>/tools/bin directory.
<CC_Home> is the installation location of Cognos.
• For Microsoft Windows, <CC_Home> is C:\OpenPages\CommandCenter.
• For AIX or Linux, <CC_Home> is opt/OpenPages/CommandCenter.
c) Type the following backup command:

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 423
• On Windows: OPCCBackup.cmd secure
• On AIX or Linux: ./ secure

The OPBackup utility

OPBackup is the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility that backs up the necessary product files
and database content on the server where it is run. The OPBackup utility creates a backup file that can be
used by the OpenPages GRC restore utility (OPRestore).
When you use the OPBackup utility, the following OpenPages GRC Platform resources are backed up:
• The OpenPages GRC Platform application
• The OpenPages GRC Platform storage folder and its content
• The OpenPages GRC Platform application environment files
In a horizontal clustered environment, if the Backup Utility is run on a non-administrative server, the
application database will not be included in the backup. To include this database in a backup file, run the
Backup Utility on an administrative server.
OPBackup does not back up standard OpenPages tools by default. If you want to include additional files
or directories, you must add them to a manifest file before you run the backup. For more information, see
“Backing up custom OpenPages GRC Platform files” on page 387.
If you use IBM Business Process Manager, OPBackup does not back up the BPM database. BPM backups
and restores are handled outside of the OpenPages OPBackup and OPRestore utilities. For more
information, see the BPM documentation in the following topic: (
Depending on your configuration, if any asynchronous background jobs are detected, an OPBackup job
will exit and possibly display errors (see “Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions” on
page 385).
You can also configure email notification upon completion of an OPBackup. For details, see “Email
notification for backup jobs” on page 383.
Attention: If you have global search enabled, global search must be disabled before running the
OPBackup and OPRestore utilities. For more information, see “Using OPBackup and OPRestore
when global search is enabled” on page 360.

Modifying the backup-restore environment file

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform storage location is set during the installation process. Use the
following scenarios to determine if you need to modify the OPSTORAGE_LOCATION parameter in the op-
backup-restore.env file.
By default, the op-backup-restore.env file is located in the bin directory as follows: <OP_Home>|
• For Microsoft Windows: <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages.
• For AIX and Linux: <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages.

Scenario 1: The root installation path of the OpenPages GRC Platform storage location changed after
If you modify the root path of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform storage location in the storageservers
table after installation, make sure you update the OPSTORAGE_LOCATION parameter in the <OP_Home>|
aurora|bin|op-backup-restore.env file to match the new root path (OpenPages GRC Platform
storage location).
If these locations do not match, the OPBackup utility will capture incorrect or stale storage folders.

424 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Scenario 2: The OPBackup utility is running on a non-administrative server
If you are running the OPBackup utility on a non-administrative server, you must update the
OPSTORAGE_LOCATION parameter in the <OP_Home>|aurora|bin|op-backup-restore.env file on
the non-administrative server to point to the remote location of the openpages_storage folder on the
administrative server.
Make sure to use forward slashes as the path separator in this UNC path.

<host_server> is the name of the administrative server.

Backing up custom OpenPages GRC Platform files

Custom IBM OpenPages GRC Platform files, such as SiteSync or scheduled job files that are specific to
your environment, can be included in the backup using an OpenPages manifest file. A manifest file is a
text file that contains the full path name to any directory or file that needs to be included in the backup.
For example, you could add the following file to the manifest file:
• OP_HOME\aurora\lib\openpages-ext.jar

Before you begin

• You must list all of your custom directories and files in a manifest. If you have any questions about the
location of your custom data, contact OpenPages GRC Platform Customer Support.
• In a horizontal clustered environment, you must perform this procedure on each OpenPages GRC
Platform Application Server in the horizontal cluster.

1. Log on to the current OpenPages GRC Platform application server.
2. Navigate to the OP_HOME|aurora|bin directory and open the op_backup.manifest file in a text
3. Type the full path name to all custom directory names or to a specific file. Each directory or file must
be on a separate line in the file.
4. Save the manifest file using the current location and name.

Running the OPBackup command

When you use the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application backup utility, run the OPBackup command
in a command or shell window.
The OPBackup command does the following:
• Stops all OpenPages GRC Platform services before performing any backup operation
• Backs up OpenPages GRC Platform application and environment files
• Restarts the services when the backup activities are complete
See “Running a live OpenPages GRC Platform backup” on page 388 if you want to perform a backup
without stopping services.

1. If global search is enabled, disable it:
a) Log in to OpenPages as an administrator.
b) Click Administration > Global Search > Disable.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 425
2. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform application server.
3. Navigate to the bin directory as follows:
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX and Linux, the bin directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
4. Execute the following backup command:

OPBackup <path-to-backup-location>

Where <path-to-backup-location> is the full path of the directory where the backed up files are
located on the OpenPages GRC Platform application server. If a file path is not specified, the
OPBackup command uses, by default, the backup location specified in the BACKUP_LOCATION
parameter of the <OP_Home>|aurora|bin|op-backup-restore.env file.

Backing up the OpenPages database (Oracle)

You can use the OPBackup utility to back up the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform databases.

About this task

Note: You can back up the databases by using other methods. Some examples of alternative methods
• Doing a full physical backup by using RMAN
• Doing a combination of full and incremental backup by using RMAN
• Doing an Oracle data pump export.
If you want to use an alternative method, it is critical that you have the necessary skills available within
your organization to complete all aspects of the backup and restore activity.

1. Make sure that no OpenPages GRC Platform processes are running, such as object reset jobs.
2. Shut down all OpenPages components: application servers (admin and non-admin), reporting servers
(active and standby), and the search server.
For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.
3. Open a command or shell window on the admin application server.
4. Go to the <OP_HOME>/aurora/bin directory.
5. Do a full database backup of the OpenPages schema by using OPBackup.


OPBackup.cmd <backup_directory> dbonly

Linux or AIX:

./ <backup_directory> dbonly

The <backup_directory> is the full path to a directory on the database server. This directory is where
the log files are saved. If the file path is not specified, the OPBackup command uses the location that
is specified by the BACKUP_LOCATION parameter in the <OP_HOME>/aurora/bin/op-backup-
restore.env file.
A dump file is created in the OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY directory.
6. Examine the backup log and make note of the dump file name. The naming convention is

426 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Running a live OpenPages GRC Platform backup
A live IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup means that the application can continue running while the
backup is in progress. The services are not stopped during the backup.
Note: Run live OpenPages GRC Platform backups during off-peak hours because the backup consumes
processing resources.
You might encounter errors such as the following during the database export portion of the live OP
[exec] ORA-31693: Table data object "OPENPAGES"."table_name"
failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
[exec] ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
[exec] ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number #
with name "rollback_segment_name" too small

This might happen if there is a relatively high level of data modification transactional activity on the
system during the backup. Run live OP backup when transactional activity is low. If this is not possible or
not desirable, or if the error keeps happening, it may be possible to avoid this error by setting
UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter to a higher (possibly much higher) value, at least for the
duration of the backup. Setting UNDO_RETENTION to a higher value, may result in a growth of UNDO table
space, so it should be done by an experienced database administrator or with the assistance of IBM
To use the OpenPages GRC Platform application backup utility live, you run the OPBackup command with
the nosrvrst option. This does the following:
• Backs up OpenPages GRC Platform application and environment files
• Exports the OpenPages GRC Platform application database

1. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
2. Navigate to the bin directory as follows:
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is \<OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX or Linux, the bin directory is /<OP_Home>/aurora/bin
3. Type the following backup command:

OPBackup <path-to-backup-location> nosrvrst

AIX and Linux <path-to-backup-location> nosrvrst

<path-to-backup-location> is <oracle_base>\admin\<SID>\dpdump
AIX and Linux
<path-to-backup-location> is <oracle_base>/admin/<SID>/dpdump

OpenPages GRC Platform backed-up content

The backup process creates a ZIP file (.zip) in the <backup-directory-name> directory.
The ZIP file contains the following necessary backed up databases and data files:
• IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application database
• IBM OpenPages GRC Platform properties files (such as and

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 427
• Application server configuration files for IBM WebSphere.
• The openpages-storage directory.
• Pointers to the database schema dump extracts.
• Manifest-defined content (such as or
• If a backup file is 4 GB or larger, configure the OPBackup utility to use gzip (GNU zip). Gzip produces an
archive with an extension of .tar.gz. To view and extract the contents of the archive file, use WinZip® 12
(or higher) or WinRAR® 3.71 (or higher).
• The OPBackup utility adds a military timestamp on the .zip and log files it creates.
The ZIP file can be used as a parameter to the OPRestore command to restore the installation-specific
OpenPages GRC Platform files and the database. Each time the OPBackup command is run, a separate
ZIP file is created and each data file is identified by a unique name.

The OPBackup log file

The backup process creates a log file, which is identified by a unique name in the <backup-directory-
name> folder. Each time you run the OPBackup command, a separate log file is generated.

Configuring OPBackup to use GZIP

If a ZIP backup file grows beyond the 4-GB limit of ZIP file capacity, you can configure the OPBackup
utility to use gzip (GNU zip). After the file is configured, new backup files will have a .tar.gz extension.
The OPRestore utility will detect if a file is in ZIP or gzip format and process it accordingly.

1. From a command or shell window, navigate to the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory
as follows.
• For Windows, the installation directory is c:\<OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX or Linux, the installation directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
2. Open the op-backup-restore.env file in a text editor of your choice.
3. Change the USE_GZIP_COMPRESSION= setting from false to true.

Enabling and disabling storage backup

By default, the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform backup includes the storage folder and its content. You can
disable storage backup by setting the BACKUP_OP_STORAGE parameter in the op-backup-
restore.env file.

1. Open a command or shell window on the OpenPages GRC Platform server.
2. Navigate to the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory as follows.

Table 128: Installation locations

Operating system Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
AIX and Linux <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
3. Open the op-backup-restore.env file in a text editor of your choice.
4. Set the value of the BACKUP_OP_STORAGE parameter in the file to one of the following:

428 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 129: BACKUP_OP_STORAGE parameter values and their meanings
If the value is set to... Then...
true The storage folder and its content are backed up.
This is the default value.

false The storage folder and its content are not backed
5. When finished, save the changes to the file and exit the editor.

The OpenPages GRC Platform restore utility on the Oracle database

OPRestore is the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform restore utility that restores the OpenPages files and
database content on the server from which it was originally run. The OPRestore utility uses a backup file
created by the OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility (OPBackup).
Important: To refresh a "test" environment, see “Refreshing a test environment from backup files” on
page 441.
As part of the restoration process, the following OpenPages GRC Platform resources are restored:
• The OpenPages GRC Platform application
• The OpenPages GRC Platform storage folder and its content
• The OpenPages GRC Platform application environment files
Important: In a horizontal environment, if OpenPages GRC Platform backup is run on a non-
administrative server, the application database is not included in the backup, so will not be restored.
Depending on your configuration, an OPRestore job may not start until all asynchronous background jobs
run to completion (see “Asynchronous background jobs and administrative functions” on page 385).

Running the OPRestore command

You can restore a backup using the OPRestore command.

Before you begin

If you used OPBackup, the zip file should contain the database dump files (.dmp). If the dump files are
not in the zip file, copy them to the backup location before you start the restore.

1. If you enabled the global search component during backup, recreate your search index so that your
search results are synchronised.
a) Click Administration > Global Search.
b) Click Disable to disable the global search component.
c) Click Drop to drop the search indexes.
d) Click Create to recreate the search indexes.
2. Stop the IBM Cognos service.
3. From a command or shell window, navigate to the bin directory as follows:
• For Microsoft Windows, the bin directory is <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
• For AIX and Linux, the bin directory is <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
4. Execute the following command:
OPRestore <backup-file-name> <path-to-backup-location>

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 429
AIX and Linux <backup-file-name> <path-to-backup-location>
<backup-file-name> is the name of the backup file (without the .zip or tar.gz file extension)

What to do next
Preferences related to the long string text index won't be exported by “Running the OPBackup command”
on page 425, and therefore are not restored. You must “Create a long string index for an Oracle database”
on page 452 pointing to the database server you are restoring to.

OPRestore log files

The restore process creates a log file identified by a unique name in the <backup-directory-name>
folder. Each time you run the OPRestore command, a separate log file is created.
Note: Oracle Data Pump log files for database imports are created on the database server.

Using the Cognos backup utility

OPCCBackup is the Cognos utility that backs up the necessary Cognos files. The OPCCBackup utility
creates a backup file that can be used by the Cognos restore utility (OPCCRestore).
To back up or restore the IBM DB2 databases for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you must use the utilities
that are provided with DB2. For more information about the databases in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
and backing up or restoring them, see Backing up and restoring DB2 database.

When you use the OPCCBackup utility, the following Cognos resources are backed up.
• Cognos reports
• Branding and environment files
You can configure e-mail notification (with an attached log file) upon the completion of an OPCCBackup.
For details, see “Email notification for backup jobs” on page 383.

Oracle Data Pump configuration on a first time use

Before you use the Cognos backup utility for the first time, you must configure Oracle Data Pump by
running an SQL script.
This task is required.
For details on running the script, see “Configuring or updating the Oracle Data Pump directory” on page
The script configures a data pump storage directory for the user name specified in the <user_name>
parameter. If a datapump storage directory was already configured for the specified user name, the script
will display an appropriate message.

The OpenPages GRC Platform file storage directory

By default, OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY is the name of the directory used for storing Cognos Content
Store database backup files. The path to this directory on the database server varies and depends on how
it was defined.
If the OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY storage directory does not already exist on the database server, you
must run the script to create the directory.

430 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Configuring or updating the Oracle Data Pump directory
The script used in this procedure requires access to the content of the installation kit:
Use the following SQL*Plus script to:
• Create the Oracle Data Pump datapump directory for first time use of the CommandCenter backup
• Update configuration information if you modified the log file name or datapump directory location to
reflect changes in your environment.

1. Log on to a machine with SQL*Plus and a connection to the CommandCenter database instance.
2. Open a command or shell window and do the following:
a) Navigate to the OP_<version>_Non_Embedded directory on your network drive or in the
installation kit.
b) Navigate to the following folder:
3. Run the update-datapump-directory.sql script as follows and substitute values for each
sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper update-datapump-directory <log_file_name>
<tns_name_alias> SYSTEM <password> <create|update> <directory_location>
Note: All parameters are required.

Table 130: Parameters for Oracle Data Pump SQL script

This parameter... Represents...
<log_file_name> The user-defined name of the log file that the
script will create and write information to.
AIX and Linux /tmp/update-datapump.log
Windows C:\temp\update-datapump.log

<tns_name_alias> The database TNS entry to be used by the

CommandCenter database instance on the
CommandCenter server machine.

<password> The password for the Oracle SYSTEM user

<create|update> Specify one of the following values:
• create - use this if you are configuring Data
Pump for first time use.
• update - use this if you are modifying the
<Directory Location> parameter.

<directory_location> The full directory path on the database server

where the backed up files will be placed.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 431
Table 130: Parameters for Oracle Data Pump SQL script (continued)
This parameter... Represents...
<user_name> The user name to be used with the Cognos
account for the CommandCenter Database
Schema (Content Store).

Running the OPCCBackup command

When you use the Cognos backup utility, you run the OPCCBackup command in a command or shell
window. The OPCCBackup command uses Oracle Data Pump to export the database (services can
continue to run during the backup).
Note: Oracle Data Pump backup files are created on the database server.

1. From a command or shell window, navigate to the bin directory as follows:, where <CC_Home>
represents the installation location of the Cognos application.
• For Microsoft Windows, navigate to <CC_Home>\tools\bin. By default, <CC_Home> is
• For AIX or Linux, navigate to <CC_Home>/tools/bin.
2. Execute the following backup command:
OPCCBackup <path-to-backup-location>
AIX <path-to-backup-location>
<path-to-backup-location> is the full path of the directory where the backed up files are located
on the Cognos server. The file path is optional.
Note: If no file path is specified, the OPCCBackup command uses, by default, the backup location
specified in the BACKUP_LOCATION parameter of the <CC_Home>|tools|bin|op-cc-backup-
restore.env file.
The following table lists the default Content Store database export location specified in the
environment file.
Where <SID> is the Oracle System Identifier (for example, OP).
The default Content Store database export locations are:
Windows: <oracle_base>\admin\<SID>\dpdump
AIX: <oracle_base>/admin/<SID>/dpdump

The OPCCBackup log file

The backup process creates a log file, which is identified by a unique name in the <backup-directory-
name> folder. Each time you run the OPCCBackup command, a separate log file is generated.

Cognos backed-up content

The Cognos backup process creates a ZIP file (.zip) in the <backup-directory-name> directory. This
ZIP file contains the necessary report and environment files that can be used by the Cognos restore utility

432 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• If a backup file is very large (4 GB or larger), configure the OPCCBackup utility to use gzip (GNU zip).
Gzip produces an archive with an extension of .tar.gz. To view and extract the contents of the archive
file, use WinZip® 12 (or higher) or WinRAR® 3.71 (or higher).
• The OPCCBackup utility adds a military timestamp on the .zip and log files it creates.
The ZIP file can be used as a parameter to the OPCCRestore command to restore the installation-
specific IBM OpenPages GRC Platform files and the database. Each time the OPCCBackup command is
run, a separate ZIP file is created and each data file is identified by a unique name.

Configuring OPCCBackup to use GZIP

If a ZIP backup file grows beyond the 4-GB limit of ZIP file capacity, you can configure the OPCCBackup
utility to use gzip (GNU zip). Once the file is configured, new backup files will have a .tar.gz extension.
The OPCCRestore utility will detect if a file is in ZIP or gzip format and process it accordingly.

1. From a command or shell window, navigate to the op-cc-backup-restore.env file in the bin
directory as follows, where <CC_Home> represents the installation location of the Cognos application
• For Microsoft Windows, the directory is: <CC_Home>\tools\bin. By default, <CC_Home> is
• For AIX or Linux, the directory is: <CC_Home>/tools/bin. By default, <CC_Home> is opt/
2. Open the op-cc-backup-restore.env file in a text editor.
3. Change the USE_GZIP_COMPRESSION= setting in the file from false to true:

Using the Cognos restore utility

OPCCRestore is the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Cognos utility that restores the necessary Cognos files
and Content Store on the server from which it was originally run. The OPCCRestore utility uses a backup
file created by the OpenPages GRC Platform Cognos backup utility (OPCCBackup).
Note: To refresh a "test" environment, see “Refreshing a test environment from backup files” on page
As part of the restoration process, the following Cognos resources are restored:
• Cognos reports
• Content Store
• Branding and environment files

Running the OPCCRestore command

You can restore backed up Cognos data using the OPCCRestore utility as follows.

1. Stop the IBM Cognos service on the administrative server and any non-administrative servers in the
cluster. For details, see “Starting and stopping the Cognos services” on page 560.
2. Stop the IBM Cognos Configuration tool, if it is running, on all cluster members.
3. From a command or shell window, navigate to the bin directory where the <CC_Home> represents the
installation location of the Cognos application.
• For Microsoft Windows, the installation location is <CC_Home>\tools\bin. By default, <CC_Home> is
• For Aix or Linux, the installation location is <CC_Home>/tools/bin. By default, <CC_Home>
is /opt/OpenPages/CommandCenter

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 433
4. On the administrative Cognos server, run the following command:
OPCCRestore <backup-file-name> <path-to-backup-location>
AIX <backup-file-name> <path-to-backup-location>
<backup-file-name> is the name of the backup file (without the .zip or tar.gz file extension).
Note: <path-to-backup-location> is the full path of the directory where the backed up files are
located on the Cognos server. The file path is optional.
If no file path is specified, the OPCCRestore command uses, by default, the backup location specified
in the BACKUP_LOCATION parameter of the <CC_Home>|tools|bin|op-cc-backup-
restore.env file.
5. Start the IBM Cognos service on the administrative server and on any non-administrative servers in
the cluster. For details, see “Starting and stopping the Cognos services” on page 560.

The OPCCRestore log file

The restore process creates a log file identified by a unique name in the <backup-directory-name>
Each time you run the OPCCRestore command, a separate log file is created.
Note: Oracle Data Pump log files for database imports are created on the database server.

Using Oracle online database backup (RMAN) for point-in-time recovery

To perform an online backup of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database, using custom OpenPages
scripts that utilize Oracle’s Recovery Manager (RMAN) facility.

Knowledge of basic Oracle database backup and recovery operations is necessary, as well as use of
RMAN. For more information on the use of RMAN for online database backup and recovery, see the Oracle

Oracle online database backups

Unlike the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform OPBackup utility, the Oracle online database backup function
does not require shutting down access to database operations before backing up the database.
It can perform an incremental backup in the background at a designated interval while allowing full user
access to the OpenPages GRC Platform database and OpenPages GRC Platform services. It also allows
"point in time" recovery of the OpenPages GRC Platform database with minimal chance of data loss.
In contrast, OPBackup and OPRestore can only do a full backup and restore of the database and other
files (not incremental). Because full backups are typically performed less frequently than incremental
backups, the possibility of significant data loss in the event of a system crash is greater than for the Oracle
online database backup and recovery solution.
• The Oracle online database backup function can only perform a physical bit-for-bit backup of a single
OpenPages GRC Platform database instance and only on one machine.
• Operation of online database backup in an Oracle RAC (cluster) environment is not supported.
In contrast, OPBackup performs a logical backup of all database instances in the cluster, as well as the
OpenPages GRC Platform storage directory and application environment files.

434 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Running Oracle online database backups (RMAN)
Setting up and running Oracle online database backups has several steps.
Complete the following steps to set up and run Oracle online database backups:
“Plan the size of the Oracle backup area” on page 435
“Copying the online Oracle backup scripts to a local directory” on page 435
“Modifying the environment variables in the Oracle RMAN-ENV script” on page 436
“Configure the Oracle database for online backup” on page 438
“Run the Oracle rman-daily script” on page 438

Plan the size of the Oracle backup area

The backup area is the location where the Oracle online database backup function stores the backup copy
of the database instance plus the redo logs and other database-related files.
The online redo log represents the currently running incremental database backup, and the archived redo
logs represent previous incremental backups. Estimate the maximum size of the backup area in order to
set the appropriate environment variable. For more information, see “Modifying the environment variables
in the Oracle RMAN-ENV script” on page 436.
As a guideline, use a backup area that is 3x the size of the database. It includes the sum of the database,
database copy, and archived log files.
The size of the backup area must be large enough to store all of the following information:
• A copy of the database instance
• All online redo logs
• Any archived redo logs that have not been backed up elsewhere.
• A copy of the database control file and the SPFILE
The backup area should be able to store at least 24 hours of archived redo logs that have not been backed

Copying the online Oracle backup scripts to a local directory

To access the scripts for online database backup, copy them from the installation media:
OP_<version>_Non_Embedded to any local directory on the database server. You can run the scripts
from the local directory.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a command or shell window and complete the following action:
a) Go to the OP_<version>_Non_Embedded directory on your network drive or in the installation kit.
b) Go to the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory at the following location:


3. From the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory copy, the following scripts to a local directory on the database
• Environment-specific online backup scripts:

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 435
AIX and Linux
• More online backup scripts:


• The name of the local directory where you are copying the scripts must not contain any space
• You can run the scripts described in the following topics from the local directory. You can add the
directory to your PATH environment variable so that you can run them from any directory.

Modifying the environment variables in the Oracle RMAN-ENV script

After you determine the size of the backup area, edit the environment variable values in the rman-env

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to modify the Oracle RMAN-ENV script:

1. Open the rman-env.cmd (Windows) or (AIX and Linux) script in a text editor on the
database server. Edit the following environment variables for your Oracle database environment as
shown in Table 131 on page 436.

Table 131: Environment Variables in RMAN-ENV Script

Environment Variable Description
ORACLE_HOST_NAME= Fully qualified network identifier for the database server
computer. The host name can be found in the HOST
parameter in the tnsnames.ora file.

ORACLE_SID= SID of the IBM OpenPages database instance you are

backing up. The SID can be found in the SERVICE_NAME
parameter in the tnsnames.ora file.
Example: op

436 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 131: Environment Variables in RMAN-ENV Script (continued)
Environment Variable Description
ORACLE_HOME= The Oracle database Home directory on the database
server where the Oracle software is installed, including the
database. This is the same as the value of the
<ORACLE_HOME> environment variable for the database
Database and application servers on the same machine:
AIX and Linux
Database and application servers on different machines:
AIX and Linux

ORACLE_DATAFILE_LOC= The Oracle data Home directory on the database server.

This is the location where the Oracle data is stored.
AIX and Linux

FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA= Directory or file system where the backup area will be

located on the database server.
Example: c:\temp\arch (Windows)

FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_SIZE= Maximum size of the backup area, specified in either

megabytes (M) or gigabytes (G). You can specify any size up
to the maximum allowed by the operating system on the
database server.
• 500M (500 megabytes)
• 20G (20 gigabytes)

LISTENER_PORT= Listener port number of the Oracle database instance you

are backing up. The listener port number can be found in
the PORT parameter in the tnsnames.ora file.
Example: 1521

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 437
Table 131: Environment Variables in RMAN-ENV Script (continued)
Environment Variable Description
ORACLE_HOME_NAME= Name assigned to <ORACLE_HOME> at installation time.
The Oracle Home Name can be found in the SERVER
parameter in the inventory.xml file in the
ContentsXML directory.
Example: OPServer

2. Save the script file.

After you enable online backup mode for a database instance, do not make any changes to the
corresponding rman-env script. If you need to increase the size of the backup area, see "Adjusting the
Size of the Backup Area" for more information. Never modify the rman-env script to adjust the size of the
backup area after online database backup mode is enabled.
If you need to back up a different database instance, make a copy of the rman-env script in a different
directory and modify the parameters as appropriate. The FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA parameter must
specify a different location than that of your other online database backups.

Configure the Oracle database for online backup

Run the rman-init script to create the required directories and scripts for database recovery and to
configure the parameters that you entered in the rman-env script for Oracle online database backup.
To run the script, execute the following command:
rman-init.cmd <tns_name_alias> SYS <sysdba_password>
AIX and Linux <tns_name_alias> SYS <sysdba_password>
<tns_name_alias> is the TNS alias of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database instance as it is
known on the network. If necessary, you can retrieve this alias from the tnsnames.ora file.
<sysdba_password> is the Oracle SYS account password.

Windows example op SYS SYSPWD

If there are errors when running this script, the script output will list the directory location containing the
error log. The error log file name is enable-archivelog-more.log.
Important: The script described in this section restarts the database. It is recommended that you alert
users that they will be temporarily unable to access the database until the script has finished running.

Run the Oracle rman-daily script

The rman-daily script can be run manually or on a scheduled basis using standard operating system
scheduler functions (such as cron).
After you configure the database for online backup, you can run the rman-daily script to perform online
To run the script, execute the following command:
rman-daily.cmd <tns_name_alias> SYS <sysdba_password>

438 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

AIX <tns_name_alias> SYS <sysdba_password>
<tns_name_alias> is the TNS alias of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database instance as it is
known on the network. If necessary, you can retrieve this alias from the tnsnames.ora file.
<sysdba_password> is the Oracle SYS account password.

AIX example op SYS SYSPWD

Review Oracle log files

The rman-daily script produces a log file (rman-daily.log) that lists each component that was
backed up. The log is recreated (overwritten) each time that you run the rman-daily script.
The directory location of the rman-daily.log is:
<FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA> and <ORACLE_SID> are the values of those parameters in the rman-env
The log file lists the following information for the online database backup:
• Backup sets (incremental backups)
• Copies of data files
• Copies of control files
• Temp files

Monitoring the size of the Oracle backup area

You can use a script to monitor the size of the backup area.
To monitor and display the size of the backup area, use the following script:

sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper check-fra-size <log_file_name> <tns_name_alias>

SYSTEM <system_password>

• <log_file_name> is the directory location, including the log file name that you specify, where any
errors or messages relating to this script are logged. If you specify only the log file name, it is stored in
the current working directory.
• <tns_name_alias> is the TNS alias of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database instance as it is
known on the network. If necessary, you can retrieve this alias from the tnsnames.ora file.
• <system_password> is the Oracle SYSTEM account password.
The script displays the following information (in megabytes):
• Used Space — Space that is already used and not available for online database backups.
• Allocated Space — Maximum size of the backup area, including used and free space. This is the same as
the value of the FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_SIZE parameter in the rman-env script.
• Used-Reclaimable — Space that is free for use in online database backups.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 439

sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper check-fra-size C:\OpenPages\logs op SYSTEM SYSTEMPWD

Displays the used, allocated, and free space for database instance op.

Adjusting the size of the Oracle backup area

You can adjust the size of the backup area if necessary.
Occasionally, you may need to modify the size of the backup area. For example, you may see the following
warning message in the Oracle Alert log:

ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size of xxxxx bytes is 100.00% used,

and has 0 remaining bytes available

Increase the size of the backup area to make more space available for online database backups. You can
increase or decrease the size of the backup area by running one of the scripts described in the following
Important: Do not delete files manually from the backup area to free up space. Doing so causes the
following error: RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found.

Reclaiming used space by running the Oracle RMAN-DAILY Script

Running the rman-daily script reclaims previously used space in the backup area, freeing it up for use in
online database backups.

Adjusting space by running the Oracle UPDATE-FRA-SIZE script

You can adjust the size of the backup using a script.
If you want to adjust the maximum size of the backup area to a specific value, run the following script:

sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper update-fra-size <log_file_name> <tns_name_alias>

SYS <sysdba_password> <new_size>

• <log_file_name> is the directory location, including the log file name that you specify, where any
errors or messages relating to this script are logged. If you specify only the log file name, it is stored in
the current working directory.
• <tns_name_alias> is the TNS alias of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database instance as it is
known on the network. If necessary, you can retrieve this alias from the tnsnames.ora file.
• <sysdba_password> is the Oracle SYS account password.
• <new_size> is the updated size of the backup area (use M for megabytes or G for gigabytes). For
example, you would specify 20 gigabytes as 20G.

sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper update-fra-size <log_file_name> op SYS SYSPWD 15G

Adjusts the backup area for database instance op to 15 gigabytes.

Important: The script restarts the database. Users are unable access the database while the script is

440 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Disabling online backup of the Oracle database instance
Run the following script to turn off archive logging mode, which disables Oracle online database backup
for the specified database instance.
This simply stops the service that runs online database backup; it does not remove any files or data
already stored in the backup area.

sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper disable-archivelog-mode <log_file_name> <tns_name_alias>

SYS <sysdba_password>

• <log_file_name> is the directory location, including the log file name that you specify, where any
errors or messages relating to this script are logged. If you specify only the log file name, it is stored in
the current working directory.
• <tns_name_alias> is the TNS alias of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database instance as it is
known on the network. If necessary, you can retrieve this alias from the tnsnames.ora file.
• <sysdba_password> is the Oracle SYS account password.

sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper disable-archivelog-mode <log_file_name> op SYS SYSPWD

• The script restarts the database. Users are unable access the database while the script is running.
• After disabling online database backup mode, if you want to re-enable online database backup mode for
the database instance, do not use the rman-init or rman-daily scripts. Doing so may cause
unpredictable database behavior or other problems. To re-enable online database backup mode,
contact your IBM representative for assistance.

Performing Oracle online database crash recoveries

If a system crash or other problem either corrupts the database instance or causes it to fail, the database
must be recovered from the online backup.
The actual recovery procedure may vary depending on the nature of the crash, which parts of the
database were damaged, and your system environment. For that reason, database recoveries must only
be performed by an IBM representative.

Refreshing a test environment from backup files

To refresh an existing test (target) environment, you can replicate it from a production (source)
environment. By using backup files from a production environment, you can update a test environment
that closely matches your production environment.
Note: Oracle Data Pump backup files are created on the database server.

Ensure you have access to the production server and test server.
Ensure the production server and test server have the same installed version of the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform application, including patches.
Ensure you have access to the installation media:
• OP_version_Non_Embedded

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 441
Backing up and copying the OpenPages GRC Platform application production files for an
Oracle database
The exported data from the production backup file will be used later to refresh data on the test server.

1. Log on to your production IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative
2. Run the OpenPages GRC Platform backup utility (OPBackup) to back up the OpenPages application
For more information, see “The OPBackup utility” on page 387.
3. Copy the backup .zip or .tar.gz file to your test server.

Backing up the OpenPages GRC Platform application test files on your Oracle test data
You can back up IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application test data.

1. Log on to your test OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. Run the backup utility (OPBackup) as described in “The OPBackup utility” on page 387 to backup the
OpenPages GRC Platform application database.

Deleting data on the test database system

You can delete data on the test database system.

1. If necessary, log on to your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform test server as a user with administrative
2. Open a command or shell window and do the following:
a) Navigate to OP_<version>_Non_Embedded on your network drive or in the installation kit.
b) Navigate to the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory at the following location:


3. From the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory, run the AuroraDbDelete.sql script as follows:

a) Log on to SQL*Plus as the OpenPages GRC Platform database user (for example: sqlplus
b) Run the following script to drop the objects in the schema on the test server:
c) When finished, log out of SQL*Plus.

Copy the production database dump (.dmp) file to the test database server
You can copy the production database file to the test database server.

1. Locate the database dump (.dmp) file directory on the source production and target test database

442 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

To find the datapump directory for either the source or target database, run the following SQL query as
the system user:

select directory_name, directory_path from dba_directories

where directory_name = upper ('OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY');

By default, the datapump directory on the database server is <oracle-server-directory>|

2. Copy the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database dump (.dmp) file from the Oracle datapump
directory on the production database server to the datapump directory on the test database server.

Table 132: Default file name for .dmp file

For this .dmp file... The default file name will be similar to this...
OpenPages GRC Platform OPENPAGES_<timestamp>.DMP

Note: Make sure to copy the .dmp file with the timestamp that matches when you ran the OPBackup

Import the production data into the test environment

You must import the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database.

1. Open a command or shell window and set the NLS_LANG environment variable as follows.
In the Command Prompt window where you will be invoking the import commands, execute the
following command:


AIX and Linux

Open the .profile file in the logged in user's home directory in a text editor and enter the
following line if it is missing in the file:


Save the change to the file, and either execute the .profile in your shell window or log on again.
2. Import the OpenPages GRC Platform database on the test database server from the backup files in
“Backing up and copying the OpenPages GRC Platform application production files for an Oracle
database” on page 442 as follows.
Note: The Oracle Data Pump command IMPDP is used as the IMP command is not supported.
For more information on Oracle Data Pump, see “Oracle Data Pump” on page 419.
From the same command or shell window, run the following command to import the OpenPages GRC
Platform database:

impdp <op_db_user>/<op_db_password>@<SID>

Table 133: Parameters and their descriptions

Parameter Description
<op_db_user> The OpenPages GRC Platform user name for
accessing the OpenPages database.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 443
Table 133: Parameters and their descriptions (continued)
Parameter Description
<op_db_password> The OpenPages GRC Platform password for
accessing the OpenPages database.
<SID> The Oracle System Identifier (for example, OP or
<openpages_dump_file> The .dmp file name of the backed up OpenPages
GRC Platform application database.
Important: Do not enter an explicit path when
specifying the .dmp file name. Enter only the file

DIRECTORY The directory on the database server where the

backed up files will be placed. This is set when
“Configuring or updating the Oracle Data Pump
directory” on page 431.
Important: Do not enter an explicit path when
specifying the DIRECTORY parameter. Use


impdp openpages/openpages@OP

Note: If the source schema name and target schema names are different, the schema must be
remapped during import. Add the following argument to this impdp command to remap the schema:



impdp openpages/openpages@OP
LOGFILE=openpages_import.log remap_schema=opuser:openpages

Update the OpenPages GRC Platform storage location in the Oracle database
After you restore the openpage-storage file from the product backup, you must update the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform storage location in the database.

1. Log on to a system with administrative permissions. You can use any system with access to CLPPlus
that can connect to the OpenPages database server.
2. Copy all the files under the openpages-storage folder from the production backup .zip file to the
openpages-storage location on the test server.
By default, the storage location is <OP_Home>|openpages-storage

Table 134: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application

Operating system Installation location
Windows By default, <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages

444 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 134: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application (continued)
Operating system Installation location
AIX and Linux By default, <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages
3. Open a command or shell window and do the following:
a) Navigate to the OP_<version>_Non_Embedded on your network drive or in the installation kit.
b) Navigate to the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory at the following location:


4. From the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory, run the update-storage SQL wrapper script with the
following parameters (see Table 135 on page 445 for a description) to update the openpages-
storage directory location in the database:

sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql update-storage <log-file> <oracle_tns_alias>

<op_db_user> <op_db_password> <storage-type> <storage-server-name>
<host-name> <os-type> <path-or-UNC-name>


Table 135: Update Storage Wrapper Script Parameters

Parameter Description
<log-file> The name of the log file that the script will create and write information to.
<oracle_tns_alias The database alias for the OpenPages GRC Platform database instance, as
> set during the Oracle database installation.
<op_db_user> The OpenPages GRC Platform user name for accessing the OpenPages GRC
Platform database.
<op_db_password> The OpenPages GRC Platform password for accessing the OpenPages GRC
Platform database.
<storage-type> The type of file storage to be used. Valid values are:
• LFS (local file system)
• UNC (Universal Naming Convention)
Note: After you move from LFS to UNC, you cannot go back to using LFS.

<storage-server- The name of the storage server.

<host-name> The host name of the machine.
<os-type> The type of operating system. Valid values are:
• Windows
• Unix

<path-or-UNC- The file path or UNC of the storage location.



sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 445
update-storage c:\temp\upd-storage-output.log
op openpages openpages LFS eng11 eng11
Windows c:\OpenPages\openpages-storage


sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql

update-storage /home/op/upd-storage-output.log
op openpages openpages LFS aix11 aix11
Unix /usr/opdata/openpages-storage


sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql

update-storage c:\temp\update-storage-output.log
op openpages openpages UNC eng11
eng11 Windows openpages-storage


sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql

update-storage /home/op/upd-storage-output.log
op openpages openpages UNC aix11 aix11
Unix /usr/opdata/openpages-storage

Update the global search settings

After you import data from a production environment (the source environment) into a test or development
environment (the target environment), you need to update the global search settings.

About this task

When you import data from the source environment, the settings for the search server are imported. You
need to update the target environment so that it uses the search server in your target environment.

1. Log in to the OpenPages application in the target environment as a user with administrative privileges.
2. If the global search component is enabled, disable it.
a) Click Administration > Global Search.
b) Click Disable.
3. Stop the global search services.
For more information, see “Start or stop the global search services” on page 553.
4. Update the global search settings.
a) Click Administration > Settings > Applications > Common > Configuration > Show Hidden
Settings and set the value to true.
b) Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Admin and update the Search Server
Administration URLwith the URL of the search server in your target environment.
c) Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index and update the Search Server URL
with the URL of the search server in your target environment.
d) Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request and update the Search Server
URL with the URL of the search server in your target environment.
5. If the source environment is using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.3 or later, do the following
a) Copy the <SEARCH_HOME>/openpages-solr-index directory to the search server in the target
The <SEARCH_HOME>/openpages-solr-index contains the global search index.

446 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

b) Start the global search services.
For more information, see “Start or stop the global search services” on page 553.
c) Enable global search. Click Administration > Global Search > Enable.
6. If the source environment is using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.2.x, drop and then re-
create the global search index.
a) Start the global search services.
For more information, see “Start or stop the global search services” on page 553.
b) Click Administration > Global Search > Drop. Wait for the process to complete.
c) Click Create.

Global search is enabled in the target environment.

Update Cognos data in the test environment

You can update Cognos data in the test environment by using the Cognos backup utility.

Before you begin

Before you run the Cognos backup utility (OPCCBackup) make sure to verify the following:
• You have access to both the source and target database servers.
• The <CC_user> has Read and Write permission to the OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY.
Where: <CC_user> is the name of the Cognos content store database user.
If not, you must grant the proper permissions on both the production and test servers to the
<CC_user> account on the datapump directory as follows:
1. Log on to a machine with SQL*Plus and access to the database server.
2. Run the following SQL command as the system user:

grant read,write on directory OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY to <CC-user>;

• Full permission is granted to the CommandCenter|tools|bin folder on the target Cognos server.

Backup Cognos production Oracle data and files

The exported data from the production backup file will be used later to refresh data on the test server.

1. If necessary, log on to your production Cognos server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. Run the Cognos backup utility (OPCCBackup) to back up the Cognos database and configuration files.
For more information, see “Using the Cognos backup utility” on page 430.
Tip: If the mail server for notification e-mails has not been set up for running Cognos backups, the
output from the OPCCBackup command might end with the following error:

Problem while sending mime mail:

This error can be safely ignored as long as this step says BUILD SUCCESSFUL.
3. Copy the production Cognos server backup .zip or .tar.gz file to the Cognos backup-restore
directory on the test server.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 447
4. Copy the database dump (.dmp) file from the Oracle datapump directory on the source database
server to the datapump directory on the target database server.
Make sure you copy the dump file with the timestamp that matches when you ran the OPCCBackup
command. By default, the file will be named similar to OPENPAGES_CC_<timestamp>.DMP.
To find the datapump directory for either the source or target database, run the following SQL query as
the system user:

select directory_name, directory_path from dba_directories

where directory_name = upper ('OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY');

By default, the datapump directory on the database server is <oracle-server-directory>|


Backing up the Cognos Oracle test data and files

You can back up test data and files.

1. If necessary, log on to your test IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative
2. Run the Cognos backup utility (OPCCBackup) as described in “Using the Cognos backup utility” on
page 430 to back up the Cognos database and configuration files.

Restoring the Cognos data and files to the Oracle test environment
You can restore data and files to the test environment.

1. Log on to your test IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. From the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory, run the AuroraDbDelete.sql script as follows:
a) Log on to SQL*Plus as the Cognos database user (for example: sqlplus cognos/cognos@test).
b) Run the following script to drop the objects in the schema on the test server:
c) When finished, log out of SQL*Plus.
3. Import the Cognos database on the target (test) database server from the backup file from the source
(production) database server as follows.
From a command or shell window, run the following command to import the Cognos database:

impdp <cognos_db_user>/<cognos_db_password>@<SID>
DUMPFILE=<cc_dump_file> LOGFILE=cc_import.log


Table 136: Parameters and their descriptions

Parameter Description
<cognos_db_user> The Cognos user name for accessing the Cognos
<cognos_db_password> The Cognos password for accessing the Cognos
<SID> The Oracle System Identifier (for example, OP).

448 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 136: Parameters and their descriptions (continued)
Parameter Description
<cc_dump_file> The .dmp file name of the backed up Cognos


Note: If the source schema name and target schema names are different, the schema must be
remapped during import. Add the following argument to this impdp command to remap the schema:




LOGFILE=openpages_cc_import.log remap_schema=cognos8:cognos

Change password references for Oracle data sources

The following procedure describes how to manually update the signon password for the user account to
access data sources.

Depending on the type of installation, one or both of the following Oracle data source links are displayed
in the IBM Cognos Administration tool for the reporting framework:
• The OpenPages DataSource is used for the Reporting Framework V6. V6 refers to the latest framework
version, not to any specific OpenPages release number.
• For Oracle Database environments only, the Oracle Native Driver is used for the Legacy Reporting
Framework (upgraded systems only).
Note: For Oracle Database environments only, both the OpenPages DataSource and Oracle Native
Driver data sources connect to the same database repository and use the same authentication
information (signons).

1. From a browser, log on to the Cognos Analytics portal as a user with administrative privileges, for
example, OpenPagesAdministrator.
By default, the URL is http://<hostname>/ibmcognos/bi
Where <hostname> is the name of the Cognos server.
2. Click Manage > Administration Console to launch the IBM Cognos Administration page.
3. On the Configuration tab, click Data Source Connections (if not already selected).
4. On the Directory > Cognos page, click the More link in the same row as the data source you want (for
example, OpenPages DataSource).
5. On the Perform an Action page, under Available actions, click the View connections link.
6. On the Directory > Cognos > < name of data source > page, click the More link in the same row as
the selected data source.
7. On the Perform an Action page for the data source, under Available actions, click the View signons
8. On the Directory > Cognos > < name of data source > signons page, do the following:

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 449
a) Under the Actions column, click the Set properties - < name of data source > icon.
b) On the Set properties-< name of data source > page, click the Signon tab.
9. On the Signon tab:
a) Click the Edit the signon link.
b) Update the password.

Updating Oracle database connection references for reports

You can update the database connection references for reports.

1. From a browser, log on to the Cognos Analytics portal as a user with administrative privileges, for
example, OpenPagesAdministrator.
By default, the URL is:
http://<hostname>/ibmcognos/bi (if you are using port 80 for Cognos)
Where <hostname> is the name of the Cognos server.
2. Click Manage > Administration Console to launch the IBM Cognos Administration page.
3. On the Configuration tab, click Data Source Connections (if not already selected).
4. On the Directory > Cognos page, click the link for the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform data source.
5. On the Directory > Cognos > OpenPages DataSource page, do the following:

a) Under the Actions column, click the Set properties - OpenPages DataSource icon .
b) On the Set properties - OpenPages DataSource page, click the Connection tab.
6. On the Connection tab, next to the Connection String box, click the pencil icon to edit the field.
7. On the edit page, do the following:
a) On the OCI tab, in the SQL*Net connect string box, change the SQL*Net connect string to the TNS
alias of the OpenPages database on the target environment.
b) On the JDBC tab, in the Server name, Port number, and Oracle Service ID boxes, change the
values to valid values for the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database on the target environment.
8. If this is an upgraded legacy system, repeat the steps in this task for the Oracle Native Driver, if
it exists.

Modify SSO and LDAP Configuration in the test environment

If you are using SSO and/or LDAP in the test environment, modify the configuration for each if needed.
Otherwise, skip this task.

Copy custom triggers

You must copy any custom Java actions and triggers that have been deployed on the production server to
the test environment. These custom actions and triggers are added to a zip file, openpages-ext.jar , by the
OPBackup utility.
If you have any questions about the location of your custom data, contact IBM representative.

1. If necessary, log on to your test IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative
2. Update the openpages-ext.jar in the test environment as follows:
a) From the production backup .zip files in “Backing up and copying the OpenPages GRC Platform
application production files for an Oracle database” on page 442, navigate to the openpages-
ext.jar in the <OP_Home>|aurora|lib directory.

450 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Where <OP_Home> represents the installation location of the IBM OpenPages application.

Table 137: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application

Operating Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\lib\openpages-ext.jar
By default <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages

AIX and <OP_Home>/aurora/lib/openpages-ext.jar

By default <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages

b) Copy the openpages-ext.jar from the production backup file into the <OP_Home>|aurora|
lib directory on your test machine and overwrite the existing .jar file there.

Copy other custom deliverables to the test environment

If you have other custom deliverables, such as UI helpers and JSP reports, copy these custom
deliverables to their respective folders on the test or target machine.
If you have any questions about the location of your custom data, contact your IBM representative.

1. From your application production backup .zip files, extract all custom files such as JAR files, JSP
files, JavaScript files, and Image files.
2. Copy these files into their respective folders on the target machine. The target folders should match
the folders on the source installation.

Starting the OpenPages GRC Platform in the test environment

When finished, start IBM OpenPages GRC Platform services on the servers in your test environment.
For details, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Update URL host pointers for Cognos reports

Modify the URL host pointer settings and then propagate these changes to the reporting schema on the
application server (does not require services to be restarted).

For more information, see “Updating URL host pointers for reports” on page 478.

Utilities for filtering on long string field content in an Oracle database

You can filter based on the content of long string fields if the Oracle Text feature has been enabled. This is
also known as full text searching.
Warning: Do not include long string fields that are encrypted using field level encryption in the
search criteria because they can return unexpected results.
Long string fields allow users to enter values over 4KB in length. To apply filters on the content of these
long string fields, first “Enabling Oracle Text” on page 453 feature. If the Oracle Text feature is not
enabled, attempts to filter on the content of long string fields will generate errors. For details on setting up
long text fields, see “Long string fields” on page 174.
There are five utilities provided to help manage full text searching:
• “Enabling Oracle Text” on page 453
• “Create a long string index for an Oracle database” on page 452

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 451
• “Create a schedule job to synchronize a long string index” on page 454
• “Drop a long string index” on page 455
• “Modifying the list of stop words” on page 456
To apply filters with long string fields, you must change the OpenPages > Platform > Database > Text
Indexes setting to true.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the

Table 138: Values and what they mean

If the value is set to... Then...
true Filtering is enabled on long string fields.
false Filtering is disabled on long string fields.
The default is false.

For details on working with settings, see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on
page 307.

Create a long string index for an Oracle database

Create a long string text index to support filtering based on the contents of fields with long string data
types. Scripts are provided for both Windows, AIX, and Linux.

Before you begin

Oracle Text must be enabled. See “Enabling Oracle Text” on page 453.

1. Log on to a system as a user with Administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
SQL*Plus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
2. Open a command or shell window, navigate to the full-text-index directory as follows.
The following table identifies the installation location of the application on the Microsoft Windows,
AIX, and Linux operating systems.

Table 139: Installation location of the full-text-index directory

Operating system Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\bin\full-text-index
AIX and Linux <OP_Home>/aurora/bin/full-text-index

Note: If the database server is not on the same computer as the OpenPages server, you must copy the
script, and the SQL files it starts, to the database server.
3. Run the following batch command:
CreateOpenPagesTextIndex.bat <SID> <OPX_USER_NAME> <OPX_USER_PASSWORD>

452 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 140: Parameters
Parameter name Description
<SID> The system ID or TNS alias for the OpenPages
database instance.
<OPX_USER_NAME> OpenPages application schema owner name.
<OPX_USER_PASSWORD> OpenPages application schema owner password.
<MEMORY_LIMIT> Specifies the amount of runtime memory to use
for indexing, in megabyte or gigabyte values. For
example, valid values include 128M and 2G.
<PARALLEL_INDEXING_DEGREE> Parallel degree for parallel indexing. The actual
degree of parallelism might be smaller depending
on system resources.

Enabling Oracle Text

Enable the Oracle Text feature to filter based on the contents of fields with long string data types. Scripts
are provided for Windows, AIX, and Linux.

1. Log on to the Oracle database server as a user with database administrator privileges.
Note: You can enable only Oracle Text from the database server.
2. Open a command or shell window, navigate to the full-text-index directory as follows.
The following table identifies the installation location of the application on the Microsoft Windows,
AIX, and Linux operating systems.

Table 141: Installation location of the full-text-index directory

Operating system Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\bin\full-text-index
AIX and Linux <OP_Home>/aurora/bin/full-text-index

Note: If the database server is not on the same computer as the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server,
copy the script and the SQL files to the database server.
3. Run the following batch command:
EnableOpenPagesTextIndexing.bat <SID> <SYSDBA_USER_NAME>
Note: All parameters are required.

Table 142: Parameters in the batch command

Parameter name Description
<SID> The system ID or TNS alias for the OpenPages
GRC Platform database instance.
<SYSDBA_USER_NAME> Database SYSDBA account. Usually 'SYS' user.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 453
Table 142: Parameters in the batch command (continued)
Parameter name Description
<SYSDBA_PASSWORD> Password for SYSDBA user account.
<OPX_USER_NAME> OpenPages GRC Platform application schema
owner name.

The database is now enabled for indexing. Use “Create a long string index for an Oracle database” on
page 452 script to create the index.

Create a schedule job to synchronize a long string index

Create a schedule to synchronize the long string index. Scripts are provided for both Windows, AIX and

1. Log on to a system as a user with Administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
SQL*Plus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
2. Open a command or shell window, then navigate to the full-text-index directory as follows.
The following table identifies the installation location of the application on the Microsoft Windows,
AIX, and Linux operating systems.

Table 143: Installation location of the full-text-index directory

Operating system Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\bin\full-text-index
AIX and Linux <OP_Home>/aurora/bin/full-text-index

Note: If the database server is not on the same machine as the OpenPages server, you must copy the
script, and the SQL files it invokes, to the database server.
3. Run the following batch command:
ManageOpenPagesTextIndexRefreshJob.bat <SID> <OPX_USER_NAME>

Table 144: Parameters

Parameter name Description
<SID> The system ID or TNS alias for the OpenPages
database instance.
<OPX_USER_NAME> OpenPages application schema owner name.
<OPX_USER_PASSWORD> OpenPages application schema owner password.

454 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 144: Parameters (continued)
Parameter name Description
<START_JOBS_AFTER_DAYS> Number of days between today and the
scheduled starting date of the job. For example, 0
for today, 1 for tomorrow.
<JOB_START_HOUR> The hour (on a 24-hour clock) of the scheduled
starting date of the job. For example, 18 for 1800
hours or 6 p.m.
<REFRESH_FREQ_IN_HOURS> Intervals (in hours) between each job. This value
is combined with <REFRESH_FREQ_IN_MINS>
value. Maximum of combined values is 999.
<REFRESH_FREQ_IN_MINS> Intervals (in minutes) between each job. This
value is combined with
combined values is 999.
<MEMORY_LIMIT> Specifies the amount of runtime memory to use
for indexing, in megabyte or gigabyte values. For
example, valid values include 128M and 2G.
<PARALLEL_INDEXING_DEGREE> Parallel degree for parallel indexing. The actual
degree of parallelism might be smaller depending
on system resources.
<MAX_SYNC_TIME> Maximum time (in minutes) the index
synchronization job can run.

Index synchronization jobs run at the interval specified.
Note: Changes to long string fields are not available for filtering until the next scheduled index job runs.
For example, ManageOpenPagesTextIndexRefreshJob.bat OP opadmin opadmin 1 3 24 0
2G 0 60 schedules indexing synchronization to start at 3 a.m. starting on the next day, and then repeats
every day at the same time. There is a 2-gigabyte memory limit, no parallel indexing, and the job can run
no more than an hour.

Drop a long string index

Remove the long string index. An index must be dropped before it can be recreated. Scripts are provided
for both Windows, AIX and Linux.

1. Log on to a system as a user with Administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
SQL*Plus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
2. Open a command or shell window, then navigate to the full-text-index directory as follows.
The following table identifies the installation location of the application on the Microsoft Windows,
AIX, and Linux operating systems.

Table 145: Installation location of the full-text-index directory

Operating system Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\bin\full-text-index
AIX and Linux <OP_Home>/aurora/bin/full-text-index

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 455
Note: If the database server is not on the same machine as the OpenPages server, you must copy the
script, and the SQL files it invokes, to the database server.
3. Run the following batch command:
DropOpenPagesTextIndex.bat <SID> <OPX_USER_NAME> <OPX_USER_PASSWORD>

Table 146: Parameters

Parameter name Description
<SID> The system ID or TNS alias for the OpenPages
database instance.
<OPX_USER_NAME> OpenPages application schema owner name.
<OPX_USER_PASSWORD> OpenPages application schema owner password.

What to do next
You must recreate the index before filtering on the content of long string fields again. For details on
creating a long string index, see “Create a long string index for an Oracle database” on page 452.

Modifying the list of stop words

You can change the default list of stop words used by the Oracle Text feature. A stop word is a word that
does not get indexed. When querying an Oracle Text index for a stop word, Oracle Text won’t return data
for the query.
In the “Create a long string index for an Oracle database” on page 452 script, we create a stopword list
called OP_STOPLIST when creating the Oracle Text index. It is empty at the time of index creation if user
doesn’t make any changes to our scripts. We also provide a script called
CustomIndexing_ManageStopWords.sql that enables user to add stop words into OP_STOPLIST.

1. Open CustomIndexing_ManageStopWords.sql with a text editor
2. Add a stop word for each word you would like to add by copying the following, commented out

p_name => 'me'

For example, if you want to add the stop word "the", copy the preceding section, remove the comment
sign, and replace "me" with "the" as follows. Repeat the same step for each word you want to add.

p_name => 'the'

Stop words added to this file will not take effect until the next time you re-index. This file is used as the
most updated list of stop words when the index is recreated. When running
CustomIndexing_Step2_IndexCreate.sql, all current stop words in OP_STOPLIST are removed.
It is a good idea to keep this file up to date.

456 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

String concatenation utility
String concatenation lets you merge up to 8 simple strings into a new long text field (long string data
type). Long text fields have two sub categories - medium long and large long. Medium long can support a
text size up to 32KB.
To concatenate simple strings, the fields must be unencrypted. After you use the concatenation utility,
you can encrypt the new long text field.
You must log in as an administrator to perform string concatenation. You can use any system with access
to SQL*Plus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
String concatenation is a database operation. A SQL template file is provided to specify parameters for the
action. For more information, see “Running string concatenation” on page 457.
For more information on long text fields, see “Long string fields” on page 174 .

Running string concatenation

The string concatenation utility runs an SQL file that you edit to provide input and output parameters.
• The string concatenation utility puts the system into System Administration Mode (SAM) prior to
concatenating any fields. No other activity can happen while the script is running.
• You can concatenate into an existing long text field, but only if that field has not been used in any way.
Attempting to concatenate into a long text field that has been used causes the utility to fail.
• When you concatenate multiple strings, if field level security is applied to any of the strings, then after
concatenation into a single, large long text field, some hidden values can be visible. To prevent
unauthorized users from viewing the values for a concatenated string, apply the same field level
security rule to the large long text field.
Tip: Run the script in preview mode (a setting in the field_concat_template.sql file) to check the
results before doing the concatenation.

1. Log on to a system as a user with Administrator privileges. You can use any system with access to
SQL*Plus that can connect to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database server.
2. Stop all services (see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549).
3. Navigate to the field-concat-utility folder located in the bin directory:

Table 147: Installation locations

Operating system Installation location
Windows <OP_Home>\aurora\bin
AIX and Linux <OP_Home>/aurora/bin
4. Copy the contents of the SQL template field_concat_template.sql into a new file.

5. Edit the new SQL file to provide the values necessary. Only edit the values in the declaration section of
the SQL file. For details, see “The string concatenation SQL file” on page 458.
Important: Many of the parameters specified in the SQL file have requirements, restrictions, and
cautions noted. These are important for a successful concatenation.
Tip: When editing your copy of the field_concat_template.sql file with multi-byte characters,
and saving the file in Unicode, your editor may insert a Byte Order Mark (BOM) into the file. Some
applications (such as a text editor or a browser) display the BOM as an extra line in the file, while
others display unexpected characters, such as . If you save the file in UTF-8 encoding (leaving the
BOM in the file) and run the string concatenation script, you get an error message (SP2-0734:

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 457
unknown command beginning "---------..."), but the script continues to run without a
problem. This error has no effect on the script running, but if you prefer not to see the error, save the
file without a Byte Order Mark.
6. Execute the following command:

field_concat <SID> <op_db_user> <op_db_password>


AIX <SID> <op_db_user> <op_db_password>


Table 148: Parameters

Parameter name Description
<SID> The system ID or TNS alias for the OpenPages
database instance.
<username> The OpenPages application schema user name.
<password> The OpenPages application schema owner
<field_concat_template_file> The name of the SQL file created in step 3.

Tip: To see details on database operation messages, run the following SQL statement:

select exception_text from error_messages where


7. Start all services (see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549).
8. Optional: Apply a field level security rule to the large long text field. For more information, see “Field
level security” on page 69.

If the destination long text field does not exist, it is created and populated with values according to the
values specified in the SQL file.
If the destination long text field exists, but is not used in any way, it is populated with values according to
the values specified in the SQL file.
For details on the SQL file, see “The string concatenation SQL file” on page 458.

The string concatenation SQL file

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform includes a template SQL file (field_concat_template.sql). Use a
copy of this file to specify the parameters to submit with the field_concat command.
Important: Many of the parameters specified in the SQL file have requirements, restrictions, and cautions
noted. These are important for a successful concatenation.
See “Running string concatenation” on page 457 .


458 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 149: field_concat_template.sql parameters
Parameter Description
l_actor_name The user name making the change. The user must
log in as an administrator. The script puts the
system into System Administration Mode (SAM)
prior to concatenating any fields.

l_field_group_name_src<#> The name of the field group containing the simple

string field.
Where: <#> is a value from 01 to 08.
• l_field_group_name_src<#> and
l_property_name_src<#> are always
specified in pairs.
• These parameters must have values specified in
order. For example,
l_field_group_name_src01 must have a
value before l_field_group_name_src02 is
• Specified field groups must be associated with an
object type.

l_property_name_src<#> The name of the source simple string field.

Where: <#> is a value from 01 to 08.
• The source must be a simple string.
• At least one source must be specified.
• The source must already exist
• l_field_group_name_src<#> and
l_property_name_src<#> are always
specified in pairs.
• These parameters must have values specified in
order. For example, l_property_name_src01
must have a value before
l_property_name_src02 is specified.
• A property can only be specified once in the set
of fields to concatenate.
• Only the resource description system property is

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 459
Table 149: field_concat_template.sql parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
l_separator The separator to use between concatenated fields.
The default separator is null.
If you concatenate only one source into the
destination, the separator character is not used.
• To use "&" as a separator, encode it as chr(38).
For example:

l_separator OP_GLOBALS.DB_Max_String_T
:= chr(38);

• The separator string can be no longer than 100

• If the destination field has a rich text display
type, characters in the separator sequence must
be encoded.
For example, to represent a less-than sign ("<"),
encode it as:

l_separator OP_GLOBALS.DB_Max_String_T
:= chr(38)||'lt ';

l_object_type_name The name of the object type containing the

destination long text field.
The object type must be the same for the
destination as it is for the source.

l_field_group_name The name of the field group containing the

destination long text field.
• The destination field group must exist.
• The destination field group must be a customer
field group, not a system field group.

l_property_name The name of the destination field.

• The name destination field must either not exist,
or if it does exist, must not used anywhere.
• If the destination field does not already exist, the
l_large_text_length parameter must be
• If the destination field does exist, it must be of
data type Long String.
• If the destination field is Rich Text, and source
fields are a mix of Text and Rich Text, then there
is the possibility that the concatenated value will
not display properly in the UI. Such operations
should be executed with caution.

l_property_desc The description of the destination long text field.

460 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 149: field_concat_template.sql parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
l_large_text_length The length property of the destination field. The
default is
If the destination does not exist, this parameter
must be specified, as either

l_is_done_by_vendor Set to true to add the concatenation to audit trail.

The default is OP_Globals.sc_False.
Valid values are:
• OP_Globals.sc_True
• OP_Globals.sc_False
See “Auditing configuration changes” on page 479

l_remote_address The remote address to perform the audit trail. The

default is null. Any value is ignored if
l_is_done_by_vendor is

l_remote_host The remote host to perform the audit trail. The

default is null. Any value is ignored if
l_is_done_by_vendor is

l_preview_only Set to true to only print the changes that will be

made by script. No changes are actually made. The
default is OP_Globals.sc_False.
Valid values are:
• OP_Globals.sc_True
• OP_Globals.sc_False
Tip: Run the script in preview mode (a setting in
the field_concat_template.sql file) to check
the results before doing the concatenation.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 461
Table 149: field_concat_template.sql parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
l_override_objtp_logic Set to true to override any logic applied to the
object types, such as their relationships. The
default is OP_Globals.sc_False.
Valid values are:
• OP_Globals.sc_True
• OP_Globals.sc_False
If l_object_type_name is left blank, and the
source and destination field groups are associated
to different object types, the script will fail unless
you set this parameter to OP_Globals.sc_True.
Each source field group and destination field group
must associate with the same object type or set of
object types.
For example, the following scenario will fail unless
this parameter is set to OP_Globals.sc_True:
• Source field group A is associated to object types
X and Y.
• Source field group B is associated only to object
type X.
• Destination field group is associated only to
object type X.

Note: The following sample includes only those declarative statements that are subject to your changes.

l_actor_name ACTORINFO.NAME%type := 'OPAdmin';
l_field_group_name_src01 BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'QA10_SS_1';
l_property_name_src01 PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'QA10_Simple2';
l_field_group_name_src02 BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'QA10_LargeText';
l_property_name_src02 PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'QA10_S3';
l_field_group_name_src03 BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'Core Attributes';
l_property_name_src03 PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'Resource Description';
l_field_group_name_src04 BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_7';
l_property_name_src04 PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_S7';
l_field_group_name_src05 BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_4';
l_property_name_src05 PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_S4';
l_field_group_name_src06 BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_5';
l_property_name_src06 PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_S5';
l_field_group_name_src07 BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_6';
l_property_name_src07 PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_S6';
l_field_group_name_src08 BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_3';
l_property_name_src08 PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'MG_S3';
l_separator OP_GLOBALS.DB_Max_String_T := ',';
l_object_type_name ASSETTYPES.NAME%type := 'SOXBusEntity';
l_field_group_name BUNDLEDEFS.NAME%type := 'QA10_LargeText';
l_property_name PROPERTYDEFS.NAME%type := 'TEST101';
l_property_desc PROPERTYDEFS.DESCRIPTION%type := 'MGMGMGMGDescription';
l_large_text_length PROPERTYDEFS.DATA_LENGTH%type :=
l_is_done_by_vendor OP_Globals.Flag_String_T := OP_Globals.sc_False;
l_remote_address i18n_audit_trail.remote_address%type := '';
l_remote_host i18n_audit_trail.remote_host%type := '';
l_preview_only OP_Globals.Flag_String_T := OP_Globals.sc_False;
l_override_objtp_logic OP_Globals.Flag_String_T := OP_Globals.sc_False;

462 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Entity Move/Rename utility
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility allows batch processing of multiple
Business Entities for overnight or weekend execution without running the risk of operations that time out.
You can run the utility interactively or as a scheduled job.
Using the Entity Move/Rename utility, you can do the following:
• Rename a Business Entity hierarchy
• Simultaneously rename and move a Business Entity hierarchy
A single batch job can contain multiple independent operations, multiple dependent operations, or any
combination thereof.
Each operation provides transactional consistency. If an operation fails, all the pending changes for this
operation are rolled back. If an operation succeeds, all the changes are persisted.
Each rename, move, or combined operation runs in its own transactional context. So, failure in one
operation does not result in the failure of the entire batch job.
CAUTION: Before running the utility, you must stop all application services to avoid data or
security errors.

Entity Move/Rename utility prerequisites

Before you use the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility, consider these
• A physical computer or VM that meets the OpenPages GRC Platform installation requirements. For
detailed specifications, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment Guide.
• An application that produces either CSV (comma-separated value) files or Unicode tab delimited files.
This application can be installed on any computer in your environment and is used to prepare the input
data for the utility.
• User name and password for the Oracle or DB2 account that owns the OpenPages application database
schema (for example, OPENPAGES).

Configuring the Entity Move/Rename utility for an Oracle database

You must configure parameters in the OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility before you
use it in an Oracle database environment.

1. Go to the Entity Move/Rename utility installation location as follows:
2. Open the batch-entity-move-rename.ini configuration file for editing.
3. Specify appropriate values in the following parameters for an Oracle database environment:

Table 150: Parameters for an Oracle database in the batch-entity-move-rename.ini file:

Parameter Name Description

connect_string Oracle database connection details. Use either the TNS alias or EZCONNECT
<user>/<password>@<TNS alias>

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 463
Table 150: Parameters for an Oracle database in the batch-entity-move-rename.ini file:

Parameter Name Description

data_format Format of the input file to the utility.

Example: csv or unicode-text
Use the csv file format as follows:
• Only if the data is known to contain ASCII characters exclusively.
• All the national characters in the data input file are produced from the same
Windows or ISO code page that is configured on the computer. You must
specify the correct Oracle character set name that matches the code page in
the character_set parameter.

input_file Name of the input file (including extension).

Example: ‘Sample-batch-entity-move-rename.txt’

character_set ANSI/ISO character set that is used by the utility.

If the data_format parameter is set to csv, you must use a correct Oracle
character set name that corresponds to the ANSI/ISO code page used by the OS
(such as, WE8MSWIN1252).
If the data_format parameter is set to unicode-text, this parameter is

skip_rows The number of rows in the input files to skip on load.

If the first row of the file:
• Contains a list of column names, set the value to '1'.
• Does not contain a list of column names, set this value to '0'.

4. Save and close the batch-entity-move-rename.ini configuration file.

5. Prepare the input file. See “Prepare the input file for the Entity Move/Rename utility” on page 414.

Prepare the input file for the Entity Move/Rename utility

The input file for the Entity Move/Rename utility can be in CSV or Unicode tab delimited format. You can
use any editor to create the input files. Included in the utility installation folder is a sample Unicode text
file (.txt format).
Important: On AIX and Linux, the text input file must be saved or converted to be encoded in UCS-2 Little
Endian and have UNIX end of line (LF) characters.
Tip: If you are using Microsoft Excel, you must save the spreadsheet as a CSV or tab delimited file.
The input file must have the following five columns of data:

Table 151: Columns in the input file

Column Name Description Sample Value

Source entity The entity on which the operation is run. /The Bank/USA/North
location East/Providence

464 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 151: Columns in the input file (continued)

Column Name Description Sample Value

Target entity The new parent entity for "move" and "move and For "move" and "move and
location rename" operations only. rename" operations:
Note: /Worldwide/
• For Oracle "rename" operations only (no move),
the value must be "-" (dash).
• For DB2 "rename" operations only (no move), the
value must be blank.

Run as user Application user name, whose identity is used to OpenPagesAdministrator

run the operation.

New entity name The new name after the operation for "rename" For "rename" and "move and
and "move and rename" operations only. rename" operations: Boston
• For Oracle "move" operations only (no rename),
the value must be "-" (dash).
• For DB2 "move" operations only (no rename), the
value must be blank.

Execution order Establishes the operation execution order as 1

• Operations that specify the execution order are
run before operations that do not.
• Operations that have a numeric value in the
execution order column are run in regular
ascending ordering.
If set, the value must to be a valid number;
Otherwise, leave the field blank.

The following is a short description of the data in the sample .txt file that is included in the utility
• The first line illustrates moving entity /The Bank/USA/North East/Providence to new location /
Worldwide/Americas/USA/NE. Operation is to be run as the user SOXAdministrator. This
operation is run first in the batch.
• The second line illustrates in place rename of the entity /Worldwide/Americas/USA/NE/
Providence. Entity name changes to Boston. Target location does not apply and is set to "-". This entry
has a dependency on the previous move operation and has higher number in the execution order
column. Also, it references to the new entity location that will be in effect after the first operation
• If the first operation fails for any reason, this operation fails as well and the entity location would be
• The third line illustrates simultaneous move of the entity /The Bank/USA/Midwest/Chicago to new
location /Worldwide/Americas/USA/MW and rename to Detroit. This operation has no dependencies
and will be run after the first two complete.
If you have an Oracle database with the 32-bit SQL*Loader utility and an IBMAIXor Linux environment,
see the topic: “Avoid error 0509-036 when you use the 32-bit Oracle SQL*Loader” on page 466.
Otherwise, run the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 465
Avoid error 0509-036 when you use the 32-bit Oracle SQL*Loader
This task applies only to the Entity Move/Rename operation if you use the 32-bit SQL*Loader utility with
Oracle databases in IBM AIX or Linux environments. Skip this task if you are using the 64-bit SQL*Loader
If you use the 32-bit SQL*Loader (sqlldr) utility, the following system error might be displayed:

exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program sqlldr because of the following errors:
0509-026 System error: There is not enough memory available now.
Failure while executing the Oracle SQL*Loader. Exit code is 255

If the 0509-036 system error is displayed, you can set the Loader Control environment variable by
opening a shell window and running the following command:


Tip: If you are running the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility as a scheduled cron
job, make sure to set the Loader Control environment variable in the cron environment.
When finished, run the IBM OpenPages Entity Move/Rename utility. See “Running the entity move/
rename utility interactively” on page 466 or “Running the Entity Move/Rename utility as a scheduled
task” on page 416.

Running the entity move/rename utility interactively

Use the following steps to run the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility interactively
in an Oracle database environment.
Before you begin, make sure that you prepared the input file. See “Prepare the input file for the Entity
Move/Rename utility” on page 414 for instructions.

1. Move the input file into the utility installation directory, which is at:


2. Validate that the input_file parameter in the batch-entity-move-rename.ini configuration file is

correctly set to the input file name. For more information, see “Configuring the Entity Move/Rename
utility for an Oracle database” on page 463.
3. From the location where the utility is installed, run the batch command file and review the output on
the screen.
AIX or Linux
4. Upon completion, review the following log files for any errors:
• batch-entity-move-rename-load.log
• batch-entity-move-rename-proc.log
If any errors are reported and you are unable to fix them, contact your IBM Support representative.
Make sure you supply a copy of the screen that contains the error messages and all the log files that
are generated by the tool.

Running the Entity Move/Rename utility as a scheduled task

You can set up a scheduled task to run the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Entity Move/Rename utility.
Depending on your environment, you can run the batch-entity-move-rename batch command file by
using any scheduling application. For example, in Windows, you might use the built-in Windows scheduler.
In IBM AIX or Linux, you might set up a cron job.

466 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Important: If you are using a DB2 database in a Windows environment, you must run the batch command
file within the DB2 Command Line Processor.
If the job fails, the batch command returns a non-zero exit code. You can redirect the console output to a
log file. For example, in Windows:

batch-entity-move-rename.cmd >> batch-entity-move-rename.log

The following files are overwritten on each run:

• batch-entity-move-rename-load.log
• batch-entity-move-rename-proc.log
These files can be saved, either manually or through a script, if log archives are needed.

Impact of the Entity Move/Rename utility on the OpenPages GRC Platform application
The Entity Move/Rename utility works directly against the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform database
repository. As a result, the Java based OpenPages GRC application is unaware of the changes made to the
entity hierarchy and folder structure.
As a result, internal application caches might become out of sync with the data in the repository and lead
to discrepancies in the application user interface.
It is required that after you run the tool you restart application services, or run the tool when application
services are stopped.
Also, ensure that the OPBackup command is not running during execution, and that all batch rename and
move operations are completed before you run a backup.

Using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform utilities with Oracle databases 467
468 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 19. System Maintenance
You can perform system maintenance tasks such as changing the default port numbers, changing
password references, updating values in property files, and so on.

Application server restrictions

When you are performing system maintenance, be aware of the restrictions for IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform application servers.
• Do not rename application servers. The OpenPages property files contain hard-coded references to the
application servers.
• Do not rename IBM WebSphere Application Server nodes. The WebSphere nodes for OpenPages use a
specific naming convention, and the OpenPages Administrative Console is dependent on the naming

Port assignments
Both dedicated ports and ports that are dynamically assigned for each installation are used for the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform installation. These default ports can be changed after installation.

Default ports
The following table lists the default ports.

Table 152: Default fixed port assignments

Description Ports

OpenPages installation server 8443

OpenPages installation agent 8443

OpenPages database instance (Oracle) 1521

OpenPages database instance (IBM DB2) 50000

OpenPages deployment manager 9060

OpenPages deployment manager (SSL) 9043

OpenPages application URL 10108

OpenPages application URL (SSL) 10111

OpenPages deployment manager SOAP port 8879

Cognos Analytics gateway (as configured for your web server) 80

Framework Generator port 8080

Cognos Analytics dispatcher URI 9300

Table 152: Default fixed port assignments (continued)
Description Ports

Search server (used for indexing and searching OpenPages data) 8983

Search server (used to administer global search) 8985

On Windows computers, additional OpenPages installations increment the port numbers by two.

Files containing port numbers

After installation, you can view the OpenPages port assignments by using the IBM WebSphere
Administrative Console.
The following tables list property files on the OpenPages admin application server that contain port
numbers for other components.

Table 153: Files that contain port numbers

Port File name Parameter Name

Oracle database instance port N/A


Framework Generator port <OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/ cognos.framework.refresh.ser vlet

Cognos Analytics server port <OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/ cognos.server

Cognos Analytics Dispatcher URI <OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/ cognos.computation.server

Dynamically assigned ports

Port numbers for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform servers that are not listed, such as OpenPages non-admin
application servers, are assigned dynamically during the installation.
OpenPages application non-admin server port numbers start at 9080 and increment by 1 for each
additional server in the installation.
After installation, you can view all port assignments by using the IBM WebSphere Administrative Console.

Change default port numbers

You can change the default IBM OpenPages GRC Platform port numbers after installation.
Important: Only ports 80, 443, or an open port in the range 1024 - 65535 can be used as the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform application port number.
The OpenPages GRC Platform installer sets several default ports during installation, such as the ports for
the OpenPages server.
After installing the application, you can change the OpenPages ports to different ports, if needed. For
example, in the event of a port conflict, where another application is using these port ranges, you can
change the OpenPages ports to avoid the conflict.

470 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

For a port conflict, change all of the OpenPages application server ports to a new range. Follow the
instructions in the following section.
• Do not change the port number for the OpenPages GRC Platform administrative server.
• To modify port numbers on other application servers in a cluster, repeat the following tasks on each
cluster member.

Checking port number availability

Before changing the port numbers, make sure that the new ports you are going to use are available.
To determine if another application is using a specific port, log onto the application server where you need
to change the port. Open a command or shell window and execute the following command:

netstat -an | findstr <port number>

netstat -an | grep <port_number>

Changing OpenPages GRC Platform application ports for an IBM WebSphere Application
Server environment
Because the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application on the IBM WebSphere Application Server uses
port ranges, if you need to change one of the OpenPages environment port numbers, you should change
all of the OpenPages application server ports to a new range.
Important: This information applies only to IBM WebSphere environments.
By default, the OpenPages GRC Platform application on the IBM WebSphere Application Server uses the
port range 10101-10120.

Stopping the OpenPages GRC Platform application servers

Before changing the ports, make sure that all managed IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application servers
are stopped. Only the OpenPages admin server must be running.
Important: Do not use the script, as the script will attempt to stop any other
applications associated with OpenPages ports.

1. Log on to the admin server as a user with administrator privileges.
2. To stop an OpenPages application server, do the following:
a) Open an AIX or Linux shell and navigate to the <OP_Home>/profiles/<server_name>-
OPNode1/bin directory where <OP_Home> represents the installation location of the OpenPages
By default:
b) Enter the commands as follows to stop each OpenPages application server for which you want to
change the port numbers:

./ <host_name>-OPNode1Server<#>

Where <#> is the number of the OpenPages application server.

System Maintenance 471

Updating the port numbers in the Admin Console
Use the following steps to change the default port numbers on an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application server.

1. Open a browser window and navigate to the following address to launch IBM WebSphere Integrated
Solutions Console for the OpenPages GRC Platform application, by default:
http://<server_name>:<port>/ibm/console where <server_name> is the name of the server
where the IBM WebSphere Application Server is installed and <port> is the OpenPages GRC Platform
application port. For more information see “Port assignments” on page 469.
2. Log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as a user with administrative privileges.
3. Expand Servers then Server Types and click the WebSphere application servers link.
4. In the list on the Application servers page, click the name of the application server for which you want
to change port numbers. For example:


where <server_name> is the name of the application server.

<#> is the number of the server.

5. On the Application servers > <server-name> page for the selected server, under the
Communications heading, click the Ports link.
6. On the Ports page for the selected server, click the link to the port that you want to change.
Note: When changing ports, it is best to change all the ports shown on the Ports page for each server
and maintain all ports in a specific range.
7. On the <port type> page for the selected port, do the following:
a) Enter a new port number in the Port field.
b) Click Apply.
c) In the Messages box that appears, click Save to commit the changes to the master configuration.
8. Repeat Steps 4-7 as needed to change other ports on the selected server.
9. If you changed the OpenPages GRC Platform application port (by default, 10108) and/or OpenPages
application SSL port (by default, 10111), update the port numbers in the default OpenPages GRC
Platform application virtual hosts created by the IBM WebSphere Application Server as follows:
a) In the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, expand Environment then click Virtual
b) In the list on the Virtual Hosts page, click default_host.
c) On the Virtual Hosts > default_host page, under the Additional Properties heading, click Host
d) On the Host Aliases page, click the appropriate * link to update the OpenPages GRC Platform
application (WC_defaulthost) port you changed. The port numbers listed are the previous port
numbers for each port.
For example, if the application port for the OpenPages GRC Platform instance you changed was
10108, click the * in the same row as 10108.
e) On the Configuration tab, enter the new port number in the Port field.
f) Click Apply.
g) In the Messages box that appears, click Save to commit the changes to the master configuration.
h) On the Host Aliases page, click * to select the OpenPages GRC Platform application
(WC_defaulthost_secure) SSL port, by default 10111. The port numbers listed are the previous
port numbers for each port.

472 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

i) On the Configuration tab, enter the new port number in the Port field.
j) Click Apply.
k) In the Messages box that appears, click Save to commit the changes to the master configuration.

Updating Ports to the Java Messaging Service

If you changed the IBM WebSphere Service Integration Bus (SIB) messaging service endpoint port for the
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application server (by default, 10115), you need to change other settings
within the OpenPages application server.
If you did not change the SIB Endpoint Address, skip to the task “Updating port values in IBM OpenPages
property files” on page 474.
The IBM WebSphere Application Server uses the Java Message Service (JMS) to enable Java clients and
applications to create, send, receive, and read asynchronous requests.

“Updating the Java Messaging ports on the OpenPages GRC Platform server” on page 473

Updating the Java Messaging ports on the OpenPages GRC Platform server
Launch the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console for the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application and update the OpenPages ports used by the Java Messaging Service.

1. On the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console for the OpenPages GRC Platform application
(http://<server_name>:<port>/ibm/console), update the OpenPages topic connection
factories with the new port number(s) set previously.
A topic connection factory is used by the IBM WebSphere Application Server to send messages
between Java clients within your environment.
a) Expand Resources then JMS and click the Topic Connection Factories link.
b) In the list on the Topic connection factories page, click the OPTCF link.
c) Under General Properties, locate the Provider endpoints field in the Connections group.
d) Update the port number in the Provider endpoints field for the IBM WebSphere SIB messaging
service with the new SIB endpoint address for the OpenPages server:
If necessary, refer to the Application servers >
<server_name>-OPNode1Server# > Ports page for the current OpenPages SIB Endpoint Address
e) Click Apply.
f) In the Messages box that appears, click Save to commit the changes to the master configuration.
2. Update the OpenPages server activation specifications with the new port number(s) set previously.
a) In the Resources > JMS tree, click the Activation specifications link.
b) In the list on the Activation Specifications page, click NotificationTopic for the server which you
changed the SIB port.
c) Under General Properties, locate the Provider endpoints field in the Destination group.
d) Update the port number in the Provider endpoints field to the new OpenPages SIB port number:
e) Click Apply.
f) In the Messages box that appears, click Save to commit the changes to the master configuration.
g) In the list on the Activation Specifications page, click SQNotificationTopic for the server which
you changed the SIB port.

System Maintenance 473

h) Repeat the previous steps to change the OpenPages SIB endpoint address:
i) In the Messages box that appears, click Save to commit the changes to the master configuration.
3. Log out of the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console for the OpenPages server.

Updating port values in IBM OpenPages property files

If you changed the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform bootstrap port (10101), the OpenPages application port
(10108), you must manually change the port values in the following properties files for the OpenPages
application server for which you changed the ports:, <server_name>-
OPNode1Server<#>, and <server_name>-OPNode1Server<#>-

Updating port values in the aurora property file

You can update port values in the file.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform admin server associated with the application server for
which you changed ports as a user with administrator privileges.
2. Open an AIX or Linux shell window and navigate to the <OP_Home>|aurora|conf directory where
<OP_Home> represents the installation location of the OpenPages application.
By default, AIX and Linux
3. Locate the file in the conf directory and open the file in a text editor of your
a) If you changed the OpenPages application port number (10108) update the port in the following


b) If you changed the OpenPages bootstrap port number (10101) update the port in the following


Updating port values in the OpenPages GRC Platform Sosa property file
You can update port values in the file.

