Parts of House

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris/Part of House Hari, Tanggal :

Kelas : 3 (tiga) Waktu : 60 menit

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) 5. I sleep in the……

a, b, c, or d! a. Bedroom
b. Bathroom
1. This is a….. c. Kitchen
d. Roof
a. Wall
b. Door 6. I Take a bath (mandi) in the….
c. Window a. Dining room
d. Floor b. Guest room
c. Bathroom
d. Garage
2. That is a…….
7. My Mother is cooking in the….
a. Gate a. Gate
b. Bathroom b. Kitchen
c. Balcony c. Door
d. Living room d. Window

8. A: “What is this?"
3. Is it a bedroom? B: “This is a……

a. Dining room
a. No,it is b. Living room
b. No, it is not c. Bedroom
c. Yes, it is d. Bathroom
d. Yes, it is not

9. Bahasa Inggrisnya atap adalah

a. Garage
4. A: Is it a Kitchen? b. Living room
B: No,it is not c. Roof
A: What is this? d. Bathroom
B: This is a..
10. Bahasa inggrisnya gerbang adalah
a. Kitchen
a. Living room b. Floor
b. Garage c. Garage
c. Bedroom d. Gate
d. Bathroom
11. Garden artinya 14. These are part of the house,except
a. Garasi (kecuali)
b. Kebun a. Classroom
c. Kamar mandi b. Living room
d. Dapur c. Dining room
12. Guest room artinya d. Kitchen
a. Pagar 15. There is a… the yard
b. Ruang keluarga a. Window
c. Atap b. Door
d. Lantai c. Wall
The text is for number 13-15 d. Garden
Mrs Sinta has a big house. The house is
beautiful and clean. The house has nine
rooms. These are a living room, a kitchen, a
dining room ,two bedrooms ,and a garage.
The house also has a gate.There is also a
garden in the yard.

13. MrsSinta has a big

a. Garden
b. Kitchen
c. House
d. Bedroom
B. Translate into Indonesia !(Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia)
1. Kitchen
2. Wall
3. Roof
4. Garage
5. Guest room
6. Living room
7. Dining room
8. Bathroom
9. Garden
10. Bedroom

C. Answer the question below!

1. Mention three parts of your house..
2. Translate into English !
a. Ini adalah kamar tidurku
b. Itu adalah kamar mandiku
c. Itu adalah kebunku
3. Translate into Indonesia !
a. My bedroom is clean
b. I have two bathrooms
c. I sleep in the bedroom
4. Fill in the blanks !
a. g _ r_ g _
b. w_ n_ _w
c. k _t c_ _ n
5. Arrange these words !
a. e-f-n-c-e
b. r-f-o-o
c. a-l-b-c-n-y-o
Answer Key
1. B 6. C 11. B
2. B 7. B 12. B
3. C 8. A 13. C
4. B 9. C 14. A
5. A 10. D 15. D
1. Dapur
2. Dinding
3. Atap
4. Garasi
5. Ruang keluarga
6. Ruang tamu
7. Ruang makan
8. Kamar mandi
9. Kebun
10. Kamar

1. Kebijaksanaan guru
gate, window)
2. a. This is my bedroom
b. That is my bathroom
c. That is my garden
3. a. Kamarku bersih
b. Saya mempunyai dua kamar mandi
c. Saya tidur di kamar
4 a. g a ra g e
b. w i n do w
c.k i t c he n
5. a. fence
b. roof
c. balcony
Bobot penilaian:
I : 1 x 15 = 15
II : 2x 10 = 20
III : 3 x 5 = 15
Total: 50 x 2 = 100

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