Septic Tank

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Other processes include:

❖ Imhoff tank
❖ Ponds
❖ Lagoons
❖ Ditches
❖ Septic tank
Imhoff Tank
The Imhoff tank, named for
German engineer
Karl Imhoff (1876–1965), is a
chamber suitable for the
reception and processing of
sewage. It may be used for the
clarification of sewage by simple
settling and sedimentation, along
with anaerobic digestion of the
extracted sludge.
In the lagoon, wastewater is treated through a combination of
physical, biological, and chemical processes. Much of
the treatment occurs naturally, but some systems use aeration devices
to add oxygen to the wastewater. Aeration makes treatment more
efficient, so that less land area is necessary.
How do aerated lagoons work?
• Aerated lagoon. An aerated lagoon (or aerated pond) is a simple
wastewater treatment system consisting of a pond with
artificial aeration to promote the biological oxidation of wastewaters.
• They all have in common the use of oxygen (or air) and microbial
action to reduce the pollutants in wastewaters.
How are lagoons treated?
• Monitor and manage the water level.
• Maintain a 2 - 5 foot liquid depth. This
provides for aerobic and anaerobic layers, and
prevents plants from establishing in the
lagoon. ...
• Maintain a 1-foot freeboard, the distance
between the highest level of the wastewater
and the top of the dike.
Ponds/Waste Stabilization Ponds

How waste stabilization ponds

• The first pond biome in a series
of stabilization ponds digests
the putrescible solids
suspended in the wastewater
being treated.
Anaerobic ponds allow solids
to settle down at the bottom
as sludge. This settling removes
a portion of the particulate
organic material.
Ditch/Oxidation Ditches

Oxidation Ditches. An
oxidation ditch is a modified
activated sludge
biological treatment process
that utilizes long solids retention
times (SRTs) to remove
biodegradable organics.
Oxidation ditches are typically
complete mix systems, but they
can be modified to approach
plug flow conditions.
Septic Tank
• Septic tank is based on the principle of sedimentation of
sewage and digestion of sludge.
• In this tank, the sewage is detained for some period. during this
detention period the sewage is decomposed by anaerobic
bacteria and sludge is deposit at the bottom ( as sedimentation
• This digestion of sludge is carried out by the anaerobic bacteria
(as digestion tank).
• The effluent is clear and it is discharged into the soak pit
constructed at a suitable place.
❖ Process:
➢ Horizontal continuous flow bed tank (with
longer detention time)
➢ Extended sedimentation tank
➢ 12-36 hours detention
➢ Closed tank– Anaerobic decomposition of
settled sludge
➢ Three purposes
➢ Sedimentation
➢ Digestion tank
➢ Storage of digested sludge
⚫ Following reaction occurs:
⚫ Organic materials +Nutrients =
CH4 + CO2 +NH3 + H2S + Biomass

⚫ Sulfates, under the anaerobic conditions of septic tanks, are reduced

to hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a pungent and toxic gas.

⚫ Nitrates and organic nitrogen compounds are reduced to ammonia (NH3).

⚫ Because of the anaerobic conditions, fermentation processes take

place, which ultimately generate carbon dioxide and methane.
⚫ Methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Wastewater also contain phosphate.
Layout of Septic Tank Sewage System
Use of Septic Tank
• The septic tank is suitable for the town where it is not possible
to establish the water carriage system. It is provided in
residential buildings, hostels, hotels, hospitals, schools, etc
Septic Tank
Constructional features of Septic Tank
• Figure shows a septic tank. The following are the constructional
features of septic tank:
• 1) it is a rectangular tank constructed with brick masonry over
concrete foundation. The length is usually 3 times of the width.
• 2)the liquid depth varies from 100 – 180cm (3 to 6 fts)
• 3) a free board of 30 – 50 cm (1 to 1.5ft)
• 4) the inlet pipe and outlet pipe consist of “T” or “elbow” which
are submerged to a depth of about 25cm (10”) below the liquid
• 5) the outlet level is about 15cm(6”) lower than the inlet level.
• 6)the inside surface of the tank should be plastered and finished
with neat cement polish to make it complete watertight.
Constructional features of Septic Tank
• 7) for the smaller tank single baffle wall should be provided. But
for larger tank two baffle walls should be provided near both
• 8) the top of the baffle should be at least 15cm (6”) above the
liquid level.
• 9) openings should be provided near the bottom of the baffle
for the flow of effluent from first chamber /compartment to
second chamber / compartment. Sometimes, hanging baffles
may be provided.
• 10) RCC slab with manhole is provided at the top of the tank.
• 11) ventilation pipe is provided for the removal of foul gases.
Working of Septic Tank
• The fresh sewage from the latrines enters the first chamber
directly where the scum start floating at the beginning.
• Within few days, the anaerobic bacteria decompose the scum
and sludge is formed which is settled down at the bottom of the
tank, and it is digested further by those bacteria.
• The effluent from the first chamber flows to the second
chamber through the openings in the baffle wall and finally
disposed of to the soak pit.
• During the decomposition, the gases like carbon dioxide CO2,
methane CH4, and hydrogen sulphide are formed which are
released through the vent pipe.
• Due to the deposition of sludge, the capacity of the tank goes
on reducing gradually. So, the tank should be cleared every year,
or at some reasonable period.


