Intellectual Property Rights

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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Name: Michael Angelo C. Alonzo

Topic: Intellectual Property Rights on the Development and Use of Digital Materials
Section: BSE-Mathematics II-I
Course Title: Technology for Teaching and Learning

I. Objectives

1. Identified examples of Intellectual Property Right in educational setting

2. Defined the copyright laws
3. Cited consequences when copyright laws were violated

II. Body/Discussion

The internet is very rich source of information and we should be careful in using them.
These works are protected by the sole fact of their creation, is irrespective of their form or
mode of creation as well as their content, quality and purpose. Now that copy and paste are
very accessible commands in our computer toolbars. Giving that it’s easy to get and
accessible to the every information’s in the internet we should try not to violate the
copyright laws otherwise we could be accused of copyright infringement.

Copyright Infringement is the use of works without permission where the copyright
holder has the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected
work or to make derivative works. Proper Citations should be used when including them in
our output.

Here are the Guidelines on online use of copyrighted materials by Smaldino, Lowther
and Russel (2012):

 Contrary to popular opinion, all material on the internet is copyrighted unless stated
 An email is an original work, fixed in a tangible medium of expression that is covered by
the copyright.
 Downloading an article from newspaper’s website, making copies, and distributing
them to your students prior to a class discussion on the topic is permissible following
the current photocopying guidelines which permits making multiple copies for
classroom use.
 You cannot post student’s essays, poems, or other works on the school website unless
you have permission of the students and their parents or guardians.
 Educators should treat copyrighted materials from the internet the same way they do
to print formats. The best guideline is to always obtain permission.

Copyright Infringement vs. Plagiarism

Another violation on intellectual property is plagiarism. Although plagiarism and

copyright infringement are related ides, these two are different. Plagiarism according to is an act fraud; it involves both stealing someone else’s work and lying about it
afterward. further elaborates the following as plagiarism:

1) Turning in someone else’s work as your own

2) Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
3) Failing to put a quotation marks in quotation
4) Giving incorrect information about the source of quotation
5) Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
6) Copying so many words or ideas from the source that it makes up the majority of your
work, whether you give credit or not

For images, videos and music, the following are counted as plagiarism:

1) Copying media especially images from other websites to paste them into your own
paper or websites.
2) Making a video using footage from others’ videos or using copyrighted music as a part of
the soundtrack.
3) Performing another person’s copyrighted music
4) Composing a piece of music that borrows heavily from another composition

In other words, plagiarism refers to copying the work of another and claiming it as one’s
ideas or without proper attribution while copyright infringement is copying one’s work without
obtaining permission. In this sense, copyright infringement is a violation of the right of the
copyright holder while plagiarism is violation of the right of the author. We have to note that
not all authors are copyright holders; there are cases when the publisher owns the copyright. In
addition, copy right infringement is a legal violation while plagiarism is an ethical violation.

III. Synthesis

Internet has impacted our everyday life; internet has a role to us. At this point in time
we cannot live without internet because internet gives us access of what we need, it’s easier
now to access the different information’s we need and internet make the world reachable.
Copyright infringement and plagiarism are very evident right now because of free and
accessible to the every information’s in the internet suddenly results to copyright
infringement and plagiarising the works of others. But every work from the internet is
protected by the sole fact it is their creation, so should be ethical in getting source that we
may get in the internet to not to violate the intellectual protect right of others and the
copyright laws, we should be careful in using the different source we get from internet and
we have properly give citations on the source we got for us to not us to the violate the rights
and laws.

IV. Reference

BILBAO, et al (2019), Technology for Teaching and Learning 1, Lorimar Publishing Inc.,
Quezon City, Philippines. (p. 192-196)

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