Biniam HMariam

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(The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa)



Biniam H/Mariam

Advisor: Adane Atara (PhD)


December, 2018
Addis Ababa
(The case of Dashen Bank S.C, Addis Ababa)

Biniam H/Mariam
(Id No. GSD/1764/08)







Chairman, Graduate Studies Signature

______________________ _________________

Research Advisor

______________________ _________________

External Examiner

______________________ _________________

Internal Examiner

______________________ _________________
Declaration................................................................................................................................. i

Endorsement .............................................................................................................................ii

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ iii

List of Abbreviations and acronyms ..................................................................................... iv

Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... v

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 6

1.1 Background of the Study ......................................................................................... .6

1.2 Background of the target organization .................................................................. 8

1.3 Statement of the Problem ......................................................................................... 8

1.4 Basic Research Questions ......................................................................................... 9

1.5 Objective of the Study ............................................................................................... 9

1.5.1 General Objective .............................................................................................. 9

1.5.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................... 10

1.6 Significance of the Study......................................................................................... 10

1.7 Scope/ Delimitation of the Study ............................................................................ 10

1.8 Limitation of the Study ........................................................................................... 11

1.9 Organization of the study ....................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................... 12

2.1. Theoretical Literature Review ................................................................................... 12

2.1.1 Customer Service..................................................................................................... 12

2.1.2 Customer Relationship Management .................................................................... 14

2.1.3 History of CRM ....................................................................................................... 15

2.1.4 Definitions of CRM ................................................................................................. 16

2.1.5 Drivers for CRM Application ................................................................................ 18

2.1.6 Benefits of CRM ...................................................................................................... 20

TABLE 2.1- The Most Important Concept Of CRM ………………………. 21

2.1.7 Critical Elements of CRM ...................................................................................... 22

2.1.8 Information Technologies for CRM ...................................................................... 24

TABLE 2.2. IT Factors in CRM ………………………………………. 25

2.1.9 Customers’ satisfaction ........................................................................................... 25

2.1.10 Dashen Bank CRM Documet review ..................................................................... 26

2.2. Empirical Literature Review ..................................................................................... 33

2.3. Conceptual Frame Work ............................................................................................ 34

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................... 36

3.1. Research Approach ................................................................................................. 36

3.2. Research Design....................................................................................................... 36

3.3. Population of the studay ......................................................................................... 36

3.4. Sampling Technique and Sample Size determination ......................................... 37

3.5. Data Type and Source ............................................................................................. 37

3.6. Data collection instrument...................................................................................... 38

3.6.1 Questionnaire .................................................................................................. 38

3.6.2 Document Review ........................................................................................... 38

3.7. Data Collection Procedures ..................................................................................... 38

3.8. Ethical Consideration .............................................................................................. 38

3.9. Data Analysis ............................................................................................................ 39

3.10. Data Quality Assessmet ......................................................................................... 39

CHAPTER FOUR: Finding, Interpretation and Discussion of results ............................ 40

4.1. Respondent’s Demographic Data ........................................................................... 40

Table 4.1: Table 4.1 : Respondent Demographic information……………. 40

4.2. Customer Relationship Managemetn practice of the bank .................................. 41

4.2.1 Summary of Results on Convenience & Physical Appearanc .................... 42

Table 4.2: Convenience & Physical Appearance ………………………. 42

4.2.2 Summary of Results on Employees’s behavior, Relationship & ............... 54

Table 4.3 : Employee’s behavior, Relationship development & ……………. 54

4.2.3 Summary of Results on pricing, Responsivenes & Customer service ....... 47

Table 4.4: Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service……………. 47

4.2.4 Summary of Results on Customers info. Database, product & ................. 49

Table 4.5: Customers Database management, Product Development & …….. 59

4.2.5 Summary of Results on CRM practice and Customers satisfaction .......... 51

Table 4.6: CRM practice and customer satisfaction ………………………. 51

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary of Findings, Conclusion & Recommendation ................... 53

5.1 Summary of Finiding ................................................................................................. 53

5.2 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 55

5.3 Recommendation......................................................................................................... 56

References ........................................................................................................................... 59


I, the under signed, declare that this 'project paper' entitled with “ ASSESSMENT OF
S.C, Addis Ababa)”, is my original work, prepared under the guidance of my Advisor Adane
Atara (PhD). All necessary sources of materials used for the preparation of this 'thesis' have
been appropriately acknowledged. Moreover, I want to confirm that the thesis has not been
submitted either in part or in full to any other higher learning institution for the purpose of
earning any degree.

_________________________ ___________________________
Name Signature & Date


This is to certify that this Project paper work, entitled ASSESSMENT OF USTOMER
Ababa)” which is undertaken by Biniam H/Marima for the partial fulfillment for the
requirements of the degree of Masters of Art in Project Management at Addis Ababa
University, is an original work and not submitted earlier for any degree either at this
University or any other University.

__________________________ ______________________
Research Advisor Signature & Date


First of all I would like to thank GOD for helping me to finalize this project

I would like to greatly express my utmost gratitude to my advisor, Adane Atara

(PhD) for his unreserved guidance to finalize this project paper.

I extend my gratitude to all Dashen Bank Management and staff for their
cooperation with me by providing the necessary data.

Finally, I express my gratitude to all of my family and friends for their

encouragement in completing this project paper.


CRM : Customer Relationship Mamagement

NBE : National Bank of Ethiopia
CBE : Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
DBE : Development Bank of Ethiopia
CBB : Construction and Business Bank
ATM : Automatic Teller Machine
POS : Point Of Sale
CIS : Customer information systems
ECRM : Electronic Customer Relationship Management
E-MAIL : Electronic mail
SMS : Short Message Service
SPSS : Statistical Package for Social Science


The main objective of this study is to assess the customer relationship management practice
in case Dashen Bank. CRM is one of the critical strategies that can be employed by
organizations to improve competitive advantage. Four critical CRM elements are measured in this
study are; first the convenience & physical appearance, second employee’s behavior,
relationship development & reliability, third pricing policy, responsiveness & customer
Service quality and forth customers information database management, product development
& promotion. The study adopted a descriptive design and quantitative data were employed to
address the objective. Both primary and secondary data were used. The quantitative data were
collected through a structured questionnaire and document review. The Population for the
study was 1,403 Corporate Customers of Dashen Bank in Addis Ababa ( those customers
data were found from the bank Information technology department) and the study was
conducted on the basis of opinion survey collected from randomly selected 311 Corporate
Customers, expecting that those customers have significant impact on the bank long run
profitability. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Percentage, mean,
standard deviation and relevant statistical methods were employed. Moreover, tables and
elaborations were used to present the findings. Based on 311 respondents this study found
that the overall assessment of Customer relationship management practice is at good level.
However, the bank is weak implementation of easy customer support access like call center,
supportive and updated website, helpdesk and other alternative communication channels that
helps the customers at the absence of the relationship manager which are responsible for
handling customers transactions, employees and management team periodical Customer visit,
absence of Convenient parking space and capturing and updating customer information and
use the information to satisfy customer needs.

Key Words: Customer Relationship Management, Customer satisfaction, Dashen Bank,


1.1 Background of the study
A business is formed by any one person, two people or more, who carry on a commercial
enterprise to provide services, products or both, in turn generate profit and maximize wealth to
the owners of the organizations. It is materialized when the organizations have existing and
potential customers.

A customer is an individual or business that purchases goods or services produced by a business.

The customer is the end goal of businesses, since it is the customer who pays for supply and
creates demand.

Customer service is an important part of maintaining ongoing client relationships that are keys to
continuing revenue. Bringing in new customers is great, but won't keep a business profitable for
long if those customers don't come back for more and they will only do this if they are happy.

According to the definition of Gronroos (2000), a service is a process that consists of a set of
activities which take place in interactions between a customer and people, goods and other
physical resources, systems and/or infrastructures representing the service provider and possibly
involving other customers, which aim at solving customers‟ problems. .

According to Elain (1996), customer service is anything we do for the customer that enhances
the customer experience. Customers have various ideas as to what they expect from customer
interaction. The customer service provider must go to know his/her/its customers and strive to
provide them with excellent customer service as customer satisfaction is the goal to attain.

Today, companies have realized that customers are the life blood of the business; business
survival is largely depended on the customers. The realization of this fact has made it possible
for companies to have a better chance to outperform competition. Customers are therefore, better
satisfied through a competitive superior product and services beyond their expectation. satisfying
the customer eventually graduate into a relationship where the company sees the customer as part

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 6
of the business and business decision making by continuously seeking customers opinion.
According to Kotler and Keller (2006) marketers must connect with customers, informing,
engaging and may be even energizing them in the process.

Having every detail of organization’s customers gave birth to the concept of customer
relationship management (CRM). Customer relationship management is a marketing approach
providing satisfaction of customer needs at every point of interaction between the customer and
the cooperation (Kotler & Keller 2012, 2011). Customer relationship management is not just
about installing software or automating customer touch points. It is about the reinvention of our
enterprises around the customer and becoming customer-centric (Saunders, Wong, Kotler, &
Armstrong, 2001).

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a concept for managing a company’s interactions

with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate,
and synchronize business processes. The objectives of CRM are to enhance profitability, income,
and customer satisfaction. To attain CRM, many organizations use set of tools, technologies, and
procedures to support the relationship with the customer to enhance sales. Therefore, CRM is an
issue of strategic business and process rather than a technical one, Dowling (2002). Baran &
Galka (2013) reveal that customer relationship management is a protective marketing strategy
that focuses on managing the customer experience by understanding their needs and purchase
behavior. It is an efficient way to strength the relationship between a company and its customer,
transforming links into friends and partners. This is done by building learning relationships.

Outtalk (2007) saw CRM as a business strategy to identify the banks most profitable customers
and prospects, and devotes time and attention to expanding account relationships with those
customers through individualized marketing, reprising, discretionary decision making, and
customized service all delivered through the various sales channels that the bank uses.

Having realized the importance of customer relationship management, and its potential to help
acquiring new customer, retain existing ones and maximize their lifetime value. Onutetal (2007)
suggest that, IT and marketing should have a proper coordination to provide a long term
retention and selection of customers.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 7
1.2 Background of the target organization
Dashen Bank is the second private commercial bank, next to Awash Bank, established in the
year 1995 with eleven shareholders and authorized and paid up capital of Birr 50 million and
14.9 million respectively having a share value of Birr 1,000.00, according to the first financial
report of the bank reported for eighteen months ended June 30, 1997.

