Judeo-Persian Mss - 8sep2018 PDF

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6 September 2018

Add MS 7701
Collection of Judeo-Persian works, 1666. Paper, 134 ff.
Scribe: Yehudah ben El’azar
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 2451
The Pentatuech, Hafṭarot and Psalms, with vowel-points and accents, masorah magna and
parva, followed by a calendar for fixing the Jewish festivals in Judeo-Persian (ff. 362v-378v),
Paper, 378 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 2452
Book of Psalms in Judeo-Persian, 18th-19th century. Paper, 54 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew cursive

Or 2453
Collection of poetical texts in Judeo-Persian, 16th century. Paper, 220 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 2454
A Hebrew-Persian Glossary of the difficult words of the Bible in Judeo-Persian, followed by
a calendar in Hebrew, 1804-1805. Paper, 54 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 2455
Collection of medical and calendrical works, in Judeo-Persian, 1807. Paper, 196 ff.
Scribe: Yehonathan ben Binyamin Rofe
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 2456
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah (Sefer ha-Mada’), 16th century. Paper, 143 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew square and semi-cursive

Or 2459
Fragments of Judeo-Persian commentaries on verses from the Pentateuch, and some other
biblical books, c. 16th century. Paper, 123 folios
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 2460
Fragment of a Judeo-Persian commentary on portions of the Prophets, 16th century. Paper,
33 ff.
Script: Hebrew Persian semi-cursive

Or 4729
The Book of Psalms in Judeo-Persian, 1822. Paper, 82 ff.
Scribe: Mosheh ben Issakhar
Script: Persian Hebrew cursive

Or 4730
Haft paykar by Niẓāmī Ganjavī, 18th- 19th century. Paper, 141 ff. With miniatures.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 4731
Collection of poetical works in Judeo-Persian, 18th-19th century. Paper, 222 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 4732
Shahzadah va Sufi by Elisha ben Samuel, 18th-19th century. Paper, 73 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 4742
Poetical texts in Judeo-Persian, 1702. Paper, 349 ff.
Persian poems embodying the narrative of the Pentateuch. The volume begins with
dedicatory poems, then follows Genesis (folio 5r), and Exodus (folio 168r). The remaining
portions are not marked. Folio 348 contains (in a different hand) a duplicate of a portion of
Genesis. A number of Persian stanzas with Hebrew headings, folio 2r. A piyuṭ of Eliyah ben
Binyamin ha-Levi
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 4743
Daniyal namah by Khvājah Bahāʼuddīn Muḥammad Naqshband Bukhārāʼī, 1816. A Persian
version of the history of biblical Daniel. Paper, 65 ff.
Scribe: Mordekhai ben Meruham
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 4744
Poetical works in Judeo-Persian, 1812. Paper, 74 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 4745
Divan by Hafiz in Judeo-Persian, 1739. Paper, 120 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 5446
Pentateuch in Judeo-Persian, 1319. Paper, 124 ff.
Scribe: Joseph ben Moses
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 5557 Z
Genizah fragments of devotional poems and prayers, including Azharot by Solomon ibn
Gabirol and other related fragments, with Persian translations (ff.1r-6v), 14th -15th century.
Paper, 37 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive and square scripts (in progress)

Or 8212/166
Fragment of a Judeo-Persian letter. Late 8th century, acquired by Sir Aurel Stein at Dandan-
Uiliq, in present day Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. The letter includes
references to trading in sheep and textiles.
Script: Persian Hebrew square

Or 8659
A fragment, possibly of a Karraite Sefer ha-Mitsvot in Judeo-Persian, containing a polemical
tract on the prophethood of Moses and the Jewish religion, 12th-13th century. Paper, 10 ff.
(in progress)

Or 8695
Tafsir Masekhet Avot with a Judeo-Persian translation and a metrical paraphrase (of chapters
1-4) entitled Ganjnamah by ‘Imrani, 1808. Paper, 164 ff . (in progress)

