Astm D2304-97
Astm D2304-97
Astm D2304-97
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 2304 – 97 (2002)
3.1.3 thermal life, n—the time necessary for a specific associated resin is badly deteriorated. In this case, flexural
property of a material, or a simple combination of materials, to strength is a better criterion of thermal aging.
degrade to a defined end point when aged at a specified 5.4 When dictated by the needs of the application, an aging
temperature. atmosphere other than air may be needed and used. For
3.1.4 thermal life curve, n—a graphical representation of example, thermal aging can be conducted in an oxygen-free,
thermal life at a specified aging temperature in which the value nitrogen atmosphere.
of a property of a material, or a simple combination of
materials, is measured at room temperature and the values 6. End Point
plotted as a function of time.
6.1 An expression of the thermal life of a material, even for
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
comparative purposes only, inevitably involves the choice of
3.2.1 rigid electrical insulating material, n—an electrical an end point. The end point could be a fixed magnitude of the
insulating material having a minimum flexural modulus of 690 property criterion, a percentage reduction from its initial
MPa and minimum use thickness of 0.5 mm (0.02 in.). It is magnitude, the minimum magnitude obtainable with time (that
generally used as terminal boards, spacers, coil forms, voltage is, when change with time ceases), or a fixed degrading change
barriers, and circuit boards. rate (that is, a fixed value for the negative derivative of
property with respect to time).
4. Summary of Test Method
6.2 Experience has shown that the choice of an end point
4.1 Test specimens are aged in air at three or preferably four can affect the comparative thermal life. A choice of end points
temperatures above the expected use temperature. The aging should, therefore, be guided by the limiting requirements
temperatures are selected so that the thermal life is at least 100 imposed on the insulation by the manner and conditions of use
h at the highest aging temperature and 5000 h at the lowest in the complete system. End points are not specified in this test
aging temperature. A thermal-life curve is plotted for each method. The first concern is to determine the values of the
aging temperature. The values of thermal life determined from chosen properties as a function of time of thermal exposure at
the thermal-life curve are used to plot the thermal-endurance specified temperatures. The properties are determined at vari-
graph. A temperature index is determined from the thermal- ous intervals of time until a practical minimum or maximum
endurance graph for each aging criterion used. (Different magnitude, whichever is applicable, is reached. The data that
values for the thermal index of a material may be obtained with result are thus universal, that is, usable for any subsequently
different aging criteria.) chosen end point as determined by the specific application of
the rigid electrical insulation.
5. Significance and Use 6.3 The specification for each material should state the end
5.1 Thermal degradation is often a major factor affecting the point to be used.
life of insulating materials and the equipment in which they are
used. The temperature index provides a means for comparing 7. Aging Ovens
the thermal capability of different materials in respect to the 7.1 The accuracy of the test results will depend on the
degradation of a selected property (the aging criterion). This accuracy with which the exposure temperature of the test
property should directly or indirectly represent functional specimens is known. Experience has shown, as indicated in
needs in application. For example, a change in dielectric Table 1, that the thermal life is approximately halved for a
strength may be of direct, functional importance. However, 10°C increase in exposure temperature.
more often a decrease in dielectric strength may indirectly
7.2 Use aging ovens that conform to the requirements of
indicate the development of undesirable cracking (embrittle-
Type I of Specification D 5423.
ment). A decrease in flexural strength may be of direct
importance in some applications, but may also indirectly
8. Test Specimen
indicate a susceptibility to failure in vibration. Often two or
more criteria of failure should be used; for example, dielectric 8.1 The accuracy of the test results depends significantly
strength and flexural strength. upon the number of specimens exposed at each temperature
5.2 Other factors, such as vibration, moisture and contami- and the dispersion of the test results. The larger the individual
nants, may cause failure after thermal degradation takes place. deviations from the mean, the greater is the number of test
In this test method, water absorption provides one means to specimens needed to achieve satisfactory accuracy. Experience
evaluate such considerations. has shown that a minimum of five test specimens should be
5.3 For some applications, the aging criteria in this test used at each exposure temperature. A separate group of test
method may not be the most suitable. Other criteria, such as specimens is required for each exposure period.
elongation at tensile or flexural failure, or resistivity after 8.2 The rate of deterioration may be significantly influenced
exposure to high humidity or weight loss, may serve better. The by specimen thickness. Consequently it is important to test
procedures in this test method may be used with such aging specimens of the same nominal thickness when comparing the
criteria. It is important to consider both the nature of the thermal degradation of two or more materials unless informa-
material and its application. For example, tensile strength may tion relating degradation to thickness is available that indicates
be a poor choice for glass-fiber reinforced laminates, because the contrary. This test method specifies the specimen size,
the glass fiber may maintain the tensile strength even when the including thickness, for each property selected.