As per the financial report of 2016/2017 fiscal year, the Bank’s authorized and paid up capital
has been raised to Birr 2.5 billion and 1.93 billion respectively. The total asset of the Bank is
34.6 billion and its total deposit is Birr 27.8 billion. As per the report, the Bank has 303
branchesand from these branches 153 branches are located in Addis Ababa, 6 forex bureaus, 1.8
million depositors and from these depositors 882,492 customers are here in Addis Ababa, 7,297
employees, 205 ATM machines and 837 POS machines. Its gross profit for the stated fiscal year
is 980 million.

Because of the growing competition, Dashen Bank, like some other private banks, is finding it
challenging to maintain the growth momentum gained over the years. Slowdowns have been
observed in resource mobilization despite the unprecedented branch network expansion.To
overcome the mounting challenges and ensure sustainable growth and profitability, there is a
need to guard the market share by adopting customer-centric strategies that guarantees delivery
of quality customer service and maintain continuous customer satisfaction by implementing
Customer relationship Management concept.

Therefore, this study is designed to assess the customer relationships management practice in the
case of Dashen Bank S.C, Addis Ababa.

1.3 Statement of the problem

The importance for a bank of managing the relationships with their customers is very critical in
the expansion of client base which has a direct impact in increasing banks turnover.Now a day’s
various strategies have evolved in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation.
Such a key strategy is like;creating better looks and present in a convenient area, swift response
of customer needs, being reliable and gives personal attention to customers, introducing various

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 8
valuable products and gives highly customer oriented service, attractive and flexible price and
pricing police, user various database system to collects information about customers and a way
to analyze the information in the database and a strategy for applying the analysis to better meet
the clients’ needs and identify potential customers.

Another area of ensuring Customer Relationship Management (CRM) enhancement is

establishment of numerous branches and increasing staff strength of banking institutions. This is
to help in reducing congestion and long queues in the banking halls.

The study seeks to look at the implementation of these and other customer relationship
management strategies in case of Dashen Bank S.Co. Addis Ababa.

1.4 Basic Research Questions

This study addresses the following research question
I. Is the location and physical appearance of the bank convenient to customer
II. How do the bank officers and higher officials on relationship development &
III. Are the bank’s staffs and management responsive to client needs/requests,service
IV. How does the bank CRM practice and Employees behavior perceived by
V. How do the bank collect and process customer information, product development
and promotion practice?

1.5 Objective of the Study

1.5.1 General Objective

The general objective of the research is to assess the impact of Customer relationship
management on Customer satisfaction.

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1.5.2 Specific Objectives
The specific objective of the research is:
To assess the bank branches location convenience and physical appearance to
customer service.
To assess the bank officers and higher officials relationship development practice
& trustworthiness.
To assess the bank staffs and Managements team responsiveness to client
needs/requests, service quality and pricing.
To assess the bank CRM practice and Employees behavior.
To assess the bank data collection & process management, product development
and promotion practice?

1.6 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study emanates from its objective in such a way that;
It may assist the management and employees of the bank to have information about the
perception of the customers regarding the Customer Relationship Management of the
It may support to take appropriate action in order to improve the Customer relationship
It may helps the Bank’s customers to get quality service, if the Bank identifies its
weaknesses and strengths
Moreover it may help to other banks who want to study their performance related to their
Customer Relationship Management to some extent.
Lastly but not least, the study will have contribution for further knowledge/reference on
the area and to conducting research.

1.7 Scope/ Delimitation of the Study

As per the 21th Annual report and other internal documents almost half of the bank customers
are customers of Addis Ababa branches, considering this and the high economic activates of the
city the study was delimited in Addis Ababa, Dashen Bank Corporate Customers.

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As per Dashen bank definition, corporate customer’s means customers who have transaction,
deposit and loan above birr 5million. By considering this concept the researcher delimited his
scope of study to those customers whose transaction, deposit, and loan was birr 5million or
above as of June 30, 2017 in Addis Ababa. The number of those Customers was 1,403.

The research topic covers the issues of the bank branches Convenience & physical Appearance,
Relationship development & Reliability, Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service
Quality, CRM practice & Employees behavior, Customers Database management, Product
Development & promotion and as a result the customer satisfaction.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

the limitations of this research was lack few respondents commitment to completely fill the
questionnaires on time.

1.9 Organization of the study

The study comprises five respective chapters, Reference and Appendix.

Chapter one: Introduction

This chapter would contain the background of the study, Background of target organizations,
statement of the problem, basic research questions, objectives of the study, Significance of the
study, Scope/delimitation of the study, Limitation of the study.

Chapter Two: Literature Review

This part of the study deals with the literature relevant to the proposed study and conceptual

Chapter Three: Research Methodology of the Study

In this chapter the researcher described the research approach, research design, population of the
study, sampling technique and sample size determination, data type and source, data collection
instrument, data collection procedures, ethical consideration, data analysis, data quality

Chapter Four: Results and discussion

This chapter would summarize the finding interpretation, discussion and result of the study.

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 11
Literature Review
This section will cover review of literature from different scholars and authors that have been
examined in the area of Customer Service, Customer service management and its impact to the
customer satisfaction. The theoretical and practical findings of various studies related to
Customer Relationship Management is about database that collects information about
customers, a way to analyze the information in the database, a strategy for applying the analysis
to better meet the clients’ needs and identify potential customers, collecting data to ensure the
strategy is effectiveand how Customers Complaints is managed. A reviewed literature from
secondary sources such as published books, articles and related websites will also be presented to
reveal points, targeting at the attainment of the research objectives.

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review

2.1.1 Customer Service
Several scholars tried to define Customer service in different ways. Kotler and Amstrong (1991)
defined service as an activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially
intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be
tied to a physical product.

According to the definition of Gronroos (2000), a service is a process that consists of a set of
activities which take place in interactions between a customer and people, goods and other
physical resources, systems and/or infrastructures representing the service provider and possibly
involving other customers, which aim at solving customers‟ problems.

Service is intangible in nature, it cannot be mass produced. It cannot be inventoried and stored
after production. Due to the fact that services and consumers of services are inseparable, they
cannot be produced until the consumer is ready to consume them. Providing consistent quality is
difficult for service because of the characteristic of variability (Clow and Kurtz, 2003).

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 12
According to Adrian (1995), pure services have several distinctive characteristics that
differentiate them from goods and have implications for the manner in which they are marketed.
These characteristics can be described as follows.

I. Intangibility: - a pure service cannot be assessed using any of the physical senses; it is an
abstraction which cannot be directly examined before it is purchased. It has no
tangible properties that can be used by consumers to verify advertising claims before
the purchase is made. The intangible process characteristics that define services, such
as reliability, personal care and attentiveness and friendliness of staff, can be verified
only when a service has been purchased and consumed.

II. Inseparability: - the production and consumption of a tangible good are two quite
distinct activities. On the other hand, consumption of a service is said to be
inseparable from its means of production. Producer and consumer must interact in
order for the benefits of the service to be realized: both must normally meet at a
mutually convenient time and place in order that the producer can directly pass on
service benefits. In the extreme case of personal care services, like health care service
and ATM service, the customer must be present during the entire production process.

III. Variability: - refers to the fact that the quality of services depends on who provides
them as well as when, where, and how they are provided (Armstrong and Kotler,
2011). For services, variability impacts on customers not just in terms of outcomes
but also in terms of processes of production. The latter point causes variability to pose
a much greater problem for service than for goods. Because, customers are usually
involved in the production process for a service at the same time they consume it, it
can be difficult to carry out monitoring and control to ensure consistent standards.
Many service organizations have sought to reduce variability by adopting equipment
base production methods such as automation of baking services.

IV. Perishable: - services cannot be stored for later sale or use (Armstrong and Kotler,
2011). A producer of cars that is unable to sell all its output in the current period can
carry forward stocks to sell in a subsequent period. However, the producer of a
Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 13
service that cannot sell all its output produced in the current period gets no chance to
carry it forward for sale in a subsequent period. So, matching time of supply and
demand for service is a requirement.

V. Ownership: - The inabilities to own services are related to their intangibility and perish-
ability. In purchasing goods, buyers generally acquire title to the goods in question
and can subsequently do as they want with them. On the other hand, when a service is
performed, no ownership is transferred from the seller to the buyer.

2.1.2 Customer Relationship Management

Over a century ago, in small-town America, before the advent of the supermarket, the mall, and
the automobile, people went to their neighborhood general store to purchase goods. The
proprietor and the small staff recognized the customer by name and knew the customer's
preferences and wants. The customer, in turn, remained loyal to the store and made repeated
purchases. This idyllic customer relationship disappeared as the nation grew, the population
moved from the farm communities to large urban areas, the consumer became mobile, and
supermarkets and department stores were established to achieve economies of scale through
mass marketing (Gray & Byun, 2011).

Although prices were lower and goods more uniform in quality, the relationship between the
customer and the merchant became nameless and faceless. The personal relationship between
merchant and customer became a thing of the past. As a result, customers became fickle, moving
to the supplier who provided the desired object at lowest cost or with the most features.

The last several years saw the rise of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as an
important business approach. Its objective is to return to the world of personal marketing. The
concept itself is relatively simple. Rather than market to a mass of people or firms, market to
each customer individually. In this one-to-one approach, information about a customer (for
example previous purchases, needs, and wants) is used to frame offers that are more likely to be

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 14
CRM involves all of the corporate functions (marketing, manufacturing, customer services, field
sales, and field service) required to contact customers directly or indirectly. The term “touch
points” is used in CRM to refer to the many ways in which customers and firms interact.