Or 9804
Mikhlal ha-mishnah by Shelomoh Ababa ben Nuriel, 1737. Paper, 188 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive and square scripts

Or 9884
Pentateuch with Prophetic readings, followed by a Judeo-Persian tract on the calendar by
Josiah ben Mevorakh al-‘Akuli (ff. 308r-322r), 15th century. Paper, 322 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew square

Or 9953
Collection of midrashic pieces, some with Judeo-Persian glosses, 15th century. Paper, 22 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 10007
Collection of various texts. A collection of Tractate Avot, a section of Maimonides' Mishneh
torah, and its Judeo-Persian translation, 16th century. Paper, 142 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 10043
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah (Sefer Ahavah & Sefer Kedushah) with Judeo-Persian glosses,
Scribe: Sar Shalom ben Shemuel ‘Imrani
Script: Persian Hebrew square

Or 10193
Fragments of literary works in Judeo-Persian, 15th-16th century. Paper, 37 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 10194
Anthology of Judeo-Persian poems, 1775-1825. Paper, 80 ff.
Five full-page miniatures: woman holding flowers (fol. 8v), warrior (fol. 28v), woman
holding flowers (damaged) (fol. 30v), 'darvish' (fol. 46v), 'darvish (fol. 69v). Opaque
watercolour; Qajar style.
Script: Persian Hebrew square and semi-cursive scripts

Or 10195
Judeo-Persian miscellany of prose and poetry, 17th-18th century. Paper, 35 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 10196
Collection of Judeo-Persian poetical works, 18th century. Paper, 150 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew square and semi-cursive scripts

Or 10397
Midrashic collection in Hebrew and Judeo-Persian, 17th century. Paper, 161 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 10427
Miscellaneous Genizah (?) fragments in Judeo-Persian, and one in Hebrew, 16th-19th
Paper, 10 ff. (in progress)

Or 10444
Hagadah fragments and other texts related to Passover, 17th to 18th century. Paper, 48 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive and square scripts

Or 10482
A collection of various lexicographical, halakhical, and exegetical texts, 14th-15th century.
Paper, 114 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive

Or 10556
A Hebrew-Persian glossary of the Bible, from the end of Genesis to the beginning of
17th -18th century. Paper, 95 ff. (in progress)

Or 10576
Fragment of a Hebrew Sidur according to the Persian rite, with some parts and liturgical
directions in Judeo-Persian. A Persian tract on the calendar by Josiah ben Mevorakh
al-‘Akuli is appended, 16th -17th century. Paper, 183 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive (in progress)

Or 10577
Commentary on the Pentateuch in Judeo-Persian, 15th-16th century. Paper, 138 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew square

Or 10711
Collection of Judeo-Persian poetical works, 1898. Paper, 83 ff.
The story of Barlaam and Josaphat in a Judaeo-Persian metrical version, based on Ben ha-
melekh veha-nazir of Abraham ben Samuel ibn Hasdai. The story of Solomon and the three
merchants, in verse.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi square and square scripts

Or 10773
Epic poems on the story of Joseph. A portion of the Sharḥ-i Shāhīn-i Torah, the poetical
paraphrase of the narrative parts of the Pentateuch by Shāhīn Shīrāzī, 17th century. Paper, 78
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive (in progress)

Or 10774
Epic poem on the story of David, apparently part of Fath namah, the metrical paraphrase of
the biblical books from Joshua to Kings, by ‘Imrani, 17th -18th century. Paper, 68 ff. (in

Or 10775
Two tracts on devination: 1. Goralot, in Judeo-Persian (ff. 1r-13v); 2. Urim ve-tumim in
Hebrew (ff.14r-21r), 19th century. Paper, 21 ff. (in progress)

Or 12189
Ruba'iyat by Omar Khayyam, 1900-1950. Copied from Oxford_BOD: MS. Ouseley 140.
With a preface and appendix by Yūḥannā Dāʾūd. Preface on f. 1v: 'Omar Khayyām,
Rubiayāt: transliterated in Judeo-Persian, from the famous Persian manuscript in the
Bodleian Library, Oxford: marked "No. 524"; which is dated 865, a. H. = a. D. 1460; With a
preface and after-word, by Y. Dawud.
Paper, 47 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew square (in progress)

