Deed of Partition Between Members of Joint Hindu Family: Form No. 6

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The document details a deed of partition to divide joint family properties and shares among family members.

The properties being partitioned include agricultural lands, an ancestral house, and shares/securities, as described in schedules 1-4.

The first party will receive the land in schedule 1, the second party the land in schedule 2, and the third party the land in schedule 3, each valued accordingly for their shares.


Kindly take proper Legal Advise for Drafting Document as per your requirements.

Form No. 6

Deed of Partition between members of

Joint Hindu Family
THIS DEED OF PAR TITION is made at ... this ... day of ... between
Mr. A, residing at . . . . . . . hereinafter called “the Party of the First Part,
“Smt. B, hereinafter called “the Party of the Second Part” Mr. C, hereinafter
called the Party of “the Third Part” and (1) Kumari D. and (2) Kum. E,
minors under the age of 18 years, by their father and natural guardian,
the Party of the First Part hereinafter called “the Parties of the Fourth Part”

1. The Parties hereto are members of a joint and undivided Hindu

family, the Party of the First Part being the Karta or Manager thereof, the
Party of the Second Part being the wife, Party of the Third Part being the

son and Parties of the Fourth Part being the unmarried daughters of the
Party of the First Part.
2. The joint family, so constituted, is possessed of or otherwise well
and sufficiently entitled, inter alia to immoveable properties, situated at
... and more particularly described in the Schedules hereunder written.

3. The Parties of the First and Third Parts are thinking of starting their
independent businesses and they do not desire to involve the joint family

properties in such business and with this end in view and for diverse

other reasons it was orally agreed between the parties hereto that there
should be an amicable separation of the joint family immoveable properties

and that necessary documents be executed between the parties hereto,

transferring their respective shares and interest therein in favour of such

parties to whom portions thereof are to be allotted.

4. The Parties of the Fourth Part being the unmarried female members

of the said joint Hindu family and daughters of the Party of the First Part,

they are only entitled to maintenance till marriage and marriage expenses,

out of the joint family immoveable properties, and it is, therefore agreed
between the Parties hereto that in satisfaction of such right the Parties
of the First, the Second and Third Parts should contribute a sum of Rs...
each out of their shares, so that each of the parties of the Fourth Part
shall get a sum of Rs... as provision for marriage expenses and mainte-
nance till marriage.
5. It has been agreed that the Party of the First Part should take the
land, and premises more particularly described in the First Schedule here-
under written and valued at Rs... in severalty, for and on account of his
share in the joint family immoveable properties, the Party of the Second
Part should take the land and premises more particularly described in the
Second Schedule hereunder written and valued at Rs. ... in severalty for
and on account of her share and the Party of the Third Part should take
the land and premises more particularly described in the Third Schedule
hereunder written and valued at Rs. ... for and account of his share in
the joint family properties as from the ... day of ...

6. For the purpose of Stamp duty the land and premises hereby intended
to be partitioned and more particularly described in the said Schedules
hereunder written are valued at Rs... and stamp duty is being paid on the
respective shares allotted to the Parties of the First and Second Parts of
the aggregate value of Rs... the value of the share allotted to the Party of
the Third Part being excluded.
NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said agree-
ment and in consideration of the premises, they the Parties of the Second,
Third and Fourth Parts according to their respective rights, shares, and
interests do and each of them doth hereby grant, release and confirm
unto the Party of the First Part forever All Those pieces or parcels of land,
and premises more particularly described in the First Schedule hereunder
written, Together with all the things attached thereto or standing thereon
and embedded therein and all the easements, profits, privileges, advantages
and rights, appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises belonging or
in anywise appurtaining with the same or any part thereof now or at any
time heretofore usually held, used occupied or enjoyed and All the estate

right, title and interest whatsoever both at law and equity of the Parties

of the Second, Third and Fourth Parts into or upon the said premises TO
HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises hereby granted released and confirmed
or intended so to be unto and to the use of the Party of the First Part for -
ever subject to payment of all rents, taxes, assessments, dues and duties
now chargeable upon the same or which may hereafter become payable in

respect thereof either to the State Govt. or the Municipal Corporation or

any other local authority And they the Parties of the Second, Third and

Fourth Parts do and each of them doth hereby covenant with the Party of
the First Part that notwithstanding any act, deed, matter or thing what-

soever by the Parties of Second, Third and Fourth Parts respectively or

any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by, from,

through, under or in trust for them made, done or knowingly suffered to


the contrary they now have good right, full power and absolute authority
to grant release and confirm the said premises unto and to the use of

the Party of the First Part free from encumbrances in manner aforesaid

AND THAT the Party of the First Part shall and may at all times hereafter
peaceably and quietly enter upon, have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy

the said premises and receive the rents issues, and profits thereof to and
for his own use and benefit without any suit, eviction, interruption, claim
or demand whatsoever from or by them the Parties of the Second, Third
and Fourth Parts or any of them or any person or persons lawfully or
equitably claiming or to claim by from under or in trust for them or any
of them AND THAT free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely
exonerated and forever discharged or otherwise by the Parties of the Sec-
ond, Third and Fourth Parts well and sufficiently saved and defended and
kept harmless and indemnified of from and against all former and other
estates, titles, charges, and encumbrances whatsoever had made, executed,
occasioned or suffered by them or by any other person or persons lawfully
or equitably claiming or to claim by, from, under or in trust for them or
any of them AND FUR THER that they the Parties of the Second, Third and
Fourth Parts and all persons having or lawfully or equitably claiming any
estate or interest in the said premises or any part thereof from, under or
in trust for them or any of them shall and will from time to time and at

all times hereafter at the request and costs of the Party of the First Part do
and execute or cause to be done and executed all such further and other
acts, deeds, things conveyances and assurances in the law whatsoever
for the better and more perfectly assuring the said premises and every
Part thereof unto and to the use of the Party of the First Part in manner
aforesaid as by him the Party of the First Part or his Counsel in law shall
be reasonably required.
AND THIS DEED ALSO WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said
agreement and in consideration of the premises, they the Parties of the
First, Third and Fourth Parts, according to their several rights, shares
and interest, do and each of them doth hereby grant, release and confirm
unto the Party of the Second Part forever all those pieces or parcels of
land and premises more particularly described in the Second Schedule
hereunder written, together with all the things attached thereto and
standing thereon or embedded therein and all the easements, profits,
privileges, advantages and rights, appurtenant whatsoever to the said

premises belonging, or in anyway appurtaining with the same or any
part thereof now or at any time hereafter usually held used occupied or

enjoyed and all the estate, right, title and interest whatsoever both at law
and equity of the Parties of the First, Third and Fourth Parts into or upon
the said premises TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises hereby granted,
released and confirmed or intended so to be unto and to the use of the
Party of the Second Part forever subject to all rents, taxes, assessments,

due and duties now chargeable upon the same or which may hereafter
become payable in respect thereof either to the State or the Municipal

Corporation or any other local authority And they the Parties of the First,
Third and Fourth Parts do and each of them doth hereby covenant with

the Party of the Second Part that notwithstanding any act, deed, matter
or thing whatsoever by the Parties of the First, Third and Fourth Parts

respectively or any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to


claim by, from, through, under or in trust for them made, done or know-
ingly suffered to the contrary they now have good right, full power and

absolute authority to grant, release and confirm the said premises unto

and to the use of the Party of the Second Part free from encumbrances

in manner aforesaid AND THAT the Party of the Second Part shall and
may at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly enter upon, have hold,
occupy, possess and enjoy the said premises and receive the rents issues
and profits thereof to and for her own use and benefit without any suit,
eviction, interruption, claim or demand whatsoever from or by them the
parties of the First, Third and Fourth Parts or any of them or any person
or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by, from, under or
in trust for them or any of them AND that free and clear and freely and
clearly and absolutely exonerated and forever discharged or otherwise by
the Parties of the First, Third and Fourth Parts well and sufficiently saved
and defended and kept harmless and indemnified of, from and, against
all former and other estates, titles, charges and encumbrances whatsoever
had made, executed, occasioned or suffered by them or by any other per -
son or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by, from, under
or in trust for them or any of them AND FUR THER that they the Parties
of the First, Third and Fourth Parts and all persons having or lawfully or
equitably claiming any estate or interest in the said premises or any part

thereof from under or in trust for them or any of them shall and will from
time to time and at all times hereafter at the request and costs of the Party
of the Second Part do and execute or cause to be done and executed all
such further and other acts, deeds, things, conveyances and assurances
in the law whatsoever for the better and more perfectly assuring the said
premises and every part thereof unto and to the use of the Party of the
Second Part in manner aforesaid as by her the Party of the Second Part
or her counsel in law shall be reasonably required.
AND THIS DEED ALSO WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said
agreement and in consideration of the premises they the Parties of the
First, Second and Fourth Parts according to their respective rights, shares
and interest do and each of them doth hereby grant, release and confirm
unto the Party of the Third Part forever all those pieces or parcels of land
more particularly described in the Third Schedule hereunder written
Together with all the things attached thereto and standing thereon or
embedded therein and also all easements, profits, privileges, advantages

and appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises belonging or in any-
way appurtaining or with the same or any part thereof now or at any time

hereafter usually held, used, occupied or enjoyed and all the estate, right,
title and interest whatsoever both at law and equity of the Parties of the
First, Second and Fourth Parts into or upon the said premises TO HAVE
AND TO HOLD the premises hereby granted, released and confirmed or
intended so to be unto and to the use of the Party of the Third Part forever

subject to payment of all rents, taxes, assessments, dues and duties now
chargeable upon the same or which may hereafter may become payable

in respect thereof either to the State Govt. or the Municipal Corporation

or any other local authority and they the Parties of the First, Second and

Fourth Parts do and each of them doth hereby covenant with the Party of
the Third Part that notwithstanding any act, deed, matter or thing what-