1. In the AIX or Linux shell window, remain in the <OP_Home>|aurora|conf directory.
2. Locate the <server_name>-OPNode1Server<#> file for the application server
for which you changed ports and make a backup copy of the file. File names have the following format:
<server_name>-OPNode1Server<#> where <server_name> is the name of
the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application host server.
<#> is the number of the server.
3. Open the selected in a text editor of your choice and do the following:
a) If you changed the OpenPages GRC Platform application port number (by default, 10108) update
the port in the following property:


474 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

b) If you changed the OpenPages GRC Platform bootstrap port number (by default, 10101) update the
port in the following property:


Updating ObjectManager properties file

If you changed the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform bootstrap port (10101), you need to update the ports in
the ObjectManager properties file for which you changed the port.

1. In the AIX or Linux shell, navigate to the following directory:


2. Open the file in a text editor of your choice and do the following:
a) Update the following property with the new OpenPages bootstrap port:


Updating the IBM WebSphere Application Server global security details

If you changed the default IBM WebSphere Application Server user name after you enabled REST API
security or IBM WebSphere Application Server global security, you must update the op-backup- file to use the new value.
Do this procedure on Linux and AIX application servers where you use and

1. Go to the <OP_HOME>/bin directory.
2. Open the file in a text editor.
3. Update the following variables:


For example:


Updating port values in script

If you changed the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform bootstrap port (10101), you need to update the ports
used by the script. The script is used by multiple OpenPages background
Important: This information applies only to IBM WebSphere environments.

1. In the AIX or Linux shell, navigate to the following directory:
2. Open the file in a text editor of your choice and do the following:
If the command contains the following parameters:

System Maintenance 475

Make sure the -CCBootstrapPort value is using the new OpenPages bootstrap port. If these
parameters are not present, skip this task.
If the parameters are present: -JVMOptions "$JVMOPTIONS" "$OPENPAGES_HOME/applications/
opappstools.ear" -CCBootstrapHost=OPAdminServer -CCBootstrapPort=30101 -
CCjar=opappstool-$TOOL_NAME.jar "$@"
If the parameters are not present: -JVMOptions "$JVMOPTIONS" "$OPENPAGES_HOME/applications/
opappstools.ear"-CCjar=opappstool-$TOOL_NAME.jar "$@"

Updating port values in the database

If you updated any of the default IBM OpenPages GRC Platform ports, you must update the port value(s)
in the REGISTRY_ENTRIES table in the IBM OpenPages database as follows.

1. Log on to a machine with SQL*Plus and access to the database server.
2. Run the following SQL commands to update the port number in the REGISTRY_ENTRIES table:
update registryentries set value='<new_port_number>'
where path='/OpenPages/Platform/Reporting Schema/Object URL Generator/Port';
where <new_port_number> is the new OpenPages application server port number.
3. When the commands are complete, log out of SQL*Plus.

Updating port values on the Reporting server

If you changed the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application port number, you must update the
associated CommandCenter instance with the new port number.

1. Log onto the reporting server as a user with administrator privileges.
2. Open an AIX or Linux shell window and navigate to the <Cognos_Home>|configuration directory
where <Cognos_Home> represents the installation location of the Cognos application.
3. Locate the file and
make a backup copy of the file.
4. Open the file in a text
editor of your choice and do the following:
a) Replace the existing OpenPages GRC Platform application port number (10108) update the
following property with the new OpenPages application port number:


b) When finished, save and close the file.

Changing the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Generation port

You can change the port number that the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator
Service runs on.

1. Log on to the IBM Cognos Reporting Server as the owner of the OpenPages CommandCenter

476 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. Stop the OpenPages Framework Model Generator Service.
Right-click the IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator service and select Stop.
AIX and Linux:
a. Open an AIX or Linux shell as a user with administrative privileges and navigate to the
following directory:


Where <CommandCenter_Home> is the installation location of OpenPages GRC Platform

CommandCenter. By default, this location is: /opt/OpenPages/CommandCenter.
b. Run the following command:

server stop IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator

3. In the server.xml file, update the HTTP and HTTPS port and allow a connection to the host from
the remote system. For example:


4. In the server.xml file, search for the following block of text:

<!-- A "Connector" represents an endpoint by which requests are received

and responses are returned. Documentation at :
Java HTTP Connector: /docs/config/http.html (blocking & non-blocking)
Java AJP Connector: /docs/config/ajp.html
APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html
Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" />

5. Change port="8080" to the port number you want the services to run on.
6. Start the OpenPages Framework Model Generator Service.
Right-click the IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator service and select Start.
AIX and Linux:
a. Open an AIX or Linux shell as a user with administrative privileges and navigate to the
following directory:


Where <CommandCenter_Home> is the installation location of OpenPages GRC Platform

CommandCenter. By default, this location is: /opt/OpenPages/CommandCenter.
b. Run the following command:

server start IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator

7. Log on to the OpenPages server as the OS owner of the OpenPages software and stop the services by
using stopAllServers.
8. Go to the <OPENPAGES_HOME> | aurora | conf, where <OPENPAGES_HOME> is the installation
location of the OpenPages software. Typically, the location is C:\OpenPages for Microsoft Windows
servers and /opt/OpenPages for AIX and Linux systems.
9. In the file, change the port number for the following entry to the value that
you set it to in step 5:


In this case, you would change 8080 to the new port number.

System Maintenance 477

10. Restart the OpenPages services.
11. Log on to OpenPages as the OpenPagesAdministrator.
12. Update the reporting schema and framework. For more information, see “Creating or recreating the
reporting schema” on page 91.

What to do next
• Application server names - After OpenPages is installed, the application server name cannot be
changed. Many configuration files, such as, include the application server names
as an embedded string. The name cannot be changed after installation.
• Restart services - After you complete the port changes, restart OpenPages. For details, see Chapter 20,
“Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.
• Update the reporting schema and Framework - After services are restarted, you must re-create the
reporting schema and regenerate the Reporting Framework. Doing so allows the port change to be
reflected in any redirects of reports. For more information, see “Creating or recreating the reporting
schema” on page 91.

Updating URL host pointers for reports

After you migrate, change port settings in a production environment, or if you want to refresh a test
environment from a production database, you must update the URL host pointers on the application
server so that links in reports work properly.
You can update links in reports by modifying URL host pointer settings, and then propagating these
reporting schema changes to the application server.
To update the reporting schema, you can do either of the following:
• Run an SQL script that incrementally updates the reporting schema with the changes (recommended).
Note: For SQL tool information, see the topic "Database tool information" in the IBM OpenPages GRC
Administrator's Guide.
• Use the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface to re-create the entire reporting

1. Start the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform services on the admin application server.
2. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface as a user with administrator
3. Change the Object URL Generator settings.
a) From the menu bar, click Administration > Settings.
b) Expand Platform > Reporting Schema > Object URL Generator.
c) Update the Object Generator URL settings, as required, to point to the application server (such as a
test application server). Make sure to click Save after you modify each setting.

Table 154: Object Generator URL settings

Setting Name Description

Host The changed name of the application server.

Example : test-eng1

Port The changed port number of the application server.

Example : 10108 (IBM WebSphere)

478 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 154: Object Generator URL settings (continued)

Setting Name Description

Protocol The changed protocol for accessing the application server.

Valid values are either http or https.

4. To update the changed URL setting on the application server, update the reporting schema using one
of the following methods:
• Method 1: Run the following SQL script to incrementally update the reporting schema
a. From a machine with a SQL tool and access to the database server, log on to SQL as the
OpenPages GRC Platform database user (for example, openpages).
b. Run the following SQL statements to update the reporting schema:


• Method 2: Re-create the entire reporting schema by using the application user interface. For details,
see the topic "Creating or recreating the reporting schema" in the IBM OpenPages GRC
Administrator's Guide.

Auditing configuration changes

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform provides you with the capability of tracking configuration changes
made to your system through the Configuration Audit Report.

Accessing the Configuration Audit Report

To view and generate the Configuration Audit Report, you must have the reporting schema and framework
enabled and configured on your system.

1. From the menu bar, select Reporting and do one of the following:
• Select OpenPages V6, Audit Reports, Configuration.
• Click All Reports, and navigate to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform V6 folder (if necessary, click the
plus sign to expand the folder tree). In the folder tree, expand the Audit Reports, Configuration
Important: In reference to Reporting Framework V6, V6 refers to the latest framework version, not
to any specific OpenPages release number.
2. Click Configuration Audit to run the report.
3. On the Configuration Audit Report page, specify the date range for the reporting data as follows:
a) In the start date box, type a start date or click the calendar arrow and select a start date.
b) In the end date box, type an end date or click the calendar arrow and select an end date.
c) Click Finish to generate the report.

The Configuration Audit Report

The Configuration Audit Report tracks any metadata changes made to field groups, object types,
application text, object text, profiles, and settings.
• Field Groups - such as modifications made to object field definitions and enumerated string values.

System Maintenance 479

• Object Types - such as the inclusion of Field Groups and changes in parent and/or child object
relationship rules (for example, cardinality setting changes or enabling/ disabling object type
• Application Text or Object Text - such as translation changes to locale-specific display labels for object
types, object fields, and enumerated string values. You can enable or disable the auditing of translated
text. By default, auditing is enabled.
• Profiles - such as modifying object views and showing or hiding object types and fields.
• Registry settings
Table 155 on page 480 describes the various audited configuration changes contained in the report under
the following column headings:

Table 155: Audit Configuration Column Headings

This report column... Contains this type of data...

Object The type of object that was modified.

Category A category or classification under the object type.

Action Type The type of action performed on the object.

Action Date The date the action was performed.

Created by The name of the user who performed the action.

Old Value The value before it was modified.

New Value The value after it was modified.

Changing passwords and IP addresses

You might have to update or change the database or application server system password, or a server IP
address. When you do, you must update the password in various places inside the OpenPages GRC
Platform configuration files and property files.

Changing password references

There are several steps to changing password references.

Before you begin

Before you change password references for data sources in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, make sure that
you have the following:
• Administrative access to the following machines and application:
– OpenPages application server
– OpenPages Cognos server
– Cognos Analytics portal
• The current and new password for the following database users:
– OpenPages database user

480 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

About this task
To change a password reference, you must do the following tasks:
“Change password references on the OpenPages GRC Platform Application server” on page 481).
“Changing Reporting Framework password references” on page 482.
“Changing the password for OpenPages GRC Platform Administrator account” on page 483).
If you need information about encrypting database passwords in the backup and restore utility
environment files, see “Encrypting database passwords in the backup-restore utility environment files” on
page 423.

Change password references on the OpenPages GRC Platform Application server

The process for changing the database password on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application server
requires two tasks.
“IBM WebSphere: Modifying the JDBC data source password” on page 481
“Updating the application server database password in the Aurora properties file” on page 482
Important: Make a backup copy of each file before modifying it.

IBM WebSphere: Modifying the JDBC data source password

This task includes instructions for modifying the JDBC data source password.

1. Open a browser window and log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as a user with
administrative privileges.
By default, the URL is http://<host_name>:<port>/ibm/console
<host_name> is the name of the admin server where IBM WebSphere is installed.
<port> is the admin server port number. By default, the installation port numbers are:
• 9060 for the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server (OpenPagesCell)
2. Expand Resources then JDBC and click the Data sources link.
3. In the Data sources pane, depending on your server selection, do the following:

Table 156: Links in the Data Sources pane

For updating this server... Click this link in the Data Sources table...

application CWTxDataSourceXA

4. On the Configuration tab, under the Related Items heading, click the link for JAAS - J2C
authentication data.
5. In the JAAS - J2C authentication data pane, depending on your server selection, do the following:

Table 157: Links in the JAAS - J2C authentication data pane

For updating this server Click this link in the JAAS-J2C authentication
data table

application OpenPages JDBC authentication entry

6. In the pane for the selected authentication data table, under the General Properties heading, do the

System Maintenance 481

a) In the Password box, type the new password.
b) When finished, click Apply.
7. In the Messages box, click Save.

Updating the application server database password in the Aurora properties file
To change the database password on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application servers, one task that
you must do is to edit the Aurora properties file.
Note: This information applies to Windows, AIX and Linux environments.

1. Open a command or shell window and navigate to the <OP_Home>|aurora|conf directory.

Table 158: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application

Operating system Installation location
Windows By default, <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages
AIX and Linux By default, <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages
2. Locate the file in the conf directory and do the following:
a) Make a backup copy of the file before modifying it.
b) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.
c) Search the file for the string database.PASSWORD.
d) Change the value following the equal sign to the new password.
e) Save your changes and exit the editor.
Note: The password becomes encrypted when the services are restarted.

Changing Reporting Framework password references

If you change the password of the user account that is used by Cognos for updating the reporting
framework, you must manually modify the password value in the file on the
Cognos server, and then restart services to re-encrypt the password.
Note: This information applies to Windows, AIX and Linux environments.

1. Log on to the Cognos server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. Stop the OpenPages Framework Model Generator service.
3. Navigate to the CommandCenter|framework|conf folder.
By default, the path is:
Windows: C:\OpenPages\CommandCenter\framework\conf
AIX and Linux: /opt/OpenPages/CommandCenter/framework/conf
4. Locate the file in the conf folder and do the following:
a) Make a backup copy of the file before modifying it.
b) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.
c) Locate the following code lines in the file:

op.password=<password value>
op.user=OpenPagesAdministrator (this is the default user)

482 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Where: <password value> is the password that corresponds to the user account value in the
op.user property.
d) Edit the password property with the new value (the new password will be in clear text). If you also
changed the user account, edit that value as well.
e) When finished, save the change to the file.
5. Restart the OpenPages Framework Model Generator service.
Note: The passwords will be automatically re-encrypted the next time the service accesses the files.
6. Update the reporting framework (see “Updating the reporting framework” on page 686).
7. When finished, update the data source password for the reporting framework (see “Change password
references for Oracle data sources” on page 449).

Changing the password for OpenPages GRC Platform Administrator account

If IBM WebSphere Application Server global security is enabled on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application servers, you can change the password for the administrative user account.
For more information about configuring global security and changing the IBM WebSphere administrator
user account password, see Configuring global administration security in IBM WebSphere.

Updating the Oracle Enterprise Manager tool

If either the static IP address of the database server changes or the database host name changes, then
the web-based Oracle Enterprise Manager tool (https://<server_name>:<port>/em), which is used
for managing the Oracle database, will no longer function properly and requires reconfiguration.
Note: The Oracle database server requires a static IP address.

Create the OpenPages GRC Platform application managed server instances

When working with cluster members, to create the new IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application
managed server instances, use the following steps.
See “Parameters for cluster members” on page 529 for descriptions of the common parameters used in
this procedure.

1. Make sure that the following services are running:
• OpenPagesDmgr
• OPNode1
2. Navigate to the <OP_Home>|temp|perlinstall directory.
<OP_Home> in the file path represents the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform
application. The default path for a Windows installation is c:\OpenPages. The default path for an AIX
and Linux installation is /opt/OpenPages.
3. Open the file in a text editor, and do the following.
a) Type the password values for the following properties:
Note: The password values that you type will be in plain text. After all tasks are complete and the
member has been added to the cluster, you will have to manually mask these values with asterisks
(***). For details, see “Masking passwords in the Install property file and Restart Services” on page
• ADMIN_USERNAME= <opadmin_WAS_username>
Note: If IBM WebSphere global security is enabled, update accordingly. Otherwise, leave blank.
• ADMIN_PASSWORD= <opadmin_WAS_password>
Note: If IBM WebSphere global security is enabled, update accordingly. Otherwise, leave blank.

System Maintenance 483

• OP_JDBC_PASSWORD= <OpenPages_DB_User_Password>
b) For Windows only, update the path separator in the WASCONFIG_PATH parameter from backslash
to forward slash, except the escape character for the colon. For example, the value should look like
this WASCONFIG_PATH=C\:/OpenPages/temp/wasconfig
c) When finished, save the file.
4. At an AIX or Linux shell prompt, or Windows command prompt, run the following Perl script:
a) perl <server_name>-OPNode1 <server_name>- OPNode1Server<server#>

Resolving configuration changes in the tool

To resolve configuration changes so the Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control tool functions
properly, you must first deconfigure and then reconfigure the tool as follows.

1. Open a command or shell window.
2. Change directory to <ORACLE_HOME>|bin as follows:
cd %ORACLE_HOME%\bin
AIX and Linux
3. Type the following command to deconfigure the Oracle Enterprise Manager tool:

emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop

4. Type the following command to reconfigure the Oracle Enterprise Manager tool:

emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create

IBM WebSphere: Modifying the JDBC data source password

This task includes instructions for modifying the JDBC data source password.

1. Open a browser window and log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as a user with
administrative privileges.
By default, the URL is http://<host_name>:<port>/ibm/console
<host_name> is the name of the admin server where IBM WebSphere is installed.
<port> is the admin server port number. By default, the installation port numbers are:
• 9060 for the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server (OpenPagesCell)
2. Expand Resources then JDBC and click the Data sources link.
3. In the Data sources pane, depending on your server selection, do the following:

Table 159: Links in the Data Sources pane

For updating this server... Click this link in the Data Sources table...

application CWTxDataSourceXA

4. On the Configuration tab, under the Related Items heading, click the link for JAAS - J2C
authentication data.
5. In the JAAS - J2C authentication data pane, depending on your server selection, do the following:

484 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 160: Links in the JAAS - J2C authentication data pane

For updating this server Click this link in the JAAS-J2C authentication
data table

application OpenPages JDBC authentication entry

6. In the pane for the selected authentication data table, under the General Properties heading, do the
a) In the Password box, type the new password.
b) When finished, click Apply.
7. In the Messages box, click Save.

Change password references on the OpenPages GRC Platform Application server

The process for changing the database password on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application server
requires two tasks.
“IBM WebSphere: Modifying the JDBC data source password” on page 481
“Updating the application server database password in the Aurora properties file” on page 482
Important: Make a backup copy of each file before modifying it.

Changing database references

If you have upgraded from an old database server to a new one, migrated from a non-RAC to a RAC
environment, or are moving from a shared database environment to a stand-alone environment, then you
must change several references on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application and reporting servers to
point from the old to the new database instance.
To change database references, you must take the following actions:
“Modify the Connection URL for the JDBC Data Source” on page 485
“Modify Database References in the Application Configuration Files” on page 488
“Modify Database Connection References for the Reporting Server” on page 489

Before you begin

Make sure that you have the following information:
• Administrative access to the following machines and application:
– OpenPages application server
– OpenPages Cognos server
– Cognos Analytics portal
– OpenPages (if global security is enabled) system account user and password
• For Oracle database environments, the Oracle System Identifier (SID) of the new database instance.
• For IBM DB2 database environments, the database name.

Modify the Connection URL for the JDBC Data Source

This task includes instructions for modifying the JDBC data source in the IBM WebSphere Integrated
Solutions Console for the application server. Select the instructions that correspond to your particular

System Maintenance 485

Oracle WebLogic - Modifying the Data Source Connection URL
This information applies only to Oracle WebLogic environments.

1. Stop all IBM OpenPages application services except for the following administrative service:

Table 161: Administrative services to keep running

If changing the reference on this server... Then only this service should be running...

application OpenPagesAdminServer

2. Open a browser window and log on to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console as a user
with administrative privileges.
By default, the URL is http://<host_name>:<port><>/console
<host_name> is the name of the server where Oracle WebLogic is installed.
<port> is the admin server port number. By default, the installation port numbers are:
• 7001 for the IBM OpenPages server (OpenPagesDomain)
3. In the Change Center pane of the Console, click Lock & Edit (if not already selected).
4. On the Home page, in the Domain Configurations pane, under the heading JDBC, click the Data
Sources link.
5. On the Summary of JDBC Data Sources page, depending on your server selection, do the following

Table 162: Servers and data source links for Oracle WebLogic

For updating this server... Click this link in the Data Sources table...

application OpenPages Data Source

6. On the Settings for <data-source-name>Data Source page, do the following tasks:

a) Click the Configuration tab (if not already selected).
b) Click the Connection Pool tab.
c) In the URL box, type the new database connection URL.
• For Oracle database environments, the URL format might look similar to the following example.


– host-name is the name of the database server, such as eng11.
– port is the database port number, such as 1521.
– SID is the Oracle System Identifier, such as OP.
• For IBM DB2 environments, the URL format might look similar to the following example.


– host-name is the name of the database server, such as eng11.

486 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

– port is the database port number, such as 50000.
– DATABASE_NAME is the name of the DB2 database, such as OP.
d) Click Save.
e) In the Change Center pane, click Activate Changes and log out.
Note: The password becomes encrypted when you save your change.

IBM WebSphere - Modifying the Data Source Connection URL

Note: This information applies only to IBM WebSphere Application Server environments.

1. Open a browser window and log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as a user with
administrative privileges.
By default, the URL is http://<host_name>:<port>/ibm/console
<host_name> is the name of the admin server where IBM WebSphere is installed.
<port> is the admin server port number. By default, the installation port numbers are:
• 9060 for the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server (OpenPagesCell)
2. Expand Resources then JDBC and click the Data sources link.
3. In the Data sources pane, depending on your server selection, do the following:

Table 163: Servers and data source links for IBM WebSphere

For updating this server... Click this link in the Data Sources table...

application CWTxDataSourceXA

4. On the Configuration tab in the Data sources > <Data-source-name>, do the following:
a) Navigate to the heading Common and required data source properties.
b) In the URL box, type the new database connection URL.
• For Oracle database environments, the URL format might look similar to the following example.


– host-name is the name of the database server, such as eng11.
– port is the database port number, such as 1521.
– SID is the Oracle System Identifier, such as OP.
• For IBM DB2 environments, the URL format might look similar to the following example.


– host-name is the name of the database server, such as eng11.
– port is the database port number, such as 50000.
– DATABASE_NAME is the name of the DB2 database, such as OP.
c) For IBM DB2 environments, in the Database name box, type the new database name.
d) Click Apply.

System Maintenance 487

5. In the Messages box, click Save.
6. Click OK.

Modify Database References in the Application Configuration Files

Use the following instructions to update database references in these files: and
op-backup-restore.env. Once the values are updated, you will need to restart all administrative and
managed servers to effect the changes.
Note: This information applies to Windows, AIX and Linux environments.

Modify the Database Reference in the Aurora Properties File

You can update the database references in the file.

1. Open a command or shell window and go to the <OP_Home>|aurora|conf directory.
2. Locate the file in the conf directory and do the following tasks:
a) Make a backup copy of the file before you modify it.
b) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.
c) Search the file for the string ‘database.URL’.
d) Change the value that follows the equal sign to the new database connection URL.
• For Oracle database environments, the URL format might look similar to the following example.


– host-name is the name of the database server, such as eng11.
– port is the database port number, such as 1521.
– SID is the Oracle System Identifier, such as OP.
• For IBM DB2 environments, the URL format might look similar to the following example.


– host-name is the name of the database server, such as eng11.
– port is the database port number, such as 50000.
– DATABASE_NAME is the name of the DB2 database, such as OP.
e) Save your changes and exit the editor.

Oracle only - Modify Database References in the IBM OpenPages Backup and Restore Environment
This task applies only to Oracle database environments. You must modify Oracle database references in
the op-backup-restore.env file.

1. Open a command or shell window and navigate to the <OP_Home>|aurora|bin directory.
For information about OP_Home, see “Installation locations” on page xxvi.
2. Locate the op-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory and do the following:
a) Make a backup copy of the file before modifying it.
b) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.

488 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

c) Search the file for the following strings:
• DATABASE_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host-name>:<port>/<SID>
• DB_ALIAS=<Database alias>
• -host-name is the name of the database server, such as eng11.
• -port is the database port number, such as 1521.
• -SID is the system ID of the database, such as OP.
• -Database alias is the alias of the database, such as OP.
d) Change the value following the equal sign to the new database connection URL and SID.
e) Save your changes and exit the editor.

Oracle only - Restart All Application Servers

This task applies only to Oracle database environments. When finished modifying the database reference
values in the files, restart all administrative and managed servers to effect the changes.
See “Starting application servers” on page 549 for details.

Modify Database Connection References for the Reporting Server

Use the following instructions to update database references in the Cognos Analytics portal. If you have
an Oracle database environment, you must also update the op-cc-backup-restore.env file.
Note: This information applies to Windows, AIX and Linux environments.
Once the values are updated, you will need to restart all administrative and managed servers to effect the

Modifying database connection references in Cognos

You must change the database connection reference values in Cognos Analytics portal for the OpenPages
DataSource. If you have an Oracle database environment, you must also update the Oracle Native

1. Ensure that both the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and IBM Cognos servers are running.
2. Open a browser window and log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface as a
user with administrative permissions.
3. From the navigation bar, select Reporting > Cognos Analytics.
4. Click Manage > Administration Console to launch the IBM Cognos Administration page.
5. In the IBM Cognos Administration window, click the Configuration tab.
6. On the Directory > Cognos page, click the link for the OpenPages DataSource.
7. On the Directory > Cognos > <data-source-name> page, do the following:

a) Under the Actions column, click the Set properties - OpenPages DataSource icon .
b) On the Set properties - OpenPages DataSource page, click the Connection tab.
8. On the Connection tab, do the following:
a) Next to the Connection String box, click the pencil icon.
b) On the OCI tab, on the Edit the connection string - Oracle page, edit the SID value in the
SQL*Net connect string field.
c) On the JDBC tab, edit the values in the Server name, Port number, and Oracle Service ID boxes.

System Maintenance 489

9. For the Oracle Database environments, return to the Directory > Cognos page, and click the link for
the Oracle Native Driver and repeat Steps 7-8 for the Oracle Native Driver.
10. Restart all administrative and managed servers.

Modifying the Oracle database reference in the Cognos backup and restore environment file
You must modify Oracle database references in the Cognos backup and restore environment file. This task
applies only to Oracle database environments.

1. Open a command or shell window and go to the <CC_Home>|tools|bin directory.
2. Locate the op-cc-backup-restore.env file in the bin directory and do the following tasks:
a) Make a backup copy of the file before you modify it.
b) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.
c) Search the file for the string DB_ALIAS.
d) Change the value that follows the equal sign to the new Cognos database alias. The format might
look similar to the following example:

DB_ALIAS=<CommandCenter Database Alias>



e) Save your changes and exit the editor.

What to do next
After the values are updated, you will need to restart all administrative and managed servers to effect the

Modifying database connection references in Cognos Configuration

You can modify database connection references in IBM Cognos Configuration.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
Note: For AIX and Linux installs, log on as a non-root user.
2. Start the IBM Cognos Configuration tool as follows:
a) Open a Command Prompt window (using the Run as Administrator option), or AIX or Linux shell
and navigate to the <Cognos_Home>|bin64 directory.
b) Execute one of the following commands to open the tool:
AIX and Linux:
3. In the Explorer pane, do the following:
a) Expand Data Access (if not already expanded).
b) Under Content Manager, click Content store.
4. In the properties pane, modify the values for the following properties:
a) Database server and port number (for example, eng11:1527).
b) User ID and password

490 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

c) Service name (for example, OP).
5. When finished, exit from Cognos Configuration.

What to do next
When finished modifying the database reference values in the files, restart the Cognos server to effect the
See “Starting and stopping the Cognos services” on page 560 for details.

Update values in property files

Use the following instructions to modify and update values in property files.
• “Modifying values in the Sosa property file” on page 491
• “Running patch scripts to update server configuration” on page 493

Modifying values in the Sosa property file

When working with cluster members, modify values in the file.
See “Parameters for cluster members” on page 529 for descriptions of the common parameters used in
this procedure.

1. In the <OP_Home>|aurora|conf directory, do the following:
<OP_Home> in the file path represents the installation location of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application. The default path for a Windows installation is c:\OpenPages. The default path for an AIX
and Linux installation is /opt/OpenPages.
a) Create a copy of the following property file:
b) Rename the copy of the file to:
2. Open the renamed file in a text editor and update the parameter values for the following properties:
• openpages.service.port= <OpenPages_bootstrap_port#>
• application.url.path= http\://<server_name>
3. When finished, save the file.

Modifying the Stop Server script

To add information about the new managed server instance to the stop server scripts, follow this

1. Navigate to the <OP_Home>|bin directory.
<OP_Home> in the file path represents the installation location of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application. The default path for a Windows installation is c:\OpenPages. The default path for an AIX
and Linux installation is /opt/OpenPages.
AIX and Linux only: do steps “2” on page 491-“4” on page 492.
2. Open the script in a text editor.

System Maintenance 491

3. Before the line of code for the highest numbered OPNode1Server# managed server
instance in the file, do the following.
a) Add the following line of code:
$WAS_HOME/bin/ <server_name>-OPNode1Server<server#>
b) Update the parameter values in the line that you added.
4. When finished, save the file.
Windows only: do steps “5” on page 492-“8” on page 492.
5. Open the stopAllServers.cmd script in a text editor.
6. Locate the code to stop the <server_name>-OPNode1Server1 server.
For example:

if "%IS_SECURED_MODE%" == "true" (
call %WAS_HOME%\bin\stopServer.bat OP-OPNode1Server1
) else (
call %WAS_HOME%\bin\stopServer.bat OP-OPNode1Server1

7. Copy that code after the existing and change the value to match the server number.
For example:

if "%IS_SECURED_MODE%" == "true" (
call %WAS_HOME%\bin\stopServer.bat OP-OPNode1Server2
) else (
call %WAS_HOME%\bin\stopServer.bat OP-OPNode1Server2

8. When finished, save the file.

Modifying the Start Server script

To add information about the new managed server instance to the start server scripts, follow this

1. Navigate to the <OP_Home>|bin directory.
<OP_Home> in the file path represents the installation location of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application. The default path for a Windows installation is c:\OpenPages. The default path for an AIX
and Linux installation is /opt/OpenPages.
AIX and Linux only: do steps “2” on page 492-“4” on page 492.
2. Open the script in a text editor.
3. After the line of code for the highest numbered OPNode1Server# managed server
instance in the file, do the following.
a) Add the following line of code:
$WAS_HOME/bin/ <server_name>-OPNode1Server<server#>
b) Update the parameter values in the line that you added.
4. When finished, save the file.
Windows only: do steps “5” on page 492-“8” on page 493.
5. Open the startAllServers.cmd script in a text editor.
6. Locate the code to start the <server_name>-OPNode1Server1 server.
For example:

if "%IS_SECURED_MODE%" == "true" (
call %WAS_HOME%\bin\startServer.bat OP-OPNode1Server1
) else (

492 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

call %WAS_HOME%\bin\startServer.bat OP-OPNode1Server1

7. Copy that code after the existing and change the value to match the server number.
For example:

if "%IS_SECURED_MODE%" == "true" (
call %WAS_HOME%\bin\startServer.bat OP-OPNode1Server2
) else (
call %WAS_HOME%\bin\startServer.bat OP-OPNode1Server2

8. When finished, save the file.

Running patch scripts to update server configuration

To update the new cluster member with the updated configuration on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
server and run the perl script.
Important: This task applies to AIX and Linux environments where the OpenPages GRC Platform 6.0.1
fresh installer was used to install the product. If you use the IBM OpenPages 6.1 installer, or a newer
version, to install the product, then you do not need to perform this task.

1. Navigate to the following directory:
<OP_Home> in the file path represents the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform
application. The default path for a Windows installation is c:\OpenPages. The default path for an AIX
and Linux installation is /opt/OpenPages.
2. In the <OP_Home>|bin directory, open the script in a text editor.
3. Change the $DMGR_HOST= value to the name of the application server.
Example: $DMGR_HOST="aix_OP_Host"
4. Save and close the file.
5. At a shell prompt, run the perl script on a single line to update the OpenPages
GRC Platform server as follows:
perl <server_name>-OPNode1

Masking passwords in the Install property file and Restart Services

For security purposes, use this procedure to manually mask the plain text passwords that you entered in
the files.
For more information about entering passwords in the in the files, see “Create
the OpenPages GRC Platform application managed server instances” on page 483.

1. Navigate to the <OP_Home>|temp|perlinstall directory.
<OP_Home> in the file path represents the installation location of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application. The default path for a Windows installation is c:\OpenPages. The default path for an AIX
and Linux installation is /opt/OpenPages.
2. Open the file in a text editor.
3. Use asterisks (***) to overwrite the plain text password values for the following properties. The
overwritten password values will look similar to the following:

System Maintenance 493

4. When finished, save the file.
5. Depending upon how many server instances need to simultaneously access the database, you may
need to increase the minimum number of connections to the database. If you do not have enough
database connections, you will receive errors when starting the servers
6. Restart all services.
For details on starting services, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549

SSL for OpenPages GRC Platform environments

You can configure your OpenPages GRC Platform to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
SSL establishes an encrypted link between the OpenPages GRC Platform application server and the user
through a browser. The encryption ensures that all data that is passed between the application server and
a browser remains private.
Tip: For more information about how to set up SSL for OpenPages GRC Platform, see the GRC Power Plant
community (
communityUuid=d89a3ddf-2acf-4cc8-b11b-14f33b5c653e). The GRC Power Plant community provides
technical information and articles about OpenPages GRC Platform.

Accessing the OpenPages GRC Platform application using SSL

You can access the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application using a secure SSL connection. This
procedure assumes that the default settings were not changed during installation.
Note: You must have an SSL digital certificate to use SSL with the OpenPages application.

Open a browser window, and enter the following URL:


Where <server_name> is the name of the server machine hosting the OpenPages GRC Platform
application, and <ssl_port> is the SSL port number that is associated with the application server.
For example:

Verifying WebSphere Application Server configuration for SSL

IBM WebSphere application server uses the concept of multiple transport channels to handle web traffic.
Use the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console to make sure the Web Container Transport Chains
are configured for SSL.

1. Log on to cluster administrator server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console:
For example, http://<server_name>:<port>/ibm/console .
3. Log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console with an administrator account.
4. Expand the tree for Servers | Server Types | WebSphere Application servers.
5. In the Application servers list, click on the name of the server to be configured.
6. Under Container Settings, click Web Container Settings | Web Container Transport Chains.

494 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

7. For the WCInboundDefaultSecure chain, ensure that the Enabled field is set to Enabled and the SSL
Enabled field is set to Enabled.
If the fields are not set, click the WCInboundDefaultSecure resource and on the General Properties
tab, and select Enable to enable the resource.
8. Click Save to save your changes.

Verifying SSL ports on virtual hosts

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Installer added the OpenPages SSL ports to the list of host aliases in
the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. You must verify that all ports for each OpenPages node
pairing are added.

1. Log on to the cluster administration server.
2. In the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, expand the tree for Environment | Virtual
3. Select default_host.
4. On the Host Aliases page, check that the SSL ports are added by the OpenPages GRC Platform
For example, if the OpenPages application SSL ports are not listed, add port 10111 for the OpenPages
Note: The OpenPages default port is 9060.
5. If any SSL ports are missing, click New.
6. On the Configuration page, enter the port number in the Port field. Optionally, enter a name in the
Host Name field.
7. Click OK.
8. On the Host Aliases page, click Save.

Verifying the SSL protocol before you deploy a new non-administrative server
Before you can deploy a new non-administrative application server to a horizontal cluster, you must
ensure that the SSL protocol is set correctly. You must verify the SSL protocol for the OpenPages
application server.
For example, if you are using either the TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 protocols, the deployment will fail.
After you complete the configuration, you can change the SSL protocol back to your original selection.
But, you cannot use TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 during the deployment of the new server.

1. Go to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console for the OpenPages Deployment Manager
For example, http://<server_name>:<port>/ibm/console
Where <server_name> is the name of the application server and <port> is the WebSphere port that
is assigned during the WebSphere installation. The default port value is 9060.
2. Log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console with an administrator account.
3. Expand Security, and select SSL certificate and key management.
4. In the Related Items list, click SSL configurations.
5. Click CellDefaultSSLSettings.
6. In the Additional Properties list, click Quality of protection (QoP) settings.
7. In the Protocol box, ensure that you have an option other than TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 selected.

System Maintenance 495

Attention: If TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 are selected, deploying a new non-administrative server to
your environment will fail.
a) If either TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 are selected, change the value to SSL_TLSv2.
b) Click Apply, and then click Save.
c) In the main menu, expand System administration, and click Nodes.
d) Select the check box for <host>-OPNode1.
e) Click Full Resynchronize.

Creating the keystore in the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console

Use the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console to create the public and private key pairs and store
both keys in a file that is called a keystore.

About this task

You must perform the following step to create the opkeystore.
Use the appropriate URL to log on to the cluster administrator server.
Logon URL to create the opkeystore
Where <server_name> is the name of the application server and <port> is the WebSphere port that
is assigned during the WebSphere installation. The default port value is 9060.

1. Log on to the cluster administrator server by using the appropriate port value in the URL: http://
2. In the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, expand the tree for Security | SSL certificate
and key management.
3. On the SSL certificate and key management page, in the Related Items list, click Key stores and
4. On the SSL Certificates and key management page, click New.
5. On the Key store and certificates page, use the following table to select or enter the appropriate

Table 164: Keystore and certificates values for OpenPagesCell

Value OpenPagesCell values

Name Enter opkeystore

Management scope Select (cell):OpenPagesCell

Path Enter a path in <OP_Home> where the keystore is

to be created. For example, /opt/OpenPages/

Password Enter a password for the keystore, by default


Type Select JKS

6. Click Apply.

496 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Generating a Certificate Signing Request file the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions
If you require an authorized certificate from a third-party certificate authority, you can use the IBM
WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console to generate the required certificate signing request.

1. Log on to the cluster administrator server.
2. In the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, open the Key store and certificates page.
3. Select the opkeystore.
4. In the Additional Properties list, click Personal certificate requests to create a certificate request.
The list becomes active after clicking Apply.
5. On the Personal certificates requests page, click New.
Enter the following values:
• Name - Enter a name for the certificate request, such as ServerCertificateRequest.csr
• Key label - Enter a label for the certificate, such as the server name.
• Common name - Enter a name for the certificate and any other identifying information.
Note: The common name is the fully qualified domain name.
6. Click Apply and OK.
7. Click Save.
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for each secondary application server.

Submitting a CSR for Certificate Authority approval in a WebSphere Application Server

The Certificate Signing Request file must be submitted to an appropriate Certification Authority (CA) for

1. In the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, open the SSL certificate and key management
2. Select the Certificate Signing Request you created and click Extract.
3. Enter a name for the file where the extracted certificate request is to be placed.
On UNIX, the file is created in <OP_Home>/profiles/OpenPagesDmgr/etc/ unless you enter a
specific path.
On Windows, the file is create in <OP_Home>\profiles\OpenPagesDmgr\etc\ unless you enter a
specific path.
4. Follow the instructions to submit your Certificate Signing Request file to an appropriate Certification
5. Download the approved root and Certificate Authority certificates to a local directory.
6. Check that the certificates are named to distinguish the root from the Certificate Authority certificate.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each secondary application server.

Importing signed CA certificates in the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console

You must install a root certificate and a server certificate from a trusted third-party certificate authority on
each application server. You might also need to install an intermediate certificate on each application
server. You can use the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console to import these certificates on the
cluster administrator server and all cluster member systems.

System Maintenance 497

About this task
You must perform the following steps to import the OpenPagesCell keystore.
To import the OpenPagesCell keystore
In step 2, log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console by using the following URL
Where <server_name> is the name of the application server and <port> is the WebSphere port
assigned during the WebSphere installation. The default port value is 9060.

1. Log on to each IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative privilege.
2. Start a web browser and go to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
For example: http://<server_name>:<port>/ibm/console.
3. Log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console with an administrator account.
4. Expand the tree for Security | SSL certificate and key management.
5. On the SSL certificate and key management page, in the Related Items list, click Key stores and
6. In the list of keystores and certificates, click the keystore you want to configure.
7. Under Additional Properties, select Signer certificates.
8. On the Signer Certificate page, click Add.
9. On the General Properties page, enter the following values:
• Alias. Enter the name used to identify the Root CA certificate in the keystore.
• File name. Enter the full path to the Root CA certificate.
• Data type. Select Base64-encoded ASCII data from the list.
10. Click Apply and OK.
11. Click Save.
12. To import server certificates to the keystore, under Additional Properties, select Personal
13. Click [Receive Certificate from CA].
14. On the General Properties page, enter the following values:
a) File name. Enter the full path to the server certificate.
b) Data type. Select Base64-encoded ASCII data from the list.
15. Click Apply and OK.
16. Click Save.
17. Repeat steps 13 to 16 for each secondary application server.

Importing the Certificate Authority certificate for Java Runtime Environment

Use the Keytool command to import the Certificate Authority certificate into the Java JRE environment on
the cluster administrator server and all cluster member systems.

1. Log on to each IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start an AIX or Linux shell or Windows command prompt.
3. Go to the <WebSphere_Home>|java|jre|lib|security directory.
4. Type the following Keytool command to import the root certificate.

keytool -import -alias certificate_name -trustcacerts -file

file_name -keystore keystore_name

498 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

For example, the following Keytool command imports the rootca certificate into the
trustedcafilename.cer file:

keytool -import -alias rootca -trustcacerts -file trustedcafilename.cer

-keystore cacerts

5. Enter the password for the certificate.

The default password is changeit.
6. Enter Yes to trust the certificate.

What to do next
If you are using self-signed certificates for OpenPages and Cognos that are not issued by a known CA, you
must import the self-signed root certificate from any Cognos server connected to the current OpenPages
server. Use the following Java keytool command to import the certificates into the <OP_Home>|jre|
lib|security directory.
keytool -import -alias certificate_name -trustcacerts -file file_name -keystore

Installing certificate authority certificates

After you configure the web server for SSL, you must configure any web browsers that access the web
server. You must import the root certificate into the browser keystore on the cluster administrator, on all
cluster member systems, and on client systems that access IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

About this task

The following steps provide an example for configuring a Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.

1. On any system that accesses the OpenPages environment, open a web browser.
2. Click Tools, then Internet Options.
3. Click the Content tab, and then click Certificates.
4. To start the Certificate Import Wizard, click the Trusted Root Certification Authority tab, and then
click Import.
5. On the Certificate Import Wizard Welcome page, click Next.
6. On the File to Import page, enter the path to the root certificate. For example, C:\OP_Home
7. On the Certificates Store page, select Place all certificates in the following store. Ensure that
Trusted Root Certification Authorities is selected.
8. On the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page, review the settings, and click Finish.
9. If you are required to install an authenticated certification authority certificate, follow these steps:
a) Click the Intermediate Certification Authority tab.
b) Click Import to start the Certification Import Wizard.
c) Repeat steps 5 - 8 to ensure that Intermediate Certification Authorities is selected on the
Certificate Store page.
10. After you receive the certification authority certificate, follow these steps:
a) Click the Trusted Publishers tab.
b) To start the Certification Import Wizard, click Import.
c) Repeat steps 5 - 8 to ensure that Trusted Publishers is selected on the Certificate Store page.

System Maintenance 499

Updating properties files so web browsers use HTTPS protocol and SSL ports
After you configure the web server for SSL, edit the properties files to ensure web browsers use HTTPS
protocol and SSL ports on the cluster administrator server and all cluster member systems.

About this task

In a load balanced environment, the values are the fully qualified domain name of the load balancer and

1. Log on to each IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a command prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option.
3. Go to the <OP_Home>\aurora\conf directory.
4. Open the properties file in a text editor.
a) Edit the following lines to change http to https and update the port number.


For example, in a load balanced environment, the application.url.path value is the fully
qualified domain name of the load balancer and port.
b) Save and close the file.
5. Open each file in a text editor.
a) Edit the following lines to change http to https and update the port number.

application.url.path= http://<server>:\<port>/openpages

Note: In a load-balanced environment, this value is the fully qualified domain name of the load
balancer and port.
b) Save and close the file.
6. Open each in a text editor.
a) Edit the following lines to change the http to https and update the port number.


b) Save and close the file.

Configuring SSL by using IBM Console web application

The WebSphere Application Server must be configured to use the opkeystore.jks keystore. You can
use the IBM Console Web Application to configure WebSphere application server to use only the
opkeystore.jks keystore.

About this task

You must perform the following steps to configure the opkeystore. Use the appropriate logon URL when
you perform the steps.
Logon URL to configure the opkeystore
Where <server_name> is the name of the application server and <port> is the WebSphere port that
is assigned during the WebSphere installation. The default port value is 9060.

500 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Log on to the cluster administration server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. In the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, click Security > SSL certificate and key
3. On the SSL certificate and key management page, in the Related Items list, click SSL
4. On the SSL Configurations page, click CellDefaultSSLSettings.
5. On the General Properties page, use the following table to set the appropriate values:

Table 165: CellDefaultSSLSettings keystore property values

Setting opkeystore value
Truststore name opkeystore
Keystore name opkeystore
Management scope (cell):OpenPagesCell
6. Click Get certificate aliases.
7. Click Apply.
8. On the SSL configurations page, click NodeDefaultSSLSettings.
9. On the General Properties page, use the following table to set the appropriate values:

Table 166: NodeDefaultSSLSettings keystore properties values

Setting opkeystore value
Truststore name opkeystore
Keystore name opkeystore
10. Click Get certificate aliases.
11. Click Apply.
12. Repeat steps 8 to 11 for each node.

Enabling secure session cookies on IBM WebSphere Application Server

Enable or disable the Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions setting on all application servers in your
A secure session cookie informs the browser to only send the session cookie back over an encrypted
HTTP connection. This ensures that the cookie identifier is secure and is only used with IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform when using HTTPS connections. When this feature is enabled, session cookies over an
HTTP connection no longer work.

1. Open a browser window and log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as a server
The default URL is http://<server_name>:<port>/ibm/console.
2. In the Integrated Solutions Console:
a) Expand Servers | Server Types
b) Click the WebSphere Application Server in the list.
3. In the list on the Application servers page, click the name of the application server you want to

System Maintenance 501

4. On the Application servers | OpenPages-server-name page, click the Configuration tab.
5. On the Configuration tab, under the Container Settings heading, click Session Management.
6. On the Application servers | OpenPages-server-name | Session Management page:
a) Verify that Enable cookies setting is selected.
b) On the Application servers | OpenPages-server-name | Session Management Cookies page,
configure the Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions.
• To enable secure session cookies, select the Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions check box.
• To disable secure session cookies, clear the Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions check box.
c) When finished, click Apply.
7. Repeat steps 3-7 for all available application servers.

Updating the SSL socket factory providers

Cognos Analytics and IBM OpenPages GRC Platform can be installed on the same application server. If so,
and if Cognos Analytics uses WebSphere Java, then in an SSL environment you must update the SSL
socket factory providers in the file. If you do not update the file, you
get a ClassNotFoundException error message.

1. Log on to each IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open the <WebSphere_Java_Home>/jre/lib/security/ file in a text editor.
3. Locate ssl.SocketFactory.provider and ssl.ServerSocketFactory.provider properties.
4. Comment out WebSphere socket factories, and uncomment the default JSSE socket factories as

# Default JSSE socket factories
# WebSphere socket factories (in cryptosf.jar)

5. Save the file.

6. Restart the OpenPages and Cognos servers.

SSL configuration for Microsoft Internet Information Services

In most environments, traffic to and from Cognos Analytics passes through a web server. You can
configure the Microsoft Internet Information Services web server for SSL. Microsoft Internet Information
Services requires a certificates snap-in.

1. Log on to each Cognos Analytics server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start the Microsoft Management Console.
a) Click the Windows Start menu.
b) Type mmc in the Search Programs and Files field and press Enter.
3. In the MMC dialog box, click File > Add/Remove Snap-Ins.
4. In the Available snap-ins list, double-click Certificates.
5. In the Certificates Snap-ins dialog box, select Computer account, and then click Next.
6. In the Select Computer dialog box, select Local Computer, and then click Finish.
7. Click OK to close the dialog box.

502 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Generating a key pair and request using Microsoft Internet Information Services
Use the reporting server to generate the key pair and specify the keystore in Microsoft Internet
Information Services

1. Log on to the primary reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. In the Microsoft Management Console dialog box on the reporting server, expand the Certificates and
select Personal.
3. In the Actions panel, right-click the Certificates icon and select All Tasks > Advanced Options >
Create Custom Request.
4. In the Certificate Enrollment dialog box, click Next.
5. On the Select Certificate Enrollment Policy pane, select Proceed without enrollment policy, and
click Next
6. On the Custom request pane, accept the default values of CNG key and PKCS#10, and click Next.
7. In the Certificate Information pane, click the Details icon, and click Properties.
8. In the Certificate Properties dialog box, click the Subject tab to supply details for the certificate's
Distinguished Name.
9. To specify at a common name and organization value.
a) In the Type list, select Common Name, and enter a value for the certificate common name, and
click Add.
b) Select Organization in the Type list and enter a value for the certificate common name, and click
10. Click the Private Key tab and then:
a) Click the arrow next to Key Options, and select Make private key exportable.
b) Click the arrow next to Select Hash Algorithm, select sha1 from the Hash Algorithm list, and
click OK.
11. In the Certificate Information pane, click Next.
12. In the Certificate Enrollment pane:
a) Click Browse and in the Save as dialog box, enter a name for the certificate request file in the File
name field. Use a .csr extension.
b) From the Save as type list, select All Files, and then click Save.
13. Click Finish.
14. Close the Microsoft Management Console.

Submitting a Certificate Signing Request for your web server

Submit the Certificate Signing Request to a Certificate Authority for approval.

1. Download the approved root and server certificates to a local directory, such as the
OpenPagesDomain directory.
2. Check that the certificates are named to distinguish the root from the server certificate.
3. Follow the instructions provided by the Certificate Authority.

Importing the root certificate into Microsoft Internet Information Services

You must import the root certificate into Microsoft Internet Information Services on the primary Cognos
system and all secondary Cognos systems.

1. Log on to each Cognos server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

System Maintenance 503

a) Click the Windows Start menu.
b) Type mmc in the Search Programs and Files field and press Enter.
3. In the MMC dialog box, click File > Add/Remove Snap-Ins.
4. In the Available snap-ins list, double-click Certificates.
5. In the Certificates Snap-ins dialog box, select Computer account, and click Next.
6. In the Select Computer dialog box, select Local Computer, and click Finish.
7. In the MMC dialog box, expand Certificates and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
8. In the Actions panel, right-click the Certificates icon and select All Tasks > Import.
9. In the Certificate Import wizard, click Next.
10. On the File to Import pane, click Browse to locate the CA certificate, and then click Next.
11. On the Certificate Store pane, select Place all certificates in the following store > Trusted Root
Certification Authorities, and click Next.
12. On the Completing the Certificate Import wizard screen, click Finish.
13. Repeat these steps to import any intermediate certificates required by your Certificate Authority.

What to do next
If you are using self-signed certificates for OpenPages GRC Platform and Cognos, that are not issued by a
known Certificate Authority, you must import the OpenPages GRC Platform signed root certificate from
any OpenPages server connected to the current Cognos server. Use the following Java keytool command
to import the certificates into the <Cognos_Home>\analytics\jre\8.0\lib\security directory.

keytool -import -alias certificate_name -trustcacerts -file file_name

-keystore keystore_name

Adding the SSL binding for Microsoft Internet Information Services

To bind the root certificate to the web server use Cognos on the primary Cognos system and all secondary
Cognos systems.

1. On the Cognos server, open the Windows Internet Information Services Manager, by clicking the Start
menu, then selecting Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services Manager.
2. Expand the folder structure for the server you want to configure and select Sites.
3. In the Sites pane, select the website to configure.
4. In the Action panel, select Bindings.
5. In the Site Bindings dialog box, select HTTPS and click Edit.

SSL configuration for Apache Web Server

To use SSL between IBM OpenPages GRC Platform applications and Apache Web Server, some
configuration is required. For example, you must generate a keystore and a keypair, generate a certificate
signing request, and establish the root of trust.

Generating a key pair and request using Cognos

Use Cognos to generate the key pair and specify the keystore for Apache web server on the primary
Cognos system.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
Note: For AIX and Linux installs, log in as a non-root user, such as the opuser user that you created for
the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
2. Open an AIX or Linux shell, or Windows command prompt.

504 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

3. Go to the bin directory in the web server home directory.
4. Enter the following commands to generate a certificate request:
openssl req -new -sha1 -newkey rsa:1024 -config %APACHE_HOME%\conf\
openssl.cnf -nodes -keyout server_pkey.key
-out certreq.csr
AIX and Linux:
openssl req -new -sha1 -newkey rsa:1024 -config $APACHE_HOME/conf/
openssl.cnf -nodes -keyout server_pkey.key
-out certreq.csr
5. Open the httpd.conf file using a text editor.
a) Uncomment the following line.

LoadModule ssl_module modules/

Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

6. Save and close the file.

Submitting a Certificate Signing Request for your web server

Submit the Certificate Signing Request to a Certificate Authority for approval.

1. Download the approved root and server certificates to a local directory, such as the
OpenPagesDomain directory.
2. Check that the certificates are named to distinguish the root from the server certificate.
3. Follow the instructions provided by the Certificate Authority.

Importing the root certificate into Apache web server

You must import the root certificate into Apache web server on the primary Cognos system and all
secondary Cognos systems.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
Note: Log on as a non-root user, such as the opuser user you created for the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform installation.
2. Go to the <Apache_Home>/conf/extra directory.
3. Open the httpd-ssl.conf file in a text editor.
4. Under Server Certificate, uncomment the SSLCertificateFile parameter, and enter the path to the PEM
encoded certificate.
5. Under Server Private Key, uncomment the SSLCertificateKeyFile parameter, and enter the path to the
keyfile on this server.
6. Under Certificate Authority (CA), uncomment the SSLCACertificateFile parameter, and enter the path
to the root certificate.
7. Save and close the file.

What to do next
If you are using self-signed certificates for OpenPages and Cognos that are not issued by a known
Certificate Authority, you must import the OpenPages self-signed root certificate from any OpenPages

System Maintenance 505

server connected to the current Cognos server. Use the Java keytool command to import the certificates
into the following directories.

-import -alias certificate_name -trustcacerts -file file_name
-keystore keystore_name

Importing the server certificate into Apache web server

You must import the server certificate from the Certificate Authority into Apache web server on the
primary Cognos system and all secondary Cognos systems.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
Note: Log on as a non-root user, such as the opuser user you created for the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform installation.
2. Go to the <Apache_Home>/conf/extra directory.
3. Open the httpd-ssl.conf file in a text editor.
4. Under Server Certificate, uncomment the SSLCertificateFile parameter, and enter the path to the PEM
encoded certificate.
5. Under Server Private Key, uncomment the SSLCertificateKeyFile parameter, and enter the path to the
keyfile on this server.
6. Under Certificate Authority (CA), uncomment the SSLCACertificateFile parameter, and enter the path
to the root certificate.

Configuring SSL in the OpenPages GRC Platform properties files

If IBM OpenPages GRC Platform is configured for SSL, you must configure the properties file to use the
OpenPages GRC Platform HTTPS address and SSL port. Modify the OpenPages GRC Platform properties
file, to use HTTPS and the SSL port, on the primary Cognos system and secondary Cognos systems.

1. Log on to the Cognos server as a user with administrative privileges.
Note: For AIX and Linux, you log on as a non-root user, such as the opuser user you created for the
OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
2. On Windows computers, start a Command Prompt using the Run as Administrator option, or on a AIX
or Linux computer open an AIX or Linux shell.
3. Go to the following directory.
• Windows: <Cognos_Home>\configuration
• AIX and Linux:<Cognos_Home>/configuration
4. Open the in a text
5. Edit the openpages.application.url value, replacing http with https and changing the <port> to the
SSL port.

506 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

SSL configuration on AIX and Linux load balancer server
To use SSL on an AIX-based and Linux-based load-balancing server running IBM HTTP Server (IHS) in
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, some configuration is required. For example, you must generate a keystore
and a keypair, and generate a certificate signing request, and establish the root of trust.

Generating a keystore and key pair using the iKeyman tool

If you are using IBM HTTP Server as your web server, generate a key pair using the iKeyman tool on the
load balance server.

1. Log on to the load balance server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start iKeyman by running the following command:
Where IHS_root is the location of the IHS.
The default location is IHS_root is /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/.
3. Create the keystore file to store the key pair.
a) Select Key Database File > New.
b) In the dialog box that displays, select CMS from the Key database type list.
c) In the File Name field, enter a file name for the new key database file.
d) In the Location field, enter the location where you want to store the keystore file, and click OK
For example: usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin.
e) In the Password Prompt dialog box that displays, enter a password for the keystore. Re-enter the
f) In iKeyman, select Stash password to file to create a .sth file. This file encrypts and stores the
keystore password which is assigned an expiration time. You must change the password
g) Click OK.

Generating a certificate signing request file using the iKeyman tool

If you require an authorized certificate from a trusted third-party certificate authority, you can use the
iKeyman tool to generate the required certificate signing request.

1. Log on to the load balance server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start iKeyman by running the following command: IHS_root/bin/ikeyman
Where IHS_root is the location of the IBM HTTP Server installation. The default location is /usr/IBM/
3. In the iKeyman tool, open the keystore created in Step 2.
a) Select Key Database File > Open.
b) Specify the type of keystore. The default type is CMS.
c) In the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the keystore. You can also click
Browse to locate the keystore, and click OK.
d) In the Password Prompt dialog box, enter the password for the keystore, and click OK.
4. Generate the certificate request for the open keystore.
a) Select Create > New Certificate Request.
b) In the Create New Key and Certificate Request dialog box, in the Key Label field, provide an
identifier for the certificate.

System Maintenance 507

c) In the Key Size list, select a key length for the certificate. The key size determines the strength of
the encryption.
d) From the Signature Algorithm list, select an algorithm to apply to the certificate.
e) Provide the dname information to identify the certificate. Enter the values as appropriate.
f) Click OK to generate the request. A certificate request in the .arm format is created and saved to
the specified location.

Submitting a Certificate Signing Request to a Certificate Authority running IBM HTTP

To submit the Certificate Signing Request, follow the instructions that are provided by the Certificate
Authority. Depending on the instructions, you need to either copy and paste the content of the CSR to the
text area or attach the CSR file.

Importing the Root and Signed Server Certificates using the iKeyman tool
You must install a signed certificate from a third-party certificate authority or self-signed certificates in
both the keystore created and the keystore used by IBM HTTP Server. You must install a server certificate
into the keystore created.

1. Log on to the load balance server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start iKeyman by running the following command: IHS_root/bin/ikeyman
Where IHS_root is the location of the IHS. The default location is/usr/IBM/HTTPServer/.
3. In the iKeyman tool, open the keystore you created in Step 2.
a) Select Key Database File > Open.
b) Specify the type of keystore, by default CMS.
c) In the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the keystore.
d) In the Password Prompt dialog box, enter the password for the keystore.
4. Import the signed CA certificate.
a) In the Key database content list, select Signer Certificates, and click Add.
b) In the Open window, in the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the
c) In the Enter a Label dialog box that displays, in the Enter a label for the certificate field, enter a
name for the certificate.
5. Select Key Database File > Close.
6. In the iKeyman tool, open the plugin-key.kdb keystore.
a) Select Key Database File > Open.
b) Specify the type of keystore. The default type is CMS.
c) In the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the keystore.
The default directory for the plugin-key.kdb keystore is <IHS root>/Plugins/config/
server_name/plugin-key.kdb, and click OK.
d) In the Password Prompt dialog box, enter the password for the keystore. The default password
is WebAS, and click OK.
7. Select Signer Certificates in the Key database content list, and click Add.
8. In the Add CA's Certificate from a file window, enter the following information.

508 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

9. In the Data type list, select Base64-encoded ASCII data.
10. In the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the keystore.
11. In the Enter a Label dialog box and the Enter a label for the certificate field, enter a name for the

Editing the Apache configuration file on IBM HTTP server

You must edit the httpd.conf file on the load balancer server for the IBM HTTP server.

1. On Windows computers, start a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option,
or on AIX or Linux computers, open an AIX or Linux shell.
2. Go to the IHS root/conf directory.
3. Open the httpd.conf file using a text editor.
a) Uncomment the following in the file.
LoadModule was_app22_module modules/
LoadModule negotiation_module module8s/
b) Uncomment the following lines in the file and add any missing lines.
Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName <server_name>
SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
SSLClientAuth None
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
KeyFile <IHS_root>/<keystore_name>.kdb
c) Add the following line to point to the WebSphere plug-in Configuration.
<IHS root>/Plugins/config/<server_name>/plugin-cfg.xml
d) Save and close the file.
4. To apply the changes, restart the IBM HTTP Server.

SSL configuration for an Apache load balancer server in Windows environments

There are four procedures for the web server on any reporting server that handles external IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform CommandCenter requests.

Generating a key pair and request with an Apache load balancer server
If you are using Apache as your load balancer server, you must generate a key pair and specify the

1. Log on to the load-balancing server as a non-root user with administrative privileges.
2. Start a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option.
3. Go to the \bin directory in the web server home directory to use as the keystore.
4. To generate a certificate request, enter the following command :

System Maintenance 509

• For Windows operating systems or computers:
openssl req -new -sha1 -newkey rsa:1024 -config %APACHE_HOME%\conf
-nodes -keyout server_pkey.key -out certreq.csr
• For AIX and Linux operating systems or computers:
openssl req -new -sha1 -newkey rsa:1024 -config $APACHE_HOME\conf
-nodes -keyout server_pkey.key -out certreq.csr
5. Open the httpd.conf file in a text editor and uncomment following line:
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Submitting a Certificate Signing Request to a Certificate Authority for an Apache load balancer
Submit the Certificate Signing Request file for an Apache load balancer server to an appropriate
Certification Authority (CA) for approval.

1. Download the approved root and server certificates to a local directory, such as the
OpenPagesDomain directory.
2. Check that the certificates are named to distinguish the root from the server certificate.
3. Follow the instructions provided by the Certificate Authority.

Importing the root certificates for an Apache load balancer server

You must import the root certificates into an Apache load balancer server.

1. Log on to the load-balancing server as a non-root user with administrative privileges.
2. Start a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option.
3. Go to the <Apache_Home>/conf/extra directory.
4. Open the httpd-ssl.conf file in a text editor.
5. Under Server Certificate, uncomment the SSLCertificateFile parameter, and enter the path to the PEM
encoded certificate.
6. Under Server Private Key, uncomment the SSLCertificateKeyFile parameter, and enter the path to the
key file on this server.
7. Under Certificate Authority (CA), uncomment the SSLCACertificateFile parameter, and enter the path
to the root certificate.
8. Save and close the file.

Editing the Apache configuration file on Apache load balancer server

To add SSL parameters for the Apache load balancer server, you must edit the httpd.conf file.

1. Log on to load-balancing web server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Stop the Apache web Server.
3. Start a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option.
4. Copy the WL_Home\server\plugin\win\32\ file to the Apache_Home\modules

510 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Copy C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\plugin\win\32\ to
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf
5. Go to the Apache_Home\conf\ directory.
6. Open the httpd.conf file and locate the parameters added to the end of the file for SSL. See the
following example of these parameters.
a) Before the first <Location /> parameter, add the following parameter.
<IfModule ssl_module>
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
b) In the <Location /> parameter, add the location of the trusted CA certificate file.

SSL configuration for IBM HTTP server

If you use IBM HTTP Server (IHS) as a web server for Cognos, some configuration is required. For
example, you must generate a keystore and key pair, and generate a certificate signing request, and
submit a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

Generating a keystore and key pair using the iKeyman tool

If you are using IBM HTTP Server as your web server, generate a key pair using the iKeyman tool on the
reporting server.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start iKeyman by running the following command:
Where IHS_root is the location of the IHS.
The default location is IHS_root is /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/.
3. Create the keystore file to store the key pair.
a) Select Key Database File > New.
b) In the dialog box that displays, select CMS from the Key database type list.
c) In the File Name field, enter a file name for the new key database file.
d) In the Location field, enter the location where you want to store the keystore file, and click OK
For example: usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin.
e) In the Password Prompt dialog box that displays, enter a password for the keystore. Re-enter the
f) In iKeyman, select Stash password to file to create a .sth file. This file encrypts and stores the
keystore password which is assigned an expiration time. You must change the password
g) Click OK.

Generating a certificate signing request file using the iKeyman tool

If you require an authorized certificate from a trusted third-party certificate authority, you can use the
iKeyman tool to generate the required Certificate Signing Request.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start iKeyman by running the following command: IHS_root/bin/ikeyman
Where IHS_root is the location of the IBM HTTP Server installation. The default location is /usr/IBM/

System Maintenance 511

3. In the iKeyman tool, open the keystore created in Step 2.
a) Select Key Database File > Open.
b) Specify the type of keystore. The default type is CMS.
c) In the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the keystore. You can also click
Browse to locate the keystore, and click OK.
d) In the Password Prompt dialog box, enter the password for the keystore, and click OK.
4. Generate the certificate request for the open keystore.
a) Select Create > New Certificate Request.
b) In the Create New Key and Certificate Request dialog box, in the Key Label field, provide an
identifier for the certificate.
c) In the Key Size list, select a key length for the certificate. The key size determines the strength of
the encryption.
d) From the Signature Algorithm list, select an algorithm to apply to the certificate.
e) Provide the dname information to identify the certificate. Enter the values as appropriate.
f) Click OK to generate the request. A certificate request in the .arm format is created and saved to
the specified location.

Submitting a Certificate Signing Request to a Certificate Authority

To submit the Certificate Signing Request, follow the instructions that are provided by the Certificate
Authority. Depending on the instructions, you need to either copy and paste the content of the CSR to the
text area or attach the CSR file.

Downloading and importing the root and signed server certificates using the iKeyman tool
You must install a signed certificate from a third-party Certificate Authority or self-signed certificates in
both the keystore created and the keystore used by IBM HTTP Server. You must install a server certificate
into the keystore created.

1. Follow the instructions provided by the Certificate Authority to download the root and signed server
2. Download the approved root and Certificate Authority certificates to a local directory.
3. Check that the certificates are named to distinguish the root from the Certificate Authority certificate.
4. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
5. Start iKeyman by running the following command: IHS_root/bin/ikeyman
Where IHS_root is the location of the IHS. The default location is/usr/IBM/HTTPServer/.
6. In the iKeyman tool, open the keystore you created for Cognos.
a) Select Key Database File > Open.
b) Specify the type of keystore, by default CMS.
c) In the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the keystore.
d) In the Password Prompt dialog box, enter the password for the keystore.
7. Import the root certificate.
a) In the Key database content list, select Signer Certificates, and click Add.
b) In the Open window, in the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the root
certificate file.

512 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

c) In the Enter a Label dialog box that displays, in the Enter a label for the certificate field, enter a
name for the root certificate.
8. Import CA signed certificate.
a) In the Key database content list, select Personal Certificates, and click Receive.
b) In the Open window, in the File Name and Location fields, enter the name and path to the CA
signed certificate file.
c) In the Enter a Label dialog box that displays, in the Enter a label for the certificate field, enter a
name for the CA signed certificate.

Updating the Apache configuration file on IBM HTTP server

You must update the httpd.conf file and restart the server.

1. On Windows computers, start a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option,
or on AIX® or Linux computers, open an AIX or Linux shell.
2. Go to the IHS root/conf directory.
3. Open the httpd.conf file using a text editor.
a) Uncomment the following in the file.
LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>
KeyFile /home/opuser/IBM/HTTPServer/<yourkeystore.kdb>
b) Save and close the file.
Note: You must also replace <yourkeystore.kdb> with your keystore file and replace port 443 with your
SSL port for IBM HTTP Server.
4. To apply the changes, restart the IBM HTTP Server.

Importing root and signer certificates to the local trust store

You must install a root certificate and a signed server certificate from a trusted third-party certificate
authority on each application server. The signer might need to be added to the local trust store. You can
use the Retrieve from port option in the IBM WebSphere administrative console to retrieve the certificate
and resolve the problem. Complete this task if you determine that the request is trusted.

Before you begin

• Determine the host name and port of the target secure server. The target secure server is the server that
OpenPages GRC Platform connects to in order to retrieve the certificates.
• The target secure server application from which you are going to retrieve the certificate must be running
and listening on the port.

About this task

The root certificate contains the public key and has been verified by the certificate authority (CA). Your
web server sends the root certificate to browsers trying to access that web server.
The server certificate is returned from the CA and is based on the certificate request that you generated.
Import the certificates on the administrative application server and on all non-administrative application

System Maintenance 513

1. Log on to the IBM WebSphere administrative console.
2. Expand Security and click SSL certificate and key management.
3. Under Configuration settings, click Manage endpoint security configurations.
4. Select the appropriate outbound configuration to get to the (cell):OpenPagesCell management
5. Under Related Items, click Key stores and certificates and click the CellDefaultTrustStore
6. Under Additional Properties, click Signer certificates and Retrieve From Port.
7. Enter the host and port information.
• Host: Enter the host name of the secure target server.
• Port: Enter the port number of the secure target server application.
• Alias: Enter a descriptive name for the certificate.
8. Click Retrieve Signer Information.
9. Verify that the certificate information is for a certificate that you trust.
10. Click Apply and then click Save.
11. Synchronize the OpenPages nodes.
• On Microsoft Windows operating systems, go to the <OP_HOME>\profiles\<host_name>-
OPNode1\bin directory and run syncNode.bat <admin_host_name> <OP_SOAP_port>.
• On UNIX operating systems, go to the <OP_HOME>/profiles/<host_name>-OPNode1/bin
directory and run <admin_host_name> <OP_SOAP_port>.
If WebSphere Application Server security is enabled, include the user name and password in the
For example, on Microsoft Windows operating systems, run the following command:

syncNode.bat <admin_host_name> <OP_SOAP_port>

-user <admin_username> -password <admin_password>

12. Restart the OpenPages GRC Platform services.

Modifying the LDAP configuration file for LDAP over SSL

You must modify the authentication configuration file to enable the LDAP Directory Server that you are
The aurora_auth.config file contains three authentication modules:
• Openpages - the default internal user directory
• OpenpagesIP - a sample LDAP configuration for the Sun One Directory Server
• OpenpagesAD - a sample LDAP configuration for the Microsoft Active Directory Server
The only module that the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform system pays attention to is the module that is
named Openpages. Therefore, you need to make a backup of the Openpages module, rename the
OpenpagesIP or OpenpagesAD to Openpages, and then change the settings to reflect the settings of
your LDAP server.

1. Stop all OpenPages GRC Platform services.
2. Open and edit the <OP_Home>/aurora/conf/aurora_auth.config file in a text editor.
<OP_Home> is the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
3. Find the Openpages module and change its name to OpenpagesDefault.

514 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

4. Modify either the OpenpagesIP or OpenpagesAD module name to Openpages.
• If you are using a Microsoft Active Directory server, change the name of the OpenpagesAD module to
• If you are using a Sun One Directory Server, change the name of the OpenpagesIP module to
• If you are using a different LDAP server, you can use either of these modules. Choose a module to
use as a template and change its name to Openpages.
5. Specify the correct values for the following properties in the module that you named Openpages:
Change the value to the hostname and port number for the LDAP authentication server. For LDAP
over SSL (LDAPS), the protocol is ldaps and the port is the LDAPS port number (by default, 636).
The top level of the LDAP directory tree structure (Domain Name) on the LDAP server. If the users
to be authenticated are located in multiple locations within your Active Directory structure, list all
of the locations explicitly by using the distinguished names of the locations, each separated by a
For example:

OU=Auditors,OU=External Auditors,OU=Staff,DC=LDAPTesting,DC=local"
The attribute name of the user identifier (for example, uid, cn, etc.).
Additional custom parameters
You can add additional custom parameters that are supported by the Java Naming and Directory
Interface (JNDI). Precede a JNDI property with the ctx.env. prefix.
For example, if you want to use the JNDI property com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout,
use"<value>" in the
aurora_auth.config file.
For information about JNDI properties, see the Java SE documentation (
For example:

required debug=false
security.authentication="simple""cn=Directory Manager""openpages"

6. When you are finished editing the file, save your changes and exit.
7. Import the root certificate and any intermediate signer certificates for your LDAP server to the trust
store on the IBM WebSphere Application Server that you are using for OpenPages.
For more information, see “Importing root and signer certificates to the local trust store ” on page 513.
8. Restart all services.

You have configured the OpenPages GRC Platform system to use an external LDAP user authentication
server over SSL.

System Maintenance 515

Renewing SSL Certificates for OpenPages GRC Platform
Periodically, SSL certificates need to be renewed and re-imported into your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
The process for renewing a certificate is similar to the process for installing new certificates. You create a
new certificate request and import the signed certificate into the appropriate keystores. You do not need
to repeat the steps for configuring SSL and changing property files for OpenPages GRC Platform, unless
information contained in the certificate changes.
Certification Authorities provide instructions on how to submit renewal applications and import the signed
certificates. Follow those instructions in conjunction with the following tasks.
See “Renewing SSL certificates in a IBM WebSphere Application Server environment” on page 517

Renewing SSL Certificates for Cognos Environments on an IIS Web Server

Renew SSL certificates for Cognos environments for the web server on any reporting server that will
handle external Cognos traffic.
This information applies only to Windows environments.

1. Generate a key pair and request.
a) Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
b) Launch the Windows Internet Information Services Manager, by clicking the Start menu, then
selecting Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services Manager.
c) In the Internet Information Services Manager, select the application server you want to configure.
d) In the Features view, double-click Server Certificates.
e) In the Actions pane, click Create Certificate Request to launch the Request Certificate Wizard.
f) On the Distinguished Name Properties screen of the wizard:

Table 167: .
In this text box Do this

g) Click Next.
h) On the Cryptographic Service Provider Properties screen, select a cryptographic service provider
from the list:
• Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider
• Microsoft DH SChannel Cryptographic Provider
By default, IIS 7 uses the Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider.
i) On the Cryptographic Service Provider Properties screen, select a bit length that can be used by
the provider from the Bit length drop-down list.
By default, the RSA SChannel provider uses a bit length of 1024. The DH SChannel provider uses a
bit length of 512. A longer bit length is more secure, but it can affect performance.
j) Click Next.
k) On the File Name page, in the Specify a file name for the certificate request field, use the Browse
icon or type a name for the certificate file.
l) Click Finish.
2. Submit the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to Certification Authority (CA) for approval.

516 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

a) Submit the CSR to your CA to renew the certificate. Follow the instructions provided by your CA on
how to submit the CSR.
b) Download the approved root and CA certificates to a local directory. Make sure the certificates are
named to distinguish the root from the CA certificate.
3. Install the signed certificate.
Import the renewed server certificate into each reporting server by performing the following tasks:
a) Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
b) Launch the Windows Internet Information Services Manager, by clicking the Start menu, then
selecting Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services Manager.
c) In the Internet Information Services Manager, select the application server you want to configure.
d) In the Features view, double-click Server Certificates.
e) In the Actions pane, click Complete Certificate Request.
f) On the Complete Certificate Request screen:
• In the File name that contains the certification authority's response field, use the Browse icon
or type the path of the file that contains the signed certificate.
• In the Friendly name field, type a recognizable name for the certificate.
• Click OK.

At this point, the IIS web server has been fully configured for IIS. Next, you must configure Cognos to use
the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform HTTPS address and SSL port.

Renewing certificates for Cognos environments on an Apache Web Server

Perform these steps for the web server on any reporting server that will handle external Cognos traffic.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
Note: Log in as a non-root user, such as the user you created for the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
installation, for example: opuser.
2. Perform the following tasks to renew your certificate(s):
a) Generate a key pair and request.
b) Submit CSR to CA for approval.
c) Apache uses OpenSSL which requires the server keys and certificate locations be updated in
For more information, see “SSL configuration for Apache Web Server” on page 504.

Renewing SSL certificates in a IBM WebSphere Application Server environment

To renew an SSL certificate for an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform in an IBM WebSphere Application Server
environment, create a new certificate signing request, submit it to a Certification Authority, and import the
signed server certificate.

1. Log on to cluster administrator server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Create the certificate request.
a) Navigate to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console:

System Maintenance 517

where <server_name> is the name of the application server and <port> is the IBM WebSphere
Application Server port assigned during the IBM WebSphere Application Server installation (9060
by default).
b) Log in to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as with an administrator account.
c) Expand the tree for Security | SSL certificate and key management.
d) On the SSL certificate and key management page, click the Keystores and certificates link in the
Related Items list.
e) Click the keystore for your OpenPages GRC Platform environment, by default opkeystore.
f) Click Personal certificate requests in the Additional Properties list to create a certificate request.
g) On the Personal certificates requests page, select the certificate request you want to renew and
click Extract.
h) Enter a name for the certificate request, for example ServerCertificateRequest.csr.
i) Click OK.
Note: To avoid additional configuration steps, ensure the alias matches the previous alias.
The certificate request file is created in <OP_Home>|profiles|OpenPagesDmgr|etc
where <OP_Home> is the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application. By default,
this is c:\OpenPages on Windows, and /opt/OpenPages on AIX and Linux.
3. Submit the request to the Certification Authority (CA).
a) Submit the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to your Certification Authority (CA) to renew the
certificate. Follow the instructions provided by your CA on how to submit the CSR.
b) Download the approved server and CA certificates to the <OP_Home>|profiles|
OpenPagesDmgr|etc directory. Make sure the certificates are named to distinguish the server
from the CA certificate.
4. Import the certificate.
Import the renewed server certificate into each application server by performing the following tasks:
a) Log on to cluster administrator server as a user with administrative privileges.
b) Navigate to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console:
where <server_name> is the name of the application server and <port> is the IBM WebSphere
Application Server port assigned during the IBM WebSphere Application Server installation (9060
by default).
c) Log in to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as with an administrator account.
d) Expand the tree for Security | SSL certificate and key management.
e) On the SSL certificate and key management page, click the Keystores and certificates link in the
Related Items list.
f) Click the keystore for your OpenPages GRC Platform environment, by default opkeystore.
g) Click Personal certificates in the Additional Properties list.
h) On the Personal certificates requests page, click Receive from a certificate authority.
i) Enter the name (and file path) of the signed certificate and click OK.
5. Update IBM WebSphere Application server.
If you changed the alias name, you must update the alias for the OpenPages GRC Platform admin
server using the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. For details on these tasks, see “SSL for
OpenPages GRC Platform environments” on page 494.

518 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Setting up SSL for the global search service
You can configure IBM OpenPages GRC Platform global search service (Apache Solr) to use Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL ensures that all data that is passed between the application server and the Solr
service remains private.

About this task

If you are setting up the global search component in a test environment, do not enable Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) until you resolve all installation and configuration issues.
For more information about the commands that are used in this task, see the Apache Solr documentation
Important: IBM is not responsible for third-party content. At the time of publication, the information is

1. If the global search component is enabled, you must disable it.
a) Log on to OpenPages as a user with administrative privileges.
b) Click Administration > Global Search.
c) Click Disable.
2. Stop the global search services.
For more information, see “Start or stop the global search services” on page 553.
3. Create a certificate for the secure connection.
a) Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/solr/server/etc folder and run the following command.

keytool -genkeypair -alias alias -keyalg key_algorithm

-keysize keysize -keypass key_pass -storepass keystore_passwd
-validity validity -keystore jks_keystore -ext ip_address
-dname "CN=localhost, OU=Organizational Unit, O=Organization, L=Location,
ST=State, C=Country"

In the following example, the command creates a self-signed certificate in a key store named
solr-ssl.keystore.jks. The key store contains a key with an alias of solr-ssl, a key store
password of secret, a trust store password of secret. It specifies Subject Alternative Name
(SAN) values of and IP:, to include in
the certificate. (SAN values are not mandatory, and might not be specified in your environment).

keytool -genkeypair -alias solr-ssl -keyalg RSA

-keysize 2048 -keypass secret -storepass secret
-validity 9999 -keystore solr-ssl.keystore.jks
-dname "CN=localhost, OU=Organizational Unit, O=Organization, L=Location,
ST=State, C=Country"

b) Convert the JKS key store into PKCS12 format.

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jks_keystore

-destkeystore jks_keystore.p12 -srcstoretype source_keystore_type
-deststoretype destination_keystore_type

When prompted, type a destination key store password, and the source key store password that
you specified in the step 3a.
c) Convert the PKCS12 format key store, including the certificate and the key, into PEM format.
To run this command, openssl must be installed, and added to the PATH environment variable.

openssl pkcs12 -in <jks_keystore.p12> -out <jks_keystore.pem>

When you are prompted for the import password and PEM pass phrase, you can use the same
password that you specified for the <key_pass> value in step 3a.

System Maintenance 519

4. Export the certificate.

keytool -export -keystore <jks_keystore> -alias <alias> -file <solr_certificate>

When you are prompted for the key store password, type the password that you specified for the
<key_pass> value in step 3a.
5. Update the file.
a) Edit the following file in a text editor:
<SEARCH_HOME>\solr\bin\ (on Windows)
<SEARCH_HOME>/solr/bin/ (on UNIX)
b) Uncomment and set the following SSL properties.


On Windows, you might need to use server/etc as the path name for the
6. Log in to the OpenPages application as a user with administrative privileges. Update the following
settings to use https instead of http.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Admin > Search Server Administration URL
Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Index > Search Server URL
Administration > Settings > Platform > Search > Request > Search Server URL
7. Copy the certificate file that you exported to the following folder on the application server.
8. Add the certificate to the IBM JRE key store file.
a) Open a Windows command prompt by using the Run as Administrator option, or open a UNIX
shell with administrative privileges.
b) Back up the <WAS_HOME>/WebSphere/AppServer/Java/8.0/jre/lib/security/cacerts
c) Go to <WAS_HOME>/WebSphere/AppServer/Java/8.0/jre/lib/security folder and run
the following command.

keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore cacerts -file


When prompted, type the key store password of the cacerts key store. The default password is
typically changeit.
d) Confirm that you want to trust the certificate.
e) Restart all OpenPages services.
9. Import the certificate to the IBM WebSphere trust store.
a) Log on to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
The default port is 9060.
b) Click Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates >
CellDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates.
c) Click Add.
d) Update the following fields:

520 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Alias: Type the value that you specified for the alias in step 9.
• File name: Type the full path of the solr_certificate file that you imported into the
cacerts file in step 9.
Ensure that the data type is set to Base64-encoded ASCII data.
e) Click OK.
f) Click Save to update the master configuration.
g) Restart all OpenPages services.
10. Start the global search services.
For more information, see “Start or stop the global search services” on page 553.
11. If the search server is installed on a different computer than the application server, add the certificate
to the IBM JRE key store on the search server.
a) Open a Windows command prompt by using the Run as Administrator option, or open a UNIX
shell with administrative privileges.
b) Go to the <JAVA_HOME>/lib/security directory and run the following command:

keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore cacerts

-file <SEARCH_HOME>/solr/server/etc/solr_certificate

c) When prompted, type the key store password of the cacerts key store. The default password is
typically changeit.
12. Continue with the post installation or post upgrade steps for global search.

Enabling SSL database connection between the search server and the database server
When you install the global search server, it uses a plain connection to communicate with the database
server. If your organization requires that you use a SSL connection, you must complete these steps.

1. Disable global search.
a) Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
b) Navigate to Administration > Global Search and select Disable.
2. Configure SSL on the database server and exchange the certificate between the database server and
the global search server.
3. On the search server, follow these steps to enable SSL:
a) If you are using Windows, open a command prompt with the Run As Administrator option.
b) Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/ directory.
c) Enable SSL by running the following command.

opsearchtool.cmd|.sh enableSSLDbConn -ssltruststorefile <path_to_client_keystore.jks>

-ssltruststorepassword <your_JKS_password>

For example:

opsearchtool.cmd enableSSLDbConn -ssltruststorefile c:\keystore\client_keystore.jks

-ssltruststorepassword JKSpassword

d) Edit the file <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/

Change the port number to the SSL port that your database server is using:
OPSearchTool.DatabasePort = your_db_ssl_port_number.
4. Enable global search.
a) Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
b) Navigate to Administration > Global Search and select Enable.

System Maintenance 521

Note: In some rare cases, you might need to pass additional parameters to Java's runtime
environment. If this is the case, you can edit one of the following files to do so.
• For DB2, edit <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
• For Oracle, edit <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/

Disabling the SSL database connection between the search server and the database
If you need to disable the SSL connection between the search server and the database server, follow
these steps.