Or 12190
Tsemaḥ Daṿid by Yūḥanna Dāʾūd, 1900-1950. With numerous Hebrew insertions. English
note on back pastedown: '"The Branch of David": An original autograph manuscript written
in Judeo-Persian, on 374 pages, 12 lines to a page, gilt-edge. Entirely prepared to be
published in a facsimile edition. Paper, 189 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew square (in progress)

Or 12191
Poems in Judeo-Persian by Yuhannah Mirza Dawud, 1900-1969. Autograph. Yuhanna
Dawud, known as Yohanan ben David in Hebrew and John David in English; a traditional
Jew from a religious background; collected Persian works of art and Islamic treasures from
his boyhood; Professor of Oriental Art and Literature; oriental translator; Curator of the
Department of Islamic Art, British Museum; died London, 1969. Paper, 132 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew square (in progress)

Or 13189
Tales in Judeo-Persian, 18th -19th century. Paper, 209 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive and square scripts (in progress)

Or 13190
Yūsuf o Zulaykhā by Shāhīn Shīrāz, 20th century. Paper, 108 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive and square. (in progress)

Or 13191
Two poetical works in Judeo-Persian. 1) a 17th century didactic poem based on Abraham ben
Hasdai’s Ben ha-melelkh veha-nazir, a 13th century Hebrew version of the story of Barlaam
and Josaphat, by Elisha ben Shmu’el called Raghib (ff.1r-61v); 2) Story of the three
merchants (ff.62r-62v). Paper, 62 ff. (in progress)

Or 13704
Fatḥ Nāmah by ‘Imrani, 1675-1724. Paper, 335 ff. Miniatures.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive scripts

Or 13872
Sefer ha-Agron by Moses ben Aron ben Sheʾrith of Shirvan, 1473. Paper, 273 ff.
Scribe: Samuel ben Isaac ben Nisan ben Abraham ben Joseph.
Script: Persian Hebrew square (in progress)

Or 13913
Collection of Judeo-Persian works, 19th century. Paper, 191 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive and square scripts (in progress)

Or 13914
Miscellany, 1875-1925. Judeo-Persian biblical and liturgical poems followed by a list of
Malay numbers. Persian-Malay vocabulary in Hebrew characters. This is the only known text
in Malay in Hebrew characters. List of numbers: satu, duʾah, tigah, hampah, nimah, etc.
Paper, 48 ff.
Scribe: Rahamim Yaacoob
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive (in progress)

Or 14594
Miscellany of Hebrew & poetical poems by Moses ben Isaac, Joseph ben Siman Zargani and
the Book of Antiokhus in Judeo-Persian by the 18th century poet Joseph ben Isaac ben Musa,
Paper, 128 ff.
Scribe: Raphael Melamed ha-Kohen for Elijah ben Mulla Usa
Script: Persian Hebrew square scripts (in progress)

Or 14595
A collection of various works in Judeo-Persian and Hebrew, including poems by Israel
Najara and Azharot by Solomon ibn Gabirol, 18th to 19th centuries. No covers, outmost
leaves carry text.
Paper, 41 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew square scripts (in progress)

Or 14596
A collection of 8 texts almost entirely in Judeo-Persian including poems by Israel Najara
from Zemirot Yisra’el, a commentary on Yigdal, poems on messianic themes, 18th or 19th
century. Paper, 26 ff.
Script: Persian Hebrew semi-cursive script (in progress)

Or 14692
‘Aseret ha-dibrot (poem) by Yuhanna Mirza ben David Dawud, 20th century. Paper, 24 ff.
With gold lettering. The author’s Hebrew name appears at the end- Yohanan ben David.
Script: Persian Hebrew square (in progress)

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