Tarjeta Interfase RS232 4100-0031 - SIMPLEX

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4100ES Fire Control Units

UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; FM 4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories
Approved, MEA (NYC)

Features • Fire Alarm Network Interfaces, DACTs, city connections, and up to five
RS-232 ports for printers and terminals
• IP communicator compatibility
• MAPNET II addressable device modules and MAPNET II quad isolator
• Alarm relays, auxiliary relays, additional power supplies, IDC modules,
NAC expansion modules
• Service modems, VESDA Air Aspiration Systems interface, ASHRAE
BACnet Interface, TCP/IP Bridges
• LED/switch modules and panel mount printers
• Emergency communications systems (ECS) equipment; 8 channel
digital audio or 2 channel analog audio
• Battery brackets for seismic area protection
• 8-point zone/relay module, each point is selectable as an IDC input or
relay output. Class A IDCs require two points (one out and one return).
Relays rated for 2 A @ 30 VDC (resistive) and configurable as either
normally open or normally closed.
• Compatible with Simplex remotely located 4009 IDNet NAC Extenders,
up to ten per IDNet SLC

Listings information
• UL 864, Fire Detection and Control (UOJZ), Smoke Control Service
(UUKL), Releasing Device Service (SYZV)
• UL 1076, Proprietary Alarm Units - Burglar (APOU)
• UL 2017, Process Management Equipment (QVAX), Emergency Alarm
System Control Units (FSZI)
• UL 1730, Smoke Detector Monitor (UULH)
Figure 1: 4100ES Cabinets are available with • UL 2572, Mass Notification Systems (PGWM)
one, two or three bays (two bay cabinet shown) • CAN/ULC-S527 Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems (UOJZ7), Releasing
Master Controller (top) bay: Device Service (SYZV7)
• 32-Bit Master Controller with color-coded operator interface including • ULC/ORD-C1076 Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems (APOU7)
raised switches for high confidence feedback • ULC/ORD-C100 Smoke Control System Equipment (UUKL7)
• Dual configuration program CPU, convenient service port access, and
capacity for up to 2500 addressable points Software Feature Summary
• CPU assembly includes 2 GB dedicated compact flash memory for on- CPU provides dual configuration programs
site system programming and information storage
• Two programs allow for optimal system protection and commissioning
• System power supply (SPS) and charger (9 A total) with on-board: NACs, efficiency with one active program and one reserve
IDNet addressable device interface, programmable auxiliary output
• Downtime is reduced because the system stays running during
and alarm relay
• Available with InfoAlarm Command Center expanded content user
interface, refer to data sheet S4100-0045 PC based programmer features
• Upgrade kits are available for existing control panels • Convenient front panel accessed Ethernet port for quick and easy
download of site-specific programming
Network compatibility:
• Modifications can be uploaded as well as downloaded for greater
Compatible with Simplex ES Net or 4120 Fire Alarm Networks service flexibility
Standard addressable interfaces include: • Firmware enhancements are made through software downloads to the
• IDNet addressable device interface with 250 points that support on-board flash memory
TrueAlarm analog sensing and operate with either shielded or Operator interface features
unshielded twisted pair wiring
• TrueAlarm individual analog sensing with front panel information and
• Remote annunciator module support through the RUI+ (remote unit selection access
interface) communications port
• "Dirty" TrueAlarm sensor maintenance alerts, service and status
Optional modules include: reports including "almost dirty"
• Building Network Interface Module (BNIC) for Ethernet connectivity • TrueAlarm magnet test indication appears as distinct "test abnormal"
options, refer to data sheet S4100-0061 message on display when in test mode
• Electrically isolated output IDNet 2 (two loop) and IDNet 2+2 (four loop) • TrueAlarm sensor peak value performance report
modules with short circuit isolation output loops allowing use with • Install Mode allows grouping of multiple troubles for uninstalled
either shielded or unshielded, twisted or untwisted single pair wiring modules and devices into a single trouble condition, typical with future

* See module information sections for product that is UL or ULC listed and additional listing information. This product has been listed by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section
13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7165-0026:251(4100ES) for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Accepted for use -
City of New York Department of Buildings - MEA35-93E. At the time of publication only UL and ULC listings are applicable to ES Net network products. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your
local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products.
S4100-0031 Rev. 42 11/2019
4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

phased expansion; with future equipment and devices grouped into

a single trouble, operators can more clearly identify events from the
commissioned and occupied areas
• Module level ground fault searching assists installation and service by
locating and isolating modules with grounded wiring
• Recurring Trouble Filtering allows the panel to recognize, process,
and log recurring intermittent troubles, such as external wiring ground
faults, but only sends a single outbound system trouble to avoid
nuisance communications
• WALKTEST silent or audible system test performs an automatic self-
resetting test cycle

4100ES Series Fire Detection and Control Panels provide extensive
installation, operator, and service features with point and module
capacities suitable for a wide range of system applications. An on-
board Ethernet port provides fast external system communications
to expedite installation and service activity. Dedicated compact flash
memory archiving provides secure on-site system information storage of
electronic job configuration files.