1. Disable global search.
a) Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
b) Navigate to Administration > Global Search and select Disable.
2. Disable SSL on the database server.
3. Start global search.
a) Log in to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform with administrative privileges.
b) Navigate to Administration > Global Search and select Enable.

Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

You can use Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to encrypt the OpenPages and Cognos table
spaces in the OpenPages database.
This task is optional.
Note: This task is for existing databases. You can also set up TDE when you do a fresh installation. For
more information, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment Guide.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supports the ability to implement TDE, but TDE is an Oracle feature. You
need to be familiar with data encryption of Oracle databases and you need to configure and maintain TDE.
If you have questions about TDE, refer to the Oracle documentation.
Restriction: OpenPages supports Oracle TDE only for table spaces. Column-based TDE is not supported.
To implement Oracle TDE, you need to complete two main tasks:
1. Configure a keystore. You can do this step at any time after you install OpenPages.
Your database administrator needs to create a keystore. The steps and requirements for keystores are
determined by Oracle. IBM is not responsible for the configuration or maintenance of the keystore.
2. Encrypt the table spaces that support encryption.
To implement Oracle TDE on an existing installation of OpenPages, manual database steps are
required. These manual steps require database administrator privileges and skills. If you do not have
database administration experience, review these manual steps with a database administrator before
you set up Oracle TDE.
A table space can be encrypted only when it is initially created. You cannot alter an existing table
space to enable encryption. Instead, you drop the table spaces, re-create them with TDE enabled, and
then restore the schema.
Note: Oracle does not support encryption on system, undo, or temporary table spaces.
For more information about TDE, refer to the Oracle documentation, such as the Oracle Database
Advance Security Guide (

522 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Prerequisites and process overview
Ensure that your environment meets prerequisites for Oracle TDE and review the configuration process.
Note: These instructions are specific to Oracle version
Ensure that your environment meets the following prerequisites:
1. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.4 or later is installed.
2. The Oracle instance is open and accepting connections.
3. All users must be off of the system until all steps in the Oracle TDE configuration process are complete.
4. The database compatibility parameter is set to at least or higher.
Complete the following process to configure Oracle TDE:
1. Configure a software key store. Refer to the Oracle documentation: Configuring Transparent Data
2. Encrypt the OpenPages and Cognos table spaces that support encryption:
a. Verify the value of the database compatible parameter.
b. Do a full backup of the OpenPages schema.
c. Do a full backup of the Cognos schema.
d. Shut down all OpenPages components.
e. Drop the OpenPages and Cognos table spaces.
f. Re-create the OpenPages and Cognos table spaces.
g. Verify that the table spaces are encrypted.
h. Restore the OpenPages schema.
i. Restore the Cognos schema.

Encrypting OpenPages and Cognos table spaces

You can encrypt the OpenPages and Cognos table spaces by using Oracle TDE.

Before you begin

Ensure that no users are on the system before you begin.
Do this procedure after you set up the keystore.

1. Log on to the OpenPages database instance as the instance owner.
2. Start SQL*Plus.
3. Verify that the database compatible parameter is set to or later.

select value from GV$SYSTEM_PARAMETER where name = 'compatible';

4. Do a full backup of the OpenPages and Cognos databases.

For more information, see “DB2 databases for OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore” on page
394 or “Backing up the OpenPages database (Oracle)” on page 426.
5. Shut down all OpenPages and Cognos components: application servers (admin and non-admin),
reporting servers (active and standby), and the search server.
For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.
6. Drop all OpenPages and Cognos table spaces.
Do the following steps if your environment meets these criteria:
• OpenPages and Cognos use the same database.

System Maintenance 523

• You are using a standard deployment, where each table space uses a single data file.
If you have multiple data files per table space or if you have customized your deployment in any way,
your DBA staff will need to analyze your environment to determine what actions are needed to drop
the table spaces.
a) Determine the list of table spaces.
The default table space names are:


Run the following query as a DBA user get a list of the existing table spaces:

select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;

b) Run the following query to collect information about the table spaces.
You will use this information in a later step.
If you use custom table space names, modify the WHERE clause.

select dt.tablespace_name,
ceil(df.bytes/1048576)||' M' as file_size
where dt.tablespace_name = df.tablespace_name
and dt.tablespace_name in

Example output:


-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------
AURORA /home/oracle/app/oradata/aurora.dbf 640 M
AURORA_CLOB_DATA /home/oracle/app/oradata/aurora_clob_data.dbf 128 M
AURORA_DOMAIN_INDX /home/oracle/app/oradata/aurora_domain_indx.dbf 128 M
AURORA_NL /home/oracle/app/oradata/aurora_nl.dbf 128 M
AURORA_NLI /home/oracle/app/oradata/aurora_nli.dbf 128 M
AURORA_SNP /home/oracle/app/oradata/aurora_snp.dbf 256 M
INDX /home/oracle/app/oradata/indx.dbf 640 M
CRN /home/oracle/app/oradata/crn.dbf 512 M

Attention: If a table space name appears twice in the output, the database uses more than
one data file per table space. In this case, contact your database administrator before you
c) Delete the database objects.
Log in to SQL*Plus as the OpenPages database user and run the following script:


When the script completes, log out of SQL*Plus.

d) Drop the table spaces.
Log in to SQL*Plus as a DBA user and run the following commands. If you use custom table space
names, use the names that you found in step 6a.

drop tablespace AURORA including contents and datafiles;

drop tablespace INDX including contents and datafiles;
drop tablespace AURORA_SNP including contents and datafiles;

524 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

drop tablespace AURORA_NL including contents and datafiles;
drop tablespace AURORA_NLI including contents and datafiles;
drop tablespace AURORA_CLOB_DATA including contents and datafiles;
drop tablespace AURORA_DOMAIN_INDX including contents and datafiles;
drop tablespace CRN including contents and datafiles;

7. Re-create the table spaces with Oracle TDE configured.

a) Create a .sql file that contains the commands.
Copy the following template into a file. Make the following changes to the file:
• If you use custom table space names, replace the table space names with the names from step
• Replace the placeholders with the values from step 6b.
• Decide which encryption algorithm to use, and uncomment it from the define
encrypt_var='' list.
• Save the file.

-- **** Oracle Transparent Data Encryption ****
-- You can modify the encryption variable below or use one of the provided
-- options. To use a provided option, uncomment the desired algorithm from
-- the list below.
define encrypt_var=''

create tablespace AURORA datafile '<file name from query>'

size <file size from query> M reuse autoextend on
next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace INDX datafile '<file name from query>'

size <file size from query> M reuse autoextend on
next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_SNP datafile '<file name from query>'

size <file size from query> M reuse autoextend on
next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_CLOB_DATA datafile '<file name from query>'

size <file size from query> M reuse autoextend on
next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_DOMAIN_INDX datafile '<file name from query>'

size <file size from query> M reuse autoextend on
next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_NL nologging datafile '<file name from query>'

size <file size from query> M reuse autoextend on
next 128 M extent management local uniform size 2 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_NLI nologging datafile '<file name from query>'

size <file size from query> M reuse autoextend on
next 128 M extent management local uniform size 2 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace CRN datafile '<file name from query>'

size <file size from query> M reuse autoextend on
next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

Sample file:

-- **** Oracle Transparent Data Encryption ****
-- You can modify the encryption variable below or use one of the provided
-- options. To use a provided option, uncomment the desired algorithm from
-- the list below.
--define encrypt_var=''

System Maintenance 525

create tablespace AURORA datafile
size 640 M reuse autoextend on next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace INDX datafile

size 640 M reuse autoextend on next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_SNP datafile

size 256 M reuse autoextend on next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_CLOB_DATA datafile

size 128 M reuse autoextend on next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_DOMAIN_INDX datafile

size 128 M reuse autoextend on next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_NL nologging datafile

size 128 M reuse autoextend on next 128 M extent management
local uniform size 2 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace AURORA_NLI nologging datafile

size 128 M reuse autoextend on next 128 M extent management
local uniform size 2 M &&encrypt_var;

create tablespace CRN datafile

size 512 M reuse autoextend on next 128 M &&encrypt_var;

b) Log in to SQL*Plus as a DBA user and run the file that you created.
For example, if your file is named tbsp_create.sql, log into SQL*Plus as a DBA user and run the
following commands:

spool tbsp_create.log

8. Grant space privileges to the OpenPages and Cognos users on the new table spaces.
Use the following syntax. If you use custom table space names, replace the table space names with
the names from step 6a.

alter user <openpages db user> quota unlimited on AURORA;

alter user <openpages db user> quota unlimited on INDX;
alter user <openpages db user> quota unlimited on AURORA_NL;
alter user <openpages db user> quota unlimited on AURORA_NLI;
alter user <openpages db user> quota unlimited on AURORA_SNP;
alter user <openpages db user> quota unlimited on AURORA_CLOB_DATA;
alter user <openpages db user> quota unlimited on AURORA_DOMAIN_INDX;
alter user <cognos db user> quota unlimited on CRN;


alter user openpage quota unlimited on AURORA;

alter user openpage quota unlimited on INDX;
alter user openpage quota unlimited on AURORA_NL;
alter user openpage quota unlimited on AURORA_NLI;
alter user openpage quota unlimited on AURORA_SNP;
alter user openpage quota unlimited on AURORA_CLOB_DATA;
alter user openpage quota unlimited on AURORA_DOMAIN_INDX;
alter user cognos quota unlimited on CRN;

9. Verify that the table spaces are encrypted.

Log in to the OpenPages database as a DBA user and run the following command. If you use custom
table space names, replace the table space names in the WHERE clause with the names from step 6a.

select tablespace_name, encrypted, status

from dba_tablespaces

526 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

where tablespace_name in

Verify that the output is similar to the following text:


------------------------------ --- ---------

8 rows selected.

10. Restore the OpenPages schema, and then restore the Cognos schema.
For more information, see “DB2 databases for OpenPages GRC Platform backup and restore” on page
394 or “Import the production data into the test environment” on page 443 if you are using Oracle.
11. Restart all OpenPages and Cognos components: application servers (admin and non-admin),
reporting servers (active and standby), and the search server.
For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.

Shortening the URL for OpenPages GRC Platform

You can shorten the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application URL. You might shorten the URL to support
privacy or to support some mobile uses of the URL. To shorten the URL, change the values for properties
in various files.

Before you begin

Before you modify the files that are referenced in this procedure, back up the files.

About this task

In the following example of the default and the shortened URL, the default port number 10108 is used
with the IBM WebSphere application server:
Default URL
Shortened URL
OP_Home in the file path represents the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
The default path for a Microsoft Windows installation is c:\OpenPages.
The default path for an AIX or Linux installation can be /opt/OpenPages.

1. Stop the Cognos service and the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator service. For
more information, see “Starting and stopping the Cognos services” on page 560.
2. Log on to the IBM WebSphere administration console. Navigate to Applications > Application Types,
and click WebSphere enterprise applications.
a) Click the application op-apps.
b) Under Web Module Properties, click Context root for Web modules.
c) For the web module Sarbanes-Oxley Self-Assessment Application Module, replace the current
value for the Context Root with the new value:

System Maintenance 527

Current value
New value
d) Click save directly to the master configuration.
e) Stop and start the op-apps application.
3. On the OpenPages server, navigate to the following folder:
AIX or Linux:
a) For each of the properties files that are listed in the following table, open the file in a notepad or
XML editor. Change the current value to the new value, and then save the file:

Table 168: Shorten URL, property values for use with IBM Websphere application server
File name Current value New value application.url.path=http\:// application.url.path=http\://
server_name\:10108/ server_name\:10108
server_name- url.path.openpages=http\:// url.path.openpages=http\://
OPNode1Server1- server_name\:10108/ server_name\:10108 openpages
server_name- application.url.path=http\:// application.url.path=http\://
OPNode1Server1- server_name\:10108/ server_name\:10108 openpages
server_name- application.context=/ application.context=
OPNode1Server1- openpages
4. On the Cognos server, navigate to the following folder:
AIX or Linux:
<Cognos_Home>/configuration, where <Cognos_Home> might be /opt/ibm/Cognos/
a) Open the file in a
notepad or XML editor.
b) Change the current value to the new value, and then save the file:
Current value
New value
5. Restart the OpenPages GRC Platform application servers. For more information, see “Starting all
application services in Windows using a script” on page 551 or “Starting all application servers in AIX
and Linux using a script” on page 552.
6. Start the Cognos service and the OpenPages Framework Model Generator service. For more
information, see “Starting and stopping the Cognos services” on page 560.

528 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

7. After the services are started, log in to the application, and click Administration > Settings. Expand
the following folders: Platform > Reporting Schema > Object URL Generator. Open the Detail Page,
replace the current value with the new value, and then click save.
Current value
New value
8. Re-create the reporting schema. For more information, see “Creating or recreating the reporting
schema” on page 91.

Parameters for cluster members

When working with cluster members, there are values for common parameters. You must enter these
parameter values consistently across all of the tasks.
For example, a property or code statement requires the name of the machine on which you are adding the
cluster member. That value is represented by the <server_name> parameter. If the name of the machine
on which you are adding the cluster member is OP_Host, then you must enter OP_Host whenever you
are asked to provide the value for <server_name>.
The tasks for working with cluster members are:
• “Create the OpenPages GRC Platform application managed server instances” on page 483
• “Modifying values in the Sosa property file” on page 491

Table 169: Parameters for cluster members in IBM WebSphere

Parameter Description
<OP_Home> The installation location of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application. The default path for a Windows installation is
c:\OpenPages. The default path for an AIX and Linux
installation is /opt/OpenPages.

<server_name> The host name of the machine on which you are adding the
managed server instance.
For example, OP_Host

<server#> The number of the managed server you are adding to the
For example, If you currently have one managed server on
OP_Host, this parameter value would be 2.

<OpenPages_bootstrap_port#> The value of the BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS setting in the

following property file:


For example, 10101

System Maintenance 529

Table 169: Parameters for cluster members in IBM WebSphere (continued)
Parameter Description
<OpenPages_default_server_port The value of the WC_defaulthost setting in the following
#> property file:


For example, 10108

<opadmin_WAS_username> If IBM WebSphere global security is configured, this is the

OpenPages administrator user name for accessing the IBM
WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
<opadmin_WAS_password> If IBM WebSphere global security is configured, this is the
OpenPages administrator password for accessing the IBM
WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
Default: openpages

Configuring HTTP compression in OpenPages GRC Platform

HTTP compression is a technique used to reduce the network bandwidth that is used to transfer files from
the server to the client by compressing web content. Compliant web browsers automatically decompress
the content before displaying it to users.

For IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application servers, HTTP compression is installed during the
installation process.
By default, HTTP compression is disabled on the application servers to reduce processor usage and
improve performance over a local area network (LAN). On systems that use a router or switch to
compresses data, you may also want to disable HTTP compression on both the OpenPages GRC Platform
application and, or Cognos servers in your environment to avoid double compression.
In situations where clients are primarily accessing the servers using a narrow network bandwidth (such as
modems), we recommend enabling HTTP compression on both application and Cognos servers.
Note: Files that are already compressed, such as image files, PDF, and ZIP files will not be compressed to
improve performance.
See these topics for details:
• “Enabling or disabling HTTP compression on OpenPages GRC Platform Application Servers” on page
• “Enabling or disabling compression on the Cognos Server using Windows IIS” on page 531
• “Enabling compression on the Cognos Server using Apache Web Server” on page 532
• “Disabling compression on the Cognos Server using Apache Web Server” on page 533
For information on installing and configuring HTTP Compression for Microsoft Windows IIS 7 only, see
Appendix C, “Installing and configuring HTTP compression,” on page 767

Enabling or disabling HTTP compression on OpenPages GRC Platform Application Servers

Follow these steps to enable or disable HTTP compression on IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application
servers via settings in the application user interface.
Note: These steps apply to all OpenPages GRC Platform application servers in a clustered environment.

530 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface as a user with administrative
2. Access the Settings page.
3. Set the value in the Show Hidden Settings setting to true.
4. Expand the Applications > Common > Configuration > HTTP Compression folder hierarchy.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
5. Click the Compression Enabled setting to open its detail page.
6. In the Value box, type one of the following values. If the value is set to:
• true – HTTP compression is enabled.
• false - HTTP compression is not enabled.
7. When finished, click Save.
The change will take effect immediately.

Enabling or disabling compression on the Cognos Server using Windows IIS

You can enable or disable compression on the Cognos Server using Windows IIS.
Note: This information applies only to a Cognos server running IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008. Before you
can enable HTTP compression on a Cognos server running Windows, HTTP compression must first be
installed and configured. To verify and/or configure static or dynamic compression on Cognos servers, see
Appendix C, “Installing and configuring HTTP compression,” on page 767.

1. From the Windows Start menu on the Cognos server, select Control Panel.
2. Open Administrative Tools as follows:
a) Do one of the following:

Table 170: Microsoft Windows server versions and instructions to open Administrative Tools
For Windows Server... Do this...
2008 Click System and Maintenance.
2008 R2 Click System and Security.
b) Click the Administrative Tools link.
3. Administrative Tools window, double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
4. In the Connections pane:
a) Expand Sites > Default Web Site.
b) Select the name of the Cognos folder (for example, cognos).
5. In Features View, under IIS:
a) Double-click Compression.
b) For the following check boxes, do one of the following:
• To enable compression, select both Enable dynamic content compression and Enable static
content compression.
• To disable compression, clear both Enable dynamic content compression and Enable static
content compression.
c) In the Actions pane, click Apply when finished.

System Maintenance 531

Enabling compression on the Cognos Server using Apache Web Server
You can enable compression on the Cognos server using Apache Web Server.
HTTP compression can be enabled or disabled on the Apache Web Server for Windows, AIX, and Linux
environments. The Apache source package includes the mod_deflate module, which provides for the
compression of web content. By default, this module is not enabled.

1. On the Cognos server, navigate to the <Apache_Home>|conf directory.
Where: <Apache_Home> is the installation location of the Apache Web Server. For example, for
Windows, a directory structure could be C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache2.2 and for AIX and
Linux, the directory structure could be /opt/pware/.
2. Navigate to the httpd.conf file and do the following:
a) Make a backup copy of the file before modifying it.
b) Open the httpd.conf file in a text editor of your choice.
3. In the httpd.conf file, load the mod_deflate module as follows.
a) Verify that the following statement is present at the beginning of the file:
LoadModule deflate_module modules/
b) If the mod_deflate module statement in Step 3a is commented out (has a # (number sign) at the
beginning of the line), then remove the # (number sign) so the compression module will be loaded.
4. At the bottom of the httpd.conf file, add the following block of configuration code to enable

<IfModule deflate_module>
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
<IfModule setenvif_module>
# Netscape 4.x has some problems
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
# Netscape 4.06-4.08 have some more problems
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
# MSIE masquerades as Netscape, but it is fine
BrowserMatch \bMSI[E] !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
# Don't compress already-compressed files
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.pdf$ no-gzip dont-vary
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:exe|t?gz|zip|bz2|sit|rar)$ no-gzip dont-vary
# Make sure proxies don't deliver the wrong content
Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary

5. Depending on your environment, do one of the following to restart the Apache Web Server.
• For Windows:
– Click the Windows Start menu and select All Programs.
– From the Administrative Tools list, select Services.
– Right-click the Apache2.2 service and select Restart.
• For AIX and Linux:
– Log on to the Cognos server as the root user.
– Navigate to the <Apache_Home>/bin directory.
– Enter the following command to stop the server:

./apachectl stop

532 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

– Type the following command to re-start the server:

./apachectl start

Disabling compression on the Cognos Server using Apache Web Server

You can disable compression on the Cognos server using Apache Web Server.
Note: This information applies to Windows, AIX and Linux environments.

1. On the Cognos server, navigate to the <Apache_Home>|conf directory.
Where: <Apache_Home> is the installation location of the Apache Web Server. For example, for
Windows, a directory structure could be C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache2.2 and for AIX and
Linux, the directory structure could be /opt/pware/.
2. Navigate to the httpd.conf file and do the following:
a) Make a backup copy of the file before modifying it.
b) Open the httpd.conf file in a text editor of your choice.
3. From the bottom of the httpd.conf file, remove the following block of configuration code to disable

<IfModule deflate_module>
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
<IfModule setenvif_module>
# Netscape 4.x has some problems
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
# Netscape 4.06-4.08 have some more problems
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
# MSIE masquerades as Netscape, but it is fine
BrowserMatch \bMSI[E] !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
# Don't compress already-compressed files
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.pdf$ no-gzip dont-vary
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:exe|t?gz|zip|bz2|sit|rar)$ no-gzip dont-vary
# Make sure proxies don't deliver the wrong content
Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary

4. When finished, save the file.

5. Depending on your environment, do one of the following to restart the Apache Web Server.
• For Windows:
– Click the Windows Start menu and select All Programs.
– From the Administrative Tools list, select Services.
– Right-click the Apache2.2 service and select Restart.
• For AIX and Linux:
– Log on to the Cognos server as the root user.
– Navigate to the <Apache_Home>/bin directory.
– Enter the following command to stop the server:

./apachectl stop

– Type the following command to re-start the server:

./apachectl start

System Maintenance 533

Factors that affect performance of activity and grid views
When you design activity or grid views, keep in mind the following factors that can affect the performance.
Number of paths
The more paths in the activity view the more work the application must do to traverse those paths and
provide a result. The more paths that you specify the longer it takes to provide a result.
Depth of paths
Each object type in the path results in an incremental increase in the work that is required to traverse
the path. The deeper a certain path is, the longer it takes to provide a result for that path.
Number of child objects per top-level object
The ratio of top-level objects to child objects determines how much work the application must do to
gather the total result set. The more child objects per top-level object, the longer it takes to provide a
Security rules (RLS/FLS)
Security rules are processed in the context of the individual instance of an object. The mere inclusion
of even a simple security rule increases the work that is required in the application to obtain a result
set. As the complexity of the security rule increases, the time it takes to provide a result also

Improve performance of OpenPages GRC Platform application functions on a

DB2 server
You can improve the performance of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application functions by collecting
performance statistics for the IBM DB2 server, and by rebinding OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages.
Examples of application functions include importing instance data using FastMap, importing metadata
using Object Manager, and updating OpenPages GRC repository using SCOR rules.
Up-to-date statistics are necessary for the proper performance of OpenPages GRC applications that use a
DB2 server. You can use a script to force the DB2 server to collect statistics, and by default, rebind all
OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages. The script requires all OpenPages GRC application services to stop
before it runs. For details on stopping servers, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page
You run the script from the primary OpenPages GRC application server. You do not need to run this script
from all cluster member servers, but you must stop all cluster member services before running the script
to rebind OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages.
If a database is still running, you see the error SQL1026N. If this happens, verify that OpenPages GRC
services are not running, and disconnect all active connections to the database before continuing.
You can run the script on Microsoft Windows, AIX, and Linux.
1. For Windows users only, type the following command in a command prompt window to initialize the
DB2 command line processor (CLP):


2. Browse to the <OP_HOME>|aurora|bin|db2stats folder.

3. Run the following script:
• On Windows: CollectSchemaStatistics.bat [-n] [-i]
• On AIX and Linux: [-n] [-i]
Use these parameters as required:
• [-n] to skip rebinding of database packages.
• [-i] to run the script in interactive mode.

534 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The script execution time varies depending on OpenPages GRC application usage.
You can schedule this script to run by using a task scheduler, cronjob, or similar utility. The suggested
schedule to use is as follows:
• Schedule the script to run daily without rebinding of OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages.
• Schedule the script to run once a week with rebinding of OpenPages GRC pl/sql packages.

Server tuning settings

To avoid time-outs and other issues when using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you must configure the
servers and the database:
Important: All tuning settings assume a maximum of 1000 concurrent users per node.

Configuring the database

Configure the IBM DB2 database to avoid time-out issues.

1. Open the database console running as a DB2 administrator.
2. Set the tuning parameters using the following command:

db2 update db cfg for <DATABASE_NAME> using <VARIABLE> <VALUE>

For example, db2 update db cfg for <DATABASE_NAME> using SELF_TUNING_MEM ON

The following table describes the tuning parameter settings to use. Values shown in brackets are
informational when the parameter is set to AUTOMATIC. This enables DB2 to control the parameter
and reflects the current setting.

Table 171: Database tuning parameters

Parameter Description Value (default)
SELF_TUNING_MEM Self tuning memory ON
DATABASE_MEMORY Size of database shared AUTOMATIC (2683751)
memory (4KB)
DB_MEM_THRESH Database memory threshold 10
LOCKLIST Max storage for lock list (4KB) AUTOMATIC (82212)
MAXLOCKS Percentage of lock lists per AUTOMATIC (97)
PCKCACHESZ Package cache size (4KB) AUTOMATIC (419456)
SHEAPTHRES_SHR Sort heap threshold for shared AUTOMATIC (63309)
sorts (4KB)
SORTHEAP Sort list heap (4KB) AUTOMATIC (12661)
DBHEAP Database heap (4KB) AUTOMATIC (5405)
CATALOGCACHE_SZ Catalog cache size (4KB) 2000
LOGBUFSZ Log buffer size (4KB) 2560
UTIL_HEAP_SZ Utilities heap size (4KB) 306174
STMTHEAP SQL statement heap (4KB) 512000

System Maintenance 535

Table 171: Database tuning parameters (continued)
Parameter Description Value (default)
APPLHEAPSZ Default application heap (4KB) 25600
APPL_MEMORY Application Memory Size (4KB) AUTOMATIC (40000)
STAT_HEAP_SZ Statistics heap size (4KB) AUTOMATIC (4384)
DLCHKTIME Interval for checking deadlock 10000
LOCKTIMEOUT Lock timeout (sec) -1
CHNGPGS_THRESH Changed pages threshold 80
NUM_IOCLEANERS Number of asynchronous page AUTOMATIC (10)
NUM_IOSERVERS Number of I/O servers AUTOMATIC (44)
SEQDETECT Sequential detect flag YES
DFT_PREFETCH_SZ Default prefetch size (pages) AUTOMATIC
TRACKMOD Track modified pages NO
Default number of containers 1
DFT_EXTENT_SZ Default tablespace extent size 32
MAXAPPLS Max number of active 300
AVG_APPLS Average number of active 10
MAXFILOP Max DB files open per 61440
3. Save your changes.
4. Validate the changes using the following command:

db2 get db cfg for <DATABASE_NAME>

Configuring the reporting server

Configure the reporting server to avoid time-out issues.

About this task

The reporting server is a component of Cognos Analytics. You configure the reporting server using IBM
Cognos Configuration and IBM Cognos Administration.

1. Log on to the Cognos server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. Go to the <COGNOS_Home>\bin64 directory.
3. Double-click the cogconfigw.exe file to start IBM Cognos Configuration, the Cognos Analytics
configuration tool.
4. In the Explorer pane, expand IBM Cognos services, and click the IBM Cognos service.
5. In the properties pane, set the Maximum memory for Tomcat in MB property to 1024.

536 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

6. From the File menu, click Save to save the updated Cognos Analytics configuration.
7. Go to IBM Cognos Administration, click the Configuration tab, and then click Dispatchers and
8. Click the dispatcher that is used by your Cognos Analytics installation, and in the list of services find
9. In the Actions column, click the Set properties - ReportService icon associated with the report
10. In the report service properties page, click the Settings tab, and specify the following settings.
Note: To filter on the tuning settings in the list, under Category, click Tuning.
• Set the Number of low affinity connections for the report service during non-peak period to 8.
• Set the Maximum number of processes for the report service during non-peak period to 8.
• Set the Number of low affinity connections for the report service during peak period to 8.
• Set the Maximum number of processes for the report service during peak period to 12.
11. Click OK to apply the settings.

Using log files

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application writes error and other messaging information to a standard
set of log files. You can use these log files to troubleshoot reporting and general user errors that may

Configuring application thread-dump logs for cluster members

You can configure application thread-dump logs for cluster members
By default, application thread-dump logs are disabled. Use the instruction that follows to configure
service thread-dump logs for cluster members.
Log folder location: <OP_Home>|aurora|logs

Table 172: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application

Operating system Installation location
Windows By default, <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages
AIX and Linux By default, <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages

Log file names are as follows:

IBM WebSphere
For example, OPNode1Server1-javacore.20101102.122628.7836.0001.txt.

Configuring service thread-dump logs for cluster members

You can enable or disable thread-dump logs by changing the value of the periodic thread dump setting in
the file as follows.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a command or shell window and navigate to the <OP_Home>|aurora|conf directory.
3. Locate the file in the conf directory and do the following:
a) Open the file in a text editor of your choice.

System Maintenance 537

b) Search the file for the property ‘periodic.thread.dump.enabled’.
c) Change the property value following the equal sign as follows:

Table 173: Property values and how to change them

If the value is set to... Then...
true Thread-dumps are enabled.
false Thread-dumps are disabled.
This value is set by default.

d) Save your changes and exit the editor.

4. Repeat Steps 1-4 for each cluster member for which you want to enable thread dumps.

Note: You do not have to restart OpenPages GRC Platform servers after changing the value of this
property as the application monitors this property for changes.

Configuring extended access logging on IBM WebSphere

You can configure extended access logging on IBM WebSphere.
Note: This information applies only to IBM WebSphere Application Server environments.
1. Start the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application services (if not already started).
2. Open a browser window and log on to the IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as a user with
administrative privileges.
By default, if IBM WebSphere global security is not enabled, the URL is:
http://<host_name>:<port>/ibm/console where
<host_name> is the name of the server where IBM WebSphere is installed. The default port is 9060.
3. Expand Servers then Server Types, and click the WebSphere application servers link.
4. In the list on the Application servers page, click the name of the OpenPages GRC Platform managed
server you want from the list. For example:


where <host_name> is the machine name of the managed server.

<#> is the number of the node and server.

5. On the Application servers > <managed-server-name> page for the selected server, do the following:
a. Click the Configuration tab (if not already selected).
b. Under the Troubleshooting section of the page, click the link for NCSA access and HTTP error
6. On the Application servers > <managed-server-name> > NCSA access and HTTP error logging
page, under General Properties, do the following:
a. Select the Enable logging service at server start-up setting.
b. Make sure that the Enable access logging setting is selected. If not, select it.
c. For the NCSA access log format setting, select one of the following:
• Common - contains basic information, such as IP address, date/time stamp, request URI, and so
• Combined - contains the basic information plus additional referral, user agent, and cookie

538 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

d. When finished, click Apply to apply the change and save it to master configuration.
7. Return to the On the Application servers page, and do the following:
a. Under the Select column in the Application Server table, select the box next to the managed server
you just updated.
b. Click Restart.
8. To configure additional logging for another managed server, repeat Steps 3 - 6.
When the selected server is fully restarted, by default, a new log file named http_access.log will be
created under ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}.
The exact value of SERVER_LOG_ROOT can be found by expanding Environment in the Console and
clicking the WebSphere variables link.
The path to the http_access.log file will be similar to this:


where <OP_Home> is the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application. By default, this
is c:\OpenPages on Windows, and /opt/OpenPages on AIX and Linux.
<host_name> is the name of the OpenPages GRC Platform application server.
<#> is the number of the node or server within that node (for example, OPNode1Server1).

Collect log files and diagnostic data

You can use the LogCollector tool to collect log files and diagnostic data from the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform environment and from OpenPages databases.
The LogCollector tool collects log files and diagnostic data on an application server.
In a horizontal cluster environment, run the tool on each application server in your environment.
In a vertical cluster, with multiple application servers installed on the same machine, the tool gathers logs
from all servers. The tool gathers logs from reporting servers only when they are installed on the same
machine as one of the application servers. If the search server is also installed on the same machine, for
example in a development environment, the tool also collects the search server logs.
The LogCollector tool is in the <OP_HOME>/bin directory.
The tool uses the following command options:
--configuration or -c to specify a configuration file path. If you do not include this option, the default
is LogCollector.xml. Using --configuration or -c is optional.
Note: For all command options, the long name command option uses two hyphens (--), whereas the short
name uses only 1 hyphen (-).
--database or -d to collect log and diagnostic data from only the database.
--file or -f to collect only log and diagnostic files.
--property or -p to set property values. Using --property or -p is optional.
You must include -p for each property that you use. For example, -p DB_OP_USER username -p
DB_OP_PASSWORD password. The properties that you can use are:

Property Description
DB_OP_USER The OpenPages database user name
DB_OP_PASSWORD The OpenPages database user's password
DB_TYPE The database type. This value can be db2 or

System Maintenance 539

Property Description
DB_URL The database JDBC URL.
BPM_HOME The BPM home location.

--target or -t to specify a target package file. If you do not include this option, the default is
LogCollector_<timestamp>.zip. Using --target or -t is optional.
--help or -h to display command help.
This video demonstrates how to collect log files:

Example: Getting all information

1. Log in as the Super Administrator user.
2. Open a Command Prompt window.
3. Go to the <OP_HOME>/bin directory. For example, on Microsoft Windows operating systems, go to
C:\OpenPages\bin. On UNIX operating systems, go to /opt/OpenPages/bin.
4. Enter the following command:
On Microsoft Windows operating systems: LogCollector.cmd
On UNIX operating systems: ./
The tool generates a package file that is named LogCollector_<timestamp>.zip in the
C:\OpenPages\bin directory or the /opt/OpenPages/bin directory.

Example: Specifying a target package file

1. Log in as the Super Administrator user.
2. Open a Command Prompt window.
3. Go to the <OP_HOME>/bin directory. For example, on Microsoft Windows operating systems, go to
C:\OpenPages\bin. On UNIX operating systems, go to /opt/OpenPages/bin.
4. Enter the following command:
On Microsoft Windows operating systems: LogCollector.cmd -t
On UNIX operating systems: ./ -t
The tool generates a package file that is named in the C:\OpenPages\bin
directory or the /opt/OpenPages/bin directory.

Example: Getting information from an IBM DB2 database

1. Log in as the Super Administrator user.
2. Open a Command Prompt window.
3. Go to the <OP_HOME>/bin directory. For example, on Microsoft Windows operating systems, go to
C:\OpenPages\bin. On UNIX operating systems, go to /opt/OpenPages/bin.
4. Enter the following command:
On Microsoft Windows operating systems: LogCollector.cmd -d -p DB_TYPE db2 -p DB_URL
jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/OPX -p DB_OP_USER openpage -p DB_OP_PASSWORD

540 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

On UNIX operating systems: ./ -d -p DB_TYPE db2 -p DB_URL
jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/OPX -p DB_OP_USER openpage -p DB_OP_PASSWORD
The tool generates a package file that is named LogCollector_<timestamp>.zip in the
C:\OpenPages\bin directory or the /opt/OpenPages/bin directory.

OpenPages GRC Platform Standard Application Server log files

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Standard Application Server log files are located in <OP_Home>|
aurora|logs. File names vary depending on your environment.

Log file names on IBM WebSphere Application Server

Log file names on the IBM WebSphere application server contain information to understand what occurs
during startup and application usage.
Where <host_name> is the name of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application host.
<#> represents the number of the node and the number of the server within that node (for example,

Table 174: IBM WebSphere Application Server Log Files

This log file... Contains this type of information...
<host_name>-OPNode<#>Server<#>-startup.log Messages written during initialization of
the OpenPages GRC Platform
application caches on the OpenPages
<host_name>-OPNode<#>Server<#>-aurora.log Errors, exceptions, and informational
messages written during OpenPages
GRC Platform application use.
<host_name>-OPNode<#>Server<#>-auroratools.log Errors, exceptions, and informational
messages written during OpenPages
GRC Platform application use that are
invoked by OpenPages utilities. For
example, Notification Manager, Object
Manager, etc.

Deployment Manager (DMGR) Server log files

The Deployment manager server log files contain information about starting and stopping server
components. It also provides log files for errors and the status of the J2EE resources that are being used.
Log folder location: <OP_Home>|profiles|OpenPagesDmgr|logs|dmgr where <OP_Home> is the
location of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application. By default, this value is c:\OpenPages on
Windows, and /opt/OpenPages on AIX.

Table 175: DMGR server log files and the information they contain
This log file... Contains this type of information...
startServer.log Log entries that monitor the status of starting the
various application server components.
stopServer.log Log entries that monitor the status of stopping the
various application server components.
SystemErr.log Error log entries that are written by the underlying
IBM WebSphere application server.

System Maintenance 541

Table 175: DMGR server log files and the information they contain (continued)
This log file... Contains this type of information...
SystemOut.log Log entries written by the underlying IBM
WebSphere application server about the status of
various J2EE resources being used.

Node agent log files

The node agent log files contain information about starting and stopping server components, errors, and
the status of the J2EE resources that are being used.
Log folder location: <OP_Home>|profiles|<host_name>-Node1|logs|nodeagent where
<host_name> is the name of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application server.

Table 176: Node agent log files and the information they contain
This log file... Contains this type of information...
startServer.log Log entries that monitor the status of starting
administrative agents.
stopServer.log Log entries that monitor the status of stopping
administrative agents.
SystemErr.log Error log entries written by the underlying IBM
WebSphere application server.
SystemOut.log Log entries written by the underlying IBM
WebSphere application server about the status of
various J2EE resources being used.

Application cluster member log files

The application cluster member log files contain information about starting and stopping server
components, errors, and the status of the J2EE resources that are being used.
Log folder location:


where <host_name> is the name of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application server.
<#> is the number of the node or server within that node (for example, OPNode1Server1).

Table 177: Application cluster member log files and the information they contain
This log file... Contains this type of information...
startServer.log Log entries that monitor the status of starting the
cluster member.
stopServer.log Log entries that monitor the status of stopping the
cluster member.
SystemErr.log Error log entries written by the underlying IBM
WebSphere application server.
SystemOut.log Log entries written by the underlying IBM
WebSphere application server about the status of
various J2EE resources being used.

542 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Changing the size and number of backups of the aurora log file
An IBM OpenPages GRC Platform administrator can control the maximum size of the aurora log file and
how many backup files are created when the file reaches its maximum size.

About this task

The default maximum file size of the is 1024 KB. The default number of
backups is 10.

1. Log on to the OpenPages application server.
2. Go to <OP_HOME>|aurora|conf where <OP_HOME> is the OpenPages installation location.
The default OP_HOME location for AIX and Linux operating systems is /opx/OpenPages. The default
OP_HOME location for the Microsoft Windows operating system is C:\OpenPages.
3. Back up the file.
4. Open the file with a text editor.
5. To change the maximum file size of the file, modify the
log4j.appender.FILE.MaxFileSize property.
For example, to change the maximum file size to 5120 KB, change the property to the following:


6. To change the number of backups of the file, modify the

log4j.appender.FILE.MaxBackupIndex property.
For example, to change the number of backups to 20, change the property to the following:


Troubleshooting browser issues

If you have a problem with a browser, review these topics to determine whether a solution is available.

Optimizing application performance in the Internet Explorer browser

To optimize the performance of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application in the Windows Internet
Explorer browser, you can increase the disk space setting for temporary internet files to 200 MB on client

1. From the Internet Explorer toolbar, click the Tools menu and select Internet Options.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Under Browsing history, click Settings.
4. In the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings box, enter 200 in the disk space box.
5. Restart the browser to effect the change.

Setting a session inactivity timeout value

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform system will timeout a user session after a set period of browser
You can modify the value of the inactivity timeout period for the application server and for the reporting
server. In general, the timeout period for the IBM Cognos reporting server should be set to a value greater
than the application server timeout period.

System Maintenance 543

In this example, the IBM Cognos server inactivity timeout value is set to 90 minutes, and the application
server timeout value is set to 60 minutes. If a user performs various tasks in the OpenPages GRC Platform
application for 45 minutes, then returns to view a report, they will be able to do so without having to log
on to the reporting server again. However, if the reporting server has a smaller session inactivity value set,
such as 15 minutes, then that same user would be required to log on to the reporting server. By default,
the IBM WebSphere Application Server has a 30-minute timeout period. The default timeout period for
IBM Cognos is 5400 seconds (equivalent to 90 minutes).

Setting session inactivity timeout values in an IBM WebSphere environment

You can set session inactivity timeout values in an IBM WebSphere environment.

Before you begin

You can modify the value of the inactivity timeout period for the application server and for the reporting
server. The timeout period for the IBM Cognos reporting server should be set to a value greater than the
application server timeout period. For example, setting the IBM Cognos server inactivity timeout value to
90 minutes, and the application server timeout value to 60 minutes. The user can return to a report
without logging on to the reporting server, if the user does this within the timeout value. However, if the
reporting server has a smaller session inactivity value set, such as 15 minutes, the user would be required
to log on to the reporting server. By default, the IBM WebSphere Application Server has a 30-minute
timeout period. The default timeout period for IBM Cognos is 5400 seconds (equivalent to 90 minutes).

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative
2. Stop all OpenPages GRC Platform services.
3. Navigate to the <OP_Home>/profiles/<server_name>-<node>/config/cells/
Where: <OP_Home> is the location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application. By default, this is
c:\OpenPages on Windows, and /opt/OpenPages on AIX. <server_name> is the name of
the application server.
4. In a text editor, open the web.xml file and look for the following lines:

<!-- Set the default session timeout (in minutes) -->


5. Set the <session-timeout> parameter to the value in minutes.

6. Navigate to the <OP_Home>/profiles/OpenPagesDmgr/config/cells/OpenPagesCell/
applications/op-apps.ear/deployments/op-apps/sosa.war/WEB-INF/ directory.
7. If this is a load-balanced environment, repeat this procedure for each application server in the load-
balanced environment.
8. Restart all OpenPages GRC Platform services (see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on
page 549) to effect the change.

Setting session inactivity timeout values for IBM Cognos

You can set a session inactivity timeout value for the IBM Cognos reporting server.

1. Log on to the IBM Cognos server as a user with administrative permissions.
2. Go to the <COGNOS_Home> bin64 directory.

544 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 178: Installation location of the IBM Cognos reporting server
system Installation location
Windows For example, <COGNOS_Home> is C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos
AIX and Linux For example, <COGNOS_Home> is /opt/ibm/cognos/analytics
3. Double-click the cogconfigw.exe file to start the IBM Cognos Configuration tool.
4. Expand Security and click Authentication.
5. Find the Inactivity timeout in seconds property and type a new value (in seconds) that is greater than
the application server timeout value. For example, you could enter 7200 (equivalent to 120 minutes) if
the application server timeout value is set to 90 minutes.
6. Save the configuration changes.
7. Restart the IBM Cognos server.

Setting the Cognos Application Firewall for browser security

To prevent URL redirection attacks in Cognos, enable Cognos Application Firewall and configure a host list
in Cognos Configuration.
The backURL parameter is a standard (and optional) Cognos URL parameter. This parameter, shown in
the following example, can be modified to redirect a user to any site. Therefore, the potential exists for an
attacker to also use this parameter to redirect a user to a malicious site where sensitive information could
be exposed, such as the user's cookie.
=run&encoding=UTF8 &method=newQuery&

The Cognos Analytics V11.0 Installation and Configuration Guide, Configuration options chapter, section
"Configure IBM Cognos Components to Use IBM Cognos Application Firewall", indicates that the standard
method for performing positive validation of URL input parameters and data is to use the CAF (Cognos
Application Firewall) setting in the Cognos Configuration tool. If the data does not match a CAF rule, it is
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Installer for OpenPages CommandCenter enables the Cognos
Application Firewall (CAF) by default.
CAF can be configured with a list of host names, including port numbers and domains that a user can
access through the backURL parameter. If a backURL parameter contains a host or a domain name that
does not appear in the list, the request will be rejected. An error message, similar to the following, will be
displayed to users who try to access invalid domains or hosts through the backURL parameter:
DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection. Your request was rejected by the
security firewall.
The CAF setting has a known issue where enabling the firewall sometimes obscures useful error
messages. For example, if a report author developed a report and that report had a logic flaw, a generic
firewall error message (as shown previously) would be displayed rather than a more useful message
containing information about the cause of the actual problem.
Although generic firewall messages are considered a safe way to protect information, this type of
nondescript CAF error message would make troubleshooting of report authoring/development and certain
kinds of configuration issues more difficult.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start IBM Cognos Configuration:

System Maintenance 545

a) Launch a Command Prompt window (using the Run as Administrator option), or AIX or Linux shell.
b) Navigate to the <COGNOS_HOME>|bin64 or <COGNOS_HOME>|bin directory. where
<COGNOS_HOME> is the installation location of the Cognos application.
c) Execute the following command:
AIX and Linux:
3. In the Explorer window, under Security, click IBM Cognos Application Firewall.
4. In the Properties window, for the Enable CAF validation property, set the appropriate values.
By default, IBM Cognos Application Firewall is enabled.
5. Add host and domain names to the IBM Cognos list of valid names.
6. Save the configuration.

Browser display issues and Internet Explorer

If the text zoom feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer is used, scrollbars may appear around some
sections of the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application.
To avoid this issue, reduce your zoom level to a point where the scrollbars disappear.

Internet Explorer security issues and running reports

Depending on how Internet Explorer browser security is configured on client machines, Cognos reports
may not launch successfully from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface.
If a client machine using the Internet Explorer browser is unable to run Cognos reports from the
OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface, then do the following:
• Add each reporting server to the Trusted sites zone in Internet Explorer on that machine.
• Clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone checkbox.
• Modify the options of the Trusted Sites zone and set the Enable XSS Filter property to Disable
• Set the security level for the Trusted sites zone to Low.
• Click the Custom level properties for the Trusted Sites zone. Under Downloads, set Automatic
prompting for file downloads and File download to Enable.
• Restart the browser
For information on adding trusted sites to the browser, use the Internet Explorer help.

Custom helpers and Internet Explorer 11

If you have custom helpers that do not work in Internet Explorer 11, you can force the page into behaving
as if it is in an older version of IE.

About this task

Insert a meta tag like the following:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" />

Browser locale settings and messaging issues

If a user sets their Internet Explorer browser to an unsupported locale, logon and other IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform application messages will be displayed only in English.

To ensure proper display of messages in the browser, users must set their browsers to a supported locale.
For a list of supported locales, see Chapter 13, “Localizing text,” on page 277.

546 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Browser best practices
An IBM OpenPages GRC Platform browser session is active until one of three conditions is met.
• The user logs out of the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
• The session expires.
• The browser instance is closed.
The following are some suggested best practices for enhancing browser security that the users should be
aware of:
• Logging off from OpenPages GRC Platform after they finish their work, and closing the browser window
to ensure that no sensitive information is stored in the browser cache.
• Blocking their computers from external use when the users are not physically present - either by
keeping their computers on stand-by or by locking their accounts.
• Copying (not clicking) a link to the OpenPages GRC Platform application from an e-mail and then pasting
the link into the address bar of the browser window. After pasting the link, users should validate that the
link they just pasted matches the link in the text of the e-mail message.
• Configuration of an inactivity timeout - administrators should set this to a desired security level that is
based on commonly known levels of inactivity for their organization. For more information, see “Setting
a session inactivity timeout value” on page 543.
• Configuration of the Cross-site Scripting Filter setting to check all HTTP GET requests sent to the
OpenPages application server.

System Maintenance 547

548 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 20. Starting and stopping servers
You can start and stop the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application servers, the database server, the
Cognos server, and the search server.

Starting application servers

You can start IBM OpenPages GRC Platform in Windows, AIX, and Linux environments.
In a Windows environment, the services that are required to start the OpenPages GRC Platform
application servers can be configured to start automatically.
In an AIX and Linux environment, you manually run scripts to start the OpenPages GRC Platform
application servers.
• Start the deployment manager first:
– On Windows: start the IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPagesdmgr-name> service
– On Linux or AIX: run the startManager script
Then run the other services and scripts as described in the following procedures.
• If you are running OpenPages in a load-balanced environment, you must start the server on the cluster
administrator first before starting a cluster member.

Microsoft Windows services

For the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application to run, all of the required Microsoft Windows services
must be started and the services of supporting applications must be running.
Note: This information applies only to Windows environments.

Table 179: Service descriptions

Service Name Description

IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages- Starts or stops the OpenPages deployment manager service.

Note: In a horizontal-cluster or shared-cell environment,
cluster members might not have an <OpenPages-dmgr-
name> service.

IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages- Starts or stops an OpenPages node service.


IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages- Starts or stops an OpenPages application server cluster

node-server-name>Server<#> member.
In a clustered environment, the number for each cluster
member increments by 1.

Microsoft Windows commands

In a Microsoft Windows environment, IBM OpenPages GRC Platform includes a number of commands to
initiate and launch the application environment.
The application runs only if all of the services are started and all of the services for all supporting
applications are running.
Note: These commands can be run individually or you can use wrapper commands to start and stop
OpenPages GRC Platform.
The following table lists the commands required to start and stop the application.

Table 180: OpenPages GRC Platform commands on Windows

Script Name Description
startManager.bat Starts the OpenPages Deployment Manager.
startNode.bat Starts the OpenPages node agent.
startServer.bat Starts the OpenPages application server.
stopManager.bat Stops the OpenPages Deployment Manager.
stopNode.bat Stops the OpenPages node agent.
stopServer.bat Stops the OpenPages application server.
startAllServers.bat Starts all OpenPages services in the correct
stopAllServers.bat Stops all OpenPages services in the correct

AIX and Linux scripts

In the AIX and Linux environments, IBM OpenPages GRC Platform includes a number of scripts to initiate
and launch the application environment.
The application runs only if all of the services are started and all of the services for all supporting
applications are running.
Note: These scripts can be run individually or you can use wrapper scripts to start and stop OpenPages
GRC Platform.
The following table lists the scripts required to start and stop the application.

Table 181: OpenPages GRC Platform scripts on AIX and Linux

Script Name Description Starts the OpenPages Deployment Manager. Starts the OpenPages node agent. Starts the OpenPages application server. Stops the OpenPages Deployment Manager. Stops the OpenPages node agent. Stops the OpenPages application server. Starts all OpenPages services in the correct
sequence. Stops all OpenPages services in the correct

550 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Determining application readiness
This procedure lets you determine whether the application is ready to be accessed after starting up

1. Open the log file specified in the following table.

Table 182: Log files and their locations

If this... Navigate to this folder... View this log file...
Windows, AIX, and Linux <OP_HOME>|profiles| startServer.log

<OP_HOME> represents the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
<OpenPages-node-name> is the name of the node in which the servers run.
<OpenPages-node-server-name>Server <#> is the name of the current server within the <OpenPages-
node-name> node that the current server is in, and <#> is the number of the server within that node.
2. Scroll to the end of the log file and search for a message stating that the server is "open for e-business;
process id is <process-id>". If this line appears, the server is running in production mode and the
application is ready to be accessed.

Automatically starting application servers in Windows

By default, all IBM OpenPages GRC Platform services are configured as Manual (they do not start upon
You can configure all OpenPages GRC Platform services to Automatic through Windows Services to start
upon booting, or use scripts on each server to start the services upon reboot.
When you reboot the server, all OpenPages GRC Platform services start.

Starting all application services in Windows using a script

The StartAllServers.cmd script included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform starts all OpenPages
services in the proper sequence.
Note: This information applies only to Microsoft Windows environments.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a Command Prompt window (using the Run as Administrator option) and do the following:
a) Navigate to the <OP_HOME>\bin directory.
Where <OP_HOME> is the installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application. By
default, this is: c:\OpenPages.
b) Run the following command to start the OpenPages GRC Platform services:


When all services have been started, the Command Prompt window closes.

Starting and stopping servers 551

Starting application services individually using Windows services
In the Windows environment, you start the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application by starting the
required OpenPages services.
Note: This information applies only to Windows environments.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click the Windows Start menu and select All Programs.
3. From the Administrative Tools list, click Services.
4. Start the IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages-dmgr-name> service, if present.
5. Start the IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages-node-name> service.
6. Start the IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages-node-server-name>Server<#> services, where <#>
represents the number of the cluster member.
Note: If there is more than one cluster member on the current system, you must start the service
(<OpenPages-node-server-name>Server<#>) for each cluster member in sequence.
When the services are starting, Windows Services may indicate that the services have started, but
background OpenPages processes may still be running. It might take a few minutes for the OpenPages
services to be operational.

Starting all application servers in AIX and Linux using a script

The script included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform will start all OpenPages
services in the proper sequence.
Note: This information applies only to AIX and Linux environments.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open an AIX or Linux shell window.
3. Go to the <OP_HOME>/bin directory.
4. Run the following script to start OpenPages GRC Platform services:


Starting application servers in AIX and Linux individually using scripts

Use the following steps to start the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform services manually. In the AIX and Linux
environments, you run a set of scripts to start the OpenPages application.
Note: This information applies only to AIX and Linux environments.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Use an AIX or Linux shell to navigate to the <DMGR profile directory>/<OpenPages-dmgr-
name>/bin directory, where <DMGR profile directory> is the same directory as the one provided
on the installer's Deployment Manager card.

552 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

3. Enter the following command to launch a script that starts the OpenPages GRC Platform Deployment


4. After the script completes successfully, navigate to <DMGR profile directory>/<OpenPages-

dmgr-name>/bin, where <DMGR profile directory> is the same directory as the one provided on the
installer's Deployment Manager card.
5. Enter the following commands, in the order specified, to launch scripts that start the OpenPages Node
Agent and the OpenPages application server:

./ <OpenPages-node-server-name>Server<#>

Where <OpenPages-node-server-name> is the name of the current server within the

<OpenPages-node-name> node that the current server is in, and <#> is the number of the server
within that node. For example, OpenPagesNodeServerServer1.
Note: If there is more than one managed server on the current system, you must run the start script
(./ <OpenPages-node-server-name>Server<#>) for each managed server in
sequence, starting with server number 1, then server number 2, and so on.

Start or stop the global search services

You can start and stop the global search services by using operating system services or by using scripts.
Note: Do not combine the two methods. If you start global search as a Microsoft Windows service, for
example, stop global search by stopping the Windows service.

Starting the global search services by using a script

You can start the global search services by running a script from a command line.

Before you begin

On the Windows operating system, disable the Microsoft Windows service that is called IBM OpenPages
GRC - Global Search service, if it is enabled. Otherwise, the StartSearchServer.cmd script interferes
with the Windows services.
Make sure that the database server is reachable and is running. Otherwise, the search services will not
connect and will not start.

1. Start the search services:
• For Windows, at a command prompt enter the following commands:

cd <SEARCH_HOME>\opsearchtools\

• For UNIX, at a command line, enter the following commands:

cd <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/

2. Open a browser and point to your search server at ports 8983 and 8985. Make sure that the Solr
search platform can be reached.
For example, http://<search-server>:8983/ and http://<search-server>:8985/.
If the verification fails, repeat the preceding step.
3. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as an administrator.
4. Click Administration > Global Search > Enable.

Starting and stopping servers 553

Stopping the global search services by using a script
You can stop the global search services by running a script from a command line.

Before you begin

On the Windows operating system, disable the Microsoft Windows service called IBM OpenPages GRC -
Global Search service, if it is enabled. Otherwise, the StopSearchServer.cmd script interferes with
the Windows services.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as an administrator.
2. Click Administration > Global Search > Disable.
3. Stop the search services:
• For Windows, at a command prompt, enter the following commands:

cd <SEARCH_HOME>\opsearchtools\

• For UNIX, at a command line, enter the following commands:

cd <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/

4. For either Windows or UNIX, verify that global search is fully stopped.
a) In the directory <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/, examine the files
opsearchtool_openpages.state and opsearchtool_folderacl.state and verify that the
PID value is -1.
b) Open a browser and point to your search server at ports 8983 and 8985. Make sure that the Solr
search platform cannot be reached.
For example, http://<search-server>:8983/ and http://<search-server>:8985/.
If the stop verification fails, repeat the preceding step and then follow the steps in “ Forcing a reset
of global search” on page 792.

Starting the global search services on Windows

You can start global search as a Microsoft Windows service. The service is called IBM OpenPages GRC -
Global Search.

About this task

By default, the service is set to start manually, but you can change the service to start automatically.
Note: Make sure that the database server is reachable and is up and running. Otherwise, the search
services will not connect and will not start.

1. Log on to the search server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open the Services snap-in (services.msc).
3. Locate the service that is called IBM OpenPages GRC - Global Search.
4. Click Start.
5. If you want the service to start automatically when Windows starts, change the Startup Type to
6. Open a browser and point to your search server at ports 8983 and 8985. Make sure that the Solr
search platform can be reached.
For example, http://<search-server>:8983/ and http://<search-server>:8985/.

554 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

If the verification fails, repeat the preceding step.
7. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as an administrator.
8. Click Administration > Global Search > Enable.

Starting the global search services on Linux or AIX

You can start global search as a service.

About this task

Use the steps in this topic as a guide. Depending on your environment and organization policies, you might
decide to use a different method to set up the search service. If you want to use a different method, open
the openpages-search file and check the commands, and the order of the commands. Modify the
commands to meet the needs of your environment.
Note: Make sure that the database server is reachable and is up and running. Otherwise, the search
services will not connect and will not start.

1. Log on to the search server.
2. Open a shell as the root user.
3. Copy the <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/openpages-search file to the /etc/init.d/
4. Copy the <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/openpages-searchcfg file to the /etc/
sysconfig/ directory.
5. Set the execution permission on the openpages-search file by running the following command:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/openpages-search
6. If you want the service to start automatically when the system restarts, run the following commands:

chkconfig --add openpages-search

chkconfig openpages-search on
service openpages-search start

7. Start the global search services by running the following command: service openpages-search
8. Open a browser and point to your search server at ports 8983 and 8985. Make sure that the Solr
search platform can be reached.
For example, http://<search-server>:8983/ and http://<search-server>:8985/.
If the verification fails, repeat the preceding step.
9. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as an administrator.
10. Click Administration > Global Search > Enable.

Stopping the global search services

If global search is running as a service, you can use the operating system to stop the global search

About this task

If you used the|.cmd script to start the global search services, use the|.cmd script to stop the services. For more information, see “Stopping the
global search services by using a script” on page 554.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as an administrator.
2. Click Administration > Global Search > Disable.

Starting and stopping servers 555

3. Log on to the search server as a user with administrative privileges.
4. Stop the search services.
On Windows:
a. Open the Services snap-in (services.msc)
b. Locate the service that is called IBM OpenPages GRC - Global Search.
c. Click Stop.
On Linux or AIX, run the following command:

service openpages-search stop

5. Verify that global search is fully stopped.

a) In the directory <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/, examine the files
opsearchtool_openpages.state and opsearchtool_folderacl.state and verify that the
PID value is -1.
b) Open a browser and point to your search server at ports 8983 and 8985. Make sure that the Solr
search platform cannot be reached.
For example, http://<search-server>:8983/ and http://<search-server>:8985/.
If the stop verification fails, repeat the preceding step and then follow the steps in “ Forcing a reset
of global search” on page 792.

Stopping application servers

You can stop the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application server in the Windows, AIX and Linux
environments as required.
IBM WebSphere Application Server global security is enabled by default on the application servers. When
stopping an application server, you must provide the WebSphere administrative user name and password
as arguments to all stop scripts on all operating systems.
Stopping the application server prevents IBM OpenPages GRC Platform from being accessed.
Important: If you are running OpenPages GRC Platform in a load-balanced environment, stop the server
on each cluster member first before stopping the cluster administrator.

Stopping application servers in a Windows environment

In a Windows environment, all IBM OpenPages GRC Platform services can be configured to stop
automatically or you can stop the services manually, using one of the following three methods.
Stopping the application server prevents IBM OpenPages GRC Platform from being accessed.
Important: If you are running OpenPages GRC Platform in a load-balanced environment, stop the server
on each cluster member first before stopping the cluster administrator.

Automatically stopping application servers in Windows

Windows automatically and gracefully stops the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application when a server
shuts down.
Note: This information applies only to Windows environments.
Stopping the application server prevents the OpenPages application from being accessed.
Important: If you are running OpenPages GRC Platform in a load-balanced environment, you must stop
the server on each cluster member first before stopping the cluster administrator.

556 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Stopping all application services in Windows using a script
The StopAllServers.cmd script included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform will stop all OpenPages
services in the proper sequence.
Stopping the application server prevents the OpenPages application from being accessed.
Important: If you are running OpenPages in a load-balanced environment, you must stop the server on
each cluster member first before stopping the cluster administrator.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Launch a Command Prompt window (using the Run as Administrator option).
3. Navigate to the <OP_HOME>\bin directory.
4. Enter the following command to launch a script that stops the OpenPages services:

StopAllServers.cmd <username> <password>

Where <username> and <password> are the administrative user name and password for IBM
WebSphere Application Server.
When all services have been stopped, the Command Prompt window closes.

Stopping application services individually using Windows services

You can stop the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application without shutting down or rebooting the
Stopping the application server prevents the application from being accessed.
Important: If you are running OpenPages in a load-balanced environment, you must stop the server on
each cluster member first before stopping the cluster administrator.
Use the following steps to stop OpenPages services manually.
Important: Stopping the OpenPages GRC Platform Admin service before you stop each cluster member
causes the OpenPages application to stop on all servers. This could result in the loss of data and other
In the Windows environment, you stop the OpenPages GRC Platform application by stopping the required
OpenPages services.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click the Windows Start menu and select All Programs.
3. From the Administrative Tools list, select Services.
4. Stop the IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages-node-server-name>Server<#> services.
5. Stop the IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages-node-name> service.
6. Stop the IBMWAS<version>Service - <OpenPages-dmgr-name> service, if present.

When the services are stopped successfully, the OpenPages application is properly shut down.

Stopping all application servers in AIX and Linux using a script

The script included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform stops all OpenPages
services in the proper sequence.
Stopping the application server prevents the application from being accessed.

Starting and stopping servers 557

Important: If you are running OpenPages GRC Platform in a load-balanced environment, you must stop
the server on each cluster member first before stopping the cluster administrator.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Use an AIX or Linux shell to navigate to the <DMGR profile directory>/<OpenPages-dmgr-
name>/bin directory, where <DMGR profile directory> is the same directory as the one provided
on the installer's Deployment Manager card.
3. Enter the following command to launch a script that stops OpenPages GRC Platform services:

./ <username> <password>

Where <username> and <password> are the administrative user name and password for the IBM
WebSphere Application Server.

Stopping application servers in AIX and Linux individually using scripts

In the AIX and Linux environments, you run a set of scripts to stop the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
Stopping the application server prevents the application from being accessed.
Important: If you are running OpenPages in a load-balanced environment, you must stop the server on
each cluster member first before stopping the cluster administrator.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <OP_HOME>/profiles/<OpenPages-node-name>/bin directory.
3. Enter the following commands, in the order specified, to launch a script that stops the OpenPages
application server and the OpenPages Node Agent.

./ -username <username> -password <password>


./ -username <username> -password <password>

Where <OpenPages-node-server-name> is the name of the current server within the

<OpenPages-node-name> node that the current server is in, and <#> is the number of the server
within that node. For example, OpenPagesNodeServerServer1.
Where <username> and <password> are the administrative user name and password for IBM
WebSphere Application Server.
If there is more than one managed server on the current system, you must run the stop server script
(./ <OpenPages-node-server-name>Server<#>) for each managed server
before running the stop node agent script (./ The managed servers can be stopped in
any order.
4. After the scripts complete successfully, go to the <DMGR profile directory>/<OpenPages-
dmgr-name>/bin directory where <DMGR profile directory> is the same directory as the one provided
on the installer's Deployment Manager card.
5. Enter the following command to launch a script that stops the OpenPages GRC Platform Deployment

./ -username <username> -password <password>

Where <username> and <password> are the administrative user name and password for the IBM
WebSphere Application Server.

558 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

When the script completes successfully, the OpenPages application is properly shut down.

Starting and stopping the Oracle database server in a Windows environment

You can start or stop database services using Windows services that are associated with the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform Oracle database instance.
Note: This information applies only to Windows environments.

Table 183: OpenPages GRC Platform Oracle services on Windows

Service Name Description
OracleOraDB12Home1TNSListener Runs the Oracle Database listener service that
connects the user to the Oracle database instance.
OracleService<SID> Used to start and stop the Oracle database
Where <SID> represents the database instance
identifier, for example OP.

OracleVssWriter<SID> Where <SID> represents the database instance

identifier, for example OP.

Use the following steps to start or stop database services using Windows Services.

1. Log on to the database server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click the Windows Start menu and select All Programs.
3. From the Administrative Tools list, select Services.
4. For each database service listed in the previous table, do the following:
• To start the server, right-click the service name and select Start.
• To stop the server, right-click the service name and select Stop.

Starting and stopping the Oracle database server in an AIX and Linux
Use the following steps to start or stop the Oracle database server.

1. Log on to the database server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. In a shell window, navigate to the following directory:


For example: /opt/oracle/app/product/12.1/dbhome_1/bin.

3. To start Oracle, do the following steps.
a) Log in to SQL*Plus.

sqlplus / as sysdba

Starting and stopping servers 559

b) Run the following command to start Oracle.


4. To stop Oracle, do the following steps.

a) Log in to SQL*Plus.

sqlplus / as sysdba

b) Run the following command to start Oracle.

stop immediate

Starting and stopping the Cognos services

There are different procedures to start or stop the Cognos services in the Windows, AIX and Linux
environments. The services are the IBM Cognos service and the OpenPages Framework Model
Generator service
These procedures are:
• “Using the IBM Cognos configuration tool to start and stop the IBM Cognos service” on page 560
• “Using the Windows operating system to start and stop the IBM Cognos service” on page 561
• “Using the AIX or Linux operating system to start and stop IBM Cognos service” on page 561
• “Starting and stopping the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator service on Windows”
on page 561
• “ Starting and stopping the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator service on AIX or
Linux” on page 561

Using the IBM Cognos configuration tool to start and stop the IBM Cognos service
You can use the IBM Cognos Configuration tool to start or stop the IBM Cognos service.
Note: The IBM Cognos Configuration tool displays the status of the start-up, which can be helpful with
troubleshooting, if necessary.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start the IBM Cognos Configuration tool as follows:
a) Open a Command Prompt window (using the Run as Administrator option), or AIX or Linux shell,
and navigate to the <COGNOS_HOME>/bin64 directory.
<COGNOS_HOME> represents the installation location of the Cognos application. By default, this is:
AIX and Linux
b) Execute one of the following commands to open the tool:
3. Do one of the following:
• To start the server, click Actions | Start. (It may take several minutes for the service to start the
first time.) If the Start option is not available, the service has already started.
• To stop the service, click Actions | Stop.

560 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Using the Windows operating system to start and stop the IBM Cognos service
Use the following steps to start or stop the IBM Cognos service in a Windows environment using
Windows Services.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click the Windows Start menu and select All Programs.
3. From the Administrative Tools list, select Services.
4. Do one of the following:
• To start the server, right-click the IBM Cognos service and select Start.
• To stop the server, right-click the IBM Cognos service and select Stop.

Using the AIX or Linux operating system to start and stop IBM Cognos service
Use the following steps to start or stop the IBM Cognos service in an AIX or Linux environment using
command-line scripts.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a non-root user with administrative privileges.
2. Launch an AIX or Linux shell and navigate to the bin directory as follows:
<COGNOS_HOME> is the installation location of the Cognos application.
3. Do one of the following:
• To start the service, enter the following command: ./ -s
• To stop the service, enter the following command: ./ -stop

Starting and stopping the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator service
on Windows
Use the following steps to start or stop the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator
service in a Microsoft Windows environment.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click the Windows Start menu and select All Programs.
3. From the Administrative Tools list, select Services.
4. Do one of the following:
• To start the server, right-click the IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator service and select
• To stop the server, right-click the IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator service and select

Starting and stopping the OpenPages GRC Platform Framework Model Generator service
on AIX or Linux
Use the following steps to start or stop the IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator service in an
AIX or Linux environment.

1. Log on to the reporting server as a non-root user with administrative privileges.

Starting and stopping servers 561

2. Open an AIX or Linux shell as a user with administrative privileges and navigate to the following


Where <CommandCenter_Home> is the installation location ofIBM OpenPages CommandCenter. By

default, this is: /opt/OpenPages/CommandCenter.
3. To start the service, run the following command.

server start IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator

4. To stop the service, run the following command.

server stop IBMOpenPagesFrameworkModelGenerator

562 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 21. Comparing IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
You can find differences between two environment configuration XML files by using Compare
Environments. Use Compare Environments to identify and resolve issues before you migrate
configurations from one environment to another.
Compare Environments compares XML files that you generate in each environment. You can generate the
XML files by using Export Configuration or by using ObjectManager. Compare Environments looks at the
XML files and identifies any differences in the files. Compare Environments also uses validation rules to
check the XML files for any errors and for changes that might cause issues during a migration.

Figure 19: Comparing profiles in a source and target environment

Figure 20: Results of the comparison: A profile does not exist in the source environment

The source and target files can be from environments that are running different versions of IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform. Further, you can run Compare Environments on a system that is running a
version that is different from both the source and target environments.
Note: Compare Environments compares only the content of the XML files that you specify. It does not
compare any other aspects of your source and target environments.
Compare Environments can use significant system resources. Follow these guidelines when you are using
• Do not run Compare Environments on production environments.
• Do not run Compare Environments on servers that are busy with other activities.
• The XML files that you want to compare might be very large. If so, the time it takes to upload the files to
the system might take several minutes or longer. Consider this factor before using a connection with
slow upload speeds.
Use the following process to compare environments:
• Decide what you want to compare.
• Generate an XML file in the source environment.
• Generate an XML file in the target environment.
• Use the filters on the Compare Environments page to filter on the configuration data that you want to
By using the filters, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to compare the XML files. Filters can also
help you to focus on the results that you need by removing potentially distracting information from the
results. Comparison results can include hundreds of thousands of rows.
• Run the comparison.
• Download the detailed results.
• Analyze the results.
• Fix any errors and review any warning messages.
When you compare environments, keep the following points in mind:
• Compare Environments uses the source environment file as the point of reference. If you reverse the
source and target files, the results are different, and this is expected.
• Compare Environments ignores any data that it does not support.
• The source environment, the target environment, and the environment where you run Compare
Environments can each have a different version of OpenPages installed.
• Currency fields are different from other fields. Currency fields have a different XML structure from other
types of fields.

564 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

– Currency fields are represented in the XML like a field group (by using the bundleType element).
– Currency fields are implemented with a nested field group that contains the currency attributes, such
as the exchange rate, base amount, local amount, currency code, base code, and so on. If Compare
Environments finds differences in a currency field, it logs the change at both the currency field level
and at the nested field group level.
• When Compare Environments finds an element that is missing from the source file or from the target
file, it logs the difference at the level of that element only. Compare Environments does not log
differences for the element’s children.
The only exception to this rule is for currency fields. If a currency field is missing, Compare
Environments logs the missing field and its child field group.
• The line numbers that you see in the output might be different from what you expect to see based on
the XML file. The line numbers that are shown in the output are the line numbers where the closing tags
occur in the XML file. An element can span several lines, for example if the element has attributes on
different lines.
For example, the line number reported in the output for the following Year field is 83, the line on which
the closing tag occurs.

81 <includedField name="Year"
82 readOnly="false"
83 required="false">

• If you added a custom object type in OpenPages, the object type definition in the XML file contains at
least two contentTypeRelationship elements, attachment and association. These content type
relationships are added by default. Compare Environments reports on these elements.
For example, suppose that you added a custom object type in the source environment and it does not
exist in the target environment. When you defined the custom object type, you set up a parent
association. When you generate and compare the XML files, Compare Environments logs two
information messages about object type associations: one about the parent object association that you
added, and another about the attachment association, which was added by default.
• In certain cases, when you use the Administration pages, default configuration elements are created in
the background. These changes might not be apparent in the user interface at the time.
For example, when you view the details of a profile for the first time and add an included object type
such as SOXBusEntity, default entries for the Overview navigation view are added automatically. If you
export object profiles without making any additional changes, the XML file includes the additional
elements for the Overview view in the object profile.
This video demonstrates how to use Compare Environments to identify and resolve issues before you
migrate configurations from one environment to another:

Review configuration settings

Before you compare environments, review the configuration settings that impact the process to ensure
that they meet your requirements.
Settings > Applications > Common > Max File Upload Size
This setting specifies the maximum size of an upload. The limit is on the total upload size of both files.
If your XML files are large, you might need to increase the value of this setting. Also, consider using
the filters on the Export Configuration page to reduce the file size. Or, if you are using ObjectManager,
change the ObjectManager properties to generate smaller files.
After you change this setting, restart the application server. For more information, see “Configuring
large files for upload” on page 327.

Comparing IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments 565

Settings > Platform > CompareEnvironments > Export Max Rows
This setting specifies the maximum number of rows that are exported in the detailed results
spreadsheet. If you are working with large files, you might need to increase the value of this setting. If
you do so, you might also need to increase the value of the Max Memory setting. For more information,
see “Maximum number of rows to export from the Compare Environments tool” on page 345.
Settings > Platform > CompareEnvironments > Max Memory
This setting specifies the maximum Java heap size that can be used by Compare Environments. For
more information, see “Java heap size for the Compare Environments tool” on page 345.

Supported items
Compare Environments supports the comparison of many configuration items. Compare Environments
ignores any items that it does not support.
Compare Environments supports the following items:
• Object types, including object type associations (parent or child), associated field groups, and file type
• Field groups
• Fields, including field types, display types, and display type attributes
• Computed field details, including equation, primary namespace, alternative namespaces, object ID, and
reporting period ID
• Enumerated string values for enumerated string fields
• Object profiles, including object profile views
• Settings
• Object text
• Application text
For information about how items are represented in XML, export results from the Compare Environments
tool and then click the Legend tab of the exported workbook.
Compare Environments does not support some items, for example:
• Filters
• Field dependencies
• Dependent picklists
• Workflows in IBM Business Process Manager
• Security (groups, users, role templates, custom security, security rules)
• Object resets
• Configuration settings for apps and features that have their own configuration pages, such as the
approval app, IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry, IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data import, IBM
OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management, and classifiers for cognitive services
• Questionnaire Assessments
• Triggers
• Custom query subjects
• JSPs
• For activity views, a maximum of three levels of associated object types is supported
• Instance data

566 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Prepare the files to compare
To compare two environments, you need to export an XML file from each environment.
You can use Export Configuration or ObjectManager to export files from the source and target
Export Configuration XML files might include other types of items in addition to the ones you selected for
export. For example, if you export a profile, Export Configuration also exports items that the profile
depends on, such as views.
Use the same method to generate the XML file for each environment whenever possible. If you use a
different method for each file, the results include a larger number of differences than if you had used the
same method for the two files. These additional differences are expected, since the XML files generated
by Export Configuration and by ObjectManager can contain different levels of detail.

Preparing files by using Export Configuration

You can prepare the XML files to compare by using Export Configuration.

1. Export configurations in the source environment.
For more information, see “Exporting configuration items from the source environment” on page 583.
The tool generates a .jar file.
2. Download the .jar file.
3. Decompress the .jar file.
Note: You might need to change the extension to .zip, depending on the data extraction tool that you
are using.
4. Go to the loader-data directory and locate the openpages-env-mig-<timestamp id>-op-
config.xml file.
5. Give the file a meaningful name.
For example, source-openpages-env-mig-<timestamp id>-op-config.xml
6. Repeat these steps in the target environment. Give the XML file a meaningful name such as target-
openpages-env-mig-<timestamp id>-op-config.xml.

Preparing files by using ObjectManager

You can prepare the XML files to compare by using ObjectManager.

1. In the source environment, go to the <OP_HOME>/bin/ directory.
2. Edit the <OP_HOME>/bin/ file. Configure the areas that you want to
• To export all configuration data, set the following setting to true:


This setting extracts more data than is supported by the Compare Environments tool. The Compare
Environments tool ignores any data that is not supported.
• To export all configuration data that Compare Environments supports, see “ObjectManager
properties for comparing environments” on page 568.
• To specify the configuration data that you want to export, look for the settings that begin with

Comparing IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments 567

The file contains over 45 settings of this type. For more information,
see “Settings in the file ” on page 601.
To export data, change the value of a setting to true. For example, to export all fields and field
groups, use the following setting:


For more information, see “Modifying the ObjectManager properties file” on page 601.
3. Save the file.
4. Run the following command: d c <OP admin user> <OP admin user password>

<output directory> <output file prefix>

The XML output file is created in the output directory that you specified and is named <output file
5. Repeat these steps in the target environment.

ObjectManager properties for comparing environments

If you want to export all of the configurations that Compare Environments supports, use the following
settings in the <OP_HOME>/bin/ file.


568 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Comparing environments
You can compare environments to find differences between two environment configuration XML files.

Before you begin

You must have the Compare Environments application permission to see the Compare Environments
menu item. The location of the permission in a role template is All Permissions > SOX > Administration >
Compare Environments.
Prepare the XML files that you want to compare. For more information, see “Prepare the files to compare”
on page 567.

1. Log in as a user with the Compare Environments permission.
2. Click Administration > Compare Environments.
3. Select the XML file for the source environment.
4. Select the XML file for the target environment.
5. Choose the categories that you want to include.
6. Choose the severity levels that you want to include.
7. Select the types of changes you want to include:
• In Source, Not in Target: Find items that exist in the source environment XML file and do not exist
in the target.
• In Target, Not in Source: Find items that exist in the target environment XML file and do not exist in
the source.
• Validation Issue: Find validation issues.
8. Click Compare.
Depending on the size of the XML files, the options that you selected, and your upload connection
speed, the process might take several minutes to complete.
Important: Stay on the Compare Environments page until the process completes. If you leave the
page, you will need to select the files again and re-run the comparison to get the results.
9. Click Export Details. Save or open the .xlsx file.
10. Analyze the results. For more information, see “Interpret results” on page 569.

Interpret results
When you export results from Compare Environments, you get a .xlsx file. The workbook provides
details about the comparison, along with the results.
Context tab
Lists the options that you used to do the comparison.
Differences tab
Lists the differences that were found. Look for any errors or warnings.

Table 184: Descriptions of the columns on the Differences tab

Column Description
Top Category The overall category of the difference, error, or warning
that was found.

Comparing IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments 569

Table 184: Descriptions of the columns on the Differences tab (continued)
Column Description
Severity The severity of the issue.
INFO: An information message only. No action is
ERROR: An issue that must be fixed before you can use
the XML files to migrate from the source to the target.
WARNING: An issue that might impact migration.
Investigate and make any changes that are needed.

Change Type The type of issue that was found.

ADD: An item exists in the source XML file but does not
exist in the target XML file. When you migrate, the item
will be added to the target environment.
NOT PRESENT: An item exists in the target XML file but
does not exist in the source XML file.
UPDATE: An item exists in both the source and target,
but a difference was found. When you migrate, the target
environment will be updated with the value from the
source XML file.
REMOVE: An item exists in the target XML file but does
not exist in the source XML file. When you migrate, the
item will be removed from the target environment.
CONFLICT: A validation issue was found in either the
source or target XML file.

Context The path to the XML element where the error, warning, or
difference was found.
XML Element The XML element that contains the error, warning, or
Description A description of the error, warning, or difference.
You can find more information about errors and warnings
on the Validation_Rules tab.

Source XML Line No. The line number in the source XML file.
If an element spans multiple lines, the tool reports the
line number where the closing tag is located.

Target XML Line No. The line number in the target XML file.
If an element spans multiple lines, the tool reports the
line number where the closing tag is located.

Attribute Changed The name of the attribute that was changed.

Source Value The value in the source XML file.
Target Value The value in the target XML file.

570 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 184: Descriptions of the columns on the Differences tab (continued)
Column Description
Context n Details about where the error, warning, or difference was
These columns parse the path in the Context column into
individual elements.
Each column contains an XML element and its value. For
example, if an issue was found in a field, the Context 1
column displays bundleType: field_group_name
and the Context 2 column displays propertyType:

Validation_Rules tab
Lists the rules that the tool uses to validate the source and target XML files.
Legend tab
Lists the configuration items that the tool compares and the name of the elements that represent
them in the XML files.
If you want to migrate from the source environment to the target environment, fix any errors and review
all warnings. Regenerate the XML files, and then run the Compare Environments tool again. Verify the

Errors, warnings, and how to fix them

When you run compare environments with the Validation Issues option selected, Compare Environments
uses validation rules to check the XML files. If issues are found, it logs errors and warnings.
In many cases, an error or warning can be fixed in various ways. Analyze each error and warning to
determine how to address it.
In some cases, you can resolve an issue by making a change in the source environment and then
exporting a new XML file.
In other cases, the error or warning cannot be resolved by modifying the source environment. Instead,
you can modify the source XML file to fix the error or warning manually.
• Edit the source XML file in a text editor to fix the error or warning.
• Run Compare Environments with the updated XML file to verify that the error or warning is fixed.
Important: The solutions that are described on the Validation_Rules tab for each error and warning are
suggestions only.

Example: A field group exists in the source environment, but not in the target
Suppose that the source environment has a field group that is called CustomFG. The field group does not
exist in the target environment.
You export field groups from each environment by using Export Configuration. You then compare the two
XML files by using Compare Environments. You choose to compare all categories. You also choose to
include errors, warnings, and information messages in the results.
In this case, the tool generates the following message:

Comparing IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments 571

Figure 21: Results of the export: A field group is not in the target environment

The bundleType message indicates that the field group that is called CustomFG is not in the target
If you added fields to the CustomFG field group, you also see messages about the fields. For example, if
the CustomFG field group has a field that is called CustomField and this field does not exist in the
target, you see the following messages:

Figure 22: Results of the export: A field group and its fields are not in the target environment

• The bundleType message indicates that the CustomFG field group is not in the target environment.
• The propertyType message indicates that the field that is called CustomField is not in the target
• The fieldString messages are generated for each locale that is defined for the field called

572 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Example: A profile exists in the target environment, but not in the source
Suppose that the target environment has a profile that is called NewVendor that is based on the VRM
Vendor profile. The NewVendor profile does not exist in the source environment.
You export object profiles from each environment by using Export Configuration. You then compare the
two XML files by using Compare Environments. You choose to compare all categories. You also choose to
include errors, warnings, and information messages in the results.
In this case, the tool generates the following messages:

Figure 23: Results of the export: A profile does not exist in the source environment

• The objectProfile message indicates that the profile that is called NewVendor does not exist in the
source environment.
• When the NewVendor profile was created, a new view definition was created automatically. The
objectProfileViews message indicates that this view definition does not exist in the source
• When the NewVendor profile was created, a new registry setting was added automatically. The
registryEntry message indicates that this setting does not exist in the source environment.
If the profile uses fields groups, fields, or other items that are not in the source environment, you see
messages about these differences also.

Example: A custom object type exists in the target environment, but not in the source
Suppose that the target environment has a custom object type that is not in the source environment.
The custom object has the following characteristics:
• Name: CustomObject2
• Parent: Incident
• Included field groups: OPSS-Inc-IT
You export object types from each environment by using Export Configuration. You then compare the two
XML files by using Compare Environments. You choose to compare all categories. You also choose to
include errors, warnings, and information messages in the results.
In this case, the tool generates the following messages:

Comparing IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments 573

Figure 24: Results of the export: A custom object does not exist in the source environment

• The contentType message indicates that the object type that is called CustomObject2 does not exist
in the source environment.
• When you created the CustomObject2 object type, you defined a parent relationship with the Incident
object type. The contentTypeRelationship message in row 13 indicates that the parent association
is not in the source environment.
• Although you did not define an attachment association when you created the CustomObject2 object
type, the association was added by default when you created it. The contentTypeRelationship
message in row 14 indicates that the association is not in the source environment.
• The objectTypeString messages are generated for each locale.

Log files for the Compare Environments tool

Each time that your run the Compare Environments tool, a log file is created.
The log files are located in the <OP_HOME>/aurora/logs directory.
The naming convention for the log files is <openpages server instance name><unique session
id>-<start java timestamp>-compareenvironments.log.


Delete old Compare Environments log files periodically to clean up the <OP_HOME>/aurora/logs
The log files for the Compare Environments tool are included when you run the LogCollector tool. For
more information, see “Collect log files and diagnostic data” on page 539.

