Universidad Tecnologica de Santiago Utesa Recinto-Mao: Rodelfi Rodríguez 1-15-7424

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Rodelfi Rodríguez

Ciencias Sociales

Título del trabajo:


Inglés 4

Valentín Cruz.

Third Assignment
Talk about posible future situations
Page 90
Read the text and work the exercises C and D.
Do not do the page 91.

Page 92
Describe what animals do
Language expansión: ADVERBS OF MANNER
Read the explanation and do the exercise A using the adverbs of manner.
Do exercise B. What is the adverb for each adjective? Write a sentence with each of
the adverbs.

Page 93
Review the information of the quantifiers on page 91. Make sure about which of
them are used for count nouns, non-count nouns and which can be used in both
Do the exercise B, on page 93.

Pages 94-95
Give your opinion about a problem in nature.
Read the text and do exercises A, B and C.
Third Assignment
Talk about possible future situations
Page 90
Read the text and work the exercises C and D.
Do not do the page 91.

C. listens to the first part of the radio program again. Use the information to fill in the blanks.

Bluefin tuna

1. Up to ____12 ________feet long

2. Weighs more than___1500___________
3. Colors:_______Silver_____ _____Yellow________ _____Blue________
4. Swims more tan______25_______ miles an hour
5. Lives up to ______30________ years

D. Listen to the second part of the program again and complete the sentences.

1. In ___Japan______ people use it to make sushi, and in _______Europe__ people

love to cook big pieces for tuna steaks.
2. If the boats _______too many___________ big bluefins, there ____wont
be________ young fish in the future.
3. Only ______10 percent_______ of the original population of bluefins was left.
4. If the big boats ___destroy_____the fishing in the Mediterranean, many poor
people __will lose_____ their jobs.
5. If this amazing fish____disappears________ , the seas _____will lose________ a
great treasure.

A. How do they do it? Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with an adverb from
the box.

Beautifully fast well slowly loudly

1. A snailbadly
moves ____Slowly_______
2. A cat hunts _________ fast _________
3. A penguin walks _____ slowly _________
4. A shark swims ______ fast __________
5. A lion Roars _________ loudly _________
6. A bird sings ________ Beautifully ___________

Adverbs of manner
Adjective +ly irregular adverbs
Quick + ly = quickly good well
Careful + ly = carefully fast fast
Happy + ¡+ ly = happily hard hard
*Advers of manner tell how an action is done.
A snail moves slowly
A cheetah runs fast.

*Advers of manner come after the verb.

Page 92
Describe what animals do
Language expansión: ADVERBS OF MANNER
Read the explanation and do the exercise A using the adverbs of manner.
Do exercise B. What is the adverb for each adjective? Write a sentence with each of
the adverbs.
B. what is the adverb for each adjective? On onother sheet of paper write a sentence
using the adverb.
Quick (Quickly)

Careful (Carefully)

Quiet (Quietly )

easy (Easily)

loud (Loudly)

1- Honey, please try to cook quickly our guest are almost here.
2- Go carefully, there are delinquents at night
3- The baby is sleeping quietly
4- Im sure I’ll pass the math exam easily
5- The neighbors are listening their loudly music

Page 93
Review the informtion of the quantifiers on page 91. Make sure avbout which of
them are used for count nouns, non-count nouns and which can be used in both
Do the exercise B, on page 93.
Review the information in the cart. The circle the correct quantifier in each sentence below.

With Count Nouns eggs with non-Count Nouns
Too few too little meats
A few a little
Some some
A lot of a lot of
Many Too Much
Too many
*Quantifiers tell us how much or how many
*don´t use much in affirmative sentences: he has much money. He has a lot of money.

1. Raccoons eat (many /a little) different kinds of food.

2. They eat ( a little /a lot of) nuts
3. Raccoons will eat (a few/ a little) insects if they find them.
4. They sometimes eat (a little/many). Soap.
5. If a raccoon goes in your garbage can, you´ ll find (a lot of/ many) garbage all
around the place¡

Pages 94-95
Give your opinion about a problem in nature.
Read the text and do exercises A, B and C.

A- Discuss these questions:

1- Why do people visit national parks and other nature areas?
Some people visit these places to feel in touch with nature and to see wildlife
2- What are ore most famous nature areas in your country? What problems do they
Pico Duarte is one of the most famous places in Dominican Republic, on of the
biggest problem is facing right now with people cutting down trees

B- Circle T for true F for false, or NI for no information.

1- There are no wolves in Yellowstone today T F

2- Wolves can kill animals that are much bigger than them T F NI
3- Wolves live in families T F NI
4- Wolves often hurt people T F NI
5- People killed all of the wolves in Yellowstone T F NI
6- Wolves sometimes kill farm animals T F NI
7- Wolves can run very fast T F NI

C- Number the events to put them in order

4 There are fewer elk
3 More willow trees grow
2 The wolves kill and eat elk
1 There are more wolves in the park

4 The wolves get out of the park

2 The wolves kill cows and sheep
3 Ranchers lose money
1 Ranches Get angry

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