2.1.3 History of CRM

Before 1993, CRM included two major markets (Financial Times, 2000,):
1. Sales Force Automation (SFA) and
2. Customer Services (CS).
1. Sales Force Automation was initially designed to support salespersons in managing their
touch points and to provide them with event calendars about their customers. SFA’s meaning
expanded to include opportunity management that is supporting sales methodologies and
interconnection with other functions of the company such as production. Below indicates the
range to sales force automation capabilities currently available.
2. Sales Force Automation Capabilities
 Contact Management: Maintain customer information and contact histories for existing
customers. May include point in the sales cycle and in the customer’s replenishment
 Activity Management: Provide calendar and scheduling for individual salespeople
 Communication Management: Communicate via E-mail and fax
 Forecasting: Assist with future sales goals, targets, and projections
 Opportunity Management: Manage leads and potential leads for new customers
 Order Management: Obtain online quotes and transform inquiries into orders
 Document Management: Develop and retrieve standard and customizable management
reports and presentation documents
 Sales Analysis: Analyze sales data
 Product Configuration: Assemble alternate product specifications and pricing

Compared to Sales Force Auto (SFA), Customer Service (CS) is an after sales activity to satisfy
customers. The goal of Customer Service is to resolve internal and external customer problems
quickly and effectively. By providing fast and accurate answers to customers, a company can
save cost and increase customer loyalty and revenue. As shown in the box below, customer
services include call center management, field service management, and help desk management.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 15
Customer Services Capabilities
Call Center Management
 Provide automated, end-to-end call routing and tracking
 Capture customer feedback information for performance measurement,
quality control, and product development
Field Service Management
 Allocate, schedule, and dispatch the right people, with the right parts, at the
right time
 Log materials, expenses, and time associated with service orders
 View customer history
 Search for proven solutions
Help Desk Management
 Solve the problem by searching the existing knowledge base
 Initiate, modify, and track problem reports
 Provide updates, patches, and new versions

Today, CRM includes all customer-facing applications, including:

Sales Force Automation (SFA),
Customer Service (CS),
Sales and Marketing Management (SMM), and
Contact & Activity Management (Emerging Market Technologies, 2000).

2.1.4 Definitions of CRM

CRM is a sound business strategy that is based on the philosophy of "customer is king", i.e.
Customer is put in the central place (Boris, 2012). The practices of maintaining a long-term
relationship with customers are designated relationship marketing and more recently CRM. This
is facilitate businesses to improve in understand the customer, retain customers through better
customer experience, attract new customers, increase profitably and decrease customer
management costs.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a concept for managing a company’s interactions

with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate,

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 16
and synchronize business processes. The objectives of CRM are to enhance profitability, income,
and customer satisfaction. To attain CRM, many organizations use set of tools, technologies, and
procedures to support the relationship with the customer to enhance sales. Therefore, CRM is an
issue of strategic business and process rather than a technical one (Dowling, 2002).

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a phrase that describes how your business
interacts with your customers. Most people think of CRM as a system to capture information
about your customers. However, that is only part of the picture. CRM involves using technology
to gather the intelligence you need to provide improved support and services to your customers.
In other words, CRM is also about what you do with that information to better meet the needs of
your existing customers and identify new customers, resulting in higher profits for you.

Customer Relationship Management is comprehensive approach for creating, maintaining and

expanding customer relationship. It provides flawless synchronization between customer service,
marketing, information technology and other customer related functions. It also integrates
people, process and technology to maximize relationships with all the customers. CRM does not
aim to build closer relationship with all customers, but rather recommends that businesses take
initiative to identify the most valuable customers by looking for their lifetime value. CRM means
building an interdependent relationship with the customer in whom each relies on the other for
business solutions and successes (Barbara, 2011)

CRM is a business strategy that goes beyond increasing transaction volume. Its objectives are to
increase profitability, revenue, and customer satisfaction. To achieve CRM, a companywide set
of tools, technologies, and procedures promote the relationship with the customer to increase
sales. (Sweeney, 2000). Thus, CRM is primarily a strategic business and process issue rather
than a technical issue.

CRM consists of three components:

relationship, and
CRM tries to achieve a ‘single integrated view of customers’ and a ‘customer centric approach’
(Roberts, 2000).

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 17
Customer: The customer is the only source of the company’s present profit and future growth.
However, a good customer, who provides more profit with less resource, is always scarce
because customers are knowledgeable and the competition is fierce. Sometimes it is difficult to
distinguish who is the real customer because the buying decision is frequently a collaborative
activity among participants of the decision-making process (Wyner, 1999). Information
technologies can provide the abilities to distinguish and manage customers.CRM can be thought
of as a marketing approach that is based on customer information (Wyner, 1999).

Relationship: The relationship between a company and its customers involves continuous bi-
directional communication and interaction. The relationship can be short-term or long-term,
continuous or discrete, and repeating or one-time. Relationship can be attitudinal or behavioral.
Even though customers have a positive attitude towards the company and its products, their
buying behavior is highly situational (Wyner, 1999).

Management: CRM is not an activity only within a marketing department. Rather it involves
continuous corporate change in culture and processes. The customer information collected is
transformed into corporate knowledge that leads to activities that take advantage of the
information and of market opportunities. CRM required a comprehensive change in the
organization and its people.

2.1.5 Drivers for CRM Application

Reasons for adopting CRM:-

a. The business Drivers
Competition for customers is intense. From a purely economic point of view, firms learned that it
is less costly to retain a customer than to find a new one. The oft-quoted statistics go something
like this (Gray & Byun, 2011):
 By Pareto’s Principle, it is assumed that 20% of a company's customers generate 80% of
its profits.
 In industrial sales, it takes an average of 8 to 10 physical calls in person to sell a new
customer, 2 to 3 calls to sell an existing customer.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 18
 It is 5 to 10 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than obtain repeat business
from an existing customer. For example, according to the Boston Consulting Group
(Hildebrand, 2000), the costs to market to existing Web customers is $6.80 compared to
$34 to acquire a new Web customers.
 A typical dissatisfied customer tells 8 to 10 people about his or her experience.
 A 5% increase in retaining existing customers translates into 25% or more increase in
In the past, the prime approach to attracting new customers was through media and mail
advertising about what the firm has to offer. This advertising approach is scattershot, reaching
many people including current customers and people who would never become customers. For
example, the typical response rate from a general mailing is about 2%. Thus, mailing a million
copies of an advertisement, on average yields only 20,000 responses.

Another driver is the change introduced by electronic commerce. Rather than the customer
dealing with a salesperson either in a brick and mortar location or on the phone, in electronic
commerce the customer remains in front of their computer at home or in the office. Thus, firms
do not have the luxury of someone with sales skills to convince the customer. Whereas normally
it takes effort for the customer to move to a competitor’s physical location or dial another 1-800
number, in electronic commerce firms face an environment in which competitors are only a few
clicks away.
b. Cost Goals
Major cost goals of CRM include:
 Increase revenue growth through customer satisfaction.
 Reduce costs of sales and distribution
 Minimize customer support costs
The following examples illustrate tactics to achieve these goals;
1. To increase revenue growth
o Increase share of wallet by cross-selling
2. To increase customer satisfaction
o Make the customer’s experience so pleasant that the customer returns to you
for the next purchase.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 19
3. To reduce cost of sales and distribution
o Target advertising to customers to increase the probability that an offer is
o Use web applications to decrease the number of direct salespeople and
distribution channels needed
o Manage customer relationships rather than manage products (change in
4. To minimize customer support costs
o Make information available to customer service representatives so they
can answer any query
o Automate the call center so that representatives have direct access to
customer history and preferences and therefore can cross-sell

2.1.6 Benefits of CRM

CRM is about making each and every customer feel like they have a one-to-one relationship with
you. Effective CRM gives you the opportunity to show your customers that:

 You know and recognize them.

 You understand them.
 You care about their needs, questions and concerns.
 You want to deliver services and products they need the most.
 You appreciate their business.

CRM will also benefit the bank by allowing to :

 Develop superior services and products that meet your customers’ identified needs.
 Enhance marketing towards the most profitable customers to improve your bottom
 Improve efficiency by providing support and services to customers online (through
frequently asked questions, for example).
 Anticipate future business needs based on data on historic sale and service trends.
 Increase customer base as the company develop new ways to engage in business

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 20
TABLE 2.1- The Most Important Concept Of CRM

Point of view Description Success requirement concept

As a process Improving the relationships The institution should have the CRM is creating the
between the seller and the ability to discover the customer’s engagement and
buyer; this relationships desires and to respond to them. relationships with the
must be strong and external parties, especially
endurable. the agents and end
As a strategy The value of the life period The institution should assess its CRM is the investment of
of the customer with the relationship with the customer the companies in the
situation determines the continuously. It should assign customers who are
amount and kind or priorities in dealing with him/her expected to be valuable for
resources that the on basis of the quantitative the institution, and the
organization can invest in a profitability during the life period reduction of investment in
relationship. of the customer. the valueless customers of
the company.
As a Customer retention can be The customer should be the focus CRM is not temporary
philosophy better achieved through of the attention of the institution, project, but a work
focusing on establishing which should be oriented towards philosophy, which aims at
relationships and understanding the changeable putting the customer in the
maintaining them. needs of the customer. focus of the attention of the

As an ability Profitable and long-term The company should possess a CRM means the desire and
relationships only arise group of tangible and intangible ability of the institution to
when the companies are able resource, which the company uses custom its behavior towards
to customize its behavior to flexibly remodel its behavior every customers, on the
continuously towards every towards the customer basis of the information the
customer. continuously. customer tells and what the
institution knows about that
As a Knowledge management The institution should be direct CRM is the technology
technology and reaction represent the with the functional method, and used to integrate sales
main resources that the also the users acceptance of the systems , marketing
institution needs to stablish technology applied by the systems and information
profitable and long-term institution in order systems to establish
relationships with the to establish the relationships with customers.
customer. customers knowledge
and reaction
Source: hisham, et al (2011

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 21
2.1.7 Critical Elements of CRM
Five critical elements of CRM are interaction management, relationship development, customer
service quality, employees’ behavior and Customer data base.

Interaction Management
According to the Brown and Gulycz (2002), if an organization willing to make a stable
relationship with its customers, there are different ways to have an interaction with them
including interaction along touch points and distribution channels. The main purpose is to find
out how and when the customers would like to interact with the organization (Prahalad and
Ramaswamy, 2001). The interaction activities should be well customized and organized through
the available touch points. The touch points provide in relation to the customers’ profiles
developed by data gathered from the former records of the customer. Peppers and Rogers (1997)
stress that the touch points must be used for distribution of different products, services and
communication with the customers.
According to the works of Lindgreen et al. (2006) and Peppers et al. (1999), interaction
management is implemented by a few methods such as getting customers’ feedback and increase
the interaction with customers by attractive ways such as using social network.