D 2304 – 97 (2002)
TABLE 1 Temperature and Exposure Time in Days Remove all of the test specimens after a selected interval of
Exposure Estimated Hottest-Spot Temperature Range, °C time. (See 9.6.) Select the test specimens needed for the test at
Temperature, random. Return the remaining samples to the aging oven and
100 to 125 to 150 to 175 to 200 to
120 145 170 195 240 repeat the process after each succeeding time interval (aging
300 ... ... ... ... 10 period).
290 ... ... ... ... 20
280 ... ... ... ... 40
9.6 Suggested total exposure times with associated test
270 ... ... ... ... 70 temperatures are given in Table 1. Initially, at least seven,
260 ... ... ... ... 140 evenly-spaced, test intervals at each test temperature are
250 ... ... ... 10 280
usually needed to provide sufficient data for the thermal life
240 ... ... ... 20 490 curves. (It is wise to provide sufficient specimens for ten
230 ... ... ... 40 ... intervals.) It is most important to adequately define the later
220 ... ... 10 70 ...
210 ... ... 20 140 ...
portion of the thermal life curve. With experience, fewer test
specimens and time intervals may be needed. At the start, place
200 ... 10 40 280 ... only about half of the test specimens in the aging oven. Then
190 ... 20 70 490 ...
180 10 40 140 ... ...
use a relatively long, initial aging period. The test results after
170 20 70 280 ... ... this initial aging period can provide guidance for subsequent
160 40 140 490 ... ... time intervals for the remaining specimens in the oven. Then
150 70 280 ... ... ...
place the so-far, unaged specimens in the oven or withhold for
140 140 490 ... ... ... an even longer period as suggested by the test results.
130 280 ... ... ... ...
120 490 ... ... ... ...
10. Dielectric Strength
10.1 Apparatus:
PROCEDURES 10.1.1 A testing device shall be employed whereby the test
specimen is clamped under pressure between elastomeric
9. Oven Aging (Thermal Exposure) gaskets to prevent flashover during the measurement. A suit-
9.1 Factors such as moisture, chemical contamination, and able apparatus and details of the electrode assembly used in
mechanical stress or vibration usually do not in themselves this apparatus are illustrated in Fig. 1.
cause failure, but are factors that may result in failure only after 10.1.2 The test assembly shall consist of an upper electrode
the material has been weakened by thermal deterioration. For holder, 2, which is stationary, and a movable lower electrode
this reason, exposure to elevated temperatures is the primary holder, 6. Each holder shall contain a 19-mm (3⁄4-in.) diameter
deteriorating influence considered in this test method. electrode, 11, with edges rounded to a radius of 3.18 mm (1⁄8
9.2 Table 1 is intended as a guide for the selection of in.). An elastomeric gasket, 12, shall surround each electrode,
thermal exposure. Select times and temperatures from those allowing approximately 1.59-mm (1⁄16-in.) circumferential
given in this table. The exposure times given are approximately clearance between the gasket and the electrode. The specimen,
equal to the average estimated life at each exposure tempera- 5, shall be placed between the electrodes, which shall be
ture based on thermal aging data obtained on insulating spring-loaded, 10, to provide 2.22-N (1⁄2-lbf) electrode pres-
materials and systems. It is recognized that this table may be sure. Application of compressed air, controlled by a regulator,
revised as a result of experience. Either the time or the 9, to the air cylinder, 8, causes the lower electrode assembly to
temperature may be adjusted to make the best use of available move upward against the specimen. The specimen is thus
oven facilities. sealed between the holders by the elastomeric gaskets.
