Learning Aims C2 and C3 Exercise: Tasks

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Learning aims C2 and C3 Exercise


Boshington Bikes Ltd is a new start up business based in Bristol, manufacturing electric bicycles and owned
by Jeff King. It is a private limited company but Jeff is the main shareholder; his wife having a 20% stake in
the business. When Jeff set up the business, in addition to the £60,000 share capital he and his wife
invested, he also took out a £250,000 mortgage on the business premises, using a loan of £20,000 from his
father to convince the bank to lend him the money. He has agreed to pay this back to his Dad over 10 years
at 2% interest.

The premises are large and he now sublets one of the workshops to another small business, for which he
earns £5000 per month.

So far Jeff has fully equipped the factory with high technology machinery to make his uniquely designed
electric bikes; the battery system has been patented. He has also gained a trademark for his logo and brand
name. He has used five year leasing agreements to buy the machinery he needed to make the electric bikes.

The bikes retail for an average price of £1800 and his sales in the first six months were 5,000. He uses a
component supplier based in Birmingham, who was reluctant to negotiate on trade credit and discounts
initially. However, given the large scale of sales in the first few months, has now agreed to a 5% discount on
parts if payment is received within 30 days, 15% if payment made within 7days.

He employs five workers in the factory and two office staff who deal with all the purchasing, invoicing and
communication with their key account customers. The computer system they bought is very advanced, but
Jeff is concerned that it will all need updating within three years.

Jeff managed to gain contracts with two large cities to supply electric bikes so 50% of their sales are business
to business. The remaining sales come from selling directly to customers making use of social media to
market their range of bikes and their marketing budget has been focused largely on building a strong digital


1. Explain the term Capital Income [2]

2. Explain the term Revenue income [2]
3. In the table below, identify all the sources of capital and revenue income detailed in the
scenario above. [6]

Sources of capital income Sources of revenue income

- leasing agreements to buy the machinery - bikes retail
- supplying electric cars

4. Explain the term Capital expenditure [2]

5. Explain the term Revenue expenditure [2]
6. In the table below, identify all the sources of capital and revenue expenditure detailed in the
scenario above. [6]

Sources of capital expenditure Sources of revenue expenditure

- the battery system has been patented. - discount on parts
- gained a trademark for his logo and brand - purchasing of parts
name - maintenance of machinery
- buying machinery - marketing budget
- digital presence

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