Relationship Development
According to Ford (1980), the study of relationship development primarily involves research into
structures and processing of the relationship between customer and supplier. Hakansson and
Snehota (1995) argue that the relationship development process concerns an interaction where
connections have been developed between two parties.
The most important activity to achieve relationship development is known as monitoring of the
relationship management process such as service or complaint management (Brown and Gulycz,
2002). This relationship processes include procedures, mechanisms, schedules, and activities in
which the products and services have been delivered to customers (Christopher et al., 1991). The
key performance indicators such as rate of retention, lifetime value of the customers, and
customer satisfaction should be set by the organization (Brown and Gulycz, 2002).
According to the works of Hanley (2008) and Lindgreen et al. (2006), relationship development
can be made through commitment to convince customers that their feedback are taken seriously.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 22
Quality of Services
According to Gee et. al. (2008) in an attempt to understand the factors that induce customer
satisfaction, the concept of service quality is increasingly common in the literature. Studies show
that service quality has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction and also has a significant
relationship with customer loyalty, and the profitability of the firms. According to the works of
Hanley (2008), the quality of services could be implemented by a few methods such as:
 Meeting customer expectation of good service level and having many varieties of
 Provide good quality products with reasonable price.
 To handle the customer complains about the products and services tactfully.

Behavior of the Employees

An employee that conforms with organization behavior and value is likely to strengthen the
connection between the consumer and the firm. A reverse pattern of effects is to be expected
when the employee act through his/her own behavior. In these cases, a consumer may think that
the organization actually does not deliver the symbolic benefits that s/he had expected for and
may evaluate the organization in a negative way. In other words, under circumstances such as the
ones described, an employee will probably exert a strong impact on organization reputation and
attitudes (Coulter, 2002). According to the works of Hanley (2008) and Coulter (2002), the effect
of positive employees’ behavior could be expressed by increasing speed of response to customer
and ensure employees are friendly and respectful to customer.

Customer data base

The important aspect in Customer database is to understand the customer in a comprehensive
manner, and for that the company should maintain a proper customer database. The customer
database is an organized collection of comprehensive information about individual customers or
prospects that is current, accessible and actionable for such marketing purposes as lead
generation, lead qualification and sale of a product or service or maintenance of customer
relationships. In short customer database is the technique of gathering all the information
available about the customer, leads, and prospects into a central database and using that
information to drive all the marketing efforts. The information is stored in a marketing database

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 23
and can be used at both the strategic and tactical levels to drive targeted marketing efforts
(Srivastava, 2012).

2.1.8 Information Technologies for CRM

CRM differs from the previous method of database marketing in that the database marketing
technique tried to sell more products to the customer for less cost (Seiler and Gray 1999). The
database marketing approach is highly company centric. However, customers were not kept loyal
by the discount programs and the one-time promotions that were used in the database-marketing
programs. Customer loyalty is, indeed, very difficult to obtain or buy. The CRM approach is
customer-centric. This approach focuses on the long-term relationship with the customers by
providing the customer benefits and values from the customer’s point of view rather than based
on what the company wants to sell.
The basic questions that CRM tries to answer are:

1. What is the benefit of the customer?

2. How can we add the customer’s value?
Four basic tasks are required to achieve the basic goals of CRM. (Peppers, et al., 1999)
1. Customer Identification
To serve or provide value to the customer, the company must know or identify the customer
through marketing channels, transactions, and interactions overtime.
2. Customer Differentiation
Each customer has their own lifetime value from the company's point of view and each customer
imposes unique demands and requirements for the company.
3. Customer Interaction
Customer demands change over time. From a CRM perspective, the customer’s long-term
profitability and relationship to the company is important. Therefore, the company needs to learn
about the customer continually. Keeping track of customer behavior and needs is an important
task of a CRM program.
4. Customization / Personalization
“Treat each customer uniquely” is the motto of the entire CRM process.
Through the personalization process, the company can increase customer loyalty. Jeff Bezos, the
CEO of, said, “our vision is that if we have 20 million customers, then we should

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 24
have 20 million stores.” (Wheatley, 2000) The automation of personalization is being made
feasible by information technologies.

Traditional (mass) marketing doesn’t need to use information technologies extensively because
there is no need to distinguish, differentiate, interact with, and customize for individual customer
needs. Although some argue that IT has a small role in CRM, (Computing, 2000) each of the
four key CRM tasks depends heavily on information technologies and systems. Table 2 shows
this relationship for the marketing processes, for the goals, for traditional mass marketing, for
CRM, and for the information technologies used in CRM.

TABLE 2.2. IT Factors in CRM

Process Identification Differentiation Interaction Customization

 Fulfill customer needs
Identify individual Evaluate customer Build a continuing  Generate profit
customer value and needs relationship
Traditional Mass Not done Clustering Call Center  Sales
Marketing  Services
 Call center  Sales automation
Customer Individual level management  Marketing
profiling analysis  Auto response process
system automation
 Cookies  Data mining  Web  ERP
Information  Web site  Organizational application  E-Commerce
technologies personalization learning 
Source: hisham, et al (2011

2.1.9 Customers’ satisfaction

Customer satisfaction means that customer needs, wishes and expectations are met or overcome
during the product/service period, giving way to re-purchasing and customer loyalty. According
to Anton (1996) customer satisfaction is the assessment of the pre-purchasing expectations from
the product, with the results reached after the act of purchasing.

Customers’ satisfaction plays various important roles in the sustainability and success of
business organizations. For example, customer satisfaction provides organizations with a leading

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 25
measure of customer loyalty; repurchase intentions, and advocacy for the product or organization
(Grissemann & Stokburger, (2012).
Furthermore, organizations may also use customer satisfaction as a point of differentiation in
competitive markets especially in promotion activities Dehgan et al, (2012) and Oliver (2014).
Customer satisfaction also increases the lifetime value of customers as it plays a vital role in
determining the amount of money generated by the customer for the business; while the costs of
retaining existing customers is also lower than the cost of acquiring new customers (Sun & Kim,
2013; Sanjuq,2014; Saad, 2012).

Finally, Customer satisfaction also reduces the potential for negative word of mouth since
unsatisfied customers tend to complain about their experience to other potential customers, thus
harming the organizations or brand’s reputation and sales Rego et al, (2013), Hill et al., 2013;
and Kaura (2013).

Today the most important thing to do about the reduced customer satisfaction is the customer-
centered practices adapted to each customer’s needs and values. By treating different customers
in different manners, firms can achieve customer loyalty (Tarhan, 2004). Customer loyalty is the
long and uninterrupted retention of the relationship by offering service that meets and even goes
beyond the customer needs (Acuner, 2001).

Customers’ satisfaction in the banking industry has long been considered as a determinant of
business performance. Kaur et al. (2012) sought to investigate gap between perceived and
expected levels of gratification among banking customers, using t-tests and Gap Analysis
technique to analyze questionnaire data collected from bank customers. The results indicated that
there is a significant chasm between the perception of gratification and the expectation of
gratification among bank customers. This difference was attributed to similar differences
between customer perception and customer expectations about banking service quality.

2.1.10 Dashen Bank’s CRM Document review

According to Dashen Bank Customer Relationship management Policy, the bank design
customer service charter that basically provide a set of corporate and personal standards, which

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 26
the bank and all of its employees to adhere and safeguard their profession and the interests of
As per the customer service charter (2016) the bank provide a framework for defining service
delivery standards, the rights of customers, and how complaints from customers will be handled
and other pointes.

1. Key principles of the bank CRM

1.1 Honesty - Being truthful, open and fair to our customers at all times
 Inform our customers of what we are going to do and how long it will take to complete
the task.
 Provide complete and correct information, and in the event that we can’t, explain the
reasons why.
 Act in a professional and ethical manner.
 Admit when a mistake has been made.

1.2 Accountability
 All our products and services comply with relevant laws and regulations of the country as
well as the bank’s internal policy and procedure.
 We will explain and help customers to understand the financial benefits of our products
and services that they are interested in, how they work and the risks involved.

1.3 Privacy and Confidentiality

 We will treat all the customers’ personal information as private and confidential, and
ensure that it shall be secure. Personal information will not be revealed unless otherwise
authorized by the customers or required by the law to do so.

1.4 Responsiveness
The bank is committed to give fast and efficient customer service so that we own our esteemed
customers satisfaction. The service delivery time to each operational process is stated here under:

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 27
TABLE 2. 3 Dashen Bank service delivery time standard

Process Name Service Delivery Time

(In minutes)
Account Opening Process
1. Saving Accounts 15
2. Current Accounts 15
3. Time Deposits 15
Payment or Withdrawal Process
1. Cash Withdrawal from Account 3
2. Account to Account Transfer 3
3. Incoming Special Clearance 3
4. Local FT Liquidation 3
5. Accepting Incoming OBC 3
6. CPO Preparation 5
7. CPO Liquidation 5
8. Foreign Currency Exchange Service 7
9. International Money Transfer Payments 5
Collection or Deposit Process
1. Cash Deposit to Account 3
2. Own Bank Cheque Deposit 3
3. Other Bank Cheque Deposit 3
4. Local Fund Transfer Services 3
Back Office Activities
1. New Card Issuance 5
2. Card Re Issue 5
3. Additional Account Linking 5
4. Pin Code Re Issue 5
5. Cash Loading to ATM 15
6. Mobile Banking Service Activation 10
7. Internet Banking Service Activation 10

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 28
1.5 Professionalism
 Create a culture that is customer focused and that places a high value on delivering
excellent customer service.
 Treat all enquiries seriously and use them as opportunities to improve.
1.6 Respect
 Treat customers as we wish to be treated.
 Be willing to understand our customer’s enquiry and give the customer our full attention.
 Give the customer our highest priority.
 Listen to our customers and try to see the situation from their point of view.
 Try to find the solution ourselves, or by ensuring that we are referring the customer to the
correct supervisor.

1.7 Open Communication

 Provide all information pertinent at the first possible opportunity.
 Ensure that all information given is complete and correct, and in the event that we can’t,
explain the reasons why.
 Avoid the use of technical terms and jargon as much as is possible in our
 Deliver our messages in a format appropriate to the circumstances.

1.8 Transparency
We will provide customers with clear, relevant and timely information to allow them an
informed decision about our products and services. Where applicable, a set of Terms and
Conditions relating to each banking product or service will be made readily available to with all
the fees, charges, penalties and relevant interest rates, liabilities and obligations in the use of the
banking product or service highlighted.

