Organizational Knowledge: Revision Log

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Organizational Knowledge

Revision Log

Rev Revision Details

1 Updated by- Jagruti Dhande, 09/18/2020

Scope of the procedure

Knowledge is a valuable commodity. since 2015 this is also reflected in the revised iso 9001
standard. with the inclusion of knowledge as a new resource, the standard clarifies that every
company must make explicit efforts aimed at maintaining and sharing the necessary knowledge,
in order to conserve and improve the quality of products and services.

Organization needs to determine the knowledge required to perform its processes and to achieve
the conformity of product and services. Hence, this report reflects various linkages and document
courses for organizational knowledge.

1. Background, Terms & Definitions

Knowledge in the organization is described in item 7.1.6.
In 7.1.6, this international standard addresses the need to determine and manage the
knowledge maintained by the organization, to ensure the operation of its processes and that it can
achieve conformity of products and services.

Requirements regarding organizational knowledge were introduced for the purpose of:

a) safeguarding the organization from loss of knowledge,

e.g.- through staff turnover;
- failure to capture and share information
b) encouraging the organization to acquire knowledge,
e.g.- learning from experience;
- mentoring;
- benchmarking.

2. Organizational Knowledge

A set of data and information which Marimba Auto LLC uses as their Organizational Knowledge
can be identified as followed. This includes a combination of data and information in form of
experiences, values, ideas, institutions, ability to deal complexity, product quality, which can be
used to support decision making.

Marimba’s organizational knowledge includes following data combinations-

Confidential and proprietary information of Marimba Auto LLC

Organizational Knowledge
1. Explicit knowledge
2. Tactic Knowledge

3. Tools and Methods used for knowing Organizational Knowledge

The goal of these tools and methods is to provide all the necessary resources, data and
information to employees when required.

1) Weekly Morning Meeting- These meetings are conducted on every Tuesday and
Thursday of the week. The purpose of this meeting is to have a direct communication
between employees and discuss their issues or requirements. The progress of this meeting
is regularly tracked using our PLEX ERP system.

2) Employee Orientation – Induction training of new hires as well as the transfer of

workplaces or human resources management responsibilities help employees to
familiarize themselves faster with the company’s environment.

3) Shared files on Server – Marimba share all the important and necessary documents
including product drawings, lessons learned, quotes, material planning sheets, corrective
measures, quality management documents, statistical results on a server which is secured
by providing a limited access based on departments and only for the office employees.

We are also trying to migrate our new generated data and information in Document
Control Systems (DCS) in PLEX ERP system. Each employee will be trained on
handling the DCS and how to manage their information security.

Following are various tolls used by Marimba to share its organizational knowledge with
their employees based on various knowledge definitions-

1) Defining and examining knowledge-

Lessons learned
2) Maintaining Knowledge-
Direct knowledge transfer through communication or indirect knowledge transfer
using shared videos/ articles/ emails

Confidential and proprietary information of Marimba Auto LLC

Organizational Knowledge
Self- explanatory folder structure
Document Control System (DCS) in PLEX ERP system
3) Sharing Knowledge-
Company server
Document Control System (DCS) in PLEX ERP system
Job rotation
Cross functional trainings
Articles/forums/PLEX ERP community
4) Providing access to knowledge-
Tagging emails
Providing security access in Document Control System (DCS) in PLEX ERP system
5) Acquiring and accessing additional knowledge-
Learning videos
Work instructions
PLEX Community access

4. Assessment to evaluate the extent of sharing of Organizational Knowledge

It is organization’s responsibility to manage the security and extent of data and information
shared within the employees. This self-assessment will provide us the questions we should ask to
employees which will help us to analyze our organizational handling of knowledge. This
document will be stored as a record in Document Control System (DCS) in PLEX ERP system
and can be reviewed internally.

Name_____________________________ ________________

Position ___________________________ ________________
    Not at all Partially Somewhat Fully
applicabl Not applicable Applicab
e applicable le

Confidential and proprietary information of Marimba Auto LLC

Organizational Knowledge
0 1 2 3
We know what kinds of knowledge and        

skills are required to make our product to

meet customer requirements
We are aware of knowledge we are missing        
and skills we need to develop in future
We know whom to contact in the        
organization for respective issues
The organization has an overview of all        
internally available data and information
stored and make them accessible to

The data and information related to your        

product and processes is provided in
trackable and accessible manner to
The organizations offer opportunities to        
employees to exchange experience with
product and processes

The employees have a shared understanding        

of internal processes and company policies
respective to their positions
Product and process innovations are        
communicated efficiently and


The organization offers the workforce        

several tools for sharing knowledge
(meetings, internal training, experience
exchange, collaboration software, document
storages, visualization options, etc.).
Experience with particularly        
successful/unsuccessful projects is processed
and shared within the organization

Good practices are used to define and        

disseminate standards.
Unchangeable or knowledge that will be in        
effect for the long term is documented and
available to all employees (e.g. product
history, quotes, drawings).
Company monitors external developments        

(market, competitors, technology, law, etc.)

Confidential and proprietary information of Marimba Auto LLC

Organizational Knowledge
and actively gather and share information
about innovations.
We cooperate specifically with other        
organizations (Cumulus Consulting) in order
to boost our skills

Confidential and proprietary information of Marimba Auto LLC

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