Modular design
A wide variety of functional modules are available to meet specific
system requirements. Selections allow panels to be configured for either
Stand-Alone or Networked fire control operation. InfoAlarm Command
Center options provide convenient expanded display content, detailed
on data sheet S4100-0045.

Module Bay Description

The Master Controller Bay (top) includes a standard multi-featured
system power supply, the master controller board, and operator
interface equipment.
The Expansion Bays include a Power Distribution Interface (PDI) for
new 4 in. x 5 in. flat design option modules and also accommodate
4100-style modules.
The Battery Compartment (bottom) accepts two batteries, up to 50
Ah, to be mounted within the cabinet without interfering with module
The following illustration identifies bay locations using a three bay
cabinet for reference. Figure 2: 4100ES Module Bay Reference

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

Mechanical Description waterflow switches can be interfaced to the addressable controller to

• Boxes can be close-nippled; each box provides convenient stud communicate their identity and status.
markers for drywall thickness and nail-hole knockouts for quicker Addressability allows the location and condition of the connected device
mounting to be displayed on the operator interface LCD and on remote system
• Smooth box surfaces are provided for locally cutting conduit entrance annunciators. Additionally, control circuits (fans, dampers, etc.) may be
holes exactly where required individually controlled and monitored with addressable devices.
• Cabinet assembly design has been seismic tested and is certified to Addressable Operation
IBC and CBC standards as well as to ASCE 7 categories A through F, Each addressable device on the communication channel is continuously
requires 4100-7912 option for additional legacy card stabilizer brackets interrogated for status condition such as: normal, off-normal, alarm,
and battery brackets as detailed on data sheet S2081-0019 supervisory, or trouble. Both Class B and Class A operation are available.
• The latching dress panel (retainer) assembly easily lifts off for internal Sophisticated poll and response communication techniques ensure
access supervision integrity and allow for "T-tapping" of the circuit for Class
• NACs are mounted directly on power supply assemblies providing B operation. Devices with LEDs pulse the LED to indicate receipt of a
minimized wiring loss, compact size, and readily accessible communications poll and can be turned on steady from the panel.
IDNet Channel Capacity
• Packaging supports traditional 4100-style motherboard with daughter
The CPU bay system power supply (SPS) provides an IDNet signaling line
circuit (SLC) that supports up to 250 addressable monitor and control
• Modules are power-limited (except as noted, such as relay modules) points intermixed on the same pair of wires. Additional 250 point IDNet
• The NEMA 1/IP30 box is ordered separately and available for early circuit modules are available, see Table 16.
Table 1: IDNet, MAPNET II, IDNet 2, and
• Doors are available with tempered glass inserts or solid; boxes and IDNet 2+2 SLC Wiring Common Specifications
doors are available in platinum or red
Specification Description
• Boxes and door/retainer assemblies are ordered separately per system
Maximum Distance 1 to 125 4000 ft (1219 m); 50 ohms
requirements; refer to data sheet S4100-0037 for details
from Control Panel per 126 to
2500 ft (762 m); 35 ohms
Device Load 250
Operator Interface Detail Reference Terminals for 18 to 12 AWG (0.82
The following illustration identifies the primary functions of the operator Connections 2 2
mm to 3.31 mm )
Table 2: IDNet and MAPNET II Specifications
Specification Description
Preferred Shielded twisted pair (STP)
Wire Type
Acceptable Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
IDNet and MAPNET II Wiring, Total
Wire Length Allowed With "T" Taps Up to 10,000 ft (3 km); 0.58 µF
for Class B Wiring
Table 3: IDNet 2 and IDNet 2+2 Wiring Specifications
Specification Description
Shielded or unshielded, twisted or
Wire Type
untwisted wire
Total Wire Length Allowed With "T"
Up to 12,500 ft (3.8 km); 0.60 µF
Taps for Class B Wiring
Maximum Capacitance Between
1 µF
IDNet 2 Channels
IDNet 2 and IDNet 2+2 Module Compatibility: IDNet communicating
devices and TrueAlarm sensors including QuickConnect and
QuickConnect2 sensors
Figure 3: Operator Interface Detail Reference
Note: Some applications may require shielded wiring. Review your sys-
tem with your local Simplex product supplier.
Compatible Peripheral Devices
The 4100ES is compatible with an extensive list of remote peripheral
devices including printers, CRT/keyboards (up to five total), and both TrueAlarm System Operation
conventional and addressable devices including TrueAlarm analog Addressable device communications include operation of TrueAlarm
sensors. smoke and temperature sensors. Smoke sensors transmit an output
value based on their smoke chamber condition and the CPU maintains a
current value, peak value, and an average value for each sensor. Status
Addressable Device Control
is determined by comparing the current sensor value to its average
Overview value. Tracking this average value as a continuously shifting reference
The 4100ES provides standard addressable device communications point filters out environmental factors that cause shifts in sensitivity.
for IDNet compatible devices and accepts optional modules for Programmable sensitivity of each sensor can be selected at the
communications with MAPNET II compatible devices. Using a two wire control panel for different levels of smoke obscuration (shown directly
communications circuit, individual devices such as manual fire alarm in percent) or for specific heat detection levels. To evaluate whether the
stations, TrueAlarm sensors, conventional IDC zones, and sprinkler sensitivity should be revised, the peak value is stored in memory and can
be easily read and compared to the alarm threshold directly in percent.