2. Customer Service Standards

 Acknowledge all customers promptly, with professional courtesy and respect, and behave
in a courteous, friendly manner at all times;
 Listen to customers;
 Take responsibility;

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 29
 Tell customers what action we are taking, and wherever it is possible, we will give them
an estimate of the time it will take us to attend to an issue;
 Act in a professional manner at all times;
 Keep customers informed;
 Make endeavor to be consistent and accurate at all times;
 Take complaints as a positive opportunity for improvement. If the complaint cannot be
resolved immediately we will assist customers through the formal complaints procedure;
 Admit when an error has occurred;
3. Branch operations standard
To provide unparalleled customer service and/or enhance the service quality, the following
aspects will be adhered with regard to general management of branches:
i. Providing infrastructure facilities to branches with respect to providing adequate
workspace, proper furniture, drinking water facilities, sufficient lighting, clean toilets,
gum for pasting cut/mutilated currency notes etc.
ii. Providing dedicated window service to all corporate customers of the bank.
iii. Displaying indicator boards at all the counters in English and Amharic Business posters
at semi-urban and rural branches of banks should also be in the concerned regional
iv. Providing customers with brochures/flyers consisting of all details of service and
facilities available at the bank in English and Amharic
v. Have identification badge displaying photo and name thereon.
vi. Make periodic job rotations to allow staffs to have versatile exposure.
vii. Train staffs in line with customer service orientation and train in technical areas of
viii. Rewarding best performing branches from customer service point of view by annual
awards/running shield
ix. Undertake periodical customer service audit and customer surveys

4. Communication
The bank is committed to keep our customers informed and attend customers’ constructive
outlook by listening to our customers’ feedback and comments. Besides, staffs who are involved

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 30
in the domestic banking operation process are expected to use the following hospitality phrases
to attend customers.

A. Customer Arrival
“Welcome to Dashen Bank what can I help you”
We don’t get a second chance to make first impression. The first interaction with customer is all
we have to make them feel at home in our Bank. This is why we should never forget to give all
our guests a warm welcome no matter how tired we are. The important thing is to exude warmth
and for our customers to feel that they are in a place where they belong.

B. While Processing Customer Request

Use phrases of courtesy like:
 “Please”
 “Thank you”
 “Excuse me/Pardon me”
 “I apologize I didn’t hear/understand what you said”
 “Will you” rather than “You will”
 “Yes” rather than yeah
 “Sir” “Ma’am”
 “I will check and be right back”
 “Will you hold for a moment wile I check on that?”
 “Thanks for waiting”

C. After Delivering the Service

Use the following phrases as the closing of the conversation with customers:”
 “We are looking forward to having you again”
 “We look forward to serve you again”
 “Thank you! Have a good Day/Evening”

The above stated phrases are defined more than just words. They articulate our passion to serve
customers. They establish employees’ willingness to give them the best experience we can. They
are powerful expressions that can make a difference in the success of our business.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 31
4.1 Appearance and Dressing Code
An appropriate dressing style is essential for employees at all times be it in and outside of the
bank thus:
i. Cleanness is a matter of personal concern that affects the organization as a whole. All
staffs should at the same time, pay attention to this necessary ethics. However,
neatness should not be constructed to mean expensive dressing. Neatness is to keep
oneself as fresh as possible (constantly brushing teeth, taking care of arm pits and foot,
getting shoes polished, shirts and stock washed etc...)
ii. All male employees are required to be clean, shave and to wear neckties during
working hours. Preparations have to be finalized before reporting for duties.
iii. Female employees are not allowed to wear hot pants and clothes above the knee and
other inappropriate dressings that will affect the image of the bank in the eyes of its
customers and the general public.
iv. All security guards should wear their uniform while on duty. They could wear
overcoats and raincoats depending on the weather condition.
v. All employees are not allowed to wear jeans, hats, T-shirts, sportswear, overcoat,
sweaters, scarves, snickers, sandals and canvas shoes during office hours.
vi. Hair must be clean, groomed and should be presentable to the banking standard. Those
who cover their heads on religious ground are exception.
vii. All cleaners shall wear uniforms in the working hours.

All customer service managers and branch managers are expected to monitor the way their
officers are dressed to ensure that all staffs are complying with the dress code of the bank.

5. Complaint handling
The customers have the right to resolve their complaints with transparency and effectively.
Accordingly, the bank avails both branch and call center based problem solving and complain
handling as per the service time standard. When the staff is handling difficult situations, it is
important to keep calm, not let your emotions get the better of you and learn to listen. In many
ways a complaint is an opportunity - the chance to show you can put things right. The bank

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 32
believes that a customer whose complaint is successfully resolved will have a strong sense of
The Bank's policy on complaint handling follows the under noted principles:
a. Our customers will be treated fairly at all times.
b. Complaints raised by our customers will be dealt with courtesy and in time.
c. Our customers will be fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints/ grievances
within the bank and their rights to alternative remedy, if they are not fully satisfied with
the response of the bank to their complaints.
d. Our Bank will treat all complaints efficiently and fairly as they can damage the Bank's
reputation and business if handled otherwise.
e. Our employees will work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests of the
Branch Managers are responsible for the resolution of the complaints/grievances in respect of the
customer service by the Branch. He/she shall be in charge of ensuring closure of all complaints
received at Branches. It is his/her foremost duty to see that the complaint should be resolved
completely to the customer's satisfaction and if the customer is not satisfied, then he shall be
provided with alternate avenues to escalate the issue if the same is not resolved within the
stipulated period. If the Branch Manager feels that is not possible at his/her level to solve the
problem he/she may refer the case to the respective district office.

2.2 Empirical Literature Review

Barbara, (2011) conducted study on the improving customer relationship management in the
banking industry the case of Barclys Bank GanaLimited, Banatama Branch practices. The
purpose of the study was to find out what can be done to improve customer relationship
management in the banking industry in Ghana with emphasis on Barclays bank Ghana Ltd. The
study adopted both quantitative and qualitative methods of research. The study focused on
management of Barclays Bank Ghana Ltd who are aware of Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) strategies being pursued by the bank as well as customers of the bank who are aware of
the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies. A sample size of one hundred
customers of Barclays Bank, Ghana Limited, Bantama branch and ten members of staff were
drawn for the study. The researcher adopted the non- probability sampling procedure. The data
was primarily attained through the administration of questionnaires to customers of the bank and

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 33
interview guides to some members of staff. The results of the study generally indicate that
customers are enthused by some of the CRM strategies being implemented by the bank.
However some of the strategies are not implemented well and if it is properly done, it will
improve the relationship the bank has with its customers. There is the need to evaluate and
monitor the current strategies being implemented by the bank in order to reap its full benefits. It
will also be necessary to involve customers when introducing these strategies so that the needed
impact can be realized.

Iriqat and Daqar,( 2017) conducted study on The Role of Customer Relationship Management on
Enhancing the Customers’ Satisfaction in the Banks in Palestine. The aim of this paper was to
investigate the role of customer relationship management on customers’ satisfaction in the banks
in Palestine. The primary data was collected from Palestinian Banking Employees. Based on the
result of the study, this paper indicated two predictors: CRM system integration and Service
quality explained. In addition, the study finds that there is a positive significant relationship
between customer relationship management dimensions and customers satisfaction. Finally, this
study recommended keeping the effective communication between CRM and the bank’s

2.3 Conceptual Framework

The main objective of this study is to address the impact of CRM dimensions on customers’
satisfaction in Dashen Bank S.Co. It is essential for the bank to enhance and improve a strong
relationship with their customers in order to deliver products and services that meet their needs
and expectations in order to satisfy them. The conceptual framework in this study developed on
this framework,
CRM dimensions are the key component of Customers’ Satisfaction. Figure 2.1 shows that the
customer satisfaction indicators of CRM and Customer satisfaction.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 34
Assessed customer satisfaction indicators

Convenience &
Physical Appearance

Employee’s behavior,

Pricing policy, Satisfaction
Responsiveness &
Customer Service

Customers info.
Database mgt. Product
Development &

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework for the relationship between customer satisfaction & CRM

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 35
Research Methodology
This part describes the methodologies that were used in this study, It include research approach,
research design; target population and sample, data source and types, data collection procedure,
ethical consideration and data analysis techniques along with anappropriate justification
associated with each approach.

3.1. Research Approach

There are different research methodologies that are used, depending on the type of research that
are undertaken. The study problem of this research is more likely to be answered through a
quantitative approach. This method enables us to understand the very nature of what we are
actually looking at it. For the quantitative methodology, researcher uses the scientific method,
which starts with the specific theory and hypotheses, and where researchers quantitatively
measure and analyze based on established research procedures (Swanson & Holton, 2005).

3.2. Research Design

Research design is defined as a general framework of how the researcher intends to go about
answering the research questions. According to Cooper and Schindler (2006) descriptive
research design enables the researcher to narrate how various behaviors and events occur. In this
research descriptive survey research method was employed as the researcher wants to identify
and describe the correlation among the identified customer relationship management practice
variables with customer satisfaction.

3.3. Population of the Study

Population refers to the target population, which is the group of units (individuals or elements) of
interest for study (SAS/STAT, 2011). The population for the study was the corporate deposit
customer of Dashen Bank at Addis Ababa.The number of those corporate deposit customers was
1,403 as of June 30, 2017.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 36
3.4. Sampling Technique and Sample Size Determination

The researcher used simple random sampling technique from the population of one thousand
four hundred three corporate Customers found in Addis Ababa.

During designing samples, Copper & Schindler (2008) suggested that the following should be
clearly described: the target population, parameters of interest, sampling frame, appropriate
sampling method and the required sample size from the target population will be taken.

The sample size for the study is determined using the formula developed by Taro Yamane (1967).


n - Is the sample size
N - The population size,
e - The level of precision or sampling error = (0.05)

n = 1,403/1+1,403*(0.05)2
= 311

Therefore, the sample size selected from the population of 1403 customers is 311 customers.

3.5. Data Type and Source

The study relied on both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data was collected
from respondents using a structured questionnaire. Secondary data was collected from different
documents of the organization.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 37
3.6. Data Collection Instruments
3.6.1. Questionnaire
Quantitative data was gathered from the respondents using five point Likert scale questionnaires
designed by the researcher for self-administration. The questionnaires were designed based on
the conceptual framework and the research questions to investigate and analyze the impact of
customer relationship management practices on customer satisfaction in the case of Dashen Bank
S.Co. For quantitative data, the respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement and
disagreement using a five-point Likert scale (1= strongly disagree 2= disagree, 3= neutral
4=agree and 5= strongly agree).