9.3 Age at a minimum of three and preferably four tempera- 10.1.3 The holders shall be constructed from suitable elec-
tures. Choose the lowest temperature to be less than 25°C trical insulating materials.
above the hottest-spot temperature expected in use so that the
NOTE 1—Polyethylene is suggested for room-temperature tests. Ce-
thermal life is at least 5000 h. Select the highest temperature so ramic or silicone-glass may be used for elevated-temperature tests.
that the thermal life is at least 100 h. If possible, the aging
temperatures should differ from each other by at least 20°C. 10.1.4 The gaskets shall be made from sheets of uncured
9.4 The selection of the appropriate aging temperatures for silicone rubber of the highest track resistance available. These
an unknown material may require a short exploratory test shall be molded in place between the holders under pressure
performed at the highest likely aging temperature. Results from and cured by application of heat.
thermal aging tests for a material with similar composition may 10.1.5 The apparatus shall be so constructed that the bearing
provide clues for an appropriate selection of the first explor- pressure is transmitted to an angle iron frame, 7, by means of
atory temperature. The chemical composition of the material to a bearing ring, 3, and a top plate, 14. Sheet metal, 4, or metal
be tested, if known, may also provide a means for estimating lath shall be used to protect the operator from high voltage.
the first aging temperature to be used. Additional tests can then
NOTE 2—The construction described allows placing the electrodes
be made at lower or higher temperatures as indicated by the inside a standard oven for tests at elevated temperature if desired. The
first exploratory test. (See Table 1 and 9.3.) oven wall replaces the metal guard, 4. The only modification to the oven
9.5 Place a sufficient number of specimens to conduct the that is required is cutting holes through the top and bottom for the
tests used for the selected aging criterion in each aging oven. electrode holders.
D 2304 – 97 (2002)
10.1.6 The electrode connecting rods, 1 and 13, shall be 10.2.2 Five or more specimens per exposure interval shall
tapped into the electrodes for ease of disassembly when it is be used for each temperature as selected in accordance with
necessary to clean the electrodes by machining. Section 8.
10.1.7 The dimensions of the holders and clearance dis- 10.2.3 Screen all specimens by applying 12 000 V for 1
tances are determined by the highest voltage that is desired. A min. Specimens that fail the screening test shall be discarded.
practical working assembly used up to 60 kV has the following 10.3 Procedure:
dimensions: 10.3.1 Test for electric strength in accordance with Methods The holders and gaskets are 120.7 mm (43⁄4 in.) in D 149.
diameter. 10.3.2 Obtain the thickness of each test specimen at or near The electrodes are mounted inside an oven, the its center and record.
inside dimensions of which are 381 by 356 by 292 mm (15 by 10.3.3 Condition five or more specimens for 48 h in the
14 by 111⁄2 in.). Standard Laboratory Atmosphere (23 6 1.1°C, 50 % relative
humidity). The closest air-gap distance from the holder insu-
10.3.4 Measure the breakdown voltage of each of five or
lation to the ground inside the oven is 127 mm (5 in.).
more specimens at room temperature, using the pressure The closest air-gap distance from the sphere at- electrodes, by applying voltage at the rate of 0.5 kV/s.
tached to the high-voltage electrode connecting rod to a ground Calculate and record the electric strength in kV/mm (V/mil)
is 254 mm (10 in.). (breakdown voltage divided by thickness in millimetres or
10.2 Test Specimens: mils). (Warning—Lethal voltages are a potential hazard dur-
10.2.1 The test specimens shall be 152-mm (6-in.) squares ing the performance of this test. It is essential that the test
cut from nominal 1.58-mm (1⁄16-in.) thick sheets, or shall be apparatus, and all associated equipment that may be electri-
152-mm diameter disks molded to a nominal 1.58 mm thick- cally connected to it, be properly designed and installed for
ness. safe operation. Solidly ground all electrically conductive parts
D 2304 – 97 (2002)
which it is possible for a person to contact during the test. 11.3.3 Place approximately 50 specimens, or ten times the
Provide means for use at the completion of any test to ground number of specimens used for each exposure interval, in the
any parts which were at high voltage during the test or have the aging oven maintained at the selected temperature. At the end
potential for acquiring an induced charge during the test or of the first exposure interval, remove five or more specimens
retaining a charge even after disconnection of the voltage and allow to cool to room temperature for 2 h.
source. Thoroughly instruct all operators as to the correct 11.3.4 Test the specimens as in 11.3.2.
procedures for performing tests safely. When making high 11.3.5 Remove the same number of specimens again at the
voltage tests, particularly in compressed gas or in oil, it is end of another exposure interval; allow to cool to room
possible for the energy released at breakdown to be sufficient to temperature for 2 h.
