Was Were

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A. Read the text and complete it with was or were.

Maddie and Bryan __________ born in Colorado, in the

1960s. Maddie, whose father __________ a famous hippie,
__________ born on April 15, 1968, and Bryan __________
born exactly on the same day, one year later. Bryan’s
parents __________ also well-known hippies. They
__________ all in the gathering in the Golden Gate Park,
San Francisco, in the “Summer of Love” (1967), as it
__________ known. “Peace, Love and Freedom” __________
the words at the time.
Maddie and Bryan __________ in San Francisco on
holiday last March. It __________ Maddie’s idea. She __________ curious about the hippie
movement and the place where their parents had lived. They __________ lucky. The weather
__________ good, the people __________ very nice and the food __________ great. They
__________ at the famous Golden Gate Bridge and at the Fisherman’s Wharf, and they took
a cable car ride at California Street. It __________ an amazing experience!

B. Answer these questions on the text. C. Now ask questions for these answers.
1. In which decade were Maddie and Bryan 1.
born? _________________________________ ___________________________________?
_______________________________________ Maddie and Bryan were born in
2. Who was Maddie’s father? _____________ Colorado.
3. When was Bryan born? _______________ ___________________________________?
_______________________________________ Maddie was born on April 15, 1968.
4. Where were they all in the summer of
1967? __________________________________ 3.
5. How was the summer of 1967 known? Bryan’s parents were well-known
________________________________________ hippies.
6. Whose idea was it to go on holiday to San
Francisco? ______________________________ ____________________________________?
7. Why did she want to go there? _________ The words were “Peace, Love and
________________________________________ Freedom”
________________________________________ 4.
8. What was the weather like? ____________ ____________________________________?
________________________________________ They were in San Francisco last
9. Did they enjoy their trip? ______________ March.
________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________?
The food was great.
6. ___________________________________?
Yes, the people were very nice.

7. ___________________________________?
No, they weren’t at the railway

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