3.6.2 Document Review

In the document review, the researcher collected the necessary information from Annual
report, internal document, and website of Dashen Bank S.Co.

3.7 Data Collection Procedures

Before collecting data and the necessary information from the research participants, the
researcher have got permission from the bank to conduct a research on impact of customer
relationship management on customer satisfaction.

Then the researcher and the data collector have approached the respondents by introducing
themselves briefly and explain the objective of the study. Finally, the researcher and the data
Collector distributed questionnaires to the respondents and collected after hen the respondents

3.8 Ethical Consideration

In dealing with the research process the following ethical consideration were done.

2. Informed consent:-The purpose and the importance of the study were explained
for the participants of the study. Then, the respondents were informed that they
have the right to participate or not in the filling the questionnaire.

3. Keeping confidentiality:-The participants were informed that any information

they provide is to be kept confidentially so that they can answer and discuss

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 38
freely. The researcher used code whenever necessary for the sake of

4. . The procedures of the study:-Procedures should not cause confusion and harm
participants. The questionnaire was prepared clearly and free from bias.

3.9 Data Analysis

After collecting and sorting the relevant data using data collection tools, quantitative
responses were sorted, coded, and computed using the Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS), version 20. The analyzed data was presented using tables.

3.10 Data Quality Assessment

For assuring the data that was collected is reliable, enough orientation about the data
collection process was given to the data collector. In addition to that, the process of the data
collection was supervised by the researcher.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 39
Findings, Interpretation and Discussion of Results
This chapter deals with data presentation, analysis and interpretation. The data are presented and
analyzed based on data collected through structured questionnaires and secondary data.
4.1. Respondent’s Demographic Data
In the following table, the demographic information of respondents is presented. These include
gender, age, and education level and the length of relationship with the Bank.

Table 4.1 : Respondent Demographic information

variables frequency percentage
male 222 71%
Gender female 89 29%
18-30 years 0 0
31-40 years 50 16%
41-50 years 165 53%
Above 50 years 96 31%
Below high diploma 28 9%
Diploma 78 25%
Educational Level First Degree 109 35%
Masters 91 29%
Above Masters 5 2%
Less than 1 years 0 0%
1-5 years 121 39%
Length of relationship
6-10 years 68 22%
with the Bank
11-15 years 56 18%
Greater than 15years 66 21%
Survey result, 2018

Gender frequency of the respondents shows that only 29% of the respondents are female while
the majority 71(%) are male. Regarding their age, 53% of respondents fall between the ages of
41 to 50, 31% of respondents fall above the age of 50 years while the remaining 16% fall
between the ages of 31 to 50. There are no respondent under the age of 30 years.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 40
As the result shows here are above 2% of the respondents are above masters degree, 29% of the
respondents are second degree holders.35% of the respondents are first degree holder, 29% of
the respondents are diploma holders while the rest 9 % of the respondents are below diploma.

In relation with length of relationship with the Bank, 39% of the respondents have worked with
the Bank more than 10 years. The rest 39% and 22% of the respondents fall between 1to 5 years
and 6 to 10 years of relationship with the banking respectively .

To generalize, most of the respondents age fall between the ages of 41 to 50 years (53%) and in
regards of educational level 66% of the respondents are first degree and above first degree

4.2 Customer Relationship Management Practice of the Bank

The following results focused on the Customer Relationship Management practice which are
grouped into Convenience & Physical Appearance, Employee’s behavior, Relationship
development & Reliability, Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service Quality,
Customers information Database Managment, Product Development & promotion.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 41
4.2.1 Summary of Results Convenience & Physical Appearance

Table 4.2: Convenience & Physical Appearance

Mean Std.
Detail N Minimum Maximum (X) Deviation
Dashen Bank has modern and updated 311 3 5 4.22 .505
Dashen Bank employees are always well 311 3 5 4.14 .419
dressed and neat in their appearance.
The layout of the Dashen Bank is such 311 3 5 4.04 .824
that it makes it easy for customers to
move around.
Dashen Bank Branches are conveniently 311 3 5 3.98 .340
Dashen Bank has convenient opening and 311 3 5 3.90 .639
closing time / Working time/.
The working area of the Dashen Bank 311 3 5 3.82 .620
premises are clean, and visually attractive
Physical facilities are matching with the 311 2 4 3.70 .566
services offered by the Bank.
The layout of Dashen Bank makes it 311 2 4 3.66 .585
easier for customers to find what they
Dashen Bank ATM’s are conveniently 311 2 5 3.20 .673
located in various areas.
Clear departmentation is done to 311 2 4 3.15 .595
understand customer needs.
Dashen Bank provides convenient parking 311 2 4 2.47 .531
for customers
Aggregated Mean 3.66

Source: Survey result, 2018

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 42
The above table indicates the range of the respondents answer is from disagree (2) to strongly
agree (5). As the mean of the result shows, the majority agreed that the bank’s convenience &
physical appearance is good as the aggregated mean (X= 3.66) indicates. But Most respondents
almost disagreed for the question about convenient parking space for customers (X=2.47), on the
other hand most respondent took the bank modern and updated infrastructure as number one
criterion (X=4.22).

Most respondents also agreed for the following questions as the mean of the respondent shown;
a) The Dashen bank employees are always well dressed and neat in their appearance, (mean,
X= 4.14).
b) The layout of the Dashen bank is such that it makes it easy for customers to move
around, (mean, X = 4.04)
c) Dashen bank branches are conveniently located, (mean, X= 3.98).
d) Dashen bank has convenient opening and closing time / working time/, (mean, X= 3.90).
e) The working area of the Dashen bank premises are clean, and visually attractive, (mean,
X = 3.82).
f) Physical facilities are matching with the services offered by the bank, (mean, X= 3.70 ).
g) The layout of Dashen bank makes it easier for customers to find what they need, (mean,
X = 3.66).
But for the questions of the ATM’s location conveniency and clear departmentation for the
customer needs and understandings, most respondents are almost neutral as the mean shown
(mean, X= 3.2, 3.15 respectively)

Every customer is expecting that each bank is taking into consideration the importance of
convenience location and physical environment which is represented by decorations, aisles,
waiting areas. Air conditioning, lightening, and other facilities that are available for customer
convenience. In modern days, especially in the services industry, customers are looking for
supplementary services, where the core service is intangible issue to attract and convince
customers it is necessary to concentrate on physical issues which can satisfy them. As a result of
their facts, physical environment of the bank is a matter of CRM through which customers can
have a positive image about the bank which is caring for these issues and finally affect their
satisfaction positively (Azzam, 2014)

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 43
4.2.2 Summary of Results Employee’s behavior, Relationship development &

Table 4.3: Employee’s behavior, Relationship development & Reliability

Mean Std.
Details N Minimum Maximum (X) Deviation
Dashen Bank employees are consistently 311 3 5 4.35 .729
courteous with customers
I am assured about the facilities and services 311 3 5 4.21 .711
provided by Dashen bank.
Dashen Bank cash transaction system is 311 3 5 4.20 .668
The Bank insists on error-free transactions 311 3 5 4.17 .828
and records
Dashen Bank employees gives customers 311 3 5 3.97 .460
individual attention
Dashen Bank employees and management 311 3 5 3.95 .364
Teams are welcoming and smile to you before
and after your transactions/ visit their office.
I feel financially safe in dealing with Dashen 311 3 5 3.95 .574
When Dashen Bank promise to do something 311 2 5 3.82 .667
by a certain time, it does so
When a customer has a problem, Dashen 311 2 5 3.82 .804
Bank shows a sincere interest in solving it.
Dashen Bank employees and management 311 2 5 3.81 .655
team are never too busy to respond to
customers’ requests.
Dashen Bank employees know you very well 311 2 5 3.79 1.005

Dashen Bank employees and management 311 2 4 2.34 .607

team visit customers periodically

Aggregated Mean 3.86

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 44
The above table shows that the range of the respondents answer is from disagree (2) to strongly
agree (5). The overall employee’s behavior, relationship development & reliability of the bank is
good as the aggregated mean (3.86) indicates. However, most of the respondent almost disagreed
for the criterion of the Dashen bank employees and management team periodical customer visit
character (mean, X= 2.34).

Most respondent agreed for all the listed criterions as the mean of the respondents shown;
a) Dashen bank employees are consistently courteous with customers, (mean, X= 4.35)
b) Customers are assured about the facilities and services provided by the bank, (mean, X=
c) Dashen bank cash transaction system is trustworthy, (mean, X= 4.20)
d) The Bank insists on error-free transactions and records, (mean, X= 4.17)
e) employees gives customers individual attention, (mean, X= 4.97)
f) Employees and management Teams are welcoming and, (mean, X= 3.95)
g) Customers feel financially safe in dealing with Dashen Bank, (mean, X= 3.95)
h) promise to do something by a certain time is mostly kept, (mean, X= 3.82)
i) When a customer has a problem the bank shows a sincere interest in solving it, (mean,
X= 3.82)
j) employees and management team are never too busy to respond to customers’ requests,
(mean, X= 3.81)
k) employees know corporate customers very well, (mean, X= 3.79)