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

CO sensor bases combine an electrolytic CO sensing module with a • Provides system power, battery charging, auxiliary power, auxiliary
TrueAlarm analog sensor to provide a single multiple sensing assembly relay, earth detection, on-board IDNet communications channel for
using one system address. The CO sensor can be enabled/disabled, 250 points, three on-board NACs, and provisions for either an optional
used in LED/Switch modes and custom control, and can be made public City Connect Module or an optional Alarm Relay Module
for communication across a fire alarm Network. For more details, refer • IDNet SLC Output provides Class B or Class A communications for
to data sheet S4098-0052. up to 250 addressable devices, as described in Addressable Device
TrueAlarm heat sensors can be selected for fixed temperature Control
detection, with or without rate-of-rise detection. Utility temperature • Three, 3 A On-Board NACs, conventional reverse polarity operation;
sensing is also available, typically to provide freeze warnings or alert to rated 3 A for Special Application appliances and 2 A for Regulated
HVAC system problems. Readings can selected as either Fahrenheit or 24 DC power, with electronic control and overcurrent protection;
Celsius. selectable as Class B or Class A, and for synchronized strobe or
SmartSync horn/strobe operation over two wires
TrueSense Early Fire Detection
• NACs are selectable as auxiliary power outputs derated to 2 A for
Multi-sensor 4098-9754 provides photoelectric and heat sensor data
continuous duty; total auxiliary power output per SPS is limited to 5 A
using a single 4100ES IDNet address. The panel evaluates smoke
activity, heat activity, and their combination, to provide TrueSense • Battery Charger is dual rate, temperature compensated, and
early detection. For more details on this operation, refer to data sheet charges up to 50 Ah sealed lead-acid batteries mounted in the battery
S4098-0024. compartment (33 Ah for single bay cabinets); also is UL listed for
charging up to 110 Ah batteries mounted in an external cabinet, refer
to data sheet S2081-0012 for details
Diagnostics and Default Device Type
• Battery and Charger Monitoring includes battery charger status
Sensor Status and low or depleted battery conditions; status information provided
TrueAlarm operation allows the control panel to automatically indicate to the master controller includes analog values for: battery voltage,
when a sensor is almost dirty, dirty, and excessively dirty. The NFPA 72 charger voltage and current, actual system voltage and current, and
requirement for a test of the sensitivity range of the sensors is fulfilled individual NAC currents
by the ability of TrueAlarm operation to maintain the sensitivity level of • 2 A Auxiliary Power Output is selectable for detector reset, door
each sensor. CO Sensors track their 10 year active life status providing holder, or coded output operation
indicators to assist with service planning. Indicators occur at: 1 year, 6 • Auxiliary Relay is selectable as N.O. or N.C., rated 2 A @ 32 VDC,
months, and when end of life is reached. and is programmable as a trouble relay, either normally energized or
Modular TrueAlarm sensors normally de-energized, or as an auxiliary control
TrueAlarm sensors use the same base and different sensor types (smoke • Optional City Connect Module (4100-6031, with disconnect
or heat sensor) and can be easily interchanged to meet specific location switches, or 4100-6032, without disconnect switches) can be selected
requirements. This allows intentional sensor substitution during building for conventional dual circuit city connections
construction when conditions are temporarily dusty. Instead of covering • Optional Alarm Relay Module (4100-6033) provides three Form
smoke sensors (causing them to be disabled), heat sensors may be C relays that are used for Alarm, Trouble, and Supervisory, rated 2 A
installed without reprogramming the control panel. The control panel resistive @ 32 VDC
will indicate an incorrect sensor type, but the heat sensor will operate at
8-Point Zone/Relay Module Details
a default sensitivity to provide heat detection for building protection at
that location. • Select as IDC or Relay; configure up to eight Class B IDCs, or up to
four Class A IDCs; or up to eight Relay outputs rated 2 A resistive @ 30
VDC (N.O. or N.C.); or combinations of IDCs and Relays; each zone is
CPU Bay Module Details separately configurable as an IDC or Relay output
Master Controller and Motherboard • IDC Support: each IDC supports up to 30, two-wire devices. Zone relay
• Mounts in Slot 4 of a two slot motherboard (Slots 3 and 4 of the modules may be powered directly from the control unit power supply
Master Controller Bay) and provides one Class B or Class A, RUI+ or through the optional 25 VDC regulator module where required for
communications channel configurable for isolated or un-isolated two-wire detector compatibility. Refer to 2-Wire Detector Compatibility
operation document 579-832 for additional details.
• Slot 3 of the motherboard is primarily for a modular network interface • IDC EOL resistor values are selectable as: 3.3 kΩ, 2 kΩ, 2.2 kΩ, 3.4 kΩ,
card, or secondarily for the 4100-6038 dual RS-232 board 3.9 kΩ, 4.7 kΩ, 5.1 kΩ, 5.6 kΩ, 6.34/6.8 kΩ, and 3.6 kΩ + 1.1 kΩ; see
instructions for more details
• RUI communications controls up to 31 devices per master controller
(on one or multiple RUI+ and RUI channels); devices include: MINIPLEX
transponders, 4603-9101 LCD Annunciators, 4602-9101 Status
Command Units (SCU), 4602-9102 Remote Command Units (RCU),
4602 Series LED Annunciator Panels, and 4100 Series 24 I/O and LED/
Switch modules.