A. Detention period method

1. Detention period (t) is assumed in between

12 to 36 hrs (common value = 24 hrs)
2. Assuming rate of sewage flow (lpcd) [90 to
150 lpcd] and knowing population to be
served; total discharge (Q) is determined.
3. Volume is calculated by
V=Q. t
4. Depth is assumed 1 to 2 m.
5. Surface area is calculated by
As = V / depth
6. Assuming L/B ratio in between 2 to 4
length and breadth can be fixed.
B. Rational Method
1. Settling zone is kept min 30 cm deep.
2. Digestion zone is provided as 0.032
3. Sludge storage zone of 7.30 m3/100 persons
for cleaning interval of 1 year is provided.
4. Surface area of 0.92 m2/10 lpm of flow is
5.Free board of 0.3 m is provided.
( depth 1 to 2 m, L/B ratio 2 to 4)
Estimated peak discharge

No. of users Peak discharge


100 240
150 360
200 480
300 720
1. Ease in construction.
2. No maintenance problem(except periodical
3. Cost of construction is less.
4. Effluent can be discharged without any
5. It is suitable for isolated community.
6. Very little attention and skilled attendance is
1. If ST is not properly functioning, effluent will be very foul &
2. Leakage of gases from top cover of ST may cause bed
smells & environmental pollution.
3. Periodical cleaning, removal and disposal of sludge remains
a tedious problem.
4. Unpredictable functioning.
5. Size required is large for larger communities.
6. Effluent contains high BOD.
7. Problem of mosquito nuisance.
8. Problem of ground water contamination
Disposal Of Effluent

⚫ Ways Of Disposal Of Effluent Are:-

1. Soak Pit.
2. Dispersion trenches
3. Sub-Surface Irrigation
4. Leaching Cess-Pools.
5. Treated In Trickling Filters
6. Recycling.
Soak Pit
⚫ Soak Pit does not provide adequate treatment
for raw wastewater and the pit will clog quickly.
⚫ A Soak Pit should be used for discharging pre
settled black water or grey water .
⚫ Soak pits are appropriate for rural and
suburban settlements.
⚫ They depend on soil with a sufficient absorptive
⚫ Soak pits are used for soils where percolation
rate is below 25 min/cm.
⚫ They are not appropriate for areas that are prone
to flooding or have high groundwater tables.
⚫ The total subsurface soil area required for soak pits
and dispersion trenches is given by
q = 130/(√t)
q = Max rate of effluent application in Lit/d/m2 of
leaching surface.
T= Standard percolation rate for the soil in
⚫ Total trench/soak pit area required can be
calculated by
A = (Q/q)
Q = total flow = Population x Sewage flow
Soak Pit or Soak Well
• The function of soak pit is to receive effluent from the septic
tank and disperse the liquid to the surrounding soil through the
openings provided at the wall and through the bottom.
• Soak pit should not be constructed very near to an open well or
tube well.
Constructional Features of Soak Pit or Soak Well
• The following are the constructional features of the soak pit;
• 1) the soak pit is constructed with brick masonry in the shape of
a square or circle.
• The depth should be varies from 3- 5 m.
• But the depth is depend upon the water table of the locality.
• It should be remember that the depth should not be taken below the
water table.
• 2) the dia. Of the soak pit depends upon the volume of effluent
and number of users. However, the dia. Varies from 1- 2m.
• 3) openings are provided on the wall of the pit, as shown in
figure. The bottom is kept open so that the water can be
absorbed by the surrounding soil.
• 4) the pit may be hollow or filled up with brick bats and brick

Constructional Features of Soak Pit or Soak Well
• 5) sometimes, a packing of coarse sand [15 cm (6”)thick] is
provided around the pit to increase the percolating capacity of
the soil.
• 6) if the soaking capacity of the pit is destroyed it should be
cleaned and filling material may be replaced.

❖ Can be built and repaired with locally

available materials.
❖ Small land area required.
❖ Power conservative.
❖ Can be built and maintained with locally
available materials.
❖ Simple technique for all users.

❖ Pre-treatment is required to prevent

clogging, although eventual clogging is
❖ Negatively affects soil and groundwater
Dispersion trenches
⚫ Trenches are 0.5 to 1 m deep and 1 m wide.
⚫ Maximum length of trench is 30 m.
⚫ Spacing between trenches is 2m.
⚫ One distribution box is provided for every 3 to 4
Cleaning of septic tank
Design a septic tank for the hostels of the Engineering
Number of Hostels = 3
Students / Hostel = 200
Water supply = 120 lpcd
Assume Detention period 24 hours and
Sludge volume = 30l/cap/year
Design for one hostel:
Waste water = 200x120x80/100 = 19.2 m3
Let us assume that sludge withdrawal once in a
Volume required for sludge storage for one year
= 200x30
= 6000l= 6m3
Capacity of septic tank = 25.2 m3
Assuming a depth of 1.8 m , Area = 25.2/1.8=14 m2
3B2 = 14m2,
B2 = 14/3,
B = 2.16 say 2.20m
Length = 6.60m
Dimension = 6.6x2.2x2.1m (1.8m+0.3m free board)
26.16m3 > 25.2 m3
Assuming 1.5m depth, Area = 16.8 m2
3B2= 16.8, B= 2.36 say 2.4 m
Provide 7.2x2.4x1.8m septic tank
Design of absorption system:
Lq = 130/√t
Say t=20min/cm
Lq = 130√20 = 29lpd/m2
Area required =
200x120x0.8/29 = 662m2
L = 30m
Home work submit with Assignment
Design of Septic Tank and Soak Pit

✓Design a septic tank having the following data;

1. Number of Users = 250
2. Rate of water supply = 150 lit/head/day
3. Detention period = 18 hours
4. Percolating capacity of filter media = 1250 lits/m3
Also find the diameter of the soak well. Assume reasonable date, if required.
✓Describe Cesspool with Sketch

Ref= Environmental Engineering (NNBasak)

Theory questions

Q1] Explain working of septic tank with neat

Q2] write short note on
1. Design of septic tank
2. Septic tank Effluent disposal


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