An Employee that conforms with organization behavior and value is likely to strengthen the
connection between the customer and the firm. Reverse pattern of effects is to be expected when
the employee act through his/ her own behavior. In these cases, a consumer may think that the
organization actually does not deliver the symbolic benefits that s/he had expected for and may
evaluate the organization in a negative way. In order words, under circumstance such as the ones
described, an employee will probably exert a strong impact on organization reputation and
attitudes (Coulter 2002). According to the works of Hanley (2008) and Coulter (2002), the effect
of positive employees behavior could be increasing speed of response to customer and ensure
employees are friendly and respectful to customer which enhance customer satisfaction toward
the services provided.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 45
According to Ford (1980), the study of relationship development primarily involves research into
structure and processing of the relationship between customer and supplier. Hakansson and
Snehota (1995) argue that the relationship development process an interaction where connections
have been developed between two parties. The most important activity to achieve relationship
development is known as monitoring of the relationship management process such as service or
complaint management (Brown and Gulycz, 2002). This relationship process include procedures,
mechanisms, schedules, and activities in which the products and services have been delivered to
customers (Chritopher et al., 1991). The key performance indicators such as rate of retention, life
time value of the customers, and satisfaction should be set by the organization (Brown and
Gulyez, 2002). According to the works of Heleny (2008) and Lindgreen et al.(2006), relationship
development can be made through commitment to convince customers that their feedback are
taken seriously.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 46
4.2.3 Summary of Results Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service
Table 4.4 : Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service Quality
Mean Std.
Details N Minimum Maximum (X) Deviation
All customers are sincerely entertained 311 3 5 4.04 .654
by the Dashen Bank employees.
Dashen Bank employees gives prompt 311 3 5 4.01 .749
service to customers
Dashen Bank employees is consistent 311 3 5 3.89 .769
in providing services.
Dashen Bank employees and 311 3 5 3.81 .741
executives have the knowledge to
answer customer’s questions.
Dashen Bank has sound and attractive 311 2 4 3.62 .640
pricing policies for investors and other
Customers.(Loan Interest rate, tariffs
and Various charges)
Dashen Bank employees are always 311 2 5 3.50 1.155
willing to help me.
I am satisfied with Dashen Bank’s 311 2 4 3.40 .637
flexible rate of return and pricing
policy for various products or services
that meet my needs.
Dashen Bank took effective ways to 311 2 4 3.43 .758
help us know its pricing policies of
products and services.
My complaints are easily and 311 2 5 3.28 .612
immediately handled.
Dashen Bank employees gives follow 311 2 4 2.44 .815
up to customer requests well in time.
Aggregated Mean 3.54
Source: Survey result, 2018

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 47
The table shows that the pricing policy, responsiveness & customer service quality of Dashen
bank is moderately good as the aggregated mean (3.54) indicates. Most of respondents agree on
the following criterions as shown below
a) customers are sincerely entertained by the Dashen bank employees, (mean, X=4.04)
b) employees gives prompt service to customers, (mean, X=4.01)
c) employees is consistent in providing services, (mean, X=3.89)
d) employees and executives have the knowledge to answer customer’s questions, (mean,
e) Dashen bank has sound and attractive pricing policies for investors and other Customers,
(mean, X= 3.62)
f) employees are always willing to help customers, (mean, X= 3.50)

As the mean of customers indicates most of the respondents was neutral for
a) satisfaction about the bank’s flexible rate of return and pricing policy for various
products or services, (mean, X=3.40)
b) the bank use effective ways to help customers to know its pricing policies of products
and services, (mean, X=3.43)
c) customer complaints are easily and immediately handled, (mean, X=3.40)
and Some respondents also disagree for the questions about employees follow up to customer
requests well in time, as the mean of response indicate (mean, X= 2.44).

According to Gee et al (2008) in an attempt to understand the factors that induce customer
satisfaction, the concept of service quality is increasingly common in the literature. Studies show
that service quality has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction and also has a significant
relationship with customer loyalty, and the profitability of the firms. According to the works of
Hanley (2008), the quality of services could be implemented by a few methods such as: Meeting
customer expectation of good service level and having many varieties of products, Provide good
quality products with reasonable price, To handle the customer complains about the products and
services tactfully.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 48
4.2.4 Summary of Results Customers information Database Managment,
Product Development & promotion.
Table 4.5: Customers Database management, Product Development & promotion

Mean Std.
Details N Minimum Maximum (X) Deviation
I am satisfied with the variety of 311 3 5 4.09 .765
services/products offered by Dashen Bank.
I am informed about latest and forthcoming 311 2 4 3.58 .590
schemes offered by Dashen Bank.
Proper information about usage and benefits 311 3 4 3.38 .485
of the product/services are communicated to
The promotion offers from Dashen Bank 311 2 4 3.19 .825
provide a good value for money.
The promotion of the Dashen Banks is 311 2 4 3.16 .922
attractive and can transfer the desired
information to the best level
I am easily benefited with promotional 311 2 4 3.14 .800
offers provided by Dashen Bank.
Dashen Bank has ease support access like 311 2 4 2.70 .681
call center, website, helpdesk.
Customers personal information’s, engaged 311 1 3 2.42 .672
business, demands and related data are
collected, recorded and communicated
Aggregated Mean 3.21
Source: Survey result, 2018

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 49
The table shows that the response of most respondents tending to there is no adequate strong
Customers Database management, Product Development & promotion in their company
(x=3.21). However, the response of the majority shows that they are almost neutral to the
questions about
a) Proper information about usage and benefits of the product/services are communicated,
(mean, X= 3.38)
b) the promotion offers from Dashen bank provide a good value for money, (mean, X=
c) The promotion of the Dashen banks is attractive and can transfer the desired information
to the best level, (mean, X= 3.16)
d) Customers are easily benefited with promotional offers provided by the bank, (mean, X=
e) Dashen Bank has ease support access like call center, website, helpdesk … , (mean, X=

For the question about Customers personal information’s, engaged business, demands and
related data collection, recording, processing and communicating when needed is responded
disagree (mean, X= 2.42).

From this category only the satisfaction criterion on the variety of services/products offered and
information about latest and forthcoming schemes offered the bank respond agree (mean, X=
4.09, 3.58 respectively).

The customer database is an organized collection of comprehensive information about individual

customers or prospects that is current, accessible and actionable for such marketing purposes as
lead generation, lead qualification and sale of a product or service or maintenance of customer
relationships. In short customer database is the technique of gathering all the information
available about the customer, leads, and prospects into a central database and using that
information to drive all the marketing efforts. The information is stored in a marketing database
and can be used at both the strategic and tactical levels to drive targeted marketing efforts
(Srivastava, 2012).

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 50
4.2.5 Summary of Results CRM practice and Customer reaction
Table 4.6 : CRM practice practice and customer reaction

Mean Std.
Details N Minimum Maximum (X) Deviation

I am satisfied with the overall product 311 3 5 4.14 .701

range offered by Dashen Bank.
I am willing to say positive things about 311 3 5 4.13 .699
the Dashen Bank.
I intend to continue using the product 312 3 5 4.10 .841
and services of Dashen Bank.
I recommend to my friends and 311 3 5 4.08 .787
colleagues to open their account in
Dashen Bank.
I am satisfied with the performance of 311 3 5 3.95 .814
Dashen Bank Employees.
I am satisfied with Dashen Bank 311 3 5 3.95 .712
product I used.
Dashen Bank CRM practice leads to 311 3 5 3.93 .518
improve the customer base and
Performance of financial transactions is 311 3 5 3.90 .615
better with CRM rather than without.
I feel Dashen Bank CRM strategies is 311 3 5 3.79 .582
mainly concerned with the customer
I feel secured & satisfied with CRM 311 2 5 3.69 .728
strategies of Dashen Bank.

Aggregated Mean 3.97

Source: Survey result, 2018

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 51
This categories of questioner designed to measure the respondent direct reaction to the actual
CRM practice. As it is indicated in the aggregated mean in the above table (X=3.97), the CRM
practice of the bank is good.

The majority also agreed for the criterions requested about their satisfaction of
a) the overall product range offered by the bank (mean, X= 4.14)
b) their willingness to say positive thing about the bank, (mean, X=4.13)
c) their intention of continuing using the bank’s product and service, (mean, X= 4.10)
d) giving their recommendation to their friends to open account in Dashen Bank, (mean, X=
e) performance of Dashen Bank employees, (mean, X= 3.95)
f) The satisfaction on the product currently used, (mean, X= 3.95)
g) CRM practice impact to customer base & satisfaction improvement, (mean, X= 3.93)
h) Customers expectation of CRM implementation and Performance of financial
transactions, (mean, X= 3.93)
i) CRM practice concerned about the customer interest, (mean, X= 3.79)
j) and Customers feel secured and satisfied with CRM strategy of the bank, (mean, X=

Enterprises product benefits of form, time, place and property that will satisfy the customers’
demands through goods and service. Forming and marketing of the goods and services that
satisfy the customer demands is the basis of producing benefit. ( Altitas, 2000:). Whether the
customer is satisfied or not depends on whether the he compares what is offered to him with his
own expectations. If what is offered suits the expectations, the customer is satisfied. If what is
offered is above the expectations, the customer is highly satisfied and pleased. (Kother, 2004:
36) for example, if the real performance of a product or service in a bank is below the
expectations, the result is dissatisfaction, but if it equal or higher, customers satisfaction is
achieved. ( Kocoglu & Duygu ,2012 )

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 52
Summary of the Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary of the Findings
The study has investigated the impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on customer
satisfaction the case Dashen bank S.Co Addis Ababa. The researcher used quantitative data for
the study. The quantitative data was collected from the bank Corporate Customers using five
point Likert scale. Secondary data was also collected from the organizations.

The majority of the respondents are male and from age perspective the majority are within 31 up
to 40 age interval. Most of the respondents are degree holders and regarding length of
relationship with the bank is one to Five years.

The impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on customer satisfaction was discussed
through four independent variables that are
i. Convenience & Physical Appearance
ii. Employee’s behavior, Relationship development & reliability
iii. Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service Quality
iv. Customers info. Database mgt. Product Development & promotion

The result shows that the bank Convenience & Physical Appearance is good. Most respondent
agree on the bank modern and updated infrastructure, employees appearance and neatness, The
layout of the bank, about convenient location of the branches & working hour, working area
cleanness, visual attractiveness and how the physical facility matches with the service offered.
However, there is also many respondent disagree on availability of convenient parking space
and neutral on ATM’s conveniently located and Clear departmentation that understand customer

The result also shows that there is good Employee’s behavior, Relationship development &
Reliability. Most respondent agree on all the listed Employees consistent courteousness,
assurance about the facilities and services provided by the bank, about trustworthiness of cash
transaction system , error-free transactions and records, giving customers individual attention,

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 53
welcoming and smile face to customers, feel financially safe in dealing with Dashen Bank,
promise to do something by a certain time is mostly kept, When a customer has a problem the
bank shows a sincere interest in solving it, employees and management team are never too busy
to respond to customers’ requests, employees know corporate customers very well. nevertheless,
there is also many respondent disagree on customers visit.

About Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service Quality of the bank is moderately
good. Most of them agree on the following criterions; customers are sincerely entertained by the
Dashen bank employees, employees gives prompt service to customers, employees is consistent
in providing services, employees and executives have the knowledge to answer customer’s
questions, Dashen bank has sound and attractive pricing policies for investors and other
Customers, employees are always willing to help customers

But there is many respondents disagree on the bank’s flexible rate of return and pricing policy
for various products or services, the bank use effective ways to help Customers to know its
pricing policies of products and services, Customer complaints are easily and immediately
handled and neutral on the customer follow up practice.