Note: 4602 series annunciators require un-isolated communications

• Up to four RUI channels (combination of built-in RUI+ and optional RUI
modules) are supported per master controller
• Optional Service Modem 4100-6030 mounts onto the master
controller board with its own on-board connections

System Power Supply

• Rating is 9 A total with "Special Application" appliances; 4 A total for
"Regulated 24 DC" appliance power
• Outputs are power-limited, except for the battery charger

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

Operator Interface
With the locking door closed, the glass window allows viewing of the display, status LEDs, and available operator switches. Features include a two-line
by 40-character, wide viewing angle (super-twist) LCD with status LEDs and switches as shown in Figure 4.
LED indicators describe the general category of activity being displayed with the LCD providing more detail. For the authorized user, unlocking the door
provides access to the control switches and allows further inquiry by scrolling the display for additional detail.
• Convenient and extensive operator information is provided using a logical, menu-driven display
• Multiple automatic and manual diagnostics for maintenance reduction
• Alarm and Trouble History Logs (up to 1000 entries for each, 2000 total events) are available for viewing from the LCD, or capable of being printed to
a connected printer, or downloaded to a service computer
• Convenient PC programmer label editing
• Password access control

Figure 4: Operator Interface

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

Expansion Bay Module Loading Reference

Size Definitions: Block = 4 in. W x 5 in. H (102 mm x 127 mm) card area
Slot = 2 in. W x 8 in. H (51 mm x 203 mm) motherboard with daughter card
Table 4: Expansion bay loading reference
Description Mounting
IDNet 2, IDNet 2+2 Modules 1 Block
4, 2 A Relays 1 block
4, 10 A Relays NON Power-limited 4 in., 2 slots
8, 3 A Relays 1 block
VESDA Interface 2 in., 1 Slot
Class B IDC 2 in., 1 Slot
Class A IDC 2 in., 1 Slot
MAPNET II Module 4 in., 2 Slots
MAPNET II/IDNet Isolator 2 in., 1 Slot
Decoder Module 6 in., 3 Slots
System or Remote Power Supply Blocks E, F, G & H ONLY
Expansion Power Supply Blocks G & H ONLY
NAC Expansion Module On XPS ONLY

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

Mounting and CPU Bay Module Reference

Figure 5: Mounting and CPU Bay Module Reference


1. Side view dimensions are shown with minimal cabinet and door protrusion from the exterior wall. For 6 in. stud construction with minimum protru-
sion shown, the door will open 90 degrees. To allow the door to open 180 degrees, the exposed cabinet dimension from the exterior wall must be a
minimum of 3 in. (76 mm) for both 4 in. and 6 in. stud construction.

2. Asterisks (*) in Figure 5 indicate supplied modules.

3. A system ground must be provided for earth detection and transient protection devices. This connection shall be made to an approved, dedicated
earth connection per NFPA 70, article 250, and NFPA 780.

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

General Specifications
Table 5: General Specifications
Specification Rating
System Power Supplies (SPS) 120 VAC
4 A maximum @ 102 to 132 VAC, 60 Hz
Input Models
Expansion Power Supplies (XPS)
Power 220 to 240 2 A maximum @ 204 to 264 VAC, 50/60 Hz;
Remote Power Supplies (RPS) VAC Models separate taps for 220/230/240 VAC
Including module currents and auxiliary power Output
Total Power Supply outputs; 9 A total for "Special Application" switches
Output Rating appliances; 4 A total for "Regulated 24 DC" to battery
Power Supply Output Ratings for SPS, XPS, and RPS power (see below for details) backup during
(nominal 28 VDC on AC; 24 VDC on battery backup) Auxiliary Power Tap 2 A maximum mains AC
Rated 19.1 to failure or
NACs Programmed for 2 A maximum per NAC; 5 A brownout
31.1 VDC
Auxiliary Power maximum total conditions
Simplex horns, strobes, and combination horn/strobes and
Special Application Appliances speaker/strobes (contact your Simplex product representative
for compatible appliances)
Power for other UL listed appliances; use associated external
Regulated 24 DC Appliances
synchronization modules where required
UL listed for battery charging of 6.2 Ah up to 110 Ah (batteries
Battery capacity range larger than 50 Ah require a remote battery cabinet); ULC listed
Battery Charger Ratings for SPS and RPS for charging up to 50 Ah batteries
(sealed lead-acid batteries) Temperature compensated, dual rate, recharges depleted
Charger characteristics and
batteries within 48 hours per UL Standard 864; to 70% capacity
in 12 hours per ULC Standard S527
Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Operating Humidity Up to 93% RH, non-condensing @ 90°F (32°C) maximum
Installation Instructions 574-848
Additional Technical Reference
Operating Instructions 579-197