574 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 22. Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform
If your organization has multiple IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments, you can migrate both the
configuration information and the metadata from one environment to another. Migration means exporting
from a source environment and importing into a target environment.
The term environment migration refers to using Administration > Export Configuration to create a JAR
file that can be imported using Administration > Import Configuration. You can also use ObjectManager,
a command line interface (CLI) tool, to migrate configuration changes. For more information, see
“Importing configuration changes” on page 621. You can use Import Configuration to import files in
XML format. Supplemental information types, including users and instance data, can be migrated in XML
file format. For more information, see “Supported migration items” on page 577.

An OpenPages GRC Platform environment is a set of OpenPages GRC Platform servers that target a single
database instance, inclusive of that database instance.
Many organizations use different OpenPages GRC Platform environments for specific purposes. For
example, a company might use the following environments:
• Development environment - A specific set of servers where changes are made to the OpenPages GRC
Platform metadata.
• Test environment - A specific set of servers where configuration changes from the development
environment are tested.
• UAT environment - A specific set of servers where configuration changes from the test environment are
reviewed by end users before being released to the production environment.
• Production environment - A specific set of servers where tested and reviewed metadata changes are
made available to the end users.
Other organizations may combine development and testing into a single environment for generating and
testing metadata changes, and use a second environment for production.
The environment from which you want to export data is referred to as the source and the environment into
which you want to import data is referred to as the target.

Settings that apply to environment migration

The environment migration settings are found in the Applications > GRCM > Environment Migration
folder hierarchy.
For instructions on accessing the settings page, see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings
page,” on page 307.
Tip: To author an XML settings path, add the OpenPages folder at the beginning of the path. For
example: /OpenPages/Applications/GRCM/Environment Migration/

Table 185: Environment migration settings

Setting Definition
Allow ObjectManager Controls whether ObjectManager XML files can be imported through
XML Administration > Import Configuration. The default is false.
Asynchronous The timeout value (in seconds) for AJAX calls on environment migration pages.
Timeout The default is 120.
Table 185: Environment migration settings (continued)
Setting Definition
Export File Name Prefix to be added to the environment migration export JAR file name. The
Prefix default prefix openpages is used if no value is given. Prefix length is limited to
15 characters. If the prefix is longer than 15 characters, it is truncated.
• The following characters cannot be used in the prefix:

\ / | * : { } [ ] " ?

• Do not use the special characters as defined in CJK Compatibility Ideographs

Unicode Block Name and the four-byte characters as defined in the CJK
Unified Ideographs EXTENSION-B Unicode Block Name in the Export File
Name Prefix.
The special characters to avoid are:

Maximum String Controls how many rows are displayed in the Review selected items box when
Items exporting items with environment migration. Permissible values are any integer
greater than zero. The default is 10000.
Certain categories of items that can be exported with Environment Migration
(such as Application Text) contain many tens of thousands of items. To reduce
the page size and make Internet Explorer more responsive when reviewing these
categories, you can now set a limit on the number of items that are shown. When
a limit is set you can still use the search feature to find items beyond the row

Process Log Report The location of the Process Log Report Page Spec. This value was previously
Page Spec fixed and can now be set. The default is /_cw_channels/Reporting/Hidden
Reports/CommandCenter/Administrative Reports/Environment
Migration/Process Log Report.pagespec
Special Character Specifies whether or not special characters are checked while validating names
Validation of metadata. The default is true. Set to false to preserve legacy special
character rules.

The ImportConfiguration and ExportConfiguration application permissions are required to access

environment migration for import and export. For details on these permissions, see “Types of application
permissions” on page 32.
You must also have read and write permissions on the Migration Documents folder. You can see the folder
by clicking Administration > Manage System Files > Files.
You might also need read and write permissions on other folders, depending on what you are importing
and exporting.
For an overview of Environment Migration, see Chapter 22, “Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform
environments,” on page 575.

576 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Supported migration items
In any scenario, you can use the environment migration capability to move items between any two
compatible IBM OpenPages GRC Platform environments.
The following information types are part of environment migration and, as such, are exported in JAR files
by using Export Configuration and imported in JAR files by using Import Configuration. Alternatively,
they can be imported in XML format files by using Import Configuration.
• Object Profiles
• Object Types
• Security Rules
• Field Groups
• Fields
• Application Text
• Object Text
• Error Text
• Filter Definitions
• Field Dependencies
• Dependency Picklists
• Object Type Relationships
• Rulesets
• Registry settings
• Object Type Dimensions
• Recursive Object Levels
• Date Dimension Types
• Date Dimension Type Associations
The following supplemental information types can be exported using the ObjectManager tool and
imported in XML format files by using Import Configuration:
• System data (typically loaded during installation)
– file types (for example, ppt, xls, doc)
– application permissions
– currencies
– channels
– locales
• User-related information
– users and user groups
– group memberships
– user associations to profiles
– user preferences
– role templates
– role assignments
– delegated administrators
• Instance data
– instance data (for example, risk and control objects and field values)

Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments 577

– parent and child relationships
• Other
– currency exchange rates
Important: You must use the ObjectManager tool rather than the configuration migration export and
import capability in the user interface when migrating field groups that contain four-byte characters as
defined in the CJK Unified Ideographs EXTENSION-B Unicode Block Name, such as:

For information on ObjectManager, see Chapter 23, “The ObjectManager tool,” on page 589.
The environment migration process creates a file in the Java ARchive (JAR) format (referred to in this
document as a migration file) that is automatically saved to the repository.
The exported migration file is named in the <export file name prefix>-env-mig-
<MMddYYkkmmss> format; where:
• the <export file name prefix> is the export file name prefix setting (see “Settings that apply to
environment migration” on page 575), truncated if the prefix exceeds 15 characters;
• the timestamp portion of the file name represents the month (MM), the day (dd), the year (YY), hour
(kk), minute (mm), and seconds (ss) when the export was started.
For example, openpages-env-mig-011712031416.

Exporting dependencies
When exporting configuration items, the export process automatically determines if there are any
dependencies required by the configuration items and adds those dependencies to the migration file.
The dependencies that will be exported for each type of item are listed in the following table.

Table 186: Dependent Items Exported

Item These dependencies are exported
Object • views
• object types (including all object type dependencies)
• field groups (including all field group dependencies)
• view labels

Object type • field groups (including any underlying fields)

• dependencies
• dependent picklists
• filters
• root folders
• object type images
• corresponding settings and object strings
• object type relationships
• file types (if the object type is file-upload based)

Field group Any underlying fields

Application Any corresponding string keys

578 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 186: Dependent Items Exported (continued)
Item These dependencies are exported
Object type Any recursive object levels, if associated
Date Any corresponding date dimension types

Import validation
The environment migration import process automatically validates all migrated configuration items as the
first step of an import, verifying that:
• The XML is well-formed, according to the DTD.
• The metadata attributes are valid, according to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform validation rules.
• All dependent items that a particular item requires are present in either in the migration file or in the
target system.
• Special characters are validated if the special character validation setting is true (see “Settings that
apply to environment migration” on page 575).
For example, if a particular profile is selected for import, validation will check for any missing object types,
fields, or field groups, allowing you to take corrective actions before the profile is loaded into the target
Additionally, you can manually run the validation process separate from the import.
Important: Manually validate all data before importing the configuration items into the target
The validation process provides feedback through a detailed Cognos-style report on the current status,
the number of correctly validated items, and any inconsistencies or failed validations.

Items that are not migrated

The following items are not exported by the environment migration. These items will not be available for
import into a target environment and the validation process will not identify these as missing.
If any of the items you plan to migrate has a dependency on one or more of these items, you will need to
manually move the dependent item or items prior to using environment migration. For help determining if
any dependencies will not be migrated and how to manually move those dependencies, contact IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform Customer Support.

Configuration settings that are not migrated

The configuration settings listed in Table 187 on page 580, are not migrated by environment migration.
Important: Do not attempt to change the security model with the Settings > Common > Security >
Model setting on the source system if there is instance data in the target system. If you do, the
configuration settings import will fail.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in the
Note: The hidden settings will not be migrated if the Show Hidden Settings setting is set to false. For
details, see “Show hidden settings” on page 311. To allow the migration of the hidden settings, set the
Show Hidden Settings setting to true.

Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments 579

Table 187: Configuration settings that are not exported
Setting description Location
Mail server name Applications > Common > Email > Mail Server
SMTP user name Applications > Common > Email > SMTP User Name
SMTP password Applications > Common > Email > SMTP Password
SOCKS Proxy private IP address Applications > Common > Email > SOCKS Proxy Private IP
Guest password on server Platform > Application Server Guest Password
JMS listener Urls for all paired Platform > Global Caches > JMS > Listener Urls
Default OpenPages e-mail sender Platform > Publishing > Mail > From Address
Default OpenPages e-mail server Platform > Publishing > Mail > Host
Default OpenPages e-mail username Platform > Publishing > Mail > Username
OpenPages detail page name for Platform > Reporting Schema > Object URL Generator > Detail
reference by reporting tool Page
OpenPages server name for Platform > Reporting Schema > Object URL Generator > Host
reference by reporting tool
OpenPages server port for reference Platform > Reporting Schema > Object URL Generator > Port
by reporting tool
OpenPages application protocol for Platform > Reporting Schema > Object URL Generator >
reference by reporting tool Protocol
Export File Name Prefix Applications > GRCM > Environment Migration > Export File
Name Prefix
Index search server URL Platform > Search > Index > Search Server URL
Request search server URL Platform > Search > Request > Search Server URL
Search server administration URL Platform > Search > Admin > Search Server Administration
Solr user ID Platform > Search > Solr User ID
Solr password Platform > Search > Solr Password

Metadata items not migrated

The following metadata items are not migrated by environment migration. If any of these items is not in
the target environment, you need to manually move the items.
• triggers
• custom query subjects
• JSPs
• Role Templates
• instance data
Although role templates and instance data are not part of the environment migration JAR files, you can
import them into another environment using ObjectManager XML format files and Import Configuration.

580 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

User security not migrated
User security is not migrated by the environment migration.
If there are profiles in the system containing user fields that have been scoped to specific security domain
groups, verify that the same security domain groups are in place in the target environment. If not,
configure the target environment to match the source.
The import validation process will stop the import if any required security domain group is not present in
the target environment. An error in the following format will appear in the validation Log Details report:
<line#> Processing 'displayTypePropertyValue', Attribute: 'name', Value:
'<group Name>' is not defined in the migration package or in the target
system!: Group Missing!
User fields can have a scope defined that filters the amount of returned search data. This scope definition
is based on security domain groups in the OpenPages GRC Platform environment. However, these security
groups are not migrated by the environment migration.
If a user field has a scope defined in the source environment, but that configuration does not exist in the
target environment, the import will be stopped.
For more information on setting the scope definitions, see “Configure user and group selectors display
types for simple strings” on page 266.

Reports not migrated

Reports are not migrated by the environment migration.
If a profile contains an embedded report that is not available in the target environment, a user with that
profile will see a message in the OpenPages GRC Platform interface that the report is missing.
Important: If you want a user to access an embedded report that is not present in the target
environment, you must manually move the report from the source environment to the target environment
before migrating the environment.

Item dependencies not migrated by default

Environment migration automatically determines if there are any dependencies required by the exported
items and adds those dependencies to the migration file.
However, some items that can be exported for migration are not included automatically as dependencies.
The following metadata items are not exported as a dependency:
• Namespaces
If a profile includes a computed field that relies on a namespace, and that namespace does not exist (or
is defined differently) in the target environment, the profile will pass import validation. However, a user
will not be able to access the computed field in the target environment. To avoid this scenario, ensure
that all namespaces upon which computed fields have a dependency are included in the export JAR.
• Objects, Field Groups, and Fields
If a filter includes criteria that rely on an object, a field group, or a field that is not already in the target
environment, the migration will fail. To avoid this scenario, ensure that all objects, field groups, and
fields upon which filters have a dependency are included in the export JAR.

Environment migration best practices

When using environment migration to move metadata and configuration items from one environment to
another, use the following best practice guidelines to help ensure a smooth transition of information:
• Settings cannot be imported if the target system does not have the dependencies specified in the
settings values. To migrate the settings, first migrate the dependencies (such as Object Types, Field

Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments 581

Groups and Recursive Object Levels) without the settings. Then, migrate the settings using a separate
• You must have imported the metadata and created reporting schema before you can import security
• Import configuration items during planned downtime, when end users are not accessing that
environment. Issues could arise if an end user is working with an item while that item is being imported.
• Replicate the metadata on your production environment to the development and/or test environment
where you will be making and testing configuration changes.
Using the same configuration data in all environments ensures that:
– All environments will operate on the same baseline set of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform metadata as
a starting point.
– Any test configurations or items in a test or development environment will be removed, preventing
those items from being migrated inadvertently to production.
For more information on replicating environments, see “The OPBackup utility” on page 387.
• Make modifications and additions to configuration items in a test or development environment. After the
items are tested, migrate the items to the production environment.
• Before importing configuration items, validate the data using the OpenPages GRC Platform migration
capabilities described in “Validating the migration file” on page 585.
• If a background import, export, or validate configuration process is currently running on the system, you
must wait until processing is complete before submitting another configuration job.
• If you migrate filters for large text fields, you must enable the Text search feature on your target
machine so large text fields display correctly in the filters.
For more information about enabling the IBM DB2 Text Search feature, see “Enable DB2 text search” on
page 407.
For more information about enabling the Oracle Text feature, see “Enabling Oracle Text” on page 453.

The environment migration process

From a single client system, you can use the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application to select and
export changed configuration items from one OpenPages environment, then import the items into a
second environment. The environment migration import process automatically validates the imported
items to ensure they will work properly in the new environment.
Table 188 on page 582 outlines the process for exporting changed configuration items from a source
environment and importing those changed items into a target environment using environment migration.

Table 188: Tasks for Migrating Data Items Using Environment Migration
Use this environment... To do this task...
Source Export the configuration items into a JAR file. See “Exporting configuration
items from the source environment” on page 583.
Target Verify that all the configuration items are valid in the target environment.
See “Validating the migration file” on page 585.
Target Import the configuration items into the current environment. See
“Importing configuration items to the target environment” on page 584.

582 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Exporting configuration items from the source environment
You can create a new migration file each time you perform an export or you can add additional items to an
existing migration file. The migration file is automatically saved to the repository and can optionally be
saved to a local client.
• If a background import, export, or validate configuration process is currently running on the system, you
must wait until processing is complete before submitting another configuration job.
• You cannot export while in System Administration Mode (SAM). For details, see “Enabling and disabling
System Administration Mode” on page 17.
• The export will fail if you have invalid triggers. It's best to disable triggers prior to doing the export

Before you begin

You must be logged in as an OpenPages administrator who has the ExportConfigurationapplication
permission. You must also have read and write access to the Migration Documents folder. For information,
see “Settings that apply to environment migration” on page 575.
Determine whether you must preserve the SMTP configuration in the target environment. The following
settings can be exported:
• Applications > Common > Email > SMTP Port
• Applications > Common > Email > SMTP Security Type
If you import the settings, you can overwrite existing values in the target environment. To preserve the
SMTP configuration, you must clear them from the list of selected items in Step 6 in the following

1. Log on to the source OpenPages application as an administrator.
2. Disable System Administration Mode, if enabled. For details, see “Enabling and disabling System
Administration Mode” on page 17.
3. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Export Configuration.
4. On the Export Options tab, do one of the following:
a) Under Create a new migration package, select Export local configuration to create a new
migration file and click Submit.
b) Under Create new export based on a previously saved migration package (JAR) select either
Local disk or Server repository. Click the Browse icon to locate the migration file to use, then
click Submit.
Note: If you selected the wrong package, reload the Export Configuration page or click the
browser's Back icon.
5. In the Choose items to export tab, select the type of item to export from the Choose type drop-
down list.
6. In the Select items pane, use the list or the tree structure to select specific items to export or click
All to select all the items of that type. Click None to clear the list of selected items.
The Review items pane displays the current count of each type.
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for each type of item you want to export.
8. Optional: To review the details of the selected items, click the links in the Review selected items
pane. All items of that type selected for export are displayed in the Selected item details pane.
9. Click the Clear icon to remove the items from the display. Clearing the list will not remove the items
from the file.

Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments 583

To remove an item from the migration file, select the type of item to remove from the Choose type
drop-down list. Locate the item(s) in the list or the tree structure and clear the check box.
10. When you have selected the objects to export, click the Save migration file icon.
The Export History pane shows the progress of the export.
View a detailed status by clicking the View Log icon to launch the Log Summary report. This report
shows the number of items that have been logged in the Process Log Report, under the Full system
detail log link. See “Log summary migration report ” on page 587 and “Log details migration report”
on page 587.
11. Click the Refresh icon in the Export History pane to update the progress on screen in real-time.
When the export is complete, the Export History pane will display a message indicating if the export
completed successfully or with errors. If successful, the migration file is saved to the OpenPages
repository. If the Completed With Errors message appears, you can use the migration reports to
determine the nature of the error.
The Export Configuration page returns to the initial state, allowing you to perform additional exports,
as needed.

Importing configuration items to the target environment

You can load the migration file into the target environment by downloading the file from the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform repository or importing a saved file from the local client.
The import process automatically validates the configuration items before performing the import to
ensure that the items are complete and any object dependencies are in the migration file or in the target
environment before the items are imported (see “Import validation” on page 579). If there are any
validation errors, the import process will be stopped. You can launch a validation report to view details on
the errors.
To avoid validation errors, review the information on dependent items that must be manually created
and/or moved to the target environment. For details, see “Items that are not migrated” on page 579.
You must be logged in as an OpenPages administrator who has the ImportConfiguration application
permission. You must also have read and write access to the Migration Documents folder. For information,
see “Settings that apply to environment migration” on page 575.
Important: The environment migration import process may periodically enable System Administration
Mode (SAM), preventing users from making and saving changes (see “Enabling and disabling System
Administration Mode” on page 17). To avoid errors in the imported data and other issues, the migration
should be performed during off-hours or when the target environment is not being used.

Configuring environment migration to allow special characters

The environment migration import process checks for any special characters in the name of the items
being imported. By default, if any item has a name with a special character, the import will stop. In order
to import metadata items that use special characters in the name, you must disable this validation.

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
2. Expand the Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Environment Migration folder
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
3. Click the Special Character Validation setting to open its detail page.
4. In the Value box, type one of the following values:

584 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

If the value is set Then...

true The import will check for special characters in the name of metadata items
being imported.
This value is set by default.

false The import will allow metadata items with special characters in the name to
be imported.

5. Click Save.

Validating the migration file

This task is optional, but it is best that you validate the data so you can remedy issues before running the
import process.
Important: If a background import, export, or validate configuration process is currently running on the
system, you must wait until processing is complete before submitting another configuration job.

1. Log on to the target IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application as a user with the Import Configuration
2. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Import Configuration.
3. On the Import Options tab, select one of the following based on where the migration file is located:
a) Local Disk to import a file from the local machine. The migration file can be in either JAR or XML
b) Server repository to import a migration file from the OpenPages GRC Platform repository. Click
Browse to locate the migration file to import.
4. Click Submit.
5. To review the details of the selected items, click the links in the Review items in the migration
package pane. If you are importing a JAR format file, all items of that type selected for import are
displayed in the Selected item details pane. If you are importing an XML format file, supplemental
information types are validated but not displayed in the Selected item details pane. For more
information about, see “Supported migration items” on page 577.
Click Clear to remove the items from the display. Clearing the list will not remove the items from the
Note: If you selected the wrong migration file, reload the Import Configuration page or click Back in
the browser.
6. Click Validate to begin the validation process.
The Import History pane shows the progress of the validation. You can view a detailed status by
clicking View Log.
7. Click Refresh in the Import History pane to update the progress on screen. When the validation is
complete, the Import History pane will display a message indicating if the validation completed
successfully or with errors.

If the Completed With Errors message appears, you can use the migration reports to determine the
nature of the error. See “Log summary migration report ” on page 587 and “Log details migration report”
on page 587. If there are any validation errors, these errors will need to be addressed before importing.
If there are warnings in the migration reports, these can be safely ignored, and you can continue with the

Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments 585

Performing the import for environment migration
Use the following instructions to import configuration changes by using Administration > Import
Important: Do not manually make changes to the application configuration during the import. This can
corrupt the data or result in errors. In either case, you would need to re-export the data before attempting
the import again. If a background import, export, or validate configuration process is currently running on
the system, you must wait until processing is complete before submitting another configuration job.

Before you begin

• If the profiles that are being exported have home page report tabs, or report listings in the classic tab
configured, then those reports have to be manually imported into the target system first, since
environment migration does not support reports.
• On the target system, check the value of the Applications > GRCM > Home Page > Maximum Reports
Listing setting. This setting must have a value that is equal to, or greater than, the value for this setting
in the source system. For instructions on accessing the settings page, see Chapter 15, “Viewing the
Configuration and Settings page,” on page 307.

1. Log on to the target IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application as a user with the ImportConfiguration
permission and access to the Migration Documents folder.
2. From the menu bar, select Administration and click Import Configuration.
3. On the Import Options tab, select one of the following, based on where the migration file is located:
a) Local Disk to import a file from the local machine. The migration file can be in either JAR or XML
b) Server repository to import a file from the OpenPages repository. Click Browse to locate the
migration file to import.
4. Click Submit.
5. To review the details of the selected items, click the links in the Review items in migration package
pane. If you are importing a JAR file, all items of that type selected for import are displayed in the
Selected item details pane. If you are importing an XML file, supplemental information types are
validated but not displayed in the Selected item details pane. For more information about, see
“Supported migration items” on page 577.
Click Clear to remove the items from the display. Clearing the list will not remove the items from the
Note: If you selected the wrong migration file, reload the Import Configuration page or click Back in
the browser.
6. When you are satisfied with the data to import, click Import. The environment migration process
automatically validates the data before importing.
The process will either:
• Import the data, if there are no validation errors;
• Stop the import if there are validation errors. If there are errors that need to be corrected, see
“Environment migration best practices” on page 581.
The Import History pane shows the progress of the import. You can view a detailed status, by clicking
View Log.
7. Click Refresh in the Import History pane to update the progress on screen. When the import is
complete, the Import History pane will display a message indicating if the import completed
successfully or with errors. If the Completed With Errors message appears, you can use the
migration reports to determine the nature of the error. See “Log summary migration report ” on page
587 and “Log details migration report” on page 587.

586 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The Import Configuration page returns to the initial state, allowing you to perform additional imports,
as needed.

• After a successful import, you can view detailed feedback by clicking View Log to download a report
with feedback on the current status, number of correctly validated items, and any inconsistencies or
failed validations.
Note: After importing a migration file, the repository will list the imported file using the end time of the
import in the <export file name prefix>-<YYYY_MM_dd_kk_mm> format. If you need to import
the migration file into another system, you should select the exported migration file.
For example, if the Import History window indicates that the migration file
migration-100311120839 was imported, then after that file was imported, the repository shows that
migration-100411031232.jar was created. If you need to import this package of changes into
another system, you would select the migration-100311120839.jar file. (The name indicates that
the Export File Name Prefix is migration.)
• If, as part of the Configuration Migration import operation, updates are made to the Platform >
Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Supported Triangle Relationships setting, you must
update the Reporting Schema with the new triangle views. For instructions, see “Changes that require
the reporting schema to be regenerated” on page 89.

Log summary migration report

To view a summary report, click the View Log icon next to any ongoing or complete migration processes in
the History pane. The Log Summary report is a report that lists the status of the items in the process.
For exports, only the Full System Detail Log is generated.
The report contains the following status fields:
• Successes. The number of items that were validated or imported without error. Click the link to view
further details on the successfully processed items.
• Warnings. The number of items that resulted in a warning. Click the link to view further details on the
warnings. If there are warnings, these can be safely ignored. They will not affect the processing.
• Failures. The number of items that resulted in some error. Click the link to view further details on the
items that failed during the validation.
• Overall Items Processed. The total number of items validated or imported.
• Full System Detail Log. The number of items recorded in the Log Details report.
When a validation or an import encounters warnings and/or failures, the description of the message
usually indicates how to correct the problem.
For example, if an attribute is missing or an item is missing a parent dependency, you would need to
correct the issue on the source system and export the file again. Or, you can contact IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Customer Support for assistance.

Log details migration report

During or after an export, validation, or import process has been run, click the Full System Detail Log link
in the Log Summary report to view full details on the process. The information in the report depends upon
the process being performed:
• Export. When exporting, the Log Details report lists the items exported and an overview of the number
and type of items exported.
• Validation. When validating, the Log Details report lists the items being validated and whether the item
is valid or there is an error.

Migrating OpenPages GRC Platform environments 587

• Import. When importing, the Log Details report first provides information about the validation process,
listing the items being validated and whether the item is valid or there is an error. If the validation
succeeds, the report provides information on the import process, listing the items imported and an
overview of the number and types of items imported.

588 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 23. The ObjectManager tool
The ObjectManager tool provides a command-line interface (CLI) that you can use instead of the
application graphical user interface to load data into the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository.
With the ObjectManager tool, you can perform the following tasks:
• Import (load) data, such as objects and configuration data, into the OpenPages GRC Platform repository.
• Export (dump) filtered or unfiltered data from the OpenPages GRC Platform repository. You can use this
functionality, for example, to migrate environments and data from one computer to another one in a
multi-deployment environment.
• Batch-load multiple loader files in a single session.
Only a Super Administrator has full access to ObjectManager operations.
An alternative to using the ObjectManager tool is to use Administration > Import Configuration. You can
use it to load system data, user-related information, and instance data. The rules that apply to loader files
that are imported with the ObjectManager tool apply also to Import Configuration.
The ability to import ObjectManager XML files through Import Configuration is controlled by the /
OpenPages/Applications/GRCM/Environment Migration/Allow ObjectManager XML
registry setting. It is disabled by default.

Working with loader files

The ObjectManager tool uses XML loader files to load (import) or dump (export or extract) data into IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform.
The loader file name consists of a prefix, which is defined by the user, and a standard string that has the
following format:


<loader-file-prefix> is the user-defined portion of the loader file name.
-op-config.xml is the standard string that follows the prefix and identifies the file as a loader file to the
ObjectManager tool. Do not change this portion of the file name.
• When you pass a loader file parameter to the ObjectManager tool, you only pass the prefix portion of the
loader file name.
• If no prefix is provided, the ObjectManager tool will attempt to load from or write to the file op-

Import example
If you want to load (import) data into the OpenPages GRC Platform repository, you could, for example,
create a loader file with the name mydata-op-config.xml (prefix + standard string). When you pass the
prefix mydata to the ObjectManager tool, the ObjectManager tool would automatically look for a loader
file named mydata-op-config.xml.
Export example
If you want to extract (dump) data from OpenPages GRC Platform, you could, for example, pass the prefix
myconfig to the ObjectManager tool. The ObjectManager tool would automatically create an export
(dump) file named myconfig-op-config.xml.

Creating a data loader file

A data loader file is an XML file that contains the data you want to import or load through the
ObjectManager into your system.
You can use any XML or text editor of your choice to create a data loader file.
After you create the data loader file, you would save it using the file naming convention described in
“Working with loader files” on page 589.
All element tags in a data loader file are nested within the root element <openpagesConfiguration
xmlFormatVersion="1.31"> and </openpagesConfiguration> tags.
An ObjectManager data loader file has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">

parent-element is a tag identifying the type of information to be loaded.
child-element is a nested tag within a given information type that usually contains attributes and/or
text content.
The following code example shows the structure of an XML data loader file that, when loaded through the
ObjectManager tool, would update the currency exchange rates for the Canadian dollar (CAD) and
Mexican peso (MXN).
The exchangeRates element contains the exchangeRate child-element, which has attributes for the 3-
letter ISO code for the country or region and the updated exchange rate for that currency.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<exchangeRate isoCode="CAD"
startDate="2013-05-09 17:36:12"
<exchangeRate isoCode="MXN"
startDate="2013-05-09 17:36:12"

Running ObjectManager commands

The ObjectManager command file is named ObjectManager.cmd on computers running a Microsoft
Windows operating system. The command file is named on computers running an
AIX or Linux operating system.
The file is located in the <OP_Home>\bin directory of your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation.

590 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 189: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application
Operating system Installation location
Windows By default, <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages
AIX and Linux By default, <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages

The ObjectManager command line must be:

• Run from the bin folder
• Typed on a single line (no line breaks) in a command window.
Important: When using the ObjectManager tool, make sure that the OpenPages GRC Platform application
services are running.

Interactive command line loader file syntax

The ObjectManager tool uses the following syntax for a loader file.
Note: Make sure to run the command on a single line in the Command Prompt window.

ObjectManager <command> config|c <user> <password> <loader-file-path> <loader-file-prefix>

ObjectManager command line parameters

You can use various commands and parameters with the ObjectManager tool.
Value can be one of the following:
dump or d - dumps or exports data.
load or l - loads or imports data from a single loader file.
verify or v - certifies or compares data.
You can use this command only if you are using IBM OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1.
Starting with OpenPages GRC Platform version, the verify command has been deprecated.
Instead, you must use the validate command instead which both verifies and validates the data.
validate or v - certifies or compares data.
You can use this command only if you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version or a later
Places ObjectManager in batch processing mode loads multiple loader files in a single session.
Value is batch or b.
A user account. Some actions may require a Super Administrator account.
User account password.
The file path to a single XML loader file.
By default, this is the current directory if no file path is specified.

The ObjectManager tool 591

The directory path to the XML loader files that are listed in the <batch-loader-list-file>. Can
be a top-level directory if loader files are in multiple sub-folders under that directory.
The user-defined portion of the loader file name.
By default, the ObjectManager tool will attempt to load from or write to the file op-config.xml. if no
prefix is specified.
The fully qualified file path and name of a text document containing a list of loader files for batch

Load command example

This Windows-based example shows how to use a loader file named 'data1-op-config.xml' that
resides in the c:\import folder to load or import data into IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
This example uses the Super Administrator account, OpenPagesAdministrator.

1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Navigate to the bin installation directory, such as:

cd C:\OpenPages\bin

3. Run the following command on a single line to load the 'data1-op-config.xml loader file:

ObjectManager l c OpenPagesAdministrator OpenPagesAdministrator

c:\import data1

Dump command example

This Windows-based example shows how to export or dump data from IBM OpenPages GRC Platform to a
file with the config1 prefix that resides in the c:\export folder. If the folder does not already exist, the
ObjectManager tool will create it. This example uses the Super Administrator account,

1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Navigate to the bin installation directory, such as:

cd C:\OpenPages\bin

3. Run the following command on a single line to export data from OpenPages GRC Platform into the
config1-op-config.xml loader file:

ObjectManager d c OpenPagesAdministrator OpenPagesAdministrator

c:\export config1

The file named config1-op-config.xml will automatically be created in the c:\export folder.

Improving performance for small files in ObjectManager

There is startup overhead for ObjectManager that depends on the number of users. In environments with
large numbers of users (10,000+), this can amount to 10 minutes. This overhead is onerous for small

592 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

transactions because it can result in an excessive amount of time to process ObjectManager files, no
matter how small.
This issue arises because when ObjectManager connects to the server, it must initialize its environment.
This initialization includes fixed costs in resources that depend on the total number of users that are
registered with a system. If you have a system with a high number of registered users, this cost in
resources can be large.
ObjectManager operations often take a long time. To distinguish if slow performance is due to this issue,
create an XML file that does only a small operation, such as setting the value of a string. If this takes a
long time (more than 2 minutes), then you might be experiencing the slowdown that is related to this
To resolve this issue, an additional command line argument has been added to ObjectManager. This
enables the processing to be completed on the server, rather than on the client. Because the server
environment is already initialized, the per-user initialization cost is avoided.

To use this mode, the argument -server must be added as the first argument on the command line. All
other arguments remain the same, but are shifted by one position. The REST API must be enabled on the
server. For example:
ObjectManager.cmd -server l c <username> <password> <file_path> <file_name
without op-config.xml>
ObjectManager.cmd -server load configuration <username> <password> <file_path>
<file_name without op-config.xml>
Additionally, in the Object Manager properties file, must be set to the fully
qualified host name of the admin server, and must be set to the port used for the
Because the program waits for the processing to be complete, a timeout might occur for large files with a
long processing time. To resolve this issue, either run the job without the argument -server, or break the
file into smaller files.
A warning message Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings might occur. This warning
can be safely ignored.
Attention: The ObjectManager.log is not updated when using the –server switch. A
Results.log is generated under the logs subfolder where the output XML file is generated.
Check server logs when ObjectManager errors occur.

Batch loader file syntax and sample

A batch loader list file is typically a text (.txt) file that contains a list of the XML loader files for batch
processing by the ObjectManager tool.
The ObjectManager tool uses the following syntax for batch loading multiple loader files.

ObjectManager <batch-mode> config|c <user> <password>

<batch-loader-dir> <batch-loader-list-file>

A batch loader list file uses the following rules:

• Any line starting with a pound sign (#) is considered a comment
• Any line starting with greater than sign (>) is written to the screen for display
• All other lines are assumed to be the relative path to a loader file
The following sample batch loader list file was created in a text editor. It shows how to display an
informational "loading" message (line starting with >) on the screen for files that are loading from
different directories, and provides an example of how to list a loader file (example1-op-config.xml)

The ObjectManager tool 593

from a top-level (c:\temp) directory and how to list multiple loader files (example2, example3, example4)
from a subfolder (\loaders) located under the top-level directory.

# If the <batch-loader-dir> was given as c:\temp, the following lines

# write the "Loading…" message and then attempt to load the file
# c:\temp\example1-op-config.xml
>Loading example 1…

# If the <batch-loader-dir> was given as c:\temp, the following lines

# write the "Loading…" message and then attempt to load the files:
# c:\temp\loaders\example2-op-config.xml
# c:\temp\loaders\example3-op-config.xml
# c:\temp\loaders\example4-op-config.xml
>Loading examples 2-4…

For example, you save this batch loader list file with the name load-reports.txt in the
c:\OpenPages default installation directory.
The instructions in the following example show how to run the sample load-reports.txt batch loader
list file to load or import data into IBM OpenPages GRC Platform. The top-level directory (c:\temp) is
used for the <batch-loader-dir> parameter as it includes the loader files in the \loaders subfolder
under it.

1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Navigate to the bin installation directory, such as:

cd C:\OpenPages\bin

3. Run the following batch command to load the load-reports.txt batch loader list file:

ObjectManager b c OpenPagesAdministrator OpenPagesAdministrator

c:\temp load-reports.txt

Using ObjectManager to move objects

This example shows how an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform administrator can move a process object from
the folder location /ENTITY02 to /ENTITY01.

Before you begin

This solution assumes that the administrator knows the following:
• The contents of TechNote # 1648075 that explains the difference between folder location and
• The system-level folder name of the object.
• The target folder location already exists. Otherwise, the following validation will occur:
VALIDATION ERROR (Line: 967 Column: 89): Target Folder Resource
does not exist.

About this task

The following is the ObjectManager syntax for moving objects using the ObjectManager tool:

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<targetFolder name="{fullpath of target folder}">
<sourceResource name="{fullpath of the object to be moved}"/>

594 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide


1. Log onto the application server.
2. Open a text editor.
3. Copy the previous syntax example.
4. Update the example to reflect the target folder location(s) and source folder location(s).
For example:

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<targetFolder name="/_op_sox/Project/Default/ICDocumentation/
<sourceResource name="/_op_sox/Project/Default/ICDocumentation/

5. Save the file using the an ObjectManager name (i.e.: samplemove-op-config.xml).

6. Open a command prompt or shell. Alternatively, you can use Administration > Import Configuration
to import the XML file. For information, see “Performing the import for environment migration” on
page 586.
7. Go to OP_Home | bin where OP_Home represents the installation location of the OpenPages GRC
Platform application.
On Microsoft Windows operating systems, the default location is C:\OpenPages. On AIX and Linux
operating systems, the default location is /opt/OpenPages.
8. Run the command to load the ObjectManager file.
The following is the sample output for the working example:

D:\OpenPages\bin>ObjectManager l c
OpenPagesAdministrator OpenPagesAdministrator
D:\temp samplemove

OpenPages V8.2.0.0 (Build: OP_6.2-56 2012/11/06 19:17:21) starting ...

OpenPages Global environment initialized.
Object Manager Admin Utility V6.2.0.0 (Build: OP_6.2-56 2012/11/06 19:27:49)

List of command line arguments:

Arg 1: <l>
Arg 2: <c>
Arg 3: <OpenPagesAdministrator>
Arg 4: <****>
Arg 5: <D:\temp>
Arg 6: <samplemove>
Total number of arguments: 6
OpenPages Server environment initialized.

Loading OpenPages Configuration (samplemove) from folder: 'D:\temp' ...

Processing started at Thu Apr 05 15:51:29 EDT 2013

Processing Move Resource Requests ...

1 total

Move Resource requests processed: 1

Total Objects processed: 0

Total Requests processed: 1

Total Validation Errors: 0

The ObjectManager tool 595

Total Exceptions: 0

Processing finished at Thu Apr 05 15:51:29 EDT 2013

Elapsed time: 347 milliseconds

9. Restart the OpenPages services. For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping
servers,” on page 549.
10. If an administrator needs to move multiple objects via ObjectManager, the following is the sample

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<targetFolder name="{target fullpath folder for object 1}">
<sourceResource name="{fullpath of the object 1 to be moved}"/>
<targetFolder name="{target fullpath folder for object 2}">
<sourceResource name="{fullpath of the object 2 to be moved}"/>
<targetFolder name="{target fullpath folder for object 3}">
<sourceResource name="{fullpath of the object 3 to be moved}"/>

Using ObjectManager to rename objects

This example shows how an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform administrator can rename an entity from

Before you begin

The following solution assumes that the administrator knows the system-level folder name of the object.
Otherwise, the following message will be displayed:
VALIDATION ERROR (Line: 968 Column: 55): Resource to rename
does not exist.

About this task

The following is the ObjectManager syntax for renaming objects:

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<renameResource oldFullName="{fullpath of the object to be renamed}"
newShortName="{name new of the object}.txt"/>

1. Log onto the application server.
2. Open a text editor.
3. Copy the previous syntax example.
4. Update the example to reflect the target folder location(s) and source folder location(s).
For example:

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<renameResource oldFullName="/_op_sox/Project/Default/

5. Save the file using the ObjectManager file name format, such as samplerename-op-config.xml.

596 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

6. Open a command prompt or shell. Alternatively, you can use Administration > Import Configuration
to import the XML file. For information, see “Performing the import for environment migration” on page
7. Go to OP_Home | bin where OP_Home represents the installation location of the OpenPages GRC
Platform application.
On Microsoft Windows operating systems, the default location is C:\OpenPages. On AIX and Linux
operating systems, the default location is /opt/OpenPages.
8. Run the command to load the ObjectManager file.
The following is the sample output for the working example:

D:\OpenPages\bin>ObjectManager l c OpenPagesAdministrator
OpenPagesAdministrator D:\temp samplerename

OpenPages V8.2.0.0 (Build: OP_6.2-56 2012/11/05 19:17:21) starting ...

OpenPages Global environment initialized.
Object Manager Admin Utility V6.2.0.0 (Build: OP_6.2-56 2012/11/05 19:27:49)

List of command line arguments:

Arg 1: <l>
Arg 2: <c>
Arg 3: <OpenPagesAdministrator>
Arg 4: <****>
Arg 5: <D:\temp>
Arg 6: <samplerename>
Total number of arguments: 6
OpenPages Server environment initialized.

Loading OpenPages Configuration (samplerename) from folder: 'D:\temp' ...

Processing started at Fri Apr 05 08:48:21 EDT 2013

Processing Rename Resource Requests ...

1 total

Rename Resource requests processed: 1

Total Objects processed: 0

Total Requests processed: 1

Total Validation Errors: 0

Total Exceptions: 0

Processing finished at Fri Apr 05 08:48:23 EDT 2013

Elapsed time: 2418 milliseconds

9. Restart the OpenPages services. For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping
servers,” on page 549.
If an administrator needs to rename multiple objects via ObjectManager, the following is the sample

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<renameResource oldFullName="{fullpath of the object 1 to be renamed}"
newShortName="{name new of the object 1}.txt"/>
<renameResource oldFullName="{fullpath of the object 2 to be renamed}"
newShortName="{name new of the object 2}.txt"/>
<renameResource oldFullName="{fullpath of the object 3 to be renamed}"
newShortName="{name new of the object 3}.txt"/>

Using ObjectManager to assign or revoke role assignments

An IBM OpenPages GRC Platform administrator can assign or revoke role assignments using the
ObjectManager tool.

The ObjectManager tool 597

Before you begin
This solution assumes that the administrator knows the following items:
• The system-level folder name of the security domain.
• The role assignment type of the role template.
• The role template name.
• The OpenPages GRC Platform user name.

About this task

The ObjectManager syntax for revoking or assigning a role assignment is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<roleAssignment type="{object type}" status="{assign/revoke}">
<businessUnit name="{path of the security domain}"/>
<roleActor name="{actorname}"/>
<role name="{role template name}"/>

Using the following example, an administrator can revoke the user "johndoe" from the root level security

1. Log on to the application server.
2. Open a text editor.
3. Copy the syntax example.
4. Update the example to reflect the correct role assignment type: whether to assign or revoke the role;
the security domain path; name of actor; and the role template name. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<roleAssignment type="SOXBusEntity" status="revoke">
<businessUnit name="="/_op_sox/Project/Default/BusinessEntity"/>
<roleActor name="johndoe"/>
<role name="OpenPages Modules 7.0 - All Data - No Admin"/>

5. Save the file using the ObjectManager file name format, such as groupmem-revoke-op-
6. Open a command prompt or shell. Alternatively, you can use Administration > Import Configuration
to import the XML file. For information, see “Performing the import for environment migration” on page
7. Go to OP_Home \bin folder.
8. Run the command to load the ObjectManager file.

598 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The following extract is the sample output for the working example:

OpenPages V9.0.0.2 (Build: OP_7.0.0.2-89 2014/06/10 14:20:23)

starting ...
OpenPages Global environment initialized.
Object Manager Admin Utility V7.0.0.2
(Build: OP_7.0.0.2-89 2014/06/10 14:20:23)

List of command line arguments:

Arg 1: <load>
Arg 2: <config>
Arg 3: <OpenPagesAdministrator>
Arg 4: <****>
Arg 5: <C:\temp>
Arg 6: <groupmem-revoke>
Total number of arguments: 6
OpenPages Server environment initialized.

Loading OpenPages Configuration (groupmem-revoke) from folder:

'C:\temp' ...

Processing started at Fri Jun 13 14:00:52 EDT 2014

Loading Role Assignments ...

1 total

Role Assignments processed: 1

Business Units processed: 1
Role Actors processed: 1
Roles processed: 1

Total Objects processed: 4

Total Validation Errors: 0

Total Exceptions: 0
Processing finished at Fri Jun 13 14:00:58 EDT 2014
Elapsed time: 5703 milliseconds

9. Restart the OpenPages services. For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping
servers,” on page 549.

Using ObjectManager to create or load users

This example shows how an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform administrator can create or load users into the

Before you begin

This solution assumes that the OpenPages administrator has already created the groups that are
referenced in the example.

About this task

The following is the syntax for creating or loading users using the ObjectManager tool:

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">

The ObjectManager tool 599

<actorGroupMembership name="{username}" isEntityGroup="false">
<group name="{existing_group_name}" isEntityGroup="false"/>
<group name="OpenPages" isEntityGroup="false"/>

1. Log on to the application server.
2. Open a text editor.
3. Copy the syntax example that is included earlier in this topic into the text editor.
4. Modify the example to reflect the actual users and groups details. For example, you can modify the
example in the following way:

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
emailAddress="[email protected]"
locale="U.S. English"
<actorGroupMembership name="johndoe" isEntityGroup="false">
<group name="All_Users" isEntityGroup="false"/>
<group name="OpenPages" isEntityGroup="false"/>

5. Save the file using the ObjectManager file name format, such as loadusers-op-config.xml.
6. Open a command prompt or a shell and follow the instructions below. Alternatively, you can use
Administration > Import Configuration to import the XML file. For information, see “Performing the
import for environment migration” on page 586.
7. Go to OP_Home|bin directory where OP_Home represents the installation location of the OpenPages
GRC Platform application. On Microsoft Windows operating system, the default location is
C:\OpenPages. On AIX and Linux operating systems, the default location is /opt/OpenPages.
8. Run the command to load the ObjectManager file. The following is the sample output for the example:

ObjectManager Admin Utility V7.0.0.2
List of command line arguments:
Arg 1: <l>
Arg 2: <c>
Arg 3: <OpenPagesAdministrator>
Arg 4: <****>
Arg 5: <C:\temp>
Arg 6: <loadusers>
Total number of arguments: 6
OpenPages Server environment initialized.

600 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Loading OpenPages Configuration (userz2) from folder: 'C:\temp' ...

Processing started at Mon Feb 23 14:00:00 EST 2015

Loading Actors ...

1 total

Loading Actor Group Memberships ...

1 total

Actors processed: 1 (1 updated)

Actor Group Memberships processed: 1

Total Objects processed: 2

Total Validation Errors: 0

Total Exceptions: 0

Processing finished at Mon Feb 23 14:00:59 EST 2015

Elapsed time: 454 milliseconds


9. Restart the OpenPages services. For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping
servers,” on page 549.

Modifying the ObjectManager properties file

The file contains settings that control or limit the scope of exported
(dumped) configuration and related data from the ObjectManager tool.
Depending on your export activity, modify the value of configuration or migration settings. Edit the file in any text editor.
Note: Before you modify the file, make a backup copy of the file.
For a list of settings and descriptions, see “Settings in the file ” on page 601.
To determine the settings in the file require modification, refer to the following topics:
• “Exporting all currency exchange rates” on page 611
• “Exporting currency field definitions” on page 613
• “Exporting computed field definitions” on page 614
• “Migrating configuration changes using the ObjectManager tool” on page 615
The file is located in the <OP_Home>\bin directory of your IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform installation.

Table 190: Installation location of the OpenPages GRC Platform application

Operating system Installation location
Windows By default, <OP_Home> is C:\OpenPages
AIX and Linux By default, <OP_Home> is /opt/OpenPages

Settings in the file

The file contains several settings or properties that you can configure for
exporting data.

The ObjectManager tool 601

Server parameters
Contains the name of the host server. This is a non-configurable system parameter.
Defines the server port number. Default is 10101.

The logger property

Defines the location of the file relative to the bin directory.
Do not change it.

The configuration.manager.migrate.configuration.objects property

The configuration.manager.migrate.configuration.objects property overwrites the
following configuration.manager.dump.* properties and is the equivalent of setting these
properties to true:
• configuration.manager.dump.bundle.types
• configuration.manager.dump.file.upload.content.types
• configuration.manager.dump.jsp.based.content.types
• configuration.manager.dump.admin.objectprofile.views
• configuration.manager.dump.form.based.content.types
• configuration.manager.dump.object.profiles
• configuration.manager.dump.application.string.key.categories
• configuration.manager.dump.application.string.keys
• configuration.manager.dump.application.strings
• configuration.manager.dump.object.strings
• configuration.manager.dump.error.strings
• configuration.manager.dump.query.definitions
• configuration.manager.dump.field.dependency
• configuration.manager.dump.field.dependency.picklist
• configuration.manager.dump.recursive.hierarchy
• configuration.manager.dump.object.type.dimension
• configuration.manager.dump.recursive.hierarchy.strings
• configuration.manager.dump.object.type.dimension.strings
• configuration.manager.dump.content.type.relationship.sets
• configuration.manager.dump.locales
• configuration.manager.dump.role.templates
• configuration.manager.dump.role.administrators
• configuration.manager.dump.role.assignments
• configuration.manager.dump.subsystem.exclusion.fields
• configuration.manager.dump.registry

602 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Additionally, the configuration.manager.migrate.configuration.objects property exports
the following data:
• Any object folders referenced by:
– jsp.based.content.types
– form.based.content.types
• query definition (filter) strings
• reporting schema column definitions (which are used to keep framework labels consistent when you
have duplicate field names).

The configuration.manager.dump.* export properties

The following list describes the behavior of the various export configuration.manager.dump.*
properties when a property is enabled (the value is set to true).
Exports a list of the modules (solutions) that are installed. It also controls the list of entries on the
About OpenPages GRC Platform and Build Information pages.
Exports a list of valid file attachment types (such as docx, pdf, jpg).
Exports all field groups in the system, along with all of their fields.
Exports all file upload object types, such as SOXDocument. It will also export any folders
(nonFormBasedResources) that are referenced by these object types.
Exports all other object types, such as SOXBusEntity, Mandate, Policy, or any “Custom Forms”. It will
also export any folders (nonFormBasedResources) that are referenced by these object types.
Exports a list of which objects types can be associated to what other object types.
Exports a list of application permissions that can be granted to groups or role templates.
Exports all users, groups, and security domain groups.
Exports all group memberships, such as: which users belong to what groups, which users belong to
what security domains, and which security domains belong to what other security domains.
Exports users and their assigned profiles.
Exports object profiles. This property should be used with the
configuration.manager.dump.object.profiles setting.
Exports object profiles. This property should be used with the
configuration.manager.dump.admin.objectprofile.views setting.
Exports all folders and object instances in the system. You can use the setting
configuration.manager.dump.resources.root.folder to narrow the scope of objects that
are exported. You will probably want to use this setting with the setting
As an alternative, you can use the configuration.manager.dump.associated.resources

The ObjectManager tool 603

Exports form-based object type definitions if these were used. By default (out of the box), the
software does not use form-based object type definitions.
Exports instances of form-based object types if these were used. This property is similar to the
configuration.manager.dump.non.form.based.content.types property.
The configuration.manager.dump.form.based.resources property is generally not needed
because of what is stated in the configuration.manager.dump.form.based.content.types
Exports all reports that appear on the Reporting menu in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application, such as: all JSP reports and any Cognos reports that have been published to the
OpenPages GRC Platform application. It does not export any report definitions from Cognos. If you
want to export JSP report definitions, you will also want to set the
configuration.manager.dump.non.form.based.resources property to true, and the
configuration.manager.dump.resources.root.folder property to /Reports.
Exports object instance relationships. For example, if you had an entity called “Entity ABC” that had a
child process called “Process A,” you would set the following properties to true:
• configuration.manager.dump.non.form.based.resources property to get the
definitions of “Entity ABC” and “Process A”
• configuration.manager.dump.resource.sets property to get the entry that says “Process
A” is a child of “Entity ABC”.
As an alternative, you can use the configuration.manager.dump.associated.resources
Exports objects and their relationships – you can use it instead of
configuration.manager.dump.non.form.based.resources and
To filter the scope of the export, you can use the following settings:
The value of this setting, SOX.ProjectDefault, is a constant, do not change it.
Enter the name of the reporting period from which you want to export data. If you leave this value
blank, it will default to the Current Report Period.
You can create multiple entries with this setting if you increment the [number] part of the name.
Enter the full paths of the objects (one object per entry) that you want to use as the scope for the
data export. To find the full path of the object, you may need to look at the object in OpenPages.
The default value of /_op_sox/Project/Default/Default.txt will export all of the data in
the system.
You can create multiple entries with this setting if you increment the [number] part of the name.
Enter one object type name per entry that you want to include in the export. As the export process
navigates the object tree structure in the system, when it encounters an object that is not of a type
listed in these entries, it will not export that object or any of its children. In this way you can limit
the scope of exported objects. A blank entry value will include all object types.

604 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

To filter export results, add entry values to one of the following settings. Adding entry values to
both settings is redundant.



You can create multiple entries with this setting if you increment the [number] part of the name.
Enter one object type name per entry that you want to exclude in the export. As the export
process navigates the object tree structure in the system, when it encounters an object that is not
of a type listed in these entries, it will not export that object or any of its children. In this way you
can limit the scope of exported objects. A blank entry value will include all object types.
Exports all object reset rule sets.
Exports the history of object reset executions.
Exports all settings in the system.
To filter the scope of the export, you can use the following settings:
Excludes entries listed in this setting from export.
Sets the scope of settings to be exported.
You can create multiple entries with this property by incrementing the [number] part of the name.
Exports recursive object levels.
Exports date dimension types.
Exports object type dimensions.
Exports date dimension type associations (what date dimension types are enabled for what fields).
Exports supported locales (languages). No translations are included.
Exports the application text folders.
Exports application text keys – the list of entries on the Application Text page – without translations.
Exports translations for application text.
Exports translations for recursive object levels.
Exports translations for date dimension types.
Exports translations for object type dimensions.

The ObjectManager tool 605

Exports translations for error messages.
Exports translations for: object type names, field names, field guidance, section names, and
enumerated values.
Exports exchange rates.
Exports the list of valid currencies (enabled and disabled).
Exports public filters.
Exports Alert Notification settings for each user.
Exports role templates.
Exports which users are assigned as administrators for what security domains.
Exports which users are assigned which role templates for what security domains.
Exports field dependencies.
Exports dependent picklists.
Exports which fields are excluded from the workflow and/or reporting subsystems.
Exports rule sets from record level security.

The configuration.manager.force.update.* properties

Overwrites existing object/application strings when set to true prior to load. The default is false. If you
change this setting to true, it overwrites existing customized strings. Change it immediately back to
false after the load is done to protect against inadvertently overwriting customized strings.

The invalid characters property!@#$%^&*()<>+=[]\/{}|?
Defines characters that cannot be used in field names.

The disable triggers properties

Disable Triggers
Points to the registry setting that indicates whether triggers are disabled or not. Do not change it. It
works with the configuration.manager.disable.triggers setting.
Disables triggers when importing or exporting data in order to not trigger excess processing as objects
are created, modified, or associated. If set to true, triggers are disabled at the start of the import or
export and re-enabled at the end. Default is false.

606 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The resource load property
Controls behavior when loading objects. For more information, see “Controlling data load behavior”
on page 609.

Filtering data for export

By using a filters file with predefined filters, you can narrow the scope of configuration and related data
that is exported from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository by the ObjectManager tool.

Before you begin

Before you can export selected data using a filters configuration file, you must verify that all dump
configuration settings in the file are correctly set.
Any settings in the file that start with the following code must have its
value set to true. If the value is set to false, then change the value to true.


For example, configuration.manager.dump.object.profiles=true

For details on modifying the file, see “Modifying the ObjectManager
properties file” on page 601.

About the filters configuration file

Filters are defined in an XML-based configuration file that must be named
ObjectManagerExportFilters.xml and resides in the following path:


The XML tags used for specifying the predefined filters are the same as the current ObjectManager
configuration loader XML tags. Most filters are defined on the ‘name’ attribute of an object. Some filters
have either additional or different filter attributes.
For a list of predefined filters, see Table 191 on page 608.

The following sample filter code shows how you can use the ObjectManager tool to export only the Object
Profile with the name "Default". No other type of objects or any other profile will be exported.

<!-- List of names of profiles to export -->
<objectProfile name="Default"/>

After defining the filters in the filters configuration file, you can use the ObjectManager dump command to
export the objects.

ObjectManager predefined filters

The following predefined filters are supported in the ObjectManager tool.
Table 191 on page 608 lists the various element types with their corresponding element tag and filter

The ObjectManager tool 607

Table 191: ObjectManager predefined filters
Element type Element tag Filter attribute Comment
Application Text <application name The name of the
String> application string.
Channels <channel> Any of the following: The name of the
channel or path of
• name
the channel folder
• channelFolder or page template.
• pageTemplate

Currencies <currency> isoCode The 3-letter ISO

currency code.
Exchange Rates <exchangeRate> isoCode The 3-letter ISO
currency code.
Field Groups <bundleType> name The name of the
field group.
File based <resource> name The full path of the
resources resource.
Filters <queryDefinition> name The name of the
Query definition.
Job Types <jobType> name + (the associated The name of the
bundles) job type.
Object Profiles <objectProfile> name The name of the
object profile.
Object Profile <objectProfileView> Any of the following: Either the type only
Views or the type and
• type
name of the
• name Activity view.

Object Reset <ruleSet> name The name of the

(SCOR) Rulesets set.
Object Types <contentType> name The name of the
object type.
Object Type Pick <dependencySet> objectType The object for
List Dependencies which
dependencies are
Object Type <contentType Any of the following: The parent and/or
Relationships Relationship> child object types.
• parent
• child

608 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 191: ObjectManager predefined filters (continued)
Element type Element tag Filter attribute Comment
Object Text Any of the following: name The data for the
selected string.
• <objectTypeString>
• <fieldString>
• <enumValueString>
• <viewString>
• <sectionString>

Role Templates <roleTemplate> name The name of the

Role Template.
Settings <registryEntry> name The name of the
Sub-system Field <subSystemExclusion name The name of the
Extensions ObjectType> excluded object
User Group <actorGroup name For all groups.
Memberships Membership>
<group> name For all group

Sample filter configuration file

The following sample ObjectManagerExportFilters.xml filter file exports configuration data for only the
Object Profile named "Default" and its associated Detail and Activity Views.

<openpagesConfigurationFilters xmlFormatVersion="1.0">

<!-- List of names of profiles to export -->
<objectProfile name="Default"/>

<!-- Specifiy the name of the profile -->
<objectProfileViews name="Default">
<!-- Specifiy the name of the object type in the profile -->
<objectProfileViewsForObjectType name="SOXProcess">
<!-- Specifiy the views and their names -->
<objectProfileView type="Detail"/>
<objectProfileView type="Activity" name="Process AV"/>


Controlling data load behavior

To control the behavior of the ObjectManager tool when loading objects, you can modify a setting in the file.
By setting the
in the file, you can control whether the ObjectManager tool creates
objects with undefined values (such as an empty value or a value without a default). This setting applies
only to non-required fields.

The ObjectManager tool 609

Note: If a field is required and has no default value defined, then the ObjectManager tool:
• Ignores the setting in the property
• Does not create the object instance
• Reports validation errors.

1. Open the file in a text editor of your choice (see “Modifying the
ObjectManager properties file” on page 601).
2. Set the value of the property. If
you set the value to:
• true - then ObjectManager creates the object without validation errors. This value is the default.
• false - then ObjectManager reports validation errors, does not create the object, and moves to the
next object in the loader file.
3. Run the ObjectManager tool (see “Running ObjectManager commands” on page 590).

Managing currency exchange rates

You can use XML elements in Object Manager loader files to update, export, and enable or disable
currency exchange rates.
Note: To use these functions, the currency must have a standard 3-letter ISO code and exist in your
There are several methods for updating currency exchange rates:
• Upload a CSV file with currency exchange rates from:
– The application user interface. For more information, see “Formatting and uploading a CSV file” on
page 149.
– An ObjectManager loader file. For more information, see “Importing exchange rates” on page 610
• Manually edit the rates in the application user interface. For more information, see “Editing exchange
rates for an existing currency code” on page 149

Importing exchange rates

Use a data loader file to import exchange rates for existing currency codes by specifying the new rates in
the file or by uploading a properly formatted CSV file with the new rates.
Note: For CSV file format information, see “Formatting and uploading a CSV file” on page 149.

Before you begin

To use this function, the currency must have a standard three letter ISO code and exist in your system.

1. Create an XML data loader file (see “Creating a data loader file” on page 590).
2. To load exchange rate data:
• If the exchange rate data is specified in a loader file - use the element tags in the following example
and substitute the values of the attributes that are listed in the table:

610 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 192: Element tags
Element Attribute Description
exchangeRate isoCode A three letter ISO currency code
exchangeRate rate The currency exchange rate

The following example loads currency exchange rates for the Canadian dollar (CAD) and Mexican
peso (MXN).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<openpagesConfiguration xmlFormatVersion="1.31">
<exchangeRate isoCode="CAD"
startDate="2013-05-09 17:36:12"
<exchangeRate isoCode="MXN"
startDate="2013-05-09 17:36:12"

• If the exchange rate data is contained in a CSV file for upload, use the element tag in the following
example to upload a .csv file. Substitute the value of the attribute that is listed in the table:

Table 193: Element tag to upload a .csv file

Element Attribute Description
uploadFile name The file path and name of the CSV file

For example:

<uploadFile name="c:loaders\rate-update1.csv" dataType="Exchange Rates" />

3. Use the ObjectManager load command to import the data. See the “Load command example” on page

Exporting all currency exchange rates

To export (dump) all the currency exchange rates from your system, you must modify some of the settings
in the file.
For information about the file, see “Modifying the ObjectManager properties file” on page 601.

Before you begin

To use this function, the currency must have a standard 3-letter ISO code and exist in your system.

1. In the file:
a) Set the values of the following properties as shown:


a) Set the dump options for all other objects to false.

2. Use the ObjectManager dump command to export the data. See the “Dump command example” on
page 592.

The ObjectManager tool 611

Enabling and disabling currencies
You can enable one or more currencies to make it available to the appropriate processes, or you can
disable one or more currencies from IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
A disabled currency can be enabled later.

Before you begin

To use this function, the currency must have a standard three letter ISO code and exist in your system.

1. Create an XML data loader file (see “Creating a data loader file” on page 590).
2. To enable or disable one or more currencies, use the element tags in the following example and
substitute the values of the attributes that are listed in the table:

Table 194: Elements to enable or disable currencies

Element Attribute Description
currency isoCode A three letter ISO currency code
currency enabled If you set the value to:
• true - the currency is enabled
• false - the currency is disabled

The following example enables Euros and disables United Kingdom pounds.

<currency isoCode="EUR"
<currency isoCode="BBP"

3. Create an XML data loader file (see “Creating a data loader file” on page 590).

Importing currency field definitions

You can import currency field definitions.

Before you begin

In IBM DB2 environments, before you import an ObjectManager load that contains metadata definitions
(such as fields, field groups, object type, object type associations), drop the reporting schema. Then,
when the import completes, recreate the reporting schema.

1. Create an XML data loader file (see “Creating a data loader file” on page 590).
2. To import currency field definitions, use the element tags in the following example and substitute the
values of the attributes listed in the table:

Table 195: Elements for importing currently field definitions

Element Attribute Description
bundleType name The name of a field group
bundleType description A brief description of the field group
propertyType name The name of a currency field within the specified field group

612 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 195: Elements for importing currently field definitions (continued)
Element Attribute Description
propertyType description A brief description of the currency field
propertyType required If you set the element to one of the following values:
• true - the field is required
• false - the field is not required

propertyType multiValued If you set the element to one of the following values::
• true - multiple values can be selected from the list
• false - only one value can be selected from the list

The following example loads the definition for the currency field "testCurrency" that belongs to a group
of the same name.

<bundleType name="testCurrency"
description="Sarbanes-Oxley Self-Assessment system bundle"
type="Content Type">
<propertyType name="testCurrency"
description="Annualized Value may be used to capture the account
balance from operational systems."

3. Use the ObjectManager load command to import the data. See the “Load command example” on page

Exporting currency field definitions

To export (dump) currency field definitions from your system, you must modify some of the settings in the file.
For information about the file, see “Modifying the ObjectManager properties file” on page 601.

1. In the file, set the values of the following properties as shown:


Tip: When you use ObjectManager to export all object instances and their relationships, and you have
a large dataset, Object Manager will report an exception in ObjectManager.log. To avoid the exception,
limit the size of the data that is exported by specifying a folder path or selecting the specific objects in
the hierarchy. To specify a folder path, add the following property:
configuration.manager.dump.resources.root.folder=folder_path. To specify multiple objects whose
hierarchies are to be exported, add the following property, where number is a positive integer:


The ObjectManager tool 613

2. Use the ObjectManager dump command to export the data. See the “Dump command example” on
page 592.

Importing computed field definitions

You can import computed field definitions.
For information on computed fields, see “Defining a computed field” on page 155.

Before you begin

In IBM DB2 environments, before you import an ObjectManager load that contains metadata definitions
(such as fields, field groups, object type, object type associations), drop the reporting schema. Then,
when the import completes, re-create the reporting schema.

1. Create an XML data loader file (see “Creating a data loader file” on page 590).
2. To import computed field definitions, use the element tags in the following example and substitute the
values of the attributes listed in the table:

Table 196: Elements to import computed field definitions

Element Attribute Description
computationHandle name Do not change. A field definition attribute of the
r computed field.
computationHandle value A value that corresponds to a particular field
r definition attribute.

The following example loads the definition of a computed field.

<computationHandler name="CognosComputationHandler">
<computationHandlerAttribute name="Equation"
<computationHandlerAttribute name="Namespace"
<computationHandlerAttribute name="Object ID Column"
value="Just some text"/>
<computationHandlerAttribute name="Reporting Period ID
value="Value for testing"/>

3. Use the ObjectManager load command to import the data. See the “Load command example” on page

Exporting computed field definitions

To export (dump) computed field definitions from your system, you must modify some of the settings in
the file.
For information about the file, see “Modifying the ObjectManager properties file” on page 601.

1. In the file, set the value of the following property as shown:
Tip: When you use ObjectManager to export all object instances and their relationships, and you have
a large dataset, Object Manager will report an exception in ObjectManager.log. To avoid the exception,

614 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

limit the size of the data that is exported by specifying a folder path or selecting the specific objects in
the hierarchy. To specify a folder path, add the following property:
configuration.manager.dump.resources.root.folder=folder_path. To specify multiple
objects whose hierarchies are to be exported, add the following property:
configuration.manager.dump.associated.resources.root.node.n=number, where
number is a positive integer.
2. Set the dump options for all other objects to false.
3. Use the ObjectManager dump command to export the data. See the “Dump command example” on
page 592.

Migrating configuration changes using the ObjectManager tool

You can use the ObjectManager tool to migrate configuration changes from one deployment environment
to another.

Multi-deployment environments
If you have a multi-deployment environment where changes to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application are tested and validated prior to implementation, you can use ObjectManager, a command
line interface (CLI) tool, to migrate configuration changes from one deployment environment to another.
Multi-deployment environments may vary from company to company. For example, a multi-deployment
environment for "Company 1" may contain the following deployments:
• Development Deployment - configuration changes are made to the user interface and tested to validate
that the changes are applied correctly. The OpenPages GRC Platform repository used in this deployment
may contain fewer objects (partial instance data) than the "Production" deployment.
• Test Deployment - configuration changes from the "Development" configuration are imported (to avoid
error) and validated through the ObjectManager tool and tested. The OpenPages GRC Platform
repository used in this deployment generally mirrors the instance data in the "Production" deployment.
• Production Deployment - The tested configuration changes from the "Test" configuration are imported
(to avoid error) and validated through the ObjectManager tool, and then made available to end users
("Live Production").
"Company 2" may, for example, combine "Development" and "Test" into a single "Test" deployment
before migrating configuration changes to a "Production" environment.

The ObjectManager migration process

Using the ObjectManager tool, you can migrate configuration changes from one deployment to another for
the following objects:
• Field Groups
• Object Types
• Filters
• Field Dependencies
• Dependent Picklists
• Object Type Relationships
• Profiles
• Application Text
• Object Text
• Settings (excludes machine specific settings in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository)
To limit the scope of the changes to the previously mentioned configuration objects, you can edit settings
in the file. For details, see “Modifying ObjectManager settings” on page 616.

The ObjectManager tool 615

Table 197 on page 616 outlines the process you would follow if you were to migrate configuration
changes, for example, from a "Test" deployment to a "Production" deployment environment.
Note: If you have a multi-deployment environment that also includes a "Development" system, you can
use the tasks outlined in Table 197 on page 616 to do an initial export of the configuration data from the
"Development" system to the "Test" deployment system.

Table 197: Tasks for migrating configuration changes

Use this To do this task... Related Topic...
Test 1. Modify settings in the See “Modifying ObjectManager settings” file to limit the on page 616 for step-by-step setup
scope of the export data to only instructions before you export
configuration objects. configuration data.
Test 2. Export the configuration changes into a See “Exporting configuration changes” on
file. page 619 for step-by-step instructions
on how to export configuration metadata.
Production 3. Compare the configuration changes See “Validating or verifying configuration
from the previous deployment (in task 2) changes” on page 619 for step-by-step
against this deployment. instructions on how to verify or validate
configuration changes.
Note: If you are using OpenPages GRC
Platform version 7.1, you must verify
configuration metadata. If you are using
OpenPages GRC Platform version
or a later version, you must validate
configuration changes.

Production 4. Import the configuration changes (from See “Importing configuration changes” on
task 3) into the current deployment. page 621 for step-by-step instructions
on how to update configuration changes.
Production 5. To verify or validate that all the updates See “Validating or verifying configuration
were applied, compare the configuration changes” on page 619 for step-by-step
changes from the previous deployment (in instructions on how to verify or validate
task 2) against the newly updated configuration changes.

Modifying ObjectManager settings

Before you begin migrating configuration object changes from one deployment to another, you can use the
ObjectManager tool to include only configuration objects in the migration process and exclude additional
object data, such as Resource or Job Type data, from the migration metadata and changes.

Limiting the export of changes to configuration objects

By default, the ability to export metadata changes is set to include all objects. So that you can export
changes made only to configuration objects, you must modify some of the settings in the file.

1. In a text editor of your choice, open the file (see “Modifying the
ObjectManager properties file” on page 601).
2. Navigate to the following setting in the file:

616 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

3. Change the value of this setting from false (default) to true (export only configuration object
changes) as follows:
4. When finished, save your changes to the file.
5. If you want to modify IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository settings that are excluded, by default,
from the migration process, follow the instructions in “Modifying excluded settings from export” on
page 617.

Modifying excluded settings from export

If the value of some IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository settings were changed to reflect a particular
deployment environment, you can optionally exclude these settings from migrating to the next
deployment environment.
For example, if the address of the Notification Mail Server differs from the "Development" machine to the
"Test" machine, you can exclude this setting from the export of configuration metadata and changes.
You can optionally exclude settings from export by modifying the file. A
statement that excludes a setting from export has the following syntax:


<n> is a sequential number.
<setting> is the full path and name of the setting you want to exclude.
By default, OpenPages GRC Platform excludes the following configuration settings from the export
process. These settings are listed by number in the order in which they appear in the file along with their full path and name.

1=/OpenPages/Applications/Common/Email/Mail Server
2=/OpenPages/Applications/Common/Email/SMTP User Name
3=/OpenPages/Applications/Common/Email/SMTP Password
4=/OpenPages/Applications/Common/Email/SOCKS Proxy Private IP Address
5=/OpenPages/Platform/Application Server Guest Password
6=/OpenPages/Platform/Publishing/Mail/From Address
9=/OpenPages/Platform/Reporting Schema/Object URL Generator/Host
10=/OpenPages/Platform/Reporting Schema/Object URL Generator/Port
11=/OpenPages/Platform/Global Caches/JMS/Listener Urls
12=/OpenPages/Platform/Reporting Schema/Object URL Generator/Detail Page
13=/OpenPages/Platform/Reporting Schema/Object URL Generator/Protocol
14=/OpenPages/Applications/GRCM/Environment Migration/Export File Name Prefix
15=/OpenPages/Platform/Search/Index/Search Server URL
16=/OpenPages/Platform/Search/Request/Search Server URL
17=/OpenPages/Platform/Search/Admin/Search Server Administration URL
18=/OpenPages/Platform/Search/Solr User ID
19=/OpenPages/Platform/Search/Solr Password
20=/OpenPages/Platform/Workflow Implementations/IBM BPM/Server URL

You can add additional settings to the list for exclusion or remove an existing setting from the list to
include it in the export.
Note: To preserve the SMTP configuration in the target environment, you must add the following settings
to the list of exclusions:

23=/OpenPages/Applications/Common/Email/SMTP Port
24=/OpenPages/Applications/Common/Email/SMTP Security Type

If you import the settings, you can overwrite existing values in the target environment. These settings are
not, by default, in the list of exclusions.

The ObjectManager tool 617

1. Open the file (see “Modifying the ObjectManager properties file” on page
2. Locate the following setting in the file - you will use this setting as the basis for creating additional
settings for exclusion:

1=/OpenPages/Applications/Common/Email/Mail Server

3. To exclude additional settings from export, copy the line of code in Step 2 and do the following:
a) Paste the code at the end of the list (for example, after 21).
b) Increment the number (for example, 22).
c) Specify a full setting path and name.
For example (do not wrap - use a single line):

22=/OpenPages/Platform/Reporting Schema/
Object URL Generator/Populate Past Periods

4. To export a configuration setting that is on the excluded list, remove the line of code for that setting
from the list.
5. When finished, save your changes to the properties file.
6. Use the ObjectManager dump command to export the data. See “Dump command example” on page
592. Not all items in the exclude list will be in the XML dump file.
Note: Make changes to the exclusion list by editing the file in
ObjectManager. Changes to are ignored if you use Environment Migration.

Disabling triggers when migrating environments

When extracting and restoring environments using Object Manager, you may need to disable any triggers
that are checking data validity. This setting is normally applied automatically, but you can disable triggers
if the need arises. This procedure disables all triggers in the system.

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
2. Expand the Applications > GRCM folder hierarchy.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
3. Click the Disable Triggers setting to open its detail page.
4. In the Value field, type true.
5. Click Save.

Migrating configuration changes

After you modify settings in the file, you can begin the migration process.
Migrating configuration changes from one environment to another involves exporting, validating, and
importing the changes.
Note: If you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1, you must verify configuration changes. If you
are using OpenPages GRC Platform version or a later version, you must validate configuration

618 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Exporting configuration changes
Exported data represents a snapshot of the configuration objects in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
repository for a particular deployment.
When you export configuration changes, you specify a file path and prefix for the file name in the
command line. When the data is exported, the ObjectManager tool automatically appends -op-
config.xml to the file name prefix to complete the file name.
For example, if you were to specify the myconfig prefix in the command line for the file name, it would
result in this file name: myconfig-op-config.xml.

1. Verify that the OpenPages GRC Platform application is running.
2. Open a command or shell window and change to the <OP_Home>|bin directory of your OpenPages
GRC Platform installation.
3. From the command or shell window, run an ObjectManager command on a single line.
a) On a computer running a Microsoft Windows operating system:

ObjectManager dump config <admin-user> <password>

<config-folder-path> <prefix>

b) On a computer running an AIX or Linux operating system: dump config <admin-user> <password>

<config-folder-path> <prefix>

• <admin-user> is the user name of the Super Administrator account (for example,
• <password> is the password of the Super Administrator account.
• <config-folder-path> is the file path to the folder where the exported file will reside. If the
folder does not already exist, the ObjectManager will create it.
• <prefix> is the prefix for the file name that will be used by the ObjectManager.
For example, on a Windows operating system:

ObjectManager dump config OpenPagesAdministrator OpenPagesAdministrator

c:\temp myconfig

4. To compare the exported configuration data against the configuration data in the OpenPages GRC
Platform repository of the next deployment environment, see “Validating or verifying configuration
changes” on page 619.
Note: If you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1, you must verify configuration data. If you
are using OpenPages GRC Platform version or a later version, you must validate configuration

Validating or verifying configuration changes

After you export or import configuration changes, you can compare the exported data file from the
previous deployment environment against the data in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository of the
current deployment environment.
If you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1, run the verify command.
Starting with OpenPages GRC Platform version, the verify command has been deprecated.
Instead, you must use the validate command instead which both verifies and validates the data.
When you run this command using the ObjectManager tool:
• The results are displayed on the screen during the validation process. If you want to review the results
at a later time, you can re-direct the screen output to a file.

The ObjectManager tool 619

• An ObjectManager.log file containing exception errors is automatically created. This log file is
located in the selected root installation folder. By default, this is the <OP_Home>\bin folder.

1. Copy the exported configuration file from the previous deployment environment (for example,
"Development") to a folder in the current deployment environment (for example, "Production").
2. From the <OP_Home>\bin directory of your OpenPages GRC Platform installation, open a command or
shell window.
3. From the command or shell window, run an ObjectManager command on a single line (optionally re-
direct the output to a file):
a) On a computer running a Microsoft Windows operating system:
If you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1:

ObjectManager verify config <admin-user> <password>

<config-folder-path> <prefix>

If you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version or a later version:

ObjectManager validate config <admin-user> <password>

<config-folder-path> <prefix>

b) On a computer running an AIX or Linux operating system:

If you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1: verify config <admin-user> <password>

<config-folder-path> <prefix>

If you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version or a later version: validate config <admin-user> <password>

<config-folder-path> <prefix>

• <admin-user> is the user name of the Super Administrator account (for example,
• <password> is the password of the Super Administrator account.
• <config-folder-path> is the file path to the folder where the exported file will reside. If the
folder does not already exist, the ObjectManager will create it.
• <prefix> is the prefix for the file name that will be used by the ObjectManager.
On a Windows operating system and using OpenPages GRC Platform version or a later version,
the command in the following example compares configuration data in the export file myconfig-op-
config.xml located in the c:\temp folder to configuration data in the current deployment, and
redirects the display output (from a Windows server) to a text file called config_log.txt also
located in the c:\temp folder:

ObjectManager validate config OpenPagesAdministrator OpenPagesAdministrator

c:\temp myconfig >c:\temp\config_log.txt

4. Review the output for any errors (see the sample output following these steps for more information).
5. To import the configuration changes and update the repository of the current deployment environment
with these changes, see the topic “Importing configuration changes” on page 621.
6. To verify or validate that the updated repository of the current deployment matches the configuration
changes from the export file, repeat Steps 2-4.

620 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Validation errors indicate a problem with the data itself and should be corrected before importing the
configuration changes into the next deployment. The following sample validation error shows the "name"
field in the export file as having an empty value.
VALIDATION ERROR (Line: 104481 Column: 57): Attribute 'name' is either empty or
not provided.
Verification errors indicate differences in the content of the configuration data between the export file and
the OpenPages GRC Platform repository. The following sample verification error shows a discrepancy in
the display label text for the Control Method object field between the export file of the previous
deployment ("Control Method") and the OpenPages GRC Platform repository of the current deployment
("Implementation Method").
VERIFICATION ERROR (Line: 104873 Column: 52): Attribute 'singularValue' for
element 'fieldString'(Control Method) did not verify. XML Value: <Control
Method> OPX Platform Value: <Implementation Method>.
When the processing is complete, a summary of the configuration objects that were processed displays.
After the repository is updated with the configuration changes from the export file and the verification or
validation process is repeated, the data in the export file and in the repository should match and no errors
should be displayed.

Importing configuration changes

After comparing and verifying or validating the configuration metadata and changes, you can migrate the
changes to the current deployment environment or system.
Note: If you are using OpenPages GRC Platform version 7.1, you must verify configuration data. If you are
using version or a later version, you must validate configuration data.
When you import the configuration changes from the previous deployment, the configuration objects in
the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository of the current deployment are upgraded with those changes.
An alternative to using the command line interface (CLI) tool in ObjectManager is to use Administration >
Import Configuration to import the XML file. For information, see “Performing the import for environment
migration” on page 586.

1. Verify that the OpenPages GRC Platform application is running.
2. Open a command or shell window and change to the <OP_Home>|bin directory of your OpenPages
GRC Platform installation.
3. From the command or shell window, run an ObjectManager command on a single line:
a) On a computer running a Microsoft Windows operating system:

ObjectManager load config <admin-user> <password>

<config-folder-path> <prefix>

b) On a computer running an AIX or Linux operating system: load config <admin-user> <password>

<config-folder-path> <prefix>

• <admin-user> is the user name of the Super Administrator account (for example,
• <password> is the password of the Super Administrator account.
• <config-folder-path> is the file path to the folder where the exported file will reside. If the
folder does not already exist, the ObjectManager will create it.
• <prefix> is the prefix for the file name that will be used by the ObjectManager.

The ObjectManager tool 621

For example, on a Windows operating system:

ObjectManager load config OpenPagesAdministrator OpenPagesAdministrator

c:\temp myconfig

4. To see the configuration changes in the application, stop and then restart the OpenPages GRC Platform
application service (OpenPagesAdminServer).
5. To validate that the newly updated OpenPages GRC Platform repository matches the configuration
changes from the export file, see the topic “Validating or verifying configuration changes” on page 619.
6. To export the configuration data to a file, see the topic “Exporting configuration changes” on page 619.

622 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 24. Using FastMap
FastMap is a productivity tool that works with the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform export feature, and
automates the importing and batch processing of object data into OpenPages GRC Platform.
The FastMap tool uses a data load template (a Microsoft Excel workbook in .xls or xlsx format) to capture
data for import. When you import data into OpenPages GRC Platform, FastMap validates the data and
then, if no errors are found, populates the repository with the new or updated records.

Sample scenario
You have 150 Process and 175 Risk objects (records) that require either creation or updating. Rather than
manually creating or updating individual Process and Risk objects through the OpenPages GRC Platform
application interface, you use a FastMap data load template to capture the data for batch processing.
After the data is captured, log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application and import the template
(in .xls or .xlsx format) through FastMap for validation. During the validation phase, you receive a few
validation errors. You fix the errors in the template and resubmit it. This time, no validation errors are
reported and the data is automatically processed. After processing is complete, the objects become
available for reports and updating by users.
Attention: When you import an object using FastMap, the imported object settings are determined
by the Detail view settings within the profile.
For example, you are using the Default profile and you want to import SOXControl objects. If the
Detail view for SOXControl has the Description field set to Read-only, you cannot update the
Description field after importing the object via FastMap. In addition, administrators should be
aware that field dependency rules are not evaluated for FastMap loads. This allows FastMap users
to stage data, requiring users to enter required data during subsequent updates.
This video demonstrates how to use FastMap to bulk load data:

FastMap overview
FastMap Task Flow provides an overview of the tasks using FastMap to import data into IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform.
Note: FastMap import is not supported for File and Signature objects or for the system Comment field.
The FastMap tool uses a JSP report format to:
• Import and validate data (FastMap Import)
• Display the status of the imported job, a background batch process (FastMap Import Status)
Figure 25: FastMap task flow

FastMap templates
A FastMap template is a Microsoft Excel workbook with data load worksheets that you create.
A workbook for FastMap import has the following characteristics:
• Contains one or more data load worksheets (must be in .xls or xlsx format).
• Has only one data load worksheet per object type.
• By default, is in the user’s locale.
• Optionally, includes a Definition worksheet in a workbook to configure FastMap import and, or export
A data load worksheet within a workbook has the following characteristics:
• Is specific to an object type.
• Has a variety of columns where you specify parent and folder paths and change data for listed objects.
• Each column must have a heading name.
• Optionally, includes one or more special column headings.
• Must contain localized column names and data.

You want only users who are assigned the "Upload Data" profile to import changed or new data for the
following five object types: Business Entities, Processes, Risks, Controls, and External Losses. You could
either create a workbook with multiple worksheets - one for each object type for a total of five data load
worksheets, or multiple workbooks - one for each object type.

624 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• You cannot import attachments or signatures with FastMap.
• FastMap supports only the .xls or .xlsx format in Microsoft Office 2010.
• User access is based on the Role Template assigned to a user or group. For details about Role
Templates, see “Role templates” on page 51.
• For Long String data types, the medium text sub type is the only sub type supported for FastMap
uploads. Fields with a large sub type are ignored by Excel and FastMap as these fields might be too large
for Excel to store in a cell (the maximum storage for a cell is 32 KB).
• Fields that cannot be modified, such as the system Creation Date, Created By, or Last Modified By
fields, also cannot be edited by using the FastMap process. For example, if you are migrating data, you
cannot preserve the creation date information by using FastMap. FastMap import is not supported for
the system Comment field.

The FastMap data validation process

When a FastMap template is imported into the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, FastMap checks
the user profile, and the setup and format of the worksheets.
By default, FastMap uses the profile of the logged-on user to determine which object types and fields are
valid. For example, if an object type or certain object fields are included in a data load template but are
excluded in a user’s profile, then that object type or those object fields will be excluded from the data
imported by FastMap.
In general, FastMap uses the same validation rules that apply to data that is manually entered into the
application. For example, validation errors would occur if the profile of the logged-on user includes
required fields that are missing from the worksheet, or the maximum number of characters allowed for a
field is exceeded, and so forth.
For more details about validation, see “Resolving FastMap validation errors” on page 626.