soever by the Parties of the First, Second and Fourth Parts respectively or

any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by from

through, under or in trust for them made done or knowingly suffered to

the contrary they now have good right, full power and absolute author -

ity to grant release and assure the said premises unto and to the use of

the Party of the Third Part free from encumbrances in manner aforesaid
AND THAT the Party of the Third Part shall and may at all times hereafter
peaceably and quietly enter upon, have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy
the said premises and receive the rents, issues and profits thereof to and
for his own use and benefit without any suit, eviction, interruption, claim
or demand whatsoever from or by them the Parties of the First, Second
and Fourth Parts or any of them or any person or persons lawfully or
equitably claiming or to claim by from under or in trust for them or any
of them AND THAT free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely
exonerated and forever discharged or otherwise by the Parties of the First,
Second, and Fourth Parts well and sufficiently saved and defended and
kept harmless and indemnified of, from and against all former and other
estates, titles, charges and incumbrances whatsoever had made, executed,
occasioned or suffered by them or by any other person or persons lawfully
or equitably claiming or to claim by from under or in trust for them or
any of them AND FUR THER that they the Parties of the First, Second and
Fourth Parts and all persons having or lawfully or equitably claiming any

estate or interest in the said premises or any part thereof from, under, or
in trust for them or any of them shall and will from time to time and at all
times hereafter at the request and costs of the Party of the Third Part do
and execute or cause to be done and executed all such further and other
acts, deeds, things and assurances in the law whatsoever for the better
and more perfectly assuring the said premises and every part thereof unto
and to the use of the Party of the Third Part in manner aforesaid as by him
the Party of the Third or his Counsel in law shall be reasonably required-
AND THIS DEED ALSO WITNESSETH that in further pursuance of the
said agreement and in consideration of the premises they, the Parties of the
Fourth Part do and each of them doth hereby acknowledge the receipt of
the sum of Rs... each paid by the Parties of the First, the Second and the
Third Parts to them the Parties of the Fourth Part (receipt acknowledged)
as provision for their marriage expenses and maintenance till marriage
and the Parties of the Fourth Part hereby declare that they have now no
claim whatsoever either against the Parties of the First, Second and Third

Parts and the immoveable properties more particularly described in the
said Schedules hereunder written for their marriage expenses and main-

tenance till marriage. And the Party of the First Part as the father and
natural guardian of the Parties of the Fourth Part doth declare that he
will hold the said two amounts of Rs.. . . . . . . . each as trustee for the
benefit of each of the Parties of the Fourth Part respectively until each of
them attains majority and in the meanwhile he will invest the amounts

in appropriate securities and spend the income therefrom for the main-
tenance and education of the said minors and on each of them attaining

majority that is completing 18 years of age shall hand over the corpus of
the said amount to her or them.



x x x x



x x x x


x x x x

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set and

subscribed their respective hands the day and the year first hereinabove

Signed and Delivered by the )

withinnamed party of the )
First Part ... in the presence )
of ... )

Signed and Delivered by the )

withinnamed Party of the )
Second Part ... in the )
presence of ... )

Signed and Delivered by the )

withinnamed Party of the )
Third Part ... in the )
presence of... )

Signed and Delivered by the )

withinnamed Party of the )
Fourth Part (1) ... )
(2) ... minors by their father )
and natural guardian, ... in )
the presence of ... )

Note : For Stamp Duty and Registration see respective Paras of Preliminary Notes.
Stamp Duty, eStamping & Registration : See the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (2 of
1899), Rates of Stamp Duty in various States, eStamping and Compulsorily & Option-

websites, in respective later Part/Chapters on Stamp Duty, eStamping & Registration of

Deeds & Documentss.
h. Form No. 7

Deed of Partial Partition


THIS DEED is made at ................. this .............. day of .......... between

Mr. A for self and as the Karta of his branch of the Hindu Joint Family

hereinafter referred to as the Party of the First Part, Mr. B., for self and
as the Karta of his branch of the Hindu Joint Family, hereinafter referred

to as the Party of the Second Part and Mr. C, for self and as the Karta of

his branch of the Hindu Joint Family hereinafter referred to as the Party

of the Third Part.


1. The Parties hereto are full brothers and are members and coparce-
ners of their Joint and undivided Hindu Family.
2. The father of the said A B & C died leaving one ancestral house
at Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . and more particularly described in the First
Schedule hereunder written, some Agricultural lands situated at . . . . .
. . . and more particularly described in the Second Schedule hereunder
written, one immoveable property consisting of an ownership flat described
in the Third Schedule hereunder written and some shares and securities
described in the Fourth Schedule hereunder written.
3. The Party of the First Part is residing outside India, Party of the
Second Part is residing in the said Flat, and Party of the Third Part is
residing in the said Village . . . . . . . . and using a part of the said an-
cestral house.
4. The Parties have decided to effect partition of their said properties
but have decided to keep the ancestral house and the land appurtenant

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