Master Controller Selection Information

Notes for Table 6 and Table 7
1. Refer to data sheet S4100-0045 for InfoAlarm Command Center expanded content display products.
2. Master Controller current does not subtract from 9 A output rating.
3. Supervisory and alarm currents are without IDNet devices. Add IDNet device currents seperately.
Table 6: 4100ES Master Controller and Expansion Bay Selection (Canadian models have low battery cutout)
Model Model Type and Listing Description Supv. Alarm
4100-9111 120 VAC Input UL 4100ES Master Controller Assembly with LCD and operator
4100-9112 English interface, 9 A system power supply/battery charger (SPS), 250
120 VAC, Canadian ULC 373 mA 470 mA
4100-9113 French point IDNet interface, three NACs, auxiliary relay, and external RUI
4100-9211 220-240 VAC Input UL + (isolated or un-isolated) communications interface
4100-9131 120 VAC Input UL 4100ES Master Controller Assembly, no display, no operator
4100-9132 English, 120 VAC, Canadian ULC interface, 9 A system power supply/battery charger (SPS), 250
363 mA 425 mA
point IDNet interface, three NACs, auxiliary relay, and external RUI
4100-9230 220 to 240 VAC Input UL + (isolated or un-isolated) communications interface
Redundant Master Controller with a two bay assembly, one for each of the primary and backup master
controllers. Both bays have an LCD and operator interface, CPU card assembly, and 9 A system power
supply (SPS) 120 VAC, 60 Hz input. Active SPS battery charger in Bay 1 only. External RUI connections require
(not ULC 718 mA 937 mA
4100-1291 RUI expansion modules. Do not use circuit connections (IDNet, NACs, etc.) on primary and secondary
SPS power supplies.
Not compatible with ES Net network panels
Table 7: 4100ES Master Controller Upgrades for Existing 4100 Series Fire Alarm Control Panels
Model Panel Type Includes
New Master Controller CPU card, 4100ES door assembly with LCD and user interface, and Ethernet
4100-7150 1000 pt 4100 (4100+)
4100-7152 512 pt 4100 Same as 4100-7150 plus a Universal Power Supply
New Master Controller CPU card with Ethernet Connection Upgrade Kit (door assembly with LCD and user
4100U or1000 pt 4100 interface are not included) for:
4100-7158 (4100+) previously 4100U with or without LCD and operator interface, or4100+ without LCD and operator interface, or an
upgraded to 4100U existing 4100 (512 pt) or 4100+ (1000 pt) panel that was previously upgraded to a 4100U Master Controller
and Display

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

Table 8: Master Controller Accessories

Model Description
4100-2300 Expansion Bay Assembly; order for each required expansion bay (not required for 4100-9121)
4100-2303 Legacy Module Stabilizer Bracket, used when expansion bays have legacy slot style modules
Expansion Bay Upgrade Kit for mounting 4100ES style (4 in. x 5 in. modules) in existing 4100 style panels;
Note: When using this kit to upgrade a 4100+ transponder, a 4100-0620 Transponder Interface Card (TIC) is also required for commu-
nications to the 4100ES module
Table 9: Master Controller Upgrades for Existing 4020 Series Fire Alarm Control Panel
Model Description
4020 Master Controller Upgrade to 4100ES; Includes New Master Controller with LCD & operator
interface assembly, 8 VDC Converter and RUI+ (isolated or un-isolated) Interface in a single bay cabinet
4100-9833 with locking glass door and retainer; mounts as an adjunct panel close-nippled to existing 4020 cabinet;
also includes 8 VDC box-to-box power and communications harness and solid filler panel for the
existing 4020 Master Controller bay