FastMap localization
By default, FastMap uses the locale of the logged-on user to validate data in templates.
As a result, all data in FastMap templates, such as column headings, text, enumerated drop-down or
multivalued selection field values, should be localized in the locale of the end user. For example, an end
user with the Italian locale (it_IT) setting should only import FastMap templates with localized Italian
You can override the locale of the end user by explicitly specifying a locale in the Definition worksheet of a
template. For example, if you specify the locale parameter as en_US and localize the template in
English, the Italian user could upload the template for validation in English, not Italian. For more
information, see “Using the FastMap Definition worksheet” on page 641.
When you export object type data from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, the locale is
automatically set on the Definition worksheet.
Validation messages that are displayed by FastMap during processing can be localized through application

Accessing FastMap to import data and view status

You can access FastMap in multiple ways from the Reporting menu on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application user interface to import data or check the status of your data imports.
Note: Access to FastMap depends on your permissions.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
2. Do one of the following to access FastMap:

Using FastMap 625

• Select Reporting on the menu bar and choose FastMap and one of the following reports listed in
Table 198 on page 626.

Table 198: FastMap Reports

Select this report... To do this...
FastMap Import Import data from a workbook template
My FastMap Import Status View the status of all your data imports
• Select Reporting on the menu bar and choose All Reports from the list.
3. Navigate to the FastMap folder and, if necessary, expand the folder.
4. Click the report you want (see Table 198 on page 626).
A separate browser window opens with the selected report.

Importing a FastMap data load template

You can only view FastMap import jobs that you submit.

1. Select the FastMap Import report to open it (for details, see “Accessing FastMap to import data and
view status” on page 625).
2. In the file selection box, type the name of the data import file, or click Browse to navigate to the file.
3. When finished, click Import.
4. If validation errors are detected, fix the errors in the workbook template.
For more information, see “Resolving FastMap validation errors” on page 626.
5. Resubmit the modified file for validation against the application:
a) In the Import changes and revalidate box, browse to or type the name of the modified file.
b) Click Validate Changes.
6. If validation errors are still detected, repeat Steps 4 and 5 until all the errors are resolved and no
validation errors are displayed.
7. When finished and no errors are detected, click Import Data.
8. When the FastMap Import Status report window is displayed, use the Refresh icon to view the
current status of the import (see “Understanding import status messages” on page 633 for more

Resolving FastMap validation errors

Before FastMap can import data into the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, all validation errors
that are displayed in the FastMap Import window must be resolved.
You resolve these errors by opening the FastMap template in Microsoft Excel and modifying the data.
When finished, you must resubmit the updated template to FastMap for another validation check. If errors
are still found, you must repeat the resolution process until all validation errors are resolved. After all
validation errors are resolved, FastMap is ready to import the data into the OpenPages GRC Platform

Understanding FastMap validation errors

Validation errors and warnings are displayed as they occur in the FastMap Import window.
If the FastMap validation process completes with:
• No validation errors - a status message is displayed indicating the number of objects to be imported.

626 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Warnings - you can load your data or correct the warnings and revalidate.
• Errors - a "Validation Failed" status is displayed along with information about the error.
Table 199 on page 627 lists some of the most common messages that may be displayed in a FastMap
Import window.

Table 199: FastMap import validation error information

This column... Displays this... Possible values...
Type The category of the message. • Error
• Warning

Description The type of error, and the name of the See “Troubleshooting FastMap
missing or invalid object field or invalid validation messages” on page 627.
Sheet The name of the object type worksheet. For example, Processes or Risks.
Row The row within the Excel worksheet The index number corresponding to a
containing the error. row, for example, 2.
Column Index The column index within the Excel The index letter corresponding to a
worksheet containing the error. column, for example, N.
Column Header The name of the column within the Excel The localized label of a field name, for
worksheet containing the error. example, Domain.

For example, if the following validation message was displayed in the table on the FastMap Import

Error Required property is missing value.(Domain) Processes 2 N Domain

You would open the data load template, and enter the missing value (such as Financial Management) in
row 2 under the Domain column (N) on the Processes worksheet.

Troubleshooting FastMap conflict with recent updates warning message

If you are unable to import changes and this warning message is displayed: Record conflicts with
more recent updates and will be ignored. You need to check the timestamp value for the
exportDate parameter on the Definition worksheet in the template. The warning message is displayed
whenever you try to import a template and the data for an object has been updated since the specified
export timestamp.
Important: If you are certain that the changes you want to import are current for all objects in the
workbook, you can remove the export timestamp from the template following this procedure.

1. Open the FastMap template in Excel.
a) If necessary, unhide the Definition worksheet (see “Unhiding a FastMap Definition worksheet” on
page 642).
b) Remove the exportDate parameter.
c) Save the change.
2. Resubmit the template for import.

Troubleshooting FastMap validation messages

Using FastMap 627

FastMap Validation Messages contains a list of FastMap validation messages, a brief description of the
cause of the message, and what a user can do to resolve the issue.
In the following two tables, Table 200 on page 628 and Table 201 on page 631, messages are listed in
alphabetical order.

Table 200: FastMap validation error messages

Message Cause Resolution
Currency field is A local amount is entered but the Make sure a value is set for Local
missing currency Local Code field is blank. Code in currency fields.
Currency field is A local code is entered but the Local Make sure a value is set for Local
missing local Amount field is blank. Amount in currency fields.
Exchange rate for The Local Code and Base Code If the Local Code and Base Code
base currency can fields are set to the same value but values are the same, set the
only be set to 1. the Exchange Rate field is set to a Exchange Rate field to a value of 1.
value other than 1.
Import of Signature objects are not supported Remove Signature objects from the
Signature Objects for import. worksheet.
not supported.
Invalid boolean An invalid Boolean value is specified. Ensure the Boolean value is set to
format. Value must either true or false.
be either true or
Invalid classifier Values in classifier fields or classifier Remove the value from the
format. target fields were exported, edited, spreadsheet or re-export and import
and re-imported. the data. Do not edit classifier fields
or classifier target fields after
exporting them.
Invalid currency An invalid value was entered for a Ensure the 3-letter ISO currency code
code. currency code. is spelled correctly and is valid.
Invalid date The cell contents for a Date field are Format the cell in Excel as Date to
format. not recognized. resolve the issue.
If you leave the format as either
General or Text, the text in the cell
must match the inputDateFormat
parameter. You can set this on the
Definition worksheet to values such as

Invalid decimal A non-numeric value was entered for Make sure that decimal fields have a
format. a decimal field. numeric value.
Invalid decimal The numeric value entered is outside Make sure the specified value is
range. the minimum or maximum range within the numeric range defined for
defined for that field. that field.
Invalid Exchange Exchange rate is 0 or negative. Make sure the exchange rate value is
Rate. greater than 0 (zero).

628 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 200: FastMap validation error messages (continued)
Message Cause Resolution
Invalid group. An invalid value was entered for a Ensure the name of the group is
Group field. spelled correctly and is valid.
Invalid Integer A non-numeric value was entered for Make sure the field has a numeric
format a numeric value. value.
Invalid Integer The numeric value entered is outside Make sure the specified value is
range. the minimum or maximum range within the numeric range defined for
defined for that field. that field.
Invalid Object A value for the profile is specified that Ensure the name of the profile is
Profile. Unable to is not recognized. spelled correctly and is valid.
properly validate
Invalid parent The value of the parentResource Make sure the full path of the
resource provided. parameter is invalid. specified parent object is correct.
Invalid Property The column header is not recognized Ensure the column header is spelled
Type. as a property by FastMap. correctly. If so, make sure the
property is present in your profile's
Possible causes:
Detail View.
• The field is misspelled in the column
Note: If you do not want the column
heading on the worksheet
to be processed, you can list it under
• The field is missing from the Detail the ignoreColumns parameter on
View of the profile being used to the Definition worksheet.
import data.

Invalid Reader The value of the reader parameter is Ensure the reader parameter is
provided. not valid. spelled correctly and is valid. [Hidden
- for future use]
Invalid URL. An invalid URL was entered for a URL Ensure the URL is correct and fully
field. qualified.
Invalid user. An invalid value was entered for a Ensure the name of the user is spelled
User field. correctly and is valid.
Invalid user/ An invalid value was entered for a Ensure the name of the user or group
group. User/Group selector. is spelled correctly and is valid.
Invalid Writer The value of the writer parameter is Ensure the writer parameter is spelled
provided. not valid. correctly and is valid. [Hidden - for
future use]
Locale is invalid. The locale value specified is not Ensure the value of the locale is
recognized. spelled correctly and is valid.
Missing currency The local code column is missing and Make sure the local Currency code
code column. a local amount is specified. column is present in your worksheet
and has a value for this record.
Missing local The local amount column is missing Make sure the local Amount column is
amount column. and a local code is specified. present in your worksheet and has a
value for this record.

Using FastMap 629

Table 200: FastMap validation error messages (continued)
Message Cause Resolution
Multiple resources When using Key fields, a key is Make sure the value specified for each
found with the specified that is not unique and Key is unique.
same key value. FastMap cannot determine which
resource to update.
Name cannot be An object type that is not configured Make sure the Name column is present
blank. for autonaming has an empty Name in your worksheet and has a value in it
field or the Name column is missing for this record.
from the worksheet.
Note: This error will not occur if
autonaming is enabled for an object

Name contains Name contains backslashes or Remove any backward slash (\) or
illegal forward slashes. forward slash (/) marks from the name
characters. of the object.
Name exceeds Name is longer than 252 characters or Make sure the name of the object is
maximum characters bytes for multicode locales. shorter than 252 characters or bytes.
(in bytes).
Object cannot be A parent-child relationship does not Either enable an association between
associated to a exist between the object types being the object types you want to associate
parent of this associated. or modify the worksheet to reflect
type. object types that have a child-parent
association already configured.
Parent not A parent is not specified for a new Ensure that all three parent fields are
specified. object and the allowOrphans setting present and populated correctly.
is not set to true.
Objects being updated do not need to
have a parent specified.

Parent Resource The object type of the resource Ensure the object type value is
content type not specified by the parentResource spelled correctly. If so, make sure the
recognized. Check parameter is not recognized. object type is present in your profile's
that it is Detail View.
viewable in your
Parent Resource A parent is specified in your Make sure that the Parent Path is
not found. spreadsheet, but FastMap cannot find pointing to the proper folder location
it in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and that the Parent Objects value
repository. is the proper name of the object.
Property value A text field contains more characters Modify the text field so it does not
exceeds maximum than is allowed in the OpenPages GRC exceed the character or byte limit.
characters. Platform application.

630 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 200: FastMap validation error messages (continued)
Message Cause Resolution
Required property A required field for the object type is Make sure that you have a value set
is missing value. missing a value. for all properties required on the
Possible causes:
• The column is present on the
worksheet and the cell is missing a
• The column for the required field is

System error. Any unexpected error occurred. Contact your IBM representative.
Similar to a "Requested operation
could not be completed" system error
Text field A text property value is formatted as a Change the format of the cells in Excel
formatted as number or a date in the spreadsheet. to Text.
number in
A Text field in OpenPages GRC
Platform is formatted in the
worksheet cell as Number or Date.
The field cannot be read in by
OpenPages GRC Platform in this state
and maintain all of the Excel

The file exceeds The total number of rows in the Modify the worksheet so it does not
the maximum number workbook is greater than the value set exceed the row limit or change the
of rows allowed in the Maximum Workbook Rows value of the setting.
for import. setting (see “Limiting the rows for
import to optimize FastMap
performance” on page 653).
The value entered The value for a single select drop- Ensure the value is typed correctly
is not a valid down field is not a valid value. and is in the correct locale.
selection for this
The value must be in the proper locale
of the user for it to be recognized.

The value(s) The value for a for multi-select drop- Ensure the value is typed correctly
entered are not down field is not a valid value. and is in the correct locale.
valid selections
The value must be in the proper locale
for this field.
of the user for it to be recognized.

Table 201: FastMap validation warning messages

Message Cause Resolution
Full import will When setting fullImport to 'true', Informational message, no action
result in objects FastMap identifies objects to be required.
being deleted. deleted.

Using FastMap 631

Table 201: FastMap validation warning messages (continued)
Message Cause Resolution
Invalid Content The worksheet name is not Make sure that the object type is
Type recognized by FastMap as a valid spelled correctly on the tab of the
object type in the system. worksheet.
Possible causes: FastMap treats each worksheet in the
workbook as a content type sheet.
• The object type is misspelled on the
worksheet tab. Note: If you do not want the
• The object type is missing from the worksheet to be processed, you can
Detail View of the profile being used list it under the ignoreSheets
to import data. parameter on the Definition
Although FastMap will import the
workbook, the invalid worksheet will
be ignored.
• In an English locale the data was
exported from a Filtered List View to
Excel. Then the locale in the Excel
worksheet was change to something
other than en_US. An error is issued
when the data is imported with

Property is read A value was entered for a field that is Remove the columns from your
only. read-only in the Detail View of the worksheet.
profile used for import.
You can also specify the
Although FastMap will import data, ignoreReadOnlyWarnings
the read-only field will be ignored. parameter so that these messages do
not occur. However, these fields will
not be updated when importing.

Record conflicts A record's last modified date is more See “Troubleshooting FastMap
with more recent recent than the value from the conflict with recent updates warning
updates and will exportDate parameter. message” on page 627 for details.
be ignored.

Viewing FastMap import status

After all validation errors are resolved, FastMap displays a status message indicating the number of
objects to be imported.
After you initiate the import process, the FastMap Import Status report window opens and displays a
variety of messages, and a status summary as whether or not the import was successful.

Using the FastMap import status report window

The FastMap Import Status report window does not automatically update the progress of the import and
requires a manual refresh.
To understand the various status messages that may be displayed, see “Understanding import status
messages” on page 633.
Important: Regularly check the status of your FastMap jobs to know if an import has successfully
completed. Templates that have large amounts of data for import have long running processes. If

632 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

services, for example, are restarted while FastMap import processes are still running, FastMap jobs will be
terminated and the import will not be successful.

1. If the FastMap Import Status report window is not already opened, open the window. See “Accessing
FastMap to import data and view status” on page 625.
2. To view the current status of an import, click Refresh on the report.

Understanding import status messages

The FastMap Import Status report window displays a progress meter showing the percentage completed.
The information is listed in Table 202 on page 633.

Table 202: FastMap Import Status Information

This column... Displays this... Possible values...
Id A job identifier. A generated numeric value, for example:
Name The name of the import job. FastMap Import
Status A progress summary of the import. • Running
• Completed Successfully
• Completed With Errors
• Terminated (System)

Percent Complete A progress meter showing the A numeric value, for example: 20%
percentage completed
Create Date The date and time the import job was A timestamp, for example:
Sep 24, 2009 4:23:38 PM EDT

Message The task detail of the import. Processing • Initialized

task messages contain such information
• Preparing to create/update <number>
• The start and end of the task • Objects being uploaded: <number>
• The type of task • Processing <number> <object-name>
• The number and type of objects being • Finished processing <number>
processed <object-name>
• The number of objects created, • Processed <number> rows
modified, and unchanged
• Upload Complete
• Objects Created: <number>
• Objects Updated: <number>
• Objects with no changes: <number>
• Terminated by system at startup
• ERROR Sheet (object-name)

Using FastMap 633

Table 202: FastMap Import Status Information (continued)
This column... Displays this... Possible values...
Status The status of each processing task that • Started
is displayed.
• Running
• Completed Successfully
• Completed With Errors
• Terminated (System)

Date The start date and time of each A timestamp, for example:
processing task.
Sep 24, 2009 4:23:42 PM EDT

For information about using the FastMap Import Status report window, see “Viewing FastMap import
status” on page 632.

Creating FastMap import templates

The quickest way to create a FastMap data load template is to export data from a Filtered List View page
for an object type into a Microsoft Excel workbook.
You can use that workbook to modify the data, and then use FastMap to import the modified data into the
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application.

The data exported to a workbook by FastMap

When you export object data from a Filtered List View page, the resulting Microsoft Excel workbook has
the following characteristics:
• You can export either all object fields that are displayed on an object’s Detail View page or object fields
that are currently displayed in the view you have open. The fields are exported to a corresponding
worksheet in the workbook.
• Each object field is represented by a column on the worksheet.
• The header row in the worksheet contains labels for each object field. However, if the
useSystemNames export template parameter is set to TRUE or if duplicate labels exist in the current
locale, there are two header rows. The first header row contains full system names in the format,
<Field Group>.<Field Name>, and the second header row contains labels for each object field.
For information about the useSystemNames export template parameter, see “FastMap parameters for
importing and exporting data” on page 644.
• The plural label of the exported object type is displayed on the worksheet tab in the workbook.
Note: For compatibility with Microsoft Excel, FastMap removes the following special characters from a
plural label on the worksheet tab:

/ \ ? * : [ ]

For example, if the localized plural label of Risk object types is /Risks10*, the tab on the exported
worksheet would be Risks10.
• In the default (out-of-the-box) IBM OpenPages GRC Platform export template the special Delete
column and the three Parent columns are hidden on the object type worksheet.
See Table 203 on page 635 for details.
• The Definition worksheet is included in the workbook and populated, by default, with the
profileName, locale, exportDate, and ignoreReadOnlyWarnings parameters.
See “Using the FastMap Definition worksheet” on page 641 for details.

634 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

FastMap exported spreadsheet file name characters
When you export object data from a Filtered List View page for an object type, the file name of the
exported spreadsheet is derived from the plural label of the object type. If the plural label of the object
type contains special characters, these special characters may be removed from the spreadsheet file
name by the operating system causing a mismatch between the object type label and the file name.
Special characters in a file name are constrained to characters allowed by the operating system.
See the help topic "Rules for Naming Folders, Objects, and Files" for more information about special
characters in names. To access the online Help system, log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
application, then click the Help link. In the Help window, click Getting Started to expand the folder, then
click Rules for Naming Folders, Objects, and Files to display the topic.
For additional information about special characters in the exported spreadsheet, see “The data exported
to a workbook by FastMap” on page 634.

The FastMap import process

The following steps provide an overview of the process for creating and using a FastMap template to
import data.

1. Create a Microsoft Excel workbook by either exporting data from a Filtered List View page or creating a
template manually.
To export data from a Filtered List View, select the object type you want and click the Export icon (to
export in .xls or .xlsx format). The fields that are exported correspond to the fields that are on an
object’s Detail View page.
2. Add or modify the object data on the worksheet as needed. Unhide columns if necessary.
3. Optional: Add or modify parameters on the Definition worksheet as needed.
4. Save the file.
5. Import the workbook using the FastMap tool (see “Accessing FastMap to import data and view status”
on page 625).

Working with data load worksheets

A data load worksheet for an object type contains columns that identify the path and fields of objects
(resources) of the same type for which you want to import change data into the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform application.

Defining paths for objects

Sample Worksheet for Process Objects lists the various worksheet columns that you use to define the
path of an object.
• The path columns in Figure 29 on page 640 must precede any object field columns that are listed in a
• If you have set the parentResource parameter on the Definition worksheet, the columns in Figure 29
on page 640 are optional.

Table 203: Columns that define the path of an object

This column... Contains...
Folder Path The path of an object.
Parent Path The path of an object's parent folder.
Parent Object Types The type of parent object to which the child object will be associated.
Parent Objects The name of the parent object.

Using FastMap 635

For a sample worksheet showing these columns, see “Sample Processes worksheet” on page 639.

Using special column headings

You can add special column headings to a FastMap data load worksheet to:
• Delete objects from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform repository (see “Deleting objects with FastMap”
on page 636)
• Move objects to another location (see ) [hidden topic]
• Rename objects (see ) [hidden topic]
• Disassociate objects (see “Disassociating objects with FastMap” on page 636)

• Adding a special column heading to a worksheet is optional.
• The special column headings and values must be localized.
• The values associated with special column headings are not case sensitive.
• Special column headings can be placed anywhere in a worksheet. As a best practice, we recommend
placing these columns at the beginning of a worksheet.

Deleting objects with FastMap

To delete objects from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, add a Delete column to the data
load worksheet.
To delete objects by using FastMap, first ensure that the Common > Cascade Delete > Include Object
Types setting specifies at least one object type.
By default, the Delete column is present on the worksheet when data is exported from the OpenPages
GRC Platform application. To see how the Delete column is used in an example, see Figure 27 on page

Table 204: Delete Column Values

If the value is set Then...
Y Objects that are specified for deletion (that is, have a Y in their row under the
Delete column) will be deleted from the OpenPages GRC Platform repository. Any
objects associated with the specified object using the Cascade Delete > Include
Object Types setting will also be deleted from the repository.
N or "blank" (no The object will not be deleted.
value specified)
This value is set by default.

Table 204 on page 636 shows the values for the Delete column.

Moving objects with FastMap

To move objects to a different folder location within the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, add a
New Folder Path column to the data load worksheet.
For each object you want moved to a different folder location, specify the new path for the object in the
corresponding row under the New Folder Path column. See Figure 27 on page 640 for an example.

Disassociating objects with FastMap

To disassociate objects within the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, add a Remove
Association column to the data load worksheet.
See Figure 27 on page 640 for an example.

636 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 205: Remove Association Column Values
If the value is set Then...
Y Child objects with a Y in their row under the Remove Association column will be
disassociated from the specified parent object.
A parent object is defined by placing information in the corresponding row of the
child object for the following columns:
• Parent Path
• Parent Object Types
• Parent Objects

N or "blank" (no The object will not be disassociated.

value specified)
This value is set by default.

Table 205 on page 637 shows the values for the Remove Association column.

Defining property fields for objects in FastMap templates

The number and type of object field columns in a FastMap template for an object type are optional and
depend on the type of data you want to import.
Here are some general rules for defining object fields:
• Each object field that you want to update for a selected object type requires a separate column on the
• You must use localized column names and values.
• All object field columns follow the path definition columns as described in Table 203 on page 635.
For more information about working with object fields, see “Guidelines for entering object data into
FastMap templates” on page 637.

Guidelines for entering object data into FastMap templates

The following are some general rules you should follow when entering object data into a FastMap data
load template.

Associating child objects

To associate child object to parent objects, use the following columns:
• Parent Object Types - This localized column identifies the type of parent to which you are
associating the record. For example, Business Entity or Risk.
• Parent Objects - This localized column identifies the name of the parent object to which you are
associating the record.

FastMap can override auto-naming. If auto-naming is enabled for an object and the Name column is
excluded or left blank, the system assigns a name. If auto-naming is enabled for an object and a value
exists in the Name column, that value is imported as the name.

Using FastMap 637

Currency fields
For each currency field that you include in your template, you must use a special column syntax that
defines the local currency code, the amount, and exchange rate of that currency data.
<field name> in Table 206 on page 638 represents the name of a currency field for a specified object.

Table 206: Column syntax for currency fields

Use this column syntax... To define...
<field name>.Amount The amount based on the local currency code.
<field name>.Currency The local currency code of the data being entered.
<field name>.Exchange Rate The exchange rate to apply when calculating the value in the
System Base Currency.
• This field is optional.
• If an exchange rate is not specified in the template, it will
use the default exchange rate set in the application.
• When entering data where the Local Currency Code is the
same as the System Base Currency Code, this column
should not be populated.

Note: If the following currency-related fields are included on a worksheet, these fields will be ignored
during import:
Base Amount (this is a derived value)
Base Code (this value is set globally)

Enumerated multivalued selection fields

When entering data for enumerated drop-down or multivalued selection fields, only localized values are
Each selection value should be entered on a separate line within the same worksheet cell.
Note: To enter data for multiple values in the same worksheet cell, press the Alt+Enter keys
simultaneously on your keyboard (after you type the value) to enter a Microsoft Excel line break.
For example, you have a multivalued enumerated field called "Domain" with the following selection
values: Compliance, Operational, Technology, Financial Management, Internal Audit. Figure 26 on page
639 shows how data containing multiple values for the "Domain" field might look in the worksheet.

638 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Figure 26: Sample Multivalued Selection Column with Values

Adding custom columns and worksheets to FastMap templates

You can add user-defined columns to a worksheet or user-defined worksheets to FastMap templates.
Each custom column that you add to a worksheet must have a heading name, and each custom worksheet
that you add to a workbook must have a worksheet name.
So that FastMap does not try to validate any user-defined columns or worksheets, you must add the
following parameters to the Definition worksheet:
• ignoreColumns - use for any user-defined columns and specify each heading name. For example,
• ignoreSheets - use for any user-defined columns and specify the worksheet names. For example,
See “Using the FastMap Definition worksheet” on page 641 for a sample Definition worksheet, and
“FastMap parameters for importing and exporting data” on page 644 for additional parameters.

Sample Object worksheet for updating and creating objects

The sample Processes worksheet in Figure 27 on page 640 and Risks worksheet in Figure 28 on page
640 contain a combination of existing objects for update and the creation of new objects.

Sample Processes worksheet

The sample Processes worksheet in Sample Processes Worksheet shows the following:
• Column A, row 5 contains an existing Process object (Proc-B03) that will be disassociated from the
Boston entity.
• Columns B through E define the path of the object.
– Rows 3, 5, 6, and 7 contain existing Process objects that require updating. With the exception of Row
5 (an existing object that will be disassociated), Columns C, D, and E can remain blank for existing
– Rows 2 and 4 contain information for the creation of new Process objects. Path and parent object
information is provided in Columns C, D, and E for each new object to be created.
• Columns F through Z represent object-specific fields.

Using FastMap 639

Figure 27: Sample Processes Worksheet

Sample Risks worksheet

The sample Risks worksheet in the Sample Risks Worksheet shows the following:
• Column A, row 4 contains an existing Risk object (Risk-N01) under the North America entity. The Y
in this column will result in Risk-N01 being deleted from the repository.
• Columns B through E define the path of the object. Notice the following:
– Rows 2 - 6 contain existing Risk objects that require updating (notice that Columns C, D and E can
remain blank for existing objects).
– Row 7 contains information for the creation of a new Risk object (notice that path and parent object
information is provided in Columns C, D and E).
• Columns F through Z represent object-specific fields.

Figure 28: Sample Risks Worksheet

Sample self-contained object worksheet

If you are adding self-contained objects, such as Processes in a Process-based security model, these
objects must reside under their own folder. This folder must match the object name.
Important: You must specify the container folder for a self-contained object.
Table 203 on page 635 shows how to specify folder and parent paths for Process objects in a Process-
based security model. In this example, the Process folder is named PR-200 and is appended after the
Business Entity Boston folder.
Notice that the Folder Path column contains the name of the PR-200 Process folder.

Figure 29: Sample Worksheet for Process Objects (Process Security Model)

Figure 30 on page 641 shows how to specify folder and parent paths for child Risk objects in a Process-
based security model. Similarly, in this example, the Process folder is named PR-200
Notice that both the Folder Path and Parent Path columns contain the name of the Process folder,

640 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Figure 30: Sample Worksheet for Risk Objects (Process Security Model)

Sample Business Entity worksheet for creating a new business entity structure
The sample business structure in Sample Business Entity Structure shows three levels of business

Figure 31: Sample Business Entity Structure

To create new Business Entity objects that map to the structure in Figure 31 on page 641, you would
create a Business Entities object worksheet in Microsoft Excel similar to the one shown in Figure 32 on
page 641.
The sample Business Entities worksheet in Figure 32 on page 641 creates new entities and shows the
• Column A is an optional field that can be used to delete existing objects. Since all the objects in this
worksheet are new, none are marked for deletion (by default, the value is N for no - do not delete).
• Columns B through E define the path of the new object. Notice that Row 2 contains the top-level
Business Entity (North America), so the Parent Path and Parent Objects columns are blank.
• Columns F through Z represent object-specific fields.

Figure 32: Sample Business Entity Worksheet

Using the FastMap Definition worksheet

You can include a Definition worksheet in a workbook to configure FastMap behavior.
When you export data from IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, by default the Definition worksheet is not
hidden from users in the workbook, and does not have column headings.
By default, the following parameter values are set:

Using FastMap 641

Table 207: FastMap Definition worksheet default parameters
Parameter Value
ignoreReadOnlyWarnings TRUE
locale en_US
profileName Default
exportDate The date and time the data was exported. Example: 24-
Jul-2009 10:12:52 AM

Parameters that are listed in a Definition worksheet will override settings from other sources, such as JSP
report parameters.
For more information, see “FastMap parameters for importing and exporting data” on page 644.

Unhiding a FastMap Definition worksheet

If you do not see the Definition worksheet in a FastMap template workbook, and you want to change or
add parameters to it, then you must unhide the worksheet.
By default, the Definition worksheet is not hidden.

1. In Microsoft Excel, select the workbook with the hidden Definition worksheet.
2. From the toolbar select Format | Sheet | Unhide.
3. In the Unhide box, select Definition and click OK.
4. Save the file.

FastMap parameters
You can use FastMap parameters to customize how data is imported (uploaded) to and exported from the
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application.
To set FastMap parameters, you can do the following:
• List parameter names on the Definition worksheet of a FastMap template
• Pass parameters during an import through the FastMap JSP report page template

FastMap export templates

An export template is used to format object data that is exported from a Filtered List View page into Excel.
By configuring parameters on the Definition worksheet of an export template, you can control the
behavior of the export or its subsequent import.
Unless another template is specified, the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application uses
DefaultTemplate.xls as the default export template.

Modifying parameters in the default FastMap export template

To add or modify parameters in this file, use the following instructions.

By default, the Definition worksheet in the DefaultTemplate.xls file has only the
ignoreReadOnlyWarnings parameter set to TRUE.

642 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Before you begin
To perform this procedure, you must have the OpenPages Platform 3 profile associated with your

1. From the menu bar, click Administration > Manage System Files > Files.
2. Click the View drop-down arrow, and select Folder View from the list.
3. Navigate through the folder structure to the DefaultTemplate.xls as follows:
Templates >> FastMap >> FLV
4. Modify the DefaultTemplate.xls as wanted. Available parameters are listed in Table 209 on page

Specifying a FastMap export template

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application supports multiple export templates.
You can specify export templates based on one or more of the following criteria:
• ContentType
• Locale
• Profile
Use the following rules when specifying criteria for an export template:
1. Criteria is specified in the name of the export template.
2. Each criterion is separated in the template name by a hyphen.
3. The criterion must be specified in order: ContentType-Locale-Profile
The system selects templates based on the following precedence: ContentType -> Locale -> Profile.
For example, SOXRisk.xls will be selected before DefaultTemplate-en_US-FCM Module.xls, and
SOXRisk-All-FCM Module.xls will be selected before SOXRisk.xls
Note: If no match is found, the DefaultTemplate.xls export template is used.
The syntax for the export template name is:


<ContentType> is the system name of an object type (such as, SOXRisk), not the localized name. To
specify all object types, use DefaultTemplate for the <ContentType>.
<Locale> is the language and locale code (for example, en_US). To specify all locales, use All for the
<Profile> is the name of a profile in the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
For purposes of illustration, the examples listed in Table 208 on page 644 for specifying criteria in export
templates use the Risk object type (SOXRisk) in the U.S. English locale (en_US) for users assigned the
FCM Module profile.

Using FastMap 643

Table 208: Example syntax for specifying criteria
If you want to specify... Example syntax...
a specific object type for a specific SOXRisk-en_US-FCM Module.xls
locale and profile
all object types (use DefaultTemplate-en_US-FCM Module.xls
DefaultTemplate) for a specific locale
and profile
all locales (use All) for a specific object SOXRisk-All-FCM Module.xls
type and profile
all locales and all profiles for a specific SOXRisk.xls
object type
all profiles for a specific object type and SOXRisk-en_US.xls
a specific profile for all object types and DefaultTemplate-All-FCM Module.xls

Note: Subsets must honor ordering. For example, the following template names would be invalid:
FCM Module.xls - this is an invalid template name as the profile name must be the third criterion in the
list (not the first).
en_US-FCM Module.xls - this is an invalid template name as the locale must be the second (not the
first) and profile name must be the third (not the second) criterion in the list.

FastMap parameters for importing and exporting data

FastMap Definition Worksheet Import-only Parameters lists the various FastMap parameters that you can
use on a Definition worksheet to configure FastMap behavior.

Table 209: FastMap Definition worksheet import-only parameters

Import-only Parameter Name Default Description
allowOrphans FALSE Determines if objects will be created when no parent object
is specified.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - creates an object if no parent is specified
• FALSE - create an object only if a parent is specified

644 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 209: FastMap Definition worksheet import-only parameters (continued)
Import-only Parameter Name Default Description
disableConflictDetection FALSE Determines if objects have been modified in the system
since you last exported data into the worksheet.
When a worksheet is exported from IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform, it is marked with the time of the export. When
data is imported back into the system, any objects that
have been updated after this time will result in a validation
message alerting the user and will not be updated.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - no validation errors will be displayed and the
worksheet values will override any recent changes in the
• FALSE - a validation error will be displayed and the
object will not be updated.

fullLoad FALSE Used when the data in your worksheet is a complete

representation of what should be in the OpenPages GRC
Platform repository.
If used in conjunction with the parentResource
parameter, only objects under that resource will be
Object types that are not being uploaded will not be
deleted in the system.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - any objects that are not in the set being uploaded
will be deleted.
• FALSE - any objects that are not in the set being
uploaded will be retained.

ignoreColumns null Use if you want to include an additional column on a

worksheet for information, and you want that column to be
ignored by FastMap during validation.
For example, "column1;column2"

ignoreEmptyFields TRUE Determines whether empty fields are blanked out during
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - empty fields are ignored and not modified during
an update. To explicitly clear a field, set its value to
• FALSE - empty fields will be blanked out during an

Using FastMap 645

Table 209: FastMap Definition worksheet import-only parameters (continued)
Import-only Parameter Name Default Description
ignoreHiddenEnumWarnings TRUE Determines whether warning messages are displayed when
values are submitted for hidden enumerated strings on a
field in the OpenPages GRC Platform application.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - no warning is displayed for hidden enumerated
string values, whether changed or not.
• FALSE - a warning is displayed for hidden enumerated
string values, whether changed or not.
Hidden enumerated string values that have been
changed on objects will be updated during the import
process regardless of the value of this setting.

ignoreReadOnlyWarnings FALSE If data is being uploaded into fields that are defined as
read-only, OpenPages GRC Platform will display a warning
message indicating that these values will be ignored.
Use this setting to hide or display warning messages for
read-only fields. Regardless of the whether warning
messages are displayed, the data will not be uploaded.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - warning messages are hidden.
Note: This value is set to TRUE in the default template
when you export data from OpenPages GRC Platform.
• FALSE - warning messages are displayed.

ignoreSheets null Use if you want to include an additional worksheet for

information, and you want that worksheet to be ignored by
FastMap during validation.
For example, "sheet1;sheet2".

parentResource null When set to the full path of an object, this parameter is
used for all parent associations. All other parent
information in the worksheet will be ignored.
reader FastMa Use to specify a custom Java class for handling the
p validation of objects in FastMap. [Hidden - for future use]
shouldDefaultNotRequiredFields TRUE Determines whether default values will be used for all non-
required fields that are missing values in a worksheet.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - default values will be used for non-required fields
that are missing values in a worksheet.
• FALSE - no default values will be used for non-required
fields that are missing values in a worksheet.

646 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 209: FastMap Definition worksheet import-only parameters (continued)
Import-only Parameter Name Default Description
shouldDefaultRequiredFields TRUE Determines whether default values will be used for all
required fields that are missing values in a worksheet.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - default values will be used for required fields that
are missing values in the worksheet.
• FALSE - required fields that are missing values in the
worksheet will display validation errors.

shouldValidateBESelector TRUE Determines whether Business Entity Selector display fields

are validated during import.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - a warning will be displayed for any business entity
that does not exist.
• FALSE - no validation will be done on Business Entity
Selector fields.
Warnings are displayed for incorrect or invalid values. For
example, a warning is shown for a wrong value, such as a
typographical error. In this case, you might not want to load
the data.
Warnings are also displayed in cases where a value
changed making it currently invalid. For example, you
exported data from OpenPages and then reimported the
data later by using FastMap. The data can be flagged as
invalid because a field value moved, was renamed, or been
deleted. In this case, you might want to load the data
because it was accurate in its original state.

shouldValidateRequiredFields TRUE Determines whether fields configured as required in the

Profile are validated during import.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - required fields will be validated.
• FALSE - required fields will not be validated.

suppressWarnings FALSE Determines whether warning conditions will be displayed.

If the value is set to:
• TRUE - warning conditions will not be displayed.
• FALSE - warning conditions will be displayed.

useFirstInstance TRUE Determines whether to use and validate only the first
instance of an object when multiple instances of the same
object are in a worksheet.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - only the first instance of the object will be used to
update the object.
• FALSE - only the last occurrence of the object will be
used to update the object.

Using FastMap 647

Table 209: FastMap Definition worksheet import-only parameters (continued)
Import-only Parameter Name Default Description
writer FastMa Use to specify a custom Java class for handling the import
p of objects into FastMap. [Hidden - for future use]

Table 210: FastMap Definition worksheet import and export parameters

Import and Export Parameter Name Default Description
exportDate null When exporting data from OpenPages GRC Platform, this
parameter is set, by default, to the current date and time.
During the import validation process, each object is
checked against the export timestamp. If changes to an
object are more recent than the date and time of the
export timestamp, a conflict exception warning message
will be displayed during validation. The message alerts the
user that they may be overwriting more recent changes
made to an object.
To disable this behavior you can set the
disableConflictDetection parameter to TRUE.

headerRow 1 The row in the worksheet that stores the column headers.
locale null If a locale value is:
• Not specified - the locale of the user will be used during
• Specified - the locale value that is set (such as, en_US,
ja_JP, de_DE) will override the user’s locale during

multiSelectDelim \r\n Delimiter for multi-select enumeration lists.

The default for Microsoft Excel is carriage return line feed
that can be entered in Excel by using the Alt+Enter key

profileName null The name of the profile to validate against. If null, the
profile of the currently logged-on user is used.
useSystemNames FALSE By setting this parameter to TRUE FastMap will use the
system names of the fields, not the localized labels, for
column headers. System names are in the format [FIELD
GROUP].[FIELD NAME]. For example, OPSSEnt.Domain.
When exporting, the labels will also be included on another
row as a convenience.
The useSystemNames parameter has no effect on
enumerated values or their localized labels.

648 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 210: FastMap Definition worksheet import and export parameters (continued)
Import and Export Parameter Name Default Description
viewName null Specifies the view definition that is used by FastMap to
validate fields. Any fields that are loaded that are not in
this view are reported as invalid.
The value can be set to the name of a Navigational View or
Object View. The name is case sensitive.
If the value is null or invalid, or if an object type is missing
from the view, the Detail View is used to validate fields

This video demonstrates how to enable System Names as a header in all FastMap exports to prevent
conflicts and errors during imports:

Table 211: FastMap Definition worksheet export-only parameters

Export-only Parameter Name Default Description
exportComputedFields TRUE Determines if computed fields will be evaluated and their
values exported with other fields.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - computed fields will be evaluated and their values
exported with other fields.
• FALSE - computed fields will be ignored during export.

exportBaseAmount TRUE When exporting currency field data from OpenPages GRC
Platform, this parameter determines whether to include a
column for the Base Amount.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - the Base Amount field is included.
• FALSE - the Base Amount field is excluded.

exportBaseCode TRUE When exporting currency field data from OpenPages GRC
Platform, this parameter determines whether to include a
column for the Base Code.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - the Base Code field is included.
• FALSE - the Base Code field is excluded.

exportExchangeRate TRUE When exporting currency field data from OpenPages GRC
Platform, this parameter determines whether to include a
column for the Exchange Rate.
If the value is set to TRUE, the Exchange Rate field is
If the value is set to FALSE, the Exchange Rate field is

Using FastMap 649

Table 211: FastMap Definition worksheet export-only parameters (continued)
Export-only Parameter Name Default Description
exportParentInfo PRIMARY This optional parameter specifies whether the object
parent information is included or excluded from the export.
You can specify the value of TRUE, FALSE, or PRIMARY for
this parameter.
When this parameter is set to TRUE, the parent information
is included in the export. The Parent Path, Parent Object
Types, and Parent Objects columns are filled out in the
target object worksheet. If an object in the worksheet has
multiple parents, one row with the unique parent\folder
information is included for each parent, and the object field
information is repeated in each row for that object. The
resulting FastMap format worksheet can be used to load
the objects and their associations to another system that
does not contain these object and association instances,
but has the same configured object types and associations,
fields, and profiles. The data on the loaded target system
will be the same as on the source system from which the
content was exported. However, the export performance is
slower when this parameter is set to TRUE.
When this parameter is set to FALSE, data for Parent Path,
Parent Object Types, and Parent Objects columns is not
When this parameter is set to PRIMARY, is not specified, or
has an invalid value on the Definitions worksheet, the
Parent Path, Parent Object Types, and Parent Objects
columns in the target worksheet are filled out only for the
primary parent. If an object has multiple parents, the non-
primary parents are not exported.

650 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 211: FastMap Definition worksheet export-only parameters (continued)
Export-only Parameter Name Default Description
highlightDuplicates TRUE For objects with multiple parents, this parameter is used to
display the duplicated parent information by using the
light-gray, italicized font to de-emphasize this information.
The values are TRUE or FALSE. This parameter is
dependent on the useFirstInstance import parameter.
When this parameter is set to TRUE, and the
useFirstInstance parameter is also set to TRUE, the
first instance of the object parent information is displayed
using the standard font style, and the subsequent,
duplicated information is de-emphasized. If
useFirstInstance is set to FALSE, the last instance of
the object parent information is displayed using the
standard style, and the previous, duplicate information is
styled based on the highlightDuplicates parameter.
Styles that are inherited from the export template are
When this parameter is set to FALSE, the style of the
information for objects with multiple parents is unchanged.
The files exported with the highlightDuplicates and
useFirstInstance parameters can be imported through
FastMap without changes if the user does not make any
changes to the data in the worksheet. If there are multiple
records for an object in the worksheet because multiple
parents are exported, the only object from which updates
are recognized by FastMap is based on the
useFirstInstance parameter (default value TRUE).

includeHTMLTags FALSE Determines if HTML tags are exported for Rich Text Field
formatted data.
Rich Text Field data that is exported without HTML tags can
be more easily read in the spreadsheet. However, if this
field is updated and then imported into FastMap, the field
will be imported as plain text as it has lost its formatting.
If the value is set to:
• TRUE - HTML tags are exported with the data.
• FALSE - HTML tags are not exported with the data.

Configuring a lookup key for FastMap

Within the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, the Name field for objects is a required field and
must be unique.
If you are importing data from an external system and want to use another field (other than the Name
field) to identify objects, you can use the settings described in Table 212 on page 652 to configure a
lookup key for FastMap and set the scope of the lookup. This is particularly useful when you want to
update data for existing records from an external system and synchronize it with records in OpenPages
GRC Platform.

Using FastMap 651

Note: You can only use object fields with the data type of Simple String, Integer, or Enumerated String as
lookup keys.
For example, you want to import risk data from an external system into the OpenPages GRC Platform
repository. Data from the external system has a unique ID field that you want to keep and use as a lookup
key within OpenPages GRC Platform.
You would create a custom field group and field definition within OpenPages GRC Platform for the Risk
object type (SOXRisk) for the ID field in the external system, for example, ExternalSys_A.Risk_ID.
You would then use the custom field group and field definition, ExternalSys_A.Risk_ID, to configure
the Key setting for FastMap. After this setting is configured, you would add a column to your FastMap
template for the Risk_ID field and populate it with values from the external system's ID field. When you
import data from the external system, FastMap would then match records based on this field.
You could also scope the update of Risk data under a specific parent object. By setting the Scoped value
to true, FastMap would only try to update objects under the parent that is specified in the worksheet.

1. For each object type for which you want a lookup key, configure a field group and field definition (see
Chapter 9, “Fields and field groups,” on page 137).
2. Configure the key fields settings for FastMap as follows:
a) Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
b) Expand the Applications > GRCM > FastMap > Key Fields folder hierarchy.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings
folder hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings
folder in the path.
c) Navigate to the object type folder that you want and then expand the folder to see its settings.
d) For each object type for which you want to define a lookup key, modify the following settings as

Table 212: Lookup key settings

Setting Name Description
Key Used by FastMap to lookup objects when the name is not provided in a
worksheet. Generally used in scenarios when objects are auto-named.
The format is


field_group is the name of the field group.
field_name is the name of the object field.


If you have multiple fields, use a comma to delimit the fields. For example:


652 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 212: Lookup key settings (continued)
Setting Name Description
Scoped Used by FastMap to determine whether to lookup the value in the Key setting
only under the parent objects or across all objects.
If the value is set to:
• true - the lookup is scoped only under parent objects. This is the default.
• false - the lookup is not scoped and is across all objects.

e) Click a setting to open its detail page.

f) In the Value field, type a value.
g) When finished, click Save.
The effect of the change is immediate.
3. In the FastMap template:
a) For each field name that matches a <field name> value in the Key setting (from Step 2d), add a
corresponding column to the template.
b) Populate each corresponding column with values from your external system.
c) When finished, import the template into FastMap.

Modifying export settings to optimize FastMap performance

Data is typically exported from a Filtered List View page for an object type, modified, and then imported
back into FastMap.
To optimize and control the export of data from a Filtered List View page, you can configure the following
• Maximum Export Size - for details, see “Maximum number of objects to export to Microsoft Excel on
the Filtered List View” on page 338.
• Concurrent Exports - for details, see “Maximum concurrent export requests in the Filtered List View” on
page 339.

Limiting the rows for import to optimize FastMap performance

You can use the Maximum Workbook Rows setting to limit the number of rows that can be imported from
a FastMap template.
By default, the value is set to 20000 rows (recommended maximum).
Note: Setting the number of rows for import above the recommended maximum of 20000 rows may
result in slower performance and longer processing time. However, if you choose to set this value higher,
then the processing timeout value in the Transaction timeout setting should also be increased (see
“Setting a transaction timeout to optimize FastMap performance” on page 654 for details).
If the number of rows being imported exceeds the set value, then a validation error will be displayed
stating that the workbook exceeds the allowable size.
For example, if the Maximum Workbook Rows setting has a value of 2500 and a user wants to import data
into IBM OpenPages GRC Platform for Risk and Control objects, the workbook for the FastMap template
• a worksheet for Risk objects with 1,000 rows of data

Using FastMap 653

• a worksheet for Control objects with 2,000 rows of data
• a Definition worksheet with 5 rows of data
The total number of rows with data in the workbook is 3,005. Since the workbook exceeds the allowable
size, a validation error will be displayed to the user.

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
2. Expand the Applications > GRCM > FastMap folder hierarchy.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
3. Click the Maximum Workbook Rows setting to open its detail page.
4. In the Value field, type a number greater than zero (for example, 2500).
5. Click Save.

Setting a transaction timeout to optimize FastMap performance

If you set the value in the Maximum Workbook Rows setting above the recommended maximum of
20000 rows, you can use the Transaction timeout setting to increase the maximum time a process can
run before it times out and stops.
By default, the value is set to 7200 seconds (2 hours).

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
2. Expand the Applications > GRCM > FastMap folder hierarchy.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
3. Click the Transaction timeout setting to open its detail page.
4. In the Value field, type a number greater than 7200 (the value represents seconds).
5. Click Save.

Adding a processing delay to optimize FastMap performance

To reduce the processing impact of FastMap data imports on a system, you can use the Process Delay
setting to set a delay in milliseconds between each record. If a value is set, the time to process the
imported data will be extended.
By default, the value is set to 0 (zero).

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
2. Expand the Applications > GRCM > FastMap folder hierarchy.

654 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
3. Click the Process Delay setting to open its detail page.
4. In the Value field, type a number greater than zero.
5. Click Save.

Securing FastMap import templates stored on the server

You can use the Encrypt FastMap Files setting to configure security on FastMap import templates that
are stored on the server.
By default, the value is set to true, which encrypts FastMap import templates stored on the server.
Note: Before you change the value of the Encrypt FastMap Files setting, run the My FastMap Import
Status report to verify that no FastMap import templates are pending processing (for details see
“Accessing FastMap to import data and view status” on page 625). If you change the value of this setting
while FastMap processes are pending, the import will fail even if it the templates have passed data

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
2. Expand the Applications > GRCM > FastMap folder hierarchy.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
3. Click the Encrypt FastMap Files setting to open its detail page.
4. In the Value field, type one of the following values.
If the value is set to:
• true - FastMap import templates are encrypted when stored on the server. This is the default.
• false - FastMap import templates are not encrypted when stored on the server.
5. Click Save.

Cleaning up FastMap import templates stored on the server

You can use the Delete After Days setting to configure the maximum number of days that a FastMap
import template can remain on the server before it is automatically deleted.
FastMap import templates that will automatically be deleted from the server include templates that have:
• Finished processing - either successfully or with errors/warnings
• Exceed the maximum number of days specified in the Delete After Days setting. By default, this value is
set to delete FastMap import templates after 1 day.
Note: A FastMap import template that is older than the default value of 1 day will be automatically
deleted regardless of whether or not the template has completed processing. We recommend a higher
value for this setting if you upload large amounts of data using FastMap import templates.

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page

Using FastMap 655

2. Expand the Applications > GRCM > FastMap folder hierarchy.
Tip: In the user interface, the OpenPages folder is hidden in the Administration Settings folder
hierarchy. To author an XML settings path, include the OpenPages folder after the Settings folder in
the path.
3. Click the Delete After Days setting to open its detail page.
4. In the Value field, type a number greater than zero. By default, this value is set to 1.
5. Click Save.

AFCON-generated FastMap template best practices

You can use a IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Professional Services AFCON-generated FastMap template
(in .xls or .xlsx format) to import data into the FastMap tool. If you use this template, you must add a
Definition worksheet to the template for compatibility.
The Definition worksheet should contain the following parameters and values:
• firstDataRow = [The first row from where the data starts]. This value is typically set to 11 for AFCON-
generated templates.
• useSystemNames = TRUE
• profileName = [The name of the profile you are importing into]
• inputDateFormat = [Your date format]
If the OpenPages GRC Platform Professional Services AFCON-generated FastMap template uses
synonyms that are inconsistent with the object strings in the application, you must include the Synonyms
worksheet from locale_support.xls in your template. The worksheet must be labeled Synonyms, and
you can specify the locale column to use by setting the synonymsLocale parameter on the Definition
worksheet (see “Using the FastMap Definition worksheet” on page 641).
A missing Definition worksheet in an OpenPages GRC Platform Professional Services AFCON-generated
FastMap template will result in validation errors, such as:
• Invalid Property Type errors for every property. For example,

Invalid Property Type. (RiskAssessment.Name)

• Errors if autonaming is not enabled for an object type. For example,

Name cannot be blank

• Errors about the parent object if autonaming is enabled for an object type. For example,
Parent not specified. (EL_11419)

Using FastMap with questionnaire template and assessment objects

You can use FastMap to import and export questionnaire template objects and the content in sections,
subsections, and questions. You can also use it to import and export the standard fields for questionnaire
assessment instances. However, you cannot use it import or export content, for example, question
answers, comments, and attachments, on questionnaire assessment instances.

About this task

You can import and export content for the following objects:
• Questionnaire templates
• Section template

656 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• Subsection template
• Question template
• Questionnaire assessments (standard fields only)
The Enumerated Answers field in the questionnaire template stores single and multi choice answers in
JSON format. You cannot add this field to the object profile views, for example, filtered list view and detail
view. You can, however, import and export it.
Every question in a questionnaire template has an internal identifier that is stored in the ReportID field.
You can import a questionnaire template and leave the ReportID fields empty. You should then launch a
program that uses the questionnaire template so that the system can assign ReportID values. The
ReportID values are required for questionnaire templates and assessments to work correctly. In
particular, when you copy answers from one questionnaire assessment to another, the systems requires
the ReportID values to identify questions and their answers. For more information, see Launching a
program and copying answers in the IBM OpenPages GRC User Guide.

A question has three possible answers: Yes, No, and N/A, without descriptions and scores:


A question has two answers, Yes and No, where both answers have descriptions and scores:

[{"value":"Yes","score":20,"description":"description for Yes"},

{"value":"No","score":30,"description":"description for Yes"}]

A question has three answers, Yes, No, and N/A, where Yes requires a comment, No requires an
attachment, and N/A requires both:


Using FastMap 657

658 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 25. Configuring and generating the reporting
You can configure IBM OpenPages GRC Platform to use Cognos Analytics for your organization's reporting

The reporting framework

The reporting framework consists of Cognos framework models that are configured and generated in
OpenPages. They support both relational and dimensional data used for creating reports in Cognos
When you generate the reporting framework, packages for selected framework models are published to
the Cognos server. Using the query subjects and query items in these namespaces, report authors can
create reports from within IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
For more information about the relational and dimensional data models, see the IBM OpenPages GRC
Report Author's Guide.
For information about the Legacy Reporting Framework, see “Configure the reporting framework for
upgraded legacy systems” on page 668.
Note: In reference to Reporting Framework V6, V6 refers to the latest framework version, not to any
specific OpenPages release number.

Framework models
Framework models are based on the OpenPages object model and define subsets of objects and
relationships necessary for your reporting requirements.
Framework models include the following components:
• Metadata
• Labels
• Facts and dimensions (standard models only)
• Custom query subjects
The reporting framework contains one pre-defined framework model named
OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6, which is used for the pre-defined reports that are supplied with
OpenPages. In addition to the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model, you can create your own
framework models. The ability to use multiple framework models allows you to target a framework model
to specific solutions, user roles, or object profiles.
There are two types of framework models that you can create:
• Standard
• Basic
Both types support profile filtering and allow you to define the package name.

Standard framework models

Standard framework models are intended for advanced report writers with extensive knowledge of
Cognos Analytics. Use this type of model for reports that require the more complex functionality that
Cognos offers. The OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model is a standard model.
Standard framework models have the following characteristics:
• Support facts and dimensions.
• Nest relationship and dimensional subnamespaces.
• Use the following namespace hierarchy:
– [package label] > [namespace] > [namespace]_REL
– [package label] > [namespace] > [namespace]_DIM
• Use extensive foldering for query subjects and data items.
• Contain query subjects for ancillary objects such as Enumerations and Relationships.
• Use complex field representations, for example, currencies have multiple data items for local and base
• Represent recursive objects as multiple query subjects using recursive object levels.
• Provide secondary compliance objects, such as Files or Issues, as Stand Alone objects. Relationships to
them must be built in reports.

Basic framework models

Basic models are intended for end users who do not have extensive knowledge of Cognos Analytics. Use
this type of model for more simple reports that you want to allow your end users to create as they require.
Basic framework models have the following characteristics:
• Do not support facts and dimensions. The [namespace]_DIM sub-namespace is not created.
• Use the following namespace hierarchy:
– [package label] > [namespace]
Query subjects are created in the root namespace. The [namespace]_REL sub-namespace is not
• Do not create ancillary query subjects for Enumerations, relationships, and so on.
• Generate recursive objects, for example, Business Entity, SubMandate, and SubProcess, as single query
• Generate recursive object Levels only for Business Entity objects.
• Remove system-level data items, for example, IS_PRIMARY, LATEST_VERSION, and so on.
• Use simplified field representations, for example, single data items for Currencies and Enumerations as
Local Amount and Localized Value, respectively.

More information
To configure framework models, see the following topics:
• “Configuring settings that apply to all framework models” on page 665
• “Configuring framework models ” on page 669
• “Configure reporting framework namespaces” on page 671

A namespace uniquely identifies a collection of query subjects, their relationships, and other objects
(such as calculations) that you can use for authoring reports.
The framework generator uses the definition of a namespace (which is defined in the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform user interface) to create a corresponding namespace in the framework model.

660 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The namespaces in the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model are used by the pre-defined
reports that are supplied with OpenPages. If you make changes to the namespaces, it can affect the
functionality of the reports and may cause them to fail to run. You can add your own namespaces to the
OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model to uniquely identify a collection of query subjects and
other objects (such as calculations) for satisfying your reporting requirements
If you define your own standard and basic framework models, you must define namespaces for them.
When you generate the Reporting Framework V6, the packages for selected standard framework models
are published to the Cognos server with relationship and dimensional subnamespaces:
• [namespace]_REL — this relational namespace enables report authors to report on objects based
upon their defined relationships. This type of model is often used in list reports that use mixed data
(numeric, data, and string).
• [namespace]_DIM — this dimensional namespace is organized into facts and dimensions, and gives
report authors access to the online analytical processing (OLAP) features that are available in Cognos.
When you generate the Reporting Framework V6, the packages for selected basic framework models are
published to the Cognos server. Query subjects are created in the root namespace. Sub-namespaces are
not created.
To configure namespaces, see “Configure reporting framework namespaces” on page 671.
For more information about namespaces and the framework model, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Report
Author's Guide.

Facts and dimensions

Facts and dimensions are components of a dimensional data model. Dimensionally modeled data works
well with crosstab and graphical reports (such as charts and maps).
Facts are fields with a numeric data type (such as Currency, Integer, Decimal) that can be aggregated and
analyzed. For each fact that is selected for inclusion in the dimensional model, you can also use the Fact
Types setting. It globally controls the types of aggregations that can be created for each configured fact
field (see “Configuring reporting framework fact types” on page 665).
Dimensions include enumerated fields, date fields, and dependent picklists that can be used by report
authors as business filters and grouping fields.
You can control which facts and dimensions are represented in the dimensional namespace for each
object type that can be used by report authors in reports.
To configure facts and dimensions, see “Configuring facts and dimensions” on page 674.

Recursive object levels

If you want reporting capability in the dimensional data model of the reporting framework, you can use
recursive object types to create sets of levels that will be reflected in the reporting framework for use by
report authors. For each recursive object type, you can define multiple object levels. For the Business
Entity object type, you can also create multiple sets of recursive object levels with each set having a
different number of levels.
For more information about the dimensional data model, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Report Author's
Guide on your documentation media.
A recursive object type can repeat itself indefinitely or until some set limit is reached. The following object
types are recursive within the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application:
• Business Entity (SOXBusEntity)
• Sub-Process (SOXSubprocess)
• Sub-Account (SOXSubaccount)
• Sub-Mandate (Submandate)

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 661

Recursive object levels allow you to create a representation of corporate data using common names for
each level of the set thereby providing the report author with additional context for creating reports (see
Table 213 on page 662).
When the Reporting Framework V6 is generated, all levels that have been defined for recursive object
types are reflected in the dimensional data model of the reporting framework. These structures allow
report authors to create, for example, drill-down dimensional reports where users can progressively
navigate through the levels to more detailed data.
For a finer level of control, you can also specify which recursive object level sets you want available in a
given namespace (see “Configure reporting framework namespaces” on page 671).
• You cannot delete Level1 for non-entity recursive object types.
• If you remove or edit levels in a set, reports that used these levels will no longer run.
To configure recursive object levels, see “Configuring business entity recursive object levels” on page

A report author works for Global Financial Services (GFS), a large multinational bank, with an
organizational structure that is comprised of many business functions and groups. The report author has a
requirement to create reports so business users at GFS can assess the risks associated with various
processes that go across the company's business units. GFS has its business organized around functions,
divisions, departments, and units.
To return data about the various business processes and their associated risks for each organizational
level of the business, you might create a new set of recursive object levels for the Business Entity object
type called "Risk Assessment" with the following levels as shown in Table 213 on page 662.

Table 213: Sample Recursive Object Levels

Level number Level name Example Business Entity instance user data
1 Group Global Financial Services
2 Global Function Client Markets
3 Division Asia
4 Department Underwriting
5 Unit Japan

In addition to defining the business levels of the organizational structure for the Business Entity object
type, you need to determine which business entity should be the starting point for scoping the data. In
this example, we want the reporting data to start at the Global Function level. In the "Starting Entity" field,
you would type:
/Global Financial Services
When the reporting framework is updated, a new Risk Assessment folder with the corresponding level
folders and query items is created in the OpenPages_Reports_V6 package under the GRC Objects >
Business Entity folder for report authors to use when they create Cognos reports.

Rules for defining sets of recursive object levels

Rules apply to the definition of sets of recursive object levels.
• Business Entity — this is the only recursive object type where you can define multiple sets of recursive
object levels with a different starting entity for each set. Sets of Business Entity recursive object levels
can also be edited and deleted.

662 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

By default, no recursive object levels are predefined for Business Entity object types.
• All other recursive object types (Sub-Process, Sub-Account, Sub-Mandate) have only one set of
recursive object levels that, by default, is predefined and cannot be deleted.
By default, each of these recursive object types (excluding Business Entity) have a predefined first level
that cannot be deleted but can be renamed.
• Each set of recursive object levels for the Business Entity object type requires a name and a root path.
• The name of each user-defined level must be unique across all recursive object types.
• The names of sets and levels can be localized.

Triangle object relationships

A triangle object relationship exists when one child has two parents that are related to each other. To
enhance report authoring capability, use the Supported Triangle Relationships setting to configure
object types with triangle relationships in the Reporting Framework V6 relational data model. V6 refers to
the latest framework version, not to any specific OpenPages release number.
Within the triangle, the "top" (parent 1) and "bottom" (child) object types are non-recursive, with the
"middle" (parent 2) object type being recursive (such as Sub-Process).
A triangle relationship that includes two recursive object types is not supported.
For example, a report author has a requirement to create a Risk report that allows business users to
assess risks associated with various processes and sub-processes within their company.
To provide the report author with easier reporting capability in the framework model, you could configure
a triangle relationship between the non-recursive child Risk object and its two related parents: a non-
recursive parent Process object and a recursive parent Sub-Process object type, as shown in Figure 33 on
page 663.

Figure 33: Triangle relationship between objects

The path between the objects forming a triangle relationship must be reflected in a namespace within the
reporting framework. For example, a namespace might have the following object type hierarchy
configured for Business Entity, Process, Sub-Process, and Risk object types as follows:


To reflect the triangle relationship shown in Figure 33 on page 663, that namespace would have to be
modified to also include the path between Process and Risk objects as follows:
Without the configured triangle, the report author would have to use advanced techniques that may not
perform as well to accomplish this task.
To configure triangle object relationships, see “Setting the triangle reporting framework object
relationships” on page 667.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 663

Object type dimensions
Object type dimensions allow report authors to represent associations between object types as a
dimension in the reporting framework to enhance report authoring capability in the dimensional data
model. The object types do not have to be directly associated.
To configure object type dimensions, see “Configuring object type dimensions” on page 681.

A report author works for Global Financial Services (GFS), a large multinational bank, with an
organizational structure that is comprised of many business functions and groups. The report author has a
requirement to create a report that shows aggregate test results and their associated controls for each
division of the company.
The typical parent-child path in an object hierarchy between Business Entity and Test Result objects types
is: Business Entity - Process - Risk - Control - Test - Test Result.
To skip object types in the hierarchy and create an association between Business Entity and Control
objects, you could define an object type dimension called Entity-Control.
Since you already created a set of recursive object levels for the Business Entity object type (as shown in
Table 213 on page 662), you could use the Division recursive object type level as a filter for the starting
object type followed by the Control object type.
You can localize the name of the object type dimension for display in the reporting framework. If no
translated text is provided, the value that is typed into the Name field for the object type dimension is
automatically used.
When the Reporting Framework V6 is generated, the Entity-Control object type dimension would be
available to report authors under the OBJECT_TYPE_DIMENSIONS folder in the DEFAULT dimensional

Selecting a starting object type for a dimension

Rules apply to the selection of an object type as a starting point for object type dimensions.
• Any object type can be selected as the starting object type.
• For the Business Entity object type, you can select a recursive object level as a starting point (for details
on recursive object levels, see “Defining business entity recursive object levels” on page 679).

Planning the configuration

You can configure numerous aspects of the Reporting Framework V6.

Before you begin

Coordinate the configuration with your organization's Cognos report writers. Working together, you can
ensure that the reports you are able to produce meet the needs of your organization. You can find detailed
information about designing reports in the IBM OpenPages GRC Report Author's Guide.

About this task

To configure the Reporting Framework V6, complete the following tasks:

1. Review the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model and namespaces. You may need to
update the namespaces delivered with the system or create new ones to meet your requirements.
2. Review the registry settings that apply to all framework models. For information, see “Configuring
settings that apply to all framework models” on page 665.
3. Configure your own framework models and namespaces. For information, see “Configuring framework
models ” on page 669.

664 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

4. Configure facts and dimensions. For information, see “Configuring facts and dimensions” on page
5. Configure recursive object levels. For information, see “Configuring business entity recursive object
levels” on page 679.
6. Configure object type dimensions. For information, see “Configuring object type dimensions” on page
7. Generate the Reporting Framework V6. For information, see “Generating the reporting framework ” on
page 683
8. Make reports available to end users by adding them to the home page tabs. For information, see
“Displaying Cognos reports on home page tabs” on page 800.
9. Configure Cognos dashboards and stories and make it available to end users by adding it to the home
page (optional). For information, see “Creating a dashboard or story page” on page 122.

Configuring settings that apply to all framework models

The settings in the Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration
folder apply to all framework models.

Configuring the number of models that can be concurrently generated

The Concurrent Models setting controls how many framework models can be concurrently generated.
Generating multiple models concurrently can improve the performance of the generation process. During
generation each concurrent model uses memory and CPU resources on the Cognos Analytics server.
Validate the impact and use caution before you increase this setting.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Concurrent Models
Default: 2
Values: In the Value field, type a number.

Configuring reporting framework fact types

A fact is a numeric field that can be aggregated.
For each fact that is selected for inclusion in the dimensional model (see “Facts and dimensions” on page
661 for details), you can use the Fact Types setting to globally control the types of aggregations that can
be created for each configured fact field.
Table 214 on page 665 lists the valid fact types that can be used for aggregation. When the reporting
framework is generated, all the aggregation types specified in the Fact Types setting will be created for
each fact selected for inclusion in the dimensional model. The aggregated facts are then grouped into a
single measure dimension under each object type in the model where they were defined.
By default, the following fact types are configured: SUM,AVG.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Fact Types
Default: none.
Values: In the Value field, type one or more of the following values.
Note: If multiple values are specified, you must separate each value with a comma (for example:

Table 214: Valid Fact Type Values

Fact Type Action
SUM Totals the value of objects in the set.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 665

Table 214: Valid Fact Type Values (continued)
Fact Type Action
MIN Returns the smallest existing value of an object in the set.
MAX Returns the largest existing value of an object in the set.
AVG Adds all values in the set and then divides by the count of
existing values.
MED Returns the median value of objects in the set.
STD Returns the standard deviation of objects in the set.

Adding locale codes to the reporting framework

You can add locale codes to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Reporting Framework V6 so that they can
be applied to localized reporting and reports.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Locales
Default: en_US
Values: In the Value field, type the following locale code values. Multiple values must be separated by
a comma.
• en_US (U.S. English)
• de_DE (German)
• en_GB (U.K. English)
• es_ES (Spanish)
• fr_FR (French)
• it_IT (Italian)
• ja_JP (Japanese)
• pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese)
• zh_CN (Simplified Chinese)
• zh_TW (Traditional Chinese)

Defining the sort order locale

The Sort Order Locale setting controls the language in which query subjects and data items are sorted.
Multiple locales can be loaded into the reporting framework but the reporting framework has a static sort
order based on the Sort Order Locale setting.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Sort Order Locale
Default: en_US
Values: In the Value field, type one of the following locale code values:
• en_US (U.S. English)
• de_DE (German)
• en_GB (U.K. English)
• es_ES (Spanish)
• fr_FR (French)
• it_IT (Italian)
• ja_JP (Japanese)
• pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese)
• zh_CN (Simplified Chinese)
• zh_TW (Traditional Chinese)

666 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Setting the triangle reporting framework object relationships

To enhance report authoring capability, use the Supported Triangle Relationships setting to configure
object types with triangle relationships in the Reporting Framework V6 relational data model.
For more information, see “Triangle object relationships” on page 663.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Supported
Triangle Relationships
Default: none.
Important: The spelling and case of the object type name must exactly match its system name. For
example, you would type SOXBusEntity for the Business Entity object type. Using the wrong case for
letters or using the label text will result in an error message.
In the Value box, use the following syntax to configure the three objects in a triangle relationship:


For example:


Note: To enter multiple sets of triangle relationships, separate each triangle set with a comma as in:


Update the reporting schema to include the triangle relationship

After you've edited the triangle objects relationships, the reporting schema must be updated. You can
either run the SQL script described in this procedure. This method incrementally updates the reporting
schema with the triangle relationship configuration. Or you can create the report schema using the
application user interface method.
Tip: Run the following SQL script to incrementally update the reporting schema. This method is much
faster than using the application user interface method.

1. Log on to a machine with SQL*Plus and access to the database server.
2. Run the following script:


What to do next
Regenerate the framework model. For details, see “Updating the reporting framework” on page 686.

Enabling the reporting framework for custom forms

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 667

To run reports against a custom object type (such as a custom form or survey), you must include the
object type in the Object Prefix setting with a unique two-letter identifier. The framework generator will
use the two-letter identifier as a prefix when creating columns in the real-time reporting schema tables.
As a best practice, use Z<n> as a prefix for custom forms to avoid conflicts with future IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform object types. Where: Z represents the first letter of the prefix, and <n> represents an
uppercase letter, such as A, B, C, and so forth (for example, ZA, ZB, ZC).

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Object Prefix
Default: none
Values: Add the new object type and prefix to the end of the current setting with a comma. The prefix
must be entered as two uppercase letters, and must be unique; no other content type in the list can
have the same prefix.
In the following example, the new object type (in bold) is called CustomSurvey and the prefix is ‘ZA’.


After you set these values, update the reporting framework model. For more information, see
“Updating the reporting framework” on page 686
Note: The following information applies only to systems that have been upgraded from versions of
OpenPages 5.x or earlier and are using the Legacy Reporting Framework.
If you add a new custom form (such as a survey) and want reporting capability in both Reporting
Framework V6 and Legacy Reporting Framework systems, then you must also add the new prefix to
the Object Prefix setting in the Platform > Reporting > Framework > Generation folder hierarchy for
the Legacy Reporting Framework.

Defining the transaction timeout for reporting framework generation

The Transaction Timeout setting defines the processing timeout for the reporting framework generation
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Transaction
Default: 21600
Values: The value is in seconds.

Configure the reporting framework for upgraded legacy systems

Upgraded systems can generate two reporting frameworks. These must be configured.
• OPENPAGES_REPORTS - this is the legacy reporting framework and is available for backward
compatibility for Cognos reports that have not been migrated to OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6
• OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6 - this is the reporting framework that is designed for faster execution of
Cognos reports
Note: These settings are only available for OpenPages systems that have been upgraded from version 5.x
or earlier.

Enable a legacy reporting framework

You can control whether or not to generate the legacy reporting framework through the Enable Legacy
Framework setting.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Legacy > Enable
Legacy Framework
Default: true.

668 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• true - to enable the Legacy Reporting Framework
• false - to disable the Legacy Reporting Framework

Enable computed fields for legacy reporting frameworks

When the Legacy Framework setting is enabled, computed fields are, by default, executed against it.
Object types that are listed in the Object Types Using New Framework For Computed Fields setting will
use the OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6 reporting framework for computed field calculations. V6 refers to the
latest framework version, not to any specific OpenPages release number.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Configuration > Legacy > Object
Types Using New Framework For Computed Fields
Default: blank.
Values: In the Value box, type the name each object type containing computed fields.
Note: If there are multiple object types, separate each object type with a comma.
For example, SOXBusEntity,SOXProcess,SOXIssue

Configuring framework models

Settings in an Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model
name] folder define one framework model. You can have multiple framework model folders.
For information about framework models, see “Framework models” on page 659.

Creating a framework model and namespace using a template

You can use the Template_Model framework model to quickly create new framework models and
namespaces. The template model contains default values for settings and one namespace,
TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE. To use it, you make a copy of the Template_Model folder and modify the
settings to meet your needs.

Before you begin

Verify that the Allow Create and Delete Settings setting is enabled. See “Custom settings” on page 340.

1. Click Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models.
2. Select the Template_Model folder.
3. Click Copy To.
4. Select the Models folder so that the new framework model will be positioned in the Models folder.
5. Scroll down and enter the name of the new model in New Folder Name. Follow the naming guidelines
in “Naming framework models” on page 670.
6. Click OK. The new folder is created.
7. Open the new framework model folder and change the Package Label. Review the other registry
settings and change them to meet your requirements.
8. Build the namespaces for the new framework model.
a) Select the TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE namespace folder or a namespace in another framework
model and click Copy To.
b) Select the new framework model's Namespaces folder so that the new namespace will be
positioned in the Namespaces folder.
c) Scroll down and enter the name of the new namespace in New Folder Name. Follow the naming
guidelines described in “Naming namespaces” on page 672.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 669

d) Open the new namespace folder and review the registry settings. Change them to meet your
e) Delete the TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE folder (optional).

Defining a name for a framework model

Each folder under Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models defines
one framework model. The name of the folder is the name of the framework model.
The name of the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model folder cannot be changed.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name]
Default: none
Values: the name for the new framework model.
The newly created framework model is represented by a folder icon under the Models folder.

Naming framework models

The following list contains best practices to keep in mind when naming framework models:
• Framework model names are not translated in application text.
• Use the following characters when naming framework models:
– Lowercase letters
– Uppercase letters
– Numbers
– Underscores (_)
Examples : Audit_Model and RiskAssessment_Model
• Do not use spaces.

Defining the format for a framework model

The Format setting controls whether a framework model uses the standard or basic format.
For information about framework models, see “Framework models” on page 659.
The Format setting of the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model is standard. It cannot be
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] > Format
Default: standard
• standard - the framework model uses the standard format
• basic - the framework model uses the basic format

Enabling a framework model

The Is Enabled setting controls whether a framework model is available for selection when you generate
the reporting framework.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] > Is
Default: true
• true - the framework model is available for selection when you generate the reporting framework.

670 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• false - the framework model is not available for selection when you generate the reporting

Defining the query mode for a framework model

The Mode setting controls whether a framework model is published in Cognos using Compatible Query
Mode or Dynamic Query Mode.
The Mode setting for the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model is cqm.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] > Mode
Default: cqm
• cqm - the framework model is published in Cognos using Compatible Query Mode.
• dqm - the framework model is published in Cognos using Dynamic Query Mode.

Defining the package label for a framework model

The Package Label setting defines the package label name under which a framework model is published.
The Package Label setting for the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model is
OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6. It cannot be changed.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] > Package
Values: Type a name for the package label
Make package labels names meaningful to report writers.

Defining whether a framework model uses profile filtering

The Profile setting allows you to apply the filtering functionality of profiles to the data included in the
reporting framework.
If an object type in the namespace is also in the profile given in the Profile setting, only fields listed for
that object type in the profile definition are included in the framework. The ResourceId, Parent Folder Id,
Reporting Period Id, and Detail Page URL fields are exceptions. They are always included.
If an object type in the namespace is not in the profile, all fields are included in the reporting framework.
If the Profile setting is empty, all fields are included in the reporting framework.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] > [profile
Values: Type the name of a profile. Values are case sensitive.

Configure reporting framework namespaces

Settings in a Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model
name] > Namespaces > [namespace name] folder define one namespace. A framework model can have
multiple namespace folders. You can copy namespace folders from one framework model folder to
another framework model folder. The same namespace folder name can be used in multiple framework
For information about namespaces, see “Namespaces ” on page 660.
The easiest way to create a new namespace is with the Template_Model framework model. For
information, see “Creating a framework model and namespace using a template” on page 669.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 671

Note: For systems that have been upgraded from versions of OpenPages 5.x or earlier, see Appendix D,
“Legacy Reporting Framework Generation settings,” on page 771 for information on configuring
namespaces in the Legacy Reporting Framework.

Defining a name for a reporting framework namespace

Each folder under Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model
name] > Namespaces defines one reporting framework namespace. The name of the folder is the name
of the namespace.
The names of the system-supplied namespaces in the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 framework model
folder cannot be changed.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] >
Namespaces > [namespace name]
Default: none.
Values: name for the new namespace. For example, MYCOMPANY_NAMESPACE.
The newly created namespace is represented by a folder icon under the Namespaces folder.

Naming namespaces
Names of namespaces can be translated in application text. The following list contains best practices to
keep in mind when naming namespaces.
• Keep namespace names short for readability (long names will wrap to another line).
• For consistency and compatibility with the reporting framework, use only the following characters when
naming namespaces:
– Uppercase letters
– Numbers
– Underscores (_)
• Do not use spaces.

Defining the object model for a namespace

The Object Model setting is required and contains the relationship path used for reporting in a
namespace. A namespace cannot contain ambiguous paths.
The OpenPages GRC Platform Reporting Framework V6 generator uses the value pairs in this entry to
define the parent-child relationships in the generated framework model.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] >
Namespaces > [namespace name] > Object Model
Values: In the Value field, enter value pairs to reflect parent-child object relationships. All parent-
child paths must start with SOXBusEntity. The syntax is:

<parent object>|<child object>,<parent object>|<child object>

For example:


672 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

System-supplied namespaces
If you change the Object Model setting in the system-supplied namespaces in the
OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6 folder, it can affect the functionality of the pre-defined reports that are
supplied with OpenPages.

Supported triangle relationships

If you want reporting capability for object types that are in a triangle relationship and have configured the
Supported Triangle Relationships setting, the paths between these object types must be reflected in the
Object Model setting of a namespace. The namespace can be either new or existing. For details on
configuring the Supported Triangle Relationships setting, see “Triangle object relationships” on page

Configuring secondary compliance objects for basic framework models

If the namespace is used in a basic framework model, you must define allowed relationships between
primary and secondary compliance objects in the Object Model setting.

• Secondary compliance objects relationships must be added to the Object Model registry entry for the
namespace, for example, SOXBusEntity|SOXIssue.
• Multiple relationships can be defined for a secondary compliance object, for example, SOXBusEntity|
• Relationships between secondary compliance objects must be explicitly defined, for example,
When the reporting framework is generated:
• Secondary compliance objects are generated like other objects but will have a hyphenated name
including their parent object, for example, Business Entity - Issue.
• A query subject is created for each relationship defined, for example, Business Entity - Issue, Process -
• Relationships between two secondary compliance objects are generated within the context of a primary
compliance object. For example, SOXBusEntity|SOXIssue,SOXIssue|SOXTask generates as Business
Entity - Issue and Business Entity - Issue - Action Item.

Setting a namespace as the default

The Is Default setting defines whether a namespace will be used as the default namespace in the
OpenPages GRC Platform data model.
A framework model can have only one default namespace. In the OPENPAGES_FRAMEWORK_V6
framework model, the Is Default setting in the DEFAULT namespace is set to true.
Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] >
Namespaces > [namespace name] > Is Default
Values: In the Value field,
• true - the namespace is set as the default namespace for use by generation logic, and is created
• false - the namespace is set as a non-default namespace.

Enabling a namespace
The Is Enabled setting controls whether a namespace is generated when you generate the reporting

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 673

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] >
Namespaces > [namespace name] > Is Enabled
Default: true
• true - the namespace will be generated when the framework model is updated.
• false - the namespace will not be generated and any previously existing namespace will be

Defining entity recursive object levels for a namespace

If one or more sets of recursive object levels are defined in the OpenPages GRC Platform application, the
Entity Recursive Object Levels setting provides the ability to specify which recursive object level set you
want available in a given namespace.

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] >
Namespaces > [namespace name] > Entity Recursive Object Levels
Values: Multiple recursive object level sets must be separated by a comma. For example:


For information on defining recursive object levels, see “Recursive object levels” on page 661.

Defining whether facts and dimensions are enabled for a namespace

The Is Facts and Dimensions Enabled setting controls whether facts and dimensions are enabled for a

Administration > Settings > Platform > Reporting Framework V6 > Models > [model name] >
Namespaces > [namespace name] > Is Facts and Dimensions Enabled
Default: true
• true - facts and dimensions are enabled for the namespace.
• false - facts and dimensions are not enabled for the namespace.

Configuring facts and dimensions

You configure facts and dimensions using the Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration
For more information, see “Facts and dimensions” on page 661.
Basic framework models do not support facts and dimensions. For more information, see “Framework
models” on page 659.

The following table provides an overview of the configuration tasks for setting up facts and dimensions
and a reference to the related information.

674 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 215: Overview of configuration tasks for setting up facts and dimensions
Task Description Related Topic
For the selected object type, configure the facts you “Enabling and disabling facts” on page 675
want available for reports in the dimensional
If the object type has enumerated fields and “Enabling and disabling enumeration and
dependent picklists, configure the dimensions you dependent picklist dimensions” on page 675
want in reports for these fields and picklists in the
dimensional namespace.
You can configure the types of date dimensions you “Using date dimension types” on page 677
want available for reports in the dimensional
You can control whether facts and dimensions are “Defining whether facts and dimensions are
enabled for individual namespaces. enabled for a namespace ” on page 674
Update the Reporting Framework V6 to effect “Updating the reporting framework” on page
changes to facts and dimensions. 686

Enabling and disabling facts

If an object type includes fields with a numeric data type (such as Currency, Integer, Decimal) then these
fields are automatically listed in the Facts table for selection.
For example, fact fields for a Risk object type might include such fields as "Inherent Frequency" (a
decimal data type field) and "Inherent Severity" (a currency data type field).
When regenerating the reporting framework to apply the changes made to fact fields, you can choose the
"Dimensions and Facts" option. It regenerates and updates that portion of the reporting framework that
Note: When you disable facts that were previously enabled, any reports that used these facts will no
longer run.

1. Complete one of the following steps to access facts and dimensions for an object type:
• Click Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration. From the Facts and Dimensions
pane, click the name of the object type to select.
• Click Administration > Object Type. Click the object type to select. From the Facts and Dimensions
pane, click Edit.
2. Under the Facts table, do one of the following:
• To enable a fact, select the each fact to include in the reporting framework.
• To disable a fact, disable each fact you want excluded from the reporting framework.
3. Click Save.

What to do next
Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Enabling and disabling enumeration and dependent picklist dimensions

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 675

You can enable and disable enumerated fields and dependent picklists as dimensions.
If an object type includes fields with an Enumerated String data type, then these fields are automatically
listed under the Enumerated Fields column in the Enumeration and Dependent Picklist Dimensions
table for selection as dimensions. For example, enumerated fields for a Risk object type might include
such fields as "Category" (a single value selection field) and "Domain" (a multivalued selection field).
All dependent picklists that have been defined in the application user interface (including any disabled
picklists) for a selected object type are automatically displayed under the Dependent Picklists column in
the Enumeration and Dependent Picklist Dimensions table.
• Disabling an enumerated field or dependent picklist that was previously enabled as a dimension will
cause any reports that used these dimensions to no longer run.
• Enabling a dependent picklist as a dimension automatically enables the parent enumerated field, which
is located in the same row as the dependent picklist. A dependent picklist cannot be enabled as a
dimension without the parent enumerated field also being enabled.
• Disabling an enumerated field as a dimension will also disable all child dependent fields.
• If you disable a dependent picklist as a dimension, the parent enumerated field remains enabled.
• A dependent picklist that is disabled for an object type cannot be selected as a dimension.

1. Complete one of the following steps to access facts and dimensions for an object type:
• Click Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration. From the Facts and Dimensions
pane, click the name of the object type to select.
• Click Administration > Object Type. Click the object type to select. From the Facts and Dimensions
pane, click Edit.
2. Under the Enumeration and Dependent Picklist Dimensions table, complete one of the following

Table 216: Enumeration and Dependent Picklists tasks

Task Steps
Enable an enumerated field as a dimension Under the Enumerated Fields column, select the
box next to each enumerated field you want
included as a dimension in the reporting
Disable an enumerated field as a dimension Under the Enumerated Fields column, clear the
box next to each enumerated field you want
excluded as a dimension from the reporting
Enable a dependent picklist as a dimension a. Under the Dependent Picklists column,
select the box next to the picklist you want
included as a dimension in the reporting
b. In the same row as the dependent picklist,
under the Enumerated Fields column, select
the box next to the parent enumerated field if
is not already selected.