result in fire, explosion, or rupture of the test chamber. Design 11.3.6 Test the specimens as in 11.3.2.
test equipment, test chambers, and test specimens so as to 11.3.7 Repeat until all specimens are tested or until it is
minimize the possibility of such occurrences and to eliminate judged that flexural strength has reached a practical minimum
the possibility of personal injury. If the potential for fire exists, value. As the data are collected, it may be indicated that
have fire suppression equipment available.) specimens should not be tested at the end of each planned
10.3.5 Place approximately 50 specimens, or ten times the exposure period but rather after two or more of the planned
number of specimens used for each exposure interval, in the exposure intervals. Make any adjustment that is deemed
aging oven maintained at the selected temperature. At the end necessary to obtain the degradation rate.
of the first exposure interval, remove five or more specimens 11.3.8 Plot results with flexural strength as ordinate and
and allow to cool for 2 h in the Standard Laboratory Atmo- total elevated temperature aging time as abscissa. (A log
sphere. abscissa is recommended.)
10.3.6 Test the specimens as in 10.3.4.
10.3.7 Remove the same number of specimens again at the 12. Water Absorption
end of another exposure interval; allow to cool for 2 h as in 12.1 Apparatus—An analytical balance and oven as de-
10.3.5. scribed in Test Method D 570 and a desiccator.
10.3.8 Test the specimens again as in 10.3.4. 12.2 Test Specimen:
10.3.9 Repeat until all specimens are tested or until it is 12.2.1 The test specimen shall be 76 by 25 by 3 mm (3 by
judged that dielectric strength has reached a practical minimum 1 by 1⁄8 in.) nominal thickness.
value. As the data are collected it may be indicated that 12.2.2 Use five or more specimens per exposure period for
specimens should not be tested at the end of such planned each temperature as selected in accordance with Section 9.
exposure interval but rather after two or more of the planned 12.3 Procedure:
intervals. Make any adjustment that is deemed necessary to
12.3.1 Measure water absorption in accordance with Test
obtain the degradation rate.
Method D 570. Condition specimens for 1 h at 105 to 110°C
10.3.10 Plot results with dielectric strength as ordinate and and allow to cool in a desiccator for 2 h at room temperature
total elevated temperature aging time as abscissa. (A log before weighing, except remove thermally aged specimens
abscissa is recommended.) from the oven directly to the desiccator and weigh after 2 h of
cooling. Use the procedure requiring 24 h immersion in water
11. Flexural Strength at 23°C. Unless it has been demonstrated that the test material
11.1 Apparatus—A testing machine, loading nose, and sup- contains negligible water-soluble matter, determine the water-
ports conforming to the requirements of Test Methods D 790. soluble matter.
11.2 Test Specimen: 12.3.2 Measure the water absorption of each of five or more
11.2.1 The test specimen shall be 76 by 25 by 3 mm (3 by specimens.
1 by 1⁄8 in.) in nominal thickness. 12.3.3 Place approximately 50 specimens, or ten times the
11.2.2 Specimens obtained from laminated plastics shall all number of planned exposure intervals, in the aging oven
be cut from the same direction of the sheet, lengthwise or maintained at the selected temperature. At the end of the first
crosswise. Where the direction cannot easily be determined, exposure interval, remove five or more specimens and place
preliminary room-temperature tests shall be made. The direc- directly in a desiccator to cool to room temperature for 2 h.
tion exhibiting the greater flexural strength shall be considered 12.3.4 Measure the water absorption as in 12.3.2.
the lengthwise direction. This corresponds to the warp direc- 12.3.5 Remove five or more specimens again at the end of
tion of woven fabrics or to the machine direction for papers. the next exposure interval and allow to cool in a desiccator as
11.2.3 Use five or more specimens per exposure period for previously.
each temperature as selected in accordance with Section 9. 12.3.6 Test the specimens as in 12.3.2.
11.3 Procedure—Measure flexural strength flatwise in ac- 12.3.7 Repeat until all specimens are tested or until it is
cordance with Test Method D 229. Load the specimen on a judged that water absorption has reached a practical maximum
50-mm (2-in.) span. value. As the data are collected, it may be indicated that
11.3.1 Obtain the thickness of each test specimen and specimens should not be tested at the end of each planned
record. exposure interval but rather after two or more of the planned
11.3.2 Obtain the flexural strength of each of five or more exposure periods. Any adjustment that is deemed necessary to
specimens in accordance with Test Method D 229 and record. obtain the degradation rate shall be used.