Module Selection Information

Current Calculation Notes
To determine total supervisory current, add currents of modules in panel to base system value and all external loads powered by panel power
To determine total alarm current, add currents of modules in panel to base system alarm current and add all panel NAC loads and all external loads
powered from panel power supplies.
Table 10: Communication Modules
Model Description Size Supv. Alarm
4100-1291 Un-isolated remote unit interface module (RUI); up to three maximum per control panel 1 Slot 85 mA 85 mA
Service Port Modem, local panel access only, mounts to Master Controller Module, requires
4100-6030 N.A. 70 mA 70 mA
telephone line connection, accesses same information as front panel port
4100-6031 City Circuit, with disconnect switches For use with SPS only, N.A. 20 mA 36 mA
Select one per SPS
4100-6032 City Circuit, w/o disconnect switches not RPS N.A. 20 mA 36 mA
(fits on SPS)
4100-6033 Alarm Relay, 3 Form C relays, 2 A @ 32 VDC; for SPS or RPS N.A. 15 mA 37 mA
4100-6038 Dual Port RS-232 with 2120 interface (slot module) 3 maximum of RS-232 type 1 Slot 132 mA 132 mA
4100-6046 Dual Port RS-232 standard interface (4 in. x 5 in. module) modules per panel 1 Block 60 mA 60 mA
4100-6045 Decoder Module 3 Slots 85 mA 163 mA
4100-6048 VESDA Aspiration System Interface 1 Slot 132 mA 132 mA
DACT, Point or Event Reporting; one shipped unless 4100-7908 is selected; two max. per
4100-6052 1 Slot 30 mA 40 mA
system; includes two 2080-9047 cables, 14 ft (4.3 m) long, RJ45 plug and spade lugs
Table 11: Expansion, System and Remote Power Supplies (Canadian models have low battery cutout)
Model Voltage/Listing Description Size Supv. Alarm
Expansion Power Supply (XPS); 9 A output, three built-
4100-5101 120 VAC UL in Class A/B NACs; NAC operation is same as SPS, see 2 Blocks 50 mA 50 mA
Operator Interface for details
Expansion Power Supply (XPS); 9 A output, three built-
4100-5103 120 VAC, Canadian ULC in Class A/B NACs; NAC operation is same as SPS, see 2 Blocks 50 mA 50 mA
Operator Interface for details
Expansion Power Supply (XPS); 9 A output, three built-
4100-5102 220 to 240 VAC UL in Class A/B NACs; NAC operation is same as SPS, see 2 Blocks 50 mA 50 mA
Operator Interface for details
4100-5115 NAC Expansion Module, three NACs, Class A/B, mounts on XPS only N.A. 25 mA 25 mA
Additional System Power Supply (SPS); 9 A power
4100-5111 120 VAC UL supply/charger with 250 point IDNet channel, three Class A/ 4 Blocks 175 mA 185 mA
B NACs, add IDNet device currents separately
Additional System Power Supply (SPS); 9 A power
4100-5112 120 VAC, Canadian ULC supply/charger with 250 point IDNet channel, three Class A/ 4 Blocks 175 mA 185 mA
B NACs, add IDNet device currents separately
Additional System Power Supply (SPS); 9 A power
4100-5113 220 to 240 VAC UL supply/charger with 250 point IDNet channel, three Class A/ 4 Blocks 175 mA 185 mA
B NACs, add IDNet device currents separately
Remote Power Supply (RPS); 9 A power supply/charger
4100-5125 120 VAC UL similar to SPS except no IDNet channel or City Circuits; will 4 Blocks 150 mA 185 mA
accept one 4100-6033

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

Table 11: Expansion, System and Remote Power Supplies (Canadian models have low battery cutout)
Model Voltage/Listing Description Size Supv. Alarm
Remote Power Supply (RPS); 9 A power supply/charger
4100-5126 120 VAC, Canadian ULC similar to SPS except no IDNet channel or City Circuits; will 4 Blocks 150 mA 185 mA
accept one 4100-6033
Remote Power Supply (RPS); 9 A power supply/charger
4100-5127 220 to 240 VAC UL similar to SPS except no IDNet channel or City Circuits; will 4 Blocks 150 mA 185 mA
accept one 4100-6033
Table 12: Power supply accessories
Model Description Size Current
4100-5152 12 VDC Power Option, 2 A maximum 1 Block 1.5 A maximum
8 VDC Converter, required for multiple Physical Bridge
4100-0156 1 Block included w/loads
Modules, 3 A maximum
Voltage Regulator Module, 22.8 to 26.4 VDC (25VDC
3 A maximum with 2.5 A load, 4.9 A
4100-5130 nominal); isolated and resettable output; includes earth 1 Block
maximum with 4 A load
detection circuit and trouble relay for status monitoring.
4100-0636 Box Interconnection Harness Kit (non-audio); order one for each close-nippled cabinet
4100-0638 4100 Slot Module Additional 24 VDC Harness; needed when 4100 Slot module requirements exceed 2 A from SPS
Table 13: Expansion Signal Module and Options (1.5 A Class B except as noted)
Model Description Supv. Alarm
4100-5116 Converts one NAC in to three NACs out; 1 Block size 18 mA 80 mA
4100-1266 Expands three NACs to six select one; mounts on 0.6 mA 60 mA
4100-1267 Converts three NACs to Class A 4100-5116 0.6 mA 30 mA
Table 14: 8 Zone Initiating Device Circuits
Model Type Supv. Alarm
4100-5005 Class B 75 mA 195 mA
4100-5015 Class A 75 mA 195 mA