676 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 216: Enumeration and Dependent Picklists tasks (continued)
Task Steps
Disable a dependent picklist as a dimension a. Under the Dependent Picklists column, clear
the box next to the picklist you want excluded
as a dimension from the reporting framework.
b. In the same row as the dependent picklist,
under the Enumerated Fields column, clear
the box next to the parent enumerated field if
not wanted as a dimension.

3. Click Save.
4. Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on
page 686).

Using date dimension types

When date fields are used as dimensions in reports, users can drill down through a date hierarchy from
the year to a specific quarter, month, and/or day.
For date fields to be used as dimensions, you must first define a date dimension type then map that
dimension to the date fields of an object type. The date dimension types that you define are globally
available for all object type date fields.
You can localize the name of a date dimension type for display in the reporting framework. If no
translated text is provided, the value that is typed into the Name field for a date dimension type is
automatically used.
By default, the following system date fields are available under the Date Dimensions table for all object
types but are not automatically configured with a date dimension type:
• Creation Date
• Last modification Date
Notice: If a system date field is configured with a date dimension type, it applies to all object types.

Adding a date dimension type

When you define a date dimension type, that dimension is available for selection on all date fields for any
object type.
For more information, see Table 217 on page 678.
Complete the following steps to add a data dimension type:

1. Click Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration.
2. On the Date Dimensions Type table, click Add.
3. In the Name field, type a name for this date dimension.
4. Optional: Localize the text of the Name field for display in the reporting framework as follows. If no
localized display text is specified, the value in the Name field is used by default.
a) Click the Translate link.
b) In the Translate window, next to each language you want, type the localized text into the box.
c) When finished, click Apply.
5. Select a value next to each dimension you want for this date type. Only one value can be selected for
each type of date dimension.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 677

Table 217: Date dimension types
Date type Description
Year Returns the calendar year of the field.
Example: 2010

Quarter Returns the quarter within the calendar year.

Example: "Quarter" would return "3" for the month of

Month Depending on the selection, will return either a numeric or

text string for the month.
Example: "Month of Year" would return "8" for the month of

Week Depending on the selection, will return the number of the

week for either the month, quarter, or year based on a
starting criteria.
Example: "Week of Year (Starts on Sunday)" would return
"33" for August 18, 2010.

Day Depending on the selection, will return either a numeric or

text string for the day of the week, month, quarter, or year
based on an optional starting criteria.
Example: "Day of Year" would return "230" for August 18,

6. Click Save.
Map the date dimension to an object type date fields. See “Mapping date dimension types to date
fields” on page 678.

Mapping date dimension types to date fields

After you create a date dimension type, you can then map that dimension to one or more date fields for an
object type.
Each column in the Date Dimensions table represents a defined date dimension type, and each row
represents a date field for the selected object type.

1. Complete one of the following steps to access facts and dimensions for an object type:
• Click Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration. From the Facts and Dimensions
pane, click the name of the object type to select.
• Click Administration > Object Type. Click the object type to select. From the Facts and
Dimensions pane, click Edit.
2. On the Date Dimensions pane, select date dimension types, for each date field in a row.
3. Click Save.

What to do next
Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Enabling, disabling, modifying, and deleting a date dimension type

678 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

When you disable or re-enable a date dimension type, that date dimension type is disabled or re-enabled
for all date fields in any object type. You can modify a date dimension type after you create it. When you
delete a date dimension type, that date dimension type is permanently removed from the system on all
date fields for any object type and cannot be retrieved.
Note: When you disable, modify, or delete a date dimension type, any reports that used that date
dimension type will no longer run.

1. Click Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration.
2. In the Date Dimension Types pane, navigate to the row containing the date dimension type you want
to disable or re-enable.
3. Under the Actions column in the same row for that date dimension type, click Disable, Enable or
Delete. Or, make modifications and click Save.

What to do next
Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Configuring business entity recursive object levels

For the Business Entity object type, you can define and delete sets of recursive object levels, and modify
the levels within each set.
By default, the Business Entity object type does not have any predefined sets of recursive object levels.
When the Reporting Framework V6 is generated, all user-defined sets of recursive object levels are
available to report authors under the GRC_OBJECTS|SOXBUSENTITY_FOLDER folder in the default
dimensional namespace. In addition, this structure is also available in the administrator interface in IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform when configuring object type dimensions (see “Object type dimensions” on
page 664).
For more information, see “Recursive object levels” on page 661.

Defining business entity recursive object levels

You can create multiple sets of recursive object levels for generation in the Reporting Framework V6. V6
refers to the latest framework version, not to any specific OpenPages GRC Platform release number.

1. Access the Object Types page. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the Object
Types application permission set.
a) With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click
Object Types.
2. From the list of object types, click the SOXBusEntity (Business Entity) link to open its detail page.
3. Navigate to the Recursive Object Levels table and click Edit.
4. In the definition pane, do the following:

Table 218: Recursive Object Levels Definition Boxes

In this box... Do this...
Name Type a name for this set of levels.
Description Optionally, type a description of this set.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 679

Table 218: Recursive Object Levels Definition Boxes (continued)
In this box... Do this...
Starting Entity Type the full path, beginning with a slash, to the starting Business Entity.
Note: Optionally, you can use a single slash (/) to specify all top level
(Level 1) business entities.

Level 1 Type a unique name for this level.

5. To add another level to this set, click the (plus symbol) icon and type a unique name for this level.
Repeat this step for each level you want to add to this set.
Note: To remove a level that was added, click the (minus symbol) icon.
6. Optional: Localize the text for the names of the set and the text for levels for display in the reporting
framework as follows.
Note: If no localized display text is specified, the values in the Name and Level fields are used by
a) Click the Translate link.
b) In the Translate window, for the language you want, type the localized text into the box.
c) Click Apply.
7. To add another set, click Add and repeat Steps 4 - 6.
8. Click Save.
9. To specify which recursive object level set you want available in a given namespace, configure the
Entity Recursive Object Levels setting (see “Configure reporting framework namespaces”
on page 671).
10. Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on
page 686).

Deleting business entity sets of recursive object levels

You can delete a set of recursive object levels for a Business Entity
Note: When you delete a set of recursive object levels for a Business Entity, all the levels that have been
defined for that set are deleted and any reports that used these levels will no longer run.

1. Access the Object Types page. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the Object
Types application permission set.
a) With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list of object types, click the SOXBusEntity (Business Entity) link to open its detail page.
3. Navigate to the Recursive Object Levels table and click Edit.
4. Navigate to the pane with the set you want to delete, and click the Delete link.
5. Click Save.
6. Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on
page 686).

Modifying recursive object levels

You can add and remove levels in a set for all recursive object types.
• You cannot delete Level1 for non-entity recursive object types.
• If you modify existing recursive object levels in a set, reports that used these levels will no longer run.

680 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

1. Access the Object Types page. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the Object
Types application permission set.
a) With the Object Types application permission set, select the Administration menu and click Object
2. From the list, click the name of the recursive object type you want to modify.
3. On the Recursive Object Levels table, click Edit.
4. In the definition pane, make the required changes.
To add or remove levels, complete one of the following tasks:

Table 219: Add or remove levels

Task Steps
Add another level to the set Click the (plus symbol) icon and type a unique
name for this level.
Remove a level that was added Click the (minus symbol) icon.
5. Click Save.

What to do next
Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Configuring object type dimensions

You configure object type dimensions using the Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration
For more information, see “Object type dimensions” on page 664.

Adding object type dimensions

Use the following instructions to define object type dimensions for generation in the Reporting Framework
V6. V6 refers to the latest framework version, not to any specific OpenPages GRC Platform release

1. Click Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration.
2. On the Object Type Dimensions table, click Add.
3. In the Name box, type a name for this object type dimension.
4. Optional: Localize the text of the Name field for display in the reporting framework as follows.
Note: If no localized display text is specified, the value in the Name field is used by default.
a) Click the Translate link.
b) In the Translate window, next to each language you want, type the localized text into the box.
c) When finished, click Apply.
5. In the Description box, optionally type some descriptive text.
6. Click the Starting Object Type arrow and select an object type or a recursive object level (if defined for
Business Entity object types) from the list, then click Go.
7. To add another object type to this dimension, do the following:
a) In the Selected Object Types table, under the Actions column, click the Choose Object Type link.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 681

b) In the Choose Object Type window, select an object type then click Apply.
c) Repeat Steps a and b to add another object type to this dimension.
8. Click Create.

What to do next
Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Modifying object type dimensions

You have the option to modify an object type dimension after you create it. Perhaps, for example,
translated text needs to be modified or added, or a previously selected object type in a level needs to be
Note: If you modify object types in an existing object type dimension, reports that used this object type
dimension will no longer run.

1. Click Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration.
2. From the list in the Object Type Dimensions table, click the name of the object type dimension you
want to modify.
3. Make the changes you want (see Table 220 on page 682).

Table 220: Modifying an Object Type Dimension

If you want to... Then do this...
Change an object type Click the Choose Object Type link for the object type you want to change
and make another selection.
Note: When you change an object type, all previously selected levels below
that level are also deleted.

Delete a level Click the Choose Object Type link for the object type level you want to
delete and clear the selection box.
Note: When you delete a level, all levels below that level are also deleted.

Change or add Click the Translate link to open the Translate window.
translation text for the
Name field
4. Click Save.
5. Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on
page 686).

Enabling, disabling, and deleting object type dimensions

You can disable and then re-enable an object type dimension at a later time. When you delete an object
type dimension, that object type dimension is permanently removed from the system and cannot be
Note: When you disable or delete an object type dimension, reports that used this object type dimension
will no longer run.

1. Click Administration > Reporting Framework > Configuration.

682 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

2. In the Object Type Dimensions table, navigate to the row containing the object type dimension you
want to disable, re-enable, or delete.
3. Under the Actions column in the same row for that object type dimension, do one of the following:
• Click Enable or Disable (the link toggles between "Disable" and "Enable" depending on the
selected action).
• Click Delete.

What to do next
Update the reporting framework to effect the changes (see “Updating the reporting framework” on page

Generating the reporting framework

When you generate the Reporting Framework V6, the packages for all or selected framework models are
published to the Cognos server with relationship and dimensional subnamespaces.
Note: You should not use IBM Cognos Framework Manager to modify the packages. The packages are
dynamically created and recreated when you launch the OpenPages Reporting Framework Generator. If
you made changes using IBM Cognos Framework Manager, those changes are lost when you launch the
OpenPages Reporting Framework Generator. If you would like to create a custom Cognos package, see
your OpenPages Managing Consultant.

Regenerating the reporting framework

The following table lists the changes that require you to regenerate the reporting schema and the
reporting framework:

Table 221: Regenerating the reporting schema and the reporting framework.
This type of change... Requires this to be regenerated...
Reporting schema Reporting framework
Adding a new field to a field group. No Yes
Adding a new object type. No Yes
Adding a new association between object types. No Yes
Removing object types or attributes. Yes Yes
For information, see “Deleting a custom object
type” on page 189.

Encrypting a long string (CLOB) field. No Yes

Enabling facts or dimensions. No Yes
Defining, modifying, or deleting business entity No Yes
recursive object levels.
Removing a field from a field group. No Yes
Disabling an association between object types. No Yes
Disabling facts or dimensions. No Yes

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 683

Table 221: Regenerating the reporting schema and the reporting framework. (continued)
This type of change... Requires this to be regenerated...
Reporting schema Reporting framework
Switching the security model. Yes Yes
Note: Switching the security model after data is
loaded or migrated into the system is not
recommended and requires assistance from the
OpenPages Professional Services team.

Changing the value of the Populate past periods Yes No

For information, see “Populating past reporting
periods” on page 91.

Changing any setting used to compose URL links in Yes No

the reporting schema, for example, the Host, Port,
and Protocol settings.
For information about updating the reporting
schema, see “Updating URL host pointers for
reports” on page 478 if you want to run the
RPS_Update SQL script or “Creating or recreating
the reporting schema” on page 91 if you are
update manually.

Adding an index to an RT_column by using the Yes No

Settings > Platform > Reporting Schema > Create
Index on Fields setting.
Configuring the triangles setting. For information, Yes No
see “Triangle object relationships” on page 663.
Changing an enumerated field from single-valued Yes No
to multivalued and there is data in the field (DB2

Important: When you regenerate the reporting framework, you need to revalidate reports. Failing to do so
may result in reporting errors.

Reporting framework permissions

Before performing any actions on a reporting framework, you must have specific application permissions
set on your account.
For more information, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32).

Table 222: Reporting framework permissions

This application permission... Is used to...
Reporting Framework Update all or selected components of the reporting
Reporting Framework Configuration Configure facts and dimensions

Accessing the reporting framework

To update components of the reporting framework or to configure facts and dimensions, you must access
the reporting framework.

684 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Before you begin
To update or configure the reporting framework, you disable System Administration Mode (for more
information, see “Enabling and disabling System Administration Mode” on page 17).
Make sure the following application permissions are set on the user account. For information, see
“Reporting framework permissions” on page 684.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a user with the correct application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Reporting Framework, and click one of the following:
• Generation — to update all or selected components of the reporting framework, such as metadata,
labels, dimensions and facts, and custom query subjects for all or selected framework models.
• Configuration — to configure facts and dimensions, object type dimensions, and date dimension

Choosing update options in the reporting framework

When you generate the Reporting Framework V6 or a Legacy Reporting Framework, you can choose to
update all or particular components of the reporting framework.
If you want to continue using the Legacy Reporting Framework for certain reports with systems that were
upgraded from version 5.x or earlier, you can specify the Legacy Framework Generation options.
Table 223 on page 685 lists the various options for updating the reporting framework.

Table 223: Reporting Framework Generation Options

This option... Is available in this Reporting And does this...
Framework • Reporting Framework V6 Generates the model in the relational model.
• Legacy Reporting Framework

Labels • Reporting Framework V6 Imports your object text into the reporting
• Legacy Reporting Framework

Facts and Reporting Framework V6 Generates the dimensions and facts in the
Dimensions dimensional model.
Custom Query Reporting Framework V6 Generates any custom query subjects that are
Subjects defined.
For information about custom query subjects, see
the IBM OpenPages GRC Report Author's Guide on
your documentation media.

All Models Reporting Framework V6 Generates the component you select (Framework
Model, Labels, Facts and Dimensions, or Custom
Query Subjects) for all framework models that are
Selected Reporting Framework V6 Generates the component you select (Framework
Models Model, Labels, Facts and Dimensions, or Custom
Query Subjects) for selected framework models.
The framework models must be enabled.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 685

When you update the reporting framework, any changes to the reporting schema are reflected in Cognos.
After the reporting framework model in Cognos is updated, report authors can create and modify reports
based on these changes. If the reporting framework is not updated, external reports such as those built
with Cognos will not be able to access the updated reporting schema.
You add two new fields to a Risk object type and add a new child or parent relationship to a Control object
type. You also want users to be able to run reports that contain these new fields or relationships.
To make these changes available to a report author in the Cognos tool, you would update the reporting
framework through the administrative application interface.
After the Cognos reporting framework is updated, a report author could then create new (or modify
existing) reports that contained the new fields or relationships. For more information about the Cognos
reporting framework, see the IBM OpenPages Report Author's Guide.

Updating the reporting framework

After the reporting schema has been updated, the reporting framework must be updated as well to
propagate the changes to the Cognos reports. Whenever you update the reporting framework, you need to
revalidate reports. Failing to do so may result in reporting errors.
Note: This procedure assumes that you have created a new reporting schema.

1. Access the Reporting Framework Operations page (see “Accessing the reporting framework” on page
2. Disable System Administration Mode if it is enabled (for details, see “Enabling and disabling System
Administration Mode” on page 17).
3. On the Reporting Framework Operations page, click Update.
4. In the Reporting Framework Generation window, complete the following steps:
a) Under Framework Generation, select the Framework Model, Labels, All Models or Selected
Models options and any additional options for generation in the Reporting Framework V6 relational
data model.
Note: For upgraded systems that have the Legacy Reporting Framework setting enabled, if you also
want to generate the Legacy Reporting Framework relational data model, under Legacy Framework
Generation, select the Framework Model and Labels options.
b) Click Submit.
You are returned to the Reporting Framework Operations page with the new task listed in the
Reporting Framework Operations table.
5. To view the progress of the update, click Refresh. The Percent Complete column on the Reporting
Framework Operations table updates the percentage of completion.

Viewing reporting framework details

You can view the details of a refresh operation, including any errors that were encountered.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps to view reporting framework details:

1. Access the Reporting Schema. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface
as a user with the Reporting Schema application permission set.
a) From the menu bar, select Administration and click Reporting Schema.
2. On the Reporting Framework Operations tab, click the name of the operation.
3. On the Operation Detail pane, click View Log.

686 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The log message detail page appears.
4. If a sub-operation exists, it is listed in on the Sub Operations pane.
a) To view sub-operation details, click the name of the sub-operation.
b) To view log details, click View Log.

Configuring and generating the reporting framework 687

688 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 26. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
You can leverage information from across the business by using connectors to collect information from
third-party solutions.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connectors use IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator to pull data into OpenPages
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator is a general-purpose integration tool that you can use to build integrations
between multiple data sources and targets. Connectors must be imported into an IBM Tivoli Directory
Integrator workspace. (IBM Security Directory Integrator is the latest name for IBM Tivoli Directory
Integrator. You might see TDI and SDI used interchangeably in the documentation.)
The version included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform is IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator This
version is supported by the QRadar integration package and by IBM OpenPages GRC SDI Connector for
UCF Common Controls Hub.
Attention: TDI must be at the level.

IBM QRadar integration

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform includes an IBM QRadar integration package. QRadar is a separate stand-
alone enterprise-level application. It is not included with IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
IBM QRadar is a SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) system that contains relevant data
for the Incident object type in OpenPages. In QRadar, this data is called an Offense.
Data can be pulled from QRadar, initiated by IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI), then mapped one-to-
one to Incidents in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

Figure 34: How OpenPages and QRadar work together

Using the QRadar integration project
The IBM QRadar integration project is an optional project that you can install to import Offenses from
QRadar and create them as Incidents in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

Before you begin

You must complete the following steps to install and configure the QRadar integration project before you
begin. For more information, see "Installing QRadar integration" in the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation
and Deployment Guide.

About this task

Connectors are plug-ins for TDI that are reusable components. OpenPages GRC Platform has one
connector developed for OpenPages GRC Platform functionality. The connector is generic to any
OpenPages GRC Platform object type and field type.
You can use QRadar filtering so that the relevant subset of Offenses can be managed in the context of the
impact on your business. For example, you can configure the connector to import only Offenses that are
open, or based on the date.
The SIEM API documentation is available in the QRadar Console. This can provide guidance on what to
specify for the filter and the fields, (specified by the qradarFilter and qradarFields properties in the file).

1. Ensure IBM QRadar is installed. IBM QRadar is a separate enterprise-level application. It is not
included with OpenPages GRC Platform.
2. Install IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1, followed by the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator fix
pack 4, from the OpenPages GRC Platform installation media.
3. Configure Tivoli Directory Integrator to connect to QRadar.
4. Configure the property files.
5. Deploy the assembly line.

Attention: The assembly line will not run when the OpenPages GRC Platform user that is
configured to run the assembly line has left System Admin Mode enabled in OpenPages GRC
Platform. You must ensure that System Admin Mode is disabled to run the assembly line.
6. The results of running the assembly line show up as new or updated Incident objects, as viewed from
the OpenPages GRC Platform Events > Incidents menu option.

Configuring email notifications to be sent from the QRadar assembly line connector
Both of the QRadarOffensesToIncidents assembly line connector components are able to send email
notifications to alert people such as the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) administrator when errors or
exceptions occur during the execution of the QRadarOffensesToIncidents assembly line.

About this task

To enable this capability, the three SMTP properties in the file must be
configured. Then, when an error or exception occurs, in addition to the error-level message getting logged
to the TDI log file or to the TDI console, an email with the log message is also sent to the email addresses
configured in the SMTP mailTo property of the file.
Email messages can be sent from either the QRadar API connector component or the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform connector component of the QRadarOffensesToIncidents assembly line. Also, the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform connector automatically sends warn-level messages if there are issues with the
validity of the primary parent ID supplied to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector when

690 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

attempting to create a new IBM OpenPages GRC Platform object. Updating an existing IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform object does not require a primary parent ID to be specified.

1. Configure the mailTo property of the file.
The email address to use for sending email notifications about errors and exceptions that occur in the
assembly line connectors. One or more email addresses can be specified as a comma-separated list.
For example, [email protected],[email protected].
2. Configure the smtpPort property of the file.
The SMTP port to use for sending email notifications about errors and exceptions that occur in the
assembly line connectors. The default port to use for an SMTP server is 25.
3. Configure the smtpHost property of the file.
The SMTP host to use for sending email notifications about errors and exceptions that occur in the
assembly line connectors. Specify either an IP name or IP address. For example, or smtpHost=

Specifying a primary parent ID to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform objects that are created by the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector
must have a primary parent ID.

There are three ways to supply a primary parent ID to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector
component, described in the order in which they are searched for:
• Provide the object resource ID of an existing suitable parent object as a string value in the
work.primary_parent_id property in the output mapping:
The following graphic shows the work.primary_parent_id property in the output mapping:

Figure 35: The work.primary_parent_id property in the output mapping:

The value must be a number, enclosed in double quotes, and should be the object resource ID of a
suitable IBM OpenPages GRC Platform parent object. A null or empty value is ignored. This technique
enables the use of a different primary parent ID for each object being created.

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connectors 691

• If a work.primary_parent_id property value is not supplied in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
connector output mapping from the preceding technique, then the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
connector looks for non-null values of the following two properties in the output mapping to derive the
primary parent ID of a parent object for the new object being created:
– work.parent_type: the GRC object type of the parent object
– work.parent_location: the relative location of the GRC parent object instance
The following graphic shows the primary parent ID derived from the non-null values of the two
properties work.parent_type and work.parent_location in the output mapping.

Figure 36: Primary parent ID derived from the non-null values of the two properties work.parent_type and
work.parent_location in the output mapping

See the detailed descriptions and example values provided for the op_parentType and
op_parentLocation properties in the file, located in the Runtime-
qradar_integration folder of the TDI qradar_integration project. If the values for these
properties do not derive to a valid parent object, then they are ignored.
The following graphic shows a detail from the file:

692 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Figure 37: A detail from the file

This technique enables the use of a different primary parent ID for each object being created.
• If the properties in the preceding two techniques are not provided, then the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform connector uses the default primary parent ID derived from the op_parentType and
op_parentLocation properties defined in the file, located in the Runtime-
qradar_integration folder of the TDI qradar_integration project. The values in the file are processed once per assembly line execution, and the resulting
derived value serves as the default primary parent ID to use if the properties in the two preceding
sections are not provided.
If the values for these properties do not derive to a valid parent object, then there will be no default value
available for the duration of the assembly line execution. See the detailed descriptions and example
values provided for each of these properties in the file, located in the
Runtime-qradar_integration folder of the TDI qradar_integration project.

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connectors 693

Specifying currency values to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector by the output
You can specify currency values in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector output mapping as strings
(enclosed with quotation marks) by using a standard format.

About this task

The amount is specified first, followed by a vertical bar, followed by the ISO code. White space is allowed.
The entire string must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Supply the currency values in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector output mapping as strings,
that is, enclosed with quotation marks, by using the following format: "<amount>|<isoCode>"
• Examples of valid currency values in the output mapping: "123.45|AUD" or "321 | USD"
• Example of an invalid currency value in the output mapping because the enclosing quotation marks are
missing: 123.45|AUD
• Example of an incomplete currency value in the output mapping because the ISO code is missing; when
this situation occurs, the default currency that is configured in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform is used:
"123 | "

Specifying date values to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector via the output
Date values should be specified as java.util.Date objects in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connector
output mapping.

IBM OpenPages GRC SDI Connector for UCF Common Controls Hub
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform includes IBM OpenPages GRC SDI Connector for UCF Common Controls
Hub. UCF Common Controls Hub is a separate stand-alone web application. It is not included with IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform.
UCF is a database of regulatory compliance documents. The regulatory documents are divided into parts,
which can then be used by APIs. UCF Common Controls Hub is the web portal to the UCF data.
Data can be pulled from UCF (initiated by IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator), then mapped one-to-one to
object types in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
Note: IBM Security Directory Integrator is the latest name for IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator. You might
see TDI and SDI used interchangeably in the documentation.

Table 224: UCF object type mappings

Object type in UCF Object type in OpenPages
Authority documents Mandates
Citations Submandates
Controls Requirements

A mandate can have one or submandates. A submandate can have zero or more requirements. A
requirement can be related to multiple submandates from different mandates.

694 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Figure 38: How OpenPages and UCF work together

Run the UCF assembly lines

Run the UCF assembly lines to import objects from UCF Common Controls Hub into OpenPages GRC
You must install and configure the UCF connector before you begin. For more information, see "Installing
UCF integration" in the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment Guide.
Run the assembly lines in the following order. Wait for each assembly line to finish before you run the next
assembly line:
• UCF Authority Documents to OP Mandates
• UCF Citations to OP Submandates
• UCF Controls to OP Requirements
To run an assembly line, right-click it in the TDI Configuration Editor and click Run AssemblyLine. To view
the log, click .
Note: The UCF connector assembly lines do not support Delta mode.
You can schedule the assembly lines to run by using the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator scheduler. Set up
the scheduler so that each assembly line completes before the next begins.
Attention: The assembly lines will not run when System Admin Mode (SAM) is enabled in
OpenPages GRC Platform. The assembly lines write data to the OpenPages database, and System
Admin Mode prevents write operations. Ensure that System Admin Mode is disabled before you
run the assembly lines.
If you encounter errors about missing impact zones or guidance areas, see “Update business entities,
fields, and field groups” on page 697.
To view the UCF objects in OpenPages GRC Platform, go to Compliance > Mandate Overview. Expand
Library > UCF.

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connectors 695

Changing the connection information
You can change the connection information that the UCF connector uses to connect to IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform and to UCF Common Controls Hub. You configure the connection information by updating
property files and by entering passwords in the Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor.

About this task

The UCF connector includes two text files that contain the assembly line properties.
The property files are in the Runtime-ucf_integration folder of the ucf_integration project.
The file stores the connection information for OpenPages.
The file contains the OpenPages password and your UCF token. The values
are encrypted.
Note: Do not edit this file. Set the values by using the Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor.

1. From the Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor, open the ucf_integration project.
2. In the Navigator pane, expand Runtime-ucf_integration.
3. Right-click the file and click Text Editor.
4. Set or change the property values.

Table 225: Properties in the file

Property Description
op_api_root The OpenPages REST API root
The default (typical) value is /grc/api. The
op_api_root is appended to the op_url to form the
full URL to access the OpenPages REST API.

op_url The OpenPages URL

Use the format https://<host>:<port>

op_user The OpenPages user name that the UCF connector uses
to log in to OpenPages
Use an account with administrative privileges. The user
account must have security permissions to create and
update the mandate, submandate, and requirements
object types.

For example:


5. Save the changes and exit the text editor.

6. Right-click the file and click Text Editor.
7. Type the password of the OpenPages user that you used in the file.
8. Enter your UCF Common Controls Hub token in the ucf_api_token parameter.

696 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

To get your token, log in to UCF Common Controls Hub. Click Settings > API Manager > API Keys.
Click Create Credentials.
If you are unable to create a token, contact UCF Common Controls Hub.
9. Save the changes and exit the text editor.
The values in the file are automatically encrypted.
10. Refresh the property files and the connectors with the updated connection information.
a) In the Navigator pane, expand Resources > Properties.
b) Right-click op_client, and then click Open.
c) Click Read properties from Server, and then click Send properties to Server.
d) Click Save, and then close the window.
e) Right-click passwords, and then click Open.
f) Click Read properties from Server, and then click Send properties to Server.
g) Click Save, and then close the window.

Update business entities, fields, and field groups

If UCF Common Controls Hub adds new control impact zones or adds new authority document guidance
areas, you need to update IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
You need to update OpenPages in the following cases:
• The assembly line reports that an impact zone is missing.
In this case, you need to add a business entity with the same name as the missing control impact zone.
The parent of the new business entity must be /Library/UCF/Harmonized Controls.
For example: /Library/UCF/Harmonized Controls/<Impact Zone Name>
• The assembly line reports that a mandate cannot be created because an authority document’s guidance
area could not be found.
In this case, you need to add a business entity with the same name as the authority document’s
guidance area. The parent of the new business entity must be /Library/UCF/Authority
For example: /Library/UCF/Authority Documents/<Guidance Area Name>
Next, add the new business entity name as an enumerated string value to the fields UCF-Mand:UCF
Category, UCF-SubMand:UCF Guidance Area, and UCF-Req:UCF Guidance Areas.
You can add new business entities in OpenPages. Alternatively, you can use FastMap to import them.

IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) techniques

If you use the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connectors, there are TDI techniques that might help you.

Scheduling IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) has a built-in capability for scheduling. Each assembly line can have
one or more schedules. TDI can run in a daemon mode between runs, or shut down completely. Assembly
lines can also be run on demand by the command line.
In the TDI Configuration Editor, right-click an assembly line and select Create Schedule.
If you are using the UCF connector, schedule the assembly lines in the following order. Schedule the
assembly lines so that each completes before the next begins.
• UCF Authority Documents to OP Mandates
• UCF Citations to OP Submandates
• UCF Controls to OP Requirements

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform connectors 697

For more information about scheduling assembly lines, see the IBM Tivoli® Directory Integrator
Knowledge Center topic Scheduling AssemblyLines(

TDI command line tips

You can run the assembly lines on your local or remote server where IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI)
is installed.
To run commands on a remote TDI server, you must have TDI installed on your local system. When
entering TDI commands on the local server to execute on a remote TDI server, be sure to include the -h
<hostname> command switch.
• If changes are made to any of the properties files used by the connector components and you
are running the tdisrv service, the tdisrv service must be stopped and restarted for those
changes to take effect.
• Logging for TDI running as a service is written to the ibmdi.log file in the installed TDI area
where the service lives. For example, on a Windows-based system, this is <TDI-install-
root>/win32_service/logs/ibmdi.log by default.
• When you run an assembly line by using the TDI Configuration Editor, the log entries are put into
the <TDI-solutions-root>/logs/ibmdi.log by default.
Here are some examples of commands that you can run against your imported configuration. Note the use
of the -h <hostname> switch when the command is intended to run on a remote TDI server configuration.
Also, the use of the ibmdisrv command is not typically used, but is included here as an example of how
it can be used:
• tdisrvctl -v -op start -c C:\TDI_Solutions\workspace\qradar_integration
\Runtime-qradar_integration\qradar_integration.xml -r
• tdisrvctl -v -h <hostname> -op start -c C:\TDI_Solutions\workspace
\qradar_integration\Runtime-qradar_integration\qradar_integration.xml -r
• ibmdisrv -c "C:\TDI_Solutions\workspace\qradar_integration\Runtime-
qradar_integration\qradar_integration.xml" -r "QRadarOffensesToIncidents"

Troubleshooting the assembly line "Connection refused" error

When you start the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) Configuration Editor, or when you run TDI
commands from a command line, you might encounter an error that says the connection to your TDI
server is refused.

About this task

This error can be caused by running more than one instance of either the TDI Configuration Editor or the
tdisrv service at the same time on the same server.

1. Check for any program that is using port 1099 already by using the following commands:
• Windows: netstat -an | findstr 1099
• UNIX: netstat -an | grep 1099
2. If the output of this command is not empty, determine which process is already using port 1099 and
stop that process. If the process is already stopped, reenter the command after a minute or two to
ensure that the ports are no longer in use. You might need to repeat the netstat command a few
times before the output is empty.

698 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 27. Configuring questionnaire assessments
You can use the questionnaire assessments to assess risk and compliance or to collect information for
specific processes and asset risks. This capability streamlines, standardizes, and centralizes the
collection of questionnaire-based assessment information.

Configuring questionnaire assessments

To use questionnaire assessments, you set up user permissions for users. You can also configure the
email server so that lifecycle triggers send emails to lifecycle assignees. You can customize two visual
elements on questionnaire assessments: the logo in the header and the introduction text on the landing
page. These elements are displayed on all questionnaire assessments regardless of the questionnaire
template and program that is used to create the questionnaire assessments.

1. Configure the email server that is used to route mails to lifecycle assignees. For information see “Set
the mail server address” on page 322.
2. Verify that users who create and launch programs have the following permissions:
• Read/write/associate access to Questionnaire Template objects.
• Read/write access to the objects used by Questionnaire Templates: Section Templates, SubSection
Templates, and Question Templates.
• Read/write/associate access to Program objects.
• Read/write/associate access to Questionnaire Assessment objects.
• Read/associate access to assets.
3. Verify that users who complete and review questionnaire assessments have the following permissions:
• Read access to the objects used by questionnaire templates: Questionnaire Templates, Section
Templates, SubSection Templates, and Question Templates.
• Read access to Program objects. Required for four-stage lifecycle because the program owner is at
one point the lifecycle assignee for questionnaire assessments.
• Read/write/associate access to Questionnaire Assessment objects. You can do this with Record
Level Security (RLS), where the current lifecycle assignee has the questionnaire assessment, or with
the role template.
• Read/write/associate/delete access to SOXDocument for attachments.
• Read access to assets.
4. Customize the logo on the questionnaire assessment to be your company logo. File specifications are
as follows:
• Size: 133 pixels wide by 40 pixels high
• Type: png
• Name: logo.png
• Folder location: ../sosa.war/image/questionnaire/
Changes to the logo file can be overwritten in subsequent upgrades.
Copy the file to the folder location. No further setup is necessary. If you do not customize the logo, the
system displays the product name in the header rather than a logo.
5. Customize the introduction text that is displayed on the landing page when a respondent opens a
questionnaire assessment. Write the text and save it in the
questionnaire.intro.label.informationDetails token under Administration > Application
Text > Labels.

700 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 28. Configuring the approval app
The approval app is an optional feature that leverages the power of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform and
provides an easy-to-use interface for quickly taking action on a review, approval, or attestation request
with confidence and full knowledge of the context surrounding the request. The approval app works with
objects that are set up for the configurable lifecycle.
By using the approval app, a casual or infrequent user of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform is now able to
make well-informed decisions for GRC tasks guided by information from the system quickly and easily,
without the need for extensive training in OpenPages. If you want to see all of the items sent to you in the
approval app, you can go to your To Do list by clicking the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform logo. You simply
make the decision (or respond to certification language or questions), with your comments if necessary,
and click the relevant button to submit. You can use this feature on tablets and mobile devices as well, for
increased flexibility.

Configuring the JSON file for the approval app

You use the deck_config.json file as a place to configure object types, fields, and so on, for the
approval app.

About this task

The deck_config.json is preconfigured to be ready for use. If you want, there are other changes that
you can make. For more information, see “Customizing the JSON file for the approval app ” on page 707.
The following table contains the property list and instructions for the deck_config.json file properties.

Table 226: Properties in deck_config.json

Property Needed Parent Property Description Value
profile exactly 1 root property Name of the OpenPages approval app
profile used by the
approval app
objectTypes 1 to many root property List of the approval app SOXControl
supported object types
(system names)
objects 1 per root property List of properties for [{}]
objectType each object type
type 1 objects Type of the OpenPages SOXControl
object system name
fieldTitle 1 objects Field to be used as the Name
name of the object
fieldDesc 1 objects Field to be used as the Description
description of the object
lifecycle 1 objects List of lifecycle {}
properties for object
enabled 1 lifecycle Boolean to enable true
object for the approval
Table 226: Properties in deck_config.json (continued)
Property Needed Parent Property Description Value
stageMap 1 lifecycle List of the approval app {}
enabled lifecycle stages
"Attestation" 1 to many stageMap List of properties for the {}
approval app enabled
lifecycle stage
showInList 1 "Attestation" Boolean to display stage true
in the approval app
questionFieldLists 1 "Attestation" List of question field [{}]
properties for
rule 1 to many questionFieldLists Rule to determine default
whether a question is
fields 1 per rule questionFieldLists List of question fields [{}]
for certification
systemName 1 to many fields OpenPages system OPSS-Ctl-
name of certification Cert:DesEff
question field
displayType 1 per fields the approval app- Text Area
systemName specific display type for
the certification field
widgetList 1 objects List of properties for the [{}]
controlling views in
attachmentList 0 or 1 widgetList Controls the display of show
the Files list under the
Related Content
section in the approval
• show: Always display
the Files list.
• hide: Always hide the
Files list. If you want
to show files or links,
you must add them to
the profile view of the
• auto: Shows the Files
list. But if the profile
view includes files or
links, hides the Files
Default: auto

702 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 226: Properties in deck_config.json (continued)
Property Needed Parent Property Description Value
name 1 widgetList Name of the approval details
app section controlled
by a view
type 1 widgetList Type of the OpenPages ActivityView
view controlling the
approval app section
activityView 1 widgetList Name of the OpenPages OP-Deck-
view controlling the Control
approval app section
parentViews 0 to 1 widgetList List of OpenPages views [{}]
displayed in the
approval app Related
Content section
type 1 to many parentViews Type of the OpenPages SOXRisk
parent object system
activityView 1 per type parentViews Name of the OpenPages OP-Deck-LE-
view controlling the Risk
approval app section
dueDateGroup 1 root property List of properties for {}
grouping the items in
the approval app
defaultField 1 dueDateGroup Field to be used as the OPLC-
Due Date field Std:LCDueDate
group 0 to 1 defaultField List of properties [{}]
controlling the date
ranges for grouping in
the approval app
number 1 to many group Date range for grouped 14
unit 1 per number group Unit of measurement for day
group date range (day,
month, or year)
maxTodoObjects 1 root property Number of items to be 25
displayed in the
approval app

Debugging the deck_config.json file

You can debug the deck_config.json file by logging into OpenPages as an administrator and pasting a
URL (http://<yourIP>:<port>/openpages/app/deck/reloadConfig) in the browser. If there is
an error in the deck_config.json file, a message displays that shows details about the error, such as
the error number, exception type, line number, and error description. The error is logged in the aurora log
as well. You can then locate and fix the error in the deck_config.json file.
To perform this procedure, you must have the OpenPages Platform 3 profile associated with your user

Configuring the approval app 703

1. Click Administration > Manage System Files > SysXMLDocument.
2. Open the End User Applications Config folder to find the deck_config.json file.
3. Configure the deck_config.json file according to the preceding table.
The following example shows a typical deck_config.json file.

"profile": "Deck",
"objectTypes" : ["SOXControl","SOXIssue","LossEvent","Incident"],
"objects" : [
"type" : "SOXControl",
"fieldTitle" : "Name",
"fieldDesc" : "Description",
"lifecycle" : {
"enabled" : true,
"stageMap" : {
"Attestation" : {
"showInList": true,
"questionFieldLists" : [
"rule" : "default",
"fields" : [{
"displayType":"Radio Button/Checkbox"
"displayType":"Text Area"
"displayType":"Radio Button/Checkbox"
"displayType":"Text Area"
"displayType":"Radio Button/Checkbox"
"displayType":"Text Area"
"displayType":"Radio Button/Checkbox"
"displayType":"Text Area"
"widgetList" : [
"name" : "details",
"type" : "activityView",
"activityView" : "OP-Deck-Control",
"parentViews" : [
"type" : "SOXRisk",
"activityView" : "OP-Deck-Control-Risk"
"type" : "SOXIssue",
"fieldTitle" : "Name",
"fieldDesc" : "Description",

704 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

"lifecycle" : {
"enabled" : true,
"stageMap" : {
"Close Request" : {"showInList": true},
"Due Date Change Request" : {"showInList": true}
"widgetList" : [
"name" : "details",
"type" : "activityView",
"activityView" : "OP-Deck-Issue"
"type" : "LossEvent",
"fieldTitle" : "Name",
"fieldDesc" : "Description",
"lifecycle" : {
"enabled" : true,
"stageMap" : {
"Awaiting Approval" : {"showInList": true},
"Awaiting Approval L1" : {"showInList": true},
"Awaiting Approval L2" : {"showInList": true}
"widgetList" : [
"name" : "details",
"type" : "activityView",
"activityView" : "OP-Deck-LE",
"parentViews" : [
"type" : "SOXRisk",
"activityView" : "OP-Deck-LE-Risk"
"type" : "Incident",
"fieldTitle" : "Name",
"fieldDesc" : "Description",
"widgetList" : [
"name" : "details",
"type" : "activityView",
"activityView" : "OP-Deck-Incident"
"lifecycle" : {
"stageMap" : {
"Review" : {"showInList": true},
"Escalation Review": {"showInList": true}
"dueDateGroup" : {
"group" : [{"number": 5, "unit": "day"},{"number": 30, "unit": "day"}]
"maxTodoObjects" : 25

Approval app certification questions

Approval app certification questions provide an opportunity to prompt a user taking a lifecycle action to
respond to questions that certify the details of what they are agreeing to. Certification questions can also
remind them of the requirements of the certification or attestation they are performing.
The following table shows the supported field data types:

Configuring the approval app 705

Field data type Supported Details Valid
displayType value
Currency X
Enumerated String X Single-select only Radio Button/Checkbox
Simple String X Text and Text Area
Long String X Medium String Size only Text and Text Area

• Certification questions display the field guidance as the Question in the approval app—not as the
field label, as the field guidance does in OpenPages.
• For the approval app, if a field-level security (FLS) rule is applied on a question, the question is
still displayed on the card page for the lifecycle stage that is configured in the
deck_config.json file, even if the user does not meet the FLS rule to view the question. When
the user submits the question, the user sees the following message: You do not have
permission to write on the field <field name>.
The following list shows some example certification questions.
Certification Language without values
Use a single-select Enumerated String field. This causes the question to appear without any values to
Single select checkbox
Use a single-select Enumerated String field with a single value. This causes the question to appear
with a single check box.
Make a follow up question required
Use Requiredness field dependencies in OpenPages.
Note: The approval app does not support both Requiredness and Visibility dependencies at the same
Hide a follow up question unless a specific Enum value is selected
Use Visibility field dependencies in OpenPages.
Note: The approval app does not support both Requiredness and Visibility dependencies at the same
For a transition, make the lifecycle comment or other Simple/Long string required

"<SOME_STAGE>" : {
"transitionMap" : {
"requiresValidation" : true
"questionFieldLists" : [
"rule" : "default",
"fields" : [{
"displayType":"Text Area",
"requiredValue" : "NON_EMPTY"

Make a Simple/Long string field appear in a single-line text box

"<SOME_STAGE>" : {
"questionFieldLists" : [
"rule" : "default",

706 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

"fields" : [{
"systemName":"<FIELD NAME>",

Make a Simple/Long string field appear in a multi-line text area

"<SOME_STAGE>" : {
"questionFieldLists" : [
"rule" : "default",
"fields" : [{
"systemName":"<FIELD NAME>",
"displayType":"Text Area"

Customizing the JSON file for the approval app

The deck_config.json file is ready to use, but you can customize it.

About this task

The deck_config.json is preconfigured to be ready for use. If you want, there are changes that you can
make. For example, the parentViews property is optional: its default value is 0, in which case no parent
objects are shown even though the parentViews property supports multiple parent views.
This configuration example shows how to define what appears in the Related Content section for the
Controller object.

"parentViews" : [
"type" : "SOXBusEntity",
"activityView" : "OP-Deck-Control-BE"
"type" : "SOXRisk",
"activityView" : "OP-Deck-Control-Risk"

The following examples show various cases of properties that are supported but might not be enabled by
Example: Grouping a To Do list for 5 and 30 days

"dueDateGroup" : {
"group" : [{"number": 5, "unit": "day"},{"number": 30, "unit": "day"}]

Example: Making the comment field a required field for specified transitions
The comments field is not required in the standard configuration, and users can transition in a detail page
without adding a comment.
You might submit an action in the approval app and see a message similar to the following: Success!
Your <action> and comments have been submitted to <recipient>, even though there are
no comments.
You can configure the comment field to be a required field for specified transitions in the
deck_config.json file. In the following case, the comment field is required for the Review De-escalate
transition of the Escalation Review lifecycle stage.

"Escalation Review" : {
"transitionMap" : {
"Review De-escalate" : {
"requiresValidation" : true

Configuring the approval app 707

"questionFieldLists" : [
"rule" : "default",
"fields" : [{
"displayType":"Text Area",
"requiredValue" : "NON_EMPTY"
"rule" : "default",
"fields" : [{
"displayType":"Radio Button/Checkbox"

Example: Approval app stage with certification questions

"stageMap" : {
"Attestation" : {
"showInList": true,
"questionFieldLists" : [
"rule" : "default",
"fields" : [{
"displayType":"Radio Button/Checkbox"
"displayType":"Text Area"

708 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 29. Configuring OpenPages Loss Event Entry
IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry is an optional, chargeable component that users across an organization
can access to create loss events. You can customize the component by configuring how it works for your
organization, and the way users view and interact with it. OpenPages Loss Event Entry can be used to
create only loss events together with loss impacts, loss recoveries, and files. You cannot use it to create
other object types.
You use the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool to configure the OpenPages Loss Event Entry component.
For more information about this tool, see “Using the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool” on page 716.
Review that topic and access and open the tool as you learn about how to configure OpenPages Loss
Event Entry.
Read “Planning the configuration ” on page 709 to learn about whether you can use the out-of-the-box
configuration that is included in OpenPages Loss Event Entry. If you choose to modify the out-of-the-box
configuration, the following topics explain aspects of the system you need to understand before you
• “How users are handled” on page 711
• “Where loss events get created” on page 711
• “Who loss events get assigned to ” on page 711
• “How dates are validated” on page 712
• “How to launch OpenPages Loss Event Entry ” on page 712
• “How confirmation emails are configured” on page 715
For more information about OpenPages Loss Event Entry, see the topic OpenPages Loss Event Entry in the
IBM OpenPages GRC New Features Guide.

Planning the configuration

You can use OpenPages Loss Event Entry either as it is out-of-the-box with a minimal amount of
configuration or you can make modifications for your organization.
To use OpenPages Loss Event Entry as it is out-of-the-box, you need to complete the following
configuration tasks:
1. In the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool, change the passwords of the ten dedicated users that are
included in OpenPages Loss Event Entry. For information, see “Using the Loss Event Entry
Configuration tool” on page 716.
2. Review the creation views for loss events and decide whether you want to display or hide the Loss
Impacts and Loss Recoveries tabs. If displayed, you can also decide whether to make them
mandatory. Creation views are described later in this topic. How you can make the tabs mandatory is
described in “Using the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool” on page 716.
3. Change the role template assignment for the Loss Event Entry role template so that it grants the
lowest level of access needed.
4. In the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool, define Default Parent Path and Default Triage Team. For
information, see “Using the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool” on page 716.
5. Place a URL on your organization's intranet. For information, see “How to launch OpenPages Loss
Event Entry ” on page 712.
You can, alternatively, modify many aspects of OpenPages Loss Event Entry. To do this, review what is
included in the system and modify any of the following items to meet your requirements:
• Decide what locales you need. It is a best practice to disable locales that you do not use and disable or
do not load the dedicated users for them.
• Review the user group, Loss Event Entry, and make changes if needed. It contains ten dedicated
users, one for each locale: LEE_EN_US, LEE_EN_GB, LEE_IT_IT, LEE_PT_BR, LEE_FR_FR,
LEE_ES_ES, LEE_DE_DE, LEE_ZH_TW, LEE_ZH_CN, and LEE_JA_JP. For more information, see “How
users are handled” on page 711.
• Review the role template, Loss Event Entry, and make changes if needed. The ten dedicated users
are assigned to this role template at the root business entity. It is a best practice to change the role
template assignment for the Loss Event Entry role template so that it grants the lowest level of
access needed.
• Review the profile, Loss Event Entry, and make changes if needed. The ten dedicated users are
assigned to this profile.
• Design the content of the loss event form. Review the creation views, LE Entry - LE, LE Entry -
LI, and LE Entry - LR, and make changes if needed. They are assigned to the Loss Event Entry
profile. The system uses the views to determine what tabs and fields are displayed in OpenPages Loss
Event Entry. Decide whether you want to display or hide the Loss Impacts and Loss Recoveries tabs.
Both tabs are set to display in the creation views included with the system. To hide them, remove them
as child views on LE Entry - LE. If you want to display these tabs in creation views you create, they
must be defined as child views on the loss event creation view. If you want to make it mandatory that a
user enter a loss impact or loss recovery, you can configure that in the Loss Event Entry Configuration
• Review the field groups, OPSS-LE-BE and OPSS-LE-Contact. OPSS-LE-BE contains Business Entity
Selector fields that are used to identify the involvement of business entities in loss events. OPSS-LE-
Contact contains fields that contain user information such as name, email, and phone number.
• Review the date validation rules that are included in the system and make changes if needed. You
configure date validation rules in the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool. For information, see “How
dates are validated” on page 712.
• Determine how you want to set the parent business entity and the triage team. For information, see
“Where loss events get created” on page 711 and “Who loss events get assigned to ” on page 711.
Fields that contain parent business entities must be of the display type, Business Entity Selector. For
information about this display type, see “Configuring the Business Entity Selector display type for
simple string fields” on page 263.
• Enable auto-naming for the Loss Event, Loss Impact, and Loss Recovery objects. Although not required,
it prevents failures due to duplicate names and inconsistencies in user-given names. Users who create
loss events do not know the naming rules in OpenPages.
• Customize the informational text displayed in OpenPages Loss Event Entry.

– To change the text that displays when users click the icon for the Information box in the header,
change the text associated with the Application Text key,, in
the Application Messages folder.
– To change the information that is displayed at the top of the tab for each object type, change the text
for the keys, loss.event.entry.file.intro, loss.event.entry.loss.event.intro,
loss.event.entry.loss.impact.intro, and loss.event.entry.loss.recovery.intro
in the Application Messages folder.
– Customize the logo on the loss event form to be your company logo. File specifications are as follows:
- Size: 1130 pixels wide by 36 pixels high
- Name: Logo.png
- Folder location: ../sosa.war/image/lossevent/
Changes to the logo file can be overwritten in subsequent upgrades.
• Design and configure the email confirmation that is sent to users when a loss event is created. For
information, see “How confirmation emails are configured” on page 715.

710 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

How users are handled
Users can create loss events in OpenPages Loss Event Entry without a user account for OpenPages. A
dedicated user group that includes ten dedicated users, one for each supported locale, is included in
OpenPages Loss Event Entry. When users access OpenPages Loss Event Entry, they do not have to enter a
user ID and password. The system automatically logs them in to OpenPages Loss Event Entry with the
dedicated user associated with the locale.
Users with access to OpenPages can create loss events as they always have or choose to use OpenPages
Loss Event Entry. However, OpenPages users cannot log in to both at the same time in the same browser.
Instruct your OpenPages users that they must log out of OpenPages when they want to use OpenPages
Loss Event Entry. If you want to force OpenPages users to use IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry, you can
add Loss Event to the list of objects that are disabled for Add New. For more information, see “Controlling
the availability of object types in the Add New wizard” on page 204. Additionally, the profile and role
template assignments for OpenPages users is disregarded when they use OpenPages Loss Event Entry.

Where loss events get created

Loss events must be assigned to a parent business entity within the organization. You determine how this
assignment is made when you define Default Parent Path and Parent Field Name in the Loss Event Entry
Configuration tool.
For information about the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool, see “Using the Loss Event Entry
Configuration tool” on page 716.
You can choose one of the following methods:
• Static: your organization assigns all loss events to one default business entity. The triage team then
reassigns them to the correct business entities. To use this method, you enter the default business
entity in Default Parent Path and leave Parent Field Name blank.
• User-selected: your organization assigns loss events to a business entity that the user selects, for
example, the Primary Caused Entity or the Primary Impacted Entity. To use this method, you enter the
field name that contains the business entity in Parent Field Name. The field must be in the creation
• Pre-filled in a URL: your organization assigns loss events to a business entity that you pass in the URL.
To use this method, you enter the field name that contains the business entity in Parent Field Name.
Pass the value that you want in the URL.
• Custom: your organization sets the business entity based on information in the loss event or elsewhere
in the system. For example, the system can automatically assign a loss event to Business Entity A if the
loss amount is less than $1,000,000 and to Business Entity B if it is over that amount. This method can
be implemented with triggers. To use this method, you can leave Parent Field Name blank because it is
set by the triggers.
The Default Parent Path is mandatory for all methods. The system defaults to it if the value in Parent
Field Name is not given, is invalid, or there is an error. Ensure that the dedicated users have access rights
to create loss events under the business entity in Default Parent Path.

Who loss events get assigned to

Loss events are typically assigned to a triage team that is responsible for reviewing the initial information
and taking next steps. You determine how this assignment is made when you define Default Triage Team
and Triage Team Field Name in the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool.
For information about the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool, see “Using the Loss Event Entry
Configuration tool” on page 716.
You can choose one of the following methods:

Configuring OpenPages Loss Event Entry 711

• Static: your organization assigns all loss events to a list of users and user groups. To use this method,
you enter the list of users and user groups in Default Triage Team and leave Triage Team Field Name
• User-selected: your organization assigns loss events to users or user groups that the user selects. To
use this method, you put the field name that contains the actor field in Triage Team Field Name. The
field must be in the creation view.
• Pre-filled in a URL: your organization assigns loss events to users or user groups that you pass in the
URL. To use this method, you put the field name that contains the actor field in Triage Team Field
• Custom: your organization assigns loss events to user or user groups based on information in the loss
event or elsewhere in the system. For example, a trigger can take the value of a loss event's Primary
Impacted Entity field and go to that entity's Preference record to get the name of the triage team. It can
then put that triage team name into the triage team field on the loss event. To use this method, you can
leave Triage Team Field Name blank because it is set by the triggers.
The Default Triage Team is mandatory for all methods. The system defaults to it if the value in Triage
Team Field Name is not given, is invalid, or there is an error. Ensure that the field given in Triage Team
Field Name is one of the seven actor display types. If you pre-fill it in a URL, ensure that the values
passed in the URL are consistent with the actor display types you chose in the Triage Team Field Name.
A third field, Populate Triage Team Field Name, is typically used as the assignee in the first stage in
configurable life cycles for loss events. It is a mandatory field. When a loss event is created, the users and
user groups in Triage Team Field Name are copied to the field given in Populate Triage Team Field
Name. If Triage Team Field Name is not given, the users and user groups in Default Triage Team are
copied to the field given in Populate Triage Team Field Name. All three field types must be compatible.
The display type of the field that is given in Populate Triage Team Field Name must be able to accept any
value that comes from Default Triage Team or Triage Team Field Name. For example, if Triage Team
Field Name is a multiple user/group field, Populate Triage Team Field Name must also be a multiple
user/group field.

How dates are validated

You define how dates are validated in rules in the Date Validation field in the Loss Event Entry
Configuration tool. For example, you might want to ensure that a loss event's discovery date occurs before
today's date or that its discovery date falls after its occurrence date.
The following date validation rules would test for these situations:

LossEvent:OPSS-LossEV:Discovery Date >= LossEvent:OPSS.LossEV:Occurrence Date

LossEvent:OPSS-LossEV:Discovery Date <= TODAY

OpenPages Loss Event Entry displays a red X and an explanation next to dates that fail the validation
rules. Users must resolve errors before they can submit a loss event.
OpenPages Loss Event Entry includes date validation rules that you can keep or modify. The date
validation rules are effective only in OpenPages Loss Event Entry and not in OpenPages. If you want the
same rules to apply in OpenPages, they can be implemented with triggers.

How to launch OpenPages Loss Event Entry

Users typically access IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry from one or more links on your organization's
There are many ways that you can configure the URLs in these links:

712 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• You do not pass parameters in the URL. Use this approach if you want users to provide information for
loss events and you do not want to pre-fill information for them.
• You can set what locales users access. If all users access one locale, you can add the locale to the URL
in the link on your organization's intranet. If users can access multiple locales, you can either place
multiple links on your organizations intranet, for example, a link for users in North America and a link for
users in France, or you can have one link and pre-fill the locale in the URL.
• You can pre-fill user information on the loss event form by passing fields and values in the URL. You can
include user data from the network login and determine programmatically how to put it in the URL.
When a user creates a loss event, values from the URL can pre-fill fields on the form. For example, the
user's name, phone number, and email can be passed in the URL so that the user does not have to enter
this information.
• You can pre-fill where in the organizational structure the loss event will be created and who it will be
assigned to. Use this approach if your organization is structured in a way that loss events can be created
in and assigned to multiple areas of the organization. You can use multiple URLs to pre-fill the primary
caused business entity and the triage team. Then, users who create loss events do not have to enter this
information, it is pre-filled for them and set to the correct value for where they are in the organization.
• You can pre-fill no information so that users can create loss events anonymously. Create a link where
you do not pass user information. You must also ensure that users are not required to provide their
name and email on the loss event form.
Follow these guidelines when you construct a URL:
• The fields that you pass must be defined for the top-level Loss Event object type.
• The fields that you pass must exist in the creation view.
• The fields that you pass cannot be read-only.
• The fields that you pass must be defined as simple string fields. Other fields types are not supported.
• The display type of the simple string fields that you pass can be: Text Box, Text Area, URL, Business
Entity Selector, User Drop-down, User Selector, Group Selector, User/Group Selector, Multi-Valued User
Selector, Multi-Valued Group Selector, and Multi-Valued User/Group Selector. All other display types are
not supported.
• The values that you pass must be valid for the display type.
• The URL is limited to 2083 characters for Internet Explorer.
Follow these syntax rules when you construct a URL:
• Start the first parameter with ?.
• Separate multiple parameters with &.
• Provide locales in the format locale=<locale code>. Valid locale codes are:
– en_US (US English)
– en_GB (UK English)
– it_IT (Italian)
– pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese)
– fr_FR (French)
– es_ES (Spanish)
– de_DE (German)
– zh_TW (Chinese Traditional)
– zh_CN (Chinese Simplified)
• Provide fields and values in the format <field group>:<field name>=<field value>. Enter the
field name not the field label.

Configuring OpenPages Loss Event Entry 713

• For fields whose display type is Multi-Valued User Selector, Multi-Valued Group Selector, or Multi-
Valued User/Group Selector, you can pre-fill the field with one or multiple values. Begin and end values
with $;, for example:


Separate multiple values with $;, for example:


• For text fields that pass email addresses, for example, Submitter Email Field Name, you can pre-fill the
field with only one value.
The following examples illustrate how you can construct URLs.
Example 1: Set the locale.


Example 2: Pre-fill the primary caused entity to /Global Services/North America Banking. The display type
of OPSS-LE-BE:Primary Caused Entity is business entity selector.

?OPSS-LE-BE:Primary Caused Entity=/Global Services/North America Banking

Example 3: Pre-fill the triage team to Risk Team New York and two users:

?ABC-LE:UsersToNotify=$;Risk Team New York$;user1$;user2$;

Example 4: Pre-fill user information from the network sign-on:

?OPSS-LE-Contact:Your Name=User One&OPSS-LE-Contact:Your [email protected]

Example 5: Pre-fill user information, primary caused business entity, and locale:

?OPSS-LE-Contact:Your Name=User One&OPSS-LE-Contact:Your [email protected]
&OPSS-LE-Contact:Your Phone=555-111-2222&OPSS-LE-BE:Primary Caused Entity=
/Global Services/North America Banking&locale=en_GB

Example 6: Pre-fill information if you have multiple primary caused business entities and multiple triage
teams in your organization. Assume that you have two divisions, /Global Services/North America/Division/
East and /Global Services/North America/Division/West. You want to prefill the parent business entity
with the division's Primary Caused Entity and the triage teams from ABC-LE:UsersToNotify.
You create two URLs. This URL is for users in the East division.

?OPSS-LE-BE:Primary Caused Entity=/Global Services/North America/Division/East

This URL is for users in the West division.

?OPSS-LE-BE:Primary Caused Entity=/Global Services/North America/Division/West

Example 7: Pre-fill no information for a URL that you use for loss events that are created anonymously. Do
not pass user information. You might want to send the email confirmation to a person designated to
handle these situations.


714 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

?LE-Submitter:Confirmation [email protected]

How confirmation emails are configured

You can design and configure the confirmation email that is sent to users when a loss event is created.
The confirmation email has the following parts:
• Submitter email address
Define Submitter Email Field Name in the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool. Email confirmations are
sent to this email field. The default is OPSS-LE-Contact:Your Email.
• Text and parameters to put in the subject
To build the email subject, you define fields in Submitter Email Subject Parameters in the Loss Event
Entry Configuration tool that you want to put in the email subject. Then, write the text and enter
parameters for those fields in lossevent.confirm.subject Application Text. The order of the fields
that are listed in Submitter Email Subject Parameters must match the numbering of the parameters in
the lossevent.confirm.subject Application Text.
• Text and parameters to put in the body text
To build the email body text, you define fields in Submitter Email Body Parameters in the Loss Event
Entry Configuration tool that you want to put in the email body text. Then, write the text and enter
parameters for those fields in lossevent.confirm.content Application Text. The order of the fields
that are listed in Submitter Email Body Parameters must match the numbering of the parameters in
the lossevent.confirm.content Application Text.
• Sender email address
Enter the system email address that sends confirmation emails in
lossevent.confirm.from.address Application Text. Parameters are not allowed in
Use the following syntax in lossevent.confirm.subject Application Text:
• Enter {0} for the first parameter, which in the out-of-the box configuration is the name of the loss
event. Enter remaining parameters in the syntax {value}. The values of fields given in Submitter
Email Subject Parameters are put in the email subject.
Use the following syntax in lossevent.confirm.content Application Text:
• Enter {1} for the first parameter, which in the out-of-the box configuration is the name of the submitter.
Enter remaining parameters in the syntax {label}:{value} or {value}. For example, {2}:{3} puts
the label and value of the second field given in Submitter Email Body Parameters in the email body.
Then, {4}:{5} puts the third field, {6}:{7} the fourth field, and so on. For example, {2}:{3} \n
{4}:{5} puts the second field's label and value, a line break, and the third field's label and value in the
body text. Enter {value} to omit a field label. For example, {3} \n {5} puts the second field's value,
a line break, and the third field's value in the body text (without the field labels).
• Use $children to include loss event impacts and loss recoveries in the email.
• Use $title to include the label of the loss event object type in the email.
• Enter \n to force a line break.
For example, if Submitter Email Body Parameters is defined as:

OPSS-LE-Contact:Your Name,OPSS-LossEv:Owner,System Fields:Name,

System Fields:Description,OPSS-LE-BE:Primary Caused Entity

And lossevent.confirm.content Application Text is defined as:

{1}, \nThe following $title was entered by you. \n{2}: {3} \n{4}: {5} \n{6}: {7}\n \n

Configuring OpenPages Loss Event Entry 715

{8}: {9} \n $children
\n\nIf you are an OpenPages user, you can click $url to view in OpenPages.
\n\nDo not reply. Automated email from OpenPages

The confirmation email contains the following body text:

User One,
The following Loss Event was entered by you.
Owner: $;user1$;OpenPagesAdministrator$;
Name: Library_LE_0022
Description: This is a description
Primary Caused Entity: /Global Services/North America

Do not reply. Automated email from OpenPages

The value for OPSS-LE-Contact:Your Name is substituted into parameter {1} followed by a line
break, text, and another line break.
The label and value for OPSS-LossEv:Owner is substituted into parameters n{2}: {3} followed by a
line break.
The label and value for System Fields:Name is substituted into parameters n{4}: {5} followed by a
line break.
The label and value for System Fields:Description is substituted into parameters n{6}: {7}
followed by a line break.
The label and value OPSS-LE-BE:Primary Caused Entity is substituted into parameters n{8}:
{9} followed by a line break.
The ending text is included.

Using the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool

You use the Loss Event Configuration tool to configure IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry.

Before you begin

Read Chapter 29, “Configuring OpenPages Loss Event Entry,” on page 709 to learn about OpenPages Loss
Event Entry and “Planning the configuration ” on page 709 to learn about decisions to make before you

1. Open the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool with the following URL.


Log in with your OpenPages user account. You must be a member of the OPAdministrators user
group to access the tool. You can have it open and simultaneously be logged in to OpenPages to work
on other administration tasks. Click Save in the tool to refresh it with the most recent changes you
make in OpenPages. For example, if you change information text in OpenPages and return to the Loss
Event Entry Configuration tool, you do not see the changes until you click Save.
When you provide fields in the format, <Field Group>:<Field Name>, ensure that no spaces exist
before and after the colon.
2. Complete the fields in the tool. Hover over a field to see a description.
3. Complete the fields in the Object Types section.
a) In Loss Event View Name, enter the name of a loss event creation view that is used to determine
the information on the Loss Event tab. The default is LE Entry - LE.

716 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

b) In Loss Impacts View Name, enter the name of a loss impact creation view that is used to
determine the information on the Loss Impacts tab. The default is LE Entry - LI. Click
Required to make it mandatory for a user to enter information on the tab.
c) In Loss Recoveries View Name, enter the name of a loss recovery creation view that is used to
determine the information on the Loss Recoveries tab. The default is LE Entry - LR. Click
Required to make it mandatory for a user to enter information on the tab.
d) For Files, click Present to show the Files tab. Users can click the Files tab to add attachments to a
loss event. Clear Present to hide the Files tab. Click Required to make it mandatory for a user to
attach at least one file.
4. Complete the fields in the Locales section for each locale.
a) Click Enabled to allow users to access that locale.
b) Enter a Password for the dedicated, locale user.
You must enter a password and save the configuration for users to be able to access OpenPages Loss
Event Entry. The user password is automatically updated in OpenPages. To change the dedicated
users' passwords in the future, use the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool rather than OpenPages.
Important: Do not change the dedicated users' passwords by using OpenPages. Always use the Loss
Event Entry Configuration tool to change the passwords. If you change the passwords in OpenPages,
users will not be able to use Loss Event Entry because the passwords will be out of sync.
You can use the user names included in the out-of-the box system. If you change the user names in
the Loss Event Entry Configuration tool, they must match the user names of the dedicated users.
5. Complete the fields in the Other section.
a) In Default Parent Path, enter a path, for example, /Global Services/North America
Banking, to the business entity that is the default parent of new loss events if users cannot or do
not select a parent. Mandatory.
b) In Parent Field Name, enter the name of a Business Entity Selector field that users can use to
select a parent business entity for a new loss event. Format is <Field Group>:<Field Name>.
It must be included in the selected creation view, and it must have a display type of Business Entity
Selector. The default is OPSS-LE-BE:Primary Caused Entity. If not given or the user does not
select a value in this field, the value in Default Parent Path is used as the parent for a loss event.
c) In Submitter Email Field Name, enter the name of a field that email confirmations are sent to. It
must be defined in the creation view and be a Text Box display type. The default is OPSS-LE-
Contact:Your Email.
d) In Default Triage Team, enter the default users and user groups that loss events are assigned to for
follow up. Can contain multiple actors separated by commas. Mandatory.
e) In Triage Team Field Name, enter the name of an actor field. Format is <Field Group>:<Field
Name>. It must be defined in the creation view. Optional. If not given or the user does not select a
value in this field, the value in Default Triage Team is used to assign a triage team to a loss event.
f) In Populate Triage Team Field Name, enter the field in which the triage team is stored. Format is
<Field Group>:<Field Name>. The default is OPSS-LossEv:Owner. Mandatory. The selected
actor or actors from either Default Triage Team or Triage Team Field Name are copied to the field
given in the Populate Triage Team Field Name.
g) Select Display Resource ID of Created Objects to show a loss event's internal system-generated
identifier to the user on the confirmation window and confirmation email.
h) Review the Date Validation rules that are delivered with the system and make changes, if needed.
Follow these guidelines:
• You write the rules in the syntax <object type name>:<field group name>:<field
name>. In all three portions use the item's name, not its label.
• You can use the Loss Event or any of the other object types used by OpenPages Loss Event Entry.
A rule cannot cross object types.
• You can use: <= and >=.

Configuring OpenPages Loss Event Entry 717

• You can use the word TODAY.
• You can use only date fields, and they must exist in the creation view.
i) Select a Default Locale. This is the default locale if one is not specified in the URL. The default
locale is listed first in the selection list, then all other locales are listed in alphabetical order in the
user's language.
j) In Submitter Email Subject Parameters, enter fields that are included in the subject of the
confirmation notification email that is sent to the submitter. Default is System Fields:Name.
You can choose any of the fields in the Loss Event profile. The Application Text that is located in
lossevent.confirm.subject references these parameters.
For information, see “How confirmation emails are configured” on page 715.
k) In Submitter Email Body Parameters, enter fields that are included in the body of the confirmation
email that is sent to the submitter. Default is OPSS-LE-Contact:Your Name,System
Fields:Name,System Fields:Resource ID,System Fields:Description.
You can choose any of the fields in the Loss Event profile. The Application Text that is located in
lossevent.confirm.content references these parameters.
For information, see “How confirmation emails are configured” on page 715.
6. Click Validate to verify the configuration. You cannot save the configuration if fatal errors exist.
Resolve them and validate again. You can save the configuration if non-fatal errors exist.
If you have numerous errors, the OK icon rolls to the bottom of the list and is not visible. In the
browser settings, zoom out to make the screen small enough to access the OK icon.
7. Click Save. The Last Saved time stamp on the page is updated.

718 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 30. Configuring and maintaining Business
Process Manager
You can use IBM OpenPages GRC Platform together with IBM Business Process Manager to develop
business processes that are aligned to your specific requirements. IBM Business Process Manager is a
leading industry process automation system that is both scalable and highly configurable.

Configuring Business Process Manager

To use IBM OpenPages GRC Platform together with IBM Business Process Manager, you must complete
several configuration tasks.

Before you begin

Ensure that IBM Business Process Manager is installed. Verify that the post-installation steps in the
OpenPages for Business Process Manager Installation Guide are completed.

1. Configure the IBM BPM server URL in the Administration > Settings > Platform > Workflow
Implementations > IBM BPM > Server URL registry settings. For more information, see “Workflow
implementations settings” on page 353.
2. Customize the portal page in Administration > Settings > Platform > Workflow Implementations >
IBM BPM > Portal Page Path (optional). The system is delivered with a default portal page but you
can choose a different one. For more information, see “Workflow implementations settings” on page
3. Update user and user group definitions for administrators who work with IBM Business Process
Manager. They need to have the application permission, IBM BPM. It controls whether the new menu
items on the Administration menu are displayed. It is located in SOX > Administration.
4. Check whether you have an OpenPages administrator with the user name admin. If you keep it, it
creates conflicts in both the federated repository and the default user registry that is provided by
WebSphere. Websphere contains an admin user account for the WAS admin console. It also causes
an authentication issue with the OpenPages REST API security. You must remove the Websphere
admin user from the default user registry and create a new administrator with a different name. For
information, see (
5. Update profiles for OpenPages users who work with business processes. The profiles need to have
Process Portal in the Home Page Tab Configuration set to Visible. The Process Portal tab is then
displayed on the Home Page. The profile also determines where the tab is displayed relative to other
6. Determine whether to use auto-login. If it is enabled, OpenPages users can access the IBM BPM
menu items in OpenPages without having to log in to IBM BPM. They can move seamlessly between
the two systems. When users log in and out of OpenPages, the system also automatically logs them in
and out of IBM BPM. When users log in directly to the IBM BPM applications, such as BPM Process
Portal or BPM Process Center, without accessing them through OpenPages, the auto-login feature is
not used. They must log in with their OpenPages credentials.
a) Set the Enable Login SSO registry setting. For more information, see “Workflow implementations
settings” on page 353.
b) Edit the /<OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/ file on the application server.
c) Look for a property that is named logout.url.ibmbpm. If it does not exist, create it.
d) Set logout.url.ibmbpm to the URL of your BPM server hostname/FQDN. Use the same
hostname/FDQN that you used for the Server URL registry setting.
Use the https protocol rather than http in the URL.
For example, if you used for the Server URL, type:


e) Restart the OpenPages servers.

7. Configure automatic IBM BPM email notifications (optional). IBM BPM can automatically send email
notifications when a task is assigned to users or groups. If you use automatic email notifications:
• You can also define email notifications in business processes.
• IBM BPM provides an email template, which you can optionally customize.
• The email recipient is always the task assignee.
• Users can choose whether to receive this type of email notification.
If you do not use this email notification method, all email notifications must be defined in business
To configure automatic email notifications:
a) Copy the email configuration from 99Local.xml to 100Custom.xml file as described in IBM
Knowledge Center ( There are multiple 100Custom.xml
files under the IBM BPM installation directory. For information about what file to change, see table
3 in IBM Knowledge Center (
b) Populate the change to all the clustered servers by restarting the server. Stop all WebSphere
processes (server, nodeagent, and deployment manager). Start the deployment manager. Run Start nodeagent and server.
c) Users can control whether they receive automatic email notifications with the Send me an email
when I have a new task assignment setting on their BPM profile. They can edit their profile by
logging in to the BPM Process Portal. Users cannot access the BPM profile in the Process Portal
tab in OpenPages.
8. Set up who can be IBM BPM process authors and administrators. Sign on to the Process Admin
Console and click User Management. Users from OpenPages exist as BPM users. Use Group
Management to assign them to the user groups, tw_admins or tw_authors. Assign the OpenPages
Super Administrator user to both groups.
9. Ensure that you set up a backup schedule for the BPM database. The OPBackup utility does not back
up BPM.
10. You are ready to begin designing processes and getting started with IBM BPM.

What to do next
After IBM BPM is operational, complete the maintenance tasks that are described in “Maintaining
Business Process Manager” on page 720.

Maintaining Business Process Manager

After IBM Business Process Manager is operational, you must complete maintenance tasks on an as-
needed basis.
After IBM BPM is operational, complete the following maintenance tasks on an as-needed basis:

720 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• The OpenPages Platform Toolkit, the OpenPages Solutions Toolkit, IBM BPM, and IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform need to remain synchronized. Two situations can get them out of sync:
– You install a new release or fix pack that contains changes to the toolkits
– You change your data model, object texts, or application texts
In both situations, you must follow these steps:
– Regenerate the OpenPages Solutions Toolkit.
– Update the dependencies between the process applications and the latest snapshots of the toolkits.
– Take a snapshot of the process applications.
– Install that snapshot from the Process Center to the Process Servers.
• Users who access OpenPages and IBM BPM remain synchronized because they are defined in a
federated repository. However, the email addresses and locales in OpenPages and IBM BPM require an
extra step to remain synchronized. You must replicate the email addresses and user locales from
OpenPages to IBM BPM on a scheduled basis, for example, daily. For more information, see Replicating
user email addresses and locales in the OpenPages for Business Process Manager Installation Guide.
• If you change the logon user name or password of the Super Administrator account after installation
(using the application interface), you must make the corresponding changes in IBM BPM.
If a mismatch exists between the logon user name or password and the specified user name or
password in IBM BPM, the user cannot log on to IBM BPM.
1. Log on to the BPM server's WebSphere admin console.
2. Click Security > Global Security .
3. Under the Authentication section, expand Java Authentication and Authorization Services and
click J2C authentication data.
4. Click the OpenPages System Task Authentication Alias.
5. Change the User ID or leave it as the default, OpenPagesAdministrator.
6. Change the Password to the new value.
7. Click OK and then Save.
• Set up a schedule to periodically archive process apps and toolkit snapshots in IBM Business Process
Manager. If you frequently regenerate the OpenPages Solutions Toolkit, you can encounter memory and
performance issues. For more information, see the following topics in IBM Business Process Manager:

Configuring and maintaining Business Process Manager 721

722 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 31. Configuring cognitive services
You can use an IBM Watson Natural Language Classifier service in IBM Bluemix to interpret and classify
text that users enter in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform. It understands the intent behind text and returns
suggestions, together with a confidence score.
You can configure a Natural Language Classifier service to suggest either taxonomy classifications or
parent and child object associations. You can use it for any objects in OpenPages but it is typically used to
classify loss events, waivers, issues, and incidents or to associate them to a risk, policy, or control.
If you configure it to suggest taxonomy classifications, you can use it, for example, to support users when
they classify a loss event to the correct Basel II categorization or when they classify waivers as exceptions
to regulatory compliance. The text description that a user enters is used as input to a Natural Language
Classifier service that has been trained with knowledge from your domain specialists.
If you configure it to suggest object associations, you can use it to support users when they, for example,
create an Issue object and need to associate it to a parent Control object. Again, the text description that
a user enters is used as input to a Natural Language Classifier service but in this case it returns a
suggested parent Control object together with a confidence score. Object association suggestions can be
configured to suggest either parent or child associations. They are synchronized with associations that
users make on the Parent tab or children tabs.
Using a Natural Language Classifier service is best suited to situations where users are generating a high
volume of objects, hundreds or even thousands per year. Cognitive computing adds value when it is
scaled to a large data set and to a large group of users. The data the classifier is trained on should be
relatively small and static. For example, you would want to train a classifier to provide object association
suggestions to a small number of Controls in the Controls Library, which is small and relatively static,
rather than to all the Controls in your business, which are numerous and dynamic. You would not want to
train a classifier to make object associations between objects that change rapidly, for example, Audit
Findings and Issues, because Issues are constantly changing and there might be thousands of them.
You can link OpenPages to one or more Natural Language Classifier services in IBM Bluemix, either to
support different purposes or multiple languages.

Terms to understand
Natural Language Classifier
A Natural Language Classifier is a Watson service in IBM Bluemix that uses machine learning
algorithms to return the top-matching predefined classes for short text inputs. You configure, train,
and connect to a Natural Language Classifier service from OpenPages. A Natural Language Classifier
service learns from your data and then can return information for texts that it is not trained on.
Classifier Configuration
A classifier configuration in OpenPages defines connection information to an instance of the Natural
Language Classifier on IBM Bluemix. For taxonomy classifications, it specifies the classifier target
fields for the instance. For object associations, it specifies the object type to associate, whether it is a
child or parent relationship, and other attributes. You define a classifier configuration in
Administration > Cognitive Services > Natural Language Classifiers.
Classifier Field
A classifier field is a field group in OpenPages that contains the name of a classifier configuration and
a classifier input field. The View Suggestions button is displayed next to a classifier field.
Classifier Input Field
A classifier input field is a field in OpenPages that contains the short text input that a Natural
Language Classifier interprets and classifies. It is typically a Description field.
Classifier Target Fields
For taxonomy classifications, classifier target fields are fields in OpenPages that are set when a user
chooses suggestions for a classifier field.
This video demonstrate how to use a Natural Language Classifier to make object association suggestions:
This video demonstrates how to use a Natural Language Classifier to make taxonomy suggestions:

Configuring cognitive services

To use OpenPages together with a Natural Language Classifier service in IBM Bluemix, you must design
how you want the system to work and complete several configuration tasks.

Before you begin

• Decide the purpose of the classifier: taxonomy suggestions or object association suggestions.
• Verify that the application server has outgoing internet access so that it can communicate with a Natural
Language Classifier service.
• Verify that the data type for the classifier input field is Simple String.
• If the classifier is for taxonomy suggestions:
– Decide what area you want to support, for example, helping users select Basel II categorizations.
– Decide what objects the classifier field is available on, for example, loss events, waivers, issues, and
– Verify that the data type for the classifier target fields is Enumerated String. You can have up to three
classifier target fields.
– Decide whether you want to allow users to select one or many suggestions. Set Multi-valued to false
on at least one of the classifier target fields to allow users to select only one suggestion. Set Multi-
valued to true on all classifier target fields to allow multiple selections.
• If the classifier is for object association suggestions:
– Decide what object association you want to support, for example, helping users choose a Control
object as a parent.
– Decide what objects the classifier field is available on, for example, loss events, waivers, issues, and
– Verify the path to the object type.
– Decide what names and descriptions are displayed when a user selects an object.

About this task

The following steps describe how to configure a Natural Language Classifier service.

1. Configure and train the Natural Language Classifier service on IBM Bluemix. For information, see
“Configuring a Natural Language Classifier in Bluemix” on page 725.
2. Import the Watson certificate into the Websphere trust store. Do this only one time, not for every
service you configure. For information, see “Importing a Watson certificate to the local trust store ”
on page 727.
3. Define a classifier configuration. For information, see “Defining a Classifier Configuration” on page
4. Define a classifier field. For information, see “Defining a classifier field” on page 729.
5. Add the field group that the classifier field is in to the object type, if it is not already there.
6. Add the classifier field to the profile.
7. Add the classifier field to views where you want it to display. You can add it to Detail, Activity, and Add
New views. You can also add it to Loss Event Entry. On these views, ensure that Read-Only is cleared

724 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

so that the fields are editable. On the Add New view, although you can place the classifier field
anywhere, you might want to place it immediately following the description field where users enter
the text input. You can also add it to Filtered List Views, Grid, Context, List views, and to home page
portlets. On these views classifier fields are read-only.
8. If the classifier is for taxonomy suggestions, add the classifier target fields to views where you want
them to display (optional). Ensure that Read-Only is cleared so that the fields are editable. On the
Detail and Add New views, although you can place the classifier target field anywhere, you might
want to place them immediately following the classifier field. You can also choose not to display the
classifier target fields on the views.
9. Re-create the reporting framework so you can access usage data in Cognos. Do this only one time,
not for every service you configure. For information, see “Generating the reporting framework ” on
page 683.
10. Test the configuration and resolve errors.

What to do next
After the service is in use, you can download data and monitor performance. For information, see
“Monitoring and downloading classifier data usage ” on page 730.
A Natural Language Classifier service is in one language. IBM supports a fixed set of languages. You can
use multiple Natural Language Classifier services simultaneously, either for different purposes or to
support multiple languages for the same purpose.
If you use multiple services for taxonomy suggestions, each Natural Language Classifier service requires a
unique classifier configuration, classifier field, and classifier output fields. A classifier input field can be
used in more than one classifier field. However, ensure that each classifier configuration updates different
classifier target fields. Do not define multiple classifier configurations that update the same classifier
target fields.
For object associations, you must configure a Natural Language Classifier service for each object type and
relationship that you want to support. For example, if you want to provide parent association suggestions
to Control objects and child association suggestions to Risk objects, you need two Natural Language
Classifier services. You can have multiple services per object type. Each service requires a unique
classifier configuration and classifier field. A classifier input field can be used in more than one classifier

Configuring a Natural Language Classifier in Bluemix

To use a Natural Language Classifier with OpenPages, you must configure it on IBM Bluemix.

Before you begin

Learn about cognitive technology and IBM Bluemix. IBM provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and
videos for the Natural Language Classifier. For information, see the Bluemix Knowledge Center (https://

About this task

A Natural Language Classifier service is empty when you begin and must be trained for what you want to
classify. If, for example, you want to help users correctly classify loss events to the correct Basel II
categorization, you map short texts that they might write to the correct Basel II categories. The challenge
when you create training data is to write short text inputs that reflect how users describe various loss
events. The Natural Language Classifier does not simply search through the texts, but instead interprets
their meaning. When the meaning of a text is matched to a classification, it has a higher confidence score.

1. Create a IBM Bluemix account.

Configuring cognitive services 725

2. Log in, create the service, and get your service credentials (a user name and password). You need the
service credentials later when you define a classifier configuration in OpenPages.
After you create an instance of the Natural Language Classifier service, you can view the username and
password by selecting Service Credentials from the left pane of the service dashboard. Service
credentials are different from your Bluemix account username and password.
3. Build the training data. Define the short text inputs and map them to classifications. The training data
must be in a CSV file. The first column in the file is the short text input to classify. The additional
columns are classes that apply to that text.
If the classifier is for taxonomy suggestions, define the short text inputs and map them to
classifications. The training data must be in a CSV file. The first column in the file is the text to classify.
The additional columns are classes that apply to that text. The number of classes must be equal to the
number of classifier target fields that you define in the classifier configuration. If you set up three
classifier target fields, as in the following example, you must have three classes.