Regarding Customers information database management, Product Development & promotion of

the bank respondent exceptionally neutral on the aggregate view. Most of the respondent
disagree on the Customers personal information’s, about engaged business, demands and related
information collections, processing, updating and communicating when needed and neutral for
the questions about the Proper information about usage and benefits of the product/services, The
promotion offers from the bank provide a good value for money, The promotion of the bank is
attractive and can transfer the desired information to the best level, customers are easily
benefited with promotional offers provided by the bank, getting ease support access like call
center, website, helpdesk.

On the other hand there is some respondent agree for the questions about customer satisfaction
with the variety of services/products offered by the bank, whether or not informed about latest
and forthcoming schemes offered by the bank.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 54
5.2 Conclusion

This paper aims to address the assessment of customer relationship management practices the
case of Dashen Bank S.Co, as the result of the study showed that the bank realizing the benefits
of Customer relationship management and adopted a number of strategies to help strengthen the
relationship that exist between the bank and the customers and improve the satisfaction of the

Findings from the study indicated that -

o The conveniences & physical Appearance of the branches are good, especially the bank
modern and updated infrastructure, employees protocol, the layout of the bank is very

o There is no convenient parking space for the customers in most branches.

o Employee’s behavior, Relationship development & Reliability of the bank is very good
and most respondents accept positively than any of other question. Especially the
employees courteousness, assurance about the facilities and services provided by Dashen
bank, cash transaction system trustworthiness and about error-free transactions and
records are very good.

o Employees and management team customer visiting character was observed as significant

o The overall result of Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service Quality is
moderately efficient in relative to the bank’s other CRM practice.

o employees follow up to customer requests/complains was observed as weakness of the

bank .
o The overall result of Customers Database Management, Product Development &
promotion is not good.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 55
o The bank do not implement easy customer support access like call center, supportive and
updated website, helpdesk and other alternative communication channels that helps the
customer in the absence of the Relationship Manager which are responsible for handling
customers transactions.

o The CRM practice of the banks is very good.

5.3 Recommendation
Banking sector shows remarkable progress accompanied with stiff competition in the last two
decades in the country. These days, most of the banks are adopting technological advancements
that enable them to provide similar service to their customers. As such, there is no major
difference among banks in the country with regard to their products and services. The major
factor that differentiates one bank from the other is the quality of the service that the bank
provides to its customers. Therefore, Dashen bank has to work hard to provide efficient and
effective customer service management to satisfy its customers and get remarkable market share
in the industry. For this, Based on the research findings and conclusions the researcher
recommended the following points.

 39% of the respondents have up to five years relationship and 61% of the respondents
have less than ten years of relationship with the Bank but Dashen Bank has 23 years of
age, this will registered as a result of aggressively branch explanations and or the bank
prior customer relationship management strategy. Therefore, the Bank has to continue its
branch expansion strategy to recruit new potential customer and as well it is important to
look at the former customers and work to retain on the existing customers.

 Proper information about usage and benefits of the product/services should

communicated to customers depending on the convenient means of communication.

 The bank advised to handle Customers Complaint as per the customer relationship
managment charter and work to avoid any similar problems that will be incurred in the
future, because customers have a high interest in dealing and solving their problems by

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 56
the banks on time and to avoid similar problems in future, so banks positive reputation is
usually very important.

 ATM has very significant importance in giving Customer service all 24 X 7 at every
corners of they are located. this is therefore, it is advised that ATMs should be placed in
a convenient location and also it is very important to assure that it is always on function.

 Many respondents prefer to keep quiet for the criterion of “The promotion offers from
Dashen bank provide a good value for money and the promotion of the Dashen banks is
attractive and can transfer the desired information to the best level”. This is therefore, it is
recommended that Promotions is the entire set of activities, which communicate the
product, brand or service to the user. The idea is to make people aware, attract and induce
to buy the product, in preference over others. Therefore, the promotion offers of Dashen
bank should be attractive and can transfer the desired information to the best level and
provide a good value for money.

 Dashen bank has to implement easy customer support access like call center, supportive
and updated website, helpdesk and other alternative communication channels that helps
the customer at the absence of the Relationship Manager which are responsible for
handling customers transactions, so, the bank advised to enhance the online customer
service centers, this method will keep an eye on the customers’ needs and to track his
request orders, so the customer will have a feeling that the bank is following up his
orders, this will establish trust channels between the customer and the banks.

 It is recommended that it will be necessary to visit customers frequently and also hold
meetings with them. Such visits and meetings will offer customers the opportunity to
share their problems and their individual needs can be identified and properly identified.
They will also feel delighted when they are called by the bank frequently and also on
special occasion such as birthdays and anniversaries.

 Absence of Convenient parking also another major problem, in as much as possible

branches expected to provide and reserve parking space for customers.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 57
 The success of CRM is directly associated with the organization’s ability to capture
customer information and use of information to satisfy customer need. As a bank what is
important to customer service management is; use customer data base more efficiently
and it helps to identify the value of market segments, to build customer relationships and
segment potential market and offers differentiated products and service for the
segmented market. This is therefore Dashen bank has to focus on capturing customer’s
information, engaged business , demands and related data collection, updating records
and develop products to satisfy the customer need.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 58
List of Reference

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Dear Respondents,
My name is Biniam H/Mariam . I am a graduate student at Addis Ababa University
School of Commerce in the field of Project Management. I am conducting a research on
“The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction:
The case of Dashen Bank S.C.‟ in partial fulfillment of my study.
I kindly request you to spend some minutes of your time in filling the questionnaire. I
would like to assure you that any information which you provide will be kept confidential
and there is no need of writing your name. Your genuine response is highly appreciated
for the outcome of the project.
Please do not hesitate to contact me through my cell phone number 0911-915715 for
any clarification, if required.
Thank you for your kind cooperation in filling the questionnaire!

General Instructions
Where answer options are available please tick (√) in the appropriate box for both part I and
part II .

Part-1: Demographic Information

1. Gender : Female Male

2. Age (years): 18-30 31-40 41-50 above 50

3. Educational Level: Below Diploma Diploma First Degree

Masters Above Masters

4. Length of Relationship with the Bank: Less than 1 year 1 – 5 years

6 – 10 years 11 - 15 years above 16 years

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 63
Part II: Survey on Customer Relationship Management
Please thick in the appropriate box to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree
with each statement. With 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 =agree, 5 =
strongly agree.




S.No Details

1 Convenience & physical Appearance

1.1 Dashen Bank Branches are conveniently located
1.2 Dashen Bank provides convenient parking for
1.3 Dashen Bank has convenient opening and closing
time / Working time/.
1.4 The working area of the Dashen Bank premises are
clean, and visually attractive.
1.5 Dashen Bank has modern and updated
1.6 Physical facilities are matching with the services
offered by the Bank.
1.7 Clear departmentation is done to understand
customer needs.
1.8 The layout of Dashen Bank makes it easier for
customers to find what they need.
1.9 The layout of the Dashen Bank is such that it makes
it easy for customers to move around.
1.10 Dashen Bank ATMs are conveniently located in
various areas.
1.11 Dashen Bank employees are always well dressed
and neat in their appearance.
2 Employees behavior, Relationship Development & Reliability
2.1 Dashen Bank employees and management Teams
are welcoming and smile to you before and after
your transactions/ visit their office.
2.2 Dashen Bank employees and management team are
never too busy to respond to customers’ requests.
2.3 Dashen Bank employees gives customers individual
2.4 Dashen Bank employees are consistently courteous
with customers
2.5 Dashen Bank employees and management team
visit customers periodically

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 64



S.No Details

2.6 Dashen Bank employees know you very well

2.7 Dashen Bank cash transaction system is trustworthy
2.8 I feel financially safe in dealing with Dashen Bank.
2.9 The Bank insists on error-free transactions and
2.10 I am assured about the facilities and services
provided by Dashen bank.
2.11 When Dashen Bank promise to do something by a
certain time, it does so
2.12 When a customer has a problem, Dashen Bank
shows a sincere interest in solving it.
3 Pricing policy, Responsiveness & Customer Service Quality
3.1 Dashen Bank has sound and attractive pricing
policies for investors and other Customers.(Loan
Interest rate, tariffs and Various charges)
3.2 I am satisfied with Dashen Bank’s flexible rate of
return and pricing policy for various products or
services that meet my needs.
3.3 Dashen Bank took effective ways to help us know its
pricing policies of products and services.
3.4 Dashen Bank employees gives prompt service to
3.5 All customers are sincerely entertained by the
Dashen Bank employees.
3.6 My complaints are easily and immediately handled.
3.7 Dashen Bank employees and executives have the
knowledge to answer customer’s questions.
3.8 Dashen Bank employees gives follow up to
customer requests well in time.
3.9 Dashen Bank employees are always willing to help
3.10 Dashen Bank employees is consistent in providing
4 Customers Database management, Product Development & promotion
4.1 Customers personal information’s, engaged
business, demands and related data are collected,
recorded and communicated
4.2 Dashen Bank has ease support access like call
center, website, helpdesk.

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 65



S.No Details

4.3 I am satisfied with the variety of services/products

offered by Dashen Bank.
4.4 Proper information about usage and benefits of the
product/services are communicated to me.
4.5 I am easily benefited with promotional offers
provided by Dashen Bank.
4.6 The promotion offers from Dashen Bank provide a
good value for money.
4.7 I am informed about latest and forthcoming schemes
offered by Dashen Bank.
4.8 The promotion of the Dashen Banks is attractive and
can transfer the desired information to the best level
5 CRM practice and Customers reaction
5.1 I feel Dashen Bank CRM strategies is mainly
concerned with the customer interests.
5.2 I feel secured & satisfied with CRM strategies of
Dashen Bank.
5.3 Performance of financial transactions is better with
CRM rather than without.
5.4 Dashen Bank CRM practice leads to improve the
customer base and satisfaction.
5.5 I am satisfied with the overall product range offered
by Dashen Bank.
5.6 I am satisfied with Dashen Bank product I used.

5.7 I am satisfied with the performance of Dashen Bank

5.8 I intend to continue using the product and services of
Dashen Bank.
5.9 I am willing to say positive things about the Dashen
5.10 I recommend to my friends and colleagues to open
their account in Dashen Bank.

Thank you!

Assessment of CRM Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa) Page 66

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