Note: Modules listed in Table 14 are for use with all 4100U systems and 4100ES systems version 3.03.05 or earlier. IDC Modules are 1 slot size.
Table 15: 8-Point Zone/Relay Card
Model Description Size Supv. Alarm
8 point zone/relay 4 in. x 5 in. flat module. Supports eight Class B or four Class A
IDCs. Mounts in any open block in a master controller or expansion bay. Alarm
current shown is for eight Class B IDCs using 3.3K end-of-line-resistors with four in
4100-5013 1 block 83 mA 295 mA
alarm and four in standby. Standby current shown is for all eight IDCs in standby.
Refer to 579-1236 Zone/Relay Module Installation Instructions for additional
25 V regulator harness for 8 point zone/relay module. One required for each
8 point zone/relay module to be powered by the 4100-5130 25 V regulator
4100-6305 N/A N/A N/A
module. A maximum of five 8 point zone/relay modules may be powered from the
4100-5130 per bay.

Note: Modules in Table 15 requires 4100ES Version 3.04.01 or later.

Table 16: IDNet Addressable Interface Modules
Model Description Supv. Alarm
IDNet 2 Module, 250 point capacity; electrically isolated output with twono devices 50 mA 60 mA
50 devices
short circuit isolating Class B or Class A output loops, one block; standard 90 mA 150 mA
on EPS with IDNet 2 Module; alarm currents for 50 and above devices 125 devices 150 mA 225 mA
includes 20 device LEDs in alarm 250 devices 250 mA 350 mA
no devices 50 mA 60 mA
IDNet 2+2 Module, 250 point capacity; electrically isolated output with
50 devices 90 mA 150 mA
4100-3110 four short circuit isolating Class B or Class A output loops, one block;
125 devices 150 mA 225 mA
alarm currents for 50 and above devices includes 20 device LEDs in alarm
250 devices 250 mA 350 mA
IDNet Short Circuit Isolating Loop Output Module; mount up to two on a 4100-3109 module; for use with 4100-3109 modules; this
option is for aftermarket field installation only

Note: Loading per IDNet device (no LEDs on) = 0.8 mA supervisory and 1 mA alarm. Each IDNet 2 and IDNet 2+2 Short Circuit Isolating Loop Output
can be individually controlled for system diagnostics and can be assigned a public point for Fire Alarm Network annunciation.

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

Table 17: MAPNET Addressable Interface Modules

Model Description Supv. Alarm
MAPNET II Module, 127 point capacity, add Module without devices 255 mA 275 mA
4100-3102 devices separately; Module size = 2 Slots; Loading
Fully loaded module, total 471 mA 491 mA
per MAPNET II device = 1.7 mA
Isolator Module for MAPNET II communications; converts a single connected
SLC into four isolated outputs selectable as Class A or Class B; up to two Isolator
Modules can be connected to one SLC; Module size = 1 Slot;
4100-3103 50 mA 50 mA

Compatible with MAPNET II Remote Isolators only

Table 18: Relay Modules; Non power-limited (for mounting in expansion bay only)
Model Description Resistive Ratings Inductive Ratings Size Supv. Alarm
4100-3202 4 DPDT w/feedback 10 A 250 VAC 10 A 250 VAC 2 Slots 15 mA 175 mA
4100-3204 4 DPDT w/feedback 2A 30 VDC/VAC 1/2 A 30 VDC/120 VAC 1 Block 15 mA 60 mA
30 VDC/120
4100-3206 8 SPDT 3A 1 1/2 A 30 VDC/120 VAC 1 Block 15 mA 190 mA
Table 19: System Option for Seismic Compliance
Model Description
4100-7912 System option for Seismic compliance, provides additional stabilizer brackets required for legacy style cards
Table 20: End User Programming Software (requires 4100-8802)
Model Description
4100-8802 Programming Software (select)
Table 21: End User Programming Software Selection (select maximum of one each from below)
Model Description
4100-0292 Custom Labels Editing; allows editing of 40 Character Custom Labels for non-system user points
Access Level/Passcode Editing; allows user to re-assign Access Levels and Passcodes for each display function; Acknowledge, Alarm
Silence, System Reset, Point Enable/Disable, WALKTEST Enable/Disable, Clear History Logs, Change Time & Date, etc.
4100-0295 Port Vectoring Setup and Control; Allows vectoring of events to PC Annunciator, Printers, LCD Annunciators, etc.
WALKTEST Configuration Setup and Control; Allows user to create or edit WALKTEST groups used to test system initiating devices
and signals by a single person, these groups allow an inspector to conduct a one-person WALKTEST in a specific area of a building
(or different buildings), and limit the activation of the building signals to only the intended area; up to eight WALKTEST groups are
Table 22: Miscellaneous Accessories
Model Description
4100-1279 Single blank 2 in. display cover; 4100-2302 provides a single plate for a full bay
4100-9856* 4100ES Canadian French Appliqué Kit; Simplex, 4100ES, Contrôle Incendie
4100-9857* 4100ES English Appliqué Kit; Simplex, 4100ES, Fire Control
4100-9858* 4100ES InfoAlarm Remote Display English Appliqué Kit; Simplex, Operator Interface, 4100ES
4100-9859* 4100ES InfoAlarm Remote Display Canadian French Appliqué Kit; Simplex, Interface de l'operateur, 4100ES
4100-9868 Special Purpose Appliqué Kit: Simplex, Elevator Recall Control and Supervisory Control Unit, 4100ES
4100-9869 Special Purpose Appliqué Kit: Simplex, Sprinkler Waterflow and Supervisory Station, 4100ES
4100-9835 Termination and Address Label Kit (for module marking); provides additional labels for field installed modules
4100-6029 Smoke Management Application Guide; required for UUKL listing
Tamper Switch, one per cabinet assembly if required; monitors solid door for panels with solid door; monitors the internal retainer
panel for panels with glass door (not the glass door); has a built-in addressable IDNet IAM
Series resistor for WSO, IDCs (N.O. water flow and tamper on same circuit, wires after water flow and before tamper) 470 Ω, 1 W,
encapsulated, two 18 AWG leads (0.82 mm² ), 2 1/2 in. L x 1 3/8 in. W x 1 in. H (64 mm x 35 mm x 25 mm)