Table 227: Example training data for taxonomy suggestions

Short text input Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Checks were forged Internal Fraud Theft and Fraud Forgery

Check kiting Internal Fraud Theft and Fraud Check kiting

Smuggling Internal Fraud Theft and Fraud Smuggling

External party stole assets External Fraud Theft and Fraud Theft/Robbery

Product defect Clients, Products and Product Flaws Product Defects

Business Practices

Model error Clients, Products and Product Flaws Model Errors

Business Practices

If the classifier is for object associations, define the short text inputs and map them to object types.
The training data must be in a CSV file. The first column in the file is the short text. The second column
is the system name of the object that applies to that text.

Table 228: Example training data for object association suggestions

Short text input Class

Key Management 10.1.2 Key management

Cryptographic key management 10.1.2 Key management

Key management system should be storing keys 10.1.2 Key management

Key management system should be backing up or 10.1.2 Key management

archiving keys

Key management system should be destroying keys 10.1.2 Key management

726 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 228: Example training data for object association suggestions (continued)

Short text input Class

Key management system should be backing up or 10.1.2 Key management

archiving keys

Security perimeters should be defined 11.1.1 Physical security perimeter

Clear desk policy 11.2.9 Clear desk and clear screen policy

Clear screen policy 11.2.9 Clear desk and clear screen policy

4. Load the CSV file into the Natural Language Classifier service you created on IBM Bluemix.
5. Train the classifier. After it is trained, IBM Bluemix assigns it a classifier ID. You need the classifier ID
later when you define a classifier configuration in OpenPages. Every time that you train the classifier,
you get a new classifier ID.
6. Ensure that the service is running.

What to do next
Complete the remaining tasks that are described in “Configuring cognitive services” on page 724.
Training the classifier is an iterative process. As users work with it, you can improve and expand the short
text inputs. You might need to change or expand the categorizations as they change over time. You can
also download classifier usage and improve it. For information, see “Monitoring and downloading
classifier data usage ” on page 730.
Optionally, set up more security, for example, use a firewall to restrict access to Bluemix. For information,
see .

Importing a Watson certificate to the local trust store

You must import a Watson certificate to the local trust store. It is needed to build an SSL communication
between the OpenPages GRC Platform servers and the Watson server on IBM Bluemix.

Before you begin

• Obtain the host name of the secure target server, in this case the Watson server. Currently, it is You can verify it on Bluemix (
developercloud/natural-language-classifier/api/v1/). The target secure server is the server that
OpenPages GRC Platform connects to in order to retrieve the certificates.
• The target secure server application from which you are going to retrieve the certificate must be running
and listening on the port.

About this task

Complete this step even if you do not use SSL. You can use the Retrieve from port option in the IBM
WebSphere administrative console to retrieve the certificate. The root certificate contains the public key
and has been verified by the certificate authority (CA).

1. Log on to the IBM WebSphere administrative console.
2. Expand Security and click SSL certificate and key management.
3. Under Related Items, click Key stores and certificates and click the CellDefaultTrustStore keystore.

Configuring cognitive services 727

4. Under Additional Properties, click Signer certificates and Retrieve from port.
5. Enter the host and port information.
• Host: Enter the host name of the secure target server, for example:

• Port: Enter the port number of the secure target server application, for example, 443.
• Alias: Enter a descriptive name for the certificate, for example, watson-nls.
6. Click Retrieve signer information.
7. Verify that the certificate information is for a certificate that you trust.
8. Click Apply and then click Save.
9. Restart the OpenPages GRC Platform services.

What to do next
Complete the remaining tasks that are described in “Configuring cognitive services” on page 724.

Defining a Classifier Configuration

A classifier configuration defines connection information for an instance of the Natural Language Classifier
on IBM Bluemix.

Before you begin

Configure the Natural Language Classifier that you want to connect to. For information, see “Configuring a
Natural Language Classifier in Bluemix” on page 725.

1. Click Administration > Cognitive Services > Natural Language Classifiers
2. Click New.
3. Complete the fields in the Classifier Information section.
a) In Name, enter a name.
b) In Description, enter descriptive information.
c) In Link, enter a link to the training page in IBM Bluemix where you can add training data. The link is
optional and for information purposes only. The default is
d) In Type, select Enumeration (taxonomy suggestions) or Association (object association
4. Complete the fields in the IBM Watson Natural Language Classifier Service section.
a) Retain the default value in URL for Request. It is the URL to the Natural Language Classifier on IBM

b) In User name, enter the user from the service credentials of the Natural Language Classifier
instance you created.
c) In Password, enter the password from the service credentials of the Natural Language Classifier
instance you created.
d) In ID, enter the identifier of the Natural Language Classifier instance that you created and trained.
5. In the Usage Information section, in Confidence Threshold enter the lowest confidence score that a
suggestion must meet.

728 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

6. If Type is set to Enumeration, in the Field Settings section you can provide up to three fields in
Classifier Target Field. Format is <Field Group>.<Field Name>. The order of the fields is
important. Place the top-level field first, then the second-level field, and so on.
7. If Type is set to Association, complete the Association section:
a) In Object Type, enter the name of the object type that is associated, for example, SOXControl.
b) In Association Type, select Child or Parent.
c) In Object Path, enter a path to directories to search, for example, /Library.
d) In Name Field, specify the field that is displayed as the object's name after a user selects an object
to associate, for example, System Fields.Name. Format is <Field Group>.<Field Name>.
e) In Description Field, specify the field that is displayed as the object's description after a user
selects an object to associate, for example, System Fields.Description. Format is <Field
Group>.<Field Name>.

The system saves the classifier configuration as a JSON file. To make changes, use the Administration >
Cognitive Services > Natural Language Classifiers task. Do not edit the JSON files directly.

What to do next
Complete the remaining tasks that are described in “Configuring cognitive services” on page 724.

Defining a classifier field

A classifier field contains the name of a classifier configuration and a classifier input field. The View
Suggestions button is displayed next to a classifier field.

Before you begin

Define a classifier configuration. For information, see “Defining a Classifier Configuration” on page 728.

About this task

A classifier field is a field whose Data Type is set to Classifier. Like other fields in OpenPages, you must
add them to views and profiles. For more detailed information, see Chapter 9, “Fields and field groups,”
on page 137.
You can use Fastmap to import and export classifier fields and the values for suggestions in associated
classifier target fields. This is typically done during a migration process. Do not change the classifier field
or the values for suggestions after you export and before you re-import.

1. Click Administration > Field Group and create a field group or select a field group for the classifier
2. Click Add to create a new field.
a) In Data Type, select Classifier.
b) In Classifier Configuration Name, enter the name of the classifier configuration that you created in
“Defining a Classifier Configuration” on page 728.
c) In Classifier Input Field, enter the field that contains text to be interpreted by a Natural Language
Classifier service, for example, System Fields.Description. Format is <Field
Group>.<Field Name>.
3. Save the field.

Configuring cognitive services 729

What to do next
Complete the remaining tasks that are described in “Configuring cognitive services” on page 724.

Monitoring and downloading classifier data usage

After a Natural Language Classifier service has been implemented, you can monitor data usage and make
improvements. You can view what users are searching for and what suggestions they select.

1. Click Reporting > Team content > OPENPAGES_REPORTS_V6 > General Reporting > General
Reporting (Relational) > Audit Trail > Classifier Audit Trail.
2. Click Insert.
The results show all requests that were sent to a classifier. Analyze the following columns:
• Text sent to Classifier are the descriptions users entered.
• Selected Suggestion are the suggestions that users chose.
• Confidence is the confidence score that the classifier returned for the selected suggestion.
• Classifier Results are the suggestions that the classifier issued for a description.

What to do next
Use the results to improve the classifier. You can download the usage data as a CSV file and use it as a
basis for new training data for the Natural Language Classifier service.

730 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Chapter 32. Configuring IBM OpenPages Regulatory
Compliance Management
You can configure IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management (RCM).
For example, you can configure the RCM Theme Deployer.

RCM Theme Deployer

The RCM Theme Deployer is a tool that you can use to automatically create requirements that are ready
for assessment. The tool can also automatically create the appropriate associations.
The RCM Theme Deployer helps you to create the theme structure for business entities. Once you select a
theme to deploy to the business entities, the structure is created, including the compliance plan,
compliance theme, and the relevant requirement evaluation records beneath the theme, linked to the
relevant Control objects.
Users can launch the Theme Deployer in two ways: from the Compliance Theme object (pushing a theme
out to business entities) or from the Compliance Plan object (pulling themes into a specific business
The Theme Deployer creates the Compliance Theme object and its related child requirements,
represented as Requirement Evaluation (ReqEval) objects. The ReqEval objects are used to evaluate the
requirements in an assessment. An association is created between the library Requirement object and the
ReqEval object.
You can also link the ReqEval and relevant control instances in that area of the business.
You can also copy library instances of the related customer controls that do not already exist in the target
business area.
Note: When users run the RCM Theme Deployer, they will be copying and/or linking objects from the
configured Library folders to the configured business entity objects. The users must have the following
security access:
• Read access to the Library folders they are copying from
• Read, Write, and Associate access to the business entity objects that they are writing to

Process overview for the RCM Theme Deployer

You can set up the IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management Theme Deployer if you have the
7.3 or later solutions schema.
If you did a fresh installation of 7.4 with solutions, the IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance
Management Theme Deployer is already installed. Do the following steps to complete the setup:
• “Configuring the RCM profile” on page 733
• “Setting up auto-naming for RCM objects” on page 733
• “Using the RCM configuration tool” on page 734
If you upgraded to 7.4, you might need to do some post-upgrade steps.
• If you used the RCM Theme Deployer in version or later, you do not need to do any additional
steps after you upgrade OpenPages.
• If you upgraded from a fresh installation of 7.3.x with solutions and you did not use the RCM Theme
Deployer in your earlier version, do the following steps to set up the RCM Theme Deployer.
– “Installing the RCM Theme Deployer” on page 732
– “Configuring the RCM profile” on page 733
– “Setting up auto-naming for RCM objects” on page 733
– “Using the RCM configuration tool” on page 734

Installing the RCM Theme Deployer

If you upgraded to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.4 and you want to use the IBM OpenPages Regulatory
Compliance Management Theme Deployer, you need to install it.

About this task

Install the IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management Theme Deployer to make the tool
available to your RCM users.
You can install the RCM Theme Deployer if your environment meets the following requirements:
• You upgraded from a fresh installation (not an upgrade) of OpenPages GRC Platform version or
• You have the 7.3 or later solutions schema.
Note: If you did a fresh installation of version 7.4 with solutions, you do not need to install the RCM
Theme Deployer. Skip this procedure and continue with the setup. See “Process overview for the RCM
Theme Deployer” on page 731.

1. Log on to the admin application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the <OP_HOME>/installer/migration/upgrade/Module/loaderdata/RCM directory.
3. Edit the Environment_Variables.bat|.sh file.
Set the following parameters for your environment at the beginning of the file. This file is used by all
loading scripts.


4. Go to the <OP_HOME>/bin/ directory.

5. Edit the file and set the following property to true.


6. Go to the <OP_HOME>/installer/migration/upgrade/Module/loaderdata/RCM directory.

7. Run the Load_RCM_Config.bat|.sh script.
8. For security purposes, remove the password from the Environment_Variables.bat|.sh file.
9. Edit the <OP_HOME>/bin/ file and set the following property to


10. Restart the OpenPages admin application server.

For more information, see Chapter 20, “Starting and stopping servers,” on page 549.
11. Configure the IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management profile.
See “Configuring the RCM profile” on page 733.
12. Set up auto-naming for the CompliancePlan object.
See “Setting up auto-naming for RCM objects” on page 733.
13. Configure IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management.
See “Using the RCM configuration tool” on page 734.

732 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Configuring the RCM profile
Use this procedure to configure the IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management profile so that
you can use the RCM Theme Deployer.

Before you begin

The RCM Theme Deployer must be installed. For more information, see “Installing the RCM Theme
Deployer” on page 732.

1. Log in to OpenPages as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Go to Administration > Profiles.
3. Click OpenPages RCM 7.3.0 Master.
4. Update the CompliancePlan object.
a) Click the CompliancePlan object type.
b) Under Object Fields, click Include and add the field RCM-ComPlan:Theme Deployer as Display
Type URL.
c) Click Object Views.
d) Click Detail.
e) Click Choose Fields and add the RCM-ComPlan:Theme Deployer field to the Detail view. Set the
field to read-only.
5. Update the ComplianceTheme object.
a) Click the ComplianceTheme object type.
b) Click Include and add the field RCM-Theme:Theme Deployer as Display Type URL.
c) Click Include and add the field RCM-Theme:Theme Type as Display Type List.
d) Click Detail under Object Views.
e) Click Choose Fields and add the RCM-Theme:Theme Deployer field to the Detail view. Set the
field to read only.
6. Enable the libraries.
a) Click the CompliancePlan object type.
b) Click Detail under Object Views.
c) Clear Read only on the Library ID field.
d) Click the ComplianceTheme object type.
e) Click Detail under Object Views.
f) Clear Read only on the Library ID field.
g) Click the Requirement object type.
h) Click Detail under Object Views.
i) Clear Read only on the Library ID field.
j) Click the ReqEval object type.
k) Click Detail under Object Views.
l) Clear Read only on the Library ID field.

Setting up auto-naming for RCM objects

You must set up auto-naming for the CompliancePlan object. Optionally, you can also set up auto-naming
for the ComplianceTheme and ReqEval objects.

Configuring IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management 733

1. Log in to OpenPages as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Go to Administration > Settings.
3. Set up auto-naming for the CompliancePlan object.
a) Expand the GRCM > Auto Naming > CompliancePlan > Auto-Named folder.
b) Set the value of Copied Object to True.
c) Set the value of New Object to True.
4. Set up auto-naming for the ComplianceTheme object.
a) Expand the GRCM > Auto Naming > ComplianceTheme > Auto-Named folder.
b) Set the value of Copied Object to True.
c) Set the value of New Object to True.
5. Set up auto-naming for the ReqEval object.
a) Expand the GRCM > Auto Naming > ReqEval > Auto-Named folder.
b) Set the value of Copied Object to True.
c) Set the value of New Object to True.

Using the RCM configuration tool

You can use the RCM configuration tool to configure IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management

About this task

When you type fields, use the format <Field Group>:<Field Name>, ensure that no spaces exist
before and after the colon. For example, type RCM-Req:Reqt Owner. For system fields, you can type just
the field name.
To add another field, click the plus sign, and then type the field.
Note: Rich text fields are shown in plain text in the RCM Theme Deployer.

1. Log in to OpenPages as an administrator.
2. Open the RCM configuration tool in a new browser tab or window.
The URL is:
3. Log in with your OpenPages user account. You must be a member of the OPAdministrators group
to access the tool. You can have the tool open and simultaneously be logged in to OpenPages to work
on other administration tasks.
4. Expand the Common Properties section.
5. Enter the following information.
RCM uses these paths to locate the libraries. Use a forward slash (/) as a separator. For example,
enter /Library/Control.
a) Enter the path for the Control Library Folder.
b) Enter the path for the Requirement Library Folder.
c) Enter the path for the Theme Library Folder.
d) Enter the path for the Root Entity Folder.
The Root Entity Folder is used to locate the business unit hierarchy.
6. Expand the Theme Deployer Properties section.

734 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

7. Under Control Deployment Options, select one or more of Create & Link, Link, and None.
These options define the deployment of controls during the deployment of themes. The selections
that you make are displayed as options to the end user within the Theme Deployer helper.
• Select Create & Link to give the end user the option to create controls, if they do not exist, and to
associate existing controls to the deployed Requirement Evaluation (ReqEval) objects.
• Select Link to give the end user the option to associate existing controls to the deployed
Requirement Evaluation objects. New objects are not created.
• Select None to give the end user the option of not deploying any controls during the theme
deployment process.
8. In the section Theme Fields to be Copied, specify the fields to be copied from the Theme Library to
the deployed Compliance Theme.
By default, the field to be copied is set to Name, unless auto-naming is enabled. For information
about auto-naming, see “Setting up auto-naming for RCM objects” on page 733.
9. In the section Requirement Fields to be Copied, specify the fields to be copied from the library
Requirement object to the Requirement Evaluation object that is created during deployment.
By default, the field to be copied is set to Name, unless auto-naming is enabled.
During the copy process, a new Requirement Evaluation (ReqEval) object is created. This object might
use different field groups and fields than its parent Requirement.
If the source and target fields are different, type the fields separated by the vertical line character (|).
For example, type RCM-Req:Overall Reqt Score|RCM-Req-Eval:Applied Overall
10. If you selected the Create & Link option, use the Control Fields to be Copied to enter the fields to be
copied from the library Control object to the Control object that is created during the deployment
By default, the field to be copied is set to Name, unless auto-naming is enabled.
This field applies only if you selected Create & Link as a control option, because this option creates a
Control during the deployment process.
11. In the section Define BE Grid Columns, enter the Business Entity grid columns to be displayed in the
helper when accessed through the Compliance Theme.
12. In the section Define Theme Grid Columns, enter the Theme grid columns to be displayed in the
helper when accessed through the Compliance Plan.
13. Click Validate to validate your entries.
The folder paths are validated to ensure that they are in the correct format, and that the folders exist.
The fields are validated to ensure that the fields that you selected in Define BE Grid Columns and
Define Theme Grid Columns exist in the application.
14. Click Save.

Configuring IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management 735

736 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Chapter 33. Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance
Analytics data
You can import data from IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics, now called IBM Watson Regulatory
Compliance, into IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics is an integrated governance, risk, and compliance platform that
enables companies to manage risk and regulatory challenges across the enterprise. In addition to its
cognitive capabilities, IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics also provides a common platform to house
regulatory documents and their associated obligations across multiple jurisdictions, sectors, and
The following table shows how the object types in the two systems are mapped:

Table 229: RCA to OpenPages object mapping

This RCA object type ... Maps to this OpenPages object type...
Document Mandate
Obligation Requirement
Control SOXControl

For each object type, you map RCA fields to OpenPages fields. When you import RCA data into
OpenPages, new OpenPages objects are created and fields are populated with values from RCA.
Associations between RCA objects are also imported into OpenPages. Each system allows the following
• In RCA:
– An obligation can have a document as a parent object.
– A control can have an obligation as a parent object.
– A control can have a document as a parent object.
• In OpenPages:
– A Requirement can have a Mandate as a parent object.
– A SOXControl can have a Requirement as a parent object.
– A SOXControl cannot have a Mandate as a parent object.
The associations in RCA are imported into OpenPages, except for the associations of RCA controls to
documents, which are not imported.
You can partner the RCA data with the capability in OpenPages to use an IBM Watson Natural Language
Classifier service when you associate parent and child objects. For example, you can import RCA
obligations into OpenPages and then use a Natural Language Classifier service to link them to the most
appropriate controls in your library. For information, see Chapter 31, “Configuring cognitive services,” on
page 723.
Categorizations and tags in RCA are also imported into OpenPages. They provide meaning and context for
an obligation. In OpenPages you can use this information as search criteria, to group requirements
together, or to organize requirements by themes. This valuable content is available for you to use as you
If the RCA data changes after it is imported into OpenPages, you can reimport the data to pick up the
changes in OpenPages. If you change object associations or de-associate objects in RCA and reimport the
objects into OpenPages, the object association changes are also made to objects in OpenPages.
After the RCA data is in OpenPages, you can use it to assess the impact of new, changed, and deprecated
requirements on your GRC policies and procedures, training and awareness, monitoring and testing, and
risk assessments.

Completing the prerequisites for importing IBM Regulatory Compliance

Analytics data
You must complete several prerequisites before you can import IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics
data into IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

1. Verify that the RCA post-installation steps in the IBM OpenPages GRC Installation and Deployment
Guide are completed. The steps contain object schema changes to the Mandate, Requirement, and
SOXControl objects.
2. Verify that OPSS-Mand:Type has the enumerated string value Guideline.
a) Click Administration > Field Groups.
b) Click OPSS-Mand, and then click Type.
c) Verify that Guideline is in the list. If not, add it.
3. In OpenPages, update user and user group definitions for administrators who work with RCA data.
They need to have the RCA Integration application permission. It controls whether the new menu
items on the Administration menu are displayed. It is located in SOX > Administration.
They need to have the application permission, RCA Integration. It controls whether the new menu
items on the Administration menu are displayed. It is located in SOX > Administration.
For more information, see “Types of application permissions” on page 32.
4. Update user and user group definitions for administrators who work with RCA data. They must have
read/write permissions to edit the RCA import configuration and to import RCA data.
a) From the menu bar, click Administration > Manage System Files > Files.
b) Click the View drop-down arrow, and select Folder View from the list.
c) Click the End User Applications Config folder.
d) In the Access Controls pane, select Actions > Add.
e) In the Select User or Group to add Access Controls pop-up, select the user or group that you want
to grant access. Grant Read and Write permission.
f) Click Add.

What to do next
You are ready to configure the RCA import. For information, see “Configuring the IBM Regulatory
Compliance Analytics data import ” on page 738.

Configuring the IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data import

You use the Administration > RCA Integration > Configure Import from RCA task to configure how data
from IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics is mapped to data in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

Before you begin

Ensure that the prerequisites are met. For information, see “Completing the prerequisites for importing
IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data ” on page 738.

738 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

About this task
Follow these guidelines when you define the RCA import configuration:
• The ID field is mandatory and must be a string data type. It is used to match objects in the two systems.
• The data types of mapped fields must be the same, for example, a date field in RCA must be mapped to
a date field in OpenPages.
• The format for the Categorizations fields is <Categorization>=<Field Group>.<Field Name>,
where <Categorization> is an RCA categorization and <Field Group>.<Field Name> is the
OpenPages field that it is mapped to. You can map multiple categorization fields.
• The format for the Fragments field is <Fragment>=<Field Group>.<Field Name>, where
<Fragment> is an RCA fragment and <Field Group>.<Field Name> is the OpenPages field that it
is mapped to. You can map multiple fragment fields.
• For all other fields, the format is <Field Group>.<Field Name>.
• Field mapping values are case sensitive.
• If you leave a field mapping blank, the field is not imported into OpenPages.
• The object types in OpenPages (Mandate, Requirement, and SOXControl) are fixed and you must use all
three. You cannot, for example, import Mandates and Requirements and not SOXControls.
• The RCA fields in the configuration are fixed. You cannot add more fields.

1. Click Administration > RCA Integration > Configure Import from RCA.
2. Complete the fields in the Regulatory Compliance Analytics Information section. You can get this
information from RCA.
a) In URL, enter the URL for RCA, for example
b) In API Key, enter the API key for RCA.
For information about generating API keys in RCA, see the RCA Knowledge Center (https://
c) In Organization ID, enter the organization ID for RCA.
For information about organization IDs in RCA, see the RCA Knowledge Center (http://
3. Complete the fields in the OpenPages Information section.
a) In Parent Business Entity Path, enter the path where the parent business entity is located. Use a
forward slash (/) as a separator, for example, /Library/RCA.
4. Retain the default values for the Mandate object fields in the RCA Document field mapping to
OpenPages Mandate object fields section or change them to meet your requirements.

Table 230: RCA Document field mapping to OpenPages Mandate object fields section
RCA Document field OpenPages Mandate field (default values)
Name OPSS-RCA-Base.RCA Name
Description System Fields.Description
Identifier RCM-Mand.Library Id
Content source OPSS-Mand.Content Source
Owner OPSS-RCA-Base.RCA Owner
Assignee(s) OPSS-RCA-Base.RCA Assignees

Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data 739

Table 230: RCA Document field mapping to OpenPages Mandate object fields section (continued)
RCA Document field OpenPages Mandate field (default values)
In force date RCM-Mand.Mandate In Force Date
Publish date RCM-Mand.Mandate Proposal Date
Regulator OPSS-Mand.Issuer
Document type OPSS-Mand.Type
Categorization IT Process Model=OPSS-RCA-Base.IT
Process Model
Line of Business=OPSS-RCA-Base.Line
of Business

5. Retain the default values for the Requirement object fields in the RCA Obligation field mapping to
OpenPages Requirement object fields section or change them to meet your requirements.

Table 231: RCA Obligation field mapping to OpenPages Requirement object fields section
RCA Obligation field OpenPages Requirement field (default values)
Description System Fields.Description
Content source OPSS-Req.Content Source
External ID and External System ID RCM-Req.Library Id
Owner OPSS-RCA-Base.RCA Owner
Assignee(s) OPSS-RCA-Base.RCA Assignees
Approval State OPSS-RCA-Req.Obligation Status
Interpretation OPSS-RCA-Req.Interpretation

Fragments Requirement=UCF-Req.Supporting

740 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 231: RCA Obligation field mapping to OpenPages Requirement object fields section (continued)
RCA Obligation field OpenPages Requirement field (default values)

Categorization Compliance Activity=OPSS-RCA-

Ext.Compliance Activity
Compliance Theme=OPSS-RCA-
Ext.Compliance Theme
IT Process Model=OPSS-RCA-Base.IT
Process Model
Key Role=OPSS-RCA-Ext.Key Role
Line of Business=OPSS-RCA-
Risk Type=OPSS-RCA-Ext.Risk Type

6. Retain the default values for the SOXControl object fields in the RCA Control field mapping to
OpenPages Control object fields section or change them to meet your requirements.

Table 232: RCA Control field mapping to OpenPages Control object fields section
RCA Control field OpenPages SOXControl field (default values)
Name OPSS-RCA-Base.RCA Name
Description System Fields.Description
External ID and External System ID OPSS-Shared-Lib.Library ID
Owner OPSS-RCA-Base.RCA Owner
Assignee(s) OPSS-RCA-Base.RCA Assignees
Policy ID OPSS-RCA-Ctl.Policy ID
Next Review Date OPSS-RCA-Ctl.Next Review Date
Last Review Date OPSS-RCA-Ctl.Last Review Date
Last Updated Date OPSS-RCA-Ctl.Last Updated Date
Status OPSS-RCA-Ctl.External Status
Comments OPSS-Ctl.Additional Description

Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data 741

Table 232: RCA Control field mapping to OpenPages Control object fields section (continued)
RCA Control field OpenPages SOXControl field (default values)

Categorization Compliance Activity=OPSS-RCA-

Ext.Compliance Activity
Compliance Theme=OPSS-RCA-
Ext.Compliance Theme
Control Type=OPSS-Control.Level 1
IT Process Model=OPSS-RCA-Base.IT
Process Model
Key Role=OPSS-RCA-Ext.Key Role
Line of Business=OPSS-RCA-Base.Line
of Business
Risk Type=OPSS-RCA-Ext.Risk Type

7. Click Validate. Resolve any errors.

What to do next
You can begin importing RCA data into OpenPages. For information, see “Reimporting IBM Regulatory
Compliance Analytics data ” on page 743.

Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data

You use the Administration > RCA Integration > Import from RCA task to import data from IBM
Regulatory Compliance Analytics into IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
• Define how the data is mapped between the two systems. For information, see “Configuring the IBM
Regulatory Compliance Analytics data import ” on page 738.
• Verify that you can log in to IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics.

1. Click Administration > RCA Integration > Import from RCA.
2. Click Import Data.
The system starts a long running process that calls the RCA APIs and loads the objects.
3. When the process finishes, click View Log or go to My OpenPages > Background Processes > My
Background Processes to see the results.
4. Verify that the data loaded correctly in the library that is specified in the import configuration:
• Verify that new RCA objects were added as new objects in OpenPages.
• Check that the fields were mapped correctly and that OpenPages fields are now populated with the
RCA data.
• Verify that parent and child associations were correctly imported.

742 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

What to do next
The import is finished and you can begin using the information in OpenPages. For information about
reimporting data, see “Reimporting IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data ” on page 743.

Reimporting IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data

You can also use the Administration > RCA Integration > Import from RCA task to reimport data from
IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics into IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

About this task

If you rerun the import, changes to objects in RCA are replicated to objects in OpenPages. For example, if
you add a document or change an obligation description in RCA, the changes are replicated to the objects
in OpenPages when you reimport the RCA data. As long as you do not change the parent business entity
path, the system finds previously imported objects and does not create duplicate objects.
If you change the object associations in RCA and reimport the changes into OpenPages, the system
follows these rules:
• If you remove an association between an obligation and a control in RCA, the matching Requirement
and SOXControl in OpenPages are disassociated. The SOXControl might be orphaned.
• If you remove an association between a document and an obligation in RCA, the matching Mandate and
Requirement in OpenPages are disassociated. The Requirement might be orphaned.
• If you remove an association between a document and a control in RCA, no action is taken because no
matching Mandate and SOXControl association exists in OpenPages. The Mandate remains unchanged
in OpenPages.
If you change the objects in OpenPages, those changes can be overwritten if you reimport the matching
objects from RCA.

1. Follow the steps that are described in “Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data ” on page
742. The import process loads both new and changed data.
2. Verify that the data loaded correctly in the library that is specified in the import configuration:
• Verify that changes to existing OpenPages objects were made.
• Verify that parent and child associations were updated.
• Verify that new data was imported.

Importing IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics data 743

744 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Appendix A. The Notification Manager
The Notification Manager is a JSP-based report and notification add-on utility for the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform (supports versions 3.0.1 and later) that automatically creates action items and notification
emails when specified criteria are met
With the Notification Manager, administrators can define a set of object properties and values that trigger
the creation of an action item and send a notification email to a user. The user responsible for the item will
receive the email and see the action item on their Home page, alerting the user to their necessary tasks.
For example, a notification event can be set to run nightly that will send a notification email to all users
who have Tests that do not have completed Test Results associated with them.

Why would I use Notifications?

Notifications allow you to alert people that important dates are approaching, and remind them that they
still have outstanding tasks to perform before the date arrives.
Since notification can be tied to the value of an object property, you can target the reminder to only those
people who meet the criteria for the notification.
For example, you can set up a notification to remind all Control owners who have controls that have a
value of "Undetermined" for the Control Evaluation field, and set the notification to start 20 days after the
beginning of the quarter.

The notification reports

If the legacy sample notification reports were installed, a folder on the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
server (typically /opx) is created under the Publishing/Reporting/SOX directory named
This folder contains the reports and report templates required to set up a notification event. The contents
of the folder are:
• Test Notifications Page (report) - This is a prepared report that will send e-mail to all Test Performers
that have Tests that have not been performed and are due within the next 15 days.
• Undetermined Controls Page (report) - This is a prepared report that notifies users who have Controls
assigned to them that are marked as "Undetermined".
• Test Notification Template - This report template is used when creating your own reports to notify Test
Performers and Reviewers about incomplete Test Results.
• General IBM OpenPages FCM Notifications Template - This template is used to create your own
notification reports using your own custom trigger conditions. Detailed information about creating your
own notification reports can be found in “Using the General Notifications template” on page 747 of
this guide.
This guide will explain how to set up and run notification reports based on the included Test Notification
Template and the General IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Notifications Template.

Results of running a notification report

When a notification report is run, the following events occur (based on the setting you chose during the
notification creation process):
• When the report is run, a milestone is generated with a name based on the report and the "Milestone
Suffix" parameter.
• For each object that generates a notification, an action item is created under the report milestone. This
action item is assigned to the Executive or Primary Owner of the object.
• A notification e-mail is generated for the Executive or Primary Owners detailing the objects that require

Requirements for setting up a notification

In order to set up a notification event, you must have the following:
• A user account with the Publishing application permission set. For more information, see “Types of
application permissions” on page 32)
• Administrator access to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform server machine (for scheduling reports to run
• Your notification mail server configured. For more information, see “Set the mail server address” on
page 322.

Setting up a notification
Three procedures are required to set up and execute a notification.
• “Task 1: Preparing your data” on page 746
• “Task 2: Creating the notification” on page 747
• “Task 3: Triggering the notification” on page 756
After each task is completed, you can run the notification manually or schedule it to run automatically.

Task 1: Preparing your data

The first step in setting up a notification is to make sure that your objects have the necessary information
that will be required by the notification report.
If the objects are not up-to-date, the report will not find the data it needs and will either return a sub-set
of the entire results, or fail to run at all.
For example, when running the Undetermined Controls report, the report checks the Control Evaluation
field for a value of "Undetermined". If your controls do not begin with a status of "Undetermined", the
report will not be able to differentiate between legacy settings, and controls that have not been evaluated

Using the Test Notification template

If you plan to use notifications based on the Test Notification template, or the provided Test Notifications
report, you will need to make sure that your Tests have the following properties populated correctly:

• Test Reviewer (the person responsible for verifying that the tests are completed)
• Test Performer (the person responsible for executing the tests)
• Frequency (whether the test is performed Annually, Quarterly, or Monthly)
• Relative Due Date (when the test should be completed, measured in days after the beginning of the
Frequency period)
Note: If you are viewing existing Tests that were created before version 3.0.1, the new properties will not
be visible on the detail page of the Test. To display the new properties on an existing Test, click the Edit
icon. The new properties will be included on the Edit page. When you Save your changes, the new
properties and values will now be displayed on the detail page. You will need to enter values for each pre-
existing Test in order to use the Notification Manager.

746 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Using the General Notifications template
If you are creating notifications based on property values, make sure that the properties you are checking
have valid values.
If you are creating custom properties and plan to run notifications based on those properties, make sure
that you update all of the necessary objects with the new custom object field(s).
Note: The General IBM OpenPages FCM Notifications Template cannot compare date fields using the
greater than/less than/equal/not equal operators.

Task 2: Creating the notification

The second task in setting up a notification is to create the notification. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
comes with templates for creating notification reports: Test Notification, and General IBM OpenPages
FCM Notifications.

Reports created with the Test Notification template are targeted at Tests and are used to notify Test
Performers and Reviewers that incomplete Tests exist. It also contains special logic to deal with setting
relative due dates and gathering information from both Tests and Test Results.
The General IBM OpenPages FCM Notifications template allows users to set up to three properties and
property values to evaluate. You can only evaluate properties for a single object type.
The steps in the following procedure apply to creating either a Test Notification or a General IBM
OpenPages FCM Notifications report.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform server (typically /opx) as a user with Publishing privileges set.
2. Click the Browse Channels link under the Publishing heading on the Action menu to display the
Channels page.
3. In the list on the Channels tab, click the Reporting link.
4. On the Publishing tab, navigate to the SOX/Notifications folder.
5. From the folder list, click the Add Page icon. The Add a Page screen is displayed.
6. Do the following:
a) Enter a name and description for the notification report.
b) Choose one of the following page templates:
• Test Notification - use to create a notification based on test completion.
• General IBM OpenPages FCM Notifications - use to create notifications of required work via e-
mail and action items.
c) Click Next to continue.
d) Enter the information for your notification type.
For detailed information about the various template fields, refer to the following tables:
• For Test Notification, see “The Test Notification fields” on page 747
• For General IBM OpenPages FCM Notifications, see “The general IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
FCM notifications fields” on page 751
e) Click Apply to save your changes.
7. Click Finish to save the new report.

The Test Notification fields

The following table contains an explanation of the various fields available to notification reports based on
the Test Notification template.

The Notification Manager 747

Table 233: Test Notification template fields
Parameter Description
Milestone Suffix String appended to the milestone created as a result of
running the report. When the report is run, a milestone is
created to hold the action items that will be created as a
result of the notification process. By default, the milestone is
named for the content type that the report targets (in this
case - Tests). The milestone suffix is added to the end of the
milestone name to create a unique name for holding the
results of the notification report.
The name is appended with a dash, so a Milestone Suffix of
"Weekly Reminder" will result in a milestone named "Tests -
Weekly Reminder".

Sender Name This is the name that will appear as the sender of the
notification e-mail.
Sender Address The e-mail address that appears as the sender e-mail
address on the notification e-mail.
Subject The subject of the notification e-mail.
Note: This parameter can also contain a key defined under
Application Text in the Configuration section of the Action
menu in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application. This is
required if you wish the notification e-mails to be sent in each
recipient's selected locale.

Select a Test Frequency Selecting a Test Frequency limits the notification report to
only send out notifications for incomplete Tests that match
the chosen frequency.
Possible values are: Annually, Half-Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly,
Weekly, Daily.

Notify Test Reviewer ___ days before The number of days before the test due date that the
due date notification e-mail will be sent to the user listed as the Test
The Due Date for a Test is set in the Relative Due Date field on
the Test object. The Relative Due Date is the number of days
after the beginning of the test period (which is set in the
‘Select a Test Frequency’ field).
For example, a Relative Due Date of 60 and a Frequency of
Quarterly means that the Test must be completed 60 days
after the beginning of the most recent quarter. If you set this
field (Notify Test Reviewer...) to 14, then 14 days before the
Relative Due Date the notification will alert the Test Reviewer.
Note: The OpenPages GRC Platform application considers
financial quarters to begin on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st,
and October 1st. If your financial quarter begins on a different
date, you may want to adjust the Relative Due Date.

748 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 233: Test Notification template fields (continued)
Parameter Description
Notify Test Performer ___ days before The number of days before the test due date that the
due date notification e-mail will be sent to the user listed as the Test
The Due Date for a Test is set in the Relative Due Date field on
the Test object. The Relative Due Date is the number of days
after the beginning of the test period (as set in Frequency -
Annually, Half-Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily).
For example, a Relative Due Date of 60 and a Frequency of
Quarterly means that the Test must be completed 60 days
after the beginning of the most recent quarter. If you set this
field (Notify Test Performer...) to 21, then 21 days before the
Relative Due Date the notification will alert the Test
Note: The OpenPages GRC Platform application considers
financial quarters to begin on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st,
and October 1st. If your financial quarter begins on a different
date, you may want to adjust the Relative Due Date to take
this into account.

Also examine past ___ days when The number of previous days to check when looking for
evaluating completeness incomplete Tests.
By default, the notification report only checks for the exact
value of the "Notify Test Reviewer/Performer X days before
due date fields", so if the report is not run for a few days,
some incomplete Tests with due dates that do not exactly
match the values may not create notifications.
This setting provides some overlap in case the report is not
run every day. If an Action Item already exists for the Test, a
new one will not be created.

Send repeat notifications If this field is set to true, an e-mail will be sent to the Test
Reviewer/Performer every time the notification report is run
and the Test continues to be incomplete. If set to false, the
Performer/Reviewer will receive a single e-mail the first time
the incomplete Test is included in the report results.
General Message This text will appear as the introductory text in the body of
the e-mail for both Test Performers and Test Reviewers.
Note: This parameter can also contain a key defined under
Application Text in the Configuration section of the Action
menu in the OpenPages GRC Platform application. This is
required if you wish the notification e-mails to be sent in each
recipient's selected locale.

Send mail to Test Reviewers If set to true, an e-mail message will be generated that
contains the incomplete tests belonging to the Test Reviewer.

The Notification Manager 749

Table 233: Test Notification template fields (continued)
Parameter Description
Message to Test Reviewers This text will appear underneath the General Message on e-
mails to Test Reviewers.
• The message text has a 200 character limit.
• If you are entering a plain-text message, any escaped
characters (such as new lines, etc.) must be preceded with
two backslashes instead of one (e.g. \\n). If you are using
HTML for your e-mail message, this is not necessary.
• This parameter can also contain a key defined under
Application Text in the Configuration section of the Action
menu in the OpenPages GRC Platform application. This is
required if you wish the notification e-mails to be sent in
each recipient's selected locale.

Send mail to Test Performers If set to true, an e-mail message will be generated that
contains the incomplete tests belonging to the Test
Message to Test Performers This text will appear underneath the General Message on e-
mails to Test Performers.
• The message text has a 200 character limit.
• If you are entering a plain-text message, any escaped
characters (such as new lines, etc.) must be preceded with
two backslashes instead of one (e.g. \\n). If you are using
HTML for your e-mail message, this is not necessary.
• This parameter can also contain a key defined under
Application Text in the Configuration section of the Action
menu in the OpenPages GRC Platform application. This is
required if you wish the notification e-mails to be sent in
each recipient's selected locale.

Group notifications by This setting is used to group the tests that meet the criteria
for notification within the notification e-mail.
Test Reviewer property Defines the property that contains the Test Reviewer user.
Must be a property of the Test object that takes a group or
user name as a value.
Should only be modified if you are using a custom property.

Test Performer property Defines the property that contains the Test Performer user.
Must be a property of the Test object that takes a group or
user name as a value. Should only be modified if you are using
a custom property.
Test Due Date property Defines the property that contains the Test Due Date. Should
only be modified if you are using a custom property.
Test Frequency property Defines the property that contains the Test frequency. Should
only be modified if you are using a custom property.

750 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 233: Test Notification template fields (continued)
Parameter Description
Test Result Date Performed property Defines the property that contains the date the Test Results
were performed. Should only be modified if you are using a
custom property.
Mail Server The name of your mail server and domain. For example,
If the value in the Mail Server field:
• Is blank (no mail server name) - the value configured in the
\Mail Server setting is used. This is the default.
• Contains the name of a mail server - this value overrides the
value configured in the \OpenPages\Applications
\Mail Server setting.
For more information about the \OpenPages
\Common\Email\Mail Server setting, see “Set the mail
server address” on page 322.

SOX Server The full URL of the OpenPages GRC Platform server machine.
This address is used to create the links contained in the
notification e-mail, and should NOT be set to localhost.
If omitted, the server URL will be determined automatically.

Report Title The text displayed as the title of the notification report.
Scope The scope parameter is used to limit the range of the
notification report. If you do not want to limit the scope of the
notification report, leave it set to /_op_sox/Project/Default.
If you wish to change the scope, click the Browse icon and
select the folder hierarchy you want to include in the
notification report. Only the objects under that folder will be
evaluated when the report is run.

Library Filter When you are running a notification report, you do not usually
want to include the Master Library in the report results, since
they are not considered active.
If the path contains the value of the Library Filter parameter,
it will not be included in the report results.

Project Internal parameter. Do not modify.

Reporting Period Internal parameter. Do not modify.

The general IBM OpenPages GRC Platform FCM notifications fields

This topic contains an explanation of the various fields available to reports based on the General IBM
OpenPages FCM Notifications template.

The Notification Manager 751

Table 234: The general template fields
Parameter Description
Milestone Suffix String appended to the milestone created as a result of running the
report. When the report is run, a milestone is created to hold the
action items that will be created as a result of the notification
process. By default, the milestone is named for the content type that
the report targets. The milestone suffix is added to the end of the
milestone name to create a unique name for holding the results of
the notification report.
The name is appended with a dash, so a Milestone Suffix of "Weekly
Reminder" might result in a milestone named "Process - Weekly

Sender Name This is the name that will appear as the sender of the notification e-
Sender E-mail The e-mail address that appears as the sender e-mail address on the
notification e-mail.
E-mail Subject The subject of the notification e-mail.
Note: This parameter can also contain a key defined under
Application Text in the Configuration section of the Action menu in
the OpenPages GRC Platform application. This is required if you wish
the notification e-mails to be sent in each recipient's selected locale.

General Message This text will appear as the introductory text in the body of the e-mail
for both Executive Owners and Primary Owners.
• The message text has a 200 character limit.
• If you are entering a plain-text message, any escaped characters
(such as new lines, etc.) must be preceded with two backslashes
instead of one (e.g. \\n). If you are using HTML for your e-mail
message, this is not necessary.
• This parameter can also contain a key defined under Application
Text in the Configuration section of the Action menu in the
OpenPages GRC Platform application. This is required if you wish
the notification e-mails to be sent in each recipient's selected

Send mail to Executive Owners If set to true, an e-mail message will be generated and sent to the
Executive Owner of the object that generated the notification.
If no Executive Owner is set on the object, the Notification Manager
will look up the hierarchy until a valid Executive Owner is found.
If no Executive Owner is found, no notification will be generated.

752 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 234: The general template fields (continued)
Parameter Description
Message to Executive Owners This text will appear underneath the General Message on e-mails to
Executive Owners.
• The message text has a 200 character limit.
• If you are entering a plain-text message, any escaped characters
(such as new lines, etc.) must be preceded with two backslashes
instead of one (for example, \\n). If you are using HTML for your e-
mail message, this is not necessary.
• This parameter can also contain a key defined under Application
Text in the Configuration section of the Action menu in the
OpenPages GRC Platform application. This is required if you wish
the notification e-mails to be sent in each recipient's selected

Send mail to Primary Owners If set to true, an e-mail message will be generated and sent to the
Primary Owner of the object that generated the notification.
If no Primary Owner is set on the object, the Notification Manager will
look up the hierarchy until a valid Primary Owner is found.
If no Primary Owner is found, no notification will be generated.

Message to Primary Owners This text will appear underneath the General Message on e-mails to
Primary Owners.
• The message text has a 200 character limit.
• If you are entering a plain-text message, any escaped characters
(such as new lines, etc.) must be preceded with two backslashes
instead of one (e.g. \\n). If you are using HTML for your e-mail
message, this is not necessary.
• This parameter can also contain a key defined under Application
Text in the Configuration section of the Action menu in the
OpenPages GRC Platform application. This is required if you wish
the notification e-mails to be sent in each recipient's selected

Send repeat notifications If this field is set to true, an e-mail will be sent to the Executive
and/or Primary owners every time the report is run and the object
continues to meet the notification criteria. If set to false, the
Executive and/or Primary owners will receive a single e-mail the first
time the object is included in the report results.
Note: If "Create Action Items" is set to false, then notification e-
mails will be sent each time the report is run, regardless of the value
of "Send repeat notifications".

Content type to send Determines which objects will be evaluated when the report is run.
notifications for
Notification reports can only be run against a single object type. If
you want to run the same report against multiple object types, you
will have to create multiple reports, or provide different parameter
values in the command line.

The Notification Manager 753

Table 234: The general template fields (continued)
Parameter Description
Filter Property n The report template contains three sets of Property/Value
evaluations that can be performed when determining which objects
Filter Evaluation n
will generate a notification.
Filter Value n
Where: n is a number
• Filter Property n - Contains the property to be considered when
evaluating whether a notification should be generated.
• Filter Evaluation n - The evaluation method to be used when
comparing the object property value with the Filter Value.
Note: The possible operators are =,<> (not equals), <, >, <=, and
>=. Only the "=" operator can be used with strings. All other
operators only work with integers.
• Filter Value n - Contains the value of the property to be considered
when generating notifications.
If the three parameters have the following values:
Filter Property 1: OPSS-Control.Operating Effectiveness
Filter Evaluation 1: =
Filter Value 1: Not Determined
then a notification would be generated if any Control had a value of
"Not Determined" selected for the "Operating Effectiveness" object

Create notification if Determines whether all property/value evaluations need to be true

in order to create a notification, or if only one of them needs to be
Group Notifications by This setting is used to group the objects that meet the criteria for
notification within the notification e-mail.
Create Action Items Determines whether an action item will be created for each
notification e-mail sent to an Executive or Primary Owner.
If an Action Item has already been created for the object, no new
action item will be generated
Note: If this option is set to false, then notifications will always be
sent when the notification report is run, regardless of the "Send
repeat notifications" setting.

Action Item Description An optional description for the created Action Items.
Action Item should be If set, the Action Item’s Due Date will be set to the number of days
completed in after the creation of the action item.
For example, a value of 14 would give the created Action Item a due
date two weeks after the creation of the Action Item.

754 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Table 234: The general template fields (continued)
Parameter Description
Mail Server The name of your mail server and domain. For example,
If the value in the Mail Server field:
• Is blank (no mail server name) - the value configured in the
\Mail Server setting is used.
• Contains the name of a mail server - this value overrides the value
configured in the \OpenPages\Applications\Common\Email
\Mail Server setting.
For more information about the \OpenPages\Applications
\Common\Email\Mail Server setting, see “Set the mail server
address” on page 322.

SOX Server The full URL of the OpenPages GRC Platform server machine. This
address is used to create the links contained in the notification e-
mail, and should NOT be set to localhost.
If omitted, the server URL will be determined automatically.

Report Title The text displayed as the title of the notification report.
Executive Owner Property The property containing the Executive Owner value. Should not be
changed unless you are using a custom Owner field.
Valid values can be obtained by looking at the profile for the object
selected in "Group Notifications by". In the Object Fields table on
that page, concatenate the value under "Field Group" with the value
under "Name". For example, "SOXBusEntity.Executive Owner" or
"System Fields.Last Modified By". You should only use properties
that can take a user name or group as a value.

Primary Owner Property The property containing the Primary Owner value. Should not be
changed unless you are using a custom Owner field.
Valid values can be obtained by looking at the profile for the object
selected in "Group Notifications by". In the Object Fields table on
that page, concatenate the value under "Field Group" with the value
under "Name". For example, "SOXBusEntity.Executive Owner" or
"System Fields.Last Modified By". You should only use properties
that can take a user name or group as a value.

Library Filter When you are running a notification report, you do not usually want
to include the Master Library in the report results, since they are not
considered "active".
If the path contains the value of the Library Filter parameter, it will
not be included in the report results.

Scope The scope parameter is used to limit the range of the notification
report. If you do not want to limit the scope of the notification report,
leave it set to /_op_sox/Project/Default.
If you wish to change the scope, click the Browse icon and select the
folder hierarchy you want to include in the notification report. Only
the objects under that folder will be evaluated when the report is run.

The Notification Manager 755

Table 234: The general template fields (continued)
Parameter Description
Project Internal parameter. Do not modify.
Reporting Period Internal parameter. Do not modify.

Task 3: Triggering the notification

You can run notification reports from the Reporting interface like any other report, or you can use the
provided command line interface to run the notification reports from outside the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform environment.
You need to provide access (minimum Read, Write access) to Milestone and Task folders for all the users
who need to run notification reports successfully. Notification reports in the Reporting menu require
access to the Milestone folder, which is the container for Project Milestone objects (SOXMilestone), and
access to the Task folder, which is the container for Project Action Item objects (ProjectActionItem). By
default, both SOXMilestone and ProjectActionItem are custom ACL Object Types (based on the Common
> Custom ACL Object Types setting). For instructions on setting up access for these objects, see
“Creating an Access Control List” on page 79.

Using the application user interface

Running a notification report from the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user interface works the same as
running any other report through the user interface.
Note: You cannot use the Preview function in the OpenPages GRC Platform user interface with
Notification reports.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application and click the Reporting menu on the menu bar.
2. Click the Notifications sub-menu to display the notification reports.
3. Choose the notification report you want to run and click the name of the report.
The results of the report are displayed in a new browser window.

Using the Notification Manager command line interface

You can manually run the Notification Manager from a command or shell window, or you can use standard
operating system scheduler functions to automatically run the Notification Manager command file at a
specified time.
For example, in Windows, you could use the built-in Windows scheduler, in AIX and Linux, you could set
up a cron job.
You can run a single report, an entire folder of reports, and run a single report against multiple datasets by
providing parameters to the report directly through the command line.
The Notification Manager command file is named as follows:
AIX and Linux
The file is located in the <OP_Home>|bin directory of your IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation.

The Notification Manager command line interface syntax

This topic contains the Notification Manager command line interface syntax and parameters.

756 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

NotificationManager -Username <user_name> -Password <password>
-NotificationProgram <full_path_to_notification_report>|-ProgramFolder
<path_to_folder-containing-notification-reports> [-SaveOutput <true|false>]
[-LogSession <true|false>]
[-<parameter_name> <parameter_value>] [-ParameterFile <full_path_to_file>]

All parameters are in the syntax -parameter "value or string". If the value of any parameter
contains spaces, that value must be contained within quotation marks.

Table 235: Notification Manager parameters

Parameter Description
-Username The name of a valid IBM OpenPages GRC Platform user with permission to
run the notification reports.
-Password The password for the user name set in -Username.
-NotificationProgram (Required unless -ProgramFolder is specified) The full path to the notification
report the command will run, starting with the Reporting channel. Should not
begin with a leading slash.

-NotificationProgram "Reporting\SOX\Notifications\
Test Notifications Report"

-ProgramFolder (Required unless -NotificationProgram is specified) Specifies a folder

containing notification reports. All reports in that folder will be executed when
the command is run.

-ProgramFolder "Reporting\SOX\Notifications"

-SaveOutput (Optional) Can be true or false. If set to true, the output of the report will be
saved to an output file in the output_files directory under the |bin|
NotificationManager directory. If the parameter is not present, no output
file will be created.
The file name is the name of the notification report (or folder) with an "html"
extension. If an output file with that name already exists, a timestamp
extension will be added to the end of the existing file’s name and the older file
will be moved to the output_files|archive folder.

Undetermined Controls.html.200406060103

The Notification Manager 757

Table 235: Notification Manager parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
-LogSession (Optional) Can be set to true. If set, the activities of the NotificationManager
will be written to a log file. The log file will be located in the logs directory
under the |aurora|bin|NotificationManager directory.
The name of the log file is NotificationManager.log. The file has a
maximum size of 1 MB, and will be rotated into the |logs|archives
directory when the limit is exceeded.

-<parameter_name> (Optional) If you want to pass a value for a specific notification report
<parameter_value> parameter, you can include the parameter and value directly in the command
line. The parameter name must match the report parameter name exactly.
The parameter names can be viewed by logging on to the OpenPages GRC
<parameter_name> is
Platform server interface (typically opx) and navigating to the channel folder
the name of a specific
containing the report page. The parameter names are shown in the detail
page for the report, which can be viewed by clicking on the name of the report
<parameter_value> in the channel folder view.
is the value of that
• -mailServer
• -generalMessage "Please do not ignore this e-mail."

-ParameterFile Specifies a text file containing a list of parameter value pairs (equivalent to
entering individual -parameter "value or string" entries into the
command line directly). Each parameter value pair should be on a single line.
Value is the full path to the file, including the file name.
Example - for Windows:
-ParameterFile "c:\OpenPages\bin\NotificationManager

758 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Appendix B. Properties and parameters
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform includes different properties files. Depending on the configuration task that
you perform, you edit one or more of the properties files.

Aurora properties and parameters

Depending on the configuration task that you perform in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you might need to
edit the parameters in the Aurora properties file.
The Aurora properties file parameters are described in the following list.

Application server properties

The type of Java Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application that is used.
Possible value: websphere.
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) initial context factory.

Database properties
Type of database (Oracle or DB2).
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) URL.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver.
Database user name.
Database password (encrypted).

DB2 database properties

Database name.
Database host name.
Database port.
Database catalog name.

Database pool properties

Minimum number of connections.
Maximum number of connections.
Database pool refresh interval.
Flag to test a connection before returning it from the pool.
Possible values: true or false.

Database connection test property

Specify a Microsoft SQL database with which to test the connection.
The default value is: select sysdate from dual.

Service locations properties

RMI (Remote Method Invocation) protocol.
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) host.
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) port.

Java Transaction API (JTA) properties

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Initial Context Factory.
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name for User Transactions.

Full text search properties
Full text index folder.
File extensions to be excluded.
The default values are: xra xrl pagespec pagetemplate xrt cha xsd.

Java Message Service (JMS) properties

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Initial Context Factory.
Java Message Service (JMS) connection factory name (non-transactional).
Java Message Service (JMS) connection factory name (transactional).
Java Message Service (JMS) topic name.
Java Message Service (JMS) topic name.

Security service properties

Session token timeout, in minutes.
The default value is 3000000.
Password of the system OPSystem user.

760 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

WebDAV properties

AppServer specific properties
The installation folder of the Application Server.
The installation folder of OpenPages application.

XML forms property
Folder where custom forms are dropped.

Cache refresh intervals properties

Refresh interval for global cache.
Refresh interval for global cache.
Refresh interval for global cache.
Refresh interval for global cache.
Refresh interval for global cache.
Refresh interval for global cache.

Resource cache properties


Properties and parameters 761

Third-party reporting-specific properties
Server URL of Cognos.
Framework refresh URL.
Temporary folder for reports.
Cognos computation server URL.

Enable read-access locking property

Thread dump interval property

Periodically enables a thread dump to the local file system (only used in debugging mode).
Possible values: true or false.

Logout URL property

Add new URLs with the name The name can be anything.
Cognos logout URL.

Publishweb folder property

Location of reporting Java Server Page (JSP) files.

Application URL property

Base URL of the application.

Application server WorkManager properties
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name of the application server work manager.
Work manager implementation class.

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) properties

Use the local interfaces for Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) instead of remote.

OpenPages Cloud environment properties

The Cognos URL with the Cognos private IP address that is used for internal communication from
OpenPages to Cognos.
Value: http\://<cognos_private_ip>/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi

762 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
On cloud versions of the application, the path on the application server where the OpenPages
application creates a temporary file, and then streams the file content to database storage. This
property does not exist in on-premise versions of the application.
Value: /opt/OP/OpenPages/profiles/<hostname>-OPNode1/storage
The cloud switch that is used to determine whether the product is on Cloud or on-premise. If the
value is not Cloud, or is not specified, then the product is deemed on-premise. This property does not
exist in on-premise versions of the product.
Value: Cloud

OpenPages server properties and parameters

Depending on the configuration task that you perform in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you might need to
edit the parameters in the <servername>-OPNode<#>Server<#> file.
The OpenPages server properties are described in the following list:

Domain property
Non-configurable system parameter.

Cache properties
Non-configurable system parameter.
Non-configurable system parameter.
Non-configurable system parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
Non-configurable system parameter.

Administration server properties

Non-configurable system parameter.
Non-configurable system parameter.

Transaction properties
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
Possible values: true or false.

Properties and parameters 763

URL properties
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
Configurable application URL.
Value: http\://<hostname>\:10108/openpages, where hostname is fully qualified, and includes the
local host and the parent domain name.
If you change the OpenPages application port number (default: 10108), update the application port
value in this parameter. For more information, see “Updating port values in IBM OpenPages property
files” on page 474.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.

Web client properties

Enter the value http or https, based on your configuration. The default value is http.
Non-configurable system parameter.
If you change the OpenPages application port number (default: 10108), update the application port
value in this parameter.

764 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Sosa properties and parameters
Depending on the configuration task that you perform in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you might need to
edit the parameters in the <servername>-OpenPagesServer<#> file.
The <servername>-OpenPagesServer<#> file parameters are described in the
following list.

Application URL properties

Configurable application URL.
http\://<hostname>\:10108/openpages, where hostname is fully qualified, and includes the local host
and the parent domain name.
If you change the OpenPages application port number (default: 10108), update the application port
value in this parameter.
Configurable application context.

Service URL properties

Non-configurable system parameter.
Non-configurable system parameter.
If you change the OpenPages bootstrap port number (default: 10101), update the bootstrap port
value in this parameter.
Non-configurable system parameter.

Properties and parameters 765

766 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Appendix C. Installing and configuring HTTP
Installing and configuring HTTP compression applies to Microsoft Windows IIS 7 only and is a one-time
setup for HTTP compression on the Cognos server.
For details, see the following topics:
• “Installing HTTP compression” on page 767
• “Configuring HTTP compression” on page 767

Installing HTTP compression

HTTP compression is usually available on the default installation of IIS 7. However, only static
compression is installed by default.
To verify or install static or dynamic compression, use the following steps.

1. On the Cognos server:
a) Click the Windows Start menu and point to Administrative Tools.
b) Select Server Manager.
2. In the Server Manager hierarchy pane:
a) Expand Roles.
b) Click Web Server (IIS).
3. In the Web Server (IIS) pane, verify if compression is installed:
a) Scroll to the Role Services section.
b) Under Performance, verify whether Static Content Compression and/or Dynamic Content
Compression are installed.
c) If these are installed, skip the remaining steps in this procedure and go to “Configuring HTTP
compression” on page 767. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
4. To add static or dynamic content compression, click the Add Role Services link.
5. On the Select Role Services page of the Add Role Services Wizard:
a) To install:
• Dynamic compression, select Dynamic Content Compression.
• Static compression, select Static Content Compression.
b) Click Next to continue.
6. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install.
7. On the Results page, click Close.

Configuring HTTP compression

To configure HTTP compression for Windows IIS 7, follow this procedure.

1. On the Cognos server, click the Windows Start menu and select Control Panel.
2. Open Administrative Tools as follows:
a) Do one of the following:

For Windows Server... Do this...

2008 Click System and Maintenance.
2008 R2 Click System and Security.
b) Click the Administrative Tools link.
3. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
4. In the Connections pane, select the server name.
5. In Features View, under ‘IIS’, double-click Compression.
6. In the Compression pane:
a) Select ‘Enable static content compression’ to configure IIS to compress static content.
b) Under Static Compression, select ‘Only compress files larger than (in bytes)’ and enter 150 in the
c) Select ‘Per application pool disk space limit (in MB)’ and enter 1000.
d) In the Actions pane, click Apply.
7. In the Connections pane:
a) Expand Sites > Default Web Site.
b) Select the name of the Cognos folder.
8. In Features View, under ‘IIS’:
a) Double-click Compression.
b) Select both ‘Enable dynamic content compression’ and ‘Enable static content compression’.
c) In the Actions pane, click Apply.
9. Add the mime types of the files to be compressed as follows:
a) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to <System Drive>:/Windows/System32/inetsrv/
b) Create a backup of the applicationHost.config file:
1) Copy and paste the applicationHost.config file into the same or different folder.
2) Rename the copied file to applicationHost.config.bak.

c) In a text editor (such as Notepad), open the applicationHost.config file and find the
httpCompression tag.
d) Use the sample code that follows to verify the static and dynamic mime types, and add any
missing mime types to the file (such as xml, xml-dtd,, and octet-stream).

<httpCompression directory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\IIS
Temporary Compressed Files" maxDiskSpaceUsage="1000"
<scheme name="gzip" dll="%Windir%\system32\inetsrv\gzip.dll" />
<add mimeType="text/*" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="message/*" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="application/x-javascript" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="application/atom+xml" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="application/xaml+xml" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="application/xml" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="application/xml-dtd" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="*/*" enabled="false" />
<add mimeType="text/*" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="message/*" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="application/x-javascript" enabled="true" />

768 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

<add mimeType="application/" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="application/octet-stream" enabled="true" />
<add mimeType="*/*" enabled="false" />

e) When finished, save the changes to the file.

10. Return to the IIS Manager, and then stop and restart the IIS service.

Installing and configuring HTTP compression 769

770 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
Appendix D. Legacy Reporting Framework Generation
Legacy Reporting Framework Generation settings applies only to systems that have been upgraded from
versions of OpenPages 5.x or earlier and are using the Legacy Reporting Framework.

Namespaces in the Legacy Reporting Framework

If the Legacy Framework is enabled, a relational data model is generated under the
OPENPAGES_DEFAULT legacy namespace.
The folder path to the OPENPAGES_DEFAULT legacy namespace is:


Table 236: Non-default legacy framework namespace required entries

Entry Description

Folders This folder contains a Reporting Periods subfolder with entries for Items
and Name. These entries are used by the framework generator and
should not be changed.

BY_RELATIONSHIPS This entry is only used for non-default namespaces.

If no "BY" relationships are required, you can leave this entry blank.

Is Default In the supplied framework model, the value of the DEFAULT namespace
is set to true and should not be changed. All other IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform supplied namespaces are defined as non-default namespaces.
All new namespaces that are added should also be defined as non-default
(value is set to false) namespaces.

Is Enabled In the supplied (out-of-the-box) framework model, this setting

determines whether or not the namespace is generated in the reporting
framework. By default, this value is set to true.

ObjectModel 1 If your object model (schema) includes Control Objectives, the

framework generator uses the value pairs in this entry to define the
parent-child relationships in the generated framework model that
includes Control Objectives in the object hierarchy. This entry requires
values and must include all recursive object relationships.

ObjectModel 2 If your object model (schema) excludes Control Objectives, the

framework generator uses the value pairs in this entry to define the
parent-child relationships in the generated framework model that does
not include Control Objectives in the object hierarchy. This entry requires
values and must include all recursive object relationships.

The framework generator uses the definition of a namespace (from ObjectModel 1 and ObjectModel 2) to
create corresponding namespaces in the framework model. The following table lists the relationship
between objects when a namespace is generated.
Table 237: Namespaces and object relationships
If a relationship defined in a and the Then the framework generator...
namespace does this... namespace is a...
matches a relationship that is defined in default namespace automatically creates a direct
the object model relationship between these objects
excludes a relationship that is defined in default namespace automatically creates an associative
the object model "BY" relationship between these objects
non-default creates an associative "BY" relationship
namespace between these objects only if the
BY_RELATIONSHIPS entry contains
value pairs. If the BY_RELATIONSHIPS
entry is blank, then no 'BY' relationships
are created.

For more information about namespaces and the framework model, see the OpenPages GRC Platform
documentation located on your installation kit.

Defining a non-default namespace in the Legacy Reporting Framework

When you create a new non-default namespace, you initially create a container (folder) that must be
populated with the required namespace entries.
You can use the copy operation to copy these entries from an existing non-default namespace into the
new namespace.

Legacy Reporting Framework custom namespace names

There are several best practices to keep in mind when naming legacy reporting framework namespaces:
• Use all capital letters in the namespace name.
• Use an underscore - no spaces - in the name.
• Do not use OPENPAGES_ as a prefix for the new namespace as this is reserved for the supplied (out-of-
the-box) namespace names.
Do not use _DEFAULT as a suffix for the new namespace as this is reserved for the supplied (out-of-the-
box) IBM OpenPages GRC Platform default namespace name.

Adding a non-default namespace to the Legacy Reporting Framework

You can add a non-default namespace to the Legacy Reporting Framework.

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
2. Set the value in the Show Hidden Settings setting to true. For details, see “Show hidden settings”
on page 311).
3. Expand the OpenPages | Platform | Reporting | Framework | Generation | Namespaces folder
4. Select the Namespaces folder, and then click Add Folder.

772 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

5. In the Add Folder box, type a name for the new namespace. For example,
The newly created non-default namespace is represented by a folder icon under the Namespaces
6. Copy the required entries into the new non-default namespace folder as follows:
Important: Use entries from any non-default namespace for the copy operation; do not select any
entries from the DEFAULT namespace.
a) Select a Folders entry from any non-default namespace.
b) Click Copy To.
c) In the copy window, select the name of the new namespace folder (for example,
d) Click OK.
e) Repeat Steps a - d for each of the following entries: BY_RELATIONSHIPS, Is Default,
ObjectModel 1, and ObjectModel 2.
7. Verify the value of the Is Default entry is false. If the value is set to true, then change the value.
8. Modify the values of the ObjectModel 1 and ObjectModel 2 entries to reflect any new parent-child
object relationships you may have defined for your reports.
Note: You must include all recursive objects (business entities, sub-processes, sub-accounts, and
sub-mandates) in both ObjectModel 1 and ObjectModel 2 entries.
The syntax for adding parent-child object relationships is:
<parent object>|<child object>,<parent object>|<child object>
The following example shows the values you would use to add recursive objects to the ObjectModel
1 and ObjectModel 2 entries:
9. Define any BY relationship values in the BY_RELATIONSHIPS entry.
The syntax for adding BY object relationships is:

<parent object>|<child object>,<parent object>|<child object>

The following example shows the values you could use if you wanted parent-child BY relationship
between Application and Control objects, Personnel and Control objects, and Infrastructure and
Control objects:


When the framework model is generated, the framework generator will create BY relationship query
subjects from the values in this entry.
10. Reset the value in the Show Hidden Settings setting to false.
11. When you are finished, regenerate the framework model. For more information, see “Updating the
reporting framework” on page 686.
After the framework generation is complete, the new namespace is available in Cognos to report

Legacy Reporting Framework Generation settings 773

Editing an existing Legacy Reporting Framework namespace
You can modify the values contained in an existing namespace to satisfy your reporting requirements. Do
not change the relationships of any IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supplied namespaces.

1. Access the Settings page (see Chapter 15, “Viewing the Configuration and Settings page,” on page
2. Expand the OpenPages | Platform | Reporting | Framework | Generation | Namespaces folder
3. Expand the namespaces folder you want to modify.
4. Change the following entries as required: BY_RELATIONSHIPS, ObjectModel 1, and ObjectModel 2.
5. When you are finished, regenerate the framework model. For details, see “Updating the reporting
framework” on page 686.

After the framework generation is complete, the modified namespace is available in Cognos to report

774 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Appendix E. Non-role based access control
You can use non-role based access control for backward compatibility with IBM OpenPages Governance
Platform 5.1x (and earlier).
For flexible role-based security administration, it is best to migrate your access control data to the role-
based security model. For details, see “Role-based security model” on page 43). For assistance with
upgrading your system, contact your IBM representative.
Using non-role based security, administrators can grant or deny read, write, delete, and associate
permissions to groups or specific users based on folders. These permissions are set using an Access
Control List, or ACL. An ACL is the list of groups and users who have permissions for the specified folder.
You can explicitly set permissions on folders or inherit permissions from a parent folder.
You can set up security for non-role based access control, which can be set to control the ability to read,
write, delete, and associate the objects in a folder. Each of these settings can be set individually, allowing
fine-level control over user and group access to the contents of a folder. Any folders that contain IBM
OpenPages Governance Platform 5.1x (and earlier) objects (business entities, accounts, risks, etc.) can be
administered through ACLs.
Note: Non-role based security access control can only be set at the folder level. Individual objects within
a folder cannot have ACLs - they automatically assume the ACL of the folder. If you have permissions for
one item in a folder, you have the same permissions for the other objects in that folder.

Using ACLs with top-level folders

When setting up your business entity and other object hierarchy, certain folders are already created for
you by the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
These folders are created with pre-set ACLs, and should not be modified.
Make sure you do not modify the ACLs for the following folders:

Files and Forms

The object folder structure

When the object hierarchy is viewed from the application interface, the folder structure is listed in
alphabetical order, unlike the overview screens, which display relationships.
Business entities are contained in their own folder, while all of the other object types have their own
folder underneath the Documentation folder.
Note: ACLs should never be added to folders that were automatically created during installation (e.g.,
ICDocumentation, BusinessEntity, etc.). Always create ACLs using the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
administrative user interface.
When you add a new business entity called Enterprise, a folder with the name of the business entity is
created underneath the BusinessEntity folder.
When you add a sub-entity named "Region" to the "Enterprise" entity, a corresponding folder is created.
When you add other objects to a business entity hierarchy, the folder structure of the business entities it
belongs to is automatically created under the object type folder. All objects of that type created for that
business entity are placed in the same folder.
Important: When you are setting ACLs, it is important to remember to set ACLs for the business entity
folders under the ICDocumentation folder structure, as well as the Business Entity folder structure. If you
do not, when you try to access the objects you will not be able to browse to the objects. You should never
set ACLs on the container folders (e.g., ICDocumentation, BusinessEntity).

Using inheritance with Access Control Lists

By default, in a non-role based access control environment, the object folder hierarchy inherits security
ACLs from the higher-level folders.
If a folder does not have an ACL set for a particular group, the application looks back up the folder tree
until it finds an ACL for that group and uses it for the current folder. By default, all users can edit any
object in the entire project.
This setup is useful for smaller projects, where there is a single or very few teams working on the same
business entity structure. In the case where you have specific users who are denied viewing or editing
permissions, you can easily deny them access to a folder structure by setting an explicit ACL for the group
or user that denies them access.
However, this paradigm rapidly becomes unwieldy for large numbers of groups or business entities. If you
only want a group to see one region or site out of 50, it is much simpler to grant access to the single site
than to deny access to the other 49.

Breaking inheritance
Using the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application user interface, you can break the inheritance
property on any folder.
When you break inheritance, access is limited to ONLY the groups and users who have an ACL for that
business entity. All other groups and users (besides the creator of the object) are automatically set to
For large teams and projects who wish to restrict which areas of the project can be seen or modified,
breaking the inheritance "chain" is very helpful, since it automatically denies all groups and users access
to the particular business entity structure. Only the groups and users specifically included in an ACL have
access to the business entity children.
Instead of denying a group access to 49 sites, as in the previous example, now you only have to grant
access to the desired site, and the other 49 are denied by default.
Note: Breaking inheritance is not without its drawbacks. Because all groups (except
OpenPagesAdministrators and OPAdministrators) are denied access to the business entity, groups that do
not have an ACL entry cannot see the business entity or any object underneath the business entity. This is
true even if an ACL entry for a specific group is added to a sub-entity. Because the group (or user) is
denied Read access at the parent business entity, they cannot browse the tree to view the sub-entity
where they have access. The following sections will explain how to circumvent this restriction using
nested groups.

1. Log on to the OpenPages GRC Platform application as a Super Administrator user with the Access
Control Lists application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Custom Security.
3. Navigate to the business entity folder where you want to break inheritance (under the Default
4. When you have found the desired folder, click the name of the folder to display the detail page.

776 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

5. Click Add and choose the desired group or user from the list.
6. Choose the desired permissions for the group or user by highlighting the appropriate entries and click
the OK icon to add the new ACL to the folder.
7. Now that a valid ACL exists for the folder, click the Disable Inheritance icon under the Folder heading.
The value of the "Inherit ACL" field is changed to "false" and the Disable Inheritance icon changes to
Enable Inheritance.
8. Click Access Controls in the breadcrumb trail to return to the Access Controls folder list.

After you break the inheritance on a folder, the new permissions (or lack thereof) go into effect
immediately. Only members of the OpenPagesAdministrators and OPAdministrators groups will be able to
access the object, unless a specific ACL for a user or group is created.
Remember, no one except the groups (and sub-groups of those groups) listed in the Access Controls table
will be able to see the folder or its contents.
• The OpenPagesAdministrators group and the creator of a folder or object is exempt from ACL
restrictions. The creator always has Delete access to files and folders he or she has created, while the
OpenPagesAdministrators group has total access to all files and folders.
• If you have broken inheritance for a folder, there will be entries for the OpenPagesAdministrators and
OPAdministrators groups. These ACLs cannot be edited or deleted.

Creating an ACL on a folder

You must have the Access Control Lists application permission to view or edit ACL settings.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application as a Super Administrator user with the Access
Control Lists application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Custom Security.
3. Navigate to the folder in which you want to create a new ACL. Click the folder name to display the
detail page of the folder.
4. Click Add to add a new access control to the list.
5. In the Create an Access Control Setting page, choose the desired group or user from the drop-down
6. Select the desired permissions by highlighting the appropriate choices and clicking OK when finished.
The dialog closes, and the new ACL appears in the list area of the folder detail page.
Read permission is required for Write and Associate access, and Write access is required in order for
Delete access to be granted. You can select any combination of permissions, but when you save the
ACL, it will be modified to be a valid combination of permissions.
For example, if you set Read/Write/Delete/Associate to Denied/Granted/Granted/Granted, when you
click OK, the displayed permissions will be Granted/Granted/Granted/Granted. Because users must
have Read permissions in order to have Delete permissions, the Read permission is changed to
In order to set Read to Denied, Write, Delete, and Associate must also be set to Denied.
7. Once you have finished setting the permissions, click the Access Control link in the Action menu to
return to the Access Control list.

Non-role based access control 777

Editing an existing ACL
You can edit an existing ACL.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application as a Super Administrator user with the Access
Control Lists application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Custom Security.
3. Click the folder name to display the detail page with the list of existing ACLs.
4. Click the check box next to the existing ACL you wish to modify and click the Edit icon to display the
Edit an Access Control Setting page.
5. Select the desired permissions by highlighting the appropriate choices and clicking Save when
finished. The dialog closes, and the updated ACL appears in the list area of the Access Control page.
Read permission is required for Write and Associate access, and Write access is required in order for
Delete access to be granted. You can select any combination of permissions, but when you save the
ACL, it will be modified to be a valid combination of permissions.
For example, if you set Read/Write/Delete/Associate to Denied/Granted/Granted/Granted, when you
click Ok, the displayed permissions will be Granted/Granted/Granted/Granted. Because users must
have Read permissions in order to have Delete permissions, the Read permission is changed to
In order to set Read to Denied, Write, Delete, and Associate must also be set to Denied.
For example, if you set a folder ACL for a group to Granted for Read, and leave Write and Delete blank,
they will be shown in the UI as Granted/Inherited/Inherited. However, if you set the permissions to
Granted for Delete, and left Read and Write blank, the ACL is displayed as Granted/Granted/Granted,
since Delete requires Read and Write permissions.

Deleting an existing ACL

You can delete an existing ACL.

1. Log on to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application as a Super Administrator user with the Access
Control Lists application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Custom Security.
3. Navigate the folder tree to display the folder containing the ACL you want to delete.
4. Click the folder name to display the detail page with the list of existing ACLs.
5. Click the check box next to the existing ACL you wish to remove and click the Delete icon to remove
the ACL.

Using groups to establish user roles

User groups fulfill three functions - to segregate users into meaningful subsets, to define ACLs to limit
both the range of actions that can be performed on a folder’s contents, and to limit the scope of a user’s
activity to a specific folder or set of folders.
Understand how groups are used to separate a set of users into different roles within an organization.

778 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

The core IBM OpenPages Governance Platform 5.1x (and earlier) groups
The IBM OpenPages Governance Platform 5.1x (and earlier) application has two predefined user groups
already created as part of the initial installation.
These groups are:
• OpenPagesApplicationUsers - This group is a container for all users who are part of the IBM
OpenPages Governance Platform 5.1x (and earlier) application. Every IBM OpenPages Governance
Platform 5.1x (and earlier) user will be a part of this group through inheritance. The
OpenPagesApplicationUsers group has a single sub-group - OpenPagesAdministrators.
Note: The OpenPagesApplicationUsers group should never be used to set ACLs on any folder. The group
exists for administrative purposes only.
• OpenPagesAdministrators - In order to have administrative-level permissions, users must be part of
this group. Administrators can customize reports, create users and groups through the IBM OpenPages
Governance Platform 5.1x (and earlier) user interface, and assign and modify ACLs. They also have
access to all folders and objects in the IBM OpenPages Governance Platform 5.1x (and earlier)
hierarchy, regardless of ACLs.

Example: Using groups to establish user roles

Widgets, Inc. has decided that they will divide their IBM OpenPages Governance Platform 5.1x (and
earlier) users into four main teams, each responsible for a different area of their financial controls
documentation project.
These four teams are:
• The Executive Team. These are people who do not document or modify individual objects. As a team,
they are only interested in viewing the entire financial controls documentation process as a whole, and
quantifying the results. CFOs and high-level corporate users fall into this category. They need read
access to almost all folders in order to run reports on the documentation project as a whole.
• The System Team. This group is responsible for setting up and maintaining the entire hierarchy of IBM
OpenPages Governance Platform 5.1x (and earlier) objects. They are also the only ones allowed to
modify anything above the control level. In most companies, the IT department or a sub-set of the
central accounting team is responsible for these activities.
• The Regional Teams. These groups are responsible for developing, maintaining, and overseeing the
objects for all of the sites within their regions.
• The Site Teams. These groups are responsible for documenting the controls for their sites, as well as
uploading test results and control documents.
The Executive and System teams are both based in the Corporate Center, while the Regional Teams and
Site Teams are located in their respective regional and site headquarters.
Although you can have user groups that correspond to the entire team, they are not necessary when
setting ACLs. However, so-called "team" groups can be helpful for organizational purposes as well as
assigning tasks or other uses. The important groups within each team will divide the teams according to
the level of interaction (Reading, Writing, Deleting, Associating) they will be allowed, as well as the scope
of the folders they can act on. These groups will be explained in the following sections.

Using groups to limit user activities

Groups are used in folder ACLs to limit what each group of users can do to the objects located in the
In general, you will want a group of users who are limited to just viewing the objects, a group who can
both view and edit the objects, and another group who can view, edit, associate and delete the objects.
In the following sections, we will divide each team into subgroups with different access permissions.

Non-role based access control 779

The executive team
The Executive team is interested mainly in the overall status of the financial controls documentation
project, and gathers most of their information by running reports on the various objects and drilling down
into the objects via the report links.
Some possible sub-groups of the Enterprise team are:
• FinancialOfficers
• ExternalAuditors
• InternalAuditors
In the case of the Executive Team, the sub-groups are merely organizational in nature. However, by
making them sub-groups of the Executive Team group, you gain the flexibility of categorizing the
Executive users by roles without adding complexity to your ACL definitions.
All of the sub-groups require the same access to the object hierarchy - they only need Read access in
order to run reports and view individual objects from those reports. As an organizational grouping, the
ExecutiveTeam group will not appear in any ACLs directly - rather, it will be added as a member of many
other groups with read-only access.
After you create your Executive Team sub-groups, add the appropriate users to each sub-group. Users
should NOT be added directly to the ExecutiveTeam group - add them to a sub-group instead.

The regional teams

Each Regional team (one for each region) is responsible for reviewing and maintaining the objects that are
specific to the sites in their region.
In function, they are quite similar to the System team, but their influence is limited to all of the sites in
their region.
The various sub-groups for the Regional teams are actually two levels - first you need an "umbrella"
RegionalTeams group. Under that group, you need to create sub-groups for each region.
For example:
• Region01Reviewers - responsible for reviewing and reporting on all of the sites in Region 01. They
require Read access to everything in Region 01.
• Region01Writers - responsible for making any necessary changes to the objects in any of the sites in
Region 01. They require Read, Write, and Associate access to everything in Region 01.
• Region01Directors - responsible for deleting obsolete objects or defunct sites in Region 01. They
require Read, Write, Associate, and Delete access to everything in Region 01.
You would create a set of groups for each region in your company (Region02Reviewers, Region02Writers,
etc.). After you create a set of groups for each region and added all of the users from the Regional Teams
who belong directly to each group, it is time to create the groups for each Site.

The site teams

Below the Regional level, each Site has its own team of Reviewers, Writers, and Directors.
For each site in each region, you would create a set of sub-groups as follows:
• R01Site01Reviewers - responsible for reviewing and reporting on Site 01 in Region 01. They require
Read access to everything in Site 01.
• R01Site01Writers - responsible for making any necessary changes to the objects in Site 01 in Region
01. They require Read, Write, and Associate access to everything in Site 01.
• R01Site01Directors - responsible for deleting obsolete objects or defunct sites in Site 01 in Region 01.
They require Read, Write, Associate, and Delete access to everything in Site 01.

780 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Just like at the Regional level, you would create a set of sub-groups for each site in each Region. Although
by this time we are probably creating a lot of groups, each group will only have to be declared in an ACL
once at the site level.
As you create the Site groups, you can add the users who belong directly to each group. Adding groups to
other groups will be handled in the next section.

Using nested groups to limit user scope

Three procedures are required to configure nested groups and limit user scope. Tasks are : break the
inheritance of business entities to restrict the scope of users and groups, nest groups inside one another,
and add ACLs to regions and sites.
• “Limiting user access by breaking folder inheritance” on page 781
• “Limiting user access by nesting user groups” on page 781
• “Limiting user access by setting folder Access Control Lists” on page 783

Limiting user access by breaking folder inheritance

The first step in limiting user access to regions and sites is to break the inheritance of all of our business
entity folders - all regions and all sites.
Breaking the inheritance sets all of the groups and users without an ACL (except those with the Access
Control Lists application permission) on the business entity folder to Denied/Denied/Denied/Denied. They
can’t view, edit, or delete the folder, create or remove associations, or view any business entity folder
underneath it, even if they have an ACL set on a lower-level folder.
Read permission is the most important. Read allows you to see folders underneath the business entity
and navigate down to them. However, with many Regions and Sites to set up, we don’t want to have to
keep Denying access to all sorts of groups.

1. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a Super Administrator user with the Access Control Lists
application permission set.
2. Click Administration > Custom Security.
3. Navigate to the business entity folder where you wish to break inheritance (under the Default
4. When you have found the folder, click the name of the folder to display the detail page.
5. Click Add in the Access Controls table and choose the desired group or user.
6. Highlight the desired permissions for the group or user and click OK to add the ACL to the folder.
7. Now that a valid ACL exists for the folder, click the Disable Inheritance icon under the Folder heading.
The value of the "Inherit ACL" field is changed to "false" and the Disable Inheritance icon changes to
Enable Inheritance.
8. Click Access Controls in the breadcrumb trail to return to the Access Controls folder list.
9. Repeat this procedure for each business entity folder.
Note: Do not forget to modify the business entity folders under each object type in the
ICDocumentation tree.