D 2304 – 97 (2002)
12.3.8 Plot results with water absorption as ordinate and linearity is obtained, it is acceptable to use the statistical
total elevated temperature aging times as abscissa. (A log procedures described in IEEE 101 which provide a means for
abscissa is recommended.) computing the plot by regression analysis with the lower 95 %
confidence limit.
13. Calculation 13.2.2 Determine the temperature index from the Arrhenius
13.1 For each temperature establish the thermal-life curve plot as the value on the temperature scale at which the
best fitting the plot of the average value of the selected aging extrapolated line crosses the specified value of time, usually
criterion—dielectric strength, flexural strength or water ab- 20 000 h. This index is recorded as a simple number, not as °C.
sorption. Determine from this plot the number of hours
corresponding to the value of the selected end point in 14. Report
accordance with 6.1 and 6.3—the thermal life. 14.1 Report the following information:
13.1.1 Show all of the experimental points on the thermal- 14.1.1 A description of the material,
life curve. A best fitting plot often may be made by eye without 14.1.2 Any special treatment or conditioning of the mate-
the use of statistical procedures. Interest lies in the later part of rial,
the curve which includes the end point. Scatter of test results in 14.1.3 The aging criteria used and the ambient, if other than
the early part of the thermal-life curve is not important. If air,
considerable scatter of the experimental points occurs, it may 14.1.4 The dimensions of the test specimen used for each
be possible to use simple statistical procedures to arrive at a aging criterion,
suitable probable average value. If a best fitting plot cannot be 14.1.5 The unaged test results for each aging criterion used,
obtained by eye, statistical procedures may be used with 14.1.6 The end point used for the thermal life curves,
caution, but it may be prudent to repeat the test in this case. 14.1.7 A thermal life curve for each aging temperature,
13.2 Record the values of thermal life at each exposure 14.1.8 The thermal-endurance graph with confidence limits
temperature on graph paper with the logarithm of time as the (if determined),
ordinate and the reciprocal of the absolute temperature, 1/K, as 14.1.9 The value of time used in the determination of the
the abscissa. The scale for the abscissa is often plotted from temperature index, and
right to left with values in °C. Such graph paper may be 14.1.10 The value of the temperature index.
constructed by hand or with a suitable computer program.
Special graph papers for this purpose may also be purchased 15. Precision and Bias
and can be used if the scales are suitable. 15.1 The precision of this test method has not been deter-
13.2.1 The values of thermal life often may be plotted mined. A statement of bias is not applicable because a standard
appropriately by eye as a straight line—the Arrhenius plot. reference material is not available.
Sometimes a straight line can be plotted just through three
points at the lower temperatures. In such case the value at the 16. Keywords
higher temperature may be disregarded. If a pronounced 16.1 a-c breakdown voltage; flexural strength; heat aging;
curvature exists in the plot, it may be necessary to obtain data rigid plates; rigid sheets; thermal endurance; thermosetting
at an additional lower aging temperature. When reasonable laminates; water absorption
(1) Winans, R. R., and Hand, W., “Electrical Properties of Thermosetting (4) Wechsler, K., “The Evaluation of Thermal Endurance of Rigid
Plastics at Elevated Temperatures.” Symposium on Temperature Sta- Electrical Insulation,” Third Annual Conference on Application of
bility of Electrical Insulating Materials, ASTM STP 161, Am. Soc. Electrical Insulation, IEEE-NEMA, Chicago, Ill., Dec. 5–8, 1960.
Testing Mats., 1954, p. 59. (5) “IEC 216 Guide for the Determination of Thermal Endurance Prop-
(2) Power, G. E., “Appraisal of High Temperature Behavior of Laminates erties of Electrical Insulating Materials (Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4)” American
with Time,” IEEE CP 55–234, Inst. Electrical and Electronic Engrs.,
National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
(3) Kouwenhoven, W. B., Knickerbocker, G. G., and Wechsler, K., (6) “UL 746B Polymeric Materials—Long Term Properties Evaluations.”
“Thermal Stability of Laminated Thermosetting Plastics,” IEEE CP Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 33 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL
57–141, Inst. Electrical and Electronic Engrs., 1957. 60062.
D 2304 – 97 (2002)
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