Note: * 4100ES English Appliqués are included with 4100ES Upgrade and Retrofit Kits for mounting 4100ES in 4100, 2120, 2001, and Autocall back
boxes so that upgrades can be easily identified as 4100ES. 4100ES Appliqué Kits are available for applications such as to update Remote InfoAlarm
Displays connected to a panel that was upgraded to 4100ES or for an existing 4100U when the New Master Controller is upgraded to 4100ES and only
a software upgrade is required. When required, French appliqués are ordered separately.

Network Interface and Network Media Card Product Selection

4100ES fire alarm control units are compatible with Simplex ES Net network or 4120 network fire alarm products.
• Refer to datasheet S4100-0076 for additional information on compatible ES Net fire alarm products.
• Refer to datasheet S4100-0056 for additional information on compatible 4120 fire alarm products.

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4100ES Addressable Fire Detection and Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories

Additional 4100ES and Network Product Reference

Table 23: Additional 4100ES and Network Product Reference
Subject Data Sheet
Serial DACT (SDACT) for 4100ES, 4010ES, 4007ES S2080-0009
Battery and Battery Cabinet Reference for 4100ES S2081-0006
110 Ah Batteries and Cabinets for 4100ES S2081-0012
Seismic Battery Brackets Reference S2081-0019
4009 IDNet NAC Extender S4009-0002
4009 IDNAC Repeater S4009-0004
External 110 Ah Battery Charger for 4100ES, 4010ES S4081-0002
Graphic I/O Modules for 4100ES, 4010ES, 4007ES S4100-0005
Interface to VESDA Air Aspiration Detection Systems S4100-0026
4100ES LED/Switch Modules & Printer S4100-0032
Master Clock Interface S4100-0033
4100ES Emergency Voice/Alarm Equipment S4100-0034
MINIPLEX Transponders with SPS Power Supplies S4100-0035
NDU with SPS Power Supplies for 4120 Network S4100-0036
4100ES Enclosures S4100-0037
4100ES Remote Annunciator Panels S4100-0038
4100ES Extinguishing Release Applications S4100-0040
TFX Interface Module S4100-0042
InfoAlarm Command Center with SPS Power Supplies S4100-0045
2120 BMUX Module S4100-0048
Multiple Signal Fiber Optic Modems for 4120 Networks S4100-0049
BACpac Ethernet Module S4100-0051
4120 Network Products and Specifications S4100-0056
Building Network Interface Card (BNIC) S4100-0061
SafeLINC Internet Interface S4100-0062
TrueInsight Remote Gateway S4100-0063
ES Net Network Products and Specifications S4100-0076
NDU with SPS Power Supplies for ES Net S4100-0077
4100ES Basic Panels with EPS Power Supplies S4100-0100
InfoAlarm Command Center with EPS Power Supplies S4100-0101
NDU with EPS Power Supplies for 4120 Network S4100-0102
MINIPLEX Transponders with EPS Power Supplies S4100-0103
NDU with EPS Power Supplies for ES Net S4100-0104
PC Annunciator S4190-0013
TrueSite Workstation S4190-0016
Network System Integrator (NSI) for 4120 Networks S4190-0017
TrueSite Incident Commander S4190-0020
24-Pin Dot Matrix Fire Alarm System Remote Printer S4190-0027
SCU/RCU Annunciators for 4007ES, 4010ES, 4100ES S4602-0001
LCD Annunciator for 4100ES S4603-0001

© 2019 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision and are subject to change without
notice. Additional listings may be applicable, contact your local Simplex® product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co.
Simplex, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm Code are
registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
S4100-0031 Rev. 42 11/2019

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