Limiting user access by nesting user groups

Now you have a lot of groups with users assigned to them according to their role.
Now, add groups to other groups in order to properly restrict their area of effect.
The way groups with users nest seems backwards at first glance - the most general groups (the System
and Executive groups) have to be added to the more limited ones (the Regional groups), while the
Regional groups have to be added to the most limited ones (the Site groups).

Non-role based access control 781

If the Region01Writers group belonged to the SystemWriters group, which can read, write, and associate
to all regions, they would also be able to read and write to all Regions, which is not the desired behavior.
We are trying to limit user scope, not enhance it. So adding smaller groups to larger groups doesn’t work
out correctly.
If you add the larger Regional groups to the smaller Site groups beneath them, you don’t increase the
smaller group’s scope beyond its boundaries, but the Regional groups extend their vision downwards into
all of the sites in their own Region. (Remember, since we broke inheritance at each level of the business
entity, Regional groups don’t automatically get to see the Sites underneath their Region.)
Here’s a diagram that shows the way this works:

Figure 39: Nesting user groups

Let’s follow one use case shown in the preceding diagram. The SystemWriters group becomes a sub-
group to the Region01Writers group (and the Region02Writers group, and so on). Then, the
Region01Writers group becomes a sub-group of the R01Site01Writers group (and the R01Site02Writers
group, etc.). The sub-groups of Region01Writers also become sub-groups of R01Site01Writers through
group inheritance. The effective members list of R01Site01Writers is now:


In the previous example, SystemWriters is in parenthesis, because it isn’t explicitly added to the group -
it’s included as a sub-group of the RegionalXXWriters groups. The same goes for the ExecutiveTeam
group; it is added to each of the RegionXXReviewers groups. Executives only need Read access, so we
don’t need to add them to any other ACL classification.
Note: If you are using the Library paradigm, you do not want to add the ExecutiveTeam group to the
Library group. You don’t want empty Library data included into the executive level reports.
Now identify how to use the nested groups to set ACLs.

782 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Limiting user access by setting folder Access Control Lists
User groups with different permission needs are defined for each site. The next task is to create ACLs.
For each site, create an ACL for each R##Site## group and give them the necessary permissions. For
example, in R01Site01, the ACLs for the business entity folder would look like this:

Figure 40: ACLs for the Business Entity folder

It is not necessary to specify the Region01Reviewers, Writers, or Directors. They are included as members
of the R01Site01 groups!
Specify ACLs for different access control levels (Read, Write, Delete, Associate) for business entity folders
that contain non-business entity objects. For example, in our hierarchy, Regions only contain the sub-
entity Sites - there are no accounts, processes, etc. directly associated with a Region. Therefore, we don’t
have to create ACLs for Region01Reviewers and the other ACL-specific groups at the Region level. In our
current example, here’s the ACL list for Region01:

Figure 41: ACLs for the Region01

The following guidelines identify whether to create an ACL for a user group on a business entity:
• If the business entity has accounts or processes associated with it, create an ACL for each entity-
specific group (such as R01Site01Writers, etc.) with the correct permissions.
• When you create ACLs for a business entity, replicate the ACL for each business entity folder underneath
the ICDocumentation folder structure. For example, you must create the same ACL list for the
ICDocumentation/Accounts/Region01/R01Site01 folder that you created for the BusinessEntities/
Region01/R01Site01 folder, and so on through each sub-folder structure under ICDocumentation
(Accounts, Processes, Risks, Controls, etc.).
Note: If no folder with the correct name exists, either no object of that type currently exists in the
business entity hierarchy, or parent folder ACLs do not include a group that contains the current user,
preventing you from seeing the folder.
• If a business entity only has sub-entities associated with it, you should not create individual ACLs for
the business entity’s Reviewer, Writer, and Director groups. We will deal with this in the next section,
Only one step remains - we’ve created the ACLs for our business entities, but when you log in, you can
only see the first level of your business entities. We now need to establish read permissions in the
business entities above our Site user groups, so that we can browse to the Site level and view our objects.

Using group ACLs to traverse business entities

Even though we have successfully created a nested series of groups that successfully limits the scope of
our site users, we seem to have gone a little too far - we can’t browse through the business entities to get
to our site!
We need to create a group that will allow site users to browse through the entities, without granting
anything but Read.
To allow Read access to lower-level user groups, complete the following steps:

Non-role based access control 783

1. Access the Users, Groups and Domains page (see Chapter 3, “Users, groups, and domains,” on page
2. Create a new group at the Region level (actually, at any level above the lowest, if you have more than
two levels). Call the new group Region01Browsers, because that’s what its purpose will be - to allow
users from its member groups to browse to their site.
3. Create a similar group for each business entity above the lowest level (Site, in our example).
4. Log on to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform as a Super Administrator user with the Access Control Lists
application permission set.
5. Click Administration > Custom Security.
6. Navigate to your business entity folder structure (under \Default\BusinessEntities).
7. Create an ACL on Region01 and grant Region01Browsers Read access. Repeat this with
Region02Browsers in the Region02 business entity folders, and so on in any other Regions you’ve
To make the Browsers groups easy to use, roll-up each site users into a single group that can be
added to the Region01Browsers group.
8. Add the R01Site01Directors and R01Site01Writers group to the R01Site01Reviewers group.
9. Add the R01Site01Reviewers group to the Region01Browsers group. This has the effect of adding all
of the R01Site01 groups to the Browsers group, even though you only added one.
10. Repeat the process for the rest of the business entities.
11. If you have more than one level above your lowest level, you will need to link the Browsers groups
together, creating a chain to the highest level of business entity.
For example, if we had top-level business entities called "Location01," etc., we would create a group
called Location01Browsers, and add the Region01Browsers group to it. However, if Region02 was not
a child of Location01, you would not add Region02Browsers to the Location01Browsers group.
12. After the groups are added, log out and log back in with a Site level user. Test that the ACLs are

784 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Appendix F. Troubleshooting and support for IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform
To isolate and resolve problems with IBM products, use the troubleshooting and support information. This
information contains instructions for using the problem-determination resources that are provided with
IBM products, including OpenPages GRC Platform.

Techniques for troubleshooting problems

Troubleshooting is a systematic approach to solving a problem. The goal of troubleshooting is to
determine why something does not work as expected and how to resolve the problem. Certain common
techniques can help with the task of troubleshooting.
The first step in the troubleshooting process is to describe the problem completely. Problem descriptions
help you and the IBM technical-support representative know where to start to find the cause of the
problem. This step includes asking yourself basic questions:
• What are the symptoms of the problem?
• Where does the problem occur?
• When does the problem occur?
• Under which conditions does the problem occur?
• Can the problem be reproduced?
The answers to these questions typically lead to a good description of the problem, which can then lead
you to a problem resolution. For more information, see “Searching knowledge bases” on page 786.

What are the symptoms of the problem?

When you begin to describe a problem, the most obvious question is "What is the problem?" This question
might seem straightforward; however, you can break it down into several more-focused questions that
create a more descriptive picture of the problem. These questions can include:
• Who, or what, is reporting the problem?
• What are the error codes and messages?
• How does the system fail? For example, is it a loop, hang, crash, performance degradation, or incorrect

Where does the problem occur?

Determining where the problem originates is not always easy, but it is one of the most important steps in
resolving a problem. Many layers of technology can exist between the reporting and failing components.
Networks, disks, and drivers are only a few of the components to consider when you are investigating
The following questions help you to focus on where the problem occurs to isolate the problem layer:
• Is the problem specific to one platform or operating system, or is it common across multiple platforms
or operating systems?
• Is the current environment and configuration supported?
• Do all users have the problem?
• (For multisite installations.) Do all sites have the problem?
If one layer reports the problem, the problem does not necessarily originate in that layer. Part of
identifying where a problem originates is understanding the environment in which it exists. Take some
time to completely describe the problem environment, including the operating system and version, all
corresponding software and versions, and hardware information. Confirm that you are running within an
environment that is a supported configuration; many problems can be traced back to incompatible levels
of software that are not intended to run together or were not fully tested together.

When does the problem occur?

Develop a detailed timeline of events that led up to a failure, especially for those cases that are one-time
occurrences. You can most easily develop a timeline by working backward: Start at the time an error was
reported (as precisely as possible, even down to the millisecond), and work backward through the
available logs and information. Typically, you must look only as far as the first suspicious event that you
find in a diagnostic log.
To develop a detailed timeline of events, answer these questions:
• Does the problem happen only at a certain time of day or night?
• How often does the problem happen?
• What sequence of events leads up to the time that the problem is reported?
• Does the problem happen after an environment change, such as upgrading or installing software or
Responding to these types of questions can give you a frame of reference in which to investigate the

Under which conditions does the problem occur?

Knowing which systems and applications are running at the time that a problem occurs is an important
part of troubleshooting. These questions about your environment can help you to identify the root cause
of the problem:
• Does the problem always occur when the same task is being performed?
• Does a certain sequence of events must happen for the problem to occur?
• Do any other applications fail at the same time?
Answering these types of questions can help you explain the environment in which the problem occurs
and correlate any dependencies. Because multiple problems might have occurred around the same time
does not mean that the problems are related.

Can the problem be reproduced?

From a troubleshooting standpoint, the ideal problem is one that can be reproduced. Typically, when a
problem can be reproduced you have a larger set of tools or procedures at your disposal to help you
investigate. Problems that you can reproduce are often easier to debug and solve.
However, problems that you can reproduce can have a disadvantage: If the problem is of significant
business impact, you do not want it to recur. If possible, re-create the problem in a test or development
environment, which typically offers you more flexibility and control during your investigation.
• Can the problem be re-created on a test system?
• Are multiple users or applications encountering the same type of problem?
• Can the problem be re-created by running a single command, a set of commands, or a particular

Searching knowledge bases

You can often find solutions to problems by searching IBM knowledge bases. You can optimize your
results by using available resources, support tools, and search methods.

786 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

About this task
You can find useful information by searching the IBM Knowledge Center. However, sometimes you must
look beyond the knowledge center to answer your questions or resolve problems.

To search knowledge bases for information that you need, use one or more of the following approaches:
• Find the content that you need by using the IBM Support Community.
The IBM Support Community is a unified, centralized view of all technical support tools and
information for all IBM systems, software, and services. Use the IBM Support Community to access the
IBM electronic support portfolio from one place. You can tailor the pages to focus on the information
and resources that you need for problem prevention and faster problem resolution.
• Search for content by using the IBM masthead search.
You can use the IBM masthead search by typing your search string into the Search field at the
beginning of any® page.
• Search for content by using any external search engine, such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing.
If you use an external search engine, your results are more likely to include information that is outside
the domain. However, sometimes you can find useful problem-solving information about IBM
products in newsgroups, forums, and blogs that are not on
Tip: Include "IBM" and the name of the product in your search if you are looking for information about
an IBM product.

Getting fixes
A product fix might be available to resolve your problem.

To find and install fixes:
1. Determine which fix you need. Go to
2. Download the fix. Open the download document and follow the link in Download the package.
3. Apply the fix. Follow the instructions in Installation Instructions of the download document.
4. Subscribe to receive weekly email notifications about fixes and other IBM Support information.

Contacting IBM Support

IBM Support assists with product defects, answers FAQs, and helps users resolve problems with the

Before you begin

After you tried to find your answer or solution by using other self-help options such as Technotes, you can
contact IBM Support. Before you contact IBM Support, your company or organization must have an active
IBM maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. For information about
the types of available support, see the Support portfolio topic in the "Software Support Handbook".

To contact IBM Support about a problem:
1. Define the problem, gather background information, and determine the severity of the problem.
For more information, see the Getting IBM support topic in the Software Support Handbook.
2. Gather the following diagnostic information:

Troubleshooting and support for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 787

• Environment type (such as production or development).
• Release and patch level (such as IBM OpenPages GRC Platform or
• Application server type (IBM WebSphere).
• Description of the issue.
• Detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
• Screen captures of the issue.
• Expected and actual results.
• OpenPages GRC Platform log files (for more information, see “Using log files” on page 537).
• Any workarounds that you have implemented.
• The date and time that the issue was encountered.
• Database type (such as Oracle or DB2 11.1).
3. Submit the problem to IBM Support in one of the following ways:
• Using IBM Support Assistant (ISA): Use this feature to open, update, and view an Electronic Service
Request with IBM. Any data that was collected can be attached to the service request. This feature
expedites the analysis and reduces the time to resolution.
• Online through the IBM Support Community: You can open, update, and view all of your service
requests from the Service Request portlet on the Service Request page.
• By phone: For the phone number to call in your region, see the Directory of worldwide contacts web

If the problem that you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM
Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in
detail. Whenever possible, IBM Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the APAR is
resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the IBM Support website daily, so that
other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolution.
“Contacting IBM Support” on page 787
“Exchanging information with IBM” on page 788

Exchanging information with IBM

To diagnose or identify a problem, you might be necessary to provide IBM Support with data and
information from your system. In other cases, IBM Support might provide you with tools or utilities to use
for problem determination.

Sending information to IBM Support

To reduce the time that is required to resolve your problem, you can send trace and diagnostic
information to IBM Support.

To submit diagnostic information to IBM Support:
1. Open a problem management record (PMR). You can use the IBM Support Assistant or The Service
Request tool.
2. Collect the diagnostic data that you need. Diagnostic data helps reduce the time that it takes to resolve
your PMR. You can collect the diagnostic data manually or automatically.
3. Compress the files by using the .zip or .tar file format.
4. Transfer the files to IBM.
You can use one of the following methods to transfer the files to IBM:

788 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

• IBM Support Assistant
• The Service Request tool
• Standard data upload methods: FTP, HTTP
• Secure data upload methods: FTPS, SFTP, HTTPS
• Email
All of these data exchange methods are explained on the IBM Support website.

Receiving information from IBM Support

Occasionally an IBM technical-support representative might ask you to download diagnostic tools or
other files. You can use FTP to download these files.

Before you begin

Ensure that your IBM technical-support representative provided you with the preferred server to use for
downloading the files and the exact directory and file names to access.

To download files from IBM Support:
1. Use FTP to connect to the site that your IBM technical-support representative provided and log in as
anonymous. Use your email address as the password.
2. Change to the appropriate directory:
a) Change to the /fromibm directory.

cd fromibm

b) Change to the directory that your IBM technical-support representative provided.

cd nameofdirectory

3. Enable binary mode for your session.


4. Use the get command to download the file that your IBM technical-support representative specified.

get filename.extension

5. End your FTP session.


Subscribing to Support notifications

To stay informed of important information about the IBM products that you use, you can subscribe to

About this task

By subscribing to receive notifications about IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you can receive important
technical information and updates for specific IBM Support tools and resources. You can subscribe to
notifications by using the following approach:
My Notifications
With My Notifications, you can subscribe to Support notifications for any IBM product. (My
Notifications replaces My Support, which is a similar tool that you might have used in the past). With
My Notifications, you can specify that you want to receive daily or weekly email announcements. You

Troubleshooting and support for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 789

can specify what type of information you want to receive (such as publications, hints and tips, product
flashes (also known as alerts), downloads, and drivers). With My Notifications you can customize and
categorize the products about which you want to be informed and the delivery methods that best suit
your needs.

1. Go to the IBM Support Portal and click Other > My Notifications.
2. Sign in using your IBM ID and password, and click Submit.
3. Select the updates that you want to receive..
a) Type OpenPages in the Product lookup box.
b) Click Subscribe.
c) Select the types of notifications that you want to receive; for example, new information about
product downloads and discussion group comments.
d) Click Submit.
4. Click Delivery options. Choose how you want to receive notifications, and then click Submit.

Until you modify My Notifications preferences, you receive notifications of updates that you requested.
You can modify your preferences when needed (for example, if you stop using one product and begin
using another product).

Known problems and solutions for visualizations

Some common problems with visualizations are documented, along with their solutions or workarounds.
If you have a problem with visualizations, review the problem-solution topics to determine whether a
solution is available to the problem that you are experiencing.

Cannot read labels on a Business Entity diagram

The Business Entity visualization that you want to view contains many hierarchical levels. When the
diagram was scaled to fit the browser window, the labels on the diagram are not readable.
To make the labels readable, try one of the following solutions:
• In the Business Entity diagram, select a different node with child elements, and set it as the root of the
organizational chart. By setting a new root, you are narrowing the focus of your visualization to a specific
segment of the hierarchy.
Tip: In the diagram, go to the node that you want to be the root of the hierarchy, right-click the node,
and select Make Root.
• For a more granular view, choose a different level in the organizational hierarchy.
Tip: From the Levels box, select a different level such as Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3.

Diagrams cannot be rendered during Active Reporting Periods

When you click the diagram link to open a visualization, an error message states that the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform system is unable to render the visualization under the Active Reporting Period.
The following error message is displayed when you tried to open a visualization:
Unable to render the visualization.
Diagrams cannot be rendered during Active Reporting Periods.
Please change the reporting period or contact your system administrator.

Visualizations require the reporting schema from which to derive their data and to load properly. Because
Active Reporting Periods are being closed or finalized, the reporting schema is populated only with the
data from the current reporting period. Therefore, when the active reporting period is selected, the

790 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

reporting schema has no data and the process diagram or Business Entity organizational chart is not
To solve this problem, you must switch to the current reporting period. On the Process Detail page or the
Business Entity Detail page, from the Reporting Period, select Current.
You can also finalize or delete the Active Reporting Period. To complete any Reporting Period operation,
the OpenPages GRC Platform system must be in System Administration Mode.

Known problems and solutions for global search

Issues that are related to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform global search component are most commonly
encountered when you are setting it up or when it is updated to synchronize the search index for changes
that are made to the OpenPages GRC Platform schema (such as adding or removing object types or
When an administrative operation fails, you can normally resolve these issues by clicking View Log to see
the log message for the failed global search operation.
The most common failure is that the search service is not started, for which you see this error:
"Could not establish connection to the search engine. Please contact your system administrator."
Ensure that the search service is started or restart to try to resolve the issue.

Global search start fails

If you configured the global search services to start and stop by using a script and you forgot to stop
global search before rebooting the system, when you attempt to start the global search services, the
services will fail to start. To fix this issue complete the following steps.

1. Log on to the search server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a command line on the search server.
3. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/ directory and run the following commands.
On Microsoft Windows operating systems, run:

opsearchtool.cmd clearState -indexname openpages

opsearchtool.cmd clearState -indexname folderacl

On UNIX operating systems, run:

./ clearState -indexname openpages

./ clearState -indexname folderacl

Global search setup fails

In some rare cases, the global search component might encounter a failure during the creation of the
search index, before the operation completes. The failure might be caused by hardware issues, database
issues, or a power outage, for example. When this happens, the state of the global search setup is in an
undefined state and the Enable button might become available, giving the misleading impression that
global search was set up successfully. To recover from this state, investigate the root cause, resolve it, and
then set up global search again.

1. Investigate and resolve the root cause of the failure.
2. Log on to OpenPages as a user with administrative privileges.
3. Click Administration > Global Search.

Troubleshooting and support for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 791

4. Click Drop to drop the search index.
5. Wait for the drop process to complete.
If the Drop button is not available or if the drop process fails, see “ Forcing a reset of global search” on
page 792.
6. Click Create to re-create the search index.

Forcing a reset of global search

In some rare cases, it might be necessary to reset the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform global search
component if you cannot restore it from the global search administration page. These issues might
prevent you from successfully completing tasks in the global search administration page. To resolve these
issues, complete the following steps.

1. Log on to the search server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a command line on the search server.
3. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/ directory to run the commands in the following steps.

Attention: At the successful completion of each command, the statement "Normal

completion of command" should appear. If it does not, contact Customer Support to diagnose
the issue.
4. Ensure that Solr is running and is reachable on port 8983. If Solr is not running, then run the following
command to start it.
Microsoft Windows:

opsearchtool.cmd startSolr


./ startSolr

5. Run the following commands to stop indexing.

Microsoft Windows:

opsearchtool.cmd stopIndexing -indexname openpages

opsearchtool.cmd stopIndexing -indexname folderacl


./ stopIndexing -indexname openpages

./ stopIndexing -indexname folderacl

6. Verify that no opsearchtool.jar processes are running.

On Microsoft Windows operating systems, use the task manager to see whether any
opsearchtool.jar processes are running. If there are, terminate them.
On UNIX operating systems, use the ps command to see whether any opsearchtool.jar
processes are running. If there are, terminate them.
7. Run the following commands to clear any PID states that might still be set if the opsearchtool.jar
processes did not end successfully.
Microsoft Windows:

opsearchtool.cmd clearState -indexname openpages

opsearchtool.cmd clearState -indexname folderacl

792 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide


./ clearState -indexname openpages

./ clearState -indexname folderacl

8. Run the following commands to reset global search.

Microsoft Windows:

opsearchtool.cmd resetSolr -indexname openpages

opsearchtool.cmd resetSolr -indexname folderacl
opsearchtool.cmd resetDb
opsearchtool.cmd stopSolr
opsearchtool.cmd startSolr


./ resetSolr -indexname openpages

./ resetSolr -indexname folderacl
./ resetDb
./ stopSolr
./ startSolr

9. Log on to OpenPages as a user with administrative privileges.

10. Click Administration > Global Search.
11. Click Create to re-create the search index.

What to do next
Resetting the global search component does not change your global search settings, such as object types,
fields that are enabled for search, registry settings, or property settings. The reset disables the global
search component. You must enable it again to make it available to users.

Checking for global search setup issues and periodic monitoring

When the incremental indexer is running during global search setup or after setup, some records might
not get indexed due to issues with the record, other system errors, or application errors.

About this task

If the issues are not unrecoverable, they do not impede the setup process or the incremental indexer.
However, the records that do not get indexed are logged in an error-log file, with an error message that
explains the issue so you can take appropriate action. The error-log files are never rotated. Periodically
examine this directory for new error files.

1. Log on to OpenPages as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the directory <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/logs_error/ .
3. Examine this directory for new error files.

Before you contact IBM OpenPages Support

When you contact IBM OpenPages Support, you need to collect diagnostic data and provide a detailed use
case of the issue.

About this task

Before you contact IBM OpenPages Support to help with resolving global search issues, follow these
steps to collect diagnostic data.
Note: You do not need to stop global search, the OpenPages application server, the database server, or
any other application when you run the collectDiagData command.

Troubleshooting and support for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 793

1. Log in to the OpenPages global search server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start a command prompt.
3. Go to the <SEARCH_HOME>/opsearchtools/ folder and run the following commands:
• Microsoft Windows:

mkdir diag
opsearchtool.cmd collectDiagData -diagpath diag


mkdir diag
./ collectDiagData -diagpath diag

Attention: The collectDiagData command might report warning messages that look as if
the command failed. This warning can happen due to a number of reasons, such as the data
that is being collected cannot be accessed or is not yet available. If you see any such warnings,
capture them and include them as part of the diagnostic data to IBM OpenPages Support.
4. Add the contents of the new folder that is created under the diag folder to a compressed file.
5. Send the compressed file and complete details about your issue to IBM OpenPages Support.

Known problems and solutions for the QRadar integration package

Some common problems with QRadar integration package are documented, along with their solutions or
workarounds. If you have a problem with QRadar integration package, review the problem-solution topics
to determine whether a solution is available to the problem that you are experiencing.

TDI properties file error message

When you run the assembly line in the qradar_integration project, you might see one or more warning
messages with the error code CTGDIR103W in the Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) console.
This message indicates that the enclosing project is missing a properties file, and that the file will be
created if anything is written to it.
The following text is an example of a warning that might appear when you run any of the assembly lines
that are contained in the qradar_integration project that is included in the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform 7.2 product release:
Wed Aug 19 11:13:35 EDT 2015 [qradar_integration] WARN - CTGDIR103W
The properties file 'C:/TDI-Solutions/workspace/qradar_integration
for Properties.qradar_integration was not found, and will be
created if anything is written to it.

These warnings can be safely ignored. In general, a Tivoli Directory Integrator project typically has an
associated properties file named after the enclosing project to hold any project-specific properties, but
this file is not strictly required.

Do not include security domain groups when creating object filters or

security rule formulas
When creating filters for object types using the Administration > Object Types pages or security rule
formulas that involve fields permitting user group selection, it is possible to select a security domain
group because these groups are included in the selection list. The selection will not be flagged as an error.
However, if you include a security domain group in the object filter criteria or in the security rule, you
might encounter application errors later.

794 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

To avoid potential errors, ensure that you select a valid user group, and not a security domain group. In

the product user interface, security domain groups are represented by this icon , and user groups are

represented by this icon .

Objects can be saved with an empty required field

If an object contains a redacted field that is also a required field, a user can successfully save the object
even when the redacted field value is empty in the OpenPages repository.

JSON file might not display multibyte characters correctly in Wordpad

When you export a JSON file for a Dashboard tab configuration and open it in Microsoft Wordpad,
multibyte characters might be corrupted.
This issue might occur if you go to Administration > Profiles, select a Dashboard tab that uses multibyte
characters, click Edit and then click Export JSON. If you select Wordpad as the application to open the
file, the multibyte characters might not display correctly.
The solution is to open JSON files in a text editor that supports UTF-8. The JSON file will display correctly
in Notepad or Microsoft Word.

Remediating after an Enumerated String field is changed to a multi-select

field (DB2)
If you are using IBM DB2, a subsequent maintenance task is required whenever you convert an
enumerated string from single to multi-select. You do not need to do this task immediately. Do this task
during your next available maintenance window.

About this task

After an enumerated string field is changed to multi-select, the associated reporting schema tables in the
OpenPages database will contain obsolete columns. The application handles the presence of these
columns, but a subsequent cleanup should be scheduled in the next available maintenance window. If left
unmanaged, these obsolete columns might eventually cause errors in OpenPages.
You can resolve the issue by running a utility against the DB2 database. Alternatively, you can drop and re-
create the reporting schema to resolve the issue.

1. Log on to the OpenPages admin application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Stop all OpenPages services.
3. If you are using Microsoft Windows, start the DB2 command line processor by typing db2cmd.
4. Log in to CLPPLUS as the OpenPages database user, for example openpages.
5. Run the following command:


The length of time that it takes for the command to run varies depending on the number of tables with
obsolete columns that need to be dropped and the size of those tables.
When the command completes, the following message is displayed:

DB250000I: The command completed successfully.

Troubleshooting and support for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 795

System delay when modifying object types and fields (DB2)
If you are using IBM DB2 and the reporting schema is enabled, you can encounter a significant system
delay in OpenPages if you make object model modifications. The delay is due to locking conflicts on the
IBM DB2 platform.
The following object model modifications can cause a system delay:
• Associating a field group to an object type
• Adding a new field to a field group that is already associated to an object type
• Converting a single valued enumerated field to a multi-valued enumerated field
• Adding new object type associations
To reduce a system delay, follow this process:
1. Choose a time when there is limited or no activity on the system.
2. Enable System Administration Mode.
3. Shut down Cognos Analytics.
4. Disable global search.
5. Complete the object model modifications.
6. Start Cognos Analytics.
7. Enable global search.
Object model modifications cause implicit DDL operations to be performed against the reporting schema.
On the IBM DB2 platform share locks are automatically acquired when a read operation is performed. A
read operation can block the object model modification. If the read operation is long running, for example,
a long running Cognos report, the object model modification can appear to hang. In reality, the object
model modification is not hanging but blocked on the session that is performing the read operation. After
the read operation completes, the session that is attempting the object modification can proceed. The
read operation needs to complete and clear its locks before the implicit DDL operation can acquire the
locks that it needs to implement the object model change. If you kill the object model modification
operation, the system can be left in an inconsistent state. If this happens, you must recreate the reporting
The following actions do not cause this issue:
• Creating a new object type
• Creating a new field group
• Adding fields to a field group that is not yet associated to an object type
• Changing object text values
• Switching a field from not required to required or vice versa
• Changing the order of enumerated strings in an enumerated field
• Hiding an enumerated field value
• Adding new values to an existing enumerated field
• Modifying profile definitions
• Creating new reporting periods
• Enabling or disabling existing object type associations
• Enabling or disabling of security rules
• Enabling or disabling field level encryption

796 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Appendix G. Best practices for configuring the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform
To improve the performance of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, administrators can design, configure, and
implement OpenPages GRC Platform applications using best practices. These suggested guidelines are
provided to help you maximize, streamline, and get the most out of the product environment.

Use short field names and field group names

When creating field groups and field names, use short field group names and short field names.
The length of field group names and field names have the following impacts:
• Long names restrict the number of fields that you can have on an object type.
• Long names increase the length of object type user defined attributes (UDAs), which have a 64
character maximum.
After creating the short field group names and short field names, an administrator can relabel and localize
the field names to add meaning. For example, an administrator might create a field called AudDesEff,
which can be difficult for a user to interpret. In the Object Text area of the application, the administrator
can update the locale and change the label to a more meaningful name, such as Audit Design
Effectiveness. By doing this, the administrator minimizes the length of the name but also retains a
positive user experience.

Be aware that Java applets are not supported by the Chrome browser
Some functionality that depends on Java applets, such as the File Upload and OPX, may not work as
expected when you use the Chrome browser.
Because the Chrome browser does not support Java applets, the Optimized File Upload button on the
detail page does not show on browsers that don't support it. For more information, see “Optimize file
uploads” on page 323.
For OPX, publishing and reporting functionality such as Assign Files, Assign Folder, Add Page, and so on,
do not work with the Chrome browser. You must use Microsoft Internet Explorer in OPX to use the applets
that control these features.

Limit the number of objects in views

The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application allows end users to access data in various views (such as
the Overview, Folder Views, Filtered List View, Detail View, Activity Views, and so on). Limiting the number
of objects that are displayed in a view improves performance.

About this task

Limit the number of objects in a particular folder location to no more than 150 or 200 objects. If a folder
location has more than 200 objects, end users may see performance issues when expanding the folder
location, depending on how fast the server is and how fast the browser is.
Limit the number of associations in the Overview
Limit the number of child associations for objects in the Overview screen to improve load time for this

About this task

Unlike the other views, the Overview screen shows objects by associations. If an object has numerous
child associations, the page will take longer to display all the content. Administrators can limit the type of
child associations displayed by editing the profile and removing various object types.

1. Open a supported browser.
2. Go to the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform URL.
3. Log in with an administrator ID.
4. On the navigation menu bar, click Administration > Profiles.
5. Click a profile.
6. In the Object Types section, click the object type.
7. Scroll to the Navigational Views section.
8. Click on the Overview link.
9. In the Included Object Types section, modify the list accordingly.

Limit the number of portlets on the home page

In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, you can configure portlets on the home page that contain predefined
tables or embedded reports. Each portlet that you add to a tab on the home page increases the work that
is required to display that tab. A large number of portlets per tab can negatively impact performance.
Therefore, you should limit the number of portlets on the home page.

About this task

The exact cost to fetch and display the data for each portlet depends on a number of factors, for example,
the data size, filter criteria, security rules, browser, and available system resources.

Limit activity views with field dependencies and dependent picklists

In dependent picklists, the more fields in the picklist, the more JavaScript is required to display the object
to users.
In IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, administrators can create user views within a profile. Administrators
can also create dynamic field dependencies and dynamic dependent picklists. Depending on how the
business object model was designed, a picklist could have several dozen fields as selectable items.
Javascript is used to control this behavior when an end user renders the field. The more field
dependencies and dependent picklists that are created for an object type, the more javascript is required
for an end user to view the object. Depending on what browser is utilized, this can cause performance
issues in rendering the page.
When combined with an activity view, an end user can list multiple objects at once. When multiple objects
are displayed (such as a 3-level activity view), it will increase the amount of javascript that is loaded on
the page.

798 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

Limit the number of security rules and complexity of security rules
As an OpenPages administrator, you can use Field Level Security (FLS) and Record Level Security (RLS) in
the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application to create another level of robustness for implementing
You can use the rule engine to implement a variety of business security options. With this flexibility,
remember that the more complex the rule, the more time it will take to evaluate the rule. The same is also
true for the number of rules that are being implemented.
In other words, security rules and evaluating security rules adds a level of overhead to end user
operations. End user operations include but are not limited to tasks such as updating an object, using the
bulk update in a grid view, and filtering through data.

Limit the number of SOXBusEntity objects in the system

The SOXBusEntity object type is a special object type. When an OpenPages power user or OpenPages
administrator creates a SOXBusEntity object type in the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application, an
additional overhead is associated with it.
For example, it might create an additional security context point for OpenPages administrators. This
creates additional administrative overhead for administrators. Additionally, adding additional
SOXBusEntity object types also adds additional load to the security cache engine.

Be aware of shared field groups

When using a field group that is shared amongst other object types, the administrator should be aware
that a small change in that field group will have an effect on all the object types using it.
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform application allows an object type to use multiple field groups. These
field groups can also be used by other object types.
If an administrator adds one or two fields to the shared field group, those one or two fields will now also
be associated with the object types that are using it. If one of the other object types is near the dynamic
reporting schema SQL limitation of 32,000, it may cause problems regenerating the reporting schema.

Eliminating unused object type relationships

If the business only requires a subset of the available enabled relationships, those unneeded
relationships should be disabled.

About this task

When you install the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform solutions, it loads dozens of object types and
hundreds of parent-child relationships. Depending on your business needs, your business object model
may only use a small subset of the object types and a subset of the parent-child relationships.
Disabling unused object types will prevent any accidental creations of those relationships.
With Oracle databases, one method of analyzing if there are any unused and enabled relationships is to
run an SQL script. From the installation media, there are folders that contain SQL scripts. One of the SQL
scripts within the folder is: Analyze-Object-Type-Relations.sql.
For DB2-specific information, IBM DB2 Knowledge Center (

Best practices for configuring the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 799
1. Log on to SQL*Plus as the OPENPAGES oracle id.
2. Type the following command to allow the output to occur: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON;.
3. Type the following to spool the contents to a log: SPOOL AnalyzeRelationships.txt;.
4. Run the script by typing @Analyze-Object-Type-Relations.sql.
5. Run the following to stop the spooling of the log: SPOOL OFF; .
The log file will identify any relationships that are enabled in the system but there are no instances of
data utilizing those relationships.

Displaying reporting fragments only on demand

These reporting fragments can be displayed automatically when an end user views the page or on-
demand when a user explicitly would like to see the reporting fragment. Set reporting fragments to
display only on demand to improve performance of the Cognos server and database instance.

About this task

A reporting fragment is a metadata type that is configured with the administrative screens. It allows an
administrator to display Cognos objects within the context of an IBM OpenPages GRC Platform object.
Cognos objects can be anything from a simple list to a graph object. Where fragments are unlikely to be
necessary, set reporting fragments to display On Demand.
By setting reporting fragments to display on-demand, it reduces excessive calls to the Cognos reporting
server. Depending on how complex the design of the reporting fragment is, this can greatly reduce
overhead to the Cognos server and to the database instance.

1. Open a supported browser.
2. Go to the OpenPages GRC Platform URL.
3. Log in with an administrator ID.
4. On the navigation menu bar, click Administration > Profiles.
5. Click a profile.
6. In the Object Types section, click the name of the object type using the display.
7. In the Object Fields table for the selected object type, click the name of the reporting fragment to
open its details page.
8. In the Object Field Information section, click Edit.
9. Update the Display Type dropdown.

Displaying Cognos reports on home page tabs

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform administrators can configure Cognos reports to display on the home page
tabs instead of on the My Work home page.

About this task

OpenPages GRC Platform administrators can configure the My Work home page to display reports on-
demand, configure the My Work home page to display a list of reports, and have users click on tabs to run
reports on request.
When the administrator configures the home page to display reports on the tabbed home page, the
reports run only when the user specifically wants to view the report. This configuration reduces excessive
load and traffic to the IBM Cognos reporting server. When reports are configured to run on demand on the
My Work home page, OpenPages GRC Platform users might not even use the data returned from the

800 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

report. At times, if the My Work home page is configured to display multiple Cognos reports on demand,
the portlets might not display properly, forcing users to refresh the home page.

1. Open a supported browser.
2. Go to the OpenPages GRC Platform URL.
3. Log in with an administrator ID.
4. On the navigation menu bar, click Administration > Profiles.
5. Click a profile.
6. Use the Home Page Tab Configuration section to display reports on various tabs or the My Work Tab
Configuration area to display reports on the My Work home page.

Setting a minimal starting group for display types

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform administrators can change the starting groups for display types to minimize
the number of users that are initially displayed.

About this task

OpenPages GRC Platform profiles have various configurable display types. Display types, including user
selector, multiple user selector, user dropdown, user/group selector, multiple user/group selector, group
selector, and multiple group selector can be minimized. Select a starting group that minimizes the amount
of users and/or groups returned by the display type but still has the appropriate business value. By
minimizing the starting group, you reduce the number of users that the end user has to search through.

1. Open a supported browser.
2. Go to the OpenPages GRC Platform URL.
3. Log in with an administrator ID.
4. On the navigation menu bar, click Administration > Profiles.
5. Click a profile.
6. In the Object Types section, click the name of the object type using the display.
7. In the Object Fields table for the selected object type, click the name of the field using one of the
display types to open its details page.
8. In the Display Type Information section, click Edit.
9. Update the Starting Group value.

Task-oriented hyperlinking
You can add hyperlinks that are directly oriented to user tasks, from internal or external locations to IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform views. These hyperlinks can also include filters.
For example, in a notification email to a risk owner, you can include a hyperlink to the Filtered List View for
Risks with the Risks Awaiting Assessment filter added to the link.
You can create hyperlinks that include the following target views:
• The Detail View for a specific object instance, in read-only mode.
• A specific activity view for an object instance.
• The Filtered List View for a specific object type with a public filter applied.
• A specific grid view for an object type with a public filter applied.

Best practices for configuring the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 801
• Add New wizard within the OpenPages application. The wizard opens in its own browser tab instead of a
pop-up, even if the user was logged in to OpenPages when they clicked the link.
You can add hyperlinks to the following locations:
• OpenPages Reports.
• Notification emails.
• OpenPages Java Server Page (.jsp) file type helper applications.
• Within the OpenPages application, using computed fields or URL link fields.
The following sample URLs can help you create task-oriented hyperlinks:
• In the samples the URLs are created by using either the name value, or the resource ID value for views,
objects, and filters.
• If you use a name for a value, replace any spaces in the name with the characters %20. URLs cannot
contain spaces.
• If you use a fileId, viewId, or filterId to create a URL, the values for the Ids are the resource IDs of
specific object instances, views, or filters.
• There is one Filtered List View, but many possible Grid Views. There is one Detail View, but many
possible Activity Views.
• For the Add New wizard hyperlinks you can combine the parameters in more ways than are described in
the samples. For example, you can specify a parent without specifying a view.
To Filtered List View with the object type, grid view, and filter specified
/openpages/app/jspview/flv?prmt=<name of the object type>&view=<name of the grid
view>&filter=<name of the public filter>
To Filtered List View with the object type, Filtered List View, and filter specified
/openpages/app/jspview/flv?prmt=<name of the object type>&view=Filtered%20List&filter=<name of
the public filter>
/openpages/app/jspview/flv?prmt=SOXProcess &view=Filtered%20List&filter=My%20Processes
To Filtered List View or Grid View with the object type, view, and filter specified
In this example, the values are resource IDs instead of names.
To Filtered List View with the object type and view specified (previous filter is applied)
When a filter is not specified, the most recent, previously used filter is applied. The view, and filter
parameters are optional.
To Filtered List View or Grid View, object type specified (previous view and filter are applied)

802 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide

To Detail View or Activity View
In the following examples, the fileId value is expressed by using the <resource ID for the specific
object instance>, while the view value is expressed by using either the view ID, or the <name of the
/openpages/<resource ID for the specific object instance>&view=<name of
the view, which can be Detail, OR the name of one of the specific activity views>
To Add New wizard with only the object type specified
/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType=<name of object type>
/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectTypeId=<id of object type>
Object type or object type ID is required in a URL that opens the Add New wizard. It is likely that you
would use object type ID only if the URL is generated and the object type id is conveniently available.
To Add New wizard with object type and view specified
/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType=<name of the object type>&viewName=<name of the
View name or ID is optional. If you provide it, it determines the layout of the Add New wizard. You can
choose any Creation view or Object View. If you use an Object view with multiple levels of objects, any
non-direct children on the second level and all descendants on the third level is ignored. Direct
children are used to populate an Associate page in the wizard to enable the associating of children at
the same time the object is created.
If no view is specified or the specified view is invalid or disabled, the default Creation view is used. If
there is more than one Creation view, the user is prompted to select one.
If there are no Creation views, the Detail view is used.
If the Detail view is disabled or does not exist, the default Object view is used.
For more information about creation views see “Creation views” on page 241.
To Add New wizard with object type, view, and parent object type specified
/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType=<name of the object type>&viewName=<name of the
view>&parentObjType=<name of the parent object type>

Best practices for configuring the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 803
/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType= <name of the object type>&viewName=<name of the
view>&parentObjTypeId=<id of the parent object type>
Parent object type or parent object type ID is optional. If multiple object types are suitable as parents
for this object type, the default is the one specified in the setting Applications/GRCM/Add New
Wizard/Parent Object Type Preferences. If the specified parent object type is invalid, it is ignored.
It is likely that you would use parent type ID only if the URL is generated and the object type id is
conveniently available.
To Add New wizard with object type, view, and parent specified
/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType=<name of the object type>&viewName=<name of the
view>&parentObjType=<name of the parent object type>&parentObjId=<id of the parent object >
Parent object ID is optional. Use this parameter to pre-select the parent on the Parents page of the
wizard. If specified, the parent object type is required. If you are not creating the URL
programmatically, you can find the parentObjId by navigating to the object in the Detail page and
using the prmId parameter. If the specified parent object is invalid, it is ignored.

804 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide


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808 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide
In this glossary, you can find terms and definitions for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
access control list (ACL)
A concept in computer security used to determine the permissions (Read, Write, Delete, and
Associate) a user or group can have on the folder structure of an object type (such as, an Entity, Risk,
or Test). ACLs provide a means to control who has access to what and with which permissions. ACLs
can be assigned to groups and users via a Role Template.
Action Menu
The menu bar that is always displayed at the beginning of a page. To reveal menu items, hover your
mouse pointer over a menu name. Your permissions determine which menus and items are available.
Actor ACLs
These are a set of administrator access rights (Manage, Lock, Unlock, Reset Passwords, Assign Roles,
Browse) defined on users and groups. These access rights control the operations an administrator can
perform on a particular user or group.
A user that is granted special permission to manage a Business Entity, including the assignment of
Roles to users and groups.
application permissions
A list of permissions that allow groups and users to access certain activities, including administration,
within the application (such as the ability to view, lock, or unlock objects, or create and delete
reporting periods).
Relationships that exist among objects, or between objects and attached files. Example: A sub-entity
may be directly associated with a process or business function.
audit universe
The aggregate of all areas within an organization that can be audited.
business unit
One or more Entities, Processes or Sub-Processes.
Comma separated values. A type of file that uses a comma-delimited format.
A generic term that encompasses both organizational and security domain groups.
listing pane
The pane on an object's Detail View page that is displayed when you click the name of an associated
object type. It lists all the names of objects for that type that are associated with the current object,
and has an Actions Menu for adding new objects, or associating and copying existing objects of the
same type.
Any item that contains or receives information, such as Business Entities, Processes, Risks, Controls,
Issues, Tests and so forth. In a security context, an object is the piece of data to which access control
is applied (such as, Business Entity, Process, Sub Process, Risk Assessment). Also called "resource".
object type
A category or type of object, such as a Risks, Controls, Issues and so forth. In a hierarchy of objects,
each object type has a set of allowed relationships with other object types.
organizational group
A group that is created by an administrator to organize users within an organization. Organizational
groups are typically associated with security domain groups and other organizational groups.
A section or component of an object view. For example, a Detail View page typically consists of several
panes, such as a Details pane, Context pane, Associations pane, Listing pane, and an Attachments
See "object".
Resource ACLs
These are a set of access rights (Read, Write, Delete and Associate) defined on the parent folder of an
object. These access rights control the operations a user can perform on the folder and any objects
under that folder.
An instance of a Role Template that is applied to a set of Users/Groups for a specific security context.
Roles are granted to Users/Groups which allows them access to objects with certain permissions.
Some examples of roles are: Process Owner, Control Owner, and Tester.
Role Template
A security object that you can use to define all aspects of application security for various groups and
users within a business unit. It contains access control definitions on folder structures for object types
and application permissions. Role Templates generally reflect the usual or expected function that a
user or group plays within an organization. Some examples or Role Templates that can be defined are
Process Owner, Control Owner, and Tester. The template can then be applied to different Users/
Groups for a specific security context.
security context point
A point defined in the OpenPages security model that you can use to assign roles to users and groups
for controlling access and application permissions to objects under that security point.
security domain group
A group that is automatically created by the system when a business entity or subentity is created.
Business entity security domain groups are located under the top level (root) Security Domains folder
on the Users, Groups and Domains page.

810 IBM OpenPages GRC Version 7.4.0 : Administrator's Guide


Numerics adding SSL binding (continued)

Microsoft Internet Information Services 504
3DES 41 administering global search 357
administration menus 315
A Super Administrator 21
ability to use a template 205 types of permissions 21
Access Control Lists user-provisioning permissions 22
Using inheritance with 776 administrator permissions
access control on Role groups assigning 24
settings 342 modifying 25
access controls revoking 25
field level 69 AES 38, 41
record level 63 AIX
security rules 63, 69 scripts 550
accessibility for disabled 308 AIX load balancer server
ACL SSL configuration 507
Creating a new 777 alert notification behavior 355
Deleting an existing 778 Apache configuration file
Editing an existing 778 editing 509
permission values 50 Apache load balancer server
permissions 49 certificate authority approval 510
active reporting period editing Apache configuration file 510
about 289 generating a key pair and request 509
finalizing 290 importing the root certificate 510
limitations 289 SSL configuration 509
no support for visualizations 790 Apache web server
reapplying 292 generating a key pair and request 504
see also Reporting period 291 importing the root certificate 505
activity views importing the server certificate 506
best practices 798 Apache Web Server
add SSL configuration 504
date dimension type 677 application permissions
keys to the Custom folder 286 Browse Files 34
report 113 Change History 34
role template 52 CommandCenter Studios 34
tabs to Home page 226 defining 31
add new child objects Folders 34
default folder 13 Issues 35
Add New wizard non-SOX 35
availability of object types 204 Project Management 35
configuring 202 setting on a group 31
Add New Wizard View Locks 35
disable 309 application readiness 551
adding application server
dependent fields 198 default port 469
dependent picklists 208 application servers
enumerated string values 160 stopping OpenPages automatically 556
field groups 142 application text
fields 142 about 281
file types 186 folder categories 281
object type dimensions 681 modify 282
object type for a custom form 188 report keys 114
adding a custom field for search results 366 applications folder settings 307
adding certificate snap-in approval app
Microsoft Internet Information Services 502 certification questions 705
adding SSL binding configuring the JSON file 701

approval app (continued) best practices (continued)
customizing the JSON file 707 deleting unused object types 799
Asian characters 277 dependent picklists 798
assigning display reporting fragments on demand 800
permissions 24 field dependencies 798
roles to user or group 54 field groups 797
associating field names 797
group 31 limit complexity of security rules 799
profiles to users and groups 217 limit number of objects 797
association limit number of portlets on home page 798
relationship 180, 182 limit number of security rules 799
association heuristic (reassigning primary parents) 346 limit number of SOXBusEntity objects in system 799
asynchronous background jobs 385, 386, 421, 422 limiting associations in the overview 798
audit minimizing starting groups 801
Audit Change Report 110 OPX functionality 797
audit change values 111 security rules 78
event 110 shared field groups 799
Primary association 111 using activity views 798
audit configuration changes 479 Boolean
Audit Report 479 data type 143
aurora log file browser
backing up 543 best practices 547
maximum size 543 display issues 546
Aurora properties and parameters 759 locale settings 546 file security 545
preparing passwords 39 setting time out 543 543 browser back and forward icons 307
automatic restart 551 browsers
known problems and solutions 543
B bucket heading 283
back icon 307 Business Entity organization chart
background jobs 385, 386, 421, 422 visualizing 97
background processes 385, 421 Business Entity organizational chart 96
backing up Business Process Manager
aurora log file 543 configuring 719
backup utility maintaining 720
OpenPages application server 387, 424
overview 387, 424 C
Backup utility
refreshing a test environment 399 CAF setting 545
Backup Utility cardinality settingsmodifying 184
.zip file 389, 392, 428, 433 cascading signature settings 329
about 383, 394, 419 certificate authority 513
CommandCenter 391 certificate authority approval
custom files 387, 425 Apache load balancer server 510
large files 388, 392, 427, 432 IBM HTTP 508, 512
log files 389, 392, 428, 432 web server 503, 505
manifest file 387, 425 WebSphere application server 497
OPBackup file formats 389, 428 Certificate Authority certificates 499
OPCCBackup file formats 393, 433 certificates
OpenPages CommandCenter 430 importing into Java 498
password encryption 423 certification
refreshing a test environment 397, 441 approval app 705
running 425 change database references 485
running background jobs 385, 421 changed features
running live backups 388, 427 7.1.0 13
running OPCCBackup 392, 398, 432 changing IP address for Oracle server 484
storage 389, 428 check-out 310
bandwidth, improve 530 child objects
batch processing 623 access controls 63
best practices more than the maximum number of associations 179
Chrome 797 security rules 71
configuring Cognos reports 800 ClassNotFoundException error message 502

cluster Configuring loss event entry, how users are handled 711
configure thread-dump logs 537 Configuring loss event entry, where loss events get created
Codes 711
Locale 277 Configuring questionnaire assessments 699
cognitive services Configuring the reporting framework 659
configuring 724, 725, 728–730 Configuring the reporting framework, how to plan 664
Cognos Connection Refused error message
services 560 troubleshooting 698
Cognos Application Firewall 545 connector currency values
Cognos dashboards and stories specifying 694
creating instances of 121 connector date values
Cognos SSL certificate renewal on Apache 517 specifying 694
Cognos SSL certificate renewal on IIS 516 connectors 694
command line tips for the Tivoli Directory Integrator 698 context panes 241
CommandCenter controller conditions
Backup Utility 391 copying 200
restore utility 433 Copy Access From Inactive setting 312
commands copy operation settings 324
Windows 549 Copy User Info Attributes setting 312
common folder settings 341 Copy User Info Choice setting 312
Compare Environments tool copy views to profile 244
Export Max Rows setting 345 copying access from one user to another 30
Max Memory setting 345 creating
compressing files for upload 323 computed fields 153
compression long string index 452
see HTTP compression 530 long string index in DB2 408
computed field definitions non-default namespace 772
exporting 614 organizational group 30
computed fields scheduled jobs to synchronize long string index 410,
creating 153 454
creating with multiple namespaces 156 user accounts 27
defining 155 creating a profile 214
expression 154 creating process flow 99
importing 153 creating public filters
model an equation 153 object types 175–178, 186, 188–191, 220, 236, 799
nesting 157 creation views
report specification 153 defining 256
configuration changes cross-context sharing 347
migrating 575 cross-site scripting
configure filter setting 351
embedded reports 231 Safe Tags setting 352
My Reports 231 csv file
password requirements 36 formatting 149
reports on a Home page 230 uploading 149
configuring cultures 278
password encryption 37 currency
password policies 37 data type 143
security provider 39 currency display type
SSL 500 editing 148
Configuring Business Process Manager 719 viewing 148
Configuring cognitive services 723 currency exchange rates
configuring data import adding 149
RCA 738 disabling 150
configuring email notifications 690 editing 148
configuring global search 363 enabling 150
configuring global search properties 377 currency field definitions
configuring global search registry settings 367 exporting 613
configuring Loss Event Entry 716 importing 612
Configuring loss event entry 709 currency field values
Configuring loss event entry, how to configure the editing 148
confirmation email 715 Custom folder
Configuring loss event entry, how to dates are validated 712 adding new keys 286
Configuring loss event entry, how to launch 712 using 286
Configuring loss event entry, how to plan 709 custom forms

custom forms (continued) DB2 database
adding 188 tuning 535
associating to an object 189 DB2 Text Search
setting up 187 enabling for long string filtering 407
custom settings install and configure 405
create 340 decimal
delete 340 data type 143
customizing global search after initial enablement 365 decrypting
customizing global search on initial enablement 364 OpenPages repository 83
cyclic relationships 180 Default Allowed Profiles setting 313
default Filtered List View 310
default folder view 310
D default object in parent picker 206
dashboard and story templates Default User Change Password setting 313
modifying existing 123 Default User Password Expiration setting 313
dashboard or story default value
deleting 124 enumerated string values 160
Dashboard tab defining
troubleshooting JSON export 795 application permissions 31
data import defining a new namespace 772
RCA 738 Definition worksheet
data load template 634 parameters 642
data source 485 unhide 642
data types delegate activities
Boolean 143 administrator 21, 22
currency 143 deleting
date 143 dependent fields 198, 200, 202
decimal 143 dependent picklists 210
enumerated string 143 filters 190, 191, 196, 197, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410,
fragment 143 411, 451–456
integer 143 object field definitions 174
long string 143 profiles 216
security rules 72 rules 78
selecting 143 deletion interval for reporting period 311
simple string 143 dependent field
single file 143 adding 198
database modifying controllers 200
about online backups 434 dependent fields
changing references 485 copying controller fields 200
crash recovery 441 deleting 78, 174, 197, 202, 210, 216
DB2 back up and restore 394 dependent picklists
disable online backup 441 adding 208
online backup 434 as dimensions 675
Oracle 10g 483 best practices 798
RMAN 434 configure 207
Database passwords deleting 210
Changing 480 enabling or disabling 209
IBM WebSphere 483 modifying 209
Oracle 480 deployments 575
database references, change 485 development deployment 575
database server dimensions
default port 469 about 661
date date 677
data type 143 enumerated strings 675
date data types 72 picklists 675
date type dimension Disable the Files of OPX 327
add 677 disabling
delete 678 field level encryption keystore 83
disable or enable 678 profiles 213–217
modify 678 disabling associations between
date type dimensions object types 175–178, 186, 188–191, 220, 236, 799
using 677 disassociating
DB2 group 31
back up and restore database 394 profiles from users 218

display columns in selectors 314 encryption key
display of tabs with no fields 205 algorithm 81
display order changing AES 42
of object types 220 encryption keystore
display types editing 84
enumerated strings 274 Entity Move/Rename Utility
long strings 271 about 412, 463
reporting fragments 261 input file 414, 464
simple strings 262 run as a scheduled task 416, 466
domains 19 run interactively 415
Draft (diagram status) 104 enumerated string
dropping data type 143
long string index 411, 455 enumerated string values
dynamic fields 198 adding 160
dynamic tables as dimensions 675
about 228 changing the order of 160
configure 228 default value 160
edit 230 deleting 162
hiding 161
unhiding 161
E environment
e-mail verifying 38
configure OPBackup notification 383, 420 environment files
editing password encryption 423
profiles 213–217 environment migration
editing Apache configuration file best practices 581
Apache load balancer server 510 dependent items migrated 578
editing properties exporting items 583
object types 175–178, 186, 188–191, 220, 236, 799 importing items 584
email items migrated 577
configure Notification Manager 745 items not migrated 579
email notifications process of 582
configuring 690 settings 320, 575
embedded reports validating the import 584
configure 231 validation and 579
performance considerations 232 environments
working with 231 comparing 563
enable associations of child objects 331 equation editor
enable icons on locked objects 331 about 344
enable login sso 354 equations
enabling modeling 153
currency exchange 612 Excel worksheet. See FastMap. 627
field level encryption keystore 83 exchange rates
OpenPages repository 83 editing for existing currency code 149
profiles 213–217 excluding
enabling a view 241 object types from an overview page 247
enabling and disabling excluding fields
field dependency behavior 201 object type 177, 219, 220, 247
enabling associations between excluding from a profile
object types 175–178, 186, 188–191, 220, 236, 799 object type 177, 219, 220, 247
enabling file attachment search 362 excluding object types
enabling file types for search 362 profile 217–219, 236, 244
enabling global search 361 excluding settings from migrating 617
enabling or disabling Export Max Rows 345, 565
dependent picklists 207–210, 675, 798 exported XML files
enabling or disabling object types or fields for global search comparing 563
363 exporting
encryption computed field definitions 614
field level 81 configuration data 575
password 37 currency field definitions 613
encryption algorithm data 589
change AES key 42 exporting configuration changes 619
legacy systems 41 exporting data 619
UPEA tool 38 exporting metadata changes

exporting metadata changes (continued) fields (continued)
ObjectManager 589, 593, 616 decrypting (continued)
EXTEND rule 58 fields 152
external system, import data 651 encrypting
field values 151
encrypting values for 151
F excluded 211
facts including in an object type 219
about 661, 683 long string
disabling 675 encrypting 151
enabling 675 simple string
facts and dimensions encrypting 151
process for configuring 674 fields from an object type
facts and dimensions, configuring 674 excluding 219, 220, 247
FAQs file
global search 380 check-out 310
FastMap checked in 310
access 625 file attachment search
define the path of an object 635 enabling 362
Definition worksheet 641 enabling file types 362
errors and warnings 626 file type information
export data into template 634 configuring 186
export template 642, 643 file types
Filtered List View page export settings 337 adding 186
import jobs 626 associating with object types 186
import process 635 removing 187
import status 632, 633 file upload, setting 323
JSP 623, 642 filtered list view
locale 625 about 237
optimize performance 653, 654 grid view pages
overview 623 configuring 237
parameters 642, 644 Filtered List view
securing import templates 655 add object fields 246, 257
template 624 disabling 242
user profile 625 remove object fields 246
validation 625 Filtered List View
validation messages 627 displaying initial results 337
worksheet 624 FastMap export 337
field dependencies remove object fields 258
best practices 798 filtered list view settings 337
field dependency behavior filters
enabling and disabling 201 adding to object types 191
field groups associating views 196
adding 142 configuring DB2 Text Search for long strings 405
adding fields to 142 considerations before you begin 190
best practices 797 copying 196
best practices for shared 799 creating DB2 long string index 408
deleting 173 creating long string index 452
including in an object type 177 creating scheduled jobs to synchronize long string
field guidance 308 indexes 410, 454
field level encryption currently logged on user 196
disabling the keystore 83 deleting 78, 174, 197, 202, 210, 216
enabling the keystore 83 dropping long string indexes 411, 455
key 81 enabling DB2 Text Search for long strings 407
keystore 81, 82 enabling Oracle Text for long strings 453
field level security modifying 197
redaction stop words for long string indexes 456
field level security 70 utilities for long strings 404, 451
security folder view
field level 70 about 237
field names Folder view
best practices 797 disabling 242
fields folder view pages
decrypting configuring 237

fragment Hierarchy diagram 96
data type 143 home page
framework generator port 476 best practices for limiting portlets 798
Framework Model Generator Cognos reports 800
starting and stopping on Windows 561 Home page
Framework Model Generator service configure reports 230
starting and stopping on AIX 561 configure the Dashboard tab 233
starting and stopping on Linux 561 configure the My Work tab 227
configuring tabs 225
considerations 224
G creating content on the Dashboard tab 234
generating a CSR display order of tabs 226
iKeyman tool 507, 511 dynamic tables 228
generating a CSR file editing content on the Dashboard tab 235
IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console 497 exporting configuration of the Dashboard tab 236
generating a key pair and request hide or unhide tabs 226
Apache load balancer server 509 JSON download 236
Apache web server 504 layout of tabs 224
generating a keystore and key pair My Work
IBM HTTP server 507, 511 Dashboard 223
global search overview 223
add a custom field 366 pre-defined tables 228
administering 357 Tab Configuration table 225
configuring 363 tabs 223
customizing after initial enablement 365 host setting 347
customizing on initial enablement 364 HTTP
enabling 361 security 351
enabling or disabling object types or fields 363 HTTP compression
OPBackup and OPRestore 360 about 530
properties 377 disabling 530
registry settings 367 httpd.conf file
starting services 553 editing 509
stopping services 554 hyperlinking
unhiding registry settings 367 to object instances, views, filters 801
global search FAQs 380
global search properties I
error handling parameters for the indexer 377
maximum heap size 377 IBM Cognos service
maximum opsearchtool.jar heap size during indexing starting and stopping 560
378 starting and stopping on AIX 561
maximum Solr heap size 378 starting and stopping on Linux 561
maximum text extraction heap size during indexing 379 starting and stopping on Windows 561
root path location for file attachment search 379 IBM HTTP
setting the text extractor timeout limit 379 certificate authority approval 508, 512
globalization 278 IBM HTTP server
grid view generating a keystore and key pair 507, 511
defining 248 SSL configuration 511
grid views IBM OpenPages
disabling 242 restore 383
Group Selector 271 IBM OpenPages application and database
groups backup 383, 419
associating 31 DB2 back up and restore 394
associating profiles 217 restore 383, 419
creating 30 IBM OpenPages CommandCenter
disassociating 31 backup 383
Groups DB2 back up and restore 394
Nested 781 IBM OpenPages GRC SDI Connector for UCF Common
Using to limit user activities 779 Controls Hub 694
gzip format 389, 393, 428, 433 IBM WebSphere Application server
session cookies 501
IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console
H generating a CSR file 497
hidden settings 311 importing certificates 497
IIS 531

iKeyman tool keywords (continued)
generating a CSR 507, 511 security rules (continued)
importing certificates 508, 512, 513 record level 72
import data
external system 651
see also FastMap 623
importing languages 278
configuration data 575 LDAP
currency field definitions 612 authentication module, configuring 84
data 589 configuring for user accounts 26
importing certificates mixed-mode authentication 87
IBM WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console 497 user authentication 84
iKeyman tool 508, 512, 513 legacy move behavior 346
importing changes 621 Legacy Reporting Framework Generation settings
importing configurations 621 defining a new namespace 772
importing RCA data namespaces 774
RCA 742 Linux
Importing RCA data 737 scripts 550
importing root certificate Linux load balancer server
Microsoft Internet Information Services 503 SSL configuration 507
importing the root certificate list view pages 240
Apache load balancer 510 live backup 388, 427
Apache web server 505 loading
importing the server certificate data 589
Apache web server 506 locale browser settings 546
indexes Locale codes 277
adding 349 localizing
example 349, 350 system fields 280
installation lock and signature settings 328
default ports 469 lock menu for display settings 330
integer lock menu settings 330
data type 143 locked
interactive task parent object 331
Entity Move/Rename Utility 415 locked objects
IP address enabling associated object icons 331
static 483 locking a user account 351
J enabling and disabling 329
objects 330
Java log files
importing certificates into 498 OPBackup 389, 428
Java Commands OPCCBackup 392, 432
Workflow 767 OPCCRestore 394, 434 file 39 OPRestore 391, 430
JDBC data source 485 Logs
JSON export periodic thread dump 537
troubleshooting 795 long string
JSON file data type 143
configuring for approval app 701 long string fields
customizing for approval app 707 running string concatenation 457
JSP files 176 string concatenation SQL file 458
String Concatenation Utility 457
long string indexes
K creating 452
key pair and request creating in DB2 408
Microsoft Internet Information Services 503 creating scheduled jobs to synchronize 410, 454
keys 286 dropping 411, 455
keystore enabling DB2 Text Search 405, 407
field level encryption 82 enabling Oracle Text 453
generating 496 stop words 456
keywords utilities 404, 451
security rules loops 180
field level 72

M navigation bar (continued)
modify menu items 316
mail server address modify menu order 316
setting 322 navigational view
managing for object types remove view page 242
filters 190, 191, 196, 197, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410, Navigational View
411, 451–456 configuring 237
managing object types 175 new features in version 7.1.0 11
map to date fields 678 new features in version 7.2.0 8, 9
Max File Upload Size 565 new features in version 7.3.0 6
Max Memory 345, 565 new features in version 5
menus new features in version 4
modifying submenu items 316 new features in version 7.4.0
modifying the order of 316 administration and serviceability 2
messaging information 537 platform enhancements 1
Microsoft Internet Information Services New User Default Locale setting 313
adding certificate snap-in 502 numeric data types 72
adding SSL binding 504
importing root certificate 503
key pair and request 503
migrating object aspect 110
configuration changes 575 object field definitions
data 589 deleting 174
migrating configuration changes 615 modifying 150
migrating environments, See environment migration object fields
mode setting 329 Business Entity Selector types for simple strings 263
models, adding using the template model 669 display types for enumerated strings 274
models, reporting framework 659 display types for long string fields 271
modify identifying new 139
role template 52 modifying the phonebook 271
modify text displayed in the application 282 on demand display types for long string fields 272
modifying rich text area display types for simple strings 262
controllers for dependent field 200 rich text display types for medium long string fields 273
stop words for long string indexes 456 Schema Analysis report 141
user accounts 28 setting a default value for 152
modifying field properties setting the display order of 243
process diagrams 98, 99, 103–105 text and URL display types for simple strings 264
modifyinng text area display types for simple strings 266
picklist dependency behaviord 209 text display types for medium long string fields 273
move entities threshold limit 141
Entity Move/Rename Utility 412, 463 user and group selector display types for simple strings
Entity Move/Rename Utility input file 414, 464 266
multi-deployment environments 615 using a rich text display type to configure a URL field
Multi-Valued Group Selector 271 265
Multi-Valued User Selector 271 Object fields
Multi-Valued User/Group Selector 271 display types for simple string fields 262
multiple security context points 47 Modifying user and group selectors 271
read-only 260
N object icons 331
Object Manager tool 616
namespace object reset
definition 660 performing 302
dimensional 683 ruleset parameters 302
overview 660 session details 303
relational 683 session log 304
namespaces starting 302
add new 772 status 303
BY_RELATIONSHIPS 771 object resets
define 772 currency fields 293
Folders 771 overview 289
Is Default 771 preparing data 293
ObjectModel 2 771 system fields 293
Namespaces and models, configuring 669 object text 279
navigation bar object type

object type (continued) OPCCBackup (continued)
including field groups 177 log files 392, 432
including fields 219 running 392, 398, 432
including in a profile 219 OPCCRestore
including on an overview page 247 log files 394, 434
object type dimensions OpenPages CommandCenter
adding 681 Backup Utility 430
object type dimensions, configuring 681 restore utility 393
object type profiles running the Backup Utility 392, 398, 432
editing 177, 216 OpenPages properties file
object types HTTPS address 506
adding filters 191 SSL port 506
adding for a custom form 188 OpenPages properties files
associating with file types 186 editing for WebSphere 500
deleting 189 OpenPages repository
deleting unused 799 decrypting 83
managing 175 enabling 83
platform 175 encrypting 83
rendering JSP files 176 OpenPages server properties and parameters 763
setting the display order 220 OpenPages solutions
view pages 236 FCM xxviii
object types from a profile GCM xxviii
excluding 219, 220, 247 IAM xxviii
object types list page ITG xxviii
accessing 176 ORM xxviii
object views OpenPages SSL certificate renewal 516
customizing 236 OpenPages SSL certificate renewal on WebSphere 517
ObjectManager OpenPages, connectors, and QRadar
batch loader sample 593 overview 689
batch loader syntax 593 operators
loader files 589 security rules 72
ObjectManager examples OPRestore
assigning or revoking role assignments 597 log files 391, 430
creating or loading users 599 OPX functionality
moving objects 594 best practices 797
renaming objects 596 Oracle
ObjectManager tool backing up databases 426
process diagrams 105 Oracle Admin Client 419 file Oracle Data Pump
importing and exporting process diagrams 105, 106 overview 419
objects Oracle Enterprise Manager 483
auto-naming settings 317 Oracle server
best practices for limiting in views 797 IP address 484
locking and unlocking 330 Oracle Text
path expressions 71 enabling for long string filtering 453
SOXDocument auto-naming settings 320 organizational group 30
Obsolete (diagram status) 104 Overview
online backup best practices for limiting associations 798
database 434 overview of OpenPages, connectors, and QRadar 689
op-backup-restore.env file overview page
preparing passwords 39 adding a view page 241
op-config.xml file 105 including object types 247
OP-CUSTOM 41 removing object types 247 file 105 Overview page
OPBackup about 237
backup utility 387, 424 overview pages
configuring e-mail 384, 420 hiding an object from 247
configuring gzip 389, 393, 428, 433 setting cache capacity 307
log files 389, 428 Overview pages
refreshing a test environment 397, 399, 441 configuring 237
running 425
running live backups 388, 427
about 430 page size setting 314

parent object 331 process diagram (continued)
parent objects importing 106
access controls 63 modifying process flows 102
security rules 71 refreshing 101
password status 104
change IBM WebSphere 480 process diagrams
change Oracle Native Driver password 449 copying 103
change Oracle password 481, 485 deleting 104
configure 36 viewing 98
configuring encryption 37 process flow diagram 99
encryption algorithm 37 production deployment 575
modify encryption 38 profile
policies 37 associating users and groups 217
rules 27 configuring view pages 236
password encryption 38 copy views 244
passwords disassociating users 218
changing encryption algorithms 41 including object types 219
changing in user tables 40 view pages 236
preparing for reencryption 39 profiles
path expressions creating 214
objects 71 default 215
paths deleting 216
children 71 disabling 83, 217
parents 71 editing 177, 216
permissions enabling 83, 217, 612
application 32 fallback 215
assigning 24 guidelines 213
Browse Files 34 setting default or fallback 215
Change History 34 properties and parameters
CommandCenter Studios 34 OpenPages server properties 763
define 31 Properties and parameters
Folders 34 sosa properties 765
Issues 35 Properties files
modifying 25 Aurora properties 759
non-SOX 35 property bundles
other application 35 creating 142
Project Management 35 provisioning users 27
revoking 25 publish reports
setting for a group 31 application user interface 115
View Locks 35 Published (diagram status) 104
phonebook 271, 283 publishing reports
phonebook bucket size 314 limitations 115
picklists server user interface 117, 121
dependent 208
dependent as dimensions 675
modifying dependency behavior 209
Platform folder settings 344 QRadar integration package
platform object types 175 troubleshooting
Platform Reporting Framework folder settings 348 known problems and solutions 794
Platform Reporting Schema folder settings 349 QRadar integration project
Platform Security folder settings 350 using 690
Platform Workflow Implementations folder settings 353 Questionnaire assessments
portal page path 354 configuring 699
default 469
fixed 469 R
position of tabs on a Home page 226
pre-defined tables 228
completing prerequisites 738
primary parent ID
configuring data import 738
specifying 691
importing data 742
problem determination
reimporting data 743
exchanging information with IBM Support 788, 789
RCM 731, 733
process diagram
RCM Theme Deployer 731
exporting 105

record level security Report (continued)
security embed on Home page 231
record level 57, 61 embedded reports performance considerations 232
recursive object types modify on Home page 232
defining levels 661 report fragments
rules 662 settings 321
Redirect Template 113 report templates
redirect the security log off link 351 modifying existing 120
reencrypting reporting fragment fields
passwords 39 configuring display types 261
reference defining 164
relationship 180, 182 field group for 165
reference relationships 180 fields requiring parameter information 164
regenerate limitations 163
reporting framework 683 name 166
reporting schema 89 object ID prompt 167
registry settings planning considerations 163
additional field in the search result set 374 report path 165
default number of search results to return per page 376 reporting period ID prompt 167
internal page size for search results 372 size 168
language analyzer that is used by search 370 tasks to configure 163
number of attempts to fill the search results 372 reporting fragments
number of records inserted per batch 371 displaying on demand 800
number of records to cache 369 reporting framework
number of search results records that are cached per accessing 684
user session 372 generating 683
path to global search administration server 368 regenerate 683
path to server that handles search indexing 368 update 686
progress refresh interval 368 viewing details of 686
query path to the Apache Solr server 370 Reporting framework
query path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder permissions 684
ACL indexing 370 Reporting Framework 660
query path to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder reporting framework, models 659
ACL search requests 371 reporting framework, understanding 659
Setting the Apache Solr password 376 reporting period
setting the Apache Solr user ID 376 ACLs 290
Setting the network connection request timeout 374 application behavior 289
Setting the number of allowed connections 375 application permissions 290
Setting the number of allowed connections per host 375 change history 290
Setting the number of times a request is reattempted create 291
375 delete 293
setting the polling interval 369 deletion period setting 290
Setting the socket timeout for indexing 375 finalize 290–292
Setting the socket timeout for searching 376 overview 289
Setting whether to allow compression 374 reapplying 292
setting whether to allow URL redirects 374 reporting schema 290
time to search before timing out 373 system administration mode 290
URL path to the Apache Solr server handles OpenPages Reporting period
search requests 372 active reporting period 291
URL to the Apache Solr server that handles Folder ACL see also active reporting period 291
indexing 371 reporting schema
URL to the Apache Solr server that handles search adding indexes 349
requests 373 Reporting schema
Registry settings, apply to all models 665 accessing 89
reimporting RCA data Administering 89
RCA 743 Enabling and disabling 92
relationship index example 349, 350
setting 182 permissions 89
remove all tree locks 332 Populating past reporting periods 91
rename entities relation to reporting period 91
Entity Move/Rename Utility 412, 463 Viewing operation details of 92
Entity Move/Rename Utility input file 414, 464 reporting server
Report default port 469
add links to My Reports 231 Tomcat heap size 536

reporting service S
tuning 536
reports SAM 17
Administrative Reports folder 109 save as draft 182–184
as Home page tabs 226 scenarios
Audit Reports folder 110 access to issue action items 67
creating instances of 117 all users can view objects, some users can update
creating interactive 124 objects 69
deleting 121 exception management 69
Issue Reports folder 112 lifecycle security 66
managing 109 objects shared across GRC domains 64
running interactive 125 privacy incidents 69
Schema Analysis report 141 security by function 68
supplied 109 scheduled task
top-level 109 Entity Move/Rename Utility 416, 466
understanding 116 scheduling the Tivoli Directory Integrator 697
V6 Folder reports 109 scripts
viewing 113 AIX and Linux 550
Reports SDI 694
Issue 112 search filter
Security 112 using complex logic 195
Reports Access Page Size setting 313 section headings 258–260
required fields security
setting in a profile 221 advanced XSS filter setting 351
setting in the field definition 151 context point 44, 45
troubleshooting 795 cross-site scripting filter setting 351
resets, See object resets domain groups 48
restore IBM OpenPages database 390 extending security context 46
restore OpenPages database 429 field level 69
restore utilities model 43
CommandCenter 433 model with multiple points 47
OpenPages CommandCenter 393 Safe Tags setting 352
Restore Utility triangle relationship 47
about 383, 394, 419 Security Directory Integrator 694
IBM OpenPages 429 security domains 48
log files 391, 394, 430, 434 security model
running 390, 429 Security Domains folder 48
RESTRICT rule 58 security provider
revoking configuring 39
role from user or group 55, 56 security rules
RMAN 434 access controls 63, 69
role best practices for 78
assigning to user or group 54 best practices for limiting 799
revoking from user or group 55, 56 child objects 71
role template data types 72
create 52 deleting 78
delete 53 disabling 78
disabling 53 enabling 78
enabling 53 exporting 575, 589
modify 52 field level 71
view or modify 51 grammar 74
role-based security model 43 importing 575, 589
root server certificate 513 keywords 72
rules, See security rules operators 72
ruleset parent objects 71
creating 294 paths 71
exporting XML file 304 record level 71
file, creating 294 reporting periods 289
loading 301 rulesets 289, 294
overview 289 scenarios 64, 66–69
parameters 302 validating 78
sample 295 security, browser 545
tag library 296–301 selectors to use for search 315
self-contained object type

self-contained object type (continued) settings (continued)
about 343 filtered list view (continued)
server certificate 513 object types to exclude in export 339
server url 354 format of object names 318
services global unlock 332
Cognos 560 home page 333
starting and stopping Framework Model Generator home page filtered lists 334, 336, 337
service 561 home page number of embedded reports 335
starting and stopping IBM Cognos service 560, 561 home page number of objects in a table 336
session cookies home page number of reports 336
IBM WebSphere Application server 501 home page order of predefined tables 334
session timeout 543 host setting 347
set illegal characters 341
application permissions on a group 31 legacy move behavior 346
setting a default view 242 legacy reporting framework
setting the relationship type 182 computed fields 669
setting up custom forms 187 localization 345
settings localization settings 345
access control on Role groups 342 lock 328
access the Settings page 307 lock and unlock objects 330
accessibility 308 lock menu 330
administration menus 315 lock menu for display 330
alert notification behavior 355 locking a user account 351
allow users to personalize my work home page 335 mail server address 322
applications folder 307 modify menu order 316
association heuristic (reassigning primary parents) 346 New User Default Locale 313
auto-naming objects 317 object reset ACL restrictions 333
browser cache 307 object reset locking restrictions 333
cache capacity 307 object reset logging level 332
cascading signatures 329 object reset on error behaviour 333
child and parent 331 object resets 332
common folder 341 objects in listing pane 323
Copy Access From Inactive 312 optimizing file uploads 323
copy operations 324 page size 314
Copy User Info Attributes 312 phonebook bucket size 314
Copy User Info Choice 312 Platform folder 344
copying folders 341 Platform Reporting Framework folder 348
create custom 340 Platform Reporting Schema folder 349
cross-context sharing 347 Platform Security folder 350
cross-site scripting filter 351 Platform Workflow Implementations folder 353
date field display format 326 portal page path 354
Default Allowed Profiles 313 report fragments 321
default object view 310 reporting framework
Default User Change Password 313 adding namespaces 672
Default User Password Expiration 313 custom forms 667
delete custom 340 reporting framework namespaces 671
deletion interval for reporting period 311 reporting schema
disable Add New wizard 309 add indexes 349
Disable the Files of OPX 327 Reports Access Page Size 313
display columns for selectors 314 security log off link 351
enable associations of child objects 331 security safe tags 352
enable create and delete custom settings 340 selectors to use for search 315
enable file checkout 310 server url 354
enable icons on locked objects 331 show field guidance 308
enable login sso 354 show hidden 311
environment migration 320, 575 show system generated field guidance 309
filtered list view signature 328
concurrent exports 339 signature locks 329
displaying initial results 337 signatures 328
editable fields 340 sort list views by modification date 311
enable object type and field export choices 338 SOXDocument auto-naming objects 320
export to Excel 338 submenus 316
fields for advanced filters 338 system security model 342
number of levels to export 339 triangle object relationships 663, 667

settings (continued) system fields
use legacy associate 341 localizing 280
User Preferences folder 355 system file management
user provisioning 312 checking in files 136
Users Can Copy Access From 313 checking out files 136
signature and lock settings 328 copying files 134
signature links for sign off 328 creating folders 133
signature settings 328 deleting files 135
signer certificate 513 download files 135
simple string moving files 134
data type 143 overview 131
single file renaming files 135
data type 143 tasks 133
Sosa properties and parameters 765 uploading files 134
SOXBusEntity objects uploading modified files 136
best practices for limiting 799 system generated field guidance 309
specifying a primary parent ID 691
specifying connector currency values 694
specifying connector date values 694
SSL tab
accessing the OpenPages application 494 Dashboard tab 233–235
AIX load balancer server configuration 507 My Work tab 227
Apache load balancer server configuration 509, 510 tabbed interface, Home page 223
Apache Web Server configuration 504–506 tabs
ClassNotFoundException error message 502 add reports 226
Cognos certificate renewal on Apache Web Server 517 hide 226
Cognos certificate renewal on IIS 516 unhide 226
creating keystore 496 task-oriented hyperlinking 801
deploying new non-administrative servers 495 TDI error messages
generating keystore 496 troubleshooting 794
IBM HTTP server 511 techniques for Tivoli Directory Integrator 697
IBM HTTP server configuration 507–509, 511–513 template models, using in the reporting framework 669
LDAP configuration 25 templates 96
Linux load balancer server configuration 507 test deployment 575
Microsoft IIS configuration 502–505 test environment
OpenPages certificate renewal 516 refreshing from production data 397, 399, 441
OpenPages properties files configuration 506 text
update file 502 application 281
Update SSL socket factory providers 502 object 279
WebSphere certificate renewal 517 Theme Deployer 731
WebSphere configuration 494–498, 500, 513, 727 themes 733
SSL ports thread dump logs 537
virtual hosts 495 time-out period, browser 543
starting an OpenPages application 549 Tivoli Directory Integrator
starting and stopping command line tips 698
Framework Model Generator service 561 scheduling 697
IBM Cognos service 560, 561 techniques 697
starting groups Tomcat heap size
best practices 801 reporting server 536
static IP address 483 track configuration changes 479
storage backup triangle relationships 47
enable and disable 389, 428 troubleshooting
storage location contacting IBM Support 787
OPBackup 424 exchanging information with IBM Support 788, 789
String Concatenation Utility Export JSON 795
about 457 fixes
running 457 installing 787
SQL file 458 getting fixes 787
string data types 72 identifying problems and techniques 785
sub-groups known problems for browsers 543
removing 31 known problems for the QRadar integration package
Super Administrator 21 794
System Administration Mode known problems for visualizations 790
enabling and disabling 17 required fields 795

troubleshooting (continued) using OPBackup and Op Restore with global search 360
searching knowledge bases 786 using the QRadar integration project 690
security domains included in search 794 utilities
starting visualizations 790 about back up and restore 394
subscribing to Support notifications 789 about backup and restore 383, 419
TDI error messages 794 CommandCenter Backup 391
unable to read labels on a visualization 790 CommandCenter Restore 433
troubleshooting the Connection Refused error message 698 Entity Move/Rename 412, 463
tuning Entity Move/Rename input file 414, 464
DB2 database 535 filtering on long string indexes 404, 451
reporting service 536 OPBackup 387, 424
OpenPages CommandCenter Backup 430
OpenPages CommandCenter Restore 393
U OPRestore 390, 429
UAT deployment 575 running OPBackup 425
UCF 694 running OPBackup live 388, 427
unlock all icon 332 running OPCCBackup 392, 398, 432
unlocking business entities 332 running OPCCRestore 393, 433
update data using FastMap 623 running OPRestore 390, 429
update file 502 running string concatenation 457
Update SSL socket factory providers 502 String Concatenation 457
UPEA string concatenation SQL file 458
syntax 40
Syntax 40 V
UPEA tool 38
uploading large files 323, 327 validating
URL for application rules 78
shortening verify
IBM WebSphere application server procedure 527 encryption algorithm 38
user accounts verifying
configuring LDAP access for 26 environment 38
copying access 30 verifying SSL
creating 27 WebSphere application server 494
modifying 28 views
user administration 19 copy to profile 244
user name format 283 setting default 242
user names visualizations
exclude characters from 341 Business Entities 97
rules 27 creating process flow diagrams 99
user names in a phonebook 271 process diagrams 98
User Preferences folder settings 355 refreshing 101
user provisioning troubleshooting
Copy Access From Inactive 312 known problems and solutions 790
Copy User Info Attributes 312
Copy User Info Choice 312
Default Allowed Profiles 313
Default User Change Password 313 Watson certificate 727
Default User Password Expiration 313 web browser configuration
New User Default Locale 313 Certificate Authority certificates 499
Reports Access Page Size 313 web server
Users Can Copy Access From 313 certificate authority approval 503, 505
user provisioning settings 312 WebSphere application server
User Roles configuring certificates 513, 727
Using groups to establish 778 creating keystore 496
User Selector 271 generating the CSR file 497
user-defined keys 286 IBM console 500
User/Group Selector 271 importing certificate into Java 498
users importing certificates 497
associating profiles 217 SSL configuration 500
disassociating profiles 218 verifying SSL 494
Users Can Copy Access From setting 313 Verifying SSL ports on virtual hosts 495
users table WebSphere Application Server
updating to change passwords 40 certificate authority approval 497
using complex logic in a search filter 195

what's new 1
commands 549
Windows services
starting automatically 551
stopping manually 557
workbook. See FastMap. 624
Workflow Java commands 767

XML files
op-config.xml 105
cross-site scripting filter setting 351
Safe Tags setting 352

ZIP files 105 file 105


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